
时间:2019-05-14 22:54:16下载本文作者:会员上传









What I Have Learned form Translating After the translation course I study in second major in English, I found myself in love with the translation, whether English to Chinese or Chinese to English is very interesting, because you can learn culture differences between East and West, learn knowledge which we don’t touch before, and we can exercise reading skills in English.Translation requires frequent practices, I will try to translate a few articles sometimes, so I chose translation as my graduation project.I chose two papers related to economic theory as my translation task, because my first major is economics.My English to Chinese article entitled “Social Security Reform and Investment in Education: Is There Scope for a Pareto Improvement?”, Chinese to English article entitled “Why Ricardo, Mill, and mainstream economists strongly support globalization?.”

These two articles are not a easy translation, since it involves a lot of specialized vocabulary, names of experts, in the usual English is not common knowledge relevant to the needs, which have caused difficulties of translating.My accumulation is not enough the lack of translation practice, and translation skills is too weak, so this is the re-learning the discipline of translation, and the process advances, and because the selected article content, I had also been deepening the understanding of professional, so it’s the two ones’ complementary and reinforce each other's good results.In addition, because of their capacity constraints, I still have a lot of the translations are not satisfied with the place, and even the barriers that I can’t continue translating , resulting in a difficult part of the contents of the article is not fluent, and even I couldn’t understand these parts, I hope the latter English learning, especially the study of translation would help me break through these bottlenecks, so that I could gain the real English ability.Here is what I have learned in this task.Translation is an effective way to learn new things.The two articles I translated are related to my first major, economics.These articles gave me the cutting-edge information about economics and helped me know this major better in an English version.Specifically, in the Chinese to English translation article, there are many words which are the names of courses I have learned in my major, sometimes they are so new to me in English way.Besides, translation is a very effective way to learn new words.Because there are many new words repeated themselves usually, every time I noticed that I don’t know this word well I will check its meaning, therefore I remembered them many times unconsciously.When I read, I could skip these words;When I write, I could use other words, however when I translate, I must find its meaning precisely.It is such a natural method that I could hardly notice the process of remembering.Moreover, just as been told by my teachers, I realized that translation and interpretation are practical skills.Theories are important, but practice is even more important.Only by practicing can I notice some key details which may effect the whole translation and cannot be ignored.Both Chinese to English and English to Chinese translations are translations, but they have different features.For me, the former one is more difficult than the latter.I think the vital reason is the different way between these two thinking patterns.Chinese is my mother tongue, so it is easier for me to read in English and express it in Chinese well.As long as I could get the main point, the translation will not be far from the original article while there are some confusing parts.First, sentences in English are often very long and complex in structure, but sentences in Chinese are very short.It is necessary for a good translator to break long sentences to short ones and keep the logic relations proper at the same time.Frankly speaking, it was not that easy as it looks like.Second, passive sentences appear very often in English;therefore I need to find proper subjects for most of them.In the beginning, I just thought in English thinking pattern and tempted to find some proper replacements , then I realized this method only made my translation sounds more translated, not a real Chinese article.Afterwards, I tried to think in Chinese thinking pattern and tried to find how to express the same meaning in Chinese.This method made the English to Chinese translation much easier and less time-consuming.After finishing the relatively easier task, I began to crack the hard nut.There are many terms of different courses in that thesis, so I had to check them up in the online dictionary one by one.Fortunately, there also is a rule in translating them which made translation of these names easier, because many courses’ names include Basic Knowledge of… and an Introduction of…., one of the major differences between Chinese and English is that their sentences have different lengths.Chinese sentences are always short and they connect to each other according to the internal logic meaning, while English sentences are often very long, especially in scientific writing which contains many clauses, and there are many conjunctions and adverbs which indicate logic relations of sentences they connected.Based upon the above reasons, proper conjunctions and adverbs should be added in the translation to show the logic relations between parts of sentences and sentences.To achieve this, I also need to know the internal logic relations between short Chinese sentences, which is actually the same as the English to Chinese translation.From translating these two articles, I know better that to be a qualified translator is not that easy as I thought.translaters must have some certain qualities.I learned some basic rules of translating from this task.(1)the nature of translation, the translation process can be summarized in one sentence:“In a thorough understanding of the basis of the original meaning of the expression with a standard Chinese out”This shows that this is a learning process and reprocessing.First of all they have to accurately understand the original meaning, to repeated scrutiny, until the really understand, and then use the standard Chinese ideological and reproduced.(2)the quality of translation has two basic criteria: The first criterion is consistent with the original meaning of the original is to be faithful to the original, not only can not raise the original meaning is not and can not embellished, nor gives short weight, random deletion, it is necessary to reveal through the literal meaning of the author's intention, but also to avoid the rambling, out of the topic.This is what we call the “letter”;second criterion is consistent with the expressions in Chinese, also known as “Da”, the sentence should be fluent and smooth, not coin words and sentences, that is, the so-called pen.Should ensure that any industry can understand, can not turn out like some people do not understand even themselves after.It also represents the two standard translations of the two steps, each 50% importance, the translator's time is spent accounting for 50%.(3)the quality of the translation industry common standard is “faithfulness, and elegance”, for technical, academic and business information, it only requires “trust” and “up” does not require the “Ya”(as “elegant” and “ gorgeous ”is mainly applied to literature and other materials), but the first two requirements of our relatively high, the translator should seek“ modest ”and“ fluent.” This is the type of information the business and technology with scientific, academic and practicability of the characteristics of the decision.(4)the dialectical relationship between literal and free translation.Some sentences just to understand a very literal translation, such as “my name is lucy” and other more plain sentences, do not change word order to translate very well.While others expressed habits of the sentence because of language differences, in the translation of the original word order, need to make drastic adjustments that need to literally, with the re-organization of the Chinese sentences to express the true meaning of the original author expressed it, this the so-called paraphrase.Photo Gallery includes the choice of words, sentences, re-adjustment, the implicit meaning of the expression of other appropriate, such as “fatal competition” a translator translated as “the deadly competition”, our experts translated as “rat race”, the latter to even more vivid than the former.However, the paraphrase does not mean free, not as an excuse for some translators regardless of original intent paraphrase casual thing or another.We have encountered some of the translation the translator when asked at first glance very fluent, very logical, or even very beautiful, but the one against the original, but found straying Mr Miles, he is completely in accordance with their own imagination and make up their own logic , this is not the scholarship, but of the Three Kingdoms, which is not in the translation, is compiled.In fact, the literal translation and free translation is the same purpose, is to accurately convey the original author's intention, there is no good or bad, but there is a dialectic between the two relationships.The most common translation is literal and free translation combination of both, you need a good grasp of the translator a question of degree, so is the level appropriately.(5)the requirements of a professional is also very important, but it is already implied in paragraph(2)Among the two standards.They are familiar with the translator to translate professional, not sure of the information can not be translated.Professional translation in cross should consult experts, if an outsider can not be said to really understand the basic principles of the translation of materials, even translate their own expertise but also within the scope of the information very carefully, asked to meet professional standards.In general, an information translated, the translator should be experts in this field.(6)the quality of translation of a litmus test: In a sense, the basic logic and basic common sense is a touchstone of whether or not translated correctly, should be translated after a check to see whether Mr logical If the words do not convey or breach of the general logic and basic common sense, then the translation have a problem.Good writing has a strong logic, has a theme, the translator is only along this theme and logic translation, be possible to translate well, so the translator to translate and China.Conducted before and after comparison, continue to carry the logic of thinking and judging.In addition,economy and trade articles are different from others, it has some basic standards.First,accuracy.Articles in trade have high demands on accuracy, even minor technical errors, can lead to a big gap with the intent of trade and economic class on the accuracy of the translation is very demanding.Such as: commercial lending if literally translated is “commercial loan”, and in business practices but should be used in “regular loan,” the same, operating expenses are not “operating expenses” and should be translated as “current expenditure” and other, similar examples are supporting reforms Reform counterpart funds matching funds financial supervision cooperation in financial supervision and credit union bank industrial bank Industrial Bank favorable balance surplus adverse balance deficit of hard currency hard currency and soft currency soft currency and so on..Translation trade article is an indispensable step revision, do not have to elaborate on this point, the article once the wrong economic class, the consequences may be irreversible.Second, convention.There are many economic and trade article title can not change the fixed, or easy to destroy people's understanding of habit, even serious differences.Last, more translation of the word.Economic class in the article, the same word may exist in a variety of different occasions translation, although the same business concepts, but they express different meanings, such as the term revenue, marginal revenue marginal revenue translated, gross revenue translated into income, Tax revenue officer who translated, the word market another example, used as a noun meaning the market, but when used as a verb or a verb participle should be translated as “marketing” or “sell.” So be sure to ground in the translation dictionary, especially when the professional dictionaries, and reference online translation.Meanwhile, the economic use of words according to their occasions, formal and informal of the points, the official term is mainly used for economic and trade official legal documents, and informal talks, the words generally used for draft news and so on.For example: “Cancel” in the formal settings will be used “Liquidation” and in an informal setting was “cancel”;“terminated” in the formal occasions is “termination” was in the informal occasions “end.”

英语双学位 06班36号





从题目的翻译开始,Texting Makes U Stupid,标题的翻译一定要明确简洁,还要能够吸引读者有阅读的兴趣,这是从翻译课上学到的注意事项。标题翻译的好不好,一定程度上决定了翻译的成功率。在翻译题目的时候,此次翻译负责人翻译的题目是短信愚弄人生,我个人觉得这个题目有点不适合,U翻译成人生我觉得不恰当,我的个人观点是译成短信使人愚钝,经过和翻译负责人和成员讨论,最终决定用这个题目。在第一段中,我始终弄不通顺句子:have teenage kids,如果翻译“青少年孩子”放入句子里还是觉得不通顺,讨论后还是没能达成一致,希望可以借鉴大家的翻译,重点注意一下。还有show a teenage Botticelli’s Adoration of the Magi,突然在那句话中出现,不知道如何让翻译,可以让上下文看起来自然流畅,这种情况在本文中还有出现。我会在老师讲解时注意句子的翻译。其中在翻译十一本书名的时候明显觉得自己的知识量和阅读量很差很差,完全需要借助网络来查询,翻译着文章,理解着文章的意思,自己也有深深的感触。


而且,通过这几次翻译作业,我觉得翻译需要的文学功底也很高,有时候过于口语化会使文章整体质量下降,一个简单的句子,看看别人或是翻译大家的翻译,读起来朗朗上口,还能清楚准确地表达句意,自己翻译的时候,总会为了更好地调整语序而发愁,为了找到合适的汉语词语并清楚表达意思而苦恼。在这次翻译中,我这种感受更加强烈,语言本身是一个艰巨的过程,有很多俚语或是固定的表达,我们通常不清楚,甚至会出现笑话。本文章中,如throw stones in a glass house,自己翻译的时候直接译成在玻璃的屋子里扔石头,后来才了解到这指的是自己有毛病还去指责别人的人。所以我们需要做的不仅仅是查查生单词,交作业,我们还要记住这些固定搭配,做好长期的积累,下次遇到的时候能够顺利翻译出正确的意思。







 芝麻翻译 :可以直接支持2007版本以上的word、PPT、TXT文档,只需完成拖拽到芝

麻翻译 软件中,分分钟就可以出现了目标语言版的文档,而且格式还不变,真的是颠覆了我三观,大跌我眼镜。

 传统软件:将文档打开,复制需要翻译内容粘贴到翻译软件中,得出目标语言后,在复


总结:既然准确度是每家公司使命级任务时,那么用户使用便捷性应该是触手可及的任务吧。芝麻翻译 居然做到了,这也算超越吧!



总结:很期待芝麻翻译 上市呀,以后老师再让发表英文版小论文时,就爽歪歪了,我可以直接拖拽就成了一篇英文文章。吼吼,你拥有这款软件,你老师ZiDao吗?


之前去过韩国,结识了几位韩国oba,嘿,真洋气,韩国oba居然也上QQ。问他为什么,他说周围有很多中国留学生。好吧!我想学韩文,他想学中文,这个芝麻翻译 软件好,可以支持双语模式,我以后跟oba聊天再也不用复制粘贴去查询那些韩语是什么意思了。直接开启芝麻翻译 软件的这个聊天模式,我输入中文,点击回车。就会自动出现中文和韩文双语出现在消息框了!如果你不认识韩国oba,也没事,你可以去认识美国的,日本的,西班牙的,阿拉伯的obas,因为可以支持12种语言。

看到群上说还有很多功能呢,啊哦,还能在写英文的时候,忽然不记得个别单词怎么写,在word中直接写中文,复制拖拽到芝麻翻译 的悬浮窗那里,英文即可浮现在word中,又是一个减少CTRL+C、CTRL+V的节奏!






此外我再讲讲由外文译成母语的过程我所遇到的困难。上学期我的导师给我一个翻译任务,就是俄罗斯教育部新近下达的关于上海经合组织各大学的教育规定。资料刚拿到手,除了读起来吃力外,我最大的感觉就是即使你懂得了句子的精华,明白了句意,但是想要 把它用地道的汉语表达是非常困难的。在懂得了句意却无法表达的情况下突然觉得自己不会说母语了。或者说出的句子别人根本不懂你的逻辑,有些前言不搭后语的感觉。这就让我懂得了,对翻译的要求不仅要看你的外文水平,对母语的要求也是极高的。而且在翻译专业的文本时,必须要对这一行业的语言和词汇有个大致的了解。这就如同运用母语再次学一遍母语中行业的语言。这又是需要花费大量的时间和翻译积累量的。而且对自己母语的语法也有提高的必要,如何组词造句,如何尽可能的少犯母语的语法错误。这些都是我在没有学习专业翻译之前所没有想到的。

以上我基本讲的都关于笔译方面的一点点感受,口译和笔译相比也有难易之分。首先口译较笔译轻松地方面说。今年夏天我去大连的一个俄餐厅打工,虽然每天接触的只是饭店的一些常用语,但是也经常会遇到各种状况,偶尔会碰到客人和饭店老板沟通时,我在中间做个简单的小翻译,虽然不是什么正式的翻译,但是也有一些心得。首先还是从中母语译成俄语说起,为了迅速达到交际目的,有时候我会把老板刚说出的话,立即逐字逐句译过去,这时就存在一些问题。刚译过去我就立即意识到刚才自己的语法错误,而且这种语法错误我发现是根本避免不了,有时刚想去改,但是觉得又没有必要,因为关键词的传达已经到位的话,此时 没有人会注意你的语法错误。这意味着口译在对组词造句优美方面的要求没有那么高。所以这方面的压力较小。当然这只是简单的生活翻译,如果更专业的翻译我还没有接触过,所以那种难处感触还不是特别深。或许比笔译压力更大,因为专业的正式的口译翻译需除了比我上面提到过得笔译难处之外,还更多的考验人的心理素质。其次是由俄文译成中文,这在简单的生活翻译过程中就轻松得多,因为毕竟生活翻译的常用语是人们非常熟悉的,所以有时候可以不用经过思考就脱口而出,此时考验的不是人的母语水平,更多的是对外语的听力水平,听力好的,思维快的话,就可以沟通无障碍了。当然这还是讲的简单的生活翻译,不过我的终极目标是想做一名专业翻译。还需要学的很多很多。简单的生活翻译任何接触过外语的人都能做到,例如去我工作饭店的导游,她们的目的是只要能达到交际目的,至于外语的地道水平一般不予以考虑。而且在特定的语境下,其实只要身体语言就可以达到交际目的。我的追求要远远超出这些,所以我要做的还有很多。




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