1)I took advice on the matter.【译文】就此事我已征求过意见。
2)They are all of age.【译文】他们都是成年人。
3)It has made the headlines that the president’s wife threatened her husbands with public exposure.【译文】总统夫人说要公开揭发丈夫,这件事成了头条新闻。
4)He often talks horse.【译文】她常吹牛。
5)They lingered long over his letter.【译文】他们反复看了他的来信。
6)Between ourselves, I don’t think much of him.7)There is something in the wind.【译文】好像要出事了。(风里有些什么东西。)
8)She hasthe making of agood teacher.【译文】 她具有一个优秀教师的潜质。
9)You never realize how fortunate you are to havegoodhealth until it is suddenly brought home to you by the sight of suffering.【译文】除非你亲眼目睹体弱多病之苦,不然,你是不会意识到你有一个健康的身体有多好。
10)That notion is being nurtured by people.【译文】有人在吹这种风。
11)Dawn breaking over the islands, very beautiful in a soft grey light with many clouds.There is a transparency about the light here which cannot be described or painted.【译文】曙色中的海岛美极了,晨曦柔合,彩云片片。澄澈的光影是无法描绘的。
12)From each according to his ability, to eachaccording to his needs.【译文】各尽所能,各得所需。
13)When we make friends, we should choose those who areour supporters in danger.(Aesop)【译文】要交朋友,要选那些我们遇到危险时支持我们的人。
14)Only a very slight and very scattering ripplesof half-hearted hand-clapping greeted him.【译文】欢迎他的只有几下半声不响的、七零八落的、虚情假意的掌声。
15)So long as we love we serve;so long as we are loved by others, I would almost say we are indispensable;and no man is useless while he has a friend.(Robert Louis Stevenson)【译文】只要我们去爱人,我们就有所贡献;只要我们被人所爱,我们就不缺少什么;任何一个人,如果有一个朋友,那他就不是无用之人。
16)With determination, with luck, and with the help from lots of good people, I was able to rise from the ashes.【译文】凭着我的决心,我的运气,还有许多善良人们的帮助,我终于获得了新生。
17)All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted mankind for centuries, are easily and cheaply available to all of us within the covers of books.【译文】古往今来人类的一切智慧结晶,数百年来人们津津乐道的那些故事,我们都可以轻松地从书本中得到。
18)Besides working to improve building structure,people in areas where earthquakes are common should also prepare for the possibility of a great earthquake in several other aspects.【译文】除了努力改进建筑结构外, 地震多发区的人们还应该在其它几个方面为可能发生的大地震做好准备。
19)I am filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrast between the two lives which it connects.It was the third of March, 1887, three months before I was seven years old.【译文】就是从这一天开始,我的生活和以前全然不同,一想到这个,我就感到无比兴奋。这个重要的日子是1887年3月 3日,当时我还差三个月才满七周岁。
20)The college student caught cheating does not even blush.He shrugs his shoulders and comments: “Everybody does it, and besides, I can’t see that it really hurts anybody.(J.Krutch: The New Immorality)
I had scarcely passed my twelfth birthday when I entered the inhospitable regions of examinations, through which for the next seven years I was destined to journey.These examinations were a great trial to me.The subjects which were dearest to the examiners were almost invariably those I fancied least.I would have liked to have been examined in history, poetry and writing essays.The examiners, on the other hand, were partial to Latin and mathematics.And their will prevailed.【译文】我一过12岁生日,就步入了令人头疼的考试时期,而且随后的7年,竟注定一直在这区域跋涉。这些考试真让我伤透了脑筋。主考老师最喜欢考的科目,几乎无一例外的都是我最不喜欢的科目。我喜爱历史、诗歌和写作,可他们却喜欢拉丁文和数学,而每次考试都是他们说了算。
Moreover, the questions which they asked on both these subjects were almost invariably those to which I was unable to suggest a satisfactory answer.I should have liked to be asked to say what I knew.They always tried to ask what I did not know.When I would have willingly displayed my knowledge, they sought to expose my ignorance.This sort of treatment had only one result: I did not do well in examinations.更可气的是,他们在这两个科目上所提的问题,又几乎全都是我无法做出满意答案的。我一直喜欢回答一些我所熟悉的东西,可他们总是问一些我全都不知道的问题。我一直很想展现自己的才华,可他们却变着法儿让我出丑。其结果是:考试中我屡屡失败。
During the past few years, scientists the world over have suddenly found themselves productively engaged in a task they once spent their lives avoiding writing, but particularly letter writing.Lured by electronic mail’s seductive blend of speed, convenience and economy, people who have never before touched the stuff are routinely, skillfully, even cheerfully tapping out a great deal of correspondence.【译文】在最近几年中,全世界的科学家们突然发现他们在高效率地从事着一种自己以前极不愿做的工作——写作,特别是信件的写作。由于电子邮件的速度快捷,经济方便,使得从未使用过的人,也开始熟练地使用电子邮件处理日常事务,甚至能高高兴兴地写出大量信函。
Electronic networks, woven into the fabric of scientific communication these days, are the route to colleagues in distant countries, shared data, bulletin boards and electronic journals.Anyone with a personal computer, a modem and the software to link computers over telephone lines can sign on.An estimated five million scientists have done so, with more joining every day, most of them communicating through a bundle of interconnected domestic and foreign routes known collectively as the internet, or net.当前电子网络,已经融入现代科学交流中。通过电子网络,人们可以和异国他乡的同事取得联系、分享数据、游览新闻简报和阅读电子杂志。不管是谁,只要你有一台个人电脑,一个调制解调器以及所需要的软件,再把电话线连接到电脑上,就能申请上网。目前,大约已有500万科学家登记上网,而且人数与日俱增,绝大多数的科学家通过国内和国际线路进行通讯。这些线路称为“互联网”,或简称“网”。
E-mail is starting to edge out the fax, the telephone, overnight mail and, of course land mail.It shrinks time and distance between scientific collaborators, in part because it is conveniently asynchronous(writers can type while their colleagues across time zones sleep;their message will be waiting).If it is not yet speed discoveries, it is certainly accelerating disclosures.电子邮件正在逐步取代传真、电话、特快专递,当然还有陆上邮件。它既缩短了科学合作者之间的距离,又节省了通讯时间。其部分原因是因为它具有不同时性(当发送的一方正在输入时,居住在其他时区的接收方可能正在睡觉。传送的信息将在网上等待。)因而带来方便。电子邮件即便是不能加速产生新的发现的话,它也肯定能加快信息的传递。
If it worked once, it can work twice
⑽ 一次得手,再次不愁
例2:The child has started going on all fours.孩子会爬了
1.He has a weakness for smoking
2.A cat is a cleanly animal
He is dead,as I live
4.His English leaves nothing to be desired
5.I would rather have his room than his company
6.Your loss is nothing to mine
7.The patient is waiting to cross the Styx
8.The headmaster made an example of the boy.B.校长惩罚这个孩子,目的在于警告他人。
9.The Disney management is stressing this tradition in an apparent response to suggestions that is culturally insensitive.B.迪斯尼管理强调,这一传统显然是有人对迪斯尼管理在文化传统方面麻木不仁的态度所提出的种种建议。
10.The effort to shield assets to be passed on to children and grandchildren is making prenups more common among retired people in their 60s and 70s who are remarrying after a spouse has died.B.努力保护自己的婚前契约,把财产能传到儿孙手中,这在已退休并丧偶、又准备再婚的六七十岁的老人当中十分普遍。
1.He wanted to learn, to know, to teach
2.She is young enough to get married她很年轻到能够结婚
3.From there I could see the whole valley below, the fields, the river, and the village.It was all very beautiful, and the sight of it filled me with longing.(N.S.Momaday: The End of My Childhood)
4..We have 365 days in a year.一年有365天。(5.He stood up straight with arms folded, and laughed at the cap hanging there on the pole.5。他站起来直,双手紧抱在胸前,并嘲笑帽子挂在电线杆。
6.Our son must go to school.He must break out of the pot that holds us in.6。我们的儿子一定得进学校。他一定得打破锅持有我们进去。
7.Is the press a great power in your country
8.Brown may say what he likes, but it is his wife who wears the trousers
9.青岛今昔 9.Qingdao is now
10.The people of the world
11.Yellow video(film)
12.It's a date
13.The style is the man
14.1997 1 July, the zero Hong Kong's return to the motherland.15. 9.11事件
15.9.11 events
1)I took advice on the matter.【译文】就此事我已征求过意见。
2)They are all of age.3)It has made the headlines that the president’s wife threatened her husbands with public exposure.【译文】总统夫人说要公开揭发丈夫,这件事成了头条新闻。
4)He often talks horse.【译文】她常吹牛。
5)They lingered long over his letter.【译文】他们反复看了他的来信。
6)Between ourselves, I don’t think much of him.7)There is something in the wind.【译文】好像要出事了。(风里有些什么东西。)
8)She hasthe making of agood teacher.【译文】 她具有一个优秀教师的潜质。
9)You never realize how fortunate you are to havegoodhealth until it is suddenly brought home to you by the sight of suffering.【译文】除非你亲眼目睹体弱多病之苦,不然,你是不会意识到你有一个健康的身体有多好。
10)That notion is being nurtured by people.【译文】有人在吹这种风。
11)Dawn breaking over the islands, very beautiful in a soft grey light with many clouds.There is a transparency about the light here which cannot be described or painted.【译文】曙色中的海岛美极了,晨曦柔合,彩云片片。澄澈的光影是无法描绘的。
12)From each according to his ability, to eachaccording to his needs.【译文】各尽所能,各得所需。
13)When we make friends, we should choose those who areour supporters in danger.(Aesop)【译文】要交朋友,要选那些我们遇到危险时支持我们的人。
14)Only a very slight and very scattering ripplesof half-hearted hand-clapping greeted him.【译文】欢迎他的只有几下半声不响的、七零八落的、虚情假意的掌声。
15)So long as we love we serve;so long as we are loved by others, I would almost say we are indispensable;and no man is useless while he has a friend.(Robert Louis Stevenson)【译文】只要我们去爱人,我们就有所贡献;只要我们被人所爱,我们就不缺少什么;任何一个人,如果有一个朋友,那他就不是无用之人。
16)With determination, with luck, and with the help from lots of good people, I was able to rise from the ashes.【译文】凭着我的决心,我的运气,还有许多善良人们的帮助,我终于获得了新生。
17)All the wis 【译文】古往今来人类的一切智慧结晶,数百年来人们津津乐道的那些故事,我们都可以轻松地从书本中得到。
I had scarcely passed my twelfth birthday when I entered the inhospitable regions of examinations, through which for the next seven years I was destined to journey.These examinations were a great trial to me.The subjects which were dearest to the examiners were almost invariably those I fancied least.I would have liked to have been examined in history, poetry and writing essays.The examiners, on the other hand, were partial to Latin and mathematics.And their will prevailed.【译文】我一过12岁生日,就步入了令人头疼的考试时期,而且随后的7年,竟注定一直在这区域跋涉。这些考试真让我伤透了脑筋。主考老师最喜欢考的科目,几乎无一例外的都是我最不喜欢的科目。我喜爱历史、诗歌和写作,可他们却喜欢拉丁文和数学,而每次考试都是他们说了算。
Moreover, the questions which they asked on both these subjects were almost invariably those to which I was unable to suggest a satisfactory answer.I should have liked to be asked to say what I knew.They always tried to ask what I did not know.When I would have willingly displayed my knowledge, they sought to expose my ignorance.This sort of treatment had only one result: I did not do well in examinations.更可气的是,他们在这两个科目上所提的问题,又几乎全都是我无法做出满意答案的。我一直喜欢回答一些我所熟悉的东西,可他们总是问一些我全都不知道的问题。我一直很想展现自己的才华,可他们却变着法儿让我出丑。其结果是:考试中我屡屡失败。
During the past few years, scientists the world over have suddenly found themselves productively engaged in a task they once spent their lives avoiding writing, but particularly letter writing.Lured by electronic mail’s seductive blend of speed, convenience and economy, people who have never before touched the stuff are routinely, skillfully, even cheerfully tapping out a great deal of correspondence.【译文】在最近几年中,全世界的科学家们突然发现他们在高效率地从事着一种自己以前极不愿做的工作——写作,特别是信件的写作。由于电子邮件的速度快捷,经济方便,使得从未使用过的人,也开始熟练地使用电子邮件处理日常事务,甚至能高高兴兴地写出大量信函。
Electronic networks, woven into the fabric of scientific communication these days, are the route to colleagues in distant countries, shared data, bulletin boards and electronic journals.Anyone with a personal computer, a modem and the software to link computers over telephone lines can sign on.An estimated five million scientists have done so, with more joining every day, most of them communicating through a bundle of interconnected domestic and foreign routes known collectively as the internet, or net.当前电子网络,已经融入现代科学交流中。通过电子网络,人们可以和异国他乡的同事取得联系、分享数据、游览新闻简报和阅读电子杂志。不管是谁,只要你有一台个人电脑,一个调制解调器以及所需要的软件,再把电话线连接到电脑上,就能申请上网。目前,大约已有500万科学家登记上网,而且人数与日俱增,绝大多数的科学家通过国内和国际线路进行通讯。这些线路称为“互联网”,或简称“网”。
Ex.1A1.A.his home workB.quickly, to play 2.A.The huge black horse
B.the race3.A.have thought aboutB.going into space 4.A.warms up and crawlsB.out of the bag5.A.one of the most beautiful planets to look at
through a telescopeB.because of the many rings that surround it 6.A.165 years
B.to complete its path, or orbit,around the sun 7.A.you and your brotherB.How many pairs of shorts8.A.the most expensive meal listed on the menuB.What9.A.an ―Outdoor Code‖B.their members 10.A.can blow
B.as fast as 180 miles(290 kilometers)an hour 11.A.The spiral of heated air and moist airB.to twist and grow and spin12.A.The direction a hurricane‘s spiral movesB.counterclockwise 13.A.does not shineB.At the north pole: for half of the year14.A.The cold winds that blow off of the Arctic OceanB.a very cold place 15.A.might have beenB.guilty of murder Ex.1B1.SVCWithin the stricken area, not a single soul remained
alive, and the city centre looked as if it had been razed by monster steam-roller.2.SVThe bomb exploded 1,000 ft.above the groun.3.SVOOn August 6,1945, an American aircraft dropped a bomb on the Janpanese town of Hiroshima.4.SvoOThree days later, yet another bomb of the same kind gave the town of Nagasaki the same fatal blow.5.SVOCThe explosion made one and a half square miles of the city an expense of reddish rubble.6.SVAWithin the fraction of a second, the bomb changed from a metal cylinder into an immense mass of enpanding gas, millions of degrees hot.7.SVOAA tremendous blast of hot air whirled the debris of stone, cencrete, metal, and wood over the ground.Ex.1C
1.Walden Pond, once praised by Thoreau for its natural beauty, is now the site of many tourist stands.2.Almost every summer night the cooling northeast wind swept through our bedroom windows, marking air conditioning unnecessary and a light blanket welcome./ Swepping through our bedroom windows almost every summer night, the cooling northeast wind made…3.The steep surrounding slopes were capped with snow, which fed two streams plunging down to join in the valley below.4.With the river on one side and a large tree providing shade,this is a good spot for a picnic, and we can spread our blanket on the grassy knoll.5.Panting for breath after running up the stairs, Mr wood stood at his neighbour‘s door and knocked again and again till someone opened it.6.The town folk envied horace, who had come into a small fortune with which he bought a big house and obtained a partnership in the biggest grocery in town.7.Standing in front of the mirror, Jim looked at his image, wondering at the big change that had come over him in recent years.8.The idea that his only daughter whom he had greatly wronged might never forgive him almost drove hime mad.