
时间:2019-05-15 11:32:52下载本文作者:会员上传



我是桦甸八中的张秀娥老师。今年很荣幸成为高二英语备课组的组长。首先,我想和大家分享的一种心情就是,今天的集体备课我们不要流于形式,希望在座的各位群策群力,整合教学内容,设计出高质量的课堂教学模式。下面我以Book5 unit 3 Life in the future为例,谈谈我的教学设计和想法,希望和各位老师一同学习、交流。

一 教学内容分析


1: To learn some language points知识

2: To develop four abilities能力

3: To guide the students to be optimistic about thefuture 情感

二 教学内容的整合与课时安排

Period1: Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending

Period2: Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending

Period3: Learning about language

Period4: Learning about language

Period5: Using language

Period6: Listening ,speaking & Writing

备注;1)Warming up可不做要求。(但有的除外,例如unit2 The United Kingdom)用Pre-reading的问题作为课前预习提纲直接导课。

2)Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending 是一个整体,精讲精练。Reading阅读篇幅较长,信息量大。有一定难度,需两课时

3)Learning about language 包括讲练重点词汇和语法;the past participle as the Adverbial and Attribute.需要两课时。

4)Listening ,speaking & Writing 要整合一节课。高考的需要。

三 教学方法

遵循“先学后教,当堂训练”的课堂教学模式,重点体现 ‘以学生为主体’的教学思想,当然学生会不会“学”,还得看老师会不会“导” 欲使学生积极主动参与课堂教学,教师必须在教学活动中结有意识加强对学生学习方法和思维策略的训练。重点剖析课堂教学目标的确定,自学提纲的设计和当堂检测题的设计。

四 课堂教学的经验体会推荐链条式英语词汇教学法



尤其是动词短语的讲解,我们首先关注的是它为什么是这样的意思,而不要急于一一罗列它所有的短语比如我讲解burn upburn down

light up(取汉语‘两眼放光’,引申高兴)

burn up(取汉语‘怒火中烧’,引申生气)

burn up(烧光)→burn down(建筑物的烧毁,烧倒


eatup(吃光)knock /pull/tear /take down(建筑物的拆除,拆倒)

drink up(喝光)blow down(建筑物的刮倒)

use up(用光)fall down(建筑物的倒塌)

本单元I still can‟t believe that I am taking up the prize that I won last year.这里take up 是本单元一重点短语,Pick up

Take up(拿起来)→put down(放下)

注意区别put up(张贴)→take down(取下)

I took up a piece of chalk and took up teaching(be intersted in doing sth 从事于)

Take up too much room(占时间或空间)→make up(占比例)↓


I will take up the story where I left yesterday(接着做)


我还特别注意词汇记忆的顺序性。如果我们在'“记 ”时按某种顺序储存信息,那么,“忆” 时就会按这同一顺序重新找回。而实践证明,这种逻辑思维指向越明确,记忆会越准确。比如我们记忆感官半系动词,(你不妨提问一下你的学生,不一定会说的很准。)我要求我的学生,这样从上至下的顺序记忆 look appear seem smell taste sound feel 学生张口就来

即便是连词„虽然‟的记忆,我也注重顺序,though ,although, while,as.要求学生张口就来。之所以这样,我觉得这个顺序是一条链,如果although as though while那又是一条链了.这样岂不是增加了记忆内容? 2)语法讲解

本单元重点语法是the past participle as the Adverbial and Attribute.分词的用法首先我们要理解非谓语动词和谓语动词的区别。我们先看下面的例句。

(1)be doing 现在进行时 是谓语(2)doing现在分词非谓语动词 分析:在例句(1)中,he 是主语,is singing in the next room 是谓语。在例句(2)中,him是宾语,singing in the next room 是宾语补足语,补充宾语的内容.虽然都表示正在唱,但因为语法成分不一样,所以所添单词不一样。但意义一样:正在唱歌,所以还应有联系,去掉being 就ok了。这好比是推导数学公式似的,和直接套用效果绝对不一样。

同样 这单元的过去分词 可以这样来引导

My bike was repaired yesdterday.(3)be done谓语动词表被动 I had my bike reparired yesterday(4)done非谓语动词表被动

I know a girl who is called Mary(5)is called定语从句中的谓语I know a girl called Mary(6)called Mary 直接做了定语

= When it is seen from the top of the mountain, the city is more beautiful.总之,有连词 用完整的句子 要用谓语动词 想到时态和语态:无连词,用分词或分词短语做定语或状语,以上就是我的一点教学想法和思路,希望它能给够起到抛砖引玉的作用,我相信,只要我们打破个体局限性,通力合作,一定能设计出更科学更合理的课堂教学模式,整体提高我们桦甸英语教师的战斗力。
















A、break off v.中断, 折断, 突然停止, 脱落, 暂停, 断绝, 解除

B、break down v.毁掉, 制服, 压倒, 停顿, 倒塌, 中止, 垮掉, 分解

C、break up v.打碎, 破碎, 分裂, 结束, 衰落, 分解, 变坏, 驱散

D、break out v.突发, 爆发, 叫嚷, 使作准备, 取出, 倒空, <口> 把...备好待用







英语课外活动形式很多,但我们应该选用那些适合于学生年龄特点和知识水平,生动活泼,简单明了,能寓教于乐的活动形式。譬如,英语朗读比赛。我们就以课本所学课文为内容,要求学生按一定的语音规则去朗读,参加人数不限,可自愿报名。可以组织学生评委进行评分。这种活动对培养和提高学生的语音能力大有益处。再如,英语书法比赛。这对初中低年级学生来说尤为重要。活动先以班级为单位,人人参加,从中筛选出较好的一 些参加年级比赛。比赛时,必须统一书写内容,书写格式及其它要求。让参赛者在规定时间内完成,还有英文小报制作比赛。可以要求学生人人参加,比赛前必须向学生们宣布制作要求,包括纸张的大孝小报内容、版面设计及交稿时间和评分标准。开展这种活动既可巩固学生课堂所学知识,又可增长学生的见闻,加强学生对所学语言国家的了解。此外,还可以开展“英语游园会”、“英语歌陶演唱比赛”、“英语故事会”等活动。这些活动既可调动大多数学生的参与积极性,又无须花教师过多时间去准备,而且能达到寓教于乐的效果。对于一些有一定难度的课外活动,比如“英语智力竞赛”,我仅限于在课外小组同学中进行。竞赛时,可以以班级为单位将学生分为几个组,并邀请其他同学观摩:整个竞赛分为必答题和抢答题两部分。内容有:猜谜,趣味问答,判断是非,填空,听力测试等。活动自始至终气氛活跃,同学们积极思维,争先恐后答题,效果良好。开展英语课外活动,还必须与课堂教学内容有机地结合起来。比如,在我们教过学生们身体各部位英语名称之后,?便有目的地指导学生去做Simon•says,“Touch your nose,(mouth,head,ear,etc)”游戏。这样可以让学生自然而然地掌握这些单词。在学了There be句型后,可以开展实物记忆游戏。学了祈使句型之后,可以让学生分两组轮流发布命令,互相指定对方一个学生执行。总复习时,可以借助于游戏形式复习一些反义词、近义词、同音词等。还可以通过开展“猜职业”、“猜物”等游戏复习一些“职业名词”和“物质名词”。








Unit 1 Living well

Vocabulary and Useful Expressions

Teaching Aims:

1.To learn some new words and phrases.2.To master the main idea of each paragraph.3.To learn some complicated sentence patterns.Teaching Important Point:

The usage of some useful words and expressions.Teaching Difficult Point:

How to grasp and remember the detailed information of the reading material.Teaching Methods:

1.Explanations of words and phrases to get the students know their meanings.2.More examples to get the students know the usage.3.Pair work or group work to get every student to join in the class activities and learn self-study.Teaching Procedures:

StepⅠGreeting and revision

StepⅡLanguage points

T: OK, now would you please open your textbook and turn to page 18——English poetry.Have you noticed that in slime paragraphs, there are some words in bold? Please pay attention to these words and make clear “what do the words in bold refer to?” Ok, let’s read the first paragraph together.Ss:(reading)

T: Thanks for your sweet voice.Who’d like to translate the second sentence into Chinese? Xxx, would you please?

Words and expressions:

1.disability n.伤残;无力;无能

disabled adj.伤残的the disabled(指代一类人)伤残人士

disable vt.使丧失能力;使伤残disablement n.残废;伤残

选词填空: disability, disable, disabled, disablement

1)He gets money from the Government because of his

____________.2)The ________ are to receive more money.3)She managed to lead a normal life in spite of her

___________.4)Many soldiers were ___________ in the war.5)The insurance(保险)policy covers sudden death or

_____________.2.ambition n.野心;雄心

ambitious adj.有雄心的;野心勃勃的be ambitious for sth/to do sth对(做)某事怀有雄心/热切的希望

ambitiously adv.野心勃勃地

Eg: A boy who is ambitious/filled with ambition usually works hard.完成句子:

2)Mothers are often highly _____________(怀有热切的期望)

their children.3)I am ____________________(热切希望能成功)in life.4)His ________________________________(要做首相的雄心)

is likely to be realized.3.beneficial adj.=having a good or useful effect有益的;受益的be beneficial to… 对…有益;对…有利

beneficially adv.受益地;获利地

beneficiary n.受惠者;受益人

benefit n.益处;帮助 vt.有益于;有助于



Fresh air and good food are beneficial to the health.2)他的休假已产生了有益的效果.(beneficial)

His holiday has had a beneficial effect.3)旅游业对该地区的经济将有裨益.(benefit)

Tourism will benefit the economy of this district.4)这本书对你没有多大益处.(benefit)

The book isn’t of much benefit to you.4.in other words=that is to say换句话说

in a/one word简言之;总之


1)他们叫他离开----换句话说,他被解雇了.They asked him to leave----in other words he was fired.2)总之,我不喜欢这份工作.In a word, I don’t like the job.3)换句话说,他成了英雄.He became, in other words, a hero.5.adapt vt.使适应;改编


adapt sth for使某物适应;使某物适合;改编某物

adapt sth from根据…改编某物

adaptable adj.能适应的;可改编的adaptation n.适应;改编本

adapter/adaptor n.适应者;改编者


1)The play is adapted _______ a novel.2)This book is adapted _______ beginners.3)When you go to a new country, you must adapt yourself ____

new customs.4)Novels are often adapted ______ the stage, television and

radio.6.breath n.呼吸;气息

out of breath上气不接下气

catch one’s breath喘息;歇口气

hold one’s breath不出声;屏息

get one’s breath(again/back)喘过气来;恢复过来

lose one’s breath喘不过气来;呼吸困难

take a deep breath作一次深呼吸

take breath歇口气;歇会儿

take sb’s breath away使某人大吃一惊

breathe vt.呼吸

breathing adj.呼吸(着)的breathless adj.屏息的1.I was all_____ when I got to the top of the mountain.A.held my breathB.out of breath

C.taken a deep breathD.taken my breath away

2.We _____ while Mr Evans read the exam results.A.took a deep breathB.out of breathC.got our breath back

D.held our breath

7.absence n.缺席;不在(某处)

absence of mind心不在焉;神不守舍

absent adj.缺席的;不在的 vt.使缺席;使离开

be absent from缺席;不在presence n.出席;到场

present adj.出席的;在场的;现在的完成句子:

1)Mr Green will be in charge __________________(在我离开期

间).2)Why were you __________________(旷课)yesterday?

8.annoy vt.使…不悦;惹恼

annoyed adj.颇为生气的annoying adj.恼人的;讨厌的annoyingly adv.恼人地;讨厌地annoyance n.烦恼;使人烦恼的事情


1)It’s annoyed to miss a train.2)He was annoyed with the boy’s rudeness.(at/about)

3)I felt annoying when he refused to help.4)To his annoy, he discovered they hadn’t waited.9.all in all总而言之

above all首先;最重要的是

after all毕竟;终究

first of all首先

not at all根本不;别客气

for all虽然;尽管

in all总共;总之

选词填空:all in all, above all, after all, for all, in all

1)He is a poor musician _________ his training.2)You must, _________, be loyal to your country.3)There are five hundred books on the shelf ______.4)Everyone makes mistakes, and _________, he is only a child.5)The book has some weak spots, but _________ I consider it a

success.10.independent adj.独立自主的be independent of 不依赖;独立于

independence n.独立;自主

independently adv.独立地;自主地




and buses.3)I quite like living alone, because it 使我更独立).11.make fun of=laugh at 取笑

for fun/in fun为了玩乐;开玩笑地

have fun玩乐

选词填空: make fun of, in fun, have fun

1)The kids at school used to ____________ Jill’s clothes.2)Don’t get upset.He said it was only __________.3)We ________ in camping last week.4)It’s cruel to _____________ the disabled.12.encouragement n.鼓励;奖励

encourage vt.鼓励;激励;支持

encourage sb in sth在某事上鼓励某人

encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事

encouraged adj.受到鼓励的;被鼓励的encouraging adj.鼓舞人心的;鼓励的encouragingly adv.鼓舞人心地

选词填空:encouragement, encourage, encouraged, encouraging

1)2)3)4)5)13.conduct n.行为;品行vt.指挥;管理

conduct oneself为人;表现

conductor n.管理人;指挥;售票员


1)The guide 带领游客参观了)

the museum.2)I’m glad to see _你在校的行为)has


业行为).Phrases and sentence structures:

1.She was proud to have recently represented her country in an

athletic competition where she won a gold medal in the 50-metre


米赛跑的金牌.1)“to have represented”是不定式________, 表示不定式的动作发

生在谓语动词was proud之___

1>I am sorry _____ you waiting for such a long time.A.keepingB.having keptC.to keep

D.to have kept

2>He is said ______ a new book about business English.A.to writeB.to have writtenC.writing

D.having written

2)“where”=__________, 引导的是_______从句,修饰的是

________________________.2.Other disabled people find the website beneficial…其他残疾人认


“find”是______, the website是_______, beneficial是_____________.“find”后还常接____________、____________、____________、____________等作宾语补足语。


1)We found playing tennis interested.2)He finds necessary to carry out this plan.3)The little girl found it difficult understand her parents.4)I hoped to find her being in better health.3.My motto is: live one day at a time.我的座右铭是:过好每一天.“at a time”在此表_____________, 它还表_____________.相关词组:

at one time_________

at the same time_________

at no time_________

at times____________

at all times__________

at other times____________

1>You can borrow only two books____________.A.at one timeB.at a time

C.at other timesD.at the same time

2>____ like this, I don’t make a decision by myself.A.At a timeB.In time

C.At that timeD.On time

3>He was a teacher_____ but now he works for foreign trade.A.at timesB.at any time

C.at other timesD.at one time

4.My life is a lot easier at high school than it was at primary school.我的生活在中学时要比小学时容易得多.“a lot”在此的作用是:_ _, 类似用法的词和短语有:still, no, any, much, rather, a bit/a little, far, even, a lot/a

great deal

口诀: 仍然没有任何马骑, 确实有点远,甚至太多(路).1)多得多)books than I.2)暖和一点)today.StepⅢ Homework

1.Review the language points we have discussed this class and try to

retell the whole passage.2.Finish exercise 2 in word study.Are you clear?



good morning,everyone.i'm so happy to give my own speech here today.­

once in a while,i'd think back on the things of past one year.lucky and excited,i was admitted into this school which is the best high school in our city.i thought it could give me great stimulation to achieve the dream in my heart.however,when i was on the point of facing difficulties,i seemed so weak on the way to success.i gradully lost interest in studying.the stimulation had gotten out of my system and wasn't in control of my mental.i began being absent-minded in most of classes.playing cellphone became my foolish fault.finally i delayed my studies.how could i account for my low scores?the answer might be:i was wrong all the way.­

but now it's a new start for me.i've made up my mind to be on the right way.i must attach study to me and my future.in a way,i want to apologize to many people who think highly of me for my fault.from now on,i'll never hesitate to strive for my future,although many things may add to my laziness.­

i ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd,you're gonna hear my voice when i shout it out aloud.i hope that not only me,but also everyone sitting here can study hard to strive for our futures.cheer up!let's whoop lyrically:we are the champions~~~

right now it's my whoop,can you hear me?­

ok.so much for this.much to my joy,you're listening to my speech..that's all,thank you~~~~

win competition of environment protection for beijing

although the XX olympics are still three years away, another special competition has already started in beijing.this time, the competitors are not the athletes from all over the world, but the people living in beijing.the special competition is not held in a stadium, but in every street and every corner of beijing.i suppose some of you may have already guessed what the special competition is.yes, it is the competition of protecting our environment and creating a green beijing for the XX olympic games.someone may ask who is our rival in this competition? the modern los angeles, the charming sydney, or the historic athens? no, none of them.the real rival is ourselves.it is our bad habits of neglecting to protect environment in our daily life.several years ago, i was very lucky to have an opportunity to live in the united states for about two years.i not only enjoyed the beautiful environment there, but also appreciated the american people's active way of protecting their environment.now, whenever the environment protection is mentioned, a beautiful view of california will arise in my mind: white clouds flying acrothe blue sky, green grassplot sprinkled with colorful flowers and small animals playing happily among the trees.i remember that at the beginning of my coming to america, i often went to my father's working place, the united states geological survey, to have fun.each time i found a lot of people riding bicycles to their offices.among the cyclists, an old man with white hair attracted my attention.curiously, i asked my father,“ why does the old man ride his bike to work every day? doesn't he have enough money to buy a car?” father laughed, “no, not because of money.actually, he is one of the greatest scientists in the world.he can afford to buy a motorcade if he likes.he is just an environmentalist and usually doesn't drive unlegoing shopping, or in bad weather.in america, there are a lot of environmentalists, who actively protect their environment.for example, in palo alto city we are living now, there is even a bicycle-to-work day on may 19th every year to encourage people to decrease air pollution caused by cars”.later, i also learnt another interesting fact of environment protection there.in some states of america, in order to decrease air pollution, save energy and reduce traffic jams, state governments encourage people to take buses to work or to share a car among several people.they even set special “diamond lanes” in some main streets, which are only for the vehicles with 2 or more people.the positive actions of american people and the effective measures the american government takes in environment protection fully won my respects and deeply affected my consciousnein environment protection.when i was back in china, people often asked me: “ what do you think of america?” i always bolt out:“ wonderful, especially the beautiful environment.” frankly speaking, after several years, the faces of my american teachers and friends have gradually faded away from my mind, but the blue sky, green graand lovely animals in california often arise in my mind, and became my dream of visiting there again.the XX olympics provide us with the opportunity to publicize and practise environment protection in beijing.is it possible for beijing to is it possible for beijing to become as beautiful as california? the answer is “yes”, but the dream needs every beijing citizen's full support and active moves to accomplish.from now on, if every student who is driven to school can take bus or ride bicycle to school once a week, if every car owner goes to work in a car pool once a week, we can make a difference.if everyone can actively protect the environment in our daily life, the blue sky, green graand lovely animals in california will appear in beijing.tiny streams can combine into a vast ocean, small trees can together be an immense forest.beijing is often described as a beautiful and aged picture.if every beijing citizen adds a trait of green on the picture, the whole beijing will become an ocean of green.let us unite together to win the competition of environment protection in beijing, and present the world a big gold medal.that is “green beijing, great olympics ”




记得刚到美国时,常去爸爸工作的美国地质调查局玩耍,每次均能看到许多人骑自行车上下班,而其中一位满头白发的骑车老年人,引起了我的好奇。我问爸爸,“那个爷爷为何总骑车上班,是否没钱买车?”爸爸笑道:“没钱买车?嘿,说出来吓死你,他可是世界上顶级的大科学家。要论钱,他能买一个车队呢。” “那他咋不买车呢?骑车多累呀!” “他有车,但平时除非下雨或购物,一般不去开。在美国有许多人都是环保主义者,为了节约能源和减少汽车尾气对大气的污染,他们用实际行动倡导人们尽量少开车。而我们所居住的这座美国城市,还特别将每年的5月19日定成了'骑车上班日',以支持和宣传这种有效的环保行为。”































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