
时间:2019-05-15 05:43:16下载本文作者:会员上传



1()_Can you work out the Physics problem?

_Sorry.I can ________understand its meaning.AalmostB nearlyC hardlyD usually

2()I have a problem and do not know _______solve it.Ahow can IB what can IC how toD what to

3()You”d better _______ up late because it is bad for your health.AstayB not to stayC not stayD to stay

4()_____Lisa and Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at

home to take care of the dog.A Not only, but alsoB Neither , norC Both,andD Either ,or

5()_Have you seen the TV play My Ugly Mother?

Yes,and it is well worth _________.It is ________moving that I have seen

it twice.A seeing ,tooB seeing , soC to see ,enoughD to see ,such

6()——I am going to the supermarket.Let me get you some fruit._____OK ,Thanks for your ________

A offerB informationC messageD order()What do you think of the book?

Very good.It is _______ worth __________

A very , readingB well, readingC well ,listening to D very ,listening to 8()Would you please tell me ______to deal with all the problems ,editor?

A how B why C what D which

9()Mrs Jenny gave us _______ on how to learn Chinese well

A some advicesB some suggestion

C some adviceD a piece of suggestion

二.根据句子意思填单词.After the accident ,she could __________(几乎不)speak.2.Do you have any difficulty _______(完成)your homework.3.W_______ he will come or not is not sure now.4.R________ to help them with their English made them unhappy.5.Our English teacher is very s ______with us in our study to make us successful.

第二篇:初三英语 Unit 8

演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

初三英语 Unit 8



Unit 8

一、单词: 单词:

I’ll help clean up the city parks.1.hunger 饿;饥饿 n.hungry 饥饿的 adj.2.sign 标牌;招牌;记号;手势 n.签名 v.3.advertise v.advertisement n.advertisement 作“广告,宣传”意思时为不可数名词,作 “公告,启事”意思时为可数名词。4.establish 建立,建造,设立 v.establisher n 5.major v.majority n.major 主要的,较多的 adj.专业,主修 n.6.commitment n.commit v.奉献 7.elementary adj 基础的,初级的,小学的element n.元素 8.fix 与 repair 的区别: fix 用于需要重新“调”物体的结构,把松散的部件固定结实,将分离的物体各部分装配起来。用于美国口语中,与 repair 无多大区别。repair 的对象范围很广,从房屋、道路、机器到日常生活必需品,是使受到一定损失或失灵 的东西恢复其形状或功能。9.similar adj 相似的similarity n.相似similarly adv.相似地 10.strategy n.方法,策略strategic 或 strategical adj.战略的 11.disabled adj.肢体有残疾的disability n.无力, 无能, 残疾 12.organization n.组织机构 organize v.组织 organized adj.有组织的,精心收集




演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

安排有序的 13.fill v.装满 full adj.满的 14.pleasure n.愉快,高兴 pleasant adj.令人愉快的 pleased adj.高兴的please v.使人愉悦满意,请 15.blind n.盲人 v.使失明, 遮暗, 蒙蔽 adj.盲目的, 不加思考的, 瞎的 16.deaf adj.聋的 deafness n.聋, 听不清 17.imagine v.想像 imaginative adj.富于想象力的 imaginary adj.想象中的,假想的 18.shut v.关上 过去式和过去分词都是 shut 19.specially adv.特意地;专门的special adj.特殊的 20.fetch v.接来, 取来,带来 n.取得,拿,诡计,魂 fetch up v.引起,回想起 21.support v.支持;帮助 若指“支撑物,支柱,支座”是可数名词,若指“支持、支撑、支援”时为不可数名词。22.appreciate v.感激 appreciation n.感激;感谢 23.donate v.捐赠;赠送donation n.捐赠物,捐款


clean up 打扫干净 cheer up sb 使某人高心起来 put off sth 拖迟 come up with=think up 想出… put up 张贴 set up = start = establish 建立 take after = be similar to 相像 fix up = mend= repair 修理 give out=hand out 分发 give away 赠送 ask for 要求 call-in =phone-in 听众来电直播节目 work out 结果 help(sb)out 帮助(某人)解决困难 at once=right away=in a minute 立即,马上 a group of 一群,一组

run out of =use up 用完,用尽 a city parks Clean-up day 城市公园清洁日 write down=take down=put down 写下 plan to do sth 计划做某事 spend…on sth/doing sth 花费…(时间、金钱)做某事 call up sb





演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

打电话给某人 try to do sth/try doing sth 尽力做某事/尝试做某事 ask /tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事 It′s one′s turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事 ask for 请求… hang out 闲逛 get around 观光 join the school volunteer project 参加学校志愿者工程 football game club 足球俱乐部 a major commitment 一个重大的贡献 volunteer to do sth 志愿干某事 elementary school 初级中学 put…to use 使…很有用处 not only…but(also)…=both and 不但……而且…… homeless people 无家可归的人 at the food bank 在食品救助站 in an after-school study program 课外学习小组 from now 从现在开始 help sb.(to)do=help sb.with sth 帮助某人做某事 be able to do 能,会 a radio interviewer 一个电台的记者 a call-in center 热线电话 send sth to sb=send sb sth 把某物寄给某人 be home to…成为…的家园 take turns(at)doing 轮流做某事 test papers 试卷 thank you for sth/doing sth 为(做)某事感谢某人 work out fine 很有效 with a pleasure 很乐意 make it +adj.(+for sb)+to do sth 使(某人)做某事…fill… with… 用……充满…… be filled with=be full of 装满…… want to be 想要成为 cannot imagine 无法想象 face challenge 面临挑战 answer the telephone 接电话 a friend of mine 我的一位朋友 train sb.to do 训练某人做某事 tell a stray 讲故事 six months of training 六个月的训练 blind in the left eye 左眼失明


1、I'd like to work outside 我想在外面工作 Would like to do sth.精心收集




演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案


2、visit sick children in the hospital 在医院看望生病的孩子 Sick,生病,这里指病人,与 ill 意思相近ill 作“生病”解时只能跟在形容词后,不放在名词前 作定语,而 sick 可以

3、we can't put off making a plan 我们不能推迟做计划 Put off 推迟,后接动词的-ing 形式作宾语

4、Clean-up day is only two weeks from now 清洁日距离现在仅仅有两周时间了。Tow weeks from now,距离现在两个星期,与 tow weeks later 意思相近

5、Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do 我不仅从帮助别人中感到快乐,而且我也把时间花在我喜欢做的事上(1)把 not only……but also……放在句首连接两个并列的单句时,紧跟 not only 后面的单句用倒装语 序 eg: Not only is he rich but also he is very kind 他不仅很富有而且很友善 注:当 not only……but also……连接短语时,句子不需要倒装(2)把 not only……but also……放在句子里面时,不需要倒装,且谓语动词的单复数采用就近原则 eg: Not only I but also he knows the secret 不仅我,而且他也知道了这个秘密

6、he told a radio interviewer that he had run of money to by old bikes 他告诉一个电视台记者他已经用完了钱去买旧自行车

这是一个双宾语,that 引导的宾语从句为 told 的宾语,表示了宾语的具体内容

7、he also put up some signs asking for old bikes and called up all his friends and told them about the problem 他还张贴了一些海报求购旧自行车并打电话给他所有的朋友,告诉他们这个问 题





演讲稿 工作总结 调研报告 讲话稿 事迹材料 心得体会 策划方案

这是一个简单句,主语是 he,带三个谓语,虽然有并列连词 and,但这并不是复合句

8、an organization set up to help disable people 一个设立起来为了帮助残疾人的组织 这是一个定语后置的短语,set up 是被动的,即 an organization that is set up,被建立

9、she said she would talk to “Animals Helpers” to see if it would be possible for me to get a specially trained dog 她说她会和“动物助手”沟通,看看我是否能得到一只专门训练过的狗 这是由两个宾语从句组合成的复合句。这两个宾语从句分别是……she would talk to ”Animal Helpers" to……和……if it would be possible for me to get……

四、语 法

动词短语.动词+副词=动词短语 例:break out(爆发)注意:①当宾语是名词时可放在动词短语的中间或后面 ②宾语是人称代词时必须放在动词短语中间 例如:①Let us cheer him up.(译:让我们使他振奋起来.)②We are going to set up a food bank to help hungry people(译:我们将要建立一个经济 食品发放中心来帮助饥饿的人们.)③We need to come up with some ideas(译:我们需要想出一些注意.)④I’ll write down all our ideas(译:我将把我们所有的想法都写下来.)1





第三篇:人教版八年级英语Unit 1-5练习

Unit 1There will be more /less/fewer people/free time/cars/pollution/money/sheep/work.There ___________ a class meeting next Friday.______ _____ the weather ___________ tomorrow?

keep a petfall in love withbe able toin the futureone of the biggest companiesit takes/ took/will take sb some time to do sth.try to domake/let sb dothe same as

Unit 2What`s wrong? =What`s the matter?My clothes are _______ ______ ________.I _______ _______ my best friend.I had a fight with my cousin.get on well with

4You should write her a letter.= You should ______ _____ her.He doesn`t have any money,_______.He has some money,______.pay forborrow…from… lend…to…in styleargue withexceptfind outcall upwin/failforget/ leave

not… until…

asasReading English as ______ as possible.She found it difficult /easy_______(learn)English well.The need time and freedom ______(relax).Unit 3

standstudycleanmakeget out ofeatcutwalktake offshopsleepkid1 The boy _____________(walk)down the street when the UFO _______(land).What _____ the boy ________ when the UFO landed?While the girl ________(sleep)the UFO _______(take)off.I had a very unusual experience on Sunday.Lucy ____________(shop)when she saw a car accident.I ___________(watch)TV at eight last night.She __________(shop)at this time yesterday.7.While we __________(wait)for the bus, a girl __________(run)up to us.8.I __________(telephone)a friend when Bob __________(come)in.Unit 4

be good at =do well inShe is good at reading.=She _____ ______ _____ reading.Hard-workingcan do betterlazy studentshould do betterget nervousShe said.“My brother wants to go with me.” →She said her brother ______ to go with ______.2 He said to Kate.“How is your sister now?” →He。3 She said.“He will go to see his friend。”→She said he ______ go to see his friend。4 He said, “Can you swim, John?” →He asked John_____ he ______swim.He asked me, “Do you like playing football?”→

He asked me _______ ___ ________ playing football.My sister asked me, “How do you like the film?” →My sister asked me_____ ___ ____ the film.8 My teacher asked me, “Don't laugh.”→ My teacher asked me______ ____ _______.9 He asked Lucy, “Where did you go?”→ He asked Lucy where she went.She asked me “Can I copy your homework?”

She asked me _____ _____ ______ copy my homework.Unit 5have a good timehave fun 2 If it ______ ______(not rain), we ______ ______ the sports meeting.If it _______(rain), we _______ _______(not have)the sports meeting.提问划线部分)

_______ _______ _________ if they watch q video at the party?

综合练习In ten years, John _______(be)an astronaut.I ______(fly)rockets to the moon when I grow up.If it __________ , our family _____________ boating tomorrow.A.don’t rain, will goB.isn’t rain, is going to go C.doesn’t rain, will goD.doesn’t rain, shall go 4 There ________(be)an important meeting in two days.We _________ you as soon as he _________ back.A.will call, will comeB.will call, comesC.call, will comeD.call, comesI ______ iteverywhere , but I didn’t_____ it.A.looked for , looked forB.looked for , findC.found , looked forD.find , look for 7 I really don’t know _________.A.what should I doB.what to doC.what doesD.what doing

8When the football fans saw Beckham, they got ________ excited ________ they cried out.A.so, thatB.such, thatC.very, thatD.too, to.– May I use your English – Chinese dictionary?

– Sorry, I ________ it at home this morning.A.forgetB.leftC.have forgottenD.was leavingIf he doesn’t want to do the job, does ________ want to?

A.everybody elseB.anybody elseC.else anybodyD.else everybody.– May I ________ your Chinese – English dictionary? – Sorry, I ________ it at home.A.borrow, forgetB.lend, leftC.lend, forgetD.borrow, leftSorry, you speak ________ quickly ________ I can’t follow you.A.too;toB.so, thatC.as, toD.very, soMy friends have ________ clothes than I do.A.niceB.goodC.wellD.nicerWhat ______ you _______ when she came in?

A.did, doB.are, doingC.do, doD.were, doingJust now she saw the man ________ into the room.A.goB.wentC.goesD.to go

16There’s a big tree _______ the building.A.in front ofB.in the front ofC.in frontD.at the front of.I went out to see what the cat was doing, and was very ______ to see it was climbing up a tree.A.surprisedB.surpriseC.surprisingD.to surprise

第四篇:初三英语下册Unit 4 教案2

九年级英语下册Unit 4 教案2

Integrated skills Teaching Aims: To extract information from a profile To complete notes To extract information from a recording about Marie Curie To complete a presentation Teaching Important Point: To extract information from a profile

To extract information from a recording about Marie Curie Teaching Difficult Point: To complete a presentation Teaching Methods: Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids: The multimedia and the blackboard Teaching Procedures: Step1 Presentation Get students to read Part A1 and then do the execises 2 Invite students to talk about Marie Curie.3 Play the recording.Students listen carefully and complete the sentenes with correct words in Part A3.4 Ask students to read out.Read the completed text to check the correct answers.5 Play the recording for Part A3 and ask students to complete.Go through on page 65 again.Read the completed text.Step2 Presentation Close the books and listen to me while I read the conversation.Ask students to repeat the sentences as they hear them.2 Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs and then change roles.Step3 Homework 1 Learn the language points by heart.2 Preview the Study skills, Main task & Checkout Part.

第五篇:八年级英语练习Unit 5 Topic 2

八年级英语练习Unit 5 Topic 2

Section A—B






1.Kate 对大家很好,所以Am想和她交朋友。

Kate is friendly to everyone, so Ann wants toher.2.我今天早上没有赶上早班车。


to you.4.顺便问一下,你父母最近好吗?


are youtoday?


Do you often feel unhappy? What will you do if you are in a bad mood? Maybe the following acan help you feel good about yourself.1.Look in the mirror and say to yourself“I am a special person and there’s no one in the ”.It may not sound so good, but it really w

others always makes you feel good.to people you meet.Look for good things in your friends and family.again.It’s also good off the TV and let your imagination fly!Write down your.6.Stay with your We all need our family.Talk with your parents or even your cousin.Section C—D







1.She went to school by bus yesterday as(old)brother Jack.3.He drives as(careful)as Tom.4.It’



He doesn’t the life in this school.2.康康和汤姆跳得一样高


This film isthat one.4.他们不再住那里了

lived there.八年级阅读专练



Do you have any problems in your life? Do you know how to be happy? TheBeing a Happy Teen will help you.writer is Andrew Matthews from Australia.In his book, Matthews tells us how to have a happy life and help us todifferent kinds of problems in our everyday life.Many teenagers think that happiness comes from a good exam result or praise(赞扬)from other people.But you canbe happy when there are no such“good” things.Happiness comes from a good attitude(态度).If you your problems, you will be happy.Some school studentssuch as being too tall or too short.But Matthews tells us that happiness comes from thinking abouta positive(积极的)way.If you are tall, you can get a view(视野);if you are short, your clothes and shoes take less room in your.This is Matthews’()1.A.movie





()7.A.toB.book B.HisB.everB.withB.atC.musicC.HerC.onlyC.roles C.inC.solveC.aboutD.story D.Their D.treat D.still D.from D.gesturesD.on



D.dream B.prevent()6.A.problems B.feelings()8.A.faster()9.A.studyB.betterB.kitchenC.harderC.bedroom C.fact()10.A.advice B.answer


A father was angry with his 3-year-old daughter for wasting(浪费)some gold wrapping paper(包装纸).The family was poor and the father became angry when his daughter tried to decorate a box.When his daughter brought the gift to her father the next morning and said, “This is for you , Daddy.” The father felt embarrassed(尴尬的),but he became angry again when he found out there was nothing in the box.The father shouted at his daughter, “Don’t you know, when you give someone a gift, there should be something inside?” His daughter looked up at him and cried, “Oh , Daddy, I blew kisses(吻)into the box.They’re all for you , Daddy.”

The father felt sorry for his words.He put his arms around his daughter and kissed her face.Only a short time later, an accident took the life of his little girl.The father was very sad and he kept that box by his bed for many years.()1.Why was the father angry with his daughter at first?

A.Because she wasted much time.B.Because she wasted some gold wrapping paper.C.Because she didn’t know how to decorate a box.D.Because she gave him a box with nothing in it.()2.What gift did the girl give her father?

A.Some gold wrapping paper.B.A kiss on his face.C.A box of kisses.D.We don’t know.()3.What may the daughter feel when her father didn’t understand her?

A.HappyB.Sad.C.Shy.D.Worried.()4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The father didn’t like his daughter.B.The daughter was born in a rich family.C.The father didn’t like the gift at all.D.The daughter decorated the box with gold wrapping paper.()5.What’s the best title for this passage?

A.A Box of Kisses.B.A Strict Father.C.An AccidentD.A Poor Family.



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