一、英语课程的性质: 《课标》明确规定,义务教育阶段的英语课程具有工具性instrumentality、人文性humanity的双重性质。
中的情感态度、价值观念、学习策略等方面的发展和变化; 采用形成性评价与终结时评价结合的方式,既要关注过程又要关注结果最终达到和谐统一。
适应专业:英语专业、师范方向 课程编号:02415103、02415104
课程名称:外语教学理论与实践(Theories and Application of Foreign Language Teaching)
课程类型:专业核心课程,必修课程 学时学分:72学时(4学分)
本课程旨在讲授英语教学设计的理论基础,教学设计模式的沿革、类型和教学模式的基本要素,并从学习者分析、学习需求分析、教学目标与教学内容等层面引导学生掌握英语教学设计中的分析、设计、发展、实施和评价等基本要素。并在此基础上讲解听说读写四种课型教案的结构、教学活动的设计和规范教案的格式。在教学中注重在《国家英语课程标准》教学理念的引导下,结合安徽中小学英语教学实践,结合目前中小学英语教学最新的理论研究与教学改革成果,注重在以学生为主体的各种类型的课堂课外的教学实践活动中尽快地提高学生的教学实践能力,真正实— 1 —
§1.1 基础内容:介绍中西方外语教学理论的流变史,重点介绍西方外语教学方法和教学流派的演变;其次简要介绍中国解放后的外语发展简史。
§1.2 提高内容: 学生要了解并记住外语教学的流派及英语名称表达,了解中国外语教育家提出的一些教学方法及名称
§1.3 扩展内容: 掌握主要教学流派的核心思想。
第二单元 外语教学方法
§1.1 基础内容: 具体介绍西方主流的教学流派及它们的核心思想、理论基础、教学设计、课堂实践和优缺点。这些主要教学流派包括语法-翻译法(Grammar-translation Method),直接法(the Direct Method),听说法(Audio-lingual Method),交际法(Communicative Approach)和任务型教学法(Task-based Language Teaching)。
§1.2 提高内容: 学生要能够掌握并理解主要教学流派的一般理论基础和课堂教学设计思路。§1.3 扩展内容: 学生能够比较不同教学方法的侧重点,能评判它们的优缺点。
第三单元 新课程标准解读
§1.1 基础内容: 理解英语新课程标准的基本内容和基本框架。§1.2 提高内容: 理解新课程标准制定的理论基础。
§1.3 扩展内容: 掌握如何在课堂实践中实施新课程标准的基本理念。
(二)学习性主要任务:理解新课程标准产生的历史背景和对当前我国外语教学的反思。— 2 —
第四单元 外语教案设计和教材分析
§1.1 基础内容: 理解教案设计的一般原理和教材的主要特点。§1.2 提高内容: 理解“同课异构”的含义,对教材的批判性接受。
§1.3 扩展内容:学会动手设计一节课的教案,学会对教材上一篇课文的分析。
(二)学习性主要任务: 掌握教案设计的微技能。
第五单元 教案设计实践与课堂微技能实践
§1.1 基础内容: 学会对听、说、读和写各个技能进行教案设计并能进行课堂微技能展示。
§1.2 提高内容: 能够完整设计一个单元的教案。
§1.3 扩展内容:能够使用各种课堂教学手段来完成课堂教学微技能展示。
本课程是英语教育师范生的必修课程,考核主要来自两个方面:平时成绩(包括出勤率(10%)、课程设计作业(30%)、小组合作参与度(10%)和教学演示(20%))70% + 期终考试成绩(30%)
【1】English Teaching Methodology(高等学校“十一五”省级规划教材)
【2】Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching(2nd)
J.C.Richards & T.S.Rodgers
FLTRP & Cambridge University Press 【1】Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching(2nd)
Diane Larsen-Freeman
Oxford University Press 【2】 A Course in English Language Teaching(2nd)
高— 3 —
课程标准编制单位:外语系 英语教育教学教研室
执笔人:蒋道华 审核人:
农村初级中学大班英语教学与合作学习Large-class English teaching of middle school
in north-west rural area and corporative learning
檀 龙
摘 要 :由于所在省区农村经济相对落后,教育设施不足,师资力量薄弱,从而导致小学英语课程低水平开设,致使学生进入初中时底子薄,加之超大班英语教学给英语教学带来了一系列困难。笔者通过亲身实践和探索,发现合作学习模式可以达到这一目的。本文在阐述合作学习模式的基础上,结合农村大班英语教学的实际情况,提出了相应的四点举措。
关键词 农村中学 大班教学 合作学习
Abstract : the relative low of rural economy, the insufficience of teaching facilities ,and shortage of teaching resources has trigged the low lever of English teaching in primary school ,which is even worse due to the weak foundation of students themselves, and a series of difficulties caused by large-class English teaching pattern, the writer found that this situation can be better through the application of cooperative learning after experienced and exploration.The article point out the four measures which can improve the quality of English teaching on the basis of cooperative learning and combination of real English teaching situation in rural area.Key words: middle school in rural area, lager-class teaching, corporative learning.1 导致超大班教学的原因 the causes of large—class English teaching
按英语教学标准,超过 30 人的班级算大班。另外,根据 Lan-caster—Leeds 调查组的界定,大班的学生数量一般为五十个(ur.1996)。根据对本县农村初级中学班级人数调查,初一各班均超过65 人,虽然到初
二、初三呈递减态势,但至少也有五十人。因此,绝 大多数班级可以说是超大班级。造成这种状况的原因有二:其一,政府在农村教育的投入不足。以本人所在乡镇为例,人口有两万八千多人,但只有一所初级中学,教学设施严重不足。近十年来,该校初一入学新生均有四百多人,由于能够使用的教学楼不够,最多只能开设六个班级。这样每个班级有六七十人(本人在 2011年的一个教学班甚至达 70 人)。其二,师资力量匮乏。据调查,本县的初级中学英语教师全日制英语专业本科毕业人数为10%,专科毕业者约占50%人,非英语专业专科生占 40%人。由此可见,英语专业教师严重不足。其他专业的教师按科学的标准的师生比例也是捉襟见肘。在小学,能教英语的更是屈指可数。这样一来,仅有的微薄的师资力量肩负着沉重而繁杂的教学任务,身心疲惫的他们只有践行新课程标准提出的新理念,方能得一丝喘息。
According to the standard of English teaching ,it is regarded as a large-class which is over 30 students.Besides, the research conducted by Lan-caster—Leeds, refers to the definition of the number of students in large class is nearly 50.(ur.1996).The survey points out that there are over 65 freshed children in local middle school ,it become to at least 50 students in senior classes.Consequently, there are a lot of large—class of English teaching in north-west rural area and the causes of it mainly from two aspects: one is insufficience of the educational investment in rural area, for instance ,there is only one middle school in my hometown where it have over 28 thousand population.In fact ,only 6 classes can be established under the situation of 400 hundred freshman enters over decades.The other aspect is the pinch of teachers, there is only 10 percent of teachers whose major is foreign language in universities,the 40 percent of teachers whose major is nor-foreign language in universities, and other 50 percent teachers come from progressional training college.We can draw the conclusion that there is the severe shortage of English teacher in rural area.The situation is even worse in primary school.The only few English teachers can be rested through implementing new thought of new course standard.2 大班教学带来的弊端 the demerits of large—class English teaching
2.1 课堂教学纪律难以驾驭 秩序
2.1 the teaching order can not be managed
多人挤在同一间教室,拥挤嘈杂。人满为患本不足为忧,然而在学生英语基础差、学习习惯养成不足的情况下则增加了课堂上的不确定因素。在本地农村,小学阶段虽然在近年开设英语这门学科,但大多是迫于形势,勉为其难。小学根本没有专业教师,上英语课的是经过短期培训的其他学科教师、甚至未经培训仅仅是初中时期学过英语的人。学生的英语基础及其学习习惯、英语水平可想而知———总体水平很低且参差不齐。在嘈杂的教学环境中,那些基础差、兴趣淡、学不了、不想学的学生,就会趁机而动乃至出现捣乱、影响他人的情形。这就给课堂教学带来更大压力,挑战教师的课堂驾驭能力。gy the room with 60 students crowd 2.2教师实际教学工作任务太重
2.2 too much teaching task need to be done 这主要表现在班级人数太多,教师作业批改量过大。在推行素质教育的今天,注重学生素质教育的同时,还要极大地提高教学质量和升学率。提高教学质量固然要更新教学理念,改进教学方法。但是,在简陋的教学条件下,超负荷工作的农村教师仅凭一本书、一张嘴和一支粉笔如何提高教学效率?尤其是英语,作为一门语言学科,听、说、读、写都要兼顾。但大部分教师仍然是穿新鞋走老路,其在教学上所投入的时间是惊人的。
The teachers have too many students need to be managed, and too many homework need to be corrected, the education today is implementing the moral education, we have to improve the teaching quality and the rate of graduation, in order to it ,we have to change the methods and idea of teaching.However, it is hardly to accomplished under the hard situation and overburden task with one book , mouse, and chalk., particularly, as the one of foreign language ,listening, speaking, reading and writing should be considered to it.But the majority of teachers still implementing old teaching procedure under the new teaching standard, and the time they devoted to teaching is so limited.指导
2.3 对个体学生的照顾严重缺乏
2.3 the severe deficiency of for some student's care The majority of teachers guide two or three classes, and some students can not acknowledged by teacher after a semester, it can be seen that communication between teachers and students is less than ever before.Which would be the fatal issue to English teaching that has a strong communicational ability?
2.4 学生主动参与严重缺乏 2.4
A very few students would like to communicate with their English teacher due to the weak foundation of knowledge they owned, they are afraid of making mistakes when they are learning English, consequently, it is impossible for they to speak English in classroom loudly.Which also make a lot of troubles to teachers to communicate with they in English 3 对此有效途径的探讨 the effective exploration toward the cooperative leaning
如何解决好农村中学英语教学这一突出问题?有句名言说得好:“既然你改变不了现状,就改变你自己吧!”经过多年的实践与探讨,笔者认为以学生为中心的“合作学习(cooperative learning)”是促进农村初级中学英语教学的有效途径。合作学习“被誉为近十年来最重要和最成功的教学改革”(王坦),它适合各种学习者群体,也适合各个学科。合作学习虽然也以小组活动为形式,但不同于传统意义上的课堂分组,其本质区别在于合作小组高度的结构化,确切地说,它是在传统的课堂教学中,借助异质小组的基本形式,通过小组同伴的沟通与交流,以小组目标达成为标准,以小组总体成绩为评价、奖励为依据的教学策略。更确切地说,在课堂合作情境中,每个人追求的是不仅会给自己带来好处,同时也会使小组成员有所受益的结果。合作学习是 20 世纪 70 年代后期在美国兴起的一种新的教学理念,据合作学习的倡导者宣称,合作学习不仅可以大面积提高学生的学业成绩,而且能满足学生的心理需求,促进学生情感的发展,尤其是通过小组合作,让不同特点的学生相互帮助,更能调动慢生的学习积极性,促进全体学生共同发展。它的基本原则有:(1)积极互赖(positive interdependence);(2)人人尽责(in-dividual and accountability);(3)同时互动(simultaneous interaction);(4)人际技能和小组技能(interpersonal and small group skills);(5)小组自治(group processing)。鉴于农村初级中学大班英语教学现状,本着合作学习的基本原则,如何提高其教学效果,笔者认为可以针对性地从以下几个方面入手:
How to solve this issue related to the English teaching of middle school in rural area? The proverb says that “if you can not change situation, change yourself.” according to the exploration and experience for many years, the writer regards the cooperative learning as the one of an affective way to improve the English teaching quality.“Cooperative learning is considered as the one of the most important and successful teaching revolution for decade”.it suits for any kind of learner and subjects.Although the cooperative learning is consisted of team, it is different from the group-discussion pattern traditionally, the essence of cooperative learning is highly structuring in one team.exactly,it is the instructional strategies in the traditional classroom-teaching with the basic form of the heterogeneous group, regards the accomplishment of team goal as standard of success,Group 's overall results as the evaluation of values, more précised speaking, every one of the team will not only benefit from the result of cooperative learning, but also create convenience for other students in the classroom where are full of the context of cooperative learning.Cooperative learning is a new teaching philosophy rose in the late of 1970s in the United States According to the advocator of cooperative learning, cooperative learning can not only improve students' academic performance greatly,but also can meet the psychological needs of students , and promote the student’s emotional development In particularly, the different characteristics of the students can help each other for mobilizing the enthusiasm and promoting the common development of all students through group cooperation , the cooperative learning has some following principle:(1)positive interdependence,(2)in-dividual and accountability(3)simultaneous interaction(4)interpersonal and small group skills(5)group processing.How to improve the quality of the English teaching based on the view of large class English teaching situation of middle schools in the rural area and the basic principles of cooperative learning ? The writer believed that it can be solved from the following aspects: 3.1 构建稳定和多样的小组合作
依据学生的兴趣、爱好、学习水平、能力特点、守纪律等个性差异,根据组间同质组内异质的原则将学生合理搭配每组为六人,并且给各小组编号,最好形成自己的标志。这样教师就把大班划分成若干单元———大班变成小组,并且在每小组中选出组长,大胆放权让组长负责。通过这一措施教师管起全班纪律就方便多了。3.1 Build stable and diverse group cooperation The teacher can make six students as one group and give their group number as the team’s sign based on students' interests , hobbies ,The lever of learning ability, characteristics , self-discipline ability and other individual differences , each group should be selected a group leader , the leader should take responsibility for a whole team.It would be more convenient for teachers to supervise the class 3.2 实行小组自治,减轻教师负担 在传统的课堂教学中,小组自治是不被提倡的,教师习惯于不断地监视学生以检查他们对学科内容和学习任务的理解。在合作学习的课堂中,教师检查的是那些小组和小组成员在小组中积极发挥作用,有效地促进学习。当学生遇到迷惑不解的问题或偏离了学习目标时,教师应当予以适度的干预。通过这种方式学生可以互批作业、演练对话、听写单词和操练句型,小组设置评论员,这样教师的教学负担就轻了许多。3.2, reducing teachers' burden by implementing group autonomy In the traditional classroom-teaching, group autonomy is not being advocated, teachers are accustomed to constantly monitor the students to check their understanding of content and learning tasks.In the cooperative learning classroom, the teacher checks their ability of playing an active role in the group in order to effective promoting learning teachers should be the appropriate intervention when students encountered the puzzled or deviate from the learning objectives , students can mutual-corrected their homework, practice dialogue ,dictation, and sentence In this way, which also alleviate teacher’s teaching load.3.3 同时互动,改变教师对个体照顾不周 美国学者杰克布斯曾明确提出“同时互动能自主地影响别人”,指的就是学生采取一些不同的学习方式,如说、写或其他一些可动手做的方式。因此,在课堂合作学习中,教师应该最大限度地为学生提供同时互动的机会,让学生相互帮助、彼此促进、共同提高。通俗地讲就是学习积极性不高会受到他人影响而变得积极起来,不愿或缺乏同他人交流的学生无形当中也会变得主动起来。如在演练对话时,人数总是成双成对的,不愿说的学生也会受他人影响而参与其中。这样教师可以通过观察而不必与学生们个个交流。
3.4 人人尽责,唤起主动参与
[1] Ouyang Junlin.English Teaching Methodology.Hefei:Anhui People Press,2007.[2] 马兰.合作学习.北京:高等教育出版社,2005.[3] 王坦.合作学习:原理与策略.北京:学苑出版社,2001.[4] 中华人民共和国教育部制定.普通初级中学英语课程标准.北京:人民教育 出版社,2003.责任编辑 黄修军
农村初级中学大班英语教学与合作学习檀 龙
(安徽师范大学 安徽·芜湖 241000)
中图分类号:G633.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7894(2009)20-180-01 英语教学 180
课题名称:Unit 2 What should I do ?(1a-2c)标准相关陈述:
3.能在教师的帮助下或根据图片谈论在学校和家庭中遇到的种种麻烦和问题,对他人的问题描述自己的观点及建议。4.了解情态动词的用法及区别。目标: 1.学段目标:
(8)Why don’t you提建议的基本结构及其回答,如何区别why don’t you 和how about/what about。(9)现在完成时的基本结构及其回答。(10)反意疑问句的基本结构及其回答。3.单元目标:
(1)Talk about your own problems and give other people advice to solve the problems.(2)Develop students’ ability of listening ,speaking , reading and writing.(3)Master some important phrase.4.课时目标:
1.Knowledge aims: Read and recite the phrases: keep out ,argue with sb.about sth., out of style ,in style, call sb.up, on the phone 3.Ability aims: Express the good ideas to solve the problems;Help others when they are in trouble.评价设计:
1.同桌之间按照设置的情境编对话,对参与表演的小组按照best, better, good等级进行评价。
3.通过习题练习对学生的掌握情况用best, better, good 进行评价。
学习活动方案(教学流程)Teaching procedures: Step1.Lead in 1.Greetings and free talk.2.Check the homework.Step 2 Pre-task T: I want to buy a new guitar but I don't have enough money.What should I do ? Ss think it over ,and try to give his/her advice.Write their advice on the Bb.1.Borrow one.2.Buy a second-hand guitar.3.Get a part-time job.4.Don't buy a guitar.5.Wait until next year.Practice reading the advice by the Ss.导入: In this unit we are going to talk about problems people have and learn how to give these people advice-to tell people what we think they should do.Step 3 While-task SB Page 10 , 1a.1.Read the instructions to the Ss.2.Read the problems by the Ss.3.Ask Ss to write the problems in the “Serious” or “Not serious” columns.4.Explain.5.Talk about the answers with the class.Practice reading.SB Page 10 , 1b.Make sure the Ss understand what should they do.Play the tape twice.Ss circle the problems they hear.Play the tape a third time.Check the answers.(完成目标1)Step 4 Post-task SB Page 10 , 1c.Look at the problems in activity 1a and make conversations.Step 5 While-task SB Page 11 , 2a.1.Read the instructions.Make sure the Ss understand what should they do.2.Point to the sentences below.3.Play the tape the first time.Ss only listen.Pay attention to Peter's friend's advice.4.Play the tape again.Ss circle “could” or “should”.5.Correct the answers.SB Page 11 , 2b.Read the instructions.Pay attention to Peter's answers.Play the tape again.Check the answers.Step 7 Post-task Make conversations with peter and his friend with the help of 2a & 2b.(完成目标2)Step 8 Grammar Focus Review the grammar box.Ss say the questions and the responses.Explain the differences between could/should.Homework: 1.Go over the words.2.My clothes are out of style ,what should I do ? Please give the advice Blackboard design: Unit 2 What should I do?(Section A 1a-2c)1.want sb.to do sth.2.enough +n;adj/adv+ enough 3.argue with sb.about sth.4.out of style 5.call up/ give sb.a call/ phone sb.6.a ticket to a ball game 7.What’s wrong? 8.Maybe you should buy some new clothes.Exercises:
1.leave out _____ 6.课外活动小组 _____ 2.get on _____ 7.习惯于做…… _____ 3.out of style _____ 8.与……相同 _____ 4.keep out _____ 9.索要,要求 _____ 5.call up _____ 10.为……做准备 _____
1.—What are you going to _____? —_____ how we should learn spoken English well.A.talk about;About B.talk;Talk about C.say about;About D.say;Say about 2.—Could you tell me _____ we’re going to be _____? —About a month.A.how many times;away B.how long;away C.how much time;left D.how often;left 3.I want to find information ____ Hainan Island on the internet.But I don’t know ___.A.of;how B.about;how C.on;where D.to;why 4.—Could you teach me _____ the internet? —_____.A.search;OK B.find;Certainly C.how to search;Sure D.look for;All right
Unit 2 Is this your pencil?
Period Three
课题名称:Unit 2 Is this your pencil? 标准相关陈述:
在日常生活中,我们经常会对事物的归属进行确认,并希望得到对方的回答;尤其是在新环境中,这样的情况比较多;用“Is this your…?”确认事物的所属,作出肯定和否定回答。在生活中根据需要,判断写招领启事,还是寻物启事;并通过招领启事和寻物启事来实现自己的目的。
1.会对事物的归属问题进行提问,并作出肯定或否定回答; 2.正确书写招领启事和寻物启事;
3.归纳“Is this…”所代表的一般疑问句的句子结构及回答,由此类推助动词所引导的一般疑问句。单元学习目标:
“Is this your…?
Yes , it is./ No , it isn’t.”来确实事物所属。2.正确书写招领启事和寻物启事。
评价设计:对“Is this your …”句型的学习,采用师生对话练习,进行人称及单复数的变化;
Found 和Lost 的正确书写。教学难点:
如何判断写Found还是 Lost。课前准备 教师:物品实物.学生: 实物(学习用品).教具:
小黑板,幻灯片 教学过程
Step One: Leading-in 通过复习一般疑问句来引出本节课内容。使用实物: T: This is my pen.T: Is this your pen? S1: No, it isn’t.T: Is this your pen? S2: No, it isn’t.T: Is this his pen?(指向S2)S3: No, it isn’t.T: Whose pen this is?
当我捡到一支钢笔,需要找到它的主人,我需要怎么办? S: 写一份招领启事。
T: 今天我们来学习如何用英文写招领启事。(板书课题:Is this your pencil?)Step two: Show the learning aims.1.识别下列单词的中文意思
found, lost, a set of, school 2.正确书写寻物启事和失物招领。Step Three: Learn the words.Ask a student to read the words.(早读已经预习过单词,检查学生对单词的读音掌握,抽取3名学困生)Ask students to tell the meaning of the words.found
v 找回;
lost v 遗失; s set of 一套,一副
school 学校 Ask students to read together.Step four: Learn to write a Found.(让学生回想中文招领启事有哪些内容)T: I found a pencil.And I want to find the owner.What should I do? S: Write a Found.板书:
A pencil.Please call Mike
at 346812.Ask a student to translate.Then ask students how many parts are there in a Found.Then I will tell the students the form.Found:
A pencil.②找到的物品
Please call Mike
at 346812.④联系电话
Ask students to find out what they should pay attention to.标题大写,后跟冒号;
文段左端对齐。Ask student to write a Found.Mary 捡到一个蓝色背包,她想找到失主,请帮她写个失物招领;她的电话号码是965378。Check the answer:
A blue backpack.Please call Mary
at 965378.Step five: Learn to write a Lost.T: I’m unlucky.I can’t find my English book.I have lost it.What should I do? S: Write a Lost.(让学生回想中文寻物启事有哪些内容)板书:
An English book.Please call Tony
at 376452.Ask a student to translate.Then ask students how many parts in a Found.Then I will tell the students the form.Lost: ①标题
An English book.②丢失的物品
Please call Tony
at 376452.④联系电话
Ask students to find out what they should pay attention to.标题大写,后跟冒号;
文段左端对齐。Ask students to write a Lost.Gina 丢了一支红色钢笔,请你帮她写一份寻物启事;她的电话号码是134764。Check the answer:
A red pen.Please call Gina
at 134764.Step six: Summary.小窍门:捡了F,丢了L。
(要求学生记忆)Let’s recall how to write Found and Lost.(和学生一起回顾写作格式,内容)Step seven: Homework.Write a Found and a Lost.Blackboard design:
Is this your pencil?
A pencil.Please call Mike
at 346812.Lost:
An English book.Please call Tony at 376452.