
时间:2019-05-15 09:10:42下载本文作者:会员上传


第一章绪论 1,科技论文的概念:简单地说,科技论文是对创造性的科研成果进行理论分析和总结的科技写作文体。比较翔实的定义是:科 技论文是报道自然科学研究和技术开发创新工作成果的论说文章,它是通过运用概念、判断、推理、证明或反驳等逻辑思维 手段,来分析表达自然科学理论和技术开发研究成果的。2,科技论文的特点和写作要求:科技论文是创新性科学技术研究工作成果的科学论述,是某些理论性、实验性或观测性新知识 的科学记录,是某些已知原理应用于实际中取得新进展、新成果的科学总结。科技论文同一般的科技文章有共同之处,具有 准确、鲜明、生动的特点,但作为科技论文,它又有自身的特殊属性。3,一篇科技论文必须同时具有下述特点,并同时满足下述写作要求:1)、科学性:真实性,准确性,可重复性,逻辑性 2)、创新性或独创性3)、理论性或实用性4)、条理性和规范性 4,《科学》遵循的是学术期刊的发表惯例,先让三名同行审稿才发表。同行审稿时主要是看论文本身提供的证据是否充足,成果是否重大,并不会轻易怀疑论文的作者造假。除非假造得很拙劣,否则也不太可能在审稿时被发现有假 5,现在的通行做法是先发表论文再说。是否能被独立地重复出来,永远是一个科学成果能否成立的必要条件。6,科技论文就其发挥的作用来看可分为三类:



三、学位论文。7,学位论文是指学位申请者提交的论文。这类论文依学位的高低又分为以下3 种:学士论文、硕士论文和博士论文。8,按研究的方式和论述的内容可对科技论文分六类。






6、综合论述。9,撰写科技论文的要素:兴趣爱好,主动与被动的关系;经验积累,切记急功近利;理论功底,学习、学习、再学习;写作 技巧,临摹、请教、发挥 10,科技论文作者应有的基本素养:1 文献资料的查阅技能,2 信息积累,3 通晓科技论文写作的理论和格式,4 有一定的语法和 文字修辞上的素养,5 了解期刊编辑知识,6 善于对读者对象分析研究 11,科技论文作者专业知识包括



3、熟悉相关的专门知识 12,科技论文作者应有的科学素养: 科学素养包括科学基本知识积累,研究过程和科学技术对社会的影响; 科学素质包括1 知 识的系统性2 基础知识的宽厚性和广播性3 专业知识的精深性和先进性4 动态性和自动调节性5 硬科学和软科学的结合性; 科技技能包括1 资料调遣技能2 组织技能3 协调决策4 交流表达5


Unit 1

II.Word and Phrase Translation











B.1)pure conflict

2)competition and cooperation

3)strategic interdependence

4)prisoners’ dilemma

5)long-run loss

6)tit-for-tat strategy

7)mixing one’s moves

8)hit a passing shot cross-court or down the line

9)monopoly market

10)equilibrium shares

III.Sentence Translation:

A.Translate the following English sentences into Chinese:(Pay attention to the underlined part)




4.边缘政策 “是一种故意使局势变的有些无法控制的策略,正是这种无法控制性可能会使另一方无法接受而选择妥协。”


Para1 博弈是有关策略的科学。它试图以数学和逻辑的方法来帮助博弈者作出决策,在一系列纷繁复杂的博弈中应采取何种策略来保证自己获得最大利益。博弈论研究的博弈的范围包括了从下棋到抚育儿童,从网球竞技到公司转手。但是所有的博弈都具有一个共同的特征:相互作用。也就是说,每一个博弈者的博弈结果取决于所有博弈参与者的策略选择。在零和博弈中,博弈者的利益之间是完全冲突的,因此一方的得利必然导致另一方的损失。更多具有代表性的例子还有会导致共同得利(正和)博弈和共同损失(负和)博弈,同样的情况还会发生在另外一些冲突中。




Para9有时, 无论其他博弈者如何行动,博弈的一方的最佳策略组合始终如一,这被称作这一博弈者的优策略。在其他情况下,如果博弈者的策略始终于己不利,则被称作劣策略,其含义是指无论其他博弈者如何行动,对手的策略总是优于自己。因此,谋求策略均衡应该从寻找优策略和消除劣策略开始。


Para16例如,当柯台斯到墨西哥后,烧掉了战船,故意没有给自己留下撤军的退路。由于没有返城的船只,柯台斯面对的只有战胜并征服对手或被对手消灭掉两种可能。尽管他的士兵在数量上处于绝对劣势,但这种血战至死的威胁使得对手的士气变的低落,印第安军队面对这样意志坚定的对手时,他们选择了退却。宝丽来公司在拒绝共享即时成像市场时也采取了类似的策略,当时它决定与任何挤占该市场的对手拼个你死我活。当柯达公司试图染指即时成像业时,宝丽来调动了所有的资源进行反击。14 年后, 宝丽来公司在与柯达公司的诉讼中获胜,重新赢得了在即时成像市场的垄断地位。

Para17使威吓变得可信的另一个方法是运用冒险性的边缘化策略,这一策略的风险在于: 如果其他博弈者未能按照威吓的要求去做的话,结果对大家将是一损俱损。托马斯•谢林在他的《冲突策略》一书中介绍说,边缘化策略就是故意使局势变的无法控制的策略,正是由于局势的无法收拾可能令其他对手难以接受,从而迫使对手作出妥协。


A.Translate the following expressions intoChinese:

1.spinal cord injury脊髓损伤

2.an exclusive license专用许可证

3.natural healing自然愈合4.central nervous system中枢神经系统

5.feeder cells供养细胞,滋养细胞

6.foreign 异质的7.cultured cells(人工)培养的细胞

8.a nude mouse裸鼠


B.Translate the following expressions intoEnglish:

1.胚胎干细胞embryonic stem cells

2.细胞疗法cell therapy

3.细胞群cell population

4.临床试验clinical trial


6.良性肿瘤a benign tumor

7.糖分子sugar molecule

8.免疫系统immune system


III.Sentence Translation

A.Translate the following English sentencesinto Chinese:(Pay attention to the underlined part)







A.Translate the following expressions into Chinese:

1.the existing technology 现有的技术

2.voice commands 语音命令

3.cellular network 蜂窝网络

4.slot for added memory 附加存储卡用槽

5.have computerlike features 具有电脑功能

6.a built-in digital camera 内置式数码相机

7.set up temporary offices 建立临时办公室

8.word processing power 文字处理能力

9.qwerty keyboard 标准键盘

10.location-based services 定位服务

B.Translate the following expressions into English:

1.闪存容量 flashy memory

2.手机观察家们 mobile-phone watchers

3.投影键盘 projection keyboard

4.个人电脑的捍卫者 defenders of the PC

5.语音识别系统 speech-recognition system

6.“双铰”式设计“dual hinge” design

7.按钮式拨号式键盘 the touch-tone pad

8.手机迷 a phone guy

9.豪华大屏显 the luxuriously large screen

10.智能手机 the sophisticated / smart phones

Translate the following English sentences into Chinese.1.电话变得越来越智能、小型、快速,并且能够让用户高速地连接到因特网,一个显而易 见的问题就出现了:移动手持设备将成为下一代的计算机吗?

2.还有一些正在开发中的智能电话,他们将带有摄像机、GPS 天线以及本地 Wi-Fi(一种常 在办公室、机场和本地咖啡馆能找到的超高速无限网络)热点链接的入口。

3.有了这项功能,手机很快就能提供诸如精确的行车向导、走过店铺时店铺的打折信息以 及开展约会等服务。

4.手机不太可能沿着最快的道路飞驶向自己光明的未来。这个行业里的创新充满了曲折和 失误,这常常是由于没有任何一家单独的公司能完全控制这一产品。

5.然而,手机创新者也正着手解决这个棘手的问题。科学家已经在语音识别系统方面进行 了数十年的研究,而且此项研究仍在继续。最近已将这项技术引入了 PDAs 中。

Para3在某个欧洲机场,彼得·希尔唐恩正在等下一个航班。他是芬兰一家公司的电脑销售 经理,1994 年曾经获得芬兰业余汽车拉力赛冠军。不过年届 32 的他对于这项爱好有些力 不从心了,而且他每星期都的出差。为了打发时间,他时常把《Riento!》体育杂志下载到 自己的手机上阅读。花 2 欧元,出版商 Sendandsee 就可以为他提供 8 页的体育赛事和运动员的图文信息。

Para4科技革命常以两种特色出现:或是惊人的迅速,或是难以觉察的迟缓。迅速的一类,如各种数字式音乐播放器突然遍地开花,或是音乐共享网站大量出现,似乎都是转瞬间即改 变了文化的面貌。而那些较缓慢发生的变化则往往持续数十年,以渐进、微妙的方式改变我 们的生活和工作方式。世界各地手机的涌现是缓慢的,但却势如破竹,不可阻挡。1977 年 AT&T 在芝加哥为 2,000 用户首推出了蜂窝网系统,那时手机的外形及重量几乎相当于一 块砖头。

Para5那些老式电话现已经陈列在博物馆内,而外形更纤巧、色彩靓丽的新型手机每年销售 量已达到了 5 亿部。手机的销售量使得电视机、立体音响甚至是个人电脑的销售量黯然失色。目前,世界上有 15 亿部手机,是个人电脑数量的 3 倍之多。现在手机已然成为我们生活的一部分,令人难以想象是当年没这玩意儿的时候人们是怎么过日子的。


A.Translate the following expressions into Chinese:









B.Translate the following expressions into English:

1.irreversible circuit

2.networking equitment

3.reversible memory chip

4.virus checking

5.potable device

6.backplane design

7.switching device

8.routing device

Translate the following English sentences into Chinese.1.业界可能对回收能量方面没有太大信息,但是谈到计算能力,一位研究人员从事的“实 现环保”的研究可能是开发未来计算平台研究的关键。

2.可逆计算机即绝热系统,它能够将能量回收,因此只产生很少的热量,使计算机能力在 现有计算技术无能为力的情况下继续提升。

3.为了避免这些问题,研究人员一直在研究可替代的计算方法。其中,量子计算已经引起 了广泛的关注。

4.发生这一转变所需的能力在静电这种情况下表现为瞬间放电,在电路这种情况下表现为 释放热量。

5.这种通用芯片能力效率预计比类似的不可逆电路要高几千倍。然而这些芯片的设计目前 还停留在概念阶段,尚未被优化。因而在实际应用中不会更高效。


A.Translate the following expressions into Chinese:

1.Wi-Fi(Wireless Fidelity)无限保真

2.PSAP(Public Safety Answering Point)紧急通信受理中心

3.ANI(Automatic Number Identification)自动数字识别技术

4.ALI(Automatic Location Identification)自动定位识别技术

5.cellular network 蜂窝网络

6.VLAN(Virtual Local Area Network)虚拟局域网

7.DSL(Digital Subscriber Line)数字用户线路

8.URIs(Uniform Resource Identifiers)统一资源指示器

9.PSTN(Public Switched Telephone Network)公共电话交换网络

10.margin of error 误差幅度

B.Translate the following expressions into English:

1.1.码分多址 CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access)

2.全球定位系统 GPS(Global Position System)

3.辅助型全球定位系统 Assisted-GPS

4.基站 base station

5.接入点 AP(access point)

6.许可波段 licensed bands

7.多径传播 multipath propagation

8.虚拟专网 VPN(Virtue Private Network)

9.射频指纹识别技术 RF fingerprinting

10.漫游功能 roaming capability

Translate the following English sentences into Chinese.1.对于公共网而言,了解个人和设备的物理位置会带来一系列新的应用。这些应用将从根 本上改进商业流程和信息技术。

2.比较而言,E911 系统却可以通过接收了自动数字识别信息的代理来决定主叫方的位置。代理利用了包含由电话公司的交换设备确定的主叫号码的自动数字识别信息,通过一个 叫做自动定位识别的过程在数据库中寻找主叫方的位置信息。

3.他指出接入基础设施提供商,即拥有数字用户线路、电缆和无限保真网服务的实体总能 确定设备在网络上的位置。


5.随着 E911 基础设施建设命令的出台,为了加强无限保真网的网络安全性和提高它的利用 率, 网络工程师们正处于一个特殊的位置。纽伯瑞网络公司的技术总监马修·格雷认为, 采用现在的定位技术就能从很多方面加强无限保真网的网络安全性。

Para5无线技术和 IP 电话对 E911 提出了独特的挑战。因为手机用户可以漫游,所以要准确确定其位置需要新的方法和技术。更大的问题是:从无线话机发出的紧急呼叫有可能不会被转接到最近的 911 中心。即便能够做到这一点,工作人员也不会得到主叫号码或主叫的位置。工作人员必须花费宝贵的时间尽量让主叫人给出地址,而前提条件是主叫人必须知道自己所在位置,还要能够说得出话来。估计在 4500 万 911 的呼叫中,有 30%是用无线话机拨打的,所以建造可靠的无线 E911 基础设施至关重要。

Para6在蜂窝网络中布设 911 是通过三个阶段进行的。第一阶段,也是目前所处的阶段,也被称作无线阶段 0:确保 911 呼叫能够转接到一个紧急通信受理中心,不必要是最近的紧急通信受理中心。无线阶段 1:紧急通信受理中心会获得主叫的回拨号码,这在通话意外中断时很有意义。无线阶段 2:向 911 工作人员提供主叫电话号码和主叫的位置信息。Para7今天,在美国 79%的州已经在其 80%的县布设了有线 E911。比较而言,50%已完成无线阶段 1,而只有 18%的州在 80%的县布设了无线阶段 2。

Para10VoIP E911 服务的计划已经确定,也是通过三个阶段来实施。阶段一,或通常称为 I1 解决阶段,详细说明住宅或零售 VoIP 911 呼叫会通过公共电话交换网络、电缆或竞争性的 本地交换运营商转接到当地的紧急通信受理中心。阶段二,或称 I2,会通过公共电话交换 网络为 IP 电话提供完整的 E911 服务。布设的第三阶段,或称 I3,会把 E911 承载到 IP,也包括没有电话号码的设备。

Para11正在讨论许多种让服务提供商为 E911 服务查明 IP 电话的位置信息的方法,但美国通信委员会就此还没有提出明确的方向。布赖恩•罗森先生,负责马可尼公司宽带路由和交换部门的前副总裁,也是一家刚刚创建的生产下一代紧急通信受理中心基础设施的埃莫治可姆公司的创始人,他认为解决方案必须包括技术和法规两个方面。他指出接入基础设施提供商,即拥有数字用户线路、电缆和无限保真网服务的实体总能确定设备在网络上的位置。问题是要把位置信息传递给应用服务提供商、IP 电话运营商或企业。罗森认为应向接入基础设施提供商征税支付 E911 服务费用,就像在有线网络中一样。通过把费用转移给应用服务提供商的方法可以补足应用服务提供商的成本开销,也实现了对终端用户的收费。

Para15三角测量比简单的使用电话接入点定位更进了一步。通过对比多个接入点的信号强度,三角测量能更精确定位用户。问题是三角测量在电话与多个基站相连的蜂窝网络中颇为有 效,但无限保真网的协议却是为接入单个接入点而设计的。蜂窝网络在已获授权波段工作,而无限保真网络使用的是未授权的波段,因此其他设备的干扰会使三角测量难以进行。

第三篇:会计专 英语答案小抄


1.He is a manager.Is he a manager?

2.She usually goes to work by bus.Does she usually go to work by bus?

3.There are fifty students in the class.Are there fifty students in the class?

4.They have a large house.Does they have a large house?

5.He’s currently working on TV advertisements.Is he currently working on TV advertisements? 将下列句子改写为否定句。.You can smoke in the bedrooms.You can’t smoke in the bedrooms.2.It usually shows in winter in Ireland.It doesn’usually snow in winter in Ireland.3.Put them on the desk.Don’t put them on the desk.4.She has got brown wavy hair.She has not got brown wavy hair.5.I need to buy some apples.I don’t need to buy any opples.根据提示改写下列句子

1.用how对划线部分提问)How does he go work? 2.She is flying for Paris on Thursday.(用when对划线部分提问)

When is she flying for Paris? 3.The bus stop is outside the office?(用where对划线部分提问)

Where is the bus stop?

4.They will go to the wedding reception.(改为否定句)

They will not go to the wedding reception.5.He was at the party last night.(改为否定句)

He was not at the party last night.根据括号里的提示改写句子

1.He always works on Tuesday.(改一般疑问句)Does he always work on Tuesday?

2.I have to work every evening.(改为否定句)I don’t have to work everyevening?

3.My computer is working.(改为否定句)My computer is not working.4.The meal will take two hours.(用how long 对划线部分提问)How long will the meal take? 5.The flat costs 500 pounds a month.(用how much对划线部分提问)

How much does the flat cost a month?


1.You can use the phone in the living room.(改为否定句)

You can’t use the phone in the living room.2.Mary will be there.(改为否定句)Mary won’be there.3.The flight takes about three hours.(用how long对划线部分提问)

How long does the flight take?


1.She likes swimming.(改一般疑问句)Does she like swimming?

2.He is talking to a customer.(改一般疑问句)Is he talking to a customer?

3.My brother has a car.(改为否定句)My brother doesn’t have a car.4.The manager is 40 years old.(用how old 对划线部分提问)How old is the manager? 5.They eat in the canteen at lunchtime.(用where对划线部分提问)Where do they eat atlunchtime? 根据提示改写下列句子

1.There are two plants in the house.(改一般疑问句)Are there two plants in the house?

2.She drinks coffee in the evening.(改为否定句)

She soesn’t drink coffee in the evening.3.There will be 70 people.(用how many对划线部分提问)

How many people will there be ? 4.Xiaoyan living in Shanghai because it is very exiting.(用why对划线部分提问)

Why does Xiaoyan like living in Shanghai? 5.They are going to do the shopping on Saturday morning.(用when对划线部分提问)

When are they going to do the shopping?


1.Idon’t like the flat.It is too near the road.我不喜欢这套公寓。它离公路太近了。

2.He is not very tall and wears glasses.他个子不太高,带着眼睛。Do you like reading English newspapers? 你喜欢看英文报纸吗?

4.I’m interested in that large flat.我对那套大公寓感兴趣。

5.There are two armchairs, a sofa and a television in the living room.起居室里有两面三刀反扶手椅,一张沙发和一台是视。

6.Do you have next year’s calendar?你有明年的是历吗?

7.He wants to buy three packets of cigarettes.他想买三包烟。

8.There are a lot of trainers in the evening in the gym.晚上健身中心有很多教练。

9.They sometimes lend their car to their parents.他们有时把车借给父母用。

10.This flat is much more expensive than that flat.这套公寓比那套公寓贵多了。

11.I always write personal letters by hand.我总是亲笔写私人信件。

12.Please turn off the light before you leave.你离开的时候请关灯。

13.I often go to the gym at off –peak hours.我经常在人少的时候支健身中心。

14.My father keens on researching our family history.我父亲喜欢研究我家的家族史。

15.There will be a band at the wedding reception.婚礼上会有一个乐队。

16.The Meeting Rooms are on the ground floor.会议室在一楼。

17.He’s talking to a customer right now.他现在正和一个顾客谈话。

18.David usually have a sandwich in his office at lunchtime.大卫午饭时间常常zai办公室吃一个


19.I have a reservation for a single room.我预定了一个单人房。

20.I’m waiting for a important telephone call from my boss in Shanghai.我正在等老板从上海打来的的一个重要电话。The living room is large and comfortable.起居室又大又舒服。

22.I prefer watching TV to reading the paper.和看报纸相比,我更喜欢看电视。

23.The bank is opposite the newsagent’s.银行在报亭对面。

24.He borrows a lot of money from me.他向我借了很多钱。

25.It takes forty minutes to get from the airport to the city center by taxi.坐的士从飞机场到市中心得花40分钟。

26.You need to reduce your temperature.你该降降体温。

27.I feel worried sbout my exam next week.对下周的测验我感到担心。

28.He is good at web---design, much better than her.他擅长网面设计,比她好多了。

29.There are four candidates for this job.有4个人竞争这份工作。

30.We will make a decision before the 30th September.我们将在9月30日之前做个决定。

I go swimming once a week.我一个星期游一次泳。

32.Which museum do you want to go?你要去哪能一个博物馆?

33.She is less interested in computers than I am.她没有我对电脑感受兴趣。

34.Could you open that bottle, please?请问你能打开那个瓶子吗?

35.The weather in Beijing is the same as the weather in New York.北京的气候和纽约是一样的。

1.How old is the manager?(Right)

2.What do they do?(Right)

3.Would you like some crisps?(Wrong)

4.How much does the flat cost a month?(Wrong)

5.Could you sign the register, please?(Right)

6.How do I get to the bus station?(Right)

7.What does he look like?(Wrong)

8.What’s the weather like in Shanghai?(Wrong)

9.What do you think of your new job?(Right)

10.Excuse me where is the bus stop, please?(Right)

11.How are you feeling?(Right)

12.How was your day yesterday?(Wrong)

3.Why don’t we have a barbecue?(Right)

14.Whattime does the Swimming Pool close?(Wrong)

15.Whatwas the party like?(Right)

16.What are your parents doing right now?(Wrong)

17.Can I help you?.(Right)

18.Could I speak to Harry, please?Right)

19.What do you think of the Internet?(Right)

20.How much oil do you need ?(Wrong)

21.Hello.I’m Xiaoyan.Nice to meet you.(Wrong)

22.Excuse me, where is the nearest bank, please?(Wrong)

23.Do you have any family?(rght)

24.How much is the rent of the flat?(Wrong)

25.What does her boyfriend look like?(Right)

26.Are you free tomorrow?(Right)

27.Could you ring them up please? I’m sometimes quite nervous on the phone.Are you? I’m fine.(Wrong)(Wrong)(Wrong)(Wrong)(Wrong)(Wrong)

28.How about going to an estate agent?(Right)

29.What’s the weather like in your city?(Wrong)

30.Could you tell me your carnumber, please?(Right)

31.Hello , Linda ,how are you?(Wrong)

32.Would you like to go with us?Wrong)

33.Excuse me , where’s the bank , please?(Right)

34.What do you do?(Right)

35.Who’s speaking, please?(Right)



●“Arrange a meeting for Friday,Guy”said Max(用to tell改写句子Max told Guy to arrange a meeting for Friday.●Are the young couple drinking red or white wine?(用he asked改写成间接一般问句)He asked whether●Are the customers happy?(用he asked改写成间接一般问句)He asked if the customers were happy ●Are the meals ready?(用she asked 改写成间接引语)She asked whether the meals were ready.●Alan bought the things.He bought things he would need for the trip.(用that改写句子)the things that he would need for the trip.●Although it rained, the visit was a success.(用In spite of将两句连成一句)In spite of the rain, the visit was a success.●At the meeting Tim listened to his colleagues.They gave him their opinions.(用动词ing形式改写句子)giving him their opinions

●“Can you phone me later, Susan?” said David.(用ask, to改写句子)David asked Susan to phone him later.●“Can you get me the list of hotels,Susan?”said David(用ask..to改写句子)David asked Susan to ●“Can you tell me the flight time, please,Susan?”said Xiaoyan.(用ask…about改写句子)Susan about the flight time.●Can I talk to the guests?(用she asked me改写成间接特殊疑问句)She asked me whether /if she could talk to the guests.●“Could you please prepare me a document about publicity,Rose?”said Max(用ask…for改写句子)Max ●Did the customer pay?(用he asked改写成间接一般问句)He asked whether the customer had paid.●Do the customers like the new atmosphere?(用she asked me改写成间接特殊疑问句)the customers liked the mew atmosphere.●Does Mr Sims like his wine?(用he asked改写成间接一般问句)He asked if Mr Sims liked his wine ●Does the fish taste good?(用he asked改写成间接一般问句)He asked whether the fish tasted good.●“Don’t phone me,Peter”said John.(用tell..to改写句子)John told Peter not to phone him.●Everything in that shop is terribly expensive(用so改写句子)Everything in that shop is so expensive

●Finally he had enough money.He bought his ticket.(用so改写句子)Finally he had enough ●“Have you got my bag?” she asked.(将句子改成间接引语)She asked if I had got her bag.●Have you introduced any new dishes?(用she asked me改写成间接特殊疑问句)whether/if I had introduced any new dishes

●He asked a friend to go with him.The friend couldn’t go.His friend was too busy.(用but、because改写句子)him, but he couldn’t go because he was too busy.●He agrees with Ken(用Who对Jenny提问)Who does he agree with?

●He bought the trousers.I chose them for him.(用that连接句子)He bought the trousers that I chose for him.●He cleaned the car.He cleaned my car(用that/which连接句子)The car that/which he cleaned was mine.●He called at a travel agent’s.They told him how much the ticket would cost.(用who改写句子)He called at a travel ●He didn’t run fast.He didn’t catch the bus.(用enough…to改写句子)He didn’t run fast enough to catch the bus.●He disturbed the burglars.(用被动语态改写句子)The burglars were disturbed by him.●He phoned the friend.The friend lent him money.He didn’t have enough(用who、because 改写句子)who lent him money because he didn’t have enough.●He phoned the girl.She was his sisters’friend(用that/who连接句子)The girl that/who he phoned ●He hadn’t got enough money.He had to wait for a while(用so改写句子)money, so he had to wait for a while.●He saw them.They carried Tim’s things to a van.(用动词ing形式改写句子.He saw them carrying ●He saw them.They left the house..(用动词ing形式改写句子.He saw them leaving the house.●He stole the laptop.(改为被动语态)The laptop●He shouldn’t work such long hours.You shouldn’t work long hours.(用neither改写句子work such long hours and neither should you.●He shouldn’t work such long hours.You shouldn’t work long hours.(用not…either改写句子)He shouldn’t●He took the computer(将句子改为被动语态)The ●He went to a shop.He bought a rucksack there.(用where改写句子)He went to a shop where he boughtarucksack.●He went to Beijing.He had a friend in Beijing.(用where改写句子)He went to Beijing where he had a friend.●He’s gone to Shanghai.He’s negotiating a new contract.(用动词不定式将两句连成一句)gone to Shanghai to negotiate a new contract.●He’s looking after his mother(用who对his mother提问)Who is he looking after?

●He’s really bad tempered.Idon’t talk to him.(用so改写句子)He’s really bad tempered, so I don’t talk to him.●His neighbour didn’t phone the police immediately.He rang Tim at the office.(用instead of改写句子)Instead of phoning the police immediately, his neighbour rang Tim at the office

●His neighbor listened to them.They damaged the flat.(用动词ing形式将两个句子改写成一句)His ●His neighbor heard them.They made a noise.(用动词ing形式将两个句子改写成一句)His neighbor heard them mading a noise.●How many people are eating?(用he asked改写成间接特殊疑问句)He asked how many people were eating ●I can’t keep accounts.She can’t keep accounts.(用neither/nor改写句子)I can’t keep accounts and ●I can’t keep accounts.She can’t keep accounts.(用not…either改写句子)I can’t keep accounts and she can’t either.●“I can’t find my notebook,”she said.(改为间接引语)She said she couldn’t find her notebook.●I don’t like sweet things.They don’t like sweet things(用neither/nor改写句子)things and neither/nor do they.●I don’t like sweet things.They don’t like sweet things(.(用not…either改写句子)I don’t like sweet ●I don’t want to read the book.I put it on the table.(用that/which连接句子)read the book that/which I put on the table.●I have’t got a car.She hasn’t got a car.(用neither/nor改写句子)I haven’t got a car and neither/nor has she.●I have’t got a car.She hasn’t got a car.(用not…either改写句子)I haven’t got a car and she hasn’t either.●“I heard a noise under my living room”he said.(改写成间接引语)He said he heard a noise umder ●I heard from Jenny today.(用Who征对Jenny提问)Who did you hear from?

●I’m a teacher and she is also a teacher.(用so改写句子)I’m a teacher and so is she

●I’m tall and thin.My mother is too.(用so改写句子)●I’m looking for the telephone book.(用what 对telephone book提问)●I’m going on holiday tomorrow.She is going on holiday tomorrow.(用so改写句子)holiday tomorrow and so is she.●I’m going on holiday tomorrow.She is going on holiday tomorrow.(用too改写句子)I’m going on ●I’ve written to Green Fingers(用who征对Green Fingers提问)

●I’ll apply for that job tomorrow.(用What征对that job提问)●I like the new restaurant and Polly does too.(用so改写句子)I like the new restaurant so does Polly.●I opened the door.They could come in.(用so改写句子)I opened the door, so they could come in.●I took the flight.It left at 6 a.m.((用that/which改写句子)I took the flight that/which left at 6 am.●I went shopping.I needed a new pair of shoes.(用because将两句连成一句)because I needed a new pair of shoes.●It was raining.We went home.(用so改写句子)It was raining ,so we went home.●I was too hot.I couldn’t open the window.(用but将两句连成一句)I was too hot but I couldn’t open the window.●“I want some photographs”she said(改写成间接引语)She said she wanted some photographs.●“I want my laptop back,”said Tim.(改写成间接引语)Tim said if she could have a cup of tea.●Is the food ready?(用he asked改写成间接一般问句)He asked if the food was ready.●Is the builder coming tonight?(用he asked改写成间接一般问句)He asked whether the builder was coming tonight.●Is the new dish tasty?(用he asked改写成间接一般问句)He asked whether the new dish was tasty.●It was raining.We went home.(用so将两个句子合成一句)It was raining so we went home.●It was a place.He wanted to go there.(用where将两句合成一句)It was a place where he wanted to go.●Jack is responsible for all the training.(用What针对 all the training提问)What is Jack responsible for? ●Mary didn’t stay at home.She went round to see Tim.(用instead of将两个句子合成一句)Instead ●“Put the folders on the table, please, Debbie,”said Susan.(用ask…to改写句子)to put the folders on the table.●She’s coming here.She’s signing the contract.(用动词不定将两句合成一句)She’s coming here to sign the contract.●She’s contacted that company.She’s applying for a job(用动词不定式将两句连成一句)She’s ●She’s forgot about the meeting yesterday.(用What 针对the meeting改写句子)●She’s got a new job.He’s got a new job.(用so改写句子)She’s got a new job and so has he.●She’s got a new job.He’s got a new job.(用too改写句子)She’s got a new job and he’s got too.●She bought T-shirts.They were too small for me.(用that/which连接句子)bought were too small for me.●She sold the radio.She had it in her bedroom.(用that/which连接句子)She sold the radio ●She packed the suitcase.She was taking it to Shanghai.(用that/which连接句子)suitcase that/which she was taking to Shanghai.●She was promoted.He was promoted.(用so改写句子)She was promoted and so was he.●She was promoted.He was promoted.(用too改写句子)She was promoted and he was too.●So he asked a friend called Marcus.The friend was interested in travel.This friend said he would like to go(用who/that、and改写句子)friend called Marcus who/that was interested in ●South America is a continent.South America has always interested Alan a lot.(用that改写句子)South America is a continent that has always

●That is the company.Their staff work for us.(用whose改写句子)That is the company whosestaff work for us.●That’s the firm.The firm’s manager is Mr Willetts(用whose改写句子)That’s the firm whose manager is Mr Willetts.●That cinema is very nice.The tickets are quite expensive.(用but 将两句连成一句)is very nice but the tickets are quite expensive.●“That gives me a good idea”he said(改为间接引语)He said that gave him a good idea.●“That meeting was long and boring,Max”said Rose.(用tell..about改写句子)Rose told Max about the meeting.●The book was on the table.I took it.(用that改写句子)I took the book that was on the table.●The burglar broke into my flat.He took a lot of things.(用that/who连接句子)The burglar ●The burglars didn’t see him.He came downstairs.(用动词ing改写句子)The burglars didn’t see him coming downstairs.●The thieves didn’t open the door.They smashed the lock.(用instead of将两个句子合成一句)Instead ●The firm employed Polly.The firm is called Green Fingers.(用that/which连接句子)that/which employed Polly is called Green Fingers.●The people arranged the meeting.They got the time wrong(用that/who连接句子)The people that/who ●“The presentation was good,Jack”said Mary(用tell...about 改写句子)Mary told Jack about the presentation

●The neighbour contacted the police.(改为被动语态)The police were contacted by the neighbour.●They’re worried about Jim.(用Who针对Jim提问)Who are they worried about?

●They’ve gone to Bristol.They’re performing in a concert.(用动词不定式改写句子)to Bristol to perform in a concert.●They are going to look after the cat.(用What 针对the cat改写句子)What are they going to look after? ●They smashed the window.(改成被动语态)The window was smashed by them.●They cooked the meal.We had it last night.(用that/which连接句子)They cooked the meal ●They carried the things to the van,(将句子改为被动语态)The things were carried to the van by them.●They don’t smoke.He doesn’t smoke.(用neither/nor改写句子)They don’t smoke and neither/nor does he.●They don’t smoke.He doesn’t smoke.(用not…either改写句子)They don’t smoke and he doesn’t smoke either.●They decided on a trip.The trip would go from Buenos Aires to Mexico City.(用that改写句子)a trip that would go from Buenos Aires to Mexico City.交际用语除了部分新题型外, 如果跟下面的回答一样就选●I didn’t buy the book because I didn’t have any money on me.A对, 不一样就选B错, ●I don’t knowhowto explain it ● Are you married?Yes, I am.●I don’t know where the key is, but I suppose I could ●Why do you come to live in China? Because I got a job here.●What’s your job?I’m a journalist.●I’m tired.I haven’t gotenoughenergy(精力)●When did he go to America? Two years ago.to go to the gym today.● Are you ready to order ?Ice cream for me please.●I’m going to buy Mary a birthday gift.Do you have●Are you ready to order?Could I have a glass of wineplease?in mind? ●Are you ready to order?Yes.I’ll have a chicken salad please●I wasonmywayto school when I saw the accident.●Are you ready to order? Yes.I’ll have a steak, please.●I have no idea who stole his wallet.It could have been anyone.●Can you remember the doctor’s telephone number? ●I’ve always enjoyed swimming●If I don’t have to work late on Friday, I mightgo ●Could I have a bottle of water, please?Certainly, madamdancing with friends.●Your friend Sally phoned you this afternoon.Can I help you? ●John enjoys jogging while his brother prefers to go skiing.●Have you been to America? Yes.I went there last year.● John didn’t turn up until the meeting had finished.●Have you ever tried sailing?_ No.I’d like to try ●Let’s go to the Great Wall by bike,shall we ? ●How about drinking some coffee? I’d prefer to drink some tea●My plant died.Ishould have watered(浇水)it.●How is the weather today?I’m fine,thank you.错选B ●My aunt was angry with her family and went away by herself ●I went to a fashion show last night.What was it like●Mary’s father is very pleased with her.●They kicked the door in.(改为被动语态)The door was kicked in.●They sold the house.It was very modern.用that连接句子)The house that they sold was very modern.●“They took my laptop” said Tim(改写成间接引语)Tim said they took his laptop.●They were late.They had to drive fast.(用so改写句子)They were late, so they had to drive fast

●This is the house.She lives there.(用where改写句子)This is the house where she lives.●Tim didn’t stay in the meeting.He left the office.(用instead of将两个句子合成一句)Instead of ●Tim didn’t meet Mary.He went home.(用instead of将两个句子合成一句)Instead of meeting Mary, Tim went home.●Tim didn’t go to work the next day.He cleared up the flat.((用instead of将两个句子合成一句)going to work the next day, Tim cleared up the flat.●Tim has lost his camera.I have lost my camera.(用so将两句合成一句)Tim has lost his camera and I have too.●Tim has lost his camera.I have lost my camera.(用too将两句合成一句)Tim has lost his camera and so have I.●Tim listened to his secretary.She told him about the burglary.(用动词ing形式改写句子)Tim listened ●What problems have you had this evening?(用she asked me改写成间接特殊疑问句)what problems I had had this evening.●Where is the restaurant?(用He asked 改写成间接特殊疑问句)He asked where the restaurant was.●Who’s the builder?(用she asked me改写成间接特殊疑问句)She asked me who the builder was.●Who is working in the restaurant?(用he asked改写成间接特殊疑问句)He asked who was working in the restaurant.●Who wants some soup?(用he asked改写成间接特殊疑问句)He asked who wanted some soup.●Why are the decorators late?(用he asked改写成间接特殊疑问句)He asked why the decorators were late ●Why isn’t the wall finished?(用he asked改写成间接特殊疑问句)He asked why the wall wasn’t finished

●We had a meal there.Harry did too.(用so改写句子)We had a meal there and so did Harry.●We made a trip to Edinburgh.It was very good..(用that/which改写句子)The trip that/which we made to ●“We need fingerprints”she said.(改写成间接引语)●“We don’t know where our things are”they said.(改写成间接引语)They said they didn’t know where their things were.●When can Franco open the restaurant?((用he asked改写成间接特殊疑问句))He asked When Franco could ●When will the restaurant be ready?(用he asked改写成间接特殊疑问句)He asked when the restaurant would be ready.●Will you do it again?(用she asked me改写成间接特殊疑问句)She asked me whether/if I would do it again.●Xiaoyan hasn’t bought a flat.I haven’t bought a flat.(用neither/nor改写句子)flat and neither/nor does he.●Xiaoyan hasn’t bought a flat.I haven’t bought a flat.(用not…either改写句子)Xiaoyan hasn’t bought a ●“Yes,Polly ,the flight was very easy and not too long,”said Xiaoyan.(用tell..about改写句子)Xiaoyan told Polly about the flight.●Is dinner ready, Carol? It’s nearly ready●Is there a bank near here? Yes.There is one just down the road.●It’s very easy to clean up the room.Anyone can do it.●Shall we see a film tonight? I’d rather not, I’m quite tired ●What are you going to do this evening? I’m going to meet some friends●What are you going to do this evening?I saw a film with my son.●What a nice day!B: Yes.Let’s go camping,shall we ? ●What does he look like? He is tall and thin ●What time will the next train leave? At 8.19 对选A ●What did you think of the film? I thought it was really great ● Where did you go in China? I went to Xi’an and Guilin ●Which picture do you like?B: I think the big one is better.●Why don’t we go to arestaurant?Great●Would you like to go to the cinema this evening?●Whatdid you have for breakfast?Coffee and toast.●What would you like to have?An orange juice, ●Where did you go for your holiday?Two years ago.●Would you like to go to the cinema with me?I’d选择题 ● Neither of her brothers came to the wedding.They don’t like her new husband.●Neither, her mother norshe was at home when the thief came in.● Which of these books are yours? ●A: Have you finished your homework? B: No, I haven’t.●A: Have you typed the letter for me? B: Yes, I have.●A: Have you had your breakfast?B: No, I haven’t had it yet ● A: Have you sent the fax to the travel agent? B: Yes, I have ●A: Have you ever seen the film The Day After Tomorrow? B:●A:I haven’t eaten all day.B:You mustbe very hungry.●A: Thank you for lending me your dictionary.B: You’re welcome.But could you ●A: Who is at the door? B: It must be our new neighbour, Mrs Jones.● After they finished playing football, they went for a drink in a pub.●An application form will be sent to you on request ●Be careful!Don’t cutyourselfwith the knife.●Don’t _disturb _ him.He is writing a letter now.●Can Mary express herselfin Chinese? ●Could you tell me how toimprovmy English? ●Have you ever seen a tiger? ● He asked the waiterfora glass of water.●He bought two books.So didI.● He said that he would try his best to help me.●He said he hadn’tgot enough money.●He used to shout atme when I was a child.●He is a good friend ofours ●He failedin spite ofall his efforts.●He stoppedwatchingTV when the dinner was ready.●Is the supermarket onthe right or left? ●Is it difficult to learn to do Tai Chi? ● I saw himreading a bookin his office when everyone was looking for him.●Mike offered to help and so did John.●Paulbeganto learn French when he was 11.●Shall we go to a reastaurant? See you later.错 选B ●Sally is looking for a new job.She has been boredher job as a secretary.●She can hardly wait to hear the news,can she? ●She goes_ jogging every morning.●She told the childrennot tomake a noise.●She went to town last week.●Sorry, I’m not free this evening.I will have dinner with Mike.●There wasn’t anybodyin the house when she got home.●The children are enjoyingthemselvesat the party.●The film wasso boring that I fell asleep in the cinema.●The gifts he brought from Britain were sent outlast week.●The house was madeof wood.●The book was rather expensive, but I bought itanyway●The boys got up very late this morning.Theywatched too much TV last night.●The childspeaks fluent French.●They decided to leave next Friday.●They named the islandafterits discoverer.●Today is too busy.Let’s discuss it _some time next week.●Tom helped her motherwiththe cooking.●Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday.I want to buy ●This idea hit me when I woke upthis morning.●This red bicycle is _ his , and that blue one is Tom’s ●We’re goingon holiday in the autumn this year.●You’re driving too fast , slow down!●You can remember what you do if youkeep a diary●You’d better stoptalking.We’re listening to the news.●You should be more patientwithyour children.●You won’t get better if you don’tgive upsmoking.●We built the houseourselves.Nobody helped us.●Where’s todays’ newspaper?英译汉 ●Are you ready to order.A coffee for me.你准备好了点餐吗?请给我来杯咖啡●After they landed, they went to the comference.他们降落后,他们去了会场.●Although it is very enjoyable, the film is too long.这部电影挺好看的,但是太长了.●Before I went to see my girlfriend ,I had my hair cut 在我见女朋友前,我理了发 ●Because of the rain.因为下雨 ●Becarse it was late,we didn`t go to the film.我们没去看电影,因为时间晚了 ●Before they left, they had a coffee.他们离开前喝了杯咖啡.●Beijing is an hour’s drive from Tianjin.北京离天津1个小时的车程.●Both of the boys are good at singing.两个男孩歌都唱的很好.●Chengdu is northwest of Chongqing.成都在重庆的西北部.●Dave’s picking up van tomorrow.大卫明天会去取车 ●Did you use to get on well with your brother? 你曾经和你哥哥/弟弟关系处得好吗? ●Do you get on well with your classmates.你和你的同学关系好吗?

●Do you take after your mother or father?你是像你的爸爸还是像你的妈妈.●Football is the most popular sport in the world.足球是世界上最受欢迎的体育运动.●He asked me if I would like a cup of tea.他问我是否想喝一杯茶

●He is over there.The one who is wearing blue jeans.他站在那儿,穿蓝色牛仔裤的。

●He came across an old violin(painting)at his aunt’s(friend's)house.他在他阿姨(朋友)家看到一把很旧的小提琴(一幅古老的画).●He bought the trousers that I chose for him.他买了我给他挑选的裤子。

●He didn’t get up until 10.他直到10点才起床.●He has lived in London for three years.他已经在伦敦住了三年了.●He is wearing a white shirt.他穿着白衬衫

●He is wearing a green(red)shirt.他穿着一件绿(红)色的衬衫.

●He is over there.The one who is wearing blue jeans.他站在那儿,穿蓝色牛仔裤的。

●He could have gone to visit his parents in Bath.他可能去百期看他的父母

●He studies in a university west of Beijing.他在北京西部的一所大学上学。

●He didn`t use to smoke , but he does now.他过去不常吸烟,但现在吸烟了.●He used to play basketball every Sunday.他以前每周日都会去打篮球。

●He walks towards the window.他朝窗户走去.●He got on well with his sister.他和他姐姐相处很融洽 ●He pointed out that she needed a bettetr violin.他 指出他要一把更好的不提琴

●He used to play basketball every Sunday.过去他常在星期天打篮球

●I’ve played table tennis a lot, but I’ve never tried tennis.我曾经打过乒乓球,不过我从来没有打过网球.●I’ve asked John to check the computer.我已经叫约翰检查电脑

●I must have left the camera in the shop.我一定把相机落在商店里了.●I didn’t get up until 11.30 this morning.我今天早上十一点半才起床.●I didn’t have breakfast this morning.今天早上我没有吃早餐。

●I need to have it repaired 我需要让人帮我修一修 ●I need to be at the airport by 6.00 o’clock.我6点前得赶到机场.●I need something beautiful我需要一些漂亮的东西 ●I am getting the TV repaired tomorrow.我明天要把电视拿去修.●I had the windows cleaned yesterday.我昨天请人把玻璃擦了。

●I have the car serviced every three months.我的车每三个月保养一次.●I have to move out of my room on Friday because Franco has got another tenant.我周五之前得搬出去,因为弗兰科又招了一个新房客.●I've been learning English for three years.我学英语已经三年了。

●I was driving along the motorway when my car broke down.我正在高速公路上行驶,突然车坏了。●I would buy a car 我就会买一辆车

●I want to buy something to eat 我要一些吃的东西 ●I’ll finish my homework by 9 o’clock.我会在9点前完成家庭作业.●I`m supposed to pick up my child at 5我被允许五点接我的孩子。

●I’m going to buy him a violin for his birthday.他生日的时侯,我打算给他买一把小提琴.●I’m in a meeting until 1.00.我开会开到1点钟 ●I`m late ,aren`t you 我迟到了,是不是?

●I’m tired.I’ll take a taxi to go there.我累了,我想打的去.● I’m having my TV repaired.我正在让人帮我修电视呢。●It's a very interesting film.这是部非常有意思的电影. ●I must get some slides made.我得弄几张幻灯片.●I have had the websit improued.我已经请人修改了网站。●I’ve never been to Greece, and I’d love to go there.我从来没去过希腊,我很想去.●I’ve got the same sense of humour as my mum.我跟我的妈妈一样都有幽默感.●I used to like singing,but I don`t sing anymore.我曾经很喜欢唱歌,但现在都不唱了.●I used to swim , but I haven’t lately.我以前一直游泳,但后来不游了.●It would be great to see you to catch up on all our news.见到你们聊聊近况,那该有多好啊.●It would be great to see you again.再见到你真是太好了 ●It is very cold outside I`d rather stay at home.外面非常冷,我宁愿呆在家里

●If it`s were fine.如果天气好的话

●If I won the lottery, I’d buy a flat(large house).如果我中了彩票,我就买套公寓(房子).●If my brother calls, tell him to meet meat at six.如果我兄弟打电话来,告诉他六点钟和我见面。●My dad used to be a farmer and so did my grandfather.我父亲以前是个农民,我爷爷也是.●Let’sgooutfordinner.我们出去吃顿饭吧。●Let’s go and watch a football game, Shall we? 我们一起去看球赛,好吗?

●Looking after children can be very tiring.照料小孩可能会很累

●My home is far from the city centre.我家离市中心很远.●Mr Hilton is not good at sports.Neither is his child 希尔顿先生不擅长体育,他的孩子也不擅长 ●One of the biggest sporting events in the world is the Olympic Games.奥运会是世界上最大的体育赛事之一. ●Our designer,who joined us last year,works very hard.我们的设计师工作很努力,他是去年加入我们的。●Polly(波莉)is worried about her lack of experience.波莉担心自己缺乏经验.●Peter, you need to have your hair cut.彼特你该理发了

●Saladforme 我要份沙拉。

●Sandy is wearing a long, black, silk dress.桑迪穿着黑色的长丝裙.●Shall we have something to eat我们吃点东西好 ●She asked if she could have a cup of tea 她问她是否能喝一杯茶

●She borrowed the bood and gave it back on Monday.她借了本书周一就还了

●Soccer is one of the most dangerous sports in the world.英式足球是世界上最危险的体育活动 ●She looks like her mother,doesn’t she她长得象她母亲,是不是?

●She doesn't like swimming and neither does her sister.她不喜欢游泳,她妹妹也不喜欢游泳。●She used to live here.她曾经住在这里

●This shirt is too small.这件衬衫太小了.B: No, I think it’s big enough.不,我觉得够大了.●This T-shirt is mine and That one is yours这件T恤是我的,那件是你的●There’s enough salad, isn’t there? 那的沙拉够了,是不是?

●The accounts ,which are in a bit of a mess ,have tobe ready for next month..账目有点乱下个月要准备好.●The new suitcase which Xiaoyan(晓燕)got yesterday is full already.晓燕昨天新买的行李箱已经装满了.●The hotel is surrounded by fields and woods.酒店四周环绕着田野和树林.●The bride was dressed in a long white dress.新娘穿着白色的长裙.●The room ,which is in a mess needs to be cleared up immediately 那个乱七八糟的房间需要打扫了.●The window was smashed and the lock on the front door is broken.窗户被打破了,前门的锁也坏了.●The flat was in a bit of mess.公寓有点乱。

●They lived in a village north of London.他们住在伦敦北部的一个小村庄里.●They walked slowly along the road.他们沿着路慢慢走着

●They said they didn’t know where the books were.他们说他们不知道书在哪儿

●They enjoyed themselves at the party.他们在聚会上玩的很开心 ●While they were eating, they discussed the website.他们一边吃饭,一边讨论网站的事.●We’ve become good friends since last summer.从去年夏天起我们就成了好朋友了.●We have enough money to improve the website.我们有足够的资金来改善我们的网站.●We needed to have the website redesigned.我需要请人重新设计网站。

●We have known each othersince we went to school.自从我们上学后我们就相互认识了

●We have enough money to improve the website.我们要有足够的资金改善我们的网站

● Wecould have something to eatafter the film or go to a pub.我们看完电影后可以去酒巴吃点儿东西 ●We’ve got enough money to hire extra staff.我们有足够的钱,额外请几个工人.●When I see her , I will tell her about her brother 当我见到她时,我会告诉她有关她弟弟的事

●While she was waiting, her phone rang.她正等着,她的电话响了.●Which is the best football team in the world? 哪支是世界上最好的足球队

●Which do you prefer, tea or coffee ?你要喝茶还是咖啡

●You’ll be here tomorrow, won’t you?你明天不会去那,是不是

●You must have left it somewhere else.你一定把它放哪儿了.●You must have put it behind the door.你一定是把它放在门后

●You can go there either by bus or by tube你去那儿可以坐公共汽车,也可以坐地铁

●You don`t have to come tomorrow 明天你不必来


一.Dear all,This message is just to confirm the details for the next few days.See you all,Mary

1.They’ll load the vanafter Dave has picked it2.They’ll stay in a hotelone night.3.Mary will get to the hotel pm 4.They’ll stay at the hotel on night.二. Hi, Sharon,I’ve only got 10 days left in

England.How are things with you?Love Xiaoyan1.When will Xiaoyan leave England?2.Where will Xiaoyan live after moving out?3.What will happen to Franco’s flat when Xiaoyan and

4.Why does Xiaoyan need another suitcase?5.What would Xiaoyan most possibly do when 三.My grandfather was a completely different person before he had a stroke., relaxed man.work very hard.4.Doctors asked working_after he had a stroke.5.When he died, he四Ivydale Guesthouse ****Bath Tourist Association ApprovedFor reservations or a brochure, please call(01225)1212355

Ron and Ann3.Guests can

5.Peoplesmoke in the guesthouse.五.Mrs Black was having a lot of trouble with her skin(皮肤),“Well, when I got home, I found your shopping list beside the telephone and bought everything you have written down.”

1.Mrs Black’s doctor didn’t know what was wrong with her skin.对

2.The hospital sent Mrs Black the test results.错

3.Mrs Black took the piece of paper with her to the par错Mike’slifeinLondon now „„„.Nothing’s 4.Mr Black usually does the shopping for the changed really.Oh ,and I still can’t swim.family.错1.Mike now lives in London 5.Mr Black thought his wife needed the things 2.Mike got up late every morning.written on the paper.对3 .25 years later ,Mike still is late as in the past.六 The day was like any other day in his life..He 4.As boys both of them liked riding bicycles.went away and smiled, thinking he was happier.5 .Theywalked5milesbackhome because they 1.Tom passed the shop by bus.错were drunk。2.Tom stopped in front of the shop to look at the 十三Thank you for calling the Lincoln Tourist shoes he liked.对Information Office.I’m afraid the office is closed 3.The pair of shoes were too expensive for Tom and at the moment„„„„.You can get off the bus at his mother.对 five places of interest and continue your journey 4.The boy sitting in the wheel chair had no legs.对later.5.Tom went home to tell his mother about what 1.The office hour is from 10.30 to 3 on Sunday.错 had happened.错 2.The office provides information about where to eat.错 七I go to the barber(理发师)every month.“I have 3.There is tour guide on the bus who tells you 期never eaten this food before, so I am not going to about the places of interest.错 eat it now.”4.You are not allowed to get off the bus before the 1.The writer has his hair cut every month.对tour ends.错2.They got to know each other only a few months ago.错3.Every year the barber goes to some cities or villages in France.对 4.The barber is not very old but he has tried many strange food and drinks.错5.The barber lived in France when he was young.错八.Sarah Peters was born on January 4th, 1973 in Brighton.he is also a good writer.She has written two books about her marketing experiences.1.Sarah Peters received her secondary education(中学教育)in Brighton.错2.She studied Marketing in London Business College.对3.She got her first job in 1993错4.She got on well with people working in the business company in London.错

5.She wrote books about how to be a good mother and a marketing expert.错

九 Mr Spinney has got a great love for puppets(木偶).He is now sixty „„„„She looked at him and then said ,”Mummy!Does BigBird know he’s got a man inside him?”

1.Mr Spinney is an actor.对

2.He started making puppets when he was eight 错 3.Sesame Street is popular in America and other countries.对

4.Mr Spinney has got a lot of money playing the part of Big Bird.错

5.The child knows that Big Bird is actually played by an actor.错

十Hi ,Tim ,Well ,I back here and –how do you say it –nose to the grindstone again.Actually it is „„„.So you can expect an initation next month.I’d really like you to meet our team out here.I’ll be in touch again.Please give my love to everyone.Xiaoyan1.What does ‘nose to the grindstone ‘ mean here? 2.How has Shanghai changed according to Xiaoyan?3.What is Xiaoyan’

4.Is it possible that Xiaoyan can buy her own flat? 5.十一Linda was a few minutes late.Wilson had left the office when she got there.His secretary told her he would be back in a few minutes„„„„..he asked with a smile.It seemed she had got the job after all!

(1)Linda was late for the interview because she got up too late.错

(2)Wilson left the office to meet Linda.错

(3)Linda went into Wilson’s office by herself.错(4)Linda was experienced in radio and tdlevision work.错(5)Linda was surprised she could get the job.对 十二.When I first knew Mike ,we lived in a amall village in Scotland.It was very different from

5.This is a telephone message错 十四Welcome to the historic and beautiful City of Lincoln„.You can get off the bus at five places of interest and continue your journey later.1.The office hour is from 10.30 to 3 on Sunday.错2.The office provides information about where to eat对3.There is a tour guide on the bus who tells you about the places of interest.错 4.You are not allowed to get off the bus before the tour ends.错5.This is a telephone message.对




●-Hello.I’m Xiaoyan.Nice to meet you.- _________c________.C.Nice to meet you, too.I’m David Manning●—Hello, Linda, how are you? — ________b_________.B.Very well, thank you.And you? ●—What do you do? — _________a________.A.I am a policeman


—My father is a manager.My mother is a nurse.B.What do your parents do

● —How long does it take from Beijng to London ●-What does her boyfriend look like? - He is quite tall with fair curly hair.Right.(B)●- What are your parents doing right now?--My mother is retired.My father is manager.A.RightB.Wrong(A)● –Can I help you?

--Yes, I’d like to rent a flat.ARightB.Wrong

(A)● –Could I speak to Harry, please?-He’s not in, I’ m afraid.A.RightB.Wrong

(B)● – What do you think of the Internet?-I think it’s very useful.A.RightB.Wrong

(B)● – How much oil do you need?-It costs about 50 pounds.– That’s a good idea.● What time does the train leave? – At half past five.● How long does it take from Beijing to London by plane?

– It’s takes about 7 hours.● The shower isn’t working.—I’ll call the plumber.● What do you do?—I am a policeman.● What would you like.—An orange juice, please.● What is she doing right.Now—She is talking to Mary.● Hello.I’m David Manning.Nice to me you.—Nice to meet you, too.I’m Xiaoyan.● How do I get to the airport, please? by plane?

— __________b_______.B.It takes about 7 hours

●—How long does it take to go there by train? — _________b________.B.It takes 20 hours

●— What time does the train leave? — _______c__________.C.At half past five

●—The shower isn’t working.— ____________b_____.B.I’ll call the plumber

●—Would you like to go with us? — ______c___________.C.I’d love to

●—________b_________? —An orange juice, please.B.What would you like●— ________c_________.— That’s a good idea.C.Why don’t we write the invitations now●—Could you ring them up please? I’m sometimes quite nervous on the phone.—__________c__________

C.Yes, of course.I will phone them for you.●— How about seeing a film this evening? — Yes, _____a________.A.that’s a good idea ●— Excuse me, where is the nearest bank, please? — _____________c____.C.It’s next to the newsagent

●—Excuse me, how do I get to the gym, please? — __________a_______.A.You take the number 866 bus from the supermarket ●— What does your English teacher look like? — _________b________.B.She’s tall and has long, wavy hair●—What does her boyfriend look like? — ________c_________.C.He is quite tall with fair curly hair ● — What’s the weather like in this area? — ____________b_____.B.It’s rainy

●—How much is the rent of the flat? — ___________b______.B.It is 450 pounds a month ●— _________a________? — I’ve got a bad cough.A.What’s the matter with you


●- Hello.I’m Xiaoyan.Nice to meet you.- Fine, thank you.B.Wrong.● - Excuse me, where is the nearest bank, please?

- It’s not sure.B.Wrong.●- Do you have any family?

- Yes, I do.My mother and father live in Oxford.Right.●-How much is the rent of the flat? -It is near the center of the city.B.Wrong.A.RightB.Wrong

(A)●- How are you feeling?--I feel much better.Thank you.A.RightB.Wrong

(A)● – How was your day yesterday?--He looks sad.ARightB.Wrong

(A)● –Why don’t we have a barbecue?-That’s a good idea.A.RightB.Wrong

(B)● – What time does the swimming pool close?-On Tuesday.A.RightB.Wrong

(A)● – What was the party like?-It was great.A.RightB.Wrong

(B)●- How do I get to the bus station?--You take the number 38 bus.A.RightB.Wrong

(A)● – What does he look like?--He looks sad.ARightB.Wrong

(B)● –What’s the weather like in Shanghai?-That’s all right.A.RightB.Wrong

(A)● – What do you think of your new job?-I think it is very difficult.A.RightB.Wrong

(A)● – Excuse me, where is the bus stop, please?

-It’s outside the greengrocer’s.A.RightB.Wrong

(A)●- How old is the manager?--He is 35 year old.A.Right

(A)● – What do they do ?--They work in a bank.A.Right

(B)● –Would you like some crisps?-No, I’m sorry..B.Wrong

(B)● – How much does the flat cost a month?-It’s on the tenth floor.B.Wrong

(A)● – Could you sign the register, please?Neither ______ I.A.haveB.doC.am

(A)● He can _______ good English.A.speak B.talkC.say

(A)● – What about Wednesday evening?--Sorry, ___ then.A.I’m too busy B.I’m free C.I’m fine(A)● I’m interested _____ cooking.A.inB.toC.at

(B)● It often ________ in winter in the north of China.A.snowB.snowsC.is snowing

(A)17 _________ come to dinner tonight?

A.Would you like to B.How aboutC.What about(B)● I don’t need _____ mineral water, but I’d like ___ tea, thanks.A.any, anyB.any, someC.some, some(A)● I am not keen ______ sports.A, onB.with C.in

(A)● You can paint the walls and ___ posters.You can do what you want.A.put upB.put downC.put on(A)● – I prefer watching TV.--______ do I.A.SoB.NeitherC.Nor

(C).● How much does it cost ______ bus?A.atB.on C.by

(A)● – The area is too dirty.-Yes, I agree.It’s _______ A.not clean enoughB.not enough clean C.clean not enough

(B)● He goes to work ______ foot but comes back home _____ taxi.A.by, by B.on, byC.by, on(C)●How about ________ a taxi?A.takeB.to takeC.taking

(B)● He _____ for an IT company.B.works(C)● Wang Li is _______ a new market campaign at the moment.C.planning(C)● Polly enjoys ________ the guitar in a band in her free time.C.playing

(B)● There ________ three plants in the corners of the room.B.are(A)17 I work in ______ IT Department of________ large bank.A.the, a

(B)● What ______ “nr” mean?B.does

(B)● I sometimes go to the pub _______ Friday.B.on

(A)● ________ people are my friends._________ people are my husband’s friends.A.These , Those

(B)● He _____ in Beijing, but his parents _________ in Hangzhou.B.lives, live

(A).● My husband doesn’t _________, but I like it very much.A.like shopping

(C)●but the best time is between

5:00 pm and 11:00 pm.There are a lot of trainers here in the evening.Xiaoyan:Thank you very much.●The gym is open from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday.F

●The swimming pool is open every day.T ●There aren't any Tai Chi classes at the gym.F ●There are Aerobics classes on Saturday and Sunday morning.T

David:So, what about seeing this flat, Xiaoyan? Love, Xiaoyan

●What does Xiaoyan stay in London for? B.She is working.●What are Xiaoyan’s London colleagues like? C.They are very nice.●What does Xiaoyan think of London? C.She thinks it is exciting.●What does Xiaoyan think of people in London? B.She thinks they are friendly.●What’s the weather like in London when Xiaoyan is writing this letter? A.It is warm.David: OK, the interviews are on Friday.This is the shortlist of candidates for the job---there are four people.Xiaoyan: Looking at their application forms, there are some very good people here with a lost of skills.The advertisement in the newspaper was very exciting.→ Why does Xiaoyan like living in Shanghai? ● They are going to do the shopping on Saturday morning.→ Where are they going to do the shopping?



My name is Helena.I am from Greece and I am an English student in London.Four other students are in my class.They are all European(欧洲人).Carla is Italian.She is very beautiful.In Rome she lives alone,but in London she lives with me.She works for the government.Yuri is from Russia.He likes studying English and playing football in his spare time.In Russia he is a bank manager and he lives with his wife.In London he lives alone.● There are B students in Helena’s class.A.4 B.5 C.6

● Carla livesC in London.A.alone B.with her parentsC.with Helena ● Yuri likes Ain his free time.A.playing footballB.playing music C.playing with the children

阅读下列短文或对话,并判断其后的句子是否符合文中内容。符合的写T(True),不符合的写F(False)。David:Good morning.I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr Bond this morning, please.Nurse:I’m sorry.I don’t have any appointments this morning.David:Oh, dear.I’m feeling really ill.Nurse:What’s the matter?

David:I feel terrible.I’ve got a headache, backache and a sore throat.Nurse:Have you got a temperature?

David:I think so.I was hot and cold all night and I was sick this morning.Nurse:You feel awful, don’t you? Do you think you’ve got flu?

David:Yes, probably.Or an infection in my throat.● David felt hot and cold during the night.T ● The nurse thinks David has an infection in his throat.F

● Mr Bond is free at 11:30F

Receptionist:In Shape, good afternoon.Can I help you?

Xiaoyan: Hello.Yes, I'd like some information about the gym.Receptionist:Certainly.We are near London Bridge and the gym is open from

6:00 am to 11:00 pm from Monday to Friday and between

7:00 am and 8:00 pm, on Saturday and Sunday.Xiaoyan: OK.Is the swimming pool open at the same times?

Receptionist:Yes it is.Xiaoyan: OK.Am I right-there aren't any Tai Chi classes at the gym?

Receptionist:No, actually, we are starting a

Do you like it? Why don't you call them?

Xiaoyan:Well, I don't know — yes, it is the best.David, could you ring them up, please? I'm sometimes quite nervous on the phone.I'm okay with business, but I don't like talking about things I don't understand very well.David:Yes, of course I'll phone them.But how about going to an estate agent, then you're talking face to face?

Xiaoyan:What do you mean?

David:Why don't you go to an estate agent? They sell flats, but they've usually got flats to rent.Talk to them about what you are looking for.I'll help you find a good estate agent in the phone book.Xiaoyan:Yes, that's a good idea.●Xiaoyan is always nervous on the phone.F●David doesn't want to phone about the flat in the newspaper.F

●David thinks it is a good idea to go to an estate agent.T


Helen’s husband is Mark.Mark and Helen have got two children: a son and a daughter.The son’s name is Andrew and the daughter’s name is Joyce.Joyce has got two children, a son and a daughter.So Helen and Mark have got two grandchildren.Helen’s granddaughter’s name is Pam and her grandson’s name is Dan.Andrew isn’t married and he hasn’t got any children.Pam and Dan like playing on the computer with their uncle.Andrew also likes playing football with his brother-in-law, Tom.●Andrew is Dan’s uncle.Right.●Mark is Dan’s father.B.Wrong.●Tom is Dan’s grandfather.B.Wrong.●Joyce is Tom’s wife.Right.●Pam is Andrew’s niece.Right.Hi Joe,How are you? I’m sitting on the balcony of my hotel.I am looking at Hyde Park in London and I am thinking about my life here.I am having a wonderful time.I like my job – it is very interesting, and my colleagues are great.I love London –it’s busy, noisy, crowded and exciting.The cinemas, theatres, pubs and restaurants are really nice, – but they’re too expensive!I think the people in London are very friendly(surprise!)and I’ve got some new friends.What the weather like in Shanghai? Is it raining? Here it’s lovely!It isn’t foggy!The sun is shining and the birds are singing.It’s very warm.(Surprise, surprise!)

And it is my birthday today.But I am missing you all in Shanghai.COME AND VISIT!good.David: This one looks very intelligent.His CV says he was at Harvard and Bristol universities.Yes, they are all young and experienced.Mark: And attractive!

Daivd:Do you mean good-looking in their photos, or attractive personality?

Mark:: Personality, of course!We want someone relaxed and easy-going as well as bright.David: Yes, we’re a small team, so to be friendly is important.Xiaoyan: As well as personality, the important skill are web-design, website management, training skills and French, am I right?(B)● The interviews last two days.A.Right B.Wrong

(A.)● There are four people on the shortlist of candidates.A.RightB.Wrong

(B)● A candidate’s personality is more important than his or her skills.A.Right B.Wrong

(B)●All four candidates were at Harvard and Bristol UniverstiyA.Right B.Wrong

(A)● British people usually have to pay for their prescription at the chemist’s.A.Right B.Wrong

Let me tell you about my new job.It’s great.I work for Centre Company.They have an office in London.I am the Deputy Marketing Manager.I am in charge of newspaper advertisements.Currently I am writing advertisements for the local newspapers, and I am visiting our customers to introduce myself.I like working here, but I don’t like travelling by tube.It’s too busy!We start work at nine 0’ clock.There are some very nice colleagues, and I often eat lunch with them in the canteen.Lunch is from one o’clock to two o’clock.Then I finish work at 6 o’clock.My brother works near my office.He is in insurance, and sometimes we have a drink in the pub in the evening-----but at the moment he is having a holiday in Scotland.(B)● The writer _______ new job.A.doesn’t like thisB.likes his

C.is looking for a

(B)● The writer works in _______A.insuranceB.marketingC.computers

(A)● The writer works for about ________ on weekdays.A.8 hoursB.9 hoursC.10 hours

(C)● The writer thinks the tube is too ______A.noisyB.slowC.busy

(A)● The writer and his brother ________

A.sometimes see each otherB.never see each otherC.see each other every day

What should I do at a party in England? What do I do at the party?

You should always offer to get drinks for other people when you go to get a drink for yourself.You should introduce yourself to new people in the group.You should avoid personal questions about family until you know them better.Good topics of conversation are films, books, television programmes, holidays, jobs, the town you are in, etc.You should ask for permission to smoke;say “Is it alright if I smoke” Or, better, you should go outside to smoke.Many people don’t like the smell of smoke inside.What do I do when I leave?

If you are not a close friend of the hosts, you shouldn’t be the last to leave.You should say “Thank you ” to the hosts and say “It was a lovely party.I really enjoyed myself.And then you should go back to people you talked to and say “I was very nice to meet you.”(B)● When you go to get a drink for yourself, you should _______

A.introduce yourself first

B.offer to get drinks for other people in the group

C.ask for permission

(C)● You should not talk about _____ with new people.A.the town you are inB.television programmes

C.personal questions about family

(B)● People don’t like the smell of smoke inside, so you should ________

A.not smoke before you go to a partyB.go outside to smokeC.smoke in the kitchen

(A)● ________ get drunk at a party.A.You should neverB.It’s Ok to

C.You should say sorry if you

(B)● You say “It was very nice to meet you ” when you _______

A.meet other guestsB.leave other guestsC.meet your hosts

In Britain people usually have a doctor near their home or in their town.This is the local doctor.You have to register with a doctor before you can make an appointment.You usually have to fill in a form and the doctor examines you.families often all register with the same doctor.Doctors often work together in groups, and the name of the place where they work is a Doctor’s Surgery.The government pays for this system, and it is free to got to see your doctor.If the doctor decides that you need treatment he can prescribe medicine.For example he can prescribe antibiotics for an infection.Medicine can be tablets to take with water or liquid to drink.The doctor writes the prescription.You take the prescription to the chemist’s, and the chemist will make up the medicine for you.You usually have to pay some money for the medicine-----but you don’t have to pay the full price.(B)● British people usually go a long way to see a doctor.A.Right B.Wrong(A.)● British families often register with the same doctor.A.RightB.Wrong

(B)● Doctors always work alone in their own Doctor’s Surgery.A.Right B.Wrong

(A)● British people don’t have to pay when they see their doctor.A.Right B.Wrong(A)● British people usually have to pay for their prescription at the chemist’s.A.Right B.Wrong

Franco: Is this your calligraphy, Xiaoyan? Xiaoyan: Yes, do you like it? Franco: It’s beautiful.Xiaoyan : I think I’ m good at art because my father is an artist.Franco:I’m not.My handwriting is terrible, but I always write personal letters y hand-I don’t like using the computer for that.Xiaoyan: Neither do I.But my family only send emails, I don’t get real letters anymore.Franco: Me neither—I’ll write you a real letter!Xiaoyan: Thank you!But I like using the computer for some things.I’m keen on researching my family history and I love surfing the internet for information about that.Franco: Really? Me too.(B)● Franco’s handwriting is beautiful.A.Right B.Wrong(A.)● Franco doesn’t like using computers for personal letters.A.RightB.Wrong

(A)● Xiaoyan doesn’t like using computers for personal letters.A.Right B.Wrong

(A)● Xiaoyan enjoys surfing the internet for information about her family history.A.Right B.Wrong

(B)● Franco is not interested in researching his family history.A.Right B.Wrong

Xiaoyan: I have most of the things I need.We don’t need to buy any rice, and we don’t need any peas.Mary: We need some oranges.How many do we need to buy?

Xiaoyan: Four are enough.And we need some cream.Mary: How much cream do we need to buy for four people?

Xiaoyan : Two cartons? Shall we get a melon? And some wine.And I haven’t got any coffee.Mary:OK.And lychees.Two tins ?

Xiaoyan: how many lychees do you get in a tin ? Mary:I don’t know.Let’s get a big tin.We also need some mineral water.Xiaoyan: And the prawns.How many prawns?

Mary: One big packet will do.I also need to get some vegetables for next week-potatoes, carrots, onions, and a cabbage I think.There’s a little greengrocer’s along the road.Why don’t we go there first?

(C)●How many oranges does Xiaoyan want to buy?A.OneB.A kiloC.Four.(A)● Do they need any cream?A.Yes, they do.B.No, they don’t.C.The text does not tell us.(A)● How many prawns do they want to buy ?A.A packet.B.Two packets.C.Three packets.(B)● Who would like to have some vegetables?A.XiaoyanB.Mary C.Shopkeeper.(A)● Which is not included in the shopping list?A.Rice and peas.B.Potatoes and coffee.C.Melons and wine.Hi Rob!

You want to know about my new boyfriend.His name is David Manning.He lives in London and he’s British.His parents are from London, but they live in Oxford.He is 34 years old.He’s an IT manager and he works for ABHK Bank.He’s lovely, of course.See you on Thursday.Love, Polly

(B)● Rob is Polly’s new boyfriend.A.Right B.Wrong

(A.)● David is British.A.RightB.Wrong

(A)● David’s parents are British.A.Right B.Wrong

(B)● David’ parents live in London.A.Right B.Wrong

(B)● David works at a university.A.Right B.Wrong

Xiaoyan tells David about the people she works with.David: So who do you usually work with in Shanghai ?

Xiaoyan: I work in an office with three other people, Jung, Lee and Liu – they are the Marketing Department and I am their IT expert.David: Do you like it there ?

Xiaoyan : Yes, they are great people.Lee is the Sales Manager.He is responsible for 25 sales people in China.He’s planning a sales campaign for companies at the moment, but he’s visiting the New York office right now.Daivd:What about the others?

Xiaoyan: Liu is the advertising manager.He is responsible for the advertising.He is currently working on TV advertisements.Actually, he’s on holiday in Bali right now.David: So the office is empty at the moment? Xiaoyan: Oh, no.Jung is always there.She is responsible for the office.At the moment she ‘s working on new databases.But actually – it’s ●00 o’clock in the morning in Shanghai, so I think she’s sleeping right now.(B)● How many people does Xiaoyan work with in Shanghai?

A.TwoB.ThreeC.Four.(b)● What does Xiaoyan do in the Marketing Department in Shanghai?A.She is a secretary.B.She is an IT expert.C.She is the Sales Manager.(B)● What is Lee responsible for?A.The advertising.B.The sales managerC.The office.(A)● What is Liu doing right now?A.He is on holiday

B.He is working on TV advertisementsC.He is visiting the New York office.(C)● What is Jung’s current project ?A.A sales campaign.B.TV advertisementsC.New databases.Helen’shusbandismark..markandHelenhavegottwochildren:asonandadaughter.Theson’snameisAndrewandthedaughter’snameisJoyce.Joycehasgottwochildren , asonandadaughter.SoHelenandMarkhavegottwograndchildren.Helen’sgranddaughter’snameisPamandgrandson’snameisDan.Andrewisn’tmarriedandhehasn’tgotanychildren.PamandDanlikeplayingonthecomputerwiththeiruncle.Andrewalsolikesplayingfootballwithhisbrother-in-law , Tom

● WhoisAndrew?AndrewisDan’suncle ● WhoisMark?MarkisDan’sgrandfather

● WhoisTom?TomisDan’suncle ● WhoisJoyce?JoyceisTom’swife ● WhoisPam?PamisAndrew’snieceBetty is from Italy.Now she lives in Edinburgh(爱丁堡).But her parents still live in Italy.She is 25 years old.She is a teacher.She works in a high school in Edinburgh.She teaches science(科学)and she likes her work.Most of her students are 15 or 16 years old.They all like her.They think she is a great teacher and a beautiful girl with long golden hair.Betty has a boyfriend.His name is Ray.He is British.He is 30 years old.He likes books and music.He can play the piano

very well.He is in IT.He works very hard.But he does not like his job.● Betty’sparentsliveinRoma.Doesn’tsay

● Bettyhaslongbeautifulhair.right ● RaylikeshisjoyWrong

● BothBettyandRayliketraveling Right ● RaylikesstayingathomeDoesn’tsay In Britain the weather is very changeable(多变的).It often rains, but the sun sometimes shines too.The winters are quite cold, with an average(平均的)temperature of 5 degrees.It is colder(更冷)in the north of England and it often snows there, but in London it doesn’t often snow.The summers are sometimes cool and sometimes warm, but the temperature doesn’t usually go above 30 degrees.It is often cloudy and there are sometimes grey(灰色的)skies for days or weeks.Foreigners think it is always foggy in England, but in fact(事实上)it is not often foggy now.● Itoften rains in Britain.●The average temperature of Britain is 5 degrees in __ winter _

● It issometimes warmin summer in England.● It is often cloudyin England.● ItisoftencloudyinEngland

ItisSundaymorning.John’sjustsittingaroundanddoingnothing.Hehatesit.Hedoesn’tlikespendingSundaysathome.Helikesgoingout.Helikesdoingthings.Helikesplayingsports.Heenjoysdancingandhelovesgoingtothegym.Hesometimessaysatthegymallmoring.Buthiswifedoesn’tlikegoingout.SheenjoyswatchingTVathome.Sheiswatching TVrightnow.SheiswatchingTVintheirbedroom.They’vegotabigTVthere.ButJohnneverwatches it.HehateswatchingTV

● Johnandhiswifeliveinabighouse.Doesn’tsay

● Johniskeenonsports.Right ● Johndoesn’tlikewatchingTV Right

● BothJohnandhiswifeenjoygoingoutWrong

● JohnisathomeandhiswifeisatthegymnowWrong Hixiaoyan,Youwanttoknowaboutmygym..is0207911340.It’snearOxfordCircus.There’saswimmingpoolandtherearealotofclasses.ThereisayogaclassonTuesdaymorning(Igotoit)andthereareaerobicsclasseseveryevening.ThereisalsoaTaiChiclass.Idon’tknowwhen.Therearelotsofrunningmachinesandweightsmachines , buttherearen’tanybicycles.There’sasauna, butthereisn’tasteamroomandthereareveryniceshowersandfreecosmerics!Seeyouthere? Jan






KathylivesinSydney(悉尼).Sheworksinanofficeandsheisasecretary.Shebeginsworkatnineeveryday.Sheisalwaysontimeforwork.Infact , sheisoftenearly.Sheisneverlate., andsheisneversick.Kathyusuallytypeslettersandanswersthetelephone.Shesometimesfiles(把文件归档)andmakescopies(复印文件).Sheseldommakesmistakes(出错)whenshetypesorfiles , Shealwaysanswersthephonepolitly(礼貌地).Shehaslunchfrom12:30amto1:30 pm , andshefinishesworkat 5:00 pm.Intheeveningsometimesshegoesoutwithherfriends.SometimesshestaysathomewatchingTV.Shedoesn’tworkontheweenkend.OnSaturday , shecleansthehouse , doeshouseworkandgoesshopping.OnSundaysherelaxesorgoestothecinema

●Kathyisneverlateforwork.Right ●Kathytypesveryfast Dosen’tsay


●Intheevening , KatheyalwaysstaysathomewatchingTVWrong


The permanent employees get a salary every month, but because I am temporary I get my wages in cash every week.I don’t get a lot of money, because I am a waiter—but the customers often give me tips.I am friendly to my customers because I hope they will be generous.Because I am temporary, I only get £6 an hour, and I don't get money when I don't work.I want to go to Italy to see my parents.But I haven't got enough money and I don't get holiday pay.It's a pity.Also, I don't get sick pay when I am ill.But I can work extra hours.I often do overtime at the weekend if the restaurant is busy.At Christmas the boss gives us extra money—a bonus.● How often do temporary employees get their pay? Every week.● “Tip” is closest in meaning(意义)to __ money for good service _.● What does the writer do?He serves customers in a restaurant

● The writer __ often works on Saturdays and Sundays __

● The writer doesn’t have enough money to __ see his parents in Italy ___

In schools all over the world, boys and girls are learning foreign languages.Everyone knows his own language, but another one is very useful especially(尤其)when you travel to other countries.If you go to France, you should be able to speak French, and in Germany, people will expect you to understand German.How many languages are there in the world? There are about fifty hundred, but a lot of them are not very important.English is one of the most important because so many people use it, not only in England and America but also in other parts of the world.About 200,000,000 people speak it as a second language.It is difficult to say how many people are learning it.Many millions of schoolboys and schoolgirls are trying to do so.●learningforeignlanguagesisveryuseful.Right


●Alotoflanguagesin theworldareveryimportant.Wrong

●PeopleinBrazil(巴西)alsoapeakEnglish Dosen’tsay.●About200,000,000peoplearelearningEnglish ,Wrong

Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing in response to the advertisement in the Guardian newspaper on the 1st July.I would like to apply for the post of Technology Sales Representative in your company.I am 28 years old and I am a graduate from Dangston University.I have a degree in Business Technology.I am working currently as a secretary in Polymer Ltd.In my current job I am responsible for arranging the presentations of the Technology

Sales Representatives to foreign clients.I enjoy working in Business Technology, but I am now looking for the opportunity to develop my own skills and to be a Technology Sales Representative myself.I am interested in travelling and I am keen to use my language skills in your foreign companies.I speak French and German fluently.I am happy to live abroad for my work.I am available for interview at any time in the next two weeks because I am on holiday.I am sending my CV with this letter.I look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully, Jane Simson

● What would Jane like to apply for ?A

A.The post of Technology Sales Representative.B.The manager of Technology Sales Representative.C.The worker of Technology Sales Representative.● What does Jane like very much?C

A.She enjoys working in Medicine Technology.B.She enjoys working in Computer Technology.C.She enjoys working in Business Technology.● Why is Jane available for interview at any time in the next two weeks?C

A.Because she wants to get the job.B.Because she wants to be a representative in that company.C.Because she is on holiday.Alice is my sister.We live in different cities in the United States.We don’t see each other very often, but we’re in touch(保持联系)all the time.I often write to Alice and tell her about things that are happening at the company.I’m the office manager.And Alice often writes to me about her work at the hospital.She is a nurse there.We talk on the telephone once a week, either on Saturday or Sunday morning.There are also other ways we communicate(联系)with each other.Sometimes I call her on her car phone(汽车电话), or she faxes me on my fax machines.We also send emails to each other.We’re really lucky.In this new age of communication, there are so many ways we can keep in touch with each other.We feel closer to each other.● Alice and I don’t contact each other very often.B

A.Right B.WrongC.Doesn’t say

●I work as the office manager at the company.AA.RightB.Wrong C.Doesn’t say

●We always make phone calls on Saturday morning.B

A.Right B.WrongC.Doesn’t say ●We will live closer to each other in the future.CA.RightB.WrongC.Doesn’t say

Nowadays, it is very expensive to have a nice house all to yourself.So, many people have to share(合住)a house.Ellen and Dorothy share a house by the sea.It has got lots of rooms.Ellen is a writer.She is forty-five years old.She has one daughter Donna, and two grandchildren, Sally and Jimmy.Dorothy is a businesswoman.She has a business company.Dorothy is fifty-five years old.She has a daughter too.She also has a son, James, but only one grandchild.His grandson’s name is also Jimmy.Ellen and Dorothy enjoying sharing the house.They both hate working in an office, so both of them work in their house.● Ellen and Dorothy’s house is not very big.B ARightB.Wrong C.Doesn’t say ● Ellen is older than Dorothy.B A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn’t say

● Sally and Jimmy live with their grandmother, Ellen.C

A.Right B.WrongC.Doesn’t say

● Both Ellen and Dorothy work at home.A A.Right B.WrongC.Doesn’t say



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