
时间:2019-05-15 03:12:23下载本文作者:会员上传


WALT DISNEY Walt Disney在他职业生涯的很早期,就发现了教育性动画片的市场。他在这一领域最初的作品之一叫做《Tommy Tucker的牙齿》(1922),这是一部应邀为当地牙医制作的动画与真人相结合的短片。在二战期间,W.D.致力于创作电影来支持战争。因此,他的工作室为政府只做了很多教学性的动画电影,这些电影的主题遍布了轰炸、枪击、跳伞和基础训练。1945年,在瞭望杂志的一篇题为《W.D.明日之师》的文章中,将W.D.描述成“教育系统的革命者”,并且引用了其为美国财政部创作的唐老鸭短片《新精神》是如何影响了37%的美国人使他们愿意纳税的。

二战之后,Disney的工作室继续发表包含了教育信息的短片。最著名的作品之一是《高速公路恐惧症》,这是一个教授了安全的高速路驾驶放大的高飞动画。这部电影使得Disney获得了由南加州汽车俱乐部颁发的优秀奖,以表彰他在公共安全方面做出的贡献。尽管Disney的一些电影中包含了教育价值,他很快指出,“我不是一个教育家。我的主要目的是娱乐——然而如果大家想要从我的作品中读出教育意义,我也感到很高兴。” WEATHER FORECASTS 在电视上看天气预报的问题之一就是当播报到了你的地区的时候,你已经走神了,漏掉了你一直在等待的至关重要的信息。这在美国并不是个问题,因为在美国有一个专门的天气频道。这个频道建立于1982年,批评家们认为这个频道只能存活几周,但正是人们对于天气的浓厚兴趣使得它繁荣起来。当暴风雨开始显露的时候,尤其是大风暴袭击美国东部的时候,天气频道的收视率一路高涨。当然,根据观察员的调查显示,大多数人只是聚精会神与气温情况,但令人惊奇的是,有五分之一的人仍然收看了27分钟甚至更长时间。这个时间足够将当地的天气预报听上四遍,区域天气预报,上课日的报道,商业旅行更新和意大利米兰的预报。

天气在美国是一个巨大的产业。这个国家共有750个天气区域,单单纽约这样的大都市就有8个区域。如果天气变为一个很壮观的镜像,比如在飓风期间,天气频道会派遣自己的摄影师团队记录损害情况并进行现场报道。并且对于专注的天气迷来说,有一部关于龙卷风的动作片录像带名叫《敌人风》。AS THE CENTURY TURNS 当1999年12月31日晚上始终敲响12下时,世界各地的狂欢者们都在庆祝新千年的到来。唯一的问题在于,他们的狂欢早了一年。根据英国伦敦庄严的皇家格兰尼治天文台的判决,第三个千禧年的第一天在2001年1月1日。这个困惑和历法一样久远。困难起源于如何确定复活节的日期,而复活节被认为应该在昼夜平分点上。儒略历是由凯撒大帝设计并基于月相的,但却很难确定这个日期。一个七世纪的修道士确立了一个时间系统,这个系统是以耶稣的降生开始的。这个系统,从公元前到公元纪年,是对儒略历的改进,但还是存在着缺点。除了将耶稣的第四个生日设定为第一年以外,它没有设定0这一年。从-1到1之间的整数的概念还没有从阿拉伯传到西欧。因此,新千年从一年开始计算。

纯化论者知道真正的世纪到来的时间。对于我们其他人来说,2000是一个过于圆满以至于无法抗拒的数字。我们拥有了零点,而他们越多越好。A TALL TALE


帕修斯随后飞到了阿特拉斯国王的领地,这里的首领最引以为傲的便是长满金色水果的花园。帕修斯口渴并接近虚脱,他恳求国王给他一些水来止渴和并提供一个休息的地方。但是阿特拉斯害怕帕修斯会背叛他以至于失去他的金苹果。他只说了一个字,“滚蛋!”帕修斯发现他不能使阿特拉斯平静下来,于是以引诱他看美杜莎的头作为回应。阿特拉斯立刻变成了石头。他的头和头发变成了森林,他的身体变大成了悬崖,并且众神规定,天堂和全部的星辰都应在他的肩膀上休息。还有比降临在阿特拉斯身上的更严重的灾难吗? KEEPDREAMING 潜意识从不会睡觉;创造的过程从来不会停止。如果你是一个作家,这意味着你可以在失眠的时候进行写作。达到这种看似不可思议的壮举的关键在于了解如何形成一个非常自然的睡眠现象——做梦。如果你很认真的规划你的梦,它们会指引你进入你所幻想的作家的生活。举个例子,你故事中的主人公对你来说还不是一个真正的人。设计一个关于她的梦境。做为梦的准备,你可以在笔记本上写下关于她人物性格、外貌特征、音乐和艺术品味——任何你打算赋予她的独特个性的描述。当你陷入睡眠的时候,想一下你的主人公和她的五个外貌和性格特征。她长什么样子?她的眼睛和头发是什么颜色的?她是高的,丰满的,还是娇柔的,可爱的?她是诙谐的,迷人的,还是刻薄的,抑或是聪明的,有同情心的? 提示自己十次下面的建议:“在我的梦里,我会看到我故事里的主人公„„我要画下她的脸,看清楚她的动作,并且记住这个梦的一切细节。”然后睡觉。



你的梦境也可以在情节上帮助你。当你从事于一个故事的时候,你有事会进入死胡同——“从这里要去往哪里?”你的梦可以给你的故事提供现实的选择,刺激的情节,和可信的复杂程度。7 BRIBERY 政府想在首都建一座办公大楼,必须选择一家工程公司来完成这项工作。几家大型公司想得到这个项目,因为如果能拿到这个项目就可以得到很多钱,但是,当然,他们不可能都得到。所以政府必须决定他们中谁是那个幸运儿。因此他们约见政府官员检查不同公司的规划以决定哪一个是最合适的,然后建议工程部部长选择他们中的哪一个。

在几个月以后,当其中一家没有成功的公司向部长抱怨的时候,部长已经做出了决定并且项目即将启动。他们说负责建议他由哪个公司完成这个工作的官员接受了贿赂。部长立刻要求对整个事件进行调查,一个月之后调查结果证明了官员确实接受了贿赂。他因此被传唤并要就此事进行解释。这名官员承认他收受了贿赂。“但是,”他说,“我不仅仅是接受了建议您中标的那家公司的贿赂,我接受了每个公司的贿赂以帮助我决定推荐哪家公司。” “那好吧,”部长说,“你最终是怎么做出决定的?你是选择了给你的贿赂最多的那家公司么?”

“当然不是,长官!”官员回答,深深地伤害了部长应该指责她的这种不诚实。“我非常仔细的在这些想要获得这个项目的公司中每一家都收受了同样多的贿赂。” “那你是怎么选择的?”部长问。“作为一名城市的政府官员,”这个人回答,“我当然是选择了我认为可以用最少的价格最好的完成项目的那家公司。” TESTING THE NEW CARS 原型车在巨型的冰箱中成为冰冻的固体,在人工暴雨中冲刷,在泥和水中行驶,并且爬上像在旧金山最陡峭的山那样的山。原型车在急转弯处转弯时发出刺耳的声音,在鹅卵石铺成的路上颠簸,被从地上举起又突然放下。





最剧烈的测试是和另一辆车迎头撞击,通过这项测试,工程师们设计了折叠式转向柱,可控粉碎式前端,以及用于保护驾驶员在意外车祸中免受重伤的框架。THE WILL 法律界有一句老生常谈“哪里有遗嘱,哪里就有亲属。”但是没有遗嘱的地方亲属会更多。一个人的死亡很容易成为争夺他/她财产的家庭全面战争的第一枪。正是因为家庭收入生产者忽视了立遗嘱这个问题,数不清的成千上万的家庭因此支离破碎,造成不可估量的痛苦和损失。每一天在每一座城市,报纸都在印刷家庭争吵和财产纠纷的肮脏故事,因为主要的获得收入者太久没有立下遗嘱。甚至还有这样的例子,由于遗嘱中没有详细说明陶器如何分配,一些家庭就为了一套汤碗或几个黏土罐子而发生分裂。


大多数人会采纳如何扩大他们财富的建议,但是这些人完全不会寻找最经济的方法把他们的财产传递给后人。据估计,多达一半的拥有财产的美国人在没有立遗嘱的情况下去世。PURE ECSTASY 如果一部外国电影非常有吸引力,比如说中国的戏剧《大红灯笼高高挂》,在几分钟之内你就不会再注意字幕了。一个人忘记了角色在讲一门不同的语言,电影传递的信息,它的情节和幽默就会显现出来。音乐也是如此。


狩猎是像奥斯卡王尔德所说的“沉默无言者追逐着不可使用者”,还是被过分感性的城市居民所误解和诽谤的乡间传统呢? 已经是三年里的第二次,英国的立法者有机会回答这个问题,他们将在一月份提出一个法案,以宣布用陷阱和狗狩猎是不合法的。




他们控告这些狩猎者们不仅滥杀它们追捕的狐狸,鹿,野兔,也残忍的对待他们的猎犬和马。环保人士说,这些狩猎者们破坏了乡村,在林地和农民的农场上蹂躏发泄。英国保守党政府通常是支持这些狩猎者的。今年早些时候它提出了一项法案严重的限制活动的怠工者。但是反狩猎积极分子说大部分英国人站在他们这边。PATTERNS OF SEA WATER 对我们来说海洋看上去是无可标记且毫无足迹的,但是它的表面被分成了特定的区域,表面海水的模式控制着其中生命的分布。在人类的感官中,表层海水最明显的结构是通过颜色表明的。远离大陆的深蓝色海水的远海是空虚和贫瘠的颜色;海岸区域绿色的海水拥有着各种色彩,是生命的颜色。


海水中富含浮游生物的地方,就没哟玻璃一样的透明度,不能使光线形成深层穿透。海岸区域黄色棕色和绿色色彩的海水源自于丰富的微小生物。自古以来在世界的很多地方都有发现,一些含有微红色、棕色色素的生物体会发生季节性集聚,可能会形成“红水”,在一些封闭的海域这种情况是很常见的以至于以此命名——红海就是一个例子。海水的颜色只是一种支持表层生物存在与否情况的间接迹象;其他肉眼不可见区域,用于大量判决还剩生物存在的位置。海洋完全不是均匀的水溶液;一部分比其他更咸,水温更高或者更低。NEW DANGERS





飞机也许容易受到干扰的事实,增加了飞行风险,因为恐怖分子也许会故意干预无线电系统来破坏航行设备。令人担心的是,乘客谁听不到关闭他的收音机的指令,因为音乐太大了。WOMAN ABD THEIR SHOES 通过妨碍活动以限制女性的机动性的尝试自古有之且非常普遍。中国上层社会女孩的裹足现象和尼日利亚风俗中将姑娘双腿绑上几磅重黄铜线的行为是比较极端的例子,但放眼整个社会,人们都在用类似的方法来确保一旦你追上一个女性她就跑不掉,即使他在你旁边,她也跟不上你。



它们也使得站立一段时间就会疼痛,走路疲劳,不可能跑步。其造成的蹒跚的,踮着脚尖的步伐被认为是有撩拨性的——或许是因为这保证了穿着高跟鞋的女人不可能从追她的男人手中逃脱。最坏的一点是,如果她们从青春期就开始持续的穿高跟鞋,脚部和腿部的肌肉会由此变形,以至于穿平底鞋走路时她们会感到更加痛苦和艰难。ESKIMOS “爱斯基摩人”这个名字都常会使人们想到住在常年冰雪覆盖地区的圆顶建筑里的人。尽管对一些北极地区的爱斯基摩人来说这些情况是真实的,但不能代表大多数阿拉斯加爱斯基摩人的生活状态。



通常,爱斯基摩人通过打猎和捕鱼来获取食物。陆地动物通过陷阱和弓箭抓捕。这些动物的被用于吃肉、做衣服,睡觉以及覆盖在房子外面。网、矛和陷阱可以用于捕鱼。海报和小型鲸鱼,而鱼叉可以猎杀更大的鲸鱼。捕鸟是为了它们的肉、皮毛和蛋。不同部落的爱斯基摩人间的陷阱是公共的。利用这种方式,一个部落可以获得通常不能从自己区域获得的货物。雪地里运输货物通常使用不同大小的雪橇。一两个人使用小雪橇,而队伍多达十只狗就要用大雪橇。水中航行有两种皮艇:小艇用于一个人,而木架皮舟是更大的开放式的船。两种船都是要划桨的,经常用于捕杀海洋里的哺乳动物。19 NAVIGATION 许多动物的长距离迁移给生物学家带来极大困扰。这种迁徙使得生物的生存环境得到了优化,因为它们往往是迁往食物丰富,繁殖安全或者温度适宜的地方。举个例子,灰鲸,摄取浮游生物丰富的极地海水,却前往热带地区的加利福尼亚半岛产子。这种迁徙意味着一种归巢本能。


航行有三种必备的模式:地标导航,生物利用熟悉的地标;指南针定位,生物必须要在长距离航行中保持向一个恒定的方向前行;以及双坐标,或者天体导航,生物要利用星辰进行导航。除了人类,鲜有实验证据可以证明动物也可以进行天体导航,因为这要求生物体必须将自己定位在地球表面上,同时保持罗盘的方向一致。为了成功达到这个复杂的目标,人类在有指南针的同时还需要航海经线仪和六分仪。然而,重要的证据表明鸟和海洋生物都掌握领航和指南针方向。作为航行的帮助,不只是视觉,还有嗅觉和听觉,不同的物种感官都产生了进化。它们似乎不是由于遗传或与生俱来的特征,而是一种对环境的铭记。换句话说,动物已经学会辨别一些环境特征,导航正是一种搜索模式,直到发现特定的环境特征。然后动物向有这种特点的环境迁徙。CHILDREN’S INTELLIGENCE









汉语的有:全球化 记者会 中国银行 工业园区 清朝 中秋节有朋自远方来不亦乐乎? 英语的有:CNNVOAGDPUN Development Programmefree translationtranslation studies

第二部分段落翻译,英译汉:是关于理财的吧,总体难度不大,但里面有些短语也不好翻,如:The first rule of finance,fall into places, the Joneses, impress,the windshield....汉译英:是关于中国学习西方经济社会发展模式的,出现了一些问题。后面又说学习过程中,提高了东方各国对本民族文化的认同感。。难度也还可以




加息 通胀 汇率 三大股指 拉美 G20国集团 保障性住房 烂尾房 安居工程 殷商 甲骨文 罗马帝国彗星 太阳黑子 伏尔泰


应用文写作:商品介绍,写自己熟悉的一款商品,要求有标题,开头,主体段,结尾,来引导消费者的心理。450字,做的也不好,没有想到它第一年就考这个,光准备求职信了。。大作文:出污泥而不染 800字。感觉作文写得像答政治题,没有文学气息可言,时间很紧,连写完都成问题,根本没时间管什么文采了,一个字:惨啊!




一、Television Program and Their Effect on children

Television programs regularly entertain, educate, effect and even frighten the majority of our children.Most children are allowed to watch whatever program is on, with little thought on the effect that particular show will have on a child.Most programs can be classed as beneficial or harmful, according to what effect the program might have on a child.The beneficial television programs are mainly thouse that educate the young.There are often specials on animal life.A few regular children’s programs develop the child’s interest in school-type learning by stressing numbers and the alphablt, and that encourages him or her to be creative.The beneficial commercials, such as those on anti-smoking, anti-litter, and health, should be included in this category.On the opposite side are the shows, which are generally harmful to children.Many commercials, especially those sponsoring the children’s programs, are deliberately written to create a desire for an unnecessary product such as sugar coated cereals and candy.All adult programs that include violence or sex scenes can at best fill a child’s mind with confusing or misleading ideas, and could possib ly harden the child to violence.Thoughtful parents will definitely not allow their children to view the bad programs.A child’s viewing time should be limited to watching educationlly benefical programs.二、―The younger generaton knows best‖

Old people are always saying that the young are not what they were.The same comments is made from generation to generation and it is always true.It has never been truer than ti is today.The young are better educated.They have a lot more money to spend and enjoy more freedom.They grow up more quickly and are not so dependent on their parents.They think more for themselves and do not blindly accept the ideas of their elders.Events, which the older generation remembers vividly, are nothing more than past history.This is as it should be.Every new generation is different from the one preceded it.Today the difference is very marked indeed.The old always assume thaty they know best for the simple reason that they have been around a bit longer.They don’t like to feel that their values are being questioned or threatened.And this precisely what the young are doing.They are questioning the assumptions of their elders and disturbing their complacency.They take leave to doubt that the older generation has created the best of all possible worlds.What they reject more than anything is conformity.Office hours, for instance, are nothing more than enforced slavery.Wouldn’t people work best if they were given complete freedom and responsibility? And what about clothing? Who said that all the men in the world should wear drab grey suits and convict haircuts? If we turn our minds to more serious matters, who said that human differences can best be solved through conventional politics or by violent means? Who said that human differences can best be solved through conventional politics or by violent means? Who said that human differences can best be solved through conventional politics or by violent means? Why have the older generation so often used violence to solven their problems? Why are they so unhappy and guilt-ridden in their personal lives, so obsessed with mean ambitions and the desire to amass more and more material possessions? Can anything be right with the rat —race? Haven’t the old lost touch with all that is important in life?

There are not questions the older generation can shrug off lightly.Their record over the past forty years or so hasn’t been exactly spotless.Traditionally, the young have turned to their elders for guilance.Today, the situation might reversed.The old—if they are prepared to admit it — could learn a thing or two from their children.One of the biggest lessons they could learn is that enjoyment is not ―sinful‖.Enjoyment is a principle one could apply to all aspects of life.It is surely not wrong to enjoy your work and enjoy your leisure to shed restricting inhibitions.It is surely not wrong to live in the present rather than in the past or future.This emphasis on the present is only to be expressed because the young have grown up under the shadow of the bomb: the constant threat of complete annihilation.This is their glorious heritage.Can we be surprised that they should so often question the sanity of the generation that bequeathed it ?

三、How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities

With the development of modern industryu, more and more people are flowing into big cities.Accordingly, the housing problem in big cities is becoming more and more serious.People have offered many solutions to this problem.I think building satellite cities in the suburbs is more practical.The fresh air and beautiful secnery in the suburbs will be appealing to the city citizens, who suffer from air pollution, noises, etc.in the overcrowded city.With more people leaving the city, more space will be available for those remaining.The housinmg problem in big cities will thus be solved.四、Public Transportation

As part of domestic modernization, public transportation needs to be developed urgently in China.I can illustrate some examples.There does not only exist serious traffic jams but also crowded buses, underground and railways.Commuters find it hard to get to work on time due to overcrowded buses or tubes.Travelers could hardly get on buses in big cities during weedends owing to fewer buses and more people.When Spring Festival is drawing near, there is much greater –ressure on public transportation since it has to deal with a large number of travelers rushing home.And travelers need special arrangements to go home.In a word, public transportation has become bottleneck to the advanc of Chinese economy.To solve the above-mentioned problems, the departments concerned should carry out the following steps: to build more roads, highways or railways and to add buses or trains to the original lines.But ther funds have to be raised both from the government and the public.There are three sources for fund raising.One is to raise the fares for all kinds of all transportation vehicles.Another is to increase the prices for various vehicles on sale.The third is to raise the prices of petrol and diesel oil in addtion to the governmental funds.If all this money to raise the prices of petrol and diesel oiil in addtion to the governmental funds.If all this money collected is used to improve transportation services, the situation will be bettered and favorable.The third step to take is to introduce new technology in order to raise the efficiency of vehicles.For instance, the speed of trains can be increased as much as two times so that two times as many people can be held.In this way, the pressure on public transportation can be dramatically alleviated.So in a word, we need to introduce new technology to raise the speed of vehicles while having built even wider roads and added more efficient trains and huses.五、Human Education

The other day, a professor from Peking University gave a lecture ―Chinese Intellectuals and Written Cultural Text‖.In his lecture, he held that Chinese intellectuals have lost the written cultural text since the May 4th movement.His opinion set us thinking that the loss of traditional humane education resulted in a crisis of cultural education.With the rapid development of economy, the living standard of the Chinese people has improved a lot in terms of material wealth.In a period when economics take priority, people pay more aned more attention to profit.At present, moneymaking and pleasure seeking are becoming a popular fashion.On the other hand, there appears a barren field of spirit in today’s society.It has become unexpectedly hard to rebuild the paradise of traditional culture.Ideological confusion, moral decline and a chaotic cultural market, all this shows that it is the high time to have something done in order to tackle the problem of cultural orientation.Our times call for an ideal humane education.It is unwise to discard traditional Chinese culture as a whole.Some of the elements of this culture can be made use of in the reconstruction of our spiritual civilizaiton directly or wit5h some adaptation.Our attitude towards tradition should be ―discarding the dross and selecting the essence‖.The humane education of the past can serve as a supplement to our Marxist education.It should start from primary school.In this way, our children will get educated so as to be possessed of a perfect personality.The national morale will be deeply rooted in people’s mind, and will help push forward the growth of economy.To sum up, we can find it badly necessary to build up an ideal humane education.We should find an efficient way to develop our humane education and dig out5 more resources form traditional Chinese culture.六、Criticism on Television

A lot of people believe that television has a harmful effect on chldren.A few years ago, the same criticisms were made of the cinema.But although child psychoilogists have spent a great deal of time studying his problem, there is not much evidence that television brings about teenager’s crimes.For people in the modern worlds share the views of parents a hundred years ago.In those days, writers for children carefully avoided any reference to sex in their books, but had not inhibitions about including scenes of violence.The evidence collected suggests, however, that neither the subject, nor the action in itself frightens children.The context in which cruely or violence occurs is much more important.A good guide to what is psychologically healthy for a small child is therefore provided by a television series in which a boy and a girl are supposed to be exploring distant planets with their parents.In each story, they encounter strange monsters and find themselves in dangerous situations but the parents are reassuring and sensible, as a child’s paprents should be in real life.There is an adult character who is a coward and liar, but both the children are brave and , of course, every story ends happily.In my view, children should be exposed to the problems of real life as soon as possible, but they cannont help seeing these through news programs.When they are being entertained, the healthiest atmosphere is one which the hero and heroine are children like themselves who behave naturally and confidently in any situation.七、he ony thing people are interesed in today is earing more money

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful young woman and a handsome young man.They were very poor, but as they were deeply in love, they wanted to get married.The young people’s parents shook their heads.―You can’t get married yet.‖ They said.Wait till you get a good job with good prospects.So the young people waited until they found good jobs with good prospects and they were able to get married.They were still poor, of course, they didn’t have a house to live in or any furniture, but that did’t matter.They young man had a good job with good prospects, so large organizations lent him the money he needed to buy a house, some furniture, all the latest electrical appliances and a car.The couple lived happily ever after paying off debts for the rest of their lves.And so ends another modern romantic fable.We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earlist years to be acquistive.Our possessions, yours and mine are clearly labeled from early childhood.When we grow old enough to earn a living, it does not surpise us to discover that success is measured in terms of the money you earn.We spend the whole of ourlives keeping up with our neighbors, the Joneses.If we buy a new television set , Jones is bound to buy a bigger and better one.If we buy a new car, we can be sure that Jones will go one better and get two new cars: one for his wife and one for himself.The most amusing thing about this game is that Joneses and all the neighbors who are struggling frantically to keep up with them are spending borrowed money kindly provided, at a suitable rate of interest, of course, by friendly banks, insurance companies, etc.It is not only affluent societies that people are obsessed with the idea of making more money.Consumer goods are desirable everywhere and modern industry deliberately sets out to create new markets.Gone are the days when industrial goods were made to last forever.The wheels of industry must be kept turning.Built-in obsolescence provides the means;goods are made to be discarded.Cars get tinnier and tinnier.You no sooner acquire this year’s model than you are thinking about its replacement.This materialistic outlook has seriously influenced education.Fewer and fewer young people these days acquire knowledge only for its own sake.Every course of studies must lead somewhere.i.e.to a bigger wage packet.The demand for skilled personnel for exceeds the supply and big companies compete with each other to recruit students before they have completed their studies.Tempting salaries and ―fringe benefits‖ are offered to them.Recruiting tactics of this kind have led to the brain drain, the process by which highly skilled people offer their services to the highest bidder.The wealthier nations deprive their poorer neighbors of their most able citizens.While Mammon is worshipped as never before, the rich get richers and the poor, poorer.八、Communication and Language

One of the first things we think about when we hear the word communication language.There are thousands of languages spoken around the world today.In fact, linguistis say that there may be as many as 10000.Speaking with others is an important means of communication, but we can also communicate without using words, that is by nonverbal communication.Nonverbal communication includes voice quality, eyes movement, facial expression and body movements such as gestures and change in body position.But many people do not realize that everyone uses nonverbal communication.Sometimes, we ―say‖ more with our face and gestures that we do with our voices.Books, magazines, newspapers, radio, television, are other means of communication.Today we can also communicate over long distance with the help of communications satellites.Some scientists say that soon machines will be developed for sending message through the earth.The technology necessary to build these machines is very complex.But the language we speak every day is much more complex than the most modern communication technology.九、Cooperation Goes with Competition

In our times, cooperation and competition spread over the world.Both of them speed up the wheel of economy and enrich the intelligence of mankind.It is possible to accomplish a complicated program by only one person now.As we know, the more cooperation a company depends on, the more efficient it will become in business.Furthermore, we can’t avoid competition in our exchanges.From time to time, we compare ourselves with others, expecting to catch up with others.This is the spirit of competition, by which we pursue the highest goal.It is only by competition in the market that a company can raise its reputation.Were it not for competition, say, all of us would not enjoy what we have achieved.十、he Rise of Intellectual Property Protection

Intellectural property scarcely existed in the vocabularies of academic researchers and administrators even 15 years ago.Now it is an ever-present part of discussions on research policies and directions.This new importance of intellectual property in academia reflects a changing view on ther relationships of research at universities to the surrounding society.Until recently, research at universities has been relatively isolated from demands of economic utility,and education of graduate students has emphasized a career in academic research as the final goal.Now almost all research universities in the United States have technology licensing operations.The number of U.S.patents granted to American universities in a year rose from about 300 in 1980 to almost 2000 in 1995.The direct economic impact of technology licensing on the universities themselves has been relatively small.In contrast, the impact of university technology transfer on the local and national economies has been substantial, and leads to the concusion that the Licensing Act()is one of the most successful pieces of economic development in recent history.It has been estimated that more than 200000 jobs have been created in the United States in product development and manufacturing of products from university licenses, with the number increasing fairly rapidly as the licenses mature.Intellectual property terms have become vitally important.The company wants to be assured that it can use the results of the research-and that these results will not be available to their competitors.But most universities insist that transfer of research results is key to their identity and mission and will not agree to keep the project results secret.The key to resolving this dilemman is to grant patents: the university will publish the results, but will first agree to file patents that will protect the company’s privilege in the commercial market place.


The Pleasures and Pains of Childhood(童年的快乐与痛苦)

Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult(童年是一个没什么责任去令生活变得艰苦困难的时光).If a child has good parents(如果一个孩子有很好的父母), he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do(他会被养育,被照料和被爱护,无论什么他都可以做).It is improbable that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return(他永远不会再在他的生活中得到这么多而不用做出任何回报,这是不可能的).In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child—things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known(此外,生活总是呈现给孩子新的事物,那些对大人来说已经失去兴趣的事物,因为他们太熟悉了).A child finds pleasure in playing in the rain, or in the snow(孩子会在雨中玩耍找到乐趣,或者是在雪中).His first visit to the seaside is a marvelous adventure(他第一次参观海边是一次不可思议的冒险经历).But a child has his pains(但孩子也有他的烦恼): He is not so free to do as he wishes as he thinks old people are(他不是那么自由地去实现他的愿望,因为他认为大人会):he is continually being told not to do things(不断告诉他不要做的事情), or being punished for what he has done wrong(或者因为他做错什么事而被惩罚).His life is therefore not perfectly happy(他的生活因此不是完全快乐的).How to Behave in an Interview(如何应付面试)

In order to make a good impression during a job interview(为了在求职面试中给人留下一个好的印象), you need to prepare yourself for it(it可以用the interview代替。你需要为面试做些准备).You must arrive in plenty of time for the interview(为了面试你一定要提前很长时间到达), so that you give yourself a little time to relax before the interview begins(这样你就可以在面试开始前给自己留点时间放松).The impression you make as you walk into the room is very important(你走进房间时给人留下的印象是非常重要).Try to find out if the company or organization has rules about dress(尝试找出这个公司或组织在着装方面是否有规定).Then try to dress according to their regulations(然后试着按规定穿着).You also need to plan what you are going to say(你还要计划一下你准备说什么/你还需要对你要说的话有所计划).In some interviews you will have to do a lot of talking(有些面试你得说很多话), and in others you will only have to answer a few questions about your education and experience(而另外一些面试你只需要回答一些关于你的教育和经历方面的问题).You need to have answers ready about yourself, your schoolwork, your strong points, your reasons for applying for the job, and the salary you expect(你需要准备好回答关于你自己,学业,优点,你申请这份工作的原因,以及你期盼的薪水等问题).You will also be allowed to ask some questions(你还会被允许问一些与自己有关的问题).The questions you ask will show the interviewer that you have given careful thought to the position(你的提问将向面试官表明你有认真考虑过这个职位).You can ask questions like these(你可以问这样的问题): What duties will I have to do in the job(这份工作中我的职责是什么)? Does the company provide health insurance(公司是否提供医疗保险。或者换成Will I be allowed to join a health insurance program? 我会被允许参加医疗保险计划?)? Does the company provide opportunities for further education(公司是否提供继续教育的机会)?


Peopleall over the world shop in supermarkets(全世界的人们都在超市里购物).When you enter supermarkets(当你进入超市), you will see shelves loaded with goods(你会看到装满货物的架子).You will hear soft, light music as you walk along the aisles(当你沿着过道走失,你会听到轻柔、轻快的音乐).Food in supermarkets seems to be very attractive(在超市里的食品似乎很有吸引力).A large supermarket is a big business(一个大型超市是一个大生意).In addition to food items, many other goods such as house wares, school supplies, toys, clothing, magazines and

even books are sold in supermarkets(除了食品,很多其他的商品例如家居用品,学习用品,玩具,服装,杂志,甚至书籍都在超市里售卖).It is a place where housewives frequent(这是一个家庭主妇光顾的地方).It tries to meet her needs so that when she leaves(它试图满足她的需要,这样当她离开时), she'll shop nowhere else(她就不会再去其他地方购物了).Supermarkets are becoming more and more popular(超市正变得越来越流行).There is no doubt about it(对它这是毋容置疑的)-more and more housewives around the world will soon be standing(全世界越来越多的主妇很快就会站到收款台。原本应该译作“在登记柜台”).Should College Students Do Part-time Jobs?(大学生应该做兼职吗?)

Most students think that doing part-time jobs when studying at college can provide them with an opportunity to get in touch with the society(大多数学生认为,在学校读书的时候做兼职可以为他们接触社会提供一个机会).Also, some students do part-time jobs to support themselves(此外,一些学生做兼职来养活自己).They are said to work through college(他们说要整个大学期间都工作).However, it’s not easy to find jobs which are suitable for students(然而,对学生来说要找一份适合的工作并不是那么的容易).Some jobs requiring long hours of tedious work under tough conditions may do harm to their health(有些工作需要在单调艰苦的环境下长时间工作,可能会伤害他们的健康).Besides, some jobs may expose them to the negative aspects of

society-dishonesty and corruption(此外,有些工作可能会暴露给他们社会消极的方面—不诚实和腐败).Therefore, students should take a second thought in deciding whether they should do

part-time jobs or what kind of jobs they should choose(因此,学生应当再考虑后才决定是否应该做兼职或者他们应该选择什么样的工作).If they are lucky enough to take a good job(如果他们足够幸运找到一份好工作), it will benefit them enormously(它将对他们有极大好处).Otherwise, it may waste their time and their energy(否则,它可能会浪费他们的时间和精力).A Reply to a Birthday Party(生日聚会的回信)

Dear Henry(亲爱的Henry),Happy birthday to you(祝你生日快乐)!

I got the invitation to your birthday party yesterday morning(我昨天早上收到你生日聚会的邀请信).Thanks so much for inviting me to join in your party(非常感谢你邀请我参加你的聚会).I tried hard to reschedule my activities(我尽力重新安排我的活动), but I am sorry to tell you that I will not be able to join you(但我很遗憾地告诉你,我不能和你一起参加了).My boss and I have to leave for Shanghai next week for an international trade affair(我老板和我下周必

须要离开上海去参加一个国际贸易事务).There is not any possibility of canceling it(这是没有任何取消的可能性).I will go to see you as soon I am back(我一回来就会马上来拜访你).I am sure you will have a great fun at the party(我确信你将会有一个很有趣的聚会)!

Sincerely yours(你真诚的),Jane









第二Unit 2 reaching out across the ocean跨越大洋


众所周知,很早很早以前,非洲就与印度和红海文明有联系。中国的丝绸沿丝绸之路运往印度、中东和罗马去交换香料和玻璃——这些在中国根本没人知道的东西。沿印度洋海岸也有丝绸贸易。锡兰,凭借其中心位置,成为中国商人会见阿拉伯商人和了解西方先进科技文化的地方。因此,汉朝人了解非洲并且有书籍描述了红海和非洲沿岸国家。公元97年,甘英,一位中国大使,从陆路到东罗马并且把一位非洲国王所赠的礼物——犀牛角带回到洛阳。在以后的几百年间,索马里王国以及非洲沿海的岛屿发展成为世界贸易中心,主要经营象牙、香料、犀牛角、贝壳、动物皮毛和糖。这些物品远销到阿拉伯国家、埃及、希腊、罗马、印度、锡兰和中国的商人手中。这些阿拉伯人与非洲海岸国家的接触未后来一位中国人和黑人的会谈准备了条件。公元751年,中国的旅行家——杜环被阿拉伯军队所俘虏。他逃跑了,在经历了阿拉伯国家的长途跋涉之后,于公元762年乘小船回到祖国。回国后,他写了《经行记》,讲诉了中亚、阿拉伯以及非洲国家的情况。在十一世纪,非洲人曾几次通过海路到达宋朝王宫。这是非洲人开始了解中国的一次大发展。在非洲发现的最早 亚洲文化遗产也是从这一时期开始的。一个小青铜狮子塑像已经在尚加的索马里城发现了。还没有类似的东西在东非被发现。中国和非洲几个世纪的接触让双方知道了彼此的存在,但当时还没有精确的地图描述印度洋周围的国家。到了15世纪除,召开了一次大型会议的时机已经成熟。东非沿岸城市正鼎盛时期。而在东方,中国在一个新的朝代的统治下也繁荣起来了。明朝政府拥有一只强大的海军并且也有发挥这只海军作用的想法。从1405年到1433年,7艘大型的珠宝商船到东方进行贸易和探险航行。在郑和的带领下,这个船队从中国南海出发,跨越印度洋到达红海口,然后继续向南,结果发现了非洲东海岸。郑和常常被成为“中国的哥伦布”。郑和增进了和非洲东部海岸国家的联系。非洲国王送给明朝皇帝一个皇室的礼物:两只长颈鹿。这个精美的礼物和与非洲王室的接触令中国人对非洲如此好奇,以至于郑和给那个国王和别的非洲国家送信,邀请他们派大使并在明朝首都——北京开办大使馆。这些非洲国王很慷慨,他们给明朝皇帝送来了斑马、长颈鹿、贝壳、大象象牙和犀牛角药品。作为往来,明朝皇帝给他们送去了金子、香料、丝绸和各种别的礼物。这种礼物的交换的象征意义远远重于这些物品价值本身。通过和这个船队的贸易,非洲国王开始表示对中国皇帝的友谊。这个船队在结束探险之前或许是为了经济原因进行了几次远征。短期内,中国成为海上霸主。1433年以后,明朝意识到国内存在着巨大的机遇和挑战。

Unit 3 the portrait of a nation










英语是澳大利亚的官方语言。澳大利亚英语在发音与英国英语和美国英语不同,其中,在澳大利亚用的一些词汇与你在英语课堂上学的完全不同。澳大利亚人喜欢他们的语言并喜欢用它开玩笑。“No worries”在澳大利亚语中意为”everything is OK”.“mate”通常意为“friend”或”companion”,但可以跟任何人说。“Sheila”是“女子”,“outback”是指“未开垦的土地”,“billabong”是干河道,uni是大学,而go walk about 则指到灌木丛中闲逛。而一些土著人的语言已经不被人所知,人们正在努力去保护和记录他们说留下的。大概澳大利亚英语最著名的例子可能就是客人到澳大利亚一定会听到的友好的“G’day mate”.第四











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