希望你们对前两天会议的报告和活动感到满意。请将你们的感想和建议告诉我们。我很荣幸今晚能与众多优秀医生们一起共度,你们为了帮助患者这一共同的愿望来到了这里。我的目的十分简单:我希望向你们传达我们的承诺,承诺帮助患者了解糖尿病的特性,并获得及时诊断。我们知道,单靠自己的力量是不能达到这些目标的。Ladies and gentlemen, Distinguished guests, Good evening!I hope that you have enjoyed the first two days of the conference, including the presentations and the social time.Please let us know your impressions and suggestions.It is an honor for me to spend this time with such a distinguished group of doctors, brought together by the common desire to help patients.My purpose is simple: I want to convey to you our commitment to helping patients understand the nature of diabetes, and to obtain a timely diagnosis.We understand that we cannot achieve these goals alone.今天,如果你参观我们总部大楼的大厅,会看到一个大型雕塑:一个怀抱孩子的母亲。这个雕塑取材于一个真实母亲的照片——抱着她那在使用胰岛素以前,奄奄一息的儿子。这个男孩是世界上最早接受胰岛素的患者之一,他的病情很快得到了大幅改善。由于解决了最大的忧虑,这位母亲十分开心。
Today, if you visit the lobby of our headquarters building, you will see a large sculpture of a mother holding a child.It is based on the photograph of a real mother——holding her dying son in the days just prior to the availability of insulin.The boy was one of the first patients in the world to receive insulin, and his condition soon improved dramatically.Relieved of her biggest worries, the mother certainly found great happiness!同事和我从这幅画面、这个标志中找到了巨大的灵感。这个标志提醒我们,工作中真正重要的是什么,这也是你们的工作。通过帮助患者重新获得并保持健康,我们使他们过上了更加幸福的生活,为社会作出更大的贡献,并尽可能长久地养育家人。
My colleagues and I find great inspiration in this image, this symbol.This symbol reminds us of what is really at stake in our work, which is your work as well.By helping patients to regain and maintain their health, we help them to lead happier lives, to contribute more to the society, and to nurture their families for as long as possible.基于同样的原因,我们今天还在继续探寻具有创新性的治疗方法以帮助糖尿病患者。我们很自豪能在这项工作中成为你们的伙伴并对你们所做的一切表示感谢。最后,我请各位与我一起举杯,为了我们彼此间更好的合作,为了全世界人民的健康。干杯!
For the same reasons, we continue our search today, for innovative treatments to help people with diabetes.We’re proud to be your partner in this effort and we thank you for all that you do.At last, I would like you to join me in a toast, for a better partnership between and among us, and for the health of the whole world.Cheers!
主席先生,女士们、先生们: Mr.Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, 在中美建交25周年前夕,我应总统的邀请正式访问贵国。纽约是我访美的第一站,在这里能与各位新老朋友欢聚一堂,我感到很高兴。在此我要特别感谢美国银行家协会的盛情款待,向为中美经贸合作做出贡献的各位朋友表示敬意!并通过你们向伟大的美国人民致以诚挚问候和良好祝愿!
With the approach of the 25th anniversary of China-US diplomatic ties, I have come to your country on an official visit at the invitation of the President.New York City is the first leg of my current trip and I am really delighted to join so many old and new friends here.I wish to express my special thanks to the American Bankers Association for its gracious hospitality, and to pay my respects to all those who have dedicated themselves to China-US trade and economic cooperation.I also wish to convey, through you, my cordial greetings and best wishes to the great American people.近一段时间,中美贸易方面有些分析和摩擦,各方面对我此次美国之行颇为关注。我首先要告诉诸位,我这次是为了寻求友谊与合作二来,不是来打“贸易战”的。有些分歧问题的产生,实际上是相互不了解。我深信,中美双方通过对话与磋商,可以缩小我们之间的分歧,扩大我们之间的合作。
In recent weeks, China and the US have been experiencing some differences and frictions over the trade issue.As such, my current visit has been given rather intense attention.Let me first assure you that I have come to this country to seek friendship and cooperation, and not to fight a “trade war”.Many a difference derives from a lack of understanding.I am convinced that with dialogue and consultation, China and the US are entirely able to narrow their differences and broaden their areas of cooperation.谈到中美贸易问题,首先要看到一个最基本的事实,这就是25年来我们两国之间的贸易有了巨大的发展。从1979年的不足25亿美元,发展到今天的1000多亿美元,贸易额增长了几十倍。这种巨额增长,是不是只对一方有利而对另一方不利?或者说只是中国赚了而美国亏了?不是,事实上,两国都从迅速发展的中美贸易中获得了巨大的利益。
When talking about China-US trade, we should not overlook one fundamental fact, that is, in the past 25 years, two-way trade has experienced a tremendous expansion.From less than 2.5 billion US dollars in 1979 to over 100 billion today, the trade volume has gone up dozens of times.Does such a huge increase benefit only one side at the expense of the other? Or is China the winner and the US the loser? The answer is obviously no.In fact, both countries have reaped tremendous benefits from the rapid expansion of China-US trade.25年前,也许谁也不曾想到,中美经贸合作能有今天这样大的规模。今天,美国在华投资设立企业超过4万家,实际投资430亿美元。美国500强企业中,已有400多家进入中国,大多数企业获利丰厚。麦当劳、肯德基遍及中国大小城市。微软、通用汽车等美国驰名品牌的商品畅销中国市场。于此同时,在美国的市场上,许多中国商品受到美国消费者的青睐。中国在美国投资设立企业超过700家。years ago, no one could have expected the sheer magnitude of China-US trade and economic cooperation.Today, with over 40,000 US-invested enterprises, the paid-in value of the total US investment in China now stands at 43 billion US dollars.Of the top 500 US companies, more than 400 have come to China, and most of them are making a handsome profit.The McDonald’s and KFC chain stores are found in almost every Chinese city, large or small.Products bearing such famous American brands as Microsoft and GM sell quickly on the Chinese market.At the same time, many Chinese merchandizes have become favored choices of US consumers.The number of Chinese-invested enterprises in the US has surpassed 700.女士们、先生们,我对中美经贸合作的前景充满信心。也许道路是不平坦的,但前途一定是光明的。纵观国际形势,中美两国经贸合作正面临一个难得的重要战略机遇期。我注意到,美国的经济已开始复苏,同时,我还要负责人地告诉诸位,中国的经济将在今后相当长一个时期内保持良好的发展势头。
Ladies and gentlemen, I have full confidence in the future of China-US trade and economic cooperation.The road ahead might not be all smooth sailing, but the prospect is surely promising.Internationally, China-US economic partnership faces a window of rare strategic opportunity.I have noticed that the US economy has started its long-awaited rebound.And I would like to tell you in a responsible manner that China’s economy will maintain a sound growth momentum for a considerably long time to come.中国的发展主要依靠内需,不追求长期、过大的贸易顺差。我们希望,双方都以中美关系大局为重,把中美经贸合作推上新水平!贵国有句名言:“黄金时代在我们的前面。”我们愿与美国工商金融界的朋友们一道,共同开创中美经贸合作的新局面。谢谢大家!
China’s development relies mainly on domestic demand.We do not seek long-standing, excessive trade surplus.We hope the two sides will set store by the larger interests of China-US relations, to bring bilateral trade and economic cooperation to a new high.As a famous American saying goes, “The golden age is before us, not behind us.” We are ready to work together with our friends from the US business and financial communities to open a new chapter in China-US trade and economic cooperation.Thank you.词汇附录
1.Dinner remarks宴会发言
2.Distinguished guests尊敬的来宾 3.Host a dinner/banquet in honor of 为„„举办宴会
4.Join me in a toast与我一起举杯 5.Renew our friendship共叙旧谊 6.Clinical trial临床试验 7.Pharmaceutical制药的 8.Prescription处方 9.Powder药粉,药剂 10.Syrup含药糖浆 11.Tablet药片 12.Capsule胶囊 13.Cream药用乳霜
14.Ointment软膏 15.Pill药丸 16.Drops滴剂 17.Symptom症状 18.Antibiotic抗生素 19.Aspirin阿司匹林 20.Painkiller镇痛剂 21.Laxative泻药
22.Gracious hospitality盛情款待 23.First leg第一站 24.Luncheon午餐会
25.Cordial greetings and best wishes诚挚问
候和良好祝愿 26.Set store by重视
Iam very pleased to be with you today, having just spent the last two days in a meeting of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination.Today, I would like to inform you about the outcome of discussions concerning the dramatic increase of food prices worldwide.This has multiple causes, which includes increasing energy prices, lack of investment in agriculture over the past years, increasing demand and recurrent bad weather.粮食危机造成了多方面的影响,对于最贫困国家的冲击最为严重。我们看到这些地方饥荒蔓延,人道主义机构满足人道主义需求的能力正在经受严峻考验。今天,联合国主要机构的领导人也到场了,我感到很欣慰。大家一致同意,最重要的是我们必须消除饥饿。
The crisis has multiple effects, which its most serious impact on the most vulnerable in the poorest countries.We see mounting hunger which has severely strained the capacities of humanitarian agencies to meet humanitarian needs.Today, I’m glad that many leaders of the key institutions in the United Nations are here too.All of us agreed that the first and immediate priority issue was feeding the hungry.我呼吁国际社会,特别是发达国家,为世界粮食计划署全额拨付7.55亿美元紧急资金。如果没有资金,我们可能面临前所未有的大范围饥荒以及社会动荡。第二项当务之急是,我们必须保证未来的粮食供应。在粮价攀升的同时,由于化肥和能源价格不断上涨,发展中国家的农民纷纷减少粮食种植面积,压低粮食产量。
I call upon the international community, and in particular developed countries, to urgently and fully fund the emergency requirement of $755 million for the World Food Programme(WFP).Without the fund, we may risk the widespread hunger and social unrest on an unprecedented scale.The second urgent priority is that we must ensure food for tomorrow.In addition to increasing food prices, we see at the same time farmers in developing countries planting less, producing less, due to the increasing cost of fertilizer and energy.我们必须尽一切努力去支持这些农民,避免明年出现更为严重的粮食短缺。从短期来看,目前已经采取了一些具体措施。联合国粮农组织发起了一项紧急倡议,为贫穷国家提供种子和生产资料,并呼吁各方为此提供17亿美元。从长远来看,我们需要加强政策环境,保障未来的粮食可持续生产。我们强调,迫切需要解决引发此次粮食危机的结构性问题和政策性问题,并应对气候变化带来的挑战。
We must make every effort to support those farmers so that, in the coming year, we do not seen even more severe food shortages.In the short term, concrete measures are already being taken.The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO)has proposed an emergency initiative to provide low-income deficit countries with the seeds and inputs, and is calling for $1.7 billion of fund.But also in the long run, we need to strengthen the policy environment for sustainable food production in the future.We stressed it is necessary to address structural and policy problems that have resulted in this crisis, as well as the challenges posed by climate change.为落实以上措施,我们商定设立“全球粮食危机工作队”,由我负责领导,成员包括联合国专门机构。我们重视世界领导的重要性,我们呼吁各国领导人尽可能参与2015年6月3日至5日在罗马举行的粮食保障问题高级别会议。我期待与各国领导人在会上进一步探讨共同战略。非常感谢!
In order to take this forward, we have agreed to establish a United Nations Task Force on the Global Food Crisis that I will chair, and will bring together the heads of the specialized agencies of the UN.We emphasized the importance of global leadership and call upon world leaders to make every effort to participate in the high-level conference on food security in Rome on 3 to 5 June 2015.I look forward to meeting world leaders in order to further develop our common strategy.Thank you very much.第四篇
各位同事: Dear Colleagues, 今天,亚欧会议成员领导人聚首北京,共商亚欧对话合作、互利共赢大计。我代表中国政府,向大家表示热烈欢迎和诚挚的问候!
Today, leaders of ASEM partners have gathered in Beijing to explore ways for win-win progress through dialogue and cooperation between Asia and Europe.I wish to extend, on behalf of Chinese Government, warm welcome and sincere greetings to you all.当前,国际金融危机不断蔓延加剧,对世界经济增长和稳定造成严重冲击。能源、粮食、环境、自然灾害、贫困等全球性问题更加突出并且相互交织,人类发展面临严峻挑战。这场金融危机是历史上罕见的,有关国家和组织已纷纷采取措施,希望能够尽快取得成效。全面化解和战胜危机还需要全球行动、合力应对。
Currently, the spread of worsening international financial crisis has seriously affected world economic growth and stability.Global issues such as energy, food, the environment, natural disasters and poverty have become more pronounced and intertwined.Mankind is facing severe challenges in the pursuit of development.The ongoing financial crisis is rarely seen in history.Countries and organizations concerned have taken measures in response, and we hope these measures will produce the desired results soon.To comprehensively resolve and overcome the crisis calls for concerted efforts and global action.亚欧国家是维护国际金融稳定和促进世界经济增长的重要力量。我们要齐心协力,向世界展示信心、团结与合作。为此我提出以下意见:
Countries in Asia and Europe are an important force for international financial stability and world economic growth.We must work together and show confidence, solidarity and cooperation to the world.I suggest that we make greater efforts in the following aspects: 第一,各国首先要把自己的事情办好。在危机面前,领导者要从人民的根本和长远利益出发,坚定、果断、负责、及时地作出决策,通过必要的财政、货币、监管等手段,尽快恢复市场信心,保持经济增长。同时还要妥善引导舆论,维护社会稳定。
First, countries should, first and foremost, run their own affairs well.In the face of crisis, it is important for leaders to act in the fundamental and long-term interests of the people, make decisions in a firm, resolute, responsible and timely manner and use necessary fiscal, monetary and regulatory tools to restore market confidence as soon as possible and maintain economic growth.It is also important to offer proper guidance to public opinion and maintain social stability.第二,加强政府间的协调与配合。各国财政部门、央行和金融监管机构应密切跟踪、研究危机发展趋势和影响,扩大信息交流,并在宏观经济政策协调和国际金融监管方面采取有效措施,提高共同防范风险的能力。
Second, step up coordination and collaboration among governments.The financial departments, central banks and financial regulators around the world should closely follow the development of the crisis and study its trend and impact, enhance information sharing, take effective measures on macroeconomic policy coordination and international financial regulation and increase capacity for jointly fending off financial risks.第三,促进区域财经对话与合作。欧元区已就应对金融危机达成基本原则。亚洲地区也在探讨扩大东盟10+3框架下双边货币互换协议的规模,加快推进区域外汇储备库的建设进程。在此基础上,亚欧应发挥各自优势,充分利用现有机制,在更大范围上推进跨区域财经合作。
Third, intensify regional financial dialogue and cooperation.Members of the Eurozone have reached agreement on the basic principles to tackle the financial crisis.We in Asia are also exploring the possibility of expanding the size of bilateral currency swap arrangements under the 10+3 framework of ASEAN and working to put in place a regional foreign exchange reserves pool at an earlier date.Building on this, Asia and Europe should bring into play their respective advantages and make full use of the existing mechanisms to advance inter-regional financial cooperation on a broader scale.第四,推动改革国际货币金融体系。这场危机充分暴露了现行国际金融体系和治理结构的缺陷。国际社会纷纷要求加快改革步伐,建立公平、公正、有效的国际金融体系。我认为,一要增加发展中国家在国际金融组织中的发言权和代表性,二要扩大国际金融体系监管的覆盖面,特别要增强对主要储备货币国的监督,三要建立合理的全球金融救助机制。
Fourth, push forward the reform of the international monetary and financial systems.The present crisis has laid bare the weaknesses in the existing international financial system and governance structure.The international community is calling for accelerated reform and the establishment of a fair, just and effective international financial system.I deem it important to do three things in the regard: first, increase the say and representation of developing countries in international financial organizations;second, expand the scope of the regulation of the international financial system, with particular emphasis on strengthening the supervision of the major reserve currency countries;and third, establish a reasonable global financial rescue mechanism.词汇附录
1.Win-win progress through dialogue and cooperation对话合作、互利共赢
2.Offer proper guidance to public opinion妥善引导舆论
4.Non-Aligned Movement(NAM)不结盟运
6.Lay bare the weaknesses in暴露„„缺
商务英语的homework 1.You must be aware that an irrevocable L/C gives the exporter the additional protection of banker's guarantee.你必须意识到不可撤消信用证给出口商除了银行担保以外的保护。2.For payment we require 100% value, irrevocable L/C in our favor with partial shipment allowed clause available by draft at sight.对于付款,我方要求开立按照允许分批装运条款的即期汇票的100%价值的对我方有利的不可撤销的信用证。
3.What do you say to 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P?你说的是信用证的50%以及付款交单余额?
4.The Barclays Bank in London is in a position to open letters of credit in Renminbi against our sales confirmation or contract.巴克来银行可以凭借我们的销售确认书或合同开立人民币信用证。
5.Your refusal to amend the L/C is equivalent to cancellation of the order.你方拒绝修改信用证就等于取消订单。
6.Our Price terms are CIF Shanghai.If you require FOB London price terms, please let us know immediately, enabling us to requote to you.我方提供上海到岸价目表。如果你方要求伦敦船上交货价目表,请尽快通知我们,我们将告知你方新的报价。
7.Of course we also quote CFR or CIF prices if the buyers so desire.如果买方要求我们也可以报成本加运费价或到岸价。
8.Is the price quoted on the basis of CFRC3 Hamburg?所报价是否为成本加运费汉堡价加3%的佣金?
9.The only way to do this business is to effect payment by T/T at the time of loading.达成此项交易的唯一途径是在货物抵达时电汇付款。
10.We can serve you with a broad range of coverage against all kinds of risks for sea transport, such as FPA, WPA, All Risks and Extraneous Risks.我方可以承保海洋运输的所有险别,例如平安险、水渍险、一切险以及外来险。
10.we are pleased to inform you that the price of the machine is 7000(美元)packed and delivered FOB Kobe.我们很高兴地通知你方,机器的价格包括包装和交付神户离岸价是7000(美元)。
11.Jeffrey E.Garten is dean of the Yale School of Management.A former investment banker,he is the author of The Mind of the CEO.杰弗里E.加滕是耶鲁大学管理学院院长。曾经是一名投资银行家,他是《The Mind of the CEO》这本书的作者。
12.a commonplace criticism of American culture ^^^^^of the human spirit.人们普遍批评美国文化过于强调对于物质产品的占有而相应地过于忽视人们的精神生活。
13.the doctor's extremely quick arrival^^^^very speed recovery.医生非常迅速地到达了,并且非常仔细地检查了病人,因此病人很快就康复了。
14.the developed countries are rich in skilled work^^^^as computers,aircrafts,and so on.发达国家拥有大量的熟练劳动力和资本,所以它们能集中生产很多技术密集型的产品,比如计算机、飞机等等。
15.gold being quite inconvenient to carry around for spending purposes^^^^be redeemable in gold metal.既然因为购物需要而携带黄金而很不方便,各国政府就发行作为纸币发行的证书,保证这些证书可以兑现黄金。换了一列题
1.we have been put to considerable inconvenience by^^^^^因交货长期延误,我方遇到许多麻烦。我们坚持要求立即交货,否则我们不得不按合同规定取消定货。
2.we think you will be interested in a novelty^^^patent rights.想必贵公司会对我们一项获得专利权的新产品感兴趣。
3.we shall be pleased to supply you with 50 boxes^^^^本公司乐于报价50箱芦笋罐头,价格低廉,每箱500港元。该货从破产人存货中购得。
4.as the whole sale price of leather is rising,^^^^in the near future.由于皮革批发价上涨,贵公司今后绝不可能再以同样价格购得此货。
5.this is a trial order.please send us 35sets^^^^^large order in the future.试定35台,以开发市场。如若成功,随后必有大量定货。
6.we want the goods to be of exactly the same quality^^^supplied us.我们希望此批定货质量与以前供应的完全一样。换题
1.when the licensed products are sold, the royalty thereon shall be paid within a calendar month from the date of delivery.当授权产品出售时,使用费应当从交货日期起一个月内缴纳。2.in faith whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed the protocol.下列签署人确实已被正式授权签署协议。
3.the seller hereby warrants that the goods meet the quality standard and are from all defeats.卖方特此保证货物符合质量标准,没有失败品。
4.party A agrees to pay party B an amount hereinafter called royalty equal to 5% of the gross sales.甲方同意支付乙方相当于总销售额的5%的数额(以下简称为使用费)。
5.under the usance draft ,the bearer shall present it to the prayer for acceptance before the date maturity.在远期汇票中,持票人应于到期之日前提交验收
6.the authorities approved the said ^^^2006.主管机关已批准2006年9月12日的上署申请。7.In case the Buyers fail to arrange insurance in time due to the Sellers not having advised in time, all losses shall be borne by the Sellers.若因卖方未能及时通知致使买方无法及时安排保险所造成的损失都由卖方赔偿。
8.The Buyers ask for credit and have given the Bank of China, Beijing as a reference.买方要求记账交易,并提出中国银行作为资信备询人。
9.Each party to this Agreement shall fulfill or perform any of the obligations under this Agreement.合同的双方应必须执行此合同下的一切义务。
10.If the contractor shall duly perform and observe all the terms and stipulations of the said Contract, this obligation shall be null and void.如果承包人切实履行并遵守了上述合同的所有条款、条件及规定,本合同即告终止,否则这种义务仍然完全持效。
11.The sellers shall not be held responsible for failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot or a portion of the goods under this Contract in consequences of any accident of Force Majeure.由于发生人力无法抗拒的原因,致使本合同不能履行,或者部分或全部商品延误交货,卖方概不负责。
3.Distributor may use the trademark of Supplier during the effective period of this Agreement only in connection with the sale of products, and after the termination of this Agreenent, Distributor may use the trademark in connection with the sale of Products held by him in stock at the time of termination.在协议有效期内,分销商在销售产品时可能会使用供应商的商标,协议失效后,分销商在销售产品时可能使用他所持股票的商标。
4.Should the Seller fail to load the goods on board or to deliver the goods under the tackle of the vessel booked by the Buyer within the time as notified by the Buyer, after its arrival at the port of shipment, the Seller shall be fully liable to the Buyer and responsible for all losses and expenses such as dead freight, demurrage and consequential losses incurred upon and/or suffered by the Buyer.若在买方告知时间内,卖方未能按照买方所预定的船只装货或发货,在货物到港后,卖方应付法律责任并承担所有的损失和费用,比如空舱费、滞期费以及买方的间接损失。5.In case of damage of the goods incurred due to the design or manufacture defects and/or in case the quality and performance are not in conformity with the Contract, the Buyer, shall, during the guarantee period, request CCIB to make a survey.如果出现因设计或制造缺陷,以及因质量外观与合同要求不符合而造成的损失,买方应在保险期限内,要求中国商品检查局进行调查。6.The Buyer shall, 10 days before the expected date of arrival of the vessel at the ship-loading port, notify the Sellers by cable of the name of vessel, expected date of loading, contract number, for the Sellers to arrange shipment.买方应在预期货物抵达到装运港口10天前通过电报方式告知卖方商品名称、抵达日期、合同编号,以便卖方安排转运。换一列
1.but the important thing to remember is that ^^^and production which is now upon us.但需要记住的重要事情是,在现代世界里,我们必须向人们传授技术本领,掌握这些技术本领就可以使他们为应对我们眼下所面临的不断变化着的生产制造领域做好准备。
2.international trade transactions refer to the^^^^which is the importing country.国际贸易是指商品或服务从一个国家出口到另一个国家即进口的国家。
3.the pragmatic, and realistic approach, which has began to emerge over the last few years,^^^^its capacity.前几年开始出现的实务作风,已经收到实际的成果,联合国因此有机会展示其潜力,发挥其能力。
4.barter trade is still attractive in developing countries^^^^in external trade.发展中国家的外贸短缺,资金流入不足以满足他们在对外贸易中的义务需求,所以易物贸易在发展中国家仍旧盛行。
5.since syndication is usually arranged for sums ranging from^^^and porttolio considerations.由于辛迪加组织通常需要一千万美元到十亿美元甚至更多的资金,单独一家银行由于法定贷款限额风险以及投资组合的考虑是不能够且不愿意贷出如此巨大的数额。6.it is generally agreed that organizations ^^^^^will likely fail.人们普遍认为,拥有高效胜任的管理人员,公司成功的可能性更大,而管理人员能力低下的公司则大多数会失败。7.public relations(pr)is a term that is widely misunderstood^^^^^^communication progress.人们普遍对公共关系这个词存在误解,错误地用它来描述从销售到招待客人等无所不包的各种活动,而实际上,它是一个非常专门的交流过程。
8.developed to meet the needs of very high^^^^^all by its exceptional performance.这种新型的插座是为了满足高度信息输出网络的需要而开发的产品,它首要的特点是性能卓越。9.it did not take long ,^^^^^which he did not possess.但是,不久人们就意识到,有些事情他能比别人做得更好,而且,假如他集中精力生产那些他擅长生产的商品,而让其他人去生产那些需要别的技能(而这些技能他是不具备的)才能生产出来的商品,那么他就有利可图了。
1.搞好重点商品、重点市场、重点地区大案要案的清查。(省译重复词语)Do a good check of major cases in key commodities, key markets and key areas.2.今年上半年的进口计划的执行情况,也是好的。(省译表范畴的词语)
The implementation of the import plan in the first half of this year is good.3.打字机物美价廉。(增补动词)
Typewriter inexpensive.4.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。(增补连词)
Where there is life, there is hope.5.只有播种才能有收获。(增补作主语的代词)
Hard sowing, full harvest!
6.Inflation was and still is the NO.1 problem for that country.(省译介词)
7.The purpose of engineering is to create useful goods, to make them
better, cheaper and more abundant.(省译物主代词)
8.We expect that the delivery will be effected at your earliest convenience.(省译并列连词)
9.Please expedite the L/C so that we may execute the order smoothly.(在英语名词前后增译汉语动词)
10.Hiring outstanding people is an acquired skill.(增译语气连贯词)
Chinese-English translation
As long as we keep to the principle of equality and mutual benefit, trade between our two parties is sure to develop further.2.如果一方不执行合同,另一方有权撤销该合同。
In case one party fails to carry out the contract, the other party is entitled to cancel the contract.3.关于包装问题,我方将与厂商联系,要求他们对此加以重视。
As to packing, we will contact our manufacturers and call their attention to the matter.4.坚固的包装和箱内严密的填充可防止木箱受震、开裂。
Solid packing and overall stuffing can prevent the cases from vibration and jarring.5.很遗憾,这是我们的低价。如果你觉得价格不可行,我们只好取消这笔交易。I'm awfully sorry.This is our floor price.If you find it unworkable, we may as well call the deal off.6.请贵方惠寄商品目录并报价,谢谢。
I shall be glad if you will send me your catalogue together with quotations.7.我们一直在提高我们产品的设计水平,以满足世界市场的要求。
We are always improving our design and patterns to conform to the world market.8.我们通常采用的付款方式是保兑不可撤销的信用证。
The terms of payment we usually adopt are confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit.9.由于所订货物已备妥待运,请即开信用证,我方一收到信用证,立即装船。As the goods ordered are ready for shipment, please expedite your L/C, we will effect shipment as soon as it reaches us.10.我们已在中国人民控股公司替上述货物按4000美元投保了一切险。
We have covered the above shipment with PICC Holding Company against All Risks for $4,000.11.我们只投保水渍险,包括仓对仓条款,有效期为15天。
We cover only WPA including warehouse to warehouse clause valid for 15 days.12.只要在保险责任范围内,保险公司就应赔偿。
The insurance company is responsible for the claim, as far as it is within the scope of coverage.13.货物如果转运,我们得多付运费。
In case of transshipment, we have to pay extra transportation charges.14.由于贵方订货数量太大,目前无法订到足够的舱位,望贵方同意分批装运。As your order is a large one, we are not in a position to book enough shipping space, so we hope you will agree to partial shipment.15.请填写这份进口货物交运单和进口货物包装声明。
Please fill out the Import Cargo Shipping Instructions and the Import Cargo Packing Declaration here.16.由于你方未能及时交货,我方将向你方提出由此而遭受的全部损失的索赔。We shall lodge a claim for all the losses incurred as a consequence of your failure to ship our order in time.17.我方检验证明,货物受损是由于包装不当而造成的。因此,我方不得不将此事提交你处解决。
Our investigation shows that improper packing caused damage.Therefore we have to refer this matter to you.18.考虑到我们之间的业务关系,我们准备接受35吨短装的索赔。
In view of our friendly business relations, we are prepared to meet your claim for the 35 tons shortage in weight.19.这是由香港一个著名实验室提供的一份检验报告,证据绝对可靠。
Here’s a survey report by a well-known lab in Hong Kong, whose testimony is absolutely reliable.20.根据我们的检验报告,货物破损的原因是包装太差。
According to our survey report, the damage was caused by poor packing.
及Pistorio 先生的个人承诺的激励,帮助Catania 发展成为一个高技术的中心。
10.幸亏高失业率以及政府和欧盟的激励,Pistorio 先生很快的发现在西西里,脑力成本明显的比欧洲其他的地方低。结果超出了所有人的预期。