An Engineer’s Guide to the Artificial Intelligence Galaxy(注:本文演讲标题来自美国科技宅男必读经典科幻小说《银河系漫游指南》(The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy))2017届毕业生们,感谢你们邀请我参与如此盛大的毕业典礼。很荣幸能借此重返我的母校哥伦比亚大学,在一群这么优秀的毕业生、各位的家长、兄弟姐妹及各方嘉宾齐聚的重要场合发表演讲,共享这场毕业盛会的喜悦。
34年前,我就坐在你们现在的座位上,那是我人生中最美好的时光。在大学时代,我找到了一生所追寻的专业领域——人工智能,也找到了一生中的最大爱好——桥牌。那时我每周打30个小时桥牌,但直到现在,哥伦比亚大学也没给我颁发桥牌学位。在哥大我还找到了自己的初恋,很幸运,她后来成为我的毕生挚爱。当年,在我的毕业典礼上,我有 1 幸聆听了科幻小说巨匠艾萨克·阿西莫夫的致辞。很抱歉,今天你们只能听我演讲。
未来10年,所有金融企业都将发生天翻地覆的变化,因为人工智能将取代交易员、银行职员、会计师、分析员和保险经纪人。去年,我尝试采用智能投资算法获得了比我的 4 私人理财顾问高八倍的收益——这提醒我,回家后就可以把这位私人理财顾问给辞退了。
以上预测并不是基于人类神经元数量与机器仿真的神经元数量之间的简单对比,相反,我的预测是一个工程师根 据现有算法、市场供需情况、劳动力信息等方面所演绎出来的推论。
人类与人工智能协作的结果是1+1=3。举例来说,如果一个医生能正确诊断癌症,并能在100个患者中拯救70个 生命,而一个早期人工智能工具可以在100个患者中拯救60个生命。将医生与人工智能结合后,也许他们就能增加拯救80个生命。而且,当人工智能工具优化到能够拯救80个生命时,将人工智能与医生结合,或许就能够拯救90个生命。
你们的第二层使命是对自己负责,在人工智能时代,你不仅仅是与其他人竞争,你还在和人工智能竞争。你有责任优先解决疑难问题,而不是把你的时间浪费在机器就能胜任的事务上。不要选择一份对你毫无挑战性的工作,无论在哪个领域,都勇于冒险、勤于学习,只有这样,你才能成为最 9 独特和最有价值的人类成员。要坚持创新和创造——人工智能的优势在于优化,而非从零创新。
在治疗期间,我读了布朗妮·维尔(Bronnie Ware)的一本书,书中记录了临终病人一生中最后悔的事情。作者提到,没有一个人会为当年不够认真工作、不够努力加班、或财产积攒不足而后悔。人们临终时最最盼望的,是希望能再有机会花更多时间与自己所爱的人在一起。幸运的是,目前我的病情已缓解稳定,所以今天我才能来到哥大和你们在一起。如今,我会花更多的时间陪伴家人,我把家搬到了离我母亲更近的住处,无论出差还是单纯出游,我都会尽量和我妻子一起出行。孩子们回家时,我会从工作中抽出两三周、而不是仅是两三天的时间来陪伴他们。
Remarks at the New York University Commencement Ceremony Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State Yankee Stadium, New York City May 13, 2009 2009年美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿在纽约大学毕业典礼上的演讲 纽约大学 扬基体育场 2009年5月13日
Thank you.Thank you so much.Thank you.And does it get any better than this, a graduation ceremony for one of the great universities in the world in the home of New York Yankees? Nothing could be better.(Applause.)And thanks to all of you for cheering a visitor.I didn't realize that was permitted in Yankee Stadium.谢谢,谢谢,非常感谢。还有比这更好的事吗——世界上最好的大学之一在纽约扬基队主场所在地举行毕业典礼?真是再好不过了。(掌声)谢谢大家如此热烈地为一位来访的客人加油。我原以为在扬基体育场不可以这样做。
I am honored to receive this degree.And on behalf of the other honorees, I say thank you.Thank you for giving us this singular privilege of being part of this commencement ceremony.As I look out at this huge crowd of graduates, family, and friends, I can only reflect on what an extraordinary moment in history you are receiving your degrees, a moment in time of our country and the world where your talents and your energy, your passion and commitment is more needed than ever.There is no doubt that you are well prepared for a world that seems somewhat uncertain but which will welcome the education that you have received on behalf of not only of yourselves and your families, but your communities and your country.能够获得这个学位,我感到十分荣幸。我代表获得此一荣誉的其他人向你们表示感谢。谢谢你们给予我们参加这次毕业典礼的殊荣。当我看到眼前这一大群毕业生及其亲朋好友时,我不禁想到,你们是在一个不同寻常的历史时刻获得学位,我们的国家和整个世界比以往更需要你们的才智和精力、你们的激情和承诺。毫无疑问,你们已经为投入这样的世界作好了充分的准备:这个世界似乎前景不很明朗,但将赞赏你们不仅为了你们自己和家人而且为了你们的社区和国家所接受的教育。
As Secretary of State, I am well aware of the challenges that we face.You, as new graduates, and your generation will be up against those challenges: climate change and hunger, extreme poverty and extreme ideologies, new diseases and nuclear proliferation.But I am absolutely convinced that you and we are up to the task.There is no problem we face here in America or around the world that will not yield to human effort, to cooperation, to positive interdependence that makes clear humanity is going on, our challenges are ones that summon the best of us, and we will make the world better tomorrow than it is today.(Applause.)
Now, I know that it is fashionable in commencement speeches to be idealistic, and that may sound so, but at the root of my conviction is a strong sense of reality.Because you see, I don’t think we have a choice.We can sit on the sidelines, we can wring our hands, we can retreat into cynicism, and we know what the results will be: We will cede the field to those whose ideologies are absolutely anathema to people of conscience and faith all over the world.So our positive interdependence, which is a fact, will prepare us to meet these challenges.But they can no longer be seen just as government-to-government.There is a time and an opportunity, and with the new technologies available, for us to be citizen diplomats, citizen activists, to solve problems one by one that will give in to hard work, patience, and persistence, and will then aggregate to the solutions we seek.我知道,在毕业典礼上作理想化的演说是当前的时尚,[我的讲话]听起来也许很理想化,但我的信念深处有一种强烈的现实感。因为你们知道,我认为我们别无选择。我们可以袖手旁观,我们可以束手无策,我们可以采取悲观怀疑的态度,但我们知道这样做会产生什么样的结果:我们会把阵地拱手让给那些其意识形态为世界上所有有良知和信仰者所不齿的人。因此,我们之间积极的相互依赖 ——这是一个事实——将使我们为应对这些挑战做好准备。但这不能再被仅仅视作政府与政府之间的事情。随着新技术的不断涌现,我们有时间和机会成为公民外交家、公民活动家,通过辛勤工作、耐心和毅力一个一个地解决问题,逐步积累成我们所寻求的解决方案。
Now, I know we cannot send a special envoy to negotiate with a pandemic, or call a summit with carbon dioxide, or sever relations with the global financial crisis.To confront these threats and to seize the opportunities that they also present, we need to build new partnerships from the bottom up, and to use every tool at our disposal.That is the heart of smart power.But smart power requires smart people, people who have gone the distance for their education, who have opened themselves up to this increasingly complex and interconnected world, and this changing global landscape requires us to expand our concept of diplomacy.我知道我们不能派特使与大规模流行的疾病进行谈判,不能与二氧化碳召开高峰会,也不能与全球金融危机断绝关系。要抗击这些威胁并抓住这些威胁提供的机遇,我们需要自下而上地建立新的伙伴关系,利用手中可以利用的一切手段。这就是巧实力的实质。但巧实力来自精明的人,接受过良好教育的人,向日益复杂、相互关联的世界开放的人,而不断变化的全球场景要求我们必须扩大我们的外交概念。
Now, when I was graduating so many years ago, diplomacy was the domain of privileged men working behind closed doors.Today, our diplomats are not limited, and our diplomacy is no longer confined to the State Department or our embassies.We are laying the foundation for 21st century statecraft.Where? In the classrooms of NYU, in the board rooms of the businesses of this great city, in the halls of academia, in the operating rooms of our great hospitals.We are looking for those personal commitments and connections, and that is where all of you come in.回顾我多年前从学校毕业的时候,外交是闭门谋事的高官要员的事情。如今,我们的外交人员来自各行各业,我们的外交工作也不局限于国务院或我国驻外使领馆。我们正在为二十一世纪的治国大计培养人才。在哪里?就在纽约大学的教室里,就在这座伟大城市中各家公司董事会的会议室里,就在学术会堂里,就在我们一所所优秀医院的手术室里。我们需要的是个人承诺和个人纽带,而这正是你们各位能够一展身手之处。
The biggest challenges we face today will be solved by the 60 percent of the world’s population under the age of 30.And already, young people, like all of you, are using their talents and ingenuity to help fashion their own brand of service and diplomacy.我们今天所面临的一系列最重大的挑战将由占世界人口60%的30岁以下的群体来解决。而年轻一代,像你们所有人一样,已在发挥他们的才华和智慧,帮助形成具有他们独特风格的公益和外交工作。
A few examples: In the nation of Colombia, two young college graduates, fed up with the violence in their country, used Facebook to organize 14 million people into the largest antiterrorism demonstrations in the history of the world.(Applause.)In a few short weeks, their peaceful efforts did as much damage to the terrorist networks as years of military action.仅举几个例子:哥伦比亚两名年轻的大学毕业生受够了这个国家内部的暴力冲突,他们利用―脸谱网‖(Facebook)组织了一次世界历史上规模最大的反恐怖主义抗议示威活动,共有1400万人参加。(掌声)在短短几个星期中,他们的和平努力对恐怖主义网络的打击程度不亚于多年的军事行动。
I know that one of your graduates spent months on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro searching for sustainable development models to bring to women and families and help them lift themselves out of poverty.Another of your classmates was studying in China last year when the devastating earthquake struck, and that has led to work ever since to deliver supplies and assistance to villagers in remote areas.International students have gone on to fight for human rights in Rwanda, build civil society in the nation of Georgia, run businesses, and lead governments.And many of you, I know, used social networking platforms to make Barack Obama the President of the United States of America.(Applause.)
我知道,你们这届毕业生中的一员曾在乞力马扎罗峰(Mount Kilimanjaro)的山坡上生活了好几个月,努力寻找可持续发展模式,以便利用这种模式帮助妇女和家庭自力更生地摆脱贫困。你们的另一位同学去年在中国留学期间遇上大地震爆发,灾情惨重,这位同学自此一直在从事为偏远地区的村民输送物资和援助的工作。留学生们有的前往卢旺达参加争取人权的斗争,有的到格鲁吉亚建设公民社会,有的经营公司企业,有的领导政府工作。我知道,你们之中有很多人利用社交网络平台帮助巴拉克·奥巴马当上了美利坚合众国总统。(掌声)
President Obama and I deeply understand how important it is for the young people of our country, but the young people of every country, to be given the opportunity to translate your beliefs and ideals into service and action, just as John Kennedy did when he created the Peace Corps and as President Bill Clinton did when he created AmeriCorps.This is in the tradition of citizen service.(Applause.)
奥巴马总统和我都深切理解为我国乃至所有国家的年轻人创造机会的重要意义,以便你们把自己的信念和理想化为奉献与行动,正如约翰·肯尼迪创建和平队(Peace Corps)和比尔·克林顿总统创建美国志愿队(AmeriCorps)一样,这符合公民服务的传统。(掌声)
So we need to figure out ways to prepare all of our institutions of government, including and especially the State Department, to harness the efforts of those who do not enter the Foreign Service but still engage in your own type of foreign service.Our State Department personnel are skilled, dedicated, passionate, and effective.And for those of you still looking for jobs, we are hiring a new generation of diplomats.因此,我们需要设法让我国所有政府机构做好准备,国务院不仅包括在内而且要作为重点,以便让那些不是职业外交人员但仍以自己的方式从事外交工作的人发挥作用。我们国务院的工作人员经验丰富,忠于职守,工作热情而有效率。你们之中还在求职的人请注意,我们正在招聘新一代外交人员。(掌声)
I hope many of you will join our ranks in the Foreign Service and the Civil Service, but I know that not all will choose to become professional diplomats, and I also know that the State Department alone cannot tackle these great problems.So my message to you today is this: Be the special envoys of your ideals;use the communication tools at your disposal to advance the interests of our nation and humanity everywhere;be citizen ambassadors using your personal and professional lives to forge global partnerships, build on a common commitment to solving our planet’s common problems.By creating your own networks, you can extend the power of governments to meet the needs of this and future generations.You can help lay the groundwork for the kind of global cooperation that is essential if we wish, in our time, to end hunger and defeat disease, to combat climate change, and to give every child the chance to live up to his or her God-given potential.(Applause.)
This starts with opportunities for educational exchanges, the kind of dorm room and classroom diplomacy that NYU is leading on.I want to commend my friend, your president, the trustees of this great university, for understanding and believing in the importance of educational exchanges.这一切始于教育交流机会,始于纽约大学率先展开的那种宿舍外交和课堂外交。我要赞扬我的朋友、你们的校长,也要赞扬这所杰出高校的校董们,他们理解并相信教育交流的重要性。
You know, study abroad is like spring training for this century.It helps you develop the fundamentals, the teamwork, and the determination to succeed.And we want more American students to have that opportunity.That’s why we are increasing funding for Gilman scholarships by more than 40 percent.More than 400 New Yorkers have used Gilman scholarships to spend a semester abroad, including nine students from NYU last year.你们知道,出国留学就象是为一场世纪棒球赛作准备的春训。它有助于你们增强基础技能、团队精神和取得成功的决心。我们要让更多的美国学生获得这种机会。这正是我们把吉尔曼奖学金(Gilman Scholarships)的数额增加40%以上的原因。已经有400多名纽约人利用吉尔曼奖学金花一个学期的时间去国外留学,其中包括去年在国外留学的纽约大学的9位同学。
Now, of course, study abroad is a two-way street, and we should bring more qualified students from other countries to study here.NYU provides a prime example of what international students can bring to a campus and how they can benefit themselves and their countries.Over 700,000 international students came to the United States last year, and NYU had the second largest number of any school in the country.(Applause.)
Now, the benefits from such exchanges are so great that I am committed to streamline the visa process –(applause)– particularly for science and technology students so that even more qualified students will come to our campuses in the future.We’re also doing more to marry technology with global service.That’s why today I am pleased to announce that over the next year the State Department will be creating Virtual Student Foreign Service Internships to harness the energy of a rising generation of citizen diplomats.Working from college and university campuses, American students will partner with our embassies abroad to conduct digital diplomacy that reflects the realities of the networked world.And you can learn more about this initiative on the State Department’s website.由于这些交流带来了巨大的益处,我决心简化签证手续──(掌声)──特别是为理工科的学生,以便未来有更多优秀学生到我们的大学深造。我们也在扩大把高科技与全球性服务相结合的做法。因此,今天我高兴地宣布,在今后一年里国务院将建立起―学生网上外交实习项目‖(Virtual Student Foreign Service Internships),使正在成长的一代公民外交家的能量得到有效利用。美国大学生将与我国驻外使馆协作,在自己的校园内开展网上外交活动,反映网络化世界的现实。你们可以在国务院网站上了解该项目的详情。
But I know that you don’t have to wait for us to create a new program.When you go home today, go online and find the website called Kiva, K-i-v-a, where you can help someone like San Ma, a mother in Vietnam who is seeking a microcredit loan to buy rice seed and fertilizer for her family farm;or log on to Heifer International’s site, and for less than the cost of a dinner out, you can donate a flock of geese to a hungry family in Asia or Africa;or help Wangari Mathai’s Green Belt movement in planting trees and offsetting carbon emissions and empowering women in Africa.但我知道,你们不需要等到我们建立起一个新项目之后再行动。今天你们回家后,上网找到一个称为Kiva——K-i-v-a——的网站,在那里你可以帮助像San Ma这样一位越南母亲,她正在寻找一笔小额贷款,为她的家庭农场购买稻种和肥料;或者你们可以进入海菲国际(Heifer International)的网站,只要花费比在外面吃一顿晚餐还少的钱就可以把一群鹅捐赠给亚洲或非洲一个饥饿的家庭;或帮助文加里·马塔伊(Wangari Mathai)倡导的“绿带运动”(Green Belt movement),种植树木,中和碳排放,并帮助非洲妇女发挥潜能。
Now, supporting these projects and others like them doesn't require a lot of time or money.But for the people you help and the planet you protect, your participation can be not just a game changer, but a life changer.Global service also means promoting good governance.We need informed citizens, both here at home and around the world, to hold their governments accountable for getting results and finding solutions.支持这些项目及其他类似项目不需要花费大量时间与金钱,但对于你们帮助的人们和保护的地球来说,你们的参与不仅能够改变游戏规则,还能够改变人们的生活。全球性服务还意味着促进良治。我们在国内和世界各地都需要有见地的公民向政府问责,督促政府取得效益和找到解决问题的方案。
And this is not only directed at the graduates today, but there are a lot of proud mothers and fathers and husbands and wives and grandparents and children and others who have seen you to this day.And this is an offer and a challenge to all of us.In the times that we face, we know we don’t have a person to waste, we don’t have an idea to overlook.In fact, we have to be even more committed to reaching out and crossing the divides that too often separate us.For those who have come to this country to celebrate a child or a friend’s graduation, please take home this message: America more than ever wants your help;in fact, needs your help as we build these new partnerships and as we seek solutions to the global crises that cannot be solved by any one people or one government alone.这并非仅仅针对今天的毕业生,在场的还有许许多多自豪的父母双亲、丈夫或妻子、祖父祖母、孩子们和其他人,他们目睹你们走到了今天。对我们所有的人来说,这是邀请,也是挑战。在我们所处的时代,我们知道我们需人尽其才,集思广益。我们更应不断开拓新天地,超越经常使我们分道扬镳的分歧。前来美国参加子女或朋友毕业典礼的诸位,请铭记这一点:美国比以往任何时候都更希望得到你们的帮助;具体而言,我们需要你们帮助我们建立这些新的合作关系,帮助我们寻求解决全球危机的途径。任何一个国家的人民或任何一个国家的政府都无法单独战胜全球性的危机。
We need each other.We always have.It’s just so much more apparent today.A flu starting in one country spreads quickly around the world.An extremist ideology starting with a few people explodes across the internet.A global financial crisis affects farmers and small business people in every corner of the globe.That is a new reality.But equally important is that we also now have the tools to work together to forge this common approach to these common threats.我们大家休戚相关。我们之间历来如此。今天,这一点更为明显。一个国家爆发流感会迅速蔓延全球。一种极少数人酝酿的极端主义观念可通过因特网急剧扩散。一场全球性的金融危机将殃及全世界每一个角落的农民和小业主。这是新的现实。但同样不可忽视的是,现在我们也可以通过已经拥有的各种方式,同心协力抗击这些共同威胁。
So, Class of 2009, you have an historic opportunity.Every class is told that, and to some extent I suppose it is always true.But just in the course of this commencement ceremony, you’ve heard several references to the global economic crisis.The times that you are graduating in are, yes, perhaps more difficult and somewhat more daunting.But that’s when we really rise together.One of the best lines from one of my favorite baseball movies, A League of Their Own –(applause)– said it well, ―If it were easy, anybody could do it.‖
2009年毕业班的同学们,你们面临着历史性的机遇。每一届毕业生都听到这样的话,而且我认为在某种程度上确实如此。不过,在今天的毕业典礼上,你们已多次听到有关全球经济危机的话题。应该承认,你们毕业的这个时代或许更为困难,在某种意义上也更令人生畏。然而,这正是需要我们共同挺身而出的时候。我不禁想起一部我喜爱的关于棒球的影片,《女子棒球队》(A League of Their Own),其中一句精彩的台词 ──(掌声)── 说得真好,“如果没有困难,任何人都能做到”。
You know, when the Yankees moved in to their old stadium next door in 1923, there was only person on the roster from west of St.Louis.Their team mostly looked the same, talked the same, and came from the same kind of cities and towns and rural areas across America.Think about the team that plays in this new stadium.It includes players from Mexico, Japan, Taiwan, Panama, four other countries.The Dominican Republic alone is home to seven Yankees.In the same way, NYU has evolved as well.The university was founded to serve the City of New York.Today it serves the world.你们知道,当扬基队(Yankees)于1923年迁入隔壁的旧体育场时,名册上只有一位队员来自圣路易斯城(St.Louis)以西的地区。这支球队的队员外表大同小异,说话语气相同,均来自美国同一类地区的城镇和乡村。再看看今天在这个新场地竞技的球队,其中有来自墨西哥、日本、台湾、巴拿马及其他四国的队员。扬基队就有七名队员来自多米尼加共和国(Dominican Republic)。同样,纽约大学也在演变。学校创立时只为纽约市服务,如今则为全球服务。
We know that there is much yet ahead that none of us can predict.There is no way to stop change.Change will come.What is unknown is whether it will bring progress or not.But you have done what you needed to do to get the best insurance policy you could, and that is an NYU education.(Applause.)And so armed with that education, I have every confidence that you will not only succeed by the dint of your own hard work and effort, but you will contribute far beyond your own personal needs.This is your moment.You’ve made it to the big leagues, and you are up to bat.Go out and give us a future worthy of this great university, of this great city, of this great country, and of the world we all wish to create together.我们知道,前方有许多未知数,我们谁都无法预测。变革不可逆转。变革终会来临。无法预知的是,变革能否带来进步。然而,你们已尽了一切努力,获得了最好的保障,那就是纽约大学的教育。(掌声)有了这样的教育,我完全相信,你们不仅可凭着你们自身的勤奋努力获得成功,而且还能为社会做出重大贡献,远远超出自身的需求。这是你们的时刻。你们加入了这个宏大的联队,你们可以出击了。踏上征途,开创我们的未来,使之无愧于这所伟大的学府,无愧于这座伟大的城市,无愧于这个伟大的国家,无愧于我们都希望共同建立的世界。
Thank you, congratulations, and Godspeed.(Applause.)
第三篇:希拉里纽约大学毕业典礼演讲 口译
Remarks at the New York University Commencement Ceremony Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State
Yankee Stadium, New York City
May 13, 2009 2009年美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿在纽约大学毕业典礼上的演讲
纽约大学 扬基体育场 2009年5月13日
Thank you.Thank you so much.Thank you.And does it get any better than this, a graduation ceremony for one of the great universities in the world in the home of New York Yankees? Nothing could be better.(Applause.)And thanks to all of you for cheering a visitor.I didn't realize that was permitted in Yankee Stadium.谢谢,谢谢,非常感谢。还有比这更好的事吗——世界上最好的大学之一在纽约扬基队主场所在地举行毕业典礼?真是再好不过了。(掌声)谢谢大家如此热烈地为一位来访的客人加油。我原以为在扬基体育场不可以这样做。
I am honored to receive this degree.And on behalf of the other honorees, I say thank you.Thank you for giving us this singular privilege of being part of this commencement ceremony.As I look out at this huge crowd of graduates, family, and friends, I can only reflect on what an extraordinary moment in history you are receiving your degrees, a moment in time of our country and the world where your talents and your energy, your passion and commitment is more needed than ever.There is no doubt that you are well prepared for a world that seems somewhat uncertain but which will welcome the education that you have received on behalf of not only of yourselves and your families, but your communities and your country.能够获得这个学位,我感到十分荣幸。我代表获得此一荣誉的其他人向你们表示感谢。谢谢你们给予我们参加这次毕业典礼的殊荣。当我看到眼前这一大群毕业生及其亲朋好友时,我不禁想到,你们是在一个不同寻常的历史时刻获得学位,我们的国家和整个世界比以往更需要你们的才智和精力、你们的激情和承诺。毫无疑问,你们已经为投入这样的世界作好了充分的准备:这个世界似乎前景不很明朗,但将赞赏你们不仅为了你们自己和家人而且为了你们的社区和国家所接受的教育。
As Secretary of State, I am well aware of the challenges that we face.You, as new graduates, and your generation will be up against those challenges: climate change and hunger, extreme poverty and extreme ideologies, new diseases and nuclear proliferation.But I am absolutely convinced that you and we are up to the task.There is no problem we face here in America or around the world that will not yield to human effort, to cooperation, to positive interdependence that makes clear humanity is going on, our challenges are ones that summon the best of us, and we will make the world better tomorrow than it is today.(Applause.)作为国务卿,我十分清楚我们面临的各项挑战。作为新的毕业生,你们和你们这一代人将面对这样的挑战:气候变化和饥饿、赤贫和极端主义的意识形态、新的疾病和核扩散。但我深信,你们和我们能够胜任这样的任务。我们在美国和整个世界所面临的各种问题,都能够通过人们的努力、合作和积极的相互依赖得到解决,而这种相互依赖表明,人类社会正在继续前进。挑战将激发我们最好的一面,我们将把明天的世界变得比今天更加美好。(掌声)
Now, I know that it is fashionable in commencement speeches to be idealistic, and that may sound so, but at the root of my conviction is a strong sense of reality.Because you see, I don’t think we have a choice.We can sit on the sidelines, we can wring our hands, we can retreat into cynicism, and we know what the results will be: We will cede the field to those whose ideologies are absolutely anathema to people of conscience and faith all over the world.So our positive interdependence, which is a fact, will prepare us to meet these challenges.But they can no longer be seen just as government-to-government.There is a time and an opportunity, and with the new technologies available, for us to be citizen diplomats, citizen activists, to solve problems one by one that will give in to hard work, patience, and persistence, and will then aggregate to the solutions we seek.我知道,在毕业典礼上作理想化的演说是当前的时尚,[我的讲话]听起来也许很理想化,但我的信念深处有一种强烈的现实感。因为你们知道,我认为我们别无选择。我们可以袖手旁观,我们可以束手无策,我们可以采取悲观怀疑的态度,但我们知道这样做会产生什么样的结果:我们会把阵地拱手让给那些其意识形态为世界上所有有良知和信仰者所不齿的人。因此,我们之间积极的相互依赖 ——这是一个事实——将使我们为应对这些挑战做好准备。但这不能再被仅仅视作政府与政府之间的事情。随着新技术的不断涌现,我们有时间和机会成为公民外交家、公民活动家,通过辛勤工作、耐心和毅力一个一个地解决问题,逐步积累成我们所寻求的解决方案。
Now, I know we cannot send a special envoy to negotiate with a pandemic, or call a summit with carbon dioxide, or sever relations with the global financial crisis.To confront these threats and to seize the opportunities that they also present, we need to build new partnerships from the bottom up, and to use every tool at our disposal.That is the heart of smart power.But smart power requires smart people, people who have gone the distance for their education, who have opened themselves up to this increasingly complex and interconnected world, and this changing global landscape requires us to expand our concept of diplomacy.2 我知道我们不能派特使与大规模流行的疾病进行谈判,不能与二氧化碳召开高峰会,也不能与全球金融危机断绝关系。要抗击这些威胁并抓住这些威胁提供的机遇,我们需要自下而上地建立新的伙伴关系,利用手中可以利用的一切手段。这就是巧实力的实质。但巧实力来自精明的人,接受过良好教育的人,向日益复杂、相互关联的世界开放的人,而不断变化的全球场景要求我们必须扩大我们的外交概念。
Now, when I was graduating so many years ago, diplomacy was the domain of privileged men working behind closed doors.Today, our diplomats are not limited, and our diplomacy is no longer confined to the State Department or our embassies.We are laying the foundation for 21st century statecraft.Where? In the classrooms of NYU, in the board rooms of the businesses of this great city, in the halls of academia, in the operating rooms of our great hospitals.We are looking for those personal commitments and connections, and that is where all of you come in.回顾我多年前从学校毕业的时候,外交是闭门谋事的高官要员的事情。如今,我们的外交人员来自各行各业,我们的外交工作也不局限于国务院或我国驻外使领馆。我们正在为二十一世纪的治国大计培养人才。在哪里?就在纽约大学的教室里,就在这座伟大城市中各家公司董事会的会议室里,就在学术会堂里,就在我们一所所优秀医院的手术室里。我们需要的是个人承诺和个人纽带,而这正是你们各位能够一展身手之处。
The biggest challenges we face today will be solved by the 60 percent of the world’s population under the age of 30.And already, young people, like all of you, are using their talents and ingenuity to help fashion their own brand of service and diplomacy.我们今天所面临的一系列最重大的挑战将由占世界人口60%的30岁以下的群体来解决。而年轻一代,像你们所有人一样,已在发挥他们的才华和智慧,帮助形成具有他们独特风格的公益和外交工作。
A few examples: In the nation of Colombia, two young college graduates, fed up with the violence in their country, used Facebook to organize 14 million people into the largest antiterrorism demonstrations in the history of the world.(Applause.)In a few short weeks, their peaceful efforts did as much damage to the terrorist networks as years of military action.仅举几个例子:哥伦比亚两名年轻的大学毕业生受够了这个国家内部的暴力冲突,他们利用―脸谱网‖(Facebook)组织了一次世界历史上规模最大的反恐怖主义抗议示威活动,共有1400万人参加。(掌声)在短短几个星期中,他们的和平努力对恐怖主义网络的打击程度不亚于多年的军事行动。
I know that one of your graduates spent months on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro searching for sustainable development models to bring to women and families and help them lift themselves out of poverty.Another of your classmates was studying in China last year when the devastating earthquake struck, and that has led to work ever since to deliver supplies and assistance to villagers in remote areas.International students have gone on to fight for human rights in Rwanda, build civil society in the nation of Georgia, run businesses, and lead governments.And many of you, I know, used social networking platforms to make Barack Obama the President of the United States of America.(Applause.)我知道,你们这届毕业生中的一员曾在乞力马扎罗峰(Mount Kilimanjaro)的山坡上生活了好几个月,努力寻找可持续发展模式,以便利用这种模式帮助妇女和家庭自力更生地摆脱贫困。你们的另一位同学去年在中国留学期间遇上大地震爆发,灾情惨重,这位同学自此一直在从事为偏远地区的村民输送物资和援助的工作。留学生们有的前往卢旺达参加争取人权的斗争,有的到格鲁吉亚建设公民社会,有的经营公司企业,有的领导政府工作。我知道,你们之中有很多人利用社交网络平台帮助巴拉克·奥巴马当上了美利坚合众国总统。(掌声)President Obama and I deeply understand how important it is for the young people of our country, but the young people of every country, to be given the opportunity to translate your beliefs and ideals into service and action, just as John Kennedy did when he created the Peace Corps and as President Bill Clinton did when he created AmeriCorps.This is in the tradition of citizen service.(Applause.)奥巴马总统和我都深切理解为我国乃至所有国家的年轻人创造机会的重要意义,以便你们把自己的信念和理想化为奉献与行动,正如约翰·肯尼迪创建和平队(Peace Corps)和比尔·克林顿总统创建美国志愿队(AmeriCorps)一样,这符合公民服务的传统。(掌声)
So we need to figure out ways to prepare all of our institutions of government, including and especially the State Department, to harness the efforts of those who do not enter the Foreign Service but still engage in your own type of foreign service.Our State Department personnel are skilled, dedicated, passionate, and effective.And for those of you still looking for jobs, we are hiring a new generation of diplomats.(Applause.)因此,我们需要设法让我国所有政府机构做好准备,国务院不仅包括在内而且要作为重点,以便让那些不是职业外交人员但仍以自己的方式从事外交工作的人发挥作用。我们国务院的工作人员经验丰富,忠于职守,工作热情而有效率。你们之中还在求职的人请注意,我们正在招聘新一代外交人员。(掌声)I hope many of you will join our ranks in the Foreign Service and the Civil Service, but I know that not all will choose to become professional diplomats, and I also know that the State Department alone cannot tackle these great problems.So my message to you today is this: Be the special envoys of your ideals;use the communication tools at your disposal to advance the interests of our nation and humanity everywhere;be citizen ambassadors using your personal and professional lives to forge global partnerships, build on a common commitment to solving our planet’s common problems.By creating your own networks, you can extend the power of governments to meet the needs of this and future generations.You can help lay the groundwork for the kind of global cooperation that is essential if we wish, in our time, to end hunger and defeat disease, to combat climate change, and to give every child the chance to live up to his or her God-given potential.(Applause.)我希望你们中间能有很多人加入我们的行列成为外交官和公务员,但我知道并非所有人都愿意成为职业外交官,我也知道国务院无法单凭自己的力量解决这些重大问题。因此,我今天要对你们说的是:做你们自己的理念的特使;利用你们手中的交流工具增进我国及全人类的利益;做一位公民大使,利用你们的个人经历和专业活动结交全球伙伴,以共同承诺为基础解决我们的星球所面临的共同问题。通过建立你们自己的网络,你们能够扩展政府的能力,以满足这一代人和子孙后代的需求。你们能够帮助奠定全球合作的基础,我们若想在有生之年消除饥饿,战胜疾病,控制气候变化,让每个孩子都有机会发挥他们的天赋潜能,就离不开这种全球合作。(掌声)
This starts with opportunities for educational exchanges, the kind of dorm room and classroom diplomacy that NYU is leading on.I want to commend my friend, your president, the trustees of this great university, for understanding and believing in the importance of educational exchanges.这一切始于教育交流机会,始于纽约大学率先展开的那种宿舍外交和课堂外交。我要赞扬我的朋友、你们的校长,也要赞扬这所杰出高校的校董们,他们理解并相信教育交流的重要性。
You know, study abroad is like spring training for this century.It helps you develop the fundamentals, the teamwork, and the determination to succeed.And we want more American students to have that opportunity.That’s why we are increasing funding for Gilman scholarships by more than 40 percent.More than 400 New Yorkers have used Gilman scholarships to spend a semester abroad, including nine students from NYU last year.你们知道,出国留学就象是为一场世纪棒球赛作准备的春训。它有助于你们增强基础技能、团队精神和取得成功的决心。我们要让更多的美国学生获得这种机会。这正是我们把吉尔曼奖学金(Gilman Scholarships)的数额增加40%以上的原因。已经有400多名纽约人利用吉尔曼奖学金花一个学期的时间去国外留学,其中包括去年在国外留学的纽约大学的9位同学。
Now, of course, study abroad is a two-way street, and we should bring more qualified students from other countries to study here.NYU provides a prime example of what international students can bring to a campus and how they can benefit themselves and their countries.Over 700,000 international students came to the United States last year, and NYU had the second largest number of any school in the country.(Applause.)当然,出国留学是一条双行道,我们也应该吸引其他国家更多的优秀学生到美国来学习。外国学生丰富了美国的大学,使他们自己和他们的祖国受益,纽约大学在这方面树立了一个杰出榜样。去年有70万名外国学生来美国求学,纽约大学招收的外国学生人数在全美各高校中名列第二。(掌声)Now, the benefits from such exchanges are so great that I am committed to streamline the visa process –(applause)– particularly for science and technology students so that even more qualified students will come to our campuses in the future.We’re also doing more to marry technology with global service.That’s why today I am pleased to announce that over the next year the State Department will be creating Virtual Student Foreign Service Internships to harness the energy of a rising generation of citizen diplomats.Working from college and university campuses, American students will partner with our embassies abroad to conduct digital diplomacy that reflects the realities of the networked world.And you can learn more about this initiative on the State Department’s website.由于这些交流带来了巨大的益处,我决心简化签证手续──(掌声)──特别是为理工科的学生,以便未来有更多优秀学生到我们的大学深造。我们也在扩大把高科技与全球性服务相结合的做法。因此,今天我高兴地宣布,在今后一年里国务院将建立起―学生网上外交实习项目‖(Virtual Student Foreign Service Internships),使正在成长的一代公民外交家的能量得到有效利用。美国大学生将与我国驻外使馆协作,在自己的校园内开展网上外交活动,反映网络化世界的现实。你们可以在国务院网站上了解该项目的详情。
But I know that you don’t have to wait for us to create a new program.When you go home today, go online and find the website called Kiva, K-i-v-a, where you can help someone like San Ma, a mother in Vietnam who is seeking a microcredit loan to buy rice seed and fertilizer for her family farm;or log on to Heifer International’s site, and for less than the cost of a dinner out, you can donate a flock of geese to a hungry family in Asia or Africa;or help Wangari Mathai’s Green Belt movement in planting trees and offsetting carbon emissions and empowering women in Africa.但我知道,你们不需要等到我们建立起一个新项目之后再行动。今天你们回家后,上网找到一个称为Kiva——K-i-v-a——的网站,在那里你可以帮助像San Ma这样一位越南母亲,她正在寻找一笔小额贷款,为她的家庭农场购买稻种和肥料;或者你们可以进入海菲国际(Heifer International)的网站,只要花费比在外面吃一顿晚餐还少的钱就可以把一群鹅捐赠给亚洲或非洲一个饥饿的家庭;或帮助文加里·马塔伊(Wangari Mathai)倡导的“绿带运动”(Green Belt movement),种植树木,中和碳排放,并帮助非洲妇女发挥潜能。Now, supporting these projects and others like them doesn't require a lot of time or money.But for the people you help and the planet you protect, your participation can be not just a game changer, but a life changer.Global service also means promoting good governance.We need informed citizens, both here at home and around the world, to hold their governments accountable for getting results and finding solutions.支持这些项目及其他类似项目不需要花费大量时间与金钱,但对于你们帮助的人们和保护的地球来说,你们的参与不仅能够改变游戏规则,还能够改变人们的生活。全球性服务还意味着促进良治。我们在国内和世界各地都需要有见地的公民向政府问责,督促政府取得效益和找到解决问题的方案。
And this is not only directed at the graduates today, but there are a lot of proud mothers and fathers and husbands and wives and grandparents and children and others who have seen you to this day.And this is an offer and a challenge to all of us.In the times that we face, we know we don’t have a person to waste, we don’t have an idea to overlook.In fact, we have to be even more committed to reaching out and crossing the divides that too often separate us.For those who have come to this country to celebrate a child or a friend’s graduation, please take home this message: America more than ever wants your help;in fact, needs your help as we build these new partnerships and as we seek solutions to the global crises that cannot be solved by any one people or one government alone.这并非仅仅针对今天的毕业生,在场的还有许许多多自豪的父母双亲、丈夫或妻子、祖父祖母、孩子们和其他人,他们目睹你们走到了今天。对我们所有的人来说,这是邀请,也是挑战。在我们所处的时代,我们知道我们需人尽其才,集思广益。我们更应不断开拓新天地,超越经常使我们分道扬镳的分歧。前来美国参加子女或朋友毕业典礼的诸位,请铭记这一点:美国比以往任何时候都更希望得到你们的帮助;具体而言,我们需要你们帮助我们建立这些新的合作关系,帮助我们寻求解决全球危机的途径。任何一个国家的人民或任何一个国家的政府都无法单独战胜全球性的危机。
We need each other.We always have.It’s just so much more apparent today.A flu starting in one country spreads quickly around the world.An extremist ideology starting with a few people explodes across the internet.A global financial crisis affects farmers and small business people in every corner of the globe.That is a new reality.But equally important is that we also now have the tools to work together to forge this common approach to these common threats.我们大家休戚相关。我们之间历来如此。今天,这一点更为明显。一个国家爆发流感会迅速蔓延全球。一种极少数人酝酿的极端主义观念可通过因特网急剧扩散。一场全球性的金融危机将殃及全世界每一个角落的农民和小业主。这是新的 7 现实。但同样不可忽视的是,现在我们也可以通过已经拥有的各种方式,同心协力抗击这些共同威胁。
So, Class of 2009, you have an historic opportunity.Every class is told that, and to some extent I suppose it is always true.But just in the course of this commencement ceremony, you’ve heard several references to the global economic crisis.The times that you are graduating in are, yes, perhaps more difficult and somewhat more daunting.But that’s when we really rise together.One of the best lines from one of my favorite baseball movies, A League of Their Own –(applause)– said it well, ―If it were easy, anybody could do it.‖ 2009年毕业班的同学们,你们面临着历史性的机遇。每一届毕业生都听到这样的话,而且我认为在某种程度上确实如此。不过,在今天的毕业典礼上,你们已多次听到有关全球经济危机的话题。应该承认,你们毕业的这个时代或许更为困难,在某种意义上也更令人生畏。然而,这正是需要我们共同挺身而出的时候。我不禁想起一部我喜爱的关于棒球的影片,《女子棒球队》(A League of Their Own),其中一句精彩的台词 ──(掌声)── 说得真好,“如果没有困难,任何人都能做到”。
You know, when the Yankees moved in to their old stadium next door in 1923, there was only person on the roster from west of St.Louis.Their team mostly looked the same, talked the same, and came from the same kind of cities and towns and rural areas across America.Think about the team that plays in this new stadium.It includes players from Mexico, Japan, Taiwan, Panama, four other countries.The Dominican Republic alone is home to seven Yankees.In the same way, NYU has evolved as well.The university was founded to serve the City of New York.Today it serves the world.你们知道,当扬基队(Yankees)于1923年迁入隔壁的旧体育场时,名册上只有一位队员来自圣路易斯城(St.Louis)以西的地区。这支球队的队员外表大同小异,说话语气相同,均来自美国同一类地区的城镇和乡村。再看看今天在这个新场地竞技的球队,其中有来自墨西哥、日本、台湾、巴拿马及其他四国的队员。扬基队就有七名队员来自多米尼加共和国(Dominican Republic)。同样,纽约大学也在演变。学校创立时只为纽约市服务,如今则为全球服务。
We know that there is much yet ahead that none of us can predict.There is no way to stop change.Change will come.What is unknown is whether it will bring progress or not.But you have done what you needed to do to get the best insurance policy you could, and that is an NYU education.(Applause.)And so armed with that education, I have every confidence that you will not only succeed by the dint of your own hard work and effort, but you will contribute far beyond your own personal needs.This is your moment.You’ve made it to the big leagues, and you are up to bat.Go out and give us a future worthy of this great university, of this great city, of this great country, and of the world we all wish to create together.我们知道,前方有许多未知数,我们谁都无法预测。变革不可逆转。变革终会来临。无法预知的是,变革能否带来进步。然而,你们已尽了一切努力,获得了最好的保障,那就是纽约大学的教育。(掌声)有了这样的教育,我完全相信,你们不仅可凭着你们自身的勤奋努力获得成功,而且还能为社会做出重大贡献,远远超出自身的需求。这是你们的时刻。你们加入了这个宏大的联队,你们可以出击了。踏上征途,开创我们的未来,使之无愧于这所伟大的学府,无愧于这座伟大的城市,无愧于这个伟大的国家,无愧于我们都希望共同建立的世界
Now, it‟s up to all of you – in your own way – to take what you have learned here, and spread light and liberty wherever you go.That may sound like a daunting task.And I understand if you‟re thinking: „Sure, I‟ll be happy to do that – once I find a job!‟
Whether you have a job lined up – or are still figuring out your next step – don‟t think you‟ve got your career all figured out.No plan for the rest of your life ever works out the way you thought it would.I was an engineering major who then went to business school in hopes of someday running a factory, which I knew nothing about.I got the MBA – and then I took an entry level job in the financial services industry, which I knew nothing about.Fifteen years later, I got fired – and I started a company in another industry I knew nothing about: information technology.Twenty years after that, I ran for mayor even though I knew nothing about politics.Some people say I still don't.You don‟t need a grand plan.Whatever plan you do have is probably going to change 100 times before you‟re 30.And you don‟t need to be an expert in something to try it.So what, then, do you need? I‟m going to tell you, but really, all I‟m going to do is remind you of a few things you‟ve already learned here – just by watching Carolina basketball.First – Make career decisions the same way you fill out your tournament brackets: Follow your heart, and go with your gut.Do what you love, find a way to get paid for it and if you ever have the luxury of multiple job offers, don‟t make the decision based on salary alone.When I was starting out, I turned down a job with a higher salary because I had a good feeling about the people at another firm.It was one of the best decisions I ever made.Your gut won‟t always be right.Who knew NC State would make the Sweet 16? But you‟ll sleep better at night if you go with it.Second: Out-hustle the competition.When I started my first job out of college, I made sure I was the first one into the office every morning and the last one to leave.Not only did it save me the price of the Wall Street Journal – I grabbed the office copy;it allowed me to get to know the firm‟s partners.Woody Allen once said that 80 percent of success is showing up.I think he got it half-right;80 percent of success is showing up early and staying late.Third: You occasionally have to throw some elbows.It‟s true, it‟s rough out there, no matter what profession you‟re in.Of course, in most professions, you don‟t break your wrist driving to the basket – thankfully.The world is competitive.I‟ve been in the business world and I‟ve been in government, and people ask me all the time what the difference is.I always tell them: The business world is dog-eat-dog.And in government, it‟s exactly the reverse.So don‟t be afraid to assert yourself.Have confidence in your abilities.And don‟t let the bastards get you down.Fourth: Teamwork is everything.I could never have built my company without the three brilliant guys I started it with.And whatever success I‟ve achieved as mayor results from surrounding myself with the most talented people I could find.The innovations that are coming out of the Research Triangle Park and Silicon Valley and New York City are built on teamwork.The person who works the hardest, and works with others the best – who says „we‟ and „us,‟ not „I‟ and „me‟ – is the person who wins.Fifth: Don‟t be afraid to shoot the long ball.Take the risk.Life is too short to spend your time avoiding failure.If I had worried about failure – or listened to those who do – I would never have started my company, and never run for mayor.I can‟t imagine my life if I hadn‟t taken those risks.Not every risk will work out, but that‟s ok.Failure is the world‟s best teacher.Sixth: Never stop studying what the competition is doing – and never stop learning.Education is a lifetime journey.When you leave these walls, keep asking questions.Keep acquiring knowledge.Keep seeking truth.And don‟t let party labels blind you.No party has a monopoly on truth, or God on its side.And I should know: I was a Democrat before I was a Republican before I became an independent – and I never changed my principles.I have enormous respect for your former President, and my friend, Erskine Bowles, because he puts pragmatism ahead of partisanship.I hope all of you will do that too.Think for yourself – and decide for yourself, even if it‟s not popular, or if it runs counter to the party line.If everyone in Washington did that, our country would be a whole lot better off.Now, the seventh and final piece of advice I have is: In the game of life, when the final buzzer sounds, the only stat you carry with you is the number of assists you made.So help other people put some points on the board.Or as Dickie V might say: don‟t be slow to dish the rock.There‟s nothing more rewarding than making a difference in the lives of others.I‟ve learned that first hand, both through philanthropy and public service.Give what you can – your time, your talents, your money.And I promise you, you‟ll never regret it.Now, I know you remembered every single word of that, but just in case, here‟s a summary of the seven, in no particular order: Teamwork is everything.Assist others.Risks are necessary.Hmmmm, the first three letters of those words are T-A-R – I wonder where this is going.Hustle, always.Elbows occasionally have to be used.Education is a lifelong journey.Love what you do.And if you put that list together, it of course spells Tar – heel.Before I leave you to receive your diploma, I just have one more piece of wisdom to share: When the hard times come in your life – and they will, and when the doubts creep in about whether God is looking out for you, just remember that not only did you see an NCAA Basketball Championship during your time here, but in your senior year – Duke lost in the first round to a 15 seed.So you know there‟s a God up there in that Carolina Blue Sky.Congratulations and good luck!
我自己曾经发表过一篇文章,题目很怪,叫做“善待官员”,我们现在的体制对于官员实际上是很可怕的,因为没有报纸和电视去揭露他们,新一代领导人胡锦涛和 温家宝,想方设法减少新闻中黄金档新闻对于党和国家领导人报道的篇幅,然后媒体说,这体现了胡温亲民的举措。听起来是很好的,但是我觉得,这是错误的想 法,国家领导人正是新闻应该关注的对象,问题是应该怎么样的去关注,是不是说去会见谁谁,严格按照党内职务的阶梯,政治局第一把手,第一条新闻?
有一次江泽民会见日本茶道代表团放在新闻的第一条,形成非常残酷对比的是,同一天,在某个煤矿,发生了30多人被压死的事故,一定要放在国内新闻的最后一 条。我们说一定要开放新闻,让新闻能够监督国家、政府和领导,对领导人的报道不是多少的问题,而是报道什么的问题,如果整天说的都是,“胡主席的话多么好 啊”“温家宝总理又哭了”,完全是一种宣传,起不到监督的作用,上上下下都一样,省的电视台对于省的领导不监督,最多报道乡镇党委书记腐败的情况,对于官 员是很可怕的情况,有一点小事都被揭露出来,像克林顿总统的情况,在中国不可能发生,因为你的小事都被揭露的话,不可能积少成多,我相信对国家领导人,对 各级领导人都是一件好事,“做孔繁森容易,做王宝森难”,(有了监督)你就不可能做成王宝森。
对政府权力的内部监督就是三权分力,外部权利对政府的监督就是用民主的程序对于政府监督,有细致的规则约束,越雷池一步,法律程序就会启动。宪政的第一个层面就是对政府的监督,第二层个层面,就是对民权的保护,这好比是一枚硬币的两面,人民的权利最有可能被政府侵犯。宪政层面限制政府的权利,使之不至于像脱缰野马一样侵犯到人民的权利,在美国的环境下,也许大家觉得一切都是自然的。比如就911事件,国会成立混合特别调查委员会,对于911事 件前前后后发生的细节,进行彻底的调查,看政府有什么责任。我们也可以看到美国的最高法院宣布政府的某些行为违宪,我们在大陆看不到这样一种监督。
最近我感到我越来越有一种无力感,2003年中国发生了许多和宪政有关的事件,像孙志刚事件,1982年,国务院颁布了《收容遣送办法》,把城市流浪乞讨 人员进行收容遣送,这个收容遣送办法,带有内在的相当大的扩展性,开头是流浪乞讨人员,后来到**功人员,相关管理部门通过这些权力获得利益,比如要把被 收容的人领走必须要交钱,变成下级部门巧取豪夺的办法。《中华人民共和国宪法》也是1982年颁布的,不管是宪法,还是1980年颁布的《刑法》,都规定 不得随意限制公民人身自由,形成一个鲜明的矛盾就是,由于《收容遣送办法》的存在,不经过法律程序,就对一个人的人身自由加以侵犯。孙志刚先生因为没有办 暂住证,就被打死了,(他的死)引起了轩然大波,大家都参与到这个过程,媒体也相当活跃,尤其是网络的存在。没有网络,我们的呼吸空间不知道要少多少。大家都在表达自己的愤怒。我和其他朋友有联名上书,要求全国人大成立特别调查委员会,对这个事件进行深入、真正、公立的调查,对中国人民有一个答复。对于 《收容遣送办法》实施的效果和问题进行调查,然后提出一个报告,还有三位北大法学院的博士毕业生,联名上书全国人大,比我们还要早一点,要求建立违宪审查 机构。
我们有宪法之下的许许多多的法律是违反宪法的,我们是否应当有一个机构对于宪法进行经常性的监督,国务院颁布的规定是不是违反了宪法,人大颁布的法规是不 是违反了宪法,这都需要一个常设的机构,我们知道世界上许多不同的国家,解决的模式是不一样的。美国的联邦法院系统就是对于宪法的守护神,随时通过对案件 审理的过程,来判断国会制定的法律是不是违反了宪法,政府采取的相关的措施是否违反了宪法,如果违反了宪法,通过Judicial Review权利来宣布相关的规则是无效的。德国专门成立了联邦宪法法院,我考察过德国的宪法法院,如果当事人主张,或者法官在审理案件中发现,一项制定 法存在违宪的问题,而是否违宪又可以直接决定案件的审理结果,下级法院的法官会宣布这个案件暂时终止,把相关的材料,移送到联邦宪法法院进行审查,如果联 邦宪法法院认为这个法律违宪,相关规则就无效了。这是一个重要的机制,保证各级政府部门制定的规则真正地符合宪法。
我们没有美国的制度,中国的法院判一个案件的时候从来不引用宪法,不允许他们引用宪法,人大也不是一个宪法的守护者,因为他们不进行违宪的审查,最后搞来 搞去,任何一个层次的机构制定许许多多的规则实际上都是违反宪法的。在中国,违反别的法律都有问题,都会受到制裁,但违反宪法没事,违宪的现象还变得比比 皆是,还有的学者美其名曰说,有一些违宪是良性违宪,有些是恶性违宪。
宪法是民权的圣经,不可以任意违反,所以必须要有违宪审查机制,孙志刚事件后,三位博士联名建立违宪审查机制,我们5位学者启动特别调查程序,最后都落空 了。非常好的是6月18日,国务院宣布废除《收容遣送办法》,各位朋友,你们知道这在中国历史上是罕见的,人民表达愤怒,最后政府说,“你的愤怒是对的,我改,就改掉了”。这是1949年以来的第一次。
废除了规则,当然是值得赞赏的事情,是新领导人的一个亲民标志,但是我们还是要说,“孙志刚事件”如果可以带来制度发展的一个更好的结果,就是建立了违宪 审查机制,启动了宪法第71条所规定的特别调查程序,那样的话,我想如果孙志刚底下有灵,他也会感到特别欣慰,因为他的死没有白死,他的死启动了中国宪政 发展的历程。但是我们不习惯这种东西,不习惯于国务院作为被告,公民作为原告,在一个公开的法庭上争论。我们不喜欢争论,结果导致了桌子下面的交易,大家的面子都保全 了,通常我们的新闻稿是这样说的,“1982年颁布生效的国务收容遣送办法,在历史上曾经发挥了重要的作用,但是随着时间的推移,社会的发展,他已经完成 了历史的使命,国务院领导人决定废除这项制度,......”政府一点不承认这是他们的错误。
有人说网络是上帝赐给中国人民的特殊的礼物。各个大学都有BBS,北大有一个BBS叫“一塌糊涂”,是北大的一种隐喻,博雅塔、未明湖,再加上图书馆,一 塌糊涂网站非常活跃,尤其是有一个板块叫“三角地”,经常转载批评政府的文章。2004年9月13日,这个网站被彻底关闭了。我们在上面还有“财产”―― 我和我的博士生和硕士生在上面有一个小的讨论区,在上面讨论交流,贴文章,提修改建议,一些同学旅游的照片也在上面让大家共赏。一下子关闭了,连备份都来 不及。我就怒不可遏,回去思考来,思考去,决定应该做点什么事。于是就写了一封致北京大学校长的公开信,我要求许智鸿校长不能坐视对我们权利如此残暴的践踏,而 无所作为,我在信里论证了为什么政府这样的做法违反法律,且不说宪法有言论自由这样的条款,行政法还有一个给公民一个机会可以申辩、起诉,作校长的守土有 则,我们的网站的服务器就在北大,剥夺了我们基本的权利,我说你们必须要和政府交涉,不辜负先校长蔡元培先生和胡适先生的伟大的人格风范。
公开信发出了之后,还连累了好几个网站,有的网站因为转载了我的信被封杀了好长时间,让人感觉到很无奈,后来校长委托副校长给我打电话,说这不是我们能够 决定的,我说你们太窝囊了,做校长的有什么大不了的,顶多就辞职了,我认为北大自1949年以来除了马寅初,没有伟大的校长,多数都是官僚,历史给你们一 个机会,让你们成为一个伟大的校长,他们不辞,我也没有办法。(笑)中国为什么没有宪政?
我观察东西方社会,思考一个社会究竟怎么样才能走向宪政,怎样才能对政府进行监督,怎样才能自由地表达观点,而不生活在恐惧之中,我们就生活在一种比较恐 惧的状态,我们在家里面教育孩子说,有一些话出去可不能这么说,孩子从小就形成双重人格,在家里一套,在外面一套,我们大人也是这样的,领导人在会议上讲 的话,决不是他回去会和他太太讲的话,大而无当,大话、假话、空话连篇,这种状况是毒害民族心灵的,如何加以改变和推动,把宪政事业真正推动起来,把他激 活。
从西方的历史观察,向宪政的过渡是伟大的历史事业,宗教因素存在很重要,近代历史里强调政教分离,教会是独立的力量,世俗的政府受到限制,不可以管人的思 想,这是宗教的力量可以管的,世俗的政府不能干预大学的自由,大学是独立的,自制的,西方的大学见不到像我们一样,政府领导来了前呼后拥,然后还要学习他 的讲话。现在有的校庆在人民大会堂举行,请政治局常委参加,要是江泽民、胡锦涛能来更好。
第二个因素在我看来是财产制度。保护公民的私有财产,也是对国家权利的某种限制。我们不允许国家践踏私人的权利,其中非常重要的就是私人财产权。我们的住 宅是我们自由的堡垒,政府、国王没有权利随意进入。我们古典时期的土地制度,没有像西方历史上古罗马开始的对于土地、财产的保护。古罗马法对于财产的复杂 的分类让今天的中国人看起来也是瞠目结舌。
加上土地继承法,我们实行的是诸子均分制,而不是单子继承制。许多西方国家包括日本,不动产一定是单个孩子来继承,使得土地经过一代代传递,不至于走向分 散,而是越来越集中,产生大的土地所有者。黄仁宇先生研究明朝的财政制度,他发现,和西方相比,中国大地主的数量少,就是这个原因所致。没有大地主,大地 主阶层就不可能出现,就不可能去平衡皇帝的权利,皇帝的权利变得肆无忌惮,一边是小农经济,另外一边是威力无边的皇帝,这就是中国历史的写照,使得皇权不 容易受到制约。
我们没有一直发展成像欧洲一样的阶级化的社会,很难产生三级会议。阶级之间泾渭分明的社会就会形成阶级之间的长久冲突和妥协,就会形成大宪章,不同阶级怎 么来分配权利,就会有规则,这就是西方历史上的宪法。宪法有活力来自社会内在的要求。中国社会不需要这个,我们没有一个社会分层的状态,导致了中国一直以 来没有宪法和宪政。
还有其他的一些原因,比如存在推动宪政的文化和气氛,两党政治相互冲突,也相互妥协和让步,不是你死我活,不共戴天,不可能把对方消灭,把对方消灭了,你 就不存在了,工人阶级把资本家消灭了,工人阶级也就不存在了。西方社会形成冲突性的宪政文化,比如我们经常可以看到电视辩论,看到美国的电视脱口秀,拿国 家领导人开涮,一出来就先挖苦总统。中国的《实话实说》,不能直播,话题限制到与政治无关,“父母该不该给儿女零花钱”也成了实话实说讨论的话题(笑 声)。
根深蒂固的观念,真理总是一部分人拥有的,其他人只能跟着他们学习。文革时,林彪说,毛主席的话,句句是真理,一句顶一万句。如果在一个国家里,某一个政治组织,某一个领导人,认为自己是真理的唯一拥有者,那就没有办法讨论了。没有不同意见非常可怕,人大代表都由官方任命,不可 胡说八道,有个河南的女劳模做了三年的哑巴代表。
这就是我对宪政的思考,世俗的政府权力不能去管辖人的思想。对财产的保护,中国法律制度取得了很好的发展,宪法决定私人财产受到保障已经取得了一定的发 展,这个东西走到真正的保障,还有一段路要走,司法不独立。越来越多人成为中产阶级,这些人逐渐能够成为对政治生活有所影响的力量,也包括大学教师,我写 公开信给校长,最后说,致以同志的崇高敬礼,大学校长不是官员。大学教授逐渐形成一个具有批判精神的群体,可以推动中国政治、宪政和法制。冲突的政治文化 推动人大听证制度,增强媒体的开放,不能一口吃一个胖子,路还是要一步一步地走,现在遇到特殊的时期,比较大的困难,最重要的是上层在想什么不明朗,我也 没有机会问他们,他们也不大跟人民汇报(笑声)。我自己相信,长江局部向西流,不是向东流,但总体向东流。我们这个民族就像唐德刚讲的那样,要过历史的三 峡,1840年开始,这个民族的命运注定是要向西方学习,通过学习,对本民族历史文化的改造,逐渐走向民主、法治和宪政的制度。这就是我今天讲的内容。
第二:推动政党法人化。中国共产党没有登记注册,没有帐户,七千万党员,每人就算每月交5元党费,这些钱怎么花?不公开的。政党行驶权利,□□部说这个报 纸必须停刊,报纸就必须关门。你没有办法置疑,如果要起诉,起诉之前发现□□部存在,是有型的,起诉之后发现□□部就不存在了,透明化了,就是因为他不是 法人,不能成为有资格应诉的机构。共产党和8个民主党派都不是法人。上上下下的官员拿着都是纳税人的钱,都是国家财政支出,包括党校教师的工资也是国家财 政,这部分应该从党费里出,不应该是纳税人的钱。
听众提问:中国的法律颁布之后,一般都有实施细则,而中国的宪法颁布20多年了,还没有出台可操作的细则,造就了到现在都没有一个违宪的案例。你对宪法实 施细节“千呼万唤不能出来”,对此你有什么看法?而且在中国很多地方,靠党委书记一句话,就可以说不予立案,违宪的恰恰就是这些人。
贺卫方:有实施细则的是准备实施的,没有实施细则的是根本没有准备实施的。宪法126条规定,人民法院依照法律规定独立行使审判权,不受行政机关、社会团 体和个人的干涉,这需要解释。美国的法官天天都在做(解释)这件事,比如宪法保护言论自由,法官要解释什么是言论,什么是政治言论,什么是非正式言论,在 家里和在街上的言论,行为言论和表达言论,不仅仅要有实施细则,实施细则也要靠解释。
司法被干预也可能来自议会。人民代表大会的权力依然是有限的,没有任何一个机关的权利是无限的。人大“个案监督”,法官院长带着庭长来汇报,直接指令案件 应该怎么判,我们一直写文章反对,我去年发表了文章,《异哉所谓个案监督问题者》,向人大个案监督提出明确的置疑,看我们的宪法126条,行政机关、社会 团体和个人没有包括人大,看起来人大是可以监督的。所以你提出的看法我同意,宪法每个条文的含意都应该不断被讨论和解释,这在西方国家,比如美国应该是法 官来作的事情。我个人不大相信人大可以提出宪法的实施细则,以致我们就可以很好地去操作,可能还需要一个实践的过程吧。