习近平在第八轮中美战略与经济对话和第七轮中美人文交流高层磋商联合开幕式上的讲话 (中英对照)

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第一篇:习近平在第八轮中美战略与经济对话和第七轮中美人文交流高层磋商联合开幕式上的讲话 (中英对照)

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Making Unremitting Efforts for a New Model of Major-Country Relationship Between China and

the United States Remarks by H.E.Xi Jinping

President of the People’s Republic of China

At the Joint Opening Ceremony of The Eighth Round of the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue and the Seventh Round of the China-US High-level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange

Beijing, 6 June 2016


Secretary of State John Kerry, Secretary of the Treasury Jacob Lew, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,今天,第八轮中美战略与经济对话和第七轮中美人文交流高层磋商在北京举行。首先,我对对话和磋商的开幕,表示衷心的祝贺!对远道而来的美国朋友,表示热烈的欢迎!

Today, the eighth round of the China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue(S&ED)and the seventh round of the China-US High-level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange(CPE)are held here in Beijing.Let me begin by extending hearty congratulations on the opening of the S&ED and the CPE and a big welcome to American friends who have traveled all the way to China.3年前的这个时节,我同奥巴马总统在安纳伯格庄园举行会晤,双方同意加强战略沟通,拓展务实合作,妥善管控分歧,努力构建中美新型大国关系。

Almost around this time three years ago, President Obama and I met at the Annenberg Estate where agreement was reached for the two sides to step up strategic communication, expand practical cooperation, properly manage differences and work vigorously to build a new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States.一分耕耘,一分收获。3年耕耘,我们有了不少收获。在双方努力下,中美两国在双边、地区、全球层面众多领域开展合作,推动两国关系发展取得新成果。两国贸易额和双向投资达到历史新高,人文和地方交流更加密切,网络、执法等领域合作和两军交往取得新进展。两国发表了3个气候变化联合声明,同国际社会一道推动达成具有历史意义的《巴黎协定》。两国在朝鲜半岛核、伊朗核、阿富汗、叙利亚等热点问题上也保持了有效沟通和协调。这些

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合作给中美双方带来了实实在在的利益,也有力促进了亚太地区及世界和平、稳定、发展。Hard work pays off, and our efforts over the past three years have come to fruition.Thanks to our concerted efforts, our two countries have cooperated at the bilateral, regional and global levels in a wide range of areas, registering new progress in our relations.We witnessed record highs in trade and two-way investment, enjoyed closer people-to-people and sub-national exchanges, and made new headway in cooperation in cyberspace, law enforcement and military-to-military exchanges.We issued three joint statements on climate change, and worked together with other countries for the conclusion of the historic Paris Agreement.We maintained effective communication and coordination on hotspot issues like the Korean nuclear issue, the Iranian nuclear issue, and Afghanistan and Syria.Such cooperation has brought tangible benefits to both countries and given a strong boost to peace, stability and development of the Asia-Pacific and beyond.3年的成果来之不易,也给了我们很多启示,最根本的一条就是双方要坚持不冲突不对抗、相互尊重、合作共赢的原则,坚定不移推进中美新型大国关系建设。这个选择符合中美两国人民根本利益,也是各国人民普遍愿望。无论国际风云如何变幻,我们都应该坚持这个大方向,毫不动摇为之努力。

What we achieved over the past three years has not come by easily, and could well serve as guide for the growth of China-US relations in the time to come.Most important, I believe, is that the two sides need to stay committed to the principles of non-confrontation, non-conflict, mutual respect and win-win cooperation, and work steadily toward this new model of major-country relations, for this is a choice that meets the fundamental interests of both the Chinese and American people as well as the wish of all people in the world.Whatever changes in the international landscape, we need to stay on track and work unswervingly toward this overarching goal.现在,我们正处在一个快速发展变化的世界里。世界多极化、经济全球化、社会信息化深入推进,各种挑战层出不穷,各国利益紧密相连。零和博弈、冲突对抗早已不合时宜,同舟共济、合作共赢成为时代要求。作为世界上最大的发展中国家、最大的发达国家和前两大经济体,中美两国更应该从两国人民和各国人民根本利益出发,勇于担当,朝着构建中美新型大国关系的方向奋力前行。

We now live in a world of rapid development and changes.The move toward multi-polarity, the increasing trend of globalization, and the quick application of information technologies have all been accompanied by growing challenges of various sorts, and have brought countries even closer than ever before.It is a time when ideas of zero-sum game and conflicts and confrontation must give way to common development and win-win cooperation.It thus falls upon China and the US, the largest developing and developed country respectively, and the two largest economies in the world, to act in the fundamental interests of our people and people of the world, and move steadily forward along the path of building this new model of major-country relationship.——我们要增强两国互信。中国人历来讲究“信”。2000多年前,孔子就说:“人而无信,不知其可也。”信任是人与人关系的基础、国与国交往的前提。我们要防止浮云遮眼,避免战略误判,就要通过经常性沟通,积累战略互信。这个问题解决好了,中美合作基础就会更

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China and the US need to increase mutual trust.For the Chinese, trust is always something to be cherished.In the word of Confucius, who lived over 2,000 years ago, a man without trust can hardly accomplish anything.Trust stands as the basis of relationship among people, and provides a prerequisite for state-to-state exchanges.For China and the US, we need to maintain frequent communication and build up strategic mutual trust in order to avoid strategic misjudgment and prevent temporary problems from affecting our overall relations.With sufficient mutual trust, China-US cooperation will stand on a more solid basis and enjoy even more robust growth.——我们要积极拓展两国互利合作。建交37年来,中美合作内涵和外延不断扩大,两国人民从中受益。要秉持共赢理念,不断提高合作水平。当前,要着力加强宏观经济政策协调,同有关各方一道推动二十国集团领导人杭州峰会取得积极成果,向国际社会传递信心,为世界经济注入动力。要全力争取早日达成互利共赢的中美投资协定,打造经贸合作新亮点。要深化两国在气候变化、发展、网络、反恐、防扩散、两军、执法等领域交流合作,加强双方在重大国际和地区以及全球性问题上的沟通和协调,给两国人民带来更多实际利益,为世界和平、稳定、繁荣提供更多公共产品。

China and the US need to expand mutually-beneficial cooperation.Over the past 37 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties, China-US cooperation has grown steadily in both width and depth, bringing real benefits to our people.We need to embrace a win-win perspective and move our cooperation to a higher level.It is imperative that we increase macro-economic policy coordination and work together with other parties concerned to ensure that the G20 Hangzhou Summit delivers positive outcomes to boost confidence and invigorate global growth.It is important that we do our best to conclude a mutually-beneficial bilateral investment treaty at the earliest possible date to foster a new highlight in business and trade cooperation.And it is important that we deepen exchange and cooperation in climate change, development, cyber issues, counter-terrorism, non-proliferation, military-to-military relations and law enforcement, and step up communication and coordination on major international and regional issues as well as issues of global significance.This way, we could bring more real benefits to our people and provide more public goods for greater peace, stability and prosperity of the world.——我们要妥善管控分歧和敏感问题。中美两国各具特色,历史、文化、社会制度、民众诉求等不尽相同,双方存在一些分歧是难以避免的。世界是多样的,没有分歧就没有世界。一个家庭里还经常有这样那样的分歧。有了分歧并不可怕,关键是不要把分歧当成采取对抗态度的理由。有些分歧是可以通过努力解决的,双方应该加把劲,把它们解决掉。有些分歧可能一时解决不了,双方应该多从对方的具体处境着想,以务实和建设性的态度加以管控。只要双方遵循相互尊重、平等相待原则,坚持求同存异、聚同化异,就没有过不去的坎,中美两国关系就能避免受到大的干扰。

China and the US need to properly manage differences and sensitive issues.China and the US, each with its own uniqueness, are different in terms of history, culture, social system and people's aspiration.Differing views between us are hardly avoidable.In fact, in this world of diversity, differences among countries are just natural.Even family members do not always see eye to eye.One should not be afraid of differences.What is most important is to refrain from taking the differences as excuses for confrontation.There are differences that could be addressed by redoubling our efforts.For those differences that cannot be settled for the time being, we

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need to manage them in a pragmatic and constructive fashion by putting ourselves in each other's shoes.As long as we observe the principles of mutual respect and equality, shelve differences to seek consensus, and try to resolve them through expanding common ground, we will be able to overcome difficulties and obstacles, and prevent major disruptions in bilateral relations.——我们要就亚太事务加强沟通和合作。宽广的太平洋不应该成为各国博弈的竞技场,而应该成为大家包容合作的大平台。中国奉行亲诚惠容的周边外交理念,始终致力于促进亚太和平、稳定、发展。中美在亚太地区拥有广泛共同利益,应该保持经常性对话,开展更多合作,应对各种挑战,努力培育两国共同而非排他的“朋友圈”,都做地区繁荣稳定的建设者和守护者。

China and the US need to increase communication and cooperation over Asia-Pacific affairs.The vast Pacific should be a stage for inclusive cooperation, not an arena for competition.China pursues a neighborhood diplomacy of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness, and is committed to advancing peace, stability and development in the Asia-Pacific region.The extensive common interests between China and the US in the Asia-Pacific make it possible for the two countries to keep frequent communication, have more cooperation, and jointly respond to challenges.The two countries may work together to foster a “circle of common friends” that is inclusive rather than exclusive, and both countries should play such a role that they will build and maintain prosperity and stability of this region.——我们要厚植两国人民友谊。人民友好交往是国与国关系的源头活水。中美关系发展的基础是两国人民相互了解和友谊。我多次到访美国,无论是艾奥瓦州的老朋友,还是塔科马市林肯中学可爱的孩子们,对中国人民都抱有友好情谊,让我深受感动。我高兴地看到,去年两国人员往来近500万人次。双方要为两国各界交往搭建更多平台、提供更多便利,让中美友好薪火相传、生生不息。

China and the US need to enhance friendship among the people.Friendship and exchange among the people provides constant driving force for growing bilateral relations.Mutual understanding and friendship of the peoples provides the basis for the growth of China-US relations.I visited the US many times.Be it my old friends in the State of Iowa, or the lovely children I met in the Lincoln High School of Tacoma, the American people have moved me deeply with their friendly sentiments towards the Chinese people.And I am glad to note that last year alone, some 5 million visits were made between the people of both sides.What we need to do is to build more platforms and keep facilitating these exchanges, so that the friendship between our people will go on from generation to generation.女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,今年是中国实施“十三五”规划开局之年。中国将贯彻全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党的战略布局,落实创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念,着力推进供给侧结构性改革,推动转方式调结构,继续完善对外开放布局。我们对实现中国经济社会发展既定目标充满信心。中国将会为世界提供更多发展机遇,将会同包括美国在内的世界各国开展更密切的合作。

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This year marks the beginning of China's 13th Five-Year Plan.China will follow its strategic plan to build a society of moderate prosperity in all respects, and will comprehensively deepen reform, strengthen the rule of law, and enhance Party discipline.China's development will be guided by the principle of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development.China will redouble efforts to promote supply-side structural reforms, shift growth model through restructuring, and achieve better opening-up.We are confident that the goals set for economic and social development will be met as planned.China's development will mean more opportunities for the world and China will have even closer cooperation with the US and other countries.中国坚定不移走和平发展道路,倡导各国共同走和平发展道路,推动构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系,打造人类命运共同体。我们愿同世界各国加强合作,共同维护以联合国宪章宗旨和原则为核心的国际秩序和国际体系,推动国际秩序朝着更加公正合理的方向发展,让我们生活的这个星球更加美好。

China is committed to the path of peaceful development.China calls on all countries to follow such a path and work to promote a new model of international relations featuring win-win cooperation, so as to foster a community of shared future for mankind.China will strengthen cooperation with other countries to jointly uphold the international order and system with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter at the core and make the existing international order more just and equitable.Working together, we can make the world a better place to live in.女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,中美战略与经济对话和人文交流高层磋商机制为增进两国战略互信、拓展互利合作、加深两国人民友谊发挥了重要作用。我向双方工作团队,向所有关心、支持对话和磋商的两国各界人士,表示衷心的感谢!希望双方团队不负重托、再接再厉,在接下来的两天里深入沟通、积累共识,取得更多实际成果。

The S&ED and the CPE have played a significant role in increasing strategic mutual trust, expanding mutually-beneficial cooperation, and deepening friendship among the people.I wish to express heartfelt appreciation to our teams and to people from all walks of life of the two sides who have taken a great interest in and acted to support the dialogues and consultations.I hope that in the following two days our teams will rise up to their responsibilities, make persistent efforts to build consensus and produce more deliverables in the talks.中国宋代诗人辛弃疾有一句名句,叫作“青山遮不住,毕竟东流去”。意思是天下的大江大河千回百转,历经多少曲折,最终都会奔流到海。只要我们坚定方向、锲而不舍,就一定能推动中美新型大国关系建设得到更大发展,更好造福两国人民和各国人民。

Xin Qiji, a poet in China's Song Dynasty, once wrote, “Thick mountains could not stop the river from flowing into the sea.” In fact, all rivers have to travel a meandering course before reaching their destination.For China and the US, as long as we stay focused on our goal and persevere in our efforts, we will be able to make even greater progress in building the new model of major-country relationship and deliver greater benefits not just to the people of our two countries but to people of all countries in the world.来源:新华网英文版/中国网 | @CATTI考试资料与资讯整理

最后,祝本轮中美战略与经济对话和人文交流高层磋商取得圆满成功!To conclude, I wish this round of the China-US S&ED and CPE a complete success.谢谢大家。Thank you.



SECRETARY CLINTON: Good morning.I want to thank State Councilor Dai and Vice-Premier Wang for their very warm hospitality.It is a pleasure for our entire delegation to be here in Beijing.And it is an honor to join my colleague, Secretary Geithner, and the many officials from across our government in representing the United States at this second round of the strategic and economic dialogue.国务卿克林顿:早上好。感谢国务委员戴秉国和副总理王岐山非常热情的接待。我国代表团的全体成员十分高兴来到北京。我与我的同事盖特纳部长及我国政府各部门的众多官员一起代表美国出席第二轮美中战略与经济对话,为此感到十分荣幸。

I first visited China in 1995, and I have been privileged to return since then.Every trip to China offers fresh insights and images of the dynamism of this country and its people, the pace of change, and the possibilities for the future.Back in 1995, trade between our two nations was measured in the tens of billions of dollars.Today it is counted in the hundreds of billions.Few people back then had cell phones, and almost no one had access to the Internet.Today China has the world's largest mobile phone network, and more Internet users than any other country on earth.我于1995年初次访问中国,此后又很荣幸地多次前来访问。每次来到中国都使我对这个国家,对中国人民旺盛的活力,对中国的变化之快及中国未来的发展前途产生新的了解和新的印象。早在1995年,我们两国间的贸易额仅有数百亿美元,如今两国贸易额已达数千亿美元。那时,极少有人拥有手机,几乎没有人使用因特网。今天,中国拥有全世界最大的移动电话网络,使用因特网的人数高于全世界任何国家。

In 1995, both our countries signed on to the Beijing platform for action to advance equality and opportunity for women.And while there is still much to do in both of our countries, I know that Chinese women have made real progress in education, health care, and employment.Hundreds of millions of men, women, and children have been lifted out of poverty.And China has flourished in so many ways.Freer trade and open markets have created jobs in both our countries, and given Chinese consumers access to new goods and to higher standards of living.1995年,我们两国政府签署了北京行动纲领,要求采取行动促进妇女的平等权利与机会。虽然我们两国仍有很多工作要做,但我知道中国妇女在教育、卫生保健和就业领域都取得了切实的进步。千百万男女老少摆脱了贫困。中国在很多方面都获得了蓬勃的发展。促进自由贸易和开放市场为我们两国创造了就业岗位,并使中国消费者获得新的商品和更高的生活水平。

The United States welcomes China's progress and its accomplishments.And by establishing patterns of cooperation, rather than competition between our two countries, we see the opportunity, as we have just heard from Vice-Premier Wang, for win-win solutions, rather than zero-sum rivalries, for we know that few global problems can be solved by the United States or China acting alone.And few can be solved without the United States and China working together.美国欢迎中国取得的进步和成就。通过建立两国间的合作模式,而非相互竞争,我们看到了王副总理刚才所说的实现互利共赢的机会,而非互不相容的对抗,因为我们知道,全球性问题无法仅靠美国或者中国得到解决。但没有美国和中国的共同参与,有关问题也不可能得到解决。

With this in mind, I would like to read a few lines of a letter from President Obama that I will be personally handing to President Hu Jintao.President Obama wrote: “Our relationship with China is guided by the recognition that we live in an inter-connected world.One country's success need not come at the expense of another.Our progress can be shared.Indeed, the United States welcomes China as a strong, prosperous, and successful member of the community of nations.” 考虑到这种情况,我在此宣读我将亲自向胡锦涛主席转交的奥巴马总统信中的几句话。奥巴马总统写道:“我们生活在一个相互联系的世界上,我们与中国的关系正是以这样一种认识为指导。一个国家的成功不必以另一个国家的利益为代价。我们可以共享进步。美国真诚地欢迎中国成为国际大家庭中一个强大、繁荣和成功的成员。”

Over the past 16 months, we have worked together to lay the foundation for that positive, cooperative, and comprehensive relationship that President Obama and President Hu have committed our nations to pursuing.We launched the strategic and economic dialogue last year in Washington, as the premier convening mechanism in our relationship.And this year we have assembled an even broader and deeper team, here in China, to address our growing agenda.We have built avenues of cooperation and identified areas of mutual interest.奥巴马总统和胡锦涛主席要求两国建立积极、合作和全面的关系,过去16个月来我们共同努力,为双方的关系奠定了基础。去年,我们在华盛顿启动了战略与经济对话,为两国关系建立了主要的对话机制。今年,我们派出代表性更广泛和更深入的团队,前来中国讨论日益增多的议程。我们构建了合作的平台,确定了拥有共同利益的领域。

Our job, moving forward, is to translate that common interest into common action and, in turn, to translate that action into results that improve the lives of our people, and contribute to global progress.Over the long term, these results are how our relationship will be measured.着眼未来,我们的工作是把我们的共同利益转变成共同行动,进而将这种行动转化为改善两国人民生活,促进全球进步的结果。从长远来看,这些结果是衡量我们关系的标准。

We are conscious that meaningful progress against great global challenges is the work of years, not days.We know that this gathering, in and of itself, is a foundation for ongoing cooperation that has to take place every day at every level of our government.And so, we will blend urgency and persistence in pursuit of shared goals.我们认识到,应对全球性的挑战取得有意义的进展需要经过多年的努力,并非指日可待。我们知道,这次会议本身为我们政府各级日常必须进行的持续合作奠定了基础。因此,为了实现共同的目标,我们既需要有紧迫性又需要有持久性。We have already begun to see progress on some of the key areas of common concern that we laid out in our first dialogue last year.But there is much work to be done.我们已经开始看到,对于去年双方第一轮对话期间确定的共同关心的问题,在主要领域的某些方面取得了进展。但还有许多工作需要做。

First, on international security challenges, the United States and China have consulted closely on the challenge posed by Iran's nuclear program.The prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran concerns us all.And to address that threat, together we have pursued a dual-track approach of engagement and pressure, aimed at encouraging Iran's leaders to change course.The draft resolution agreed to by all of our P-5+1 partners and circulated at the Security Council sends a clear message to the Iranian leadership: Live up to your obligation, or face growing isolation and consequences.As we continue to cooperate in New York, the burden is on Iran to demonstrate through its actions that it will uphold its responsibility.首先,对于国际安全方面的挑战,美国和中国就伊朗核项目构成的挑战进行了密切协商。伊朗拥有核武器的可能性受到我们大家的关注。为了消除这个威胁,我们共同采取了接触与施压的双轨方式,目的是促使伊朗领导人改弦易辙。我们 “5常+1”的伙伴一致达成的决议草案已在安理会分发,此举向伊朗的领导层发出了一个明确的信息:履行你的义务,否则将日益受孤立,面临更严重的后果。我们在纽约继续进行合作之际,伊朗有责任通过自己的行动表明将承担本身的责任。

Now, beyond these pressing challenges there are other shared security concerns that I look forward to discussing, including the fight against violent extremism in Afghanistan and Pakistan, counter-piracy efforts, and deeper military-to-military cooperation.现在,除了这些紧迫的挑战之外,我还期待着讨论其它有关共同安全的问题,其中包括在阿富汗和巴基斯坦打击暴力极端主义,以及打击海盗的行动和更深入的军方与军方的合作。

Second, on climate and energy, we have built on the memorandum of understanding signed at the last round of the dialogues, collaborating on new, clean energy research, including a center.We have committed ourselves to an electrical vehicle initiative, and a renewable energy partnership, and more.At Copenhagen, for the first time, all major economies, including both the United States and China, made national commitments to curb carbon emissions and transparently report on their mitigation efforts.Now we must work to implement the Copenhagen accord with balanced commitments that are reflected in the ongoing negotiation.其次,在气候和能源方面,我们在第一轮对话期间签署备忘录的基础上继续努力,为研究新的清洁能源进行合作,包括建设一个中心。我们已对电动汽车计划、可再生能源伙伴关系等给予承诺。在哥本哈根,所有主要经济体,包括美国和中国,第一次以国家的名义承诺限制二氧化碳排放并就各国缓解气候变化的努力提供透明的报告。现在我们必须努力实施哥本哈根协定,坚持正在进行的谈判所反映的实现整体平衡的承诺。

And on behalf of Secretary Steven Chu, I extend his regrets.He was unable to be with us, because he had to stay and work very urgently on the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.我代表朱棣文部长表达他的遗憾。他无法与我们一起出席会议,因为他需要留在墨西哥湾,完成有关石油泄漏的紧迫工作。

Third, on education, health, and development, tomorrow I will meet with State Councilor Lio to launch a new dialogue on educational and cultural exchanges that will deepen understanding and cooperation between our people.I am very pleased that Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius has joined us this year to expand cooperation on infectious diseases and other international health challenges.Our ambassador for global women's issues, Melanne Verveer, is also here because we recognize that the roles and rights of women are central to many of the issues we face, including devising a global strategy for development that is both sustainable and effective.第三,教育、卫生与发展问题。明天我将会晤刘国务委员,开始新的关于教育和文化交流的对话,加深两国人民的相互理解和合作。我很高兴卫生与公众服务部部长凯瑟琳·西贝利厄斯今年加入我们的行列,为应对传染病和国际卫生领域其它方面的挑战扩大相互间的合作。我国全球妇女问题大使梅拉妮·弗维尔也在座,因为我们认识到,妇女的作用和权利对于解决我们面临的许多问题都举足轻重,其中包括制定可持续和切实有效的全球发展战略。

The Obama Administration has worked to advance a long-term investment-driven approach to development.And Administrator Raj Shah is leading our efforts.We have elevated development as a core pillar of our foreign policy, and we seek to coordinate with China and other donors to meet country-led needs and to comply with internationally-agreed standards.对于发展问题,奥巴马政府努力促进长期投资驱动的模式。拉吉夫沙赫署长负责主持这方面的工作。我们已经把发展提升为我国外交政策的一个核心支柱,我们正争取与中国和其他捐助方进行协调,以满足国家主导的需求,同时遵循国际公认的标准。

Finally, we have worked together and seen progress on promoting global economic recovery and growth.Secretary Geithner, Secretary Locke, Ambassador Kirk, Chairman Bernanke, and the rest of our economic team will be talking in greater depth about how we can develop a more balanced global economy that will produce prosperity that reaches further and deeper for both the Chinese and American people.最后,我们已为促进全球经济复苏和增长进行了共同努力并且已经看到了进展。盖特纳部长、骆家辉部长、柯克大使、伯南克主席以及我们经济团队的其他成员将就我们如何促进全球经济的平衡进行更深入的讨论,为美中两国人民创造进一步的更大繁荣。

Now, our discussions in these few days are unlikely to solve the shared challenges we face.But they can and should provide a framework for delivering real results to our people.We will not agree on every issue.But we will discuss them openly, as between friends and partners.And that includes America's commitment to universal human rights and dignity, and so much else that is on both Chinese and American minds.当然,我们短短几天进行的讨论不可能解决我们共同面临的挑战,但我们能够而且应该提供一个有利于为两国人民带来实惠的框架。我们不可能在每一问题上达成一致,但我们能够像朋友和伙伴一样坦率地讨论这些问题,其中包括美国对普遍人权和尊严的承诺,以及中方和美方关心的许许多多其它问题。There is a Chinese proverb that speaks of treading different paths that lead to the same destination.Our two nations have unique histories.China is home to an ancient civilization, as I saw in the Chinese Pavilion when I visited, with the scroll that has been made to come alive, showing life in this city 1,000 years ago.America is a young nation.But we know that our future, both our challenges and our opportunities, will be shared.We have traveled different paths, but that shared future is our common destination and responsibility.And, ultimately, that is what this dialogue is about.中国有个成语,殊途同归。我们两国都有着独特的历史。中国是古代文明的发祥地之一。我在上海参观中国馆时看到的图像栩栩如生地展示了一千年以前的城市生活场景。美国是一个年轻的国家,但我们都知道,我们的未来,包括我们的挑战和机遇,都将是共同的。我们行进在不同的道路上,但共有的未来是我们共同的目的地和责任所在,归根结底也是这场对话的目的。

So, again, let me thank State Councilor Dai and Vice-Premier Wang, and I look forward to our discussions in an open and candid exchange of views.Thank you very much.因此,我再次感谢戴国务委员和王副总理。我期待着我们通过公开、坦率的讨论交换意见。非常感谢诸位。


【发布单位】中华人民共和国 美利坚合众国 【发布文号】

【发布日期】2016-06-09 【生效日期】2016-06-09 【失效日期】 【所属类别】中外条约 【文件来源】外交部








中方将继续深化改革,促进经济结构调整,通过增加居民消费、提高服务业占GDP的比例、确保高质量并由私人部门驱动的投资以扩大本国需求。美方认同中国在经济结构调整方面做出的重大承诺和已经取得的进展。在 “十三五”时期(2016-2020年),中方将推进下述结构性改革:(1)通过为下岗工人再就业提供中央支持,并完善地方税体系,建立与地方支出责任相匹配的收入体系,使地方政府的激励措施更好地支持居民消费。
























































































18.中国食品药品监督管理总局考察团 19.继续知识产权合作








Join Hands for a Brighter Future of China-US

People-to-People Exchange

Address at the Second Meeting of The China-US High-Level Consultation on

People-to-People Exchange

Washington, D.C., 12 April 2011

Liu Yandong

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,共同开创中美人文交流更加美好的明天 ——在第二轮中美人文交流高层磋商会议上的讲话(2011年4月12日,华盛顿)刘延东 尊敬的希拉里·克林顿国务卿,女士们,先生们,朋友们:


I'm delighted to come to Washington again in this beautiful spring with flowers in full

bloom.Two years ago, Secretary Clinton and I met here, and we together envisioned

the establishment of a mechanism of China-US people-to-people exchange.One-and-a-half years ago, President Obama paid a visit to China.With a strategic

vision, our two presidents made an important decision of establishing a new bilateral

mechanism to facilitate people-to-people exchange between the two countries.One

year ago in Beijing, Secretary Clinton and I launched this mechanism together.Yesterday, Under Secretary Judith McHale and Vice Minister Hao Ping reviewed the

achievements of this mechanism over the past year.The progress is encouraging.Thanks to this mechanism, the people of our two countries, especially the students of

elementary schools, high schools, and universities, have been able to appreciate the

charm of the diverse cultures of our two countries and experience the joy of getting to

know and understand each other.Last January, during President Hu Jintao's

on building a cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.A

new chapter of our relations has commenced.The two presidents also made new

time is to work with Secretary Clinton and other American friends, both old and new,to follow up on the agreement reached by our two presidents-to promote China-US

people-to-people exchange and push forward the China-US cooperative partnership.再次来到美丽的华盛顿。两年前,我和国务卿女士在这里会晤,共同萌生了创立中美人文交流机制的设想。一年半前,奥巴马总统访华,两国元首高瞻远瞩,作出了建立中美人文交流机制的重大决策。一年前,我与国务卿女士在北京共同启动了中美人文交流高层磋商机制。麦克黑尔副国务卿、郝平副部长昨天交流了这一机制成立一年来的成果,确实令人鼓舞,两国人民特别是成千上万大中小学生体会到多元文化的魅力,感受到相知相识的快乐。今年1月,胡锦涛主席成功访美,两国元首就共同努力建设相互尊重、互利共赢的了中美关系新篇章。两国元首还就进一步促进中美人文交流做出新的战略部署。我新老朋友一起,落实两国元首共识,推进中美人文交流,发展中美合作伙伴关系。

女士们,先生们,朋友们,successful visit to the United States, the two presidents reached important agreement 中美合作伙伴关系达成了重要共识,开启strategic plans for enhancing people-to-people exchange.The purpose of my visit this 此次来美,正是为了与国务卿女士和美方

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,“国之交在于民相亲,民相亲在于心

As an old Chinese saying goes, “The key to sound relations between states lies in

amity between the people, and the key to amity between the people lies in

heart-to-heart exchange.” People-to-people exchange is a bridge for promoting

understanding and trust between states and between peoples.It also provides an

inexhaustible driving force for deepening China-US relations.At present, there are

rare opportunities for our relations and people-to-people exchange.我很高兴地看到,双方的工作团队经

I'm most happy that after eight hours of intensive consultations yesterday, our two

teams identified more than 40 outcomes in six fields, namely education, science and 过昨天8个小时的密集磋商,在教育、科技、文化、妇女、青年、体育等6大领域相通。”人文交流是国与国、民与民之间增进了解、建立互信的桥梁,是中美关系深化发展的不竭动力。当前,中美关系发展面临难得的历史机遇,两国人文交流也面临难得的历史机遇。technology, culture, women's issues, youth and sports.Based on these outcomes, we 达成40多项合作成果,双方将据此开辟

刘延东在第二轮中美人文交流高层磋商会议上的讲话2011-4-12 1

can set out to explore new areas, initiate new programs and create new bright spots in 新领域,启动新项目,打造新亮点。此时our cooperation.At this moment, I am deeply convinced that the seeds of people-to-people exchange sown by our two presidents are sprouting, taking roots and showing strong vigor and vitality.The spring of China-US people-to-people exchange is here!


Here, I wish to express my gratitude to the two presidents for their vision, to both our and Americans across the sectors, for their active involvement.I also want to, in particular, thank you, Madame Secretary, for your outstanding contribution.女士们,先生们,朋友们,Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,新时期的中美关系发展呼唤着中美

China-US relations in the new era call for new ideas and new development of people-to-people exchange.First, people-to-people exchange should be people-oriented.We should work hard to build a structure of people-to-people exchange that involves both the governments and the people, and welcomes various kinds of players.Our exchange should be open, and our people should be the main and invite people across sectors to join in our worthy cause of friendship and cooperation.第二,新时期的中美人文交流应该面

Second, our people-to-people exchange should be world-oriented.We should always aim at promoting world peace and development, and act in the spirit of mutual other's strength through exchange and seek common ground while reserving



teams for their extraordinary dedication and collaboration, and to the people, Chinese 作,感谢两国各界人士的积极参与,我还


participants.We should carry out wide-ranging exchange activities with clear priorities 流活动,使各界人士凝聚到中美友好合作

respect, openness and inclusiveness.We should learn from each other, draw on each 在交流中相互学习,求同存异,文明互鉴,differences.We should set an example of relations between states that are different in 国家之间关系的典范,让21世纪成为历culture, level of development and social system, and make the 21st century one that is 史上真正安定、祥和、繁荣的世纪。truly peaceful, harmonious and prosperous.第三,新时期的中美人文交流应该面

Third, our people-to-people exchange should be future-oriented.We should keep pace with the times, take innovative actions, and raise consciousness of the importance of people-to-people exchange, which is vital to everlasting friendship between us.I'm particularly pleased that the two sides have agreed to incorporate


women's exchange and dialogue into our people-to-people exchange mechanism.We 制,我们还要特别重视增进两国青年一代should also lay special emphasis on increasing understanding and friendship between 的了解与友谊,让中美友好事业薪火相the young people of the two countries so that our friendship will be passed down from 传。generation to generation.女士们,先生们,朋友们,Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,200多年前,“中国皇后”号驶离波

More than two hundred years ago, the Empress of China left Boston for China, heralding the start of friendly exchange between China and the United States.Over sixty years ago, China and the United States fought side by side against fascist


aggression.More than 30 million Chinese made the ultimate sacrifice for this noble cause.Over 2,000 American aviation personnel laid down their lives on Chinese soil.Their moving stories are still being told.I have kept an old photograph which tells about how my father, an army commander during the war against Japanese aggression, and his soldiers risked their lives to rescue American pilots.During the exchange between China and the United States was reopened thanks to the “ping-pong diplomacy”.The small ball gave a push to the big globe.Since then, China-US relations have embarked on the journey of improvement and development.Yesterday evening, I had the privilege of meeting with a number of trailblazers, builders, and witnesses of the over forty years of China-US relations, including Dr.Kissinger, Dr.Brzezinski, and General Scowcroft.We reviewed the remarkable path of our relations and envisioned an even brighter future.We all believe that thanks to the efforts of several generations of leaders of the two countries, the China-US relationship has become one of the most vibrant, promising and strategically influential bilateral relationships in the world.A relationship based on mutual respect and mutual benefit will not only bring benefits to the people of China the United

万中华优秀儿女为此献出了自己的生命,两千多名美国援华航空人员长眠在中国的大地上,留下了可歌可泣的感人故事。我家里至今还留存着一张老照片,讲述的就是我父亲——一位抗日将领和他的战事。在那次行动中,有三名中国战士英勇牺牲。40年前,“乒乓外交”重新打开了中美交往的大门,小球推动了大球,中美关系从此走上了不断改善、发展的道路。昨天晚上,我有幸与基辛格博士、布热津斯基博士、斯考克罗夫特将军等多位40年来中美关系的开拓者、建设者和见证人会面,一起回顾中美关系发展的不凡历程,展望中美关系更加美好的明天。大家一致认为,在两国几代领导人的努力下,中美关系已经成为当今世界最有战略边关系之一。一个相互尊重、互利共赢的rescue operation, three Chinese soldiers gave their lives.Forty years ago, the door of 友们冒着生命危险营救美国飞行员的故

States, but also contribute to world peace, stability, and prosperity in a significant way.影响、最富生机活力、最具发展前景的双The China-US relationship has entered a new stage of building a cooperative partnership.The people-to-people exchange carries the ardent expectations of the two presidents as well as the people of the two countries and around the world.It is part of the important mission of developing China-US relations and promoting world peace and development.Madame Secretary,Ladies and Gentlemen,国务卿女士,女士们,先生们,朋友

Dear Friends,Spring is the season for sowing.It is also the season of hope.Today, we have reviewed the past and looked ahead to the future, making plans for China-US



people-to-people exchange.We have heavy responsibility upon our shoulders, yet we 未来,规划中美人文交流的蓝图,深感责

are full of confidence.I firmly believe that with commitment and care of both sides, the 任重大,更加充满信心。我深信,在双方seedlings of China-US people-to-people exchange will grow stronger, and the tree of China-US friendship will take its roots in our peoples, have full foliage and bear rich fruits.Let us join hands to build a brighter future for the people-to-people exchange and relationship between China and the United States.Thank you.谢谢各位!的精心呵护和培育下,中美人文交流的幼苗一定会茁壮成长,中美友好之树深深扎根于两国民众之中,一定会枝繁叶茂、硕果累累。让我们携起手来,共同开创中美人文交流和中美关系更加美好的明天!



Remarks at the Joint Opening Session of the Third Round of China-US Strategic and

Economic Dialogues

2011年5月9日,华盛顿 Washington DC, 9 May 2011


Vice President Biden, Secretary Clinton, Secretary Geithner, Dear Colleagues,第三轮中美战略与经济对话今天开幕。在此,我代表中方代表团对美方的周到安排表示衷心的感谢!

We are gathered here today for the third round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues(S&EDs).On behalf of the Chinese delegation, I would like to express sincere thanks to the US side for the thoughtful arrangements.胡锦涛主席十分关心中美战略与经济对话,请我和戴秉国国务委员转达他对奥巴马总统、拜登副总统、克林顿国务卿、盖特纳财长以及美方全体工作人员的问候。胡锦涛主席高度赞赏中美战略与经济对话为中美加深了解,增进战略互信,加强两国在双边、地区和全球层面上的沟通与协作所发挥的重要作用。希望中美双方充分利用本轮对话,就两国如何进一步增进战略互信、深化务实合作深入交换意见,落实好他与奥巴马总统达成的共识,共同推进相互尊重、互利共赢的中美合作伙伴关系。

President Hu Jintao attaches great importance to the S&EDs.He asked me and State Councilor Dai Bingguo to convey his greetings to President Obama, Vice President Biden, Secretary Clinton, Secretary Geithner and all those who work for the S&EDs on the US side.President Hu Jintao highly appreciates the important role of the S&EDs in deepening understanding, enhancing strategic mutual trust, and strengthening communication and cooperation between our two countries at bilateral, regional and global levels.He hopes that both the Chinese and US sides will make the most of this round of dialogues to have in-depth exchange of views on ways to further enhance strategic mutual trust and deepen practical cooperation.He looks forward to the implementation of the agreement he reached with President Obama and the advancement of the China-US cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.今年1月,胡锦涛主席对美国进行了历史性的国事访问,取得了巨大成功。两国元首高瞻远瞩,开创了中美关系的新局面。

Last January, President Hu Jintao paid a state visit to the United States.It was a historic visit which achieved great success.With vision and foresight, the two presidents opened a new page in China-US relations.中美建交32年来,两国关系虽历经风雨,却始终向前。中美历史文化、发展阶段、资源禀赋、现实国情不同,但经济相互依存,高度互补,谁也离不开谁。两国互为第二大贸易伙伴,美国是中国第二大出口市场,中国是美国增长最快的出口市场。目前,两国的经济总量占世界的三分之一,贸易总额占世界的五分之一。中美经济关系已经远远超出双边范畴,越来越具有全球性影响。

Over the past 32 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the United States, China-US relations have kept moving forward despite twists and turns.Our two countries differ in history, culture, development stage, resources endowment and national circumstances, but we are highly interdependent and mutually complementary economically.China and the United States are each other's second largest trading partner.The United States is China's second largest export market, and China is the fastest growing export market for the United States.Together, China and the United States account for one third of the world's GDP, and one fifth of global trade.China-US relationship has far exceeded the bilateral scope and has acquired growing global significance.全球化主导的世界经济格局正在发生深刻而复杂的变化。当前,在应对全球经济衰退、经济复苏仍面临诸多不确定的情势下,中美两国的经济社会发展,既面临着共同的挑战,也面临着合作的机遇。围绕确保经济复苏,两国之间政策措施既有互补,亦有碰撞,但合作的利益远远大于竞争的分歧。鉴于此,双方要更加注重发挥中美战略与经济对话的作用,坚持“全局性、长期性、战略性”的定位,脚踏实地推动中美经济关系健康发展。

We are witnessing profound and complex changes in the world economic landscape, changes that are driven by globalization.At present, we still face many uncertainties when we are striving to tackle global economic recession and sustain economic recovery.Against such a backdrop, economic and social development in China and the United States face both common challenges and opportunities of cooperation.There are both complementarities and clashes in our respective policies geared to ensure economic recovery.However, we have far more shared interests and cooperation than differences and competition.Both sides must therefore make better use of the S&EDs as an overarching framework for the examination of long-term and strategic issues, and take solid steps to advance the sound development of China-US economic relations.各位同事!

Dear Colleagues,历史和现实已经证明,未来也终将证明,任何困难都无法阻挡中美合作的潮流。对此,我们充满信心。这信心来自于中美之间广泛的共同利益,来自于两国人民的共同意愿,来自于历史和哲学的思考。

The past and the present have proven, and the future will prove, that nothing can hold back the trend of China-US cooperation.We have confidence in it.Our confidence comes from the broad common interests between our two countries, the shared aspirations of our two peoples, as well as from historical and philosophical reflections.任何一步实际行动将胜过千言万语。双方应以本次对话为契机,认真落实两国元首达成的重要共识,全面深化经贸、投资、金融、基础设施等各领域的合作,推动两国乃至全球经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长。

One action is better than one thousand words.Let us use the opportunity brought by the current round of the S&EDs to earnestly implement the important agreement reached between our two presidents, and deepen our cooperation in economic, trade, investment, financial, infrastructure and other fields in an all-round way.By so doing, we will contribute to the strong, sustainable and balanced growth of not only our two economies but also the world economy.预祝第三轮中美战略与经济对话圆满成功!

I wish the third round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues great success.谢谢大家!

Thank you!

下载习近平在第八轮中美战略与经济对话和第七轮中美人文交流高层磋商联合开幕式上的讲话 (中英对照)word格式文档
下载习近平在第八轮中美战略与经济对话和第七轮中美人文交流高层磋商联合开幕式上的讲话 (中英对照).doc


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