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Remarks at U.S.-China Business Council Luncheon

by U.S.Commerce Secretary Gary Locke

January 13, 2011


美国商务部长 骆家辉 2011年1月13日

Thank you John, for that kind introduction.And thank you for having me here today.约翰,谢谢你的介绍和好意。谢谢大家邀请我来这里。

We are today less than a week away from an important State visit by Chinese President Hu Jintao.今天我们在这里聚会,距离中国国家主席胡锦涛的重要国事访问只有不到一周时间。

More than two decades ago, on my first trip to mainland China, I could not imagine that the U.S.-China relationship would eventually become so consequential.二十多年前,我第一次访问中国大陆,那时我难以想象有朝一日美中关系会变得如此重要。Nor could I have imagined a scene like we witnessed a few days ago: Defense Secretary Gates joining together with his Chinese counterpart to stress the need for stronger military ties between China and the United States.我也难以想象我们几天前看到的情景:国防部长盖茨和中国国防部长共同强调中美之间有必要加强军事联系。

In 1989, I came in from Shanghai’s airport on a rickety, Russian-made bus, and stepped into that city’s dimly lit streets into a world very different than the one I left in the U.S.1989年,我到达后在上海机场乘坐的是一辆破旧的苏联制造的大客车,走上那座城市的灯光昏暗的街道,它与我离开美国时留在身后的那个世界大不相同。

There were swarms of bicycles – young men with their dates balanced on handlebars, grandparents pedaling to the market, boys and girls with white-knuckle grips on their parents’ shoulders.Bikes everywhere.那是自行车的海洋——车大梁上载着女友的男青年、骑车去市场的爷爷奶奶、双手紧紧抓住父母肩膀的男孩和女孩。到处都是自行车。

Shanghai then was a gritty, industrial city filled with low-rise buildings.There were no skyscrapers.Few cars.There was little sign of what was to come.当时的上海是一座铺着砂石路、房屋低矮的工业城市。没有高楼大厦。汽车也很少。难以想象会有后来的变化。

Today, Shanghai’s skyline is dotted by more than 400 skyscrapers.Go to the Shanghai World Financial Center – one of the tallest buildings in the world – and you can stay at a Park Hyatt Hotel with a lobby on the 79th floor.今天,上海的地平线上耸立着400多座摩天大楼。如果你去上海环球金融中心——这是世界上最高的建筑之一——你可以在柏悦酒店下榻,该酒店的服务台设在第79层。

Those bike paths I saw on my first visit have been replaced by elevated freeways shuttling people and commerce at a frenetic pace.我第一次访问时看到的自行车道已经被高架高速公路所取代,人和商品以惊人的速度流动。To see it is to be awed, and I am every time I go back to China.看到这番景象令人赞叹,我每次返回中国都有这种感受。

The explosive growth in places like Shanghai has helped lift almost 200 million people out of poverty.In the years ahead, hundreds of millions more Chinese citizens will join the middle class.上海和其他地方发生的爆炸式增长已经帮助近两亿人口脱离贫困。在未来一些年中,还会有数亿中国公民加入中产阶层的行列。

The United States welcomes this growth, because it’s good for the people of China;it's good for the global economy;and it's important for U.S.companies who offer world-class products and service, products and services that can improve the quality of life for the Chinese, while providing jobs for American workers back home.美国对此一增长表示欢迎,因为它对中国人民有利,对世界经济有利,对提供世界一流产品与服务的美国公司很重要,这些产品与服务能够改善中国人民的生活,同时为美国工人提供就业机会。

With the U.S.-China Business Council’s help, this has become perhaps the most important bilateral trading relationship in the world.在美中贸易全国委员会的帮助下,这种关系已经成为或许是世界上最重要的双边贸易关系。China is the top destination for American exports, behind just Canada and Mexico.And America is the number one national market for Chinese exports.中国是美国最大的出口市场之一,仅次于加拿大和墨西哥。而美国是中国最大的出口对象国。In the past 20 years, U.S.exports to China have increased by a factor of 12;imports from China have increased more than 30-fold.与二十年前相比,美国对中国的出口是当年的12倍,从中国的进口则增加了30倍以上。However, we are at a turning point in the U.S.-China economic partnership.Last year, China became the second largest economy in the world.And the policies and practices that have shaped our relations over the past few decades will not suffice over the next few decades.但是,我们目前正处于美中经济伙伴关系中的一个转折点。去年,中国成为世界上第二大经济体。过去数十年中指导双边关系的政策与做法将不能满足今后数十年的需要。

So today, I'd like to talk a bit about how we can move forward and ensure that we can unlock the full potential of the U.S.-China commercial relationship in the early 21st century.因此,今天我要讲一讲我们如何继续前进,如何确保我们能够在二十一世纪初期充分发掘美中商贸关系的潜力。

The gross trade imbalances between our countries are a good place to start, because they have the potential to threaten global stability and prosperity.谈谈美中贸易的严重失衡是一个很恰当的起点,因为这种情况有可能危及全球的稳定与繁荣。And I think a great illustration of that can be found in, of all places, Trenton, New Jersey.我认为,考虑到所有地方,新泽西州的特伦顿是能说明这个问题的极佳例子。

Many of you have likely taken Amtrak up to New York, and when you pass by the Delaware River in New Jersey, you see that famous sign: Trenton Makes and the World Takes.你们中的许多人很可能曾乘坐美国铁路客运公司的火车北上去纽约,在你经过新泽西州的特拉华河时,你会看到那块著名的标牌:“特伦顿制造,全世界购买”。

Well, replace Trenton with China, and you have a simplistic, but pretty accurate description of the global economy over the last few decades.现在,把特伦顿换成中国,那么,你对过去几十年的全球经济就会作出一种虽然过分简单却又相当准确的描述。

China and the United States benefited tremendously from this arrangement in recent years.近年来,美中两国都从这一安排中获取了巨大的利益。

American consumers got an impressive array of low-cost goods.And in its transition into one of the world’s top exporters, China was able to lift millions of its citizens into a fast-growing middle class.美国消费者获得了种类繁多的低价商品,而中国在向成为世界最大出口国之一的过渡中使其亿万人民进入迅速成长的中产阶层行列。

But it’s not sustainable.The debt-fueled consumption binge in developed countries like America is over.但这种情况是不可持续的。像美国这样的发达国家靠举债狂热消费的情况已成为历史。And countries like China are beginning to realize that there are limits to purely export-driven growth.而像中国这样的国家已开始认识到纯粹靠出口来拉动经济增长是有限度的。

That's why we need a more equitable commercial relationship.And it is within our reach.因此,我们需要建立一种更公平合理的商贸关系,而这是我们可以做到的。

The United States is doing its part to facilitate global adjustments by increasing private savings and exports, as well as taking steps to bring down its long-term fiscal deficits to a sustainable level.美国正在作出自己的努力,通过增加私人储蓄和出口并采取步骤将长期以来的财政赤字降低到可持续的水平来促进全球调整。

And the Chinese leadership is making the rebalancing of its economy one of the cornerstones of its forthcoming five-year plan.而中国领导层正在将重新平衡经济当作其即将开始实施的五年规划的基石之一。

China is aiming to promote domestic consumption through a variety of measures, such as boosting the minimum wage for its workers and building an improved social safety net.Changes like these will hasten the rise of a middle class that wants the same cars, appliances, fashion, medical care and other amenities that have long been enjoyed by consumers in the Western world.中国正在努力通过各种措施——如增加工人的最低工资和建立更好的社会保障体系——来促进国内消费。这些变化将加快中产阶级的兴起,他们希望与西方世界消费者一样拥有轿车、电器、时装、医疗保健和其他便利生活的设施。

The Chinese government is also putting an intensive focus on strategic emerging industries, with more high-value work in areas like healthcare, energy and high technology.中国政府还在集中精力发展新兴战略产业,增加在医疗保健、能源和高科技等领域有更高价值的工作岗位。

And the Chinese have signaled that they want foreign businesses to help develop these sectors by entering joint ventures and by conducting more research and development in China.中国方面还发出信号,表示希望外国企业通过中外合资和在中国开展更多的研发活动来帮助中国发展这些产业。

This is assistance that U.S.companies are eager to provide, so long as China deals meaningfully with concerns about intellectual property protection, as well as a variety of other issues I will talk about later.这是美国公司热切希望能够提供的帮助,只要中国能切实回应他们对知识产权保护的关切并解决我将在下面谈到的一些其他问题。

Such cooperative projects can serve as the foundation for a stronger economic relationship between China and the U.S.这类合作性项目可成为美中两国建立更牢固的经济关系的基础。

But China’s long-term success at addressing the concerns of international businesses will help determine whether it realizes its economic vision – a vision in which China is a leader in innovation and a producer of higher-value goods and services.但是,中国在处理国际企业关注的问题上的长期成功将有助于实现其经济愿景——即成为创新领域的领先者和高价值商品与服务的提供者。

Here's the good news: we are already seeing examples of just how this future could play out, as our businesses and our governments collaborate to tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges.令人可喜的是,随着我们的企业和我们两国政府展开合作,着手解决世界面临的一些最大挑战,我们已经看到实现这一未来的实例。

Just look at what's happening with the new Energy Cooperation Program that Secretary Chu and I announced while in China in October 2009 to promote more collaboration between Chinese and American companies on energy issues.One of the founding corporate members of the program, Boeing, is partnering with Air China and Petro China to research a new generation of aviation biofuels that don't rely on food crops.让我们看一下朱部长和我2009年10月在中国宣布的旨在推动中美公司在能源问题上展开合作的新的“能源合作项目”的进展。项目创始会员之一波音公司正在与中国国际航空公司和中国石油天然气集团公司合作,研发不依赖粮食作物的新一代生物航空燃料。

If this venture is successful, it could reduce the carbon footprint of airplane travel, and avoid the negative impact that other biofuels have on the global food supply.如果这项合作成功,将可以减少飞机的碳足迹,并避免其他生物燃料对全球粮食供应产生的负面影响。

Or look at what’s happening with Duke Energy, one of America's leading utilities, which has signed an agreement for joint research with China’s largest energy company, Huaneng, and with the Chinese government’s Thermal Power Research Institute.再看一下美国领先的电力公司之一杜克能源公司。它与中国最大的电力公司华能集团和中国政府的国电热工研究院签署了联合研究的协议。

Today, there are scientists and researchers shuttling between the companies and the research institute, working to develop cutting-edge solutions for cleaner-burning coal and carbon sequestration.今天,科学家和研究人员在各公司和研究机构之间来回穿梭,努力制定更清洁的燃煤和碳封存的尖端方案。

The Chinese and American governments are also working together on a variety of transportation issues, including how to spur the deployment of more high-speed rail.China has embraced high-speed rail and has developed its infrastructure at a tremendous rate.Starting from scratch, China has constructed and put into service over 4,000 miles of high-speed routes in the last decade – making China’s the longest high-speed rail network in the world.中美政府还在就各种交通运输问题展开合作,包括推动建设更多的高速铁路。中国已经拥有高速铁路并以惊人的速度建设起基础设施。中国白手起家,在过去十年已建成并投入使用4000多英里的高速公路,使中国成为世界上高速铁路总里程最长的国家。

In meetings last year, officials and experts from the Department of Transportation and China’s Railway Ministry met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to share information on the development of high-speed rail standards.And at the state level, the Chinese government has signed cooperation agreements with the State of California on its high-speed rail project to link Anaheim and San Francisco.去年,中国交通运输部和铁道部的官员和专家前来马萨诸塞州剑桥参加会议,交流有关制定高速铁路标准的信息。在州一级,中国政府与加利福尼亚州签署了连接旧金山和阿纳海姆的高速铁路项目的合作协议。

There is, however, a sobering side to U.S.-China commercial relations: For every story like Duke Energy’s or Boeing’s, there are many more that are never written.然而,美中商业关系也有令人关切的一面:并非在各种情况下都有杜克能源公司或波音公司这样的合作,许多其他公司的境遇没有被报道。

When I talk to business leaders across America, they continue to express significant concerns – shared by business around the world--about the commercial environment in China – especially China's lax intellectual property protection and enforcement, lack of transparency in government decision-making and numerous indigenous innovation policies that often preclude foreign companies from vying for Chinese government contracts.These policies mandate that products must be made, conceived and designed in China.我在与美国各地的企业领导人交谈时,他们继续对中国的商业环境表示重大关切——世界上其他国家的企业界也有同样的担忧——最受关注的问题是中国的知识产权保护和执法措施不力、政府决策和无数的自主创新政策缺乏透明度,往往阻止外国公司参与竞争中国政府的承包项目。这些政策要求产品必须在中国构思、设计和制造。

It’s important to note that since China formally joined the WTO nine years ago, it has made important progress opening its market.Tariffs have come down, private property rights are steadily evolving and great strides have been made to free the flow of commerce across China's borders.必须指出,自从中国在九年前正式加入世界贸易组织以来,它在开放市场方面已经取得重大进展。关税已经降低,私有财产权在稳步建立,在开放中国边界商贸流通方面迈出了重大步伐。

On balance, the competitive playing field in China is fairer to foreign firms that it was a decade ago.And we commend the Chinese for that.总的来说,中国的市场竞争环境对于外国企业来说比十年前更为公平,我们对此表示赞赏。It is also not lost on countries in the West that on our march towards industrialization, we sometimes protected native industries with policies that today would mobilize an army of WTO lawyers in opposition.西方国家记忆犹新的是,在我们的工业化进程中,我们有时用政策来保护本国产业,而在今天,这样的做法会引来世界贸易组织的大批律师群起而攻之。

But those policies were folly then, and they are surely folly now.After World War II, the United States and a growing community of nations painstakingly built a global trading system based on the free flow of goods, ideas and services across borders.但是,那些政策在当时来说是愚蠢的,现在也还是愚蠢的。在第二次世界大战以后,美国和一批日益增多的国家艰苦地建立起一个基于货物、观念和服务跨越边界自由流通的全球贸易体系。

And the creation of the World Trade Organization in 1995 ensured that countries would be held accountable for their commitments to open markets and lower barriers.1995年建立的世界贸易组织规定各国必须实践其开放市场、降低关税的承诺。

China has benefited tremendously from this international trading system, especially since it joined the WTO in 2001.The United States and other foreign nations have every right to seek more meaningful commitment and progress from China in implementing the market-opening policies it agreed to when it joined the WTO.中国已经自该贸易体系获取了巨大利益,特别是从它于2001年参加世界贸易组织以来。中国在参加世界贸组织时曾同意实施开放市场的政策,美国和世界上其他国家完全有理由要求中国在这方面作出更有实质意义的承诺和改进。

From our experience, there are usually five things that need to happen to turn these promises into reality.根据我们的经验,要将这些诺言变为现实通常有五件事情要做。

It starts with the easiest step: a statement of principle from Chinese officials that action will be taken to solve a market access issue.第一个步骤最容易:由中国官员发表一项原则声明,表明将采取行动来解决市场准入问题。Next, that agreement has to be codified into binding law or regulations.下一步是,该协议必须转变为有约束力的法律或法规。

Third, the law or regulation needs to be faithfully implemented by the central government.第三,该法律或法规必须由中央政府忠实地推行。

And fourth, it needs to be implemented at the local and provincial levels.第四,它也必须在地方一级与省一级实施。

Only after all these things have happened can you arrive at the fifth, final and most important step, which is where this new law or regulation becomes a norm – an accepted way of doing business in China's commercial culture.只有在这些步骤都完成后,才能进行第五步、也就是最后和最重要的一步,那就是:新法律或法规成为常规,即成为在中国商业文化中习以为常的经营方式。

When it comes to indigenous innovation, intellectual property or a variety of other market-access issues, an enduring frustration is that in too many cases only the earliest steps are taken, but not all five.就自主创新、知识产权或许多其他市场准入问题而言,一个长期存在的困难是:在太多的情况下,只采取了最初的几个步骤,而没有完成全部五个步骤。

Perhaps an agreement is made, but it never becomes binding.Or perhaps there's a well-written law or regulation at the national level, but there's lax enforcement at the provincial or city level.或许达成了一份协议,但从未成为有约束力的文件;或许国家一级有一部完善的法律或法规,但在省一级或市一级却未得到认真执行。

A few weeks ago, the Commerce Department and the office of the U.S.Trade Representative welcomed Vice Premier Wang Qishan and other leading Chinese officials for the 21st Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade, where we worked through a variety of specific trade issues.几周以前,商务部和美国贸易代表曾欢迎王歧山副总理和中国的其他高级官员前来参加第21届美中商贸联合委员会会议,在那次会议上,我们解决了许多具体的贸易问题。

It was a productive meeting.Vice Premier Wang and his team were responsive to our concerns and they pledged action in a variety of areas critical to American businesses.这是一次富有成效的会见。国务院副总理王岐山和他的团队对我们关心的问题反应积极,承诺在对美国企业关键的一些领域采取行动。

They agreed to remove administrative and regulatory barriers discriminating against American companies selling everything from industrial machinery and telecom devices;to those that restrict U.S.participation in the development of large-scale wind farms in China.他们同意取消歧视美国公司在销售一切产品上的行政和法规上的壁垒,包括从工业机器和电讯器材到那些限制美国参与在中国开发大规模风能电场的活动。

They also agreed to revise one of their major government procurement catalogues to ensure a level playing field for foreign suppliers and to reduce the use of counterfeit software in government offices and state-owned enterprises.他们还同意修改他们的主要政府采购目录,以确保外国供应商有一个公平竞争的环境,并减少盗版软件在政府部门和国有企业的使用。

Additionally, Vice Premier Wang asked the Commerce Department and the U.S.Trade Representative to partner with him on a public campaign to reduce intellectual property rights violations in China, which he is leading.此外,国务院副总理王岐山请求商务部和美国贸易代表与他合作进行一次减少知识产权在中国被侵权的公开活动,他正领导这项活动。

The American government welcomes these commitments from China.美国政府欢迎中国作出的这些承诺。

But to be clear, they are only a first step.What was agreed to at the JCCT were important statements of principle and policy – but they must be turned into concrete action with results.但需要申明的是,这些都只是第一步。在美中商贸联委会上达成的一致都是原则和政策上的重要声明——但它们必须转化为具体行动,取得成果。

Take last year’s JCCT, when the Chinese agreed to remove a local content requirement for wind turbine suppliers – a positive step forward.以去年的美中商贸联委会为例,中国同意取消对风力涡轮机供应商当地含量的要求——一个积极的步骤。

But soon after, China’s government employed a rule that required foreign businesses seeking to build large scale wind farms in China to have prior experience with such projects in China.The rule might have been different than the local content requirement, but it had the same effect – making it tougher for foreign companies to compete with China’s domestic companies.但之后不久,中国的政府实施了一条规定,要求在中国进行大型风能电场建设项目的外国企业必须有在中国做过同样项目的经验。该规定可能与要求当地含量不同,但却有同样的影响——使外国公司与中国国内公司的竞争难度更大。

At this year’s JCCT, we persuaded the Chinese to modify that rule as well.在今年的美中商贸联委会上,我们同样说服中国修改了这一规则。

Or look at the issue of intellectual property.We have heard Chinese leaders condemn IP-theft in the strongest terms, and we’ve seen central government laws and regulations written or amended to reflect that sentiment.再看一下知识产权问题。我们已经听到中国领导人最强烈地谴责对知识产权的侵犯,我们已经看到了中央政府的法律和法规的编写和修订都反映了这种精神。

But American and other foreign companies, in industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and biotechnology to entertainment, still lose billions of dollars from counterfeiting and IP-theft in China every year.但美国和其他外国公司,从制药公司和生物技术到娱乐等行业,每年还是因为在中国的仿冒及知识产权盗用而损失数十亿美元。

For example, in the United States, for every $1 in computer hardware sales there is about 88 cents in software sales.But in China, for every dollar in hardware sales there is only eight cents in software sales.例如,在美国,每销售1美元的计算机硬件,就有88美分的软件销售。但在中国,在硬件上1美元的销售额只有8美分的软件销售。

According to the Business Software Alliance, that discrepancy is largely explained by the fact that nearly 80 percent of the software used on computers in China is counterfeit.据商业软件联盟说,这种差别的主要原因是,在中国的计算机上使用的近80%软件都是盗用的。

So America welcomes Vice Premier Wang’s pledge to accelerate China's crackdown on intellectual property violations.And China will have a very willing partner in this endeavor in the United States.But we will be focused on meaningful outcomes.因此,美国欢迎王岐山副总理对中国加速打击侵犯知识产权行为所做的承诺。对于中国在这方面的努力,美国将非常愿意参与伙伴合作。但是,我们看重的是实质性的结果。

I recognize I'm not the first foreign official to express concern over the commercial environment in China.But it would be a mistake to portray this concern solely as U.S.self-interest masquerading as advice.我承认,我不是第一位对中国商业环境表达关切的外国官员。但把这种关切完全视为美国以忠告为名谋求自身利益将是错误的。

The Chinese economy is increasingly moving up the global economic value chain, where growth is created not just by the power of a country’s industrial might, but also by the power of its people’s ideas and their inventions.中国的经济正在全球经济价值链上逐步提升,取得这种发展不只是依靠一个国家的工业力量,还依靠其人民的创意及他们的发明。

In the long run, economies with poor intellectual property protections and inconsistent application of market access laws will lose out on generating great new ideas and technologies.And they’ll lose out on the jobs that come with producing new products – jobs critical to an expanding middle class.从长远来看,缺乏知识产权保护以及不能始终执行市场准入规则的经济体将错失开发重大新创意和新技术的机会。它们将错失伴随着新产品生产而出现的就业机会,这些就业机会对于一个不断壮大的中产阶层至关重要。

The damage won’t happen overnight.I freely admit that companies and countries can gain short-term advantages from lax rules in the commercial space.这种损失不会在一夜之间发生。我可以坦言,有些公司和国家有可能从商业领域的宽松规则中获得短期利益。

But over time, if innovators fear that their inventions or ideas will be stolen or discriminated against, one of two things will happen – they’ll either stop inventing, or they’ll decide to create or sell their inventions elsewhere.但随着时间的推移,如果发明者担心他们的发明或创意遭到窃取或歧视,就会发生以下情况——他们或者停止发明活动,或者决定到别处去从事或出售他们的发明。

Ultimately, all that the United States seeks is a level playing field for its companies, where the cost and quality of their products determines whether or not they win business.说到底,美国寻求的只是为美国的公司找到一个公平竞争的场地,让其产品的成本与质量决定它们是否能赢得商机。

That is the ideal we strive for in the United States.这就是我们在美国力争实现的理想状况。

And our commitment to open and competitive markets is a big reason why we remain the number one destination for foreign direct investment in the world.我们对市场开放和竞争作出的承诺是我们继续成为全世界获得外国直接投资最多的国家的重大原因。

We understand that China’s modernization and evolution towards a more market-oriented economy is a process that will take time.我们理解中国的现代化以及朝着更以市场为导向的经济逐步发展是一个耗费时日的过程。China has 1.3 billion people.Seven hundred million of them still live in rural areas;many with little electricity or running water.It took the United States over 100 years to build the electrical transmission capacity it has today.中国有13亿人口。7亿人仍然生活在农村地区;许多人还缺电、缺水。而美国为建设今天具有的电力传输能力用了一百多年时间。

To meet the rising demands of its own consumers, China will have to build a similar amount of capacity in just 15 years.为了满足中国消费者日益增长的需求,中国必须在短短15年内建成同等规模的能力。

These are enormous undertakings.And it’s understandable if, in the past, China’s immediate development goals took precedence over other concerns.这些任务十分艰巨。如果说中国过去将眼前发展目标置于其他考量之上,那是可以理解的。With millions of Chinese coming in from the countryside looking for work, it isn’t necessarily an easy decision to close down a factory producing counterfeit goods, when that factory is providing badly needed jobs.在千百万来自农村的中国人进城找工作的情况下,要关闭一家生产伪冒商品但却能提供急需的工作机会的工厂,未必是一个易于作出的决定。

So what we’re discussing here are real and significant challenges.For market reforms to continue, it will take constant vigilance – not just from the United States, but from all countries and businesses around the world that benefit from rules-based trading.And from Chinese business and government leaders, who themselves have a strong stake in ensuring that China is friendly to global innovation and international competition.因此,我们在此探讨的是一些确实存在的重大挑战。为了继续推行市场改革,不仅是美国,还有全世界受益于有章可循的贸易活动的所有国家和企业都应当保持警觉。中国企业及政府领导人亦应如此,因为确保中国以友好方式应对全球创新和国际竞争攸关他们的自身利益。In front of us is the opportunity for China and the United States to lead the world economy in the early 21st century to create a new foundation for sustainable growth for years to come.摆在我们面前的是中国和美国在21世纪初期引领世界经济为未来的可持续增长奠定新基础的机会。

We can’t tell exactly what that future will look like.我们无法断言未来会怎样。

But we can be certain that it will be a better future if the Chinese and American governments pursue cooperation over confrontation in the economic sphere.但我们可以肯定,如果中国政府和美国政府在经济领域寻求合作并避免对抗,未来必将更加美好。

Cooperation that will put millions of our people to work.Cooperation that will develop technologies to solve the most pressing environmental, economic and social challenges facing the world today.This is the great opportunity before China and the United States.We just have to seize it.这种合作将为我国数百万人民创造工作机会。这种合作将开发出能够解决今日世界所面临的最紧迫的环境、经济和社会问题的各项技术。这是中国和美国所面临的一个难得的机会。我们必须抓住它。

Thank you.谢谢大家。


美国商务部长中国上海旅游业颁奖仪式讲话时间:2012-05-11 10:30来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:2781次

Remarks at Tourism Award Ceremony, Shanghai, China Commerce Secretary John Bryson Monday, May 7, 2012

在中国上海旅游业颁奖仪式上的讲话 美国商务部长 约翰·布赖森 2012年5月7日

This is a very special occasion.We are here to recognize the top five tour operators in the Shanghai region who arrange group travel to the U.S.Travel and tourism between our countries is crucial to building stronger cultural and economic ties.This generates greater understanding and friendship between our people.And it also generates greater prosperity.这是一个很特殊的场合,我们在这里表彰上海地区积极组团赴美国旅游的5家顶尖的旅行社。我们两国之间的旅游业对于建设更为牢固的文化与经济纽带十分重要,它能增进两国人民之间的了解与友谊,并能促进经济繁荣。

As you all know, the U.S.-China Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Travel and Tourism was signed in 2007.It opened the door for packaged leisure travel to our country by Chinese groups.Since then, the number of Chinese people traveling to the U.S.has grown significantly.So far this year, travelers from China have increased 40 percent over the same period in 2011!We are very happy to welcome these visitors, and we look forward to welcoming many more.正如我们大家所知,美中旅游合作谅解备忘录签订于2007年,它为中国组团去我们国家进行休闲旅游打开了大门。从那以后,中国公民前往美国旅行的人数大大增加。今年到目前为止,来自中国的旅游者比2011年同期增加了40%!我们非常高兴地欢迎这些来访者,我们还期待着欢迎更多的来访者。

And under the leadership of the Department of Commerce, the United States government is taking a number of steps to ensure continued growth in travel and tourism from China to America.As you no doubt know, at the direction of President Obama, our State Department has increased our capacity to process visa applications here in China.Also, we are working with America’s travel and tourism leaders to make sure that our travel hubs–such as airports–are easier to navigate.In addition, we are working to educate our hotel owners and service providers about the needs and wants of Chinese travelers.And we are doing more to share information about all of the diverse cultural, recreational and entertainment opportunities that America offers.由商务部牵头,美国政府正在采取一系列步骤来保证从中国到美国的旅游活动持续不断地发展。你们肯定都知道,根据欧巴马总统的指示,我们的国务院已经提高了在中国处理赴美签证申请的能力。我们也正在与美国旅游业的负责人共同努力以保证我们的机场等交通枢纽更为通畅。此外,我们还在向旅馆业主和服务业人员大力介绍中国游客的需要和要求。而且,我们也在更努力地宣传有关美国提供的多种多样的文化、休闲与娱乐机会的信息。

These are important steps, because over the next five years, the number of international visitors traveling to the U.S.from all over the world is expected to grow significantly.We expect over 65 million visitors in 2012 alone.This reflects the fact that travel and tourism is America’s number-one services export–and it continues to get stronger each day.We project that China will–by far–have the largest percentage growth in tourism to the U.S.over the next five years, at nearly 200 percent.Our message to China and people across the globe is clear: “the United States welcomes you.”


Before I go any further, let me recognize two groups.First, thank you to the National Tour Association for developing the program that qualifies the U.S.-inbound tour operators.Without this program we could not have entered into the agreement that allows selling packaged travel to the United States.Second, thank you to the China National Tourism Administration, which has been a good partner in developing travel and tourism for both countries.We look forward to working with all of you to strengthen U.S.-China ties and reap all the economic and cultural benefits that flow from our relationship.在我接着往下讲之前,请允许我来表彰两个机构。首先要感谢中国旅游协会就经营赴美旅游业务制定了一个旅行社资格审核程序,要是没有这个程序,我们就不可能达成特许组团赴美旅游的协议。其次,要感谢中国国家旅游局,它是发展美中两国旅游业的一个很好的合作伙伴。我们期待着与你们大家一起共同努力来加强美中联系,享受我们两国关系所带来的所有经济与文化惠益。

And finally, thank you to the Shanghai Commercial Service and Shanghai Tourism Bureau for all their work to support this event and to continue promoting U.S.-China travel and tourism.最后,感谢上海商务局和上海旅游局为这次活动提供的支持,以及它们对促进美中两国旅游业的不懈支持。

Now let me turn the microphone back over before we officially present today’s awards.现在,让我在今天正式颁奖之前把麦克风交还回去。





Remarks at Pearl River Delta International Forum on Innovation and Intellectual Property by U.S.Commerce Secretary Gary Locke Shangri-La Hotel, Guangzhou Tuesday, October 27, 2009 “珠三角创新与知识产权”国际论坛上的发言 美国商务部长骆家辉 广州 香格里拉酒店 2009年10月27日

Good morning.早上好。

Thank you Ambassador Huntsman.谢谢洪大使。

This year marks the 60th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China.In the last few decades, hundreds of millions of Chinese have joined the global middle class as China has become a destination for capital, for ideas and for innovation.今年是中华人民共和国成立60周年。在过去几十年里,随着中国成为吸引资本、创意和创新的热土,数亿中国人已加入全球中产阶层的行列。

And one of the best illustrations of this transformation is China's burgeoning trade relationship with the United States.We are one another's second-biggest trading partners.In the past 20 years, U.S.exports to China have increased by a factor of 12;while U.S.imports from China have increased almost 30-fold.The pace of change right here in Guangdong Province is a most striking illustration of this.而最能体现这种转变的事情之一,就是中国与美国之间迅速发展的贸易关系。我们各自都是对方的第二大贸易伙伴。在过去20年里,美国对中国的出口增加了12倍,而美国从中国的进口则增加了近30倍。这种变化的步伐在广东省这里体现得尤其显著。

Thirty years ago, Vice-Premier Deng Xiaoping chose a small fishing village not far from here as China’s first Special Economic Zone.Today, that village makes up Shenzhen, which boasts a population of 14 million people and is one of China’s most dynamic cities.三十年前,邓小平副总理选择离此不远的一个小渔村作为中国首个经济特区。今天,那个的渔村已经变成了深圳,一个拥有1400万人口、中国最具活力的城市之一。The Pearl River Delta is now a thriving example of market principles at work.There are more than 100,000 factories that make every type of product imaginable – from iPhones and flat screen TVs to cell phones and high fashion apparel.今天的珠三角是市场原则发挥作用的一个繁荣例子。这里有十几万家工厂,生产你能想象得到的各种产品,从iPhone、平板电视、手机、到高档服装。

But we also know that the Chinese economy is increasingly moving up the global economic value chain, where growth is created not just by the power of a country’s industrial might, but also by the power of their ideas and their inventions.The next critical step is for China to develop more homegrown entrepreneurs that sell high-value and high-tech products here in China and around the world.但我们也知道,在全球经济价值链中,中国正日益向高端转移,而在高端,增长不仅要靠一个国家的工业实力,还要靠他们的创意和发明来推动。对中国来说,下一步的关键是培养更多能在中国和世界各地销售高附加值和高科技产品的本土企业家。

If China, and in particular Guangdong Province, is going to make this transition, it will have to create a system of laws and a regulatory infrastructure that rewards and protects those who take risks to develop new innovations.And a cornerstone of that effort must be a rigorously enforced intellectual property regime.If innovators fear that their inventions or ideas will be stolen, then one of two things will happen – they’ll either stop inventing, or they’ll decide to create their inventions elsewhere.Here in Guangdong Province, this issue is particularly relevant.Last year, firms based in Guangdong Province obtained more patents than firms based in any other single Chinese province.Guangdong Province has the potential to be China’s epicenter of innovation.And the stronger intellectual property laws and enforcement are, the greater the incentive for domestic and foreign innovators to create their products right here.如果中国,尤其是广东省,要实现这种转型,就必须建立一套为那些冒着风险开发新创意的人提供奖励和保护的法律法规体系。而这方面工作的基石,是对知识产权制度的严格执行。如果创新者担心他们的发明或创意会被人盗用,就只会发生两种情况:要么他们会停止发明创造,要么他们会决定去其它地方实现自己的发明创造。在广东省这里,这个问题尤其重要。去年,广东的企业获得的专利数比任何其它省的企业都要多。广东具有成为中国创新中心的潜力,而知识产权法律及其执法越有力,国内及外国的创新者在这里研发自己产品的动力就越强。

In the past few years, China has taken several steps to protect the IP of American and other foreign companies operating within its borders.For example: The Guangdong Intellectual Property Office settled 198 of the 199 patent-related complaints it received.There were nearly 2,500 trademark infringement cases of overseas rights holders in China last year, a 35 percent increase over 2007.过去几年里,中国采取了若干措施来保护在中国境内经营的美国及其它外国公司的知识产权。例如:



But despite these steps, American companies in fields as diverse as technology, entertainment and pharmaceuticals still lose billions every year in China from intellectual property theft.但尽管如此,在从科技、娱乐到制药等广泛领域,美国公司仍然每年在中国由于知识产权被盗用而遭受数以十亿美元计的损失。

In short, much more needs to be done.Strongly worded IP laws are only as valuable as the civil and criminal penalties people face for breaking them – and China’s enforcement of IP laws is often uneven.For example, the U.S.government has received reports of occasional aggressive intellectual property law enforcement in Shenzhen, while receiving consistent reports of very lax enforcement elsewhere, including, unfortunately, right here in Guangdong.For this reason, the U.S.Department of Commerce as well as other arms of our government seeks to expand our work with our Chinese counterparts on enforcement efforts.简而言之,需要做的事情还很多。措词严厉的知识产权法律,只有通过人们在违法后所面临的民事和刑事惩罚的严厉程度才能体现出来。而中国知识产权法律的执法道路并不平坦。例如,美国政府很高兴曾经收到过关于深圳在知识产权方面积极执法的报告,同时也很遗憾地经常收到关于其它地方,如广东,执法非常松懈的报告。正因为如此,美国商务部及美国其它政府部门希望扩大我们与中国在执法方面的相应部门之间的合作。

The United States and China have already taken a series of steps to ramp up awareness and promotion of intellectual property protection.In the past 12 months, the United States Patent and Trademark Office signed three Memorandums of Understanding with its Chinese counterparts to enhance cooperation on intellectual property issues.Last December, PTO officials stationed in Guangzhou participated with China Customs officials from Guangdong Province in a training program on how to identify counterfeit goods.And in April, PTO Guangzhou and the State Intellectual Property Office jointly organized a program on patent filing and enforcement in Shenzhen.美国和中国已经采取了一系列措施来提高知识产权意识,推动对知识产权的保护。


Our outreach not only includes the Chinese government but the academic and private sectors as well.The PTO has forged ties with universities whose professors and students are vital to changing attitudes about condoning the purchase and use of counterfeit and pirated products.And we would like to see a firm directive from the Central Government to state-run libraries and academic institutions to dissuade these libraries from facilitating illegal reproduction and distribution of electronic journals through the Internet.In a few hours, I’m going to speak with students and faculty at Jinan University.Like their American counterparts, many students at Jinan University don’t realize how soon they’re going to be out in the workforce as employees or as entrepreneurs.And a few years from now, they too will count on a system that rewards those who create products and services that help citizens around the world lead healthier, wealthier and more productive lives.我们的合作对象不单包括中国政府,也包括学术界和企业界。美国专利商标局已经与中国的大学建立了合作关系。大学里的教授和学生对于改变人们对购买和使用假冒及盗版产品的宽容态度发挥着重要作用。我们希望看到中国的中央政府对国营图书馆和学术机构发出明确指示,阻止这些图书馆为通过互联网非法复制并传播电子刊物的行为提供协助。再过几个小时,我还要去暨南大学与那里的大学生和老师交谈。与美国大学生的情况一样,暨南大学的许多学生也没有意识到,现在距离他们作为雇员或创业者进入就业市场的时间是多么的短暂。几年以后,他们也需要依赖一套制度来奖励那些为让世界各地的人活得更健康、更富有、更有成就感而创造新产品和新服务的人。

I know that building an effective patent and trademark system is not easy--because over 200 years after its founding, the United States is still working to perfect its own.Only a few years after the American Revolution, our third president Thomas Jefferson helped create the U.S.patent office because he understood two fundamental truths.He knew: ? That long term economic growth was dependent on a continuous flow of new technologies and new ideas entering the marketplace;

? But he also knew that without a promise of ownership protection for these ideas, innovators would never be willing to take risks to improve upon the status quo.Although the United States continues efforts to reform our own patent system to reflect the rapid changes in the global economy, the necessity of having robust patent and trademark protections is not a matter of serious debate.我知道,建设一套行之有效的专利商标体系并不容易,因为在建国200多年后的今天,美国仍在努力完善自己的专利商标体系。在美国独立战争之后不久,我们的第三任总统,托马斯?杰斐逊,就帮助创立了美国专利局,因为他充分理解两个基本事实。他知道: ? 长期的经济增长有赖于新科技和新创意不断流入市场; ? 但他也知道,如果缺乏为这些创意提供所有权保护的承诺,创新人才就不愿冒着风险来改进现状。


And I hope this sentiment will start to take deeper root in China.Because at stake is not just the fate of our future economic growth--but possibly the fate of our planet.我希望这种意识能很快在中国更加深入人心。因为它不仅影响我们未来经济增长的命运,还可能影响我们这个星球的命运。

This summer, I came to China with U.S.Energy Secretary Steven Chu, to explore avenues for clean energy cooperation.While here, I said that the prospect of climate change presented both a great challenge and a great opportunity.The challenge of course, is that if nations around the world don't start using less fossil fuels, we’ll all suffer from the environmental damage that the world's top scientists believe is undoubtedly in store.But if we can somehow avoid this fate with new technological solutions to use energy more cleanly and efficiently, we will have discovered one of the greatest avenues for economic growth of the 21st century.Seizing this opportunity will surely require robust government action, and I want to commend the Chinese government for its foresight in this area.China has already adopted the most aggressive energy efficiency program in the entire world, and it is on track to exceed many of its renewable energy adoption goals.今年夏天,我与美国能源部长朱棣文先生一起访问中国,探讨清洁能源合作的途径。访问期间,我指出:气候变化既是一个严峻挑战,也是一个巨大机会。挑战当然就是:如果世界各国不开始减少使用化石燃料,我们都将遭受这必然导致的环境损害,这是世界顶尖科学家们的共识。但如果我们能通过新的科技方案更清洁有效地利用能源,从而避免这种命运,那我们将找到21世纪经济增长最重要的途径之一。要抓住这个机会,政府必须采取有力行动。在这里我要称赞中国政府在这个领域的远见。中国实行了世界上最积极的能源效率计划,并且,在可再生能源的许多方面正稳步超越其目标。

But meeting a challenge as big as climate change will require more than just enlightened public policy.It will also require a wave of private sector innovation every bit as immense as those that accompanied the industrial revolution and the onset of the computer and Internet age.In today's global economy--where ideas are just as likely to be discovered in San Francisco as Shanghai – we need to do everything we can to incentivize and empower the brightest minds we have to solve climate change.And that means we need to create the right protections for ideas.但应对气候变化这样一个巨大挑战,仅有开明的公共政策是不够的。它还需要丝毫不亚于曾伴随工业革命及计算机与互联网时代诞生的那种汹涌的私营企业创新浪潮。在当今这样一个新创意既可能诞生于旧金山也可能诞生于上海的的全球化经济中,我们必须想尽一切办法来激励并解放那些解决气候变化问题所需要的最聪明的头脑。这意味着我们必须为新创意提供适当保护。

When Bill Gates quit college to begin his path towards starting Microsoft, he had no guarantee of success.But he kept moving forward, because he hoped that someday, all his hard work just might result in the creation of something special that he could call his own.And because Bill Gates received IP protection for his ideas, millions of people around the world have benefited.Somewhere in the world, is the Bill Gates of clean energy, and we need to make sure he or she has similar protection.当比尔?盖茨从大学退学,踏上创办微软的道路时,没人保证他一定会成功。但他仍然投身其中,因为他希望有朝一日,他的辛勤劳动可以产生出让他感到自豪的发明创造。而正是由于比尔?盖茨的创意受到知识产权的保护,今天世界各地成千上万人因此而获益非浅。现在世界上的某个地方也许就有清洁能源领域的比尔?盖茨。我们必须确保这样的人能得到类似保护。

So, what is the path forward? While China has made strides in its intellectual property protection, more can and should be done to both entice U.S.companies to invest here and to encourage homegrown Chinese entrepreneurship.For instance, the elimination of overlapping jurisdictions between different Chinese agencies would help streamline the remedy process.This change would benefit both Chinese and American copyright holders.那么,下一步应该怎么做呢?尽管中国在知识产权保护方面已经取得很大进步,但要吸引美国公司来这里投资,并且鼓励中国本土的创业精神,还可以并且应该做得更多。例如,消除中国各政府部门间互相重叠的管理权限,有利于简化对受害人的救助程序,而这将使中国和美国的版权持有人都从中得益。

Additionally, there is room for improvement with regard to enforcement matters.Consistent application of the law to intellectual property infringement and misappropriation cases would foster more certainty among users of the legal system.And seeking criminal penalties more frequently for intellectual property and trademark infringement violations would add an important level of deterrence.Today, 99% of copyright and trademark counterfeiting cases are enforced administratively, rather than criminally.So long as the cost of breaking the law is low, illegal behavior will thrive.But when laws are enforced at all levels of government, including the local levels, the incidence of bad behavior will sharply decline.此外,在执法方面还有待改进。对所有知识产权侵权及盗用案件始终如一地适用法律,将使司法系统的使用者产生更多的确定感。而对知识产权及商标侵权行为采取刑事惩罚,将发挥更加重要的阻吓作用。目前,版权和商标假冒案件中99%采用的都是行政处罚,而不是刑事处罚。只要违法成本低,非法行为就会很猖獗。但如果法律能在各级政府,包括地方政府那里得到严格执行,违法行为的发生率就会大幅下降。

These are significant issues, and there are others as well – and yet I am confident that the United States and China have enough mutual trust to honestly and forthrightly exchange our concerns.As two of the world's leading nations, the United States and China have the power and the obligation to alter history for the betterment of our people and the world.Our strength is derived from many sources, but most of all, we owe our success to the ingenuity, intellect and creativity of our people.以上属于比较严重的问题,此外还有许多其它问题。但我相信,美国和中国有足够的互信来坦率地就我们所关心的问题交换意见。作为世界上的主要国家,美国和中国有能力也有义务为我们两国人民和整个世界更好的明天而改变历史。我们的力量来自许多源泉,但其中最重要的是,我们的成功归功于我们人民的聪明、智慧和创造性。

The intellectual property reforms I have discussed today are an important step toward helping all our people reach their full potential and solve the problems that challenge us all.我今天所谈论的知识产权改革,是朝着我们的共同目标前进的重要一步,这个目标就是:帮助我们两国人民发挥他们所有的聪明才智,以解决我们共同面临的难题。

Thank you so much for having me here.谢谢大家!



Thank you so much, Carla, and thanks for your leadership in this undertaking as well as so much else.It’s wonderful to be here at the end of two very busy and productive days of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue.Secretary Geithner and I were privileged to co-lead this effort, and we were especially pleased that Vice Premier Wang and State Councilor Dai were our counterparts.We believe that these very productive conversations have helped to lay the foundation for what both President Obama and President Hu called a positive, cooperative, and comprehensive U.S.-Chinese relationship for the 21st century.非常感谢,卡拉,谢谢你在这项事业和其他众多事务中发挥的领导作用。能在美中战略与经济对话(Strategic and Economic Dialogue)繁忙而富有成果的两天会议结束后来到这里出席晚宴真是令人愉快。盖特纳(Geithner)部长和我十分荣幸地共同主持这一对话,同时,我们也为有王岐山副总理和戴秉国国务委员与我们共同主持对话而感到特别高兴。我们认为,这些极富成果的讨论有助于为发展奥巴马总统和胡锦涛主席所说的21世纪积极合作全面的美中关系奠定基础。

As part of this process, we are enlisting the full range of talent within our governments to tackle problems that spill over not just borders and oceans, but also traditional bureaucratic boundaries, which are sometimes the hardest to overcome, from climate change to trade and investment to poverty and disease.作为这一进程的一部分,我们充分调动了两国政府内部各方面的杰出人才,以便解决气候变化、贸易投资、贫困与疾病及其他各类棘手问题,这些问题不仅超越各国的国境和海域,也超越了政府各部门之间的传统界线,而这种界线有时最难克服。Just as no nation today can solve the challenges we face alone, neither can government work in isolation.The issues are just are too varied and complex for that.So engaging the expertise, the experience, and the energy of those outside government – including the private sector, and all of you here tonight – is vital to our future progress.正如今天没有任何一个国家有能力独自应对我们面临的各种挑战,政府也不能孤立运作,因为需要解决的问题纷繁而复杂。因此,鼓励政府部门以外的人才——包括民营部门的人才和今晚在场的各位——参与,利用他们的专业知识、经验与精力,对取得未来的进展至关重要。

I also am delighted that we are going to have very soon a new ambassador from the United States to China.Governor Huntsman, who will soon be – maybe even confirmed tonight – Ambassador Huntsman, is looking forward to working not only on behalf of our nation’s policies but really representing the American people to the Chinese people.我也为我们即将有一位新任美国驻华大使而感到高兴。亨茨曼(Huntsman,中文名洪博培)州长,他很快——或许今晚就会被确认——亨茨曼大使不仅期待着为执行我国的政策而工作,而且期待着作为美国人民的代表与中国人民交往。

We want the entrepreneurs and the innovators in both of our countries to know that we’re behind their dreams and their efforts.We want people who are working to solve problems in research labs and on the front lines of innovation to know that we’re looking to support their efforts.Because we think public-private partnerships are a centerpiece of the important work that we are doing to build understanding and create new avenues of cooperation.我们希望美中两国的企业家和创新者们知道我们支持他们的梦想和努力。我们希望在实验室里努力解决问题的科研人员和工作在创新第一线的人们知道我们一心要支持他们的努力,因为我们认为政府和民间结成的伙伴关系是我们为建立相互了解、开辟新的合作途径所从事的重要工作的核心内容。

Now, I understand that Vice Premier Wang said a few words to you about the Shanghai Expo.(Laughter.)And I want to reinforce his message.The theme for the Expo, ―Better City – Better Life,‖ will present a vision of a sustainable, healthy, and prosperous world in the 21st century.It’s anticipated that more than 70 million people will visit and more than 190 nations will participate.Six months ago, it wasn’t at all clear that the United States would be one of those 190 nations, but thanks to a number of you, we are on track to be able to do so.And I salute Vice Premier Wang for his leadership.He was, as some of you know, the chair of the committee for the Beijing Olympics, so if that is any indication of his organizational acuity, I think we can look forward to a very successful Shanghai Expo.我明白王岐山副总理刚才就上海世博会(Shanghai Expo)向你们说了几句话。(笑声)我想加强他要传达的信息。上海世博会的主题,―城市,让生活更美好‖(Better City——Better Life),将展现21世纪一个可持续的、健康、繁荣世界的愿景。预期上海世博会将吸引7000多万人参观,190多个国家参展。6个月前,还完全不清楚美国是否会成为这190个国家中的一个。但由于你们中间一些人的努力,我们将能按期参展。我要向王副总理的领导能力致敬。你们中间有些人知道,他是北京奥运会筹委会主席,如果这能表明他的高度组织能力的话,我认为我们可以期待上海世博会取得圆满成功。


希拉里美洲开发银行会议演讲(视频+文本)希拉里International Roma Day演讲(视频+文本)希拉里赠俄外长礼物 拼错单词闹笑话 希拉里演讲:领跑世界能源环境合作(视频+文本)希拉里阐述奥巴马政府外交政策(视频+文本)09年我要月入2万,该怎么办?

And the U.S.National Pavilion will be informative, educational, and interactive, showcasing American ingenuity, looking at how we can address together global challenges like climate change and clean energy, sustainable agriculture, mass transit, health, and economic development.We are delighted that a number of leading American companies such as GE and Pepsico, Chevron, Marriott, Corning, and others have signed on to be part of putting together this visionary pavilion that will showcase much of what is best about our country.There is, actually, a model of the Pavilion somewhere around here that I urge you to take a look at.This is shameless, I know, but that’s part of the job.(Laughter.)美国国家馆将具有知识性、教育性和互动性,展示美国的独创力,并展望我们如何共同应对气候变化和清洁能源、农业可持续发展、公共交通、健康和经济发展等全球性挑战。我们高兴地看到通用电气公司、百事公司、雪佛龙公司、万豪酒店集团、康宁公司及其他美国大公司已经参与建成这个反映未来远景的展厅的努力,以展示我国的一些精华。而且,这附近就有一个美国馆的模型,我希望你们都去看看。我知道这有点厚脸皮,但这是我工作的一部分。(笑声)

We have formally signed a Participation Contract.We have a U.S.Commissioner General, Jose Villarreal.My Special Representative for Global Partnerships, Elizabeth Bagley, Ambassador Bagley, is here.We have now raised more than half the funds needed to begin construction.I have told both the Vice Premier and the State Councilor that, if necessary, I will personally build it in order to get it ready by the May opening.(Laughter.)Commerce Secretary Gary Locke recently traveled to Shanghai for the Pavilion’s groundbreaking ceremony.我们已经正式签署参展合同。我们有一位美国展区总代表(U.S.Commissioner General),名叫费乐友(Jose Villarreal)。我任命的负责全球伙伴关系事务的特别代表(Special Representative for Global Partnerships)伊丽莎白·巴格利(Elizabeth Bagley)大使今天在座。我们现已筹集到开工建馆所需资金的一半以上。我已经告诉副总理和国务委员,如果有必要,我本人将亲自参加施工,以确保在五月份开幕前完工。(笑声)商务部长骆家辉(Gary Locke)刚刚到上海出席了美国馆的奠基仪式。

So we are on task, as they say.And Ambassador Bagley, along with her deputy, Special Representative Kris Balderston, are here tonight, obviously more than willing to answer any questions.因此,如他们所言,我们正在完成任务。巴格利大使和她的副手,特别代表克里斯·鲍尔德斯顿(Kris Balderston)今晚都在座,他们显然非常乐意回答任何问题。

Now, I mention this at some length because we feel very strongly that this partnership between China and the United States for the 21st century needs to be manifest in visible ways.Secretary Geithner, at the conclusion of his discussions with the Vice Premier, announced some very positive findings and commitments of moving forward on our economic recovery efforts.State Councilor Dai and I discussed, literally, every part of the world and have a very good understanding of how we can continue to work together.我之所以比较详尽地谈到这些问题,是因为我们非常强烈地感到中国和美国在21世纪的这种伙伴关系应当以看得见的方式得到体现。盖特纳部长在结束同副总理的磋商时宣布了一些能够推动我们的经济复苏努力的非常积极的结论和承诺。戴秉国国务委员和我进行的磋商涉及全世界几乎所有地区,我们对于如何继续共同努力有着很好的认识。But this is all about the future.And I’ve told this story before, but I want to end before I have the great privilege of introducing the next speaker.State Councilor Dai and I had a wonderful, relaxing social dinner Sunday night at the Blair House, a very small dinner where we spent time just talking about everything and getting to know each other better.It wasn’t about the business of two great countries trying to determine the best way forward for our people and the world, but it touched on what is important.但这些都是关于未来的事情。我以前已经讲过这个故事,但我要在有幸介绍下一位演讲者之前把它讲完。星期天晚上,戴国务委员与我在布莱尔宾馆(Blair House)出席一个十分美好和轻松愉快的社交晚宴。这是一场规模很小的晚宴,我们交谈的话题可谓天南地北,无所不包,彼此加深了了解。我们谈的不是两个伟大国家的公务——如何努力为两国人民和全世界决定今后走哪条最好的道路,但却关系到一件十分重要的事情。

And what is important is that Councilor Dai had just had a new grandson.And he told me with that wonderful smile that lights up his face, and we were thinking about the significance of what we were to embark on for the last two days.And I suggested that before every meeting we bring pictures of our children and our grandchildren, because truly, that is what this work is all about.That is what should guide us and inspire us and chasten us with respect to the decisions that we make.So that is going to certainly be a principle of participation and commitment that Councilor Dai and I intend to pursue.这件十分重要的事情是:戴国务委员刚刚得了一个孙子。他跟我讲起这件事的时候,脸上绽开灿烂的笑容。我们当时想到这两天的会议所启动的进程的重大意义。我建议每次开会前我们把我们的孩子和我们的孙子孙女的照片带来,因为的确这就是我们这项工作的真正目的。这就是在我们作出决定时应该引导我们、鼓舞我们、鞭策我们的原则。因此它将肯定成为戴国务委员和我打算遵循的参与和承诺的原则。

Because this is part of a new beginning.It is the culmination of a process begun decades ago, when Dr.Kissinger was instrumental in opening the door to the possibility that then came into fruition years, ten years, later of normalized relations.We were so constantly thinking of Henry Kissinger over the last days getting ready for this, because his work, his courage, the risk that he took, has led us in many ways to this evening.因为这是一项新起点的组成部分。这是数十年前开始的一个进程的结果。当年基辛格博士发挥了重要作用,帮助打开了充满机遇的大门,十年后结出硕果,实现了两国关系正常化。我们在为会议做准备的最后日子里经常想到亨利·基辛格,因为他所做的工作、他的勇气、他所承担的风险在许多方面引导我们走向今晚。

And on a personal note, let me say that since taking this job, I’ve relied on the wise counsel of many of my predecessors, and Secretary Kissinger has been among the most generous and thoughtful with his guidance and advice.So once again, we are grateful that he is here with us tonight as we continue to work toward something that he saw on the horizon and convinced others that it was possible to see and move toward a stronger U.S.-China relationship.Please join me in welcoming Secretary – former Secretary Henry Kissinger.(Applause.)就我个人而言,请允许我说明:自从担任这项工作以来,我受益于许多前任国务卿的智慧,其中基辛格国务卿是提供最慷慨、最周详的指导与忠告的国务卿之一。因此我们要再次表示感谢,感谢今晚他在我们继续朝着他指出的方向努力时来这里与我们聚会,当年他使众人相信,经过努力,有朝一日美国和中国能够建立更加强有力的关系。请和我一起欢迎国务卿、前国务卿亨利·基辛格。



But this is all about the future.And I’ve told this story before, but I want to end before I have the great privilege of introducing the next speaker.State Councilor Dai and I had a wonderful, relaxing social dinner Sunday night at the Blair House, a very small dinner where we spent time just talking about everything and getting to know each other better.It wasn’t about the business of two great countries trying to determine the best way forward for our people and the world, but it touched on what is important.但这些都是关于未来的事情。我以前已经讲过这个故事,但我要在有幸介绍下一位演讲者之前把它讲完。星期天晚上,戴国务委员与我在布莱尔宾馆(Blair House)出席一个十分美好和轻松愉快的社交晚宴。这是一场规模很小的晚宴,我们交谈的话题可谓天南地北,无所不包,彼此加深了了解。我们谈的不是两个伟大国家的公务——如何努力为两国人民和全世界决定今后走哪条最好的道路,但却关系到一件十分重要的事情。

And what is important is that Councilor Dai had just had a new grandson.And he told me with that wonderful smile that lights up his face, and we were thinking about the significance of what we were to embark on for the last two days.And I suggested that before every meeting we bring pictures of our children and our grandchildren, because truly, that is what this work is all about.That is what should guide us and inspire us and chasten us with respect to the decisions that we make.So that is going to certainly be a principle of participation and commitment that Councilor Dai and I intend to pursue.这件十分重要的事情是:戴国务委员刚刚得了一个孙子。他跟我讲起这件事的时候,脸上绽开灿烂的笑容。我们当时想到这两天的会议所启动的进程的重大意义。我建议每次开会前我们把我们的孩子和我们的孙子孙女的照片带来,因为的确这就是我们这项工作的真正目的。这就是在我们作出决定时应该引导我们、鼓舞我们、鞭策我们的原则。因此它将肯定成为戴国务委员和我打算遵循的参与和承诺的原则。Because this is part of a new beginning.It is the culmination of a process begun decades ago, when Dr.Kissinger was instrumental in opening the door to the possibility that then came into fruition years, ten years, later of normalized relations.We were so constantly thinking of Henry Kissinger over the last days getting ready for this, because his work, his courage, the risk that he took, has led us in many ways to this evening.因为这是一项新起点的组成部分。这是数十年前开始的一个进程的结果。当年基辛格博士发挥了重要作用,帮助打开了充满机遇的大门,十年后结出硕果,实现了两国关系正常化。我们在为会议做准备的最后日子里经常想到亨利·基辛格,因为他所做的工作、他的勇气、他所承担的风险在许多方面引导我们走向今晚。

And on a personal note, let me say that since taking this job, I’ve relied on the wise counsel of many of my predecessors, and Secretary Kissinger has been among the most generous and thoughtful with his guidance and advice.So once again, we are grateful that he is here with us tonight as we continue to work toward something that he saw on the horizon and convinced others that it was possible to see and move toward a stronger U.S.-China relationship.Please join me in welcoming Secretary – former Secretary Henry Kissinger.(Applause.)就我个人而言,请允许我说明:自从担任这项工作以来,我受益于许多前任国务卿的智慧,其中基辛格国务卿是提供最慷慨、最周详的指导与忠告的国务卿之一。因此我们要再次表示感谢,感谢今晚他在我们继续朝着他指出的方向努力时来这里与我们聚会,当年他使众人相信,经过努力,有朝一日美国和中国能够建立更加强有力的关系。请和我一起欢迎国务卿、前国务卿亨利·基辛格。



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