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美国商务部代理部长在美中航空峰会的讲话时间:2011-09-28 11:32来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:3270次

Keynote Remarks at the 6th U.S.-China Aviation Summit by Acting U.S.Commerce Secretary Rebecca Blank September 26, 2011

在第六届美中航空峰会上的主旨讲话 美国商务部代理部长 丽贝卡·布兰克 2011年9月26日

Thank you for that introduction.Good morning everyone.I’d like to thank the U.S.Trade and Development Agency and the Civil Aviation Administration of China, for sponsoring this Summit.I extend a warm welcome to our Chinese guests.I’d especially like to welcome Xia Xinghua Deputy Administrator of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, who also is speaking this morning.I’m delighted to be here with all of you.谢谢你的引介。大家早上好!首先我要感谢赞助本届峰会的美国贸易和开发署与中国民航局。我向我们的中国客人表示热烈欢迎。我特别要欢迎今天上午也将发表讲话的中国民航局副局长夏兴华。我非常兴奋能与大家相聚在这里。

I am an economist by training, and as an economist, I am obviously deeply interested in issues of international trade and competitiveness, the same issues that are at the center of this event.However, it doesn’t take an economist to understand the three main reasons we’re all here today.我的专业是经济学,作为一名经济学家,我显然对国际贸易与竞争力等问题深感兴趣,这些问题也是这次会议的中心议题。不过,你不必是个经济学家就能理解我们今天在这里举行会议的3个主要理由。

First, China is one of the fastest growing air transportation markets in the world.Second, American aviation companies are among the most innovative and productive companies in the entire U.S.manufacturing sector.They offer world-class products and services that can help China meet its aerospace goals.And third, the U.S.government is absolutely committed to helping American businesses gain broader access to the Chinese market – creating win-win scenarios for our nations.首先,中国是世界上空中交通市场发展最快的国家之一。其次,美国飞机制造公司是全美国制造业中最富创新能力、生产率最高的企业,它们提供能够帮助中国实现其航空目标的世界级的产品和服务。第三,美国政府决心尽力帮助美国企业获得更广泛的中国市场准入,从而为我们两国创建双赢的局面。

Ultimately, our success helping China meet its aerospace goals will mean more jobs here at home.And it is job creation that so many of us in this Administration are focused on day in and day out and why President Obama released his American Jobs Act just a few weeks ago.最终,我们帮助中国实现其航空目标的成功将转化成我们国内更多的就业机会。创造就业机会是本届政府中我们那么多人日日夜夜孜孜以求的目标,也是奥巴马总统在几星期前提出他的《美国就业法案》的目的。

This bi-partisan plan, which we hope Congress passes without delay, would provide a significant new tax cut for small businesses – and that describes thousands of firms that supply aerospace manufacturers, including foreign companies.It will cut the payroll tax in half on the first $5 million of wages paid by a company.And it provides a 100 percent payroll tax holiday on any new hiring or increased wages paid to existing employees.Additionally, the Jobs Act extends the 100 percent expensing for capital expenditures into 2012, continuing an historic incentive for new capital investments.The legislation would also empower states with new flexibility to allow out-of-work Americans to continue receiving unemployment benefits while they apprentice or take internships that will help them get the on-the-job training they need to learn the skills high-tech industries like yours are looking for.我们希望国会毫不耽搁地通过的这个两党计划将为小企业提供新的显著的税务削减,这些小企业包括数以千计的为美国和外国飞机制造业者提供零件的公司。它将把一家公司500万美元以内的工资开支的工资税削减一半,并对新雇员的工资或已有员工的工资增加部分提供100%的工资税豁免。此外,该法案还将资本支出100%抵税延长至2012年,继续这一历史性的鼓励新资本投资的措施。该法案还将赋予各州新的灵活性,可以允许失业的美国人在他们当学徒或实习生期间继续领取失业金。通过当学徒或实习生,他们可获得他们所需要的在职培训,并学到像你们这样的高技术行业所寻求的技能。

We believe these measures and others in the Jobs Act can help give the private sector and American families a boost.It will create jobs – at least 1.5 million according to independent experts – and help rebuild critical road, railway and airport projects that are the very backbone of Commerce.我们相信,这些措施和《就业法案》中的其他一些措施能够帮助给予私营部门和美国家庭一个助力,它将能创造就业机会——据独立的专家估计至少有150万个——并帮助重建作为商业根本支柱的重要的道路、铁路和机场项目。

It will help kickstart the virtuous cycle: Americans will have a little more money in their pockets every month, and that will fuel demand that leads to new jobs.And new jobs mean stronger income growth, spurring more demand, and on it goes.Our economy needs this type of help today, which means that the American Jobs Act needs to be passed today so that American businesses can benefit immediately.它将帮助快速启动一个良性循环:每个月美国人民口袋里将有稍多一些钱,那将拉动需求并催生新的就业机会;然后,新的就业机会又意味着更强劲的收入增长,那又将带动更多的需求;就这样一路循环下去。今天我们的经济需要这样的帮助,也就是说,《美国就业法案》需要今天就得以通过,这样美国企业才能立即受益。

The President is also calling on Congress to take a balanced approach to pay for the Jobs Act, an approach that will cut our deficit based on the values of shared responsibility and shared sacrifice.总统还呼吁国会采取一个平衡的方式来支付实施《就业法案》的成本,一个基于共同责任与共同分担的价值观并将能削减我们的赤字的方式。

During the past decade, profligate government spending, tax cuts for the wealthy, two wars and the recession turned a record surplus into a yawning deficit.The plan the President proposed last week puts us back on a path of fiscal responsibility.It includes measures that ask those that have done well in this economy to contribute to deficit reduction and spending cuts to a host of federal programs, ranging from farm subsidies to government civil service pensions.This balanced approach to deficit reduction spreads the responsibility for meeting this shared challenge.在以前的十年中,肆意挥霍的政府开支、对富裕阶层的减税、两场战争和经济衰退把一个创历史纪录的盈余并成了一个巨大的赤字。总统上周提出的方案使我们重返财政问责的轨道。这包括采取措施,要求那些在这一经济形势中表现优秀的部门为减少赤字和削减开支做出贡献,削减内容包括一系列联邦计划,从农业补贴到政府文职人员的退休金。该减少赤字的平衡方案要求共同承担责任,以迎接这一共同的挑战。

Of course, amid all the talk of what we must do to improve the American economy, it’s important to remember what’s gone right.That story starts with the more than 2.4 million jobs that have been created in the last 18 months.And our success at selling more of what we make to the 95 percent of consumers who live outside our borders.U.S.exports have been a key driver of America’s economic recovery.In 2010, U.S.exports of goods and services totaled $1.84 trillion, an increase of nearly 17 percent over 2009 levels.The aerospace industry accounted for nearly $78 billion of this total, and we thank you.当然,在谈论为改善美国经济我们必须采取措施的同时,我们有必要记住那些运转正常的方面。首先是过去18个月来创造了240多万个就业机会。我们还成功地将更多的美国产品销售给95%生活在海外的消费者。美国出口产品是美国经济复苏的关键动力。2010年,美国的出口产品和服务总额为1.84万亿,比2009年增加了近17%。航天工业占这一总数的近780亿美元,在此感谢你们。

Exports have been growing at a strong pace overall in the first seven months of this year, up 16 percent over the same period last year.Importantly, exports support millions of American jobs, and these are good jobs.In the aerospace industry, for example, workers earn 47 percent more than manufacturing workers generally.Clearly, we would like to see the aerospace workforce grow.今年前7个月中,出口保持了整体的强劲速度,比去年同期增加了16%。值得一提的是,出口维持着数百万个美国工作机会,这些是良好的就业机会。例如,航天工业部门从业人员的收入一般比制造业工人高出47%。我们无疑希望看到航天工业的就业队伍壮大。

And it will if the United States and China work more closely together.Our countries share one of the most important bilateral commercial relationships in the world.Our fates are interconnected like never before.As an economist, I spend lots of time looking at economic statistics.And the trade data show a rate of growth in the U.S.-China commercial relationship that is truly staggering.In 2001, the last year before China’s accession to the WTO, U.S.exports to China were $19 billion.By 2010: • U.S.merchandise exports to China totaled nearly $92 billion, growing much faster than our exports to the rest of the world;• China was our second-largest trading partner and third largest export market;• The U.S.imported more goods from China than from any single country in the world;and • Our bilateral trade in goods exceeded $450 billion.如果美国与中国进行更密切的合作,这种局面就会出现。我们两国拥有世界上最重要的双边商务关系之一。我们的命运从未像今天这样息息相关。作为一名经济学家,我花了许多时间研究经济统计数据。贸易数据显示了美中商务关系的增长率,这无疑是惊人的。2001年,即在中国加入世界贸易组织之前的一年,美国对华出口额为190亿美元。而到2010年: • 美国对华商品出口总额达近920亿美元,其增长比美国对世界其他国家的出口都快得多; • 中国是我们的第二大贸易伙伴以及第三大出口市场; • 美国从中国进口的商品超过任何其他国家;而且 • 我们的双边商品贸易额超过4500亿美元。

The remarkable changes taking place in China, as millions of Chinese citizens ascend into the middle class, present a remarkable opportunity for both our countries.Make no mistake: The United States welcomes China’s growth.As Vice President Biden wrote on his recent trip to China, “a successful China can make both of our countries more prosperous, not less.As trade and investment bind us together, we have a stake in each other’s success.”


Chinese leaders know China must shift from a reliance on exports, investment and heavy industry to one driven more by consumption and services.American companies and workers, including those from U.S.aviation-related industries here today, can play an important role in this transformation.An open and level playing field will speed the development of an innovative and vibrant aviation sector in China.中国领导人清楚,中国必须从依赖出口、投资和重工业转向更多地以消费和服务为驱动的模式。美国公司和工人,包括今天在场的美国航空业的代表,对这一转变能发挥重要作用。一个开放而公平的竞争环境,将有助于促进中国发展一个开创性的充满活力的航空业。

As recently as 7 years ago, China was the 10th largest U.S.aerospace export market, behind Brazil, Korea and the Netherlands.Yes, the Netherlands.Last year, fueled by China’s enormous demand for civil aircraft, pilot training, airport and air traffic management equipment – products and services in which the U.S.is very competitive – China was second only to France.7年前,中国曾是美国的第十大航空业出口市场,位于巴西、韩国和荷兰之后。是的,的确排在荷兰之后。去年,中国对民航飞机、驾驶员培训、航空港和空中交通管理设备等的需求大大增加,而美国在这些产品和服务方面极具竞争力,中国因此成为第二大市场,仅次于法国。

The Commerce Department is working to further deepen the relationship.Commerce has implemented and supported a series of programs to enable U.S.general aviation manufacturers and service companies to be a part of the growth of the general aviation sector, for example.Earlier this year we organized a group of American general aviation firms to tour one of China’s only fixed based operator facilities, and just this month, we supported a visit by a high-level Chinese delegation that toured general aviation trade associations, government agencies and major manufacturers.美国商务部正在努力进一步深化这一关系。例如,本部已实施并支持了一系列计划,以使美国通用飞机制造商和服务公司成为整体航空业增长的一部分。今年早些时候,我们组织了一批美国通用航空企业人员到中国专门提供机场综合服务的商业公司之一参观。就在这个月,我们支持中国一个高级代表团来美访问,参观通用航空业商会、政府机构和主要的制造企业。

These efforts are yielding results.Georgia-based Gulfstream recently signed a $2.6 billion Memorandum of Understanding with Minsheng Bank.Cessna confirmed one of the single-largest commercial orders from China in the company’s history.And Hawker Beechcraft sold 10 percent of the entire production line of its flagship Hawker 4000 to China alone.Meanwhile, the aviation supply chain is a critical element of the industry, generating a significant number of exports and jobs.Nine top-tier U.S.manufacturing companies won competitive contracts to build and supply the major aviation systems for China’s new aircraft program, the C919.Finally, airport infrastructure needs are fueling opportunities for U.S.companies, too.With help from the Department of Commerce, Oshkosh Corporation has won 90 percent of fire-fighting vehicle tenders from tier-one and tier-two airports over the last five years.这些努力正在产生成果。设在佐治亚州的美国湾流宇航公司最近与民生银行签署了总额为26 亿美元的谅解备忘录。塞斯纳公司证实从中国获得该公司历史上最大的单项商业订单之一。豪客·比奇公司把该公司旗舰机型豪客4000的整个生产线中的10%单独向中国出售。与此同时,航空供应链是航空业的一个重要组成部分,产生大量的出口与就业机会。美国九个顶级制造企业通过竞标赢得了各项合同,为中国的C919新飞机项目建造主要的航空系统并提供零件。最后,对机场基础设施的需求也在为美国公司不断地制造机会。在商务部的帮助下,美国豪士科集团公司近五年来从一级和二级机场赢得了90%的消防车招标。

But great potential for further growth remains.In China’s 2011-2015 five-year plan for the civil aviation sector: • Air passenger trade expands 11 percent annually;• General aviation operations grow 16 percent;• There’s an increase of nearly 1,200 new jetliners;and • The general aviation fleet doubles.但进一步发展的潜力仍然存在。中国为民航部门制定的2011至2015五年计划要求: • 航空客运贸易每年扩大11% ; • 通用航空业务增长16%; • 增加约1,200架新客机;

• 通用航空机队数量增加一倍。

We can partner in this growth, and we already are, but impediments to fuller U.S.participation – to realizing the potential of a stronger partnership – remain.Business leaders across America continue to express concerns--shared by businesses around the world--about aspects of the commercial environment in China.We are pleased with the commitments that came out of President Hu’s visit earlier this year.But one fundamental problem is often the distance between official Chinese government policies and the implementation of those policies in the real world.We were pleased when China agreed to no civil aircraft offsets when it joined the WTO.But decisions on technology transfer must remain consistent with applicable laws, trade rules and bilateral commitments too.It’s been 10 years since China joined the community of nations committed to principles of free and fair trade.And the fact is that China has benefitted tremendously from a rules-based international trading system.As its government pursues its five-year plan for the civil aviation sector, this may be the time for it to take the next step and join the community of trading partners who have further committed to free and fair trade in civil aircraft and aircraft parts – by acceding to the WTO Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft.在这种增长中,我们可以实行合作,其实我们已经在合作。但是,使得美国不能更充分地参与——无法发挥更强大的伙伴关系的潜力——的障碍仍然存在。美国各地的工商界领导人继续对中国商业环境的某些方面表示担忧。全世界的各工商企业都存在同样的担忧。胡主席在今年年初访问时提出了一些承诺。我们感到十分高兴。但一个根本问题往往存在于中国政府的官方政策与这些政策的实际执行过程之间的差距。中国在加入世贸组织时,同意不为民用飞机提供补偿。我们为此感到高兴。但关于技术转让的决定也必须与适用的法律、贸易规则和双边承诺保持一致。中国自加入致力于自由与公平贸易原则的国际社会以来至今已有10年了。事实上,中国已大大得益于基于规则的国际贸易体系。由于中国政府正在执行其民用航空部门的5年计划,现在可能就是它迈出下一步并加入到由进一步致力于在民航飞机及飞机零件方面实行自由和公平贸易的贸易合作伙伴组成的大家庭的时候了——即正式加入《世贸组织民用航空器贸易协议》。

I’ll close with this.我要以下面几句话作为结束语。

U.S.history shows that the same countries with which the United States has competed most vigorously in aerospace are also our strongest partners in many ways.美国历史表明,美国在航空航天方面与之竞争最激烈的国家同时也是我们在许多方面最强大的合作伙伴。

The single largest competitor to U.S.aerospace manufacturers, Airbus, traditionally has been thought of as being based in France.But France is also home to SNECMA, the 50-50 partner with GE Aviation in the trans-Atlantic joint venture, CFM International.Brazil is home to Embraer, which has recently emerged as a significant competitor to U.S.business jet manufacturers.However, Embraer also has many partner companies in the United States and recently set up an assembly facility in Florida.对于美国航空航天制造商来说,唯一最大的竞争者——空中客车公司——一向被认为是一家设在法国的公司。但斯奈克玛公司也设在法国。这是一家在跨大西洋合资企业CFM国际集团中与通用航空公司各占50%股份的合作伙伴。巴西航空工业公司设在巴西,最近已成为美国商务喷气机制造商的重要竞争对手。但巴西航空工业公司在美国也有许多公司是它的合作伙伴,最近还在佛罗里达州开设了一个装配工厂。

In short, there are many models for healthy cross-national competition and partnership.We welcome a healthy economic and commercial relationship with China in the years and decades to come, with benefits to the economies and the people of both our countries.总之,跨国的健康竞争与合作有许多可以仿效的模式。我们欢迎在今后几年和几十年与中国建立健康的经济和商业关系,给我们两国的经济及两国的人民都带来福祉。

Thank you.谢谢大家。



Remarks at U.S.-China Business Council Luncheon

by U.S.Commerce Secretary Gary Locke

January 13, 2011


美国商务部长 骆家辉 2011年1月13日

Thank you John, for that kind introduction.And thank you for having me here today.约翰,谢谢你的介绍和好意。谢谢大家邀请我来这里。

We are today less than a week away from an important State visit by Chinese President Hu Jintao.今天我们在这里聚会,距离中国国家主席胡锦涛的重要国事访问只有不到一周时间。

More than two decades ago, on my first trip to mainland China, I could not imagine that the U.S.-China relationship would eventually become so consequential.二十多年前,我第一次访问中国大陆,那时我难以想象有朝一日美中关系会变得如此重要。Nor could I have imagined a scene like we witnessed a few days ago: Defense Secretary Gates joining together with his Chinese counterpart to stress the need for stronger military ties between China and the United States.我也难以想象我们几天前看到的情景:国防部长盖茨和中国国防部长共同强调中美之间有必要加强军事联系。

In 1989, I came in from Shanghai’s airport on a rickety, Russian-made bus, and stepped into that city’s dimly lit streets into a world very different than the one I left in the U.S.1989年,我到达后在上海机场乘坐的是一辆破旧的苏联制造的大客车,走上那座城市的灯光昏暗的街道,它与我离开美国时留在身后的那个世界大不相同。

There were swarms of bicycles – young men with their dates balanced on handlebars, grandparents pedaling to the market, boys and girls with white-knuckle grips on their parents’ shoulders.Bikes everywhere.那是自行车的海洋——车大梁上载着女友的男青年、骑车去市场的爷爷奶奶、双手紧紧抓住父母肩膀的男孩和女孩。到处都是自行车。

Shanghai then was a gritty, industrial city filled with low-rise buildings.There were no skyscrapers.Few cars.There was little sign of what was to come.当时的上海是一座铺着砂石路、房屋低矮的工业城市。没有高楼大厦。汽车也很少。难以想象会有后来的变化。

Today, Shanghai’s skyline is dotted by more than 400 skyscrapers.Go to the Shanghai World Financial Center – one of the tallest buildings in the world – and you can stay at a Park Hyatt Hotel with a lobby on the 79th floor.今天,上海的地平线上耸立着400多座摩天大楼。如果你去上海环球金融中心——这是世界上最高的建筑之一——你可以在柏悦酒店下榻,该酒店的服务台设在第79层。

Those bike paths I saw on my first visit have been replaced by elevated freeways shuttling people and commerce at a frenetic pace.我第一次访问时看到的自行车道已经被高架高速公路所取代,人和商品以惊人的速度流动。To see it is to be awed, and I am every time I go back to China.看到这番景象令人赞叹,我每次返回中国都有这种感受。

The explosive growth in places like Shanghai has helped lift almost 200 million people out of poverty.In the years ahead, hundreds of millions more Chinese citizens will join the middle class.上海和其他地方发生的爆炸式增长已经帮助近两亿人口脱离贫困。在未来一些年中,还会有数亿中国公民加入中产阶层的行列。

The United States welcomes this growth, because it’s good for the people of China;it's good for the global economy;and it's important for U.S.companies who offer world-class products and service, products and services that can improve the quality of life for the Chinese, while providing jobs for American workers back home.美国对此一增长表示欢迎,因为它对中国人民有利,对世界经济有利,对提供世界一流产品与服务的美国公司很重要,这些产品与服务能够改善中国人民的生活,同时为美国工人提供就业机会。

With the U.S.-China Business Council’s help, this has become perhaps the most important bilateral trading relationship in the world.在美中贸易全国委员会的帮助下,这种关系已经成为或许是世界上最重要的双边贸易关系。China is the top destination for American exports, behind just Canada and Mexico.And America is the number one national market for Chinese exports.中国是美国最大的出口市场之一,仅次于加拿大和墨西哥。而美国是中国最大的出口对象国。In the past 20 years, U.S.exports to China have increased by a factor of 12;imports from China have increased more than 30-fold.与二十年前相比,美国对中国的出口是当年的12倍,从中国的进口则增加了30倍以上。However, we are at a turning point in the U.S.-China economic partnership.Last year, China became the second largest economy in the world.And the policies and practices that have shaped our relations over the past few decades will not suffice over the next few decades.但是,我们目前正处于美中经济伙伴关系中的一个转折点。去年,中国成为世界上第二大经济体。过去数十年中指导双边关系的政策与做法将不能满足今后数十年的需要。

So today, I'd like to talk a bit about how we can move forward and ensure that we can unlock the full potential of the U.S.-China commercial relationship in the early 21st century.因此,今天我要讲一讲我们如何继续前进,如何确保我们能够在二十一世纪初期充分发掘美中商贸关系的潜力。

The gross trade imbalances between our countries are a good place to start, because they have the potential to threaten global stability and prosperity.谈谈美中贸易的严重失衡是一个很恰当的起点,因为这种情况有可能危及全球的稳定与繁荣。And I think a great illustration of that can be found in, of all places, Trenton, New Jersey.我认为,考虑到所有地方,新泽西州的特伦顿是能说明这个问题的极佳例子。

Many of you have likely taken Amtrak up to New York, and when you pass by the Delaware River in New Jersey, you see that famous sign: Trenton Makes and the World Takes.你们中的许多人很可能曾乘坐美国铁路客运公司的火车北上去纽约,在你经过新泽西州的特拉华河时,你会看到那块著名的标牌:“特伦顿制造,全世界购买”。

Well, replace Trenton with China, and you have a simplistic, but pretty accurate description of the global economy over the last few decades.现在,把特伦顿换成中国,那么,你对过去几十年的全球经济就会作出一种虽然过分简单却又相当准确的描述。

China and the United States benefited tremendously from this arrangement in recent years.近年来,美中两国都从这一安排中获取了巨大的利益。

American consumers got an impressive array of low-cost goods.And in its transition into one of the world’s top exporters, China was able to lift millions of its citizens into a fast-growing middle class.美国消费者获得了种类繁多的低价商品,而中国在向成为世界最大出口国之一的过渡中使其亿万人民进入迅速成长的中产阶层行列。

But it’s not sustainable.The debt-fueled consumption binge in developed countries like America is over.但这种情况是不可持续的。像美国这样的发达国家靠举债狂热消费的情况已成为历史。And countries like China are beginning to realize that there are limits to purely export-driven growth.而像中国这样的国家已开始认识到纯粹靠出口来拉动经济增长是有限度的。

That's why we need a more equitable commercial relationship.And it is within our reach.因此,我们需要建立一种更公平合理的商贸关系,而这是我们可以做到的。

The United States is doing its part to facilitate global adjustments by increasing private savings and exports, as well as taking steps to bring down its long-term fiscal deficits to a sustainable level.美国正在作出自己的努力,通过增加私人储蓄和出口并采取步骤将长期以来的财政赤字降低到可持续的水平来促进全球调整。

And the Chinese leadership is making the rebalancing of its economy one of the cornerstones of its forthcoming five-year plan.而中国领导层正在将重新平衡经济当作其即将开始实施的五年规划的基石之一。

China is aiming to promote domestic consumption through a variety of measures, such as boosting the minimum wage for its workers and building an improved social safety net.Changes like these will hasten the rise of a middle class that wants the same cars, appliances, fashion, medical care and other amenities that have long been enjoyed by consumers in the Western world.中国正在努力通过各种措施——如增加工人的最低工资和建立更好的社会保障体系——来促进国内消费。这些变化将加快中产阶级的兴起,他们希望与西方世界消费者一样拥有轿车、电器、时装、医疗保健和其他便利生活的设施。

The Chinese government is also putting an intensive focus on strategic emerging industries, with more high-value work in areas like healthcare, energy and high technology.中国政府还在集中精力发展新兴战略产业,增加在医疗保健、能源和高科技等领域有更高价值的工作岗位。

And the Chinese have signaled that they want foreign businesses to help develop these sectors by entering joint ventures and by conducting more research and development in China.中国方面还发出信号,表示希望外国企业通过中外合资和在中国开展更多的研发活动来帮助中国发展这些产业。

This is assistance that U.S.companies are eager to provide, so long as China deals meaningfully with concerns about intellectual property protection, as well as a variety of other issues I will talk about later.这是美国公司热切希望能够提供的帮助,只要中国能切实回应他们对知识产权保护的关切并解决我将在下面谈到的一些其他问题。

Such cooperative projects can serve as the foundation for a stronger economic relationship between China and the U.S.这类合作性项目可成为美中两国建立更牢固的经济关系的基础。

But China’s long-term success at addressing the concerns of international businesses will help determine whether it realizes its economic vision – a vision in which China is a leader in innovation and a producer of higher-value goods and services.但是,中国在处理国际企业关注的问题上的长期成功将有助于实现其经济愿景——即成为创新领域的领先者和高价值商品与服务的提供者。

Here's the good news: we are already seeing examples of just how this future could play out, as our businesses and our governments collaborate to tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges.令人可喜的是,随着我们的企业和我们两国政府展开合作,着手解决世界面临的一些最大挑战,我们已经看到实现这一未来的实例。

Just look at what's happening with the new Energy Cooperation Program that Secretary Chu and I announced while in China in October 2009 to promote more collaboration between Chinese and American companies on energy issues.One of the founding corporate members of the program, Boeing, is partnering with Air China and Petro China to research a new generation of aviation biofuels that don't rely on food crops.让我们看一下朱部长和我2009年10月在中国宣布的旨在推动中美公司在能源问题上展开合作的新的“能源合作项目”的进展。项目创始会员之一波音公司正在与中国国际航空公司和中国石油天然气集团公司合作,研发不依赖粮食作物的新一代生物航空燃料。

If this venture is successful, it could reduce the carbon footprint of airplane travel, and avoid the negative impact that other biofuels have on the global food supply.如果这项合作成功,将可以减少飞机的碳足迹,并避免其他生物燃料对全球粮食供应产生的负面影响。

Or look at what’s happening with Duke Energy, one of America's leading utilities, which has signed an agreement for joint research with China’s largest energy company, Huaneng, and with the Chinese government’s Thermal Power Research Institute.再看一下美国领先的电力公司之一杜克能源公司。它与中国最大的电力公司华能集团和中国政府的国电热工研究院签署了联合研究的协议。

Today, there are scientists and researchers shuttling between the companies and the research institute, working to develop cutting-edge solutions for cleaner-burning coal and carbon sequestration.今天,科学家和研究人员在各公司和研究机构之间来回穿梭,努力制定更清洁的燃煤和碳封存的尖端方案。

The Chinese and American governments are also working together on a variety of transportation issues, including how to spur the deployment of more high-speed rail.China has embraced high-speed rail and has developed its infrastructure at a tremendous rate.Starting from scratch, China has constructed and put into service over 4,000 miles of high-speed routes in the last decade – making China’s the longest high-speed rail network in the world.中美政府还在就各种交通运输问题展开合作,包括推动建设更多的高速铁路。中国已经拥有高速铁路并以惊人的速度建设起基础设施。中国白手起家,在过去十年已建成并投入使用4000多英里的高速公路,使中国成为世界上高速铁路总里程最长的国家。

In meetings last year, officials and experts from the Department of Transportation and China’s Railway Ministry met in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to share information on the development of high-speed rail standards.And at the state level, the Chinese government has signed cooperation agreements with the State of California on its high-speed rail project to link Anaheim and San Francisco.去年,中国交通运输部和铁道部的官员和专家前来马萨诸塞州剑桥参加会议,交流有关制定高速铁路标准的信息。在州一级,中国政府与加利福尼亚州签署了连接旧金山和阿纳海姆的高速铁路项目的合作协议。

There is, however, a sobering side to U.S.-China commercial relations: For every story like Duke Energy’s or Boeing’s, there are many more that are never written.然而,美中商业关系也有令人关切的一面:并非在各种情况下都有杜克能源公司或波音公司这样的合作,许多其他公司的境遇没有被报道。

When I talk to business leaders across America, they continue to express significant concerns – shared by business around the world--about the commercial environment in China – especially China's lax intellectual property protection and enforcement, lack of transparency in government decision-making and numerous indigenous innovation policies that often preclude foreign companies from vying for Chinese government contracts.These policies mandate that products must be made, conceived and designed in China.我在与美国各地的企业领导人交谈时,他们继续对中国的商业环境表示重大关切——世界上其他国家的企业界也有同样的担忧——最受关注的问题是中国的知识产权保护和执法措施不力、政府决策和无数的自主创新政策缺乏透明度,往往阻止外国公司参与竞争中国政府的承包项目。这些政策要求产品必须在中国构思、设计和制造。

It’s important to note that since China formally joined the WTO nine years ago, it has made important progress opening its market.Tariffs have come down, private property rights are steadily evolving and great strides have been made to free the flow of commerce across China's borders.必须指出,自从中国在九年前正式加入世界贸易组织以来,它在开放市场方面已经取得重大进展。关税已经降低,私有财产权在稳步建立,在开放中国边界商贸流通方面迈出了重大步伐。

On balance, the competitive playing field in China is fairer to foreign firms that it was a decade ago.And we commend the Chinese for that.总的来说,中国的市场竞争环境对于外国企业来说比十年前更为公平,我们对此表示赞赏。It is also not lost on countries in the West that on our march towards industrialization, we sometimes protected native industries with policies that today would mobilize an army of WTO lawyers in opposition.西方国家记忆犹新的是,在我们的工业化进程中,我们有时用政策来保护本国产业,而在今天,这样的做法会引来世界贸易组织的大批律师群起而攻之。

But those policies were folly then, and they are surely folly now.After World War II, the United States and a growing community of nations painstakingly built a global trading system based on the free flow of goods, ideas and services across borders.但是,那些政策在当时来说是愚蠢的,现在也还是愚蠢的。在第二次世界大战以后,美国和一批日益增多的国家艰苦地建立起一个基于货物、观念和服务跨越边界自由流通的全球贸易体系。

And the creation of the World Trade Organization in 1995 ensured that countries would be held accountable for their commitments to open markets and lower barriers.1995年建立的世界贸易组织规定各国必须实践其开放市场、降低关税的承诺。

China has benefited tremendously from this international trading system, especially since it joined the WTO in 2001.The United States and other foreign nations have every right to seek more meaningful commitment and progress from China in implementing the market-opening policies it agreed to when it joined the WTO.中国已经自该贸易体系获取了巨大利益,特别是从它于2001年参加世界贸易组织以来。中国在参加世界贸组织时曾同意实施开放市场的政策,美国和世界上其他国家完全有理由要求中国在这方面作出更有实质意义的承诺和改进。

From our experience, there are usually five things that need to happen to turn these promises into reality.根据我们的经验,要将这些诺言变为现实通常有五件事情要做。

It starts with the easiest step: a statement of principle from Chinese officials that action will be taken to solve a market access issue.第一个步骤最容易:由中国官员发表一项原则声明,表明将采取行动来解决市场准入问题。Next, that agreement has to be codified into binding law or regulations.下一步是,该协议必须转变为有约束力的法律或法规。

Third, the law or regulation needs to be faithfully implemented by the central government.第三,该法律或法规必须由中央政府忠实地推行。

And fourth, it needs to be implemented at the local and provincial levels.第四,它也必须在地方一级与省一级实施。

Only after all these things have happened can you arrive at the fifth, final and most important step, which is where this new law or regulation becomes a norm – an accepted way of doing business in China's commercial culture.只有在这些步骤都完成后,才能进行第五步、也就是最后和最重要的一步,那就是:新法律或法规成为常规,即成为在中国商业文化中习以为常的经营方式。

When it comes to indigenous innovation, intellectual property or a variety of other market-access issues, an enduring frustration is that in too many cases only the earliest steps are taken, but not all five.就自主创新、知识产权或许多其他市场准入问题而言,一个长期存在的困难是:在太多的情况下,只采取了最初的几个步骤,而没有完成全部五个步骤。

Perhaps an agreement is made, but it never becomes binding.Or perhaps there's a well-written law or regulation at the national level, but there's lax enforcement at the provincial or city level.或许达成了一份协议,但从未成为有约束力的文件;或许国家一级有一部完善的法律或法规,但在省一级或市一级却未得到认真执行。

A few weeks ago, the Commerce Department and the office of the U.S.Trade Representative welcomed Vice Premier Wang Qishan and other leading Chinese officials for the 21st Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade, where we worked through a variety of specific trade issues.几周以前,商务部和美国贸易代表曾欢迎王歧山副总理和中国的其他高级官员前来参加第21届美中商贸联合委员会会议,在那次会议上,我们解决了许多具体的贸易问题。

It was a productive meeting.Vice Premier Wang and his team were responsive to our concerns and they pledged action in a variety of areas critical to American businesses.这是一次富有成效的会见。国务院副总理王岐山和他的团队对我们关心的问题反应积极,承诺在对美国企业关键的一些领域采取行动。

They agreed to remove administrative and regulatory barriers discriminating against American companies selling everything from industrial machinery and telecom devices;to those that restrict U.S.participation in the development of large-scale wind farms in China.他们同意取消歧视美国公司在销售一切产品上的行政和法规上的壁垒,包括从工业机器和电讯器材到那些限制美国参与在中国开发大规模风能电场的活动。

They also agreed to revise one of their major government procurement catalogues to ensure a level playing field for foreign suppliers and to reduce the use of counterfeit software in government offices and state-owned enterprises.他们还同意修改他们的主要政府采购目录,以确保外国供应商有一个公平竞争的环境,并减少盗版软件在政府部门和国有企业的使用。

Additionally, Vice Premier Wang asked the Commerce Department and the U.S.Trade Representative to partner with him on a public campaign to reduce intellectual property rights violations in China, which he is leading.此外,国务院副总理王岐山请求商务部和美国贸易代表与他合作进行一次减少知识产权在中国被侵权的公开活动,他正领导这项活动。

The American government welcomes these commitments from China.美国政府欢迎中国作出的这些承诺。

But to be clear, they are only a first step.What was agreed to at the JCCT were important statements of principle and policy – but they must be turned into concrete action with results.但需要申明的是,这些都只是第一步。在美中商贸联委会上达成的一致都是原则和政策上的重要声明——但它们必须转化为具体行动,取得成果。

Take last year’s JCCT, when the Chinese agreed to remove a local content requirement for wind turbine suppliers – a positive step forward.以去年的美中商贸联委会为例,中国同意取消对风力涡轮机供应商当地含量的要求——一个积极的步骤。

But soon after, China’s government employed a rule that required foreign businesses seeking to build large scale wind farms in China to have prior experience with such projects in China.The rule might have been different than the local content requirement, but it had the same effect – making it tougher for foreign companies to compete with China’s domestic companies.但之后不久,中国的政府实施了一条规定,要求在中国进行大型风能电场建设项目的外国企业必须有在中国做过同样项目的经验。该规定可能与要求当地含量不同,但却有同样的影响——使外国公司与中国国内公司的竞争难度更大。

At this year’s JCCT, we persuaded the Chinese to modify that rule as well.在今年的美中商贸联委会上,我们同样说服中国修改了这一规则。

Or look at the issue of intellectual property.We have heard Chinese leaders condemn IP-theft in the strongest terms, and we’ve seen central government laws and regulations written or amended to reflect that sentiment.再看一下知识产权问题。我们已经听到中国领导人最强烈地谴责对知识产权的侵犯,我们已经看到了中央政府的法律和法规的编写和修订都反映了这种精神。

But American and other foreign companies, in industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and biotechnology to entertainment, still lose billions of dollars from counterfeiting and IP-theft in China every year.但美国和其他外国公司,从制药公司和生物技术到娱乐等行业,每年还是因为在中国的仿冒及知识产权盗用而损失数十亿美元。

For example, in the United States, for every $1 in computer hardware sales there is about 88 cents in software sales.But in China, for every dollar in hardware sales there is only eight cents in software sales.例如,在美国,每销售1美元的计算机硬件,就有88美分的软件销售。但在中国,在硬件上1美元的销售额只有8美分的软件销售。

According to the Business Software Alliance, that discrepancy is largely explained by the fact that nearly 80 percent of the software used on computers in China is counterfeit.据商业软件联盟说,这种差别的主要原因是,在中国的计算机上使用的近80%软件都是盗用的。

So America welcomes Vice Premier Wang’s pledge to accelerate China's crackdown on intellectual property violations.And China will have a very willing partner in this endeavor in the United States.But we will be focused on meaningful outcomes.因此,美国欢迎王岐山副总理对中国加速打击侵犯知识产权行为所做的承诺。对于中国在这方面的努力,美国将非常愿意参与伙伴合作。但是,我们看重的是实质性的结果。

I recognize I'm not the first foreign official to express concern over the commercial environment in China.But it would be a mistake to portray this concern solely as U.S.self-interest masquerading as advice.我承认,我不是第一位对中国商业环境表达关切的外国官员。但把这种关切完全视为美国以忠告为名谋求自身利益将是错误的。

The Chinese economy is increasingly moving up the global economic value chain, where growth is created not just by the power of a country’s industrial might, but also by the power of its people’s ideas and their inventions.中国的经济正在全球经济价值链上逐步提升,取得这种发展不只是依靠一个国家的工业力量,还依靠其人民的创意及他们的发明。

In the long run, economies with poor intellectual property protections and inconsistent application of market access laws will lose out on generating great new ideas and technologies.And they’ll lose out on the jobs that come with producing new products – jobs critical to an expanding middle class.从长远来看,缺乏知识产权保护以及不能始终执行市场准入规则的经济体将错失开发重大新创意和新技术的机会。它们将错失伴随着新产品生产而出现的就业机会,这些就业机会对于一个不断壮大的中产阶层至关重要。

The damage won’t happen overnight.I freely admit that companies and countries can gain short-term advantages from lax rules in the commercial space.这种损失不会在一夜之间发生。我可以坦言,有些公司和国家有可能从商业领域的宽松规则中获得短期利益。

But over time, if innovators fear that their inventions or ideas will be stolen or discriminated against, one of two things will happen – they’ll either stop inventing, or they’ll decide to create or sell their inventions elsewhere.但随着时间的推移,如果发明者担心他们的发明或创意遭到窃取或歧视,就会发生以下情况——他们或者停止发明活动,或者决定到别处去从事或出售他们的发明。

Ultimately, all that the United States seeks is a level playing field for its companies, where the cost and quality of their products determines whether or not they win business.说到底,美国寻求的只是为美国的公司找到一个公平竞争的场地,让其产品的成本与质量决定它们是否能赢得商机。

That is the ideal we strive for in the United States.这就是我们在美国力争实现的理想状况。

And our commitment to open and competitive markets is a big reason why we remain the number one destination for foreign direct investment in the world.我们对市场开放和竞争作出的承诺是我们继续成为全世界获得外国直接投资最多的国家的重大原因。

We understand that China’s modernization and evolution towards a more market-oriented economy is a process that will take time.我们理解中国的现代化以及朝着更以市场为导向的经济逐步发展是一个耗费时日的过程。China has 1.3 billion people.Seven hundred million of them still live in rural areas;many with little electricity or running water.It took the United States over 100 years to build the electrical transmission capacity it has today.中国有13亿人口。7亿人仍然生活在农村地区;许多人还缺电、缺水。而美国为建设今天具有的电力传输能力用了一百多年时间。

To meet the rising demands of its own consumers, China will have to build a similar amount of capacity in just 15 years.为了满足中国消费者日益增长的需求,中国必须在短短15年内建成同等规模的能力。

These are enormous undertakings.And it’s understandable if, in the past, China’s immediate development goals took precedence over other concerns.这些任务十分艰巨。如果说中国过去将眼前发展目标置于其他考量之上,那是可以理解的。With millions of Chinese coming in from the countryside looking for work, it isn’t necessarily an easy decision to close down a factory producing counterfeit goods, when that factory is providing badly needed jobs.在千百万来自农村的中国人进城找工作的情况下,要关闭一家生产伪冒商品但却能提供急需的工作机会的工厂,未必是一个易于作出的决定。

So what we’re discussing here are real and significant challenges.For market reforms to continue, it will take constant vigilance – not just from the United States, but from all countries and businesses around the world that benefit from rules-based trading.And from Chinese business and government leaders, who themselves have a strong stake in ensuring that China is friendly to global innovation and international competition.因此,我们在此探讨的是一些确实存在的重大挑战。为了继续推行市场改革,不仅是美国,还有全世界受益于有章可循的贸易活动的所有国家和企业都应当保持警觉。中国企业及政府领导人亦应如此,因为确保中国以友好方式应对全球创新和国际竞争攸关他们的自身利益。In front of us is the opportunity for China and the United States to lead the world economy in the early 21st century to create a new foundation for sustainable growth for years to come.摆在我们面前的是中国和美国在21世纪初期引领世界经济为未来的可持续增长奠定新基础的机会。

We can’t tell exactly what that future will look like.我们无法断言未来会怎样。

But we can be certain that it will be a better future if the Chinese and American governments pursue cooperation over confrontation in the economic sphere.但我们可以肯定,如果中国政府和美国政府在经济领域寻求合作并避免对抗,未来必将更加美好。

Cooperation that will put millions of our people to work.Cooperation that will develop technologies to solve the most pressing environmental, economic and social challenges facing the world today.This is the great opportunity before China and the United States.We just have to seize it.这种合作将为我国数百万人民创造工作机会。这种合作将开发出能够解决今日世界所面临的最紧迫的环境、经济和社会问题的各项技术。这是中国和美国所面临的一个难得的机会。我们必须抓住它。

Thank you.谢谢大家。


Remarks by Vice President Joe Biden To the Opening Session of the U.S.-China Strategic & Economic Dialogue

Department of the Interior

Washington, D.C.May 9, 2011


华盛顿哥伦比亚特区 国内资源部


Good morning.Thank you.Thank you, all.It’s an honor to welcome back to Washington for the third meeting of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue between the United States and China, two good friends.早上好。谢谢你们。谢谢你们大家。我荣幸地欢迎两位好朋友再次来到华盛顿,参加美中战略与经济对话第三次会议。

Let me acknowledge the co-chairs at the outset here.Vice Premier Wang and State Counselor Dai, welcome back.I got an opportunity to spend some time with you--not as much as my colleagues have--but your trip with President Hu was a great visit, and we got a chance to spend some time together.请允许我首先向两位共同主席致意。王副总理和戴国务委员,欢迎你们再次到来。在你们随同胡主席访美期间,我曾有机会与你们见面,虽然与你们见面的时间不如我的一些同事长,但那次访问非常成功,我们也有机会在一起一段时间。The United States co-chairs are our A-Team, our superstars: Secretary Clinton and Secretary Geithner, two of the best America has to offer, so we expect great things to happen.We expect great things to happen with the four of you.Ladies and gentlemen, we each have a number of important tasks in the days ahead and all designed to continue to guide our relationship to an even better place than it’s already moved.美方的两位共同主席是我们的最佳组合,我们的超级明星:克林顿国务卿和盖特纳部长代表着美国最精英人士,因此,我们预期将会取得重大成果。我们预期你们四位将会取得重大成果。

Ladies and gentlemen, we each have a number of important tasks in the days ahead and all designed to continue to guide our relationship to an even better place than it’s already moved.女士们、先生们,我们每个人在今后的日子里都肩负着一系列重要任务,目的都是要继续引导我们的关系在已有进展之上更上一层楼。

I also would like to recognize, by the way, Secretary Gary Locke, the President’s choice to be our next ambassador to China.Gary has served with distinction in the Cabinet, as well as before that serving as the governor of the state of Washington.And I know that once the Senate confirms Gary, and I expect that to be quickly, he’ll do an outstanding job in Beijing.(Applause.)There he is.我还要向骆家辉部长致意,他是总统选择的新一任美国驻华大使。家辉作为内阁成员业绩卓著,在此前担任华盛顿州州长期间亦表现出色。我知道,一旦参议院确认家辉的任命,而且我估计这会很快,他将在北京作出卓越的工作成绩。(掌声)他就在这里。

And I’m not going to mention the Trade Representative sitting next to you because I told him if he was able to deliver a deal on--with Korea, I would nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize.(Laughter.)He did and I have to.(Laughter.)我不想介绍坐在你们身旁的贸易代表,因为我对他说过,他若能促成同韩国的协定,我就提名他获诺贝尔和平奖。(笑声)他做到了,所以我也得这么做。(笑声)

Any rate, I’ve made my--I hate to acknowledge this, gentlemen, but I made my first trip to China as a young man, meeting with Deng Xiaoping in 1979, in April of ’79.I was privileged to be with what I guess I’m now part of, a group of very senior senators at that time.I think we were the first delegation to meet after normalization--with senators like Jacob Javits of New York, and Frank Church, and a number of other very prominent members.话说回来。我年轻时第一次访问中国——先生们,我不情愿承认这点——是在1979年4月,是同邓小平会晤。我当时荣幸地与一些老一辈参议员同行,我想我现 在也属他们之列了。我记得我们是关系正常化之后的第一个代表团,成员包括纽约州参议员雅各布·贾维茨、弗兰克·丘奇以及其他一些非常重要的议员。And on that trip when we met with then Vice Premier Deng and witnessed the changes that were being initiated, beginning to spark China’s remarkable--absolutely remarkable transformation, even back then it was clear that there was--that great things were happening.And there was also a debate--there was a debate here in the United States and quite frankly throughout most of the West as whether a rising China was in the interest of the United States and the wider world.As a young member of a Foreign Relations Committee, I wrote and I said and I believed then what I believe now: That a rising China is a positive, positive development, not only for China but for America and the world writ large.在那次访问期间,我们会晤了时任副总理的邓小平,并目睹当时启动的种种变化正在开始促发中国引人注目的——绝对是引人注目的转型,即使在当时也已经很清楚 ——巨变正在发生。当时还出现了一场辩论,在美国这里,坦率地说,在大部分西方世界,都出现了一场围绕着一个崛起的中国是否符合美国及整个世界的利益的辩 论。作为对外关系委员会的一名年轻成员,我当时写下、表述并且相信我现在所依然相信的:一个崛起的中国是一种积极的、积极的进展,不仅对中国而言,而且对 美国和全世界也是如此。When President Obama and I took office in January of 2009 we understood--we understood absolutely clearly that our relationship with China would be a key priority.The President and I were determined--determined to set the relationship on a stable course that could be sustained for decades.Our two countries, now the world’s two largest economies, were bound by ever-growing ties of commerce and investment.We, the United States, we always talk about what we import;we, the United States, exported $110 billion in American goods and services to China last year.奥巴马总统和我在2009年就职时就理解——极为清楚地理解,我们与中国的关系将是一个关键重点。奥巴马总统和我当时就下了决心,决心让这个关系走上一条 稳定的轨道,能够几十年保持下去。作为当今世界上两个最大的经济体,我们两国由与日俱增的商务和投资纽带连结在一起。在美国,我们总是谈论进口;但去年,我们美国向中国出口了价值1100亿美元的商品与服务。

But we’re bound my much more than commerce.Over the last three decades, our people have become increasingly linked through education, through work and through travel.Last year, 130,000 Chinese were studying in the United States.They’re really good.We’re going to try to keep some of them.I’m only joking.I’m only joking.(Laughter.)But they are.(Laughter.)但是,连接我们的远远不只是商务纽带,过去30年中,我们两国人民经由教育、工作与旅游等方面的接触已越来越紧密地联系在一起。去年,有13万中国人在美国学习,他们很优秀,我们将设法留住他们一些人。我只是开玩笑。我只是开玩笑。(笑声)。但他们真的很优秀(笑声)。

We cannot claim the same number of Americans in China, but our 100,000 Strong Initiative will dramatically increase the number of young Americans living and studying in China.As a matter of fact, my niece who--excuse me, as we say in the Senate, a point a personal privilege--who graduated from Harvard not too long ago, works for Secretary Geithner, she did exactly what we hope another 100,000 will do: She studied Chinese and went and lived in China and is now devoted to making sure the relationship gets better and better and better.我们无法称我们也有同样数目的美国人在中国学习,但是,“10万留学生计划”将大幅度增加在中国生活和学习的美国年轻人的人数。事实上,我的侄女——请原 谅这里使用一次我们在参议院常说的议员话语特权——她在不太久以前从哈佛大学毕业,现在在盖特纳部长手下工作。她就做了我们期望另外10万人去做的事:学习中文,并到中国生活了一段时间,她现在投身的工作就是让我们两国关系变得越来越好,越来越好。

And we’re linked by our shared global responsibilities.We both serve as permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.We’re both Pacific powers.And for many of the world’s pressing challenges, it’s a simple fact, that when the United States and China are not at the table, the solution to the problem is less possible than when we are at the table.It’s no exaggeration to say that our relationship and how we manage it will help shape the 21st century.我们也因为我们共同承担的全球性责任而连接在一起。我们都是联合国安理会的常任理事国。我们也都是太平洋强国。就世界所面临的许多紧迫挑战来说,如果美国 和中国不坐到桌前,就比我们坐到桌前时达成解决方案的可能性要低,这是一个简单的事实。可以毫不夸张地说,我们两国之间的关系,以及我们如何把握这种关 系,将对21世纪的世界走向具有重大影响。

Our commitment starts at the top.Our Presidents have met face-to-face nine times in two and a half years.Nine times.President Hu, as I mentioned, was just here in January for what all would acknowledge was a very successful state visit.I’ll go back to China this sumer at the invitation of Vice President Xi, and I’m looking forward to hosting the Vice President for a reciprocal visit later this year.我们的承诺始于两国政府最高层,在两年半时间里,我们两国首脑有过9次直接会面。9次。正如我刚提到的,胡主席就在1月时还来过这里,对美国进行了一次公 认的极为成功的国事访问。我将于今年夏季受中国国家副主席习近平的邀请再次访问中国,我也期待着接待习副主席在今年晚些时候来美国进行回访。Even these frequent visits and summits, though, as you all know, are not enough on their own to sustain and build a relationship across our entire government, across all agencies.That's why we’re here.It’s not merely, merely our mil-to-mil or economic issues.We want to build a relationship across the entire spectrum of our governments.That’s why we’ve asked all of you to come together for these dialogues.如大家所知,即使有这些频繁的访问和峰会,光靠它们本身并不足以建立和保持贯穿于我们整个政府、涵盖所有机构的的良好关系。而这就是今天我们坐在这里的原 因。它所关系的不单单是军方对军方或经济类的问题,我们希望建设一个涵盖我们两国政府方方面面的关系。这也就是我们请你们大家来到这里进行对话的原因。

When President Obama launched the first strategic and economic dialogue in 2009, he issued a challenge to all of us to work together to address some of the defining problems of our time.Some would say that's somewhat presumptuous for China and the United States to decide we’re going to work on the defining problems, but as I said earlier, how we cooperate will define in significant part how we deal with the challenges that the world face in the beginning of the 21st century.当奥巴马总统于2009年启动首次战略与经济对话时,他向我们所有人提出了一个挑战,要我们齐心协力来应对我们时代的一些具有决定意义的问题。有人或许会 说,由中国和美国一起来决定如何解决世界上的决定性问题未免有些自负,但正如我刚才所说,我们两国如何合作,将在很大程度上决定我们如何应对世界在21世 纪初所面临的挑战。

This is at the heart of our effort to build a cooperative partnership.We seek to cooperate to advance our mutual interests in not only promoting economic growth that is strong, sustainable and balanced, but trade that is free and is fair.We seek cooperation to advance our mutual interests in the prosperous future that will come from an energy supply that's clean and secure and addresses climate change.这是我们建立伙伴合作关系的核心所在。我们希望相互合作,促进双方的共同利益,不仅推动强劲、可持续及平衡的经济增长,而且促进自由和公平的贸易。我们希望通过合作促进我们实现未来繁荣的共同利益,获得洁净、稳定及能应对气候变化的能源供应。

And we seek to cooperate to advance our mutual interests in a range of pressing global and regional security challenges.This includes continuing our work to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and specifically to curb proliferation of those weapons and technology from both Iran and North Korea.我们希望通过相互合作,促进我们为应对一系列紧迫的全球和地区安全挑战拥有的共同利益。其中包括继续努力防止核武器扩散,特别是遏制这类武器和技术从伊朗和北韩向外扩散。

Where do we stand two years after the President issued his challenge that we cooperate more? Through this dialogue and the dedicated efforts of our governments and our people, I believe history will show we’ve made progress.两年前,总统发出要求我们进一步加强合作的挑战,如今我们进展如何? 通过这一对话以及我们两国政府及两国人民的不懈努力,我认为,历史会表明我们已取得进展。

But there's much more to do, and that's why we’re here.Along with our partners in the G20, we’ve worked to sustain global economic recovery.We’ve recognized that the United States-China relations generate global economic benefit, not just to both our countries, but global benefit.然而,还需要付出更多努力。这就是我们在这里进行对话的原因。我们与我们的20国集团合作伙伴一起,努力促进全球经济复苏。我们认识到,美中关系为全球经济带来益处,不仅有益于我们两国,而且有益于全球。

Last year our trade with China supported over 500,000 jobs here in the United States, and we made tangible progress during President Hu’s visit, especially in the areas of innovation, intellectual property, and exports, all of which we’re following up on.去年,我们的对华贸易支持了美国国内50多万份工作机会。在胡主席来访期间,我们取得了明显的进展,特别是在创新、知识产权和出口领域。我们在所有这些领域正继续取得进展。

Over the next two days, we need to build on this momentum and to make sure our commitments are aggressively implemented so we can continue to move.今后两天,我们需要在这个基础上再接再励,确保我们积极履行承诺,使我们能够继续往前推进。You may have noticed that there is a debate in this nation how best to secure America’s long-term fiscal future.We know that overcoming our economic challenges begin at home.We in the United States have to restore financial stability and we need to make the investments necessary, as well, to win the future.We need to maintain our commitment to what we believe, the President believes, is the pillars of our economic future: education, innovation, and infrastructure.你们可能已经注意到,美国国内正在就如何最有利地保障美国未来长期的财政稳定进行辩论。我们知道,要解决我们的经济难题,首先需要从国内开始。我们美国必 须恢复金融稳定。我们还必须为赢得未来进行必要的投资。我们必须承诺坚持我们的信念及总统的信念:教育、创新及基础设施是我国经济未来的支柱。I know that you’re adjusting to your economy in the world situation as well.I know that in China you're working to rebalance your economy and make growth more sustainable, with greater reliance on domestic demand.None of this is easy.我知道,在目前的世界局势下,你们也在调整你们的经济。我知道,你们中国在努力重新平衡你们的经济,使增长更具有可持续性,更多地依赖国内需求。这都并非易事。以我个人之见,成功地调整增长的方向,不仅对中国有利,也对美国乃至全世界有利。

But success in re-orienting growth will be not only good for China, in our humble opinion, but it will be good for the United States and for the rest of the world.The United States and China are the world’s largest producers and consumers of energy and we share the common challenges that flow from that.And this creates not only a problem, but great opportunity--great opportunity for common efforts to find clean energy solutions.Secretary Chu likes to say--and I love this expression--“Science is not a zero-sum game.” Science is not a zero-sum game.That amply is illustrated by the remarkable cooperation we've begun to forge in this area.Let me just mention one example.美国和中国是世界上最大的生产国和能源消费国,我们在这方面面临着共同的挑战。这不仅带来了难题,同时也带来了巨大的机会——共同寻找洁净能源解决方案的 机会。朱棣文部长常说,我也喜欢这句话:“科学不是零和游戏”。科学并非零和游戏。我们在该领域已开始建立的非凡合作已经为此给予最好的说明。我可以举一 个例子说明这一点。

Our joint Clean Energy Research Center is funding new approaches to energy efficiency, clean coal--which we both need to deal with--and clean vehicles.We need to build on and expand our efforts in this area, and I know you’ll be doing--having much discussion these next two days on that area, and it seems to me an area where there’s potential for great progress.我们的清洁能源联合研究中心正在提供资金,针对节能、洁净煤——这方面我们两国都需要处理——以及清洁车辆开辟新的途径。我们需要在这一领域建立并扩大我们的努力。我知道,在今后两天内你们会在这方面举行大量讨论,在我看,这似乎是一个有可能取得很大进展的领域。

On global security challenges, we've also made progress.President Hu joined us at the Nuclear Security Summit--in January, we signed the memorandum of understanding to build a center for excellence to promote nuclear security in China.We have cooperated in stemming nuclear proliferation from both Iran and North Korea, including preventing sensitive technologies from being exported to both those countries.在应对全球安全挑战方面,我们也取得了进展。今年1月,胡主席与我们一同参加核安全峰会,我们签署了为建立促进中国核安保示范研究中心的谅解备忘录。我们在遏制核武器从伊朗和北韩扩散方面进行了合作,其中包括防止把敏感技术出口到这两个国家。

The strategic dialogue is important to both our countries.Just look at the agenda that you have for the next two days.It’s a fulsome agenda.To list just a few of the topics on the agenda for the next two days--and it illustrates the sheer breadth of our relationship: Climate change;clean energy;mil-to-mil operations--our military relationships;regional issues such as Sudan and Afghanistan.战略对话对我们两国都十分重要。只要看一下今后两天你们的工作议程。这是一个很满的议程。只需略微列出几项今后两天议程中所要讨论的题目,就能说明我们两 国关系的极其广泛程度: 气候变化 ;清洁能源 ;军方与军方之间的行动——我们两国的军事关系 ;以及诸如苏丹和阿富汗等地区性问题。

Our goal--our goal, in part, is to enhance the communication and understanding that we believe, and I believe you believe, will build trust and confidence.We have to be honest with each other.We are not going to agree on everything;we will clearly find areas where there will still be disagreement.But as we work to advance our respective national interest, we have to move on what we seek in common, find the common ground, and I would argue much of our mutual national interest will find common ground.But only by discussing a diverse range of topics, including sensitive ones, can we help mitigate the risk of misperception and miscalculation.我们的目标——我们的目标在部分程度上,是为了加强沟通与理解——我们相信,而且我相信你们相信,这将会建立信任和信心。我们彼此一定要以诚相待。我们不 会在所有问题上达成一致 ;我们显然会发现我们仍然还有分歧的领域。但我们在致力于促进各自国家利益的同时,必须在我们共同寻求的问题上取得进展,找到共同点;而且我可以说,在彼 此国家利益的很多方面,我们会发现共同点。但只有通过探讨范围广泛的议题,包括敏感议题在内,我们才能帮助减少误解和误判的风险。

My father used to say the only disagreement worse than one that is intended is one that is unintended.That's why it’s so critically important we talk to one another honestly.We should be realistic;we won't always be able to work together.In some areas we have vigorous disagreement.In some we'll have vigorous competition.In still others we'll have vigorous collaboration.我父亲过去常说,唯一比意料中更糟糕的分歧,是意外的分歧。这就是我们在对话时彼此坦诚相见为什么极其至关重要的原因。我们应该实事求是;我们不会所有时 候都能合作。在某些领域,我们有强烈的分歧。在另一些领域,我们存在激烈的竞争。而在此外的一些领域,我们会有积极的合作。

But I believe on balance we have much more to agree on than to disagree on, and so does the President believe that.A healthy competition, in our view, is good for both of us.Competition is not bad.Competition that’s healthy is good.This is the reason why I’ve held the view for so many years and continue to hold the view that a rising China is a positive development.As you might expect, it’s my--I have overwhelming confidence in the capabilities of the American people.And those capabilities are enhanced when there’s genuine competition from equally capable people.I welcome this healthy and fair competition because I believe we’ll see it will spur us both to innovate and both will benefit from it.但我认为:总的说来,我们一致的地方比不一致的地方要多得多,奥巴马总统也持同样看法。良性竞争,在我们看来,对我们两国都有利。竞争不是坏事。良性竞争是好事。

这就是我多年来之所以持这一观点并将继续持这样一个观点的原因,即:中国的崛起是一个积极的发展。你们可以料到,我对美国人民的能力怀有绝对信心。而通过 与有同样能力的人民进行真正的竞争,这些能力会得到提高。我欢迎这种良性与公平的竞争,因为我认为,我们将看到这种竞争会激励我们两国人民去创新,并且两 国人民都将从中受益。

As I’ve said earlier, it’s important to be straightforward with one another.There is one area where we have vigorous disagreement.And I know and I understand that disagreement, when we voice it, is upsetting or rankles--I don’t know how that translates into Chinese--but how it concerns some of our friends in China.We have vigorous disagreement in the area of human rights.就像我前面谈到的,我们彼此开诚布公很重要。我们有一个存在强烈分歧的领域。我知道也理解,这个分歧,当我们表达出来时,会引起不快或刺激——我不知道这词翻译成中文是什么意思——但它让我们在中国的一些朋友担忧。我们在人权领域存在强烈分歧。

We’ve noted our concerns about the recent crackdown in China, including attacks, arrests and the disappearance of journalists, lawyers, bloggers and artists.And again, no relationship that’s real can be built on a false foundation.Where we disagree, it’s important to state it.We’ll continue to express our views in these issues, as we did in the Human Rights Dialogue in Beijing two weeks ago.我们提出了我们对中国最近发生的镇压的关注,包括记者、律师、博客作者和艺术家被攻击、逮捕或者失踪。如前所述,任何真正的关系都不可能建立在虚假的基础 上。当我们发生分歧时,需要言明。我们将会继续表达我们对这些问题的看法,就像我们两个星期前在北京举行人权对话时一样。

Now, look, as I said, I recognize that some in China see our advocacy as--human rights as an intrusion and Lord only knows what else.But President Obama and I believe strongly, as does the Secretary, that protecting fundamental rights and freedoms such as those enshrined in China’s international commitments, as well as in China’s own constitution, is the best way to promote long-term stability and prosperity of any society.我说过,我知道中国有些人将我们倡导人权视为一种干涉,还有天知道什么其他说法。但是奥巴马总统和我坚决相信,国务卿也同样相信,保护那些包含在中国作出的国际承诺以及中国自身宪法中的基本权利和自由,是促进任何一个社会的长期稳定和繁荣的最佳途径。

The transformation of China’s economy and society since my first trip as a young man in 1979 has truly been breathtaking.I doubt whether it’s occurred at any other period in world history--it’s been so significant and so rapid.The immense talent of the Chinese people, the incredible hard work and perseverance of the Chinese people and their leaders have literally lifted tens of millions of people out of poverty and built an economy that now helps fuel the world’s prosperity.It’s remarkable.自从1979年我年轻时第一次去访问以来,中国经济和社会的变化确实十分惊人。我不知世界历史的任何时期是否出现过这种情况——如此巨大,如此迅速。中国 人民以自己极大的才能,中国人民及其领导人通过令人不可思议的勤奋努力和锲而不舍精神,名副其实地让千百万人摆脱了贫困,建立起一个如今帮助带动世界繁荣 的经济。这非常了不起。

During this same period, the relationship between the United States and China has also seen a remarkable transformation--again, through the talent, hard work and respected political leaders who have governed our countries over the last three decades.在这同一时期内,美中两国关系也出现了惊人的转化——同样是由于过去30年来在我们两个国家当政的令人尊敬的政治领导人的才华和辛勤努力。

The bonds between our country--our countries come about through--have come about through intense engagement from the moment of normalization--events like this one.We’ve already done much to make our relationship positive, cooperative, and comprehensive.And I’m absolutely confident that we can do more for ourselves and for generations of Americans and Chinese as well.我们两国的纽带是通过自关系正常化之日起的密切交往而形成——像现在这样的种种活动。我们为建立积极、合作和全面的关系作出了大量努力。我绝对相信,我们可以为我们自己以及美国和中国的子孙后代做得更多。And as I said, presumptuous of me to say this, if that occurs and continues to occur, it will benefit the whole world.So now it’s time to get to work.如我所说,恕我冒昧这样说,当那种情况出现并且继续出现时,全世界都将受益。因此,现在应该开始行动。

Again, welcome, gentlemen;welcome to your delegations.And I thank you all for the honor of being able to address you.Thank you very much.再次向各位表示欢迎;欢迎你们代表团。感谢让我荣幸地向各位发表讲话。多谢大家。



Good morning.I want to thank State Councilor Dai and Vice-Premier Wang for their very warm hospitality.It is a pleasure for our entire delegation to be here in Beijing.And it is an honor to join my colleague, Secretary Geithner, and the many officials from across our government in representing the United States at this second round of the strategic and economic dialogue.早上好。感谢国务委员戴秉国和副总理王岐山非常热情的接待。我国代表团的全体成员十分高兴来到北京。我与我的同事盖特纳部长及我国政府各部门的众多官员一起代表美国出席第二轮美中战略与经济对话,为此感到十分荣幸。

I first visited China in 1995, and I have been privileged to return since then.Every trip to China offers fresh insights and images of the dynamism of this country and its people, the pace of change, and the possibilities for the future.Back in 1995, trade between our two nations was measured in the tens of billions of dollars.Today it is counted in the hundreds of billions.Few people back then had cell phones, and almost no one had access to the Internet.Today China has the world’s largest mobile phone network, and more Internet users than any other country on earth.我于1995年初次访问中国,此后又很荣幸地多次前来访问。每次来到中国都使我对这个国家,对中国人民旺盛的活力,对中国的变化之快及中国未来的发展前途产生新的了解和新的印象。早在1995年,我们两国间的贸易额仅有数百亿美元,如今两国贸易额已达数千亿美元。那时,极少有人拥有手机,几乎没有人使用因特网。今天,中国拥有全世界最大的移动电话网络,使用因特网的人数高于全世界任何国家。

In 1995, both our countries signed on to the Beijing platform for action to advance equality and opportunity for women.And while there is still much to do in both of our countries, I know that Chinese women have made real progress in education, health care, and employment.Hundreds of millions of men, women, and children have been lifted out of poverty.And China has flourished in so many ways.Freer trade and open markets have created jobs in both our countries, and given Chinese consumers access to new goods and to higher standards of living.1995年,我们两国政府签署了北京行动纲领,要求采取行动促进妇女的平等权利与机会。虽然我们两国仍有很多工作要做,但我知道中国妇女在教育、卫生保健和就业领域都取得了切实的进步。千百万男女老少摆脱了贫困。中国在很多方面都获得了蓬勃的发展。促进自由贸易和开放市场为我们两国创造了就业岗位,并使中国消费者获得新的商品和更高的生活水平。

The United States welcomes China’s progress and its accomplishments.And by establishing patterns of cooperation, rather than competition between our two countries, we see the opportunity, as we have just heard from Vice-Premier Wang, for win-win solutions, rather than zero-sum rivalries, for we know that few global problems can be solved by the United States or China acting alone.And few can be solved without the United States and China working together.美国欢迎中国取得的进步和成就。通过建立两国间的合作模式,而非相互竞争,我们看到了王副总理刚才所说的实现互利共赢的机会,而非互不相容的对抗,因为我们知道,全球性问题无法仅靠美国或者中国得到解决。但没有美国和中国的共同参与,有关问题也不可能得到解决。

With this in mind, I would like to read a few lines of a letter from President Obama that I will be personally handing to President Hu Jintao.President Obama wrote: “Our relationship with China is guided by the recognition that we live in an inter-connected world.One country’s success need not come at the expense of another.Our progress can be shared.Indeed, the United States welcomes China as a strong, prosperous, and successful member of the community of nations.” 考虑到这种情况,我在此宣读我将亲自向胡锦涛主席转交的奥巴马总统信中的几句话。奥巴马总统写道:“我们生活在一个相互联系的世界上,我们与中国的关系正是以这样一种认识为指导。一个国家的成功不必以另一个国家的利益为代价。我们可以共享进步。美国真诚地欢迎中国成为国际大家庭中一个强大、繁荣和成功的成员。”

Over the past 16 months, we have worked together to lay the foundation for that positive, cooperative, and comprehensive relationship that President Obama and President Hu have committed our nations to pursuing.We launched the strategic and economic dialogue last year in Washington, as the premier convening mechanism in our relationship.And this year we have assembled an even broader and deeper team, here in China, to address our growing agenda.We have built avenues of cooperation and identified areas of mutual interest.奥巴马总统和胡锦涛主席要求两国建立积极、合作和全面的关系,过去16个月来我们共同努力,为双方的关系奠定了基础。去年,我们在华盛顿启动了战略与经济对话,为两国关系建立了主要的对话机制。今年,我们派出代表性更广泛和更深入的团队,前来中国讨论日益增多的议程。我们构建了合作的平台,确定了拥有共同利益的领域。

Our job, moving forward, is to translate that common interest into common action and, in turn, to translate that action into results that improve the lives of our people, and contribute to global progress.Over the long term, these results are how our relationship will be measured.着眼未来,我们的工作是把我们的共同利益转变成共同行动,进而将这种行动转化为改善两国人民生活,促进全球进步的结果。从长远来看,这些结果是衡量我们关系的标准。

We are conscious that meaningful progress against great global challenges is the work of years, not days.We know that this gathering, in and of itself, is a foundation for ongoing cooperation that has to take place every day at every level of our government.And so, we will blend urgency and persistence in pursuit of shared goals.我们认识到,应对全球性的挑战取得有意义的进展需要经过多年的努力,并非指日可待。我们知道,这次会议本身为我们政府各级日常必须进行的持续合作奠定了基础。因此,为了实现共同的目标,我们既需要有紧迫性又需要有持久性。

We have already begun to see progress on some of the key areas of common concern that we laid out in our first dialogue last year.But there is much work to be done.我们已经开始看到,对于去年双方第一轮对话期间确定的共同关心的问题,在主要领域的某些方面取得了进展。但还有许多工作需要做。

First, on international security challenges, the United States and China have consulted closely on the challenge posed by Iran’s nuclear program.The prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran concerns us all.And to address that threat, together we have pursued a dual-track approach of engagement and pressure, aimed at encouraging Iran’s leaders to change course.The draft resolution agreed to by all of our P-5+1 partners and circulated at the Security Council sends a clear message to the Iranian leadership: Live up to your obligation, or face growing isolation and consequences.As we continue to cooperate in New York, the burden is on Iran to demonstrate through its actions that it will uphold its responsibility.首先,对于国际安全方面的挑战,美国和中国就伊朗核项目构成的挑战进行了密切协商。伊朗拥有核武器的可能性受到我们大家的关注。为了消除这个威胁,我们共同采取了接触与施压的双轨方式,目的是促使伊朗领导人改弦易辙。我们 “5常+1”的伙伴一致达成的决议草案已在安理会分发,此举向伊朗的领导层发出了一个明确的信息:履行你的义务,否则将日益受孤立,面临更严重的后果。我们在纽约继续进行合作之际,伊朗有责任通过自己的行动表明将承担本身的责任。

North Korea is also a matter of urgent concern.Last year we worked together to pass and enforce a strong UN Security Council resolution in the wake of North Korea’s nuclear test.And today we face another serious challenge, provoked by the sinking of the South Korean ship.So we must work together, again, to address this challenge and advance our shared objectives for peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.We asked North Korea to stop its provocative behavior, halt its policy of threats and belligerence towards its neighbors, and take irreversible steps to fulfill its denuclearization commitments, and comply with international law.北韩也是一个受到关注的紧迫问题。去年北韩进行核试验后,我们共同努力,通过和实施了一项措辞强硬的联合国安理会决议。今天,我们面临由韩国艇艇沉没引起的另一个严重挑战。因此,我们必须再次共同努力,应对这个挑战,推进我们实现朝鲜半岛和平与稳定的共同目标。我们要求北韩停止挑衅行为,停止对邻国进行恐吓和好战的政策,并采取不可逆转的步骤,履行其无核化的承诺,遵守国际法的规定。

Now, beyond these two pressing challenges there are other shared security concerns that I look forward to discussing, including the fight against violent extremism in Afghanistan and Pakistan, counter-piracy efforts, and deeper military-to-military cooperation。


Second, on climate and energy, we have built on the memorandum of understanding signed at the last round of the dialogues, collaborating on new, clean energy research, including a center.We have committed ourselves to an electrical vehicle initiative, and a renewable energy partnership, and more.At Copenhagen, for the first time, all major economies, including both the United States and China, made national commitments to curb carbon emissions and transparently report on their mitigation efforts.Now we must work to implement the Copenhagen accord with balanced commitments that are reflected in the ongoing negotiation.其次,在气候和能源方面,我们在第一轮对话期间签署备忘录的基础上继续努力,为研究新的清洁能源进行合作,包括建设一个中心。我们已对电动汽车计划、可再生能源伙伴关系等给予承诺。在哥本哈根,所有主要经济体,包括美国和中国,第一次以国家的名义承诺限制二氧化碳排放并就各国缓解气候变化的努力提供透明的报告。现在我们必须努力实施哥本哈根协定,坚持正在进行的谈判所反映的实现整体平衡的承诺。

And on behalf of Secretary Steven Chu, I extend his regrets.He was unable to be with us, because he had to stay and work very urgently on the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.我代表朱棣文部长表达他的遗憾。他无法与我们一起出席会议,因为他需要留在墨西哥湾,完成有关石油泄漏的紧迫工作。

Third, on education, health, and development, tomorrow I will meet with State Councilor Lio to launch a new dialogue on educational and cultural exchanges that will deepen understanding and cooperation between our people.I am very pleased that Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius has joined us this year to expand cooperation on infectious diseases and other international health challenges.Our ambassador for global women’s issues, Melanne Verveer, is also here because we recognize that the roles and rights of women are central to many of the issues we face, including devising a global strategy for development that is both sustainable and effective.第三,教育、卫生与发展问题。明天我将会晤刘国务委员,开始新的关于教育和文化交流的对话,加深两国人民的相互理解和合作。我很高兴卫生与公众服务部部长凯瑟琳•西贝利厄斯今年加入我们的行列,为应对传染病和国际卫生领域其他方面的挑战扩大相互间的合作。我国全球妇女问题大使梅拉妮•弗维尔也在座,因为我们认识到,妇女的作用和权利对于解决我们面临的许多问题都举足轻重,其中包括制定可持续和切实有效的全球发展战略。

The Obama Administration has worked to advance a long-term investment-driven approach to development.And Administrator Raj Shah is leading our efforts.We have elevated development as a core pillar of our foreign policy, and we seek to coordinate with China and other donors to meet country-led needs and to comply with internationally-agreed standards.对于发展问题,奥巴马政府努力促进长期投资驱动的模式。拉吉夫•沙赫署长负责主持这方面的工作。我们已经把发展提升为我国外交政策的一个核心支柱,我们正争取与中国和其他捐助方进行协调,以满足国家主导的需求,同时遵循国际公认的标准。

Finally, we have worked together and seen progress on promoting global economic recovery and growth.Secretary Geithner, Secretary Locke, Ambassador Kirk, Chairman Bernanke, and the rest of our economic team will be talking in greater depth about how we can develop a more balanced global economy that will produce prosperity that reaches further and deeper for both the Chinese and American people.最后,我们已为促进全球经济复苏和增长进行了共同努力并且已经看到了进展。盖特纳部长、骆家辉部长、柯克(Kirk)大使、伯南克席以及我们经济团队的其他成员将就我们如何促进全球经济的平衡进行更深入的讨论,为美中两国人民创造进一步的更大繁荣。

Now, our discussions in these few days are unlikely to solve the shared challenges we face.But they can and should provide a framework for delivering real results to our people.We will not agree on every issue.But we will discuss them openly, as between friends and partners.And that includes America’s commitment to universal human rights and dignity, and so much else that is on both Chinese and American minds.当然,我们短短几天进行的讨论不可能解决我们共同面临的挑战,但我们能够而且应该提供一个有利于为两国人民带来实惠的框架。我们不可能在每一问题上达成一致,但我们能够像朋友和伙伴一样坦率地讨论这些问题,其中包括美国对普遍人权和尊严的承诺,以及中方和美方关心的许许多多其他问题。

There is a Chinese proverb that speaks of treading different paths that lead to the same destination.Our two nations have unique histories.China is home to an ancient civilization, as I saw in the Chinese Pavilion when I visited, with the scroll that has been made to come alive, showing life in this city 1,000 years ago.America is a young nation.But we know that our future, both our challenges and our opportunities, will be shared.We have traveled different paths, but that shared future is our common destination and responsibility.And, ultimately, that is what this dialogue is about.中国有个成语,殊途同归。我们两国都有着独特的历史。中国是古代文明的发祥地之一。我在上海参观中国馆时看到的图像栩栩如生地展示了一千年以前的城市生活场景。美国是一个年轻的国家,但我们都知道,我们的未来,包括我们的挑战和机遇,都将是共同的。我们行进在不同的道路上,但共有的未来是我们共同的目的地和责任所在,归根结底也是这场对话的目的。

So, again, let me thank State Councilor Dai and Vice-Premier Wang, and I look forward to our discussions in an open and candid exchange of views.Thank you very much.因此,我再次感谢戴国务委员和王副总理。我期待着我们通过公开、坦率的讨论交换意见。非常感谢诸位












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    商务部陈德铭部长在WTO第七届部长级会议的发言时间:2009-12-03 18:49来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:671次 2009年11月30日,世贸组织第七次部长级会议在日内瓦召开,会议的主题......


    ww w.5 Y k j.CoM文章 来源 在市五届人大常委会第十三次会议上的讲话XX市人民政府代理市长XXX(2006年11月21日)尊敬的AA主任、尊敬的各位副主任、秘书长,各位委员:市五届人大常委会第十三次会议......


    周小川行长在财新峰会开幕式上的讲话 各位来宾,女士们、先生们: 中午好。很高兴参加财新峰会。今天,我主要谈两个问题。 一是关于人民币汇率问题。记者们说我前不久在华盛顿召......




    代理县长在全县工作务虚会上的讲话 同志们: 2013年即将过去,新的一年就要到来。未来的一年“做什么、怎么做”,需要我们认真研究谋划。我想,这就是今天县委利用一整天的时间来召......


    Remarks at U.S.-China EcoPartnerships Signing Ceremony by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton May 10, 2011 Treaty Room Department of State 美国国务卿克林......


    在基干民兵点验大会上的讲话 尊敬的各位领导、全体民兵同志们: 一年一度的民兵组织整顿,是加强民兵组织建设,巩固民兵组织的重要措施和必要制度,也是我国民兵工作的优良传统,对于......