
时间:2019-05-15 09:12:47下载本文作者:会员上传






口译员是沟通中外双方语言与文化的桥梁,外事活动场所总能见到译员的身影,熟悉涉外工作的礼仪和程序,获得相关的知识,是译员做到举止得体,顺利完成工作的重要保障。1.1 见面时的礼节

介绍 在交际场合结识朋友,可由第三者介绍,也可自我介绍相识。为他人介绍,要先了解双方是否有结识的愿望,不要贸然行事。无论自我介绍或为他人介绍,做法都要自然。

握手 这是大多数国家相互见面和离别时的礼节。在交际场合中,握手是司空见惯的事情。一般在相互介绍和会面时握手。遇见朋友先打招呼,然后相互握手,寒暄致意。年轻者对年长者,身份低者对身份高者则应稍稍欠身,双手握住对方的手,以示尊敬。男子与妇女握手时,往往只握一下妇女的手指部分。

致意 公共场合远距离遇到相识的人,一般是举右手打招呼并点头致意。与相识者在同一场合多次见面,只点头致意即可。对一面之交的朋友或不相识者在社交场合均可点头或微笑致意。在外交场合遇见身份高的领导人,应有礼貌地点头致意或表示欢迎,不要主动上前握手问候。只是在领导人主动伸手时,才向前握手问候。P.2 参加宴请的礼节①

应邀 接到宴会邀请(无论是请柬或邀请信),能否出席要尽早答复对方,以便主人安排。一般来说,对注有R.S.V.P.(请答复)字样的,无论出席与否,均应迅速答复。注有“Regrets only”(不能出席请复)字样的,则不能出席时才回复,但也应及时回复。经口头谈妥再发来的请柬,上面一般都注有“To remind”(备忘)字样,只起提醒作用,可不必答复。

掌握出席时间 出席宴请活动,抵达时间迟早,逗留时间长短,在一定程度上反映对主人的尊重。应根据活动的性质和当地的习惯掌握。迟到、早退、逗留时间过短被视为失礼或有意冷落。身份高者可略晚到达,一般客人应略微提前到达,主宾退席后再陆续告辞。出席宴会,根据各地习惯,正点或晚一两分钟抵达;在我国则正点或提前两三分钟或按主人的要求到达。出席酒会,可在请柬上注明的时间内到达。

入座 应邀出席宴请活动,应听从主人安排。如是宴会,进入宴会厅之前,先了解自己的桌次和座位,入座时注意桌上座位卡是否写着自己的名字,不要随意乱坐。如邻座是年长者或妇女,应主动协助他们先坐下。

祝酒 作为主宾参加外国举行的宴请,应了解对方祝酒习惯,即为何人祝酒,何时祝酒等等,以便做好必要的准备。碰杯时,主人和主宾先碰,人多可同时举杯示意,不一定碰杯。祝酒时注意不要交叉碰杯。在主人和主宾致辞、祝酒时,应暂停进餐,停止交谈,注意倾听,也不要借此机会抽烟。奏国歌时应肃立。主人和主宾讲完话与贵宾席人员碰杯后,往往到其他各桌敬酒,遇此情况应起立举杯。碰杯时,要目视对方致意。

餐具的使用 中餐的餐具主要是碗、筷,西餐则是)


宴请的形式 国际上通用的宴请形式有宴会、招待会、茶会、工作餐等。举办宴请活动采用何种形式,通常根据活动目的、邀请对象以及经费开支等各种因素而定。


文章来源:www.xiexiebang.com 外教一对一家宴(Family Dinner/Banquet)


1.宴会(Banquet或Dinner)可分为国宴(State Banquet)、正式宴会(Banquet,Dinner)、便宴[常见的有午宴(Luncheon)、晚宴(Supper)]、2.招待会(Reception)常见的有冷餐会(自助餐)(Buffet,Buffet-Dinner)和酒会[鸡尾酒会(Cocktail)]

3.茶会(Tea Party)

4.工作餐 按用餐的时间分为工作早餐、工作午餐、工作晚餐(Working Breakfast, Working Lunch, Working Dinner)P.3 礼宾次序


按身份与职务的高低排列 这是礼宾次序排列的主要根据。一般的官方活动,经常是按身份与职务的高低安排礼宾次序。如按国家元首、副元首、政府总理(首相)、副总理(副首相)、部长、副部长等顺序排列。各国提供的正式名单或正式通知是确定职务的依据。由于各国的国家体制不同,部门之间的职务高低不尽一致,则要根据各国的规定,按相当的级别和官衔进行安排。在多边活动中,有时按其他方法排列。但无论按何种方法排列,都在考虑身份与职务的高低问题。

按字母顺序排列 多边活动中的礼宾次序有时按参加国国名字母顺序排列,一般以英文字母排列居多。这种排列方法多见于国际会议、体育比赛等。在国际会议上,公布与会者名单,悬挂与会国国旗,座位安排等均按各国国名的英文拼写字母的顺序排列。在实际工作中,遇到的情况往往是复杂的,如有的国家不管以上种种惯例,把关系密切的国家排列在最前面。所以礼宾次序的排列常常不能按一种方法,而是采用几种方法的交叉,并考虑其他的因素。第二部分 口译实践主题:礼节性致辞

2.1 阅读材料

Celebrating Siemens' 150th Anniversary

It is an honor for me to welcome you today to a very special occasion the celebration of Siemens' 150th anniversary.One hundred and fifty years old.What does this mean? After all, we are in Chinaand are one of the world's oldest industrial companies.Not only that, but we have remained an industry leader all these many years.How did we achieve this, when so many competitors have come and gone? What core values have made Siemens so strong? Let's take a brief look at our past.In the beginning, Siemens' business focused on telecommunications: telegraph equipment, transcontinental telegraph lines, transatlantic telegraph cables.In 1866, Werner von Siemens discovered the dynamo-electric principle and built the first dynamo,文章来源:www.xiexiebang.com 外教一对一


marking the true birth of electrical engineering.Power engineering quickly became a second pillar of Siemens 'worldwide business.By Werner's death in 1892, the name Siemens was identified around the globe with the electrical industry.Siemens was a pioneer in Asia.What about China? Our records show that we delivered pointer telegraphs to this country as early as 1872.In 1879,the Chinese government ordered Siemens “light machines” or dynamos.That same year, we provided a 10 horsepower steam engine with generator to light up the port of Shanghai.It was China's first electrical lighting system.Shortly before the turn of the century, we built Beijing's first power plant.The electricity was used to light sections of the city and run the electric railway that ran between the Ma-Chia-Pu train station and Beijing's Hatamen south gate.The line opened in 1899 and was the world's fastest train at the timefrom telephone systems to power plants, from electrometrical systems to automated factories, from components to rapid-transit systems.For 150 years, Siemens has led the industry and maintained a fine reputation built on trust, quality, and reliability.And for all those years, we have relied on strong partnerships with our customers.Ultimately, you-our customer and business partners-are those who determine whether we succeed or not.And you are the ones who keeps us innovating and at the cutting edge of the industry.And you, in turn, are the one's who must” 72benefit from what we do together.文章来源:www.xiexiebang.com 外教一对一


Good partnerships rely on trust, on knowing one another, on knowing each other's requirements.We have excellent partners here in China, and a strong basis for growing in the future.Above all, I see a new spirit emerging in this country.I see the excitement building as good things happen and people see a new world taking shape before their eyes.文章来源:www.xiexiebang.com






东道国对来访者(包括外国常驻外交使节到任和离任),从礼节及两国关系上考虑,一般均根据对方身份及来访目 的,安排相应领导人和部门负责人会见。来访者及外交使节,亦可根据国家关系和本人身份,以及业务性质,主动提出拜会东道国某些领导人和部门负责人。一般说来,礼节性拜会,身份低者往见身份高者,来访者往见东道主。如是正式访问或专业访问,则应考虑安排相应的会谈。外交使节到任后和离任前,还应对与本国有外交关系的国家驻当地使节作礼节性拜会。外交团间对同等级别者之间的到任礼节性拜会,按惯例均应回拜,身份高者对身份低者可以回拜,也可以不回拜。














第二排 7 5 3 1 主人 2 4 6 8 10








1.Good morning / afternoon / evening ,welcome to Galactic Peace Internation Hotel 2.Execuse me , how may I take your your luggage ? 3.So you have 2 pieces of luggage althegether ? 4.Is therer anthing valuable or breakable in your luggang ? 5.After you pleace 6.The reception desk is straight ahead.This way please.7.Mr.Zhong I’ll show you to your room , your room is on the 25th floor in the executive floor 8.Is it your first time to live our hotel.9.Our western restaurant is on the 2nd floor.There are 2 style breakfast you can choose.The business time of the buffet breakfast is 6:30-10:00 , and the HK early morning tea is 7:00-11:00.The swimming pool and the gymnasium are on the 4th floor , it’s free for you by your room card.10.Here we are.Mr.Zhong after please!11.Mr.Zhong.This way please!Just a moment , let me open the door for you.12.Afthe you.Mr.Zhong.13.Mr.Zhong , how do you feel about this room ? 14.Mr.Zhong , do you mind if I put your 2pieces of luuggage here? 15.Mr.Zhong , would you mind me intraduce your room ? This is the mini bar , this is the safe , this is the reticle-port.Ifyou want use the telephone , please dile 8 before the room number or dile 9 before the outside number.16.Mr.Zhong , is there anything else I can do for you ? 17.If you have anything need , please dile 6 ,the Conciergewill help you everytime.18.Thank you!Mr.Zhong!That’s very kind of you!19.Enjoy your time!


1.Could you tell me what’s your room number

2.Mr.Zhong , could you tell me how many pieces of luggage do you have , and what’s the time we can go to your room to take your luggage ?

3.Mr.Zhong , your room number is 2501 , we’ll go to your room to take your luggage 3 minutes later , is it OK ?

4.Mr.Zhong , do you mind us to arrange a car for you ?

5.Good afternoon.Mr.Zhong , I’m the bell boy ,I”LL take your luggage , is your luggage really now ?

6.Mr.Zhong , how may I help you ?

7.Mr.Zhong , so you have 2 pieces of luggage altogether ?

8.Mr.Zhong , your 2 piece of luggage are in the truck , is it OK ?

9.Mr.Zhong , thanks for your coming!We look forward to your coming next time!Enjoy your trip!

Car Reservation

1.Could you tell me your room number ? 2.What’s your family neme please ?

3.Mr.Zhong ,could you tell me when will you need the car ?

4.Mr.Zhong , could you tell me how many people will take the car , there are 4-seat car , 7-seat business car and the 19-seat Coaster to rent in our hotel.5.Mr.Zhong , coulld you tell me where are you going ? Is it a sigle-trip or round-trip ? 6.Mr.Zhong , the rental charge of going to the airport is 260yuan RMB one way.7.Mr.Zhong , how would you like to pey for the rental charge , in cash or entry in your room charge ?

8.Mr.Zhong , coulr you tell me your flight number and the time of your plane take-off.9.Mr.Zhong , could you tell me your telephone number , that we can contact you in time.10.Mr.Zhong , let comfirm your rental imformation , you booker a business car to the airport at 8:00 a.m.on 10th , the rental charge is 26-yuan RMB , it will be taken when you check out , your telephone number is *** , is it right ?

11.Mr.Zhong , this is your receipt ,please sign your name.Thank you!Enjoy your time!

Goods Reley

1.Could you tell me your room number ? ,Mr.Zhong , could you tell me how many pieces of goods you want to reley ? Mr.Zhong , please fill the imformation of the fetcher in the reley list.Mr.Zhong , you can ask your friend to come to the concieage to fectch the goods.Mr.Zhong , we’ll comfirm your friend’s telephone number , room number and his nameto fetch the goods.And please sign your name here.7.Good afternoon , what’s your full name please ?

8.Mr.Zhong , wait a momenty please ,I’m going to take your goods.9.Mr.Zhong , we must comfirm your imformation.10.Thank you Mr.Zhong!Please comfirm your goods.11.Thanks for your coming!

Luggage Depositing

1.Could you tell me your room number ? 2.Mr.Zhong , is there anything valuable , breakable , inflammable or dangerous in your luggage ? 3.Mr.Zhong , how many pieces of luggage you want to checked ? 4.Mr.Zhong , when will you fetch your luggage ? 5.Mr.Zhong , please sign your name here.6.Mr.Zhong , this is the second halh of the luggage tap , you can use it to fetch your luggage , please take it care.7.good afternoon sir.Are you coming here to fetch your luggage ? 8.Please sign your name here please.9.Mr.Zhong , wait a moment please.10.Mr.Zhong , you checked 2 pieces of luggage althgether , are these your luggage ? 11.Mr.Zhong , where can I sent your luggage to ? 12.Mr.Zhong , welcome to our hotle next time!Enjoy your time!



英文名称:A Preliminary Course of Interpretation





通过本课程的学习使学生能了解和熟悉我国基本国情和重大路线、方针和政策,学会“宣传自己,了解别人” 以培养学生能基本掌握交替口译的主要技巧与一定的实践能力。目标应达到能胜任一般外宾日常生活口译,也能担任一般外事活动的口译的工作。同时还应初步掌握外贸和商务方面的口译技巧并基本具备从事该方面工作的能力,从而为学生将来有志从事口译工作或发展为复合型人才奠定基础,以适应新世纪对外语人才的新要求和新挑战。通过本课程的学习,要求学生能熟悉并了解交替口译的基本理论,掌握和运用英汉两种语言口译的特点,技巧和基本知识从而进一步提高学生综合应用能力,既要学习交替口译的技巧,更重视实践能力的锻炼与提高。4.课程学时:36学时 5.课程学分:2学分 6.课程类型:专业课 7.考核方式:考试

8.先修课程:《精读》、《泛读》、《英语语法》 9.适用专业与年级:英语专业本科三年级


第一课(学时数:2)知识点(教学内容): 1)口译概说


难点:记忆训练(1)记忆的编码、存储和恢复 第二课(学时数:2)



重点:记忆训练(2),分类、概括与比较 难点:常用问候语的口译 第三课(学时数:2)



重点:记忆训练(3)记忆方法和辅助记忆手段 难点:介绍事物的表达 第四课(学时数:2)



重点:相关介词的搭配使用,以及在口译中的翻译 难点:旅游介绍常用语和标志的翻译 第五课(学时数:2)

知识点(教学内容): 1.购物美食








重点:使用符号和英文缩写记笔记(1)难点:各种场所的口译方法 第八课(学时数:2)



重点:了解中国及英语国家的习俗和来源 难点:文化词及其相应的口译方法 第九课(学时数:2)知识点(教学内容):


重点:各类职位的翻译 难点:了解相关词汇和术语

第十课(学时数:2)知识点(教学内容): 1.商务礼仪









难点:对复杂结构句子的分析和对长句的理解与口译 第十三课




重点:学习掌握环境技术领域的词汇和术语 难点:环境保护英语的口译 第十四课




重点:学习掌握科学技术领域的相关词汇及特有术语 难点:英特网及一些先进科技的口译处理方法.第十五课(学时数:2)

知识点(教学内容): 1.网络时代




重点:源语国家和目的语国家存在的一些文化差异.难点:如何在口译当中避免一些因为文化不同带来的交流误解.第十七课(学时数:2)知识点(教学内容): 1 , 天灾人祸





教 材:

彭典贵,《实用英语基础口译教程》, 清华大学出版社北京交通大学出版社, 2010。参考书:



编制:英语专业教研室 审核人:杜昌忠 编写时间:2011年6月


Unit one

Paragraph one

China will earn 42.6 billion dollars in foreign exchange revenue with the annual average growth of nearly 8% and it is expected to be ranked third worldwide.1.69 billion tourists will travel in china, representing an average 8% increase annually;the revenue from the domestic tourism will reach 881 billion Yuan with an increase of 11% on the average every year;the tourism earnings will total 1.226 trillion Yuan ,up 10%, representing 7% of GDP;tourism will create 9.8 million direct and 49 million indirect job opportunities.中国旅游创汇将达426亿元,年均增长8%左右,有望居世界第三位;国内旅游人数16.9亿人次,年均增长8%;国内旅游收入8810亿元,年均增长11%左右,旅游业总收入12260亿元,年均增长10%左右,相当于全国国内生产总值的7%;旅游带动直接就业980万人,间接就业4900万人。

Paragraph two The eleventh five-year plan is a crucial strategic period for upgrading china‟s tourism which will be faced with new opportunities and challenges.The tourism industry is continuously raising its status in the national economy.Currently, 24 provincial-cities have promoted tourism as their pillar, pioneering or crucial industry with the further optimization of the macro-environment of tourism.Accompanied by the progress of the development of the well-of society, the per capita GDP in china will jump from 1000 dollars to 3000 dollars, thus leading to a dramatically increased demand for tourism consumption.This constitutes the paramount driving force behind the sustainable bloom in china‟s tourism.“十一五”是中国旅游业发展的重要战略提升期,面临着新的发展机遇和挑战。旅游业在国民经济中的地位不断提升,目前全国有24个省区市把旅游业定位为支柱产业、先导产业或重要产业,旅游业发展的宏观环境将进一步得到优化。随着全面建设小康社会的推进,中国人均生产总值将由1000美元向3000美元跨越,旅游消费需求将大幅度提升。这是中国旅游业持续兴旺的重要动力。

Paragraph three


While seeing its strengthened comprehensive functions, tourism industry has a further active role to play in expanding domestic demand, attracting investment, helping shake off the poverty and giving impetus to regional economic development and urbanization development, etc.In the run of the eleventh Five-year Plan, china will push forward the development of the tourism industry system, improve the comprehensive tourism quality and give full play to tourism industrial function.In 1

this way, tourism can become an important industry in the national economy,which lays a solid foundation for developing a world tourism power and contributes a great deal to creating a well-off and harmonious society.Paragraph 4


Xu Xiake ,the great geographer, explorer and writer in the Ming Dynasty of China ,spent his life in travelling and discovering the vast land of china with the spirit of “traveling without boundaries” and finally accomplished the immortal masterpiece , the xuxiake travelogue.Acknowledged as the “ Marco Polo” in the east , his legendary life have left great influence on china‟s tourism.“ the china xuxiake international tourism festival “was held in wuxi ,the hometown of xuxiake ,from may 19 to may 26,2006.this festival was co-hosted by the national tourism administration of people‟s republic of china and Jiangsu people‟s government.Unit 2 Paragraph1

There are a large number of different service companies involved in the convention and exhibition industry including stand constructors, insurance companies, freight forwarders , travel agents, and hotels.However , the central role played by event organizers in bring together all these services makes them the most important industry service providers.In general the larger international organizations have a wide variety of shows whereas the smaller organizers tend to specialize in organizing similar shows in different locations.This enables them to leverage more business from exhibitors and establish themselves as experts in the field.会展业务中有很多不同的服务公司,如展位搭建商、保险公司、货代、旅行社以及酒店等。但是由于展会组织者扮演着将各种服务提供商聚集在一起的角色,因而展会组织者是展会业务中最重要的服务提供商。总的来说,大的组展商会组织一系列不同主题的展会,而小的展会组织者则趋向于在不同的地方组织类似的展会。这样使得他们能从参展商中获得更多的业务,并建立其特定的行业专家地位。


The growth of the internet as a learning and information resource completely changes everything the exhibition industry has had before.customers no longer rely upon exhibitions to determine what their options may be.they can gather information independently from us ,often information of quality and depth that is better than anything we could ever hope to deliver.this means that we must create unique and valuable information resources about the industry that our events serve.we must truly understand what is important to our customers.we must assist our customers by pointing them in many different directions to gather the information that they want and need.因特网作为学习和信息资源的发展彻底改变了展会业以前的面貌。客户不再依赖展会来2



Hong Kong is an important exhibition and conference center in Asia Pacific Region , and always plays as the bridge for economic and trade exchanges between the Mainland and overseas areas.There are more than 80 exhibitions and 420 conventions held every year ,attracting more than 20000 exhibitors, 37000 delegates and 3.3million visitors from all over the world.convention and exhibition industry is one of Hong Kong „s pile industries.along with the opening of Asia World-Expo in the east of last year ,the competitiveness of the conference and exhibition industry of Hong Kong has been upgraded.Paragraph 4


The internationalization is the symbol of the maturation of the exhibition sector ,exhibitions are very important platforms of promoting the international business ,and cooperation of economy and technology ,the internationalization is the necessary trend of the development of the exhibitions.The development of the international business and the cooperation of economy and technology urges the internationalization of the exhibition sector , in the meanwhile the internationalization of the exhibition sector also promotes the development of the international business and the cooperation of the economy and technology ,the two depend on each other and promote each other.Unit3

Paragraph 1

Many years ago the world may have worried about the rise of china.now it welcomes this as truly an opportunity for us all.china‟s engagement in the world economy is strengthening ,as well as the partnership between our two nations.British trade with china has doubled over the last year alone.This growth is faster than that of any other G8 countries.British is also the largest European investor in china.许多年前世界担心中国的腾飞,现在事实上,中国的经济发展对我们所有人来说都是一个机遇。中国再进一步参与全球经济,而我们两国的伙伴关系也进一步加深。中英贸易在过去5年中翻了一番,这一增长在八国集团国家中是增长最快的。英国在中国的投资也居欧洲3



The cooperation is a natural step for both companies as they both share the same science-based culture as well as a common vision concerning the future of the industry.the benefits are many.for example , it will be able to deliver the full potential of the existing and future products through the joint strength and worldwide presence of the global sales and marketing operation of two companies.本次合作对两家公司而言都是自然的发展步骤,因为双方享有同样的以科技为本的文化,并对本行业发展有着相同的理念。这一举措带来的收益是很大的。例如,通过联合双方在全球范围内的销售和市场营销运作的强势,可以充分挖掘现有和未来产品的潜力。



Australia enjoys rich resources, a developed economy and advanced technology , whereas china has a larger population, a huge market and tremendous potential for development.our economies are highly complementary.a long-term and stable business cooperation between china and Australia serves the fundamental interests of both countries and peoples.prime minister john Howard and I had fruitful discussions today and we reached broad agreement on developing china-Australia business cooperation for mutual benefit and win-win outcome in the 21st century.we both agreed to expand our cooperation in trade ,investment ,energy ,mining resources and other fields to accelerate the China-Australia FTA negotiations for mutual benefit and common progress.P4


With the rapidly growing Sino-U.S.economy cooperation ,china has become the third largest trading partner and the fastest-growing export market of the United States, while the U.S.is now china‟s second largest trading partner and top source of FDI.Such cooperation has not only delivered enormous tangible benefits to the two peoples but also boosted economic growth across the world.the import by the U.S.of larger amounts of Chinese products of good quality and low prices has alleviated the inflation pressure and saved American consumers nearly U.S.$20 billion every year.American capital ,technology and managerial expertise, in turn ,have instilled vitality into the Chinese economy.many young Chinese are making calls with Motorola cell phones , working with Dell or Compaq laptops ,and hanging out with friends in Starbucks ,McDonald‟s or 4

KFC.Unit4 P1

The current global environment is ,taken as a whole ,as promising as it has been for the last few years.last year‟s growth performance was impressive by any standard.and low inflation globally has provided a significantly improved environment for economic policymaking.But there are clouds on the horizon : continuing geopolitical uncertainly;the global payments imbalances;uncomfortably high energy prices.The old adage is true---it really does make sense to fix the roof while the sun is shining.Longer term stability will only come if governments follow prudent fiscal polices and undertake reforms during good times.总体来说目前的国际环境与过去的几年一样令人乐观。无论用什么标准来看,去年的经济增长都很出色。全球的低通货膨胀率为经济政策的制定显著改善了环境。然而天边也有阴云:地缘政治的不确定性持续不断,全球收支失衡依然存在,高昂的油价令人担忧。古话说得好,未雨绸缪很有必要。只有政府采取谨慎的财政政策并在经济景气的时候进行改革才能获得长期稳定。


Last year was the best year for global GDP growth in decades.most parts of the world recorded improved growth performance.the prospects for this year remain favorable , although growth is likely to be at a slower, more sustainable pace : it is projected to fall from about 5% to under 4.5% this year.global trade has also recovered strongly since the downturn in 2001,and continues to be an important engine of growth: it is currently expanding at something close to twice the rate of growth of the world GDP.去年是十几年来全球总值增长最快的一年。世界大部分地区都有进一步增长。今年的前景看来也很乐观,尽管增长速度可能会稍微慢一些,持续性会更强一些。预计今年的增长率会从5%下降到不足4.5%。全球贸易自从2001年低迷时期以后也反弹强劲,并且继续成为增长的重要动力:目前的增长速度几乎是全球国内生产总值的两倍。



There are 49 countries and regions in Asia , and most of them are developing economies.economic globalization will benefit them in the following manner : it will facilitate their access to more capital ,especially direct investment from multinationals ,which will enable them to speed up their economic development and restructuring.it will encourage them acquire and exploit new markets and develop foreign trade and economic cooperation with other countries by giving full play to their advantages.Furthermore , it will enable them to acquire advanced technologies and management expertise more quickly so that they will be able to make better use of their advantages as late starters and attain technological progress by leaps and bounds.5

P 4


At the same time ,it must be noted that economic globalization is a double-edge sword.as the unfair and unreasonable international political and economic order has not been fundamentally changed yet.,economic globalization has exacerbated the uneven development among countries and regions and widened ,in particular ,the gap between the North and the South and between the rich and the poor.it has also made developing countries more vulnerable to the impact of external economic turmoil and financial crisis , as evidenced by the grave impact of the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s on some Asian countries and regions.Unit 5

Mr.President, Madam Liu, Laura and I are honored to welcome you and your delegation to the White House.It‟s a pleasure to have you here, along with our other distinguished guests.// In 2008, China will welcome athletes from all over the world as your great nation hosts the summer Olympics.Beijing will showcase China‟s transformation and demonstrate China‟s commitment to the international institutions that make fair and peaceful competition possible for all nations,// Mr.President, I think you for the constructive and candid conversations we had this morning.I appreciate the opportunity to expand the dialogue between our two great nations.And Mr.President, I‟m pleased to offer a toast to you and to your gracious wife, and to the people of China.主席阁下,刘女士,劳拉和我非常荣幸欢迎您和您的代表团来到白宫。非常高兴您还有其他尊贵的朋友能来到白宫。2008年中国举办奥运会,届时来自世界各地的运动员将齐聚中国。北京将向世人展示中国的转变,展示中国致力于建立一个对于所有国家都公正和平的竞争环境的承诺。主席阁下,感谢您今天早上与我进行了坦诚并富有建设性的谈话。我十分珍惜在我们两个伟大国家之间进一步拓宽对话的机会。主席阁下,让我们为您、为您的尊贵的夫人、为中国人民干杯!

P 2

Today, I am delighted to have this opportunity to attend the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum , and discuss with distinguished statesman ,entrepreneurs and scholars from many countries the prospect of the world economy in the 1990s.Please allow me to extend my greetings to the President to the President of the Annual Meeting and all the ladies and gentlemen present here.My greetings also go to government and people of our host, the Swiss Confederation.我今天十分高兴有机会参加世界经济论坛年会,与来自各国的政治家、企业家和学者们讨论90年代世界经济形势展望,请允许我向大会主席,以及与会的女士们、先生们致意;同时还要向东道主瑞士政府和人民致意。


在这个美好的夜晚,我很高兴同大家在这里相聚,参加2005年北京《财富》全球论坛6 的开幕式。首先我谨代表中国政府,并以我个人的名义,对各位朋友的到来表示诚挚的欢迎!向论坛主办方美国时代华纳集团表示衷心的祝贺!这次论坛确定以“中国和新的亚洲世纪”为主题,充分表达了大家对中国和亚洲发展前景的关注,表达了大家对中国及亚洲的发展对全球经济增长所发挥的作用的关注。

I am very delighted to be with you here to join in the opening ceremony of the 2005 Fortune Global Forum in Beijing on this beautiful evening.To begin with , I‟d like to , on behalf of the Chinese government ,and also in my personal name , to express my sincere welcome to all of you , and congratulations to the forum sponsor , Time Warner Inc.!The forum , themed “china and the new Asian Century” , shows the great concern over the prospects of the development of china and Asia ,and the roles of china and Asia in the global economy.P4


Good afternoon.welcome to the perfect whitening and crystal shining world of “ Decimal System”.thanks for attending the press conference of OLAY white radiance.We‟ll witness the launching of a new product of white radiance series——OLAY Translucent Fairness Aqua Foundation in China.please allow me , on behalf of P&G , to extend our warmest welcome to all the guests presenting here today.Unit 6 P1

Not only are historic stories about food ,wine ,art ,people ,personality, heroes and tragedies all important in making up the cultural map , when presented in a particular way, they can form the basis for many ,many interpretations of the culture and its value thus preserving it and also presenting it in an accessible and understandable way , true to its history ,but relevant to the future.these are exciting concepts and a major opportunity for those seeking to create films , animated presentations and interpretation of historic events , literature and the arts.关于饮食、酒类、艺术、民族、人性、英雄和悲剧的历史故事对于文化构成都是非常重要的。不仅如此,一旦以特别的方式呈现,这些因素将构成对文化和价值多种解读的基础,保存其价值并以人们可认识和理解的方式呈现出来,既要忠实历史真实,又要联系未来。对于致力于电影创作、动画设计和历史事件、文学和艺术表现的人来说,这些无疑是激动人心的概念和巨大的机遇。


Knowing who you are creates a confident basis on which to move forward in the future.And each society needs to have the opportunity to see and sense the important of these exhibits and to have the privilege of knowing who they are by building their sense of identity based on their cultural history.There are opportunities for both the public and private sector to fund these important areas of work and successful business models can be established so that at the very least they are self supporting and in some instances profiting.了解自己的身份形成了自信的基础,在此基础上可以更好的向未来前进。每个社会都需7




Beijing opera of china is a national treasure with a history of 200 years.its richness of repertoire , great number of performing artists ,troupes and audience, and profound influence are incomparable in china.since Mei Lanfang , the grand master of Beijing opera ,visited Japan in 1919, Beijing opera has become known all over the world ,and has made remarkable contributions to cultural exchanges between china and the West ,and to the solidarity as well as friendship of the human kind.P4


China Nationalities Song &Dance Troupe is made up of 25 excellent actors and actresses from Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Song & Dance Troupe in Southern Gansu Province ,Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture Song & Dance Troupe in Honghe in Yunnan Province ,Gansu Nationalities Song &Dance Troupe.these performers belong to eight nationalities.China Nationalities Song &Dance Troupe will present audiences with wonderful performances that are carefully produced and have a strong flavor of ethic style.These performances will enable you to appreciate the graceful artistic presentations by ethnic minority artists in western China and understand the unsophisticated customs and ethnic cultures there.Unit 7 Dialogue and cooperation among cultures and civilizations are some of the best ways to further understanding and tolerance among peoples.They help to avoid misunderstandings due to ideological , economic and cultural differences.Mistrust and ignorance among cultures and civilizations can be the source of tensions undermining peace in the world.Given the richness ,diversity and long history of their respective cultures ,Europe and Asia ,determined to promote unity in diversity ,are particularly committed to developing dialogue among their cultures and to protecting and promoting cultural diversity in order to meet positively new globalization related challenges.在文化和文明之间开展对话与合作是不同民族间增进理解和包容的最好方式之一,它有助于避免意识形态、经济以及文化差异引起的误解。不同文化和文明间的互不信任和缺乏了解往往会造成紧张局面,危及世界和平。欧洲和亚洲各自都有丰富多彩、历史悠久的文化,有鉴于此,双方都坚定地在多样化中推动统一,致力于在文化间展开对话,保护和弘扬文化多样性,以积极面对全球化带来的新挑战。

P 2 Indian and Iranian civilizations enjoy an ancient coexistance.The two nations have experienced friendly relations at least 3500 years.Both civilizations , with their shared racial origin , descending from the Arany tribes, and the abundant cultural affinities ,played an active role in developing human civilization and neither was considered a “marigal civilization”.In fact ,the civilizations‟ commonalities are unique and the frequent exchanges of visit by both countries‟ educated people and common people have led to close relationship between the nations.印度文明和伊朗文明自古以来就相安共处。3500多年以来,两国一直保持着良好的关系。这两种文明拥有共同的种族渊源——都起源于亚利安部落和众多的文化相似性,在人类文明的发展中起到了积极的作用,都不是“边缘文化”。事实上,印度文明和伊朗文明有着许多独特的共性,两国知识分子和平民大众间频繁互访也在也在两国间建立起了密切联系。

P 3 中国和南非的友谊源远流长,可以追溯到公元16世纪。自1998年1月1日在中南两国建立外交关系以来,双边经贸合作和文化交流受到两国政府的高度重视;各种投资及合作项目雨后春笋般地在两国生根发芽。在经济全球化发展的格局中,中南两国之间的巨大互补性使得两国之间的交往和交流不仅成为一种可能,而且成为一种必然。

The friendship between china and south africa can be traced back to the sixth century.after the establishment of the formal diplomatic relationship between china and south africa on january 1,1998,both governments have paid special attention to the bilateral trade cooperation and cultural exchanges.many investment and cooperation projects have been rapidly set up in both countries.with the globalization of the world economy ,the complementation of south africa and china not only makes the cooperation and exchanges between them possible , but also offers a definite historical choice..P 4 金秋十月,肯尼迪中心将带给您崭新的中国表演艺术和文化体验。拥有上下五千年悠久历史和13亿人的中国,正以惊人的步伐迈入21世纪。正当这充满活力的中华文明升起并闪耀在世界舞台之时,肯尼迪中心的“中国文化节”将向您展示这个国家传统与崭新的面貌,熟悉与神奇的风采。

During the month of october ,the kennedy center is your destnation for a groundbreaking experience in chinese performing arts and culture.rich with 5000 years of history and 1.3 billion people ,china has moved into the 21st century at a breathtaking pace.As this dynamic civilization catapults to promience upon the world stage ,the Kennedy Center‟s Fesstival of china revevals fascinating visions of the cuontry that are ancient and new ,familiar and exotic.



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