
时间:2019-05-15 09:59:47下载本文作者:会员上传



Unit 9 Classroom(Lesson49~Lesson54)


classroom, door, window, blackboard, wall,desk, chair, boy, girl, in, on, under, where

重点句型:-Good morning boys and girls!

-Good morning Miss Li.2-How are you?

-I’m fine/Fine,thank you.你好吗?我很好,谢谢。3-Where is my ruler?

-It’s under the desk/ It’s on the desk/ It’s in your pencil box.我的……在哪儿?它在……Put the pencil in pencil case.5-Let’s clean our classroom.-Clean the desk/chair/door/blackboard 6 Wash your face/hands

Unit 10 My Room(Lesson55~Lesson60)


room,closet, telephone, computer, TV, bed, picture, table, lamp, armchair, behind, next to

重点句型:In my room I have……在我的房间里有…… 2-Where is Lucky?

-Stand next to me/Sit behind me.3 What do you see in Bill’s room? 4 Can you help him?

Unit 11 Toys(Lesson61~Lesson66)


toys, plane, boat, train, ball, teddy bear, bus, car, doll, pinwheel, box

重点句型:We can play with a bus/boat/plane/teddy bear/car/dool/pinwheel/ball 2-What’s this?

-It’s a…… 3 What colour is it?

-It’s……-What’s you favorite toy?

-Car/Boat/…… 5 I want/like this/that …… 6-Can I have that doll?

-Here you are./ Sure.-Thank you.7-I like your panada, It’s nice.-Let’s play together.8 How many pinwheels can you see? What colour are they? 9You can have my doll.10 We can share.Unit 12 Review(Lesson67~Lesson72)

重点单词: meet, gone, play, 重点句型: 1-Hi!-Hi!2-This is Yaoyao.-Nice to meet you!-Nice to meet you ,too!3-What’s on the desk/in your pencil case/under the bed/behind the door/ next to the window?

-It’s a book/TV/desk/chair……Where is the chair/desk/toy/plane/car/……?

-It’s in/on/under/behind/next to…… 5-Where is it?

-It’s in/on/under/behind/next to…… 6-Is it in the hole?-No

Unit 13 Shapes(Lesson73~Lesson78)


shapes, circle, triangle, rectangle, square, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty

重点句型:Square and circle say hello.Square and circle, here we go.2-How many triangles can you see?-Eleven/Twelve/Thirteen/…… 3 I can make a triangle.4-What’s this?-It’s a……-What colour is it?-It’s……-What shape is it?-It’s a ……-Give me a piece of paper,please.-Here you are.Unit 14 Clothes(Lesson79~Lesson84)


clothes, T-shirt, pants, shorts, jacket, sweater, skirt, dress, shoe, sock

重点句型:-Who is wearing a purple dress?

-The clown 2 She/He/It is wearing…… 3-You look nice in the new dress!

-Thank you, I like it very much.4 This is the way I put on/take off my T-shirt/socks/pants/skirt/shoes……before I go to school/go to bed 5 Put on……and then put on…….Take off……and then take off…… 6-Where is my T-shirt?

-It’s under the bed/on the lamp/……

Unit 15 Food and Drink(Lesson85~Lesson90)


food, drink, rice, noodles, jiaozi, tofu, vegetables, meat, fish, chicken, bread, milk, ice cream, juice, egg, salad, hamburg, cake, delicious, hungry, thirst,eat, breakfast,重点句型: 1 I like to eat.2 I like ice cream/bread/rice/chicken/cake/salad/milk/egg…… I don’t like…… 3-Happy birthday!-Thank you!-Birthday noodles/cake for you!-Thank you!4-Can I help you?

-I’m hungry/thirsty.I want some bread/water.I need some bread/water/cake/……

Unit 16 Review(Lesson91~Lesson96)

重点句型: 1 Let’s drink/eat.2-Can I help you?

-Yes, I want a yellow T-shirt.-Here you are.-Thank you!3 Put on your T-shirt/shoes/skirt/sweater/socks/pants/…… 4-What do you have for your breakfast?

-Noodles/Milk…… 5 What’s your favourite toy? 6-What’s this?


Unit1 School Subjects 红词:

Chinese English PE science music mathsart

computer class 黑词: We

that 补充三会词:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 重点句型:

What classes do you have on__________? I have_________ and __________.Do you like ___________? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.例句:What classes do you have on Monday? I have maths and music.Do you like Chinese? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.语段: Dear Bill,I like my new school.We have five PE classes and three science classes a week.They are my favourite classes.Tuesday is my favourite day.We have maths, Chinese, PE and science on Tuesday.What’s your favourite day? What classes do you have on that day?


Unit2 My School 红词:




playground first



floor 黑词:

roomour they 绿词:



blackboard 重点句型:

Do you have a__________? Yes, we do./ No, we don’t.Where is_______? He’s in__________.例句:Do you have a library? Yes, we do./ No, we don’t.Where is Bill? He’s in the art room.语段:

Our school building has three floors.We have a science room, an art room and a library on the first floor.We have classrooms and two toilets on the second floor.We have teachers’ rooms, a computer room and a music room on the third floor.We also have a big playground.We love our school.Unit 3 After School Activities 红词: after school

play sports

draw pictures play chess

sing songs

read books

dance 黑词:


tomorrow wake up be back 绿词:

play football

fly a kite

ride a bike swim

make a model plane

make a snowman 重点句:

What are you going to do after school? I’m going to play sports after school.What’s he going to do after school? He’s going to read books after school.对话文段:

Yaoyao: Binbin, what are you going to do after school? Binbin:

I’m going to play sports.I love to play football.Yaoyao: Can I play with you? Binbin: Sure!Yaoyao: Look, there’s Andy!What’s he going to do after school? Binbin: He’s going to read books.He really likes reading!

Unit 4

My Family


family uncle aunt cousin

handsome beautiful 黑词:


water bottle

know OK


welcome 绿词:


grandmother father mother brother sister 重点句: Is she your aunt?

Yes, she is.Is that man your father? No, she isn’t.He’s my uncle.That tall man is my father.对话文段:

Joy: Is that man your father? Bill’s cousin: No, she isn’t.He’s my uncle.That tall man is my father.Joy: Really? He’s handsome.Lily: Is she your aunt? Bill: Yes, she is.Lily: She’s beautiful.Unit 5 Family Activities 红词:

cooking dinner

watching TV

cleaning the room listening to music walking the dog

feeding the fish

watering the plants 黑词:


in one hour



run 重点句型:

What is /are … doing? … is doing sth.例句: What are you doing? I am watching TV.What is your mother doing? She is cooking dinner.语段:

It’s sunny today.Everyone is happy.The children are playing in the park.Wang Han is walking his dog.Zhao Qi is feeding his fish.Li Le is flying a kite.Chen Meng is riding a bike and FengJia is drawing a picture.Zhou Ming is playing football with his brother, Zhou Qiang.Lucky is running after the ball.He wants to get it.Unit 6 My Home

红词: home study kitchen bedroom bathroom dining room

living room


for rent






box 重点句型:

Where is ________?

________ is in the _________.What is __________ doing? _____ is doing sth.例句:

Where is your grandfather? He is in the bedroom.What’s he doing? He is watering the plants.语段:

I have a house.There are two bedrooms.One is big and one is small.There is a kitchen, a dining room and a bathroom.There is a big study, too.In the living room there is a big TV and a new sofa.I love my house.





课题:Unit 11 Toys

教学目标: 1.能听说,认读单词toys, plane, ball, car, boat, doll,train,bus,teddy bear,pinwheel,box。


3.通过说说画画的活动进一步提高学生学习英语的兴趣。重点:单词toys, plane, ball, car, boat, doll,train,bus,teddy bear,pinwheel,box.难点:单词:toys, plane,pinwheel的发音;Let’s chant部分的说唱。教具准备:


2.教师准备B部分的彩色的图卡。3.教师准备 一首英语歌曲的磁带 教学过程:

1.热身/复习(Warm-up/ Revision)(l)复习上一个单元的单词。

(2)全班分两大组来唱第上一单元的Let’s chant。2.呈现新知(Presentation)(1)请同学们说一说你的家里都有哪些玩具,看看谁能说到老师要讲的其中的一个。学生说到的玩具熊,教师就出示teddy bear的图片或实物教teddy bear,带读,并将图片和词卡贴在黑板上。用同样的方法教:ball,plane,boat,doll,car等等。







(3)Let’s rhyme.将所学的单词替换上一单元的Let’s chant中的生活物品。教师将全班分为两大组,教师举图片提示,如第一组说:I like a ball.第二组一起说:Me too.拍手,举第二幅图时两组交换。以此类推。
































本书共八个单元,其中4、8为复习单元,含六个话题:Family, Friends, Parks, Streets, Beijing, Festivals 可借助图片、录音、实物、录象等手段通过唱、说、演等形式去感知、模仿、习得语言,达到熟练上口。











Sep.1~15 Unit 1 Family Sep.18~29 Unit 2 Friends Sep.30~Oct.20 Unit 3 Parks Oct.23~Nov.3 Unit 4 Revision Nov.6~17 Unit 5 Streets Nov.20~ Dec.1 Unit 6 Beijing Dec.4~15 Unit 7 Festivals Dec.18~29 Unit 8 Revision Jan.1~ Revision and test 每个单元2周—6课时,每单元小测试一次 Unit 1 Family 教学内容

* 重点学习词汇和表达法

* family, grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, sister, brother, me * policeman, doctor, teacher, engineer * Who’s he/she? He/She is… * Where is…?

* 一般学习词汇和表达法 * father, mother(扩展)* worker, scientist, singer, nurse(扩展)* I have an apple for you.That’s mine.* TPR用语 * Hands up/down.* Stand up.Sit down.* Open your books.Close your books.教学目标

* 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出家庭成员的7个单词和表示职业的2个单词。

* 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下初步使用本单元所学的句型。

* 能够对家庭成员的姓名、年龄、性别、喜好及所从事的工作等基本情况进行简单介绍。

* 能够区分英文字母大小写,初步体验字母组成单词的过程。

* 通过开展丰富的课堂活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们英语听说的基本技能。

* 通过本单元的学习,学生了解家庭成员的基本关系,逐渐养成尊老爱幼的传统美德。教学重点

* 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出家庭成员的7个单词和表示职业的2个单词。

* 能够用本单元的主要交际用语:Who’s he/she? He/She is…This is...Where is…? She is at home.Nice to meet you!

* 能够使用句型:My father is a ….来介绍家庭成员的职业。教学难点

* 能够分清人称主语的性别,会使用she /he 教材分析 * 本册教材在学习内容的编排上分为两个层次,第一层次主要以学习基本单词和句子为主。第二层次在学习第一层次内容的基础上,适量扩展话语、平行学科知识和双向文化内容。

* 本册学习内容包括6个话题:家庭、朋友、公园、街道、北京、节日。每个话题均包含三项学习内容:语音、词汇、交际用语。其中语音学习为暗线,可采取整体学习的方法,通过大量的歌谣和歌曲输入,在活泼自然真实的语境中感知、模仿,习得英语语音。词汇和交际用语学习为明线,均通过较为自然的语境,在TPR、歌谣、歌曲、游戏、对话等语言活动中,使用实物、图片、录象、录音等多种教学手段,感知、模仿、习得语言,达到熟练上口。

* 每个单元共6课书,其中第1~3课为第一层次学习内容;第4~6课为第二层次学习内容。学生分析

* 学生一年级时就已经有了自己的英文名字,要注意使用,为学生创造英语学习的环境。

* 通过教师讲解,学生能够跟着老师听懂一些简单常用的课堂用语并在学期开始教给孩子一些指令用语。

* 新学期开始,学生还不能立刻进入学习状态,教师通过学生喜欢的歌曲、童谣及TPR用语,渐渐将学生带入英语学习的课堂。课前准备



Lesson 1 教学内容

* 复习已学过的数字。

* 借助生活实景图和录音,学习7个有关家庭及成员的单词:family, grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, brother, sister.* brother中th的组合发音。教学目标 * 认知目标:

* 能听说认读家庭及成员的名称:mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother, family。* 能灵活运用This is my family/mom…句型。* 情感目标:

* 通过谈论自己快乐的家引起学生对家、对父母的热爱之情。* 学习策略目标:

* 培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。

* 通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。* 在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。课型

新授课 教学重点

* 7个有关家庭及成员的单词:family, grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, brother, sister.教学难点

* 单词brother中字母组合th的发音 教学准备

教学挂图,教学投影片,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,学生的家庭合影照片等 教学步骤

step 1.warming up(热身活动)* Ask and answer.T: Good morning./How are you?/Nice to meet you!* Greeting in groups.step 2.reviewing and leading in(复习并导入新课)* Asking some students 同时复习已经学过的数字表达法 T: How many people are there in your family?(问几组)Who are they? Any others? step 3.learning(学习新课)* 整体感知

T: Now, let’s look at the picture and listen to the tape.(教师播放投影片,放录音,学生先从视听觉上对新内容有一感性认识)T: Do you know how many people there are in her family? S: 7.T: Who are they? S: Mom…

T: And who’s this?(dad, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother…)出示教学卡片,带领学生学习新单词 T: It’s a whole family.* Game T: What do your family members like doing?(make actions)T: Guess whom he act.(one act, one guess)S: Yes, I’m dad./No, I’m mother.* Competition * T: Now, hold up the word I read.Let’s look who is the quickest.Show me grandma/dad…(教师说,学生举单词卡片)* Pair work * Learn the chant step 4.practicing(操练)* Read the chant by themselves and ask someone to show * Show some students’ family photos * Follow me to read the new words * Who can read? step 5.summary(小结)* 今天学习了表示家庭成员的词汇:mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother, family * 应该会用This is…向别人介绍你的家人 step 6.homework(家庭作业)* Copy the new words.* Draw your family members and tell your parents who are they.* Listen to the tape and practice the chant.板书设计


Lesson 2 教学内容

* 本课的主要交际用语: Who’s he? Who’s she? * 用HeShe is…介绍有关家庭成员:grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, brother, sister.教学目标 * 认知目标:

* 能用HeShe is…介绍有关家庭成员:mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother, family.* 能在一定情景下使用本课交际用语: Who’s he?Who’s she? * 情感目标:

* 通过谈论自己快乐的家引起学生对家、对父母的热爱之情。* 学习策略目标: * 培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。

* 通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。* 在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。课型

新授课 教学重点

* 句型:Who’s heshe? 教学难点 * he she的区分 教学准备

教学挂图,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,学生的家庭照片等 教学步骤

step 1.warming up(热身活动)* Duty report * Chant step 2.reviewing and leading in(复习并导入新课)* Match 贴教学卡片,让学生试图说出所对应的单词并拼写; 根据黑板上的单词贴图片(找学生)* Show and Guess Show the picture students had drawn the day before, others guess.step 3.learning(学习新课)* Listen to the tape and stand out when you hear your word(扮演谁,听到后站出来)* T: If you want to know the people in picture, how can you ask? S: Who’s heshe? Take some photos(单人或多人)and ask the student who has the photo.T: who’s heshe? S: He is…She is… step 4.practicing(操练)* Group work ——show T: Point the photo and ask your partner “who is heshe?” * Guessing 教师说出班内某学生的外貌特征,其他学生猜 T: who is he? 学生当老师,重复以上练习* Listen to the tape and repeat * Some students perform(read and act)step 5.summary(小结)* 今天学习了询问别人是谁的句型:Who’s heshe? * 应该会用HeShe is…回答别人的提问。step 6.homework(家庭作业)* Draw the picture on P3 * Listen to the tape and repeat * Use the sentence “who’s heshe?” to ask your parents 板书设计


Lesson 3 教学内容

* 复习7个有关家庭及成员的单词:family, grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, brother, sister.* 练习使用交际用语: Who’s he?Who’s she?并用HeShe is…回答 教学目标 * 认知目标:

* 能听说认读家庭成员的名称:mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother, family。* 能灵活运用This is my family/mom…句型。

* 能在一定情景下使用本课交际用语: Who’s he?Who’s she? * 能用HeShe is…介绍有关家庭成员:mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother, family。* 情感目标:

* 通过谈论自己快乐的家引起学生对家、对父母的热爱之情。* 学习策略目标:

* 培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。

* 通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。* 在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。课型

复习课 教学重点

* 学习运用三组交际用语Who’s he?Who’s she? HeShe is…This is my family/mom… Where is…? She is at home.Nice to meet you.这三组交际用语都不是新句型。教学难点 * he she的区分 教学准备

教学挂图,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,主线人物Bill, Joy, Lily, Angel的人物形象图片,其他人物及各种小动物图,学生的家庭照片等 教学步骤

step 1.warming up(热身活动)* Duty report * Find the words step 2.reviewing and leading in(复习并导入新课)* Introduce the children on P1 * Review 观看教学挂图,复习家庭成员、服装、房间物品等词汇

说出他们的姓名、所在位置,描述外貌 step 3.learning(学习新课)* Listen and answer T: What did you hear? Who’s he?

* Listen and repeat(多次重复播放)学生跟读、模仿熟练 step 4.practicing(操练)* Group work * Give a performance * Make a dialogue and perform(教师帮助学生创设情境,进行对话、表演,尽量多用新学词汇与句型)step 5.summary(小结)* 复习了前两课所学的词汇与句型

* 应该会用where is…?询问某人或某物在哪里,并知道如何回答 tep 6.homework(家庭作业)* Listen to the tape and repeat.* Practise the dialogue with your partner.* Make a new dialogue.板书设计


Lesson 4 教学内容

* 词汇学习:engineer, policeman * 句型学习:My father is a doctor.教学目标 * 认知目标:

* 能听说认读关于职业的名词:engineer, policeman, doctor, teacher * 能灵活运用My father is a…句型。* 情感目标:

* 通过谈论自己快乐的家引起学生对家、对父母的热爱之情。* 学习策略目标:

* 培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。

* 通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。* 在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。课型

新授课 教学重点

* 能听懂职业如engineer, policeman, doctor, teacher的名称,了解如何表达自己父母的职业 教学难点

* 认识英语的小写字母形式,建立大写字母与小写字母的联系,并逐步过渡到看见大写字母能反应辨认,并书写出小写字母 教学准备

教学挂图,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,字母卡片Ff Aa Mm Ii Ll Yy,主线人物Joy, Lily, Andy, Bill的形象图片,学生的家庭照片等 教学步骤

step 1.warming up(热身活动)* Duty report * Chant step 2.reviewing and leading in(复习并导入新课)* Ask and Answer T: How many people are there in your family? S: 7.T: Who are they? S: Mom, dad, grandma…

T: Can I see your family photo? Who’s he? S: He is my dad.T: What is he? S: Sorry.T: In Chinese? S:军人。T: Soldier.* T: What about your father? What is he?(问几组)step 3.learning(学习新课)* Listen and Answer T: Do you know what Joy’s mother does? Let’s listen together.T: What did he say ?(分别听,分别问)T: What does Joy’s mother do?

What does Andy’s father do?

What does Bill’s father do?

What does Lily’s mother do? * Learn new words 出示生词卡片,让学生建立生词与实物之间的联系,将生词卡片贴在黑板上。T: What do you want to be in the future? Why? Ss:(answer and act)step 4.practicing(操练)* Perform and Say 学生边表演动作边说“I’m a…” * Pair work Introduce each other’s mom and dad…(两人一组向对方介绍自己家人的职业)* Game “Are you right?”

教师将单词卡片倒贴在黑板上,学生从这四个职业名词当中先说出一个自己将来想从事的职业,然后在黑板上把这个名词找出来,看看对与错。* Group work 小组四人扮演一个家庭,分好角色,想好各自所从事的职业,选好主人翁,其他学生向他们提问。Ss: Who’s he ? What is he ? What do you want to be ? step 5.summary(小结)* 今天我们学习了有关职业的新名词:engineer, policeman, doctor, teacher.* 应该会用会向别人介绍某人的职业。step 6.homework(家庭作业)* Copy new words.* Find some other nouns about profession.* Write down what your family members do.板书设计


Lesson 5 教学内容

* 词汇复习:engineer, policeman * 句型复习:My father is a doctor.教学目标 * 认知目标: * 能听说认读关于职业的名词:engineer, policeman, doctor, teacher * 能灵活运用My father is a…句型。* 情感目标:

* 通过谈论自己快乐的家引起学生对家、对父母的热爱之情。* 学习策略目标:

* 培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。

* 通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。* 在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。课型

复习课 教学重点

* 训练学生的听力,并检测学生对本单元单词的掌握情况

* 能听懂engineer, policeman, doctor, teacher,知道如何表达自己父母的职业 教学难点

* 建立大写字母与小写字母的联系 教学准备

教学挂图,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,学生的家庭照片 教学步骤

step 1.warming up(热身活动)* Duty report * Sing a song(lesson 4)step 2.presentation(呈现)* Ask and Answer Show a student’s family photo.T: Guess who’s heshe? What does heshe do? * Guessing T: Who’s she? This picture is in Group 1.S: ’s mother.T: No.S: ’s mother.T: Right.* Group work(同上)学生先将四个人的妈妈的照片收集在一起,其中一学生问:Who’s she?其他同学猜着回答。

* Listen and Number * 第一遍先完整地听 * 第二遍注意听关键词 * 第三遍完成part A * Check * Check your partner’s answer(pair work相互批改)* Check by the teacher T: Who is all right? Only one mistake? Two? Step3.practicing(操练)* 拿出家庭相片,如有足够时间,可以做Part B环节的制作家庭相片 * Practise in group “Introduce my family” * Show respectively step 4.summary(小结)* 复习了职业名词:engineer, policeman, doctor, teacher.* 复习Who’s heshe ? HeShe is…知道如何在一定情景下运用这些交际用语。Step5.homework(家庭作业)* Finish the task in Part B on p7 * Tell your parents what you learned today * Introduce your partner’s family to your parents(学生拿同学的家庭照回家向父母介绍同学的家庭成员及他们的职业)板书设计


Lesson 6 教学内容

* 词汇:family, mom, grandpa, grandma, dad, sister, brother * 句型:Share the apple.Here you are.Thanks a lot.教学目标

* 通过学这个幽默故事,让学生在一个完整的语境中理解每一句话,用英语来思考故事。在反复听录音的基础上,教师带领学生说故事,分角色表演故事。在复述故事的过程中再次复习家庭成员的单词,使这些单词变得生动有趣。在学习故事的同时,让学生体会尊老爱幼,不能只想着自己的道理。课型

新授课 教学重点

* 能听懂一些日常表达用语:Share the apple.Here you are.Thanks a lot.教学难点

* 学生复述本课故事 教学准备

教学挂图,教学录音磁带,单词卡片等 教学步骤

step 1.warming up(热身活动)* Duty report * Show your partner’s family photo and introduce step 2.reviewing and leading in(复习并导入新课)* Ask and Answer T: What kind of fruit do you like? Why? Ss: Apple, grape, watermelon, lemon…

T: But Bill likes apples.Let’s look what happened today.(出示教学挂图)T: Who’s he? Who’s she?(将图片中的家庭成员与主人翁建立起联系,并复习家庭成员的词汇)* Question T: After my telling your this story, try to answer me the following question: What did you know about Bill?(让学生带着问题任务听故事)step 3.learning(学习新课)* Tell the story by the teacher 教师讲故事时,遇到重点难点的词汇或句子要适当重复,利于学生理解、接受与掌握 T: Have you understood the story ? Now, who can answer my question? T: What happened at last? Is his behavior right ? If you are Bill, what will you do? * Listen and Repeat 学生听录音时,要求学生听是谁说的话,注意模仿正确的语音语调。step 4.practicing(操练)* Read Ask some students to read the article * Group work Tell the story in your group.Others can help him when he has any difficulty.* Tell the story Ask some students to retell the story.(one student, one picture)Evaluate: Which group is the best?(学生评价)* Group work Act out * Show the performances of some groups step 5.summary(小结)今天我们学习了一个小故事,通过这个故事我们学会了 * 交际用语:Share the … Here you are.Thanks a lot.* 生活中应该多为他人着想,在家庭中应尊重长辈,关心弟弟妹妹,不能总想着自己。step 6.homework(家庭作业)* Listen to the tape * Tell the story to your parents * Make a performance in your group and perform it next time 板书设计


单元小结|: Unit 2 Friends 教学内容 * 重点学习词汇和表达法 * classmate, friend * big, thin, pretty, ugly, tall, short * What is he like? * I’m from…

* 一般学习词汇和表达法

* from, China, America, Canada, Britain * hungry, delicious * Where are you from? * TPR用语 * Put up your hand.* Stand up.Sit down.* Open your books.Close your books.* Game “Simon says” 教学目标

* 能够在情景条件下听懂并说出同学、朋友2个单词及描写人物形象外貌的6个形容词。

* 能够对朋友、同学的姓名、年龄、性别、所在班级等基本情况进行简单介绍。* 能够运用6个形容词对朋友、同学的外貌特征进行简单的描述。

* 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下初步使用本单元所学的句型,对人物形象和外貌特征进行提问并做简单的回答。

* 能够初步认识并说出4个主要国家的名称,学习介绍某人国籍的表达方法。* 能够开展课堂活动交换朋友、同学的信息,训练听说的基本技能。

* 能够逐渐形成对所学内容主动练习,积极表达、交流、实践以及在所学内容与相应事物之间建立联想的学习策略。教学重点

* 能够在情景条件下听懂并说出同学、朋友2个单词及描写人物形象外貌的6个形容词。* 能够初步认识并说出4个主要国家的名称,学习介绍某人国籍的表达方法。* 能够运用本单元的主要交际用语:What is heshe like? HeShe is… I am from… 教学难点

* 能够运用6个形容词对朋友、同学的外貌特征进行简单的描述。* 单词thin中字母组合th的舌尖音 教材分析

* 本册教材在学习内容的编排上分为两个层次,第一层次主要以学习基本单词和句子为主。第二层次在学习第一层次内容的基础上,适量扩展话语、平行学科知识和双向文化。

* 本册学习内容包括6个话题:家庭、朋友、公园、街道、北京、节日。每个话题均包含三项学习内容:语音、词汇、交际用语。其中语音学习为暗线,可采取整体学习的方法,通过大量的歌谣和歌曲输入,在活泼自然真实的语境中感知、模仿,习得英语语音。词汇和交际用语学习为明线,均通过较为自然的语境,在TPR、歌谣、歌曲、游戏、对话等语言活动中,使用实物、图片、录象、录音等多种教学手段,感知、模仿、习得语言,达到熟练上口。

* 每个单元共6课书,其中第1~3课为第一层次学习内容;第4~6课为第二层次学习内容。学生分析

* 学生在一年级时已经有了自己的英文名字,注意使用,为学生创造英语学习的环境。* 通过教师讲解,学生能跟着老师学会听懂一些简单常用的课堂用语并在学期开始教给孩子一些指令用语。

* 教师通过学生喜欢的歌曲、童谣及TPR用语,将学生带入英语学习的课堂。课前准备

学生用书,录音磁带,教学挂图,学习卡片等 课时

6课时 Lesson 7 教学内容

* 借助生活实景图和录音学习7个新单词:friend, big, thin, pretty, ugly, tall, short * thin中th的组合发音。教学目标 * 认知目标:

* 能听说认读词汇:friend, big, thin, pretty, ugly, tall, short * 能灵活运用I have…句型。* 情感目标:

* 通过谈论朋友、同学,学生间形成团结友爱、真诚相待的思想,建立良好人际关系。* 学习策略目标:

* 培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。

* 通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。* 在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。课型

新授课 教学重点

* 6个新单词:friend, big, thin, pretty, ugly, tall, short 教学难点

* 单词thin中字母组合th的发音 教学准备


step 1.warming up(热身活动)* Duty report * Free talk step 2.reviewing and leading in(复习并导入新课)* Show pictures and guess 教师出示几张自己与朋友的照片,学生猜Who is their teacher? T: Who are others? Ss: Friends.step 3.learning(学习新课)* Learn new word 教师出示单词卡片friend,教读(one by one, together)T: Do you have a friend? Who is your best friend? What is heshe like ? * 简笔画

big, thin, tall, short, pretty, ugly * Show students’ picture T: What is like? Ss: He is.* Competition T: Show me tallshort…(make an action)* Guessing 一人做动作,其他同学猜 * Pair work * Some students show step 4.practicing(操练)* Look at the book on P10(学生观察)* Look at these pictures “Is she tall or short?” * Chant * The chant that is in the teachers’ book * Teach the students my chant: Simon says I am big, I am big, I am big.Simon says I am thin, I am thin, I am thin.Simon says I am tall, I am tall, I am tall.Simon says I am short, I am short, I am short.Simon says I am pretty, I am pretty, I am pretty.Simon says I am ugly, I am ugly, I am ugly.But I am not ugly.* Game “Guessing”

T: I have a friend.He is tall and he is wearing a black T-shirt.Who is he? 找学生说,其他同学猜 step 5.summary(小结)* 学习了有关描述人物外貌特征的6个单词

* 应该会用HeShe is…加上这些新学的形容词向别人描述你的朋友 step 6.homework(家庭作业)* Copy new words * Listen to the tape and repeat * Tell your parents what your friend is like.(写出朋友特征并画出画像或找到照片)板书设计


Lesson 8 教学内容 * 借助生活实景图和录音复习巩固单词:friend, big, thin, pretty, ugly, tall, short * 词汇、句型:classmate , “What is he like?” 教学目标 * 认知目标:

* 能听说认读词汇:classmate * 能听懂“What is he like?”句型,并知道运用上节课所学形容词如何回答。* 情感目标:

* 通过谈论朋友、同学,学生间形成团结友爱、真诚相待的思想,建立良好人际关系。* 学习策略目标:

* 培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。

* 通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。* 在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。课型

新授课 教学重点

* 新单词:classmate 新句型:What is he like? 教学难点

* 单词thin中字母组合th的发音 教学准备

教学挂图,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,同学或朋友的照片,画画用的颜色铅笔 教学步骤

step 1.warming up(热身活动)* Duty report * TPR: “Simon Says” step 2.reviewing and leading in(复习并导入新课)* Ask and Answer T: Do you have a friend? Ss: Yes.T: What is he like? Ss: He is tall.T: Can I see his picture? Oh, yes, he is very tall.(随机提问几人)step 3.learning(学习新课)* Learn new sentence T: Read after me “What is heshe like?”(板书句型)* Pair work * T: Binbin has a piece of news.Do you know what is it? Let’s listen to the tape and find out the answer.(听录音3遍)T: What is the matter? Yes, he has a new classmate.(板书新单词)* Learn new word: classmate step 4.practicing(操练)* Ask and Answer T: Do you have a friend? What is she like? Is she your classmate? * Pair work(同上)* Finish the picture(完成Part A的图画)Show some students’ pictures

随机抽取任意两名学生(非同桌)练习“Ask and Answer” * Learn the song(先听,后读,再唱)step 5.summary(小结)* 学习了新单词:classmate * 会用What is heshe like ?提问,并会用HeShe is…加上形容词向别人描述朋友、同学的特征。

step 6.homework(家庭作业)* Finish your drawing and tell your parent what he is like.* Copy new words * Listen to the tape and sing the song 板书设计


Lesson 9 教学内容

* 学习Text Book P12-13 * 学习歌曲Lesson 9 “The more we get together”

* 学习运用句型表达:IWe have a new classmatefriend.This is our new classmate.What is heshe like ? HeShe is tallshortthin...教学目标 * 认知目标:

* 能熟练掌握单词:classmate。能听懂并使用“What is he like?”句型 * 能用Nice to meet you!打招呼,相互问候 * 能唱本课歌曲 * 情感目标:

* 通过谈论朋友、同学,学生间形成团结友爱、真诚相待的思想,建立良好人际关系。* 学习策略目标:

* 培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。

* 通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。* 在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。课型

新授课 教学重点

* 学习运用句型表达:IWe have a new classmatefriend.This is our new classmate.What is heshe like ? HeShe is tallshortthin...教学难点

* 单词tall, short的发音 教学准备

教学挂图,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,新主线人物Ted, Bill, Binbin, Joy, Lily的人物形象图片,其他人物与各种小动物图 教学步骤

step 1.warming up(热身活动)* Duty report * Sing the song(lesson 8)step 2.reviewing and leading in(复习并导入新课)* Free talk T: Are you happy? S: Yes.T: I’m happy, too.Do you know why? S: No.T: Because I meet all of you.Nice to meet you!S: Nice to meet you, too.* T: Today, Joy, Lily, Bill, and Andy are very happy.Do you know the reason? Let’s look what’s the matter.(show the text picture)step 3.learning(学习新课)* Perceive 观察教学挂图,复习学校、教室、人物等名词,分别说出他们的姓名、所在位 置,描述他们的外貌特征。

* Listen and repeat(仔细听,大胆模仿)

* Guessing 听录音,猜测、判断对话人物是谁,重复他的话。step 4.practicing(操练)* Pair work(practice the dialogue)* Show(ask some students to read)* Group work(act out)* Show(Evaluate)* Make a new situation to practice * Learn a new song step 5.summary(小结)* Today, we have reviewed how to introduce a new classmate or friend, how to use “what is he like”, how to describe one person and how to greet others when we meet.step 6.homework(家庭作业)* Listen to the tape and repeat the dialogue * Practise the song * Act it out in your group 板书设计


Lesson 10 教学内容

* 学习Text Book P14 * 学习4个国家名称的英语单词: * 学习主要句型:I’m from… 教学目标 * 认知目标:

* 能表达自己是来自哪个国家的人t * 能熟练掌握4个国家的名词,并会看图示别 * 情感目标:

* 通过谈论朋友、同学,学生间形成团结友爱、真诚相待的思想,建立良好人际关系。* 学习策略目标:

* 培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。

* 通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。* 在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。课型

新授课 教学重点

* 新句型:I’m from… 教学难点

* 新句型:I’m from… 教学准备 教学挂图,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,中国、加拿大、美国、英国四国国旗模型或有关图片、照片、实物、标志、徽章等,主线人物Joy, lily, Andy, Ted的形象图片 教学步骤

step 1.warming up(热身活动)* Duty report * Sing a song(lesson9)step 2.reviewing and leading in(复习并导入新课)* Slide show(展示国旗图片)T: Let’s look at some flags.Do you know which country it stands for? We are in China.step 3.learning(学习新课)* 观看图画,认清人物,猜测对话 T: Who’s he/she? Ss: Joy , Ted.T: Guess what they are talking about.Ss: Country.* T: Let’s listen carefully 听第二遍时,展示相应国家的国旗,学生建立认知联系

* T: Do you have something from other countries?(图画、实物、照片等)T: Where are they from? Ss: They are from… step 4.practicing(操练)* T: Now, introduce yourself as I do I’m , I’m from China.* T: Introduce the students in book.She’s Lily, she’s from China.She’s Joy, she’s from Britain.He’s Ted, he’s from Canada.He’s Andy, he’s from America.* Group work * Act out * Game Find the flag that you like(先说后找,看谁得分多)* Competition 教师出示单词图片,学生迅速反应说出该国名称 step 5.summary(小结)* 学习了有关国家的4个词汇 * 会用句型I’m from…来表达

Next time, when you introduce yourself.What could you say? step 6.homework(家庭作业)* Copy new words * Listen to the tape and repeat * Tell your parents which countries do the four flags stand for.板书设计


Lesson 11 教学内容

* 听录音,贴人物图,检测学生听力 * 复习本单元的6个形容词 教学目标 * 认知目标: * 能熟练掌握6个形容词 * 能听懂表达人物外貌特征的用语 * 情感目标:

* 通过谈论朋友、同学,学生间形成团结友爱、真诚相待的思想,建立良好人际关系。* 学习策略目标:

* 培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。

* 通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。* 在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。课型

复习课 教学重点 * 训练学生听力 教学难点

* Part A中每幅图提供的听力材料 教学准备

教学挂图,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,听力检测用的贴片,实物等 教学步骤

step 1.warming up(热身活动)* Duty report * TPR: “Simon Says”

step 2.reviewing and leading in(复习并导入新课)* Competition 出示单词卡片,学生迅速反应,并用每个单词组合练习,为后面听力检测做铺垫 * Draw on the blackboard(the six characteristics)step 3.learning(学习新课)* 观看图画

T: What the girl has had? T: What has the girl not had.* Guess T: What will you hear? * Listen and stick * The first time : 听完整大意 * The second time: 听关键词 * The third time: 完成任务 * Check step 4.practicing(操练)* Introduce the table to students * Take an example(做一个示范)* Pair work(问答式完成,在提问与回答时要求学生用英语)* Group work * Show step 5.summary(小结)* We have reviewed how to describe one person: big, thin, tall, short, pretty, ugly.* We can finish the task by cooperating with our classmates.step 6.homework(家庭作业)* Finish PartB * Finish another table Friend tall short pretty big thin A





Lesson 12 教学内容

* 学习Text Book P16-17 * 复习本单元句型: 教学目标 * 认知目标:

* 通过故事情节,学生复习巩固描写、形容人物长相的单词和句型的情景。* 能听懂表达人物外貌特征的用语 * 情感目标: * 通过谈论自己的朋友、同学,学生之间形成团结友爱、真诚相待的思想,引导学生学会如何与同学和小朋友相处,如何建立良好的人际关系。* 学习策略目标:

* 培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。

* 通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。* 在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。课型

复习课 教学重点

* 学生通过观察教学挂图,听录音,理解故事的大意,并在理解的基础上跟度、模仿录音。教学难点 * 复述故事 教学准备

教学组合挂图,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,实物,怪兽鬼脸面具等 教学步骤

step 1.warming up(热身活动)* Duty report * TPR: “Simon Says”

step 2.reviewing and leading in(复习并导入新课)* Ask and answer T: What is he like?(指某个同学,让其他同学用所学的形容词描述)Ss: He is…

* T: Do you know what is a monkey like? Ss: It is… T: Let’s look at the picture on the blackboard.step 3.learning(学习新课)* 观看图画

T: What do you see? T: There are many animals.Ss: They are panda, monkey, elephant, rabbit… T: There are many fruits.Ss: They are apples, bananas… * 整体呈现

Q: Who is the monster?(任务型阅读)Ss: It’s the monkey.* Ask students to try telling the story in Chinese.* Listen and repeat step 4.practicing(操练)* Read(ask some students to read)* Pair work Tell the story to your partner * Show(one student, one picture)* Group work * Act out(用道具与学生一起表演,教师充当一角色)* Show(学生自己表演)* Evaluate step 5.summary(小结)* T: Why is the monkey frightened? What did the other animals do when the monkey fell down? What is the ending ? What did you get? So, what will you do if you are the monkey? 通过教师的问题,学生自己思考得出本故事的教育思想 step 6.homework(家庭作业)* Listen to the tape and repeat * Tell the story to your parents * Make a performance in group 板书设计



Unit 3 Parks 教学内容

* 重点学习词汇和表达法

* park, hill, lake, bridge,tree, grass, flower,bee, butterfly * There is… What do you see? I see… Where is…? It is… * 一般学习词汇和表达法 * bench, picture, beautiful * take a picture, go boating * TPR用语 * Hands up/down.* Stand up.Sit down.* Open your books.Close your books.教学目标

* 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出与公园有关的11个单词。* 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下初步使用本单元所学的句型。

* 能够通过对自然景物的学习激发学生对大自然的热爱,使学生树立起强烈的热爱环境、保护环境的意识。

* 能够通过本单元的学习培养观察生活的能力,注意到身边的小动物。教学重点

* 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出与公园有关的11个单词。* 能够在本单元涉及的情景条件下初步使用本单元所学的句型。教学难点

* There be… 句型中的单复数 教材分析

* 本册教材在学习内容的编排上分为两个层次,第一层次主要以学习基本单词和句子为主。第二层次在学习第一层次内容的基础上,适量扩展话语、平行学科知识和双向文化。

* 本册学习内容包括6个话题:家庭、朋友、公园、街道、北京、节日。每个话题均包含三项学习内容:语音、词汇、交际用语。其中语音学习为暗线,可采取整体学习的方法,通过大量的歌谣和歌曲输入,在活泼自然真实的语境中感知、模仿,习得英语语音。词汇和交际用语学习为明线,均通过较为自然的语境,在TPR、歌谣、歌曲、游戏、对话等语言活动中,使用实物、图片、录象、录音等多种教学手段,感知、模仿、习得语言,达到熟练上口。

* 每个单元共6课书,其中第1~3课为第一层次学习内容;第4~6课为第二层次学习内容。学生分析

* 学生在前两个单元的学习中已经初步适应教师的指令,多利用学生对已知指令的认识,去拓展学生对其他指令的认识。

* 学生已掌握前两个单元的单词及句型,但由于年龄小,低年级学生容易对知识产生遗忘,要尽量多地在以后的课堂教学中渗透以往所学的知识。让他们能够学以致用,牢记在心。课前准备


6课时 Lesson 13 教学内容

* 复习有关颜色的名词

* 词汇:park, hill, lake, tree, bridge, flower, grass * 句型:There is… 教学目标 * 认知目标:

* 能听说认读与公园有关的单词:park, hill, lake, tree, bridge, flower, grass * 能听懂There is…的意思 * 情感目标:

* 通过谈论自然景物,激发学生对大自然的热爱,树立热爱环境、保护环境的意识。* 学习策略目标:

* 培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。

* 通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。* 在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。课型

新授课 教学重点

* 借助图画和录音学习有关公园的7个单词:park, hill, lake, tree, bridge, flower, grass….教学难点 * bridge的发音 * 对某地有某物的表达: There is a lake in the park.教学准备

教学挂图,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,头饰道具,学生在公园的照片等 教学步骤

step 1.warming up(热身活动)* Duty report * Free talk step 2.reviewing and leading in(复习并导入新课)* Show flowers(彩纸或图片)T: What colors are they? Ss: They are red, pink, yellow…(复习颜色)* Ask and answer T: Where can you see the flowers? Ss: In the school.T: Any other place? Ss: …parks.step 3.learning(学习新课)* Learn new word 出示单词卡片park * Ask and answer T: Do you like going to the park? Which park do you like? What’s the park like?

What can you see in the park? ——引出lake, hill, tree, grass, flower, bridge * T: Today our friends Binbin, Andy and Lily come to a beautiful park.Look!(出示教学挂图)* 将单词与挂图中的相应图片对上 * Listen and repeat * Learn the chant step 4.practicing(操练)* Memory the new words * 快速闪现 * 简笔画 Guess * 咬耳朵 * Introduction 学生介绍自带的照片上的景物,复习所涉及到的新单词 * Draw a picture 根据指令,画出作品,给予肯定 step 5.summary(小结)* 学习了有关公园的新单词:park, hill, lake, tree, bridge, flower, grass… step 6.homework(家庭作业)* Copy new words * Listen to the tape and repeat * Introduce your picture to your parents 板书设计


Lesson 14 教学内容

* 借助生活实景图和录音学习新单词:bee, butterfly * 复习有关公园的单词:park, hill, lake, tree, bridge, flower, grass * 新句型:What do you see? I see… 教学目标 * 认知目标:

* 能听说认读新单词:bee, butterfly * 通过唱歌和表演等课堂活动,熟练掌握9个与公园有关的单词 * 能正确使用What do you see? I see…。* 情感目标:

* 通过谈论自然景物,激发学生对大自然的热爱,树立热爱环境、保护环境的意识。* 学习策略目标:

* 培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。

* 通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。* 在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。课型

新授课 教学重点

* 通过唱歌和表演等课堂活动,熟练掌握9个与公园有关的单词:park, hill, lake, tree, bridge, flower, grass, bee, butterfly.教学难点

* 学生做动作的同时,用英语表达有关公园的单词及句型。教学准备

教学挂图,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,公园实物模型,头饰,彩笔 教学步骤 step 1.warming up(热身活动)* Duty report * chant step 2.reviewing and leading in(复习并导入新课)* 学生用简笔画将上节课所学的单词的图画画在黑板上,找学生说 找学生试着在黑板上拼写 * Introduction 学生介绍自己的照片 step 3.learning(学习新课)* Perceive(出示教学挂图)T: What can you see in the picture? Ss: …bee, butterfly.* Learn new words bee, butterfly(do actions to memory)* Listen to the song 听的同时,按录音顺序,逐步将图片的每部分贴上去 * Learn the song * Act out when singing the song(戴头饰)step 4.practicing(操练)* Guessing 教师做动作,学生猜单词 * Thinking T: What other kind of action can you think out to express the same meaning?启发学生还能用什么动作表示这些单词的意思 * Perform 个别学生表演 * Group work 多人一组来构建一个公园 * Evaluate step 5.summary(小结)* 今天学习了新单词:bee, butterfly * 复习了有关公园的词汇:park, hill, lake, tree, bridge, flower, grass * 一个人的力量是有限的,每个人只能充当公园里的一个事物,我们利用小组合作,就能一起构建一个公园,说明集体力量大。step 6.homework(家庭作业)* Copy the new words * Listen to the tape and follow the song * Draw a park that’s the most beautiful in your opinion and tell your parent what you drew.板书设计


Lesson 15 教学内容

* 借助生活实景图和录音学习新单词:beautiful, bench * 复习有关公园的单词:park, hill, lake, tree, bridge, flower, grass * 了解take a picture, go boating的意思 教学目标 * 认知目标:

* 能听说认读新单词:beautiful, bench * 能听懂take a picture, go boating * 情感目标:

* 通过谈论自然景物,激发学生对大自然的热爱,树立热爱环境、保护环境的意识。* 学习策略目标:

* 培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。

* 通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。* 在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。课型

复习课 教学重点

* 通过唱歌和表演等课堂活动,熟练掌握与公园有关的单词:park, hill, lake, tree, bridge, flower, grass, bee, butterfly.教学难点

* 用beautiful形容人与事物。教学准备

教学挂图,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,公园照片,头饰,彩笔,学生自己画的美丽公园,简易取景器 教学步骤

step 1.warming up(热身活动)* Duty report * Sing a song(lesson14)step 2.reviewing and leading in(复习并导入新课)* Show students’ picture

T: Let’s see our pictures.(introduced by some students)T: What do you think of his picture? S: Good!T: We can also say “beautiful”.step 3.learning(学习新课)* Learn new word beautiful—拓展beautiful flowers, lake, butterfly… * Perceive T: Now there is a picture on the blackboard.Is it beautiful ? Ss: Yes, it is beautiful.T: What can you see in the picture? What color is the…?

Where is the…?

How many… can you see? * Learn new word ——bench T: Now I’m in the park.I go boating.I take a lot of pictures.I’m very tired.I want to sit for a while.Where can I seat?(教师用动作帮助说明)* Listen to the tape and repeat step 4.practicing(操练)* Take pictures T: Now you are in the park.You have a camera.Where do you want to take a picture? You can circle it with your tool.* Show T: Why do you like this part of the parka? S:(Introduce the scenery)* Sing a song which has learned together step 5.summary(小结)* 学习了新单词:beautiful, butterfly * 知道了take a picture, go boating的意思 step 6.homework(家庭作业)* Copy the new words * Listen to the tape * tell your parents which part of the park you want to visit next time.板书设计


Lesson 16 教学内容

* 复习有关公园的单词:park, hill, lake, tree, bridge, flower, grass,bee, butterfly… * 复习句型:Where is…? It’s… * 了解take a picture, go boating的意思 教学目标 * 认知目标:

* 能掌握有关公园的单词和句型 * 听懂footprint * 情感目标:

* 通过谈论自然景物,激发学生对大自然的热爱,树立热爱环境、保护环境的意识。


M10 U1-------重点词组:

1.this weekend 这个周末

2.I don’t know 我不知道 3.I think so


4.all right

没事,没问题 5.make a list of things to do


6.safe trip 旅行安全,一路顺风

7.feel nervous 感觉到紧张


1.Where are you going this weekend, Sam? 萨姆你这个周末要去哪里? 2.When are you going to get up ?

你将要什么时候起床? 3.Mum ,what did you say to me ?

妈妈,你刚刚对我说了什么? 4.Are you ready for your trip tomorrow ?

你准备好你明天的旅行了吗? 5.I’m going to meet you in New York.我将要在纽约接你。

6.You can make a list of things to do.你可以列一个要做事情的清单

7.What are you going to take ?

你将要带什么东西? 8.When are you going to the airport? 你什么时候去机场? 9.Who’s going to the airport with you ?

谁将要跟你一起去? U2-------重点词组:

1.arrive there 到那

2.at the airport 在机场 3.take a yellow taxi 乘坐一辆黄色出租车 4.lots of tall building

许多高大的建筑物 5.find out


6.a big exciting word 一个令人激动的大世界

7.by plane 乘飞机

8.have a party 举办一个聚会 9.sing a song


10.play a game 玩个游戏 11.make a plan


12.at the zoo 在动物园里 13.take lots of photos 照了许多照片

重点句型: 1.I’m in New York now.我现在在纽约。2.This is my new pet.这是我的新宠物。3.It speaks English too.它也会讲英语。4.Grandma and Cousin Simon met me at the airport.奶奶和表弟西蒙在机场接我。5.We took a yellow taxi to their home.我们乘坐了一辆黄色出租车去他们的家。6.I want to find out more about the US.我想要找到更多关于美国的信息。7.I will write again soon.我很快将会再给你们写信的。8.I will travel by plane ,again and again.我将会一次又一次的乘飞机旅行。

10.We’re going to have a party.He’s going to sing a song.I’m going to play a game.我们将要举办一个聚会,他将要唱一首歌,我将要玩一个游戏。11.Make a plan for the weekend.为这个周末制作一个计划。12.I’m going to take bread and juice.我将要带面包和果汁。13.There are some funny animals at the zoo.有一些有趣的动物在公园里。

14.I want to take lots of photos.我想要照许多照片。

Practise: M9 U1-------重点词组:

1.laugh a lot


2.children’s theatre 儿童剧院 3.lots of jokes 许多笑话

4.after the show

演出之后 5.be ready for 为…做好准备

6.your trip to the US 你的美国之旅


1.We laughed a lot.我们大笑。

2.I’ve got two letters in English.我收到两封英文信。3.Last week we went to a children’s theatre.上周我们去了儿童剧院。

4.The men wore women’s clothes.男人穿着女人的衣服。5.The actors told lots of jokes.演员讲了很多笑话。6.After the show we went to a restaurant.演出之后我们去了饭店。7.We all ate hamburgers and chips.我们都吃了汉堡和薯条。8.Are you ready for your trip to the US.你准备好你的美国之旅了吗? U2-------重点词组:

1.borrow some books 借一些书

2.buy some books 买一些书 3.in three weeks


4.Chinese history

中国历史 5.ask you some questions

问你一些问题 6.borrow a bike for you 为你借了一辆自行车

7.listen to 听

8.in the evening

在晚上 9.see you soon


10.a long way

很长一段距离 11. write a letter 写信


1.But he didn’t read at all.但是一点也没有读。

2.We are going to see you in three weeks.我们将在三周后见到你。3.Dad read a book about Chinese history.爸爸读了关于中国历史的书。4.He is going to ask you some questions.他将要问你一些问题。5.And we borrowed a bike for you.并且我们为你借了一辆自行车。6.Don’t forget to bring some CDs of Chinese songs.不要忘记带一些中国歌曲的CD。

7.We can listen to them in the evening.我们可以在晚上听它们。8.Read Lily’s story and help her write a letter to her cousin Mary.读玲玲的故事并且帮助她给她的表妹Mary写一封信。

Practise: M8 U1-------重点词组:

1.make a paper fish for her 给它做个纸鱼

2.what present


3.what about

…怎么样 4.good idea /great idea好主意

5.be windy

有风 6.I think so


重点句型: 1.I’ll make a paper fish for her.我将为她做个纸鱼。2.I’am going to visit my cousin in New York.我将要去拜访在纽约的表弟。

3.What present can I take ?

我可以带什么礼物呢? 4.what about a toy panda?

一个玩具熊猫怎么样呢? 5.I think he’s got a toy panda.我想他有一个玩具熊猫。6.Will it be windy in New York ? 在纽约会刮风吗? 7.Will you help me ?

你会帮助我吗? 8.Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。9.You can write the Chinese word for “dragon” on it.你可以在风筝上写个汉字“龙”。U2---重点词组:

1.draw a dragon 画一条龙

2.cut the paper 剪纸

3.make a kite 做一个风筝 4.a piece of yellow paper一张黄色的纸

5.put sticks on it 安装上小木棍

6.tie strings to it 系上绳子

7.in the sky 在空中

8.above the clouds 在云朵之上

9.nobady knows 没人知道

10.go swimming 去游泳


1.I made a kite for my siser.我给我妹妹做了个风筝。2.I drew a dragon on a piece of yellow paper.我在一张黄纸上画了一条龙。

3.What did Lingling do ? 玲玲做了什么? 4.Where is it going ? 它将要去哪?

5.What will you do tomorrow ? 你明天将要做什么? 6.I’ll go swimming tomorrow.我明天将要去游泳。7.How do you make a dragon kite ? 你怎样做一个龙风筝?


M7 U1---重点词组:

1.go to work 去工作

2.every morning 每天早上 3.every evening 每天傍晚

4.every night

每天晚上 5.at eight o’clock 在八点钟

6.eight o’clock 八点钟 7.half past seven 七点半

8.in a factory 在一个工厂里 9.take us to the park 带我们去公园 10.take you there 带你们去那 11.take you to school 带你们去学校

重点句型: 1.My father goes to work at eight o’clcok every morning.我爸爸每天早上八点钟去工作。

3.Will you take us to the park tomorrow morning ? 你明天早上会带我们去公园吗? 4.I’ll take you there at half past seven.我将在7:30 带你们去那。

5.What does he do ? 他做什么工作 ?

6.He’s a worker in a factory.他在一家工厂做工人。7.Here’s my mother!


1.be home 在家、到家

2.a quarter to eight 7:45 3.be late 迟到

4.be tired 很累 5.don’t worry 别担心

6.a busy man 一个繁忙的人

7.get up 起床

8.have breakfast 吃早饭

9.go to school 去上学

10.have lunch 吃午饭

11.go home 回家

12.have dinner 吃完饭

13.go to bed 上床睡觉


1.I’ll be home at seven o’clock.我将在七点钟到家。2.It’s a quarter to nine now.现在8:45 3.School starts at eight o’clock.学校在八点钟开始上课。4.I’m late and tired.我迟到了,我也很累。

5.Will you be home at seven o’clock? 你在七点钟能到家吗? 6.Are you going to be late ,Dad?

你会迟到吗,爸爸? 7.What time will you be home ? 你几点能到家? 8.Here he is.他到了。

9.She is a busy woman.她是一个繁忙的人。10.We’ll all be home at six.我们在六点钟都会到家。11.Do you get up at seven o’clock every morning ? 你每天早上都七点钟起床吗?

12.I do it at seven o’clock every morning.我每天早上七点钟做它。13.What time does your mum get up ? 你妈妈几点钟起床? 14.She gets up at seven o’clock.她每天早上七点钟起床。

Practise: M6 U1---重点词组:

1.go there 去那

2.last year


3.for the holidays 整个假期

4.go to the moon


5.get there


6.interesting photos 有趣的照片

7.photos of me and my family 我和我家人的照片

8.in the west of China


9.go with your parents


10.stay with my grandma


11.for a week 一周 12.in July


13.live there 居住在那

14.every year 每年

15.I met them 我见到他们了


1.I went there last year.我去年去了那里。

2.Where did you go for the holidays ? 你假期去了哪里? 3.How did you get there ? 你怎样到达那的? 4.Lingling has got some interesting photos.玲玲有一些有趣的照片。

5.They photos of me and my family in China.它们是我和我家人在中国的照片。

6.It’s in the west of China.它在中国的西部。7.Did you go with your parents ? 你和你的父母亲一起去的吗 ? 8.We stayed with my grandma for a week in July.七月份我们和我的奶奶在一起待了一周。9.He lives there with his there children.他和他的三个孩子一起住在那里。


1.have a rest 休息一下

2.ride a horse


3.climb the Tianshan Mountains 爬天山

4.have a lovely time there 在那渡过一段美好的时光

5.take many photos 照了许多照片


1.Last July Lingling went to Xigjiang with her parents.去年七月玲玲和她的父母去了新疆。

2.Where is Yinchuan ? 银川在哪里?

3.I understand my home is the place to be.我明白我的家就在这里。

4.I understand my home is the place for me.我明白我的家是好地方。


M5 U1---重点词组:

1.big and light


2.fly a kite


3.ride a bike


4.sales assistant 售货员 5.at the department store 在百货商店

6.four wheels 四个轮子


1.It’s hard to fly a kite.放风筝很困难。2.It’s nice to ride a bike.骑自行车很美好。3.You can’t take it to China.你不能把它带到中国。4.I’ll buy you a new one.我将给你买个新的。5.It’s got two pockets.它有两个口袋。

6.You can put your umbrella there.你可以把你的伞放在那里。7.It’ll be easy for you to carry.对你来说携带它很容易。8.We’ll take it.我们买它了。9.It’s broken.它坏了。U2---重点词组:

1.make a birthday card 制作一个生日卡片

2.look at


1.It’s too big for you.它对你来说太大了。2.It’s too big for you too.它对你来说也太大了。3.Look at this blue T-shirt.看这个蓝色的T-恤衫。4.It has got a panda on it.在它上边有一只熊猫。

5.Have you got a small one ,please ?

请问你有小一号的吗? 6.Try this white one.试试这个白色的。7.It’s not too big and it’s not too small.它不太大也不太小。8.Don’t let it fall.不要让它掉下来。9.Let’s make a birthday card for him too.让我们为他也做个生日卡片。

10.It’s the small box.它是这个小盒子。

Practise: M4 U1---重点词组:

1.make a home library

制作一个家庭图书馆 2.a good idea


3.on this shelf


4.here you are

给你 5.in the wrong place 在错误的地方


1.Let’s make a home library.让我们制作一个家庭图书馆。2.We’ve got books for teachers.我们有给老师的书。3.We haven’t got books for you.我们没有给你的书。4.A friend sent these books and CDs to us.一个朋友送给我们这些书和CD光盘

5.These are all books about science.这些都是关于科学的书。6.Let’s put them on this shelf.让我们把它们放到这个书架上。7.Let’s put them with the CDs.让我们把它们和CD光盘放在一起。8.They are the library cards for our friends.它们是给我们朋友的图书卡。9.Now we can ask them to come.现在我们可以去邀请他们来了。10.Where are the books about sports, please? 请问关于运动的书在哪里? 11.They’re in the wrong place.他们在错误的地方。12.The books on Shelf B are about computers.在B书架上的书是关于电脑的。

13.Here’s a book about science.这是一本关于科学的书。U2---重点词组:

1.find information from…


2.do a science project about animals

做一个关于动物的科学工程 3.get information from…

从…得到信息 4.lots of different ways


5.on this topic


6.go to the library



1.We can find information from books and CDs.我们可以从书和CD中找到信息。2.I want a Chinese book.Where can I find it ? 我想要一本语文书,我在哪里可以找到它呢? 3.We are going to do a science project about animals.我们将要做一个关于动物的科学工程。

4.This is a guide for us to get information from the school library.这是一个可以让我们从学校图书馆里得到信息的向导。5.We can find information from films and e-books as well.我们也可以从电影和电子书里找到信息。

6.There are lots of different ways to find information on this topic.有许多不同的方法可以找到关于这个话题的信息。7.There’s a lot to enjoy.有许多可以去享受。

8.You can find it in the library.你可以在图书馆里找到它。9.You can use it with a computer.你可以在电脑里使用它。10.Who can be the librarian ?

谁可以成为图书管理员? 11.Where can I find books about science ?


Practise: M3 U1---重点词组:

1.have an English breakfast 吃了一顿英式早餐 2.fish and chips


3.a traditional English dish 一种传统的英国食品

重点句型;1.What did you have for dinner ?

你晚餐吃了什么? 2.I’ve got an email from Lingling.我收到了一封来自玲玲的电子邮件。4.What does it say ?


5.Yesterday she had an English breakfast.昨天她吃了一顿英式早餐。6.Does Lingling like English food ?

玲玲喜欢英国食物吗? 7.She had eggs and sausages.她吃了鸡蛋和香肠。


1.eat all the fish 吃光了所有的鱼

2.eat four hamburgers 吃了四个汉堡

3.pick a card


4.do a survey



1.He ate all the fish and he ate all the meat.他吃光了所有的鱼和肉。2.So he has got no food now.所以他现在没有食物了。3.Today Sam ate four hamburgers at school.今天萨姆在学校吃了四个汉堡。

4.She gave her hamburgers to Sam.她把她的汉堡给了萨姆。5.Tonight Mum is going to cook Chinese food for us.今晚妈妈将要给我们做中国食物。

6.Who wrote this letter to Daming ? 谁给大明写的信? 7.I gave one apple to my friend.我给我朋友了一个苹果。8.What did you have for breakfast yesterday ?


8.Feifei had a hamburger and milk for breakfast yesterday.菲菲昨天早餐吃了汉堡喝了牛奶。

Practise: M2 U1---重点词组:

1.learn to dance


2.learn to cook

学习做饭 3.teach languages 教语言

4.write a book

写一本书 5.learn foreign languages 学习外语

6.make a cake 做蛋糕


1.She learnt English.她学习英语。2.She learnt to dance.她学习跳舞。3.She learnt to cook.她学习做饭。4.She taught languages and wrote a book.她教语言还写了一本书。

5.She danced in lots of Chinese cities.她在中国的许多城市跳过舞。

6.Did he learn English too ? 他也学习英语吗?

7.But he’s learning English now!他正在学习英语!


1.twenty years ago


2.study very hard 学习非常努力 3.walk to school

步行去学校 4.drink some water 喝一些水 5.basketball star



1.Liwei was six then.李伟那时六岁。2.He liked going to school.他喜欢去学校。3.He learnt Maths and Science ,and Art and Chinese too.他学习数学和科学也学习语文和美术。4.Liwei is thirty now.李伟现在30 了。5.He likes working at school.他喜欢在学校工作。6.He teaches Maths and Science,and Art and Chinese too.他教数学和科学也教语文和美术。

8.Chen Hai was in his class.He was a good pupil.He studied very hard.陈海在他的班里,他是一名好学生,他学习很努力。9.ChenHai is an English teacher.He’s teaching Mr Li.陈海是一名英语老师,他正在教李先生。

10.Five years ago , he walked to school.五年前,他步行去学校。11.Now he goes to school by school bus.他现在乘校车去学校。12.But when the leaves are moving, the wind is passing through.但是当叶子移动时,风就悄悄地经过了。

Practise: M1 U1---重点词组:

1.live in 居住在2.a small house

一个小房子 3.on the chair 在椅子上

4.enough food 足够的食物 5.lots of food 许多食物


1.We lived in a small house.我们居住在小房子里。2.Look,there are two beautiful cats on the chair.看,有两只漂亮的猫在椅子上。

4.There is only one now.现在只有一只了。5.Lingling is still in the UK with Sam and Amy.玲玲、萨姆和艾米仍然在英国。

6.It’s a programme about China.一个关于中国的电视节目。7.Life was very different in China many years ago.在中国现在的生活与许多年前的生活大不一样。8.How ws it different ? 怎么不一样呢?

9.We didn’t have enough food.我们没有足够的食物。10.There weren’t many buses.没有许多公交车。11.There weren’t any televisions.没有电视。12.How about now ? 现在怎么样呢? 13.We’ve got lots of food.我们有许多食物。14.There are lots of buses and cars.有许多的公交车和小汽车。15.I watch TV every day.我每天都看电视。16.Yesterday I watched TV with my grandchildren.昨天我和我的孙子孙女们一起看电视。17.Thank you for talking to us.感谢你告诉我们这些。18.China is changing.中国正在变化。


1.jump really far 跳的很远

2.an old lady 一位老妇女 3.talk about


4.work in the fields 在田地里工作 5.cook on a fire 在火炉上做饭

6.be different from 与…不同 7.on foot


8.a small village

一个小村庄 9.a big city 一个大城市


1.She didn’t have a television or a radio.他即没有电视也没有收音机。2.He has got strong legs.他有强壮的腿。3.He can jump really far.他可以跳的很远。4.I watched a television programme about China last night.昨天晚上我看了一个关于中国的电视节目。5.An old lady talked about her life many years ago.一个老夫人谈论了她许多年以前的生活。6.She worked in the fields.她在田地里工作。7.She cooked on a fire.她在火炉上做饭。8.She couldn’t read or write.她既不会读也不会写。9.I hope you are well.我希望你一切都好。10.Many things are different from the past.许多东西与过去不同。

12.Not all changes are right.并不是所有的变化都是对的。13.So we can drive or ride wherever we like.所以无论我们喜欢去哪都可以开车也可以骑自行车。14.But some changes I really like.但是一些改变我真的很喜欢。15.Where were you three days ago ? 你三天之前在哪里?

16.What did you do there ?

你在那里做什么? 17.Where did you live ten years ago ? 你十年前居住在哪里?

19.There weren’t any supermarkets.那里没有一些超市。




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