
时间:2019-05-13 13:05:21下载本文作者:会员上传






我的 你的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 你们的 他(她、它)们的2、形容词性物主代词的特点:

1)译成汉语都有“的” eg:my 我的 their 他们的2)后面加名词: eg:my backpack his name

3)前后不用冠词 a an the

This is a my eraser(错误)That is your a pen(错误)It's his the pen(错误)

3、I(物主代词)my you(物主代词)your he(物主代词)her we(物主代词)our




Mine yourshishersitsoursyourstheirs

我的 你的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 你们的 他(她、它)们的2、名词性物主代词的特点:



1、the pen is mine 钢笔是我的(mine=my pen)





1, I have a car----we have cars2, He is an American boy.----They are American boys3, It is a car----They are cars 4, This is an eraser----These are erasers5, That is a backpsck-----Those are backpacks

6,I'm an English teather------We are English teathers7,It's a new shirt----They are new shirts 8,He's a boy----They are boys 9,She's a singer------They are singers10,What's this in English?----What are these in English?






1、多数情况下在名词后面加S,s 在清辅音后读【S】

2、以s,x,sh,ch为结尾的词在词尾加es, es读作【iz】

3、以f ,fe为结尾的词去掉f或fe加ves,ves读作【vz】

4、以辅音加y 结尾的词,变y 为ies5、以元音加y结尾的词,直接加s6、不规则变化

Man-men woman-women policeman-policemen

Policewoman-policewomen 这种情况下a变成e1、单复数同形

Chinese-chinese Japanese-japanese sheep-sheep deer-deer2、This 这个these这些(复数)that那个 those那些(复数)I我 we我们(复数)he他 she她 it它 they他、它、她们(复数)am,is是 are(复数)



Eg: I(主格)“我”--me(宾格)“我”


Eg :I have a new car.(I 主格)Excuse me(me 宾格)I ask him to go(him 宾格)They sit in front of me(me 宾格)主格(8个):I 我you你 he他 she她 it它 we 我们you 你们they他(她、它)们

宾格(8个):me我 you你 him 他her她 it它 us我们 you你们 them他(她、它)们


1、变法:在人名后面加's记住:'s要译成“的” eg:Lucy(名词所有格)Lucy's2、如果是2个或2个以上人的名词所有格要在最后一个人名加's

Eg:Lily and Lucy(名词所有格)Lily and Lucy'S

Lily Lucy and Julia(名词所有格)Lily Lucy and Julia's3、以s结尾的名词复数所有格在后面加',eg:students'





3、特殊疑问词通常有:what/ where/ who /whosc/ how/how old/ what colour/ what class /what grade/what row/what school


1、一般疑问句最基本的变法:be 提前 用问号 读升调

2、my变成your our变成your I am / We are 变Are you I can 变Can you3、注意人名不论放在什么位置都要大写 Tom is a student。Is Tom a student?


1)This is my English teather.Is this your English teather?2)It is our school.Is it your school?

3)We are students.Are you students?4)I can sing.Can you sing?


第二讲 动词的用法

1、到目前为止,我们学过的be动词包括三个词 am ,is, are 这三个词的汉语意思相同,都是“是”的意思,但怎么运用好这三个词呢?请记住下列口决:

2、我是 am(eg:I am a pupil.)你是 are(eg:You are a girl.)Is 用在他、她、它(eg:He is a Chinese boy,She is an Englishteather,It is a cat.见到复数就用are.)

3、记住:am ,is 的复数是are.;these 这些;those 那些(这两个词都表示复数)


第一讲 简缩形式的变法

1、简缩形式的变法:把倒数第二个字母,通常是元音字母变成' 但are除外,are要把a打成'。Eg:he is=he's they are=they're2、简缩形式和完全形式的汉语意思相同。

3、把完全形式变成简缩形式时,一定要注意第一个字母的大小变化。Eg:What is =What's4、记住一个特殊变化;let's =let us 让我们(不要把' 变成i)

5、记住:this is 没有简缩形式 this's(错误)


现在进行时 表示正在发生的事情或进行的动作,常与now,listen,look等词连用,结构是主语+be动词(am,is,are)+动词ing。

如:It is raining now。外面正在下雨。

Look!The children are having a running race now。



2 一般现在时 表示经常反复发生的事情或动作,常与often,usually,sometimes,always,every day(week year…)on Sundays等词连用。

如:We have an English lesson every day。


Do the boys run faster than the girls? Yes, they do。



3 一般过去时 表示发生在过去的事情或存在的状态,常与just now,a moment ago,… ago,yesterday,last(week,month,year,Monday,weekend),this morning等词连用。



如:My earphones were on the ground just now。


Where were you last week? I was at a camp。


What did you do yesterday? I visited a farm。




4 一般将来时 表示将要打算发生的事情或动作,常与tomorrow,next week(year,Tuesday…),this week(weekend,evening,afternoon,…)today等词连用。结构是主语+be(am,is,are)going to + 动原或主语+will +动原。

如:What are you going to do tomorrow? I am going to have a picnic。


The childre are going to have a sports meeting next week。


Tom will/is going to see a play with his father this evening。




5 情态动词 can,can’t,should,shouldn’t,must,may后一定加动词原形。

如:The girl can’t swim, but he can skate。


Don’t talk in class, you should listen to the teacher carefully。


6 祈使句 肯定祈使句以动词原形开头;


如:Open the box for me,please。


Liu Tao!Please get up earlier tomorrow。

刘涛,明天请早点起床!Don’t walk on the grass!不要在草地上走!Helen!Don’t climb the tree,please。


7 go的用法 去干嘛用go +动词ing 如: go swimming;

go fishing;

go skating;

go camping;

8 比较 than 前用比较级;


如:My mother is two years younger than my father。


Liu Tao jumps as far as Ben。


9 喜欢做某事 用like +动词ing或like+ to + 动原。


Su Yang likes growing flowers。


The children like to play with lanterns at Spring Festival。


10 想要做某事 用 would like +to+动原或want + to +动原。

例:I’d like to visit the History Museum。=I want to visit the History Museum。

11 some 用于肯定句中,在否定句和问句中改为any,但当表示委婉语气时仍用。

如:Can I have some writing paper? Would you like some orange juice?  12 代词 人称代词主格做主语用一般放在句首或动词前,主格分别是 I you he she it we you they。


如:Open them for me.Let us …, join me等。

宾格分别是me, you, him, her, it ,us, you, them。

形容词性物主代词放在名词前,不能单独使用,分别是my ,your, his, her, its, our, your, their。

名词性物主代词相当于形物加名词,它只能单独使用后面不好加名词,分别是mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours ,theirs。

13 介词 介词后要么不加动词,加动词只能加动词ing形式。

如:be good at running;

14 时间介词 季节前,月份前用介词in。

如:in summer;

in March。


如:on Saturday;on the second of April;

on Wednesday morning。



at a quarter to four;


如:in the morning/ afternoon/ evening;

但在夜间用at night。


15 名词复数构成的方法 有规则的有:



(2)以x, s, sh, ch 结尾的加es;




library—libraries;hobby—hobbies;family—families;(4)以f, fe结尾的改f, fe 为v+es如:knife—knives;thief—thieves(注:以o结尾的我们学过的只有mango加es, mango—mangoes其余加s,)。



16 动词第三人称单数的构成 1、直接在动词后加s;






17 现在分词的构成 1、直接在动词后加ing;




18 规则动词过去式的构成 有规则的有:







am, is—was;are—were;do, does—did;have,has—had;go—went;meet—met;sit—sat;see—saw;get—got;tell—told;run—ran;come—came;steal—stole;read—read。

19 形容词副词比较级的构成 有规则的有:








good, well—better(最高级为best);many, much---more(最高级为most);far---farther。

20 rain与snow的用法 1、作为名词意思是雨水和雪是不可数名词。

如:There is a lot of rain there in spring.那儿的春天有很多雨水。





snowing 过去式rained;

snowed;如:①Look!It is raining now。瞧!天正在下雨。

②It often rains in Nantong in summer。南通夏天经常下雨。

③ It rained yesterday。昨天下了雨。

④It is going to rain tomorrow。明天要下雨。

3、形容词为rainy 和snowy 意思是有雨的和有雪的。

如:It is often rainy here in spring。这儿的春天经常是有雨的。

If it is rainy tomorrow, I’ll stay at home。如果明天是有雨的,我将呆在家里。

21 比较级 注意只有同类事物才可进行比较。

如:My eyes are bigger than hers。

Your school bag is heavier than mine。

My computer is nicer than Nancy’s。

My brother is stronger than me。

22 have, has 表示某人有(has用于第三人称单数);

There is/ are;There was/ were 表示某地存在有 注意There be 句型的就近原则 单数或不可数用there is /was;复数用there are/ were。

23 本身就是复数的词 眼镜glasses;耳机earphones;鞋shoes;裤子trousers等词本身是复数。

如:My glasses were on the chair just now。


如:There is a pair of chopsticks on the plate。

This pair of earphones is for you。

24 五个元音字母 分别是Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu。

25 一个的用法 a用于辅音前不是辅音字母前;

an 用于元音前不是元音字母前。

如:There is an ’s’, a ‘t’, a ‘u’, a ‘d’ ,an ‘e’, an ‘n’,and a ‘t’ in the word ‘student’。

26 时间表示法 有两种:


如:6:10读成 six ten;7:30读成seven thirty;8:45读成eight forty-five。



如:6:10读成ten past six;7:30读成half past seven;过了半小时用下一个钟点差几分。

如:7:45读成a quarter to eight;9:50读成ten to ten。

27 基数词变序数词的方法 基变序有规律,结尾加上th;一二三特殊例,结尾字母t、d(即first, second, third);八去t,九去e,ve要用f替(即eigh—eighth;nine—ninth;five--fifth;twelve—twelfth);




28 日期的表示法 用the+序数词+ of +月 如:三月三日 the third of March;12月25日 the 25th of December。

29 both,all both 表示两者都。

如:My parents are both teachers。

all 表示三者以上都。

如:The students are all very excited。

30 节日的表示法 有day的节日前用on;


如:at Christmas;on Christmas Day;at New Year;on New Year’s Day。

31比较 两者比较用比较级,三者以上比较用最高级。

如:Who runs faster, the boy or the girl? The boy does。


Which season do you like best? I like autumn best。


Which season do you like better, summer or winter? I like winter better。


32 动词还原的用法 前面用了do, does did, don’t, doesn’t didn’t后面动词要还原。

如:Did she watch TV last night? Helen doesn’t like taking photos。

33 到了 到达用get to。


如:get home;get here;get there, 另外go home;come here;go there也一样。

34 长着和穿着 长着什么用with;

如:the girl with big eyes 大眼睛的女孩;


如:the man in black穿黑衣服的男人;

或:the woman in the white skirt 穿白色短裙的妇女。

35 让某人做某事 用let sb后加动词原形。

如:Let’s water the flowers together。

是该做…的时候了用It’s time for+名词或It’s time to +动原。

帮助某人做某事是help sb with sth 如:帮我学英语是 help me with my English。

36 树上 外来的东西在树上用in the tree;

如:the bird in the tree;树上长的用on the tree。

如:the apples on the tree。

37运动和乐器 球类之前不加the;乐器之前必须加the。

如:play the piano;play football。

38 Sunday,January 一周中的第一天是Sunday;一年中的第一个月是January。

39 get后加比较级 表示变得更怎么样。

如:get stronger;get longer。

40、比较级+and+比较级 表示越来越…….如:Spring is coming, and the weather is becoming warmer and warmer.


(1)字母:(大小)辨认、书写顺序 : Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz.元音字母:A a , Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu

半元音字母: Yy

书写容易错误的字母:E , F , G, M, N, d, i, p, q, x, y.(2)数字:基数词和序数词的运用,如计算、购物等.基数词: One, two, three, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten , eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen… twenty, twenty-one… thirty, forty, fifty… eighty, ninety, one/a hundred , one/a hundred and one… two hundred.序数词: first , second , third , fourth , fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth… twentieth, twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-four…thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth… eightieth, ninetieth…

相关句型: 1)What’s thirty and forty? That comes to seventy.2)What’s your telephone number? My telephone number is 83555723.3)What time is it ? It’s half past ten.4)When do you usually get up ? At six thirty-five.5)Where do you live? I live at No.48 Renmin Road.6)How old are you? I’m twelve.7)How much does it cost? It costs 50 yuan.8)How many cars have you got? I have got 6 cars.9)How many birds can you see in the tree? I can see 3.10)How many dolls are there on the bed? There is one/a doll.11)How many dolls are there on the bed? There are four dolls.12)Which floor do you live on? I live on the fifth floor.13)Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Baiyun hotel?

Yes, go down this street, then turn left at the third crossing….14)Who’s the fifth girl from the right? She’s my cousin.注意: 数词的应用;不可数名词及它的量的表示方法;many与much在用法上的区别;there is/are与have/has在用法上的区别.(3)颜色:实物的颜色

colours: red, pink, yellow, brown, blue, purple, orange, black, white, grey, dark blue, light blue.相关句型: 1)What colour is your coat? It’s...2)What’s your favourite colour? My favourite colour is …


year, season(spring, summer, autumn, winter),month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.Week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.Day: 1st May(the first of May), May 2nd(May the second)

Time:(an)hour, minute, second[小精灵儿童网站]

10:05(five minutes past ten, ten o five)

10:10(ten minutes past ten, ten ten)

10:15(quarter past ten, ten fifteen)

10:30(half past ten, ten thirty)

10:45(quarter to eleven, ten forty-five)

11:00(eleven o’clock)

相关句型: 1)How old is your mother? She’s thirty-six years old.2)How many months are there in a year? There are 12.3)When’s your birthday? My birthday is on 15th January(the fifteenth of January).4)When do you get up? I get up at six o’clock.5)When does spring last? It lasts for 3 months from March to May.6)What time is it? It’s quarter to nine.(5)食品与饮料:人对食品与饮料的喜好;东西方食品

food : meat, rice, fish, bread, egg, cake,drinks : water, milk ,orange/apple/water melon/banana/strawberry juice ,coke, coffee, black/green tea…

相关句型: 1)Would you like something to drink/eat? Yes, I’d like some…

No, thanks.2)Would you like to eat/drink? I’d like to eat/drink…

No, thanks.3)What’s your favourite food/drink? My favourite food/drink is …

4)Could I have some…? Yes, please.(6)服装:服装的颜色:人对服装的喜好;某人的穿戴;[小精灵儿童网站]


clothes: hat, cap, coat, shirt , T-shirt, skirt, dress, sweater, jacket, trousers, sock, shoe

put on, wear

所属关系: 形容词性的物主代词:my, your, his, her, its, our, their

名词性的物主代词: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs

相关句型: 1)What does it look like? It likes wearing a blue shirt.2)Whose shoes are these? They’re mine.They’re Tom’s.3)Is this /that/it your book? Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.4)Is this pencil yours? Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.5)Are these /those/they your coats and trousers?

Yes, they are.No, they aren’t.6)Are those clothes theirs? Yes, they are.No, they aren’t.7)This is my hat.That hat is his.注意: 名词单,复数;物主代词(名词性的物主代词,形容词性的物主代词);名词所有格,如:Tom’s , my father’s , the teachers’.(7)玩具和文具:特点、颜色、所属关系;存在的位置

Toys: doll, toy…

文具: desk, book, bag ,pen, pencil, pencil-box, ruler, chair, ball

存在的位置 : in, on, under, beside, behind, in front of, in the front of , in the middle of, at the back of…(a place/a person).相关句型: 1)There is a cup of tea on the table.2)There are some oranges in the fridge.3)Is there any milk in the glass? Yes, there is.[小精灵儿童网站]

No, there isn’t.4)Are there any oranges in the fridges?

Yes, there are.No, there aren’t.5)What’s under the desk?

There is an orange./ There are some oranges.(8)日常生活用品:特点、颜色、所属关系;存在的位置

words: shelf, table, clock, brush, telephone, light, computer, bike, fridge, glass, knife, keyboard, bottle, box,plate,photo,photograph,fax,radio,super-market,book store,noodles/cake/clothes/shoe/TV shop.特点: big, small, heavy, light, white, black, empty, full, old, new, beautiful, cute, tall, short, strong, plump, nice, good, bad…


words(animals): cat, dog, duck, goose(geese)fish, sheep, bird, panda, monkey, rabbit, hen , cock, chicken, tiger, lion, pig, cow , mouse(mice),giraffe,dolphin,生活地点:at home, in a farm, in a zoo …



words: tree, rose, flower, leaf(leaves)…


buildings: factory, hospital, park, house, library, museum, office, farm, post office, bank, police station, train station, sports stadium, department store, store, school, classroom, house: bathroom, living-room, sitting-room, bedroom, washroom,kitchen, garden…[小精灵儿童网站] 房子的基本构造: door, gate, wall, window, floor…

相关句型: 1)Where do you study at ? I study at Longdong Primary School.2)Where does your mother work at ? She works at a hospital.3)Let’s meet at the gate of the park.4)My brother is playing in the garden.(12)身体:特点

body: head, hair, eye, nose, ear, mouth, neck, shoulder, hand, finger, foot(feet),toe…

外貌: fat, thin, plump , tall, short, old, young, round face, two big blue eyes, long hair, short hair, black hair ,white hair…

相关句型: 1)I’m /You’re /He’s/She’s /We’re /They’re(not)tall.2)Is he/she tall or short? He’s /She’s tall(short).3)I/We/They/You have(got)black hair.4)He/She has(got)a round face.5)Has he/she got long hair ? Yes, he/she has.No, he/she hasn’t.注意:描述人的外貌时,have与has用法上的区别;形容词的用法,如 :tall, short, old, young, black , long…


age, year, address, e-mail address, hobby,hobby: collecting stamps(coins), going swimming… doing sth

相关句型: 1)How old are you ? I’m thirteen years old.2)I’m a thirteen-year old boy.3)What’s your address? I live at No.48 Renmin road.[小精灵儿童网站]

4)What’s your e-mail address? My e-mail address is 123VIP@126.com.5)What’s your hobby? My hobby is going running.Or : I like going running.6)I /You/ They like music.7)He likes sightseeing.8)Do you like reading? Yes, I do.No, I don’t.9)Does he /she like playing basketball?

Yes, he/she does.No, he/she doesn’t.注意: 描述个人的喜好时:名词和动词-ing 形式作宾语;主语是第三人称单数时一般现在时动词的变化。

动词ing的变化规律: 1)直接加ing,如: open-opening, clean-cleaning, meet-meeting, sing-singing, study-studying, …

2)去掉词尾不发音的e,如:take-taking, close-closing, come-coming, drive-driving, have-having, use-using, write-writing, practice-practicing, …

3)重读闭音节的,双写最后的字母,加 ing , 如: sit-sitting, put-putting, begin-beginning , get-getting, swim-swimming, run-running, cut-cutting, become-becoming, …

主语是第三人称单数时一般现在时动词的变化规律(与名词变复数规律相同): 1)直接加s,如:cook-cooks, come-comes, close-closes,…

2)以o, x, s, sh, ch 结尾+es , 如: teach-teaches, go-goes, do-does, catch-catches, wash-washes, brush-brushes, miss-misses, …

3)辅音字母加y结尾,把y改为i,+es,如:fly-flies, worry-worries, carry-carries, …[小精灵儿童4)以f或fe结尾,把f或fe,改为v+es.5)特殊:have-has, …



words: family, grandfather(grandpa/granddad), grandmother(grandma/grand mum), father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin, friend

相关句型: 1)Is he/she Tom’s cousin? Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isn’t.2)Who’s he/she? He’s/She’s my friend.3)How many people are there in your family? Who are they?

There are four, my father, my mother, my brother and me.注意: 1)名词单复数,如:family-families;

名词单数--复数规律: 1)直接加s,如: boy-boys, term-terms,2)以o, x, s, sh, ch 结尾+es , 如: box-boxes, class-classes, glass-glasses, coach-coaches, dress-dresses, fax-faxes, inch-inches, match-matches,3)辅音字母加y结尾,把y改为i,+es,如:baby-babies, lady-ladies, factory-factories, peach-peaches, library-libraries, watch-watches ,4)以f或fe结尾,把f或fe,改为v+es: leaf-leaves, knife-knives, wife-wives, shelf-shelves, …

5)特殊: man-men, policeman-policemen, woman-women, child-children, goose-geese, tooth-teeth, foot-feet,6)不变: hair, milk, tea, coffee, water, bread, rice, paper, juice, meat, people, fish, sheep, …[小精灵儿童网站] 2)名词所有格,表明是“谁的” 如: my cousin’s , his parents’

它的构成规则: 单数名词后+“ ’s”,Mike’s mother.复数名词词尾有,其后只+“ ’”,Teachers’ Da教师节.若是两人共有时,只在后者+ “’s ”,Jim and Tom’s mother.吉姆和汤姆的母亲。

不是两者所共有的,两者都+ “ ’s ”,Jim’s and Tom’s mother.吉姆母亲和汤姆的母亲。

名词若是无生命,所有格构成用of,a map of China.一幅中国地图


words: school building, classroom, dormitory, playground, library…

subjects: Chinese, maths , English, music, computer, PE, art, biology, politics , history, meeting, geography…

相关句型: 1)What’s your favourite subject? English.2)Where’s the library? It’s behind the dormitory.3)When do you go to school? At 7:20.4)When does Chinese begin on Monday? At Eight o’clock.5)Does geography begin at twenty to ten on Monday?

Yes, it does.No, it doesn’t.6)We’re having an English class.(16)社交礼仪:礼貌用语;询问与应答

1.Greetings: Hello!Hi!Good morning/afternoon/evening.How are you ? Fine, thanks.And you?

Please say hello to your parents for me.2.Introduction: My name is … I’m a pupil.I’m new here.This is Mr/Mrs/Miss White.Hello, nice to meet you.[小精灵儿童网站] 3.Farewells: Goodbye/Bye-bye/Bye.See you then/tomorrow.Good night.It’s late.I must go home now.Thanking for coming.4.Thanks: Thank you(very much).You’re welcome.Not at all.5.apologies: Sorry.I’m sorry.That’s all right.Excuse me.6.Incitation: Will you go shopping with me?

Would you like to go ?

I’d love to.Thank you.7.Asking for permission: May I have an apple ?

Could /Can I use your bike?

Sure.Certainly.Yes, of course.Yes, do please.8.Expressing wishes: Happy birthday!Thank you.9.Offering help: Can I help you? What can I do for you?

10.Making appointments: Are you free tomorrow? What about tomorrow afternoon?

Let’s meet at the gate at 7:50.Shall we visit the museum?

11.Hello!May I speak to Kate? Speaking/It’s Kate here.Who’s this/that, please ?

12.Taking meals: Would you like something to eat/drink?

Would you like some fish/meat?

13.Shopping : Can I help you ,sir?

What can I do for you, sir ?

What about this one?

Do you like this one?

I want /I’d like some oranges.How much is the shirt /are the socks?

It’s to small.Two kilos, please.I’ll take it.14.Asking the way: Excuse me.Where is the Guangzhou


Can you tell you me the way to the Garden Hotel, please?

Can I take this bus to Beijing Road?

Is there a hotel near here?

It’s over there.Turn right/legt


Countries: China, Japan, America(the USA), English(the UK), Australia, Russia, Canada, Italy, India, France,Nationalities: Chinese, Japanese, American, Englishman, Australian, Russian, Canadian, Italian, Indian, French,相关句型: 1)Where’s Japan? It’s to the east of China.2)Where does your friend come from? She comes from English.3)Where are they from? They’re from Russia.4)What country do you from? I come from China.5)What country is he from? He’s from France.6)What language does she speak? She speaks French.7)What language do they speak? They speak Chinese.(18)天气:气候特征

weather : hot, cold, cool, warm, sun, shine, sunny, rain ,heavy rain, light rain, rainy, wind, strong wind, windy, snow , heavy snow, light snow snowy, cloud, cloudy…[小精灵儿童网站] temperature: 15(fifteen degrees centigrade), 0(zero degree centigrade),-5(minus degrees centigrade)…

相关句型: 1)What’s the weather like in spring? It’s warm, rainy and wet.2)What will the weather be like there? It will be sunny.3)Is it snowing? Yes, it is a snowy day.4)Will there be cloudy? Yes, there will.5)The sun is shining.6)I like taking a warm bath.(19)节日:节日的特点;节日的活动

festivals : New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, Women’s Day, April foolish Day, May Day, Mother’s Day, Children’s Day, Father’s Day, Party’s Day, Army’s Day, Mid-autumn Festival, Teachers’ Day , National Day, Thanks Giving Day, Christmas Day.New Year’s Day: 1st January.Spring Festival: It’s the Chinese New Year.It’s the first day of the Chinese year.It’s a very special festival for all Chinese people.It is usually at the end of January or the beginning of February /in late January or early February.The children can get “lucky money”.Women’s Day: It’s on 8th March.April Foolish Day: on 1st April, on this day, people can play jokes to their friends.[小精灵儿童网站 May Day: 1st May, laborers’ day.Mother’s Day: on the second Sunday of May.Children’s Day: on June 1st.Father’s Day: on the third Sunday in June.Party’s birthday: in China, it’s on 1st July.Army’s Day: in China, it’s on 1st August.Mid-autumn Festival: on 15th August of Chinese lunar calendar.In China , people eat special cakes calls moon cakes and watch the full moon.Teachers’ Day: on 10th September.National Day: in China, it’s at the beginning of October.Thanks Giving Day: the last Thursday in November, it’s American festival.Christmas Day: December 25th.(20)方位:人或物的位置;问路与应答

place : in, on ,at, under, near, next to, beside, behind, in front of , in the front of , in the middle(of), back, on the right/left, the second/…person from the right/left

A: Excuse me.Where’s the department store?

Can you tell me the way to the Garden Hotel, Please?

Can I take this bus to Beijing Road?

Is there a hotel near here?

B: It’s over there.Turn right /left at the first crossing.The hotel is on the right/left.[小精灵儿童网站] I’m sorry, I don’t know.(21)正在发生的事情:现在进行的动作和发生的事 be doing something

1)I’m/You’re/He’s /She’s /We’re/They’re(not)working.2)Are you playing football? Yes, I am/we are.3)Is he/she taking exercise? Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isn’t.4)Are they going shopping? Yes, they are.No, they aren’t.5)What are you doing? I’m/We’re cleaning the room.6)What’s he/she doing? He’s/She’s having supper.7)What are they doing? They’re reading.(22)日常生活:日常生活、工作、学习的活动 daily routine

get up brush one’s teeth, wash one’s face, make breakfast , have breakfast, go to school/work, do morning exercises, have classes, play basketball, play football, run ,jump, go home, have lunch, have supper, do one’s homework, watch TV, do some reading, take a bath, go to bed

1)What time do you get up? I usually get up at 6 o’clock.2)Shen Zhen often takes a bath at 9 o’clock in the morning.3)My mother is never late for work.(23)计划与打算:计划和将要进行的动作和发生的事 be going to do …

1)I’m/You’re /He’s/She’s /We’re/They’re(not)going to visit the museum.2)Are you going to swim? Yes, I am/we are.No, I’m not/we aren’t.3)Is he/she going to see Miss Wang? Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isn’t.4)What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m /We’re going to visit the farm.5)I/You/He/She/They/We will go skiing.6)Are you going to be busy tomorrow? Yes, I am/we are.go swimming, go shopping, go climbing, go skiing, go walking, go running, go fishing, go skating, go sightseeing,…


1)I/You/He/She/We/They can(can’t)come here tomorrow.2)Can he/she visit the factory today? Yes, he/she can.No, he/she can’t.3)Can they go by bus? Yes, they can.No, they can’t.4)May I visit the factory this afternoon? Yes, of course /Sure/Certainly.5)May I sit here? Yes, of course/please do.注意: 情态动词can的用法, can do(+动词原形).




一.单词总结: 第一单元:学习用具::pen(钢笔)pencil(铅笔)pencil-box(铅笔盒)ruler(尺子)eraser(橡皮)crayon(蜡笔)book(书)bag(书包)第二单元:颜色:red(红色的)yellow(黄色的)green(绿色的)blue(蓝色的)white(白色的)black(黑色的)orange(橙色的)brown(棕色的)white(白色的)第三单元:身体部位:head(头)face(脸)nose(鼻子)mouth(嘴)eye(眼睛)leg(腿)ear(耳朵)arm(胳膊)







二.句子总结: 1.向别人问好应该说—A: Hello!(你好!)B:Hi!(你好!)2.问别人的名字应该说-――A:What's your name? 你的名字是什么?B:My name is Amy.3.跟别人分手应该说――A: Bye.Good bye!(再见)B: See you.(再见)Goodbye.(再见)4.A: I have a pencil bagruler 我有一只铅笔书包尺子。B: Me too.我也有。5.早上相见应该说:------A Good morning.早上好!------B: Good morning!早上好!6.下午相见应该说――A: Good afternoon!下午好!----B: Good afternoon!下午好 7.给同学或家人介绍新朋友时要用This is my friend,Wu Yifan.(在英语中,这是什么也用This is 句型来表达).跟新朋友第一次见面――A: Nice to meet you!见到你很高兴。B: Nice to meet you,too!见到你也很高兴!8.A: Let's go to school!让我们一起去上学!B: OK!好的。9.看见久未见面的朋友或者别人身体不舒服,你该这么打招呼-A: How are you ? 你好吗? B.Fine,thank you./Very well,thanks./I’m fine,thank you.我很好,谢谢你 10.A: Let's paint.让我们画画。B: Great!棒极了!11.A: Look,what’s this?(用于询问近处的事物.)这是什么?(询问远处的事物)用what’s that?那是什么? B:It’s a panda/monkey.elephant则用an.12、你想看下别人的东西,你该这么说――A: May I have a look? 我可以看一看吗? B:Sure.Here you are!当然可以。给你!

13、请别人吃东西,你该这么说――A: Have some bread.吃一些面包。B: Thank you.No, thanks.谢谢你。不,谢谢你。14.你想吃点东西,你该说――A: Can I have some chicken? 我能吃一些鸡肉?或I’d like some chicken,please.我想吃一些鸡肉.B: Sure, here you are.当然可以,给你。15.A: Thank you.谢谢你。B: You're welcome.别客气。16.A:B: Happy birthday.生日快乐!B:Thank you.谢谢。17.A: How old are you? 你几岁啦? B: I'm nine.我九岁了。18.A: Let's eat the birthday cake.让我们吃生日蛋糕 B:Great!棒极了!19.A: How many plates? 多少个盘子? B: Four ten.四/十个

三.听力考试常用句型: Unit 11.show me your pencil / ruler/ eraser/ crayon/ pen.让我看看你的铅笔/尺子/橡皮/蜡笔/钢笔。2.Open your pencil box.打开你的铅笔盒。Close your book.合上你的书。Carry your bag.背起你的书包。go to school.去上学Unit 2Show me red/ blue / green / yellow / purple 给我看看你的红/蓝/绿/黄/紫色Black, black.Stand up.黑色,黑色,站起来(起立)!Orange orange.Sit down.粉红色,粉红色,坐下!Brown, brown.Turn around 棕色,棕色,转个圈。White, white.Touch the ground.白色,白色,摸摸地板。Unit3.Touch your head./ nose/ eye/ mouth/ ear.摸摸你的头/鼻子/眼睛/嘴巴/耳朵。Clap your hands.拍拍你的手。Snap your fingers.打响你的手指。Wave your arms.挥挥动你的胳膊。Shake your legs.摇你的双腿。Shake your body.扭扭你的身体。Stamp your foot.跺跺你的脚。Close your eyes.闭上你的眼睛Open your mouth.张开你的嘴Unit 4Act like a cat/ duck/ panda/ monkey/ rabbit/ dog.模仿小猫/鸭子/熊猫/猴子/兔子/小狗表演。Walk like a elephant.像大象一样走路。Fly like a bird.像小鸟一样飞。Unit 5Eat some bread.吃些面包.Drink some water.喝些水。

Drink some milk 喝些牛奶。Eat some fish.吃些鱼.Eat some rice.吃些米饭.Have some eggs.吃些蛋.Cut the cake.切蛋糕Have some juice.喝些果汁unit 6show me five.show me sixshow me sevenshow me eightshow me nineshow me ten四年级英语上册知识点总结第一单元三会单词classroom教室 window窗户 blackboard黑板 light灯 picture图片 door门 computer计算机 fan风扇 wall墙 floor地板短语:讲台teacher’s desk重点句型:1.We have a new classroom.我们有间新教室。-----Really?What’s in the classroom.真的吗?教室里有什么?2.Let’s go and see!让我们去看看吧!----OK/Great/Good idea.3.Let me help you!我来帮助你-----Thank you.谢谢你4.Where is the picture?图画在哪?-----It’s near the window.它在窗户旁边.听力考试通常涉及的句子:

Open the door打开门 Sweep the floor.扫地。

Turn on the light.打开灯。Put up the picture张贴图画。

Clean the board.擦黑板。Close the window关上窗户。第二单元 三会单词:Schoolbag 书包 storybook 故事书 candy 糖果 notebook笔记本 toy 玩具 key钥匙 语文书Chinese book 英语书English book 数学书maths book重点句型:1.I have a new schoolbag.我有一个新书包。----Really?2.What’s in your schoolbag?你书包里有什么?----An English book, a maths book and three storybooks.一本英语书,一本数学书和三本故事书.3.what colour is it?它是什么颜色?-----It’s blue and white.它是蓝白色的.4.What’s in it?它里面有什么?-----An English book.一本英语书.5.Here it is!它在这里-----Thank you so much!非常感谢听力考试通常涉及的句子:Put your Chinese book in your desk.把你的语文书话在你的书桌里Put your pencil box on your English book把你的铅笔盒放在你的英语书上Put your maths book under your schoolbag把你的数学书放在你的书包下面Put your eraser near your pencil box 把你的橡皮放在你的铅笔盒旁边第三单元三会单词:Strong强壮的 quiet安静的文静的 hair头发 shoe鞋 glasses眼镜friendly友好的重点句型:1.What's his name? /Who’s he?他叫什么名字?-----His name is Zhang Peng.他叫张鹏。2.He has glasses and his shoes are blue.他戴眼镜,他的鞋子是蓝色的.3.He is tall and strong他又高又壮本单元听力易考点:描述一个人是文静的,强壮的,让学生们在所给的图片里找出所对应的图片,或者是判断图片是否与录音中的内容一致..第四单元三会单词:Study书房 kitchen厨房 bathroom浴室 bedroom卧室 living room客厅起居室 phone电话 bed床 sofa沙发fridge冰箱 table桌子重点句型:1.Where is the cat?猫在哪?-----It’s in the living room.它在客厅2.Where are the keys? 钥匙在哪里?-----They are in the door.在门上。4.Are they near the table? 他们在桌子附近吗?-----Yes, they are./No, they aren't.是的/不是。5.Is it on the shelf? 在架子上吗?-----Yes, it is./No, it isn't.是的/不在。本单元听力主要考查点:Go to the living room.Watch TV.去客厅.看电视Go to the study.Read a book.去书房.看书Go to the kitchen.Have a snack.去厨房.吃零食Go th the bedroom.Have a nap.去卧室.打个盹儿.第五单元三会单词:knife刀noodles面条 beef牛肉 soup汤 vegetable蔬菜 chopsticks筷子 spoon勺fork餐叉 bowl 碗 chicken鸡肉短语:help yourself重点句型:1.What would you like for dinner? 你晚餐想吃什么?------I'd like some beef.你中餐想吃什么?我想吃些牛肉。2.What's for dinner? 晚餐吃什么?-----Some fish and vegetables.一些鱼和蔬菜.3.Help yourself.请自便。-----Thank you.谢谢4.Would you like a knife and fork?你想要刀叉吗?-----No,thanks.I can use chopsticks.不了,谢谢,我会用筷子。6.Would you like some soup?你想要一些汤吗?-----Yes,please!好的,麻烦了!本单元所涉及听力知识点:Make a salad制作沙拉Pass me the bowl把碗递给我Pass me the knife把刀递给我Cut the vegetables切蔬菜Use the spoon 用勺Use the fork 用餐叉Now let’s try it!现在让我们试吃一下!第六单元三会单词:Uncle叔叔舅舅 family teacher aunt姨姨,婶婶parents父母football player 足球运动员doctor医生 driver司机farmer农民 nurse护士 cook 厨师重点句型:1.How many people are there in your family? 你们家有几口人?-----Three.三口人2.What's your uncle’s job? 你叔叔是干什么的?-----He is a driver.他是一个司机。3.Is this your aunt?这是你姑妈吗?-----Yes.She’s a nurse.是的,她是一名护士4.My family has six people.我家有六口人.小学英语:小学英语考试分析,小学英语试题分享,提供小学英语同步学习知识点解析,学习资讯,关注我们,小学英语学习不再无助!




do morning exercises 晨练,做早操 eat breakfast吃早饭

have English class上英语课

play sports进行体育活动

eat dinner吃晚饭

eat lunch吃午饭

climb mountains 爬山

go shopping购物,买东西 play the piano 弹钢琴

visit grandparents 看望(外)祖父母

go hiking去远足

二、主要句子: When do you eat dinner?你什么时候吃晚饭?

I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.我晚上七点吃晚饭。

When do you get up? 你什么时候起床?

I usually get up at 12:00 at noon.我通常在中午12点起床。

What do you do on the weekend?你在周末干什么?

Usually I watch TV and go shopping.我通常看电视和购物。

Sometimes I visit my grandparents.有时候我去看望我的外祖父母。

I often play football.我经常踢足球。

Sometimes I go hiking.有时候我去远足。


eat breakfast—have breakfast eat lunch—have lunch eat dinner—have dinner play sports—do sports


复数形式:policeman—policemen policewoman—policewomen



同义句:What do you do ?---What are you? 你是干什么的?

四、表示频度的副词:always 总是,一直

usually 通常,常常

often 经常 sometimes 有时候

五、以复数形式出现的词组:visit grandparents plant trees

六、介词后跟表示时间的词语时,表示在某年、某月、某个季节,某个时候(在上午,在下午,在晚上)用in;表示在某一天,在星期几用on,在具体的几点几分用at.七、too 和either的用法区别:too和either都是“也”的意思,但too用于肯定句,either用于否定句。



season季节 spring春天





fly kites 放风筝


make a snowman堆雪人

plant trees 种树

主要句子:Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?

I like winter best.我最喜欢冬天。

Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season。


Why do you like summer? 你为什么喜欢夏天?

Because I can swim in the lake.因为我可以在湖里游泳。

Why do you like winter? 你为什么喜欢冬天?

Because I can sleep a long time.因为我可以睡很长时间的觉。


三单:say—says ask—asks come—comes

对应词:wake up—sleep go to bed—get up

同义句:What‟s your favourite season?(你最喜爱的季节是什么?)----Which season do you like best?(你最哪个季节?)

四、play with 玩雪,play in the snow在雪中玩.如果在横线后面有the ,则选择in , 如果在横线后面没有the , 则选择 with.五、like后面不能直接跟动词。如果需要跟动词或动词性词组时,则需在like后面加to.如果不加to.就要把后面的动词变成相应的动名词形式.如:I like to swim ===I like swimming.六、当表示某地某个季节的天气情况时,要把季节放在前面,地点放在后面。其结构为:What‟s the weather like in 季节in 地点?


一、主要单词:January(Jan.)February(Feb.)March(Mar.)April(Apr.)May June July August(Aug.)September(Sept.)October(Oct.)November(Nov.)December(Dec.)


1.When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候It‟s in May.在五月。

2.My birthday is in June.Uncle Bill‟s birthday is in June, too.我的生日在六月。比尔叔叔的生日也在六月。

3.Is her birthday in June? 她的生日在六月吗?Yes.是的。

4.What‟s the date? 是几月几日?June 9th.六月九日。

5.What‟s the date today? 今天是几月几日?

It‟s April 10th.四月十日。


1、关于月份:(1)五月May , 六月June, 七月July,没有简写形式。九月September 的简写形式是前四个字母加点Sept.其他八个月的简写形式是前三个字母加点。(2)无论是完全形式还是简写形式,表示12个月的单词的第一个字母都要大写。

2、关于基数词变序数词。(1)一般情况下,直接在基数词后面加th.(one , two , three 除外)。one—first , two—second , three—third.(2)以ve结尾的基数词,变ve为f, 再加th.如:five—fifth , twelve—twelfth.(3)以t结尾的基数词,直接加h。如eight—eighth.(4)以不发音的字母e结尾的,丢掉不发音的字母e,再加th.如 nine—ninth.(5)以y结尾的整十数,在变为序数词时,将y变为ie,再加th.如twenty—twentieth.(6)20以上的两位数,变为序数词时,十位数不变,只将个位上的数变为序数词。如:twenty-one----twenty-first ,twenty-two—twenty-second , thirty-four—thirty-fourth.(7)序数词的简写形式为表示该词的阿拉伯数字加上该单词的最后两个字母,最后两个字母要变成上标格式。如:first—1st , second—2nd , third—3rd , fourth—4th.twentieth—20th

3.在回答When is your birthday?这个问题时,如果只说明生日在几月份,在月份前用in.如 My birthday is in July.如果要具体说明生日是在几月几日,则要把in去掉,直接用is,或者在is后加on。如My birthday is June 9th.或My birthday is on June 9th.4.注意区分两个句子:What day is it today ?今天星期几? What‟s the date today? 今天是几月几日?


make(现在分词)---making.send(现在分词)---sending.6.句子:How many birthdays are in October ?有几个人的生日在十月? There are 3.7.My birthday is in February.(变为一般疑问句)---Is your birthday in February?

8.Does she have a computer? 她有计算机吗?当第三人称单数和句子中出现了does时,其他动词必须使用原型。

9、读序数词时,前面一定要加the.如 October 1st.读作October the first.10、同义句:

Who has a birthday in October?===Whose birthday is in October?



draw pictures 画画

drawing pictures 正在画画

do the dishes 洗碗碟

doing the dishes正在洗碗碟

cook dinner 做饭

cooking dinner 正在做饭

read a book 读书

reading a book 正在读书

answer the phone 接电话

answering the phone 正在接电话

listen to music 听音乐

listening ti music 正在听音乐

wash clothes 洗衣服

washing clothes 正在洗衣服

clean the room 打扫房间

cleaning the room 正在打扫房间

write a letter 写信

writing a letter 正在写信

write an e-mail 写电子邮件writing an e-mail正在写电子邮件


1.This is Zhang Peng.(电话用语)我是张朋。

What are you doing?你正在干什么?

2.I‟m doing the dishes.我正在洗碗碟。

I‟m reading a book。我正在读书。3.Grandpa is writing a letter。爷爷正在写信。

Brother is doing homework.弟弟正在做作业。

4.Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen.妈妈正在厨房里做饭。

5.Dad is writing an e-mail in the study.爸爸正在书房里写电子邮件。


1、在电话中介绍自己时,可以用“It‟s … ”或者„This is ….‟。但是不能用“I am …”或者“My name is …”

2.在电话中表另一个人接电话时,应该说:“Can I speak to …?”

3、告诉别人接电话时,说:There is a call for you.4、在接电话时请别人稍候说:Hold on please.或者Please hold on.5、动词变为现在分词(加ing)的规则:


clean—cleaning draw—drawing cook—cooking

(2)以单个不发音的字母e结尾的动词,去掉不发音的字母e,再加ing.如:write—writing come—coming take—taking make—making leave—leaving have—having

(3)以重读闭音世结尾的动词,如果词尾只有一个辅音字母,则要先双写这个辅音字母,再加ing.如: run—running swim—swimming put—putting sit—sitting set—setting



fly 飞

flying 正在飞

walk 走

walking 正在走

jump跳 jumping正在跳

run跑 running 正在跑

swim 游泳 swimming 正在游 climb爬 climbing 正在爬

fight 打架 fighting 正在打架 swing荡秋千

swinging 正在荡秋千drink water喝水drinking water 正在喝水


1.What is it doing? 它正在干什么?

It‟s eating bananas.它正在吃香蕉。

2.What is she doing? 她正在干什么?

She is jumping.她正在跳。

3.What are they doing? 它们正在干什么?

They are swimming.它们不瞅正在游泳。

They are climbing trees.它们正在爬树。


1、在英语中,当表示妈妈时,无论是人类妈妈还是动植物的妈妈,都可以用she.而表示婴儿时,也都可以用it.2、系动词be 的用法:我是am你是are, is跟着他她它。如果人称是复数,扑面一律都用are.如:I am reading a book.He is cooking dinner.We are doing an experiment.Are you eating lunch?

3、With 除了表示和…一起外,还可以表示“使用”,如:

That elephant is drinking water with its trunk.大象正在用它的象鼻喝水。

I am writing with my pen.我正在用我的钢笔写字。


如:Can tigers really swim?

I can wash the clothes.我会洗衣服。

I am washing clothes.我正在洗衣服。

5、can , usually , often , sometimes , always 这几个单词都是一般现在时的好朋友,当句子中出现了它们时,动词一般都要用原形。

now, am , is , are 这几个单词都是现在进行时的好朋友,当句子中出现了它们时,动词要用现在分词形式,也就是ing形式。



pick up leaves 采摘树叶

picking up leaves 正在采摘树叶

catch butterflies 捉蝴蝶 catching butterflies 正在捉蝴

take pictures 照相

taking pictures 正在照相

watch insects 观察昆虫

watching insects 正在观察昆虫

do an experiment 做实验

doing an experiment 正在做实验

have a picnic 举行野餐 having a picnic 正在举行野餐

count insects 数昆虫 counting insects 正在数昆虫

write a report 写报告

writing a report 正在写报告

collect leaves 收集树叶

collecting leaves 正在收集树叶

play chess 下棋 playing chess 正在下棋


1.Are you eating lunch ?你们正在吃午饭吗?

No, we aren‟t.不,我们不是。

2.Are they eating the honey? 它们正在吃蜂蜜吗?

Yes, they are.是的,它们是。

3.Is he playing chess? 他正在下棋吗?

Yes, he is.是的,他是。

4.Is she writing a report? 她正在写报告吗?

No, she isn‟t.不,她不是。


1、现在进行时的句子变一般疑问句时,只要将系动词be(am is are)和主语交换位置,将句末的句号变为问号,但是要注意第一人称和第二人称时,人称和系动词的相应变化。

如:I am reading a book?------Are you reading a book?

You‟re walking.-----Am I waling?

He is cooking dinner.-------Is he cooking dinner?

2、表示用什么做个实验时,要用on。如 Do an experiment on me , please.3.It‟s time to 后跟动词的原形,It‟s time for 后跟名词。

如:It‟s time to go to school.该去上学了。(到了去上学的时间了。)

It‟s time for English class.到了英语课的时间了。

It‟s time to have English class.该上英语课了。



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