
时间:2019-05-11 23:19:59下载本文作者:会员上传



be good for

有益于 发展友谊

给某人留下深刻印象 在---中受益匪浅 某事将永存我心 难忘的经历 一生的记忆 在某人的脑海中 将---用存心中

我将永远珍惜 为---提供机会 与人协助 通过阅读获得知识 拓展某人的思维 源于---科学的学习方法 英语口语 独自,靠某人自己 结果证明是---通过这次的转变 孰能生巧 坚持做某事 无论多么困难---尽力去克服---一份耕耘,一份收获 努力战胜---



擅长某事 相信自己 尽力赶上 快速取得进步 只要 愿意付出努力 积极的态度


保持一个积极的态度 让我们感到更加的乐观 develop one’s friendship

impress sb a lot

benefit a lot from

it’s always shining inside my heart.它总是在我的内心里闪耀

sth will last in my heart forever

unforgettable experience

lifelong memory

in one’s mind

keep sth in one’s heart

I will treasure it forever

cooperate with others

open up one’s mind

result from---spoken English on one’s own turn out to be

provide opportunities for sb

gain knowledge through reading

scientific studying methods

through this transformation

practice makes perfect

keep on doing sth

no matter how difficult it is

try my best to get over---

No pains, no gains

make efforts to overcome---the best way to do sth is set practical goals be good at sth

strengthen ourselves both physically and mentally.believe in yourself

make rapid progress

as long as

try your best to catch up

willing to make an effort

positive attitude

sth is the power that drives you to success

maintain a positive attitude

keep us feeling optimistic


英语作文知识点总结140602 1 / 12 decide not to go Last but not least, It’s always necessary to think carefully before making a decision.No man is an island, as the saying goes: a man without friends is an angel without wings.I am sure I can fly higher and farther with the wings of friendship It can not only help us succeed in our study, but also help us grow up as a person it’s important for us to one of my best subjects make some notes catch every chance to both in and out of class I’m not afraid of

I believe that nothing is impossible if I put my heart into it.It’s good for I think you had better have done a lot for us look down upon give a hand to


is strict with sb It’s good for sth had better to do be pleased have a great progress earned about be active be brave enough to get on well with take part in all I had to fit in with others get used to doing learn from each other I’m sure

make great progress in sth


more and more I was glad to volunteer their time to do make ……environment better

英语作文知识点总结140602 2 / 12 picked up calling on lead a low-carbon life I was moved by The environmental protection is not only the business of the government, but also the responsibility of each of us.Even a small effort can make a great difference I made up my mind to turn off keep the water running reusing some old things I plan to take part in breathe the fresh air keep away from do a bit for take care of in this way becoming worse and worse we should go to school on foot or by bus instead of going by car in time be reused as much as possible It’s our duty to have take actions to offer their help


I’m glad to hear from you show you around somewhere tell you about take you to listen to be different kinds of fall in love with I plan to have a bus tour enjoy the sights of Beijing get off feel the perfect mixture of the past and the present.you're always welcome at present trying to do their best protect the environment for long As a result it’s lucky for sb to do sth are good for

英语作文知识点总结140602 3 / 12 communicate with important to do on time keep promises lie to others be polite to others help people in need we’d better Don’t throw litter or spit about obey traffic rules pay attention to study You’d better Work hard on your lessons enjoy myself so that very helpful to do sports


I had to fit in with others get used to doing sth learn from each other I’m sure

make great progress in sth


can brighten that person’s day.so nervous that sitting in the front row I was greatly encouraged by his smile something so simple can make a big difference.In the lake of my memories


what we students are looking forward to is---look forward to sth/doing sth

In the first place

be supposed to do sth

devote oneself to/into sth/doing sth

enjoy the fantastic scenery of---

我们学生所期待的是---期待某事 首先

被要求应当作某事 投身于某事 享受美丽的风景

英语作文知识点总结140602 4 / 1proper relaxation



devote oneself to sth

sb will be delighted

投身于什么之中 我在做某事上有经验 谁谁一定会开心 通过某事而好好利用---拥有足够的耐心, 我确信我能---某人将有能力做某事 我不介意什么什么 使A和B都受益 珍惜----取而代之,相反

与其做A很累但是I am experienced in doing sth

put sth to good use by doing sth with enough patience, I bet I can

sb will be qualified to do sth I don’t mind---cherish sth instead of

benefit both A and B

doing A instead of doing B will make---more meaningful 不如做B让---更有意义

Tired but happy, I cherish it a lot.Advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.很快乐,我很珍惜这次经历。益处远远超过付出的东西。tired but happy I cherish it a lot.很累但是很快乐 我很珍惜这次机会。

advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.offer sb this chance

Develop our social abilities

I’m easygoing and optimistic Sth suits sb just fine---

Have more life experiences

益处远远超过付出的东西。优势生于缺点 为某人提供这次机会 发展我们的社交能力 这是一个好机会也是一个挑战 我亲和而乐观 正适合某人 获得更多生活经历

人们的价值不在于他们获得了什么this is a chance as well as a challenge.Have a cheerful and meaningful life.people’s value is not what they get but what they give 而是他们付出了什么。

through doing sth can we know sth devote oneself to sth/doing sth

Brighten one’s life

rich one’s life experience

Improve one’s ability

get a chance to do sth

increase social awareness



丰富某人的生活经历 提升某人的能力 得到一个什么样的机会 增加社会意识

发现我们自身优势和天赋 建立一种独立感 扩充我们的社交圈子 discover our own strengths and talents build a sense of independence expand our social circle


remind sb of sth


英语作文知识点总结140602 5 / 12 in order to---stand for



做某事对我而言是一种无尽的乐趣 永远把它视为我的爱好 改善我的健康




做某事对我而言是一种无尽的乐趣 养成什么样的习惯 做某事是值得的 留出一些时间 毫无疑问 很明显----

使我们能够保持健康。我痴迷于---拓展视野 provide a chance for me

Doing sth is a never-ending pleasure for me Keep it as my hobby forever build up my health

make me quick-witted intense study it’s one of my effective ways to do sth meet like-minded person

Doing sth is a never-ending pleasure for me get into the habit of doing sth It’s worthwhile to do sth

set aside some time It’s obvious that---enable us to keep fit broaden my horizon 议论文

in favor of sth `in some ways

There is no doubt that

I am enthusiastic about/I am fond of sth

赞成 在某些方面



(总的来说),(总结来说),(总之),(总的来说),(我认为),(总的来说),(就我所知),(总的来说),(众所周知)3`I completelyentirelytotallyfully agree to spend time reading.I completelyentirelytotallyfully agree to do sth stay away from 归纳的表达方式: in a word all in all in short

in conclusion

place of interests

as far as I am concerned generally speaking as far as I know on the whole As we all know 自荐信

Do good to

From the bottom of my heart

英语作文知识点总结140602 6 / 12 朝阳二模完型:

无语境提示,选择范围大的 Run—




for a living

谋生 pick out

挑选出来 pick up

捡起,拾起,偶然习得,(到机场、火车站)接人 try to do sth successfully =manage to do sth in a hurry

匆忙,快点 turn over

翻转 代词必须还原(清楚指代对象)形容词、副词:忌自己主观臆断!perform the plan 执行计划 point out

指出 完形:不能去推导。make five basket =basket vi.投篮得分 in a row

成列地,(一个接一个地)tell the difference between A and B

区分A和B get sth worked

让。。工作 out of the way

偏离,不正常的 fill in

填写(form)完形:同一道题所有词的词性相同 meet one’s need

满足某人的需求 meet an end

收支平衡 push sb for doing sth 因着。。事情催促某人 eye contact 眼神交流

an everyday affair 每天要做的事情 touch one’s heart 感动某人 all this time

一直以来 live up to

执行,实施,做出来 look through

浏览 impress sb

给某人留下深刻的印象 live by

(按照原则、信念)去生活、做事情 put down---

write down 写下 贬低,制止 take down

拿下,病倒 slow down

慢下来,放慢速度 quiet down

安静下来 force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事 keep/prevent sb from doing sth/sth

英语作文知识点总结140602 7 / 12 protect oneself from the blows

保护自己不受到殴打 come to one’s sense

使苏醒,恢复理性 come to terms with sth

终于接受,学会面对困境 run away

逃离 hide away

隐藏 turn away

转过脸去 shy away

由于恐惧、不喜欢、不自信而回避 broaden one’s horizon


feed喂养(人)—bring up(抚养某人)—keep(宠物)fed up 厌倦= be tired of =be sick of struggle to do sth

好纠结地去做某事 oblige to do sth

被迫做某事 obligation n.义务,责任 take sth for granted

认为。。理所当然 elegant indifferent

冷淡的 inspiresb to do sth=encourage sb to do st


by means of

通过。。方式,手段 make a living through

通过。。谋生 feed and clothe

提供吃的和穿的 ready to do sth

准备做某事 be about to dosth

正要做某事 call up

叫醒,给。。打电话 clear up

(天)放晴,解释 turn up




the difference betweenA …and B…(having a goal—有一个目标)right now=now 完形翻译细节:逐字翻译(时态、语态、修饰词)


in spite of

尽管。。stay away from

躲避,离。。远点 put off

阻止,推迟 believe in


英语作文知识点总结140602 8 / 12 a series of


put up


there is no getting around it.你是没有办法推脱(摆脱)它的


work—job—career--vocation 职业 profession

professional 职业化的 broaden your horizon

开阔视野 厌倦:fed up-be tired of-be sick of do exercise-do sports-work out be good for-do good to-benefit

get ready for/ preparefor/make a preparation for 准备.I am glad/happy/pleased that…

我很高兴。。do something environment-friendly protect environment environmental protection do something environment-friendly(别忘了中间的连字符号)reach/come to an agreement 达成一致 have some words with sb 争吵

have a word with sb

和某人说话 so moved by/ moved so much by keep/ insist on/persist on/ stick to their dreams be bad for—do harm to—be harmful for develop/form a healthy lifestyle eat/dine healthily dine out

外出吃饭 consider/ think of to spend some time in 空闲时间

free time—spare time—leisure time 迟早=

sooner or later 采取行动—

take actions/measures

used to do sth

过去常常做某事(现在不做了)be used to do sth

被用作去做。。(被动语态)be used to doing sth

习惯做某事 be accustomed to doing 习惯做某事


the ideas on ….varydifferently from persons to persons.关于**的观点在人和人之间意见是不一样的。idea/opinion/point/view/point of view

英语作文知识点总结140602 9 / 12 In a word,简言之

in a word, n/n


n(后置定语)in short,句子

protect the(不可以省略)environment differ from= be different from 令人非常惊讶的是:

To one’s surprised,/ Surprisingly, wear



let sb down

让某人失望 fed up doing sth

厌倦做某事 take sth seriously


pay attention to n

在。。方面关注 be tired of sth

厌倦做某事 let sb disappointed






experienced a lot before be good/great for/benefit/do good to 对。。人好 Maybe it sounds tough, but here and there


remember/memorize/ bear in mind should—be supposed to do like—prefer/be willing to/love/be fond of/ prefer to sth….rather than do sth/ be keen to –be interested in 在。。的成长中。

at the growth of… in the past

在过去。At that moment, get a good mark be able to—have ability to do sth And in his opinion, it is the best way for making a big difference to gives a hand to me they seem like our parents all the day=the whole day

英语作文知识点总结140602 10 / 12 compare to/with


许多:a lot of/much/amount of /plenty of/a large number of/ a number of/loads of—说作业多的最好搭配


provide a better lifestyle leave a cleaner globe to the next generation develop a better personality is good for

Friendship needs to share.thank to sth、sb



seems different from


好的学习方法是很重要的 Good study methods/approaches are important/key/crucial

improve the efficiency of learning can make a good use of time.2014年词汇班笔记

smooth the traffic

缓解交通 tight adj.tightly


my schedule(时间表)is tight.the time is limited.my time is running out.decide to do sth/ determinate to do sth/make a determination to do sth/ make up one’s mind to do sth/make a decision to do sth(决定)

打算:be going to do sth/plan to do sth/ be ready to do sth/ be about to do sth(马上做)/mean to sth be scared of sth

害怕(afraid)in your free/spare/ leisure time boarding school

寄宿学校 pick up



make an effort to do sth/try to do sth/manage to do sth=try to do sth successfully adopt=ad+opt(选择)—option选择

英语作文知识点总结140602 11 / 12 采用,采纳

adapt= ad+apt---apt

适用于,be used to doing sth=be accustomed to doing sth=be adapted to doing sth adept ad-ept

(精通).real function

实变函数 wonder=want to know carry out/ perform the task 执行任务 result from


侮辱 consult



The price of dream 形容词、副词忌主观推测,做题的时候,一定要找到对应出处 remain true to the dream be worth(in)doing sth 做是么事情是值得的

the difference betweenA …and B…(having a goal—有一个目标)完形翻译细节:逐字翻译(时态、语态、修饰词)


a heavy step,沉重的步伐。


settle down

定居 reflective light

反射光 come to realize


devote one’s time to reading 花时间阅读

(把时间奉献给了阅读)devote one’s time for for

因为,为了(介词)day in and day out

夜以继日 adopt one’s attitude


英语作文知识点总结140602 12 / 12





基本并列连词如 and, or , but , 关联连词如 either...or , neither...nor , not only...but also,both...and, whether...or 等;介于并列连词与从属连词或介词之间的结构如 as well as , as much as, rather than , more than, no less than 等;此外还有些'半连接词',一些语法学家把它们称为连接副词,如 nevertheless, however, meanwhile, otherwise, likewise 等,在句中做连接性状语。这类连词主要是从逻辑上,而不是从形式上连接句子,其关系比较松散。

并列关系的连词有:and, both„and, not only„but also, as well as, and„as well, not„nor, neither„nor等。


例4 He sang and played the guitar.他一边唱歌一边弹吉他。


例5 Our college is not in Beijing or Shanghai.我们的学院既不在北京也不在上海。


例6 He did not talk loudly and also not clearly.他说话声音不大,也不清晰。


(4)在come, go, run, hurry up, stay, stop等动词后,and能用来代替省略to不定式引导的目的状语。

例7 Would you go and tell the children to shut up? 你能告诉孩子们别再说话了吗?


例8 He went and had a drink with us yesterday.昨天他来了,和我们喝了点酒。

用在try, wait等后,也有类似的用法,但只能用它们的原形。

例9 Try and get some water.尽量拿点水来。

(5)祈使句 + and 表示结果。

例10 Let’s give him some help, and he will be able to improve in his studies.咱们帮帮他,他一定会提高他的学习成绩。

(6)and that(or those)„,„„而且„„ 其作用是补充前面所说的话,以达到强调的目的。用来代表前一分句的全部或一部分。

例11 He speaks English, and that very well.他会说英语,而且说的很好。

(7)at once„ and „ 既 „„又„„

例12 The novel is at once interesting and instructive.那部小说既有趣,又有教育意义。

2.both „and连接两个平等的成分,避免用两个以上的平等的成分。

例13 A man should have both courage and perseverance.一个人应该既有勇气又有毅力。

3.not only„ but also„有时but或also可省略,not only位于句首要倒装。

例14 He is not only handsome but also clever.他不仅英俊潇洒,而且聪明。

4.as well as相当于连词,其意为in addition to,and also,besides等。as well as的侧重点在前,强调语气较强。连接两个名词时,谓语动词要与第一个名词相一致。

例15 He as well as I agrees with you.他和我一样都同意你的观点。

例16 His parents as well as he are very kind to me.他的父母和他都对我很好。

5.neither„nor„ 它们可单独使用,位于句首时要倒装。

例17 Gases have neither definite size nor shape of their own.气体既没有大小,也没有形状。

例18 I can neither speak nor write French.我既不会说也不会写法语。

转折、对比关系的连词有:but, however, nevertheless, yet, while, still, whereas, onlybut , nevertheless, likewise, anyway , only , conversely , on the contrary, by this time, all the same , fortunately, on the other hand , in the meantime等。


例19 She was tired, but she still went on working.她很累了,但她仍然继续努力工作。

2.However 用作连接副词,相当于no matter how,引导让步状语从句,意思是“不管怎样„„”“无论如何„„”,具体结构有以下两种:


例20 However rich people are,they always seem anxious to take more money.无论人们有多富裕,他们似乎总是渴望挣到更多的钱。


例21 However fast he runs,he can’t catch up with us.无论他跑得多快也不能赶上我们。

3.nevertheless 然而,不过

例22 He is charming;nevertheless, I don’t quite trust him.他很有魅力,然而我不太相信他。

4.yet 用作转折连词时,意思是“然而、可是”。

例23 She has her weakness, yet that does not mean she is not qualified for the job.她有她的缺点,然而那并不意味着她不胜任这项工作。5.while意为“而,然而”,表示转折。

例24 He went out, while I stayed at home.他出去了,而我呆在家里。


例25 We have made some achievements, still we should be modest and prudent.我们取得了一些成绩,但我们仍须谦虚谨慎。


例26 He is ill, whereas I am a little tired.他病了,而我有些累了。

例27 You may go, only come back early.你可以去,只是要早点回来。

选择关系的连词有:either„or, whether„or, or, rather than„,otherwise等。

1.either„or 作为选择连词,一般用来连接句子中的同等成分,如名词、动词、介词短语等。但有时也可见到前后不一致的情况。

例28 You may either stay here or go with us.你可以留下来,也可以跟我们一起走。


例29 Please tell us whether to go or stay.请告诉我们是走还是留下来。

3.rather A than B 连接两个并列的成分表示宁愿„„,后面常用动词原形。

例30 I would rather read than watch television.我宁愿读书而不愿看电视。

4.or 在并列结构中,or通常用于否定句。表示选择的并列结构中or意思为“否则”。

例31 Which would you rather do go walking or go to the movies? 你愿意去散步还是去看电影?

因果关系的连词有:so, for, therefore, accordingly, thus, hence, consequently,thus, on that account, in that case等。

1.so表示“因此” “所以”,连接并列句,前一分句表示原因,后一分句表示结果。

例32 It was late, so we went home.天晚了,所以我们就回家了。

例33 He was angry, so he could not speak.他很生气,连话都说不出来了。


例34 I could not visit you, for I felt unwell yesterday.我昨天感觉不舒服,因此没能拜访你。

3.therefore 因此,所以。

例35 He lost his health, and therefore his difficulties were increased.他的身体垮了,因此他的困难比以前增加了。

4.hence 因此,从此,表示原因,理由。

例36 The town was built on the side of a hill;hence(comes)the name Hillside.这个小镇建在山边,于是命名为山边。

5.consequently 结果,从而,因此。

例37 It rained three days in succession, and consequently all the bridges were swept away.一连下了三天雨,所有的桥都被冲走了。

其它并列连词常见的有: as well as, more than, rather than, no less than 等.(1)as well as 表示 '同' 和 '也' 的意义

as well as 用作并列连词时它意义相当于 not only...but also, 但侧重点在后一并列成分上而 as well as 侧重点却在前一并列成分上 ,A as well as B=not only B but also A.(2)more than 表示而不是之意.(3)rather than 表示 '而不是' 之意.(4)no less than 表示 ' 同...一样 ' 之意.当 as well as ,more than, rather than, no less than 连接两个成分作主语时谓语动词应于第一个成分的数相一致.在使用并列连词时我们应该注意:(1)并列连词不可以连用.(2)有些连接性状语副词可以和某些从属连词对应使用.(3)在 for 或 so that 引出的分句中如果主语与前一分句的主语所指相同其主语不可以省略.同样, 如果第二个分句是由连接副词引出的其主语通常也不可省略.二、从属连词

从属连词是用来引导从句的,它在主句和从句中间起连接作用。具体地说,从属连词主要引导名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句)和状语从句,不引导定语从句。从属连词按词形分为简单从属连词,复合从属连词,关连从属连词。1)简单从属连词 常见的有:after, although虽然,尽管, as, because, before, if, lest,once, since, that, till, unless, until, when, where, whether, while 等。2)复合从属连词

由两个或两个以上单词构成的从属连词,如: as if犹如,好似, as far as至于,直到,远到;就„而言 , as soon as一就, according as , in case , no matter who(how,what,when, where), rather than, 3 for all that 尽管,虽然如此 , given(that), in order that, now(that), on condition that ,(so)that ,provided/providing(that), inasmuch as , insofar as , in that,now that等。

3)关联从属连词 由两个关联构成的,如: as...as, nore(less,-er)...than, no sooner...than, so...as , so...that,such...sa , the...the, whether...or 等,使用从属连词时,应该注意


(2)并列连词之间之前不可以加其它连词,而从属连词之前可以加并列连词;连接副词。使用连词时, 还应该注意: 1.because, for, since, as 的区别 1)、because语气强, 表示客观必然原因:例如: He is absent, because he is ill.因为生病,所以他没来。

比较:He is absent, for he is busy.(“生病”是“缺席”的必然原因,“忙”不是必然原因。)2)、for 语气轻,表示非客观必然的原因,是主观可改变结果的原因,甚至是猜测可能的原因: for 不能放句首,它是并列连词。

He must be ill, for he is absent.“缺席”不一定是“生病”,只是交流猜测。.3)、since, as 都是不讲自明的原因, 是已知的原因.Since I am a boy, let me carry the case.As you don't feel well,you had better stay at home.三、知识拾零


2、既能引导状语从句,又能引导名词性从句的if和whether.1)、在表示“是否”的意思时,whether和if都能引导宾语从句。但在正式文体中有or not或 wheither„ or时或介词的宾语时我用wheither。





6、while和when都有“当„„的时候”,不过while引导的从句通常动词为延续性的(如:work)而when 引导的从句动词既可以是延续性的也可以是非延续性的。



9、并列连词not only„but also„ 中的also可以省略,但but不能省略。not only„but(also)„连接的前后两部分必须保持一致或对等。

10、情景交际用语知识。but在交际用语中,与“I’m sorry”及“Excuse me”等连用,表示委婉拒绝或道歉。

Excuse me for breaking in,__ but ___ I have some news for you.

11、“live up to„”配得上„„,“be home to„”„„的家园。as long as表示“仅有的条件”,while表示“同时或转折”,if表示“条件”,even though表示“让步”。

12、in case表示“for fear that”,意为“以防,免得”。另外,in case还可以用在句尾,表示“以防万一”,






(2)人称代词:belong to +人称代词宾格(me, him, her, them)= be + n.物代(mine, his, hers, theirs)

介词后+人称代词宾格(instead of me, him, her, them)

(3)反身代词:enjoy oneself(注意单复数)

by oneself

keep sth.to oneself(当句子中没有说明人称时,一般写yourself)

dress oneself

hurt oneself

depend on oneself




一二三特殊记,one – first;two – second;three – third

八去t, 九去e, 结尾要加th,eight – eighth;nine – ninth;

ve要用f替+th,five – fifth;twelve – twelfth

若是碰上几十几,只变个位就可以,forty-three – forty-third

整十数变序数,变y为ie+th.thirty – thirtieth;forty – fortieth



介词+doing:(about, of, from, with;without, for, at, in, by, on, against…)+ doing

keep doing;spend doing;feel like doing;have fun doing;have a great/good time doing;look forward to doing;have trouble/problems/difficulty doing;consider doing;

be/get used to doing;avoid doing;pay attention to doing;be worth doing

hear/watch/see/find sb.doing;There be…doing;end up doing

(3)名词变复数(特殊:mouse–mice;child – children)

music – musician(s)magic – magician(s)tooth – teeth foreign – foreigner(s)

run – runner(s)win – winner(s)own – owner(s)keep – keeper(s)

drive – driver(s)village – villager(s)climb – climber(s)sing – singer(s)

office – officer(s)farm – farmer(s)report – reporter(s)perform – performer(s)

science – scientist(s)tour – tourist(s)piano – pianist(s)violin – violinist(s)art – artist(s)

visit – visitor(s)actor – actor(s)direct – director(s)

actress – actresses glass – glasses

postman – postmen policeman – policemen fisherman – fishermen

human – humans Germany – German(s)

potato – potatoes tomato – tomatoes hero – heroes superhero – superheroes

suggest – suggestion(s)manage – manager(s)work – worker(s)


sleep – fall(fell)asleep;feel(felt)sleepy;danger – dangerous;humor – humorous

sun – sunny;cloud – cloudy;wind – windy;snow – snowy;rain – rainy

person – personal education – educational;meaning – meaningless/ meaningful

culture – cultural nature – natural center – central success – successful week – weekly

tradition – traditional fall – fallen wood – wooden marry – married

help – helpful thank – thankful value – valuable

nation – national music – musical medicine – medical


appear – disappear;expensive – inexpensive;fair – unfair;crowd – crowded/uncrowded

polite – impolite


success – successfully;simple – simply;normal – normally

proper – properly;correct – correctly;complete – completely;polite – politely


①wet – wetter;hot – hotter;fat – fatter;thin – thinner;big – bigger

②good/well – better many/much – more little – less bad/badly – worse


the +比较级,the +比较级

比较级 + and + 比较级 或 more and more + 原级(bigger and bigger;more and more important)

as/so + 原级 + as(分析形容词或副词)


1.冠词:have breakfast/lunch/dinner;play +球类; play chess

a useful;a European;an hour;an honest;an X, N, F, M, A, E, H, I, L, O, S

play the + 乐器; play the instrument the same …

2.There be 句型(翻译成“有”)

(1)be 单复数 — 就近原则,可数名词单数以及不可数名词用单数

(2)一般将来时:There will be 或 There is/are going to be

(3)There be… doing

(4)不与have 连用

(5)Will there be….? 肯定回答:Yes, there will

3.population 作主语,谓语动词用单数(is/was)

百分数/分数 + population, 谓语动词用复数(are/were)

4.the number of + 名词复数,谓语动词用单数(is/was)

a number of + 名词复数, 谓语动词用复数(are/were)

5.感叹句: What a/an + 形容词 + 可数名词单数!

What + 形容词 + 名词复数/不可数名词!

How + 形容词 + a/an/the/your..+ 可数名词单数!

How + 形容词/副词!



做题方法:选项中有whose, 看横线后第一个此是否为名词,是就选择whose, 不是就排除whose。

排除whose后,有that选that.没有that, 横线前的名词指人时用who, 指物时用which



8.祈使句:Do;To do

做题方法:有逗号隔开,翻译成“为了…”通顺 —— To do

其余情况 —— Do


(1)Must 提问:肯定回答must.否定回答:needn’t 或 don’t have to

Not sure — may/might


11.非谓语动词:位于句子中间,没有固定短语时,选to do

12.过去进行时:was/were + doing 翻译成正在…

13.现在完成时: 主语+have/has + done(since/ recently/ in the past few years;for + 时间段)

其他知识点看笔记,看一下How often/long/soon 等答语的不同 + 作文模板 + 固定短语


第四篇:英语Zootopia 知识点总结

月14日知识点总结Chapter 1 Hello, Welcome to Disneyland!

在这个系列中我们将一起完成由4本迪士尼经典小说,分别是 「疯狂动物城」「海底总动员2」「超能陆战队」「寻梦环游记」。今天我们首先要来到一个现代化的动物都市,在这个表面上所有动物们和平共处的城市中,却酝酿着一起神秘案件,想知道究竟怎么回事的话就跟Alvira一起,跟着我们主角兔子朱迪警官一起开始这场激动人心之旅吧~






Utopia最早是英国哲学家,空想社会主义者托马斯·莫尔爵士在1516年出版的一部名著的书名, 乌托邦的理论体现了人类对社会的一种憧憬,是人类思想意识中最美好的社会:人人平等,没有压迫,就像世外桃源。



食肉动物:主要是以肉为食物的动物或一些性情凶猛的动物,比如老虎,狮子,猎豹等~影片中出现了很多肉食动物,比如red fox(狐狸)African lion(非洲狮子)cheetah(猎豹)three-toed sloth(三趾树懒)otter(水獭)fennec fox(耳廓狐)arctic shrew(鼩鼱)honey badger(蜜獾)black jaguar(美洲豹)polar bear(北极熊)wolf(狼)。

食草动物:动物吃植物是自然界食物链的基础,自然界中不少动物是以植物为食的,食草动物的总数也远大于食肉动物,当然在Zootopia这座城市里,也有很多食草动物,比如rabbit(兔子)gazelle(羚羊)sheep(绵羊)ram(公羊)oryx(大羚羊)cape buffalo(非洲水牛)yak(牦牛)rhinoceros(犀牛)elephant(大象)moose(驼鹿).大家在阅读的过程中,也可以留意一下文中出现的动物种类哦~





☔原句: these were the forces that ruled our world.☔e.g.Million years ago, dinosaurs(恐龙)ruled the earth.2.「terribly」在文中的意思表示“非常”(常见意思表示“糟糕的”)

☔原句: After a terribly long moment of silence, Judy sat up…

☔e.g.Your father misses you terribly.3.「read」在文中指 “(海报上)写着”,(常见意思表示“阅读,理解”)

☔原句:A poster reading “Carrot Days Talent Show” hung over the astonished crowd.☔e.g.A sign on the outer door read: “ No Entry”(禁止入内).4.「shower」在文中指“大量给予(to give someone a lot of things)”,(常见意思是“ 洗淋浴”)

☔原句:The sheep showered them with flowers.☔e.g.She showered him with kisses.5.「spot」在文中做动词指“发现;注意到”,常见搭配为 spot sb doing sth,(常见的意思表示名词地点,斑点)

☔原文:When she spotted Gideon Grey following some little kids.☔e.g.Lucy spotted someone coming out of(从…出来)the building.句子解析

1.She was trying to / find her way through a fake rain forest / made of recycled paper and pieces of thick cardboard.这里「find way through somewhere」表示“在…寻找出路”,这里是说“Judy在一个假的雨林中寻找出路”;再举个栗子:We are slowly finding our way through bushes(灌木丛).「made of …」这里是修饰前面的「rain forest」,表示“由…构成”, 即“这个假的雨林是由再生纸和几块硬纸板组成的”。


2.Judy’s voice rang out loud and clear.“Fear.Betrayal.Desire for blood!Thousands of years ago, these were the forces that ruled our world.A world where prey were scared of predators.第一句中「ring out」(rang是ring的过去式)表示“大声响起”,后面的「loud and clear」是表示“Judy说话的声音相当清晰明了”。

稍稍拓展一下,如果我们形容某一个建议,想法相当的清晰明了,我们也可以说,比如:The idea came across from the speaker loud and clear;

第二句话中的「that ruled our world」是对前面「the forces」的修饰,其中rule表示“统治”(前面有讲过哦),表示“恐惧(fear),背叛(betrayal),杀戮的欲望(desire for blood)是统治我们世界的力量”;


3.Suddenly, a jaguar sprang at her from the shadows!“Blood, blood, blood!” Judy screamed as she collapsed under the attack.这里「sprang」是spring的过去式,意思是“向…跳去”,这里是说一只美洲虎从隐蔽处向Judy扑过去,再举个例子哦:My dog sprang at the food.后半句中as在这是指“当…的时候”,「under the attack」指“受到攻击”。


4.The first, labeled deadly predator in crayon, landed on top of the jaguar, and the second, labeled defenseless prey, landed on Judy.前半句中「labeled deadly predator in crayon」在这做插入语,修饰the first,其中「label」为动词,表示“贴上标签”,「deadly」做形容词,表示“致命的”,「in crayon」表示用蜡笔画,也就是说用蜡笔标注有致命捕食动物的第一个箱子;

「land on 」落在…上,e.g.All the planes landed safely on the airport,所以前半句是指第一个标有致命动物的箱子落在了美洲虎的头上。

后半句的结构跟前半句是一样的哦~大家可以自己试着分析一下~ 这里注意一下「defenseless」这个词哦~,意思是无防御能力的,-less是一个常用的否定后缀,常见的这样的词还有很多哦,比如endless(无止境的),hopeless(无希望的),homeless(无家可归的)。


整句的意思是说:第一个标记着凶恶危险的的捕食动物的cardboard box(纸箱)落在美洲虎的头上,第二个标记着无防御能力的被捕食动物的箱子,落在了Judy身上~

5.A young sheep /wearing a white gown and a cardboard rainbow on his head /did an unprepared dance across the stage.「 wearing a …on his head」修饰a young sheep,表示一只穿着白色长袍(gown),头戴彩虹(rainbow)纸板(cardboard)的小羊;

「did」在这表示完成,「unprepared」字面意思是无准备的,在这「unprepared dance」表示即兴舞蹈,大家可以记住这种表达哦~,相似的表达比如unprepared speech(即兴演讲);


6.No longer acting as a deadly predator, the jaguar now looked like just another friendly youngster.「No longer…predator」是一个对主语jaguar的修饰,其中「no longer」表示“不再”,「act as」表示“充当,作为”,e.g.He acted as chairman when I was not here,这个部分是说“不再作为一只致命的捕食动物”。


7.Underneath his gown, he was wearing an astronaut costume/ that had clearly been made by hand.“Instead, I can be an astronaut.”

「underneath」 指“掩盖在…下”,这里是指在他的长袍下,穿着一身宇航服(astronaut costume); 「that had clearly been made by hand」修饰an astronaut costume, 这里是说明明显是手工做的宇航员服;


8.“I don’t have to grow up to be a lonely hunter,” said the jaguar, showing a business suit under his gown.“ Today I can hunt for tax relief.I’m gonna be a tax accountant!”

「grow up to be」长大后成为… 在这的意思是说我不必再成为一个孤独的捕猎者(hunter)了,我们再举个例子:I will grow up to be a scientist(科学家);

在后半句中「hunt for」指的寻找,搜寻,「gonna」是比较口语化的表达,相当于going to, 后面只能接动词原形,不能接名词哦~相似的用法还有wanna;

「tax relief」指税务减免,税务会计师一般都会帮公司寻找一些方法来减少税务支出;

整句话美洲虎脱下他的白色长袍后,身着一身商务西装,说到“我长大后不一定要成为一个孤独的捕食动物,如今我可以去搜寻税务减免,我要做一名税务会计师(tax accountant)!”

9.“ And I can make the world a better place—saving lives, defending the defenseless!I am going to be...” Judy tore off her gown and stood in a blue uniform.“A police officer!”

「make+sth.+形容词」使某物怎么样,破折号后面是对a better place进行的补充说明,进一步说明「如何让世界变得更好的方法」,这里的意思是我可以让世界变得更好-拯救生命,保卫弱者;

「tore」是 tear的过去式,tear off表示撕下,扯掉,这里是扯掉她的长袍;

「in a blue uniform」表示穿着蓝色的制服,in+衣服/颜色指穿着…的衣物,e.g.That girl in blue(那个穿着蓝色衣服的女孩)is my sister.这里Judy扯下她的长袍,穿着一件蓝色制服站在那说道:“我可以让世界变得更好-拯救生命,保卫无防卫能力的弱者,我要成为一名警察”;

这里大家可以看到Judy其实是个很有志气有梦想的小兔子,而她的这个警察梦想也让她有了很多外号哦:比如:bunny cop(cop指警察)

10.“Bunny cop.That is the most stupidest thing I ever heard,“ he said.☔「the most stupidest thing」这里的最高级使用方法大家可能会有疑惑哦~,这里是因为当时他作为小孩子在学英语的时候,主要是找语言规律,容易犯错,就觉得所有的最高级形式都要加-est,所以就这样说啦~



11.“ But just two hundred and eleven miles away stands the great city of...ZOOTOPIA!Where our ancestors first joined together in peace.And declared that Anyone Can Be Anything!Thank you and good night!”

「two hundred and … Zootopia」这里是一个倒装句,正常语序为the great city of Zootopia stands two hundred and eleven miles away.这里指动物城坐落在距离我们211英里之外。





12.Judy proudly bowed, as if she had just given the performance of her life.「As if 」就像…, 引导虚拟语气, 这里“as if she… of her life” 意思是“就好像她刚给大家展示了她人生中最伟大的一场演出(但实际上并不是哦)”, 从句中「the performance of her life」表示“一生中最伟大的表演”。

这里「of one’s life」表示“某人一生中最伟大的时刻或事件”,e.g.This is the opportunity of his life.(这是他人生中最重要的机会)。

13.…you wanna talk about making the world a better place—no better way to do it than becoming a carrot farmer.「wanna」在这是口语化的表达,相当于want to,后面接动词原形,不能接名词哦~大家还记得刚刚老师讲的gonna吗?这两个词的用法一样哦~

「no better way …than…」没有比…更好的方法,这里是说“没有比做个种胡萝卜的农民更好的办法”

e.g.There is no better way to learn English than joining in Mint Reading.整句话是Judy的父母说:你想要讨论让世界变得更好的方法,那么没有比成为一个种胡萝卜的农民更好的了


14.But Judy stopped paying attention to her parents when she spotted Gideon Grey following some little kids.Sensing danger, she was instantly alert, and she went after him.「pay attention to」表示“将注意力放在…上”,「spot」在这做动词,表示“发现,注意到”,这里是说“当Judy注意到Gideon正在跟踪一些小孩子的时候,他将注意力从父母身上转移开,去往Gideon那边”

「sensing danger」在这表示Judy的状态,她感觉到了危险,「went after」追随,尾随,后半句是说“Judy一感觉到危险,就立即警觉起来,然后悄悄跟着Gideon”。


15.“I mean, it’s great to have dreams.” “Yeah, just as long as you don’t believe in them too much…”

「mean」在这是指“意思是,意味着”,在口语中常用哦~e.g.That’s what I mean。

「as long as」“只要… ”,这里是说只要你不要太相信梦想(them指代前面的dreams)。



16.“Jude? Where the hell did she go?”

「hell」的本意是地狱,在这里the hell加入特殊疑问句中是很口语化的表达,一般表示说话人的情绪很极端急躁等(但在正式场合还是不要使用哦~会有些不礼貌);



-Oh, Tom, you broke up(打碎)my mirror(镜子)!What the hell have you done?

-Mary, I’m so sorry for that…


☔ring out 发出响亮的声音,大声响起

☔be scared of 对…感到恐惧

☔land on 降落于…

☔hunt for 寻找,搜寻

☔stick out 伸出,突出显眼

☔tear off 撕下,扯掉

☔look around for 到处寻找

☔pay attention to 将注意力放在…上

☔go after 追随



正如《如何阅读一本书》 开篇所说“所谓艺术或技巧,只属于那个能养成习惯,而且能依照规则来运作的人。而要养成习惯,除了不断地运作练习之外,别无他法。”







同理,假设你现在的英文词汇量是3000左右,然后在书店发现,嘿挺薄的一本嘛,再加上又看过小李子版《伟大的盖茨比》的电影,心想着买回家肯定能读完。Well, 当你真正开始读的时候,可能翻不到第5页就放弃了...让我们看看一位英语专业同学体验盖茨比的心路:

所以【选到合适的书来读】真的很重要啊,(不要以为一本书短,就好欺负(⊙ o ⊙)。


所以,如果想要通过阅读英文原著来提高英语水平(which is 最好的学英语方法,一种内隐学习),必须找到合适自己水平的材料。



Stephen Krashen(美国著名语言教育学家),将毕生精力都奉献给了二语习得(Second-language acquisition),提出了闻名世界的 “输入假说理论”——





为什么薄荷采用每天给你推送1000字左右(10-20分钟能完成)的阅读方式呢? 回答这个问题前,我们先看个:

《Get Things Done》里有这样一个故事:1911年,有2个团队同时向南极出发。其中一个队伍,不管天气好坏,每天一定要前进大概30公里,然后就休息。相反,另一个团队,却是随心所欲的,如果天气好的话,他们可能一天行进60公里。但天气不好的时候,他们可能一步都不走,在帐篷里歇一歇。最后,每天匀速前进的这个队伍就顺利到达了。而另一个队伍,17个成员,在途中全部遇难了。这个例子可以说明,在极限的竞争环境里,执行力不光是指要有短时间内的爆发力,更重要的是在高水平上保持匀速前进。


如果你感到“呀,今天的内容好少呀”,那么首先恭喜你,已经不害怕读英文了,其次,如果一次性读得太多,是很难坚持100天的。就像用力冲刺很快会使人疲倦一样。所以,薄荷已经为你拨好速度,只要跟着薄荷的节奏,读完10万字so easy。


❤找到了匀速前进的节奏后,你甚至可以为自己在100天的跑道里插上阶段性的小旗子。比如,#前7天# 一天不差地按时阅读。7天已足够你培养一个习惯,不论跑步、早起或读书。达成7天按时读这个目标后,下一个阶段就是 #前21天# 的目标,21天已接近读完第一本书,当你不需要消耗意志力去做一件事的时候,也就是习惯养成之时。


== 每日一句 ==




1、形容词性物主代词8个: My your his her its our your their 我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、它)们的


1)译成汉语都有“的” eg:my 我的 their 他们的 2)后面加名词:eg:my backpack his name 3)前后不用冠词 a an the This is a my eraser(错误)That is your a pen(错误)It's his the pen(错误)

3、I(物主代词)my you(物主代词)your he(物主代词)her we(物主代词)our 注:在变物主代词时,把原题所给的词加上的,再译成单词就可以了。


1、名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词一样有8个: Mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、它)们的

2、名词性物主代词的特点: 1)译成汉语都有“的” 2)后面不加名词

3)名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词 Eg:

1、the pen is mine 钢笔是我的(mine=my pen)



Eg:把下列句子变成复数 1, I have a car----we have cars 2, He is an American boy.----They are American boys 3, It is a car----They are cars 4,This is an eraser----These are erasers 5,That is a backpsck-----Those are backpacks 6,I'm an English teather------We are English teathers 7,It's a new shirt----They are new shirts 8,He's a boy----They are boys 9,She's a singer------They are singers 10,What'sthis in English?----What are these in English?

四、小学英语名词的数语法 名词有单数和复数两种形式


2、名词的复数:表示一个人以上的人或事物 名词复数的变化规律如下:

1、多数情况下在名词后面加S,s 在清辅音后读【S】

2、以s,x,sh,ch为结尾的词在词尾加es, es读作【iz】

3、以f ,fe为结尾的词去掉f或fe加ves,ves读作【vz】

4、以辅音加y 结尾的词,变y为ies



Man-menwoman-women policeman-policemen Policewoman-policewomen这种情况下a变成e


Chinese-chinese Japanese-japanese sheep-sheep deer-deer

2、This 这个these这些(复数)that那个 those那些(复数)I我 we我们(复数)he他 she她 it它 they他、它、她们(复数)am,is是 are(复数)

五、小学英语人称代词主格及宾格 人称代词分为主格和宾格,主格和宾格区别:主格和宾格汉语意思相同,但位置不同。Eg:I(主格)“我”--me(宾格)“我” 主格在陈述句中通常放句首,宾格通常放在动词后或介词后,也就是说宾格,不放在句首。Eg :I have a new car.(I 主格)Excuse me(me 宾格)I ask him to go(him 宾格)They sit in front of me(me 宾格)主格(8个):I 我you你 he他 she她 it它 we 我们you 你们they他(她、它)们 宾格(8个):me我 you你 him 他her她 it它 us我们 you你们 them他(她、它)们


1、变法:在人名后面加's 记住:'s要译成“的” eg:Lucy(名词所有格)Lucy's

2、如果是2个或2个以上人的名词所有格要在最后一个人名加's Eg:Lily and Lucy(名词所有格)Lily and Lucy'S Lily Lucy and Julia(名词所有格)Lily Lucy and Julia's


七、小学英语就划线部分提问练习题 就划线部分提问的变法:



3、特殊疑问词通常有:what/ where/ who /whosc/ how/how old/ what colour/ whatclass /what grade/what row/what school


1、一般疑问句最基本的变法:be 提前用问号读升调

2、my变成your our变成your I am / We are 变Are you I can 变Can you

3、注意人名不论放在什么位置都要大写 Tom is a student。Is Tom a student?

4、一般疑问句翻译成汉语都有“吗”? 1)This is my English teather.Is this your English teather? 2)It is our school.Is it your school? 3)We are students.Are you students? 4)I can sing.Can you sing?


1、到目前为止,我们学过的be动词包括三个词 am ,is, are 这三个词的汉语意思相同,都是“是”的意思,但怎么运用 好这三个词呢?请记住下列口决:

2、我是 am(eg:I am a pupil.)你是 are(eg:You are a girl.)

Is 用在他、她、它(eg:He is a Chinese boy,She is an English teather,It is a cat.见到复数就用are.)

3、记住:am ,is 的复数是are.;these 这些;those 那些(这两个词都表示复数)


1、简缩形式的变法:把倒数第二个字母,通常是元音字母变成' 但are除外,are要把a打成'。Eg:he is=he's they are=they're


3、把完全形式变成简缩形式时,一定要注意第一个字母的大小变化。Eg:What is =What's

4、记住一个特殊变化;let's =let us 让我们(不要把' 变成i)

5、记住:thisis 没有简缩形式this's(错误)



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