
时间:2019-05-13 16:16:42下载本文作者:会员上传



Module 1: 1.have to不得不don’t have to = needn’t 不必,无需 2.welcome back欢迎回来 3.be full of = be filled with充满 4.good luck好运bad luck倒霉 5.stay with和…呆在一起 6.fly to飞往…/ walk to走着去…/ ride to 骑车去 …/drive to 开车去… 7.have quite a good time =have a very good time = have a great time 玩的开心 8.go sightseeing去观光 9.go for a walk去散步 10.had better(not)do sth.最好(不)做某事 11.at the end of在…尽头,在…末尾in the end = at last = finally 最后,最终 12.plenty of许多,大量 13.the school leavers’ party毕业生派对 14.take place = happen 发生 15.look forward to盼望,渴望 16.sit in one’s seat坐某人的座位 17.be about 关于 18.with tears in one’s eyes眼含泪水 19.dream about /of sth / doing sth梦到(干)某事 20.in front of 在…前面 22.set off出发 23.be able to 能/ be unable to= can’t 不能 24.at the start of = at the beginning of在开始的时候 25.hold sb in one’s arms拥抱某人 26.be bad for = do harm to对…有害 27.take off脱衣,起飞 28.visit relatives 走亲戚 29.in a low/ loud/strong voice 用(低)大声 30.with great interest 有极大的兴趣 31.push away 推开 32.in order 排序,按顺序 33.take a tour to = have a trip to = travel to 去…旅行 Module 2: 1.be worried about = worry about为 … 担心 2.be surprised at对…感到吃惊 3.What’s …like?…是什么样子? 4.talk about谈论,谈及 5.Guess what!猜怎么着!6.That’s fantastic!太棒了!7.have a look at sth 看一看… 8.swimming pool游泳池 9.prefer = like better更喜欢 prefer…to…相比…更喜欢…prefer to do…rather than do…宁愿干…而不愿干… 10.I bet!我打赌,我保证 11.be pleased to do sth.高兴干某事 Be pleased with对…满意 12.expect to do sth.期望干某事 13.do well in = be good at 擅长,在…方面做得好

14.ask for 请求,要求 15.in addition另外 16.at least至少 17.instead of doing sth.代替,而不是干某事 18.it is+adj +to do sth.干某事是… 19.have been in /at住在…,呆在… 20.pass exam通过考试 21.secondary school初中 22.be away from离开… 23.be far away from离…远 24.be present出席be absent 缺席 25.make a speech做演讲 26.last for持续 27.have a rest /break 休息 28.two more = another two又两个,再两个 29.stand for代表 30.personal health 个人健康 31.the danger of…的危险 32.learn to do sth学习干某事 33.as well as和;像…一样好34.as well 也 35.take exam 参加考试 36.sport ground运动场 37.such as 诸如,如 38.parents’ meeting 家长会 39.get good grades取得好成绩 40.more and more 越来越…the more… the more… 越…就越… 41.benefit from从中…受益 42.there is something wrong with……有毛病 43.get together 相聚 44.in fact 实际上 45.speak to 对…说 46.teach oneself 自学 47.spend …on sth.在…上花费…Spend …(in)doing sth干某事花费… 48.keep …away from… 让…远离… Module 3: 1.organize a debate 组织一场辩论 2.in the old days = in the past 在过去 3.take medicine 吃药 4.as … as …像…一样…not so …as…不像…一样… 5.take exercise 做锻炼 6.do one’s best to do sth尽最大努力干某事 7.prevent illness 预防疾病 8.nearly finished!快完成了!9.be interested to do sth 干某事有意思 10.all one’s life终生 11.ask sb about sth 关于某事询问某人 12.fall off = fall down from从…掉下来 Module 4: 1.go shopping 去购物shopping center 购物中心 2.borrow … from…从…借入…lend…to…把…借给… 3.take a look at = have a look at 看一看 4.on the left / right 在左边 / 右边 5.a bit of 一点 6.go for 追逐,追求

7.catch one’s attention / eyes吸引某人的注意 8.personal look 个人相貌 9.a number of许多the number of…的数目 10.care about关心,在乎 11.designer clothes 名牌服装 12.big name 知名人士,大名鼎鼎 13.for example 例如 14.of course当然了 15.make money 挣钱 16.millons of /数以百万计的thousands of/成千上万的hundreds of/数以百计的 17.show off炫耀,显示18.the latest way 最新方法 19.be /get/ become interested in对…感兴趣 20.be popular with为…所喜爱 21.go to collage 上大学 22.at the moment 此刻,那时 23.with one’s help 在某人的帮助下 24.help oneself to sth 随便吃点… 25.make up one’s mind to do sth下决心干某事 Module 5: 1.keep to /walk along /go down沿着…走

2.on one’s own = by oneself 靠自己 3.lead the way 领路 4.fall asleep/ be asleep 睡着 5.something good to eat 好吃的东西 6.go rock climbing攀岩 7.that’s all!就这些了!8.climb up 爬上 9.take a look across 眺望 10.come on 快点,加油 11.go off行动 12.in the middle of the night 在午夜 13.keep together 集体行动 14.in the tree在树上(非树所生)on the tree在树上(树所生)15.on the hillside在山坡上 16.go climbing 去爬山 17.listen up = listen carefully 仔细听 18.watch out = look out 当心,注意 19.remember doing sth记得做过某事remember to do sth记着去做某事 20.personal safety 个人安全 21.the three of us 我们三个 22.at noon = at midday 在中午 23.tidy up = clean up 清洁,整理 24.turn around 转身 25.in the tent 在帐篷里

26.at all times 一直 27.on the trip 在旅途中 28.in bad weather 在坏天气里 29.in the sunshine 在阳光下 30.be careful of小心… 当心…

31.make a huge effort to do sth 努力去做某事 32.be / get involved in 牵涉,涉及

33.pass on 传递

34.at the same time 同时 35.get/ be lost 迷路 36.look out of 向外看 Module 6:

1.take good care of = look after well


2.catch up with追上,赶上 3.fall over摔倒

4.bump into 撞上,碰见 5.be missing 丢失 6.be hurt 受伤

7.have an accident 出事故了 8.call for help 求助 9.a bit cold有点冷 10.get a fever发烧

/ have got a high fever发高烧 11.nothing serious 没什么严重的 12.thanks to 幸好,多亏,由于 13.plan to do sth 计划干某事

14.give sb sth = give sth to sb 给某人某物 15.happen to sb某人发生了什么事

happen to do sth 碰巧做某事 16.shoulder by shoulder 肩并肩

17.come up with = think of 想出,想起 18.wait a minute 等一会儿

19.have a wound in 在…有一个伤口 20.in the countryside 在乡下 21.on the couch 在沙发上 22.keep fit /healthy 保持健康

23.now and then时而,不时,一直 24.put on weight 变胖,增肥 25.at weekend 在周末 26.say no to对…说不

27.have an effort on 对…有影响 28.what … for? = why 为什么 29.give in屈服,让步 30.in other words 换句话说

31.an old saying 一个古老的谚语 32.weight loss 减肥 Module7:

1.heat up 加热

2.mean to do sth打算,想做某事mean doing sth意味着做某事 3.in the west 在西方

4.similar expression 相似的表达

5.help oneself = serve oneself 自助,随便6.be cross = be angry = be mad 生气 7.I’m full = I’ve had enough 我饱了 8.be used for doing sth 被用于做…

be used to do sth被用于干某事 be used as 被用作…

used to do sth 过去经常做某事 be used to doing sth习惯于做某事 9.expect to do sth 期望做某事 10.dress up 打扮,穿衣 11.the first step 第一步

12.finish doing sth 完成干某事 13.at the end of在…尽头

in the end = at last =finally 最后 14.It’s +adj.+for sb+to do sth

做某事对某人来说是… It’s+ adj.+ of sb +to do sth 某人是…去做某事

15.pick up 挑选,迎接 16.in order to 为了

17.the sense of taste 味觉 18.a bowl of 一碗… Module8:

1.be pleased with对…满意be pleased to do sth 高兴做某事 2.stay still保持安静、静止 3.refer to指的是 4.kill oneself自杀

5.in the front row 在前排

6.play the role of扮演…的角色 7.take one’s life结束生命 8.at the back在后面

9.the way to do sth做某事的方法the way of doing sth 10.find out 找出,发现

11.be proud of 为…感到骄傲 12.take a bus tour to visit 乘公共汽车去访问 13.above all 首要的是 14.in the photo 在照片上 15.plenty of 大量的16.spend a day 度过一天 17.have a chance to do sth有机会做某事

have a chance of doing sth 18.the latest news最新消息

19.be well-known for = be famous for以…闻名

be well-known as 作为…而闻名

20.not just …but…不仅…而且…not only …but(also)…不但…而且…

21.remember to do sth记着去做某事remember doing sth记得做过某事 22.at all times of the day or night24小时不间断

23.what…do with…?如何处理…How…deal with…?

24.suggest doing sth 建议做某事 25.in the open air 在野外 26.That’s all 就这些 Module9:

1.make a list of 做…清单 2.have been to去过…

have gone to去了… 3.What do you think of…?你认为…怎么样?How do you like …?

4.make much progress取得很大进步 5.reach a level达到…水平6.with a low(high)level of有低(高)的水平7.be best at最擅长

8.continue to do sth 继续做某事 9.An English corner 英语角

10.However = no matter how 无论怎样 Whenever = no matter when 无论何时 Wherever = no matter where 无论何地 11.there be / 有

there will be /将有

there have been 已经有

there must be 肯定有

12.in a few years’ time几年后

13.have difficulties with在…方面有困难 14.spoken English口语英语 15.a quarter of四分之一

16.what’s more.并且,更有甚者 17.in recent years近几年来

18.the importance of…的重要性 19.in place of = instead of代替 20.belong to属于

21.enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 22.an opposite idea 相反的想法 23.in more detail更详细地 24.look into the future 展望未来

25.show interest in 表现出对…的兴趣express interest in表示对…的兴趣 26.be based on 基于,根据… Module10:

1.make a plan for 为…做计划 2.special event 特殊事件

3.have a … party 举行…晚会 4.refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事 5.pardon=pardon me=

I beg your pardon(升调)再说一遍 6.intend to do sth 打算做某事 7.for long=for a long time 长时间 8.I hope so.我希望如此

I think so.我想是这样 I suppose so.我猜是这样 9.on the menu 在菜单上 10.stay friends 保持友谊 11.raise the glasses 举起酒杯 12.Here’s to 为…干杯 13.make a speech 做演讲 14.more than one 不只一个 15.as we all know 众所周知 16.It’s time to do sth

到了做某事的时候了It’s time for sth

17.say goodbye to向…告别 18.have a lot of fun 有很多快乐 19.(keep)stay in touch with sb


20.owe… to…把…归功于… 21.pay back 偿还,回报

22.be strict with sb 对某人要求严格

be strict in sth 对某物要求严格 23.role model 楷模,模范

24.from the bottom of one’s heart


25.wish sb sccess 祝某人成功

26.feel a bit nervous 感到有点紧张 27.have a haircut 理发 28.prepare for 为…作准备



















当然,在工作中由于各种原因不可避免地存在许多失误。比如:对学生的检查不到位。致使许多不自觉的学生觉得有空可钻,记忆单词句子不积极,不主动,偷懒现象严重。对学困生由于临近毕业,采取了放任自流的措施,对他们不管不问,只要课堂上学生在,并遵守纪律就OK, 没有严格的管理和教育,致使个别学生在英语方面不但没有进步,反而因为不动手,不做而有了倒退的趋势。还有部分学生感觉到老师对自己关心不够。后期一度出现上课睡觉,不听讲,破罐破摔的现象……






通假字 小惠未徧,民弗从也

徧,通“遍”,遍及,普遍。2 邹忌修八尺有余。

有,通“又”,连接整数和零数。3 徐公来,孰视之。

孰,通“熟”,仔细。4 故患有所不辟也。

辟,通“避”,躲避。5 万钟则不辩礼义而受之。

辩通“辨,辨别。6 所识穷乏者得我与?

与,通“欤”,语气词 7 今为所识穷乏者得我而为之。

得,通“德”,感激。8 曾益其所不能。

曾,通“增”,增加。9 衡与虑。

衡,通“横”,梗塞,不通顺。10 入则无法家拂士。

拂,通“弼”,辅弼。11 指通豫南,达于汉阴。

指,通“直”,直接。12 寒暑易节,始一反焉。

反,通“返”,往返。13 甚矣,汝之不惠。

惠,通“慧”,聪明,有智慧。14 河曲智叟亡以应。

亡,通“无”,没有。15 一厝朔东,一厝雍南。

厝,通“措”,放置。16 无陇断焉。

陇,通“垄”,高而不相连的山冈。17 是以先帝简拔以遗陛下。

简,通“拣”,挑选。18 必能裨补阙漏。

阙,通“缺”,缺点。19 尔来二十有一年矣。

有,通“又”,连接整数和零数。20 何时眼前突兀见此屋。

见,通“现”,出现。古今异义词 牺牲玉帛,弗敢加也。


狱,古义:案件; 今义:指监牢。



再,古义:两次或第二次;今义:表示行为的重复。6 可以一战。

可以,古义:可以凭借,可以用;今义:表示可能或能够。7 窥镜自视

窥,古义:照;今义:从小孔或缝隙里偷偷看。8 而复问其妾。


地方,古义:土地方圆;今义:指某一地区、区域。10 能面刺寡人之过者。

寡人,古义:国君的自称;今义:妇女死了丈夫。1万钟则不辩礼义而受之。钟,古义:古代的一种量器;今义:计时的器具。12 非独贤者不是心也。






方,古义:纵横、面积;今义:方向或或形状。17 河阳之北。


曾,古义:竟然,连……都;今义:曾经。19 投诸渤海之尾。

诸,古义:兼词;今义:众,许多。20 无陇断焉。


秋,古义:时;今义:一年四季中的一个季节。22 诚宜开张圣听。

开张,古义:扩大;今义:商店开始营业。未尝不叹息痛恨于桓灵也。痛恨,古义:痛心遗憾;今义:深切的憎恨。24 先帝不以臣卑鄙。卑鄙,古义:出身卑贱,见识鄙陋。


间 肉食者谋之,又何间焉。


中间力拉崩倒之声。夹杂。属 忠之属也。种类,类。属予作文以记之。

通“嘱“,嘱托。加 弗敢加也。虚夸而山不加增。

增加 上 受上赏。



动词,送上,进献 下 乃下令。


名词,下等 若


门庭若市。动词,如、像 有 邹忌修八尺有余。通“又”欲有求于我也。动词,与“无”相对 朝



动词,朝拜 孰我孰与城北徐公美。谁,哪一个,疑问代词

徐公来,孰视之。通“熟”,仔细,形容词 而

1由是则生而有不用也。转折连词,却,可是 2 呼尔而与之。修饰连词 于




对,介词 为


前一个读四声,炒了,介词;后一个读二声,做,接受,动词 得 者者不可得兼。能够,动词得之则生。得到获得,动词

所识穷乏者得我与。与“德”,感恩。亡 国恒亡。灭亡,动词今亡亦死,举大计亦死。逃跑,动词。举 胶鬲举于鱼盐之中。被举用,被选拔,动词发于声。发出,动词。之

1寡助之至。助词,用在主谓之间,取消句子的独立性。三里之城。助词,的 3 夫环而攻之。代词,代上文的城郭,它 4 威天下不以兵革之利。助词,用在后置定语与中心语之间,不译 于

1傅说举于版筑之间。介词,从故天将降大任于是人也。介词,给 曾

1曾不若孀妻弱子。副词,竟然,连…都曾益其所不能。动词,通“增”,增加 亡 河曲智叟亡以应。副词,通“无”,没有 2 今亡亦死,举大计亦死。动词,逃跑,逃亡 焉

1且焉置土石。疑问代词,哪里始一反焉。语气助词,不翻译 3片无陇断焉。兼词,于此,在那里 其

1中其妻献疑曰。代词,他的 2 其如土石何。助词,怎么,如何。且 看且九十。副词,将要,快要且焉置土石。连词,况且,另外 诸

1投诸渤海之尾。兼词,之于诸将皆失色。众,各位 之

1以君之力。助词,的 2 曾涌损魁父之丘。凑足音节,不译 3 汝之不惠。助词,主谓之间,取消句子的独立性 操蛇之神闻之。助词,的;代词,指愚公移山这件事。遗


2深追先帝遗诏。指死去的人留下的,名词 效


不效则治臣之罪。效果,名词 于

1是三顾臣于草庐之中。介词,到,引出处所躬耕于南阳。介词,在引出处所败军之际。介词,在,引出时间 受任于 未尝不叹息痛恨于桓灵也。介词,对,引出动作对象。所以 此先汉所以兴隆也。…..的原因此臣所以报先帝而忠陛下之职分也。用……的 以 以光先帝遗德。连词,来,表示目的以塞忠谏之路也。连词,以致辞,表示结果咨臣以当世之事。介词,把,拿先帝不以臣卑鄙。介词,因为

词类活用 小信未孚,神弗福也。福:神气,名词用作动词,赐福。2 公将鼓之。鼓:一种打击乐器,名词用作动词,击鼓。3 朝服衣冠。2名词不达意“服”带宾语“衣冠”,用作动词,穿戴。4 吾妻之美我者。美,形容词的意动用法,以----为美,即“认为---美”。5 吾妻之美我者,私我也。私:形容词“私”带宾语“我”,用作动词,偏爱。6 能面刺寡人之过者。面:名词用状语,表示动作行为“刺”的方式,当面。7 所以动心忍性。动:惊动,这里是使动用法,“使---惊动”;忍:坚韧,使动用法,“使----坚韧”。8 苦其心志。苦:困苦,使动用法,“使----感到痛苦”。9 劳其筋骨。劳:劳累,使动用法,“使----劳累”。10 饿其体肤,空乏其身。饿:饥饿,使动用法,“使----忍受饥饿”;空乏:资财缺乏,使动用法,“使-----受到贫困之苦”。入则无法家拂士,出则无敌国外患者。入,动词,活用为名词,在国内;出:动词用作名词,在国外。惩山北之塞。惩:形容词用作动词,以----为苦。吾与汝毕力平险。毕:形容词用作动词,用尽;险:形容词用作名词,险峻的大山。14 箕畚运于渤海之尾。箕畚:名词作状语,用箕畚。15 跳往助之。跳:动词作状语,跳着。何苦而不平。苦:形容词用作动词,担心,忧虑。以光先帝遗德,恢弘志士之气。光:名词作动词,发扬光大;恢弘:形容词作动词,发扬扩大。若有作奸犯科及为忠善者。忠善:形容词作名词,忠善之事。19 先帝称之曰能。能:名词作动词,有才能。亲贤臣,远小人。亲、远:形容词作动词,亲近、远离。21 攘除奸凶。奸凶:形容词作名词,奸诈凶恶的敌人。22 此皆良实。良实:形容词作名词,善良诚实的人。俄顷风定云墨色。墨:名词用作动词,指像墨的颜色一样黑。



Module1 Unit2 Excuse me.You’re sitting in my seat.The train to Beijing!Lin often dreamed about the train, and about going to the capital.Now it was in front of him, to set off soon.He looked at his brother.“Don’t forget where you come from, little brother,” Jin said.“And watch your bags carefully.”

Lin nodded, unable to speak.This was his first long trip by train at the start of his new life, leaving his village and his home for the last 16 years.He held Jin in his arms.With tears in his eyes, Jin pushed Lin away.“Go, brother.Write to us as soon as you get there, OK?”

Lin jumped onto the train.There were people and bags everywhere..He pushed past them towards his seat.A young man was sitting in Lin’s seat.He was wearing jeans and a very smart jacket, and was smoking a cigarette.What should he do? Six pairs of eyes looked at Lin, while the man looked out of the window.“Sir, you’re sitting in my seat,” Lin said, with a nervous smile.The other people watched with interest.The man didn’t turn to look at Lin, but just looked out of the window.“Excuse me.I have a ticket with the number of the seat you’re sitting in!” Lin said in a strong voice.”

I also have a ticket with that number though it is in another car.Besides, I was here first, said the man, without moving his head.Though he was sitting, he looked very tall and strong.Lin looked at the other passengers for help.“But„.” he started to say.“But what?” the man turned and looked at Lin.“I’m not moving.”

Finally a man wearing glasses spoke in a loud voice.“This young man has the right ticket for the seat.You should move.”

Lin felt brave.“See? Please move.I’ve got a long way to go.” “How long?” the young man asked.“To the last stop, Beijing.”

“I’m getting off before you.Then you can get my seat.” “Where is that?” asked Lin.“Hangzhou.”

Lin thought Hangzhou was far away.“It’s seven hours away from here,” the man with glasses said.“Even if it’s only 10 minutes, you should move.Slowly the young man stood up, dropped his cigarette on the floor, and disappeared down the train.Module2 Unit2 My school life My name is Sally Maxwell, and I'm 15.I've been at Park School, London since I was 11.If I pass my exams next year, I'll stay here until I'm 18.Park School is a secondary school, about 20 minutes by bike away from home.Before I came here, I went to primary school, near my home.I started primary school when I was five and stayed there for six years.The schoolday is from 8:45 am to 3: 15 pm.We spend the first 10 minutes in our classroom while our teacher checks which pupils are present or absent.Then everyone goes to the main hall.There our head teacher makes a speech and tells us any news about the school.Lessons begin at 9:05 and last for an hour.We have a break at 11:05 until 11:20, then another lesson, then lunch for an hour.We have two more lessons before school finishes.This year I have 11 subjects: maths , biology.chemistry.French, History.geography, music and IT, PHSE,ADT and PE(these stand for Information Technology;Personal Health and Safety Education: Art Desing and Technology and Physical Education).Fortunately, we don't have exams in every subject.PHSE is about the dangers of drugs and smoking, among other things.In ADT we also do things like learning to cool as well as drawing and design,Some people can do Italian and Spanish instead of French, but no one is learning Chinese...yet!PE involves physical exercise, basketball, trainging in the gym and swimming—we're really lucky to have a swimming pool.I took exams when I was 7,10 and 14 years old.Next year I take my exams in eight subjects, and then I can do between three and five subjects for the wxams in my final year.We have a large sports ground where we play football, tennis and do athletics both during and after school hours.Afterschool activities,such as sports clubs and language societies are popular, too.During the school year there are usually visits to museums and galleries, and to camps for activities, such as climbing and cycling in the country.There are parties and discos and a sports day, and the school play is a really important event.Once a term, there is a parents' meeting.So our parents and teachers can talk about our progress.What's the best thing about school? English, history, music...and my friends.What's the worst thing? Homework...and exams!

Module3 Unit2

Life in the past Mrs Li is over 70 years old , and has lived in Beijing all her life.I asked her about life today and in the past.Tell me about your parents.brothers and sisters。

My parents, my sister and three brothers lived in a small house beside a restaurant.We weren't very rich, but we were happy.My sister was the elsest child and she left school when she was only 12 to help my mother at home.Families have changed a lot since I was young.They were much bigger in those days.Most of my friends had lots of brothers and sisters.Today most people only have one child!Did your parents have jobs? My father went out to work.He was a factory worker,and he oftern worked 12 hours a day.My mom wanted to work.She was a teacher before she met my father.Looking after us was a full-time job, so she stayed at home.Today it's normal for married women to go out to work, but it was less common in the past.My father had the same job the whole of his working life.These days people change their jobs much more often.What was life like at home Well, I remember the family meals, three times a day.My mother was always cooking for us.We weren't rich but we ate enough.And the food was always freshly cooked--my mother never bought ready-made food as people do today, so it was much better for us.And of course we didn't have television, so we played games together and read a lot.I helped my younger brother with his homework in the evenings.Where did you meet your husband? I first met him 60 years ago.I was carrying some heavy bags on my bike and I fell off!He stopped and picked up my bags.My parents liked him,.and thought he came from a good family so we got married a year later, I was only 19.These days most couples meet at work,and they Just hope their parents will be happy for them if they marry.Has Beijing changed? Yes, there are lots more buildings and so much more traffic!I can't believe the number of cars on the streets.But I suppose it's the same everywhere.And I walk less these days and take the bus more.And do you think life is better today? Well, I think so.I'm healthier than I've ever been.We live longer and we eat better.One day I'll be talking to your own grandchildren!

Module4 Unit2

Looking cool What do you look for when you go shopping for clothes?Do you choose something fashionable...or comfortable?Do you like to look different? Or do you wear the same clothes as your friends? Do you go for this year's colours?Is it the logoknown companies.Many people even prefer them to cheaper clothes.Why?

Many young people today care about the way they look.They often buy “designer” clothes because they think they look cool.Then the less welll-known companies.make clothes which look the same.But they don't sell as well because they don't have the logo.People also think designer clothes are better make.For example , many people think the right running shoes will make you run faster or play better.Of course, this is not always true.It's the training--not the trainers--that improves your speed or your score.But that's not the point.People believe that it's true...and then buy the shoes, The big companies only want to make a lot of money.Above all, designer clothes are more popular because of clever advertising.All of the international companies spend millions of dollars every year to make us buy their clothes.And they succeed!Most people dress in a way that shows off their personality.But if some of us buy expensive clothes just to look cool, what does that say about us? Maybe it's just clever advertising.So next weekend , think about the clothes you put on.What's the logo on your trainers? Who made your jeans? And how many of your friends wear the same clothes as you do? And then think that maybe some of us could spend our money better.Module5 Unit2 Watch out!Bears about!On our first evening, the three of us were tired after walking for about eight hours.We soon fell asleep.In the middle of the night, there was a strange noise outside.But when I looked out of the tent, there was nothing to see.In the morning, I got up to mske breakfast, The bag of food was open.“bears,” said Joe, “ We should hang the food in a tree tonight,”Later that day we stopped in a beautifur valley by a stream.It was very peaceful, and we fell asleep listening to the sound of water.During the night the bears came back.This time they took the food from the tree.“How did they do that?” I asked.“Not high enough,.Bears can climb trees.They can smell food from a distance.We should pick up the rubbish.too”The first rule of camping is to keep a clean camp site.You can't leave anything which bears might think is food, “OK, let's tidy the site up, and move on, Oh,and we should make lots of noise.too.”If they know where we are, they may not come any closer.“ said Joe.“If you see a bear,”said Joe , “you mustn't move or make any gesture, We went to sleep...or we tried to.The next day we stopped at midday for something to eat,and while the others were resting, I went for a walk in the forest.Suddenly, I saw a baby bear playing with some sticks and stones, He looked so friendly, and I remember thinking,”if I reach out, I can just touch him.“There was a loud noise behind me.I stood very still.I didn't even turn my head.there was another loud noise, and I still couldn't see what was happening.The baby bear looked up, and ran past me into the woods.I stayed in the same position for five minutes, maybe more, Then slowly I turned round, and on the hillside about 300 metres away I saw the baby bear and his huge mother.I have never run so fast, back to my friends.For the next 10 days, every time there was sudden noise, my blood went cold.Module6 Unit2

Six rules for a safe and healthy life

Thanks to improvements in both health care and personal safety, most people are living healthier, longer lives.Someone who is born today can expect t live 25 years longer than someone who was born in the 19 th century.It's even thought that in the future more and more people will celebrate their hundredth birthday.Here are six urles for a healthy life.1 Be careful!It's dangerous out there!

We all know that we shouldn't run across the road in front of the oncoming traffic, or cycle too close to cars.But we’re not sure about how to stay safe in the countryside.When you're out walking you should always go with someone.and tell your parents where you're planning to go.Remember!Climbing may also mean falling-what goes up must come down.Safety rules and advice are there to help you,not to make life less fun.2 Don't be a couch potato!

Sure, it's comfortable to sit on the couch and watch.But experts say you should walk at least 10,000 steps every day to keep fit.In the past, People's jobs required more physical effort.When farmers were working in the fields.they were keeping fit at the same time.Think about It: do you get the same amount of exercise today as they did in the past? 3 Whatch your diet!It's important to eat plenty of the right things, above all, fruit, vegetables, and to see fast food or sweets as something very special-maybe just and then.The wrong diet means you'll put on weight, one of the fastest ways to an unhealthy life.4 Rest up while you can!

When we were babies, we slept for much of the day-if our parents were lucky!Teenagers don't need as much sleep but it's important to get about eight hours' sleep.At weekends, you've got more time , so use it not just for your friends, but for rest.too.5 Don't worry.Be happy!

Many doctors believe that happiness is important for our general health.If you're worried about something, talk to your parents or your teacher.6 Say no...to smoking and drugs!

Yes, you knew I was going to say this!But It's so important.More teenagers damage their health through smoking and taking drugs than any other dangers.Think about the effect on your family and friends, and think about its effect on you and your health.Happy living!

Module7 Unit2 Do as the Romans do There's a saying, ”When in Rome, do as the Romans do。”And when you eat Western fook, do as the Westerners do.Here are some things you may wish to know about eating together in the West.In the West, lunch is eaten later, always after midday, sometimes at one o'clock.Dinner is served around 7 pm or even later.In Spain its usual to eat lunch at 2 pm and dinner at 10 pm!At the start of a meal the Chinese usually say “ manman chi'.The French say ”Bon appetit“, and the Italians say”Buon appetito“ But there's no similar expression in English!”Enjoy your meal“ is usually only said by a waiter.For”ganbei“, you can say ”Cheers“!Chopsticks are only used when people eat Chinese food.Knives and forks are used for most food.The fork is held in your left hand and the knife in your right, and the food is held with the fork and cut with the knife.Americans often cut all their food first, and then put the fork in their right hand to eat it.Soup is drunk with a spoon.However, there is some food which can be eaten with your fingers, such as chicken legs.seafood, bread and cake.At the start of a meal, if you're the guest, you'll be invited to serve yourself(”Help yourself!“),or your plate will be filled by your host(”Can I serve you?“).If you've been given something you don't like,it should be pushed to the edge of the plate and left.You don't have to say why, but if you feel an explanation is required, just say, ”I'm sorry, I can't eat this“No one will be cross.If you're offered more food, but can't eat any more, just say, ”No, thanks.It was delicious, but I've had enough.“ Generally, fewer dishes are prepared than in China.It isn't thought to be so important to offer too much food.Finally, it's sometimes difficult to know when the meal is over.If you've been invited to dinner by Western friends, You'll know that you're expected to stay and talk around the dinner table long after the last dish has been brought to the table, and it's thought quit rude if you leave as soom as you finish eatin.The golden rule is: Watchthe other people.Do as they do.Module8 Unit2

The city that never sleeps New York, New York, it's a wonderful town!The Bronx is up and the Battery's down!(On the Town ,by Leonard Bernstein)

New York is probably the entertainment capital of the world, and a great place to see the big names and top stars in films, television, theatre and music.Sports fans have plenty of chances to watch some great sport, and the New York nightlife is world-famous.Madison Square Garden is the place to watch the New York Knicks Basketball Team and the Golden Gloves boxing competition.To watch beaseball, go to the Yankee Stadium, home of the New York Yankees or Shea Stadium for the Mets.At New York's finest arts cinema, the Film Forum, you can see the latest foreigh and American movies.But New York itself is the subject of many movies by directors who come from New York, such as Woody Allen and Martin Scorsese.The great names of jazz have played in the jazz clubs of Greenwich Village, and fans can listen to the stars of today and tomorrow at the world-famous Blue Note.The Metropolitan Opera House is the place to go for opera lovers, but you have to book tickets a long time before you want to go.One of the most important things to see at Christamas is the Nutcracker by the New York City Ballet at Lincoln Centre.Carnegie Hall is well-known for its concerts of all types of music, classical and modern.Broadway is not just a street but an area of New York.There you can see some of the biggest and the best plays and musicals, such as Evita, Cats and The Phantom of the Opera, If you ever come to New York in summer, remember to spend a day in Central Park watching a play by Shakespeare in open air, with famous actors from Broadway and Hollywood.For lovers of painting, the best plan is to go to the Museum of Modern Art or the Guggenheim Museum.Restaurants can be found everywhere, and are open at all times of the day or night.There has always been a huge number of Italian,Chinese and Japanese restaurants, but now you can eat food from Thailand, Vietnam, India, Burma or the Philippines.Try the Oyster Bar in Grand Central Station for the best seafood in Manhatan.New York's nightlife includes discos, like the Limelight, and night clubs.In fact, it's easy to see why they call it ”the city that never sleeps".Module9 Unit2

Who owns English? English is spoken by about 400 million people in Australia, Britain, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa and the USA.In Ghana, India, Nigeria and Singapore, English is used for government, Education and trade, although there are many other languages for everyday use.In China and many other countries,it's the most important foreigh language that children will learn at school, because it's essential for tourism, international business , entertainment, radio, television, newspapers, and the Internet.So English is now used by about 1.5 billion people-or a quarter of the world's population, and wherever you go in the world, there is a good chance that someone will speak English.How did this happen?English has not always been the most common language.Until English became important in the 20th century, people who had any education sopke French.What's more, English spelling doesn't give much help with pronunciation, and its grammar is difficult, especially the word order.The reason is that in the 18th century, the UK was a country whose industrial products were sold all over the world.In the 20th century , the USA spread English all over the world through newspapers, television, films and advertising.It's now the common language for international travel, science, industry and in recent years, information technology and the Internet.But it's also improtant to remember that English has borrowed many words from other languages, either exactly the same word or very similar.It uses restaurant from French,zero from Arabic, piano from Italian, and typhoon, china and many others words from Chinses.Will the importance of English last? Many people think that, if China comtimues to grow in importance, Chinese will become as common as English by the middle of the 21st century.More and more schools in Europe are teaching Chinese as a foreign language, in place of other European languages.And tourism puts China into the top 10 countries for visitors.But at least for the next 20 or 30 years, English will be the language used most widely.So who owns English? The answer is everone who speaks it-the English the Indians and the Chinese all help make it a rich language.It changes every year with new words and expressions.Even though there are differences in grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling, we all belong to the international English speaking world.We all own English.Module10 Unit2 Head teacher, teacher, grandparents, parents and classmates,I'm very proud that I have been chosen to speak to you all today.I'm a bit nervous as I've never make a speech before to so many people, so please forgive me if it shows!As we all know, this is the school leavers' party, and it's time to say goodbye to everyoone.We're sorry to leave you at the end of our junjor high school education, and we promise that we'll never forget the happy times we have spent in these buidings with you all.I'd like to thank three groups of people for the three things I've learnt while I've been a pupil at our school.The three things are friendship, love and knowledge.The first froup is my friends, and what I've learnt is the importance of friendship.We've worked hard together, we've even shared some difficult times together, but we've also had a lot of fun.Many of us will go to new schools and we may not see each other so often in the futurel Others will go on to senior high school and continue their close friendships.But friends don't have to see each other all the time.Sometimes the friends you treasure most are the friends you see less often.A life without old friends is like a day without sunshine.We'll always stay in touch.The second group is our parents and grandparents.We thank you for the love you have shown us during our years at junior high school,for making a home where we feel both safe and relaxed, and where we can prepare ourselves for our school days.We also thank you for your help with our homework.How many of us owe our good grades to the suggestions you have during those long evenings? And finally,the third group is our teachers.We can never pay you back for your kindness, your patience.and gift of knowledge which you have offered us.Sometimes you've been strict with us;sometimes you've made us work very hard.But you have always been fair and you'll always be our role models.There's a saying from Ireland which is a favourite of mine: Strangers are only friends you haven't met yet.I couldn't say it better myself.So from the bottom of my heart, I thank you all and wish you success for the future.








5、请找出诗中描绘傍晚时分山中美丽景色的诗句 山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还






三、四两句议论,以自设宾主的设问方式揭示出心志淡远是在“人境”中独享安闲的缘由。五---八句细致的描写采菊的过程,并以所见写心境,“山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还”中自有“悠然”的心境。收尾两句抒发感情:“忘言”中渗透出诗人对隐居生活的由衷喜爱。9.联系以前学过的知识,说说后二句景物描写的含义。这种描写与前二句的人物描写有什么联系? 表面上是写太阳下山了,倦鸟也知道还家,实质上是劝告人们不要奔波于龌龊的官场之中,要返回到这美好宁静的大自然的怀抱。




4、请说说“行路难”比喻什么? 仕途受阻 5.赏析“停杯投箸不能食,拔剑四顾心茫然”



写出了四顾的原因,用“欲渡黄河”、“将登太行”象征对某种理想的追求 诗人用“冰塞川”、“雪满山”象征人生道路上的艰难险阻,仕途的艰难。说明自己的仕途道路受到阻塞,济世安民的理想无法实现。



8.赏析“长风破浪 会有时,直挂云帆 济沧海”

运用宗悫乘长风破万里浪的典故,表达了诗人自己对前途充满信心,希望 实现自己的政治抱负,同时也表现了诗人豪迈乐观的进取精神。





11.“金樽清酒斗十千,玉盘珍羞直万钱。”两句描写了怎样的场面? 描绘了隆重而丰盛的宴会场面;反衬作者悲愤、失望的情绪。










2.请找出诗中赞赏村民热情好客的句子:莫笑农家腊酒浑,丰年留客足鸡豚。3.“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”这一名句为什么千百年来被人们广泛引用? 示例一:“这句诗表现作者正担心无路可行时忽然见到一村庄的惊喜,表达了人们应在困难中看到希望,前后句先抑后扬,更突出在困难中见到转机的希望,也教育后人不怕困难,勇于战胜困难。示例二:诗句本意是诗人在山路上行走,当认为无路可走时却惊喜地在转角那柳暗花明处发现了一个村落。诗句蕴含哲理:告诉人们,当你认为前路渺茫时,往往在转角处充满希望。激励遭遇失败的人们,不要绝望,要对明天充满希望,因此这一名句千百年来被人们引用。




表达了作者对淳朴、闲适的田园生活(农村生活)的喜爱(向往)之情。6.古典诗词讲究炼字,首联中的“足”字用得好,请你说说好在哪里? “足”字表达了农家款待客人倾其所有的盛情。7.颔联描写了怎样的情景?在现实生活中有何意义?








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    英语Zootopia 知识点总结(范文大全)

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    小升初英语主要知识点总结,建议收藏 一、小学英语形容词性物主代词 1、形容词性物主代词8个: My your his her its our your their 我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、......


    初二下册英语知识点总◆unit 1 Will people have robots? 知识点: 1. 形容词,副词的比较等级考查热点透视: a) 表示A与B在程度上相同时, “as+形容词或副词的原级+as”结构。表示......


    必修I--unit 1 I---1 Friendship 一、知识点 1. be good to 对„„友好 be good for 对„„有益;be bad to„/be bad for„ I will be good to other people.我会善良的对待......


    知识点总结: 1. obviously=clearly(adv.) 明显地,清楚地2. for example= for instance 例如,举例子 3. look after=take care of 照顾,照料4.litter (n.) 垃圾(v.)乱扔垃圾 5.kind (......