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Unit 3 Book 1 Useful expressions Overview: 1.With sth playing such a large role in doing sth, there is a pressing need to improve sth.2.sth be headed in the direction 3.pressing: urgent 4.improve one’s understanding 5.one of the leading scientists of our age 6.reflect on sth仔细考虑,思考;反省;回想,回顾 7.set out to do: set about doing 8.correct some false impressions about sth 9.how to make sense out of science as a way of understanding the world Text A 10.keep everybody in touch with what science is about 11.public attitudes towards/to science 12.change a great deal 13.go back to what they see as a purer and simpler age 14.as history shows, …

15.not that wonderful: not so wonderful 16.not so bad for a privileged minority 17.minority←→majority 18.have to do without modern medicine 19.be highly risky for sb 20.for the vast majority of the population 21.Anyway, even if one wanted to, one couldn’t put the clock back to… 22.prevent further advances 23.cut off all government money for research 24.do one’s best 25.the force of competition 26.bring about sth: make sth happen 27.stop inquiring minds from thinking about basic science 28.suppress anything new 29.human initiative and inventiveness 30.slow down the rate of change 31.cannot prevent science and technology from changing our world 32.at least←→at most 33.ensure that sth be in the right direction 34.in a democratic society 35.have a basic understanding of science 36.make informed decisions 37.leave sth in the hands of experts 38.at the moment: now 39.sb be in two minds about sth 40.expect the steady increase in the standard of living 41.bring sth to continue 42.sb distrust science 43.an important element behind sth 44.have a great interest in sth= be interested in sth 45.as is shown by sb/sth 46.large audiences for television series 47.science fiction 48.harness this interest: make use of this interest 49.acid rain 50.greenhouse effect 51.nuclear weapons 52.genetic engineering 53.lie in sth 54.sth be presented in a dry and uninteresting manner 55.learn sth by rote←→learn sth by heart 56.see one’s relevance to sth 57.in terms of 58.describe mathematical ideas 59.halve the sales 60.would have sold twice as many copies without it 61.express one’s ideas 62.in the form of equations 63.precise values of quantities 64.for the rest of us 65.a qualitative grasp of scientific concepts 66.be convey by words 67.without the use of sth 68.provide basic framework 69.the rate of sth is so rapid that… 70.scientific progress 71.(new developments)have occurred 72.molecular biology 73.change the way we live in the future 74.put across: understand 75.a small proportion of the population 76.reach a truly mass audience 77.present A as B 78.scientific wonders 79.fit into sth 80.have a responsibility to do sth 81.entertain the public 82.be filled with sth: be full of sth: be permeated with sth 83.have sufficient faith in sth 84.good sense of the public Vocabulary & Translation exe 85.in terms of advancement 86.starting salary 87.pay that electricity bill 88.cut us off 使我们断电 89.As pace of life quickens,…

90.tend to do: be likely to do: be liable to do 91.get rid of: eradicate: root out 92.precise observation of distant stars 93.be laid out in the form of sth 94.use your own initiative 95.Words cannot convey how grateful we are for(his timely help).96.the board of directors 97.be in two minds over the opening of a branch office in sw 98.grasp the concept of infinite space

cf.conception 99.present a complex argument 100.be completely beyond my grasp 101.win the match 102.have a place in the final 103.ensure sb a place in the final 104.have a duty to do 105.heal the wounded 106.rescue the dying 107.get amusement 108.get knowledge from sth 109.the film’s appeal 110.provide entertainment to the audience 111.raise questions about sth 112.the possible contact between human beings and alien civilization 113.make a decision on sth on the basis of sth 114.have sufficient funds 115.make accurate predictions 116.information industry 117.this line of products: this kind of products 118.be highly profitable 119.regain her health 120.be undecided about sth 121.stay on in her present post 122.find a new job 123.the mountainous region 124.be undersupplied with sth 125.get injured in the car accident 126.be disabled for the rest of his life 127.demand the release of sb from prison 128.as a precondition for further negotiation 129.have the foresight to invest in new technology 130.mispronounce a lot of words 131.support military action 132.be for a peaceful solution 133.meet our job requirements 134.fall short of the requirements 135.with the improvement of the standard of living 136.on balance: generally speaking 137.the strengths of A outweigh its weaknesses 138.As is shown by history, … 139.local clashes 140.a global war 141.on the foggy morning 142.dial the wrong number 143.sb be highly distrustful of sth 144.well informed 145.sth last a lifetime 146.find their way when they travel long distances 147.make discoveries 148.have practical value 149.carry messages 150.lengthen human life: prolong life expectancy 151.use hear pacemakers 152.medical devices 医疗器械

153.affect your career and your daily life 154.space shuttles 155.yet-to-be-discovered developments 156.lie ahead 157.predict earthquakes 158.a space station in orbit around the earth 159.tough competition for sth 160.fit into the national plan for sth 161.burn too much gas 162.consider historical background to sth 163.do without so many conviences 164.enjoy the comforts of life 165.have sufficient food 166.not to speak of: let alone: needless to say 167.the privilege of being educated 168.blame sb for sth


Unit 2 Book 2Useful expressions


1.Friendship is a topic close to all our hearts.2.the source of our happiest moments

3.occasionally: now and then

4.take sth too much for granted

5.fail to keep sth in good repair

6.illustrate sth through a tale of sth

7.the lasting regret

8.let sb know how much sb mean to us

9.see the power of sth displayed more in actions than in words

10.unfold a tale of courage and endurance

11.fight to save one’s life

12.vividly reflect the power of sth

13.provide food for thought

14.when it comes to sth

15.what our friends mean to us

16.a fair-weather friend

17.A bank is the place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when

it begins to rain.Text A

18.make an effort to keep in touch

19.put off: delay: postponedoing

20.plenty of time

21.leave sth too late

22.reach for the pen: put pen to paper: start to write

23.cabbie: taxi driver: cab driver


25.all sb had=all that sb had=what sb had

26.be lost in sth=be absorbed in sth=be immersed in sth=be fully occupied with sth

27.tap on the windshield

28.get one’s attention=catch one’s eyecf.eye-catching

29.Is your cab available?

30.look up at sb

31.say sth to sb apologetically

32.settle into the back seat

33.He sounded as if he had a cold or something.34.or something/somebody/somewhere

35.He was an artist or something.36.He was my uncle or somebody.37.I left it on the desk or somewhere.38.I’m in no hurry.39.go ahead and do sth

40.know sth by heart=learn sth by heartcf.learn sth by rote

41.Letters from home always mean a lot.42.I am on the road so much.43.Estimating that…, I guessed sth.44.Come to think of it, it might just as well be…

45.may well do= be likely to do

46.used to do

47.I’m not much of a..: I’m not a good…

48.She is a good hand at making bread.她是做面包的能手。

49.She is a good hand at transplanting rice.她是插秧能手。

50.keep up our correspondence too well

51.take it that…

52.practically: almost

53.all the way through high school

54.grade school: primary school

55.I hadn’t seen him more than once or twice a year over the past 25 or 30 years because I moved

away from the old neighborhood and you kind of lose touch even though you never forget.56.Died a couple of weeks ago

57.It’s no fun to lose any friend — and losing a real old one is even tougher.58.ride on in silence for a few minutes.59.I realized that Old Ed was still on his mind when he spoke again, almost more to himself than

to me.60.The problem has been a weight on my mind.61.on one’s mind: 挂念着;担心着;惦念着;压在某人心头

62.in one’s mind: in one’s opinione.g.In my mind, he will succeed.63.in one’s mind’s eye: 在sb的心目中

64.should have kept in touch

65.We should all keep in touch with old friends more than we do.But things come up and we

just don’t seem to find the time?66.shrug 耸肩

If you shrug something off, you ignore it or treat it as if it is not really important or serious.对…不予理睬

例:He shrugged off the criticism.他对批评不予理睬。

67.sth be mentioned in sw

68.hand sth over to sb

69.That’s pretty personal.70.urge sb to do sth

71.be written in pencil

72.remind sb of sth

73.I’ve been meaning to write for some time, but I’ve always postponed it.74.the good times they had had together when they both lived in the same neighborhood

75.It had references to things that probably meant something to the driver.76.keep us after school

77.There aren’t many of us left.There are fewer and fewer still around.78.go to a class reunion

79.Time goes by

80.work at the same place

81.hang out on the same corner when we(were)single.82.every now and then

83.But for the last 20 or 30 years it’s been mostly just Christmas cards.Of course there’d be

always a note we’d each add to the cards — usually some news about …

84.Your friendship over the years has meant an awful lot to me, more than I can say because I’m

not good at saying things like that.85.I found myself nodding in agreement.86.That must have made you feel good, didn’t it?

87.sb said something that I couldn’t understand because he seemed to be all choked up

88.get close to our destination

89.skip to sw

90.Enjoyed talking with you

91.take my suitcase out of the cab

92.sth be signed sthsth上面签的名字是sth(The letter was signed Tom)

93.It’s a letter I wrote to him before I knew he’d died.So I never mailed it.94.sb looked sort of sorrowful, or as if he were trying to see something in the distance.95.unpack right away

Vocabulary & Translation exe

96.stand absolutely still

97.make your own kite using directions available in books

98.walk steadily north

99.check her direction

100.trade unions

101.invest more money in staff training

102.As a sailing ship has a destination, so we must have a definite goal in our life.You could refer to this as “fake it till you make it,” but I think it’s more accurate to say,“As within, so without.” 你可以称它为“假想直到拥有”,但我认为这样说更准确,“因为源于内心,所以显于外部”。

103.engineering constructions

104.at the disco

105.break into a house

106.have a family reunion

107.accept the invitation

108.reduce life expectancy by around 12 years on average

109.go ahead with sth

110.hold a class reunion

111.be anxious about sth

112.the sight of sth leave sb upset

113.be choked up by sth

114.accomplish the project on time

115.equip the new hospital

116.be estimated at $2 million

117.passengers were held up

118.reference books on computer science

119.skip from A to B

120.understand what they are expected to do

121.focus on sth

122.make reference to sb: 参看,参考;提及,涉及,说到

123.keep pace with the growing demand for sth

124.have a fine reputation for being an old hand at doing sth

125.collect sea-shells on the beach

126.gather wild fruit in the woods

127.A arouse one’s interest in B

128.IT: information technology

129.one’s devotion to sthcf.sb be devoted to doing sth

130.make a deep impression on sb

131.offer me their congratulations on my good record

132.value his friendship with sb

133.paint the ceiling

134.save a child from drowning

135.sth make me choked up

136.practically all our life

137.All my available time is taken up driving the cab.138.I’m on the go all day.139.get round to sth: find time to do sth

140.Whoever says you should never put off till tomorrow what you can do today is absolutely

right.141.was not expected to live for long

142.get the money to make the trip

143.work as a truck driver his entire life

144.manage to have some savings

145.with embarrassment

146.walk the mile to the filling station

147.trust me for the phone call to California

148.go off to college

149.lose touch with sb

150.pull out two pieces of paper

151.the paper read sth: the paper said sth

152.go along with sb: follow sbcf.get along with sb

153.a signed check with an attached message

154.Since I graduated from sw: since my graduation from sw

155.This is certainly true in my case.156.in future 今后cf.in the future在未来


Unit 4 Book 1Useful expressions


1.talk much of the American dream

2.In their country anyone can become successful through hard work and enterprise.3.rags to riches

4.an empty dreamcf.make empty promises

5.take a view

6.A remain central to understanding sth

7.shared beliefs

8.blood ties

9.form the basis of national identity

10.turn one’s back on sth逃离;抛弃

11.turn one’s back on poverty 摆脱贫困=get out of poverty

12.set out with high hopes for a new life in America

13.move up in the world: get promotion

14.sth be at the end of the rainbow 在彩虹末端;在可望而不可及的地方

Text A

15.Talent/Virtues and hard work can take you from log cabin to White House.16.rise high in society

17.make his own dream come true

18.a rocky farm

19.stand in the driveway

20.park in the driveway;drive in the parkway

21.What does a gardener do? mow the lawn;weed the garden;sweep the walks;clean up the yard;take care of any little tasks;lift heavy objects;fix things

22.comprehend his broken English

23.couldn’t afford a gardener

24.go into my house unhappycf.(the wind)blow cold

25.these Depression days

26.turn away a person=refuse to help a person;refuse to allow sb to enter

cf.turn down sb=refuse sb

27.assume主观认定cf.resume:begin againpresume 假定consume消耗assumptionpresumptionconsumption

28.hire /employ sb ←→fire/dismiss sb

29.rebuild our business

30.bring sb back to the plants

31.compliment sb on sthcf.complement my diet with some vitamin E

32.work out sth: solve sth

33.weekly pay;monthly salary;yearly income

34.Summer passed into fall.=Fall came after summer.35.What do you do with such determination and hope?=How do you deal with …?

36.ask the personnel department for a report

37.at our meeting place/in his usual waiting place/in our familiar meeting spot

38.a pretty good apprentice school

39.to train laborerscf.trained laborers

40.have the capacity to do sth/for sthcf.ability to do sth;capability of doing sth

41.be able to do sth;be capable of doing sth

42.read blueprints and micrometers

43.do precision work

44.take a cut in pay: have his pay reduced

45.graduate as a skilled grinder

46.skilled(in/at sth): having or needing skill;skillful/skilful: having or showing skille.g.We need workers skilled in welding for this job;it’s a highly skilled job.47.shape the grinding wheel 制作砂轮

48.do sth with an instrument set with a diamond

49.be delighted with what we felt was a satisfactory/satisfying end of the story

50.on the edge of town

51.for salecf.on sale: 1.for sale 2.sale at lower prices

52.a wreckcf.wreckage

53.call on sb: visit sbcf.call on the government to take steps

54.loan money on character

55.no sale=no way

56.a man of character: a trustworthy man

57.pay your interest

58.write a mortgage for $2000

59.give sb sth with no down paymentcf.initial payment


61.odds and ends;odds and sods;small articles

62.a broken screen 坏了的屏风

63.a bit of hardware 一点五金器具

64.boards from packing 包装纸板

65.stand a little straighter

66.have a look of confidence

67.say sth with pride: say sth proudly

68.send for sb back in Italy

69.hunt for sth=look for sth

70.shed: a lighly built building

e.g.a tool shed;a wood shed;cattle shed家畜棚;garden shed花园工具房

71.be neatly dressed

72.persuade sb to do

73.sponsor sth

74.with an amused look in his eye

75.approach sw: come near to sw

76.operate a farm=run a farm=manage a farm

77.stand in amazement=in surprise

78.pass away

79.check on sb: examine sb: look into sb

80.see that…=see to it that…=make sure that…

81.Everything was properly handled.82.find the farm green with vegetables

83.livable and homey

84.don’t owe a centcf.owe sb sthowe A to B=attribute A to B

85.He grew in stature in my mind: He grew taller and greater in my mind.86.industrialists= entrepreneurs

87.reach one’s success by the same route and by the same values and principles

88.self-control;self-respect= self-esteemcf.self-confidence=self-assurance;

89.above all=most important of all

90.integrity = honesty

91.begin on the bottom rung of the laddercf.begin in the basement

92.the balance sheets

93.decimal point

94.seek one’s dream

Vocabulary & Translation exe

95.with great patience

96.check the balance in her bank account on an ATM

97.discard litter: throw litter

98.be willing to take risks to achieve success

99.live almost entirely on a diet of cabbages

cf.go/be on a dietput sb on a diet

100.the food left over from the partycf.leftovers

101.weekly earnings

102.on the average

103.get involved in a deal like thiscf.get involved with sb 与sb鬼混在一起

cf.people involved所涉及的人involved problems: complicated problems 104.be against all my principles

105.in the sunken ship

106.leave a well-paid job

107.provide no guarantee

108.many a bank: many banks

109.refuse her request for a loan

110.be precise in expressing her thoughts=express her thoughts with precision 111.be firm in our decision to modernize our country in the shortest possible time 112.wander around the department stores

113.leisurely inspect the items for sale

114.hunt for some antiques(古董)along the sidewalks

115.on display

116.laid-off workerscf.laying-off 下岗

117.handle one’s financial troubles

118.create re-employment opportunities

119.provide business startup loans

120.a man of good moral character

121.build up a reputation for kindness

121.call on his needy neighbors

122.attend his funeral

123.read for personal discovery and growth

124.the board of education 教委cf.the board of directors 董事会 125.be responsible for sth

126.find evidence of life in space

127.discuss the details of the plan

128.senior citizens

129.create such a good life for himself

130.right from the start

131.show a determination to get on(继续下去)

132.take on skilled work

133.a takeout restaurant

134.a dry cleaner: a laundry

135.buy a huge house in an exclusive suburb

136.work like crazy

137.get a tech-related job

138.invest your wages into/in stocks

139.work out a plan acceptable to both sides

140.natural disasters

141.take action to protect life and property

142.amuse myself reading a book

143.lack confidence

144.be unsure of oneself

145.create rather than wait for opportunities


Unit 7 Book 1Useful expressions


1.look into the eyes of n=look sb in the eye

2.an adoring pet

3.The remark reveals a hope that...4.share enough in common in the way(they think and feel to understand one another)

5.explore the evidence: study the proofs

6.report on animals’ natural behavior

7.experience love for one another as humans do

Text A

8.write extensively/widely about sth and the controversy that surrounds it

9.a fierce/bitter/heated controversy over/about sthcf.controversial

10.intelligencecf.IQ: intelligence quotientintellectintellectual


12.to wonder at/about sthcf.wonder wh-从句


14.cf.expose暴露exploit 剥削explode爆炸

15.be designed to do/for sthcf.resign辞职assign布置,分派(assignment)

16.do their best thinking

17.better ways to explore sth than experiments

18.sth serve one’s own purposes


Vocabulary & Translation exe


Useful Expressions in Unit 8(by Mr.Hu)

1.knit one’s brows 皱眉 2.scratch one’s head 挠头 3.come up with the right answer 4.beam at learning the answer 5.weave a tale: make up/invent a story 6.bring/drive sth home to sb: make sb fully understand/realize sth 7.sth hold lessons for sb: sth be instructive/educational to sb 8.a fictional story ←→ a true story 9.as well=, too 10.Aesop’s Fables 11.run out of: use up 12.file folders 13.a handful of: a small number of 14.before/plus tax: when the tax hasn’t been paid yet 15.in amazement/surprise/disbelief 16.in despair 17.mental arithmetic 18.modestly educated:slightly educated 19.be upset by/about: = be worried / unhappy about 20.good-natured: good-tempered 21.be ignorant of/about 22.ignorance 23.a tiny slice of the problem 24.perform the calculations 25.sth be only a memory among sb 26.be nonexistent 27.a chilling(=discouraging)indifference(= a lack of interest)28.sum up: summarize 29.compete with=compete against(sb for sth)30.financial, material, and human capital 31.human capital: people’s knowledge and skills 32.accumulate: collect 33.ancestor=forefather←→posterity/offspring=

descendant 34.at some point soon用不了多久 35.intellectual laziness 懒于用脑 36.affect: have an influence on 37.idle: lazy 38.labor force: work force 39.crash 坠落: fall down 40.jam: get stuck 41.break down: ①stop working ② fall/collapse 42.have a humble suggestion 有一愚见 43.dramatize: describe vividly;give a vivid description of 44.feel bitter: feel painful 45.headphones: earphones 46.portable 47.CD: compact disk 48.sth put sb to sleep 49.search for: look for 50.get a job as a clerk 51.with steady wages 52.feed himself 53.allow no leisure for such luxuries as…使某人没有闲暇去享受诸如...的奢侈的事情 54.His only hope lies in his children.55.fast-forward 56.a steel mill: a steel factory 57.subway: the Underground/ the Tube(BrE)58.well off=rich 59.a determined foe:a strong-minded enemy 60.scared=frightened 61.be scared of;too scared to do;be scared that;62.A scare B 63.live by

cf.live on 64.peace and plenty(alliteration押头韵)65.safe and sound 66.healthy and wealthy(rhyme尾韵)67.all day and all night= day and night 68.offer services to sb 69.long since

cf.long ago 70.complex: complicated 71.manual work: physical labor 72.discipline: training 73.saving and discipline 74.discipline sb 75.earn an adequate living wage 76.slum: ghetto 77.plumbing cf.plumber 78.trash piles 79.trash; rubbish;garbage;junk 80.in a word: in short 81.much as: nearly as 82.be befriended by: make friends with 83.decline ①decrease ② refuse politely 84.acquire(=get)financial capital 85.rise from the ashes: rebuild itself after the devastation of WWII 86.swear: promise seriously 87.miracle: wonder: phenomenon 88.sth catch one’s eye: sth arouse one’s attention 89.intellectual faculties=abilities 90.contemptible: deserving contempt 令人可鄙的

91.cf.contemptuous: showing, feeling or expressing contempt 表示鄙视的 92.stand in the doorway 93.have a day off 94.do the deal 95.take an equal slice of the profit 96.wash clothes by hand 97.in my humble opinion 98.appoint an assistant 99.reduce the cost of production 100.to his delight 101.switch to sth 102.fine arts 103.make a good lawyer 104.The story makes interesting reading.105.make it 106.my sense of self 107.take various measures to encourage local economic development 108.develop a sense of responsibility 109.narrow the wide gap between A and B 110.first-hand knowledge 111.build up a large vocabulary 112.gain a good command of English 113.a likeable girl 讨人喜欢的女孩 114.be content to do 115.be unconcerned by:be indifferent about 116.fine-looking: handsome 117.call the fire department and ambulance 118.put sth in a different perspective 119.change one’s mind

120.ditch: throw away sth in the ditch 121.sigh inwardly 暗自叹气

122.mentally battle with sth: 苦苦的心算 123.look longingly at sth 眼巴巴地望着 124.off-limits adj.禁止进入的→可望不可及的 125.tutor a student 126.allow unlimited access to sth 可无限制的使用sth 127.attend a maths seminar 128.casually state sth随口说

129.education establishment 教育机构

130.call for tutoring in algebra and geometry 131.in defense of 辩解 132.rationally: reasonably 133.proceed from known information to desired information 根据已知信息找到所需信息 134.be competent with sth/in doing sth 135.get tied up with tedious computations为繁琐的运算所拖累 136.addition, subtraction, multiplication and division 137.a word problem 应用题

138.cut down his work: stop his work 139.reflect on: think over 140.repetitious: repeated 141.sth fall to such a low priority in education circles 在教育界变得如此不受重视 142.much less=let alone 143.Math is as much about knowing why the rules work as knowing what the rules are.数学要讲有哪些规则,更要讲这些规则为什么成立。

144.learn sth by heart ←→ learn sth by rote 145.view sth as sth’

146.multiplication tables n.[数]乘法表 147.attack a problem 解题

148.be seriously disadvantaged 处于极其不利的地位

149.invite a child’s mind to stand still使孩子的智力发展停滞不前 150.tutor sb on practice exams(辅导sb做模拟试题)151.SAT: Scholastic Aptitude Test 学能测试 152.at hand: adv.在手边, 在附近, 即将到来

153.without needing a stick to lean on 不需要倚靠拐杖 154.bat an eye at sth眨眼

155.have one’s place in the world 156.education tools 157.to figure the circumference of a circle计算圆的周长 158.to factor a quadratic equation求解二次方程的因子 159.for any practical reason出于实际需要 160.expand one’s mind 扩展思维

161.increase one’s ability to function as a contributing individual in society 增强为社会作贡献的能力

162.ultimate goals终极目的 163.in the first place 164.contribute sth to sth/sb 165.The Frog in the Shallow Well(井底之蛙)166.His Spear against His Shield(自相矛盾), 167.Making His Mark(刻舟求剑), 168.Ostrich Logic(掩耳盗铃)169.Blessing or Bane(祸害)(塞翁失马).170.play ostrich自欺欺人 171.Sour grapes.172.Killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.173.One good turn deserves another.善有善报.174.Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.鸡蛋未孵出,先别数小鸡 175.Much wants more and loses all.(贪得无厌就会丧失一切。)176.Slow and steady wins the race.177.Little friends may prove great friends.178.television and movie shoots(拍摄)179.ability, capability & capacity 180.ability 含义最广,指智力(或体力)上的“能力”,主要指人,说明他能否做一件 事,后面接不定式,或介词in,for,但不能接of + doing.例如:He shows considerable ability in/for organization.他颇有组织能力。此外,该词用作复数时只能指智力方面的能力。

例如:He has found a job more suited to his abilities.183.capability 与ability互通,也指智力(或体力)上的“能力”,可指人或物,后面接of + doing或for(doing)sth.。例如:The essay is a proof of the writer’s capability of using the right word in the right place.这篇文章证明作者能在适当的地方用适当的字。

需要注意的是,capability of 后接含有主动意义的动作;capability for 后接含有被动意义的动作。此外,capability 常指天生或潜在的能力,而ability 常指学到的能力。例如:He acquired in eight hours the ability to drive a car.他在八小时内就学会了开汽车。185.capacity 主要指能够容纳或吸收的“能力”,可用于人或物。例如:He has a capacity for mathematics.他有学数学的能力。(着重脑中的容纳力)

The auditorium has a seating capacity of two thousand.礼堂能容纳二千人。

187.affect , effect & influence 这里这三个词都作为动词进行比较。affect 表示“影响”,以被影响的人或物作宾语。大致可分为两种情况:1)“使„起变化”,没有好或坏的意思;2)“对„发生不良影响”。例如:Nothing you say will affect my decision.The small amount of rain last year affected the growth of crops.190.effect 表示“产生,招致”或“实现”,以“改进,变化”等类的词作宾语。例如: The new hairdo effected a startling change in her appearance.这新发式使她的外貌产生了惊人的变化。

192.influence 指对行为、性格或观点等产生潜移默化的影响。例如:Such films have a dangerous influence on children.193.stand/lie idle 闲着The machinery stood idle for a month.194.break away 逃走,逃脱

195.break in 闯入,强行进入;打断;插嘴 196.break into 闯入,强行进入

197.break out 逃脱,逃出;突然发生,爆发 198.break through 突破

199.He drove the point home with another quotation.200.我们必须使他彻底明白困难在哪里。We must drive home to him where the difficulties lie.201.Many famous historical figures came from a humble background.202.advance /make / offer/ put forward a suggestion 提出建议 203.ask for/call for/invite suggestions 征求建议 204.act on a suggestion 将建议付诸实施 205.adopt a suggestion 采纳建议 206.reject a suggestion 拒绝建议

207.a suggestion about/concerning„一项有关„的建议 208.at sb’s suggestion 按照某人的建议

209.suggestion, advice & opinion这三个词都可译作“意见”。suggestion 意为“建议”或“意见”,特指为了改进或解决问题而提出的办法,常带有“不一定正确,提出供对方参考”的意味。例如: This is merely a suggestion.211.advice 着重提意见的人比对方(或自认为)有更多的经验知识,因此可用于医生给病人的“劝告”,老工人讲给新手的“经验之谈”等。该词有时也用得比较广泛,凡是与己无关、纯粹为了帮助旁人而提出的“意见”都可译作advice。例如:

You should follow the doctor’s advice and give up smoking.212.opinion 指对事物的一般“意见,看法”。例如:He showed me a poem he had written and asked my opinion about it.213.Champagne is a luxury they can no longer afford.214.我们花不起买奢侈品的钱。We can’t afford to spend money on luxuries.215.enjoy(a)luxury 享受

216.afford a luxury 买得起奢侈品

217.pure/sheer luxury 绝对的奢侈;十足的享受 218.unaccustomed luxury 罕有的享受 219.in luxury 奢侈地

220.They wallowed in luxury.他们沉溺于奢侈的生活中。

221.现在,中国人的生活比以前强多了。Nowadays Chinese people are better off than they used to be.222.They’re scared of making a fool of themselves.223.我害怕坐飞机;我怕飞机可能坠毁。I’m scared to fly in a plane.I’m scared that it might crash.224.adequate, enough & sufficient三词均表示“足够的”。225.adequate 指“能够满足特定的或最起码的要求的”。

例如:For the use of beginners, the book is adequate.226.enough 指“能够满足一种欲望或需要”,比较偏重数量,并可放在所形容的名词后面。例如:Are there enough apples for everyone? 227.sufficient 具有与enough相同的意思,只是更为正式,并较强调程度。

228.fall/sink into a decline 开始衰落, 衰弱下去; 体力衰退(尤指因患肺病而衰弱)229.hasten the decline of 加速„的衰退 230.on the decline在下降; 在衰退中

231.He acquired a knowledge of computer by careful study.232.格林先生靠做石油生意发了一笔大财。Mr.Green acquired a fortune in the oil business.233.astonish, amaze, & surprise 这三个词在表示“使„惊异”时,意义相近,一般以事物或人作主语;以人作主语时,一般用被动语态。它们的主要区别在于:

234.astonish 特指不可能解释的事发生后使人产生较强的惊异感情。astonish 表示惊异的时间较 surprise 长久。例如:They were astonished at/by the news of his escape.235.amaze 指带有迷惑或赞美的惊奇,是意义很强的词。例如:I was amazed at/by her calmness.我对她的冷静感到惊讶。(含有“钦佩”之意)

236.surprise 着重因意外之事或特殊的事而产生的突然反应。例如:Her frank answer surprised him.她坦率的回答使他感到惊讶。237.make a living by: earn money by(doing sth.)238.by a miracle 依靠奇迹;奇迹般地 239.to a miracle 奇迹般地;(好得)不可思议地 240.accomplish/perform/work a miracle创造奇迹

241.It is a myth that the faculty of hearing is greatly increased in blind people.242.After seven years of study, he succeeded in joining the faculty of Columbia University.



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