
时间:2019-05-14 21:43:59下载本文作者:会员上传


As the economy develop,that every desk in the office has a computer has not been a fresh thing.Nowdays,more and more officers use the computers.It seems that the computers play an important part of it.Firstly,people use computer programmes such as word,excel to type the documents and store the datas.Secondly,it helps us a lot to communicate with others.With the help of the net you can get many useful imformations,you can make friends with different people who are known or unkown,you can ask the help or question the answer.Because of it,we can get in touch with people in a matter of second even they are thousands distances away from us!What's more,we can have a meeting togeter by using the computer.But what I have to mention is that we can't rely the computers too much.It sometimes also do harm to us.For example,many workers may be addicted to the computers during their work,which as result that they are not work hard enough.In addition,the computers also have radiation that is not good to our health In my opinion,i am supposed that everyone should use computer proper, Only doing so can we benefit from the computers.


(1 A large main memory can be used for storing a,b,c.a.data b.operating system c.applications d.interface(2 Early computer solved c,d problems.a.control b.business applications c.engineering d.mathematical(3 The system manager used by a fast processor can a,b,c.a.reset a system b.monitor processor’s core temperature c.monito r processor’s supply voltages d.connect a network(4 We can say a bus is simply a,c,d.a.a group of wires

b.a wire c.a 8-bit bus d.a 16-bit bus(5 A computer system user generally more cares for b,c,d.a.physical size of the computer b.storage size c.speed of computation d.efficiency of the computer(6 According to the physical size of computers we can classify the computers into a,b,c,d.a.microcomputer b.minicomputer c.mainframe d.supercomputer(7 The basic hardware components of any computer include a,b,c,d.a.CPU b.main memory c.input devices

d.output devices(8 The following devices are belong to the mass storages a,b,d.a.DVD b.CD-ROM c.mouse d.disk(1 Cache is a,c,d.a.fast b.slow c.relatively small d.high cost(2 Information stored in semiconductor RAM is b,c.a.permanent b.nonpermanent c.volatile d.non volatile(3 We use paged virtual memory to a,b,c,d.a.extend the size of memory b.increase bandwidth of the disk c.reduce latency of the disk d.store large program and data set(4We read data on the disk by a,d.(5 The three desiderata of memory system are b,c.a.independent b.exclusive c.closely approximated today d.Less approximated tomorrow(6 The processor performance would be high as we reference instructions and data from b,d.a.hard disk b.cache c.floppy disk d.memory(7 Page frame is used in a.a.real memory

b.virtual memory c.disk d.cache(8 In order to increase our computer’s performance we need to a,b,c , a.have a L2 cache b.buy a L2 cache c.have a much larger main memory d.buy a L1 cache(1 RISC is b,c,d.a.abbreviation of complex instruction set computer b.abbreviation of reduced instruction set computer c.guided to be built from studying the execution behavior of high-level language programs d.used for many computer manufacturers nowadays(2 To enhance performance of a computer system we should a,b,d.a.improve the pattern of referencing operand

b.optimize the simple movement of data c.use IF and LOOP instructions as many as possible d.optimize the basic sequence control mechanism(5 Register storage has b,d.a.a large capacity b.a small capacity c.the slower speed d.the faster speed(6 Instruction format in RISC has a,c,d.a.one kind b.many kinds c.a few kinds d.one or a few kinds(7 CISC machine instructions compared with RISC machine are a,d.a.more complicated b.more simple c.more faster to be executed

d.more slower to be executed(8 Functions of the compiler used in RISC are b,c,d.a.to compile a high level language program b.to optimize register usage c.to maximize register usage d.to allocate registers to those variables that will be used the most in a given time period(9 One machine cycle in RISC has c.a.two machine instructions b.three machine instructions c.one machine instruction d.four machine instructions(10 The register file is a,c,d.a.physically small b.physically large

c.one the same chip as the CPU d.addressed by much shorter addresses Operating systems and middleware b,c,d a.have less in common b.both can support other software c.have much in common d.both can support application programs 2.An operating system provides the services in its API by a,c,d a.using the features of the hardware b.offering database accessibility c.using disk drive’s ability

d.offering fixed-length blocks of data 4.Middleware lies in b,c,d a.the top of the layering vertical stack b.the middle of the layering vertical stack c.the top of an operating system d.the middle of interactions between different application programs

5.The following products of software are belong to middleware a,b,c a.IBM’s Web Sphere MQ b.Java 2 Platform c.J2EE d.Oracle 6.A mechanism for translating Internet hostnames into IP addresses is a,c,d a.typically outside of operating system kernel b.typically inside of operating system kernel c.equipped into the general-purpose operating system d.as a middleware by author’s definition 7.With middleware we can b,c,d a.run programs on a centralized computer system only b.keep computations largely isolated from undesirable interactions c.run programs on different computer system

d.allow computations to communicate with one another 8.Middleware has mechanisms to support controlled interaction through a,b,c,d a.communication b.naming c.persistent storage d.coordination 1.Before you turn the power on with a new computer, you should make sure a,b,c,d.a.the computer is already out of the box b.appropriate cables are correctly connected c.the computer system has been set up d.appropriate software have been installed 2.An asleep state is a,c,d.a.a low power standby mode b.indicated by the indicator light putting out c.used for saving energy

d.used to lessen wear-and tear on the computer 4.During the boot procedure we can see a,b,c on the screen.a.amount of memory b.the number of attached devices c.the operating system being used d.beeps and whirling noises 5.A user interface we said here is a,b,d.a.an interaction between an operating system and a user b.an interaction between an application program and a user c.an interface between a computer and its peripheral device d.a text-based user interface or GUI 6.Today Microsoft’s ope rating system Windows has a variety of versions, they are a,b,c,d.a.Windows 2007 b.Windows 2003 c.Windows XP d.Windows vista 7.The Windows desktop contains common elements, such as.a.desktop icons b.taskbar c.Start button d.task button 9.With the window of the GUI we can use.a.menus b.dialog boxes c.icons d.documents 10.Main menu category in some Microsoft programs.a.is a menu bar at the top of many windows

b.can display a pull-down menus c.can’t display a drop-down menus d.can display personalized menus 1.Upgrading a computer system means.a.buying new hardware b.buying new software c.extending the life of your current system d.keeping your computer in present situation 2.To formulate an upgrade strategy, you should consider.a.the PC adheres to a well-supported standard b.you anticipate all your future needs c.there is room for additional expansion cards d.there is room for memory 3.Some common hardware upgrades nclude.a.adding more RAM b.installing ADSL

c.adding an image scanner d.installing a color printer 4.The ways to seriously upgrade an Intel 80486-based PC include.a.installing the most modern software b.replacing the motherboard c.replacing other items inside the system unit d.just purchasing a new PC 5.Relationship between version and release in a software is.a.version has major number b.release has minor number c.version typically increase its number in increments of 1 d.release typically increase its number in increments of 0.1 or 0.01 6.Compatible mode of the software products can be categorized into.a.upward

b.downward c.cross d.above all 1.A Wide Area Network can..a.cover a wide geographical area b.link two or more LANs c.link two LANs only d.be created by individual users 2.According to the flow of information on a transmission facility we can categorize WAN into network.a.circuit switched b.packet switched c.local area d.Lease d.line 3.In packet switched networks data send in..a.byte

b.pieces c.frame d.packet 4.The most important items contained in a packet should be.a.data to be transmitted b.header of the packet c.tail of the packet d.date 5.The popular approaches we used in the packet switched network are.a.circuit switching b.datagram c.virtual circuit d.real circuit 6.In the datagram mode when datagrams arrive at their destination, the datagrams.a.may be out of order b.must be in order

c.should be reordered d.may lose 7.In the virtual circuit mode all packets sent by a user at a time belong to.a.a message b.a session c.different messages d.different sessions 8.Main characteristics of the leased line networks are.a.the line is private for the user b.the user has himself inter-exchange c.very short response time d.the user computer is always physically connected to the line 8.Main characteristics of the leased line networks are.a.the line is private for the user b.the user has himself inter-exchange

c.very short response time d.the user computer is always physically connected to the line 9.A typical frame relay network has.a.seven components b.five components c.six components d.five major physical components and one “virtual” components 10.Router has the following name.a.ARPANET b.IMP(Interface Message Processor c.gateway d.IS(Intermediate System 11.In Fig.4-6 a router creates a logical path between networks, these networks include.a.FDDI b.Token Bus

c.Token Ring d.Ethernet 12.Encapsulation is used here for data delivering on.a.the circuit switching b.the physical path c.the analog circuit d.the logical path 1.Connecting to the Internet usually includes the following decisions type of.a.device b.connection c.user d.Internet service provider 2.Which device can be used to access the Internet ?.a.PC b.DVD c.notebook computer d.Internet appliance 3.Following device belongs to the one of dial-up connection.a.HFC b.modem c.dedicate line deviced d.ADSL 4.Using a PC we can retrieve much contents from the Web, they are.a.Web pages b.multimedia contents c.video clips d.music files 5.Mobile Web is used for usually.a.notebook computers b.mobile phones

c.handheld computers d.pagers 6.When we use a dial-up connection to access the Internet, we need.a.a TV cable b.a regular telephone line c.a modem d.a temporary IP address 7.ADSL works at a rate of.a.asymmetric transmission b.symmetric transmission c.asymmetric transmission with 9Mb/s downstream d.asymmetric transmission with 16K-64Kb/s upstream 8.We can find the following facilities in an HFC system.a.optical fiber b.coaxial cable c.cable modem d.head end 9.With the dedicated connection to connect the Internet we should.a.use dial-up connection b.keep a continual connection c.use a static IP address d.keep a temporary connection 10.If some one wants to use mobile wireless connection, he or her should have.a.mobile device b.a fixed radio connection c.Web-enable cell phone d.a mobile transceiver(1 The true goal of ERP is.a.to integrate all departments b.to integrate all functions c.to work across a company d.d.to work on a single computer system(2 To do ERP right the ways should change.a.people do their jobs b.you do business with ERP c.you do business without ERP d.people do their jobs with ERP(3 ERP can serve the needs of people in.a.finance b.human resources c.warehouse d.all above(4 Real transformational ERP efforts usually run.a.five years b.three years c.two years d.one year(5 A business process should include.a.order fulfillment b.shipping goods c.billing for the order d.understanding the customer’s credit rating(6 Companies that measure their products by flow rather than individual units are companies.a.utility b.oil c.chemical d.mechanical parts(7 With ERP, the customer service representatives.a.are just typists b.are no longer just typists c.should be business people d.should not be business people(8 With the manufacturing companies can save time, increase productivity and reduce headcount.a.standardizing manufacturing processes b.using a single, integrated computer system c.using ERP d.in-basket mode 1.Internet telephony system are systems.a.synchronous distributed b.asynchronous distributed c.so called as IP telephony d.synchronous centralized 2.The operating platforms that are currently

supported by the various Internet telephony system include.a.QoS b.UNIX c.Windows d.Mac 3.With an Internet telephone system developed by using Java applet users should.a.have a standard web browser with Java support b.install the telephony system every time they want to talk c.worry about the underlying workings of a telephony system d.have a network connection 4.The following components are the basic ones of an Internet telephony system.a.host computer b.modem c.local area network

d.router 5.The communication process that the caller’s telephony system handled includes.a.acquiring the real-time voice data b.digitizing the analogue signals c.compressing the digitized data d.decrypting the digitized data 6.The communication process that the recipient’s telephony system handled includes.a.encrypting the digitized data b.receiving incoming data c.decompressing incoming data d.playing back on the audio output device 7.The major problems encountered in the current Internet telephone are.a.the working model of the best-effort Internet b.transmitting delay c.transmitting delay jitters d.packet loss

8.We can find the following voice recovery methods.a.silence substitution b.waveform substitution c.sample interpolation d.embedded speech coding 9.When we make a distance telephony call such as from Beijing to Guangzhou with Internet telephony system, we should pay communication fees that include.a.transcontinental telephone calls b.local telephone calls c.ISP’s fees

d.nominal standard Internet connectivity charges 10.The current Internet telephony systems.a.are launched as stand-alone applications b.must be downloaded prior to operation c.must purchase a new version of the

software of the system for upgrading d.must be installed prior to operation 1.The Web took a bold step forward, it.a.was spurred by little-known technologies b.was spurred by well-known technologies c.shattered the traditional usage model of the Web d.kept the traditional usage model of the Web 2.In order to develop a new web application model we should use some technologies, such as.a.traditional web browsers b.JavaScript remoting c.web remote procedure calls d.dynamic updating 3.Using Ajax we can.a.perform the web interaction b.transmit only a small amount of information

to and from the server c.give the user the most responsive experience possible d.substitute the traditional web application model 4.In the traditional web application model the browser.a.has an Ajax engine b.is responsible for initiating requests to the Web server c.is responsible for processing requests from the Web server d.sends a HTML request to the Web server 5.Ajax engine is.a.a JavaScript object b.a JavaScript function c.responsible for linking to another resource d.responsible for executing the request from the Web server

6.The traditional Web server would serve up.a.JavaScript b.CSS c.HTML d.images 7.After receiving a server response the Ajax engine.a.goes into action b.provides a link to another Web page c.often parses the data d.makes several changes to the user interface 8.To make an Ajax solution we must use the following technologies:.a.CSS b.HTML/XHTML c.DOM d.JavaScript 9.With Ajax engine we can.a.transfer less information than the traditional Web application model b.update user interface more faster c.work more quickly d.transfer more information than the traditional web application model 10.The data that the Ajax engine can use should be.a.plain text b.understood by the Ajax engine c.XML d.any other data format



姓名: 邱先生

国籍: 中国

目前所在地: 广州

民族: 汉族

户口所在地: 湖北

身材: 180 cm64 kg

婚姻状况: 未婚

年龄: 26 岁


人才类型: 普通求职

应聘职位: 客户服务类:咨询/顾问、贸易类:外贸、其它类:

工作年限: 2

求职类型: 全职

可到职日期: 一个星期

月薪要求: 2000--3500

希望工作地区: 广东省 广州


公司名称: 家乐福中国起止年月:2009-02 ~ 2009-08

公司性质: 中外合资所属行业:其他

担任职务: 风险防范部江苏区经理助理

工作描述: 1.协助风险防范经理处理日常事务;



公司名称: 广州杰莘咨询有限公司起止年月:2008-07 ~ 2008-12

公司性质: 民营企业所属行业:信息咨询,事务所,人才交流

担任职务: 文案助理

工作描述: 主要工作内容如下:






毕业院校: 南京师范大学

最高学历: 本科获得学位: 学士 毕业日期: 2008-07-01

所学专业一: 英语 所学专业二: 计算机信息管理

受教育培训经历: 起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构)专业 获得证书 证书编号

2002-09 2004-12 湖北工业大学 计算机信息管理 专科毕业证 ***674


外语: 英语优秀

国语水平: 精通 粤语水平: 一般


● 大学英语六级证书,读写流利,能与人进行日常英语交流。

● 计算机windows国家职业资格四级,熟知电脑硬件及office等常用软件。

● 对photoshop,网络方面均有所了解,文字功底良好。




通讯地址: 广州市 天河区 珠村(邮编: 510660)

联系电话: ***

电子邮件: diyifanwen@glzy8.com

个人主页: http://www.xiexiebang.com



2009-5-22 10:17【大 中 小】【打印】【我要纠错】【加入收藏】

CMS is used to digitally sign or encrypt arbitrary messages.CMS describes an encapsulation syntax for data protection.It supports digital signatures and Encryption.The syntax allows multiple encapsulation, so one encapsulation envelope can be nested inside another.Likewise, one party can digitally sign some previously encapsulated data.It also allows arbitrary attributes, such as signing time, to be authenticated along with the message content, and provides for other attributes such as counter-signatures to be associated with a signature.CMS被用于数据签名或者任意消息加密中。CMS提供了一套用于数据保护的数据封装语法。该语法支持数据签名和数据加密。该语法允许多重封装,所以一封数据信封能被另外一封数据信封所封装。同样的,该语法封装数据的部分数据位可以用来表示被封装数据。也允附加一些属性如签名时间,它和内容信息一起用于鉴别信息;计数器属性,它为其它属性提供计数信息。


2009-5-22 10:17【大 中 小】【打印】【我要纠错】【加入收藏】

XDM is the foundation of XPath 2.0 and defines the Data Model for XPath 2.0(and consequently XQuery 1.0 and XSLT 2.0, which are both based on XPath 2.0).XDM is built on top of the XML Info set(the abstraction of an XML document), PSVI(type annotations in the XML Info set as the result of XML Schema validation), the simple data types of XML Schema, and additional concepts.The most important additional concept is that of a “sequence”, which embraces both simple data types and the XML-derived nodes.XDM是XPath2.0的基础,它定义了XPath2.0的数据模型(因此XQuery 1.0、XSLT 2.0也就基于XPath 2.0)。XDM 建立在XML信息集(从XML文档中抽取)和PSVI(作为确认XML Schema结果的XML信息集合的注释类型)的顶端、属于简单的XML Schema的数据类型、是一个附加的概念。其中,它最重要的附加概念就是“顺序”,即包括简单数据类型和XML的源节点。


2009-5-22 10:17【大 中 小】【打印】【我要纠错】【加入收藏】

Internet technical specifications often need to define a format syntax and are free to employ whatever notation their authors deem useful.Over the years, a modified version of BNF, called ABNF, has been popular among many Internet specifications.It balances compactness and simplicity with reasonable representational power.互联网技术规范经常需要定义一种格式化语法并能自由地使用作者认为是有用的任何符号。多年来,巴克斯范式(BNF)的一个修订版,即扩展巴克斯范式(ABNF),已经在许多互联网规范中流行。该版本平衡了压缩性和简单性,具有合理的表达能力。


2009-5-22 10:17【大 中 小】【打印】【我要纠错】【加入收藏】

X.500 is an open, distributed, online directory service which is intended to be global in scope.X.500 is a support service for data exchange which includes providing directory support for data communication services specified by other OSI application standards.The X.500 series of standards covers services available to users, the functional model and protocols connecting the component parts of the directory, an information framework and a schema of the information held by the directory, and a mechanism for allowing OSI components to authenticate each other.X.500是一个开放的、分布式的、趋向于全球化的在线目录服务。X.500支持数据交换服务,该服务符合OSI模型和其他应用协议下的数据传送的目录服务。X.500这一系列标准涵盖了可用的用户服务、连接各组成部分的功能和协议模型、目录的消息框架和信息保持、OSI模型中各组成部分彼此授权的支持等多个方面。


2009-5-22 10:17【大 中 小】【打印】【我要纠错】【加入收藏】

X.509 describes two levels of Authentication, simple authentication, based on use of a password to verify user identity, and strong authentication, using credentials created by cryptographic methods.The standard recommends that only strong authentication should be used as the basis of providing secure services.Public-Key Cryptography is used for strong authentication, but X.509 is not dependent on the use of a particular cryptographic Algorithm, though two users wishing to authenticate must support the same Algorithm.X.509描述了两个级别的认证,简单认证和强认证,简单认证基于使用一个密码验证用户身份,强认证使用加密方法创建的数字证书。标准建议只有强认证能够作为提供安全服务的基础。强认证使用公钥加密方式,但是X.509并不依赖于使用特殊加密算法,尽管两个用户希望认证必须支持同一算法。





* Real Programmers don't write specs—— users should consider themselves lucky to get any programs at all and take what they get.真正的程序员不


* Real Programmers don't comment their code.If it was hard to write,it should be hard to understand and even harder to modify.真正的程序员 不写注释。难写的程序天生难以理解、难以修改。

* Real Programmers don't write application programs ; they program right down on the bare metal.Application programming is for feebs who can't do systems programming.真正的程序员不写应用程序。他们爱白手起家。


* Real Programmers don't eat quiche.In fact,real programmers don't know how to SPELL quiche.They eat Twinkies,and Szechwan food.真正 的程序员不吃蛋卷。他们根本不屑也不懂拼“quiche(蛋卷)”这个词。



* Real Programmers only write specs for languages that might run on future hardware.Noboby trusts them to write specs for anything homo sapiens will ever be able to fit on a single planet.真正的程序员只为未来机器上 用的语言写标准。鬼才会相信有哪个星球会用他们的标准。

* Real Programmers never program in COBOL,money is no object.真 正的程序员不用cobol 编程,金钱如粪土。


* Real Programmers never right justify text that will be read on a fixed-character-width medium.真正的程序员将文本写得错落有致。

* Real Programmers wear hiking boots only when it's much too cold to wear sandals.When it's only too cold,they wear socks with their sandals.真正的程序员爱穿凉鞋,就算天气变冷,他们也只是再穿上袜子而已。


* Real Programmers don't think that they should get paid at all for 洛基Rocky在线英语教育平台



their work,but they know that they're worth every penny that they do make.真正的程序员并不奢求取得每一分该得的钱,但任何拿到手的钱都问心无 愧。

* Real Programmers log in first thing in the morning,last thing before they go to sleep,and stay logged in for lots of time in between.真正的程序员每天只需记录起床后的第一件事和睡觉前的最后一件事,之间的一 切照套模板即可。

* Real programmers don't draw flowcharts.Flowcharts are after all,the illerate's form of documentation.真正的程序员不画流程图。流程图是 文盲写的文档。

* Real Programmers don't use Macs.Computers which draw cute little pictures * Real Programmers never program in COBOL,money is no object.真正的程序员不用cobol 编程,金钱如粪土。


* Real Programmers don't use Macs.Computers which draw cute little pictures真正的程序员不用MAC 机。能画可爱的卡通的电脑是给胆小鬼用的。

* Real Programmers don't read manuals.Reliance on a reference is the hallmark of a novice and a coward.真正的程序员不看使用指南。只有初 学者和胆小鬼会百分百相信手册。

* Real Programmers don't write in COBOL.COBOL is for gum chewing twits who maintain ancient payroll programs.真正的程序员不用cobol.cobol 只能用来维护远古的工资程序。

* Real Programmers don't write in FORTRAN.FORTRAN is for wimpy engineers who wear white socks.The get excited over finite state analysis and nuclear reactor simulations.真正的程序员不写fortran 程序。fortran 是让畏缩的白 领工程师用的。


* Real Programmers don't write in Modula-2.Modula-2 is for insecure analretentives who can't choose between Pascal and COBOL.真正的程序员 不用modula-2编程。modula-2集合了pascal和cobol 的缺点。

* Real Programmers don't write in APL,unless the whole program can be written on one line.真正的程序员不写apl 程序,除非他能在一行内





* Real Programmers don't write in Lisp.Only effeminate programmers use more parentheses than actual code.真正的程序员不用lisp编程。只有女 人气的程序员才会用的括号比代码还多。

for compulsive neurotics who were prematurely toilet trained.They wear neckties and carefully line up sharp pencils on an otherwise clear desk.真正的程序员鄙视结构化编程。结构化编程是让过早被训练怎样上厕所的 强迫性精神病患者用的。那些人在工作前要打好领带,然后小心翼翼地在另一张 书桌上削铅笔。

* Real Programmers scorn floating point arithmetic.The decimal point was invented for pansy bedwetters who are unable to think big.真正的程 序员鄙视浮点运算。十进制是为蠢人而发明的。

* Real Programmers know every nuance of every instruction and use them all in every Real Program.Some candyass architectures won't allow EXECUTE instructions to address another EXECUTE instruction as the target instruction.Real Programmers despise petty restrictions.真正的程序员

深谙指令之间的细微差别,而且非在写的每一个程序中都体现出来不可。有些编 译器不允许EXECUTE 指令象对目标指令那样对另一个EXECUTE 指令寻址。真正的 程序员对这种限制熟记于心。

* Real Programmers Don't use PL/I.PL/I is for insecure momma's boys who can't choose between Cobol and Fortran.真正的程序员不用PL/I.PL/I 是让偎依在妈妈身边的小男孩在无法从cobol 和pascal中选择时用的。

* Real Programmers don't like the team programming concept.Unless,of course,they are the Chief Programmer.能摆平那些有心智缺陷的人,比如那些资深的策划者(他们很爱“教导”程序员们)。

* Real programmers ignore schedules.真正的程序员不按日程表办事。

* Real Programmers don't bring brown bag lunches to work.If the vending machine sells it,they eat it.If the vending machine doesn't sell it,they don't eat it.真正的程序员不带午餐上班。有得吃就吃,没得吃就饿着。

* Real Programmers think better when playing Adventure or Rogue.真 正的程序员在冒险和滋事时脑子最聪明。

* Real Programmers use C since it's the easiest language to spell.真正的程序员用C,因为C 是最容易拼的语言,只有一个字母。




* Real Programmers don't use symbolic debuggers,who needs symbols.真正的程序员不用符号化的调试器,因为它竟需要符号。

* Real Programmers only curse at inanimate objects.真正的程序员只 诅咒死气沉沉的东西。




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