七年级生物下册 2.1《物质运输的载体》教案 冀教版(最终定稿)

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第一篇:七年级生物下册 2.1《物质运输的载体》教案 冀教版






























第四章 人体内物质的运输




索罗学院 整理





第四篇:七年级生物下册 3.1《呼吸》教学设计 冀教版

第一节 呼吸道和肺的功能 教学设计















五、课时建议 1课时



板书:第一节一 呼吸道和肺的功能 新课教学





二、消化道的组成、结构和功能 教师活动:其中哪些器官组成呼吸道?

学生活动:呼吸道包括鼻、咽、喉、气管和支气管,是气体进出肺的通道。教师活动:呼吸道有哪些结构特点能保证气体顺畅通过? 学生活动:呼吸道有软骨作支架。

教师活动:哪些结构特点能对吸入的气体进行处理,使气体变得清洁、温暖、湿润? 教师活动:整个内表面都覆盖着黏膜,鼻腔黏膜内有丰富的毛细血管。板书:

三、肺 板书:1.形态结构




教师活动:肺的功能是什么? 学生活动:进行气体交换。

教师活动:仔细阅读图3-2,理解纤毛、黏液和腺细胞的作用。想一想,痰是怎样形成的? 学生活动:腺细胞分泌黏液(黏液使气管内湿润,内含有能抵抗细菌和病毒的物质),在纤毛向咽喉的方向不停地摆动下,把外来的尘粒、细菌等和黏液一起送到咽部,通过咳嗽排出体外,变形成了痰。

教师活动:感冒时,咳嗽、痰多是对呼吸道的有害反应还是保护性反应? 学生活动:保护性反应。





第一节一 呼吸道和肺的功能

一、呼吸系统的组成 呼吸系统由呼吸道和肺组成。

二、呼吸道的组成、结构及各部分的功能 1.组成和结构




三、肺 1.形态结构


2.功能 进行气体交换。


2014-2015学年冀教版七年级英语下册 《Unit 5 I Love Learning English 》教案

Lesson 25:A Phone Friend

一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.New words and phrases:foreign,could,understand,cartoon,Canadian,have a good talk,by oneself.2.Important sentences:I love learning English.Can I speak to........? This is.......3.The meaning of text:making phone calls.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Master the new words and phrases,important sentences.2.understand the meaning of text.3.master the grammar:Modal Verb---can,Reflexive Pronouns---myself,yourself.三、Key points:(重点)

Master the new words and phrases,important sentences.How to make phone calls.四、Difficult points:(难点)

the grammar:Modal Verb---can,Reflexive Pronouns---myself,yourself.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.1)Greet the students in everyday English 2)Do the everyday duty report 3)Review last unit and deal with some questions they have.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

In this unit,what will we learn?ask the Ss read the book on page of 65,make the Ss understand the functions and grammar.Then introduce some ways to learn English,and how does Li Jing practice her English? Step 3.New lesson.(新课)No.1 text: 1.What meaning is the title?ask some Ss explain it.2.learn the new words and phrases,then ask the Ss learn the text by theirselves first.3.picture one:who are these?what are they doing? Picture two:who is this?what is she doing? 4.teacher:read the text first,make sure the Ss can read text correctly.explain the text in Chinese,make the Ss can understand the meaning of text.Important sentences,must explain clearly,make the Ss can master these.5.how to use the phrases,make the Ss can finish the practice.No.2 grammar:Modal Verb---can,Reflexive Pronouns---myself,yourself.(一)情态动词can的用法: can的意思,一是:能,二是:许可

肯定句:主语 + can + 动词原形 + 其他成分 疑问句:can + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分 肯定回答:Yes,主语(必须人称代词)+ can.否定回答:No,主语(必须人称代词)+ can not(can’t).1、______ I feed the monkey? Yes,______ can.2、Can I take a photo? No,______ can’t.3、I can feed the monkey?(变疑问句)


4、You can take a photo.(变疑问句)


5、Can I go to the bathroom?(变陈述句)


6、Can we take a photo?(变陈述句)


7、You can eat pizza.(变否定句)

__________________________________________(二)下面这些为反身代词(Reflexive Pronouns)单数:myself,yourself,himself,herself,itself 复数:ourselves,yourselves,themselves Phrases:by oneself.No.3:Let's Do It!Ask the Ss do the practice by theirselves.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary.(小结)

Sum up the text what we learned,and the new words,phrases,sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6.Homework.(作业)

Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.How do you practice your English? How do you practice by yourself? The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Lesson 26 :Online Phone Calls

一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.new words and phrases:Russia,reply,competition,proud,such,good for you,be proud of,guess what,win first prize.2.Sentences:I am here.I can't wait to see you.3.The text:how to make phone calls.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Master the new words and phrases,important sentences.2.understand the meaning of text.3.grammar:Modal Verb---can,Reflexive Pronouns---myself,yourself.三、Key points:(重点)how to make phone calls.四、Difficult points:(难点)

grammar:Modal Verb---can,Reflexive Pronouns---myself,yourself.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.Remember to greet your students with phrases they have learned.Review last lesson,what did we learn? Ask some Ss answer.Make sure the Ss can master the grammar---can myself yourself Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

Check up homework,make sure the Ss finish it by theirselves.Teach the new words,make sure the Ss can read it correctly.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)

No.1 prepare lessons before class.Read the lesson and answer the following questions: 1.what is Alicia's good news? 2.How does Ms.Bell help Alicia with her English? 3.What did Alicia win? 4.How long will Alicia stay in Canada? No.2 text:

Picture 1: who is this?what is she doing? Picture 2:who is this ?where is she from? Teacher:read the text first,make sure the Ss can read text correctly.explain the text in Chinese,make the Ss can understand the meaning of text.Important sentences,must explain clearly,make the Ss can master these.No.3grammar:Modal Verb---can,Reflexive Pronouns---myself,yourself.1.review:can 肯定句:主语 + can + 动词原形 + 其他成分 疑问句:can + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分 肯定回答:Yes,主语(必须人称代词)+ can.否定回答:No,主语(必须人称代词)+ can not(can’t)2.by oneself----myself yourself No.4Let's Do It!Ask the Ss do the practice by theirselves.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary.(小结)

Sum up the text what we learned,and the new words,phrases,sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6.Homework.(作业)

Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Lesson 27 :Amazing English

一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.New words and phrases:letter,exactly.fact,sentence,quick,lazy,even,dig.dig in,in fact.some useful expressions such as:here is.....there is......here are.....there are.....2.understand the meaning of text.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Master the words ,phrases and the meaning of text.2.learn interesting facts about English.3.review the grammar:情态动词can的用法.三、Key points:(重点)

learn interesting facts about English.--text

四、Difficult points:(难点)

the grammar:情态动词can的用法.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)About English,we learned a lot,and we knew a lot of interesting facts.Now this lesson,we will learn more interesting facts about English.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

interesting facts about English.1.What letter is a question?---It’s the letter Y!

2.When do people have two mouth?---When there’s two of them 有两个人时!3.Why do lions eat raw meat?---They don’t know how to cook

4.How many sides does a circle have?---Two.The inside and the outside.5.Two little boats without sails,with ten passengers on board.They do not go to the river or the sea.In the daytime , the boats are full, but at night they are boat empty.-----shoes Step 3.New lesson.(新课)

No.1 prepare lessons before class.Check up homework,make sure the Ss finish it by theirselves.Teach the new words,make sure the Ss can read it correctly.No.2 text:Amazing English There are only 26 letters in English.So English is an easy language to learn,right?Well,not exactly.Yes,English only 26 letters,but those 26 letters can make a lot of words.In fact,there are about 800 000words in the English language.Only letter like “a”,can be an English word.And just one word,like “Go”can be a sentence.There is an English word with about 1900 letters in it.Wow!That's a long word.This sentence uses all 26 letters:The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.Look at this word:level.You can read it forwards or backwards--it's the same word!The word “therein”has ten words in it.You don't even need to move any letters around.How many words can you find? Dig in and enjoy!Teachers:read the text first,make sure the Ss can read text correctly.explain the text in Chinese,make the Ss can understand the meaning of text.Important sentences,must explain clearly,make the Ss can master these.No.3grammar:情态动词can的用法.can的意思,一是:能,二是:许可

肯定句:主语 + can + 动词原形 + 其他成分 疑问句:can + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分 肯定回答:Yes,主语(必须人称代词)+ can.否定回答:No,主语(必须人称代词)+ can not(can’t)No.4:practice:finish the practice after the class.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary.(小结)

Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6.Homework.(作业)

Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)Lesson 28:How Do I Learn English?

一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.New words:magazine,newspaper,mistake,silly.2.Phrases:look up,enjoy oneself, at the same time,in/after class,make mistakes, laugh at,right now.Attention the forms of phrases.3.the meaning of text.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Master the words and phrases,the meaning of text.2.how to learn English?talking about possibilities.3.grammar and important sentences.三、Key points:(重点)

how to learn English?talking about possibilities.四、Difficult points:(难点)

grammar and important sentences.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)In this unit,we learned how to practice English from Li Jing and Alicia,at the same time,we learned some interesting facts about English.Now we knew that English is not an easy language to learn,so what do we need to learn English?How do you learn English? Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

同学们学习英语时应注意以下几个要点:记单词,记短语句子,读课文,做题(在于练习语法),练习写作。除此之外,我们还有那些方法可以用来学习英语,请学习这篇课文,看看课文中的Teresa,她是如何学习英语? Step 3.New lesson.(新课)

No.1 prepare lessons before class.Greet the students in everyday English.Do the everyday duty report.Review last lesson and deal with some questions they have.Check up homework,make sure the Ss finish it by theirselves.Teach the new words,make sure the Ss can read it correctly.No.2 text: Teachers:Teach the new words,make sure the Ss can read it correctly.read the text first,make sure the Ss can read text correctly.Then ask the Ss read the lesson and answer the questions: 1.What grade is Teresa in? 2.What language does she speak at home? 3.What does she often read? 4.When does she watch english movies? 5.Where can you find the words for many English songs? At last explain the text in Chinese,make the Ss can understand the meaning of text.No.3some useful expressions such as: I love to....I like to.....Don't be afraid......No.4grammar: How to use “can/can't” Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary.(小结)

Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Sum up how to learn English,make the Ss understand that English is not easy language to learn.Step 6.Homework.(作业)

Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Lesson 29:A Door to the World

一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.New words and phrases:article,opportunity,knowledge,communicate,connect, Adoorto.......communicate with........ask for,help......(to)do,connect......with.....2.talk about possibilities,use “can”.3.The meaning of text.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Master the new words and phrases,the meaning of text.2.how to talk about possibilities.3.how to use the phrases to finish the practice.三、Key points:(重点)

Master the new words and phrases,the meaning of text.四、Difficult points:(难点)how to talk about possibilities.how to use the phrases to finish the practice.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)Review last lesson,what did we learn?and how do you learn English now? Ask some Ss talk about that.Then the teacher talk about,how do we learn English?and what should we do? Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

Greet the students in everyday English.Do the everyday duty report.Review last lesson and deal with some questions they have.Check up homework,make sure the Ss finish it by theirselves.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)

No.1 prepare lessons before class.Teach the new words,make sure the Ss can read it correctly.Teachers:English is important to us,learn English well can open the door to the world.And making a big difference in your life,so ,we must work hard.No.2 text: Open the Door to the world All over the world,students are learning English.It takes time,but the new language can give them new opportunities.With a good knowledge of English,Ss can have bright futures.Many people from different countries speak English.English opens the door to the world.English helps you communicate with people from all over the world.You can travel almost anywhere and you will never be by yourself.You can meet new people,learn new things,order food and drinks at restaurants,and ask for directions.Learning a new language can be a challenge.But it can help you understand culture differences around the world.It connects you with the world.Teachers: First:read the text,then ask some Ss read the text,make sure the Ss can read it all.At last explain the text in Chinese,make the Ss can understand the meaning of text.No.3 talking about possibilities.Such as:I can talk with my classmates in English.I can write a passage in English.I can read English storybooks.I can sing songs in English.I can make phone calls.Ask the Ss talk about their possibilities and make a list: What can you do with a good knowledge of English? Finish the practice on page of 75.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary.(小结)

Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.Sum up the grammar--“can” Step 6.Homework.(作业)

Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Lesson 30:Writing an E-mail in English

一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.New words and phrases:introduce,play chess,try to do....look forward to....2.Learn the meaning of text,make the Ss can write.3.Important sentences:I like to.....I want to......I can......I will......二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Master the new words and sentences.2.understand the meaning of text.3.how to introduce yourself in English?

三、Key points:(重点)

understand the meaning of text.四、Difficult points:(难点)

How to introduce yourself in English?

五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)In this unit,we learned how to make phone calls,we learned how to practice your English,and we knew some interesting facts about English,now ,we know English is not easy to learn,English is very important.With a good knowledge of English,Ss can have bright futures.Many people from different countries speak English.English opens the door to the world.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

We can use English to do a lot of things.and in this lesson,we will learn how to introduce yourself in English? Check up homework,make sure the Ss finish it by theirselves.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)

No.1 prepare lessons before class.Teach the words and phrases,make sure the Ss can read it correctly.No.2 Text: Teacher:ask some Ss read the text ,make sure the Ss can read it correctly.Then the teacher read the lesson and ask the Ss answer the questions: 1.How tall is Wang Mei? 2.What game does Wang Mei like to play? 3.What is Wang Mei trying to do in her e-mail? 4.What Chinese words does Wang Mei teach Jessica? 5.What is Wang Mei looking forward to? At last explain the text in Chinese,make the Ss can understand the meaning of text.No.3 Writing: How to introduce yourself in English? First,you should introduce your name,how old are you?how tall are you? Then,talking about your personal interests.At last,talk about your plans about future.Though those steps,you can write a passage in English,introduce yourself.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary.(小结)

Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6.Homework.(作业)

Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Unit Review

一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.Master the words and phrases in this unit.2.Master the grammar:can myself yourself.3.Master the important sentences.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1.How to make phone calls.2.How to talk about possibilities.3.learn some interesting facts about English,English is very important.三、Key points:(重点)Words,phrases,sentences.四、Difficult points:(难点)Grammar:can,myself,yourself.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Review.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Review: Words and phrases.important sentences.Then finish the practice about words,on page of 78,No.1 Step 2.Review the grammar: 1.情态动词can的用法: can的意思,一是:能,二是:许可

肯定句:主语 + can + 动词原形 + 其他成分 疑问句:can + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分 肯定回答:Yes,主语(必须人称代词)+ can.否定回答:No,主语(必须人称代词)+ can not(can’t).2.下面这些为反身代词(Reflexive Pronouns)单数:myself,yourself,himself,herself,itself 复数:ourselves,yourselves,themselves Phrases:by oneself.3.finish the practice.Step 3.Writing: Do you have any helpful tips for learning English?Write a short passage.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Finish the practice on page of 79.Step 5.Summary.(小结)

Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6.Homework.(作业)

Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

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