7A Unit3 教学要求,知识点讲解和练习

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第一篇:7A Unit3 教学要求,知识点讲解和练习

7A Unit3 重点词组、难点解析、语法复习

【词组总汇】 P.38-43 1.Let‟s celebrate!让我们来庆祝!Let sb do sth.2.What are you doing? 你在干什么?

3.dress up as装扮成„„样子 dress up as a ghost/ monkey king 4.make a display展示,展出

5.different festivals around the world 世界各地不同的节日 6.have to do sth.不得不做某事

7.Chinese New Year中国的新年(春节)8.Dragon Boat Festival端午节 9.Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节 10.at Halloween在万圣节

11.on Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 12.like to do sth.喜欢做某事

13.a letter from sb.to sb.一封由某人寄给某人的信

14.thank sb.for doing sth.感谢某人做某事Thank you for helping me.感谢你帮助我。15.tell sb.about sth.告诉某人有关某事tell me about your school 16.celebrate Christmas庆祝圣诞节

17.in the USA 在美国=in America

18.have a party举行晚会

have a special party 举行一个特殊的晚会 19.on October 31st在十月三十一日 = on the last day of October 20.do sth.for为„„做某事

21.play a game called “trick or treat” 进行一个叫“不招待就使坏”的游戏 22.knock on/ at敲(门或窗)

23.give sb.sth.as a treat以„„招待某人

24.play a trick on sb.对某人使恶作剧 play a trick on them 25.wear costume with masks 穿带面具的服饰 26.paint our faces 给我们的脸涂色

27.make our own special pumpkin lanterns 制作我们自己的兰瓜灯笼 our own 我们自己的 28.cut out切、割

29.on the evening of October, 31st 在十月三十一日的晚上 30.hot drinks热饮

31.Happy Halloween!万圣节快乐!32.the meaning of„„的意义

33.make sth(成品)out of sth(原料)用…制成….make a lantern out of a pumpkin 用一个兰瓜制成一个灯笼 34.on that day 在那天

35.get ready for为„„做准备

get ready for my birthday 为我的生日做准备 P.44-49 36.(on)New Year‟s Day(在)元旦 37.May Day 五一节 38.Children‟s Day儿童节 39.Teachers‟ Day教师节 40.National Day国庆节 41.at Christmas在复活节 42.rice dumplings粽子

43.at breakfast(lunch/ supper)在吃早餐(午餐/晚餐)的时候 44.read a newspaper 看报 45.in Canada在加拿大 46.on Monday在周一 47.in winter在冬天

48.take sb.for a walk带某人去散步 = walk sb 带某人去散步 49.have a long holiday度长假 50.see a doctor 看医生

51.go on holiday 去度假

be on holiday 在度假 52.the person in a special costume 穿特殊服饰的人 53.give sb sth =give sth to sb 给某人什么东西

54.give me a present = give a present to me 给我份礼物 55.at Chinese New Year 在春节

56.get some red packets 得到一些红包

get sth 得到什么 P.50-55 57.help sb.do sth.帮助某人做某事

58.Chinese New Year celebrations庆祝新年的活动 59.traditional Chinese food传统的中国食品 60.lion dance舞狮子

61.lots of interesting things


62.my first time 我的第一次

(second 第二

third 第三)63.at night在夜晚

64.in Chinatown在唐人街

65.from 9 p.m.to midnight 从晚上9.00到午夜 66.so much如此(多),这么

67.ask sb.to do sth.叫某人做某事 68.make flash cards做卡片

69.cut out pieces of cards


70.a piece of card一张卡片 71.on each card 在每张卡片上

72.on the other side of … 在….的另一边

on the other side of the street 在街道的另一边 73.a few seconds 几秒钟

74.try to remember the sentence 努力记住这个句子

try to do sth 努力做谋事 75.in the West 在西方

76.put sth.in…把某物放进…… 77.in many ways 用很多方法 78.make a plan制定计划

79.go there on foot 步行去那儿 = walk there 80.writing plan写作计划 81.listen to the radio programme听广播节目 82.on the Internet在网上

83.dream about /of … 梦见/梦到/梦想… 84.put up…on the wall把„„挂在墙上 【难点解析】

1.celebrate v.庆祝

celebrator n.庆祝

celebration n.庆祝(活动)2.Let‟s celebrate!让我们来庆祝!Let sb do sth.let, make, help 后跟动词用原形


interested 某人对某事物感兴趣

interesting 事物本身使人发生兴趣

4.dress up as … 打扮成……

be dressed in 穿着(She is dressed in blue她穿着蓝色衣服)

dress sb.给某人穿衣服 put on 穿戴(后接要穿戴的东西,强调动作)→take off 脱下 wear穿戴(强调状态)

5.用which提问,表示在一个限定的范围内进行选择;而用what提问不强调限定范围 例句: What colour are your shoes?

Which colour do you like best , green red and yellow ? 6.like doing 表示习惯做某事爱好某事

like to do 表示一次性动作

like 指喜欢爱好 指对某人某事赞许或产生兴趣, 并积极参加活动

love 爱好爱,在感情上比like 强烈, 经常用于爱祖国、爱父母等这一类程度较深的情况 enjoy 主要侧重于享受某种乐趣

后接反身代词(enjoy oneself)= have a good time 7.look at 看…… knock at 敲…… shout at 对…..喊叫

point at指着…… 8.receive a letter from …

get a letter from …

hear from…收到……来信

9.called 是call 的过去分词,意为被称作、被叫做,也可以用named来替换,还可用介词短语with the name 来代替

10.1)so 用作副词时,意思“这/那么;如此地”,通常至于所修饰的形容词或副词之前

2)so 可翻译为“就像那样,是这样”,为避免重复前面所说过的内容,常与动词hope ,say , think, believe, guess 等动词及I‟m afraid 连用

说明:1.如果表示否定,上面用法中要用not 来代替so

2.但在think believe 等词后,仍然用so 11.see , look, watch, read

see 表示看到的意思强调看的结果也 有明白的意思 look 表示看的动作

watch 表示观看,后面常接TV match 等词 read 主要指看书、报刊、杂志等,强调阅读

12.some 一般用于肯定句中,还可用于表示客气、邀请等含义,期望得到对方的肯定回答 any 用于否定句、疑问句及条件状语从句中,用于肯定句中表示“任何,无论哪一个” 13.plan 现在分词为planning 后常接不定式作宾语 plan to do 14.holiday 意为假日假期,可单可复当作假期讲时常用复数,on holiday意为度假,在休假 15.excited、exciting 两词源于动词excite excited表示主语对某事感到兴奋的,感到激动的 exciting表示该事物本身令人兴奋的,使人激动的

I am very excited to see this exciting film.我很激动看到这令人激动的电影

英语中类似的单词还有:interested and interesting;inspired and inspiring;surprised and surprising;encouraged and encouraging ….26.tradition n.传统、惯例traditional adj.传统的traditionally adv.习惯上、按惯例 27.Which is your favourite festival ? = Which festival do you like best ? *当询问为什么喜欢某个节日及原由时,我们常用why 引导的疑问句并用because来回答 *当询问庆祝节日的方式,应用句型How do you celebrate…….? 28.help sb.do sth.= help sb.to do sth.29.cut out 切去,剪去

cut down 砍倒

cut sth.in half /in two 把某物切成两半 30.by the way 顺便问一下 in the way 挡道,妨碍on one‟s way to …/ on the way to …在某人去…的路上

in a way / in some ways 在某种程度上;从某一点上看 注意:on the way home , way 后不加to , 因为后面有home

31.through 穿过,从…中通过,多指从空间中穿过,从内部的一头到另一头

across 横过穿过着重指从一个物体表面的一边到另一边 32.Get a treat from sb.Play a trick on sb.33.Sb +will +动词原形+…

/ sb +be going to + 动词原形+…

一般将来时态 34.I like Mid-Autumn festival because I like eating moon cakes(划线提问)

Why do you like Mid-Autumn festival? 对because 引导的条件状语从句提问用 why

35.Halleween is my favourite festival.=I like Halleween best.我最喜欢万圣节 36.play a game called “trick or treat” 玩一个不招待就使坏的游戏

call 动词 call sb +名称


call me Tom

称我为Tom 37.give sb sth as a treat = give ab a treat of sth 用什么来招待某人

Give us some candy as a treat = give us a treat of some candy 38.People don‟t know who we are.宾语从句 用的是疑问词+陈述句语序

我不知道你多大 I don‟t know how old you are.39.What day is it today? 今天星期几?

What date is it today?今天几号? 40.时间介词的用法:

in + 一段时间(在早上,下午,晚上, 节日 , 季节, 月份)

on + 具体某一天(日期 , 周几, 具体某天的早上)

at + 具体时间(时刻, 一天三餐, 某些节日)41.在早上:in the morning

在春天: in spring 在周六: on Saturday 在10月: in October 在一个寒冷的早上: on a cold morning

在每天早上: every morning(前不能加on)

在10月31号晚上 : on the evening of October 31st 42.the person in a special costume 穿特殊服饰的人


The girl in a red coat is my sister.Which girl is your sister?

43.on each card

each +单数名词

如果它们作主语谓语动词用 第三单人称数 44.get ready for 意思是“为„„做准备”,后面接名词或代词。

如:(1)My grandmother is getting ready for dinner.我奶奶在准备晚餐。

(2)The students are getting ready for the English test.学生们正在为英语考试做准备。

● get ready to 意思是“准备做某事”,后面接动词原形。Get ready to run.准备跑。

● be ready to 意思是“乐于做某事”,后面接动词原形。

如:He is always ready to help others.他总是乐于帮助别人。

45.If they do not give us a treat, we can play a trick on them.如果他们不招待我们,我们就给他们使坏。

if 意思是 “ 如果” , 引导一个表示条件的状语从句.如:(1)If it is fine tomorrow, we will go to the park.如果明天天气好, 我们就去公园。

(2)If so, we will be very happy.如果是这样的话, 我们会很高兴的。【语法复习】

一、Prepositions of time

表示时间的介词。(1)at 用在“点钟”、“吃饭时间”、“节日”、“年龄”前。

e.g.at 7:15;

at breakfast;

at Easter;

at(the age of)15(2)on 用在“星期”、“日期”、“某天的早、午、晚”前。

e.g.on Sunday morning;

on 1st May;

on the afternoon of Sep.10th(3)in 用在“早、午、晚”、“月份”、“季节”、“年份”、“某年某月”前。e.g.in the afternoon;

in January;

in spring;

in July;

in May 2003

二、Asking „Wh-‟ questions 特殊疑问句

(1)基本构成: 疑问词+be/助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语动词。

(2)疑问词有: what / which / who / whose / when / what time / where / why / how / how many 等。


what 对行为和事物提问,如:What are they talking about? 他们在谈论什么?

which 对特定的人或事物提问,如;Which boy is your cousin?

who 对人称提问,如:Who is the man over there?

whose 对人称所有格提问,如:Whose are these pens on the desk?

when 对笼统时间提问,如:When is your birthday?

what time 对具体时间提问,如:What time do you have lunch?

where 对地点提问,如:Where are you from?


对原因提问,如:Why are you often late for school?

how 对行为方式提问,如:How do you go to school?

对程度行为提问,如:How is he at basketball?

how far 对距离提问;how long 对 长短提问; how many times 对次数提问; how many/how much 对数量提问。


some, any表示一些,即可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。


I have some pens.我有一些钢笔。

There is some water in the glass.杯子里有一些水。


There aren‟t any books on the desk.课桌上没有书。

Do you get any presents for Halloween? 有没有收到万圣节的礼物?

(3)some 有时也可以用在表示建议,规劝,反诘,征求意见,或希望得到对方肯定回答的疑问句中。如:

Would you like some coffee? 你要咖啡吗?(请对方吃东西,态度诚恳)

Can I have some apples, mum? 妈妈,我可以吃些苹果吗?(向对方要求,希望对方做肯定回答)

Shall I bring some food here tomorrow? 明天要我带些食物来这里吗?(表示建议,希望得到肯定回答)


Where shall we meet tomorrow? Any place will do.明天我们在哪里见面?任何地方都行。

第二篇:牛津初中英语7A Unit3 教学要求,知识点讲解和练习

7A Unit 3 Let‟s celebrate!


一、语音 1.单词重读

`celebrate `Christmas `Dragon `special `usually `costume `winter `chocolate `children `national `dumpling `season `summer `autumn `January `February `April `August `Sunday `Saturday `holiday Ju`ly Sep`tember No`vember De`cember tra`ditional ex`cited 2.不完全爆破

pum(p)kin cho(co)late dum(p)ling ska(t)eboard mi(d)night 3.句子重音和语调

`Who `gives `you the ↘presents? Do you have any ↗stamps? Do you get any ↗present? My `parents, ↗aunts, ↗uncles, ↗cousin and ↘friends.`What do `you `do for ↘Halloween?

二、词汇 1.单词

festival why special shout usually face own cut out tooth winter cold drink New Year‟s Day May Day Children‟s Day Teachers‟ Day National Day card date season spring summer autumn January February March April June July August September November December Sunday Saturday learn French holiday during pencil case cook kitchen must lion midnight happen excited in the West candle sweet way through warm 2.词组

dress up as…

装扮成…… dressing room 化装室 care much about dress 讲究衣着 a summer dress

夏装 an evening dress

晚礼服 Christmas card

圣诞贺片 Easter holiday

复活节假期 Easter music

复活节音乐 on Christmas Day


thank sb for doing sth 谢谢某人做某事 give sb sth as a treat 用……招待某人 play a joke on sb.捉弄某人 paint a landscape 绘一幅风景画 pumpkin lantern

南瓜灯 special costume

特制服装 costume ball

化装舞会 costume designer

(影剧)服装设计员 the Mid-Autumn Festiva 中秋节 finish school


traditional Chinese food

传统中国食品 lion dance


buy sb sth=buy sth for sb


buy sth from(of)sb.从某人处购买某物 National Day 国庆节 rice dumplings



What are you cooking? Why do you like fishing? Where are you going? Which is your favorite festival? Thank you for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival.It is wonderful!Happy Halloween!

四、语法: 表示时间的介词


She usually gets up at 6:00 in the morning.她通常早上6点起床。

The man often gets to his office at 8:30.这个男人经常8:30到他的办公室。

另外,at还可以用在at night(在晚上),at last(最后),at weekends(在周末)at noon(在中午)等固定短语中。


on Sunday(在星期天), on weekends(在周末), on February 8th(在二月八日), on Monday morning(在星期一上午), on the afternoon of November 21st(在十一月二十一日下午)on a cold winter evening(在一个寒冷冬天的夜晚)in表示“在某一段时间”,如某年、某月、某个季节,如: in 1998(在一九九八年)in March(在三月), in summer(在夏天)。

另外,在某一些固定短语中要用in,(含有“泛指”的意思)。如: in the morning(在早晨/在上午), in the evening(在晚上),in the day(在白天), in the middle of the day(在一天的中间)。


1.Let‟s celebrate.让我们来庆祝吧

谓语动词let后跟动词原形let sb do sth。

例如:Let‟s go home.我们回家吧 Let me write it.让我来写。

2.Halloween名词,万圣节前夕(指十月三十一日夜晚)。在美国、加拿大以及英伦诸岛的孩子们穿着化装服走家串户接受款待并且做些恶作剧以庆祝这个节目。3.I‟m dressing up as a ghost.我装扮成一个鬼

dress up as… 乔装打扮成……

类似的词组有 dress up in… 用……乔装打扮

例如:At Christmas Father Christmas dresses up in a red coat.圣诞节,圣诞老人用红色外套乔装打扮。

4.Thank you for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival.谢谢你告诉我关于中秋节的情况。

Thank sb for doing sth谢谢某人做某事

Thank you for helping me.谢谢你对我的帮助。

5.We play a game called „trick or treat‟.我们玩一个叫“不招待就使坏”的游戏。called 被叫做……, 被称为……

例如:They know the girl called Millie.他们认识一个叫米莉的女孩。

6.If they do not give us a treat, we can play a trick on them.假如他们不招待我们,我们就做恶作剧。play a trick on sb.捉弄某人

例如:The children played a trick on their teacher.孩子们捉弄了他们的老师。7.Usually, they give us candies as a treat.通常他们都用糖果招待我们。give sb sth as a treat 用……招待某人

例如:We often give her black tea as a treat.我们经常用红茶招待她。8.Sometimes we paint our faces and people do not know who we are.有时我们把我们的脸涂上颜色,这样人们便认不出我们了。

此句中的who we are是宾语,又是一个句子,因此被叫做宾语从句。宾语从句是特殊疑问句时,不能使用疑问语序,必须要用陈述句的语序。例如: She asked who helped us.她问谁帮助了我们。

9.We cut out some shapes to make the eyes, the nose and the sharp teeth.我们(在南瓜上)挖出一些形状,做成眼镜,鼻子和锋利的牙齿。cut out 挖出,剪去

例如:Don‟t cut out the picture out of the book.不要把书上的图片剪下来。10.My family always have a party on the evening of October 31st.我的家人总是在10月31日的晚上举行集会。have a party 举行集会

on the evening of… “在……的晚上”,〖注意〗具体到某个晚上要用介词on;泛指“在晚上”用介词in, in the evening。11.Here is what I will do during the first week of November.这是我在11月份第一周要做的事情。

during介词,“在……期间;在……期间的某一点”。例如: They swim every day during the holidays.他们在假期天天游泳。He fell asleep during the lesson.他在上课时睡着了。

12.I must buy some Christmas presents.我必须买一些圣诞礼物。some和 any 的用法:(1).共同点:

some 和 any 都 有“一些”的意思,都是既可修饰可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词。

例如:There are some books on the desk.There is some water in the glass.There aren‟t any oranges in the shop.(2).不同点:

① some 用于肯定句中;any 用于否定句中。He has some interesting books.他有一些有趣的书。(肯定句)

He doesn‟t have any interesting books.(否定句)

② 在疑问句中,表示疑问语气时,用any。

例如:Is there any milk in the bottle? 表示说话人征求对方意见或希望得到肯定答复时,用some。

例如:Can you get me some water?你能给我些水吗?


例如:Do you usually do some shopping?你通常去购物吗?


例如:Would you like some fruit?你想吃点水果吗?

13.Sometimes we get lots of them.有时我们得到许多礼物。

lots of=a lot of许多,修饰不可数名词,也可与复数名词连用。例如: There is a lot of water in the bottle.瓶里有很多水。There are a lot of pens on the desk.桌子上有很多钢笔。

14.I want to buy Simon a present.= I want to buy a present for Simon.我想给西蒙买件礼物。buy sb.sth =buy sth for sb.为某人买某物 buy sth from(of)sb 从某人处购买某物

例如:I bought a new radio.我买了一台新收音机。

She bought her friend a present.她买了一件礼物给她的朋友。


一.单词辩音:(选出划线部分一个与众不同的选项)()1.A.festival B.dress C.celebrate D.happen()2.A.treat B.season C.spring D.Easter()3.A.holiday B.Halloween C.through D.ghost()4.A.face B.date C.way D.mask()5.A.Sunday B.June C.cut D.summer 二.英汉词组互译:

6.在十月二十一日 7.have Halloween parties 8.乔装打扮 9.play a game called “trick or treat” 10.约见某人 11.rice dumplings 12.做南瓜灯 13.at three this afternoon 14.做恶作剧 15.during your 10-minute study time 三.用some, any填空:

16.Could I have ______ apples? 17.Is there ______ water in the bottle? Yes, there‟s ______.18.There are ______ boys in the classroom.19.I want to get ______ pens.20.Would you like ______ bottles of orange? 四.根据下面的对话填入合适的疑问句: A: __21___ are you going to Beijing? B: 10th February.A: ___22___ is the whether like in Beijing at that time? B: It‟s very cold.A: ___23___ are you going to stay in Beijing? B: In Grandma‟s house.A: ___24___ does Grandma like eating? B: She likes cakes very much.A: ___25___ do we need that big bag? B: Because we need to take lots of things to Beijing.五.单项选择:()26.Let‟s____.A.celebration B.to celebrate C.celebrating D.celebrate()27.I‟m dressing up______ a ghost.A.as B.for C.in D.at()28.They have a party____ February 2nd.A.in B.at C.on D./()29.My friends and I always dress up____ Halloween.A.in B.at C.on D.to

()30.People don‟t know______.A.who are we B.who were we C.who we are D.who is we()31.We cut _____ some shapes to make the eyes, the nose and the sharp teeth.A.out B.in C.into D.for()32.At_____ , we eat mooncakes.A.Easter B.Christmas C.May Day D.the Mid-Autumn Festival()33.People _____ celebrate Halloween.A.in the East B.in the North C.in the West D.all over the world()34.I want to buy a present_____ her.A.to B.for C.with D.onto()35.Which day of_____ do you like? A.the week B.a week C.week D.weeks 六.根据汉语完成下列各句(每空一词): 36.我要装扮成猴王。

I‟ll _______ _______ _______ Monkey King.37.你最喜欢哪个日子?

Which is your _______ _______ ? 38.我们戴着面具,穿着特制的服装。

We wear _______ _______ _______ masks.39.我家总是在10月31日晚上举办一个晚会。

My family always have a party _______ _______ _______ _______ _______31st.40.圣诞节在12月份。

_______ is in _______.七.阅读下面的短文, 完成文后问题:

Read this e-mail from Wendy to her friend in the USA.Hi Jo, Thanks for your e-mail.You want to know more about China? Tomorrow is going to be the Mid-Autumn Festival.It‟s like our Thanksgiving.Families get together.It usually comes in September or October.This year it‟s going to be on September 15th.On that day families eat a big dinner, like we do.They also eat mooncakes.These are small round cakes.They taste a little like our pies.Many families eat their dinner outside in the open air.The moon looks brighter and rounder on this day.In America, we call this moon the Harvest Moon.Chinese people often talk about families and tell the story of Chang‟e.I‟m going to a friend‟s home for Mid-Autumn Festival.Wendy 41.When is Mid-Autumn Festival? 42.What do the families do during the festival? 43.Why do they often eat outside? 44.Do they eat a big dinner and mooncakes on that night? 45.Is Wendy going to a friend‟s house on that day?



1.D 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 二.英汉词组互译:

6.on 31st October 7.举行万圣节聚会

8.dress up 9.玩一个叫“不招待就使坏”的游戏 10.in the West 11.粽子

12.make a pumpkin lantern 13.今天下午三点

14.knock on the door 15.在你10分钟的学习时间中 三.用所给词的适当形式填空:

16.some 表示说话人征求对方意见或希望得到肯定答复,用some。

17.any, some 第一空格句中是一般疑问句,表示疑问语气;第二空格作肯定回答用some。18.some 陈述句的肯定句用some。19.some 陈述句的肯定句用some。

20.some 在相当于祈使句的问句中,用some。四.根据下面的对话填入合适的疑问句:

21.When 回答句中是表示时间二月十日。

22.What 回答句中是很冷,所以询问天气要用What。23.Where 回答句中是表示地点。

24.What 回答句中“她非常喜欢吃蛋糕”,所以询问就是喜欢吃什么。25.Why 回答句中有Because表示原因,所以应该用why帮助提问。五.单项选择

26—30 DACBC 31—35 ADCBA 26.句中谓语动词是let,后面跟动词原形,只有D是动词原形。27.dress up as… “乔装打扮成……”固定词组搭配。

28.February 2nd是具体到某一天的日期,因此用介词on。29.Halloween万圣节,在某个节日时用介词at。

30.谓语动词know后面是一个宾语从句,宾语从句是疑问句时应用陈述句的语序。31.cut out“挖去;切去”,是固定词组搭配。32.中秋节时吃月饼。

33.万圣节是西方人的传统节日,故选in the West。34.buy sth for sb给某人买某物,应该用介词for。35.Which day of the week一周中的某一天,the特指。六.根据汉语完成下列各句(每空一词):

36.dress up as“乔装打扮成……”固定词组搭配。37.favorite festival “最喜欢的日子”。38.special costumes with “特制服装”。

39.on the evening of October 具体到10月31日晚上要用介词on。

40.Christmas, December 每年12月25日圣诞节是西方最大最热闹的节日。七.阅读理解:

41.In September or October.42.Get together.43.Because the moon looks rounder and brighter.44.Yes, they do.45.Yes, she is.

第三篇:Unit_7 Will_people_have_robots?知识点讲解与练习

Unit 7

Will people have robots?



alone adj.&adv.与 lonely

1.=by oneself 独自的/地;孤独的/地; 独立的/地 eg, He likes living alone.I mended the bike alone.2.and no other 只有。唯有(跟在名词或代词后面)eg, Mr Smith alone knows what happened.You alone can help me in the work.注意:alone 强调客观上“独自,单独一人”。lonely adv.1.作表语。其意思为 “孤单” eg, He feels lonely.(作表语)2.作定语,修饰表示处所的名词。

eg, The old man lives in a lonely mountain village.注意: alone 强调客观上的 “独自。单独一人”, 而lonely除表示

“单独”外,还带有感情色彩,形容失去朋友,缺乏友爱和帮助,感到寂寞、甚至悲哀,它只能做形容词,在句中做表语,也可做前置定语,用于地点时,意为 “荒凉的,偏僻的” eg, Though the old man is alone, he doesn't feel lonely

二、probably adv.很可能,或许,大概 eg, Probably he may know the way.(放句首)He is probably about 50 years old.(放在系动词后面)I probably didn't try hard enough.(放在谓语前面)It'll probably rain.(放在助动词后面)able adj.1.有能力的,能干的 eg, My father is an able engineer.2.用于be able to 结构,后跟动词原形。

eg, Jim isn't able to come tonight because he is ill.三、be able to 与can :相同 点:两者后跟原形动词。区别:

1.can是情态动词,无人称与数的变化。过去式是could.be able to 可与情态动词连用,can却不能。eg, I shall be able to speak English well.2.be able to 可用在不定式之后,而can却不能。eg, I hope to be able to go shopping with you on Sunday.3.be able to 的过去式还有表示过去经过努力而做到的意思,而could 没有这种意思。eg, He studied hard and was able to pass the exam.4.can 表示请求和允许,以及猜测,而be able to 却无此用法。eg, Mr Smith can't be at home.Can I carry your bag? 5.当表示现在或过去的“能力”时,两者可通用。eg, No one was able to/could answer the question.2、in 与 after的区别


例句:I'll be back in half an hour.我半小时后就回来.本句中的in作“以后”解,不能用after代替。



They started working after lunch.他们是午餐后开始工作的。

The film was shown after the meeting.电影是会议结束以后放的。


They will start working in half an hour.他们将在半小时后开始工作。

The film will be shown in 2 or 3 days.这部电影将在两三天后上映。


They will start working after 10 am.他们将在上午10点以后开始工作。

The film will be shown after 5 o'clock.这部电影将于4点以后上映。

4)“after+一段时间”或“一段时间+later”表示“(在过去某个时间看来)一段时间之后”。He went home after two days.他两天后回家了。

Three years later,she had a baby.三年后,她生了一个婴儿。3.fall的短语:n.秋天,秋季


(1)fall behind:落在······的后面

e.g.Work harder,or you will fall behind others.(2)fall off:从······上掉下来

e.g.Mary fell off the ladder last night.(3)fall in love with(4)fall over

4、every day与everyday区别:

every day名词短语,表示“每天”,通常与一般现在时连用;而everyday形容词,表示“日常的,每天发生的,每日所用的”。例如:

I get up at six every day.我每天6点起床。

He wears everyday clothes today.今天他穿一身便服。

Wear、put on、have..in的区别

wear表示“穿”,表示状态,用一般现在时表示经常状态,用现在进行时表示暂时状态。eg.We wear our rain boots on a rainy day.我们在下雨天穿雨鞋。

She is wearing a new coat.

她穿着一件新衣服。Does he wear glasses? 她戴眼镜吗?

put on是“穿上”,“戴上”的意思,强调动作。eg.She put on a red coat and went out.她穿上红色大衣出去了。

注意:put on是一时的动作,不能跟表示一段时间的状语连用。他整天戴着草帽。

误:He puts on a hat all day.正:He wears a hat all day

5、.be worth doing值得; be worthy of doing, be worthy to do值得


1)seem to do似乎…He seems to think so.2)It seems that看来…It seems that he is lying.3)seem +adj./n.好象是… He seems ill.7、would like sth意思为“想要某物“;

would like to do意思为 “想要做某事”。回答would like句型的一般疑问句时,其肯定回答为 “Yes, please.”;否定回答“No, thanks”或 “I‟d like /love to, but….”

8、.make sb.do;make +n+adj.;make friends with sb.;make +n./ pron.+n.9、.Such作形容词,意思是“如此的”“这样的”,修饰各种名词。 Such这样的。如It is such bad weather.天气如此恶劣。

 Such常和as搭配,表示一种类别。如We enjoy such a voice as hers.我们喜欢象她那样的嗓子。

 Such常和表示结果的that从句搭配,表示“如此….以至于…”如

It was such a hot day that we all had to stay at home. Such…that…和so…that…都可用来引出一个结果状语从句。由于such是形容词,所以that从句前有一个受such修饰的名词;而so 是副词,用以修饰形容词或副词,因此that从句前一般不出现名词。如

They are such kind-hearted teachers that people in the village all respect them.The exam was so difficult that many students failed to pass it.a)如果名词是可数名词的单数形式,such和so的位置不同:

such+a/an+形容词+单数名词 so+形容词+a/an+单数名词

b)如果名词是不可数名词或名词复数,只可用such,不能用so.: such+形容词+不可数名词或复数名词

c)如果被修饰的不可数名词被much, little, 或复数名词被many, few等表示量的形容词修饰时,用so,不用such.d)当little表示“年纪小的”时,可用such+little+名词

There were such little children that they couldn‟t clean the room.10、people, person, folks, human: people“人们“全体;person “人”(不分年龄,性别它包括men, women, children.它可做people的单数形式可以说every person但不能说one people.Person指“人们”时着重个体;folks“人们”,指一般人或特殊年龄位置,境遇等特殊级的人;human主要用来区别于其他动物。

11、be able to 为“能,会”,表示能力,在这个意义上与can的意思相同,一般情况下两者可以互换,但can只有现在式和过去式(could)而be able to则用于更多的时态,主要体现在be的变化。两者在用法上有一些差异:can(could)表示主观能力不表示意愿,它的将来时用will be able to而 be able to表示主观意愿强调克服困难做某事。

12.Fee-fed-fed.Feed sth to sb把…食物给…;feed sb on sth


(1)be used by:被······使用

e.g.Rockets are used by astronauts.(2)use sth.to do sth.:使用某物做某事

e.g.He often uses the computer to study.14、will与would的区别



1)We will fight on until final victory is won.2)I will do my best to help you.3)She will not shove the heavy load on to others.2.在疑问句中用于第二人称,表示说话人向对方提出请求或询问对方的意思,有“你………好吗、你愿………”。例如:

1)Will you help me with my work?

2)Will you join our discussion?


Every morning he will have a walk along this river.4.在if,when,until等连词引导的表示时间或条件的从句中要用一般时表将来,但在if 从句中有时为了表示意愿也可用will,有“愿意”的意思。例如:

1)If you will read this article,you will realize you are wrong.2)If they won„t help us,we can not finish the task within one month.二、would

1.Will 的过去式,表示对过去时间的意志、意愿、决心,有“愿、要、偏要”的意思。例如:

1)I promised that I would do my best.2)I told him not to go,but he would not listen to me.2.表示请求或个人的想法、看法,使语气婉转,有“愿、倒”等意思,例如:

1)Would you please take a seat?

2)Would you mind opening the window?

3)I would like to express my thanks to you.3.表示过去习惯性的动作,着重动作的重复,有“总是、总会”等意思。例如:

On Sundays he would come to our village and work with us.4.表示虚拟、假设、条件等,有“要、将要、会、就会”等意思。例如

1)If you had come earlier,you would have seen him.2)It would be better to adopt the new method.注意:

1)would like; Would like to do = want to 想要,为固定搭配。

Would you like to go with me?

2)Will you…? Would you like…? 表示肯定含义的请求劝说时,疑问句中一般用some,而不是any.Would you like some cake? 3)否定结构中用will,一般不用would,won't you是一种委婉语气。

Won't you sit down?

16、hundred 的用法

one hundred students

three hundred books five hundred trees

hundreds of students/books /trees

16、alone adj.(只作表语 adv.独自;单独

He was alone in the house他一个人在屋里。

I went to the movies alone,I felt lonely.我独自去看电影了,我觉得很孤独。

[注] alone

表示“单独的,独自一人的”,不含感情色彩.做形容词时,只能在be动词或系动词之后做表语与lonely不同,lonely表示“孤独的,寂寞的”含有丰富的感情色彩.lonely做形容词时,可做定语和表语。如: a lonely village 孤寂的村庄.17、seem 与 look 的区别:

seem 和 look 的意思相同,但它们的着重点不同,用法有相同之处,也有一些差别。 seem 指说话人内心的主观判断,而 look 则强调从所述事物外表上看得出的视觉印象。

1.两者后面都可接形容词、名词、动词不定式 to be 及介词短语。例如:

She seems/looks a nice teacher.她看上去是个好老师。

My mother seems/looks tired.我母亲似乎很疲倦。

The patient seemed/looked(to be)very ill.那病人似乎病得很重。

2.两者后面都可接 as if 引导的表语从句,但 seem 的主语一般是 it,而 look 的主语可以是 it,也可以是其他的名词或代词。例如:

She looked as if she slept badly.看她那样子仿佛没有睡好。

下列几种情况下不能用 look 取代 seem: 1.seem 后面接动词不定式 to do 时。例如:

My father seemed to know the news.我父亲好像知道这个消息。

2.在“it seems/seemed that...”句式中。例如: It seemed that you were lying.看来你在撒谎!3.在“there seems/seemed + 动词不定式”句式中。例如:

There seems to be many young people at the concert.好像有许多年青人在听音乐会。


4、There be结构

英语中,There be句型常表示某处有某人或某物。

例如:There are always more than one hundred birds in the big tree every evening.每天傍晚那棵大树上总会有100多只小鸟。

一、There be句型的用法: 1)There与be中间可插入一些表示推测的情态动词、表示时态的短语和一些动词短语,以强调某种语气。

例如:There must be some flowers in the box.盒子里肯定有些鲜花。

There happened to be some money in my pocket.我的口袋里碰巧有一些钱。There will be a meeting this afternoon.注意:be不能换成have及have的变化形式。

2)There be句型常与过去时间状语连用,构成一些固定句型,用于故事发生的开头,交代故事发生的时间。

例如:Many years ago,there was such a beautiful girl called Cindy.很久以前有一个叫Cindy的美丽女孩。

3)There be句型可换成There come / go,以引起注意,加强语气。例如:There comes the bus.公共汽车来了。

4)There be句型或There加其他动词的句型,其动词的单复数,常采用就近一致的原则。

例如:There is a desk, two chairs and three benches in the room.There are two chairs, a desk and three benches in the room.5)There be或There加其他动词的句型,其反意疑问句一律用…there?

例如:There is a cat in the garden, isn't there? There used to be no house here, used there / did there?(过去这儿没有房子,是吗?)

二、使用There be句型时应注意:

1、there be 结构中的be是可以运用各种时的。

There is going to be a meeting tonight.今晚有个会议。

There was a knock at the door.有人敲门。

There has been a girl waiting for you.有个女孩一直在等你。

There will be rain soon.不久天就要下雨了。

2.动词be单复数形式要跟there be之后的真正的主语一致。并且要根据就近一致原则来变换be的单复数形式。

如:There is a book on the desk.课桌上有一本书。

How many people are there in the city? 这个城市里有多少人口。

There is a pen and two books on the desk.课桌上有一个钢笔和两本书。3.在there be引起的句子结构中,用来修饰主语的不定式主动形式和被动 形式均可。There is no time to lose(= to be lost).时间紧迫。

There is nothing to see(=to be seen).看不见有什么。

There is nothing to do.(=to be done)无事可做。

4、There is no doing.(口语)不可能…….There is no telling when he will be back.无法知道他什么时候回来。

There is no knowing what he is doing.无法知道他在做什么。

4、.there be与have的区别:

1)含义不同。there be表示的是“某地(时)有某人(物)”,强调“存在关系”。Have则表示“某人(物)所有”,强调“所属关系”。如,There is a bus in your factory.(公共汽车不一定属于我们厂所有)

Our factory has a bus.(公共汽车属于我们厂所有)

2)句型不同。there be句型为“There be +某人(物)+某时(地)”;have 句型为“某人(物)+have(has)+某物(人)。如There isn‟t a cat under the chair.She doesn‟t have two brothers.3)当表示某物的构成和组成部分时,用there be和have 均可。如,Our school has sixty classes.= There are sixty classes in our school.我们学校有60个班。

【注意】there be句型中有两个或多个并列主语时,须根据就近原则,be与最靠近的主语在数上保持一致。如,There are two eggs and a cup of milk on the table.There be句型的将来时表达方式:肯定:There will be…否定:There won‟t be…一般疑问句:Will there be….? Yes, there will.No, there won‟t.课堂小考场1 I.用 lonely 或 alone填空:

1.Don't leave the baby ____________ at home.2.When his wife and two little children left him, he was very _____________.3.I never feel ____________ because I have a lot of friends here.4.Peter ______________ can learn the text by heart II.用所给词的适当形式填空:

1.The train has _____________ left.(probable)2.The boy had an accident and was ____________ hurt.(terrible)3.This is a__________ story about him.(truly)III.用be able to 或can 的适当形式填空: 1.He tried hard and ______________ swim across the river.2.I________________ finish the work next week.3.My little brother _____________________ ride a bike when he was only six years old.4.I ______ not _________________ go to work for three weeks.5._______ you sing or dance when you were five years old? 6.I want to join the writing club.I ____________________ write articles.争当小小翻译家。

?1.In some science fiction movies, people in future have their own robots.在一些科幻想小说电影中,人们将来有他们自己的机器人。

?2.Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future.一些科学家们相信将来会有这样的机器人。

?3.Scientists are now trying to make robots look like people, and do the same things as us.科学家们试着制造和人一样的机器人能像我们做一样的事.? ?4.He thinks that it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person.他认为机器人像人一样做同样的事会很难.? ?5.It's easy for a child to wake up and know where they are.对一个孩子来说,醒来和知道在哪里是很简单的.?6.They think that robots will be able to talk to people in 25 to 50 years.他们认为在20到25年中机器人就会与人交谈.?7.People would not like to do such jobs and would get bored.人们不愿意做这些令人厌倦的工作.? ?8.In the future, there will be more robots everywhere, and humans will have less work to do.在将来,到处会有更多的机器人,人们将会有较少的工作去做.? ?9.That may not seem possible now, but computers, space rockets and even electric toothbrushes seem impossible a hundred years ago.那现在看起来似乎是不可能的,但是电脑,宇宙飞船和电子牙刷在一百年前看起来是不可能的.? 10.We never know what will happen in the future!我们从来不知道将来会发生什么.课堂小考场2 1.I _______(visit)my uncle tomorrow.2.There _______(be)a football match in our school next week.3.He _______(help)you with your English this evening.4.They _________(play)soccer if it doesn't rain.5.We _________(have)a meeting tomorrow.翻译句子


Do _______ ______ there will be robots _____ _____ homes?


People _______ _____ ______ ______150 years old.3、我认为她会当医生。

I think she ______ ____ a doctor.4、你住哪儿? 我住在北京。

______ _____ _____ ______? I live in Beijing.5、他反复看她的来信。

He read her letter ______ _______ _______ ________.6、等了很长一段时间后他厌烦了。

He _______ _______ after he waited for long.


定 语 从 句

在复合句中作定语,修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。它的作用相当于形容词, 用来修饰主句中的某一个名词或代词或整个主句,所以也称之为形容词性从句。引导定语从句的词叫关系词, 关系词除起连接作用外还在句中担当一定的句子成分.被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词。根据关系词在从句中充当成分的不同,关系词可分为

关系代词: who, whom(people), which(things), that, whose 关系副词: when, where, why。

Who 指人, 在从句中作主语

e.g.Your friend who studies in the college came to see you yesterday.This is the man who helped me.Whom 指人, 在从句中作动词或介词的宾语 e.g.The man whom you want to see has come.The doctor whom you are looking for is in the room.注:whom 通常被省略或用who/that 替换。常用于非限制性定于从句。Which 指物, 在从句中作主语,宾语,Which 在作宾语时可省略。e.g.Here is the book which tells about grammar.I have found the car which you lost yesterday.有时候,定语从句指的不是它前面的名词,而是整个句子 e.g.He showed me a photo which upset me.He tore up my photo, which upset me.正确使用关系代词, a.关系代词前要有名词(代词)b.关系代词在所引导的定语从句中要充当主语,宾语 c.否则,关系代词前要接介词, 该介词可移至句尾.e.g.He is a man whom I enjoy working with.Whom 前有名词, whom是宾格, 在从句中作宾语。Enjoy 後的动名词working是由不及物 动词转化Whom 不能直接作宾语, 所以要加介词。e.g.He is a man for/ with whom I enjoy working.For 可移至句尾:e.g.He is a man whom I enjoy working with/ for.Whom/ which 作介词后作宾语时不能省略.限定性定语从句与非限定性定语从句


e.g.We were given a lovely double room, which had a sea view.I, who am blind, advise you to use your eyes well.专有名词, 如: John, Peter, Beijing 独一性名词, 如: my father/mother, my school 被定语从句修饰时, 由于本身具有特殊性,不需被定语从句加以限定。e.g.I like John, who works hard.I like my school, which is famous.限定性定语从句用于对主句先行词加以限制或分类,是句中不可缺少的组成部分,主句和从句之间不能用逗号分开。


去了则主句的意思就会不完整.从句前不可加逗号.e.g.I like the boy who studies hard.Is this the book which you were looking for.作关系代词的 that 的用法: that 可以代替who, whom, which, 可指人,物,在从句中作主语, 宾语, 表语。e.g.Who is the man that is reading the newspaper.He is the man(whom/ that)I can trust.The letter(that /which)I received was from my father.注:作表语表身份时只能用that: e.g.He is not the man(who ×)that he was ten years ago.He is not the happy boy that he used to be.The teacher that you are should know how to teach grammar.在限制性定于从句中,用that替换其他关系代词who, whom, which 应注意: 1.其前不可置介词

2.其前不可有逗点(不可用于非限定性定语从句)e.g.The earth on which we live is a big ball.The earth that / which we live on is a big ball.由that 引导的定语从句

1.先行词为不定代词:all/ both/ neither/ none/ either/ each/ other/ others/ another/ much/ many/ few/ little/ one/ some/ anything/ nothing/everything等 e.g.All that we can do is to believe her.Is there anything that I can do for you.Much you have read is nonsense.2.先行词被形容词最高级, 序数词, 修饰时

e.g.The first lesson that he gave was interesting.It is the most beautiful park that I have ever been to.This is the best that can be done now.3.先行词被不定代词all, every, no, some, any, little, few, much, each等, 和the only, the very, the same, the last修饰时 e.g.This is the very dictionary that I want.The only thing that we could do was to wait.You may borrow any book that interest you.I have read all the books(that)you gave me.4.先行词为数词时

e.g.I caught two fish yesterday.Now you can see the two that are still alive.5.先行词既有人又有物

e.g.The writer and his novel that you have just talked about are well known.6.如果有两个定语从句, 应避免重复

e.g.The student that was punished is the monitor who studies hard.He built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before.7.当句中已有who/ which时,定语从句要用that 而不用who(m)/ which e.g.Who is the person that is standing at the gate.Who is the man that is reading the newspaper? Which of us that knows something about physics does not know this.Of whom/which, etc.名词和不定代词(some, any, none, all, both, several, enough, many and few)可以和 of whom/ of which 连用

e.g.It’s a family of eight children, all of whom are studying music.He has written a book, the name of which I have forgotten.We’ve tested these boots, none of which is completely waterproof.这种结构也可以和表数量(quantity)和最高级(the superlatives)连用 e.g.a number of whom/three of which/half of which The majority of whom/the youngest of whom Of whom/which 在从句中作主语时,有以下两种结构

e.g.Do you see the house the windows of which are all broken?(of which the windows)The eighty passengers, ten of whom were British, all escaped.(of whom ten)


介词 + 关系代词 可以和不定式连用

e.g.We moved to the country so the children would have a garden in which to play.没有介词,不能用这种结构 I can’t think of anybody whom to invite.即使有介词,这种结构也非常正式和不常见的,我们常用更简单的结构。(„a garden to play in;„neighbours to quarrel with).Which as determiner 有时用抽象名词(case, point, reason, situation, time等)来总结主句的内容时,which 可以用作限定词,构成‘介词+which+抽象名词’ 构成定语从句。可以和名词连用的这种结构很正式,常用在介词之后,对所提的事进行不从说明。

e.g.He may be late, in which case we ought to wait for him.He lost his temper, at which point I decided to go home.Ten years of hard work changed her greatly, for which reason he could hardly recognize her at first sight.It rained all night, during which time the ship broke in pieces.Whose 为关系代词所有格, 由his/ her/ their/ my/ your/ its 等所有格变化而成.在引导的定语从句中作定语,可指人/物

e.g.This is John, whose father is a teacher.People whose home are in town want to live in the country.使用whose时要遵守下列原则


2.whose之后的名词在从句中要做主语,宾语 3.否则, whose 之前要有介词,介词可移至句尾 e.g.I like John, whose father I don’t like.I like John, whose brother I want to make friends with.可用 the...of which/ of which...the 替换

e.g.I don’t like the building whose roof is blue.I don’t like the building the roof of which is blue.I don’t like the building of which the roof is blue.Of which除可以表示所属关系外,还可用来表示整体和部分的关系,而whose 不能。e.g.He borrowed a book of which the author was a peasant.The Chinese team got 16 gold medals, of which 12 were won by women.What 关系代词 that 指代其前面的名词,重复其语义.what 不是重复前面名词,而是包括名词的语义what = the things that„

e.g.I gave her just the money she needed.I gave her just what she needed.The thing that I’d like is a digital watch.What I’d like is a digital watch.As 关系代词,常用在 the same...as/ such...as/ as...as 句型中 The same...as e.g.(主)He is the same person as come here yesterday.(宾)I have the same book as he is reading.(表)He is not the same man as he used to be.Such...as e.g.He is not such a man as will tell a lie.He is not such a bad man as you just talked about.Such a good student as he is will succeed.As...as e.g.He has as much money as is required.I have as many books as you(do).He is as good a student as Mary(is).Such...as引导定语从句/such...that结果状语从句

e.g.They talked in such simple English as children could understand.They talked in such simple English that children could understand it.I will provide you with such things as you may need.He shut the window with such a force that the glass broke.The same...as 两物相似/the same...that描述的是同一物 e.g.This is the same bag as I lost yesterday.This is the same bag that I lost yesterday.As引导非限定性定语从句,代表主句或主句的一部分所表达的意思(通常不能指代某个名词或代词),可以放在主句前、后或中间,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语,表示 ‘正如.../ 正像...’ A主语

e.g.As be said(announced, reported, known, seen, mentioned)As was reported on TV, the plane crashed.B宾语 e.g.As we know/as we all can see...C表语 e.g.As he is, he seems clever.which 引导非限定性定语从句一般不能放在主句前,而as 引导非限定性定语从句可放在句未,也可放在句中、句首。在句首时不能用which 替换。e.g.Crusoe lost his dog, which made him very sad Taiwan is part of China, as/which is known to all.As we have seen, oceans cover more than 70 percent of the earth.3.as引导非限定性定语从句时,意为“这一点、这件事”,常与 see,hope,expect,know,guess等动词搭配;which引导非限定性定语从句与主句有一种因果关系,可译为“所以„„”。e.g.Cyprus, as you all know, is in the Mediterranean.Bamboo is hollow, which makes it very light.非限定性定语从句中,谓语动词是连系动词时,可以用as/which作主语。如果从句谓语动词 是行为动词,则必须用which。

e.g.He married her, as was natural.She refused to take the medicine, which made her mother angry.It rained hard yesterday, which prevented her from going to Shenyang.He is absent, as is often the case.But 的用法

But本身具有否定意义,相当于who/which/that...not But的先行词往往是否定意义的代词或名词词组,用双重否定表强烈肯定 But的这一用法常见于在从句中作主语

There is no one but knows about this affair.(who doesn’t know about)There are few dictionaries but have a misprint or two.(that don’t have)

Than 的用法

用作关系代词时,可在从句中作主语,其后直接接谓语。Don’t give him more money than is necessary.He smoked fewer cigarettes than were available.先行词被比较级修饰,用关系代词than连接 He did more than was required.The room is much bigger than suited my purpose.没有明确的先行词,有时把than看作连词,其后省略了it。但实际使用中,than后从来不补上it,因为than本身在从句中可用作主语。

定 语 从 句 练习


1.He is the teacher usually helps us out.2.Who’s the teacher is in a red dress? 3.He is the teacher daughter won the first prize yesterday.4.I’ll tell you all he told me last month.5.I’ll tell you he told me last month.6.He talked a lot about things and persons ________they remembered in the school.7.I have bought such a watch _______ was advertised on TV.8.There are 2,000 workers here, two thirds of are women.9.we know now, bats come out only at night.10.Crousoe’s dog became ill and died, made him very lonely.单句改错

1.This is one of the best books which have ever been written.2.She is the girl whom I guess is a good student.3.This is the mountain which the top is always covered with snow.4.All is needed is a supply of oil.5.This is the new type of plane which parts are made in China.6.They talked about the people and things which they saw on their way to school.7.Is this museum the one which you visited last Saturday? 8.The boy with who John spoke is my brother.9.Will you please lend me the very book which you bought yesterday? 10.He lived in London for 3 years, during that time he learned some English.单项填空

1.The place _______interested me most was the Children's Palace.A.Which B.Where C.What D./ 2.Do you know the man _______? A.whom I spoke B.to who spoke C.I spoke to D.that I spoke 3.I have two grammars, ______are of great use.A.all of which B.either of which C.both of that D.both of which 4.He is working hard, ______will make him pass the final exam.A.that B.which C.for which D.who 5.That is the day ______I'll never forget.A.which B.on which C.in which D.when 6.The thief handed everything he had stolen to the police.A.which B.what C.whatever D.that 7.I want to use the same tools _______used in your factory a few days ago.A.as was B.which was C.as were D.which 8.This is one of the best films _______.A.that have been shown this year B.that have shown C.that has been shown this year D.that you talked 9.Can you lend me the book ______the other day? A.about which you talked B.which you talked C.about that you talked D.that you talked 10.The pen ______he is writing is mine.A.with which B.in which C.on which D.by which 11.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ______sat a small boy.A.whom B.who C.which D.that 12.--Why does she always ask you for help?--There is no one else , is there? A.who to turn to B.she can turn to C.for whom to turn D.for her to turn 13.It there anyone in your class ______family is in the country? A.who B.who's C.which D.whose 14.I'm interested in ______you have said.A.all that B.all what C.that D.which 15.I want to use the same dictionary ______was used yesterday.A.which B.who C.what D.as 16.He isn't such a man ______he used to be.A.who B.whom C.that D.as 17.The way ______he looks at problems is wrong.A.which B.whose C.what D./ 18.Li Ming, ______to the concert enjoyed it very much.A.I went with B.with whom I went C.with who I went D.I went with him 19.I lost a book, ______I can't remember now.A.whose title B.its title C.the title of it D.the title of that 20.You're the only person ______I've ever met ______could do it.A.who;/ B./;whom C.whom;/ D./;who









教学重点:掌握本课会认会写字词,掌握多音字“为”。教学难点:理解“狐假虎威”的意思。教学方法:故事法,讲解法,练习法。教学准备:头饰、布景、生字卡片、课件。教学时间:2课时 教学过程:











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王二小被日本鬼子抓住了,一个日本军官问:“小孩,你什么的干活?” 一个汉奸狗腿子狐假虎威的说:“皇军问你是干什么的,快说!”

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    形容词在句中作定语, 表语, 宾语补足语。 she is a good student, and she works hard. 她是一个好学生,她学习努力。 this bike is expensive. 这辆自行车很贵。 i am......


    现在进行时讲解与练习现在进行时: 表示现在正在进行的动作,由“be动词 + 动词的现在分词”构成。 通常会出现now;right now; these days;at this moment; at present;It’s 5......




    现在完成时讲解和练习现在完成时讲解 一. 基本结构:助动词have/has+过去分词(done) 二. 句型: 否定句:主语+have/has+not+过去分词+其他. 一般疑问句:Have/Has+主语+过去分词+其......


    过程 1.转化: 将此一元二次方程化为a^2;+bx+c=0的形式(即一元二次方程的一般形式) 2.移项: 常数项移到等式右边 3.系数化1: 二次项系数化为1 4.配方: 等号左右两边同时加上一次项......


    现在进行时讲解与练习现在进行时: 表示现在正在进行的动作,由“be动词 + 动词的现在分词”构成。 现在进行时的肯定句: 句型 (1)第一人称:主语 + am + 现在分词 I am watching......


    一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时、过去进行时、现在完成时、过去完成时,过去将来时,现在完成进行时。常用的时态只有八种。1.一般现在时的用法 1)表示经常性......


    一般将来时讲解与练习一. 一般将来时的定义:表示将来某一个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,表示将来经常或重复发生的动作。 二.一般将来时的标志: tomorrow(明天), the day......