上海 牛津 小学 四年级 4A Module1 教案[精选五篇]

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第一篇:上海 牛津 小学 四年级 4A Module1 教案

小学四年级英语 4A Module1 语法教案

M1U1 Meeting new people

classmate 同学 schoolmate 校友 desk mate 同桌 friend朋友 meet 遇见


eleven 十一

twelve十二thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四

fifteen 十五

sixteen 十六 seventeen 十七 eighteen 十八

nineteen 十九

twenty二十 student number 学号

sit 坐


live居住 near在……附近



mask 面具 词组:

my classmate 我的同学

go to the park 去公园 ride a bicycle骑自行车

skip a rope 跳绳 live near the school住在学校附近walk to school走路去学校

play basketball 打篮球

like reading喜欢阅读

years old 岁

—Nice to meet you!很高兴遇到你!

—Nice to meet you,too.我也很高兴遇到你!

See you!再见!



把倒数第二个字母,通常是元音字母变成' 但are除外,are要把a打成'。Eg:he is=he's they are=they're2、简缩形式和完全形式的汉语意思相同。


Eg:What is =What's4、记住一个特殊变化;let's =let us 让我们(不要把' 变成i)

5、记住:this is 没有简缩形式 this's(错误)

(2)形容词性物主代词 his,her,your,my,its,their,our


my new classmate

her dress our classroom his mother

His/Her name is……

This is my sister.Her name’s Sally.(向别人介绍某个人)

Can 句型 can后的动词必须是原形

He can swim very fast.He can’t sing.Can he climb a tree?

主语是第一人称I、we,第二人称you和第三人称复数they、his parents等的时候,句中动词用原形;


She lives near our school.She walks to school every day.My friend has a nice dress。


My brother doesn’t like his toy car.Does Kitty walk to school every day?

like后面加 名词复数

We like balls.动词ing形式

We like playing basketball.to do

We like to play basketball.do-doing的规则:直接加ing singing,playing,painting,jumping

去末尾的e,加ing writing,dancing,coming

双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing swimming,skipping running


1、一般疑问句最基本的变法:be 提前 用问号 读升调

2、my变成your our变成your I am / We are 变Are you I can 变Can you3、注意人名不论放在什么位置都要大写 Tom is a student。Is Tom a student?


1)This is my English teacher.Is this your English teacher?

2)It is our school.Is it your school?

3)We are students.Are you students?

4)I can sing.Can you sing?(4)名词所有格


记住:'s要译成“的” eg:Lucy(名词所有格)Lucy's2、如果是2个或2个以上人的名词所有格要在最后一个人名加's

Eg:Lily and Lucy(名词所有格)Lily and Lucy'S

Lily Lucy and Julia(名词所有格)Lily Lucy and Julia's3、以s结尾的名词复数所有格在后面加',eg:students'

M1U2 Abilities(一)听写单词

词汇:climb 爬 draw 画画 paint 用颜料画画 swim 游泳 read读 write 写

Jump 跳 hop单脚跳 picture画,图

dream梦 interview 采访

guest嘉宾 everyone大家,每个人fast 快 high高 very 很,非常

welcome欢迎 both(两个)都 dolphin海豚 wasp黄蜂 crisp薯片 词组:paint a picture画一幅画

climb a tree爬树

count to three数到三

very much非常

read a book看书

swim in the river在河里游泳

fly very high飞得很高

swim very fast游得很快

very well很好

both super都很棒

our guest我们的嘉宾

welcome to 欢迎来到……

(二)语法: 1.can句型

肯定句:I/He/She/They can run fast.否定句:I/He/She/They can’t run fast.一般疑问句:Can you/he/she/they run fast?

特殊疑问句:What can you/he/she/they do? 2.have got,has got 表示某人又某物

3.写作:能用所学语言对一个人进行描述。题目:My friend/classmate/father

M1U3 How do you feel?


(1)词汇:back 回来 biscuit饼干 feel感觉 happy高兴的 sad伤心的 hungry 饿










post 邮局



large大的 cream奶油

berry 果冻


(2)词组:a new bicycle一辆新自行车 have some biscuits吃些饼干 each other对方

drink some water喝些水 thirsty and tired又渴又累a good idea一个好主意

a bottle of water一瓶水a piece of toast一片烤面包 long and thin又长又细

post lamp路灯

post office邮局

be full of充满了…… be tired of厌倦

—Have some biscuits.—Thank you.I have an idea.我有一个主意。





1、多数情况下在名词后面加S,s 在清辅音后读【S】

2、以s,x,sh,ch为结尾的词在词尾加es, es读作【iz】

3、以f ,fe为结尾的词去掉f或fe加ves,ves读作【vz】

4、以辅音加y 结尾的词,变y 为ies5、以元音加y结尾的词,直接加s6、不规则变化

Man-men woman-women policeman-policemen

Policewoman-policewomen 这种情况下a变成e

单复数同形: Chinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese sheep-sheep deer-deer

—How do you feel?—I’m /we’re hungry.—How does Danny feel?—He’s thirsty.以here,there开头的句子be动词用is还是are要看后面的名词是单数还是复数,是可数名词复数还是不可数名词。

Here’s some water for you.Here are some pebbles.There is a bottle under the tree.There are three crows in the tree.2、This 这个these这些(复数)that那个 those那些(复数)I我 we我们(复数)he他 she她 it它 they他、它、她们(复数)am,is是 are(复数)(2)单数的句子变成复数的句子





This is _____(I)new classmate._____(she)name’s Sally.That’s _____(we)English teacher._____(he)brother is my classmate._____(I)deskmate is Jill,_____(she)hair is long.(3)读句子,用适当的代词填空。Jack is my friend.______ sister is Kitty.What’s Jack’s sister’s name?_____ name’s Kitty.Mr Li is our teacher.______ has got a red car.Who’s your father?The tall man is _____ father.Has your brother got a big ball?No,_____ hasn’t.My father is a doctor._____is tall._____ car is black.-Is that ____ ruler?-Yes,it’s _____ ruler.Eddie and I are classmate.That’s _____ classroom,-Are ____ in Class2 ?Yes,___ am.Look at these trees.____ are tall and green.______ roots(根)are long.(4)按要求改句子:

1.I like this book.(一般疑问句)

_____ _____ like this book? 2.Jill lives near the school.(否定句)Jill ______ _______ near the school.3.Ginger likes to eat fish.(一般疑问句)_____Ginger _____ to eat fish? 4.They walk to school every day.(一般疑问句)______ they _____ to school every day? 5.Ben and Alice can swim very fast.(对划线提问)6.______ ______ Ben and Alice ______?(5)将下列词语原形改成简缩形式或将简缩形式改成词语原形: he is=___ they are=____ let’s=___ what’s=______ this is=____(6)翻译以下句子:

1.我喜欢书。_____________________________________________________ 2.我喜欢看书。(两种表达)__________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

3.他住得离我们学校不近。__________________________________________ 4.你会骑自行车吗?________________________________________________ 5.她不会跳舞。____________________________________________________(7)写出下列单词的ing形式:


run______ jump______ skip________ write______ paint_______(8)把下列名词变成所有格形式:

Mike________ Jack and Kitty________________ bicycle_______




1.同音词:see _____ for_____

here_____ 2.反义词:tall______ young_____ black______ 3.同类词:draw_____ eleven_____ your______ 4.复数:

people______ foot______ glass______ watch______


Here ____(be)some bread for you.How many _______(class)are there in your school?

Where is ______(you)white rubber?

My father can______(drive)a car.Who____(be)that tall lady?

Supergirl _____ write,but she ______(can)fly high.______you count the bookls?No,I _____(can).Here ____(be)two _____(glass)of milk.Don’t _____(ride)the bicycle on the road.Can ____(you)pony sing?

-______(be)you fifteen?-No,he______(not be)fifteen,-Can her brother ______(write)ABC?-No,he ______(can).Please give____(I)that book.三 按要求写句子:

1.Mary can read the book.Mary can’t write.(合成一句)

_________________________________.2.My friend can play football well.(否定句)

My friend _____ play football well.3.My parents can swim fast.(改成一般疑问句,并做肯定回答)

______ your ______ fast?Yes,_____ _____.4.I can ride a bicycle to the park.(一般疑问句)

_____ you ____ a bicycle to the park?

5.Can his sister draw well?(肯定句)

______ _____ ______ _____ well.6.Sam can jump.(划线提问)

______ _____ Sam ______?

7.Our classmate can sing.(对划线提问)

_____ can _____ classmate _____?

8.He likes swimming in the river.(把like改为can)

He _____ _____ in the river.9.Their father is Tim.(对划线提问)

______ their father?

10.Her brother has got some nice pictures.(一般疑问句)

_____ her brother ______ _____nice pictures?




2.sad反义词___________ 3.her 主格__________

4.young反义词___________ 5.right同音词__________

6.I宾格____________ 7.hungry反义词__________

8.bike同义词___________ 二.用所给词的适当形式填空:

1.Have some_________(biscuit).2.-How ____(do)the lime taste?-It’s sweet.3.-How _____(do)his sister feel?-They are tired.4.Your hair____(be)long.5.-Where are the______(mouse)?-They are under the bed.6.Those are _______(Betty)red coats.7.-How ___(do)Jill feel?-She’s happy.8.The monkey _______(like)to eat bananas.9.-______(have)some juice,please.-No,thanks.I________(not be)thirsty.10.Here______(be)some juice.11.-What can his brother ______(do)?

12.Here is ____(a)old man.13.What_____(have)your son got?

14.There are three ________(knife)in my box.15.-How_______(do)your grandma feel?-She’s fine.16.Sam likes________(make)the snowman.17.Can Teddy______(swim)in the sea?

18._______they_______(like)to eat chicken?

19.There______(is)any water in the bottle.三、按要求改句子:

1.Mary can make some strawberry cakes.(否定句)Mary _____ make _____ strawberry cakes.2.Has her deskmate got a blue skateboard?(肯定句)Her ______ _____ got a blue skateboard.3.I have got a new colour ball.(一般疑问句)______ you _____ a new ball? 4.Sam is on the sofa.(对划线提问)______ _____ Sam? 5.I’m sad.(用how提问)How _____ you _____? 6.Grandma is fine.(对划线提问)______ ______ grandma? 7.Sam is hungry.(对划线提问)How ____ Sam ______? 8.We are thirsty and hungry now.(对划线提问)_____ _____ ______ _____ now? 9..There is a bottle under the tree.(对划线提问)

How ______ ______ ______ there under the tree? 10.My pencil is yellow and red.(对划线提问)______ ______ is your pencil? 11.Her father is thirty-eight.(对划线提问)______ _____ is her father? 12.There are some pebbles in the bottle.(一般疑问句)_____ there ______ pebbles in the bottle? 13.I have got an umbrella.(将I改为the girl)The girl ____ got an umbrella.四、把下列句子改成复数形式:

1, I have a car _______________________________________________________________ 2, He is an American boy.______________________________________________________ 3, It is a car ________________________________________________________________ 4, This is an eraser _________________________________________________________ 5, That is a backpack.________________________________________________________ 6,I'm an English teacher._______________________________________________________ 7,It's a new shirt._____________________________________________________________ 8,He's a boy._________________________________________________________________ 9,She's a singer._______________________________________________________________ 10,What's this in English? __________________________________________________


牛津上海版四年级下教学大纲 Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 1 What can you smell and taste?(5 课时)发音:-ar car


-ue blue-oo-school 词汇:a glass of, watermelon, grape, plum, cherry, strawberry, juice 句型: 1.What’s this, …?

2.It’s …

3.Please look and guess.4.I have a glass of watermelon juice…

语法:选择疑问句:Is it cherry juice or watermelon juice? 日常用语:1.Yes, you are right.2.…, I think.3.How about …? 4.Yum!

Unit 2 How does it feel?(5 课时)发音:-ir-skirt

-ur-purse-au-Laura-oor floor 词汇:hard, soft, rough, smooth, sharp, blunt, thick, thin, knife, pencil, pencil case 句型:1.Whose … is this/ that/ are these/ those?

2.It’s …

They’re … 3.Can I take off my shoes? 4.Let’s ask the man over there.语法:1.名词所有格:They’re Miss Fang’s.2.指示代词 日常用语:1.Ouch!2.Yes, of course you can.Unit 3 Look at the shadow!(5课时)发音:-ee bee-ea tea

-eer deer-ear tear 词汇:hill, lawn, path, bench, shadow,(the)sun, rise, high, at noon, go down 句型:1.Sometimes my shadow walks in front of me.2.He likes playing with it.3.Sometimes my shadow grows short and small.语法: 1.介词用法:in, on, behind

2.一般现在时 It rises behind the hill.Module 2 My favourite things Unit 1 Sports(5 课时)发音:-i-five-ie pie 词汇:club, join, sport, poster, play football, play table tennis, play volleyball, play badminton, play basketball 句型:1.---Does… like…(doing)?

---Yes, … does./ No, … doesn’t.2.There is … 3.Look at … 4.Let’s … 语法: 1.一般疑问句:

---Does Alice like playing badminton?---Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t.2.一般现在时:She often plays badminton with me.3.There be句型:There is a new club in our school.4.祈使句:Look at the poster.日常用语:1.Would you like to …?

2.Oh, sure.3.I’d love to.Unit 2 Cute animals(5 课时)发音:-oe Joe-oa-


-o Flo

词汇: bone cat food dog food parrot tortoise cute 句型:1.What





I 2.What food does a cat eat/like? It eats/likes…

3.He doesn’t eat dog food at all.4.What do you have, Mog? I have…

5.Do you want the fish, Min? Yes/No…

6.Milly sees an apple on the tree.7.She wants to eat it, but the tree is tall.like…?

8.The apple falls down.Some leaves fall down too.9.Acat is sleeping in his basket.10.The mouse is hungry, so he eats the food.11.Themouse is afraid and runs away.12.The mouse climbs onto a door.。

13.The mouse jumps off the door and runs away again.14.The mouse goes back to his hole.15.He wants to be a vet.16.She took her dog to maths camp and taught him how to add.17.Flo is playing with a goat in the boat.18.Flo and Joe in the boat say to the goat,“Hello!Let’s go!”

语法:1.特殊疑问句 What does Sam like ?

2.一般现在时 She eats fish.Unit 3 Home life(5 课时)发音:-oy toy


noise 词汇:bedroom living room bathroom kitchen homework model

plane wash dinner 句型:1.Kitty, where are you? I’m in the living room.I’m doing my homework.1.Come and help me, please.2.ItisEarth Hour now.3.Let’s go and have a look.4.I usually watch TV with my parents at night.5.My dad is telling me a lot about the stars.6.My brother Ben and I usually read storybooks before bedtime, but now Grandma is telling us a fairy tale.7.They are telling us a lot of interesting stories about themselves.8.The Chens are having a holiday on the beach in Sanya.9.What a beautiful beach!= How beautiful the beach is!

10.But Joyce still doesn’t make any noise!

语法:1.一般现在进行时: I am washing my hair

2.特殊疑问句:Where are you?

3.祈使句: Come and help me.Module 3 Things around us Unit 1 Sounds(5 课时)发音:-are square

-ear bear-air hair 词汇:quiet loud bell television sound noisy ring watch TV 句型

1.Draw different shapes on the thick card.2.Make two holes in each shape.3.Tie the shapes and the bell together with some string.用 4.Excuse me!I’m sorry.Be careful!

5.They are awake now and feel angry.6.An old tortoise lives by a small pond.7.She always has a bath in the pond and sings some songs.8.“I’m sorry,”the little bird says and flies away.9.The wheel s on the bike go round and round.10.Don’t go near that square, Clare!

语法:1.现在进行时的用法: Is / Are ….(doing)? Yes, …is /are.No, ….isn’t / aren’t.2.连词:but and

Unit 2 Time(5课时)发音:-ou-mouse

ow-owl 词汇:seven o’clock a quarter past seven half past seven

a quarter to eight

get up brush my teeth wash my face have breakfast 1.句型: What time is it now? It’s a quarter past seven.2.It’s five forty-five.Mum is back home from work.3.It’s time for bed.4.Can I finishing watch the cartoon?

5.It’s nine fifteen.Kitty is watching TV on the sofa.6.The next morning, Tom wakes up and looks at his clock.7.Tom runs all the way to school.8.His clock stopped at ten thirty last night.9.A big brown owl is flying in the clouds.10.It hits the cow and calls out ’Ouch!Ouch!’ aloud.语法:1.特殊疑问句 What are you doing? What time is it?

2.时间表达 Unit 3 Days of the week 发音:-ay May

-ai-wait 词汇:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Sunday never sometimes often usually always 句型:1.I’m always busy on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.1.I’m never busy on Saturday and Sunday.2.I’m usually busy, but I’m always happy.3.Peter goes to school from Monday to Friday.4.He often goes to the school library on Monday afternoon.5.At weekends, Peter’s family sometimes go to Rainbow Park.6.They always have a good time there.7.What do you usually do at weekends?

8.I usually play badminton with my father.9.The days of the week are having a party.10.“Let me get everyone a drink,”he says.11.What’s the date today? It’s the fifth of May.12.What day is today? It’s Sunday.语法:星期表达法

Module 4 More things to learn Unit 1 A music class(5 课时)词汇:drum piano triangle violin music 1.句型:What can you play? I can play the piano.你会弹奏什么?我会拉小提琴。2.The city







3.A man comes to help the people of Hamelin.一个男人来帮助哈梅林的人们。

4.The people of Hamelin do not want to give the piper his gold.哈梅林的人不想给吹笛人他的黄金。

5.Now all the children of the city walk behind him.现在城里所有的孩子都走在他后面。

6.Tie some rubber bands on a pencil case.在铅笔盒里系一些橡皮

语法:1.特殊疑问句: What can you play?

Whose … is it?

Where’s …?

2.一般疑问句: Is that …? Unit 2 Festivals in China(5 课时)词汇:festival rice dumplings the Double Ninth Festival

the Dragon Boat Festival the Mid-autumn Festival the Spring Festival 句型:1.Miss Fang and the students are talking about festivals in China.1.What do you usually do during the Spring Festival?

2.My favourite festival is the Dragon Boat Festival.3.Many old people live in the old people’s home.4.The students in Class 3 Grade 4 often go to visit them at the Double Ninth Festival.6.This is me in the classroom.7.The Spring Festival is an important festival in China.People also call it the Chinese New year.8.On New Year’s Eve, families have a big dinner together.Children can get money in red envelopes.9.It is not polite to talk with your mouth full, and don’t run around or play with your food.10.Never blow bubbles when you drink milk.语法:1.特殊疑问句 What festivals do you like?

What do you usually do?

2.频率副词 usually often Unit 3 Story time(5课时)词汇:ducking swan nest fourth heavy lonely ugly worm 句型:Mother Duck is making a nest.。

1.Now there are four eggs in the

。2.Mother Duck feeds her babies with small worms.3.The big grey duckling eats all of them.4.The ugly duckling is too heavy so he swims behind them.5.The ugly duckling goes into a house, but an old woman drives him away.语法:1.现在进行时 sb.+ be + doing sth

2.行为动词 have / has

3.一般现在时 sb.do / does sth









二、重视词汇教学,培养学生记忆英语词汇能力 “不学习语言规则,不管握相当数量的词汇,英语应用能力就是空中楼阁。” 由于小学生们没有相应的读音规则的训练,不熟悉词汇的拼写规则,单词的音、形、意三者不能有效的结合一起,因而导致了单词记忆的困难,形成小学生学英语的瓶颈。在小学英语教学中,我发现小学生语言模仿能力强,对新出现的单词或短语跟着老师念几次便会说,但由于他们的学习过程以单一的模仿跟读为主,又没有科学有效的记忆方法,结果学会后就很快又忘记,造成词汇学习越来越困难,从而导致部分学生渐渐丧失学习英语的信心和兴趣。为了激发学生的兴趣,在词汇教学中,注重对学生科学有效的学习策略和记忆策略的指导。


在教词汇的课堂教学中,还可以将单词的学习与语境情境相结合,将抽象的单词形象具体化。如:jump through the fire rings ,ride a bicycle ;利用儿歌记忆法,游戏记忆法,动作记忆法等等方法,在教学过程中,多鼓励学生发挥主观能动性,勤学多思、自主学习,发现语言规律,总结词汇学习记忆的好方法,形成自己的有效的记忆方法,课上学习,课下运用。学优生还可以适当一些阅读英语读物,看英语节目,以丰富词汇,扩展语言学习空间。


三、英语课堂教学的游戏活动,应该为任务型教学服务 小学生具有活泼好动,好模仿、好表现、好奇心强、自制能力差、认识活动以具体形象为主等特点,游戏活动正可以满足小学生自我表现欲望强烈的需要。我们把它结合语言知识的学习与英语语言技能训练,这样既可以改变英语教学枯燥、呆板的局面,还可以发展学习的智力与非常智力因素,起到“以趣激情,寓教于乐”的作用。


张晓旋老师在教授三年级第七册M2U1 时体现了单词与句型穿插反复滚动的一个过程,即让学生多联系又加深学生记忆,从而使课堂效率更高。目的帮助学生复习和巩固句子。在活动还要中面向全体,难度适中,让大家都乐于参与,因材施教,分层要求,以求最有效的激励机制,促进学生不断进步,激发他们主动参与亲身实践,在参与中体会成功的快乐。


第四篇:牛津英语上海版四年级下册M4U2 备课教案

2016-04-19 4BM4U2

Module4 More things to learn

U2 Festival in China I.词汇


the Spring Festival the Dragon Boat Festival the Mid-autumn Festival the Double Ninth Festival rice dumpling 2.其他词汇

call class colourful dumpling during dry firework know grade important learn money mooncake polite relative remember special traditional which red envelope race New Year’s Eve 3.词语解析


I always read a lot of books during the holiday.3)dry干燥的;wet潮湿的

4)class班级,grade年级。Class 3 Grade 4 四年级三班,这是专有名词,所以首字母要大写。

5)learn和study都是学习的意思 II.语法



(2)race“比赛,竞赛”,指人、马、车等参加的比赛;match“比赛”,指两队参加的比赛。如:a boat race, a football match.(3)dragon“龙”,在西方传说中指的是能喷火的“火龙”,是邪恶的象征,这有别于中国传说中的“龙”,为便于区别,中国的“龙”用汉语拼音long表示;但近年来这样的歧义正在逐渐消除,中国龙也常常用dragon来表示。

(4)粽子的英文是rice dumplings,亦可用汉语拼音zongzi来表示,可以起到彰显名族性的作用。

2.I see.我明白了。



-What festivals do you like?-I like the Spring Festival.(泛指)-Which Chinese festival do you like, Peater?-I like the Mid-autumn Festival.(特指)4.Here are some flowers and cakes for you.此句为倒装句,正常的语序为:Some flowers and cakes are here for you.5.英文中的“句读”。

There is|me in the class.这是在班上的我。(介词短语作定语)

There is me|in the class.这是我在班上。(介词短语作状语)

The Spring Festival is an|important festival in China.春节是中国的一个重要节日。(介词短语作定语)

The Spring Festival is an important festival|in China.春节在中国是一个重要的节日。(介词短语做状语)



Oxford English Book 1A Unit 1 the first period 一.教学说明 1.今天是小朋友进入小学的第一节英语课,所有的学生都表现出对英语 的极大的好奇。作为一名英语教师,要通过充满知识和乐趣的课堂将 孩子们的好奇转换成对英语学习持久的兴趣和热情。2.班级中的孩子来自不同的环境,有着完全不同的知识基础和认知能 力。教师应主动地去了解学生,这对今后的教学工作十分重要。二.教学内容 1.认知内容:能听懂会说Good morning.-How do you do?-How are you?-Fine, thank you.-Hello!等问候语。2.能力要求:学会用-Good morning.-How do you do?-How are you?-Fine, thank you.-Hello!来问候和交流。3.情感态度:通过学生对本课问候句子的学习,培养学生讲文明的良好习惯。并鼓励学生用这些问候语与新同学交朋友,增进新生之间的了 解和友谊。三.教学步骤 Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Pre-task preparation warmer Enjoy the song of page 6.歌曲缓解了小朋 友第一次上课的 紧张心理。让他们 对这首歌曲旋律 歌词有初步感知。While-task procedure 1.Introduction Good morning.How do you do? 1.T: I am Frieda.I am your teacher.This is my friend, Cici.(T takes out a puppet.)2.Use the puppet to elicit the greetings.玩偶玩偶的出现既吸引 了小朋友的注意 力,又便于新授对 话的引出和示范。2.Imitation Good morning.How do you do? 1.Teacher greets children with a warm embrace or handshake.Eg.T: I'm Frieda.P1: I'm Lucy.T: Good morning.(How do you do?)P1: Good morning.(How do you do?)T-Ps 老师和小朋

友抱 一抱,握握手,一 下子拉近了师生 间的距离。由于这两句问候 的上下句是相同 的,所以学生在模 仿中就能和老师 进行交流问候了。2.Encourage the individuals to introduce themselves and greet with the class.P1: I'm Kitty.Good morning.Ps: Good morning, Kitty.P2: I'm Jack.How do you do? Ps: How do you do, Jack? 让小朋友在问候 中渐渐熟悉同伴 们的英文名字。3.Getting to know you.T: Ask pupils to greet their groupmates.Ps: Do the groupwork.学生可以根据自 己的能力选择一 个到两个句子和 其他同学进行问 候交流。4.Introduction How are you? Fine, thank you.5.Imitation How are you? Fine, thank you.1.Enjoy the English song.2.T: Use the puppet to elicit : Cici, Cici.How are you? Fine.Fine.Thank you.3.Pupils listen and follow the teacher.4.Encourage the more able students to practice with the teacher.5.Practise in pairs.6.Practise the drill around the class.P1: How are you? P2: Fine, thank you.How are you? P3: Fine, thank you.How are you?(to P4)歌曲为下面的新 授做伏笔。可用响板为句子 朗读打节奏,使句 子的学习变得趣 味十足。利用多种形式的 操练有层次的学习句型。6.Song 1.Listen to the song.2.Encourage children 在轻松快乐的歌 曲中有效的巩固 今天所学的句型 to sing together.Post-task activity Activity: Make friends.Encourage the children to make the friends in the class.e.g.--Good morning.I'm Jane.--I'm May.Good morning.--How are you?--Fine, thank you.让学生用今天所 学的句子与新同

学交朋友,让小朋 友们在相互的交 流和合作中丰富 巩固自己的知识。Assignment 1.Read page 3 after the tape 2.Listen to the song(P6)and try to follow it.四、教学提示 1.媒体准备: 玩偶、响板、歌曲磁带 2.教学关注点: 本课中的句子例如:How are you ? Fine, thank you.对于一些从 来没有接触过英语的小朋友来说比较困难,为了解决这一问题,可从以下方 面做努力。1)注重学习的过程,为学生的学习铺好台阶;2)在小朋友们喜欢的游戏、歌曲等活动中巩固句子;3)多创设学生间的合作交流的机会,以缓解因差异造成的成效不一。3.资源分享: 九年义务教学课本3A有配套的歌曲:如 4.设计思路: 1)这个单元中的歌曲对于一年级的小朋友而言学起来比较困难。而少量 多次是分解难题的有效方法,因此可将这首歌的学习安排在本单元中的 各课时中,让小朋友在几节课中,从感知到熟悉和学唱一步步的学习, 这样学起来既轻松又有成效。3)由于 Let's talk 的内容适合刚入学的一年级新生,所以将这部分 内容提前到第一课时来上。5.教学反思: 1)句型最好板书出示�1�7�1�7�1�7加以认读。加强音和形的联系。2)对于一些英语课堂用语可以进行提前感知,为下节课的学习做伏 笔。the second period 一.教学说明 1.通过第一课时的学习,学生能用Good morning.How do you do? How are you? 来问候和交流。2.过了解发现班中有6 名同学在入学前曾系统地学过2 到3 年的英语, 16 名学生学过一些简单的英语单词和句子。8 名同学从未接触过英 语。因此, 学生在起始年级就已经出现了知识的分化。二.教学内容 1.认知内容: 1)学会用

book, bag, pencil-box 等单词来表述单词。2)能听懂指令: Stand up, please.Sit down, please.并能做出 反应。3)学会祈使句: Open your ____.Close your ____.并能用所学的 单词结合本句型给出指令。2.能力要求: 学会用祈使句来表述自己的意愿。3.情感态度: 能礼貌地使用祈使句 三.教学步骤 Procedures Contents Methods Purpose 1.Pre-task preparation 1.warmer Ps: Sing the song: 通过歌曲帮助学 生复习已有知识, 并让学生快速进 入学习状态。2.Greetings Good morning.How are you? How do you do? 1.T: Greet the children with a handshake or embrace.2.Encourage the children to great each other.在师生之间,学生 之间的问候交流 时,完成了对上节 课知识的复习。3.Listen and act 1.T: Ask the children to listen and follow the teacher.Now let's do some exercises.Hands up.Hands dwon.Legs up.Legs down.Arms up.Arms down.Stand up.Stand down.2.T: Stand up, please.Sit down, Please.Teacher repeats several times and asks the children to stand up and sit down.请小朋友跟着老 师“听听做做”。即可加大语言输 入量,又加深学�1�7�1�7�1�7 对up, down的感 知。在听听做做中感 知句子的含义。While-task procedure 2.Introduction new words bag book 3.Listen and try to follow the English song.4.To elicit the new words: book, bag.玩偶借助歌曲,以边听 边唱的形式引出本 课新单词。2.Imitation bag book 2.Ask children to follow the new words.3.Encourage the individuals to change their voices

and say the words.4.Read the words.学生通过机械模 仿熟悉新单词。在 跟读之后,出示单 词,进行认读。3.Learn the word: pencil-box.1.T: Guess.What's in the bag? To elicit the word: pencil-box.2.Say and read the word pencil-box 是学 生最常见的文具, 所以做为拓展单 词教学。4.Consolidation bag, book pencil-box 7.Look at the picture and say the words 8.Read the words 9.Match the pictures and words 10.Quick response T: Take your book Ps: Take my book.(Raise their books).通过单词和图片 的配对,培养学生 认读能力 对单词进行复习和巩固,为下面新 授句型打好基础。11.Introduction: Open your____ Close your____ 2.Teacher does the actions and say the following sentences: Open the door.Close the door.Open the window.Close the window.Open your book.Close your book.Open your bag.Close your bag.通过教师的语言 和动作,让小朋友 充分感知close 和 open 两词的含 义。12.Imitation: Open your____ Close your____ 1.T: Ask pupils to follow 2.T: Ask children to follow the sentences with the gesture 3.Encourage the pupils to change the sentences with other words Eg.Open your pencil-box Close your school bag 学生通过机械性 的模仿,熟悉新句 型的基本结构和 表达方式。动作可 以加深学生对这 对动词反义词的 记忆和区分。把操�1�7�1�7活动带入 意义性操练阶段。13.Activity Who is the best little teacher? 1.Ask some more able pupils to order the commands.The others try to

follow and act.Eg.P1:Open your book P2:Open my book.2.Choose the best 这样的活动为学 生创设了一个鲜 活的语言环境。即 充分调动了 more able students 表 现英语的欲望,又 给其他同学多一 些练习的机会。little teacher, award him/her a star.14.Let's act 1.Read page 2 after the tape.2.Encourage the children to act it out with the deskmates.通过同学间的合 作、互助,努力缓 解差异造成的成 效不一。Post-task activity 1.Game: Simon Says.1.T: Order the commands Ps: Do the action 2.Do the pair-work 通过游戏巩固所 学句型。2.Song.(P6)Sing the song together.Assignment 四.Read page 2 after the tape 五.Act P2 with the friends or parents.四.教学提示 1.媒体准备: 单词卡片,图片,书,包,铅笔盒,录音机 2.教学关注点: a)本课成对出现的动词反义词: open/close stand up/sit down 学生学习时容易混淆动词的含义。建议学生在练习这些动词和句子时配上动作加 以记忆和区分。b)注意纠正学生说句子时的语音语调, 防止拖音现象的发生。c)注意让学生在一定的情景中学习,使用祈使句。d)注意整体认读单词:pen, pencil, pencil-box 3.设计思路: a)对本课中教授的两组祈使句,没有面面俱到,而是做了详略处理。对于 Stand up please.Sit down, please 这样的日常课堂用语,只要多用就会 了,所以不必花大量的时间在机械训练上。所以本课时只做感知和理解的要 求。b)在引出两组祈使句时,教师有意识地输入大量的句子。既有助于学生对 新句子的理解,又扩大了课堂英语输入量。4.教学反思: 本课对学生能力拓展的训练不够。如有条件的

话,可设计一些生活化的情景 让小朋友灵活运用所学句型。Book 1A Unit 1 第三教时

一、教学说明: 1.师生和生生之间的了解更多了,在开展教学活动中,学生参与活动的积极性会明显提 高。2.本课是继续学习有关学生身边的学习用品,如bag, book;学生也可以用一些简单句式, 如Open the...或Close the...来表述自己的意愿。3.学生可以更熟练地表述Hello, Good morning,how are you? 等句式。

二、教学内容 1)认知内容: a.单词ruler, pencil, pen, rubber 达到“三会” 要求。b.能流利地表演儿歌。c.能用I can see...表述看到的学习用品。2)能力要求: 能用其他学习用品替换操练儿歌。在学习和生活中能用所学祈使句表述自己的意愿, 同时对这些命令做出反应。3)情感态度: 在吟诵儿歌的过程中体验学习英语的快乐,同时学�1�7�1�7爱护自己的学习用品和与别人 分享学习用品。

三、教学步骤: PROCEDURES CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSE I.Pre-task preparation: warming up 1.Sing the song by actions.2.Greetings.e.g.: Hello, Hi, Good morning.3.Do a TPR activity.e.g.: Boys, stand up and open your bag.Girls, close your book and say Good morning.大多数学生已经会唱 歌曲,这时可以配上 动作让学生更能体会 歌曲的含义。把学过的动作命令串 起来,让学生在说说 做做中熟练运用句 型。II.While-task procedure: Words teaching: ruler, rubber, pen, pencil.A new pattern 1.Students review the words by reading the cards.e.g.: Teacher shows the object and ask: What is it? Students may say: bag, book.2.Say a rhyme as following.A bag, a

book, I can see.A bag, a book, for you and me.3.Say the rhyme by using the new words.A pen, a pencil, I can see.A pen, a pencil, for you and me.4.Students identify the four words by saying “I can see a...” 5.Hold the word cards and ask them to read aloud.(ruler, rubber, pen, pencil.)6.Listen to the tape and repeat on page 4.学生通过教师的示范 和动作,可以基本了 解 I can see...和 For you and me 句型的含 义。A rhyme 1.Listen to the tape and identify the object of paper.2.Follow the tape by the actions.3.Students present the rhyme in groups or in pairs.教师稍向同学点击一 下 Paper 与其它学习用品的不同,使学生 在朗读时引起注意。III.Post-task activity: Making a new rhyme.Encourage students act out the rhyme in pairs or small groups by using the new words.在编新儿歌中学生的 创造能力和合作精神 都得到了提高。V.Assignment: Listening,speaking and reading.1.Listen to the tape on Page 4,5.2.Read the new words.2.Present the new rhyme to their family Lets learn 部分的单 词,要让学生在不断 地认读中巩固,对学 生来讲,这是个崭新 的开始。

四、教学提示: 1.媒体准备: 单词卡片,图片,录音机,学习用品等 2.教学关注点: 1)关注整体认读卡片单词ruler, rubber, pen 和pencil,注意相近字型的区别。2)虽说很多同学能说出这些学习用品,但还要关注单词的正确发音。3)关注儿歌的语音语调,让学生学会声情并茂地朗读儿歌。3.资料分享: 有一首英语歌曲,在学习和巩固单词时可以使用,不一定让学生 唱歌曲的全部,只要在歌曲的情

景中说出学习用品即可。4.设计思路: 1)歌曲引入单词和在歌曲中巩固单词,儿歌的学习也是同样的道理。2)充分挖掘学生已有的能力,包括英语知识和智力潜能,在完成一个个任务型活动中提高 学生综合能力。5.教�1�7�1�7反思: 最好的教具和学具是学生周围的实物,在教学单词时要充分利用。Unit2 Numbers the first period 四.教学说明 1.通过第一课的学习,孩子们对英语有了初步的了解,对英语学习有了 较浓厚的兴趣。(游戏激发了他们的兴趣)2.了解后知到,班级中有一半同学会用“Hello”跟别人打招呼,其中 有5 人还会介绍自己。五.教学内容 1.认知内容: a.会说:Hello(Hi).I'm.This is.b.能运用上面的句子,进行情境表演。2.能力要求:能运用Hello(Hi).Hello(Hi),I'm.This is.进行情境表演 2.会用学到的句子介绍自己,主动与他(她)人打招呼,并把自己的好 朋友介绍给大家,让其他(她)的同学认识更多�1�7�1�7�1�7新朋友。三.教学步骤 Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Pre-task preparation 1.Warming up Song: 1.Sing and act the Song.歌表演不仅仅 活跃了课堂气 氛,还增添了 学习情趣。2.Listen and act Stand up, please.Sit down, please.Open your book.(bag ,pencil-box, eyes, mouth)Close your.1.T: Say P: Act 2.P: Say T: Act 3.P1: Say P2: Act 玩偶让孩子们在说 说、做做,轻松、愉快的气氛中 复习旧知识,增 添相应的新内 容。老师说英语,学 生做动作这是 常规,而反过来 让学生说,老师 来做动作,孩子 们就特别感兴 趣。While-task procedure 1.Introduction Hello,.Hi,.5.Hello, boys and girls.P:

Hello, Michelle 2.Use the puppet(Dog and Rabbit)to elicit the greetings Puppe1:Hello(Hi), Dog.Puppe2: Hello(Hi), Rabbit.套在手上的木 偶一出现,立 即吸引住了小 朋友。他们聚 精会神地关注 着小狗、小兔 的表演。2.Imitation Hello,.Hi,.1.Puppe1:Hello,Dog.P: Hello, Dog.Puppe2:Hi, Rabbit P: Hi, Rabbit 让小木偶当孩 子们的老师, 他 们 学 此乐 彼,学得津津 有味。2.Encourage the pupils to say “Hello”, “Hi ”to each other.孩子们大胆地 向别人问候, 并把操练活动 带到了意义性 的操练阶段。3.Introduction I'm.1.T:Hello, I'm Michelle.I'm your English name.I love you.2.T: What's your name Puppet: I'm Dog.3.T: What's your name, Please P: I'm Tony.2 只可爱的小 木偶给小朋友 做了很好的示 范作用。2.Introduction I'm.1.T: Ask pupils to listen and follow.2.Say and read the sentence.3.Answer the question: What's your name 让学生用新句 型 来 介 绍自 己,回答别人 的提问 5.Listen clap and say.I am.x x Ixx xI I am ste-ven.x x Ix xI I am Na-cy.x x Ix 0I I am Alice.Game: 1.Listen the music.2.Clap your hands.3.Say your name.通过音乐节奏 游戏,调动孩 子 们 的 积极 性。由于节奏 给 大 脑 的刺 激,使思维与 语言的固有频 率引起共振, 从 而 促 进记 忆。6.Introduction and imitation 1.T:This is Elephant.(puppet)2.Explain.3.S:This is Elephant.4.Encourage the pupils to introduce their friends to each other.7.Action E: Hi, Rabbit.This is Dog.1.Watch action.2.P1: Hi, Rabbit.This is Dog.全 班 分 成三 组,通

过分角 色表演,掌握 R: Hello, I'm Rabbit.D: Hello, Rabbit.P2: Hello, I'm Rabbit.P3: Hello, Rabbit.3.Change the character.新学的句子。8.activity 1.Listen to the tape.2.Divide the class into of three.Practise the dialogue.让学生用新学 的句子互相交 流。Assignment 1.Listen page 8 and read it.2.Act page 8 with parents.3.Complete the exercises on workbook page 5.四、教学提示 3.媒体准备: 木偶、音乐带、(二拍子音乐)、录音机。4.教学关注点: a.I'm May.这句句中的“I'm”的发音学生有些困难,教师示范时要 夸张一点,鼓励学生开口说,不要怕说错。b.三个角色的对话,对于一年级学生容易搞混,所以先要分角色练习。c.培养学生在家听磁带的良好学习习惯。鼓励他们与爸爸、妈妈用 学到的英语进行对话,交流。5.设计思路 1.把 Let's talk 部分提前上是因为这部分内容可以让 新同学尽快互相熟悉。2.三个木偶作为教学的辅助工具,使孩子更好地理解每 个角色所说的话,而且让孩子们套在手上玩玩、说说, 寓教于乐。3.第二�1�7�1�7时,可以让学生扮演成一家人,孩子向爸爸或 妈妈介绍新朋友。6.教学反思: 1.游戏是孩子最容易接受的学习方式,要利用好这一手 段,达到学习的目的。(2)培养孩子善于倾听别人的讲话。the second period 六.教学说明 1.通过上一课的学习,学生能用Hello.Hi.I'am.This is.来问候,介绍和交流了。2.有少数学生从未接触过英语,学句子时有些困难。七.教学内容 1.认知内容: 1).学会用祈使句:Give me , please.2).学说小对话:A:Give me , please.B:Here you are.A:Thank you.B:You're welcome.2.能

力要求: 学会用祈使句来表达自己要向同伴所借的物品。3.情感态度: 感受帮助别人,与他人分享物品的快乐。三.教学步骤 Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Pre-task preparation 1.Warming up Song:1.Point the stationery and sing the Song: 2.One pupil point the stationery and another pupils sing the song.If the pupil is wrong and change another pupil.(游戏可以反复进行,速 度可以逐步加快)。1.通过点点唱唱帮 助学生复习文具 类的单词,活跃 课堂气氛。2.同一首歌曲换成 游戏的方式,孩 子们又生产了浓 厚的兴趣。个别 孩子操练和集体 练习同时进行。歌曲的速度逐渐 加快,难度递增, 培养学生手口一 致,思维、动作 的敏捷性。2.Dialogue A: Hi, George.This is my Mummy.(Daddy)B: Hello, I'm George.C: Hello, George.1.Read the words: Mummy, Daddy.2.Show the dialogue 让学到的句子“活” 起来,必须运用于 实际。While-task procedure 1.Introduction Give me , please.1.T:I havn't a pencil.But I want to write.I can say: Give me a pencil, please.P1: Here you are.T: Thank you.2.Explain 2.Imitation 1.Listen to the tape.英语以“听”领先, Give me , please.Close your eyes and listen.2.Read after the tape.3.Follow the teacher.4.Dialogue: T: Give me , please.Ps: Here you are T: Thank you 对于学生较难掌握 的句子,让他们多 听。闭上眼睛听可 以集中听力,学生 也感到有趣,不乏 味。3.A story p7 1.Listen to the story.2.Answer the questions.a.What did Sam want(A rubber)b.What did he say(Give me a rubber, please).c.What did Ann want(A ruler)d.What did she say(Give me a ruler, please).通过听故事,加大 了语言输入量,学 生真正明白了Give me ,please.的含义。4.A dialogue: A: Give me , please.B: Here you are.A: Thank you.B: You are welcome.1.Watch and listen to the song.

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