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蓝色字体为设计目的黑色字体为口述内容 绿色字体为提示内容



重点:相关语法的基本概念和结构 难点:以学促考,灵活运用。

Part 1: Independent reading Ex 1:自主阅读Ex 1 部分, 了解名词性从句的用法

T: Good morning, boys and girls.Today, we’ll learn a new grammar style名词性从句Noun clauses.Now please open your book, turn to page 21, book 3 and look at Ex 1.Read the play, which are mainly about this kind of grammar? Try to find the sentences.(pause)

T: Ok.Stop here!Can you say one sentence? Now, who want to share your works? Ok, Tom, please.(手势语:平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答。做边听状,边板书第一个句子,这个要提前备课,就是您早就准备好的句子!)

S: May we ask what you are doing in this country?

T: Very good,sit down, please.Now, who want to say the next? Ok, Lily, please.(同上,写第二个句子!)

S: I didn’t know whether I could survive until morning.T: Very good, sit down, please.Now, who want to share the last one? Ok, Kate, please.(同上,写第三个句子!)

The fact is that I earned my passage by doing sth.(课本上的三个句子)

T: Very good,sit down, please.T: Now, we can see the Noun clause is a piece of cake.Let’s look at the Ex 2 and try to finish the exercise of this part.If you can not solve the problem, first, lists problems of your own, then you can discuss in pairs;after discussion, you two can’t solve it, come to the blackboard and write it down.Part 2 comprehension 理解(写完板书,此时,就下去转一下,回来在黑板上写1-2个难句子,就当是学生写的)

Difficult point 1: What do you think of the bet the brothers have made?

Difficult point 2: What do you think will happen to Henry? Research 1: students’ comprehension to the grammar.T: Very good, just now two of our students wrote down two sentences, they think the sentences are much harder to understand.Can we help them to under the two sentences? T: Now, who want to try? Ok, Susan, please.(手势语:平伸右手,手掌朝上,示意学生回答。)Which sentence do you want to explain to them?(Pause)Ok, the first one.(Pause)Ok, Susan’s explanation is very good!I must say that the bet is very interesting.Sit down, please.T: Now, who can solve the second sentence?(Look around)Research 2: With the teacher’s help to understand the grammar.T: Nobody? Really? Ok, let me help you.You can use “I must say that_____________” Here.Here, can” that” be left out?(Pause)Right!It can not be left out.Does it have any meanings?(Pause)Right.It has no any meaning.(此处用汉语解释语法现象,在讲解时可以在原句上画点记号什么的,目的是帮助,不是全部解决)Now, who can have a try in volunteer? Ok, Linda, please!(Pause)Ok, Linda’s explanation is very good!

I must say that Henry will live a happy life.Sit down, please.T: Now, who can draw a conclusion to the grammar which we learnt in this text in volunteer? Nobody? Ok, let’s discuss in groups!

Part 3: The rule of the grammar(写完板书,此时,就下去转一下,回来看练习四,当堂测验)T: Well, Tom, it’s you again!Please!(Pause)Very good!Thank you, sit down please.名词性从句:缺什么补什么,不缺什么用“that”.(简析语法现象)

And now let’s finish Ex 4, now I’ll ask some of you to finish two of them.The reason was ________________________.4 His concern is__________________________.T: Who will answer in volunteer? Bush and Black!OK!Come to the black board and finish them!(自己写上就OK了)The reason was that he met a strong wind.His concern is whether they can offer him a job.Very good!Quite right!Thank you, go back to your seat and sit down please.Part 4: Homework

T: Ok, so much for this class.After class, please finish Ex 5 on page 21.That’s all for today, see you


Step 1: Leading in: by discussion.Hi, boys and girls.We are now living in a highly developed world, with advanced culture and highly developed civilizations.But have you ever thought what are the base of all the culture and civilizations? Oh, yes, they are based on those which were created by our great, great grandfathers lived a long, long time ago.No one exactly knows what they lived on, what were their housing and home decoration conditions, what kind of tools they usually used in their production activities, and what entertainment they had in their spare time.Anyway, we can imagine!So now, let’s divide into groups of four and, with the help of your imagination, discuss what kinds of food the early man ate, what their housing conditions and home decorations were like, what tools they made and what entertainment they had in their spare time.Then I’ll ask some of you to report the results to the whole class.Step 2: role play

T: Good, sit down.Please turn to page 72, look at the SPEAKING part.You should read it with your partner, then, do the roles play.(Teacher writes bb--middle)Making suggestions and giving advice:

1.What can you suggest?

Maybe we/you could …… 2.Can I ask you for some advice?

I suggest(that)…… 3.Can you help me decide?

That’s a good idea.4.What do you have in mind?

Well, but what about……

Have you considered doing……?

T: OK, time is up.In our daily life, we often ask someone for advice when we can’t make a decision.On the other hand, we often give other advice if they come to us for help.How can we ask for and give advice in English? Let’s look at the blackboard.There are several sentences about giving advice, please read it follow me.T: Make sure you can use these sentences when you are making suggestion.Who can give us a dialogue? Any volunteers?

T: x x, you please, you can choose one of the situation in speaking part.T: Excellent

Step 3: Interview

T: We are going to have an interview.You are a host and your partner is Helen.Now give a chat with Helen.I’ll give you several minutes to prepare.T: Time is up.Which pair would like you have a try? Lily, your group please.Q.What skills do you think young people need to succeed in life? A.Set Goals, plan for success, and believe in themselves.Q.In this high-tech world, what’s the most important aspect of education?

A.A well-rounded education with a broad view of the world.Q.Who was the biggest influence in your life? Why?

A.My parents, Sir Edmund Hillary

Q.What’s the toughest part of your job?

A.Finding time to do all that I want.Q.When you were a teenager, what place in the world did you most want to visit, and have you traveled there yet? Was it as wonderful as you thought it would be? Why or why not?

A.The magnetic North Pole was my dream.I am the first woman to walk there alone without support.I wrote a best-selling book about my journey with my polar bear dog Charlie who saved my life from polar bears.When I finally arrived after having survived storms, a tent fire, frozen fingers, broken sea ice and polar bears I had a tremendous feeling of achievement.I didn’t matter that I was first.It mattered that I had a goal, a plan and therefore I stood at the Pole.T: Very good.Thank you.I will ask another two students.Any volunteers?

Lily, your group please.… … Blackboard design:

Speaking Step 1 Discussion

Step 2: Role play 1.What can you suggest? Maybe we/you could …… 2.Can I ask you for some advice? I suggest(that)……

Step 3: Interview


Teaching Plan for Module 1(SEFC Book 1)Unit 1 “My first day at senior high” The Third Period, language points I.Teaching Objectives 1.Language Objectives(1)Help students know the collocation and meanings of the following words and phrases: embarrassed, instruction, far from, nothing like, looking forward to etc.(2)Help students acquire the use of adjective ending –ing and –ed.(3)Help students know the use of present continuous tense 2.Ability Objectives(1)Enable students to use these new words correctly in speaking and writing.(2)Enable students to use adjective ending –ing and –ed correctly in daily life to describe sth.II.Important Points 1.Master some phrase, and some new words 2.Master the use of adjective ending –ing and-ed III.Difficult Points Analyze components of a sentence IV.Teaching Methods 1.Practice, discover, Asking and Answering, Explaining 2.Teaching Aids: text book V.Teaching Procedures Step I Reading(1 minute)T: Good morning, boys and girls.First let’s read the new words and new phrases, please turn to page 113 and read the new words from enthusiastic to amazed, go(enthusiastic, amazing, information, website, brilliant, comprehension, instruction , embarrassed, description, amazed)OK.Very good!Step II Lead-in(1 minute)T: Everybody, after we have studied this passage(My first day at senior high), we all know that the writer had a wonderful experience of his first day in senior high school.In this class let’s study some useful words and phrases.Phrases(look forward to, far from, nothing like)and words(bored/boring tired/tiring excited/exciting surprising/surprised interesting/interested embarrassed /embarrassing)Step III Careful analyzing(8 minutes)(此处挑两个讲即可)

OK.Well done!Now let’s look at some of the difficult points in the text!

1.The first one: 1.the classrooms in li kang’s school are amazing/ some students were embarrassed at first.Fellows we have already learned the adjective ending –ing and –ed in our junior high school, so let’s turn to page 7 and complete the sentences.Two minutes.(then the teacher check the answers), then let us look at grammar 2 the 2nd one choose the correct explanation according to the exercise we have done in page 7.ok it seems that you have a clear mind of the 2 kinds of endings, so let us find more examples in our text.(2nd paragraph, the classrooms are amazing, the3rd I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class, the 4th paragraph some students were embarrassed at first)

The next one, 2„and Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.(the sentence under the picture)Nothing like means , “丝毫不象”in Chinese.Eg: Math class is nothing like Chinese class, because the former is focus on logic thinking, the latter is main tell us how to think in a different way.The third, 3.I'm looking forward to doing it!

look forward to sth./doing sth.In this structure to is used as a preposition I look forward to hearing from you as early as possible.(do you remember some other this kind of phrases)There are some other preposition phrases :(ask students the same kind of words they have learned in their junior school:do you remember some other this kind of phrases look forward to 盼望…… turn to 求助于;转向;翻到……pay attention to 注意…… stick to 坚持get down to 开始认真干……object to 反对point to 指向see to 处理,料理devote…to… 贡献……给…

Pay attention to ____(walk)along this risky bridge.There is not much time , lets get down to ___(walk)on this research.Teachers’whole life is devoted to_____(teach)We should object to ___(tell)lies.Step V Summary(1mins)T: In this class we have learned some useful phrases and words.do you still remember their meaning ?(nothing like , look forward to)and now are you clear how to use the adjective ending –ed and –ing.Step VI Homework Assignment(1 mins)T: After class, let’s have a revision of the present tense and preview listening and vocabulary, then do the exercises in text book.So much for this class, bye!VI.Blackboard Design

写作课课型 四色笔 讲稿模板

红色字体为板书内容 蓝色字体为设计目的 黑色字体为口述内容 绿色字体为提示内容

写作课:Writing class : Healthy eating(健康饮食) Teaching Objectives(教学目标):

一、知识技能目标: 1.认识并掌握有关食物及健康饮食习惯的单词、词组;


二、情感态度目标:了解有关营养饮食的基本常识和培养健康的饮食习惯。 教学重难点:

1.教学重点:如何区分健康食品以及垃圾食品并且会用英语表达;.2.教学难点: 教会学生如何自如表达自己的意见和建议并且帮助学生总结出平衡膳食的定义。

 教学方法:

1.Pair work and Group work(小组合作,交流式教学)2.Discussion and cooperative learning(自主探究、合作探究)3.Task-based approach(任务式教学) 教学步骤:

Part 1 导入(Warming up)

1.以一句话:“Everybody needs foods, so do I”及麦当劳、肯德基的相关饮食引入话题。(1 分钟)T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.Today we’ll talk about “Healthy eating(板书的内容)“.We have three meals everyday.Everybody needs foods, so do I.I want to know the following questions.The first question: Have you had lunch or breakfast in McDonald’s or KFC? The second question: Do you like the food there? The third question: Which one do you prefer?”(The purpose of this part is to stimulate Ss’ interest and call their attention to the topic.)Part 2 小组练习(Pair works)(3分钟)

T: Now, two students in pairs to ask each other about the above three questions, and then I’ll ask some of you to practice the dialogue in front of all of us.Now, let’s begin.(下去转转)T: Ok.Now, which pair wants to act this dialogue in volunteer?(Pause)Tom and Kate, please.Good!Sit down please.T: Any other pair?(Pause)Well, Linda and Susan, please.(Pause,pretend to be listening)Good!Sit down please.Part 3 头脑风暴(Brain storming)3分钟

1.Now, I will divide the whole class into two parts, the students on the left will be Group One, and the students on the right will be Group Two.Let’s compete between the two groups.One student will be the leader to collect the names of the food.Let’s see which group will get more names of the food.Who will be the leader? Ok!Tom and Kate.Ready? Go!(Pause)Ok!Now, let’s show the two sheets.(展示两张纸,写点对应的内容就行,一会好念,提前备课时就写好)Group One win the game!Well done!(把学生分成两组竞赛,看哪组的同学收集的食物单词多,然后教师教导朗读(2-3分钟)Part 4 句型练习(Sentence structure practicing)(2分钟)

Now, I’ll show some of the names of food on the black board,(读其中的一些食物名称)let’s discuss which are junk food and which are healthy food? You can use the sentence structure” I think that(or the food name)is junk/healthy food because….” And you can talk about “What is the name of the food? / What nutrition does it mainly contain?” Four students in a group, and let’s begin.(Pause, Junk food VS Healthy food,板书完成后,此时可下去转转)老师先展示如何使用句型:“I think that(or the food name)is junk/healthy food because….”来描述什么是健康食品,什么是垃圾食品。然后把学生按4人分成一组进行讨论练习,老师给出了对话该涉及的内容范围:What is the name of the food? / What nutrition(营养物质)does it mainly contain?(2分钟)

Part 5: Activity task----make a survey活动任务---做调查报告(2分钟)T: Now I’ll give you a sheet.Ask 3 students around you about their dieting habits, and offer them some advice.You can use the sentence structure as” You should take less…, and you should have more….”(Pause,可以下去转转)给学生发一张表格,引导学生按照表格询问周围3个左右的同学,了解同学间的饮食习惯,并能提出一些健康建议。



T: Ok, let’s see the food Pyramid map together.(稍微暂停)From this picture you may well understand how to keep a balanced diet in our daily life.After class, write a composition about “Healthy Eating”.Ok, so much for this class.Class is over, see you!老师在课件上展示食物金字塔图,让学生了解饮食的营养应如何平衡,然后布置作业:让学生自己写一篇健康饮食的作文。板书设计

Healthy Eating 1.Junk food VS Healthy food 2.Balanced diet

Reading Step 1 Lead-in 导入 Brainstorm Class begins.Good morning, boys and girls.Today we will learn a new unit together.First let’s get to know the man, who is called Mr.Nature.He is very emotional.When he is happy, he stays calm and shows us beautiful natural scenery.But when he gets angry, he becomes a troublemaker and causes many natural disasters.Do you know the meaning of natural disaster? Yes, it means自然灾害, for example, the earthquake happened in Ya’an last month, which caused great damage.Besides earthquake, what other kinds of natural disasters do you know? Please brainstorm and try to think of as many natural disasters as you can.Suggested answers: typhoon 台风/ volcanic eruption 火山爆发/thunderstorm 暴风雨 Flood 洪水/tsunami 海啸/ drought 干旱/ hurricane(tornado)飓风,龙卷风

Guys, you’ve done a great job.Have you experienced any natural disaster we mentioned just now? You please.Suggested answers: You have experienced flood in summer.What did you see? The flood water covered the whole city and you had to stay at home.Can you describe your feelings at that time? You felt frightened and nervous.Step 2 Reading 1)Skimming/Listening Yes, I totally agree with you.In most cases, natural disasters can be very frightening.Today we will read a passage about natural disasters.Please take out your handout and listen to the tape.After listening, please tell me the main idea of this passage and in what order this passage is organized.You only have 2 minutes.Ready? Go!Time is up.Who would like to tell us the main idea? Tom, would you please have a try? Suggested answers: This passage talks about Tangshan earthquake, the largest earthquake of 20th century.Very good? Can you tell me in what order this passage is developed? In order of time.How do you know that? Because the writer first describes strange things in the first part and then tells us the city was destroyed by the earthquake.Lastly, he says the army came after earthquake.Yes, you are right.2)Scanning In the first part, the writer tells us strange things happened before the earthquake.We know that before some natural disaster, there are sometimes warning signs from nature.If we have such kind of knowledge, we can reduce the damage.Please go through the first paragraph quickly and try to figure out what signs did the author mention? You only have one minute.Here we go!Now let’s read for more details.Let’s go through the whole passage and try to find the answers to the following three questions.Step 2 Fast reading 泛读

Read the text quickly and try to finish the following exercises.A.New words or phrases burst: break open because of pressure from inside at an end: finished nation: all the people in the country steam: gas that hot water gives out in ruins: destroyed extreme: very great in degree useless: of no use shocked: surprised very much rescue: save somebody or something from danger shelter: a place that protects you from the weather or danger B.Questions 1.When did the Tangshan earthquake happen? Suggested answers: The earthquake happened at 3:42 am on July 28, 1976.2.How many people were killed or injured in the earthquake? Suggested answers: More than 400, 000 people were killed or injured in the earthquake.3.Was all hope lost? How did the army help the people there after the earthquake? Suggested answers: No, all hope was not lost.The army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to help the rescue workers.The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.Step 3 post-Reading 1.Discussion Suppose an earthquake happens now, what should we do to keep ourselves safe? Please discuss natural wonders in groups and your discussion should be based on the two questions.This time, the group leader should take down your group members’ ideas and sum them up in your own words.Later, we will share your ideas with all of us here.Understand me? Time is up.Any group would like to share your idea with us? Suggested answers: 1.Don’t be nervous and keep calm.2.Don’t try to run out of the classroom at once.3.Protect your head by putting your school bag on your head.4.Squat under your desk.5.Leave the classroom after the earthquake.2.Interview Have you noticed that news reporters and interviewers play an important role in keep us informed after Ya’an earthquake happened? Next, please choose a paragraph and act out an interview between a reporter and survivor from the Tangshan earthquake.Make a dialogue with your partner.I will give you three minutes and then I will invite some of you to act it out.Step 4 Summary and assiagnment We have done a lot of things today.Firstly, we have talked about….Then, we discussed.Next, we learned some useful words and expressions.Here comes your assignment: 1.Retell the passage.2.Search the Internet to find more information about earthquake.


泰州学院 外国语学院 09英教

(五)学号:09952014 张茜

语法课教案 Unit 4 I.Teaching Objectives

1.Perception objective: a)The Ss can hear, read and use the main sentences patterns “What are you doing? I‟m…/We are…”

b)The Ss can understand and read the conversation of the lesson.2.Ability objectives: a)The Ss can use the sentence pattern of talking in telephone.b)The Ss can use the pattern to express their thoughts in the proper scene.3.Emotion objective: By completing the task, the Ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in language study.II.Difficult Points The students can use the sentence pattern to chat with others and can make simple dialogues.III.Teaching Methods

1.Communicative teaching method 2.Audio-visual teaching method 3.Task-based teaching method

IV.Teaching Tools

Pictures, ppt

V.Teaching Time 45 minutes

VI.Teaching Process

Step 1.Warming up a)Free talk

T:How are you? S:I‟m fine.Thank you.T:What‟s the weather like today? S:It‟s sunny.b)Review the new words and phrases in this unit, such as “sweep the floor” “wash the clothes”.Step 2.Presentation a)First, show some pictures and give the primary form of verb phrases at the same time.Then show the present participle of the words.泰州学院 外国语学院 09英教

(五)学号:09952014 张茜

For example, the teacher shows a picture and gives the primary form “read a book”.Then show the present participle “reading a book”.b)Second, give the form of present participle

c)Third, show pictures and ask Ss talk with her and guide Ss to use these sentences pattern “what are you doing? I‟m …/We‟re …”.For example, “what are you doing? I‟m reading a storybook”.d)After presentation, ask Ss “what we have learnt today?” and give them five

minutes to discuss together.Then sum up: 1.the sentence pattern “what are you doing? I‟m …/We‟re …”.2.Be(am/is/are)+ 动词ing 用来表示正在发生的事和进行的动作,这种表达形式就是现在进行时。动词ing形式就是现在分词

Step 3.Drills(Task time)

Task 1: Say out and spell First, ask Ss to say out primary form and present participle of these words and spell them.For example, show the word „stand‟, the Ss should read first, then say out „standing‟ and spell it „s-t-a-n-d-i-n-g‟.Task 2: Make a telephone call Design a real situation about calling and let Ss work in pairs to make a telephone call like this: A: Hello, is that…? B: Yes.A: What are you doing now? B: I‟m…

Task 3.Read and translate Give the Ss some incomplete sentences and ask them to fill in the blanks by using the sentences pattern and phrases.Task 4.Play a game The game is „look and guess‟.The teacher asks one student to draw in front of the stage and do the corresponding actions.Other students will guess what he/she is doing now.Step 4.Consolidation and extension

a)Fill in the blanks, then answer Ask Ss to fill in the blanks and then answer questions like this: T: What are you doing ? S1: I‟m…

T: What is your English teacher doing? S1: He/She is…

b)Find and say 泰州学院 外国语学院 09英教

(五)学号:09952014 张茜

Show a picture about a park and ask Ss work in group to point out what are they doing and use sentences we learnt today.For example, Susan and Sam are running.Step 5.Homework 1.Copy the new words in Part B.2.Write about the pictures in Part C.3.Review some other verbs.Step 6.Blackboard design

Unit 6


swimming sweeping

What are you doing?

I‟m …/We‟re

cleaning 3





因此为了达成编者的意图,我们把开学初第一周定为_____宣传周。为了让学生的知识从课内走向课外,从书本走向实践。我们把本单元的核心任务确定为: 1.组织学生和学生会合作,建立____________宣传栏。

2.和德育处合作,布置以___________为主题的黑板报和班会课。3.组织学生观看____相关的影片,制作a project以“_____”,为主题的班级小报和英文手抄报,并进行评选张贴。二.教学目标: 理论依据:《新课程标准》

基于对教材的理解和分析,根据课程目标对高二年学习目标的具体描述,并结合高二学生实际和教材内容,制定相应的三维目标: 1)知识目标

2)能力目标: 进行自主学习,合作探究,实践体验,培养学生用语言做事的能力。



1.学生在大量的语言输入中发现,归纳,总结出主语从句的结构特征和使用规则,提高他们自主学习,合作探究和学习新知识的技能。2.学生在所设计的交互性活动中巩固主语从句的知识,并在实践中练习构建主语从句句型。二. 难点:




1.语言学家Nuan指出,The study of how form, meaning, use work together to enable individuals to communicate through language.本课的语法教学从运用的角度出发,把语言的形式,意义,和运用有机的结合起来,通过设计形式多样、层层递进的活动和任务使学生兴趣激发、发现探究、归纳总结、实践运用、自主合作五步教学法学习语法,在听、说、读、写中感悟、体验、掌握语法规则,在运用语言知识的过程中培养综合语言运用能力。2.多媒体辅助教学法









建构主义认为:“学习不是由教师向学生传递知识的过程,而是学生建构自己知识的过程。因此在进行这一节前,要求学生整理Warming up and Reading 的词汇,把重要的词汇和他们不易掌握的词汇整理出来。老师再根据学生的整理情况进行整编,提炼出学生比较集中和关注的词汇,来进行相关的词汇练习设计。







教学对象为高中一年级学生,智力发展趋于成熟.他们的认知能力比初中阶段有进一步的发展,渐渐形成了用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的 能力,注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力,通过任务型课堂活动和学习,让学生主动参与到活动当中,让他们成为课堂的主体。由于学生是重点班级的学生,虽然表演任务对他们来说仍有点难度,但是学生的兴趣和积极很高,可以尝试。说教学程序 一节课45分钟



汉语语法课程 课程标准



目 录




























汉语语法是以培养学生书面运用能力为主的一门语言专项技能课。阅读 课、听力课重在培养学生的理解能力;会话课、写作课重在培养学生的表达能力。本课程以初级阶段的汉字、精读、会话等课程为基础,与中级阶段的精读、会话、报刊阅读及其它文化课相互配合,全面提高学生的汉语应用能力。它是对其它课 程所学汉字、词汇、语法等知识的综合运用,同时又是对这些课程所学内容的补 充、提高。


本课程是一门实践性很强的课程,各部分内容均本着精讲多练的原则,采 取课堂提问和书面练习相结合的形式,使学生了解汉语语法的基本知识,并通过 写作训练实际运用所学知识。每节课均安排一定形式的写作训练。










传统教学法 “以课堂为中心,以教师为中心,以教材为中心”,这种教学思想固然突出了英语教学的目的性,起到有的放矢的效果,但是同时却忽略了对学生主观能动性的开发和培养。开放式教学给学生更多自主的空间,使学生能够按照自己的兴趣和特点进行选择性的学习,在一定层面上有助于提高英语学习的效果。但是由于现阶段我国教育体制的局限性,大部分的学生在高中阶段接受的是以应试为目的学习模式,即使他们已经掌握了足够的语法知识和词汇信息,却无法合理的运用这些知识。





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