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课题研究的内容:课题研究的总体内容有两个方面:如何开发和利用小学英文歌曲歌谣?在什么情境下运用英语歌曲歌谣?是我们课题研究的主要内容。英文歌曲和歌谣是针对陕旅版小学英语教材中的Let’s sing 和Let’s chant 这两个部分进行改编、整合和创新,同时还对一些适合编成歌曲和歌谣的单词和句子进行改编。



组长:高彩霞 负责整合分析材料,实施课堂实验研究撰写教学案例和论文。

组员:金竹叶 负责教研过程中的材料采集;负责撰写教学论文。


1、精心筹备,认真搜集与本课题相关的学习资料,确定定实验班级。在校领导组织召开微型课题会议之后,更加提高了我们对本课题研究工作的认识,明确其研究工作的意义和目标,满腔热情地投身于研究工作中,我们经过商 讨,明确分工,确定了实验的班级,通过各种方法与渠道搜集与本课题相关的资料,全面的展开课题研究工作。






(4)启动阶段:2013.1月至2013年12月,我们通过调查、访谈、分析我校学生英语学习的现状,收集、比较有关儿歌教学方面的资料和文献,为课题申请立项的可行性作准备。2013年12月 我们申请立项并于2014年1月得到市级教育教学研究中心的批准。

(5)实施阶段: 2014年1月底本课题组制定课题组研究目标、内容和计划,开始加大实施力度,进行课题研讨活动,同时积极收集儿歌教学材料。我和金竹叶老师在此过程中,每人上了两次次公开课进行研讨,同时还邀请学校的英语老师参与听评课活动,我们不断搜集更多的英文歌曲和歌谣,筹备课题论文和教案集。

(6)总结结题阶段 2014年5月底课题为了进一步落实完善课题研究,制定了下一步的工作计划。6月4日我们分别上了一节汇报课,邀请校领导和全体英语教师参与次活动,同时积极整理和归纳课题研究资料并汇编了以下成果。撰写课题结题研究报告,填写《课题结题鉴定书》努力完成课题鉴定,保障课题顺利结题。














那么歌曲与歌谣在小学英语教学中的作用具体表现有哪些呢? 1.提高学生的兴趣,调动学生的积极性。

小学生生性好动,注意力易发生转移,要避免这种不利因素的 影响,最好的良师就是兴趣。而且从儿童心理特征来讲,学生唱歌时随着旋律的起伏变化,在感到松弛、愉快、满足的同时,会产生兴奋情绪。因此,歌曲和歌谣是提高学生的学习兴趣,调动学生积极性的有效手段。

首先,我常在课前播放与教学内容有关的歌曲,如在教牛津小学英语3A Unit 4 How are you? 时,我在课前先播放一段迪士尼动画歌曲How are you? 优美的旋律加上甜美的歌声,使学生的学习兴趣异常浓厚,教学成效也明显提高。

其次,我教学生唱一些国内外广泛流行、容易上口且学生喜爱的歌曲,如Do, Re, Mi;Ten Little Indian Boys 等,为了满足学生的要求,学唱一些他们推荐的歌曲,如Jingle Bells;Twinkle, Twinkle Little Stars。学生在没有掌握多少英语的情况下,就能唱出一句句有一定难度的英语歌,这无疑给学生增添了无限乐趣和成就感,增强了求知欲。

唱歌也是我在课堂上不可缺少的“兴奋剂”。在学生注意力不够集中时,我们就唱诸如Head ,Shoulders ,Knees and Toes的歌,配上动作,不费什么力气就将学生游离的注意力拉了回来。



然而,歌曲以它优美的旋律、动感的节奏吸引着小学生,英文歌曲更能赋予原本枯燥无味的单词和词组以美丽感人的含义,再加上英文歌曲所特有的节奏和情感使英语语言的用法及内容比传统的听力教材更简单一些,从而能被爱唱歌的学生轻松地接受及理解,并深深地印在脑海里。英文歌曲运用到听力教学中,使学生们在学习的同时又获得了音乐的享受,这符合小学生的特点,通过歌曲教学使学生尝到了学习的乐趣,他们对学习产生兴趣,就会使学习更【7】 有效率。3.运用英文歌曲,强化学生词汇学习


Look at the bike It’s for Mike I like the bike But it isn’t mine 4.运用英文歌曲,加强学生语音训练

众所周知,小学生在说英语,尤其在说一些较长的句子时,会出现说话不流利的现象,往往不能够灵活运用,这是由于英语的发音部位、舌位、口型变化与普通话不同而引起的。而英文歌曲中有相当规范的英语口语, 在英语教学中,教师可以适当地选用一些英文歌曲对学生进行语音训练。如可以利用歌曲等单词帮助学生纠正和训练双元音、长元音等的发音。还可以利用一些节奏欢快、朗朗上口的儿歌民谣来纠正发音。歌曲时而快时而慢的节奏对发音的要求比较高,而歌词连读、略读、重读等现象的经常出现,对英语学习者的发音会有很大帮助,通过学英文歌来学英文,代替枯燥乏味的音标练习,能纠正语音,理顺语法和词汇,这对英语日常口语交流有很大的促进作用。



“培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象力和创新精神。”是基础教育阶段英语课程的任务之一。而歌曲和歌谣能培养学生这些能力。例如:在教学5A Unit 3 At a Music lesson时,当学生会唱了课本上的“We can sing and dance”这首歌时,我就鼓励他们根据这首诗进行自由改编,学生的思维一下活跃起来,他们编出了一些让我意想不到的作品。以下是我的学生的作品:

You can swim and we can ski.They can make a model plane.Are you ready? Let’s begin.Let’s swim.Let’s ski and make a model plane.在这节课里,通过让学生听歌、唱歌到编歌,学生不但能熟练地运用词汇,而且他们的观察能力、思维能力、想象能力和创新精神都得到很好的培养。

那么在使用歌曲与歌谣时,我们应注意哪些问题呢? 1.趣味性







教学歌曲与歌谣不是目的,而是手段,是工具,最终还是要达到学会语言的目的。由于节奏的需要,歌谣的有些地方会快些,这就使一些辅音被“吃掉”, 甚至一些元音音节也会被一带而过而含糊不清。在儿童学习语言的第一步,还是应避免这种含糊,要求发音清晰到位。开始的时候可放慢速度,熟练以后再加节奏,学生们会读得更准确、更流畅、更自然。








课题研究的内容:课题研究的总体内容有两个方面:如何开发和利用小学英文歌曲歌谣?在什么情境下运用英语歌曲歌谣?是我们课题研究的主要内容。英文歌曲和歌谣是针对农村小学英语PEP人教版低学段英语教材中的Let’s sing 和Let’s chant 这两个部分进行改编、整合和创新,对于高学段的英语教学来说,歌曲歌谣的辅助性作用同样存在且相当有效。只是在歌曲歌谣的选取上不能统一而论。高学段英语教学在此方面更要讲究小学生的心理和年龄特点。



组长:吴士华 全面负责主持研究

副组长:李怀娟 全面负责主持研究



1邵长云优秀教师 小学高级教师 教学骨干 负责课堂实验研究,撰写教


王利小学高级教师 负责整合分析材料,实施课堂实验研究。

刘超教学新秀 负责教研过程中的材料采集;负责撰写教学论文。课题实施的主要过程










(4)启动阶段 2010年9月~2010年11月 课题组通过 调查、访谈、分析我

2校学生英语学习的现状,收集、比较有关儿歌教学方面的资料和文献,为课题申请立项的可行性作准备。2010年12月 课题组申请立项并于2011年4月得到市级教育科学学术委员会批准。

(3)实施阶段 2011年5月本课题组制定课题组研究目标、内容和计划,开始加大实施力度,进行课题研讨活动,同时积极发动课题组老师收集儿歌教学材料,筹备编写英语儿歌集。为了加强与外校的教学研讨的联合,同年9月份中下旬,11月份上旬,我们课题组在教导处的部署下先后与苍山三中小学部联合开展了三次研讨课活动,分别由邵长云老师、刘超老师、李怀娟老师、王利老师、盛景超老师、吴士华老师多次进行了公开课研讨课。在此过程中,我们不断完善课题英语儿歌集,筹备课题论文和教案集。总结结题阶段2012年3月1日课题组再次召开成员会议,进一步落实完善课题研究,制定了下一步的工作计划。3月12日,分别安排了课题负责人吴士华老师和李怀娟老师,以及刘超老师再次举行了汇报课。课题组教师积极整理和归纳课题研究资料并汇编了以下成果。撰写课题结题研究报告,填写《课题结题鉴定书》努力完成课题鉴定,保障课题顺利结题。课题研究的主要成果











B.A.Thesis for the Students of ChuXiong Normal University The Application of English Songs and Ballads to Primary English Teaching in


1.INTRODUCTION At present, most of Primary English teachers are using cramming teaching method to teach English.However, under the situation of cultivating the quality-oriented education, traditional cramming teaching method can’t meet students’ needs.That is because the personalities of the pupils are very different from those of middle school students.They are naughty, lively and active, paying less attention on teachers.Therefore, it is very important to discuss how to make pupils be fully involved in the English class and be interested in English learning.Basing on The Theory of Multiple Intelligence, Situational Teaching Methodology and the characteristics of elementary school students, this paper aims to find an effective way to teach English so as to strengthen students' learning interests and stimulate their curiosity for knowledge with the help of the English songs and ballads.I will also focus on illustrating the example of how to design and use English songs and ballads in Primary English teaching and aim to give some suggestions to the Primary English teachers so that they can achieve fruitful teaching.2.LITERATURE REVIEW To promote the effectiveness of students’ English learning , many experts tried their best to find some solutions to make pupils fully involved in English class and be interested in learning English.Among them, the researches about the theory of multiple intelligence and situational teaching methodology are the best representatives.B.A.Thesis for the Students of ChuXiong Normal University 2.1.The Theory of Multiple Intelligence The Theory of Multiple Intelligence was put forward by Howard Gardner, a psychological development specialist of America in 1983.Dr.Howard Gardner(1983)pointed that human intelligence is diverse rather than single, which is mainly made up of linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, body-kinesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, self-awareness intelligence and naturalist intelligence.Everyone has a different combination of intelligent advantages.That is to say, teachers should develop students’ multiple intelligence to help pupils to fulfill comprehensive development.At the same time, the theory believes that teachers should learn to cooperate with pupils and use the cooperative teaching methodology which helps pupils to be fully involved in the English class, trains their learning interests and stimulates their curiosities for knowledge.Further to say, making pupils be fully involved in the English class is the basis of organizing class teaching, including rich and colorful teaching activities which can help pupils to develop multiple intelligence and fulfill comprehensive development.Thus, here comes the question: what can teachers do in order to help pupils develop their multiple intelligences?

The answer to this question is putting the concept of multiple intelligence into English courses to develop multiple intelligence curriculum modes and teaching plans which is the best starting point that using the theory of multiple intelligence in English teaching practice.2.2.Situational Teaching Methodology The Situational Teaching Method was established and prevailed in England from 1930s to 1960s.In the 1970s, it was introduced to China and well-known in the foreign language field.It is a way that teachers create some vivid projection drawings according to the passages, supplemented with vivid literary language to reproduce some scene 2

B.A.Thesis for the Students of ChuXiong Normal University presentations of the texts with the help of music which can make the students have the feelings of being personally on the scene.English Situational Teaching Methodology is based on the basic theory of situational teaching and achieve communication goals by creating situations and atmospheres of English learning.English Situational Teaching Methodology believes that teachers make full use of the images , creating the vivid situations, making the abstract form of language become vivid according to students' age characteristics and psychological characteristics and follow the law of reflection of cognition combined with the teaching content to create English language environment as much as possible and let the student come into contact with more English language and dominant behavioral ways in English.Then, why we use English Situational Teaching Methodology in English teaching, particularly in Primary English teaching? There are three theoretical foundations of using English Situational Teaching Methodology in Primary English teaching.On the first hand, it corresponds to students’ age characteristics and psychological characteristics.Students, especially Primary School students have a strong desire for learning English knowledge.On the second hand, English Situational Teaching Methodology does good in cultivating students’ emotions , enlightening their thinking abilities and developing their intelligences.The most important thing is that it is good for making classroom atmosphere active and vivid.On the third hand, English Situational Teaching Methodology can mobilize students' mental activities consciously, making students study English in a relaxing , happy and positive atmosphere.So far, we can draw a conclusion that using English Situational Teaching Methodology is an effective way in teaching.Therefore, to make Primary English teaching more effective, we may try to use English Situational Teaching Methodology in Primary English teaching.2.3.The Current Research Situation In China, under the situation of the quality-oriented education and curriculum revolution , Primary English teachers are trying their best to find some effective ways to 3

B.A.Thesis for the Students of ChuXiong Normal University make their classes interesting , active and vivid.Meanwhile, some teaching experts also do their best to find some solutions that can help Primary English teachers teach well in Primary English teaching.Lai Junping(2001)mentioned that students could benefit from using English songs in Primary English teaching in her thesis.Wang Qiang(2003)wrote a book called Teaching English in the Primary School from Theory to Practice..In her book , she has showed us that songs and rhymes are good for motivating children in learning.Ma Jingjing(2010)has done a research which focused on how to use English songs in English teaching in the Primary School.Although, those experts have done a lot of researches about whether using English songs and ballads in Primary English teaching is an effective way to make English classes worthwhile or not, each expert gave some one-sided ideas.Namely they can’t give comprehensive interpretations about the reasons, the functions and the strategies of using English songs and ballads in Primary English teaching.The key point is that most of them seldom show a vivid example illustration of using original English ballads to us and do some investigations to students who they teaches about whether they are interested in the class.This paper will mainly focus on showing a vivid example illustration of using original English ballads to readers and some useful measures to improve the situation will be put forward according to the result of investigations to my students in Grade 5 of YuXi No.1 Primary School.3.THE NECESSITIES AND FUNCTIONS TO APPLY ENGLISH SONGS AND BALLADS IN PRIMARY ENGLISH TEACHING

3.1.The Requirements of Primary English Curriculum Standard The new Primary English Curriculum Standard was promulgated by Ministry of Education in 2010.It pointed out Studying is not the outer control, but an inner 4

B.A.Thesis for the Students of ChuXiong Normal University embodiment.Studying process should be started from the pupil’s interest, life experience and the cognitive level.The pupils’ ability in using language should be developed.Therefore, the Primary English teaching which is under the idea of the Primary English New Curriculum Standard should be improved, then much emphasis should be placed on how to make students be the center of the classroom, and how to make the class more active.The Primary English New Curriculum Standard also suggested that the total goal of Primary English courses is to cultivate the abilities of students' comprehensive language application, and Primary English curriculum objectives are divided into two levels in the preliminary stage.At the first level, the Primary students are required to learn English from Grade 3.By the end of Grade 4, students are required to be able to sing 15 to 20 English songs and ballads or simple English poetries.At the second level, students are required to be able to sing 30 to 40 English songs and ballads by the end of Grade 6.3.2.Characteristics of Primary School Students There is a saying that interest is the best teacher.R.Gardner and W.Lambert find that the successful learners are those people who have both genius and great learning motivation in the second language studies.(Corder.S.P.1985)It seems to the English learners, especially young English learners, nothing but what they are really interested in can make them produce motivation and desire for studying English.That is because pupils who are at the age of 8-13 have strong curiosities about anything that they come into contact with.Generally speaking, pupils who are between 8 and 13 have less psychological burden, being filled with spirit of innovation and being eager to show themselves to others.They have strong desire to show off and want to be appreciated or praised.Therefore, pupils will think it is interesting and new that teacher teaches them to sing English songs and ballads in Primary English classes.Meanwhile, pupils not only have a strongly imitative ability and a good memory, but also have a 5

B.A.Thesis for the Students of ChuXiong Normal University strong thirst for knowledge.Nevertheless, pupils are active and lively, even paying less attention on teachers and doing anything that they want to do during classes, sometimes they break class discipline so that it is very difficult for teachers to seize pupils’ attention.Because they don’t like mechanically memorizing anything.Therefore, using English songs and ballads in Primary English teaching accords with the nature of the children and can help stimulate their learning interest.3.3.The Functions of Using English Songs and Ballads in Primary English Teaching 3.3.1.To Improve Students’ Interests As we all know that Primary School students usually like singing and pay more attention to playing.However, the main purpose of Primary English teaching is to cultivate students' interest in language learning.Applying English songs and ballads in Primary English teaching is one of the simplest and the most direct teaching methods.It gets rid of the idea of ‘teacher-center’ or ‘textbook-center’ in traditional Primary English teaching.It can help to improve class atmosphere and achieve active learning.At the same time, pupils can get a kind of achievement from English songs and ballads.Finally, they are interested in learning English.3.3.2.To Strengthen Cultural Knowledge of Students When the pupils appreciate English songs of different styles, they will have a lot of wonders about them.At the moment the teachers may show something about different culture, geography, history, ect.It is very necessary for pupils to understand foreign cultural knowledge, which may satisfy students’ natural curiosity about everything new besides strengthening their cultural knowledge.For example, when Christmas Day is coming, the teacher may teach some Christmas songs, like Jingle Bells , Silent night, Santa Claus is coming to Town, then tell the students some popular legend about Santa Claus and how the western people celebrate Christmas Day.3.3.3.To Improve Teacher-student Relationship

B.A.Thesis for the Students of ChuXiong Normal University English teachers may collect some relative materials which pupils are keen on according to pupils’ interests and hobbies, or motivate pupils to collect something that they are favorable to.Then teachers and students may share their materials and ideas each other , thus can create a harmonious atmosphere between teachers and students.It can also help to narrow the distance between them and make classroom atmosphere more active.Harmonious relationship is good for relieving pupils’ pressure in mind and make them relaxed.It does good to increasing the pupils’ enthusiasm and making them take part in class activities actively.It is also good for increasing the pupils’ desire to participate in learning and producing fruitful teaching products.3.3.4.To Improve Students’ Language Skills At the beginning of leaning English, primary students may have many difficulties in learning English.Because they have no real English language environment, it is very difficult for pupils to memorize the words, understand the meaning of the sentences and master grammars rules.If teachers teach pupils in traditional teaching methods that require pupils to memorize new words and new structures mechanically, the result is that most of the pupils will lose interest in learning English and be afraid of having English classes so that they won’t learn English well.As we all know that English is constituted by vocabulary, some words are difficult to memorize and can be forgotten easily.When we try our best to help pupils memorize English words in the process of singing English songs and ballads, they will recite them easily.That is to say, applying English songs and ballads to teaching pupils creatively, we will help pupils ease their burden naturally.English songs and ballads may help pupils in listening.Listening tasks are also important in Primary English teaching.English songs and ballads are good materials for pupils to practise listening.Using English songs and ballads are an alternative to the traditional listening comprehension.At the same time, English songs and ballads can 7

B.A.Thesis for the Students of ChuXiong Normal University even help pupils correct pronunciation and intonation.We have all noticed that children learn things better when learning is taking place indirectly.When children are singing English songs and ballads, they may be normally aware that they are enjoyable and having fun.Pupils may learn to sing English songs and ballads after tape recorder or their teacher naturally, thus there will be a great improvement in their pronunciation and intonation.In total, English Songs and ballads can help children with memorizing the new vocabulary, mastering the new structures, improving their listening comprehension ability and correcting their pronunciation and intonation.4.THE STRATEGIES OF USING ENGLISH SONGS AND BALLADS TO TEACHING ENGLISH IN PRIMARY SCHOOL

It is very necessary to put theories into practice for Primary English teachers.Primary English teachers may try to use English songs and ballads in Primary English teaching.Nevertheless, as an old saying: Look before you leap.It means that teachers should prepare very well.We not only have to use English songs in the textbooks, but also have to learn to create English ballads by ourselves.There are many English songs in PEP Primary English books.Therefore, Primary English teachers could try to make full use of them.I have been a trainee English teacher in No.1 Primary School of YuXi City for three months.In the beginning, when I taught them in traditional teaching method , I found that they didn’t seem to be interested in my teaching.They felt very tired and boring , doing whatever they wanted to do in the class.After class, I reflected on myself and did a lot of researches about some relevant teaching theories and teaching methodologies, I tried to use English songs in the textbook and created English ballads according to new expressions and structures in the textbook.After a period of time, I found that most of students could be 8

B.A.Thesis for the Students of ChuXiong Normal University involved in my class even though some of them were not interested in English class before.Next, I will share my ideas about how to teach Primary English with the help of English songs and ballads and give some suggestions to Primary English teachers 4.1.Using English Songs in the Textbook

In PEP Primary English book 5, unit 2, there is an English song named My Days of the Week.(The key words were in bold face type)

My Days of the Week Monday Tuesday , Wednesday Thursday Friday.Days for school, Days for School.Saturday and Sunday, Days for fun.Happy time, fun time, for everyone.”

4.1.1.Playing and Appreciating English Songs

For the purpose of setting a certain mood and relaxing my students, I broadcasted the English song once at the beginning of the class.Meanwhile, I wanted to draw back their attention from what they have done during playtime and to let the students know they were entering a different environment.During those first few minutes, I spoke to the students individually as usual.Then, I broadcasted the song once again and asked my students to listen to it carefully.After finishing listening to the song, I invited some of my students to share the main content of the English song and key words that they captured from the English song with us according to their understanding.Thus, I used the English song as a smooth lead-in naturally.And, it also helped my students to practise their listening skills unconsciously.4.1.2.Teaching Key Words and Lyric

To make the students understand the English song better , I firstly gave them the main idea of the English song.Then , I led them to circle key words , included in the lyric , and read the key words and lyric several times.Just remember that when we tell the students the main meaning of the song, we had better not translate it sentence by sentence and analyse grammars which are included in the song.4.1.3.Singing the English Song 9

B.A.Thesis for the Students of ChuXiong Normal University

Students are required to sing the English song sentence by sentence following the sound recorder or teacher teaches students to sing the English song several times until the students could sing the English song by themselves.But, we must bear it in mind that the teacher must prepare it very well before the class.If not, the class will be out of control.When I taught my students My Days of the Week, I didn’t prepare it very well before the class.Therefore, I sung the song out of tune.The students laughed at me all the time and the class was out of order.4.1.4.Encouraging Students to Make Performance.To make students master the song well, the teacher can organize the students to perform in groups.After the students could sing the song fluently, I organized them to sing the song in groups.I divided all the class into four groups and held an English Songs Contest.Competitions among groups were good for promoting the enthusiasm of the students.They took part in the activities actively so that they could get an honor for their groups.It was conceivable that the classroom atmosphere was very active.4.1.5.Evaluation and Feedback

Evaluation is a very important part of English teaching.Appreciation and encouragement have an extraordinary significance and function for students, especially for pupils who are willing to be praised extremely.When I had my class, I used to say with smile: ‘Don’t be nervous.’ ‘Try again.’ ‘Take it easy.’ ‘Never mind.’ When the pupils had a good performance , I said ‘Excellent.’ ‘You did a good job.’ ‘Well done.’ ‘You look sharp.’ and so on.In that way, the pupils’ tension will be eased, their confidence will be increased.It is worthy of being mentioned that it is necessary for teachers to give pupils some awards.Even though it is a sticker, pupils want to get it very much.It was my great honor that I was chosen to be an advisor of pupil’s English Community of YuXi No.1 Primary School..The members were those who came from different classes in Grade 5.As far as I was concerned that it was a good opportunity for me to check what they have learned during the class.So, I organized them to hold an 10

B.A.Thesis for the Students of ChuXiong Normal University English Songs Party, students from different classes could show their singing.Then, I awarded those pupils who were excellent and an honorary certificate to the most excellent class.From then on, they were very interested in my class and they tried their best to take part in the activities.To draw an conclusion that it is very necessary for teachers to give them evaluations and feedbacks immediately according to what pupils have done.It can enhance pupils’ confidence in speaking English.4.2.Using English Ballads Created by Teachers

As an result of applying English songs in the textbook to Primary English teaching, most of my students were interested in my class.Therefore, I tried to create English ballads by myself to teach Primary English.As far as I am concerned, the most important thing is that the English ballads created by teachers can be be more suitable for the students.4.2.1.Creating English Ballads in Accordance with Practical Teaching

To create one or more excellent and useful English ballads, it is vital for teachers to analyse the materials and contents well.At the same time , it is very necessary to follow some principles during collecting materials so that we can create some good English ballads.For one thing, materials that we are going to collect should be very easy and the music should be very wonderful so that pupils can understand them easily.For another thing, the lyrics that we collect which should be equal to students’ cognitive level.When we create ballads, teachers should consider learners' learning motivation, and learning attitude.In PEP Primary English book 5, unit 4, the topic is What Can You Do ?.When I taught my students new expressions in that unit.I firstly tried my best to analyse the text.That unit mainly focus on the expressions about what somebody can do.So, I tried to collect some useful expressions and some fashionable music that were fit for the theme , then on the basis of pupils’ cognitive level and text understanding.I created the ballad as following:(The key words were in bold face type)

The happy song Teacher: If you are happy and you know it,B.A.Thesis for the Students of ChuXiong Normal University Students: Sweep the floor.Teacher:If you are happy and you know it, Students: Sweep the floor.Teacher: If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it ,Together: If you are happy and you know it, and you really want to show it , sweep the floor.Teacher: If you are happy and you know it, Students: Cook the meals.Teacher: If you are happy and you know it, Students: Cook the meals.Teacher: If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it , Together: If you are happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, cook the meals.Teacher: If you are happy and you know it, Students: Clean the bedroom.Teacher: If you are happy and you know it, Students: Clean the bedroom.Teacher: If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it ,Together: If you are happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, clean the bedroom.Teacher: If you are happy and you know it, Students: Water the flowers.Teacher: If you are happy and you know it, Students: Water the flowers.Teacher: If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it ,B.A.Thesis for the Students of ChuXiong Normal University Together: If you are happy and you know it, and you really want to shoe it, water the flowers.Teacher: If you are happy and you know it, Students: Empty the trash.Teacher: If you are happy and you know it, Students: Empty the trash.Teacher: If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it ,Together: If you are happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, empty the trash.4.2.2.Teaching Ballad by Showing Pictures and Doing Roleplay

The main purpose of creating English ballads is to make English class vivid and active.According to Situational Teaching Methodology and the Theory of Multiple Intelligence, I designed a lot of activities to make my class interesting and made all activities seem like games, not exercises.The teaching objective in unit 4, book 5 is to let students master these five expressions: sweep the floor, cook the meals, clean the bedroom, water the flowers, empty the trash.Therefore, the most important thing was that the English ballad which I created was to teach students new expressions in the forth unit.Therefore, I firstly used pictures to show these English expressions which are related to housework.Then, I designed some class activities to strengthen students’ words-memorizing.I took five objects: broom, pan, flowers, watering can, dustbin to the class so that we could use them to play the game named ‘Let’s do together’.We spoke out the expressions and did actions which accorded to the expressions.Because almost each student was interested in the objects that I took to the class.I invited some of students to go to the front of the class and do actions and I ordered the rest of the class to do actions following with the student in the front of the class and spoke out the expressions loudly.The students were very active and the class atmosphere war very harmonious.After finishing teaching them new words, I led them to practise those five 13

B.A.Thesis for the Students of ChuXiong Normal University expressions with the help of the English ballad which I created.As the lyric was a little difficult for students in Grade 5, I sung the song twice while the students only listened to me.They not only began to understand and to absorb the tune and the rhythm or hum the tune, but also practised their skills of listening comprehension.The key points of that English ballads was those five expressions.Therefore, I asked some of my students to tell me the key words and the main idea of this English ballads after listening to the English ballad.Then we did role playing games according to the lyric above.I ordered my students to shake their bodies after me following with the rhythm.They might think it amusing to behave like small children especially when I was performing along with the group.They were very exciting so that they looked forward to preparing a performance in front of the class in turns.Then , I organized pupils to practise the ballad in group 4.At last, I checked, inviting them to make a performance in front of the class in turns.Because of pupils’ competitive psychology, they were very active.By asking students to sing the ballad along with doing actions, students combined the abstract English words with daily housework so that they experienced the enjoyment and applicability of learning English in the process of making performance and singing the ballad.There was another example, once I helped another English teacher to have class of grade one at YuXi No.1 Primary School.I planned to teach pupils four new words about animals.Before the class, I prepared four animals pictures and created a very easy ballad.That is : Group one:

Pig pig, it is a pig.Pig pig, lu lu lu.Group two:

Cat cat, it is a cat.Cat cat, mew mew mew.Group three: Dog dog, it is a dog.Dog dog, wang wang wang.14

B.A.Thesis for the Students of ChuXiong Normal University Group four:

Cow cow, it is a cow

Cow cow, meng meng meng During the class, I taught them how to read four words with the help of pictures firstly.Then, we played the game named ‘little train’ to practise reading those four words.They liked that game very much.For those excellent students, I gave them stickers as awards.Then, I began to teach them the English ballad that I created to further practise those four words.I taught them to read the ballad and do actions.Finally, students were divided into 4 groups to do the role-playing and compete for top one.These words were a little difficult for students in Grade one, but when they made performance vividly, they remembered them quickly and easily.4.3.My Reflection and Suggestion of Using English Songs and Ballads in Teaching English in the Primary School

After the classes, I had some reflections according to students' performances.Firstly, I must admit that using English songs and ballads in Primary English teaching is an effective way.But, to improve my teaching effects, I designed a questionnaire and took a simple investigation on my classes.According to the result of investigation, there will be some suggestions about Primary English teaching.4.3.1.My Reflection of Teaching Results

Basing on the teaching results above, I took a simple questionnaire investigation about the effect of applying English songs and ballads to Primary English teaching on 220 students.After analyzing the investigation results, I found that almost every student including a few students who didn’t like English at all before thought that studying English with the help of English songs and English ballads was very useful.They liked this teaching method very much.They said that it made class very interesting , active and vivid.Meanwhile, appreciating music and being praised was the best enjoyment.They thought that they not only learned what they should learn, but also 15

B.A.Thesis for the Students of ChuXiong Normal University got a sense of satisfaction from teachers’ evaluations during classes.The most important thing was that they learned how to work with others and knew the importance of teamwork.4.3.2.My Suggestion of Applying English Songs and Ballads to Primary English Teaching

So far, we can make sure that English songs and ballads do play an important role in Primary English teaching.However, to achieve more active learning and more fruitful teaching, there will be some suggestions for Primary School, Primary English teachers and pupils.For Primary School: On the first hand, Primary School have to stimulate their English teachers’ enthusiasm of teaching and encourage them to try to use creative teaching methodologies.They may give those teachers who try their best to use creative teaching methodologies more awards as rewards.On the second hand, Primary School could update teaching aids, such as the sound recorders, more tapes on popular English songs, computers and multi-media devices and so on to make sure that Primary English teachers can use English songs and ballads in Primary English teaching conveniently.At last, Primary school had better provide Primary English teachers more training opportunities to improve teachers’ qualities.For Primary English teachers: they paly an important role and occupy the leading positions in Primary English teaching.Therefore, to apply English songs and ballads to Primary English teaching better, Primary English teachers need to improve their teaching skills as followings: In the first place, Primary English teachers should seize the opportunities to improve their qualities as soon as possible and strengthen their learning abilities by themselves so that they can use English songs and ballads in Primary English teaching well.It is very necessary for them to learn to use the sound recorder and the multi-media device.In the second place, they may learn to use interest-oriented teaching method in Primary English teaching.Of course, applying English songs and ballads to Primary English teaching is one of the interest-oriented 16

B.A.Thesis for the Students of ChuXiong Normal University teaching methods.Meanwhile, they had better learn to design more interesting games to use to make pupils be fully involved in the English class while leading pupils to practise English ballads that they create and learn to give evaluations and feedbacks to pupils immediately.In the final, Primary English teachers should learn to use body language while performing English songs and ballads to make English class vivid and give more encouragements to pupils as much as possible in order to make them have confidence in studying English and be interested in English class.For pupils: Most important of all , under the teaching idea of learner-center, pupils should cultivate their interest in English in order to be the masters of English class.In addition, pupils should listen to music as much as possible after class so that they can stimulate their music intelligence.Last but not least, pupils should fix their eyes on the teacher and take part in class activities actively during the class to accomplish the win-win situation of teaching and learning.5.CONCLUSION

In a word, English songs and ballads have an important effect on Primary English teaching.The teaching method of Using English songs and ballads is of great significance in the development of our English teaching and improving our students’ English proficiency.It can be valuable for developing certain capacities , but they can be more valuable if we exploit them creatively to teach vocabularies, new structures, practise listening comprehension skill and reviewing new knowledge.Especially using them to make classroom atmosphere more active and English class more interesting.It is the major goal of my paper to make English class active and vivid with the help of English songs and ballads.Basing on teaching theories and teaching methodologies, this paper have done a brief research about whether English songs and ballads are useful in Primary English teaching.After the concrete analysis of it, we can get an conclusion that English songs and ballads play an important role in Primary English teaching.They can not only help to create a harmonious atmosphere , but also make English class 17

B.A.Thesis for the Students of ChuXiong Normal University active and vivid and help to teach English smoothly.However, English songs and ballads are still ignored by Primary English teachers.They just like to teach in traditional teaching methods.However , traditional teaching methods are very boring and can’t meet pupils’ needs.Therefore, Primary English teachers should learn to use them well , and use body language and interest-oriented teaching methodologies as much as possible.At the same time, to make Primary English teaching fruitful, Primary school, Primary English teachers and pupils all should try their best to fulfill their tasks well.From what we have discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that this paper mainly focuses on showing some vivid illustrations to readers and giving readers some suggestions about how to apply English songs and ballads to Primary English teaching.I hope that this paper will be a little helpful.But there may still be some shortcomings in my paper, I will do some researches to multiply my paper in my future teaching.B.A.Thesis for the Students of ChuXiong Normal University

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马菁菁,英语歌曲在小学英语教学中的运用[J],《Overseas English》,2010年5月:93-94。


谢福荣,如何在外语教学中使用歌曲和音乐[J],《国外外语教学》1995年第三期 :66-70。




摘 要:多媒体辅助教学在小学英语课堂教学中有利有弊。例如,“拿来”痕迹明显,课堂缺乏个性化等。笔者针对这些弊端研究出了一些解决办法:提高现代教育技术素养,灵活驾驭多媒体等。

关键词:小学英语 多媒体辅助教学 负面效应

【中图分类号】G 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1008-1216(2015)08B-0062-01


























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