
时间:2019-05-12 23:31:58下载本文作者:会员上传



初中英语教材中共出现近400 个词组,一部分为常用词组,要求能熟练运用。英语的学习本身就是不断的积累,尤其要注意词组(介词词组和短语动词)的积 累。对固定词组的意义,切不可望文生义。要十分注意固定词组中冠词的使用。有时冠词可引起词义的变化有些词组中须用冠词,而另一些则不用。例如,in the evening, at night。



1)be back/in/out 回来/在家/外出2)be at work 上班

4)be carefulof/about当心,注意,仔细 10)beon在进行,在上演,(灯)亮着

16)be strict in sth(with sb)(对工作、对人)严格要求

18)be(well)worthdoing(非常)值得做…… 21)be covered with 被 …… 所 覆 盖 …… 22)bein(great)needof(很)需要 27)be satisfied with 对……感到满意


(二)由come、do、get、give、go、have、help、keep、make、look、put、set、send、take、turn、play 等动词构成的词组

1)come back 回来2)come down 下来3)come in 进入,进来

4)come on快,走吧,跟我来 5)come out出来 6)come out of从……出来 7)come up上来

8)doone's lessons/homework做功课/回家作业10)domorespeaking/reading多做口头练习/朗读11)doone's best尽力

12)do some shopping(cooking reading, cleaning)买东西(做饭菜,读点书,大扫除)13)do a good deed(good deeds)做一件好事(做好事)14)16)dowellin在……某方面干得好17)get up起身

18)get everythingready把一切都准备好 19)21)get back返回

22)get rid of 除掉,去除23)get in 进入,收集24)get on/off 上/下车

27)give sb.a call 给……打电话28)give a talk 作报告

29)give a lecture(a piano concert)作讲座(举行钢琴音乐会)30)give back 归还,送回

31)give……someadviceon给……一些忠告 32)givelessons to给……上课 33)givein屈服 34)giveup放弃

35)givesb.achance给……一次机会36)giveamessageto…… 给……一个口信37)goahead先走,向前走,去吧,干吧38)gotothecinema看电影

39)go to bed 睡觉(make the bed 整理床铺)40)go to school(college)上学(上大学)41)go to(the)hospital 去医院看病


43)gofishing/skating/swimming/shopping去钩鱼/滑冰/游泳/买东 44)gohome(there)回家去(去那儿)45)goround顺便去,绕道走 46)goup上去

47)gooutforawalk外出散步 48)goon(doing)继续(做……)49)goonwithone'swork继续某人的工作50)goupstairs/downstairs上/下楼51)(thelights)goout(灯)熄了

52)havealesson(lessons)/ameeting上课/开会 53)haveadictation听写




71)haveasports meet(meeting)开运动会73)havesomethingdone让人(请人)做…… 74)haveatest/an exam测验/考试 75)77)haveawordwith与……谈几句话

78)help sb.with sth.help sb.do sth.在……方面帮助…… 帮助……做79)help oneself to some chicken/fish/meat 请随便吃点鸡/鱼/肉80)help each other 互相帮助

81)keep up with 跟上……,不落后于…… 86)make a living 谋生

87)make sb.do sth.迫使某人做…… 88)make faces(a face)做鬼脸

91)make room/space for 给……腾出地方92)make a sentence(sentences)with 用……造句93)make a fire 生火

94)bemade in在……地方制造 95)lookoutof(outside)往外看(看外面)97)lookupaword(inthedictionary)查字典98)lookup往上看,仰望

99)lookfine/well/tired/worried看起来气色好/健康/疲劳/忧虑 100)lookout当心,小心

101)lookon …as…把……当作……看待 102)lookaround朝四周看 103)lookat看着……

104)puton穿上(衣服),戴上(帽子),上演(戏剧)105)putup建造,搭起,挂起,举起,张帖 106)putinto使进入,输入 107)putone's heartinto全神贯注于 108)put…down… 把……放下 109)put…into… 把……译成113)set up竖起,建起114)setoff出发,动身115)set out出发

116)set anexamplefor为……树立榜样 117)send for 派 人 去 请(叫)118)send out放出,发出119)sendup把……往上送,发射

120)takeone's advice听从某人劝告 121)takeout拿出,取出122)takedown拿下123)takeplace发生

124)takeone's place坐……的座位,代替某人职务 125)taketheplaceof代替…… 126)takeawalk/rest散步/休息127)takeit easy别紧张128)takesth.withsb.随身带着

129)takesb.toapark/Londonforone's holidays带某人去公园/伦敦度假 130)takecareof关心,照顾,保管


133)takeaway拿走 134)takeback收回,带回 135)takehold of抓住……



140)takeabus/train, boat/乘公共汽车,火车/船 141)turnon开,旋开(电灯,收音机等)142)turnoff关上(电灯,收音机等)143)turnin交出,上交 144)turn…into… 变成145)turn to 翻到,转向146)turn down(把音量)调低


148)playbasketball打篮球,football踢足球,volleyball打排球 149)playgames做游戏


152)play a joke(on)对……开玩笑


1)askfor向……要……,请求 2)askforleave请假3)sendfor派人去请(叫)4)payfor付……的款5)waitfor等候


7)apologizetosb.forsth.为某事向某人道歉 8)lookfor寻找

9)leave…for离开……去…… 10)falloff跌落

11)catchacold着凉,伤风 12)catchupwith赶上

13)agreewithsb.赞成,同意某人的意见 14)fill……with…… 把 …… 装 满

15)tellsb.aboutsth.告诉某人某事16)talkabout谈论…… 17)think about 考虑…… 18)worry about 担忧…… 19)look after 照料

20)run after 追赶,跟在后面跑21)read after跟……读22)smile at 对……微笑23)knock at 敲(门、窗)24)shout at 对……大喊(嚷)25)throw away 扔掉

26)work hard at 努力做…… 27)wait in line 排队等候 28)change…into… 变成29)hurry into… 匆忙进入30)run into… 跑进31)hear of 听 说32)think of 认为,考虑33)catch hold of 抓住34)instead of 代 替 …… 35)hand in 交上来36)stay in bed 卧病在床

37)hearfrom收到……来信 38)atonce立刻 39)atlast最后 40)atfirst起先,首先

41)attheageof… 在……岁时42)at the end of… 在 …… 之 末 43)atthebeginningof… 在……之初44)atthefootof… 在……脚下45)atthe sametime同时


47)withone'shelp在某人的帮助下,由于某人的帮助 48)withthe helpof … 在……的帮助下 49)withasmile面带笑容50)withone's owneyes亲眼看见51)afterawhile过了一会儿52)from nowon从现在起53)from thenon从那时起

54)farexample例如 55)farawayfrom远离

56)from morning tillnight从早到晚 57)byandby不久 58)byairmail寄航空邮件59)byordinarymail寄平信60)bythe way顺便说61)bythewindow在窗边

62)bythe endof… 到……底为止 63)littlebylittle逐渐地 64)inall总共 65)infact事实上

66)inone's twenties在某人二十几岁时 67)inahurry匆忙

68)inthemiddle of在……中间 69)innotime(inaminute)立刻,很快 70)intime(ontime)及时(准时)71)inpublic公众,公开地


73)infrontof在……前面74)inthesun在阳光下 75)in the end 最后,终于76)in surprise 惊奇地77)in turn 依次 78)of course 当然79)a bit(of)有一点儿80)a lot of 许多

81)on one'swayto 82)onfoot步行,走路 某人在去……的路上

83)a talk on space 一个关于太空的报告84)on the other hand 另一方面85)at/on the weekend 在周末

86)onthe left(right)在左(右)边 87)ontheothersideof在……另一边88)ontheradio通过收音机(无线电广播)89)toone's joy使……高兴的是 90)to one's surprise 使……惊讶的是


153)think over 仔细考虑154)arrive at/in a place 到达某处155)eat up 吃完,吃光


157)enjoydoingsth.like doing sth.喜欢做某事 喜欢干某事 158)find out发现,查出(真相等)159)finishoff吃完,喝完 160)stop doing sth.停止做某事161)stoptodosth.停下来去做某事162)hold ameting举行会议163)hold up举起

164)hurry up 赶快,快点165)enter for 报名参加166)laugh at 嘲笑167)be/get used to习惯于168)used to 过去常常

169)wake…up唤醒 170)workout算出



1)a bit 一点儿

2)a few(of)一些(可数),几个…… 3)a little 一些(不可数)4)a lot of(lots of)许多 5)a piece of 一张(一片,块)6)a cup of 一茶怀 7)a glass of 一玻璃杯

8)a pile of(piles and piles of)一堆(一堆堆的)…… 9)a box of 一盒 10)a copy of 一份,一本 11)a bowl of 一碗12)a basket of 一篮13)a plate of 一盘 14)a bottle of 一瓶15)a basin of 一脸盆16)a set of 一套17)a kind of 一种

18)a type of 一种类型的

19)a great deal of 非常多,大量的(不可数名词)20)a large(great)number of 非常多,大量的(可数名词复数)21)a great many 大量,许多(可数名词复数)22)a different type of 一种不同型号的 23)a group of 一队,一组,一群


1)allkindsof 各种各样的

2)all overtheworld/the country全世界/全国 3)all over遍及每一部分,浑身 4)all one's life一生 5)one after another顺 次6)theChildren'sPalace少年宫7)dayafterday 日复一日8)upanddown上上下下9)thedayaftertomorrow后天


11)thelast/pasttwoyears(orso)最近两年(左右)12)thewholecountry/thewholeworld全国/全世界13)amoment ago刚才

14)justnow/then刚才/正在那时 15)halfanhour's walk步行半小时的路程 16)lateron过后,后来


23.Thanks for your invitation, but I’m so sorry I can’t go.I need to ______ my baby at home.A.take away B.take off

C.take care of D.take out of

34, Again and again the doctor ______ the crying baby girl, but he couldn’t find out what was wrong with her.A.looked over

B.looked after C.looked for D.looked out 32.—So many problems!I’m tired.—You should try to

them by yourself.You are not a child any longer.A.get into

B.get off

C.get on

D.get over

8.You are _____to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ so the other person doesn't get bored A.suggested



D.supposed 10.—Why do you collect so many old bikes?

—I'll have them ______and give away to the children who don't have bikes.A.used up

B.given up

C.fixed up

D.set up 【2013山东枣庄】16.Why are you

a T-shirt? You’ll probably catch a cold in this cold weather




D.selling 【2013山东枣庄】17.In the last ten month, September Miracle(奇迹)

on CCTV for more than five times and is popular all over the country.A.has played the piano

B.has given out their song disks

C.has written songs

D.has performed 【2013山东枣庄】21.By the time I locked the door, I realized I ____my keys at home.A.had repaired

B.had changed

C.had forgotten

D.had left 【2013山东枣庄】22.—How are you going to be a basketball player ?


every day.A.am going to practice basketball

B.am going to study math C.am going to take acting lessons

D.am going to study computer science2 【2013江苏常州】8.Many social workers went to Ya’an to help

clean water and food to local people to reduce their pain from the earthquake.A.put out B.come out C.work out D.give out 【2013湖南益阳】31.When he saw a wallet on the ground, he ______at once.A.picked it up B.gave it up C.picked up it 【2013湖南益阳】33.The boy is sleeping.Please _____the radio.A.turn up B.turn down C.turn on 【2013湖北宜昌】33.—It’s everyone’s duty to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign.—Sure.We should try to _______ all the food that we’ve ordered.A.give up

B.eat up

C.turn up

D.show up 【2013湖北宜昌】36.—What smells terrible?

—Sorry, I’ll _______ my shoes and wash them at once.A.put away

B.take away

C.move away

D.get away

【2013湖北十堰】30.Here is the book.First _________ it and then tell me what you think of it.A.look into B.look through C.look up D.look after 【2013湖北十堰】32.—What kind of persons do you prefer to make friends with?

—I choose my friends on their characters and how we __________.A.get in B.get up C.get on D.get off 【2013湖北孝感】37.—Dinner is ready.Help yourself!

xK b1.C om

—Wow!It _______ delicious.You are really good at cooking

A looks

B sounds

C tastes

D feels 【2013山西】22.In April, the weather in some places in Shanxi was really changeable.People still remember they have ________ four seasons in a week.A.organized B.experienced C.described

【2013山西】26.A student in Fudan University was killed by his roommate just because of small things in daily life.It is important for students to learn how to ________ each other.A.get on with B.come over to C.stay away from

【2013山东聊城】34.If you want to buy this dress , you 'd better ______ first to make sure it fits you.A.pay for it.B.take it off.C.tidy it up.D.try it on..【2013江苏扬州】6.— Who's the most modest boy in your class? — Daniel.He never ________ in public.A.gets off

B.takes off

C.shows off

D.turns off 【2013江苏盐城】10.David Burt’s dream in China is to go into the west and

an early childhood school there.A.clean up B.look up C.give up D.set up 【2013江苏无锡】12.—I think I’ve got a bad cold, Doctor, Shall I take some medicine? — No need.Your body itself is able to

the virus.Just drink more water and rest.A.catch B.fight C.lose D.hide 【2013福建福州】36.— Mum, where are my socks? — Under your bed.You should _________ your things.A.put on

B.put down

C.put away 【2013广东湛江】28.—Hello!Could I speak to Lily? —Sorry, she is not in.She

Shanghai.A.have been to

B.have gone to

C.has been to

D.has gone to 【2013山东滨州】24.—Diaoyu Island belongs to China.—Surely it does!We Chinese will never

it up.A.cut



D.set 【2013浙江宁波】22.—Can I _______ your bike? —With pleasure.But you mustn’t _______ it to others.A.lend;borrow



D.borrow;borrow 【2013浙江宁波】24.Scientists are trying their best to _______ ways to treat the terrible disease called H7N9.A.come up with

B.look forward to

C.talk about

D.give up 【2013浙江丽水】23.On the top of the hill ______ an ancient tower with a history of more than 1, 000 years.A.stood



D.lived 【2013内蒙古呼和浩特】3.The child doesn’t need any help.He is old enough to ________ himself.A.put on



D.take care

【2013辽宁鞍山】 38.We have to ___________ourselves when we are away from home.A.look at

B.look for

C.look up , D.look after 【2013辽宁鞍山】 25.—Can I smoke in the dining hall?

—Sorry.It's not_________.A.promised



D.reminded 【2013辽宁鞍山】 24.She hurriedly_________ the child and took him downstairs.A.put on



D.had on 【2013江苏扬州】8.— Mr Li, I can't understand everything in class.— Don't worry!I'll ________ the main points at the end.A.record



D.remember 【2013浙江丽水】25.The great writer has written many stories for children.It is said that a new one will ______ at the end of this month.A.go out

B.come out

C.look out

D.run out 【2013安徽】39.I will meet Jane at the station, Please____________ what time she will arrive.A.count



D.catch 【2013安徽】43.It is helpful to ___________ a good habit of reading in language learning.A.take B.show C.develop D.match 【2013安徽】48.The people in Ya'an have met lots of difficulties, but they haven’t __________hope.A.picked up

B.given up

C.looked for

D.waited for 【2013山东德州】28.Although many great people ever failed, they never_______ and managed to succeed.A.set out B.stayed up

C.kept on

D.gave up 【2013山东泰安】31.One of the best ways for people to keep healthy is to_______ good eating habits.A.grow B.develop C.increase D.find

【2013山东济南】53.—It’s hot today, isn’t it?

—Yes, it is.Why not __________ your jacket? A.take care

B.take place

C.take after

D.take off 【2013山东济南】43.—Alice, could you help me __________ the meat? I want to make some dumplings for dinner.—OK.I’ll do it right away.A.put up

B.give up

C.use up

D.cut up 【2013山东济南】35.I really enjoy the noodles and vegetables.They __________ delicious.A.stay




【2013山东济南】39.—Could I __________ your iPad, Alice?

—Of course.Here you are.A.lend



D.return 【2013湖南株洲】30.Boy, your books are everywhere.Please

.A.put them up

B.put them on

C.put them away 【2013福建泉州】40.—What can we do to ______bird flu from spreading?

—Try not to buy or eat chickens that have not been checked.A.prevent


C.discover 【2013湖北襄阳】32.Many teenagers the old and they often offer their seats to the old on buses.A.agree with B.worry about C.laugh at D.care for 【2013湖北襄阳】28 —Show me your homework, Dave? —Sorry, Mrs.Brown.I've it at home.A.missed B.forgotten C.lost D.left 【2013湖北咸宁】28.—The fire was finally

in Jilin Province on June 3.Unfortunately, 119 people lost their lives.—I hope the accident like this won’t happen again.A.put down

B.put away

C.put out

D.put up 【2013湖北随州】33.–How does Jack usually go to work? —He ______ drive a car, but now he ______ there to lose weight.A.used to;is used to walk

B.was used to;is used to walking C.was used to;is used to walk

D.used to;is used to walking 【2013山东烟台】22.Because of the bad weather, we have to

the meeting till next week.A.take off

B.get off

C.put off

D.set off 【2013四川雅安】20.My parents

getting up early on weekdays

A.used to

B.be used to

C.was used to

D.are used to 【2013四川雅安】4.I spent $5

this book.A.in

B.to buy


D.buy 【2013山东临沂】30.The Olympic Games of 2016 will

in Brazil.A.take after B.take off

C.take place

D.take away 【2013江苏淮安】13.It's getting dark.Please ________ the light.A.turn on

B.turn off

C.turn down

D.turn around 【2013湖北孝感】32._______ your sunglasses, Sally.The sun is so bright.A.Put down

B.Put up

C.Put away

D.Put on 【2013湖北襄阳】33.—Did you hear a terrible fire happened in the hotel near our school last night?

—Yes, it took the firemen an hour to

the fire.A.put out B.put on C.put down D.put off 【2013湖北荆州】22.It usually

Mum about half an hour to cook supper.A.pays



D.costs 【2013湖北荆州】23.— Sam, my iPhone is in my bedroom.Could you

it for me?

— No problem.1.bring



D.carry 【2013湖北荆州】24.— When are you going to

for Shanghai?

— Tomorrow morning.A.get off

B.turn off

C.take off

D.set off

【2013湖北荆州】25.His leg is seriously injured in the accident.a doctor at once.A.Ask for

B.Send for

C.Wait for

D.Look for 【2013湖北随州】35.—Which hobby do you think______ the least time? —Collecting stamps.A.takes up

B.puts up

C.gives up

D.makes up 【2013黑龙江齐齐哈尔】18.-Where’s Lucy?

-She has

Zhuhai.A.been to

B.been in

C.gone to 【2013黑龙江齐齐哈尔】24.-I’m sorry, Mr Li.I

my English homework at home.-Don’t forget

it to school tomorrow.A.left, to bring

B.forgot, to take

C.lost, to bring 【2013黑龙江齐齐哈尔】26.Nancy

a bus to school, but now he rides a bike.A.is used to taking

B.was used to take

C.used to take 【2013河南】 22.If you want to change the world, you have to______ yourself first.A.enjoy



D.change 【2013河南】30.______a light when necessary.You will bring light to other people and yourself.A.Try on

B.Get on

C.Turn on

D.Put on 【2013河北】41.Please

the water when you brush your teeth.A.take down

B.turn up

C.take away

D.turn off 【2013广西南宁】34.The heavy snow didn’t

the international airlines.A.pay attention to

B.add to

C.make a difference to

D.keep to

【2013广东梅州】36.My uncle is repairing some old bikes these days.He plans to ______ to charity.A.give them away

B.give them up

C.take them away

D.pick them up

【2013江苏南京】11.—What’s wrong with you, Eric? You look tired.—I

to prepare for the final exam last night.A.picked up B.woke up C.stayed up D.put up 【2013 甘肃白银】40.The company wants to _______ a school for the poor children.A.put off

B.set up

C.call in

D.look after 【2013 甘肃白银】56.Daisy is such a good daughter that she _______ most of her spare time with her parents.A.spends



D.affords 【2013江苏连云港】11.It was a difficult time for the quake-hit victims in Ya'an, but they didn't ________ hope.A.give up

B.give off

C.give in D.give out

【2013江苏连云港】6.— Would you please see the film Iron Man 3 with me tonight, Kate? — I'd love to, but I've ________ Linda's invitation to dinner.A.suffered


C.received D.accepted 【2013江苏泰州】13.— It's too hard for me to be a trailwalker.— Never ________.Believe in yourself!A.put up

B.give up

C.hurry up

D.look up 【2013江苏泰州】6.— What do you think of the song “You and Me”? — It ________ great.I love singing it.A.tastes



D.sounds 【2013四川宜宾】27.President Xi Jinping calls on Chinese people to ______ all the food each meal.A.eat up

B.use up

C.pick up

D.cut up 【2013四川宜宾】23.—What do you think of the zongzi?

—They ______ delicious.Are they made by your mother?





【2013山东烟台】28.My bike is broken.Could you help me to

? A.fix it up

B.set it up

C.make it up

D.put it up 【2013重庆】26.—Oh, it _____so nice.What beautiful music it is!A.smells



D.looks 【2013 浙江湖州】21.—— Would you mind speaking more slowly? I can hardly ________ you.—— Of course not.A.read



D.match 【2013 浙江湖州】19.—— Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow?

—— Well, it all _______ the weather.A.belongs to

B.happens to C.depends on D.concentrate on 【2013 浙江衢州】23.Our plane is

in a few minutes.Please be seated and keep your safe belt fastened.A.turning off

B.putting off

C.taking off

D.getting off 【2013四川内江】33.His family are worried about him because they haven't ____ letters from him for a long time.A.accepted



D.collected 【2013四川内江】24.The plane to Chengdu ____ just now.You have to wait until tomorrow.A.took off

B.took after

C.took out

D.took away 【2013山东青岛】25.— Do you know why he didn't ______a word when he ______to? —Because he was too nervous.A.speak, speaks B.say, was spoken

C.say, spoke D.speak, is spoken

【2013山东青岛】24.He ______ plenty of money to the people in the earthquake area ______.A.put out, to work out well

B.handed out, help them out C gave out, work out well

D.gave away;to help them out 【2013山东青岛】22.There aren’t many tickets left for the concert, you'd better ______that you get one today.A.make sure of

B.make a decision

C.make sure D.make plans 【2013山东青岛】16.She said she returned the book to the library.I’m sure she ______.A.takes B.is C.was

D.did 【2013山东青岛】14.— You look sad.What has happened? —Everyone ______ us to win the match, but we lost.A.expects B.expected C.hopes D.hoped 【2013山东青岛】9.— How much is the ticket to Central Park? —A one-way ticket ______ $40, and you can ______ another $20 for a round-trip.A.costs, pay B.cost, spend

C.pay, spend

D.spends, pay 【2013浙江舟山、嘉兴】22.It’s time for CCTV news.Let’s _______ the TV and watch it.A.turn on B.get on

C.try on

D.put on 【2013浙江温州】8.Andrea Bocelli never

, which makes him a successful singer.A.takes away B.gives away C.gets up D.gives up 【2013浙江台州】21.—Would you mind ______ the music a little? Don’t you think it’s too loud? —Sorry!I’ll do it in a minute.A.turning on B.turning off C.turning up D.turning down 【2013浙江台州】18.—How do you like Li Yundi? —A cool guy!His music ______ really beautiful.A.tastes



D.looks 【2013四川遂宁】30.The teachers encourage their students to

the problems by themselves, and in this way students can enjoy success.A.give up

B.work out

C.look through 【2013四川遂宁】27.If we Chinese work hard together.China Dream will

.A.come out

B.come true

C.achieve 【2013四川遂宁】24.Paul’s parents were worried that he

too much time chatting on line.A.spent


C.took 【2013四川泸州】9.Can you help me to _______ my dog when I leave for Hong Kong? A.look after

B.look for

C.look at

D.look through 【2013四川凉山】29.—Cindy, look at your new shoes.Aren’t they beautiful?

—Yes, they are really nice, Mum.I can’t wait to

.A.put them on

B.put it on

C.put on them 【2013四川广安】28.—When will the plane _____Shanghai? —Sorry,I don’t know.A.get

B.arrive at


【2013湖北黄石】38.It ______ me about 10 days ______ painting the walls.A.took;to finish

B.cost;finishing C.took;finishing

D.spent;to finish 【2013湖北黄石】33.Many students in our school _______ the old and they usually offer their seats to them on buses.A.worry about

B.care for

C.agree with

D.take care 【2013湖北黄石】37.Tom, it’s cold outside._______ your coat when you go out.A.Take off

B.Put on

C.Put away

D.Take away 【2013江苏无锡】7.There was a fire in the hotel around midnight last Friday.Luckily, it was soon

.A.turned on B.turned off C.put on

D.put out 【2013江苏苏州】15.I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we ______ just fine together.A.get along B.get up

C.get away

D.get off 【2013湖北武汉】40.It seems that the aged people ________ the H7N9 more easily from the recent case.A.pick up

B.mix up

C.set up

D.use up

【2013湖北武汉】38.—Is Kate serious?

—I ________.She never means it.A.suppose




【2013湖北武汉】35.—What does the instruction say?

—The colors in the dress will _______ if you use hot water.A.fall




【2013甘肃兰州】24.The firemen soon ________ the big fire.A.put off

B.put up

C.put out

D.put on 【2013山东济宁】22.— Do you know the price of the ticket? —Yes.Each______¥180.A.pays B.costs


D.spends 【2013江西】34.Anna is going on a tour of Xi’an, and she wants to _____Chinese history.A.dream of

B.learn about

C.look through

D.pass on 【2013 湖北黄冈】43.—How heavily it is raining!—What a pity!We have to _____ our sports meeting.A.put off

B.put out

C.put on

D.put up 【2013 湖北黄冈】30.Speak slowly, Mr.Wang.I can’t follow you.A.understand



D.expect 【2013 湖北黄冈】36.—I don’t know where to go this summer vacation.—Why not _____ visiting Huanggang? There are many places of interest there.A.suggest



D.regard 【2013贵州安顺】18.She ____ live alone.But she _____ living alone because she feels lonely.A.used to;doesn’t used to

B.is used to;was used to

C.used to;is not used to

D.was used to;doesn’t used to 【2013山东潍坊】25.Diaoyu Islands _________China ever since ancient times.A.belong to

B.belong in

C.belong under

D.belong with 【2013山东潍坊】20.—Do you often get online? —Yes.I________lots of time on it.It’s a good way to kill time.A.cost



D.use 【2013内蒙古呼和浩特】14.When you visit a museum you should _________ the instructions and don’t be against them.A.compare with

B.look forward to

C.pay attention to

D.try out

【2013黑龙江绥化】29.You are supposed to ________ smoking, ________ you will get ill.A.go on;so

B.give up;or

C stop;so 【2013黑龙江绥化】23.________ the teacher, I’ve made great progress.A.Thank you


C.Thanks lo 【2013黑龙江绥化】19.— It is too noisy here.I can’t stand it.— Me, too.We have to ________ new ways to solve the problem.A.catch up with

B.keep up with

C.come up with 【2013天津】26.He ______an English club last year and has improved his English a lot.A.protected



D.received 【2013天津】32.It’s cold outside.______ your sweater before you go out.A.Put on

B.Turn on

C.Put up

D.Give up(2013陕西)24.To keep healthy, many people________ every day.A take a shower

B.take pride

C.take a look

D.take exercise 【2013山东威海】34.—What are you packing so many books for, Grandma? —I'll

to the kids in West China.A.give them up

B.give them away C.give them off D.give them in 【2013山东莱芜】27.The little boy ________ his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus.A.lent



D.brought 【2013黑龙江绥化】10.It will ________ them several years to learn English well.A.cost


C.spend 【2013黑龙江绥化】12.一My aunt goes lo climb mountains every Sunday.一Oh? But she ________ hate climbing mountains.A.used to

B.was used to

C.is used lo 【2013浙江杭州】21.This morning I _________ some new restaurants on the Internet for I wanted to take Mia to a nice restaurant for her birthday.A.picked up B.looked up C.cleaned up D.gave up 【2013浙江绍兴】21.The girl is afraid to dance in public because she thinks others may___ her.A.laugh at

B.wait for

C.hear of

D.agree with

【2013浙江绍兴】18.—I’ve left my keys in the meeting room.Please ___them for me.—All right.A.buy



D.fetch 【2013重庆】35.We’ll ___an English play “Snow White” during this year’s Art Festival. A.look up

B.look out

C.put off

D.put on 【2013山东莱芜】29.一 It's too hot today.一 Yes.Why don't you ________ your jacket? A.put on

B.put up

C.take off

D.take after 【2013黑龙江哈尔滨】28.Mo Yan, a famous Chinese writer, won the Nobel Prize for literature at the end of the year 2012.We learn that success ______ the person with a never-give –up attitude.A.drives out

B.takes over

C.belongs to 【2013广西贺州】 37.Linda, I have to go shopping now.Please _____ your little sister at home.A.look for

B.look like

C.look after

D.look up 【2013江苏徐州】5.If you ________ your name on the paper,you can get a magazine.A.cut down

B.look down C.turn down

D.write down




as soon as

the moment,the minute,immediately,the instant,instantly 2.尽可能

as … as possible

as…as you can


be glad to do sth。

be pleased to do sth。

be happy to do sth。

be delighted to do sth。

have pleasure to do sth。4.准备做……

get ready for sth。

get sth.ready

be ready for sth。be ready to do sth。prepare for sth。

prepare oneself for sth。prepare to do sth。prepare sth.for sb。be prepared for sth。


Would you like to do sth.?

Would you like sth.?

Would you please do…?

(回答:I’d love to。)6.四“没用”

It is no use(in)doing sth。

There is no use doing sth。

It is useless to do sth。

It is no good(in)doing sth。7.如此表示“结果”

so …that…

enough to do sth。

too … to… 8.八“花费”

sb.spends some time/money on sth

sb.spends some time/money(in)doing sth。

sb.pays some money for sth。

sb.buy sth.for some money。

(sb sells sth.for some money。)

sth.costs sb.some time/money

It costs sb.some money/time to do sth。

It takes sb.some time/money to do sth。

It takes some time/money for sb.to do sth。


so that(引导目的状语从句)

in order that(引导目的状语从句)

so as to do sth.(引导目的状语,只位于句尾)

in order to do sth.(引导目的状语,可首可尾)

to do sth.(引导目的状语,可首可尾)10.三“以至于不”


so …… that…not…。.not…enough to… 11.两“习惯”

be used to doing sth。

be accustomed to doing sth。12.三个表示建议的表达

What about sth./doing sth.?

How about sth./doing sth.?

Why not do sth.?


What’s the matter with…?

What’s wrong with…?

What’s the trouble with…?

What happens to…? 14.两“为什么不”

Why not do sth.?

Why don’t you do sth? 15.三“不但……而且……”

not only…but also

not only…but…

not only…but …as well 16.“劝阻”“阻止”

stop sb.from doing

keep sb.from doing

prevent sb.from doing

discourage sb.from doing sth。

dissuade sb.from doing sth。17.四“相处”

get on with sb。

get on well with sb。

get along with sb。

get along well with sb。

mix with sb。

mix well with sb。


thanks to

due to

because of

as a result of

owing to 19.两“形式”

It’s + adj.(for/of sb.)to do sth.(形式主语)

find/think/feel it + adj.+ to do sth.(形式宾语)20.stress 句型汇总

be stressed out

be under a lot of stress

takestand the stress 忍受压力

put stress on sth.强调 21.两“弥补”

make up for

compensate for 22.五个“在…看来”

in one’s opinion, to one’s mind

in one’s view

in one’s eye

according to sb。


be lost

be missing

be gone 24.八“著名”

be famous for sth。

be famous to sb。

be famous as + 职位

be famous to sb.as+ 职位

be known for sth。

be known to sb。

be known as+ 职位

be known to sb.as+ 职位 25.四“满意”

be satisfied with

be pleased with

be happy with

be delighted with 26.四“为……而高兴”

be pleased for sb

be happy for sb。

be glad for sb。

be delighted for sth。


congratulate sb.on sth。

congratulations to sb.on sth。28.两“道歉”

apologize to sb.for sth。

make an apology to sb.for sth。29.三“玩得高兴”

have a good time

have fun(doing sth。)

enjoy oneself 30.九“决定”

decide to do sth。

make a decision to do sth。

determine to do sth。

be determined to do sth。

make a determination to do sth

resolve to do sth。

make a resolution to do sth。

make up one’s mind to do sth。

set one’s mind to do sth。




want to do sth

help sb with sth

Help sb do sth

ask sb to do sth

forget to do sth

take sb to sp

stop doing sth

get/Tell sb to do sth

see sb do sth

see sb doing sth

hear sb doing sth

be angry with sb

teach sb to do

fill A with B

decide to do sth

like doing sth

hope/wish to do sth

remember/forget to do sth

begin/start to do sth

There is/are sb doing sth

it is kind/dangerous of/for sb to do sth


it takes sb some time to do sth


it is happy/glad/sad…to do sth



Too+形容词/副词+to do sth


be good at

be late for

be worried about

be interested in

be busy dong sth

be afraid of

on one’s way to+地点 have a good time

have a rest

have sth done

look after

look like

look the same

look at


get ready for

Get on/off

get up

get down

get to

turn on/off/up/down

learn from sb

do well in

take away

take sb to sp

take sth with sb

take one’s temperature

take off

give up doing

pick up

put up

put down

put on

put sth+介词+地点

go away

go on doing

go into

go out of

go back to

go home

go along

make friends

make one’s bed


Listen to the music

talk to sb

read books

write a diary

walk to school

smile to sb

run on the playground

take jumping exercise See a film

ask sb for help

tell stories

sit at table

lie on the bed Sleep in bed

play basketball/football

Sing a song

laugh at sb

have breakfast/lunch/supper

Clean my bedroom

swim in the river

lay on the ground

teach me English

throw about litter Wear a red coat

fall off/down on

go shopping/fishing/swimming/boating

do some cooking/washing/shpping

ride a bike to sp
















do not/does not/did not/+v



will/would/be going to+v原










常见的有 when



as soon as


But,however 然而,如:③Jim is intelligent but lazy.表示“举例示范”:

For example, in other words,换句话说


Better early than late.宁早勿迟

It is never too late to learn.学习永远不嫌晚。

Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。

Health is better than wealth.健康胜于财富。

Parents are the first teachers of the children.父母是孩子的第一任老师。

Time waits for no man.时不待人。

Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。

开头句子: As we know, we students are very tired because of study.Just as the saying goes: “Every coin has its two sides”,television has both advantages and disadvantages.正像谚语所说:“任何硬币都有两面”,电视即有优点也有缺点。

The problem of..is important/serious/..to us.Now let me talk something about it.结尾句子:In a word,I think I will have a good time in …

I believe everything will be better in the fulture.I am sure the world must be better if we all give our love to others./if we all make a contribution to it.Let us do it hard/try our best to do it.





1)come back回来 2)come down 下来 3)come in 进入,进来

4)come on 快,走吧,跟我来 5)come out出来

6)come out of 从……出来 7)come up上来

8)come from 来自…… 9)come about 发生 10)come to 到…来 11)come over 过来

12)come up to向…走来

1)get up 起身 2)get down取下

3)get ready for(=be ready for)为……作好准备

4)get on(well)with与……相处(融洽)

5)get back返回

6)get rid of 除掉,去除 7)get in 进入,收集

8)get on/off上/下(车,船,飞机等)9)get to到达

10)get there到达那里 11)get out one’way to do sth.特地做某事

12)get in the way of妨碍

13)get sb.into trouble使某人陷入困

14)get away from远离…

1)give away赠送 2)give out颁发

3)give off 发出(气味等)4)give back 归还,送回 5)give up放弃 6)give in屈服

7)give sb.some advice给某人提建议 8)give a talk作报告

9)give lessons to sb.给某人上课 10)give sb.a good beating 好好教训某人一

11)give sb.a hand 帮某人个忙

1)go ahead先走,向前走,去吧,干吧

2)go down/along 沿着…走 3)go out for… 出去做….4)go to school(college)上学(上大学)5)go to(the)hospital去医院看病 6)go over过一遍,复习/go over to 朝……走去7)go


8)go round顺便去,绕道走 9)go up 上去

10)go on(doing)继续(做……)11)(the lights)go out(灯)熄了 12)go across…穿过…﹙平面﹚ 13)go by流逝﹙时间﹚14)go to the lessons去上课 15)go for a walk 去散步 16)go away 走开

17go to sleep 入睡go to bed 上床睡觉

1)look out of(outside)往外看(看外面)

2)look up a word(in the dictionary)查字典

3)look up 往上看,仰望

4)look after 照管,照看,照顾 5)look for寻找

6)look like看上去像

7)look fine/well/tired/worried看起来气色好/健康/疲劳/忧虑 8)look out当心,小心

9)look on …as…把……看作…… 10)look around朝四周看 11)look at看着…… 12)look down on 藐视

13)look over 检查(身体等)14)look forward to盼望 15)look through浏览

1)put on 穿上(衣服),戴上(帽子),上演(戏剧)

2)put up建造,搭起,挂起,举起,张帖

3)put into使进入,输入

4)put one's heart into 全神贯注于 5)put…down…把……放下 6)put…into…把……译成 7)put away 把…收拾起来 8)put out熄灭 9)put off 推迟

1)set up竖起,建起 2)set off出发,动身 3)set out出发

4)set an example for为……树立榜样

1)take one's advice听从某人劝告 2)take out拿出,取出 3)take place发生

4)take one's place坐……的座位,代替某人职务

5)take the place of代替…… 6)take a walk/rest散步/休息 7)take it easy别紧张

8)take sth.with sb.随身带着

9)take sb.to a park/London for one's holidays带某人去公园/伦敦度假 10)take care of关心,照顾,保管

11)take a look(a last look)at看一看(最后看一眼)

12)take an exam参加考试 13)take away拿走

14)take back收回,带回 15)take hold of抓住……

16)take off脱下(衣,帽,鞋等)拿掉 17)take(an active)part in(积极)参加(活动

18)take photos拍照

19)take some medicine服药 20)take down拿下

21)take up 占据(时间,空间)

1)turn on开,旋开(电灯,收音机等)2)turn off关上(电灯,收音机等)3)turn in 交出,上交 4)turn…into…变成 5)turn to翻到,转向 6)turn down(把音量)调低 7)turn…over把……翻过来

阅读和作文中常见常用词组 1)ask for向……要……,请求 2)ask for leave请假 3)send for派人去请(叫)4)pay for付……的款 5)wait for等候

6)thank for为……感谢

7)apologize to sb.for sth.为某事向某人道歉

8)look for 寻找

9)leave…for离开……去…… 10)fall off跌落

11)catch a cold着凉,伤风 12)catch up with赶上

13)agree with sb.同意某人的意见 14)filled……with把……装满 15)tell sb.about sth.告诉某人某事 16)talk about谈论…… 17)think about考虑…… 18)worry about担忧…… 19)look after照料

20)run after追赶,跟在后面跑 21)read after跟……读 22)smile at对……微笑 23)knock at敲(门、窗)

24)shout at 对……大喊(嚷)25)throw away扔掉

26)work hard at努力做…… 27)wait in line排队等候 28)change…into…变成 29)hurry into…匆忙进入 30)run into…跑进 31)hear of听说

32)think of认为,考虑 33)catch hold of抓住 34)instead of代替…… 35)hand in交上来

36)stay in bed卧病在床 37)hear from收到……来信 38)at once立刻 39)at last最后

40)at first起先,首先

41)at the age of…在……岁时42)at the end of…在……之末43)at the beginning of… 在……之初 44)at the foot of…在……脚下 45)at the same time同时

46)at night/noon在夜里/中午47)with one's help在某人的帮助下,由于某人的帮助

48)with the help of …在……的帮助下

49)with a smile面带笑容

50)with one's own eyes亲眼看见 51)after a while过了一会儿 52)from now on从现在起53)from then on从那时起 54)far example例如 55)far away from远离

56)from morning till night从早到晚 57)by and by不久

58)by air mail寄航空邮件 59)by ordinary mail寄平信 60)by the way 顺便说

61)by the window在窗边

62)by the end of…到……底为止 63)little by little逐渐地 64)in all总共 65)in fact事实上

66)in one's twenties在某人二十几岁时

67)in a hurry匆忙

68)in the middle of在……中间 69)in a minute立刻,很快 70)in time(on time)及时71)in public公众,公开地 72)in order to为了…… 73)in front of在……前面 74)in the sun在阳光下 75)in the end最后,终于 76)in surprise惊奇地 77)in turn依次 78)of course当然

79)a bit(of)有一点儿 80)a lot of许多

81)on one's way to某人在去…的路上 82)on foot步行,走路

83)a talk on space一个关于太空的报告

84)on the other hand另一方面 85)at/on the weekend在周末 86)on the left(right)在左(右)边 87)on the other side of 在……另一边 88)on the radio通过收音机 89)to one's joy使……高兴的是 90)to one's surprise使……惊讶的是 91)think over仔细考虑

92)arrive at/in a place到达某处 93)eat up吃完,吃光

94)do well in在……干得好

95)enjoy doing sth.like doing sth.喜欢做某事喜欢干某事

96)find out发现,查出(真相等)97)finish off吃完,喝完

98)stop doing sth.停止做某事 99)stop to do sth.停下来去做某事 110)hold a meting举行会议 111)hold up举起

112)hurry up赶快,快点 113)enter for报名参加 114)langht at嘲笑 115)be used to习惯于 116)used to过去常常 117)wake…up唤醒 118)work out算出

1)be back/in/out回来/在家/外出 2)be at home/work 在家/上班 3)be good at善于,擅长于

4)be careful of当心,注意,仔细 5)be covered with被……复盖 6)be ready for为……作好准备 7)be surprised(at)对……感到惊讶

8)be interested in对……感到举 9)be born出生

10)be on 在进行,在上演,(灯)亮着

11)be able to do sth.能够做…… 12)be afraid of(to do sth.that…)害怕……(不敢做……,恐怕……)13)be angry with sb.生(某人)的气 14)be pleased(with)对……感到高兴(满意)

15)be famous for以……而著名 16)be strict in(with)对….严格要求17)be from来自……,什么地方人 18)be hungry/thirsty 饿了/渴了 19)be worried 担忧

20)be worth doing值得做……

21)be covered with 被…所覆盖…… 22)be in(great)need of(很)需要 23)be in trouble处于困境中

24)be glad to do sth.很高兴做…… 25)be late for ……迟到

26)be made of(from)由……制成 27)be satisfied with 对……感到满意 28)be free空闲的,有空 29)be(ill)in bed卧病在床

30)be busy doing(with)忙于做…



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