高考英语二轮复习 专题一 时态和语态综合练(二)(5篇模版)

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第一篇:高考英语二轮复习 专题一 时态和语态综合练(二)



1.Many newspapers printed the governor’s statement ________ would support a tax cut.A.and he B.was that he

C.which he

D.that he 2.The dictionary is to a student ________ the tool is to a worker.A.which B.that


D.whatever 3.The US/UK war against Iraq and the suffering ________ caused have become a big concern all over the world.A.what B.which

C.it D./ 4.It is partly ________ the summer day is longer that everything has a larger time to warm up.A.for


C.the reason

D.because 5.Through English we will be able to communicate ________ part of the world we come from.A.in which B.even if


D.wherever 6.The factory produced many famous cars, none of ________ shipped to foreign countries.A.them B.which


D.what 7.The manager decided to give the job to ________ he believed had a strong sense of duty.A.whoever B.whomever


D.those 8.Is it true ________ the rain stops, it will be as hot as in the summer here? A.when B.that when


D.that 9.________ different life today is ________ what it was 30 years ago.A.How;from B.What a;from


D.How;with 10.A computer is so useful a machine ________ we can use everywhere.A.that B.which


D.what 11.Mother made a promise ________ I passed the College Entrance Examinations she would buy me a mobile phone.A.that B.if that

C.that if

D.that whether 12.Personally I think it is the sales manager, rather than the sales girls,________ 1 to blame.A.is B.that is


D.who are 13.________ he told us is the news ________ China has got 32 gold medals in the 28th Olympic Games in Athens, ________,of course, made the nations feel very excited.A.What;which;which C.What;that;which

14.Elbert Einstein, for ________ life had once been very hard, was successful later in science.A.whom B.whose




D.That;that;what 15.Children’s brains can’t develop properly________ they lack protein(蛋白质).

A.when B.since

C.because D.unless 16.The news ________ is spreading around the airport is ________ a heavy storm is coming.A.what;/ D.that;which 17.Our teacher is always busy preparing lessons until 11 o’clock at night,________ we students have gone to sleep.A.that time B.by which time time 18.—What should we pay more attention to if we go north in winter, Mum? —Nothing much.Take warm clothes ________ the weather is cold.A.as long as B.now that


D.in case

C.by that time




19.The media can often help solve problems and draw attention ________ situations ________ help is needed.A.in;that where 20.There were two boys in the lab,________ did the experiment successfully.A.the clever of whom C.the clever of them


Visit Iceland and you’ll enter a whole new region of experience.You’ll discover original nature as you’ve never seen it before, and the equally original people for whom timeless nature, ancient heritage and modern lifestyle coexist in harmony.The

B.the cleverer of whom D.the cleverer of them



D.to; 2 freedom to wander in the city or wilds as you please is the key to the Iceland experience.Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, is just a part of the Icelandic experience with its midnight sun or the magical landscapes mixed with ice and fire.Reykjavik has a population of around 170,000 and offers an interesting mix of cosmopolitan(世界各地的)culture and local village roots.Old accounts say the ancient gods themselves guided Iceland’s first settler to make his home in Reykjavik.He named the place Reykjavik(Steamy Bay)after the geothermal(地热)steam he saw, which today heats homes and outdoor swimming pools throughout the city, a pollution­free energy source that leaves the air outstandingly fresh, clean and clear.A beautiful river runs through the city limits, and so do fine parks and even wild outdoor areas.In the outskirts(郊区)are places for horse trekking and golf.But against this backcloth of nature, Reykjavik has a packed program of familiar city joys too: art museums, several theaters, an opera house, a symphony orchestra and concerts meeting the needs of the whole spectrum of age and taste.One must for all visitors is dining out on Icelandic specialties, including delicious seafood, ocean­fresh from the morning’s catch, highland lamb and unusual varieties of game.Its purely natural food imaginatively served to delight the most discerning(内行的)of diners.Reykjavik is also famous as one of Europe’s nightspots, where the action on the friendly pub and nightlife scene lasts right through the night.In the evening, the downtown area is filled with activities, reaching its peak on Friday or Saturday.The number of pubs, café,discos, and other night­spots in the downtown area is astonishing.There are a rich variety of places to go: European­style cafés and nightclubs with live entertainment, dance balls for seniors, sports­theme pubs with big TV screens, cafers that offer over 100 types of beer, an Irish pub, a Spanish café and a French wine bar.Walking distances are short downtown, and everything worth seeing outside the city center can be quickly and conveniently reached by bus.With its long, easy­going main streets and large shopping malls, Iceland’s capital is a great place to shop too—with a bonus of tax­free shopping for visitors!Be careful not just for souvenirs(纪念品)(especially woolens and handicrafts)but also for stylish consumer goods and designer labels at competitive prices.A full range of accommodations(住宿)is available in Reykjavik, from international­standard hotels with good conference facilities, through smaller hotels and comfortable guesthouses, to a campsite in the city’s biggest park.1.It can be learned from the passage that Reykjavik ________.A.was named by the ancient gods B.got its name from the visitors C.was named by Iceland’s first settler D.was named after Iceland’s first settler

2.While visiting Iceland, the most enjoyable thing is ________.A.to taste its purely natural food B.to wander freely in the city or the wilds as you please C.to visit the night­spots there D.to do tax­free shopping

3.Which of the following subjects are mentioned in the fifth paragraph? A.Shopping and accommodations.B.Dining and night­spots.C.City joys and backcloth of nature.D.Transportation and landscapes.4.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.A.all visitors must dine out while visiting Iceland B.hotel accommodation is so scarce that visitors usually camp in the city’s biggest parks C.people living in Reykjavik seldom get heat from coal D.you have to walk short distance if you want to go sightseeing outside 5.A college student who majors in food and drinks visits Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland probably because________.A.it offers an interesting mix of cosmopolitan culture and local village roots B.its geothermal steam is rich and the air is fresh C.it has a variety of purely natural food and cafés, pubs of foreign style D.it has tax­free malls and international­standard hotels with good conference facilities 答案


1.D 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.A 16.B 17.B 18.D 19.D 20.B


1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C





C)经常性、习惯性动作。例:He always helps others.(他总是帮助别人。)

D)客观事实和普遍真理。尤其要注意,如果前后文不是一般现在时,则无法保持 主句、从句时态一致。E)表示一个按规定、计划或安排要发生的动作,(仅限于某些表示“来、去、动、停、开始、结束、继续”等动词)可以与表示未来时间的状语搭配使用。常见用法是:飞机、火车、轮船、汽车等定期定点运行的交通方式。例:The next train leaves at 3 o'clock this afternoon.(下一趟火车今天下午3点开车。)How often does this shuttle bus run?(这班车多久一趟?)

F)在时间和条件状语从句里经常用一般现在(有时也用现在完成时)表示将来事 情。

例:When you have finished the report, I will have waited for about 3 hours.(等你完成这份报告的时候,我就已经等了将近3个小时了。)

2.现在进行时(be doing)用法:现在正在进行的动作。

3.现在完成时(have done)


例:I bought a new house, but I _________ my old one yet, so at the moment I have two houses.A)didn't sell B)sold C)haven't sold D)would sell答案(C)

B)表示从过去某时刻开始,持续到现在的动作或情况,并且有可能会继续延续下去。此时经常用延续性动词。时间状语常用since加一个过去的时间点,或for 加一段时间,或by加一个现在时间。

例:Great as Newton was, many of his ideas ___________ today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time.A)are to challengeB)may be challengedC)have been challengedD)are challenging全句意思是:“虽然牛顿是个伟大的人物,但他的许多见解直到今天还在受到挑战,并且被现代科学家的工作所修正。”challenge是及物动词,在本句中应是被动语态;动作延续到今天,所以要用现在完成时态。可见答案是

C)have been challenged。A)are to challenge和D)are challenging都是主动语态,不可能是答案。B)may be challenged虽是被动语态,但意思与全句内容不合,不对。C)表示发生在过去,但对现在仍有影响的动作或情况。通常用点动词,如:arrive, begin, find, give, lose等。例:John has broken his left leg.约翰摔断了左腿。注意事项:A)现在完成时是联系过去和现在的纽带。现在完成时和过去时的区别在于:现在完成时强调动作的动态,或受动态的影响,是动态的结果,对现在有影响;过去时只表示过去的某个具体时间里发生的动作,与现在没有联系。例:He worked in that hospital for 8 years.(他曾经在那家医院工作了8年。这只是讲述一个过去的事实,他现在已经不在那家医院了。)He has worked in that hospital for 8 years.(他已经在那家医院里工作了8年。表示他从过去开始工作,一直工作到现在,现在仍在那家医院工作。)

B)因为含有for加一段时间或since加一个时间点这样的时间状语的完成时,有动态和延续性的特点,所以不能使用终端动词或瞬间动词。例:My sister has married.Don't disturb her.(终端动词)My sister has been married for 5 years.(过去分词做表语表示状态,可以延续)

C)在“this is the first/ second/ third„„ time that„„”句型里要求用完成时。

例:This is the second time that the products of our company have been shown in the International Exhibition.(这是我公司产品第二次参加国际展览会。)

D)句型“It is/ has been„„since”所使用的两种时态都正确。

例:It is/ has been 10 years since I last saw him.(从我上次见到他以来已经10年了。)

E)在“no sooner than”、“hardly/ scarcely „„when”、“before”、“prior to”等句型中,主句要求完成时。例:I haven't met that professor prior to today.(以前我从未见过那位教授。)

4.现在完成进行时(have been doing)


例:We have been working on this project for over a month now.(到目前为止,我们一直在处理那个项目,已经花了一个多月时间了。)注意事项:与现在完成时相比,现在完成进行时更强调:在从过去到现在的时间里,动作或状态一直持续或一直反复出现。

例:(1997年6月四级第45 题)It seems oil ___________ from this pipe for some time.We'll have to take

the machine apart to put it right.A)had leakedB)is leakingC)leakedD)has been leaking

从本题上下文看,这两个句子的意思是:“看来,这个管道漏油已有一段时间了,我们将不得不拆卸机器排除故障。”第二句表示将要采取的措施。第一句动作发生在第二句之前,并且延续到现在为止仍在继续。因此,空格中需用现在完成时或现在完成进行时。D)has been leaking是现在完成进行时,因此是本题的答案。有11%的考生误选了B)is leaking。由于本句有时间状语for some time,表示谓语动作延续,谓语不能用现在进行时,必须用和完成时有关的时态。有些考生误选了C)leaked或A)had leaked。是因为他们没有注意到本题第二句是一般将来时,所以第一句的谓语不能用过去时或过去完成时。



B)表示过去习惯性动作。特别是由would/ used to do表达的句型,本身表示的 就是过去时。

例:The old man would sit on a bench in the quiet park and look at others for hours without doing anything or talking to anybody.(老人过去常常坐在宁静的公园里的一条长椅上,看着其他的人,一坐就是数个小时,什么也不干,也不和任何人交谈。)

He used to visit his mother once a week.(他以前总是每周看望一次他的母亲。)


例:I wanted to ask you if I could borrow your car?(我想向您借车用一用,可以吗?)

Would you mind my sitting here?(您介意我坐在这里吗?)

注意事项: A)注意时间状语的搭配。一般过去时的时间状语应该是表示过去某个时间的词或词组,如:yesterday, last month, in 1999, two days ago等,绝对不可与recently, in the past 10 years, this month等连用,因为这样的时间状语都与现在有关系,应该用现在完成时或一般现在时。

B)used to do的否定形式和疑问形式很特别:你怎么写都正确。以否定形式为例:used not to do, didn't used to do, didn't use to do都对。

Used to do经常与 be used to doing sth/ sth结构进行对比。前者表示“过去常常或过去曾经”,要求加动词原形;后者表示“习惯于”,要求加名词或动名词。

6.过去完成时(had done)

用法:表示在过去的某个时间或动作以前已经发生的动作或已经存在的状态。就是我们常说的:表示“过去的过去的动作或状态”。Until then, his family _________ from him for six months.A)didn't hear C)hasn't heard B)hasn't been hearing D)hadn't heard

全句的意思是:“到那时为止,他家里已经有六个月没得到他的消息了。”由此可以看出,谓语动词的动作延续到过去的某一时刻才完成,因此谓语要用过去完成时。答案是D)。其它选项中:A)didn't hear,因为一般过去时只表示过去发生的事情或存在的状态,所以不能与时间状语for six months连用。B)hasn't been hearing,现在完成进行时表示过去某时刻继续到现在或现在还在进行的动作,与题意不符。C)hasn't heard,现在完成时表示从过去某一时刻到现在为止发生的动作。而题中的then只表示过去的某一时刻,不能表示现在时间。注意事项:“过去的过去”这种逻辑关系常通过上下文体现出来,而不一定受某个时间状语的限制。

例:There had been some one in our room just now, because I noticed a burning cigarette end on the floor when we opened the front door.(刚才有人在我们的房间里,因为我们打开前门进来时,我注意到地板上有一支仍在燃烧的香烟。)分析:虽然时间状语是just now,似乎应该使用一般过去时,但是“在房间里”这个状态是在“开门”和“注意”这两个过去的动作之前就存在的,所以应该用过去完成时。

7.过去将来时(would/ should do)


例:I said on Thursday I should see my friend the next day.(我星期四说我将于第二天拜访我的朋友。)事项:由于过去将来时是由过去时和将来时组合而成的,所以其注意事项可以参考过去时和将来时的相关注意事项。

8.过去进行时(was/ were doing)


例:Mary was listening to light music 10 minutes ago.(10分钟前,玛丽正在听轻音乐。)

B)如果when, while这样的时间状语引导词所引导的主从句之一是一般过去时,则另一个句子常用过去进行时。例:I was washing my hair when you knocked at the front door.(你敲前门时我正在洗头发。)注意事项:其它与将来时有关的事项请参见下面所讲的一般将来时。


用法:A)基本结构是will / shall do。例:We shall send her a glass hand-made craft as her birthday gift.(我们将送给她一个玻璃的手工制品,作为给她的生日礼物。)

B)有些动词,如:arrive, be close, come, do, done, go, have, leave, open, play, return, sleep, start, stay等,用于一般进行时,并且通常与一个表示将来时间的时间状语连用,可以表示将来时。

例:My mother is coming to visit me next week and is staying here until May.(我妈妈下周将来看我,并会呆到5月。)

C)表示“打算去„„,要„„”时,可用be going to do。

例:This is just what I am going to say.(这正是我想说的。)

D)表示“即将、正要”时,可用be about to do。强调近期内或马上要做的事。

例:Don't worry, I am about to make a close examination on you.别担心,我马上就给你做一次仔细的检查E)“be to do”的5种用法:


例:She is to be seen in the lab on Monday.(星期一你准会在实验室见到她。)

b)该做或不该做的事情(语气上接近于should, must, ought to, have to),表示一种命令、规劝性语气。例:You are to go to bed and keep quiet, kids.Our guests are arriving in less than 5 minutes.(孩子们,你们必须 上床睡觉,不准吵闹。我们的客人5分钟之内就要到了。)

c)能或不能发生的事情(接近can, may)

例:How am I to pay such a debt?(我怎么可能还得起这么大的一笔债呢?)


例:I assure you that the matter _______ as quickly as possible.Have a little patience.A.will be attendedB.will be attended toC.is attendedD.is attended to

will be attended to关键的一点是:attend表示“处理,解决”时是不及物动词,必须与to连用。另外,从上下文看,事情显然尚未解决,所以应该用将来时的被动语态。答案是B。

e)用于条件从句“如果„„想,设想”(接近if „„want to,或if „„should)

例:Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage ____________ avoided.A)is to beB)can beC)will beD)has been

答案是A)is to be。全句的意思是:“如果要避免食品短缺,就必须作出更大努力来增加农业产量。”F)同样可以表示“正要、将要”的意思的句型是be on the point of doing。

例:The coach is on the point of giving up the game because our team has been scored 7 points.(教练想要放弃这场比赛了,因为对方已经射进了7个球。)

例:I hope his health will have improved by the time you come back next year.(我希望到明年你回来的时候,他的身体已经好多了。)

10.将来进行时(will be doing)


例:Don't worry, you won't miss her.She will be wearing a red T-shirt and a white skirt at that time.(别担心,你不会认不出她的。她到时会穿一件红色的T恤衫和一条白色的短裙。)


11.将来完成时(will have done)


本题考核谓语动词的时态。全句的意思是:“会议从开始到结束将持续整整一个星期。”句中by the time it ends表示动作要延续到将来某一时刻,因此要用将来完成时。答案是B)will have lasted。如果选A),因为情态动词must后面接动词不定式的完成时形式表示对已经发生的事情的一种肯定推测,而本句的时间状语是by the time it ends而非by the time it ended,所以犯了时态不呼应的错误。Would虽可以表示推测或可能性,但would last不能表示延续到将来某一时刻的动作,所以C)would last错误。因为D)has lasted是现在完成时,表示到现在为止已经完成的动作,不能表示延续到将来某一时刻的动作,所以也不正确。


12)将来完成进行时:(shall have been doing,will have been doing)

例:By the end of next month, the project will have been being worked for 3 years.(到下个月底为止,这项工程就已经不停地进行了3年了。)(被动语态)

13)过去完成进行时:(had been doing)

例:The old clock had been being taken apart of and fixed up again for several times by my 10-year old son before I came back home.(我回到家之前,我10岁大的儿子已经把这个旧钟表拆卸并重新组装了好几回了。)(此处强调“拆卸”和“组装”这两个过去的过去的动作一直在反复进行。)(被动语态)

14)过去将来进行时:(should be doing , would be doing)

例:The government promised that a new highway would be being built next July.(政府承诺说第二年7月将有一条新的高速公路正在修建。)(此句的时间状语是具体的将来时间,所以最好用将来进行时。)(被动语态)

15)过去将来完成时:(should have done , would have done)

例:I believed by the end of that year an advanced version of that software would have been developed, but I was wrong.(我坚信到那年年底为止,那个软件的新版本将被开发出来。但是我错了。)(此句为被动语态)

16)过去将来完成进行时:(should have been doing , would have been doing)

例:They said that by the end of the following month, the project would have been being worked for 3 years.(他们说到第二个月底为止,这项工程就已经不停地进行了3年了。)



1.被动语态的基本时态变化 被动语态通常为十种时态的被动形式, 被动语态由be+过去分词构成,be随时态的变化而变化。以do为例,各种时态的被动语态形式为:

1)am/is/are +done(过去分词)一般现在时例Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.2)has /have been done 现在完成时例All the preparations for the task have been completed, and we're ready to start.3)am/is /are being done 现在进行时例A new cinema is being built here.

4)was/were done 一般过去时 例I was given ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.5)had been done 过去完成时 例By the end of last year, another new gymnasium had been completed in Beijing.6)was/were being done 过去进行时 例A meeting was being held when I was there.7)shall/will be done 一般将来时 例Hundreds of jobs will be lost if the factory closes.8)should/would be done 过去将来时 例The news would be sent to the soldier's mother as soon as it arrived.9)shall/will have been done 将来完成时(少用)例The project will have been completed before July.10)should/would have been done 过去将来完成时(少用)


1)带情态动词的被动结构。其形式为:情态动词+be+过去分词。例The baby should be taken good care of by the baby-sitter

2)有些动词可以有两个宾语,在用于被动结构时,可以把主动结构中的一个宾语变为主语,另一宾语仍然保留在谓语后面。通常变为主语的是间接宾语。例His mother gave him a present for his birthday.可改为He was given a present by his mother for his birthday.3)当“动词+宾语+宾语补足语”结构变为被动语态时,将宾语变为被动结构中的主语,其余不动。

Someone caught the boy smoking a cigarette.可改为The boy was caught smoking a cigarette.4)在使役动词have, make, get以及感官动词see, watch, notice, hear, feel, observe等后面不定式作宾语补语时,在主动结构中不定式to要省略,但变为被动结构时,要加to。

例Someone saw a stranger walk into the building.可改为A stranger was seen to walk into the building.5)有些相当于及物动词的动词词组,如“动词+介词”,“动词+副词”等,也可以用于被动结构,但要把它们看作一个整体,不能分开。其中的介词或副词也不能省略。例The meeting is to be put off till Friday.3.非谓语动词的被动语态v.+ing 形式及不定式to do 也有被动语态(一般时态和完成时态)。

第三篇:2010高考二轮复习英语教案——专题六 动词时态和语态


专题六 动词时态和语态




3.进行时与某些频度副词连用时,常带有赞赏、厌烦等感情色彩; 4.时间状语从句或条件状语从句中常用一般时表将来; 5.will/be going to do/be about to do的用法区别; 6.固定句式中的时态搭配;


8.was/were going to do以及had intended/hoped/expected/thought等可表示本打算干某事,实际上未干成;


1)It/This is/was+the+序数词+time+that-----;It/This is/was+the+形容词最高级+名词+-----2)hardly/scarcely----when,no sooner---than结构中when,than前的主句必须用过去完成时时than,when所在的从句用一般过去时;

3)It is(high)time that-----(早)该----结构中,从句谓语动词必须用过去时,是虚拟语气的一种; 4)It will be+一段时间+before+从句(从句谓语动词一般用现在时)It was+一段时间+before+从句(从句谓语动词一般用过去时)5)It is/has been+一段时间+since从句(从句用一般过去时)It was/had been+一段时间+since从句(从句用一般过去完成时)


【教法指引】高考对时态的考查非常灵活且难度较大,不易把握。大部分时态题答案的选择取决于题干语境;但也有部分时态试题较易把握,其用法相对固定,常见于特定句式结构中;还有部分常见时态用法特殊。综观近年来的高考单项填空题,动词成为考查的热点,在15个单项选择中,考查动词时态的题一般不少于2道,动词的时态常和语态、主谓一致结合在一起进行考查。教师在指导学生复习备考、答题中,要遵循如下思路: ① 这个动作可能发生在什么时间?题干句中可参照的时间信息有那些?

② 这个动作处于什么时态,是进行中,还是已经结束(完成)?限制或修饰这个动作的状语信息有哪些?

③ 这个动作与主语的关系,是主动还是被动?






1、一般现在时表示现在经常发生或习惯性的行为或状态,常与usually, always, every day, twice a week, seldom, sometimes等时间状语连用。

He always sleeps with the windows open.他总是开着窗子睡觉。

2、一般现在时表示主语的性格、特征、能力等。He works hard.他工作很努力

3、一般现在时表示客观事实或普遍真理,也用在格言中。The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起。


在由when, if, after, before, as, as soon as, the minute, the next time, in case, though, till, until, unless, so long as, where, whatever, whenever等引导的状语从句中,常用一般现在时代替将来时,但应注意,主句的谓语动词必须用一般将来时。The volleyball match will be put off if it rains.如果下雨,排球赛将推迟

5、表示安排或计划好的将来动作,通常限于表示“运动”的动词,如:go, come, leave, start等。The train starts at 10 o' clock in the morning.火车在上午10点发车


一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或状态,常和表示过去的时间连用,yesterday, last night, in 1990, two days ago等。也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作,常和often, always等表示频度的时间状语连用

1、表示过去某个特定时间发生的动作或状态,常有明确的时间状语,如yesterday,last night, some years ago,in1890等,以及由when等引导的时间状语从句。

2、表示过去某一段时间内经常或反复发生的动作常与often,usually,seldom等表示频度的副词连用。When I was in the countryside, I often called on my old friends there.我在乡村里,经常去拜访那里的朋友。


They said they would let us know if they heard any news about him.他们说如果听到什么关于他的消息,就通知我们。


这一用法只适用于某些特定的句型,表示现在或将来的非真实、主观意图或愿望。If only I had a better memory.要是我的记忆力好一点就好了。

If it rained tomorrow, the match would be put off.要是明天下雨,比赛就会延期举行。


1、一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow, in the future, next year等。一般将来时由“助动词will/shall+动词原形”构成。

2、一般将来时的其他表达法(1)“be going to+动词原形”表将来

①这种结构表示打算、计划、决定要做的事或肯定要发生的事。They are going to meet outside the school gate.他们打算在校门口见面。

②还可表示说话人根据已有的事实或迹象,认为某事即将发生、肯定会发生或可能出现的情况。I think I'm going to die.我想我要死了。(现在生命垂危)

Look at the cloud.It's going to rain.瞧那乌云,天要下雨了。(乌云密布,使我断定天要下雨)

③这种结构表示“肯定、预测,注定会”。在这种情况下可以和“think, hope, want, belive, like”等表示静态的动词连用。

He failed in the exam;he knew he was going to when he looked at the test paper.他没考及格,他一看试卷就知道考不及格。The voters aren't going to like him.选民们不会喜欢他的。“be about to+动词原形”表将来

(2)“be about to+动词原形”表示打算或据安排即将发生的动作。它不与表示时间的副词或其他时间状语连用。The English evening is about to start.英语晚会即将开始。

(3)“be to+动词原形”表示约定的、计划中的或按职责、义务要求要发生的动作,这种动作通常是人的意志所能控制的,或用于征求意见。

There's to be a slide show this afternoon.今天下午要放幻灯。You are to hand in your papers by 10 o'clock.到10点你得交上试卷。(4)用现在进行时来表示将来

现在进行时表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,这一结构常用于表示位置转移的动词,如come , go , leave, start ,move, arrive等,还有join, play, eat, work, return, take, wear, stay, sleep, meet等。常与表示将来的时间状语连用。

I'm leaving for Tibet on Sunday.星期天我要去西藏。

When are you going back to your factory? 你什么时候回工厂?(5)一般现在时表示将来

用一般现在时表示根据规定预计要发生、安排或计划好的将来的动作。这一结构常用于表示位置转移的动词,如come, go, leave, start, begin, sail, return, stop, end, open, stay等。The plane starts at 8 o'clock in the morning.飞机上午8点起飞。When does the show begin?展览什么时候开始?


现在进行时由“助动词be(is/am/are)+ v-ing”构成。它的用法如下:

1、表示说话人说话时正在进行的动作,它不涉及该动作的发生和结果,译成汉语“正在”,这一用法常和表示此刻的时间状语连用,如now, at this time, at present,at the moment等。

2、表示现阶段但并非眼下正在进行着的动作,这种动作常与表示一段的时间状语连用,如these days , this week等。

3、表示将来的动作,表示某个按最近的计划或安排将要进行的动作,或即将开始或进行的动作。常用的这类词go, come, leave, stay, start, arrive, land, meet, move, return, stay, stop, do, dine等,通常要与表示将来的时间状语连用,以区别此刻正在进行的动作。He is coming to see you tomorrow.他明天要来看你。


和always ,forever, continually, constantly, instantly, continuously等频度副词连用,表示经常、反复发生的动作,不强调动作的进行性。表达厌烦、愤怒、抱怨、赞扬等情感。He is constantly leaving his things about.他时常乱丢东西。(表责怪)She is always changing her clothes.她老是换衣服。(表责怪)He is always working hard.他总是学习很用功。(表赞赏)They're forever quarrelling about something.他们老是为某件事争吵。(不满)

5、wonder, hope, think 等表示心理的动词用于进行时可以表示婉转的语气 I'm wondering if I may come a little late.我在想我能不能晚来一会儿。





When I entered the room, she was sitting at her desk.我进屋的时候,她正坐在书桌前面。The students were reading while the teacher was grading their homework.学生们在看书,而老师在批改他们的家庭作业。



It was a dark night.The wind was blowing hard and the rain was falling heavily.A young woman suddenly appeared on the river bank.一个漆黑的夜晚,狂风大作,大雨倾盆,一位年轻的妇女突然出现在河岸上。


用于come, go ,leave, start, stay, arrive等表位置转移的动词,以表示过去将要发生的动作。She asked me whether he was starting the next day.她问我他是否第二天就走



He was always trying out new ideas.他总是试验一些新的设想 He was forever complaining about something.他老是怨这怨那

5、wonder, hope, think,want 等表示心理的动词用于进行时可以表示婉转的语气---Excuse me, sir.Would you do me a favor?--打扰了,先生。你能帮我个忙吗?

---Of course.What is it?--当然。什么事?

---I was wondering if you could tell me how to fill out this form.--我一直在想你是否能告诉我怎样填这张表



1、表示发生在过去的动作或存在的状态到说话时刚刚完成或结束,通常使用不具有延续意义的动词,arrive, become, begin, break等。这种用法可带有迄今意义的时间状语,如up to now, so far, already, not...yet等。也可带有包括现在时间在内的时间状语,如now, recently, in the past few years, just等。

I have already posted the photos.我已经把照片寄出了

2、表示从过去某时开始一直延续到现在的动作或状态,也许还将继续下去。这种用法通常用于具有延续意义的动词,如live, stay, work等,并带有表示时间段的状语或迄今意义的时间的状语,如for, since等

They have lived in Beijing since 2002.他们自从2002年以来就住在北京。

注意:表示短暂的动作动词或状态动词不能用于这种用法,如arrive, come, go, leave等。如,不能说:She has come to our school for 2 years.3、表示到现在为止的一段时间内重复发生的动作。常与often, always 等连用 He has been late for class every morning this week.这个星期他每天早晨都迟到。My father has always gone to work by bike.我爸爸一向骑车上班

4、用于时间、条件状语从句中,表示将来要完成的动作或一个动作先于另一个动作。He will be back before I have finished my work.我完成工作之前他会回来的。

5、用在“It(This)is(will be)the first/second/third…time+ that从句”中

在这种从句中,当主句动词为is/will be时,that-从句的动词用现在完成时,that 可以省略。主句中的主语还可用this, this evening等;这种结构中的first也可用其他序数词;time也可由其他名词替代

This is the first time I have been here.这是我第一次来这里。It'll be the first time I've spoken in public.这将是我第一次当众讲话。

6、“It(This)is the best(worst, most interesting等)+ 名词+从句”结构中的从句要求用现在完成时

This is the best film I've ever seen.这是我所看过得最好的一部电影 This is the most interesting novel he has ever written.这是他写得最好的一部小说。

7、现在完成时可以表示反问的语气(与when连用)或感情色彩-Who is Jerry Cooper? 杰利?库珀是谁呀?

-Haven't you met him yet? I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.你还没见过他?我看见你和他在开会时握手了。Now you've done it.你这下可闯祸了。When have I been treated like this?我什么时候吃这一套?


现在完成时与一般过去时都表示完成的动作,但现在完成时强调这一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,强调的是现在的情况,所以它不能和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last night, three weeks ago, in1990等。而一般过去时则表示过去的动作或状态,和现在不发生关系,它可以和表示过去的时间状语连用。

I have seen the film.我看过这部电影。(我了解这部电影的内容)

I saw the film last week.我上星期看了这个电影。(只说明上星期看了这个电影,不涉及现在的情况)

He has lived here since 1972.1972年以来他一直住在这里。(他现在还住在这里)He lived here in 1972.1972年他们住在这里。(不涉及到现在是否还住在这里)


(1)现在完成时不能和明确表示过去的时间状语(如yesterday, last week, in 1976, two days ago, just now等)连用,但可以和下列不确定的时间状语连用,如never, ever, always, yet, already, before, just, lately, so far, recently等

She has already come.她已经来了。I have met him before.我以前曾见过他。

(2)现在完成时还可以和表示从过去某时刻延续到现在(包括现在在内)的时间状语连用。如today,this year,these days,this morning等

It has been hot this summer.今年夏天一直很热。(说话时仍是夏天)I have written two letters this morning.今天上午我写了两封信。(说话时仍是上午)(3)表示短暂意义的动词,如open,go,come,die,leave,arrive,begin,return,stop等,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。如要表达“他离开这儿已经3年了”这一意思时,不能说“ He has left here for three years.”而要把其中的动词换为延续性动词或用其他表达法。如上句可用下列方式表达: He has been away from here for three years.He left here three years ago.It is three years since he left here.(4)have/has been to表示到过某个地方,而have/has gone to表示已经去了某处。He has been to the Great Wall.他到过长城。(现在他已不在长城)He has gone to the Great Wall.他去长城了。(现在他不在此地)



1、过去完成时表示过去某一时间或动作以前已经发生或完成了的动作。它表示动作发的时间是“过去的过去”。表示过去某一时间可用by, before等构成的短语,也可用when, before,after,until等引导的从句或通过上下文表示。

When we got to the cinema, the film had already begun.当我们到达电影院时,电影已经开始了。

2、表示动作在过去某一时间之前开始,一直延续到过去的这一时间,而且还可能继续下去的动作,常和for, since构成的短语或引导的从句连用。

3、用于表示与过去事实相反的虚拟条件从句或as if从句中表示与过去事实相反

If he had seen you yesterday, he would have asked you about it.假如他昨天看到你,他就会问你这件事了。

Had I known that you wanted the book , I would have sent it.如果我知道你要这本书,我会送来的。


My friend told me that he had passed the exam.我的朋友告诉我,他已通过了考试。

5、用在 “It was the first/second/third…time that…”句型中,that引导的定语从句要用过去完成时。

This was the first time they had met in thirty-nine years.这是39年里他们第一次见面。It was the first time we had spoken together.这是我们第一次在一起说话。

6、intend, mean, hope, want, plan, suppose, expect, think等动词的过去完成时,表示过去未曾实现的设想、意图或希望等,含有某种惋惜。

I had intended to call on you yesterday, but I had an unexpected visitor.我本来昨天打算要去看你,但我来了个不速之客。

7、过去完成时常用结构有“hardly, scarcely, barely … when, no sooner… than等副词的句子里。She hardly had gone to bed when the bell rang.他刚睡下铃就响了。

No sooner had they left the building than a bomb exploded.他们刚刚离开大楼,一颗炸弹就爆炸了。


过去将来时一般由 ”助动词would(第二、三人称)/should(第一人称)+动词原形“构成。不论什么人称,美国英语皆可用would。用法如下:

1、表示对过去某一时间点而言将要发生的动作或存在的状态。常用于宾语从句中。I thought they would come to help me.我认为他们会来帮我的。He said he would wait for us at the bus stop.他说他要在车站等我们。


He would sit for hours doing nothing.过去他常常坐几个钟头什么事也不做。He would come to see us on Sundays.过去星期天他经常来看望我们。

3、过去将来时的其它表达法(1)was/were going to ①表示过去的打算和意图

He was going to start work the following week.他打算下星期开始工作。(打算)②表示没有实现的打算和意图

He was going to come last night, but it rained.他打算昨晚来,但下雨了。(没实现)I thought the film was going to be interesting.我想这部电影会很有趣的。(结果不是)(2)was/were to+动词原形


At that time he did not know that quitting the job was to become the turning point in his life.(注定要发生的事情)那时他不知道辞职将会成为他生活的转折点。She said she was to take up the position.(表示打算)他说他打算上任。

She said she was to have taken up the position.(计划但未能实现)他说他本打算上任。(3)was/were about to+动词原形

was/were about to+动词原形,表示过去即将发生的事。

The meeting was about to be held the following day.会议打算第二天开。


I didn't know you were coming.我不知道你会来。



现在完成进行时由”助动词have/has been+-ing形式“构成。用法如下:


They have been living here for 10 years.他们住在这里十年了。(2)表示一个动作从过去某时开始,一直延续到说话时候刚结束。

I have been waiting you for about one hour.我等你大约一个小时了。(说话时”等“的动作刚结束)(3)表示重复(只断断续续,而非一直不停)

We've been discussing the matter several times this year.我们今年已数次讨论那件事。(4)现在完成时与现在完成进行时的比较


I have written an article.我写了一篇文章。(已完成)

I have been writing an article.我一直在写一篇文章。(还在写)


Now we have cleaned the room;we can move the things in.现在房子打扫好了,我们可以往里搬东西了。(强调打扫完了的结果)

-You look so tired.What have you been doing?你看起来很累,你干什么了?-I've been playing football.我踢足球了。(强调不久前踢球的情景)


将来进行时由”助动词shall/will+be+v-ing“构成,用法如下:(1)表示将来某一时刻或某段时间正在发生的动作,常与this time tomorrow, at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon等时间状语连用。

I'll be visiting professor Li at 2 this afternoon.今天下午2点我将拜访李教授。

At this time tomorrow we'll be flying over the Atlantic.明天此时我们正在飞越大西洋的上空。(2)表示一种已经决定或肯定的动作或情况,或表示某动作将在按计划发生而未完成。

We shall be having a meeting in a minute.我们一会儿就要开会。Will you be seeing Mr.Wang this evening? 今晚你会见王先生吗?


将来完成时表示将来某一时间之前已经完成的动作。将来完成时由”shall /will +have +v-ed“构成。用法如下:


By the end of this month , we'll have studied 10 units.到这月末,我们将学完10单元。(2)表示持续到将来某一时间的动作或状态,这动作或状态也可能将继续进行下去。When they move here next month, we'll have lived in the city for 5 years.下月他们搬到这里时,我们已住在该市五年了。


It is seven.He will have got up.现在7点,他可能已经起床了


过去完成进行时主要表示过去某一时间以前一直在进行的动作。过去完成进行时由”助动词had+ been+ v-ing“构成。


She told me that she had been studying French for 5 years.她告诉我她己经学习法语5年了。(仍继续)

She told me that she had been waiting for me for an hour.她告诉我她己经等我一个钟头了。(不再继续)


You had been giving me everything.你对我真是有求必应。(感激)

I had been studying the meaning of the poem.我一直在研究这首诗。(我还没懂)



被动语态表示句子的主语是动作的承受者,也就是动作的对象,一般说来只有及物动词才有被动语态。其构成为”be+及物动词的过去分词“。助动词be有人称、数和时态的变化,其变化规则与be作为连系动词时完全一样。含有情态动词的谓语变化为被动语态时,由”情态动词(can, may must, have to等)+be +动词的-ed形式。含有“be going to , be to, used to, be about to”等结构的复合谓语变为被动语态时,其构成为“be going to(be to, used to, be about to)+ be +动词的-ed形式”构成。



This jacket is made of cotton.这件上衣是棉料的。


Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.要求参观者不可触摸展品。

3、出于策略、委婉、礼貌等不提出动作的执行者 You are said to be active recently.据说你最近很活跃。常用于如下短语:

It's not known that… ……不得而知

It's said that… 据说…… It's reported that… 据报道……

It's not decided that…尚未决定 It's believed that… 据认为……

It's announced that…据宣布……





Everyone likes the book.(active voice)大家都喜欢这本书。→The book is liked by everyone.(passive voice)这本书受大家喜欢。




They advised her to take the medicine.(active voice)他们劝她吃这种药。→She was advised to take the medicine.(passive voice)她被劝告吃这种药。(2)感官动词和使役动词跟不定式作宾补时

在主动句中,动词不定式做感官动词(see, watch, hear等)和使役动词(make ,have)的宾语补足语,通常省去动词不定式符号to。但改为被动结构后,要把省略了to再加上。They made him go there alone.他们让他自己去那里。

→He was made to go there alone.他被迫自己去那里。注意:动词是let时,其被动结构中不定式仍不带to。

They let John go.他们让约翰走。→John was let go.约翰不得不走。

3、含有双宾语的主动句变为被动句 ①直接宾语是名词、代词时

有些动词(give, tell, buy等)在句中做谓语时可有两个宾语(直接宾语和间接宾语),又称双宾语。含双宾语的主动结构变为被动结构时,可以将其中一个宾语变为主语,另一个保留不动。一般是将主动结构的间接宾语变为被动结构的主语。当直接宾语变为被动结构的主语时,间接宾语前应加介词to(有时可以省去)或for。She gave me the book.(active voice)她给了我这本书。→I was given the book.(passive voice)有人送给我一本书 →The book was given to me.(passive voice)。这本书是别人送的。注意:被动句中两个间接宾语对比时,其前的介词to不可省略。This apple is given to me, not to you.这个苹果是给我的,不是给你的。②直接宾语是从句时


Someone told me where the accident had happened.(passive voice)有人告诉我事故是在何处发生的。

→I was told where the accident had happened.(passive voice)我被告知事故在何处发生。


(1)带宾语从句的主动句换为被动句时,通常用it作为被动结构的形式主语。We believed that he was ill.我们相信他病了。→It was believed that he was ill.都相信他病了。


He said the play was very interesting.他说这台戏剧很有趣。

→The play was said to be very interesting.据说这台戏剧很有趣。

5、带有情态动词或be going to的主动句换为被动句

如果主动句带有情态动词或be going to(be about to, be to, used to, have to)等,在变为被动句时,情态动词或be going to等不变,只是后面的主动词变为被动语态。He is going to give me a book.他打算给我一本书。→I am going to be given a book.有人打算给我一本书。

We must take measures to stop pollution.我们必须采取措施制止污染。→Measures must be taken to stop pollution.必须采取措施制止污染。




一般现在时的被动结构是由“be的一般现在时(am/is/are)+及物动词的-ed形式”构成。Football is played all over the world.全世界都踢足球。


一般过去式的被动结构是由“be的一般过去式(was/were)+及物动词的-ed形式” 构成。The building was built in 1559.这座建筑是1559年建成的。


一般将来时的被动结构是由“be的一般将来时(shall/will be)+及物动词的-ed形式” 构成。

More factories will be built in my hometown.我们家乡会建更多的工厂。


现在进行时的被动结构是由“be的现在进行时(am/is/are being)+及物动词的-ed形式” 构成。

The life of the milu is being studied at present.目前人们正在研究麋鹿的生活习惯。


现在完成时的被动语态是由“be的现在进行时(has/have been)+及物动词的-ed形式” 构成。

All the preparations for the task have been completed and we're ready to start.任务的准备工作业已完成,我么们准备开始。


过去进行时的被动语态是由“be的过去进行时(was/were being)+及物动词的-ed形式” 构成。

When I got there a new road was being built by them.我到那里时,他们正在建一条新路。


过去完成时的被动语态是由“be的过去完成时(had been)+及物动词的-ed形式” 构成。

He asked me how many English words had been learned by that year.他问我到那年我学了多少英语单词。

8、含有情态动词或be going to 的被动语态

含有情态动词的被动结构是由“情态动词或be going to(be about to, used to, be to, have to等)+be+及物动词的-ed形式” 构成。This bike can be mended in two hours.两个小时内可修好该自行车。They have to be given a lot of money.必须给他们很多钱。



Have you sent for the doctor?你派人去请医生了吗? →Has the doctor been sent for?派人去请医生了吗? 注意:主动结构的谓语动词为“不及物动词+名词+介词”构成的及物的短语动词时,通常把它看成一个整体。但也可将这类短语动词本身的名词用作主语,构成被动语态,尤其是在名词前有定语修饰时。

Good care must be taken of the babies particularly while they are ill.必须仔细照料这些孩子,尤其是在他们生病时。

You should pay more attention to your pronunciation.你应当注意你的发音。→More attention should be paid to your pronunciation.注意你的发音。




get常同marry, beat, break, damage, tear, strike, hurt, paint, invite, repair, dress, pay, wound等动词的-ed形式连用,构成被动语态。这种结构一般指动作的结果而非动作本身,常指“最后终于,突然发生”等意义。

He got wounded in the battle.他在战斗中受伤了。

The boy got hurt on his way home from work.男孩在回家的路上受伤了。

2、get-型被动语态一般不宜用在含有双宾语的结构中,也不宜与see, hear, watch, listen to等感官动词构成被动语态。

The old man was offered a large sum of money.(正)有人给了这位老人一大笔钱。The old man got offered a large sum of money.(误)


He got taught a lesson.他被教训了一顿。(有“活该”之意)

How did the window get closed.窗户怎么关上了?(有“不该关上’之意)


She got tired.她感到累了。(有开始感到疲劳的含义)She was tired.(只表示”她累了”)



一些既是及物又是不及物的动词。如read, write, sell, open, shut, begin, wash, wear, cut, lock, play, pack, strike, split, act, draw, iron, dry, eat heat, clean等;此类动词常接副词作状语(有些可以不加)。

Books of this kind sell well.这本书很畅销 The door won't shut.门关不上


系动词look, feel, taste, sound, smell, prove, seem, appear等。此类动词常接形容词作表语。

-Do you like the material?你喜欢这块面料吗?-Yes, it feels very soft.喜欢,手感不错。

The dish tastes good.这菜味道不错。


need, want, require,stand, take, won't bear, repay, deserve等词后面常接主动的-ing分词形式,表示被动意义。在这种情况下,句子的主语在逻辑上是-ing分词的宾语。Your hair needs cutting.你的头发需要理。

The room wants cleaning everyday.这个房间需要每天打扫。

The point deserves mentioning.这一点值得提。

The rules take some learning.这规则需要下点功夫学。That won't bear thinking of.那不堪想象。


当动词不定式作表语形容词(如形容词easy, difficult, hard等)的状语,又与句子的主语构成动宾关系时,动词不定式的主动形式表示被动含义。This question is difficult to answer.这个问题很那回答。The room is comfortable to live in.这屋子住起来很舒服。


当动词不定式作宾补形容词(如形容词easy, difficult, hard等)的状语,又与句子的宾语构成动宾关系时,动词不定式的主动形式表示被动含义。

We find the man hard to get along with.我们发现这个人很难相处。I think English easy to learn.我发现英语很好学。


不定式作定语与前面的名词或代词有动宾关系时,动词不定式的主动形式表示被动含义。I have a lot of work to do this week.本周我有很多工作要做。

7、be worth doing结构

在be worth doing结构中,-ing分词形式表示被动含义。句子的主语在逻辑上是-ing分词的宾语。

The film is worth seeing.这部电影值得看。



1、当have, cost, fit, last, hold等表示状态的及物动词作谓语时 Our village has twenty tractors.我们村有20台拖拉机。The hall can hold 2000 people.这个大厅能盛2000人 The war lasted four years.这场战争持续了4年

2、当某些及物动词(如leave, enter, join,等)的宾语是表示处所、地点或组织时 The students entered the classroom one by one.学生门陆续地进了教室。My brother joined the Party two years ago.我哥哥2年前入了党。My father left his hometown five years ago.我父亲5年前离开了家乡。


Each stone weighs as much as two and a half tons.每块石头重达两吨半 He ran ten miles without rest.他一气跑了10英里路


He spoke that way his father had spoken just now.他学着他父亲刚才的样子讲话

5、当句子的宾语和谓语是一个不可分割的整体时 We Chinese always keep words.我们中国人说话是算数的


He can dress himself.他能自己穿衣服。

Help yourself to the dishes.随便吃菜


We learned from and helped each other.我们互相学习互相帮助

For years the three sisters looked after one another.多年来仨姐妹互相照顾


The Browns live a happy life.布朗一家过着幸福的生活。


I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him still alive.看到他还活着,我简直不相信自己的眼睛。He hurt his foot by jumping over a fence.他跨越栅栏时伤了脚。

10、某些动词+介词的惯用词组也不能变为被动句 The book belongs to me.这本书是我的。

11、当句子的宾语是动名词或动名词短语时。He likes studying English.他喜欢学习英语

12、当句子的宾语是动词不定式或动词不定式短语时 I wish to go there myself.我想亲自去那里一趟

注意:少数以不定式(短语)做宾语的动词(如agree, feel, decide, think等)可以变为被动句,但不能以不定式(短语)直接做被动句的主语,而要借助it为先行主语,将不定式(短语)置于谓语动词之后

He has decided to go and study abroad.→It has been decided(by him)to go and study abroad.他已决定出国留学。




1.Here ______ the bus!

A.is comingB.comesA.had seenB.see

C.has comeC.saw

D.has been coming D.have seen2.It’s the third time I ______ him this month.3.If you go to the western suburbs of the city, you ______ a lot of new buildings.A.will see

B.have seen


4.—I have bought an English-Chinese dictionary.— When and where ______ you ______ it?A.do buy

B.did buy

C.have bought5.She showed him the photo she ______ the day before.A.has takenB.tookC.was taking6.While Tom ______, his sister is writing.A.reads

B.has read

C.has been reading7.By the time he was ten, Edison ______ experiments in chemistry.A.had already doneB.already had doneC.was already doing8.I don’t know if it ______ or not tomorrow.A.will snowB.snowsC.has snowed9.He was sixty-eight.In two years he ______ seventy.A.was going to beB.would be

C.had been

10.Tom ______ for more than a week.A.has leftB.has gone awayC.went away11.He said that honesty ______ the key to success.A.was

B.will be

C.is12.She ______ in London till next Monday.A.will have stayedB.has stayedC.is staying

13.We ______ each other since I left Shanghai.A.haven’t seenB.hadn’t seenC.didn’t see

14.I’ll return the book to the libraryas soon as I ______ it.A.will finishB.am going to finishC.finished

15.She has bought some cloth;she ______ herself a dress.A.makesB.is going to makeC.would make16.Don’t go and bother him.He ______ in the room.A.writesB.has writtenC.is writing

17.______ you ______?



C.Have;been married18.— This is a terribly heavy box.—I ______ you to carry it.A.will helpB.am going to helpC.had better to help19.She told me that her father ______ to the post office when I arrived A.just wentB.has just goneC.had just gone20.Don’t get off until the bus ______.A.stopped

B.will stop

C.will have stopped

D.are going to see

D.had bought D.had taken D.is readingD.already didD.is snowing D.will beD.has been awayD.is being D.has been staying D.wouldn’t seeD.have finishedD.has madeD.has been writing


D.had rather help D.had just been going D.stops

21.Peter said that he ______ home the next day.A.was going toA.lives

B.will goB.lived

C.would goC.had livedC.was wantingC.are leaving

D.had gone D.has lived D.want D.leave

D.had been comingD.standsD.have beenD.had D.Have;seen D.rains D.would;listen D.have been thinkingD.have finished D.do;beginD.had been D.went

22.He ______ with us since he returned last month.23.They ______ to help but could not get here in time.A.had wantedA.will leaveA.cameA.stand

B.have wanted

24.They will go to work in the countryside when they ______ school next year.B.will have leaveB.were coming

25.I didn’t know when they ______ again.C.had comeC.have stoodC.have come

26.The fence ______ near the window.B.is standing

27.They ______ here for more than a month.A.have arrivedB.have reachedA.had hadA.Had;metA.is to rain

B.would haveB.Did;see

28.We ______ a meeting from 2 to 4 yesterday afternoon.C.were havingC.Would;meetC.will rain

29.She told us she had met you in London last year.______ you ______ her since ? 30.If it ______ tomorrow, we won’t go to the school farm.B.will be raining

31.______ you ______ to the 6:30 broadcast?A.Have;listenedB.Did;listen32.I ______ Tom has made a mistake.A.am thinkingB.shall think33.I ______ writing the article now.A.finish

B.is finishing


34.When ______ you ______ to study English?A.have;begunB.did;beginA.has beenA.will go

B.has got

C.had;begunC.had fallen

35.He was taken into hospital last week.In fact he ______ ill for three months.36.I’ll look after your children after you ______.B.will have goneC.are gone

37.He ______ of how he could do more for the people.A.will always thinkB.is always thinkingC.has always thoughtD.does always think38.The foreign friends ______ here just now.A.left

B.have left

C.have been away fromD.had leftC.were going to study

D.should have studied

39.The teacher said that we ______ ten lessons by the end of this term.A.should studyB.have studied40.We ______ there when it ______ to rain.A.were getting;would beginC.had got;had begun

B.were about to get;began D.would get;began C.was writingC.had been


41.Han’s Christian Anderson ______ a lot of fairy tales.A.had writtenB.wroteA.was

D.has writtenD.will be

42.It ______ ten years since he left Shanghai.B.is

43.We ______ about two thousand English words by the end of last term.A.learnedA.have;plantedA.isn’t

B.have learnedB.do;plant

C.had learnedC.did;plant

D.would learnD.had;planted

D.won’t be

44.Since when ______ you ______ so many young trees?45.It ______ long before we celebrate the New Year’s Day.B.hasn’t beenC.wasn’tB.have beenB.had walked

46.—Where have you been? —I ______ to the railway station.A.have goneA.walkedA.is knowing


D.am goingD.would walk D.had been knowingD.wasn’t studying D.starts

47.I ______ along the road when suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder from behind.C.was walkingC.knows

48.My brother ______ Tom quite well.They were introduced to each other at a Party.B.was knowing

49.I didn’t know a thing about the verbs, for I ______ them.A.wouldn’t studyB.haven’t studiedA.is starting

B.has started

C.hadn’t studiedC.would start

50.Don’t be late, Mary, the train ______ at 8 a.m.讲座


1—5: BDABD6-10:DAABD


16-20:CDACD21-25:CDADB 41-45:BBCAD46-50:BCCCD



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1.— May I have a word with Miss Anna?

— Sorry, she ____ to her friend on the phone.A.is talking

B.has talked



2.When Nancy was at college, she ____ three foreign languages, but I am surprised to find that she ____ all except a few words of each.A.spoke;had forgotten

B.had spoken;had forgotten

C.spoke;has forgotten

D.had spoken;has forgotten

3.By the end of next July this building ____.A.will be completed

C.will have been completed

D.has been completed

B.will have completed

4.— Hurry, Mary!You ____ on the phone.— Oh, I ____.Thank you, Mom.A.have wanted;have come

B.will be wanted;will come

C.are being wanted;come

D.are wanted;am coming

5.Because farmland ____ quickly, the government are considering starting a program to solve the problem.A.is being lost

B.is lost

C.is losing


6.— What were you doing when I phoned you yesterday evening?

— I ____ just finished my homework and I ____ to watch TV.A.have;am going

B.have;was going

D.had;am going

C.had;was going 中学学科网学海泛舟系列资料



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7.We ____ dinner at seven o’clock when CCTV ____ to broadcast news.A.are having;will start

D.will have had;starts

C.have;will start

B.will be having;starts

8.— Where are Jack and Mike?

— They ____ the furniture you asked for into the house.A.have been carrying


D.were carried

C.have been carried

9.Professor Haley told me that he ____ by many of his students at the railway station.A.had been seen off

B.have been seen off

D.have seen off

C.had seen off

10.As we stood on the top of the hill, we could see the beautiful scene that ____ before us.A.had spread

B.has spread



11.An order has come that the police should find out where the thief ____.A.hides

B.was hiding


D.is hidden

12.— You must be surprised and excited to see the film star here.— You’re right.____.A.I don’t expect to see her here

B.I didn’t expect to see her here

C.I am expecting to see her here

D.I expected to see her here

13.Mr.Ham felt that he himself, rather than Alice and Lisa, ____ for the coldness that had grown between them.中学学科网学海泛舟系列资料



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A.were to blame

B.was to be blamed

D.was to blame

C.were to be blamed

14.— What else did you do this morning besides doing the shopping?

— Two hours ____ washing the windows and floor.A.were taken

D.will be spent

C.has taken

B.was spent

15.I’m glad you’ve come, Miss Rose;I ____ you, but you’ve saved me the trouble now.A.am going to call

B.was about to call

D.am to call

C.had called

16.Did you tell me that there ____ an English test the next week?

A.would be

B.will be



17.— Did you meet the pianist at the station?

— No, he ____ by the time I ____ there.A.had left;got

B.has left;reached

D.left;had got

C.was leaving;got

18.I should very much like to have gone to that party of theirs, but ____.A.I’m not invited

B.I have not been invited D.I had not been invited

C.I was not invited

19.— How is the boy?

— Sorry.He ____ though the doctor made every effort to save him.A.died

B.was dead

C.had died

D.has been dead

20.— Bob must be wealthy.— Yes, he ____ more in one day than I do in a week.中学学科网学海泛舟系列资料



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A.is earning


C.had earned

D.has earned

21.You can certainly leave the classroom as soon as your homework ____.A.has done

B.has been done

D.will have been done

C.will be done

22.— Did you telephone the manager’s office?

— Yes, he ____ back before 9 o’clock this morning.A.expects

B.is expected


D.was expected

23.— Would you like to tell me what our teacher said just now?

— She said that light ____ faster than sound.A.travels


C.would travel

D.was traveling

24.— Has William finished writing his graduation paper yet?

— I don’t know exactly, but he ____ all day.A.is writing

B.has been writing


C.was writing

25.When you come into the exhibition hall, you can see a large board with a notice on it, saying visitors ____ not to touch the exhibits.A.will request


C.are requesting

D.are requested

26.SARS ____ in Hong Kong in the winter of 2002.A.was broken out

B.was broke out D.was breaking out

C.broke out

27.— The Chinese astronaut Yang Liwei is here already.— I ____ he ____ until tomorrow.A.think;is coming




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B.thought;would come

C.didn’t think;was coming

D.don’t think;will come

28.The couple ____.I really don’t know why.A.always quarrel

B.are always quarreling

C.have always quarreled

D.have always been quarreled

29.— My sister finished school three years ago.— What ____ these years?

A.did she do

B.has she been doing D.does she do

C.is she doing

30.— ____ the sports meeting is likely to be put off.— Yes, it all depends on the weather.A.I’ve been told

B.I’ve told D.I told

C.I was telling

31.Thousands of people took part in the work when the old temple ____.A.would be rebuilt

D.had been rebuilt

C.was being rebuilt

B.was rebuilding

32.— Was the trip pleasant when you vacationed in the mountain village last summer?

— No, it ____ for four days when we arrived, so the roads were very muddy.A.was raining

B.would be raining D.have rained

C.had been raining




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33.When and where to build the new school ____ yet.A.have not been decided B.are not decided

C.has not been decided D.has not decided

34.This cloth you bought is cheap, but it ____well.A.is worn




35.Here ____ the professor and writer as well as his friends.A.has come



D.are coming

36.My money____.I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I’ve none in hand.A.has run out

B.is running out D.is being run out

C.has been run out

37.Be careful!Don’t get the orange juice on your shirt, for it ____.A.isn’t washed out

B.won’t be washed out

D.isn’t washing out

C.won’t wash out

38.Robert ____ me his address the other day, but I’m afraid I ____it.A.had given;lost

B.has given;have lost

D.gives;have lost

C.gave;have lost

39.Shelly ____ California for Texas in 1996 and ____ there ever since.A.left;worked

C.left;has worked

D.has left;worked

B.has left;had worked

40.— I thought I asked you to fix the radio.— Oh, I’m sorry.Mother, I ____ it right now.A.am to do

B.will do

D.am going to do

C.was about to do




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41.If she doesn’t tell him the truth now, he’ll simply keep on asking her until she ____.A.does

B.has done

C.will do

D.would do

42.He ____ to the airport to meet us, but he had to leave before we arrived.A.did go

B.didn’t go

C.would go

D.had gone

43.I ____ to come over to see you last night, but someone called and I couldn’t get away.A.intended

B.had intended

D.was intended

C.was intending

44.— Bob has gone to New York, I hear.— Oh, I wonder when he ____.A.had left



D.was leaving

45.— Look at the black clouds.It ___soon.— Sure.If only we ____out.A.is raining;didn’t come

B.is to rain;won’t start

C.will rain;haven’t started

D.is going to rain;hadn’t come

46.She ____ to the office than she got down to writing the report.A.has no sooner got

B.had hardly got

D.had no sooner got

C.no sooner got

47.Beijing Children’s Library ____ four branch libraries in different districts.They can receive more readers than before.A.will set up

B.has been set up

D.set up

C.has set up




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48.— Can you attend the conference tomorrow, Bob?

— I think I can when my stomachache ____ completely.A.will disappear

B.is disappearing

D.will have disappeared


49.I don’t know what decision ____ at the conference, as Mike hasn’t reported to me yet.A.is made

B.was made

C.has made

D.had made

50.— Do you smoke?

— No, I don’t.It’s two years since I ____.A.smoked

B.have smoked

C.has smoked

D.don’t smoke



2.C。Nancy上大学时讲三门外语,用一般过去时符合题意;从but I am surprised to find...来看,应该是叙述她目前对这三门外语的掌握情况,故用现在完成时。

3.C。“by the end of +表将来的时间”通常和将来完成时连用。complete用作及物动词,此处要用被动语态。

4.D。You are wanted on the phone.为固定表达;“I am coming.”意思是“(我)来啦!”,符合上下文语意。



7.B。“will be doing sth.”为将来进行时,口语中常用此时态表示将来某时正发生的事。该题从句中用一般现在时表示一段时间或很长时间内不变的计划或安排。





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11.D。“be hidden”表示躲藏的状态;选项B时态错误。

12.B。“I didn’t expect to...”表示“我原没有料到……”,符合题意。

13.D。从句中的主语是he,因此A、C不正确;“be to blame”是固定结构,意为“应该受到责备”。

14.B。问句问的是过去发生的事,答语也应用过去时;“spend time(in)doing sth.(花费时间做某事)”是固定结构。

15.B。从“but you’ve saved me the trouble now”可以判断出“我”没有给“你”打电话,因此“was about to call(刚要打电话)”符合题意。


17.A。“by the time”通常和过去完成时或将来完成时连用,其引导的从句通常使用一般过去时或一般现在时。根据问句,应选A。


19.A。强调“死”这个动作?熏用die;强调“死”的状态?熏用be dead。根据从句中的时态来看,选A合适。


21.B。在时间状语从句中可以用现在完成时表示将来, 强调从句的动作发生在主句谓语所表示动作之前。

22.B。“he is expected...”意为“人们预计他……”。



25.D。“request sb.(not)to do sth.要求某人(不要)做某事”是固定结构,根据题干,应使用被动语态。

26.C。break out(爆发)没有被动语态。





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32.C。根据题意及“for four days”,应采用过去完成进行时。

33.C。when and where to build the new school指的是“一件事”,故谓语动词用单数形式,且decide一词用作及物动词,所以应用被动语态。

34.B。wear well意为“耐用”。某些可以用来表达事物内在品质或属性的动词(如:draw, read, sell, wash, write, open, shut),常用主动形式表示被动含义。


36.B。由后文看出, 钱还未用完,故用现在进行时表将来。


39.C。由于有明确的过去时间(in 1996),故第一空应用left;ever since常与完成时态连用。

40.B。此处用 will do表示临时决定要做的事。

41.A。主句用一般将来时,until/ when/ before / unless/if等引导的从句常用一般现在时表将来。

42.A。助动词does/do/did +动词原形, 起加强语气的作用。

43.B。had intended/ thought/ planned/ wanted / expected/ hoped to do sth.等常用来表示主语未曾达到的希望、愿望或打算。


45.D。be going to do sth.常见的用法为:①表示按计划或安排打算去做某事,②表示有迹象表明要发生某事, 此题是第二个用法。if only引起的句子中谓语部分要用虚拟语气, 与过去事实相反时, 用过去完成时。

46.D。在no sooner...than...句型中,主句用过去完成时,从句常用一般过去时。





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50.A。since从句中动词若为延续性动词, 则意为“自从不……以来”。



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