高一英语 Unit2 Lesson4 Superhero课前五分钟 北师大版必修1

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第一篇:高一英语 Unit2 Lesson4 Superhero课前五分钟 北师大版必修1

高一英语Unit2 Lesson4 Superhero课前五分钟(北师大版必修1)阅读课文找出并翻译下列词组

1.比预料的 _______(than expected)2.对...有信心______(be confident in/be confident that)3.嫁入(某家)_______(marry into)4.拉进,缩(头、腹),缩减,(火车)进站;_______(pull in)5.赠送;放弃;泄露;出卖_________(give away)6.发出;放出(声、光、电等);用完耗尽;分发________(give out)7.有做...的意向;打算做某事______(have the thought of doing)8.靠...为生_____(get along on)9.帮助某人摆脱困境______(help....out)10.某事降临到...头上______(sth.happen to sb.)【注释】括号内为答案。













班长喊口令:音标操,one,two,one, two, three, go.学生一边走向座位,一边做国际音标操。立刻,教室里,学生整齐有序地做操,不乱,不吵。音标操使学生充满自信地提高发音和学英语。2,轻松快乐地唱英语歌,或英语歌谣。

学生坐在座位上,英语课代表领唱英语歌,口令:拿书和唱歌,Hello,hello,hello!How are you? 学生一边唱,一边拿书,拿笔,坐端正。此活动为英语学习营造轻松愉悦地学习气氛。歌曲,歌谣既动听,也吸引学生,激发兴趣。根据所学的课文内容,学生唱简单,生动,活泼的歌曲。如:。既复习所学知识,又增强学生间的感情。3,




1.Courage is one of the ________ of a good soldier.A.successB.interestsC.qualitiesD.difficulties

2.Fran is an honest girl.I say it, ________ I don’t like her.A.first timeB.the first timeC.a first timeD.for the first time

3.—Where did you spend you summer holidays?

—I didn’t go anywhere, because I wouldn’t be able to go on holiday with my mum _______ ill

A.wasB.beC.beingD.to be

4.I have _______ all my papers but I still can’t find my notes.A.looked throughB.looked forC.looked afterD.looked out

5.Having seen the film, he said what a wonderful film he _________

A.sawB.has seenC.had seenD.would see

6.I suggest that we take part in more such activities in future _______ we did last week.A.whichB.asC.thatD.than

7.The number of people who _________ cars _________ increasing in China.A.owns, areB.owns, isC.own, isD.own are

8.Alice trusts you, only you can _________ her to give up the foolish idea


9.I was about to go shopping _________ it began to rain.A.whileB.asC.whenD.though

10.Is this the reason _________ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work

A.he explainedB.what he explainedC.how he explainedD.why he explained

11.Thank you for all your hard work last week.I don’t think we _________ it without you.A.can manageB.could have managedC.could manageD.can have managed

12.He must be from Africa, _________ can be seen from his skin.A.thatB.asC.whoD.what

13.Seeing that he was so seriously ill, I insisted that he _________ to hospital at once.A.was sentB.be sentC.will be sentD.had been sent

14.I’ll tell you _________ he told me last week.A.all whichB.thatC.all thatD.which

15.--I’m not sure if we’ll have a picnic this weekend.--It all ________ the weather.A.takes part inB.depends onC.comes toD.puts up

16.On Sept.29, 2008,Shen Zhou VII returned to _______ earth from _______ space successfully.A.the;/B./;theC./;/D.the;the

17.--How is your life in the countryside?

--It is _______ but sometimes I feel a bit _______.A.interesting;boringB.interesting;bored


18.Paul is studying Chinese and _______ is his dream to work in China.A.itB.thisC.thatD.there

19.Some students go to school _______ the tube every day.A.withB.forC.onD.at

20.The volleyball match _______ if it rains tomorrow.A.will put off B.will be put offC.is put offD.puts off

21.Put on your coat, ____________you will catch a cold..A.soB.butC.andD.otherwise

22.We _______ rush-----there is plenty of time.A.can’tB.mustn’tC.ought not to D.don’t have to

23.They _______ classes when the earthquake happened.A.hadB.would haveC.were havingD.are having

24.She has decided _______ as a volunteer teacher in a small village because she enjoys _______ challenges.A.to work, to meetB.to work, meetingC.working, meetingD.working, to meet

25.Mary left London five years ago and I _______ her since then.A.don’t seeB.didn’t seeC.hadn’t seenD.haven’t seen

26.--Have you moved into your new house?

--Not yet.The rooms _______.A.are paintingB.have been paintedC.are being paintedD.have painted

27.We had a nice evening at my house and then Dad _______ my friend home.A.takeB.tookC.was takingD.will take

28.More than 100 heads of foreign states _______ the opening ceremonies of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.A.promotedB.organizedC.designedD.attended

29.Nowadays, old people like to live ________ there is no noise and crowds.A.whereB.whichC.whatD.that

30.Christopher Reeve was seriously injured in the accident.But he _______ finally and returned to film making.A.got onB.gave upC.pulled through


31.Mike is ___________(抱怨)about the bad food when he heard someone calling him.32.With the new technology, the costs will be ________(降低)by 80% at least.33.The big fire _______(毁坏了)most of the building, causing a great loss.34.After ________(毕业), he will go to the western China to work as a volunteer teacher.35.The soldiers covered a _________(距离)of 100 km.a night.36.The boy wants to be an ___________(运动员)when he grows up.37.It was very __________(慷慨的)of you to have lent them your new car for their holiday.38.He has made full preparations for the exam, so he is __________(有信心的)for success.39.The government has taken action to s_______(解决)the traffic problem.40.You have made a lot of spelling mistakes in your writing.You have to take it ______(严肃地).三、短文改错(共15分,每空1.5分)

As is known by all, the Internet is41.__________ playing more and more important part in our42.__________ everyday life.On it, we can only read news43.__________ at home and abroad but also meet so much44.__________ information as possible.We are often send e-mails or45.__________ make telephone call to our families as well as our friends.46.__________

However, we can go to school on the net, read different kinds47.__________ of books and even teach myself English.We can also enjoy48.__________ music, watching sports and play computer games on the49.__________ net.We can do shopping even without leaving our home.50——————四. 在下列定语从句中,填入适当的介词。

51.The pencil ________ which he wrote was broken.52.He built a telescope ________ which he could study the skies.53.The woman, ________ whom I learned the news, is a nurse.54.The wolf ________ which the sheep was killed was shot.55.She has three children, all _______ whom are at school.56.There is a tall tree outside, ________ which stands our teacher.57.My glasses, _______ which I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke.58.In the dark street, there wasn’t a person ________ whom she could turn for help.59.I was surprised at the way ________ which he treated the old man.60.The age _______ which children can go to school is seven.61.His bike ________ which he went to work was stolen last night.62.Do you know the building ________ which is flying a red flag?

63.Ours is a beautiful school, ________ which we are proud.64.The desk ________ which Jack is leaning is John’s.65.He bought a book yesterday, the author ________ which is a teacher.五.把下列各组句子合并成一句。

66.John is a very kind-hearted man.You can turn to him for help.67.The book is written by that famous writer.I am very interested in it.68.Tom is the boy.I went to the cinema with him together.69.Have you remembered the factory? We worked in it last year.70.It is the gold diamond.I spent all my money on it.71.The old Olympic Games could date back to 776 BC.The modern games come from it.72.I have nine friends in America.Four of them work as doctors.73.The woman has just won a gold medal.I read about her in the newspaper.74.The house is 7 kilometers away.I was born in it.75.This is the very farm.My father used to work on it.六.选择填空

1.This is the school _____ Mr.Smith once taught.A.in that B.when C.where D.there

2.Have you visited the house _____ the famous scientist was born?

A.where B.in that C.that D.which

3.The factory _____ Mr.Li used to work was closed last week.A.when B.where C.that D.which

4.Do you still remember the day _____ we first met?

A.that B.when C.what D.on that

5.The time _____ we studied together is not easily forgotten.A.at what B.when C.that D.where

6.October 1,1949 is the day _____ we’ll never forget.A.when B.that C.where D.in which

7.October 1,1949 was the day _____ the People’s Republic of China was founded.A.which B.when C.where D.in which

8.Is this the shop _____ sells children’s clothing?

A.which B.where C.in which D.what

9.Is this museum _____ they visited last month?

.that B.which C.where D.the one

10.I still remember the sitting-room _____ my mother and I used to sit in the evening.A.what B.which C.that D.where


1.Is this hospital that they want to visit next week?

2.Is this the museum the one some German friends visited the other day?

3.He has two sons, each of them looks like him.4.He will never forget the days when he spent with the villagers.5.Please tell us about the people and interesting things which you have seen in America.6.The knife which she often uses it to cut the bread is very sharp.7.Please pass me the book that cover is red.8.The sun heats the earth, that is very important.参考答案


1-5 CBCAC6-10 BCDBA11-15 BBBCB

16-20 ABACB21-25 DDCBD26-30 CBDAC









二. 在下列定语从句中,用适当的介词填空。




1.John is a very kind-hearted man whom you can turn to for help./ John is a very kind-hearted man to whom you can turn for help.2.The book which I am very interested in is written by that famous writer./ The book in which I am very interested is written by that famous writer.3.Tom is the boy whom I went to the cinema with together./ Tom is the boy with whom I went to the cinema together.4.Have you remembered the factory which we worked in last year?/ Have you remembered the factory in which we worked last year? 5.It is the gold diamond which I spent all my money on./ It is the gold diamond on which I spent all my money.6.The old Olympic Games which the modern games come from could date back to 776 BC./ The old Olympic Games from which the modern games come could date back to 776 BC.7.I have nine friends in America, four of whom work as doctors.8.The woman whom I read about in the newspaper has just won a gold medal./ The woman about whom I read in the newspaper has just won a gold medal.9.The house which I was born in is 7 kilometers away./ The house in which I was born is 7 kilometers away.10.This is the very farm that my father used to work on./This is the very farm on which my father used to work.三.选择填空 1~5 C A B B B 6~10 B B A D D 四.改错 1.hospital前加the 2.去掉museum前的the 3.将them改为whom 4.将when改为that 5.将which改为that 6.去掉it 7.将that改为whose 8.将which改为t


英语:Unit 1 Lifestyles基础知识考查


1._________________ n.生活方式 2._________________ adj.和平的,平静的3._________________ adj.轻松的,放松的 4.________________ adj.充满压力的,紧张的5._________________ vt.认为,猜想 6._________________ n.连续,系列,丛书

7._________________ adj.遥远的 8._________________ vi.抱怨,投诉

9._________________ vt.转换,转变 10.________________ adj.轻便的,手提式的11.________________ adj.厌烦的,不感兴趣的12.________________ vt.组织

13.________________ adj.急迫的,紧迫的 14.________________ adj.私人的,个人的15._________________ n.压力 16._________________ adj.爱交际的,社交的17._________________ vi.减少,降低 18._________________ vt.忍耐,忍受

19.__________________ n.志愿者 20.__________________ vt&n.支持;支撑

21.__________________ n.广告 22.__________________n.表演;展示

23.__________________ vt.解决,解答 24.__________________ n.会计,会计师

25.__________________adj.拥挤的 26.__________________ n.公文,文件

27.__________________n.问卷,调查表 29.__________________ n.日常文书工作

30.__________________n.午夜,半夜 31.__________________ vt.更喜欢,宁愿

32.__________________n.挑战 33.__________________ vt&n.设计

34.__________________adj.附近的 35.__________________ n&vt.预报,预测

36.__________________ n.距离 38.___________________adj.古典的39.__________________adj.正式的,合礼仪的 40.___________________n.调查

41.__________________ adv.要不然的话,否则 42._________________ vi.要紧,有重大关系

43._________________ n.专家 44.__________________ vt.组织

45._________________ vi.毕业 46._________________ n.疾病

47._________________ n.搭档,合作者 48._________________ n.连续,系列,丛书

49._________________ n.卡通片,动画片 50._________________ n.工作第一的人

51._________________ n.工作室,演播室 52._________________ vi.感到疼痛,遭受(痛苦)

53._________________adj.负,零下 54._________________ vi.骑自行车

55._________________ n.风格,作风

Period 2 of Unit 2同步练习


1.The little boy is s______(娴熟的)at inventing excuses.2.Videos are(有用的)things to have in the classroom.3._____(幸运地),he found the money he had lost.4.After ten years hard work, we have(攒了)a lot of money.5.I was a_____ to hear the a _____ story.6.We aim at q____ _ rather than quantity.7.I a______ her great bravery in face of the danger.8.Venes’ father was strict his daughters their tennis training.9.Peter and I often compete on the playground after school.10.At last, the patient’s life to end.二.单项选择

1.—Is there any hope of saving her life?

—Her injuries are extremely(极其)serious,but she’s expected to _____.A.pull in B.pull over

C.pull up D.pull through

2.Mary is kind.She is easy to _____.A.go on B.get on with

C.get along D.go on with

3.We like Jack because he is a man ______everybody thinks is pleasant to _____.A.who;talk B.whom;get on with

C.who;get on with D.whom;talk with

4.A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics, which in return will _____its economic development.A.add B.increase

C.promote D.plus

5.If you _____a crime you can never escape being punished.A.commit B.discharge

C.take D.do

6.The disabled _____down upon in the past.A.was looked B.were looked

C.looked D.did look

7.They separated ten years ago and never met again then.A.by B.from

C.ever D.since

8.No matter when I look my miserable past, I feel sad and sorrowful.period 3 of unit 1同步练习


1、Lucy and Lily often ______to school by car ,but today they_______.A.come;are walking B.are coming;are walking

C.are coming;walk D.comes;walk2、We _______at 3 o’clock this afternoon.A.is having a meeting B.are having a meeting

C.is going to have a meeting D.have a meeting3、It _____this afternoon.A.will snow B.going to snow

C.is going to snow D.snows4、—Are you still busy?

—Yes, I ______my work, and it won’t take long.A.just finish B.am just finishing

C.have just finished D.am just going to finish5、What time ______the match _______?

A.does;begin B.do;begin

C.is;going to begin D.is;beginning6、Because the shop _______,all the T-shirts are sold at half price.A.has closed down B.closed down

C.is closing down D.had closed down7、The volleyball match will be delayed if it ______tomorrow.A.will rain B.rains

C.rained D.is raining8、—You are drinking too much.—Only at home, no one _______me but you.A.is seeing B.had seen

1. —Can children swim in this pool?

—Yes.However, they ____ never do so alone.A.may B.need C.could D.should

2. —Excuse me?

— ____

—How can I get to the nearest post office?

A.That's OK B.Pardon? C.What's wrong? D.Yes?

3. If you go to the movie tonight, so ___ I.A.will B.do C.am D.go

4. —What are they doing over there?

—They are arguing____ each other ____ what caused Bird Flu.A.with;for B.with;about C.to, about D.at , on

5. E-mail, as well as telephones,___ an important part in daily communication.A.have played B.is paying C.are playing D.play

6. If you are interested in being friends , drop me a line.“Drop me a line” means ____.A.talk to me B.ring me C.write to me D.give me a call

7. The lesson we can learn from Chuck and all ____ who have unusual friends is ____ friends are teachers.A.the others;how B.the others;that

C.others;how D.others;that

一 .单词拼写

1.毕业n.____________________ 2.奖学金____________________

3婚礼_______________________ 4龙_____________________


6传统 adj.____________________n._______________

7现在,当今 adv ___________________8包括,包含vt ___________________9庆祝,庆典n.__________________ 10权力,影响力___________________


13装饰,布置v.__________________n._______________ 14电池n.______________15煮沸,沸腾v._____________________16招待,服务____________________17粘的__________________18酒精,酒_________________________


21薪水__________________________22申请,应用_________________________ 23机会_________________________24十几岁的青少年________________________ 25潇洒地,漂亮地adv.________________________26串,束__________________ 27祝贺n._____________________________28新郎___________________ 29典礼,仪式_________________________30入口_______________________ 31出席,参加_____________________32请柬,邀请n.___________________________ 33连接___________________34认真地,真诚地______________________________ 35信封_______________________36胸部___________________ 37吞下,咽下vt___________________________38成年人______________________ 39高兴地,愉快地________________________40生产,制造_______________________ 41用油煎_____________________42不幸地_________________________ 43混乱,脏乱n.______________________

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