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① 我们‖打〈败〉了敌人。


Secretary-General’s Message on the Observance of World Interfaith Harmony Week, 1-7

February 2011


New York, 1 February 2011

2011年2月1日至7日 纽约

The first World Interfaith Harmony Week is an opportunity to focus global attention on the efforts of religious leaders, interfaith movements and individuals around the world to promote mutual respect and understanding between followers of different faiths and beliefs.These partners play an indispensable role in supporting United Nations efforts for peace.第一个世界不同信仰间和谐周提供了一个机会,让全世界都关注世界各地的宗教领袖、不同信仰运动和个人为推动信奉不同宗教和信仰的人的相互尊重和理解而做出的努力。这些伙伴发挥重大作用,支持联合国为和平做出的努力。

In proclaiming this observance, the United Nations General Assembly encourages all States to use the first week of February to spread “the message of interfaith harmony and goodwill in the world’s churches, mosques, synagogues, temples and other places of worship...based on love of God and love of one’s neighbour or on love of the good and love of one’s neighbour, each according to their own religious traditions or convictions”.大会宣布开展这一活动,鼓励所有国家利用二月份第一周“根据自己的宗教传统或信念,本着对神之爱,对邻居之爱或对善之爱,对邻居之爱,在世界各地的教堂、清真寺、犹太教会堂、庙宇和其他宗教场所,传播有关不同信仰间和谐与友善的信息”。

Respect for diversity and peaceful dialogue are essential if the human family is to cooperate globally to face shared threats and seize common opportunities.That is why efforts by States, civil society and other actors to build trust among communities and individuals lie at the heart of so many United Nations initiatives, from the Alliance of Civilizations to our wide-ranging work to protect human rights, promote social cohesion and build a culture of peace.人类要在全球开展合作以应对共同威胁和把握共同机会,就要尊重多元化与和平对话。这就是为什么各国、民间社会和其他行动者为促使社区和个人相互建立信任而做出的努力,是联合国的许多举措(从不同文明联盟到我们为保护人权、促进社会融合和创建和平文化开展的广泛工作)的核心。

The Week will be marked by a broad spectrum of activities around the world.In New York, the observance will include interfaith breakfasts, film screenings and talks featuring the active

participation of civil society, UN entities and other intergovernmental organizations.在这一周内,将在世界各地开展各种不同的活动。在纽约,有关活动包括不同信仰间早餐、电影会和演讲,民间社会、联合国实体和其他政府间组织将积极参加这些活动。

I look forward to continuing to work with people of all faiths to rise above the tensions and misconceptions that so often divide us, and find the path of harmony and dignity for all.我期望继续同拥有各种不同信仰的人合作,以消除那些常常致使我们分裂的紧张与误解,走所有人都和谐相处和享有尊严之路。



_ 世界上有两种人,一种人,虚度年华;另一种人,过着有意义的生活。在第一种人的眼里,生活就是一场睡眠,如果在他看来,是睡在既温暖又柔和的床铺上,那他便 十分心满意足了;在第二种人眼里,可以说,生活就是建立功绩……人就在完成这个功绩中享到自己的幸福。


Secretary-General’s Message on the Observance of World Interfaith Harmony Week, 1-7

February 2011


New York, 1 February 2011 2011年2月1日至7日 纽约

The first World Interfaith Harmony Week is an opportunity to focus global attention on the efforts of religious leaders, interfaith movements and individuals around the world to promote mutual respect and understanding between followers of different faiths and beliefs.These partners play an indispensable role in supporting United Nations efforts for peace.第一个世界不同信仰间和谐周提供了一个机会,让全世界都关注世界各地的宗教领袖、不同信仰运动和个人为推动信奉不同宗教和信仰的人的相互尊重和理解而做出的努力。这些伙伴发挥重大作用,支持联合国为和平做出的努力。

In proclaiming this observance, the United Nations General Assembly encourages all States to use the first week of February to spread “the message of interfaith harmony and goodwill in the world’s churches, mosques, synagogues, temples and other places of worship...based on love of God and love of one’s neighbour or on love of the good and love of one’s neighbour, each according to their own religious traditions or convictions”.大会宣布开展这一活动,鼓励所有国家利用二月份第一周“根据自己的宗教传统或信念,本着对神之爱,对邻居之爱或对善之爱,对邻居之爱,在世界各地的教堂、清真寺、犹太教会堂、庙宇和其他宗教场所,传播有关不同信仰间和谐与友善的信息”。

Respect for diversity and peaceful dialogue are essential if the human family is to cooperate globally to face shared threats and seize common opportunities.That is why efforts by States, civil society and other actors to build trust among communities and individuals lie at the heart of so many United Nations initiatives, from the Alliance of Civilizations to our wide-ranging work to protect human rights, promote social cohesion and build a culture of peace.人类要在全球开展合作以应对共同威胁和把握共同机会,就要尊重多元化与和平对话。这就是为什么各国、民间社会和其他行动者为促使社区和个人相互建立信任而做出的努力,是联合国的许多举措(从不同文明联盟到我们为保护人权、促进社会融合和创建和平文化开展的广泛工作)的核心。

The Week will be marked by a broad spectrum of activities around the world.In New York, the observance will include interfaith breakfasts, film screenings and talks featuring the active participation of civil society, UN entities and other intergovernmental organizations.在这一周内,将在世界各地开展各种不同的活动。在纽约,有关活动包括不同信仰间早餐、电影会和演讲,民间社会、联合国实体和其他政府间组织将积极参加这些活动。

I look forward to continuing to work with people of all faiths to rise above the tensions and misconceptions that so often divide us, and find the path of harmony and dignity for all.我期望继续同拥有各种不同信仰的人合作,以消除那些常常致使我们分裂的紧张与误解,走所有人都和谐相处和享有尊严之路。







UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Message for World No Tobacco Day

May, 2010



This year’s observance of World No Tobacco Day focuses on “Gender and tobacco, with an emphasis on marketing to women”.今年世界无烟日活动的主题是“两性与烟草——关注针对女性的促销行为”。

Although fewer than 1 out of 10 women are smokers, that still adds up to an estimated 200 million women around the world.Moreover, that number could grow, since the tobacco industry is spending heavily on advertisements that target women and associate tobacco use with beauty and liberation.虽然只有不到十分之一的女性吸烟,但这仍使全世界女烟民人数近达两亿。而且,由于烟草企业花巨资制作针对女性的广告,将烟草与美丽和妇女解 放挂钩,这一数字还有可能增长。

According to a recent study by the World Health Organization(WHO), the number of girls and boys who smoked was about equal in half the 151 countries surveyed.This finding is even more worrisome since young people who smoke are likely to continue in adulthood.世界卫生组织近期对151个国家的调查显示,有一半国家,男孩和女孩的吸烟人数不相上下。由于青少年在成年后很可能继续吸烟,这一结果越发 令人担忧。

Evidence indicates that the prevalence rate of tobacco use among women is on the rise in some countries.Governments everywhere must take action to protect women from tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, as stipulated in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.有证据表明,一些国家妇女烟草使用率在上升。各国政府必须采取行动,根据《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》的规定,保护妇女远离烟草广告、促销和赞助活动。

The Convention also calls on Governments to protect women from second-hand tobacco smoke — especially in countries where women feel powerless to protect themselves and their children.As WHO data show, of the 430,000 adults who die each year from second-hand smoke, nearly two thirds are women.这项公约还呼吁各国政府保护妇女远离二手烟雾,在妇女感觉无力保护自己和子女的国家尤应如此。世界卫生组织的数据显示,在每年因二手烟雾死 亡的60万人当中,近三分之二为妇女。

Around the world, more than 1.5 million women die each year from tobacco use.Most of these deaths occur in low-and middle-income countries.Without concerted action, that number could rise to 2.5 million women by the year 2030.在世界各地,每年有超过150万妇女死于烟草使用。其中大多数死亡发生在低收入和中等收入国家。如果不采取协调一致的行动,到2030年,这一数字将可能达到250万。

We must turn back the global tobacco epidemic.On World No Tobacco Day, I urge all Governments to address this public health threat.Tobacco use is not stylish or empowering.It is ugly and deadly.我们必须遏制全球烟草流行。值此世界无烟日之际,我敦促各国政府设法应对这一公共健康威胁。使用烟草既不时尚也不强身。使用烟草是一种致人 于死命的陋习。


联合国秘书长潘基文2010世界统计日致辞时间:2010-10-29 09:09来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:597次

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's Message on World Statistics DayOctober, 2010



Today marks the first observance of World Statistics Day, proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly to recognize the importance of statistics in shaping our societies.我们在今天首次纪念世界统计日,联合国大会宣布这个纪念日,是为了确认统计对社会的重要影响。

Statistics permeate modern life.They are the basis for many governmental, business and community decisions.They provide information and insight about the trends and forces that affect our lives.Collected in surveys and censuses – three billion people will participate in population and housing censuses this year alone – statistics affect the planning of schools, hospitals, roads and much else.现代生活处处离不开统计。许多政府、商业和社区决策是以统计为依据。统计提供了信息和深入知识,以供了解影响我们生活的趋势和动因。仅今年一年,就将有30亿人参加人口和住房普查,在各种调查和普查中收集的统计数字影响着建设学校、医院、公路和许多其他设施的规划。

Statistics are a vital tool for economic and social development, including our efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.For development to succeed, we need data collection and statistical analysis of poverty levels, access to education and the incidence of disease.Statistics are a central consideration in justifying almost every aspect of budgets and programmes that enable hungry children to be fed or that provide shelter and emergency health care for victims of natural disasters.统计是极其重要的经济和社会发展工具,对于实现千年发展目标来说也是如此。为了实现成功发展,我们需要收集数据和进行统计分析,以了解贫穷程度、受教育机会和疾病发生率。在说明为什么需要拟订预算和方案,以便能够向饥饿儿童提供食物,或向自然灾害受害者提供住所和紧急医疗时,几乎每个方面的理由都把统计数字列为核心考虑因素。

The United Nations Statistical Commission, established in 1947, has created international methodological standards and guidelines in virtually every area of statistics.It has played a key role in helping governments strengthen their statistical reporting, making data more available and comparable across countries and regions than ever before.1947年成立的联合国统计委员会为几乎每一个统计领域都制定了国际标准方法和准则。该委员会在帮助各国政府加强本国统计报告,并使数据比以往更易于获得、在国家和区域之间具有更大可比性方面发挥着关键作用。

I commend the dedication that many statistical experts bring to their reports and publications.They carry out an essential public service--one that promotes peace and democracy by giving citizens reliable and impartial public information about their communities.Their core values--service, integrity and professionalism--deserve full support in all nations.我赞扬许多统计专家为编制报告和出版物做出的奉献。他们提供了一项不可或缺的公益服务,这一服务通过向公民们提供关于其社会的可靠和公允的信息,促进了和平与民主。所有国家都应该充分支持他们的核心价值观,即服务、正直和敬业。

However, as in so many other areas, developing countries often find themselves at a disadvantage, lacking funds to pay salaries, train staff and collect data.On this first World Statistics Day I encourage the international community to work with the United Nations to enable all countries to meet their statistical needs.Let us all acknowledge the crucial role of statistics in fulfilling our global mission of development and peace.然而,与许多其他领域一样,发展中国家经常在统计领域处于不利地位,缺乏支付薪金、培训工作人员和收集数据的资金。值此首次纪念世界统计日之际,我鼓励国际社会与联合国一道努力,使所有国家都能满足本国的统计需要。让我们共同确认,为履行我们关于发展与和平的全球使命,统计发挥的作用至为关键。




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