吃透阅读理解 把握考研英语命脉(样例5)

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第一篇:吃透阅读理解 把握考研英语命脉


英语专业考研 MTI翻译硕士 专四专八 日语考研等

吃透阅读理解 把握考研英语命脉




“继续前进”类:and, more, moreover, More than that, Furthermore, also.Likewise, equally important, another…

“注意转弯”类:but, yet, while, whereas, nevertheless, otherwise, although, despite, instead, in spite of, not, on the contrary, however, in contrast…

其他类:near, far, beside, next to, above, on the side of, across…;for this purpose, so that, in order…;for example, specifically, in particular…;in that case, if, unless…

此类词汇为句与句、段与段之间的关系更清楚的交代架起了一座 “桥梁”。此类词是考生在理解文章中不迷失、不转向的根本。


考研阅读,对学生逻辑判断和推理能力的要求是非常明显的,因此句子间逻辑关系的把握会直接影响文章的理解。阅读中一般出现的逻辑关系有:因果关系、递进关系、修饰、解释关系、复指关系、对比关系,转折关系。因此,在阅读文章过程中,一定要留意句子间的逻辑关系。例如,In the immediate future, Stanley believes that one solution would be to make artificial floods to flush out the delta waterways, in the same way that natural floods did before the construction of the dams.He says, however, that in the long term an alternative process such as desalination may have to be used to increase the amount of water available.句中出现了表示递进的逻辑关系词in the immediate future … in the longer term …;还出现了表示转折关系的关联词however。





2011年10月24日 11:38来源:万学海文





















第四篇:把握时代命脉 力创一流大学

把握时代命脉 力创一流大学











第五篇:考研 英语阅读理解1800高频词汇(定稿)


people [5pi:pl] n.1.[用作person的复数]人;人们 2.[the ~]人民,国民;民众;平民 3.[用作单或复]一国人民;民族 v.居住于,构成„的人口

【例句】The government of the ~, by the ~, and for the ~ shall not perish form the earth.民有、民治、民享的政府将永世长存。【认知】广义词。“peop”与“pop”为变体,含义为“crowd;nation”(人民;民众)。在言语中使用时常不包括说话者自己在内。job [dVCb] n.1.(一件)工作,活儿,活计;零活 2.做的工作,需特别费力的事

【例句】Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small ~s.如果化整为零,什么工作都不会太【认知】本词的核心意义与“工作”具有关联性。本词侧重于困难性。

world [wE:ld] n.1.世界,地球,天下2.人类;世人;众人 3.人世,今世;来世

【例句】Naked came I into the ~.and naked must I go out.我赤身来到民世上,也必须赤身离去。【认知】G。本词的核心意义与“人 — 纪元”具有关联性。本词强调人文的方面。work [wE:k] n.1.工作(量),劳动,作业 2.职业,差事 3.工作成果;产品,著作,作品 4.作用,效果 v.1.工作;干活,劳动(~ out)2.起作用,有效

【例句】The English public takes no interest in a ~ of art until it is told the ~ in question is immoral.在有人说一件作品不道德之前,英国大众对这一作品不感兴趣。【认知】广义词。本词的核心意义与“to do;act”(做;行为)具有关联性。society [sE5saiEti] n.1.社会,2.(社会)阶层,界 3.交往,相处;交往活动

【例句】Books introduce us into the best ~;they bring us into the best ~;they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that have ever lived.书籍把我们引入最好的交际圈,带我们去见古往今来最伟大的智者。【认知】广义词。词根为“soci”,含义为“companion;to join”(联合)。

age [eidV] n.1.年龄 2.成年;法定年龄 3.生命中的一个阶段(for ages)4.老年;老 v.变陈旧;变老;显老

【例句】Age is very high price to pay for maturity.年龄是为成熟付出的极高代价。first [fE:st] a.1.第一(位)的,首要的;第一流的,(地位、职位)最高的 2.最先的,最早的,最前面的 3.基本的,概要的 n.第一个人;第一件事

【例句】Read the best books ~, or you may not have a chance to read them at all.先读最好的书,否则你也许永远没机会读它们了。【认知】本词整体含义具有积极色彩。

study [5stQdi] n.1.学习;攻读;[常作studies]学业 2.研究;探讨 3.书房 v.1.学习;攻读;研读 2.研究;调查

【例句】I ~ myself more than any other subjects;it is my metaphysics, and my physics.我研究自己多于别的任何题目。这是我的形而上学,我的物理学。

well [wel] ad.1.好,妥善地有利地令人满意(或愉快)地 2.完全地,充分地 3.很相当;可观地 4.有理由地;正确地(as ~)a.良好的;妥善的;有利的;令人满意(或愉快)的

【例句】There are two kinds of people: those who are always ~ and those who are always sick.Most of the devils of the world come from the first sort and most of the achievements from the second.人分成两种:总是健康的和总是病弱的。世上大多数坏事都出自第一种人,大多数成就都出自第二种人。

want [wCnt] v.1.要,想要,希望 2.缺乏,缺少(for ~ of)3.想与(某人)谈话 4.缉拿,追捕

【例句】No great men ever complains of ~ of opportunity.伟人从不抱怨缺乏机会。【认知】本词的核心意义与“缺少”具有关联性。

money [5mQni] n.1.货币 2.(可转换为货币的财产),资产,财富 3.钱,金钱 4.[总称]富人;金融界

【例句】If ~ is regarded as God, it will punish you like a devil.如果把金钱视为上帝,它就会像魔鬼一样折磨你。waste [weist] v.1.浪费,滥用 2.消耗;损耗;磨灭 n.1.浪费,滥用2.废料;弃物

【例句】 Time cannot be added to a person’s life, but it can be made more valuable by avoiding ~.时间无法被添加到人的生命里,不过可以通过避免浪费来使之更有价值。

import [im5pC:t] v.1.进口,输入;引进 2.含有„的意思,意味着 n.1.进口,输入 2.意思,含意;重要(性)【例句】The country is ~ ing a broad range of skilled personnel.这个国家正在引进各行各业的技术人员。

things [WiNs] n.1.物,东西;事物 2.事,事情,事件 3.[~s](个人的)所有物;用具,用品 4.消息;[~s] 局面;情况;形势 5.事业;行为;成果,产品;成就,成绩 6.话;题目,主题,话题;想法

use [ju:s] v.1.用,使用 2.发挥;行使;运用 n.1.(to make use of)使用;应用;运用;利用 2.使用价值;益处

【例句】Words are capable of arousing the strongest emotions and prompting all man’s actions, Do not ridicule the ~ of words in psychotherapy.言语能够激起最强烈的情感,引发人的一切行动。不要嘲笑言语在心理治疗中的运用。【认知】G。haste [heist] n.(in ~)1.急速,急忙;仓促 2.草率,轻率 3.急迫 【例句】Make ~ slowly.从容地加紧。health [helW] n.1.健康 2.健康状况 3.健旺,发达

【例句】Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year.健康是这样的东西,它使你感到现在是一年中最好的时光。

example [i^5zB:mpl] n.1.例子,实例;样品 2.榜样,楷模 3.先例

【例句】 Example is always more efficacious than precept.榜样总是比规矩更有效。

score [skC:] n.(比赛中的)得分,比分;计分 v.(体育比赛中)得(分);记(分)

【例句】 The Universe is an intelligence test.How much do you think you’re going to ~ by dying? 宇宙是一项智力测验。你认为自己在死前能拿到多少分?

change [tFeindV] n.1.改变;转变;变化;变革 2.找头;零钱

【例句】Change, impermanence is characteristic of life.变化无常是人生的特性。

help [help] v.1.帮助;扶持;资助;救助2.对„有帮助;助长;促进;对„有好处(或用处)3.治疗;缓解;补救 4.[与can或cannot连用]避免,阻止,防止

【例句】Too much ~ is sometimes worse than no ~.帮助太多有时比没有帮助还糟。

knowledge [5nClidV] n.1.知识,学识;学问 2.知晓;见闻;消息 3.熟悉 4.了解;理解;辨别 【例句】Knowledge itself is power.知识本身就是力量。【认知】G。

practice [ 5prAktis ] n.1.(反复)练习2.熟练 3.(in ~)实践;实施,实行;(知识的)应用;经验 4.惯常做法,惯例;习俗 【例句】When you say that you agree to thing in principle you mean that you have not the slightest intention of carrying it out in ~.当你说你原则上同意时,意思是你实际上要本就不打算去做。view [ vju: ] n.1.观看,看 2.视力;视域;视野 3.被看见的东西;(从特定处所看到的)景色 4.[有时作~ s]看法,见解;观点 5.目标;打算(with a ~ to)

【例句】Nothing would more contribute to make a man wise than to have always an enemy in his ~.视域里总是有个敌人,再没有什么比这更能使人明智了。

different [5difrEnt] a.1.差异的,不同的(~ from, than)2.不平常的,与众不同的,别致的,罕见的

【例句】Every man is ~ from other people, and he is not the same self from day to day.每个人都与他人不同,每一天他也不是同一个自我。

developments [di5velEpmEnt] n.1.形成,研制,培育,开发 2.生长,进化,发展 3.发展(或培育等)的结果,产物 4.发达 5.发展(或成长,进化等)的阶段 6.事态发展,新情况,新闻7.开发的房地产

【例句】The psychic ~ of the individual is a short repetition of the course of ~ of the race.个体的精神发展是人类发展过程的短暂重复。

happy [ 5hApi ] a.1.(显得或感到)愉快的,高兴的,满意的 2.(表示)乐意的 3.(事情)幸运的

【例句】The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history.最幸福的女人犹如最幸福的民族,没有历史可言。【认知】本词的核心意义与“hap(机缘,运气,偶然发生)”具有关联性。death [ deW ] n.1.死,死亡;(植物的)枯萎 2.灭亡,破灭,毁灭,终止,结束 3.致死原因

【例句】We understand ~ for the first time when he puts his hand upon one whom we love.当死神的手落在我们所爱的人身上时,我们第一次懂得了死亡的含义。kind [ kaind ] a.1.友好的;亲切的 2.和蔼的;仁慈的3.富于同情心的;宽容的,心胸宽在的 n.1.种类 2.[the ~] 特定种类的人;同类的人(或事物)3.(动、植物等的)类,族;种,属

【例句】Knowledge is of two ~s.We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it.知识分为两种:自己掌握一门学问,或者知道在哪里可以获得关于它的资料。

live [ liv ] v.1.活;生存(~ by, on, upon)2.度(过),经历(过)(~ through)3.(小说、戏剧中的人物)栩栩如生 a.1.活的,有生命的 2.生动活泼的3.精力充沛的ad.[laiv] 在(或从)现场,以现场直播方式

【例句】 He most ~s who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best.思考最深广、感受最高尚、行为最优秀的人活得最充实。needs [ ni:dz ] v.1.需要 2.须要,定要 3.缺少,欠缺 n.1.需要(物);必要 2.缺少,欠缺 3.缺衣少食,贫困

【例句】 Do not buy what you want, but what you ~;what you do not ~ is a dear at a farthing.不要买想要的东西,而要买需要的东西。不需要的东西即使花一文钱也是昂贵的。

shortage [ 5FC:tidV ] n.1.不足,短少 2.不足之额

【例句】This island is almost made of coal and surrounded by fish.Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish in Great Britain at the same time.这个岛几乎由煤构成并被鱼包围。只有一个组织天才才能在英国同时造成煤与鱼的短缺。infant [ 5infEnt ] n.1.婴儿 2.初学者;生手 【例句】No animal is so inexhaustible as an excited ~.没有一种动物能像兴奋的婴儿这样不知疲倦。【认知】前缀为“in-”含义;本词的“fant”与“fari”(说)之间为变体关系;核心含义为“speechless”(不说话的)。

class [ klB:s ] n.1.种类,门类 2.班级; 3.课;上课 4.阶级;社会等级 v.把„„归入某类(或某类等级)【例句】There is only one ~ in the community that thinks more about money than the rich, and that is the poor.社会中只有一个阶级比富人更多地想着金钱,那就是穷人。

mortality [ mC:5tAlEti ] n.1.死,死亡率 2.终有一死

【例句】If I laugh at any mortal thing, it is that I may not weep.如果我笑世间的凡事,那是为了我可以免于哭泣。【认知】词根“mort”含义为“死亡”;如“murder”为同源关系。

back [ bAk ] n.1.背,背部 2.脊 3.背面,反面 4.后面;后部 5.力气,气力 v.1.(使)后退,(使)倒退 2.位于„的后面;构成„的背景;支持(~ up)a.(无比较级)1.背后的,后面的 2.边远的;偏僻的 3.向后的;反向的

【例句】Other men’s sins are before our eyes;our own are behind our ~.别人的罪过在眼前,自己的罪过在背后。expectancy [Ik5spektEnsI] n.期待, 期望

【例句】the life expectancy curve 预期寿命曲线【认知】本词词根为“spect”(看);如“inspect”同源关系。

order [ 5C:dE ] n.1.次序,顺序 2.整齐,有条理 3.工作(或健康等)状况4.通例,常规 5.治安,秩序;制度 6.(议会、会议等的)程序,规程 7.[常作~ s]命令;指示;嘱咐 8.风气;风尚;流行式样;趋势 v.1.整理,安排;布置 2.命令;指示;嘱咐 3.定购;预定

【例句】 The joy of the young is to disobey — but the trouble is , there are no longer any ~s.年轻人的乐趣在于不服从 —— 不过问题在于,现在已不存在任何指令。

fact [ fAkt ] n.1.事实,真实事情,客观事实 2.真实性,确凿性;实际,实情,真相 3.细节 4.论据,假设事实

【例句】Experience isn’t interesting till it begins to repeat itself — in ~, till it does that, it hardly is experience.经验直到重复,自己才能得到注意 —— 事实上在此之前它很难算是经验。

means [ mi:nz ] [复] n.1.[用作单或复]方法,手段;工具(by ~ of)2.金钱,财富,财产;财力;收入 【例句】Means only exist to serve an end.手段只为服务于目的而存在。

part [ pB:t ] n.1.一部分,部分 2.等分中的一份,„分之一 3.组成部分4.份儿;职责,本分;作用 v.(to part with)使分成几部分;使分裂

【例句】Not to know certain things is a great ~ of wisdom.不去知道某些事是智慧的一大部分。

hope [ hEup ] n.1.希望;指望 2.所希望的东西;期望着的事 3.(in the hope that „)抱有信心的理由 v.1.希望,期望;期待2.相信

【例句】In prosperity prepare for a change;in adversity ~ for change;in adversity ~ for one.顺境中准备变化,逆境中期待变化。place [ pleis ] n.1.地方,地点;场所,所在地 2.合适的(或常处的、原来的、指定的)位置;适当的时刻(或场合)3.(社会)地位,等级,身份;重要地位,高位;名望 v.放置;安置;安排

【例句】Everyone has talent.What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark ~ where it leads.人人都不乏才能。罕见的是跟随才能到它所指引的暗处去的勇气。

word [ wE:dz ] n.1.词,单词;字 2.谈话 3.话;词句;言辞,言语 4.消息,信息;传闻,谣言(Word has it that „)

【例句】A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying, in other ~s, that he is wiser today than he way yesterday.人绝不应耻于承认自己犯过的错误。换一句话,勇于承认错误不过是说明他今天比昨天更聪明。

perfect [ 5p:fikt ] a.1.完美的;理想的 2.完好的,完整的;健全的 3.完全的,绝对的;十足的,地道的 4.精通的;娴熟的 5.精确的;绝对正确的 v.1.(使)完美,改善,提高 2.(使)完全;完成 【例句】Perfect courage is to do without witnesses what one would be capable of doing before all the world.十足的勇敢是在没人在场的情况下做众目睽睽时做到的事。food [ fu:d ] n.1.食物;(固体)食品 2.资料;精神滋养

【例句】If God were to appear to starving people, he would not dare to appear in any other form than ~.上帝假如对饥饿的人们显圣,他是不会以除了食物之外的任何形态出现。

human [ 5hju:mEn ] a.1.人的,人类的 2.显示人的本性的;有人性的;通人情的 n.人

【例句】I am a man, and nothing ~ can be of indifference.我是个人,对有关人的一切都不能无动于衷。【认知】本词的核心意义与“homo;man”(土地;泥土)具有关联性;英语文化宗教认为“人是上帝使用黏土制造的”。government [ 5^QvEnmEnt ] n.1.[常作G-] 政府,内阁 2.政体;体制 3.治理,管理,支配

【例句】Freedom of opinion can only exist when the government thinks itself ~.言论自由只有在政府认为自己安全时才能存在。【认知】G。

play [ plei ] n.1.玩;游戏;玩笑 2.剧本;戏剧;(戏剧的)演出 3.活动;操作;(才智等的)运用 4.作用;影响(to give full play to)v.1.玩,做(游戏)2.参加(体育活动、比赛等)3.开(玩笑)4.扮演(角色等);演出 【例句】本词的核心意义与“高兴得跳起来;跳舞;高兴;欢呼”具有关联性。【认知】G。pay [ pei ] v.1.付钱给,给„报酬 2.付,支付 3.给予(注意等)(to ~ attention to);致以(问候等);进行(访问等)(to ~ a visit to)4.对„有利,对„有好处(to ~ off)5.产生„利润;(工作等)有„报酬 n.1.工资,薪金 2.报偿;报应,惩罚 3.付钱 【例句】Censure is the tax a man ~s to the public for being eminent.遭受指摘是一个人由于出众而向公众纳的税。buy [ bai ] v.1.买,买得 2.(出一定代价)获得,换得,赢得 3.向„行贿,收买 4.<口>相信,接受;同意

【例句】It’s good to have money to ~ things that money can ~, but it’s better not to lose things money cannot ~.有钱买钱得到好东西,别失去钱买不到的东西更好。

population [ 7pCpju5leiFEn ] n.1.[常作the ~](城市、国家、地区等的)全部人 2.人口 3.(某地或某类)物品的总数;(某地或某地)动(或植)物总数

【例句】Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ratio.Subsistence only increases in an arithmetical ratio.人口在不加抑制时以几何比率增长。生活资料仅以算术比率增长。

way [ weiz ] n.1.方法,手段,方式;样式 2.(某个)方面;(某)点 3.方向 4.路途,路线;[亦作~s]路程,距离 5.路,道路;出路 6.供通过(或前进)的地方;活动范围;余地;机会 7.[常作 ~s]习俗,风度,作风;癖性 8.情况,状态;程度;规模 【例句】He has more power in many ~s than the President.在许多方面他的权利比总统的还大。

situation [ 7sitju5eiFEn ] n.1.位置,地点 2.情况,处境;状态 3.形势,局面;环境 4.困难境地;危险局面

【例句】The United States today is in the unhappy ~ of a rich and romantic maiden.She yearns hopelessly to be loved for herself alone.今日的美国处于一个富有而浪漫的少女的可怜境地。她毫无希望地渴望有人仅仅为了她本人而爱她。patient [ 5peiFEnt ] a.1.忍耐的;有耐心的 2.显示出忍耐的;(长期)忍受苦难的 3.坚忍的;勤奋的 n.病人

【例句】The art of medicine consists in three things: the disease, the ~ and the physician.The ~ must combat the disease along with the physician.医术由三样东西组成:疾病、病人和医生。病人必须和医生一道与疾病斗争。

global [ 5^lEubEl ] a.1.全球的,全世界的 2.天体的,球形的;球面的 3.总括的,总的,完整的,综合的;统一的 【例句】the ~ tonnage of that country’s navy 那个国家舰队的总吨位。

reason [ 5ri:zn ] n.1.原因,理由,诱因;充分理由 2.理智,理性;判断力,推理力 3.正常神志 4.道理,情理,明智 v.1.推论,推理,作逻辑思维 2.理喻,劝告(~ with)

【例句】 He that will not ~ is a bigot.He that cannot ~ is a fool.And he that dares not ~ is a slave.不愿讨论的人是盲从者,不能讨论的人是蠢人,不敢讨论的人是奴才。

face [ feis ] n.1.脸,面孔,面部表情2.表面;前面 3.外表,外观 4.自信 5.(in the ~ of)面子,威信;自尊,自重,尊严 v.1.面向,面朝,正对 2.使面对 3.面对 4.(勇敢地)对付;正视 5.面临6.(把事实等)摆在„面前(~ with)

【例句】It is harder to remain radical when richer because you have to ~ up, at least in theory, to giving up what you’ve got.越富有保持激进就越难,因为你不得不至少在理论上勇于正视放弃自己所得这一问题。

result [ ri5zQlt ] n.1.结果,后果;成果,效果 2.比赛结果,比分;成绩 v.1.(作为结果)发生,产生(~ from)2.结果,终归,终结(~ in)

【例句】Though great artists have been licentious, license does not necessarily ~ in great art.尽管伟大的艺术家们曾经放浪形骸却未必导致伟大的艺术。

necessary [ 5nes[sEri ] a.1.必要的;必需的;必须的 2.必然的,势必的 【例句】Make yourself ~ to someone.使你自己成为某个人所需要的人。

gain [ ^einz ] v.1.获得,取得;赢得 2.(使)获得;(使)博得;(使)赢得 3.增加,增添 4.(经过努力)到达

【例句】Beauty ~ little, and homeliness and deformity lose much, by gaudy attire.徒具华丽的服吏美人增色不多,却使丑人减色不少。

medical [ 5medikEl ] a.1.医学的;医疗的;医用的 2.内科的

【例句】If a man is good in his heart, then he is an ethical member of any group in society.if he is bad in his heart, he is an unethical member.To me, the ethics of ~ practice is as simple as that.一个如果内心是善良的,在任何社会集团都是道德的成员;如果内心是邪恶的,就是不道德的成员。对于我,从医的道德和这一样简单。

remember [ ri5membE ] v.1.记得,回想起 2.牢记,记住,不忘记

【例句】Happiness isn’t something you experience;it’s something you ~.幸福不是你经历的事情,而是你记得的事情。success [ sEk5ses ] n.1.成就;成功;好结果,好成绩;胜利 2.发迹;兴旺;升迁 3.成功的事物;取得成就的人 4.结果;效果 【例句】 There is only one ~ to be able to spend your life in your own way.成功只有一种:能够以自己的方式度过一生。difficulty [ 5difikElti ] n.1.难,困难性,困难程度 2.困难,难事3.费劲 4.难点,难题 5.麻烦;麻烦的起因

【例句】Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one’s thoughts into action is the most ~ in the world.思想容易行动难,把思想化为行动则是世上第一难事。

bring [ briN ] v.1.把„带至说话人所在处(或指定处),带来,拿来 2.把„引来 3.促使,说服,劝使,影响 4.导致,招致;产生(~ about)

【例句】You will not find poetry anywhere unless you ~ some of it with you.如果不自己带些诗,你在哪儿也找不到。believe [ bi5li:v ] v.(Believe it or not)1.相信,相信„的真实性 2.相信(某人)的话 3.认为;猜想,料想

【例句】 The liar’s punishment is not the least that he is not ~d, but that he cannot ~ anyone else.说谎者受到的惩罚绝不是没有人相信他,而是他无法相信任何人。improve [ im5pru:v ] v.1.改进,改善;增进 2.提高(土地、地产)的

【例句】People seldom ~ when they have no other model but themselves to copy after.人们在除了自己便没有其他榜样效仿时,难取得进步。

mind [ maind ] n.1.头脑;智力;知识(to bear in mind)2.理智;健全的心智,正常的神志 3.(区别于身躯或物质的)心,精神 4.心情,情绪 5.想法,见解,意见;主意 v.1.注意 2.小心,当心 3.[我用于否定句或疑问句]介意;反对

【例句】The purpose of education is to replace an empty ~ with an open one.教育的目的是将空虚的头脑换成开放的头脑。science [ 5saiEns ] n.1.科学 2.自然科学;(科学的)学科 3.(可用科学方法研究或应用科学方法的)科学事物 4.技术,技巧 5.科学研究;真理探索

【例句】 Science is nothing but developed perception, interpreted intent, common sense rounded out and minutely articulated.科学不过是经过阐发的知觉,经过解释的含义,经过完善并详细表述的常识。【认知】词根“sci”含义为“to know(认知)”。harm [ hB:m ] n.1.伤害,损害,危害(do ~ to)2.邪恶;恶行

【例句】There is not much ~ in a lion;he has no ideals, no religion, no politics, no chivalry, no gentility.狮子为害其实不大。它没有理想,没有宗教,没有政治,没有骑士精神,也讲究斯文。

nature [ 5neitFE ] n.1.[拟人化时常作N-]大自然,自然界;自然力 2.禀性,天性;性格3.本质,性质;类型,种类(by ~)4.真实,真切(in ~)

【例句】If you study ~ in books, when you go out of doors you cannot find her.如果在书本中研究自然,走出户外时你就找不到她。

step [ step ] n.1.(脚)步;一步的距离 2.步态;步伐 3.[~s](某人所走的)路,道路;步骤;措施(to take ~s)4.级别,等级;晋级5.梯级,台阶

【例句】He that climbs a ladder must begin at the first ~.登梯子的人必须从第一级开始。

system [5sIstEm] n.1.系统 2.制度,体制 3.理论体系 4.方法,方式 5.分类;分类原则 6.条理;秩序

【例句】Every science has for its basis a ~ of principles as fixed and unalterable as those by which the universe is regulated.每门科学都有一套像管理宇宙的原理那样固定不变的原理作为基础。

law [ lC: ] n.1.法律,法;法制 2.法的威力;法律的制约 3.<喻>权威性断言;权威制约;权威 4.守则;惯例;习俗

【例句】 The ~ cannot make all men equal, but they are all equal before the ~.法律并不能使人人平等,但他们在法律面前都是平等的。

pollution [ pE5lu:FEn ] n.1.污染 2.污染物;受污染空气

【例句】Man will survive as a species for one reason: He can adapt to the destructive effects of our power-intoxicated technology and of our ungoverned population growth, to the dirt, ~ and noise of a New York or Tokyo.人类作为一个物种,将出于一种原因而得以存活:他能够适应我们沉迷于力量的技术,不受控制的人口增长及大都市灰尘、污染与噪音所造成的有害影响。

mercy [ 5mE:si ] n.1.慈悲,仁慈,宽容 2.仁慈行为,善行 3.(神的)恩惠;幸运(at the ~ of“受控制于”)【例句】Society, like the Roman youth at circus, never shows ~ to the fallen gladiator.社会有如古罗马竞技场的青年,对战败的角斗士从不表现出怜悯。

opinion [ E5pinjEn ] n.1.意见,看法,见解,主张 2.舆论 3.评价;印象

【例句】 Our enemies come nearer the truth in their ~s of us than we do in our opinion of ourselves.敌人对我们的看法比我们对自己的看法更接近事实。

serious [ 5siEriEs ] a.1.严肃的,庄重的 2.认真的;不是开玩笑的 3.重要的,重大的,需要认真思考(或对待)的 4.严重的;危急的,令人担心的 【例句】Those who are ~ in ridiculous matters will be ridiculous in ~ matters.对荒唐的事态度严肃的人,对严肃的事会态度荒唐。industry [ 5indEstri ] n.1.勤奋,勤劳 2.(创造价值的)有组织劳动;经常的工作 3.工业,企业;行业,业;(有利可图的)行当

【例句】In the ordinary business of life ~ can do anything which genius can do, and very many things which it cannot.在普通的生活事务中,勤劳能够做天才能做的任何事情,以及天才所不能做的许许多多事情。

die [ dai ] vi.1.死亡,死 2.(植物)枯死,凋谢 3.消失,灭亡;停止,结束 4.减弱,逐渐消失,(声音等)渐变微弱 5<口>[常用于进行时态]渴望,切望(~ for)

【例句】Better to ~ on one’s feet than live on one’s knees.站着死胜过跪着生。

education [ 7edju(:)5keiFEn ] n.1.教育,培养;训练;教育程度 2.受到的教育;通过教育(或训练等)所得到的知识(或技能,修养)3.教育学

【例句】Education is what survives when what has been learnt has been forgotten.教育是学过的东西被忘掉后尚存的东西。chance [ tFB:ns ] n.1.机会,际遇 2.可能性;或然性;[常作~s]很有可能发生的情况(by ~)

【例句】In the field of observation, ~ favours the prepared mind.在观察的领域里,机遇垂青于有准备的头脑。interesting [ 5intristiN ] a.有趣的;引起兴趣的;令人关注的 【例句】The secret of a man who is universally ~ is that he is universally interested.引起大家兴趣的人,其秘密在于他对事事都感兴趣。

true [ tru: ] a.1.真实的,确实的;如实的 2.真的,真正的,非人造的 3.实质的,基本的 4.忠实的,忠诚的 5.可靠的,确凿的,无疑的

【例句】He who thinks himself more blessed because he enjoys benefits which others do not, is ignorant of ~ blessedness.由于享有他人所无的好处而自以为更幸福的人,不懂得什么是真正的幸福。newspaper [ 5nju:speipE ] n.1.报纸,报 2.报社

【例句】Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without ~s, or ~s without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.假如由我来决定应当要个政府而没有报纸,还是要报纸而没有政府,我会不迟疑地选择后者。

saying [ 5seiiN ] n.1.要说的话;所说的话;意见 2.发言机会;发言权 3.[常作the ~] 决定权

【例句】 Almost every wise saying has an opposite one, not less wise, to balance it.几乎所有的名言都有意思相反的一句,其智慧并不逊色,以便使之平衡。

birth [ bE:Ws ] n.1.出生 2.分娩 3.血统;出身 4.起源;根源(to give ~ to)【例句】Birth is nothing where virtue is not.品德不好,出身微不足道。

technology [ tek5nClEdVi ] n.1.技术(学),工艺(学),工业技术 2.[总称]术语,专门用语 3.技术应用(或方法)

【例句】Technology „ is a queer thing;it brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other.技术„„是种古怪的东西。它一手递过不非凡的礼物,一手在你背后戳上一刀。

modern [ 5mCdEn ] a.1.近代的,现代的(ancient, medieval之对)2.现代化的;新式的;时髦的,摩登的 【例句】The classic literature is always ~.古典文学永远是现代的。

pain [ pein ] n.1.痛,疼痛 2.痛苦,悲痛 3.[~s]辛苦,刻苦,努力;苦心;操心(take ~s)

【例句】One of the greatest ~s to human nature is the ~ of a new idea.人性感受的最大痛若之一是新思想带来的痛苦。room [ ru:m, rum ] n.1.房间,室 2.余地;机会;范围(to make ~ for)

【例句】For me a house is an instrument of work rather than a back ground for elegant living.Every ~ is a studio or workshop.房屋对于我是工作的装备,而非优雅生活的背景。每个房间都是画室或日工场。【认知】本词的核心意义与“房间;室”具有关联性。

eyes [ aiz ] n.1.眼睛,眼珠 2.眼光,视力,观察力 3.看,注意 4.见解,观点;判断(in the eyes of)

【例句】 The face is the mirror of the mind;and eyes, without speaking, confess the secrets of the heart.脸是心灵的镜子。眼睛无言,说出了内心的秘密。

increasing [ in5kri:siN ] v.增加,增大;增长,增强

【例句】Friendship with the good is like the evening shadows, increasing till the sun of life sets.与善良的人的友情就像傍晚的影响,它不断延长,直到生命的太阳落山。

especially [ is5peFEli ] ad.特别,尤其,格外;专门地,主要地;异常地

【例句】To say nothing, ~ when speaking, is half the art of diplomacy.什么也不说,尤其在讲话时,是外交艺术的一半。traditional [trE5dIFEn(E)l] n.传统,传统的思想(或信仰、习俗等)

【例句】Our young are being bombarded with the notion that they may be the last generation to experience ~ marriage and family life — and also with some pretty curious notions as to what they might try instead.我们的子女受到他们可能是体验传统婚姻和农行生活的最后一代的说法困扰 —— 同时又被一些相当奇特的观念冲击着,例如他们或许该转而尝试的事情。

experience [ iks5piEriEns ] n.1.经历,阅历 2.经验,感受,体验 v.1.经历,体验,感受2.通过亲身经历认识到,体验到,发现 【例句】Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.经验是人对自己的错误所加的名称。

save [ seiv ] v.1.救助,搭救 2.维护;保全 3.储蓄;积攒;保存 4.保留,留下 5.节省,节约;省去,免去

【例句】 Love cannot ~ life from death;but it can fulfill life’s purpose.爱无法从死亡中拯救生命,但它可以实现生命的目的。body [ 5bCdi ] n.1.(人、动物的)身体,躯体;(植物的)干、茎 2.(与灵魂、思想等相对而言的)肉体3.死人;(人、动物的)尸体 4.(文章、收籍等的)正文 4.(视作整体的)一群,一批,一组(a ~ of);社团,团体;一支部队 【例句】There is nothing the ~ suffers the soul may not profit by.任何使肉体受苦的东西都可以使灵魂得益。

ability [ E5biliti ] n.1.能力(指体力或智力),(法律、道义、财力等许可范围内的)行事能力,资格 2.[常作abilities]专门技能;天才;天资

【例句】The university brings out all abilities including incapability.大学使学生显露所有才能,包括无能。condition [ kEn5diFEn ] n.1.状况,状态;[~s]环境,形势 2.健康状况,病3.良好状况(或程度);可工作(或使用销售等)的状态(或程度);健康(程度)4.地位,身份 5.(先决)条件,前提v.是„„的条件,决定(~ed to);使取决于(~ on);影响,变更

【例句】All art constantly aspires towards the ~ of music.一切艺术都不懈地追求音乐的状态。

enjoy [ in5dVCi ] v.1.喜爱,享受„„的乐趣;乐于;欣赏,喜爱 2.享有,享受 3.经历

【例句】Optimist: A man who gets treed by a lion but ~s the scenery.乐观主义者:被狮子逼得上了树还欣赏风景的人。attention [ E5tenFEn ] n.(~ attention to)1.注意;专心;留心 2.注意力 3.考虑;关心;照料

【例句】No one is safe from slander.The best way is to pay no ~ to it, but live innocence and let the world talk.没有谁免于诽谤。最好的办法是不予理会,洁身自好,任凭人们去说。

ill [ il ] a.1.[常作表语]有病的;不健康的;要呕吐的 2.坏的;邪恶的;有害的;令人讨厌的 3.不利的;不吉利的 4.敌意的,不友善的;冷酷无情的,残酷的 5.不良的;不恰当的

【例句】One of the minor pleasures of life is to be slightly ~.人生的若干小快乐之一是得场小病。progress [ 5prEu^res ] n.1.进步,上进;生长;进展;(不断的)改进 2.前进,行进

【例句】Modesty makes one ~ whereas conceit makes one lay behind.虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。choose [ tFu:z ] v.1.选择,挑选;(投票)选举2.情愿;决定;认为„妥当(to choose A over B)

【例句】Life isn’t a choice.Something comes up or it doesn’t.A lot of choices ~ you.人生不是选择。有些事情也许发生,也许不发生。有许多选择在选择你。

open [ 5EupEn ] a.1.开着的 2.无遮盖的 3.空旷的;开阔的 4.散开的;稀疏的;稀松的 5.(道路等)可通行的,无障碍的(~ to)6.(职位等)空缺的;可利用的 7.空闲的,无约会的 8.开始营业(或工作)的;活动着的 9.正在考虑的,尚未决定的 10.无偏见的,能接受新思想的 11.慷慨的,大方的 v.1.开,打开;睁开;张开;展开 2.开辟;清除(道路等)的障碍物;开垦 3.开始;开设,开办

【例句】 Don’t tell a woman she’s pretty;tell her there is no other woman like her, and all roads will ~ to you.别对女人说她漂亮。对她说她与众不同,所有道路就都会向你开放。

finish [ 5finiF ] v.1.完成,结束 2.用完;吃完;耗尽 3.给„最后加工

【例句】Genius begins great works;labor alone ~ed them.天才开创非凡的工作,劳动独自完成它们。

spend [ spend ] v.(~ on)1.花费,用(钱)2.花(时间等);度过;消磨 3.消耗,用尽(气力等)4.浪费,滥用

【例句】To acquire wealth is difficult, to preserve it more difficult, but to ~ it wisely most difficult.取得财富难,保持它更难,但明智地运用它最难。

cause [ kC:z ] n.1.原因,起因(可指事物或人)2.(正当的)理由,(充分的)根据;动机3.事业;运动;勾当 4.要求决定的事,有争议的事 v.1.(使)产生,(使)发生,引起 2.使,促使 【例句】We must so strive that each man may regard himself as the chief ~ of the victory.我们必须努力到这种程度:每个人都可以自认是获胜的主要原因。

care [ kZE ] n.1.忧虑,烦恼,挂念 2.小心,用心,谨慎 3.照顾,管理;负责照管(或办理)的事 4.关心,关怀,关切 v.1.对„介意,对„计较 2.[后接不定式,常用于否定,疑问及条件句中]喜欢,愿意,想望

【例句】I don’t ~ what is written about me so long as it isn’t true.只要不是真的,我不在乎别人怎么写我。

case1 [ keis ] n.1.事例,实例2.病症,病例;病人 3.诉讼;讼案 4.【语】格

【例句】Economy is going without something you do want, in ~ you should some day want something which you probably won’t want.节俭就是省去确实需要的东西度日,以备可能有一天需要的东西度日,以备可能有一天需要未必需要的东西。case2 [keIs] n.1.箱,盒;套,罩;壳;鞘;容器 2.框,架 3.(一)组;

(一)对 【例句】How idiotic civilization is!Why be given a body if you have to keep it shut up in a ~ like a rare, rare fiddle? 文明是多么愚蠢!如果不得不把身体收藏在套子里,就像对待极其珍贵的小提琴一样,老天为什么还要将它给予你? matter [ 5mAtE(r)] n.1.事情,问题 2.物质,物品 3.[the~]麻烦事,毛病 v.要紧,有关系

【例句】War is much too serious a ~ to be entrusted to generals.战争一事过于重大,不能交给将军们负责。respect [ ris5pekt ] v.尊敬,敬重 n.1.尊敬,敬重 2.[~s]敬意;问候 3.方面;关系,关联(with ~ to)

【例句】 All the great religions are fundamentally equal.We must have innate ~ for other religions as we have for our own.一切伟大在根本上都是等同的。我们对于其他宗教,必须像对自己的宗教一样怀着天然的敬意。

real [ 5ri:El ] a.1.真的 2.现实的,实际的 3.逼真的,似真的 4.真实而重大的;完全的 5.真诚的,真心的 6.接触现实的;讲究实际的 7.[律](如房地产等)不动(产)的;物的

【例句】Character is like a tree, and reputation like its shadow.The shadow is what we think of it;the tree is the ~ thing.品德就像树,名声就像树的影子。影子是我们对树的看法,树才是真实的东西。

war [ wC: ] n.1.战争 2.斗争,竞争;对抗,冲突

【例句】War is nothing but the continuation of politics with the admixture of other means.战争无非是搀入其他手段的政治的延续。【认知】本词词根“war”含义为“男性 — 战争;斗争”。protect [ prE5tekt ] v.保护,防护(~ from);警戒

【例句】You can only ~ your liberties in this world by protecting the other man’s freedom.在这个世界上,你只有保护别人的自由才能保护自己的自由。turn [ tE:n ] v.1.(使)转动,(使)旋转 2.(使)倒置,(使)颠倒;把„弄乱 3.(精神上)(使)错乱,(使)迷乱 4.(使)变坏;(使)变质(~ out)5.把„用于;利用;使用(~ to)

【例句】No man would listen to you talk if he didn’t know it was his ~ next.假如不知道下一个轮到他,没人会听你说话。watch [ wCtF ] v.1.注视,观看 2.等待;留心(~ for)3.当心,注意 4.看护(~ over)5.守卫,看守 n.1.注视;注意;警惕;监视;观察 2.守卫;守护;守候 3.手表;挂表

【例句】The best way to restrain one’s anger is to ~ calmly how shameful it is when one is angry.抑制怒气的最好办法,是平静地观看别人愤怒时的表现有多么丢脸。

economic [ 7i:kE5nCmik ] a.1.经济学的 2.经济的,经济上的 3.关系国计民生的;有实用价值的 4.节约的,省俭的(常用economical)

【例句】We talk of freedom, but today political freedom does not take us far unless there is ~ freedom.我们谈到自由,但如今若没有经济上的自由,政治自由就起不到多大作用。【认知】 “eco-”有两层含义,其一“环境的,生态的,生态学的”,其二为“房子 — 家庭的,经济的(money)”。本词核心含义为“domestic management”。

fit [ fit ] a.(~ for)1.适合的,合适的,恰当的 2.正当的,正确的 3.健康的,强健的 4.相称的,称职的 v.1.(使)适合;(使)符合;与„相称 2.(使)配合 3.(使)适应,(使)成一致

【例句】When you read a biography remember that the truth is never ~ for publication 在读传记的时候,别忘了真相是不宜于公开的。

healthy [ 5helWi ] a.1.健康的,健壮的,显得健康的 2.<喻> 有益健康的

【例句】I have no relish for the country;it is a kind of ~ grave.我对乡下不感兴趣。那是一种有益健康的坟墓。

run [ rQn ] v.1.跑,奔 2.(和„)交往,结伴 3.(道路等)伸展,延展 4.(活动、报道等)继续,持续5.开动(机器),操作(机器)6.经营;管理;开办

【例句】You take all the experience and judgment of men over 50 out of the world and there wouldn’t be enough left to ~ it.把年过半百者的经验见识统统拿走,剩下的将不足以管理这个世界。

match [ mAtF ] n.1.火柴 2.对手;敌手 3.相配(或相同、相似)的人(或物)4.比赛,竞赛的约定

【例句】I’m not denying that women are foolish;God Almighty made them to ~ the men.我不是在否认女人愚蠢,全能的上帝造成了她们以与男人相配。

answer [ 5B:nsE ] v.1.回答,答复 2.对„作出反应,响应 3.适应,适合 4.负有责任,须作交代(~ to;~ for)n.1.回答 2.反应;回报 3.答案,解决办法 4.(在地位、实力等方面)相当的人;对应物

【例句】A man usually falls in love with the woman who asks the kind of questions he is able to ~.男人通常爱上所提的问题不出他所能够回答的范围的女人。

policy [ 5pClisi ] n.1.方针;政策 2.计谋;办法

【例句】In the field of world ~, I would dedicate this nation to the ~ of a good neighbor.在世界政策方面,我将使我国致力于睦邻政策。

rich [ ritF ] a.1.富的,有钱的 2.富饶的;繁茂的 3.盛产的;肥沃的(~ in)4.宝贵的;精致华丽的 5.意味深长的;内容丰富的 n.[the ~] [总称] [用作复] 富人,有钱人

【例句】One is not ~ by what one owns, but more by what one is able to do without with dignity.一个人的富有不是凭着他所拥有的东西,而更是凭着他能够没有而保持尊严的东西。【认知】词根“rich”与“rex”为变体关系,含义为“king”(国王 — 富裕的)。

environment [ in5vaiErEnmEnt ] n.1.环境 2.环境艺术

【例句】What is the thing called health? Simply a state in which the individual happens transiently to be perfectly adapted to his ~.Obviously, such states cannot be common, for the ~ is in constant flux.称为健康的东西是什么?不过是一种状态,处于这一状态的人刚好一时对环境完全适应。这种状态显然不可能常见,因为环境是在不断地变。famous [ 5feimEs ] a.1.著名的,出名的(~ for)2.<口>第一流的;极好的 【例句】The tragedy of being ~ is that you have to devote so much time to being ~.成名的悲剧在于你不得不投入如此之多的时间来成名。

miss [ mis ] n.小姐 v.1.未击中;未抓住 2.失败,未达到目的 3.惦念 4.避免,逃脱

【例句】For a long life be moderate in all things, but don’t ~ anything.为了长寿,事事都要有所节制,但不要错过任何事情。idea [ ai5diE ] n.1.思想,概念 2.计划,打算;想法,主意;意见;信念 3.模糊的想法;想象;猜想 4.意义;意思 【例句】The man with a new ~ is a crank until the ~ succeeds.具有新想法的人在其想法成功之前就是怪人。evil [ 5i:vl ] a.1.邪恶的;罪恶的;堕落的 2.有害的 3.讨厌的

【例句】 The urge to gamble is so universal and its practice so pleasurable that I assume it must be ~.赌博欲是如此普遍,赌博又是如此快乐,我想它必定是邪恶的。【认知】本词与“right”相对抗,强调“not a rule;not the law(违法)”。number [ 5nQmbE ] n.1.数目;数字;数额 2.大数目(a ~ of);[常作~ s ]多数,大批 3.号码,编号

【例句】Marriage is a lot like the army, everyone complains, but you’d be surprised at the large ~ that re-enlist.婚姻非常像军旅生涯,人人都在抱怨,可你会惊异于超期服役者的数量之大。

activity [ Ak5tiviti] n.1.活动;正常活动;行动 2.剧烈活动;活跃;敏捷;活力 【例句】The essence of language is human ~.语言的本质是人类的活动。

medicine [ 5medsin,-disin ] n.1.药,药物,药剂(尤指内服药)2.医学,医术 【例句】Laughter, the best ~.笑是最好的药品。【认知】词根“med”意义与“内科医生;痊愈 — 医学的,医疗的”具有关联性;如“irremediable”有同源关联。

deal [ di:l ] v.1.有关联,论述 2.处理(~ with)3.分配,分给 4.卖,出售 n.<口>交易,(尤指秘密的)协议

【例句】We must ~ with pleasure as we do with honey, only touch them with the tip of the finger, and not with the whole hand for fear of surfeit.我们必须像吃峰密那样对待享乐,只用指尖蘸一点儿,而不是张开手去抓,以免过量。

show [FEu ] v.1.给„看,(使)被看见;陈列;展览 2.显示;表现 3.演出;放映 4.指出;指示 5.引领,带领 6.阐明;解释 7.证明;表明 n.1.展览 2.炫耀,卖弄(~ off)3.演出 4.外观,外表 5.景象;奇观 【例句】Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never ~s to anybody.每个人都是个月亮,都有从不示人的黑暗的一面。carefully [5keEfJlI] ad.1.小心地,仔细地;谨慎地 2.精确地;用心(或费力)做成地 3.关切地

【例句】Being divorced is like being hit by a Mack truck.If you live through it, you start looking very carefully to the right and to the left.经受离婚如遭到一辆麦克牌大卡车的撞击。你要是活了下来,从此走路就会非常小心地左顾右盼。

term [ tE:m ] n.1.专门名词,名称,术语 2.期,期限;任期 3.学期 4.[~s](契约、谈判等的)条件;条款 5.[~s]说话的方式,措辞(in ~ of)6.[~s]关系,交谊;地位 v.把„称为,把„叫做

【例句】Theology is the effort to explain the unknowable in ~s of the not worth knowing.神学就是努力用不值一知的词语去解释可知的事情。

possible [ 5pCsEbl ] a.1.可能的;有可能做得到(或行到)的 2.有发展前途的,有潜在价值的

【例句】How is it ~ to expect mankind to take advice when they will not so much as take warning? 人类甚至连警告都无意接受,期待他们接受劝告又如何可能?

present [ pri5zent ] v.1.赠送;授予;呈献 2.提出;提供;递交;向„提出(或提供、递交)3.显示,呈现;表现;描述,向„显示(或表现)4.(尤指在正式场合)引见,介绍 a.1.[一般作表语]出席的;存在的 2.现在的;正在处理(或考虑)中的 n.1.礼物,赠品 2.(at ~)现在,目前

【例句】The man who is perfectly pleased with the ~ state of things is a failure.完全满足现状的人是个失败者。lead [ li:d ] v.1.(尤指前行而)为„带路;领(路);为„指路;引领 2.牵;引;运 3.致使;使得(~ to)4.劝导;怂恿;引诱 5.度过(时间、生活)6.开始;开创(时尚)

【例句】He who has confidence in himself will ~ the rest.自信的人将领导其余的人。market [ 5mB:kit ] n.1.集市;市场,商业中心 2.商品买卖活动 v.销售,出售

【例句】If fools went not to ~, bad wares would not be sold.傻瓜不上市场,劣货不会售出。

information [ 7infE5meiFEn ] n.1.信息,情报;资料 2.通知,告知 3.[计](可在计算机中贮存和查找的)数据,资料 【例句】As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best ~.一般而言,生活中最成功的是拥有最佳信息的人。

prevent [ pri5vent ] v.1.阻止;制止;妨碍(~ from)2.防止,预防

【例句】The most correct way to ~ war is not afraid of it.防止战争的最正确方法是无惧于战争。suddenly [5sQdEnlI] ad.突然地;出乎意料地

【例句】 You’re never quite sure how you feel about a neighbor until a “For Sale” sign suddenly appears in front of his house.在“待售”的招牌突然出现在邻人屋外之前,你永远拿不太准自己对他的看法如何。

period [ 5piEriEd ] n.1.(一段)时间,时期,阶段;时代 2.[the ~]该时期,该时代;当代,现代 3.周期

【例句】I never think that half an hour is an insignificantly short ~ of time.我从不以为半小时是微不足道的一小段时间。strong [ strCN ] a.1.强有力的;强大的;强健的 2.牢固的;坚牢的 3.坚定的;积极的 4.有说服力的 5.精通的,擅长的 【例句】The weak have one weapon: The errors of those who think they are ~.弱者拥有一种武器:那些自以为是强者的人的错误。afraid [ E5freid ] a.(~ of;~ that)[一般作表语] 1.害怕的;(尤指因虑及后果而)犯愁的,不乐意的 2.<口>[用于提出异议、说出令人不快的事实、拒绝对方要求等场合,使语气婉转]遗憾的

【例句】 In our civilization, men are ~ that they will not be men enough and women are ~ that they might be considered only women.在我们的文明中,男人惟恐自己不够男子气,女人则担心自己会只被视为女人。suffering [ 5sQfEriN ] n.苦楚, 受难

【例句】My own experience and development deepen every day my conviction that our moral progress may be measured by the degree in which we sympathize with individual suffering and individual joy.我本人的经历和成长每天都在加深这一信念:我们的道德进步能够以对他人休戚与共的程度来衡量。

sure [ FuE ] a.(~ of)1.确信的,有把握的;自信的 2.可靠的;稳妥的 3.无可置疑的,确实的 4.不可避免的,必然发生的 【例句】God is a ~ paymaster.He may not pay at the end of every week, or month, or year, but remember, He pays in the end.上帝是位可靠的雇主,他可能不是每周,或者每月,或者每年付款;不过记住,他最后一定付。daily [ 5deili ] a.1.每日的,每周日的;每日一次的;日常的 2.持续一天的 3.一天的,按天计算的

【例句】Daily duties and ~ bread are the sweetest things of life.日常的职责和日常的食物是生活中最甜美的东西。limited [5limitid] a.(~ to)1.有限的 2.(权力等)受(宪法等)限制的 n.股份有限公司

【例句】Existing scientific concepts cover always only a very ~ part of reality.现有的科学思想总是仅仅涉及极其有限的一部分现实。

level [5lev(E)l] n.1.平的东西;平坦的表面 2.水平面;水平线;水平高度 3.水平,水准;程度 v.变得平坦;达到水平状态(~ off)

【例句】In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his ~ of incompetence.在等级制度下,雇员往往都会晋升到所不胜任的级别。

ground [ ^raJnd ] n.1.地,地面,土地 2.(适于思想、组织等发展的)地方;境界 3.[常作~s]理由,根据(on the grounds that „)【例句】Never look down to test the ~ before taking your step: only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find his right road.不要没迈步就低头查看地面。只有放眼盯住地平线的人才能找到正确的路。

pollute [ pE5lu:t,-5lju:t ] v.1.弄脏,污染2.玷污 【例句】to ~ the air with smoke 用烟污染空气。

wonderful [5wQndEful] a.1.令人惊奇的,奇妙的;令人惊叹的 2.精彩的,绝妙的 3.令人高兴的;使愉快的

【例句】There are many ~ things, but none is more ~ than man.世上有许多奇妙的东西,但没有一样比人更奇妙。question [ 5kwestFEn ] n.1.问题;疑问 2.难题,有待解决的问题 3.审问,讯问 4.研究分析,探究(at ~)

【例句】The observer listens to nature;the experimenter ~s and forces her to reveal herself.观察者倾听自然,试验者讯问自然并迫使她显示真面目。

stop [ stCp ] v.1.塞住,堵塞 2.阻止,阻挡 3.停止,(使)中断 n.1.停止;终止 2.阻塞,堵塞 3.停车站;停留地点 【例句】No man really becomes a fool until he ~s asking questions.只要没有停止提问,一个人就没有真正成为傻瓜。benefit [ 5benifit ] n.1.益处,好处;帮助 2.(生病、年老、失业等时的)救济金;(根据保险规定所得的)保险金(或服务)vi.得益,得到好处(~ by, ~ from)【例句】Heroes exterminate each other for the ~ of people who are not heroes.英雄好汉为了不是英雄好汉的人们的权益而互相残杀。

common [ 5kCmEn ] a.1.(in ~)公共的,共有的,共同(做)的;(影响)公众的 2.普通的,通常的;日常的 3.无特权的,平民的 4.劣等的,次的 5.粗俗的,粗鲁的

【例句】Common sense is not sense ~ to everyone, but sense in ~ things.常识不是对每个人都属平常的知识,而是关于平常事物的知识。

relationship [ ri5leiFEnFip ] n.1.关系,关联 2.(国际、人际等的)关系;感情关系 3.亲属关系,家属关系;姻亲关系 【例句】There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming ~, communion, or company than a good marriage.世上没有比美满的婚姻更愉快、友好和迷人的关系、交流或陪伴。

control [kEn5tr[Jl] v.1.控制;指挥;管理 2.克制,抑制

【例句】If we can ~ wealth, we will live in abundance and freedom;if we are ~ed by wealth, we will be poor to the bone.如果能够支配财富,就会生活得富裕而自由;如果被财富所支配,就会穷困到潦倒不堪。

rather [ 5rB:TE(r)] ad.1.宁可,宁愿;最好 2.[常接用于or后,修正或补充上文]更确切些 3.[用以使证据婉转]有几分,有点儿 4.[用以强调] 相当,颇

【例句】True friendship foresees the needs of others ~ than proclaims its own.真正的友谊预见别人的需要而非显示自己的需要。happen [5hApEn] v.1.(偶然)发生 2.[后接不定式] 碰巧;恰

【例句】Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.人们间或绊倒在真理上,但大多数都爬起来就匆匆离去,似乎什么事也没发生。thank [ WANk ] v.谢谢,感谢

【例句】I’ve had an happy life, ~s to God.我有过幸福的生活,感谢上帝。

wish [ wiF ] v.1.希望,想要 2.[表示不能实现或与现实相悖的愿望]但愿 3.祝,祝愿 4.向„道(早安等)5.[表示婉转的命令]请求,要求

【例句】He is great who can do what he ~es;he is wise who ~es to do what he can.想做什么便能做什么的人伟大,能做什么便愿做什么的人聪明。

greatly [5^reItlI] ad.1.大大地,非常,很 2.崇高地;高贵地;威严地 【例句】We love justice ~, and just men but a little.我们极其热爱公正,而公正的人只是略为喜欢而已。master [ 5mB:stE(r)] n.1.(男)主人;(男)户主;雇主 2.有控制(或使用、处理)权人 3.(技艺高超的)艺术家;音乐家;演秦家 4.大师,名家;专家,学者 5.名家作品6.硕士;文学硕士;理学硕士 8.获胜者 a.1.主人的2.主要的;最重要的 3.能带学徒的,技术熟练的;精通的;优秀的 4.控制的,支配的;总的;统治的

【例句】What is called a great ~ is a person who see with his own eyes what others have seen, but he can find beauty in the common sights.所谓大师就是这样的人,他以自己的眼睛看别人看到过的东西,但是能够常见的东西中发现美。

point [pCInt] n.1.尖,尖端;尖头 2.时刻;关键时刻;临近时刻 3.阶段;程度;地步 4.特点;特征;独特部分5.要点,中心意思;核心问题 6.目的;用途 v.1.(使)有尖头;削尖 2.加强(言语或动作)的力量;强调 3.指出,指明(~ out)4.把(枪等)对准;使朝向

【例句】When a man ~s a finger at someone else, he should remember that four of his fingers are ~ing at himself.在把一个指头指向别人时,别忘了有四个指头在指向自己。perhaps [ pE5hAps ] ad.或许,大概,可能

【例句】Perhaps they were right in putting love into books „ Perhaps it could not live any where else.也许把许爱情写在书里是对的。„„ 也许它在别的地方都无法存在。

forget [ fE5^et ] v.1.忘记,遗忘 2.忘记带(或买等)3.不把„放在心上 4.忽略;忽视

【例句】Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to ~ it.想忘掉一件事的愿望最有力不过地把这件事固定在记忆里。

free [ fri: ] a.1.自由的 2.未固定的 3.空闲的;未被占用的 4.免费的,无偿的 5.直爽的,坦率的 6.不受阻碍的;畅通的 7.自愿的,主动的 8.(头脑等)不受先人之见影响的,不受世俗约束的,不带偏见的 v.1.(使)自由,解放 2.使解脱出来;清除(~ from, ~ of)【例句】Man is born ~, and everywhere he is in chains.人天生是自由的,而他在哪里都戴着锁链。news [ nju:z ] n.1.新闻 2.消息 3.新闻人物;新闻地名;新闻事件

【例句】When a dog bites a man that is not ~, but when a man bites a dog that is ~.狗咬人不是新闻,人咬狗才是新闻。

stay [ stei ] v.1.继续是;保持 2.留下;逗留 3.站住;中止;暂缓 4.持续;坚持 n.1.停止 2.停留;逗留时间 3.持续能力;持久力,耐力

【例句】Some people can ~longer in an hour than others can in a week.有些客人能在一小时里比别人一星期待得还久。test [ test ] n.1.试验,测试 2.检验(标准);考验(方法)(stand the test of)【例句】Life for one is facing up to the ~;to be brought into the world is not the end of life, but the beginning of it.生活就是勇敢地接受检验。来到世上并非生活的目的,而是生活的开端。

energy [ 5enEdVi ] n.1.活力;生动有力 2.精力;能力;力量 3.能,能量,能源

【例句】Love is one of the most powerful energies of the universe.It is thousands of times stronger than anger, resentment or fear.爱是天地间最强大的力量。它比愤怒、怨恨或恐惧强大千万倍。

lose [ lu:z ] v.1.失去;损失 2.遗失 3.[常用被动语态](使)失踪;致„死亡;使毁灭 4.浪费(时间、劳动力等)5.迷失;使迷路 6.亏损 7.输掉;未赢得 8.降低;减少

【例句】A wise man never ~s anything if he have himself.智者只拥有自己就什么都不会失去。reform [ ri5fC:m ] v.1.改革;改良;改造(社会等)2.改造(人),使改过自新 3.革除(弊病、陋习等)

【例句】 To ~ a man is a tedious and uncertain labour;hanging the sure work of a minute.改造人是冗长而无把握的工作,绞刑则是举手之劳。

solve [ sClv ] v.1.解决;阐明;解释 2.解,解答(数学题)

【例句】Science is always wrong: it never ~s a problem without creating ten more.科学总是有毛病:它每解决一个问题都必定再造出十个来。

various [ 5vZEriEs ] a.①不同的,各种各样的 ②多方面的

【例句】Such and so ~ are the tastes of men.人们的口味千差万别。

special [ 5speFEl ] a.1.特殊的,特别的 2.异常的,独特的 3.专门的;特制的;有特种用途(或作用)的4.增加的,额外的 5.特别亲密的;受到高度尊重的;首要的 6.具体的;明确的

【例句】Love is a ~ affection for a man or a woman, which is stronger than that for any other person.爱情是对一个男人或女人的特殊的好感,它比对其他任何人的好感都强烈。

power [ 5pauE ] n.1.力,力量 2.能力;本领 3.权力;政权;影响力 4.强国 5.国家力量;政治力量 6.活力;强度 7.动力;电力 8.[数]幂,乘方 v.1.给提供动力,使开始 2.促进,推动

【例句】The ~ of fortune is confessed only by the miserable;for the happy impute all their success to prudence or merit.命运的力量只得到不幸者承认,因为幸运儿把所有的成就都归功于自己的精明或长处。begin [bI5^In] v.1.开始;开始进行;开始存在 2.开始讲话(~ with)【例句】It is the customary fate of new truths to ~ as heresies and to end as superstitions.新出现的真理往往遭遇这样的命运;起初被视作异端,最后被奉为迷信。

name [ neim ] n.1.名字;姓名;姓;名称 2.名义;虚名 3.名声,名誉;名望 v.1.给„取名字,为„定名2.陈说,列举(to name a few)

【例句】What’s in a ~? That which we call a rose, by any other ~ would smell as sweet.名称又有什么意义?我们称作玫瑰的花,换成任何名称都会同样芬芳。

speed [ spi:d ] n.(at ~)1.迅速,快 2.速率;动量 v.促进;加快„的速度(~ up)【例句】In skating over thin ice, our safety is in our ~.在薄冰上溜冰时的安全在于高速。lesson [ 5les[n ] n.1.功课,课业 2.一堂课,一节课 3.教训;经验 5.惩戒;告诫;训斥

【例句】The education of a woman’s heart is a series of ~s with a series of men until she falls in love for the rest of her life.女人的感情教育就是由与一系列男子交往组成的一系列课程,直至她终其余生爱上一个人为止。

certain [ 5sE:tEn ] a.1.确实的,无疑的 2.可靠的 3.不可避免的,必然发生的 4.[只作表语]肯定的;确信的 5.[只作定语]某,某一,某种,一定的 6.[只作定语]一些

【例句】A doubtful friend is worse than a ~ enemy.不可靠的朋友比确定无疑的敌人更可怕。

busy [ 5bizi ] a.1.忙碌的,不得空闲的 2.繁忙的,热闹的 3.(尤指电话线)正被占用的 4.爱管闲事的

【例句】 The more we do, the more we can do;the more ~ we are, the more leisure we have.事越做越能做,人越忙越有空。succeed [sEk5si:d ] v.1.成功;获得成效(~ in)2.发迹;兴旺 3.接着发生;接连(~ to)4.继承;继任(~ to)【例句】We always ~ when we only wish to do well.我们在一心只想做得好的时候往往成功。dream [ dri:m ] n.1.梦 2.出神,心不在焉 3.梦想,幻想 4.梦一般美妙的人(或事物);佳境,美境v.(~ of)1.做(梦)2.想到;想象

【例句】A ~ is a psychosis, with all the absurdities, delusions and illusions of a psychosis.梦就是精神病,它具备精神的所有荒诞、妄想和错觉。

early [ 5E:li ] a.1.早期的 2.早的;提早的 3.很久以前的 4.不久的,很快的 ad.1.在开始阶段 2.早;提早 3.从前,古时候 4.不久,很快地

【例句】Three o’clock is always too late or too ~ for anything you want to do.对于你想做的任何事,3点钟总是太晚或者太早。service [ 5sE:vis ] n.1.服务;贡献 2.(尤指需要专业知识的)服务 3.[~s]服务性事业(机构或设施)4.帮佣;雇用;被使用 5.帮助;用处,益处 v.1.为„服务 2.维修,保养

【例句】We seldom find people ungrateful so long as we are in a condition to render them ~.只要尚能向人提供帮助,就难得遇上忘恩负义之徒。

call [ kC:l ] v.1.大声说(或读)出;喊,叫 2.呼唤,召唤,传唤 3.打电话给 4.称呼;为„取(名)5.认为„是;说„是 6.征召;招聘(~ up)

【例句】I begin to realize that I am growing old: the taxi driver ~s me “Pop” instead of “Buddy.” 我开始认识到自己正在变老:出租车司机管我叫“老爹”而不是“老兄”了。

field [ fi:ld ] n.1.[常作~s]原野,旷野 2.(一块)田,地 3.(作特殊用途的)场地,场所 4.战场;战地 5.实地;野外 6.(研究、活动的)领域,范围;专业

【例句】Science clears the ~s on which technology can build.科学为技术开辟据以发展的领域。

tired [ 5taiEd ] a.1.疲劳的,累的 2.厌倦的,厌烦的(~ of)3.陈旧的;陈腐的

【例句】 The man who knows only one subject is almost as ~ as the man who knows no subject.只知道一个题目的人几乎和不知道任何题目的人一样使人厌倦。

natural [ 5nAtFErEl ] a.1.大自然的;非人为的;天然的 2.原始状态的;蒙昧的 3.出于本性的;天生的;天赋的 4.有人性的,合乎人性的 5.自然如此的,合乎常情的;当然;正常的

【例句】I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved, by the term Natural Selection.每个轻微的变异如有用会得到保留,我将这一原理称为“自然选择”。

clear [kliE(r)] a.1.晴朗的,清澈的 2.纯色的,颜色均一的 3.易懂的,不含糊的 4.无疑的,确信的 5.畅通的,无障碍的 6.清白的,无罪的 7.十足的;整整的 v.1.(使)清澈,使明亮 2.(使)明白,清楚 3.扫清,清除 4.不触及地通过;脱离 5.使清白无辜

【例句】Deceive not thyself by over-expecting happiness in the marriage state„ Marriage is not like the hill of Olympus, wholly ~, without clouds.不要用对婚后幸福的过分期待骗自己。„„ 婚姻并不像奥林匹斯山那样晴空如洗,片云不存。public [ 5pQblik ] a.1.公众的,公共的;社会的 2.公开的;公开做的 3.国家的,政府的 n.公众,民众,众人

【例句】There is no such thing as discretion when it concerns ~ matters: ~ things and ~ people permit neither mystery nor silence unless tyranny rules.牵涉到公共事务时,不存在像独断慎言这样的做法。公共的事情和公众既不允许神秘也不允许缄默,除非专制当道。【认知】G。department [ di5pB:tmEnt ] n.1.(行政、企业等机构的)部,司;局;处;科;部门 2.(学校、学术机构等的)系,研究室,学部,所 3.部分,分科

【例句】Focus on the most important things to do to help your department or organization be successful.Don’t focus on the easiest things 集中于一些最重要的事情来做,以帮助你的部门或组织成功。不要集中于最容易的事。graduate [5^rAdjueit] v.1.接受学位 2.使升级 n.学位获得者(尤指学士学位获得者)

【例句】 to ~ from the comics to Treasure Island and Robinson Crusoe 从看连环画进到读《金银岛》和《鲁滨孙漂流记》

clean [ kli:n ] a.1.清洁的;爱清洁的 2.正派的,无辜的 3.不色情的,语言干净的 4.公正的,遵守规则的 5.简洁的,匀称的,端正的 6.不掺杂的,非混杂的 ad.1.完全地,全部地,一直 2.干净地 3.干净利落地,熟练地 4.公正的,诚实地 v.1.把„„弄干净 2.清除

【例句】 Bath twice a day to be realy ~, once a day to be passably ~, once a week to avoid being a public menace.一天洗两次澡是真正清洁,一天一次算得上清洁,一周一次是免于成为公害。decided [di5saidid] a.确定的, 坚决的

【例句】Few men are of one plain, decided color;most are mixed, shaded or blended;and vary as much from different situations, as changeable silks do from different lights.几乎没什么人具有单纯固定的颜色,大多数的色彩都是混合、渐变或融合的,并像多变的丝绸随着光线不同变化一样随着情况不同而变化。punishment [5pQniFmEnt] n.罚,惩罚,处罚

【例句】 The ~ on the lazybones is that they can’t win success, they could only watch others do.懒汉受到的惩罚是自己得不到成功,只能眼看着别人收获。

company [ 5kQmpEni ] n.1.(一)群,(一)队,(一)伙 2.公司,商号 3.陪同,交往

【例句】The worst crime against working people is a ~ which fails to operate at a profit.对劳动者犯下的最大罪行,是一家经营而不赢利的公司。

road [ rEud ] n.1.(两地间的)路,道路;公路 2.街道,马路 3.(去目的地该走的)路线 4.<喻> 路,途径(~ to)【例句】There is no royal ~ to learning.学无坦途。

trouble [ 5trQbl ] n.1.烦恼;忧虑 2.困难;不幸;灾难 3.麻烦,打扰 4.工夫,力气 5.[常作 ~s](社会等方面的)纷争,**,骚乱 6.病,疾病;(机器等的)故障 【例句】Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes.困难不过是穿上工作服的机会。

plan [ plAn ] n.1.计划,规则,方案,打算 2.计划表,计划表,进度表,程序表 3.方法,办法 4.轮廓;概略 v.1.计划 2.设计;绘制„的图样(或图表)

【例句】Most people ~ their vacations better than they ~ their lives.大多数人安排假期胜过安排生活。

late [ leit ] a.1.迟的 2.晚的 3.(时间)近日暮的 4.末期的,晚期的 5.不久前的;最近的 6.新近去世的,已故的;已不存在的 7.以前的;前任的,已卸任的 ad.1.迟 2.晚 3.(时间上)接近终了 4.近来,新近5.不久前;到不久前为止 【例句】Love is like the measles, all the worse when it comes ~ in life.恋爱有如麻疹,迟到的爱情就越发糟糕。

unable [ 5Qn5eibl ] a.不能,没才干

【例句】Education „ has produced a vast population able to read but ~ to distinguish what is worth reading.教育 „„ 造就了一大批人,他们有阅读能力,却弄不清什么值得一读。already [ C:l5redi ] ad.1.早已,已(经);先前 2.<美口>[放在句末常为了加强语气,表示不耐烦、惊讶等]马上,这就(已经)3.[用在否定句、疑问句中,表示惊讶等](难道)已经

【例句】He looked for a spectacular end to his ~ long life.他的一生已够长的,他想找个引人注目的方式结束它。

gain [ ^ein ] v.1.获得,取得;赢得 2.增加,增添 3.(经过努力)到达 4.(钟,表)走快 n.1.获得,取得 2.增加,增添 3.获得的东西;取得的进展;[~s]收益,利润

【例句】There are men who ~ from their wealth only the fear of losing it.有些人从财富中得到的只是对失去财富的担心。happiness [ 5hApinis ] n.1.愉快,快乐,高兴 2.幸福;幸运 3.恰当;巧妙

【例句】With love one can live even without ~.有了爱,人可以甚至没有幸福生活。army [ 5B:mi ] n.1.军队,陆军,军 2.大群;大批

【例句】If there is no ~, there is neither political independence nor the freedom of the people.没有军队,就既没有政治独立,也没有人民自由。

exercise [ 5eksEsaiz ] n.1.锻炼,运动 2.练习,习题 3.(权力等的)运用,行使 v.1.锻炼,训练 2.运用,行使 3.履行,实行,执行

【例句】 Reading is to the mind what ~ is to the body.阅读之于头脑,一如锻炼之于身体。addition [ E5diFEn ] n.1.加 2.增加的人(或物),(建筑物等的)扩建部分

【例句】The bes work is done the way ants do things — by tiny, tireless and regular ~s.最好的作品是像蚂蚁劳作那样完成的:通过点滴、不倦和经常的增补。hold [ hEuld ] v.1.拿着;托住 2.使保持某种状态(或姿势等)3.[~ oneself](在举止方面)表现 4.(使)遵守,使受„的制约(~ to)5.抑制;约束;控制 6.保留;拘留;推迟 7.占据;吸引(注意等)8.容纳,装得下;包含 9.举行(会议、会谈等);庆祝(节日)10.拥有;获得 11.怀有(见解、感情、信念等)12.认为;相信

【例句】The prejudiced and obstinate man does not so much ~ opinions, as his opinions ~ him.说偏颇因执的人拥有见解,莫不如说他的见解拥有他。

mainly [5meInlI] ad.1.主要地;最大地 2.完全地,极度地 n.1.体力;力量 2.主要(或重要)部分;要点 【例句】A man’s happiness is ~ self-created.一个人的幸福主要是自己创造的。

heavy [ 5hevi ] a.1.重的 2.大量的;浓密的 3.沉重有力的;剧烈的;强烈的 【例句】The chain of wedlock is so ~ it takes two to carry it, sometimes three.婚姻的锁链是如此沉重,以致承受它需要两个人,有时还要三个。

rest [ rest ] n.1.休息;睡眠 2.平静,安宁 3.暂停;静止 4.[the ~]剩余部分,其余;其余的人 v.1.休息,睡眠 2.安定下来;放心 3.依靠,仰赖(~ on, upon);信赖(~ in)4.在于,存在于;归属于(~ with)

【例句】Without haste, but without ~.做事不必匆忙,又不可停顿。popular [ 5pCpjulE ] a.1.多数人喜爱(或赞同、接受的);通俗的;流行的 2.讨人喜欢的;广受欢迎的 3.民众的,大众的 【例句】 Isn’t it strange that I who have written only unpopular books should be such a ~ fellow? 只写过不受欢迎的书的我会成为如此受欢迎的人,这岂不奇怪?

fight [ fait ] n.1.战斗,斗争 2.争吵;争论 v.战斗;打仗

【例句】You can refuse to love a man or to lend him money, but if he wants to ~ you have got to oblige him.你可以拒绝爱一个人,或者拒绝借给他钱,可是如果他想要跟你打架,你就得帮他这个忙了。

visit [ 5vizit ] v.1.去„看看;参观;游览 2.访问,拜访 3.视察,巡查 4.探望;为(病人)出诊 5.(灾害、疾病等)侵袭,降临

【例句】When you get the entrepreneurial urge, go ~ someone who’s started a business — it may cure you.在你涌起当企业家的冲动时,去访问某位开办过实业的人 —— 这也许会使你平静下来。quality [ 5kwCliti ] n.1.性质,特性 2.品德,品质 3.身份,地位

【例句】We attract hearts to the qualities we display;we retain them by the qualities we possess.我们以自己所展示的品质吸引人心,我们以自己所拥有的品质留住它们。

skills [ skilz ] n.1.(专门)技术;技能,技艺 2.熟练性,熟巧,能力 【例句】She had the ~ to cope with a difficult job.她善于对付困难的工作。crimes [ kraimz ] n.1.罪,罪行2.[总称]犯罪,犯罪活动 3.罪恶;罪过

【例句】It’s no crime to mispromounce a word.读错一个词的音不用感到难为情。

position [ pE5ziFEn ] n.1位置;地点 2.恰当(或习惯、有利)位置 3.地位,身份;职位 4.处境,状况 5.态度,立场 6.假设,假定,设想

【例句】Words are very much like lizards: they change color according to ~.单词非常像蜥蜴:它们随着在句子中的不同位置而变换色彩。

actually [5AktFuElI] ad.实际地,事实上地,真实地

【例句】Nine times out of ten, in the arts as in life, there is ~ no truth to be discovered;there is only error to be exposed.和生活中的情形一样,在艺术中,十之八九实际上没有真理可供发现,只有错误可供暴露。

value [ 5vAlju:,-ju ] n.1.价值2.有用性,重要性(to place a high value upon)3.价值观念,行为准则 v.1.尊重,重视2.评价 【例句】Life has a ~ only when it has something valuable as its object.只有在将某种有价值的东西作为目标的时候,人生才具有价值。【认知】本词的词根“val”含义为“robust;to be strong”(男性 — 强大的;强大)。

receive [ ri5si:v ] v.1.收到,接到 2.得到,领受;遭受,经受 3.(被)授予;被起名为 4.接受;采纳

【例句】The world is always ready to ~ talent with open arms.Very often it does not know what to do with genius.世人总是准备好张开双臂迎接人才,却常常不知道如何对待天才。

legal [ 5li:^El ] a.1.法律(上)的 2.合法的,依照法律的;具有法律地位的 3.法定的;法律认可的

【例句】Murder may be done by ~ means, by plausible and profitable war, by calumny, as well as by dose or dagger.谋杀可以用合法的手段完成,用似乎有理的,有利可图的战争,用毁谤,一如用药剂和短剑。

business [ 5biznis ] n.1.交易,生意,商业 2.工商企业,商店,商行;工厂 3.职业,职务,职责;责任,工作,任务;目的,使命 4.事务,事;难事;讨厌的事

【例句】 There’s no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery.You can’t do any ~ from there.没有理由做墓园中的首富。你又不能从坟墓里跟人做生意。

contrary [ 5kCntrEri ] a.1.(~ to)相反的,对抗的 2.对方的 3.(天气)不合人意的 4.[逻]对立的,反对的 【例句】If you follow reason far enough it always leads to conclusions that are ~ to reason.如果跟着道理走到足够远,它总是导臻与道理相悖的结论。

military [ 5militEri ] a.1.军事的;军用的 2.军人的;军队的 3.适合于战争的

【例句】Military science: That remarkable art in which the lessons learned in winning one war can, if strictly followed, lose the next.军事科学:一种非凡的技艺。打赢一场战争中学到的认知如果严格遵守,会使人输掉下一场。rid [ rid ] v.使摆脱;解除„的负担;从„清除(~ of)

【例句】Labor ~s us of three evils — irksomeness, vice, and poverty.劳动使我们摆脱三种不幸:厌倦、恶习和贫穷。accept [ Ek5sept ] v.1.接受,领受 2.承认,同意,答应 3.相信,(认为正确而加以)接受 4.赞同,赞成 【例句】Maybe the only thing worse than having to give gratitude constantly all the time, is having to ~ it.惟一比不得不总是感激别人更难堪的事,也许是不得不接受感激。

consider [ kEn5sidE(r)] v.1.考虑,细想2.认为,把„看作;想,料想;断定 3.体贴,关心,考虑到,顾及 4.看重,尊重 5.细看;凝视

【例句】He that would know what shall be must ~ what has been.要想知道将会发生什么,必须仔细想想已经发生了什么。following [ 5fClEuiN ] a.1.接着的,其次的 2.下列的,下述的

【例句】He attracted a large ~ wherever he played.他无论在何处演出,都有大批的观众。might [ mait ] n.1.力量;威力;能力 2.强权,势力,权势 aux.v.1.[may的过去式] 2.可能,会

【例句】Whatever you do, do with all your ~.无论所为何事,均应倾尽全力。【认知】本词的核心意义与“能力;力量”具有关联性。

party [ 5pB:ti ] n.1.党,政党,党派;党性 2.(共同工作或活动的)队,组,群 3.社交聚会 4.(条约、诉讼、争论等中的)一方,当事人

【例句】Someone said that life is a ~.You join after it’s started and you leave before it’s finished.有人说生活是一个宴会。你在开宴后入席的散席前离去。

spare [ spZE ] a.1.剩下的,多余的;空闲的 2.备用的;额外的 3.不足的;贫乏的 4.节约的,俭省的;俭朴的 v.1.宽容,饶恕;赦免;不伤害 2.[主要用于否定句]节约,俭省;吝惜

【例句】Those that make the best use of their time have none to ~.最充分利用时间的人腾不出时间。worry [ 5wQri ] n.1.担心,发愁,忧虑 2.令人担心(或发愁)的事(或人);令人忧虑的事(或人)

【例句】Insomniacs don’t sleep because they ~ about it, and they ~ about it because they don’t sleep.失眠症患者由于担心睡不着而睡不着,又由于睡不着而担心睡不着。

game [ ^eim ] n.1.游戏,玩耍,娱乐,消遣 2.运动(项目)3.比分;胜,赢 4.策略,计谋;花招 5.[总称]猎物

【例句】 It should be noted that the ~s of children are not ~s, and must be considered as their most serious actions.应当出的是,儿童的游戏并非玩耍,必须被视为他们最严肃的行为。

hit [ hit ] v.1.打,击 2.(使)碰撞 3.袭击;使遭受 4.达到;到达 5.(无意中)碰上;(偶然)发现 6.攻击,抨击 n.[常sing.] 1.(一)击;击中 2.猛烈攻击;抨击 3.成功而风行一时的事物(如歌唱演员、作家等)

【例句】He that shows passion tells his enemy where he may ~ him.显露激情的人告诉敌人可以从哪里击中自己。normal [ 5nC:mEl ] a.1.正常的 2.平常的;通常的 3.正规的;规范的;标准的 4.师范的

【例句】The perfectly ~ person is rare in our civilization.完全正常的人在我们的文明中难得见到。

light [ lait ] n.1.光;光线;光亮 2.观察人、物等的)角度,眼光 3.(启发性的)事实,知识,信息(in the ~ of)a.1.明亮的 2.淡色的 3.轻的 4.少量的 4.愉快的;无忧无虑的 5.精致的;轻巧的 6.轻率的;轻浮的,轻佻的v.1.点燃;照亮 2.使容光焕发,使满面春风

【例句】In the eyes of youth we see a flame, but in the eyes of the aged we see ~.在青年人的眼中我们看到火焰,不过在老年人的眼中我们看到光。

sense [ sens ] n.1.感官;官能 2.感觉 3.观念;意识 4.认识;智慧 5.合理性;有用性 6.[one’s ~s]知觉;理智,理性 7.意义;含意;意思(make ~)v.1.感觉到;意识到 2.了解,领悟 【例句】As my child struggles to sit, to search out the sounds and feel of the world, I ~ that my role these six months has been beneath him, supporting.From now on my role will be from above, lifting.在孩子努力坐起来,寻找声音来源,感受外界时,我意识到这六个月来我的任务是在下面支持他。从今以后任务就是在上面提高他。

harmful [5hB:mfJl] a.有害的,致伤的(~ to)【例句】They were trying to remove harmful substances from cigarettes.他们正设法去除香烟中的有害物质。

park [ pB:k ] n.1.公园(国家)天然公园 2.停车制动 3.远动场,体育场 4.专用场地 v.停放(车辆等)【例句】Restore human legs as a means of travel.Pedestrians rely on food for fuel and need no special parking facilities.要重新启用人的双腿作为出行的工具。步行者以食物为燃料,也不需要特别的停放设施。

active [ 5Aktiv ] a.1.活跃的;敏捷的;剧烈的 2.在活动中的,主动的,在起作用的 3.积极的;勤奋的 4.有效的

【例句】Only the knowledge which is obtained through ~ thinking not from memory is real knowledge.只有得自积极思考而非记忆的知识,才是真正的知识。

stand [ stAnd ] v.1.起立,站立 2.处于特定状态(或地位、等级、境况、关系等)3.坚持特定立场(或观点等)4.抵御,抵抗 n.1.站立;站立姿势 2.立场;观点;态度

【例句】A woman ~s 20 minutes talking at a door because she hasn’t time to come in.女人站在门口一聊20分钟,因为她没工夫进屋坐。

institute [ 5institju:t ] n.1.学会,协会;组织,机构 2.(大专)学校,学院;研究院(或所)3.原则,规则,惯例 v.1.建立,设立,组织(学会等);制定(规则等)2.开始,开创;着手,实行 【例句】the Institute of Patentees and Inventors 专利权获得者及发明者学会。【认知】参见前缀“in-”含义;词根“stit”与“stat”(地位;建立)为变体关系,含义为“to establish;to set up”(建立)。peace [ pi:s ] n.1.和平;和平时期 2.和约 3.治安,社会秩序 4.和睦,和好5.平静,安宁,宁静 【例句】It is far easier to make war than to make ~.发动战争远比缔造和平容易。

serve [ s:v ] v.1.为„服务;为„服役;为„尽职责 2.任(职)3.帮助;对„有用 4.适合(特定用途或目的);满足,符合(需要、愿望等)

【例句】Riches ~ a wise man but command a fool.财富服务于聪明人而支配傻瓜。

advanced [ Ed5vB:nst ] a.1.超前的,先进的 2.高级的,高等的 3.年迈的,上年纪的;后阶段的

【例句】Any sufficiently ~ technology is indistinguishable from magic.足够先进的技术都与魔法几无差别。

role [ rEul ] n.1.[戏]角色 2.作用;任务;职责

【例句】Instant availability without continuous presence is probably the best ~ a mother can play.随时出现而不总是在场恐怕是母亲所能扮演的最好角色。

team [ ti:m ] n.队;组;班 v.(~ up)(使)合作

【例句】 Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball, the rules and realities of the game — and do it by watching first some highschool or small-town ~s.想要了解美国人思想感情的人最好都学学棒球,掌握这种运动的规则与现状 —— 首先去看一些高中或小镇球队的比赛。

catch [ kAtF ] v.1.捉住,逮住,捕获;捕捉 2.(使)缠住;(使)钩住;使进退两难 3.及时赶到,赶上,追上 4.偶然(或突然)撞见;发觉 5.染上(疾病)6.(风、雨等)袭击,冲击 7.遭受(处罚等)8.听清楚;领会,理解 9.引起(注意等);吸引住;迷住

【例句】Friendliness is contagious.The trouble is, many of us wait to ~ it from someone else, when we might better be giving them a chance to ~ it from us.友情是感染性的。问题在于,我们许多人在更应当给别人机会从我们这里感染友情的时候,只是等着从别人那里感染到它。

offer [ 5CfE ] v.1.(主动)给予 2.(主动)表示愿意(做某事),提议 3.出(价);开(价);备有„出售

【例句】You can ~your love completely to hundreds of people and still retain the same love you had originally.你能够将自己的爱全部提供给千百个人,而原有的一份爱依然保留。

professional [ prEJ5feFEnEl ] a.1.职业的;职业上的;从事特定专业的 2.职业性的,非业余性的 3.非常内行的;极为称史(或胜任)的 4.专业人员的;为专业人员的 n.1.以特定职业谋生的人(如职业歌手、舞蹈家等)2.专业人员;内行;专家 【例句】The devotion of millions of Americans to ~ sports is rooted in their deep faith that the games are honestly played and that the athletes give their best performance at all times.千百万美国人对职业体育的热爱,源于他们深信比赛是诚实的,运动员总是在竭尽全力。

sleep [ sli:p ] n.1.睡眠;睡觉2.睡意,倦意 3.夜,夜间;一昼夜的行程 v.1.睡(觉);使睡得 2.以睡眠消除;以睡觉度过;睡掉(~ off, away)【例句】 I never ~ comfortably except when I am at sermon.我从来没睡过舒服学,在教学听布道的时候除外。

form [ fC:m ] n.1.形状,外形,轮廓 2.模型;模板 3.(事物的)存在形式;形态 4.种类,类型 5.惯例,常规 6.表格 7.(良好的)情绪 v.1.(使)成形,塑造;制作 2.组织;建立(联盟等)3.构想出;作出(估计等)

【例句】A thing long expected takes the ~ of the unexpected when at last it comes.久已预期的事终于一到时会采取预期之外的形式。

imagination [ i7mAdVi5neiFEn ] n.1.想象,想象力;创造力 2.空想,妄想;幻觉 3.想象出来的东西;幻想物

【例句】Imagination is more important than knowledge.想象力比知识更重要。

practical [ 5prAktikEl ] a.1.实际的,实践的 2.实用的,有实用价值的 3.有见识的;通情达理的4.实干的;有实际经验的 【例句】 Have you any right to read, especially novels, until you have exhausted the best part of the day in some employment that is called ~? 在把一天最好的时光用于做某种被称为实事的工作之前,你有仅利阅读,尤其是读小说吗? choice [ tFCis ] n.1.选择,抉择 2.精华

【例句】When you have to make a ~ and don’t make it, that is in itself a ~.在应该作出选择时不选择。这本身也是一种选择。effect [ i5fekt ] n.1.结果 2.效力,作用;影响 3.要旨,大意;意义 4.实行;生效,起作用 v.1.使变化;实现;完成;实行;使生效 2.产生;造成

【例句】the happiest conversation is that of which nothing is distinctly remembered, but a general ~ of pleasing impression.最快乐的谈话是这种:除了令人愉快的总体印象,别的都记不清楚。

moment [ 5mEumEnt ] n.1.片刻,瞬间,刹那 2.重要(或极好、得意等)的时刻 3.(历史或事物发展的)关头,转折点 4.重大,重要

【例句】As every thread of gold is valuble, so is every ~ of time.和一丝一毫的金子都是宝贵的一样,一分一秒的时间都弥足珍贵。

process [ prE5ses ] n.1.过程;变化过程 2.步骤;程序;工序 v.1.对„进行加工 2.(使)接受处理(或检查、审议)

【例句】Marriage: a ~ of finding out what sort of guy your wife would have preferred.婚姻:一个弄清妻子本来会喜欢哪种男人的过程。

treatment [ 5tri:tmEnt ] n.1.治疗;疗法;疗程 2.对待;待遇 3.处理

【例句】It was a wise man who said that there is no greater inequality than the equal ~ of unequals.说不平等莫过于对不同的人平等对待的人是智者。

fruit [ fru:t ] n.1.水果,水果食物;一盘水果 2.成果,结果

【例句】We should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may go to the next generation as blossom, and that what came to us as blossom may go to them as ~.我们一生应当这样生活和劳动:使作为种子交给我们的可以作为花朵,作为花朵的可以作为果实传给下一代。

produce [ prE5dju:s ] v.1.生产;出产;创造;制造;做出 2.生,生育 3.引起;产生;招致 4.提出;出示;拿出 n.1.产品,物产 2.(劳动的)成果;(努力的)结果

【例句】Every cause ~s more than one effect.每个原因都产生不止一种结果。

act [ Akt ] v.1.行动,做事 2.举止,表现 3.起作用,见效(~ on)4.表演,假装 n.1.行为,行动 2.法案;法令,敕命;条例;(法院的)判决

【例句】We are all inclined to judge ourselves by our ideals;others by their ~ s.我们都倾向于根据自己的理想评价自己,根据他人的行为评价他人。

punish [ 5pQniF ] v.罚,惩罚,处罚

【例句】To be angry is to ~ oneself with other’s mistake.生气是拿别人的错误惩罚自己。friendship [ 5frendFip ] n.1.友谊,友好 2.友好的感情(或态度、行为等);友谊的表现

【例句】Friendship comes from the identity of thought and feelings.友谊来自思想和感情上的一致。【认知】“friend”的核心意义与“朋友;情人;亲戚”具有关联性。

suitable [ 5sju:tEbl ] a.合适的,适宜的;适当的;适用的;符合要求的(~ to, for)【例句】There is only one political career for which women are perfectly ~: diplomacy.只有一种政治职业是妇女完全适合的,即外交工作。

truth [ tru:W ] n.1.实情,真相;真实性 2.真理 3.事实 4.原理;法则;道理 5.诚实,诚恳;正直 6.思想;思想体系 【例句】Truth is the foundation and justification for perfection and beauty.真实是至善与美的基础和依据。

based [beIst] v.1.把„放置在基座(或底座)上;把„建立在某种基础上(~ on, upon)2.作„的基础;为„提供基地

【例句】Love is ~ upon a view of woman that is impossible to any man who has had any experience with them.爱情以对女人的一种看法为基础,而与她们有过任何共处经验的任何男人都不可能持有这种看法。

group [ ^ru:p ] n.1.组,群;类 2.集体,群体,团体 3.(由若干企业或公司组成的)集团 v.将„归入一类,将„分类

【例句】I always divide people into two ~s.Those who live by what they know to be a lie, and those who live by what they believe, falsely, to be the truth.我一向把人们分成两组。一组以自己知道是谎言的东西为生,一组以自己错误地认为是真理的东西为生。impossible [ im5pCsEbl ] a.1.不可能的,办不到的 2.不可能发生;难以置信的;不真实的

【例句】The word “Impossible” is not in my dictionary.我的词典是没有“不可能”这个词。reward [ ri5wC:d ] n.1.报答;报偿,奖赏;报应 2.酬金;赏格;奖品 3.赢利,收益

【例句】The ~ of a thing well done, is to have done it.一项工作完成得好,本身就是对完成这项工作的报酬。support [ sE5pC:t ] v.1.支撑;扶持 2.给„力量(或勇气、信心);鼓励 3.支持;赞成;拥护 4.供养;赡养 5.为„提供资金;资助 7.保持;维持

【例句】One father can ~ ten children;ten children cannot ~ one father.一个父亲能养活十个子女,十个子女养不了一个父亲。murder [ 5mE:dE ] n.谋杀,凶杀,杀害;谋杀罪;谋杀案,凶杀案 【例句】We hear war called ~.It is not: it is suicide.我们听战争被称为谋杀。但它不:它是自杀。【认知】词根“murd”为“mort”(死)的变体。

meaning [ 5mi:niN ] n.1.意义,意思;含义 2.重要性;价值 3.有效的内容;效力

【例句】It is while you are patiently toiling at the little tasks of like that the ~ and shape of great whole of life dawn on you.是在耐心操劳着生活琐事的时候,你领悟到伟大的全部生命的意义和形式。

disease [ di5zi:z ] n.1.病,疾病 2.(精神,道德的)不健全(社会制度等的)弊病

【例句】The art of medicine consists in three things: the disease, the patient and the physician.The patient must combat the disease along with the physcian.医术由三样东西组成:疾病、病人和医生。病人必须和医生一道与疾病斗争。including [ in5 klu:diN ] v.1.包括,包含 2.列为„的一部分;把„算入

【例句】Business underlies everything in our national life, including our spiritual life.Witness the fact that in the Lord’s Prayer the first petition is for daily bread.工作是我们国家生活中一切事情的基础,包括我们的精神生活。主祷文首先祈求每日的食粮便是明证。

state [ steit ] n.1.状况,状态,情况 2.心情,心态 3.(物质的)形态,态 4.国家;政府;领土 v.1.陈述,说明,声明 2.确定,规定

【例句】The worth of a ~, in the long run, is the worth of the individuals composing it.国家的价值归根结底是构成国家的个人的价值。

teach [ ti:tF ] v.1.教,讲授 2.训练,(使)习惯于 3.教导;教育

【例句】Books which teach and speak of whatever is highest and best are equally sacred, whatever be the tongue in which they are written, or the nation to which they belong.传授和讲述一切最高尚、最优秀知识的书籍都同样神圣,无论它们以何种文字写就,属于哪个国家。

beings [ 5bi:iNz ] n.1.存在;生存 2.生命

【例句】All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.都是生而自由的,都具有平等的尊严和权利。kill [ kil ] v.1.杀死 2.(疾病、忧伤、酗酒、战争等)是„的死亡原因 3.消磨(时间)

【例句】You can’t say civilizations don’t advance, however, for in every war they ~ you a new way.不能说文明没有进展,毕竟每一场战争都以新的方法杀人。

national [ 5nAFEnEl ] a.1.国民的;国家的;国有的,国立的;全国的 2.民族的 3.国家(或民族)主义的

【例句】National honor is ~property of the highest value.国家的荣誉是价值最高的国家财产。

major [ 5meidVE ] a.1.(数量、大小、程度等)较大的;较多的;较大范围 2.较重要的;主要的;重大的 3.大多数人的;多数派的

【例句】Those who take a reckless attitude towards truth on minor matter shouldn’t be believed completely on ~ ones.在小事上对真理持草率态度的人,在大事上也不足以完全相信。【认知】“maj”为“magni”(great)的变体形式。nearly [ 5niEli ] ad.1.几乎,差不多;差点儿 2.极 3.密切地;亲密地

【例句】The difference between failure and success is doing a thing ~ right and doing it exactly right.失败与成功的差别在于做得近乎正确和做得完全正确。

physical [ 5fizikEl ] a.1.物质的,有形的;实物的 2.自然的;自然科学的 3.物理的,物理学的 4.身体的,肉体的

【例句】Mankind never loses any good thing, ~, intellectual, or moral, till it finds a better, and then the loss is a gain.人类决不会丢失任何的东西,物质的、知识的或道德的都不会,除非发现了更好的;那时的失去也就是获得。rapidly [5rApIdlI] ad.快地,迅速地;迅捷进行(或完成)地

【例句】Manners easily and rapidly mature into morals.礼貌很容易迅速发展成道。instance [5instEns] n.1.例子,实例,事例 2.情况,场合;步骤

【例句】You can learn many things from children.How much patience you have, for ~.从孩子那儿能够得知许多东西。你有多大耐心,比方说。

appointment [ E5pCintmEnt ] n.1.约会,约定 2.委任的职位 3.任命,委派

【例句】Democracy substitutes selection by the incompetent many for ~ by the corrupt few.民主政治由无能的多数进行的选择代替由腐败的少数作出的任命。

enter [ 5entE ] v.1.进入;穿入 2.参加,加入 3.(~ for)登记,登录 4.开始,开始从事;开始进入

【例句】No mariner ever ~s upon a more uncharted sea than does the average human being born in the 20th century.Our ancestors knew their way from birth through eternity;we are puzzled about the day after tomorrow.从来没有一个海员进入过比生于20•世纪的平常人所进入的更不为人知的海洋。我们的祖先从出生到逝世都知道自己的路。我们则对后天都一片茫然。

prefer [ pri5fE: ] v.(~ to)宁可,更喜爱;觉得还是„更可取

【例句】Few persons have sufficient wisdom to ~ censure, which is useful, to praise which deceives them.很少有人拥有足够的明智,宁愿倾听有益的责备不是蒙蔽自己的赞扬。

reach [ ri:tF ] v.1.到达;达到,及到 2.与„建立联系;影响 3.共达,合计达 4.覆盖面及于,包容

【例句】 The arm of friendship is long enough to ~ the other end of the world.友谊的手臂之长,足以伸至世界的另一端。amount [ E5maunt ](~ to)n.1.总数,总额 2.全部意义;总效果 3.量,数量,数额

【例句】Nothing in education is so astonishing as the ~ of ignorance it accumulates in the form of inert facts.在教育中,没有什么像它以僵化的事实为形式积累起来的大量无知更令人吃惊的东西了。

fear [ fiE(r)] v.1.畏惧,害怕 2.为„担心,为„忧虑;生怕,生恐 3.恐怕;为„感到遗憾;猜想

【例句】Courage is resistance to ~, mastery of ~, not absence of ~.勇敢是抵抗恐惧、控制恐惧 —— 不是没恐惧。contribution [ 7kCntri5bju:FEn ] n.(~ to)1.贡献,促成作用;捐献;捐献(物),捐助(物)2.(投给报刊等的)稿件,文稿 【例句】the ~ of animal fats to deterioration of the arteries 动物脂肪对于动脉的损害作用

challenge [ 5tFAlindV ] v.1.向„挑战(要求格斗、竞赛、辩论等)2.要求得到有关„的证据;对„怀疑,对„质疑;反对,公然反抗 3.指责;否认 4.要求(人或事物)发挥最大的作用(或力量);考验(人或事物)的能力 5.引起;需要;要求 【例句】If scientific discovery has not been an unalloyed blessing, if it has conferred on mankind the power not only to create but also to annihilate, it has at the same time provided humanity with a suprme ~ and a supreme testing.如果科学发现不是纯粹的喜事,如果它赋予了人类不仅是创造还有毁灭的力量,它同时就向人性提出了最大的挑战和最大的考验。【认知】本词的核心含义为“责难,主张;(假)告发”。reunion [ ri:5ju:njEn ] n.1.再联合;再会合2.(家人等的)团聚,团圆;(校友等的)重聚;重聚联欢会

【例句】 the Aviators’ Reunion Dinner to celebrate the anniversary of the Armistice 庆祝停战周年纪念的老飞行员联欢宴会 competition [ kCmpi5tiFEn ] n.1.竞争 2.比赛,竞赛,赛会

【例句】The biggest things are always the easiest to do because there is no ~.最大的事总是最容易的事,因为不存在竞争。efforts [5efEts] n.1.努力;勉励(或艰难)的尝试 2.努力的成果,成就

【例句】To persists in efforts without losing the aim will finally result in success.不失目标地坚持努力将导致成功。purpose [ 5pE:pEs ] n.(on ~)1.目的,意图 2.意志;决断;决心 3.效用,用途;效果,好处

【例句】I hate ot see men overdressed;a man ought to look like he’s put together by accident, not added up on ~.我讨厌看到男人穿得过分讲究。男人应该显得穿着随便,而不是刻意装扮。

generally [ 5dVenErEli ] ad.1.一般地,通常;大体 2.普遍地,广泛地 3.笼统地,概括地;含糊地 【例句】General notions are ~ wrong.通常的看法通常都是错的。

illness [ 5ilnis ] n.病,疾病;身体不适;患病期(或状态)

【例句】Of all curable ~es that afflict mankind, the hardest to cure, and the one most likely to leave its victim a chronic invalid, is adolescence.折磨人类的所有可治之病中,最难治愈,最可能使患者成为慢性病人的,是青春期。

lack [ lAk ] v.缺乏,没有 2.短少;不足(for ~ of)

【例句】Not many men may be willing to die for love these days.But you can’t escape the fact that millions are dying daily for the very ~ of it.如今没有多少人会愿意为了爱而献出生命。不过你又无法逃避这一事实:也有无数人正是由于爱的缺乏而每日气息奄奄。

subject [ 5sQbdVikt ] n.1.题目,问题;主题 2.学科,科目 3.(事物的)经受者;(动作的)对象 4.臣民;国民 5.起因,缘由;根据 a.1.臣服的,隶属的;服从的;受支配的(~ to)2.易受„的;易患„的(~ to)3.需要„的;将会„的;可有„的(~ to)4.由„决定的,视„而定的;取决于„的(~ to)v.(~ to)1.使隶属;使服从 2.使经受;使遭受;使易受(~ to)3.提供;呈交;交给 【例句】If the world were good for nothing else, it is a fine ~ for speculation.假如这个世界并无他用,它倒是供人思索的好题目。allocated [ 5AlEJkeitid ] v.1.分配,分派 2.把„拨给;把„划归 3.确定„的地位(或位置)

【例句】A quarter of the total expenditure has been ~d to the public services.经费总数的四分之一已拨给公用事业。【认知】前缀为“a-”;词根“loc”意为“place(地点;分派)”。dangerous [ 5deindVrEs ] a.引起危险的,充满危险的;不安全的;危险的

【例句】A little knowledge is a ~ thing, but a little want of knowledge is also a ~ thing.一点点知识是危险的,不过知识差一点点也是危险的。

precious [ 5preFEs ] a.1.贵重的;.珍贵的 2.受到珍爱的,心爱的

【例句】The most ~ of all possessions, is power over ourselves.我们所拥有的一切中,最宝贵的是对自己的控制力。【认知】本词的核心意义与“valuable;value;price”(价值)具有关联性;词根为“price”的变体。deliciously [ di5liFEsli ] ad.1.美味地,可口地,芬芳地 2.有趣地,怡人地 【例句】deliciously ironic 令人玩味地巧合【认知】词根“lic”含义为“pleasure;delight”(乐事);本词的核心含义为“to entice;charms;delights”(愉快的)。incurable [ in5kjuErEbl ] a.不能治愈的

【例句】There are no such things as incurables, there are only things for which man has not found a cure.没有什么不治之症,只有人类尚未找到疗法的疾病。

resources [ ri5sC:siz ] n.1.资源 2.[常作 ~s]储备力量;资财,财力 3.应付办法,对策;谋略,急智 4.(信息、熟巧等的)来源

【例句】The problems to be resolved demand, and create, spiritual resources with the prosperous ease of a golden age will never inspire.等待解决的问题需要并且造成了黄金时代的顺利安逸不可能激发的精神资源。familiar [ fE5miljE(r)] a.1.熟悉的,通晓的 2.日常用的;常见的;普通的 3.亲近的 4.随便的,不拘泥形式的

【例句】The two most engaging powers of an author are to make new things ~, and ~ things new.作家最吸引人的两种力量,是使新鲜的事物变得熟悉,和使熟悉的事物变得新鲜。

immediately [ i5mi:djEtli ] ad.1.直接地 2.贴近地 3.紧接地 4.立即,马上

【例句】To try honor your obligation will reveal immediately how much value you have.履行义务的努力会立即显示你所具有的价值。

opportunity [ 7CpE5tju:niti ] n.1.机会 2.就业(或提升)机会,良机

【例句】A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.智者创造的机会更比他发现的多。

address [ E5dres ] n.1.地址,住址 2.演说,讲话 3.举止;谈吐;腔调 4.(善于灵活处理问题或对付人的)本领,技巧 v.1.向„作(正式)讲话,对„发表演说 2.对付,处理;满足(需求)

【例句】A man without an ~es is a vagabond;a man with two ~es is a libertine.无一住址者为流浪汉,住址有二者为放荡儿。automatically [C:tE5mAtIklI] a.1.自动地 2.不经思索地,习惯性地 3.必然地;当然地,自然地

【例句】The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to betaken seriously.要人家听的权利并不自动包括要大家认真对待的权利。

defeated [ di5fi:tid ] v.1.击败,战胜 2.挫败,(使)落空 3.(使)失去,剥夺

【例句】A man can be destroyed but not defeated.男子汉可以被摧毁而不可被击败。【认知】前缀为“de”;词根“feat”与“faire(做)”为变体关系;核心含义为“to ruin;to undo”(破灭;破坏)。depressed [ di5prestd ] v.1.(使)沮丧,使消沉,,使抑郁 2.按下,压下,(使)低下,放低 3.使不景气,使萧条

【例句】Some actors think they are elevating the stage when they're merely ~ing the audience.当一些演员不过是在败坏观众情绪的时候,他们还以为自己正提高着戏剧艺术。

humane [ hju:5mein ] a.1.人的,人类的 2.显示人的本性的;有人性的;通人情的

【例句】 The discovery and use of knowledge has always been relevant to a humane future.对于一个人道的未来,知识的发现和运用一向关系重大。

terminally [ 5tE:minli ] ad.1.末端地;终点地;结尾地;极限地 2.末期的,晚期的;不治的,致命的 【例句】It’s all right to have a train of thoughts, if you have a ~.想法成串没关系,只要有个末端。

adapt [ E5dApt ] v.(~ to)1.使适应,使适合 2.改编,改写;修改 【例句】The reasonable man ~s himself to the world;the unreasonable one persists in trying to ~ the world to himself.明白事理的人使自己适应世界,不明事理的人硬要世界适应自己。

failure [ 5feiljE(r)] n.1.失败;失败的人(或事)2.缺乏,不足;不存在 3.失灵,故障 4.没做到,不履行;没发生

【例句】It’s good to fail now and again — you learn a lot mote out of failure than you do out of success.偶尔失败是有好处的 —— 从失败中学到的东西要比从成功中学的多得多。

mental [ 5ment[l ] a.1.精神的;思想上的 2.智力的,脑力的 3.内心的;在脑中进行的 4.精神病的;治疗精神病的

【例句】Corporal charms may indeed gain admirers, but there must be ~ ones to retain them.躯体的魅力确实可以引来赞美者,不过还得有精神的魅力才能留住他们。

impressive [ im5presiv ] a.1.给人印象深刻的;感人的;激动人心的;令人钦佩的 2.威严的;使人敬畏的

【例句】There is no dignity quite so ~, and no independence quite so important, as living within your means.量入为出,没有什么尊严比得上它可敬,也没有什么独立比得上它重要。

innocent [ 5inEs[nt ] a.1.(~ of)清白的,无罪的 2.率真的;坦率的 3.幼稚的;无知的

【例句】it is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one ~ suffer.十个有罪人的逃脱也胜于一个无辜的人受难。【认知】词根“noc”含义为“to hurt;to harm”(伤害);本词的核心意义为“doing no harm;blameless”(无害的)。concept [ 5kCnsept ] n.1.概念,观念,思想 2.发明,创造

【例句】No theory is as good as experience.No ~ is as good as facts.理论不等于实践。概念不等于事实。mutual [5mju:tjuEl, 5mju:tFuEl ] a.1.相互的,彼此的;交互作用的 2.亲密的 3.互助的 【例句】The proper basis for marriage is a ~ misunderstanding.婚姻固有的基础是相互的误解。【认知】词根“mut”含义为“change”(相互交换的)。如“commuter”中同源头。source [ sC:s ] n.1.源;来源;根源;原因 2.消息(或证据)来源 3.出处;原始资料 4.源头,水源 【例句】There is no such ~of error as the pursuit of absolute truth.追求绝对真理是最大的错误根源。

income [ 5inkEm ] n.收入,所得,收益

【例句】When there is an income-tax, the just man will pay more and the unjust less on the same amount of ~.收所得税的时候,收入相同的人中正直的人会付得多,不正直的人会付得少。

relief [ ri5li:f ] n.1.(痛苦、紧张、忧虑、负担等的)缓解,减轻,解除 2.(痛苦、忧虑等消除后感到的)轻松,宽心,宽慰 3.救济;补助 4.解除职务;换班;换班人 【例句】 To give up pretensions is as blessed a ~ as to get them ratified.放弃要求是一种和使之得到承认同样愉快的宽慰。unemployment [ 5Qnim5plCimEnt ] n.1.失业;失业状态 2.失业人数,失业率 3.失业救济会,失业津贴

【例句】the rising ~ among dockers fall before 1992.1992年以前失业率不会下降。

line [ lain ] n.1.线,绳,索 2.(不同事物的)分界;界限 3.[~s]概况;设计思路 4.电话线;线路;管道 5.(行进的)路线 6.运输线,航线;运输公司 7.(两地间的)铁路线路 8.生产线,流水线 9.(行动)路线,方针 10.(行动)步骤,方式,方法 11.行业,行当;专长 12.(按时间顺序排的)一系列;家系,家族v.1.用线标出;用线条画出„的轮廓 2.沿„排列成行 3.作用(衣、箱等)的衬里

【例句】A curved ~ is the loveliest distance between two points.曲线是两点之间最可爱的距离。【认知】本词的核心意义与“flax(亚麻,麻布)”具有关联性。aspect [ 5Aspekt ] n.1.方面 2.外表,外观;样子 3.面貌;神态 4.(建筑物等的)方向,方位;(建筑物等)朝某方向的一面 【例句】A real genius possesses talents in many ~s, but they are brought into play only by chance and in a single field.真正的天才具有多方面的才能,只是出于偶然而仅在单一的领域中得到施展。【认知】前缀为“a-”;词根为“spect”意为“to look, sight”(看)。

available [ E5veilEbl ] a.1.现成可使用的;可利用的 2.可获得的 3.可取得联系的;可接见的

【例句】 Opportunity is ~ for eryone, but many of them didn’t know they had met with it.人人都能得到机会,但是许多人不知道自己遇到过它。【认知】词根“vail”为“val”变体,意义为“男性 — 价值”。

responsibility [ ris7pCnsE5biliti ] n.1.责任;负责状态 2.责任感,责任心 3.职责,任务;义务,负担 4.(尤指智力或财力上的)责任能力;可靠性,可信赖性

【例句】A democracy in which everybody had an equal ~ in everything would be oppressive for the conscientious and licentious for the rest.所有的人对所有的事都负有同等义务的民主,对勤恳认真的人是重负,对其余的人是放纵。inhumane [ 7inhju(:)5mein ] a.非人的;不人道的;残忍人

【例句】to turn out to be wasteful and inhumane 结果是浪费的和残酷的

appreciate [ E5pri:Fieit ] v.1.为„表示感激 2.重视,赏识,欣赏 3.(充分)意识到,领会,体会,觉察 【例句】Disease makes one ~ health.疾病使人认识到健康的价值。principle [ 5prinsEpl ] n.1.原则;主义;原理 2.信念;信条

【例句】When a fellow says, “It ain’t the money but the ~ of the thing,” it’s the money.当一个人说“这不是钱的问题而是原则问题”时,那就是钱的问题。

provided [prE:5vaidid] conj.以„为条件,除非;假如,若是

【例句】Let every one follow his inclinations — ~ he go upward.让每个人都随意去做 —— 只要他趋于上进。

thought [ WC:ts ] n.(give ~ to)1.思想 2.思考;考虑;思维;思考能力;思想活动 3.推理;推理能力;想象;想象力 4.关心,注意 5.意图,打算,目的 6.想法;意见,见解

【例句】Chance gives rise to thoughts, and chance removes them;no art can keep or acquire them.偶然的机会产生思想,偶然的机会消除思想,没有什么技艺能保留或获得它们。

independent [ indi5pendEnt ] a.1.独立的,自主的,自治的;单独的 2.有主见的,有独立见解的 3.自立的,自力更生的 4.不愿受约束的,向往自由的

【例句】To be poor and ~ is very nearly an impossibility.贫穷而又不依赖他人几乎完全不可能。

unnecessary [ Qn5nesisEri ] a.不必要的;多余的

【例句】When two men in business always agree, one of them is ~.两个人在业务上意见总是一致,其中的一个就是多余的了。challenging [5tFAlindViN ] a.1.挑战性的;困难的 2.引起挑战性兴趣的, 挑逗的

【例句】The Brown daughters had never ~d their mother’s authority in these mattters.布朗家的女儿们从不怀疑母亲在这些事情上的权威。

opposite [ 5CpEzit ] a.(~ to)1.对面的 2.截然相反的,全然不同的 3.反对的;对立的 4.对应的 【例句】Almost every wise saying has an ~ one, not less wise, to balance it.几乎所有的名言都有意思相反的一句,其智慧并不逊色,以便使之平衡。

original [ E5ridVEnEl ] a.1.起初的,原来的,原先的 2.新的;独创的;新疑的 3.有独到见解的;有独创性的

【例句】The duration of passion is proportionate with the ~ resistance of the woman.激情持续的时间与女方起初抗拒成正比。property [ 5prCpEti ] n.1.[总称]财产,资产,所有物 2.(包括工地上所建房屋在内的)房地产,地产 3.所有权;财产权 4.特性;性质,性能;属性 【例句】Property has its duties as well as its rights.财产既有权利也有义务。【认知】为词根“propr”的变体,含义为“one’s own”(占有;属性;特征;自己的东西)。revolution [ 7revE5lu:FEn ] n.1.革命;革命活动 2.革命性剧变,大变革 3.旋转;绕转

【例句】Folks used to be willing to wait patiently for a slow-moving stage coach, but now they kick like the dickens if they miss one ~ of a revolving door.过去人们乐于耐心等待慢吞吞的公共马车,可现在若错过旋转门口的一次旋转他们就乱踢一气。fortunately [5fC:tFEnEtlI] ad.幸运地,幸亏

【例句】Fortunately psychoanalysis is not the only way to resolve inner conflict;life still remains a very effective therapist.幸运的是,心理分析并非消除内心冲突的惟一方法。生活仍然是十分有效的治疗专家。

mountain [ 5mauntinz ] n.1.山,山岳 2.[~s]山脉;山区 3.巨大如山的人(或物);


【例句】The highest intellects, like the tops of mountains, are the first to catch and to reflect the dawn.— Thomas Babington Macaulay 才智最高的人有如山峰,最先迎接和反射曙光。

negative [ 5ne^Etiv ] a.1.否定的;表示否认的 2.禁止的:反对的,否决的 3.相反的;反面的,负面的;消极的 4.负的,阴性的;逆的

【例句】Eternity is a ~idea clothed with a positive name.永恒是个冠以肯定名称的否定概念。【认知】“neg”具有否定含义;本词的核心意义与“to say no;deny”(否定;否认)具有关联性。regulations [ re^ju5leiFEnz ] n.1.规章,章程;规则,规定;条例 2.管理;控制;校准;调整,调节

【例句】There are some things that Government has to establish ~s on.对于有些事情政府必须订出条例加以管制。artificially [ 7B:ti5fiFEli ] ad.1.人工地,人造地,人为地 2.假装地;矫揉造作地

【例句】Of all artificial relations formed between mankind, the most capricious and variable is that of author and reader.人与人之间形成的所有人为关系中,最变化无常的要数作者与读者的关系了。

civilized [`sIvIlaIzd] v.1.使文明, 使开化 2.教化,教导,熏陶,使文雅

【例句】Religion has not civilized man, man has civilized religion.宗教不曾使人开化。是人使宗使开化了。compulsory [ kEm5pQlsEri ] a.1.必须做的,义务的 2.强制的,强迫的

【例句】Bodily exercise, when ~, does no harm to the body;but knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind.强制的身体锻炼不会损害身体,但被迫学习的知识占据不了头脑。【认知】词根“pul”与“pel”为变体关系,含义为“to drive;force”(强迫,驱使)。

intelligence [ in5telidVEns ] n.1.智力,才智,智慧,聪颖;灵性,悟性 2.情报;情报工作,搜集情报,交换情报;情报机构,情报人员 3.消息,信息

【例句】Intelligence is quickness in seeing things as they are.智慧就是迅速识别事物本来面目的能力。

interpretation [ in7tE:pri5teiFEn ] n.1.解释,说明,阐明 2.表演、演奏;艺术处理 3.翻译,口译 【例句】Necessity is not a fact but an ~.需要不是事实,而是解释。【认知】词根“pret”为“price”的变体,本词的核心意义与“评价者;解释者”具有关联性。本词侧重主观的理解;而“explanation”侧重客观分析。

circumstance [ 5sE:kEmstEns ] n.1.环境,条件,情况;事态;情势;形势 2.事实,事件,事情,证据 3.[~s]境遇,境况,经济状况

【例句】Man is not the creature of ~s.Circumstances are the creatures of man.不是环境的产物。环境是人的产物。

positive [ 5pCzEtiv ] a.1.有事实根据的,确实的 2.有把握的,确信的 3.肯定的,表示赞成的,同意的 4.建设性的,积极的;怀有希望的

【例句】The world has no sympathy with any but ~ griefs;it well pity you for what you lose, but never for what you lack.世人只对真正的不幸怀有同情。人们会为你所失去的表示同情,但从不为你所缺乏的表示怜悯。capacity [ kE5pAsiti ] n.1.容量,容积;可容性 2.最大容量;最大限度 3.身份,地位,职位

【例句】The first half of life consists of the ~ to enjoy without the chance;the last half consists of the chance without the ~.前半生有享乐的能力而无机会,后半生有享乐的机会而无能力。

opening [ 5EJp[niN ] n.1.开,启 2.(尤指作为通道的)口子;洞,孔 3.(职位的)空缺;有利机会,机遇

【例句】Poetry is the opening and closing of a door, leaving those who look through to guess about what was seen during a moment.诗歌就是门的开了又关,把往里看的那些人留在外边,去猜测一瞬间看到的是什么。outdated [ aut5deitid ] a.过时的;不流行的

【例句】to discard an outdated theory抛弃过时的理论 painlessly [ 5peinlisli ] ad.无痛地,不痛地 【例句】to recover painlessly 没有痛苦地恢复

prosperous [ 5prCspErEs ] a.1.繁荣的,兴旺的,昌盛的;富足的 2.有利的,顺利的,吉利的,幸运的

【例句】The problems to be resolved demand, and create, spiritual resources with the ~ ease of a golden age will never inspire.等待解决的问题需要并且造成了黄金时代的顺利安逸不可能激发的精神资源。necessarily [ 5nesisErili;nesi5serili ] ad.1.必要地,必需地 2.必定;必然地

【例句】A thing is not ~ true because a man dies for it.一件事并不因为有人为之献身而必定是真的。revenge [ ri5vendV ] n.1.报复;报仇 2.复仇心;报复欲望

【例句】 Revenge is often like biting a dog because the dog bit you.报复常常有如因为狗咬了你而去咬它。theft [ Weft ] n.1.偷窃;失窃 2.窃盗罪

【例句】 The servant stole the jewels but rigged the theft so that is seemed that a burglar had done it.那仆人偷了宝石首饰,但预先做了手脚,把盗窃案伪造成由撬窃贼所为。【认知】本词的核心意义与“thief”(偷窃)具有关联性。absolutely [ 5AbsElu:tli ] a.1.纯粹地;完全地 2.不受任何限制(或约束)地;专制独裁地 3.绝对地

【例句】There is hardly anybody good for everything, and there is scarcely anybody who is ~ good for nothing.几乎没有人万事皆通,也几乎没有人完全一无所长。

acquire [ E5kwaiE(r)] v.1.(尤指通过努力)取得,获得;学到;开始占有;开始具有 2.学到 3.兼并,合并

【例句】 The fame of great men ought to be judged always by the means they used to ~ it.对于伟人的名声,应该永远以他们是怎样得到它的来衡量。

beneficial [ beni5fiFEl ] a.(~ to)1.有益的,有利的,有帮助的 2.[律]有使用权的,有权益的;受益的 【例句】Happiness is ~ for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind.愉快有益于身体,但发展思维能力的是悲伤。【认知】前缀“bene”意义“well”,词根“fic”为“do”(做好事)。concerning [ kEn5s:niN ] prep.关于

【例句】He wrote to me ~ a business arrangement.他就商业安排问题写信给我。conscience [ 5kCnFEns ] n.良心,道德心

【例句】A brave man risks his life, but not his ~.勇敢的人用生命冒险,但不以良心冒险。

enrich [ in5ritF ] v.1.(使)富裕,(使)富有 2.充实,使丰富

【例句】The disaster of men can always ~ their knowledge.灾难常常可以使人们增长知识。hopelessly [5hEJplIsli] a.1.绝望地,没有希望地 2.无法解决(或做到)地;不行地

【例句】 The United States today is in the unhappy situation of a rich and romantic maiden.She yearns hopelessly to be loved for herself alone.今日的美国处于一个富有而浪漫的少女的可怜境地。她毫无希望地渴望有人仅仅为了她本人而爱她。ignored [ i^5nC:(r)d ] v.不顾,不理,忽视

【例句】Facts do not cease to exist just because they are ignored.事实并不只是由于被人忽视便不复存在。【认知】前缀为“in-”;词根“nor”的含义为“knowing;knowledge”(认知)。

reputation [ 7repju(:)5teiFEn ] n.1.名气,名声 2.好名声,美名;声望;声誉,名誉

【例句】If I take care of my character, my ~ will take care of itself.我爱护我的好品质,我的名声就会爱护它自己。unbearable [ Qn5bZErEbl ] a.无法忍受的,承受不住的

【例句】Without art the crudeness of reality would make the world ~.没有艺术,现实的粗陋会使这个世界令人不堪忍受。consent [ kEn5sent ] n.1.(有所保留的)同意,准许,赞同 2.(意见、感情、行动等的)一致

【例句】No one can make you feel inferior without your ~.没有你的认可,谁也不能使你感到低人一等。crisis [ 5kraisis ] n.1.危机,危急关头 2.决定性时刻,关键阶段;转折点

【例句】True love is born of despair and nurtured by one ~ after another.真正的爱出自绝望,由不断的危机滋养。discrimination [ dis7krimi5neiFEn ] n.(~ against)1.区别,辩别 2.识别力,辩别力 3.差别对待,歧视

【例句】To be sympathetic without discrimination is so very debilitating.有同情心而无识别力是如此地虚弱之至。

independence [ 7indi5pendEns ] n.(~ of)独立,自主,自立

【例句】Love is generally confused with dependence;but in point of fact, you can love only in proportion to your capacity for ~.人们通常把爱与依赖混为一谈,然而事实上,你的爱的能力只能取决于你的独立能力。vain [ vein ] a.1.(in ~)徒劳的,无效的,不成功的 2.自负的,爱虚荣的 【例句】 The ~ man is generally a doubter.自负的人常常是多疑的人。

comprehensive [ 7kCmpri5hensiv ] a.广泛的,综合的,无所不包的

【例句】 The right to be alone — the most ~ of rights, and the right most valued by civilized man.孤独的权利 —— 各种权利中内容最广泛的一种,文明人最重要的权利。【认知】词根“prehens”与“prehens(掌握)”为变体关系。

controversial [ 7kCntrE5vE:FEl ] a.1.争论的;辩论的2.引起争论的,有争议的 3.爱争论的

【例句】The controversial plan is now held in reserve for the future.这项有争议的计划现已搁置,留待日后再议。intensive [ in5tensiv ] a.1.加强的;集中的;密集的;深入细致的,透彻的 2.集约(经营)的;精耕细作的

【例句】Knowledge requires repeated explorations, and farmland needs intensive cultivation.知识要求反复探索,土地需要精耕细作。

possibility [ 7pCsi5biliti ] n.1.可能(性);可能的事;可能的情况 2.[常作possibilities]发展前途,潜在价值

【例句】Truth is stranger than fiction;fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities, truth isn’t.事实比小说还离奇。小说不得不忠实于种种可能,事实则不必。

progressive [ prE5^resiv ] a.1.进步的,先进的;改革的,革新的 2.向前进的;前进中的,发展中的 3.渐次的;秩序渐进的;(疾病、暴力等)愈来愈严重的 【例句】The grandest of all laws is the law of ~ development.一切法则之中,至高无上的是进步发展的法则。enormous [ i5nC:mEs ] a.1.巨大的,极大的,庞大的 2.穷凶极恶的;横暴的 3.反常的;过度的

【例句】 Habit is thus the ~ flywheel of society, its most precious conservative agent.习惯因而是社会的巨大飞轮、社会最看重的是稳定因素。

pointed [ 5pCintid ] a.尖角的, 敏锐的, 锐利的, 率直的, 突出的

【例句】pointed movie fans 敏锐的影迷

potential [pE5tenF(E)l] a.潜在的,可能的 n.1.潜在性,可能性 2.潜力,潜能;获得成功的潜在能力

【例句】Art must unquestionably have a social value;that is, as ~ means of communication it must be addressed, and in comprehensible terms, to the understanding of mankind.艺术无疑应该具有社会价值。这就是说,作为交流的潜在手段,它必须,而且要用可以理解的语言,向人类的理智说话。

relaxation [7ri:lAk5seiFEn ] n.1.松驰,松懈,放松 2.放宽;缓和;减轻;削弱

【例句】The great secret of education is to secure the body and mental exercise shall always serve that relax one another.教育的重大诀窍,在于确保身体和头脑的锻炼应当总是起到相互放松的作用。

romantic [ rE5mAntik ] a.1.(类似)传奇故事的 2.有浪漫色彩的;有浪漫思想(或感情)的;爱空想的3.不切实际的;空想的;幻想的;虚构的;夸张的

【例句】A fashion ten years before its time is indecent.Ten years after its time it is hideous.After a century it becomes ~.一种时尚在其流行之前十年时不成体统,在其流行之后十年时丑陋不堪,一个世纪后变得情调浪漫。typical [ 5tipikEl ] a.1.典型的;有代表性的;象征性的 2.(~ of)(品质、性格等方面)特有的,独特的 3.[表示对人、事或情况的批评或抱怨]令人失望的,糟糕的

【例句】He crushed the beetle deliberately, which is very ~ of him.他有意把那只甲虫踏碎,只有他才会这样做。victory [ 5viktEri ] n.1.胜利,战胜,获胜 2.成功,征服

【例句】Self-conquest is the greatest of all victories.征服自我是一切胜利中最伟大的胜利。

application [ 7Apli5keiFEn ] n.1.(~ for)申请,请求;申请表,申请书 2.(~ to)运用,实施;实用性;适用性;用法;用途 【例句】Wisdom is the ~ of observation and experience to life.智慧就是将观察力与经验运用于生活。

moods [ mu:dz ] n.1.(in no mood to do)心情,情绪,心境 2.心情不好,郁郁寡欢;生气 3.[~s]喜怒无常

【例句】Epidemics have often been more influential than statesmen and soldiers in shaping the course of political history, and diseases may also color the moods of civilizations.在政治史进程的形成中,流行病常常比政治家和军人更有影响;疾病也可能影响文明的基调。

destination [ 7desti5neiFEn ] n.1.目的地,终点 2.目标,目的

【例句】No wind blows in favor of a ship without a ~.没有目的地的船永远得不到顺风。【认知】词根“stin”与“star”与“stand”之间为变体关系,含义为“to stand;to appoint(规定;站立)”。inequality [ 7ini(:)5kwCliti ] n.不平等,不同,不等式,不平均

【例句】It was a wise man who said that there is no greater inequality than the equal treatment of unequals.说不平等莫过于对不同的人平等对待的人是智者。

instruments [ 5instrumEnts ] n.1.器械,器具;仪器,仪表 2.手段 3.(促成某事的)重要因素

【例句】For me a house is an instrument of work rather than a back ground for elegant living.Every ~ is a studio or workshop.房屋对于我是工作的装备,而非优雅生活的背景。每个房间都是画室或日工场。

procedures [ prE5si:dVE(r)z ] n.1.程序,手续,步骤 2.常规;办事惯例,传统的做法 3.(外交、军队等)礼仪,礼节 【例句】All was fair in love, war and parliamentary ~.在求爱、战争和议会程序中,怎么做都是公平的。

regardless [ ri5^B:dlis ] a.(~ of)毫不在意的,毫不顾及的 ad.<口> 不顾后果地;不管怎样,无论如何

【例句】Create work teams with the best available talent, ~ of function or background.以能够使用的最好的人才组成工作队伍,不必考虑职务或背景。

testimony [ 5testimEni ] n.1.证据;证明;[律](宣誓)证词 2.(信仰等的)声明,公开表白 3.表明,说明 【例句】We must rely on the ~ of historians.我们必须依据史家的记载。

adventure [ Ed5ventFE(r)] n.1.激动人心的活动,异乎寻常的经历,奇遇 2.冒险(性),冒险活动,冒险经历

【例句】A good critic is one who narrates the ~s of his mind among masterpieces.好的批评家是个讲述自己的精神在杰作中的历险的人。

diligence [ 5dilidVEns ] n.勤奋

【例句】Honesty and diligence should be your eternal mates.诚实和勤勉应当成为你永远的伙伴。undoubtedly [Qn5daJtIdlI] ad.无疑地;无庸置疑地;肯定地;无可争辩地

【例句】Justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and ~ be seen to be done.公道不仅应当实行,还应明白确实地让人看到实行。witness [ 5witnis ] n.1.目击者,见证人 2.[律]证人;证据,证言 v.1.目击,注意到 2.是发生„的地点(或时间)3.为„作证;证明

【例句】The ear is less trustworthy ~ than the eye.耳朵是不及眼睛可靠的证人。【认知】本词的核心意义与“wit(to know)+ ness”(认知)具有关联性。

democracy [ di5mCkrEsi ] n.1.民主,民主主义,民主政治,民主政体 2.(尤指作为政治力量的)民众3.民主精神,民主作风 【例句】Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people.民主不过是意味着为了人民而由人民来强制人民。【认知】词根“demo”含义为“people”(人民);核心含义为“人民政府”。morality [mR5rAlItI] n.1.道德,(行为等的)道德性2.(尤指两性关系上的)德行,品行 3.(道德上的)教训,寓意;说教 【例句】Morality„ is what the majority then and there happen to like and immorality is what they dislike.道德„„就是大多数人在一定时间、一定地点正好喜欢的东西,不道德的则是他们所不喜欢的。ridiculous [ ri5dikjulEs ] a.引人嘲笑的,可笑的;荒谬的,荒唐的

【例句】A painting in a museum hears more ~ opinions than anything else in the world.博物馆里的一幅画听到的奇谈怪论比世界上其他任何东西听到的都多。

settings [ 5setiNz ] n.1.情景;情形 2.(舞台等的)布景;(小说、戏剧等的)背景;环境

【例句】Working in a university ~, you can’t ignore these things.在大学环境中工作,你不能忽视这些事情。【认知】G。slightly [ 5slaitli ] ad.1.少量地;轻微地 2.极不重要地,微不足道地

【例句】The twentieth century is only the nineteenth speaking with a slightly American accent.世纪不过是说话稍带美国口音的19世纪罢了。

torture [ 5tC:tFE ] n.1.拷打,拷问;酷刑 2.折磨;痛苦;苦恼;引起痛苦(或苦恼)的事物 3.(对意义、论点等的)歪曲,曲解

【例句】Suspense in news is ~.消息的不确定是一种折磨。【认知】本词“tort”的核心意义与“twisting”(扭曲;折磨)具有关联性。

unequal [ 5Qn5i:kwEl ] a.不平等的, 不同的, 不平衡的,(~ to)不胜任的

【例句】Equality of opportunity is an equal opportunity to prove unequal talents.机会均等是证明不同才干的同等机会。indispensable [ 7indis5pensEbl ] a.1.(~ to, for)必不可少的,必需的 2.不能撇开的;责无旁贷的

【例句】To be without some of the things you want is an ~ part of happiness.有些东西想要而没有,这是幸福不可缺少的一部分。prejudiced [ 5predVudist ] v.(~ against)1.使产生先入之见,使有成见 2.对„不利;损害,侵害(他人的权利等)

【例句】The prejudiced and obstinate man does not so mush hold opinions, as his opinions ~ him.说偏颇因执的人拥有见解,莫不如说他的见解拥有他。

profound [ prE5faund ] a.1.深邃的,很深的 2.根深蒂固的;深刻的 3.深奥的;渊博的,造诣深的;思想深邃的

【例句】The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement.But the opposite of a ~ truth may well be another ~ truth.一种正确说法的对立物是一种错误的说法。一种深刻的真事的对立物则很可能是另一种深刻的真理。

primitive [ 5primitiv ] a.1.原始的,上古的;早期的 2.简单的;粗糙的;未开化的 3.质朴的;自然的

【例句】The Senate is the last primitive society in the world.We still worship the elders of the tribe and honor the territorial imperative.参议院是世上最后的原始社会,我们依旧崇奉部落长者,尊重领地规矩。

historical [ his5tCrikEl ] a.1.历史的;历史科学的 2.(与神话、传说等相别)基于史实的,真实的;描述历史事件的 3.按年代顺序的

【例句】History — half legend, half ~ facts.历史一半是传说,一半是忠实。induced [ in5dju:st ] v.1.引诱,劝 2.引起,导致 3.[逻]归纳出

【例句】The author by his choice of words has ~ a particular frame of mind in the reader.作者推敲用词,在读者心中唤起一种特殊的意境。【认知】词根“duc”含义为“to lead”(引导);核心含义为“to lead in;imply;persaude”(引导或带来;介绍)。intelligent [ in5telidVEnt ] a.1.聪颖的,有才智的;理解力强的,明智的;有灵性的 2.了解的,熟悉的(~ of, about)

【例句】The computer is not ~ at all, but very stupid indeed, and that, in fact, is one of its great values — its blind stupidity.计算机一点儿都不聪明,反而实在非常愚蠢,实际上,这才是它的非凡价值之一 —— 它的盲目的愚蠢。marvelous [ 5mB:vEl[s ] a.奇迹般的,惊人的,了不起的

【例句】Experience is a marvelous thing.It enables you to recognize a mistake whenever you make it again.经验是个了不起的东西。你每次重犯错误它都能让你想起来。

contents [ kEn5tents ] n.1.[常作~s]所容纳的东西;目录 2.内容,要旨;意义

【例句】Life is like a fable, it is not measured by its length, but by its contents.人生如同寓言,不是以长短衡量,而是以内容衡量。

perseverance [ 7pE:si5viErEns ] n.坚定不移;持之以恒

【例句】Perseverance is falling nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth.锲而不舍就是失败19次而在第20次成功。unique [ ju:5ni:k ] a.独一无二的;独特的;无与伦比的,无可匹敌的

【例句】Originality is the ~ way of thinking, observing, understanding and judging.独创性就是特有的思考、观察、理解和判断的方法。

accordance [ E5kC:dEns ] n.1.一致,和谐;符合 2.授予;给予

【例句】Everybody acts not only under external compulsion but also in accordance with inner necessity.每个人的行动都不仅出于外部的推动,也同样依据内在的需要。

comparatively [kEm5pArEtIvlI] ad.1.比较地,用比较方法地 2.相比较而言地,相对地 【例句】the comparative ability of men 人的比较能力

controversy [ 5kCntrEvE:si ] n.1.(尤指以文字形式进行的)争论,辩论 2.争议;争吵

【例句】The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.衡量一个人的最终尽度,不是看他在安逸和顺利时站在哪里,而是看他的受到非难、出现争议的时候站在哪里。

critical [ 5kritikEl ] a.1.(~ of)批评的,批判的;评论(性)的;关于评论的 2.判断(或评价)审慎的;谨严的,一丝不苟的 3.决定性的,关键性的,重大的 4.(疾病等)危急的;严重的 5.必不可少的;紧缺而急需的

【例句】If we cannot love unconditionally, love is already in a ~ condition.如果不能无条件地爱,爱情就已经处于危机之中。curiosity [ 7kjuEri5Csiti ] n.1.好奇(心);求知欲 2.奇物,古玩;珍品

【例句】Curiosity is a scholar’s virtue.好奇心是学者的美德。

democratic [ 7demE5krAtik ] a.1.民主的;民主政治的 2.民众的,大众的 3.有民主精神(或作风)的,平等待人的 【例句】The freedom to persuade and suggest is the essence of the ~ process.说服和建议的自由是民主过程的精髓。immoral [ i5mCrEl ] a.不道德的, 邪恶的, 放荡的, 淫荡的

【例句】All the things I really like to do are either immoral, illegal or fattening.我真正喜欢做的事,全都不是不道德、不合法,就是使我发胖。

unforgettable [ 5QnfE5^etEbl ] a.忘不了的, 令人难忘的 【认知】前缀分别为“un”和“fore”;词根为“get”构成;含有“忽视,无认知”的含义。affection [ E5fekFEn ] n.1.影响;(尤指受感染的)身体状况;疾患 2.(~ for)喜爱;慈爱 3.[常用~s]爱慕之情,感情,钟爱之情

【例句】We should never judge those whom we love.The ~ that is not blind is no ~ at all.不可评价所爱的人。不盲目的爱根本不是爱。

collective [ kE5lektiv ] a.1.总的,聚集而成的 2.集体的;集体所有(或经营)的,集体主义的 3.缺乏个性而只具共同特点的 【例句】The epoch of individuality is concluded, and it is the duty of reformers to initiate the epoch of association.Collective man is omnipotent upon the earth he treads.个体的时代已宣告结束,改革者的职责就是开创联合的时代。集体主义的人类对脚下的地球无所不能。

paralyzed [5pArElaIzd] v.1.使瘫痪 2.(使)丧失活动能力;(使)丧失作用力;(使)惊愕 3.使失去勇气,使气馁

【例句】He is paralyzed as the result of a would-be assasin’s bullet years ago.几年前有人对他行刺未遂,但子弹使他成了瘫痪。【认知】前缀为“para-”;核心含义为“偏瘫”。unpleasant [ Qn5pleznt ] a.使人不愉快的, 讨厌的

【例句】A life of pleasure is the most ~ thing in the world.享乐的生活是世界上最不快乐的事情。values [ 5vAlju:z,-ju ] n.1.价值 2.有用性,重要性 3.价值观念,行为准则

【例句】 In its last analysis it is not freedom of thought which endangers Jewish values, but the freedom which some people arrogate to themselves not to think at all.归根结底,危及犹太人价值观的并不是思想自由,而是某些大无端赋予自己的根本不动脑筋的自由。【认知】本词的词根“val”含义为“robust;to be strong”(男性 — 强大的;强大)。vehicles [ 5vi:iklz ] n.1.交通工具,车辆 2.传播媒介,工具,手段 【例句】A spokesman said that more and more vehicles were taking to the highways every year.一位发言人说每年有越来越多的车辆出现在公路上。

vividly [ 5vividli ] ad.1.(色彩、光线等)鲜艳地,鲜明地;强烈地 2.生气勃勃地;充满活力地;活跃地,活泼地 3.生动地;逼真地;清晰地

【例句】It is a curious fact that in bad days we can very vividly recall the good tiem that is now no more;but that in good days we have only a very cold and imperfect memory of the bad.一个古怪的事实是,在失意的日子里,我们能够生动地想起不复存在的好时光;而在得意的时候,对苦日子只留有非常谈漠而残缺的记【认知】本词的词根“vit”含义为“to live”(男性 — 生命;生活)。necessity [ ni5ses[ti ] n.1.必要(性);(迫切)需要 2.必要的东西,必不可少的事物;必需品 3.迫不得已;困窘,贫困 【例句】Necessity is the mother of invention.需要是发明之母。【认知】词根“nec”含义为“tie;bind”;如“connect”中的同源。

occasionally [E5keIVEnElI] ad.偶尔地,间或发生地;临时地

【例句】Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.人们间或绊倒在真理上,但大多数都爬起来就匆匆离去,似乎什么事也没发生。【认知】词根“cas”与“cid”(落下)为变体关系;核心含义为“convenient time”(适时的时间)。seemingly [5si:mINlI] ad.seemingly [5si:mINlI] ad.表面上,看上去

【例句】These phenomena seemingly defy rational explanation.这些现象看上去不能得到合理的理解。abandon [ E5bAndEn ] v.1.放弃 2.离弃,丢弃 3.(不顾责任、义务等而)遗弃,抛弃

【例句】 I have long since ~ed the notion that higher education is essential to either success or happiness.Hothouses of learning do not always grow anything edible.我早就抛弃了高等教育对于成功和幸福都不可或缺这一观念,学问的温室培育出的东西并非总是可供食用。【认知】“a-”表示“否定”;“ban”表示限制,理解为“没有限制”。abortion [ E5bC:FEn ] n.1.流产,小产;堕胎 2.(计划)失败 【认知】前缀“ab”有否定含义,“ort”含义为“生长,出发”。

apparently [E5pArEntlI] ad.明显地;表面上的;貌似(真实)的;未必真实的

【例句】I got the story form John, who was apparently in at the kill.这事的经过我是从约翰那里听来的,看来他在事情发生的当时在场。

fashioning [ 5fAFEniN ] v.1.(常指用手工等)制作;使成形;形成;把„塑造成 2.使适应,使适合 3.改变;改革

【例句】If God consulted me I should have advised him to continue the generation of the species by fashioning them of clay.假如上帝征求我意见,我就会建议他继续用粘土制造人类。

identify [ ai5dentifai ] v.1.认出,识别;鉴定;(经考虑)确定 2.(~ with)认为„等同于 3.使与„有关联;使参与;使支持(~ with)

【例句】Any man over thirty identifies his youth with the worst fault he thinks he is capable of.一过三十,人都把自己的青年时代视为自认能够犯下的最大错误。

inevitably [ in5evitEbli ] ad.不可避免地,无法规避地;必然(发生)地

【例句】The world owes all its onward impulses to men ill at ease;the happy man inevitably confines himself to ancient limits.世界把它的全部前进动力归因于不安分的人。满足的人总是将自己限制在旧框里。【认知】前缀分别为“in-”和“en-”;词根“vit”含义为“avoid”(避免)。

initiatives [ i5niFiEtivz] n.1.主动的行动,倡议 2.首创精神;进取心

【例句】If you show that you have ~, you will sooner or later be promoted.如果你显示出你有进取心,你迟早会得到提升。【认知】词根“ini”含义为“to go in;to begin”(进行);核心含义为“entering upon”(开始;着手)。addicted [E5dIktId] v.(~ to)1.(使)成溺,(使)入迷 2.(使)成瘾

【例句】Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism.任何形式的成瘾都是糟糕的,无论让人上瘾的是酒精、吗啡还是空想。

discipline [ 5disiplin ] n.1.(智力、道德的)训练,训导,磨练 2.克制;遵守纪律;纪律,风纪,行为准则;符合准则的行为 3.学科,科目

【例句】Freedom is a way of life which requires authority, ~, and government of its own kind.自由是一种生活方式,它需要权威、纪律,以及具有自由本身性质的统治。

discussed [ dis5kQst ] v.1.讨论,谈论 2.论述,详述

【例句】The council ~ plans for a new city hall.委员会讨论新建市政厅的计划。eclipse [ i5klips ] n.1.【天】食 2.晦暗;(地位、声誉等的)消失,黯然失色

【例句】Cats are to dogs what modern people are to the people we used to have.Cats are slimmer, cleaner, more attractive, disloyal, and lazy.It’s easy to understand why the cat has ~d the dog as modern America’s favorite pet.People like pets to possess the same qualities they do.猫之于狗等于现代人之于以往的人。猫更纤细,更爱干净,更有魅力、•不忠和懒散。猫为何超越狗而成为现代美国最受宠爱的动物不难理解。人们喜欢宠物的具有跟他们一样的品格。

promising [ 5prCmisiN ] a.有指望的,有希望的;有出息的;有前途的,大有可为的 【例句】Politics — the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other.政治 —— 一种文雅的艺术,它以保护穷人和富人不受彼此伤害的许诺,换取前者的选票和后者的竞选基金。recreation [rekrI5eIF(E)n] n.1.(通过娱乐、消遣等达到的)身心调剂,精力恢复 2.消遣;娱乐 【例句】People who cannot find time for ~ are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.腾不出时间娱乐的人早晚得腾出时间生病。

universal [ 7ju:ni5vE:sEl ] a.1.全体的;共同的;影响全体的 2.宇宙的,全世界的;普遍存在的 3.多才多艺的;知识广博的;兴趣广泛的 4.万能的;通用的

【例句】Few laws are of ~ application.It is of the nature of our law that it has dealt not with man in general, but with him in relationships.几乎没有哪条法律是普遍适用的。我们的法律从未笼统地处理人,而是将其置于各种关系中,这是由它的性质决定的。

unsuitable [ 5Qn5sju:tEbl ] a.不适合的, 不相称的

【例句】The fabric’s one-weave constitution makes it unsuitable for drapes.这种织物的纱罗组织使它不适宜做窗帘。voluntarily [5vRlEntErIlI] ad.1.自愿地,志愿地 2.有自由意志地,有自由选择能力地 3.故意地,蓄意地 4.自发地 【认知】本词的核心意义与“will”(意愿;爱好)具有关联性。

conception [ kEn5sepFEn ] n.1.思想,概念 2.设计,计划 3.创始,开始 4.构想(或设计)等的产物

【例句】 In the last analysis, it is our ~ of death which decides our answers to all the questions that life puts to us.归根结底,是对死亡的看法决定了我们对生活所提出的一切问题的回答。

continually [kEn5tInjJElI] ad.1.从不间断地,不停地 2.多次重复地,频频地

【例句】Man is made in such a way that he continually has to define himself and continually escape his own definitions.人注定要不断地给自己下定义,又不断地逃避他自己的定义。

impulse [ 5impQls ] n.1.推动,驱使;冲力,推力 2.推动作用,冲力作用 3.冲动,突然的欲愿,一时的念头

【例句】There is one thing more important than knowing self;it is governing self.There is one thing better than crushing ~, it is using ~.有一件事比自知更重要,即自制。有一件事比压制冲动更可取,即利用冲动。lethal [ 5li:WEl ] a.致命的

【认知】本词的核心含义与“伤痛”有关。persistence [ pE`sIstEns,-`zIs-] n.坚持, 持续

【例句】Persistence is half the battle.坚韧是取胜的保证。

practically [ 5prAktikEli ] ad.1.<口>几乎,差不多 2.实际上;讲究实际地从实用角度;通过实践

【例句】I have often been struck by the fact that the symptoms of laziness and fatigue are ~ identical.这一事实常常给我以很深印象:懒散和疲劳的征候实际上是相同的。respectable [ ris5pektEbl ] a.值得尊重的

【例句】The great artists of the world are never Puritans, and seldom even ordinarily ~.世上伟大的艺术家都不是清教徒,通常甚至很少是值得尊敬的人。

simultaneously [sImEl5teInIEsly;(?@)saIm-] ad.同时发生地;同时存在地;同时进行地,同步地 【例句】Eighty naval cruisers shelled simultaneously.80艘海军巡洋舰同时炮击。【认知】词根“sim”含义为“like”(像;相同)。spiritually [ 5spiritjuEli ] ad.1.精神(上)地 2.神圣地

3.(思想、面貌等)崇高纯洁地 4.理智地;智力地

【例句】She was beneath him in every way, at leasst intellectually and spiritually.她在各方面,至少在智力和精神上,都不如他。vocational [ vEu5keiFEnEl ] a.职业的,业务的

【例句】To have the courage to seek truth is everyone’s vocation.勇于求真理是人的天职。【认知】本词的词根“voc”含义为“to call”;核心含义为“a calling(召唤;声音,呼叫)”。ambitious [ Am5biFEs ] a.1.有雄心的;有抱负的2.有野心的;反映野心(或雄心)的

【例句】The ambitious climbs up high and perilous stairs, and never cares how to come down;the desire of rising hath swallowed up his fear of a fall.野心家攀登又高又险的阶梯,从不考虑怎样下来。向上爬的欲望吞噬了对跌落的恐惧。criterion [ krai5tiEriEn ] n.1.(批评、判断、检验等的)标准,准则,尺度 2.(人或事物的)特征,特点

【例句】If rationality were the criterion for things being allowed to exist, the world would be one gift field of soya bears!假如合理性是事物被允许存在的标准,世界就会成为一片巨大的大豆田了!【认知】本词词根“crit”的含义是“to decide;to judge”(分开,决定 — 标准)。delicate [ 5delikeit ] a.1.(食物)鲜美的 2.纤细的 3.令人愉快的 4.需要小心处理的;微妙的,棘手的 5.脆的,易碎的 6.敏锐的,灵敏的,精密的

【例句】The hearts of small children are ~ organs.A cruel beginning in this world can twist them into curious shapes.幼儿的心录是娇弱的器官,•初涉人世便遭遇痛苦会使它们扭曲成古怪的形状。

depression [ di5preFEn ] n.1.减少,降低 2.洼地,凹陷 3.抑郁,沮丧,消沉;抑郁症 4.[经]不景气,萧条(期)【例句】Noble deeds and hot baths are the best cures for ~.高尚的行为和热水澡是治疗抑郁的最佳方法。

desperate [ 5despErit ] a.1绝望的,没希望的,危急的,极为严重的 2.孤注一掷的,拼死的 3.(因绝望而)不顾一切的,胆大妄为的 4.极坏的,极度的,极强烈的 5.极想望的,极需要的

【例句】If the failures of this world could realize how ~ half the present-day geniuses once felt, they would take heart and try again.世上的失败者若能了解到当今的天才有半数一度感到过多绝望,•他们就会振作精神,再次努力。【认知】前缀为“de”;词根“spair”与“sper(呼吸,希望)”之间具有变体关系;本词的核心含义为“失去希望”。embarrassed [ im5bArEst ] v.1.(使)窘,(使)尴尬,使不好意思 2.妨碍,阻碍;牵累

【例句】Would it ~ you very much if I were to tell you„ that I love you? 假如我对你说„„我爱你,这会使你太难吗?【认知】前缀为“en-”;词根“bar”含义为“obstacle”(木棍 — 束缚;阻碍)。industrious [ in5dQstriEs ] a.勤奋的,勤勉的

【例句】It is not enough to be ~.So are the ants.What are you ~ about? 工作勤奋还不够。蚂蚁也很勤奋。你为什么勤奋呢? longevity [ lCn5dVeviti ] n.1.长寿,长命 2.寿命 【认知】本词与“long”为同源词。

notion [ 5nEuFEn ] n.1.概念;感知 2.观念;见解,看法 3.意图;打算;(怪)念头

【例句】Your earliest ~s of love came not only from your own relationship with your parents but also from your impressions of their marriage.你对爱的最初的概念,不仅得自你自己与父母的关系,而且得自你对他们婚姻的印象。【认知】词根“no”与“know”为变体,核心意义为“becoming acquainted with”(已检查的;已知道的;检查,审查,审核;想法,见解)。

originated [ E5ridVineitid ] v.1.(~ from)发源;来自;产生 2.引起 3.创始,开创;发明;创作

【例句】An office is not a tea-bar, matrimonial bureau, betting shop, reading room, fashion house or smoking lounge, but a place where paperwork necessary to good management is originated and eventually filed.– Keith Water house办公室不是茶馆、婚姻介绍所、彩票经营部、阅览室、时装店或吸烟室、而是良好的管理工作所需文书形成并最终归档的处所。

outline [5Eutlain] n.1.外形,轮廓 2.轮廓画;略图,草图 3.提纲,大纲,草案 4.[常作~ s]概要,梗概;要点

【例句】The first picture was the ~ of a man’s shadow cast by the sun upon a wall.世上第一幅画是阳光投射在墙壁上的人影轮廓。

paradise [ 5pArEdaiz ] n.1.天堂;天国 2.乐园,福地;极美的地方;极乐,至福

【例句】If virtue accompanies beauty it is the heart’s ~;if vice be associated with it, it is the soul’s purgatory.美貌伴随着美德就是心灵的天堂,伴随着邪恶就是灵魂的炼狱。【认知】前缀“para”为“peri”变体(周围),词根为“墙”。

proportionate [ prEJ5pC:FEn[t ] a.(~ to)成比例的 【例句】The prosperity of a people is proportionate to the number of hands and minds usefully employed.国家的繁荣与有效使用的人手和头脑的数量成比例。

reluctant [ ri5lQktEnt ] a.1.不情愿的;勉强的 2.阻挠的;顽抗的

【例句】Suggestion systems can work — don’t be ~ to use them.建议制度是有效的 —— 不要不情愿使用它们。【认知】核心含义为“to resist(反对;反抗;斗争)”。starvation [ stB:5veiFEn ] n.饥饿, 饿死

【例句】If one man offers you democracy and another offers you a bag of grain, at what stage of starvation will you prefer the grain to the vote? 如果一个给你民主而别一个给你一袋粮食,你饿到什么程度会要粮食而非选票? attributed [ E5tribju(:)tid ] v.(~ to)1.把„归因于,把(过错的责任等)归于 2.认为„属于

【例句】I ~ the little I know to my not having been ashamed to ask for information, and to my rule of conversing with all descriptions of men on those topics that form their own peculiar professions and pursuits.我把自己这点儿知识归因于不耻于提问,归因于常常和各式各样的人攀谈,谈论那些造成了他们各自的专业与行当的主题。【认知】前缀“at”加强词义,词根“tribu”意为“to give”(分派给氏族)。basically [5beIsIkElI] ad.1.基本上,主要地2.从根本上说,大致说来

【例句】However cooperative the relation between husband and wife, there is usually the tacit assumption that the household is ~ the wife’s responsibility.无论夫妻关系如何合作,这种不言自明的假定通常还是存在,即家庭基本上是妻子的责任。

denied [ di5naid ] v.1.否认 2.拒绝相信 3.拒绝给予,拒绝(某人)的要求 4.否认„是自己的,不承认;否认与„有关系,抛弃 5.拒绝接受

【例句】Doubt comes in at the window when inquiry is denied at the door.询问被拒于门外,怀疑随即爬进窗。【认知】前缀为“de”;词根“ny”与“neg”为变体关系,含义为“to say no”(否认;否定)。本词侧重其宾语是事实存在。grief [ ^ri:f ] n.1.悲伤,悲痛 2.悲痛的缘由

【例句】Time tames the strongest ~.时间能平息最强烈的悲伤。

immense [ i5mens ] a.1.广大的,巨大的 2.无限的;无边无际的 3.<口>非常好的,绝妙的

【例句】The thing is not only to avoid error, but to attain ~ masses of truth.重要的不仅要是避免错误,而且要获得大量的真理。【认知】前缀为“in-”;词根“mens”含义为“measure”(计量)。

imposed [ im5pEuz ] v.1.(~ on, upon)征(税),加(负担、惩罚等)于 2.把„强加于

【例句】Inflation is the one form of taxation that can be imposed without legislation.通货膨胀就是那种无须立法便可实施的征税方式。

ingredients [ in5^ri:diEnts ] n.1.(混合物的)组成部分,成分,(烹调的)原料 2.(构成)要素,因素 【例句】Success can be only one ingredient in happiness, and is too dearly purchased if all the other ingredients have been sacrificed to obtain.成功只能是幸福的一个组成部分。如果为了获得成功而牺牲所有其他的成分,就太得不偿失了。【认知】前缀为“in-”;词根“gred”为“grad”(步伐)变体;该词的核心含义为“进行情况;进入”。injustice [ in5dVQstis ] n.不公平, 不讲道义

【例句】The most complete injustice is to seem just, when not so.最大的不公正是看起来公正而实际上并非如此。

medication [7medi5keiFEn] n.药物治疗, 药物处理, 药物

【例句】He refused medication, and, when it was forced on him, his body rejected it.他拒绝药疗,而当他被迫用药时,他的身体又产生了抗药反应。【认知】词根“med”意义与“内科医生;痊愈 — 医学的,医疗的”具有关联性。obstacles [ 5CbstEklz ] n.(~ to)障碍(物),妨碍的人

【例句】It is not helps, but ~, not facilities, but difficulties, that make men.造就人才的不是帮助而是障碍,不是便利而是困难。【认知】前缀为“ob-”;词根“stac”与“stand”(站立)为变体;核心含义为“站在路中间”。outcome [ 5autkQm ] n.1.结果;结局;后果 2.出口;出路

【例句】No matter how they brag about their great deeds, they are often the mere ~ of opportunity, not of their great ambition.无论人们如何夸耀自己的丰功伟绩的,它们常常仅仅是机遇的结果,而不是他们勃勃雄心的结果。classified [ 5klAsifaid ] v.1.把„„分类,把„„分级 2.把(情报、文件等)归入保密级别

【例句】Contemporary literature can be classified under three headings: the neurotic, the erotic, and the tommyrotic.当代文学可以在三个标题下归类:神经质的、色情的,以及胡说八道的。dilemma [ di5lemE7 dai-] n.(进退两难的)窘境,困境 【例句】Love intrudes most easily when one is weak — when one is dizzy with success or is in a ~ or is lone.爱情在人们虚弱的时候最容易闯入 —— 在由于在成功而晕头转向,在处于困境或感到孤独的时候。【认知】前缀“di”含义为“two”。emotionally [ i5mEuFEnli ] ad.在情绪上,就情绪而言

【例句】People decline invitations when they are “indisposed” physically, and I wish fell indisposed emotionally.人们在身体“不适”时谢绝邀请,我希望他们在觉得情绪上不适时也能同样做。

remarkable [ ri5mB:kEbl ] a.1.值得注意的,引人注目的 2.异常的,非凡的;出色的,卓越的 【例句】 Nothing is so commonplace as to wish to be ~.没有比想要引人注目更平淡无奇的事了。

substantial [ sEb5stAnFEl ] a.1.实在的,真实的,现实的 2.牢固的;坚实的,结实的 3.大量的,相当数目的;重大的 4.基本上的,大体上的5.富裕的,多资财的 6.物质的;材料的 7.实质的,本质的

【例句】 Every person born in the U.S.A.is endowed with life, liberty and a ~ share of the national debt.生在美国的每个人都被赋予生命、自由和国债的大量份额。【认知】前缀“sub-”的含义;词根“stan”为“stanc”(站立)的变体;核心含义为“to stand firm;present”(位于下面的物 — 构成基础之物)。

superiority [ sju(:)piEri5Criti ] n.(~ to)优越(性),优势;上等;优等;上级

【例句】 The superiority of some men is merely local — They are great because their associates are little.有些人的优越感仅限于一方面 —— 他们之所以了不起是由于友人寥寥无几。【认知】前缀为“super-”;本词的核心意义与“placed above”(位置在上面)具有关联性。

ultimate [ 5Qltim[t ] a.1.最后的,最终的 2.极点的,绝顶的,终极的 3.无法超越的;最大的;最高的;决定性的 【例句】the ultimate stake-holders 最终资金掌控者

unconsciously [ Qn5kCnFEsli ] ad.无意中, 不知不觉 【认知】前缀为“un-”;词根为“sci”含义为“to know”(认知,知识)。unfairness [5Qn5fZEnis] n.不公平

【例句】All’s unfair in love and war.在恋爱和战争中一切手段均不合理。worship [ 5wE:Fip ] n.1.崇拜,崇敬 2.崇拜对象;崇敬对象 3.敬神活动,拜神

【例句】No one can ~ God or love his neighbor on an empty stomach.谁都不能空着肚子敬上帝或爱邻人。【认知】本词的核心意义与“worth(男性 — 价值)+ ship”具有关联性。

advocate [ 5AdvEkeit ] v.拥护,提倡,主张 n.[5Adv[kEt] 1.拥护者,提倡者 2.辩护者,律师

【例句】We advocate education not merely to make the man the better workman, but the workman, the better man.我们主张教育不仅使人成为更好的工人,还要使工人成为更好的人。【认知】前缀为“a-”;词根“voc”与“vok”为变体,意为“call(as witness)”(声音)。harassment [ 5hArEsmEnt ] n.骚扰,扰乱;烦扰;烦恼事 【例句】The racist harassment has driven him insane.各族主义者的折磨把他逼疯了。【认知】本词的核心意义与“to set a dog on”(唆使狗去攻击;骚扰 — 使疲劳;使折磨)具有关联性。

tricky [ 5triki ] a.1.狡猾的, 机警的 2.难以处理的,微妙的

【例句】Inspiration is a trick that poets have invented to give themselves importance.灵感是诗人们为了使自己显要而发明的花招。

unexpectedly [ 5Qniks5pektidli ] ad.没有料到地;想不到地;意外地;突如其来地

【例句】You can’t kiss a girl unexpectedly — only sooner than she thought you would.你不能出其不意地吻一个姑娘 —— 只能比她所预期的提前。

adventurous [Ed5ventFErEs] a.喜欢冒险的, 敢做敢为的, 充满危险的

【例句】The herd may graze where it pleases, but he who lives the adventurous life will remain unafraid when he finds himself alone.牛群在哪里吃草、什么时候奔跑都可以随心所欲,探险家在发现只剩下自己时还得保持镇静。【认知】前缀为“a-”;词根“vent”意为“to come;to arrive”(某人将要遭遇的事情;到达)。

advertise [5AdvEtaIz] v.1.为„做广告,宣传 2.(在报刊,电视,广播等中)公告,公布 3.引起对„的注意;使变得显眼 4.通知,告知

【例句】They pray in private and don’t ~ their faith by attending church.他们都在私下祈祷,并不去教堂做礼拜以突出显示自己的信仰。

collapse [ kE5lAps ] v.1.倒坍,塌下 2.崩溃,瓦解;(计划等)突然失败 3.(因精疲力竭等原因)倒下,(健康等)垮掉

【例句】The essence of the phenomenon of falling in love is a sudden ~ of a section of an individual's boundaries, permitting one to merge his or her identity with that of another person.恋爱现象的本质,是个人边界的一段突然崩溃,容许一个人将自己的个性与另一个人相融合。【认知】前缀为“com-”;词根“lap”与“lab(倒塌;崩溃)”为变体,含义为“to fall”。

confess [ kEn5fes ] v.(~ to)1.坦白,供认;承认 2.宣称对„„的信奉

【例句】I’m not ashamed to ~ that I’m ignorant of what I don’t know.我不耻于承认对自己不懂的事情的无知。【认知】前缀为“com-”含义;词根“fess”与“fari(说)”为变体;本词核心意义为“完全地承认”。如与“profess”同源。contempt [ kEn5tempt ] n.1.轻视,轻蔑 2.耻辱

【例句】Familiarity breeds ~.熟悉引起轻视。【认知】前缀为“com-”;词根“tempt”与“temn”与“damn(咒骂 — 轻视)”为变体关系。如与“condemn”同源。

dramatically [drE`mAtIkElI] ad.1.戏剧地 2.引人注目地,戏剧般地

【例句】Pakistan’s relationship with India has changed dramatically.巴基斯坦与印度的关系发生了戏剧性的变化。【认知】本词词根“dram”的含义为“to do;something performed”(做)。表达说话者惊异的态度。effectiveness [ i5fektivnis ] n.效率;效能;效果;有效性

【例句】agricultural production as a gauge of the economy’s effectiveness 作为经济效率量度的农业生产。

elevated [ 5eliveitid ] a.1.抬高的 2.高尚的, 严肃的, 崇高的 3.欢欣的, 振奋的

【例句】Everything that looks to the future elevates human nature;for life is never so low or little as when occupied with the present.一切显示未来趋向的事物都能提高人性,因为生活从未像现在这样低下或渺小。【认知】前缀为“ex-”;词根“lev(轻的)”的含义为“to lighten;to raise”(变轻的;被举起的)。

endowed [ in5daud ] v.1.资助,捐赠,向„捐钱(或物)2.(~ with)给予,赋予

【例句】Every person born in the U.S.A.is endowed with life, liberty and a substantials hare of the national debt.生在美国的每个人都被赋予生命、自由和国债的大量份额。【认知】前缀为“en-”;词根“dow”与“dote(给予)”为变体关系,核心含义为“给„寡妇予亡夫的遗产”。

enforcement [ in5fC:smEnt ] n.实施, 执行

【例句】I sometimes wish that people would put a little more emphasis upon the observance of the law than they do upon its ~.有的时候,我但愿人们多把重点放在遵守法律上一些,而非强调其实施。indifference [In5dIfrEns] n.(~ to)冷淡的态度或性质

【例句】I prefer the errors of enthusiasm to the indifference of wisdom.与明智的冷漠相比,我宁愿接受热情的失误。【认知】核心含义为“认为差异并不重要”。indulge [ in5dQldV ] v.1.(~ in)(使)(自已)沉溺(于);沉溺于;肆意从事;满足(自己的个欲望等)2.(~ with)(使)高兴;让„享受一下3.纵容,迁就;让„做要做的事

【例句】 If one wishes to become “somebody”, one cannot ~ in a free and easy life.谁想出人头地,谁就不能沉湎于放纵安逸的生活。【认知】前缀为“in-”;词根“dulge”为“dur”(长久的)变体;本词的核心意义与“长期受苦的;宽容的;过分慈爱的”具有关联性。如“endure”与其同源。

inexperienced [ 7iniks5piEriEnst ] a.无经验的, 不熟练的

【认知】“experience”的核心含义与“to prove;peril(试;试验)”有关;注意有“认知”的含义。motives [ 5mEutivz ] n.动机,(行动的)缘由;目的

【例句】With the exception of the instinct of self-preservation, the propensity for emulation is probably the strongest and most alert and persistent of the economic ~ proper.除了自我保护本能以外,模仿的习性很可能是真正的功利性动机中最强烈、最活跃顽固的一种。mystery [ 5mistEri ] n..神秘的事物,不可思议的事物,难以理解的事物,谜

【例句】Happiness is a ~ like religion, and should never be rationalized.幸福有如宗教,是一种神秘的东西,永远不要对它加以理性的阐释。

preliminary [ pri5liminEri ] a.初步的;起始的;预备的

【例句】 The ministers Idispensed with all preliminaries and opened their discussions immediately.部长们免去了开始前的一切客套,立即开始讨论。【认知】前缀为“pre-”;“limit”的核心意义与“threshold(门槛;界限)”具有关联性。rewarding [rI5wC:dIN] a.报答的, 有益的, 值得的

【例句】We must beware of trying to build a society in which nobody counts for anythng except a politician or an official, a society where enterprise gains no reward and thrift no privileges.我们必须谨防建立这种社会的企图:在其中除了政客和官员谁都无足轻重,在其中事业心得不到报答,节俭也得不到优待。

socially [`sEJFElI] ad.在社交方面, 善于交际地, 在社会地位上, 在全社会中

【例句】We must make multinational companies more socially responsible.我们必须使多国公司表现出更多的社会责任心。supervise [ 5sju:pEvaiz ] v.监督;管理;指导

【例句】He likes to be on hand to supervise things.他喜欢亲临现场督察。surprisingly [ sE5praiziNli ] ad.令人惊讶地

【例句】Many famous people are surprisingly humble.许多名人出人意料地谦虚。

surviving [ sE5vaiviN ] v.1.比„活得长 2.从„逃生;经历„后继续存在 3.从(困境等)中挺过来

【例句】Man can survive only when he has the substance;man can live only when he has ideal.Do you want to know the difference between survival and life? Animals survive while men live.人有了物质才能生存,有了理想才能生活。想知道生存与生活的不同吗?动物生存,而人生活。

suspect [ sEs5pekt ] v.(~ „ of)1.疑有,对„有所察觉发 2.怀疑(某人有罪等)3.对„有疑问,对„表示怀疑,不信任 4.推测,猜想;认为;料想

【例句】The old believe everything;the middle-aged ~ everything;the young know everything.老年人什么都相信,中年人什么都怀疑,年轻人什么都知道。

suspicious [ sEs5piFEs ] a.(~ of)1.容易引起怀疑的;可疑的 2.猜疑的,疑心的;多疑的 3.表示怀疑的 【例句】Plagiarists are always ~ of being stolen from.剽窃者总是疑心文字被人盗用。tangible [ 5tAndVEbl ] a.1.可触摸的,可触知的;有实体的 2.明确的;确凿的

【例句】To write or to speak is almost inevitably to lie a little.It is an attempt to clothe an intangible in a tangible form;to compress an immeasurable into a mold.无论作文还是说话,都几乎难免搀点儿假。那是试图以有形的形式表达无形的东西,试图将无限的东西压进模子。【认知】词根“tang”核心含义为“触摸”。如“integral”与其同源。unavoidably [ 5QnE5vCidEbli ] ad.不得已地, 无可奈何地 【认知】“avoid”的核心意义与“to go away from;to avoid”(远离)具有关联性。

unreasonable [ Qn5ri:znEbl ] a.不讲道理的, 不合理的, 过度的, 不切实际的

【例句】 The reasonable man adapts himself to the world;the ~ one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.Therefore all progress depends upon the ~ man.讲理的人使自己顺应世界,不讲理的人执着于力图进步全靠不讲理的人。viewpoints [ 5vju:7pCints ] n.观点;看法

【认知】本词由“view”与“point”复合构成。attempts [ E5tempts ] n.1.尝试,企图,努力;(尤指不理想的)尝试结果

【例句】Optimism assumes, or attempts to prove, that the universe exists to please us, and pessimism that it exists to displease us.乐观主义假定或企图证明,宇宙存在是为了使我们快乐; 悲观主义假定或企图证明那是为了使我们不快。authoritative [ C:5WCritEtiv ] a.1.权威性的,可信的,应服从的 2.官方的,当局的 3.专断的;命令式的

【例句】the authoritative accents of a ruling class 统治阶级的权威性口气

boast [ bEust ] v.(~ of / about)1.夸口说;吹嘘 2.以拥有„而自豪;以做„而感到光荣 【例句】 We need two kinds of acquaintances, one to complain to, while we ~ to the others.我们需要两种熟人。一种听我们抱怨,一种听我们夸耀。

bribery [ 5braibEri ] n.行贿, 受贿, 贿赂

【例句】Bribery corrodes the confidence that must exist between buyer and seller.贿赂会损害买卖双方必不可少的信任关系。【认知】词根“brib”与“bread(面包)”之间具有变体关系。casually [ 5kAVjuEli ] ad.偶然地, 随便地, 临时地

【例句】He casually unloaded one of the biggest state secrets.他随口泄漏了一项极重大的国家机密。【认知】词根“cas”与“cad”为变体关系,核心含义为“偶然发生(to fall;to happen by chance)”。comments [ 5kCments ] n.(~ on, upon)1.注解,评注 2.批评,意见,评论 【例句】Comment is free but facts are sacred.评论可以听便,但事实是神圣的。compelled [ kEm5pel(i)d ] v.1.强迫,使不得不 2.强求,强使发生

【例句】 Men who are driven by their nature as living creatures to act, are also compelled by their nature as free spirits to relate their action to, and bring them into conformity with, some total scheme of meaning.作为生物而由天性驱使行动的人们,也作为自由人而为天性所迫,将行动与某一总的意义联系起来,并使行动与之相符。【认知】前缀为“com-”;词根“pel”含义为“drive”(挤,迫使)。

condemn [ kEn5dem ] v.1.谴责 2.宣告(某人)有罪;证明(某人)有罪

【例句】I wonder how anyone can have the face to ~ others when he reflects upon his own thought.我奇怪,任何人既然反省了自己的思想,怎么还有脸去指责别人。【认知】前缀为“com-”;词根“demn”与“damn”为变体关系,含义为“谴责(damn)”。contradictory [ 7kCntrE5diktEri ] a.(~ to)1.反驳的,反对的 2.矛盾的,同...相反的

【例句】Assertion is not argument, to contradict the statement of an opponent is not proof that you are correct.声称不是论据,反驳对手和说法不能证明你就是正确的。【认知】前缀“contra”有“反对,相反,针对”的含义;词根“dict”含义为“speak”(说)。

convicted [ 5kCnviktid ] v.(使)深感有罪;(使)服罪

【例句】He was ~ of sumuggling.他被判犯有走私罪。【认知】前缀为“com-”;词根“vict”与“vinc”为变体,含义为“to overcome;to conquer”(战胜 — 证明有罪)。如“victory”与其同源。

cripple [ 5kripl] n.1.跛子;跛足的动物;伤残人(或动物)2.有缺陷的人;有缺陷(或不完美)的事物 【例句】This habit of his mind ~ his judgement.他的这种思想方式大大消弱了他的判断能力。【认知】注意crab, creep, crawl;cripple都具有意义的相关性。

critic [ 5kritik ] n.1.批评家,评论家;评论员 2.吹毛求疵者,爱挑剔的人 【例句】Time is the only ~ without ambition.时间是惟一不存野心的批评家。cruelly [`krJElI] ad.残忍地, 残酷地

【例句】How can you turn away from a child that is being ~ treated? 你怎么能对一个受虐待的孩子不闻不问呢? deception [ di5sepFEn ] n.欺骗, 诡计

【例句】Practice is a observer, it exposes deceits and self-deception.实践是个观察者,它揭露欺骗与自欺。

dedicated [5dedIkeItId] v.(~ to)1.以„奉献,以„供奉 2.把(自己、一生等)献给;把(时间、精力等)用于

【例句】Architecture should be dedicated to keeping the outside out and the inside in.建筑设计应当着力于使建筑外部融入环境。deserts [5dezE:ts ] n.1.沙漠;荒漠,荒原 2.荒凉的境地;枯燥乏味的事物

【例句】Man is a complex being: he makes deserts bloom — and lakes die.人是复杂的生物:他把沙漠变成绿洲 —— 并使湖泊干涸。【认知】前缀为“de”;“sert”与“sere(联系)”为变体关系;核心意义为“切断所有的联系”

desirable [ di5zaiErEbl ] a.1.值得想望的,值得拥有的,使人喜爱的 2.可取的,有利的 【例句】Property is the fruit of labor — Property is ~ — is a positive good in the world.财富是劳动成果 —— 财富是合乎需要的 —— 是人世间实在的利益。【认知】词根“sir”与“sid”(stars)为变体关系;本词的核心含义为“期盼上苍带来的好运气。” desperately [ 5despEritli ] ad.拼命地, 失望地

【例句】to hunt round desperately in one’s mind 竭力思索

disastrous [ di5zB:strEs ] a.1.灾难性的,造成灾害的,极不幸的 2.极坏的,很糟的

【例句】Twice he followed his own advice, with disastrous results.他两次都自行其是,两次都遭到灾难性的后果。【认知】本词为“disaster”的形容词;关于“disaster”的分析:前缀为“dis”具有否定含义(pejorative);词根“aster”的含义为“stars”(星星)。如“astrology”与其同源。

disorders [ dis5C:dE(r)z ] n.1.杂乱,混乱,凌乱 2.骚乱,** 3.(身心、机能的)失调,紊乱,不适,病

【例句】Our memories are card indexes consulted, and then put back in ~ by authorities whom we do not control.我们的记忆是查过卡片索引,随后被不听命于我们的管理者杂乱无章地放了回去。

disposition [ dispE5ziFEn ] n.1.性情,性格;癖性 2.排列,布置;处理,解决 3.支配(权);处置(权)

【例句】 The sciences are of sociable disposition, and flourish best in the neighborhood of each other.各个科学性喜交际,因而在相邻地带最为繁荣。【认知】前缀为“dis-”;词根“pos”含义为“place”(放置);本词核心含义为“放置到另外一边;分配”。elegant [ 5eli^Ent ] a.1.(举止,服饰等)优美的,文雅的,讲究的,精美的;(文体,语言等)典雅的2.简练的,简洁的 3.<口>上等的,好的

【例句】A truly ~ taste is generally accompanied with excelency of heart.真正优雅的品味往往与心灵之美同在。【认知】前缀为“ex-”;词根“leg”与“lect(选)”具有变体关系,含义为“to choose;to select”(精选的 — 雅致的;精致的)。

encouragement [In5kQrIdVmEnt] n.1.鼓励,激励,怂恿 2.促进,助长,激发 3.赞助,支持

【例句】His wife’s encouragement was the spur he needed to succeed.妻子的鼓励是他走向成功所必需的动力。entertaining [entE5teiniN ] a.愉快的, 有趣的

【例句】I would sooner read a timetable or a catalogue than nothing at all.They are much more entertaining than half the novels that are written.我宁愿看一张时间表或一份目录也不愿什么都不读;它们比人们创作的小说中的半数有趣得多。

establishment [ is5tAbliFmEnt ] n.1.建立;确立;确定;制定 2.(包括雇员、设备、场地、货物等在内的)企业;建立的机构(如军队、军事机构、行政机关、学校、医院、教会);家庭 3.安顿;成家立业;安身立命

【例句】Civilization, with its governments and ~s, is shaped by the forces of individual desire.文明,加上它的体制与组织,是由个人愿望的力量塑造的。

eternal [ i(:)5tE:nl ] a.1.永久的,永世的,永恒的 2.无休止的,没完没了的 【例句】Genius is ~ patience.天才就是永久的耐心。

expansion [ iks5pAnFEn ] n.1.扩大,扩张,扩展 2.发展;张开,展开

【例句】If you think of yourself only, you cannot develop because you are choking the source of development, which is spiritual ~ through thought for others.如果一味想着自己,你就得不到发展,因为你在阻塞发展的源泉。发展就是通过为他人着想达到的精神境界的扩大。

experimental [ eks7peri5mentl ] a.1.实验(性)的,试验(性)的;根据实验(或试验的)2.喜爱(或善于)实验(或试验)的 3.根据经验的,经验上的

【例句】 He was watchful, but not ~.他观察审慎,但不善于亲自尝试。

famine [ 5fAmin ] n.饥荒;饥饿饿死 【例句】He is one of those wise philanthropists who, in a time of ~, would vote for nothing bur a supply of toothpicks.他是那些聪明的慈善家之一,他们在饥荒时节会只投票要求供应牙签。femininity [ femi5niniti ] n.女性气质, 温柔 【认知】词根“fem”含义与“女性”有关。

fertilizer [ 5f:ti7laizE(r)] n.1.肥料(尤指化学肥料)2.使丰富者;促进发展者

【例句】To say that a man is made up of certain chemical elements is a satisfactory description only for those who intend to use him as a ~.说一个人是由某些化学成分构成的,这只对那些想用他做肥料的人才是种满意的说明。【认知】词根“fert”与“ferr”为变体关系,含义为“to bear;birth”。如与“fertility”同源。financially [ fai5nAnFEli, 7fi-] ad.财政上, 金融上

【例句】The association is supported financially by membership dues.这个协会经济上靠会费维持。

flourishing [`flQrIFIN] v.1.茂盛,繁荣,兴旺;成功 2.(作家等)处于旺盛时期,处于活跃时期;盛行

【例句】Eloquence flourished most in Rome when public affairs were in the worst condition.在公共事务糟到极点之时,雄辩术最盛行于罗马。

grim [ ^rim ] a.1.严厉的;严酷的;无情的;残忍的 2.坚定的;不屈的 3.阴森的,令人生畏的;狰狞的 4.冷嘲的,阴冷的 【例句】The tremendous menace of this day and age is not the stockpile of nuclear weapons which human ingenuity had devised, but the grim fact that the men in charge of them are as mediocre as those who invented them are brilliant.在如今这个时代,最可怕的威胁并不是作为人类创造才能成果的核武器的贮存,而是掌管它们的人之平庸一如发明它们的人之杰出定冷酷事实。groundless [ 5^raJndlis ] a.毫无根据的:没有根据或基础的;缺乏根据的

【例句】Slums may well be breeding-grounds of crime, but middle-class suburbs are incubators of apathy and delirium.贫民窟当然可能是罪恶的滋生地,但中产阶级郊区是冷漠与谵妄的孵卵器。

ideology [ 7aidi5ClEdVi, id-] n.1.思想(体系),思想意识 2.思想方式;意识形态 3.空认,空想

【例句】Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.为了增长而增长是癌细胞的思想方式。ignorant [ 5i^nErEnt ] a.(~ of)1.无知的,没有学识的;愚昧的 2.不知道的 3.由无知产生的;显示无知的 【例句】The more you study, the more you’ll find yourself ~.越学习会发现自己无知。

implementation [ 7implimen5teiFEn ] n.执行

【例句】Worry more about implementation than strategy — it’s harder to do.更多地贯彻落实而非战略本身操心 —— 这样做更难。

imposing [ im5pEuziN ] a.使印象深刻的;因其规模、气势或力量而给人印象深刻的

【例句】The big tree is so imposing that it inspires awe.这棵大树雄伟得令人惊叹。

indifferent [ in5difErEnt ] a.(~ to)1.不感兴趣的;不关心的;冷淡的;淡漠的 2.不偏不倚的;中立的 3.不重要的,无关紧要的 4.一般性的,中等的;适度的;平庸的

【例句】The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be ~ to them;that’s the essence of inhumanity.我们对作为同类的其他人所犯下的最大罪过不是憎恨,而是漠不关心。那是不近人情的本质。

inequalities [ 7ini(:)5kwClitiz ] n.不平等, 不同, 不等式, 不平均 【例句】To sum up: within our society there still exist rampant inequalities.概括地说,在我们这个社会里还存在着大量的不平等。inherent [ in5hiErEnt ] a.内在的,固有的,生来就有的

【例句】I am not in the least disturbed when people regard my legs intently.I know they are doing so in pursuance of their ~ artistic instinct.当人们目不转睛地盯着我的双腿时,我丝毫不觉得不安。我明白他们这样做是出于天生的艺术直觉。【认知】词根“her”与“heir”(继承人)为变体;本词的核心意义与“成为继承人”具有关联性。如“inherit”与其同源。insistence [In`sIstEns] n.(~ on)坚持, 坚决主张

【例句】Love is „ the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves, without any insistence that they satisfy you.爱就是„„这种能力和意愿:允许所关心的人自行其是,而不执意要他们使你满意。【认知】前缀为“in-”;词根“sist”含义为“to stand”(站;保持);核心含义为“to stand upon;urge(坚持;为„而奋斗”)。integrity [ in5te^riti ] n.1.正直,廉正;诚实,诚恳 2.完整,完全 3.完善;健全

【例句】Integrity of word and deed ought to be the very corner stone of all human dealings.言行诚实应是人们一切交往的基础。【认知】前缀为“in-”;词根“tegr”与“tact”(触摸)为变体关系;核心含义为“未被接触,未被除去,完整的”。如“tangible”与其同源。

interfere [ 7intE5fiE ] v.(~ with;in)1.妨碍;冲突;抵触 2.介入;干涉,干预;扰乱

【例句】I have never let my schooling ~with my education.我从未让学校里教的东西干扰我的教育。【认知】前缀为“inter-”;词根“fere”含义为“to strike”(撞击;打击)。

intimate [ 5intim[t ] a.1.亲密的;密切的 2.秘密的,私下的 3.怡人的;气氛融洽的 4.<婉>有性关系的,通奸的

【例句】Those who love reading have received one of the greatest gifts God can offer.They can become acquainted with, friends of and even ~ with all the great minds the world has created and will create through the written word.爱读书的人得到了上帝所能给予的最不寻常的礼品中的一种。他们可以通过文字,与世界业已及将要造就的所有伟人相识、结交,甚至成为密友。invaluable [ in5vAljuEbl ] a.非常宝贵的,极为贵重的,无价的;无法估价的

【例句】What is a diary as a rule? A document useful to the person who keeps it, dull to the contemporary who reads it, invaluable to the student, centuries afterwards, who treasures it!日记通常是什么?是一份文件 ——对于记下它的人很有用处,对于记下它的同时代人沉闷乏味,若干世纪之后,对于珍藏它的研究者则是无价之宝!lessened [ 5les[nd ] v.(使)变小;(使)减少

【例句】He lessened the tension of the rope.他把绳子放松了些。

liberal [ 5libErEl ] a.1.慷慨的,大方的 2.大量的,丰富的 3.心胸宽阔的,开明的 4.不严格的,自由的;不拘泥字面的 5.自由主义的

【例句】The only sure weapon against bad ideas is better ideas.The source of better ideas is wisdom.The surest path to wisdom is a ~ education.对付糟糕的主意惟一有效的武器是高明一些的主意。高明些的主意是来源是智慧。通向智慧的最可靠道路是强调广泛基础知识的大学教育。

opposed [ E5pEuzd ] v.(~ to)1.反对;反抗;抵抗 2.阻挡;妨碍 3.(使)反对;(使)对抗 【例句】The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to ~ two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.第一流智力的体现,是能够在心中同时容纳两种相反想法而仍然保持发挥作用的能力。optimism [ 5CptimizEm ] n.1.乐观 2.乐观主义

【例句】The place where ~ most flourished is the lunatic asylum.乐观主义最盛行的所在是疯人院。

perspective [ pE5spektiv ] n.1.透视画法,透视图 2.远景,景观 3.(观察问题的)视角,观点,想法(see „ in perspective)4.(事物内部的)恰当关系;(以事物的)合理观察;洞察力 【例句】If a woman’s adult efforts are concentrated exclusively on her children, she is more likely to stifle than broaden her children’s ~ and preparation for adult life.如果一位妇女把成年后的心思全都用在孩子身上,她更有可能是压制而非拓宽孩子对成年生活的视角和准备。【认知】前缀为“per-”;词根“spect”含义为“look to see”;核心含义为“to look through;inspect”。pessimistic [ 7pesi5mistik ] a.1.悲观的2.悲观主义的

【例句】This is too ~ a view.这种观点太悲观了。plunged [ plQndVd ] v.1.(~ into, in)(猛力)把„投入(或插入、刺进)2.使骤然前倾(或下降)3.(使)穷苦陷入(或遭受)【例句】 Reduction in oil trade has ~d construction of tankers to the lowest level in years.石油贸易的缩减使滑轮建造遽降至多年以来的最低水平。

precautions [ pri5kC:FEnz ] n.(~ against)1.预防,防备,警惕 2.预防措施,防备 【例句】to take the ~ of swallowing two sea sickness tablets吞两片晕船药以预防不适。【认知】前缀为“pre-”;本词的核心意义与“pre + caution 留心;提防;警惕;当心(beware)”具有关联性。prestige [ pres5ti:V,-5ti:dV ] n.1.(由于财富等而产生的)威信,威望,声望 2.影响力;吸引力;魅力

【例句】The ~ you acquire by being able to tell your friends that you know famous men proves only that you are yourself of small account.能够向朋友炫耀你认识名人而取得的声望,仅仅证明了你自己的无足轻重。【认知】前缀为“pre-”;“stig”为“string”的变体,含义为“to bind;to draw tightly”;核心意义为“to bind tightly”(牢牢吸引)。prevention [ pri5venFEn ] n.(~ against)预防, 防止 【例句】There are two reasons for drinking: one is, when you are thirsty, to cure it;the other, when you are thirsty, to cure it;the other, when you are not thirsty, to prevent it „ Prevention so better than cure.喝酒有两种原因:一种是口渴,为了解除它;另一种是不渴,为了预防它„„预防比解除强。

principal [ 5prinsEp(E)l,-sip-] a.1.[一般作定语]最重要的;首要的;主要的 2.资本的;可生息的财产的;基金的

【例句】Those who make their dress a ~ part of themselves, will, in general, become of no more value than their dress.把衣着视为自身主要部分的人,价值一般不会超过其衣着。【认知】前缀“prim”含义为“first;principal”;词根“cip”为“cap”(拿)变体;本词的核心含义为“first man, ruler, chief”(第一;首长;领导人)。privileged [ 5privilidVd ] a.有特权的, 有特别恩典的

【例句】He gave his friend the privilege using his private library.他特许他的朋友使用他的私人图书馆。【认知】词根为“priv”含义为“one’s own;single”;词根“leg”为“lex”(法律)变体;核心含义为“law relevant to rights of an individual(法律上属于自己)”。

probe [ prEub ] v.(~ into)探索;探查,查究;调查

【例句】Imagination means profundity.No cerebral function can ~ more deeply into the objects.想象意味着深度。大脑的任何功能都不能比想象更深入对象。

prohibited [ prE5hibitid ] v.1.(以法令、规则等)禁止 2.妨碍,阻止;使不可能

【例句】Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.未经准许,不准全部或部分翻印。【认知】前缀为“pro-”;词根“hib”与“hab”(把握)为变体;本词核心意义为“to prevent”(举在前面 — 阻止,限制;限制,阻碍;禁止)。qualifications [ 7kwClifi5keiFEnz ] n.1.资格,资格证明,合格证书 2.条件;限制,限定;限定性条件 【例句】Though I have no academic ~s.I am in fact much more highly educated than most university scholars.我虽然没有大学证书,实际上比大多数大学学者所受的教育程度高得多。

recognition [ 7rekE^5niFEn ] n.1.认出,识别;认识 2.承认;确认;认可 3.赏识;表彰;报偿

【例句】 Three fundamental truths without a ~ of which there can be no effective liberty;that what we believe is not necessarily true;that what we like is not necessarily good;and that all questions are open.三条不承认便不会有实在自由的基本真理:我们相信的未必真实,我们喜爱的未必美好,一切问题均无定论。

refreshing [ ri5freFiN ] v.1.(使)恢复活力;(使)振作精神 2.(使)得到补充

【例句】These trains are so luxurious that you can end a long journey feeling positively refreshed.这几列火车豪华舒适,旅客经长途旅行之后会得到充分的休整。

sensational [ sen5seiFEnEl ] 1.感觉的:属于或关于感觉的 2.耸人听闻的 3.杰出的;壮观的

【例句】Being an old maid is like death by drowning, a really delightful sensation after you cease to struggle.当老处女有如溺水而死,停止挣扎之后就有真正愉快的感觉。

terminate [ 5tE:mineit ] v.1.停止,结束,终止,使终止 2.限制;终接,出现(或形成)在„的末尾

【例句】Man workers were ~d because of slow business.由于生意清淡,许多工人被解雇了。【认知】本词词根为“term”,含义为“limit;end”(界限;极限;终点)。tragedies [ 5trAdVidiz ] n.1.悲剧 2.灾难,不幸 3.惨事,惨案 4.悲剧因素

【例句】There are two tragedies in life.One is not to get your heart’s desire.The other is to get it.人生有两种悲剧。一种是得不到心中所欲之物。另一种是得到了。【认知】本词的核心意义与“trag(goat)+ ode(song)”具有关联性;源于伯罗奔撒人的羊人剧对古典希腊悲剧的影响。

unacceptable [ 5QnEk5septEbl ] a.无法接受的, 不受欢迎的 【例句】to prove to be unacceptable 结果无法被接受 unfairly [ 5Qn5fZEli] ad.不公平地

【例句】I expressed my indignation at being unfairly dismissed.受到不公正的忽视,我愤愤不平。ventures [ 5ventFE(r)z ] n.风险投资,(商业等的)风险项目

【例句】The owl ventures abroad at night.猫头鹰在夜间出巢活动。【认知】本词的核心意义与“adventure”(冒险)具有关联性。

abnormal [ Ab5nC:mEl ] a.1.反常的,异常的;不规则的 2.变态的;畸形的 【例句】an ~ amount of rain 异乎寻常的过多雨量【认知】前缀为“a-”;“norm”表达“根据木工角尺制的;刻度尺;方式”。absence [ 5AbsEns ] n.1.(~ from)缺席,不在 2.缺乏,不存在 3.心不在焉。

【例句】Salt, unlike most seasonings, is more noticeable by its absence than its presence.盐与大多数调味品不同,它更多地以其缺乏而非存在受到注意。

acquitted [ E5kwit ] v.1.宣判„无罪(对证据等进行检验后)无罪释放 2.卸脱„的责任(或义务、债务等)【例句】He acquitted himself of his duties with credit.他出色地履行了自己的职责。admirable [ 5AdmErEbl ] a.令人倾佩的, 值的赞美的, 绝妙的, 极好的 【例句】All is in admirable proportion.一切都非常匀称协调。【认知】前缀为“a-”;词根“miru”意为“wonder;wonderful”(对„感到惊讶,惊异,赞美)。

amazing [ E5meiziN ] a.令人惊异的

【例句】Peotry should be great and unobtrusive, a thing enters into one’s soul, and does not startle it or amaze it with itself, but with its subject.诗歌应当是非凡而不唐突的,是这样一种东西,它进入人的心灵,不是以其本身,而是以其主题使之震动或惊奇。awareness [ E5wZEnis ] a.1.(~ of, that)[一般作表语]意识到的,知道的2.懂事的,明智的

【例句】They became aware of a peculiar smell in the room.他们发觉房间里有一股特别的气味。【认知】前缀为“a-”;词根“ware(注意,关注)”构成。confinement [ kEn5fainmEnt ] n.(~ to)拘禁:限制的行为或被限制的状态

【例句】We’re all of us sentenced to solitary confinement inside our own skins, for life!我们全都被判处单独监禁于自己这层皮肤之内,整整一生!【认知】前缀为“com-”;词根“fine”与“fini”为变体,含义为“border;end”(接界;限止)。confirmed [ kEn5fE:md ] v.1.证实,肯定 2.进一步确定,再次确定 3.(~ that)坚持说,坚持认为 【例句】 What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.所谓顺从就是认定了的绝望。confrontation [ 7kCnfrQn5teiFEn ] n.(~ with)面对, 面对面, 对质

【例句】Be direct but not confrontational.直率,但不要对抗。【认知】前缀为“com-”;词根为“front”含义为“forehead”,核心含义为“对抗”。

contend [ kEn5tend ] v.1.声称,主张,认为 2.为„而斗争(或竞争、辩论)

【例句】Like the course of the heavenly bodies, harmony in national life is a resultant of the struggle between contending forces.和天体运行的轨道一样,政治生活的和谐是对立的力量相互斗争的结果。【认知】前缀为“com-”;词根“tend”的含义为“to stretch;aim;to strive”(伸展 — 极力伸张,奋斗,争夺)。

contradiction [ 7kCntrE5dikFEn ] n.1.否认,反驳 2.矛盾说法;矛盾命题;抵触行动 3.矛盾(性),对立(性),不一致(性)【例句】Good taste and humor are a ~ in terms, like a chaste whore.高雅趣味和滑稽诙谐在用语上相互矛盾—— 就像说贞洁的妓女。

destiny [ 5destini ] n.天数,天命,神意

【例句】Destiny: A tyrant’s authority for crime, and a fool’s excuse for failure.命运 —— 暴君作恶的理由,傻瓜失败的借口。distrust [ dis5trQst ] v.怀疑;不信任

【例句】The man who trusts men will make fewer mistakes than he who distrusts them.信任别人的人要比不信任他人的人少犯错误。

ethical [ 5eWikEl ] a.与伦理有关, 民族的, 民族特有的

【例句】reach a certain accord in regard to ethical principles 就道德准则达成某种一致。exaggerated [ i^5zAdVEreitid ] v.1.夸大,夸张2.使增大,使扩大;使过大

【例句】 to exaggerate the difficulties of a situation 把困难情况讲得过分。【认知】前缀为“ex-”;词根“agger”含义为“heap”(堆起来)。fascinated [ 5fAsineitid ] v.强烈地吸引,迷住,使神魂颠倒

【例句】I like work;it ~s me;I can sit and look it for hours.我喜欢工作。它使我着迷。我能够对着它坐上几个钟头。unfruitful [ Qn5fru:tful ] a.不结果实的, 不生子女的, 无效果的, 徒然的, 空的

【例句】All good things which exist are the fruits of originality.已有的一切好的东西都是独创能力的产物。glaring [ 5^lZEriN ] a.1.耀眼的;刺眼的 2.目光敌意的

【例句】light glaring from the unshaded bulb 无罩灯炮射出的强光 harmoniously [ hB:5mEunjEsli ] ad.和谐地, 调和地

【例句】Of all the joys, only love is superior to music, and love is also a harmonious song.所有欢乐中,惟有爱情胜似音乐,而爱情也是一首和谐的歌。icebergs [ 5aisbE^z ] n.冰山

【例句】the tip of an iceberg 冰山之一角

illegally [ i5li:^Eli ] ad.不合法地,非法地;违反规则地

【例句】The workers have been illegally discharged.那些工人被非法解雇了。【认知】词根“leg”与“lex”为变体关系,含义为“law;binding”(法律;法律的)。

illusion [ i5lu:VEn, i5lju:-] n.1.错觉,幻觉,假象2.幻想,错误的观念

【例句】We live in a fantasy world, a world of ~.The great task in life is to find reality.我们生活在想象的世界,一个幻觉世界。人生的最大任务是找到现实。

impartial [ im5pB:FEl ] a.公平的, 不偏不倚的 【例句】I cannot undertake to be ~ as between the fire brigade and the fire.在消防队和火灾之间,我不能同意不偏不倚。intellectuals [ 7inti5lektjuElz ] n.1.知识分子;脑力劳动者;有很高智的人;(炫耀知识而不能解决实际问题的)空谈家 2.[~s]与智力有关的事物 【例句】People who refer to themselves as ~ are automatically committing a social crime and, also, usually and error.自称知识分子的人无意间犯了个社交上的忌讳,通常也是个错误。

intensively [ in5tensivli ] ad.强烈地, 集中地 【例句】Knowledge requires repeated explorations, and farmland needs intensive cultivation.知识要求反复探索,土地需要精耕细作。

legality [ l i(:)5^Al[ti ] n.合法, 墨守陈规, 法律上的义务

【例句】Murder may be done by legal means, by plausible and profitable war, by calumny, as well as by dose or dagger.谋杀可以用合法的手段完成,用似乎有理的,有利可图的战争,用毁谤,一如用药剂和短剑。materially [ mE5tiEriEli ] a.1.物质地,实体地 2.身体上地,肉体地 3.重要地,实质性地

【例句】The journal aids materially in a fuller and deeper understanding of the subject.这份学报对于人们更充分更深刻地了解这门学科大有裨益。

objection [ Eb5dVekFEn ] n.(~ to)1.反对;异议;不喜欢 2.反对的理由 3.缺点,缺陷 【例句】The ~ that he had no experience was ignored.认为他没有经验的反对理由未被理会

optional [ 5CpFEnEl ] a.随意的,任选的,可选择的,非强制的 【例句】~ courses on lighuistics语言学选修课 oriented [`R:rIentId,`EJ-] v.1.(使)适合,(使)熟悉情况(或环境等)2.给„定向;给„定方位 3.(~ to, towards)使朝向;以„为方向,以„为目的,重视

【例句】Education was ~ to theory and distant facts.当时的教育以理论和久远的资料为方向。【认知】词根“ori”含义为“升起 — 东方 — 方向”。

random [ 5rAndEm ] a.(at ~)胡乱的;任意的;任意选取的

【例句】History was a trash bag of ~ coincidences torn open in a wind.历史是在风中扯开的一个充满巧合的垃圾袋。relieved [rI5li:vd] v.(~ of)1.缓解,减轻;解除;(使)得到解脱 2.[常用被动语态](使)宽心,(使)宽慰 3.救济;解救,救援 4.接替,替下;(尤指以人接替而)解除„的职务

【例句】I have never known any distress that an hour’s reading did not relieve.我从不知道有什么苦恼是一个小时的阅读所消除不了的。【认知】前缀为“re-”;词根“lief”含义为“to raise”(举起)。repeatedly [rI5pi:tIdlI] ad.一再,再三,多次地

【例句】He ~ fails to pass the examination.他多次考试不及格。

uncivilized [ 5Qn5sivilaizd ] a.未开化的,无文化的

【例句】Civilized people cannot fully satisfy their sexual instinct without love.没有爱情,文明人无法充分满足其性本能。undeniable [5Qndi5naiEbl] a.不可否认的 【例句】undeniable facts 不可否认的事实

unpractical [ 5Qn5prAktikEl ] a.不切实际的

【例句】to prove to be unpractical 证明为不切实际的

unreasonably [ Qn5ri:z[nEbli ] ad.不合理地

【例句】The reasonable man adapts himself to the world;the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.讲理的人使自己顺应世界,不讲理的人执着于力图让世界适应自己。

verdict [ 5vE:dikt ] n.1.裁定 2.定论,判断性意见

【例句】 The jury brought in a verdict of “not guilty”.陪审团宣布“无罪孽”的裁决。【认知】本词的核心意义与“ver(true)+ dict(to say)”(实说的事情)具有关联性。

adverse [ 5AdvE:s ] a.(~ to)1.不友好的;敌对的 2.不利的,有害的 3.(方向上)逆的;(位置上)相反的

【例句】The young have enough strength to stand up against any adverse situation.青年拥有足够的力量,能够在任何逆境中挺直身躯。【认知】前缀为“a-”;词根“vers”意为“to turn towards”(转)。appealing [ E5pi:liN ] a.吸引人的, 哀诉似的, 恳求似的 【例句】 appealing models 有吸引力的模特

appliances [ E5plaiEnsiz ] n.1.(用于特定目的的)器具2.器械,装置 【例句】Vacuum cleaners, washing machines and refrigerators are household ~.真空吸尘器、洗衣机和电冰箱都是家用设备。appropriately [ E5prEJpri[tli ] ad.适合地,恰当地,相称地

【例句】I do not think it altogether inappropriate to introduce myself to this audience.I am the man who accompanied Jacqueline Kennedy to Paris, and I have enjoyed it.我完全不觉得向诸位作个自我介绍有何不妥。我就是那个陪杰奎琳•肯尼迪到巴黎来的男人,我也很乐于充当这个人物。

attendance [ E5tendEns ] n.1.出席,参加,出席次数;出席率 2.出席人数;[总称]出席者,观众,听众 【例句】The theater attendance is on the rise.戏院上座率正在增加。authorized [5C:WEraIzd] v.1.授权;委托 2.批准;核定;准许;认可 【例句】be ~ to issue the following statement 受权发表下列声明

brutality [ bru(:)5tAliti ] n 残忍, 野蛮的行为

【例句】Television brought the brutality of war into the comfort of the living room of America — not on the battlefields of Vietnam.电视把战争的暴行送进了起居室中丢掉的 —— 而不是在越南的战场上。【认知】词核心意义与“笨重的,愚笨的;粗糙的,生的”相关。

cautiously [ 5kC:FEsli ] ad.慎重地

【例句】 He cautiously refused to commit himself on any controversial subject.他谨慎地不肯就任何有争议的题目表态。classification [ 7klAsifi5keiFEn ] n.1.分类,分级2.(文件的)(保)密级(别)

【例句】Science is the systematic classification of experience.科学是经验的系统的分类。compassion [ kEm5pAFEn ] n.同情,怜悯

【例句】the abstract compassion of a surgeon 外科医生冷漠的同情。【认知】前缀为“com-”;词根“pass”为“pat”的变体,含义为“suffer”(遭受)。

compensation [ kCmpen5seiFEn ] n.1.补偿(或赔偿)的款物;补偿(或赔偿)金2.<美>工资,报酬 【例句】True tragedy may be defined as a dramatic work in which the outward failure of principal personage is conpensated for by the dignity and greatness of his character.真正的悲剧可以这样定义:一部剧作,剧中主人公的表面失败由其人格的高贵伟大予以补偿。

conspicuous [ kEn5spikjuEs ] a.1.显眼的,明显的;明显的;显著的 2.若人注目的;值得注意的;出色的 3.炫耀的,摆阔气的 【例句】Conspicuous consumption of valuable goods is a means of reputability to the gentleman of leisure.引人注目的挥霍贵重财物是有闲绅士取得名声的手段。【认知】前缀为“com-”;词根为“spi”与“spect”为变体关系,含义为“look;perceive”(看);本词的核心含义为“easily visible”。

cooperative [ kEJ5CpErEtiv ] a.1.有合作意向的,乐意合作的;有能力合作的 2.合作的,协作的

【例句】Monkeys will not be cooperative any more.猴子们不再乐于合作。

coordinate [ kEJ5C:din[t ] v.(~ with)1.调节,协调;整理 2.(使)成为同样重要;将„置于同一等级(或类别)【例句】The staff ~s and compiles the material.这班干部工作人员整理并汇编材料。counterparts [ 5kauntEpB:ts ] n.1.极相像的人(或物)2.互为补充的人(或物);对应的人(可物),对物方 【例句】Deep-sea valleys are the ~s of the mountain chains.深海里的峡谷相当于(陆地的)山脉。creativity [9kri:eI`tIvEtI ] n.1.创造性,创造力 2.建设性;创意

【例句】People’s creativity is breaking loose.人们的创造性正迸发出来。

dazzling [ 5dAzliN ] v.1.(强光等)(使)眩目,(使)眼花,耀(眼)2.(使)昏炫;使惊奇;使赞叹不已 【例句】dazzlingly productive 令人惊异地有成效

deliberately [dI5lIbErEtlI] ad.故意地

【例句】Debt is a trap which a man sets and baits himself, and then deliberately gets into.债务是自己设置,自己装饵,然后故意堕入的陷阱。【认知】前缀为“de”;词根“libr”含义为“to weight;scales”(天平);本词的核心含义为“to consider well”(权衡;考虑)。

demanding [dI5mB:ndIN;(?@)dI5mAndIN] a.过分要求的, 苛求的

【例句】a demanding task 一项费事的工作【认知】前缀为“de”;词根“mand”含义为“entrust”(任命;要求;委托)。如“command”与其同源。

disability [ 7disE5biliti ] n.1.无能力,无力 2.残疾;伤残 3.限制,不利条件 【例句】He was conscious of his ~ in this direction.他自知在这方面缺乏能力。

dismiss [ dis5mis ] vt.1.让„离开,把„打发走,解散 2.(从头脑中)去除,不再考虑,拒绝考虑,不接受,抛弃 【例句】to dismiss the advice as irrelevant 认为建议无关而不加以考虑

donation [ dEu5neiFEn ] n.1.捐赠,赠送,发给2.(给慈善机关等的)捐赠物,赠品,捐款 【例句】a sizable ~ to the needy捐助穷苦人的丰厚赠品。【认知】词根“don”含义为“to present”(给;礼物)。如“dote”与其同源。

enlightened [In5laIt(E)nd] v.1.启发,启迪,开导;使摆脱偏见(或迷信)2.指导,教育,使获得教益

【例句】Whatever we may do to enlighten ourselves or others, guard against checking or chilling a single earnest sentiment.在自修和教导别人时,无论做什么都要防止挫伤或打消专一的、热切的情感。excessively [ ik5sesivli ] ad.过多地,过分地,过度地 【例句】These country gentry are in excessively bad odour.他不光彩地离去了。feasibility [9fi:zE`bIlEtI] n.可能性,可行性

【例句】The enormous difficulty makes him cynical about the feasibility of the idea.由于困难他对这个主意是否可靠持怀疑态度。generosity [ 7dVenE5rCs[ti ] n.慷慨, 宽大 【例句】Her generosity is one of her most pleasing traits 慷慨大方是她最讨人喜欢的性格特点之一。【认知】本词的核心意义与“nobly born;race(出生高贵的)”具有关联性。handicapped [5hAndIkApd] a.1.残废的 2.有障碍的

【例句】Genius may have its limitation, but stupidity is not thus handicapped.天才可能有其局限,愚蠢则不受此类防碍。【认知】本词的核心意义与“hand in cap”(手在帽中)具有关联性。ideological [7aidiE5lCdVikEl ] a.1.意识形态的 2.虚幻的,非真实的 【例句】a philosophical(an ideological)system 哲学(意识形态)体系 influential [7influ5enFEl ] a.1.有影响的 2.有权势的

【例句】Epidemics have often been more influential than statesmen and soldiers in shaping the course of political history, and diseases may also color the moods of civilizations.在政治史进程的形成中,流行病常常比政治家和军人更有影响;疾病也可能影响文明的基调。【认知】前缀为“in-”含义;词根“flu”含义为“flow”(流);核心含义为“恒星放射”。intuitive [ in5tju(:)itiv ] a.直觉的;敏锐的

【例句】God creates by intuition;man creates by inspiration strengthened by intuition.上帝凭着直觉创造,人类凭着由观察加强的灵感创造。jealousy [ 5dVelEsi ] n.1.妒忌,猜忌 2.小心守护,惟恐失去

【例句】 Jealousy is no more than feeling alone among smiling enemies.忌妒不过是在徽笑的敌人中间感到孤独。【认知】本词的核心意义与“zeal(热情;奋发)”具有关联性。

myths [ miWs ] n.1.神话 2.编造的话;谎言;谣言 3.杜撰出来的人(或事物)【例句】Her sickness was a myth to cover up her dislike of the work.她的病是用来掩饰她厌恶工作的谎言。nodding [ 5nCdiN ] v.1.点(头);点头表示 2.点头同意,点头赞成 3.打瞌睡,打盹 【例句】She was nodding over her knitting.她边织毛线时边打盹儿。

notorious [ nEu5tC:riEs ] a.(~ for)1.臭名昭著的;声名狼藉的 2.著名的;众所周知的

【例句】It is notorious that the memory strengthens as you lay burdens upon it, and becomes trustworthy as you trust it.众所周知,你给记忆力添加负担它便增强,你信任它,它变得可靠。【认知】词根“no”与“know”为变体,核心意义为“to know;known;well-known(著名的,认知的)”。obscene [ Cb5si:n ] a.1.淫秽的,下流的 2.讨人厌的,可憎的

【例句】Nonsense!Obscene nonsense!胡说,令人作呕的胡说!【认知】词根“sce”含义为“垃圾;污秽”。obscure [ Eb5skjJE(r)] a.1.晦涩的,费解的 2.无名的,默默无闻的;微贱的;不重要的 3.隐藏的;偏僻的 【例句】Truth sometimes may be ~, but it can never die out.真理有时可能变得暗淡,但绝对不会熄灭。

offerings [ 5CfEriNz ] n.1.给予(物),提供(物);提议 2.【商】发价,发盘,报价,开价

【例句】Television has begun to offer selected programmes from some foreign countries.电视已经开始提供选自若干外国的节目。If she was still single it was not for lack of offers.假如她仍是单身,那并非因为没有人向她求婚。

penalties [ 5penltiz ] n.1.处罚;刑罚 2.罚款,罚金(额),违约金(额);违约没收物

【例句】Penalties for overdue books will be strictly enforced.对图书逾期不还将严格课以罚款。【认知】“pen”可看作“pun”的变体,含义为“punishment”(惩罚;罚款)。politically [ pE5litikEli ] ad.1.政治上的;政治方面;就政治而言上的

【例句】 Politically, he is on the line, choosing to avoid both the right and the left.他在政治上是骑墙的,既不左也不右。pornography [ pC:5nC^rEfi ] n.色情;色情业 【认知】“porn”的含义为“妓女”。

prolonged [prE5lRNd] v.延长,拉长,拖延

【例句】 This delicate mechanism has been shot by prolonged misuse.这个精密机械装置由于长期滥用而毁坏了。

questioned [ 5kwestFEnd ] v.1.问;询问,审问;盘问 2.怀疑,对„表示疑问;对„提出异议;就„提出问题

【例句】An unalterable and unquestioned law of the musical world required that the German text of French operas sung by Swedish artists should be translated into Italian for the clearer understanding of English speaking audiences.音乐世界不可更改和确定无疑的一条要求,瑞典艺术家演唱的法国歌剧的德语版本应当译成意大利语,以使英语听众更明白。

quickest [ kwikist ] a.1.最快的,最迅速的;最急速的;最短暂的,最匆匆的 2.最性急的,最不耐烦的3.最聪敏的

【例句】Do you wish to find out a man’s weak points? Note the failings he has the quickest eye for in others.你想弄清一个人的弱点么?注意他一眼就看出来的别人的缺点。raced [ reist ] v.1.(~ with, against)参加比赛2.疾走,迅跑;全速进行

【例句】The propeller ~ wildly as the stern rose.艉部抬起,螺旋桨离水飞转。

rampant [ 5rAmpEnt ] a.1.(植物)蔓生的,芜蔓的2.狂暴的,无约束的,不受管束的;猖獗的,猖獗流传的 【例句】 Ignorance about industry is ~.对工业的无知到了极点。【认知】词根“ramp”的含义为“爬;攀登”。rationally [ 5rAFEn[li ] ad.1.理性地,理智地;明事理地 2.基于理性地,合理地 3.神智健全地

【例句】You can’t think rationally on an empty stomach, and a whole lot of people can’t do it on a full one either.饿着肚子无法作理性的思考,而有一大批人吃饱了还是做不到。

sentimental [ 7senti5ment[l ] a.感伤性的, 感情脆弱的

【例句】He was many things at once: thick-skinned, good-hearted, sentimental, sly, brutal, naive.他这个人同时具有许多特性:脸皮厚、心肠好、多愁善感、狡猾、残忍、天真。skeptical [ 5skeptikEl ] a.(~ of)表示怀疑的

【例句】to hold a skeptical attitude 持有一种怀疑的态度

sovereignty [ 5sCvr[nti ] n.君主, 主权, 主权国家

【例句】to safeguard state sovereignty and territorial integrity 捍卫国家主权和领土完整。【认知】词的核心意义与“super(超)+ reign(统治)”具有关联性。

strategies [ 5strAtidViz ] n.1.战略;战略学 2.策略,计谋;行动计划;对策

【例句】Worry more about implementation than strategy — it’s harder to do.更多地为贯彻落实而非战略本身操心 —— 这样做更难。

thrifty [ 5Wrifti ] a.节约的

【例句】It is ~ to prepare today for the wants of tomorrow.节俭就是今天为明天的需要做准备。triumphant [ trai5QmfEnt ] a.胜利的, 成功的, 狂欢的, 洋洋得意的

【例句】 The evacuation of all their forces was glowingly represented as a triumphant success.他们的全军大撤退被堂而皇之地描绘为一次伟大的胜利。【认知】本词的核心意义与“hymn”(酒神节的狂欢队)具有关联性。uncontrollable [QnkEn5trEJlEb(E)l] a.无法控制的

【例句】The audience gave way to uncontrollable bursts of laughter.观众禁不住爆发出阵阵大笑。unendurable [ 5Qnin5djuErEbl ] a.无法忍受的, 不能忍耐的,不能持久的 【例句】unendurable life routines 无法忍受的生活日程

unfavorable [ 5Qn5feivErEbl ] a.不宜的, 不顺利的, 相反的, 令人不快的

【例句】unfavorable climate 不宜的气候【认知】本词的词根“fav”含义为“to protect;to show kindness to”(好意;以朋友相待)。

universally [ju:nI5v:sElI] ad.普遍地,全体地,到处

【例句】Music is a universally understood language.音乐是一种普天下可以听懂的语言。【认知】本词的核心意义与“uni(one)+ vers(to turn)”具有关联性;核心含义为“all together”。unwillingly [ 5Qn5wiliNli ] ad.不愿意地, 不情愿地

【例句】Love is a willing tyranny, because the lover endures his torment willingly.爱情是温柔的专制,因为恋人甘受折磨。accidentally [ 7Aksi5dent[li ] ad.偶然地, 意外地

【例句】I accidentally dripped paint from the brush.我不担心让画笔滴下颜料。【认知】前缀为“a”;“cid”意为“to fall(降落)”。accommodate [ E5kCmEdeit ] v.1.(使)适应,使符合一致 2.调和(分歧等)3.给„提供(方便),通融;对„予以照顾性考虑

【例句】The pistol grip was made larger to ~ his unusually big hand.手枪的枪柄做得较大,以适合他那特大的手。【认知】前缀为“a-”;“commod”意为“to make fit”或“having the proper measure”。词根“mod”含义为“措施,测量;方式”(强调方便,精确性)。

activists [ 5Aktivists ] n.激进主义分子,行动主义分子 【例句】He is a natural activist.他天生是个激进主义分子。

acute [ E5kju:t ] a.1.尖的,锐的 2.剧烈的,严重的,激烈的 3.[医](疾病)急性的;治疗急性病的

【例句】 His distrust of reporters was particularly ~ on this story.他在这份报上对记者的怀疑特别厉害。【认知】前缀为“a-”;词根“acu”为“acer”的变体意为“to sharpen”(被削尖的;针,尖)。如“cute”与其同源。additionally [ E5diFEn[li ] ad.加之, 又

【认知】词根“add”的核心含义为“放(做)”。admittedly [Ed5mItIdlI] ad.公认地, 诚然, 无可否认地 【例句】to prove to be admittedly true 结果是无可否认的真实 advisable [ Ed5vaizEbl ] a.可取的,适当的,明智的 【例句】I am not in favour of long engagements.They give people the opportunity of finding out each other’s character before marriage, which I think is never ~.我不赞成订婚的时期太长。它使双方有机会在婚前摸清各自的人品,我认为这绝对不可取。appearance [E5piErEns] n.1.出现,显露 2.露面;来到;出版 3.外观,外貌;外表 4.[~s]表面迹象

【例句】People are always taken in by appearances and by the outcome of events.人们总是被表面的现象和事情的结局所蒙骗。applicable [ 5AplikEbl ] a.(~ to)1.可应用的;可实施的 2.适当的,合适的 【例句】This salve is too dry to be easily ~.这药膏太干了,不容易敷上。arrogant [ 5ArE^Ent ] a.傲慢的,自大的

【例句】 It is your ~ insistence that compelled me to do as you asked.是你傲慢地坚持已见使我不得不按你的要求做。【认知】前缀为“a-”;词根“rogat”含义为“to ask”(问,建议)。如“interrogate”于其同源。assassination [ E7sAsi5neiFEn ] n.刺杀,暗杀

【例句】piece together a picture of an assassination attempt构想一次行刺企图的前前后后。assumptions [ E5sQmpFEnz ] n.1.假定,臆断 2.自负;傲慢 3.担任;(义务等的)承担责任

【例句】However cooperative the relation between husband and wife, there is usually the tacit assumption that the household is basically the wife’s responsibility.无论夫妻关系如何合作,这种不言自明的假定通常还是存在,即家庭基本上是妻子的责任。awkward [ 5C:kwEd ] a.1.(动作、形态等)不雅观的;难看的;粗笨的 2.笨拙的;制作粗劣的;(文章、讲话等)累赘的 3.使用不便的;难操纵的 4.难处理的;难对付的

【例句】No manners are finer than even the most ~ manifestations of good will to others.向别人表达良好的意愿是最高雅的风度,即使表达得极其笨拙也不例外。【认知】原义与“反手的;转错的”相关。

behaviors [ bi5heivjEz ] n.1.行为,举止,表现 2.[心]行为(指对于刺激所作出的反应);(事物在特定情况下产生的)反应,变化 3.(待人的)态度

【例句】to study the ~ of lions in their natural habitalt 在天然环境中研究狮子的行为 benevolence [ bi5nevElEns ] n.1.善意,善心,仁慈 2.行善,慈善

【例句】Benevolence is a natural instinct of the human mind;when A sees B in distress, his conscience always urges him to entreat C to help him.善心是人的天赋本能。当某甲看到某乙陷于困境,他的良心总是促使他请求某丙去帮忙。【认知】“bene”含义为“好;善”。commercialized [kE5mE:FElaizd] v.1.商业化(的)2.商品化(的)

【例句】He wore vulgar commercialized spectacles.他戴着俗气的商业广告眼镜。【认知】前缀为“com-”;词根为“merc”的含义为“器皿,货品(wares;merchandise)”;核心含义为“交易”。

continually [kEn5tInjJElI] a.1.从不间断的,不停的 2.多次重复的,频频的

【例句】The tendency of modern science is to reduce proof to absurdity by continually reducing absurdity to proof.现代科学的趋势,是以不断地把谬论化为证明来使证明沦为谬论。credibility [ 7kredi5biliti ] n.可信性;可信度

【例句】beyond the bonds of credibility 超出可信的范围。【认知】词根“cred”含义为“相信;可信”。如“incredible”与其同源。

cultivation [ 7kQlti5veiFEn ] v.1.耕,耕作 2.培养,养成;磨练;陶冶 3.建立,加强(友谊等)【例句】Knowledge requires repeated explorations, and farmland needs intensive cultivation.知识要求重复探索,土地需要精耕细作。【认知】词根“cult”的含义是“culture;till(耕种)”。如“colony”与其同源。curiously [ 5kjuEriEsli ] ad.好奇地;令人觉得奇怪地

【例句】 The plot line of the story twists past a curiously mixed group of characters.故事的情节贯穿着一群奇妙地结合起来的人物。

deformity [ di5fC:miti ] n.残缺, 畸形, 残废, 畸形的人或物

【例句】 His deformity prevents him from winning the woman he loves.他的残疾使他无法说服他所爱的女人同意和自己结婚。denial [ di5naiEl ] n.1.否认;拒绝承认,脱离关系 2.拒绝相信;拒绝,拒绝给予 3.自我克制4.[逻](命题的)否定 【例句】He met the charge with a flat ~.他断然否认对他的指控。

descended [dI5sendId] v.1.下来,下降;下倾,下斜 2.递减 3.(~ from to)袭击;祖传;世代相传 4.(~ from)起源(于)【例句】It is indeed a desirable thing to be well descended, but the glory belongs to our ~s.有好的家世诚然值得想望,不过光荣属于我们的祖先。

deserted [ dI`z:tId ] v.1.抛弃,离弃,遗弃 2.擅离(职守等):从„开小差 3.背离,舍弃 【例句】 They ~ the farm for the city.他们离开农场,迁往城市。

detective [ di5tektiv ] n.1.侦探,私人侦探 2.发觉者,发现者,探测者

【例句】I am devoted to ~ novels.They make such a nice change from my work.我热衷于侦探小说。它们构成了我工作之外如此美妙的替换物。【认知】前缀为“de”;词根“tec”与“teg”为变体关系,含义为“cover”(掩盖)。diminished [dI5mInIFt] v.1.(令人惋惜地)减少,减小,缩减,降低 2削弱„的权势,(使)降级,降低„的声誉;贬低,轻视

【例句】Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind;and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;it tolls for thee.任何人的死亡都是我的损失,因为我与人类血肉相连;所以不要派人来问丧钟为谁而鸣,它就是为你敲响。【认知】前缀为“dis”;词根“mini”含义为“small;reduce(使变小)”。disable [ dis5eibl ] v.(使)丧失能力,[常用被动语态](使)伤残 【例句】John was permanently ~d.约翰终身伤残了。

disgrace [ dis5^reis ] v.1.(使)丢脸,(使)受耻辱 2.(使)失宠,(使)失去地位;解除„的职务 【例句】like a disgraced government minister 像一个丢掉职位的政府官员。【认知】前缀为“dis”;词根“grace”是“grat”(愉快,快乐)的变体。

disregard [ 7disri5^B:d ] vt.1.不理会,不顾 2.漠视;不尊重

【例句】Courage is not an absence of fear, but the ability to overcome or ~ fear.勇敢不是没有恐惧,而是能够克服或不理会恐惧。doctrine [ 5dCktrin ] n.1.教义,教条,主义 2.学说,原理 3.教诲,教导 【例句】The wisest man preaches no ~s;he has no scheme;he sees no rafter, not even a cobweb, against the heaven.it is clear sky.最大的智者不鼓吹任何学说,没有任何体系。迎望上空,他眼中没有橼木,甚至没有蛛网。那是一片澄明的天宇。【认知】词根“doc”含义为“to teach”;核心含义为“teaching”(教导)。

drastically [5drAstik[li] a.1.激烈地,迅猛地,猛烈地 2.严厉地,极端地 【例句】drastic measures 激烈的措施。【认知】词根“dras”与“dram”为变体,含义为“to do;something performed”(做;活跃的)。

drawbacks [ 5drC:7bAks ] n.1.缺点,欠缺,不利条件;障碍 2.撤回

【例句】Living in a large house had its ~ as its advantages.住在大房子里有它的好处,也有它的不利之处。exaggerated [ i^5zAdVEreitid ] v.1.夸大,夸张 2.(使)增大,(使)扩大;(使)过大

【例句】Permanent sorrow is produced by the exaggerated pictures of our imagination;the longer we allow our selves to dwell in that state the further we drift from reality.持久的悲伤由夸张的想象造成。听任自己处于这种状态越久,我们离开现实越远。unexploited [ 9QnIk`splRItId] v.未开发,未利用,未使用

【例句】unexploited resources 未开发的资源 generously [ 5dVenErEsli ] a.1.慷慨地,大方地,宽宏大量地 2.大量地;丰富地,充足地 【例句】He subscribe s generously to charities.他向慈善事业捐款十分慷慨。hazards [ 5hAzEdz ] n.1.危险,危害物;危险之源 2.机会;偶然的事

【例句】There are ~s in anything one does, but there are greater ~s in doing nothing.做什么事都会有危险,但什么都不做更危险。identity [ ai5dentiti ] n.1.身份;本身 2.同一人;同一物 3.(~ with)同一(性);相同之处,一致;相同处,一致处

【例句】The essence of the phenomenon of falling in love is a sudden colapse of a section of an individual’s boundaries, permitting one to merge his or her identity with that so another person.恋爱现象的本质,是个人边界的一段突然崩溃,容许一个人将自己的个性与另一个人相融合。

illiterate [ i5litEr[t ] n.文盲;无知的人

【例句】They are in the main musically ~.他们对音乐基本上一无所知。【认知】前缀为“in-”;词根“lit”与“littr”为变体关系,含义为“letters;reading and writing”(字母;学识);核心含义为“文盲的;无学识的”。impatiently [ im5peiFEntli ] ad.无耐性地

【例句】like an arrow in a bow waiting impatiently to be released 如箭在弦急待引发

impractical [ im5prAktikEl ] ad.不切实际的, 昧于实际的

【例句】Have you any right to read, especially novels, until you have exhausted the best part of the day in some employment that is called practical? 在把一天最好的时光用于做某种被称为实事的工作之前,你有仅利阅读,尤其是读小说吗? incentive [ in5sentiv ] n.刺激,鼓励,奖励;动机

【例句】the government’s tax ~ for industry to move into depressed areas 鼓励工业进军萧条领域,政府采取了税收优惠政策。【认知】前缀为“in-”;词根“cent”含义为“to sing;to blow into a flute”(唱;呐喊)。如“chant”与其同源。inherited [In`herItId] v.1.继承(传统、遗产、权利等)2.经遗传而得(性格、特征等)3.获得,领受

【例句】What you have inherited from your fathers, earn over again for yourselves, or it will not be yours.从祖上继承来的东西要为自己重新挣得,否则将不属于你。【认知】词根“her”与“heir”(继承人)为变体;本词的核心意义与“成为继承人”具有关联性。

insensible [ in5sensEbl ] a.(~ of)无知觉的, 无同情心的, 硬心肠的, 麻木不仁的

【例句】He who tells a lie is not sensible how great a task he undertakes;for he must invent twenty more to maintain that one.说谎者没有意识到自己承担了多么大的一桩苦差事,因为他必须再说二十个谎来维持这一个谎。interaction [ 7intEr5AkFEn ] n.(~ with)相互作用;相互影响

【例句】 It is the ~ of his personality and period that results in the formation of a composer’s style.作曲家风格形成,是其个性与时代相互作用的结果。

invasion [ in5veiVEn ] n.(~ into)1.入侵,侵略,攻击 2.妨碍;拥入 3.(疾病、声音、感情等)侵袭

【例句】to take extraordinary steps to handle this summer’s ~ of tourists 采取特殊步骤应付今夏纷至沓来的旅游者【认知】前缀为“in-”;词根“vad”为“wade”(跋涉)的变体;核心含义为“to go;to walk”(进入)。invariably [In5veErIEb(E)lI] ad.不变地,始终如一地,总是

【例句】Great discoveries and improvements invariably involve the co-operation of many minds.伟大的发展和改进总是牵涉到许多富于才智的人的协作。

justifiable [ 5dVQstifaiEbl ] a.有理由的

【例句】Work isn’t to make money;you work to justify life.工作不是为了挣钱,工作是为证明生活值得。knowingly [5nEJINlI] ad.有意地, 心照不宣地

loyalty [5lCIEltI] n.忠诚,忠心耿耿

【例句】Among her many virtues are loyalty, courage, and truthfulness.她有许多美德,如忠诚、勇敢、率真。【认知】词根“loy”与“leg”为变体关系,含义为“law;binding”(法律;法定的)。

manifest [ 5mAnifest ] a.显然的,明白无误的,明了的 v.1.显示,表明 2.证明,证实 3.表露(感情等)

【例句】It was ~ to all of us that he would fail.他要失败,这一点对我们大家来说是显而易见的。

manipulate [ mE5nipjuleit ] v.1.(熟练地)操作,使用 2.巧妙地处理 3.(尤指用权势或不正当手段)操纵;控制

【例句】Reason is man’s faculty for grasping the world by thought, in contradiction to intelligence, which is man’s ability to ~ the world with the help of theought.与智力不同,理智是人类运用思维把握世界的才能;智力则是借助思维控制世界的能力。【认知】词根与“manu”的含义为“hand”(手);“pul”含义为“pull”(抓)。如“manual”与其同源。mentality [ men5tAliti ] n.1.智力,精神能力,智能 2.心态,心性

【例句】She was so paralysed with fear that her ~ went to pieces.她吓得呆若木鸡,精神彻定垮了。【认知】词根“ment”含义为“思想;思考”。如“comment”与其同源。misleading [ mis5li:diN ] a.易误解的, 令人误解的

【例句】to be misled by had companions被坏伴引入歧途

monopoly [ mE5nCpEli ] n.1.【经】垄断;专卖 2.独占;独有;完全控制

【例句】Liberty and ~ cannot live together.自由与垄断不能并存。【认知】前缀为“mono”(单一);词根为“pol(to sell)”(卖);核心含义为“专卖权”。monotonous [ mE5nCtEnEs ] a.1.(声音)单调的,无抑扬顿挫的 2.单一得令人厌倦的;毫无变化的

【例句】Lentils, left to their own devices, are a trifle monotonous in flavour.不加调料的话,小扁豆的味道有点单调。【认知】前缀为“mono”(单一);词根为“tone”(音调)。nightmares [5naItmeE(r)z] n.1.梦魇;恶梦 2.无法摆脱的恐惧

【例句】the ~ of one’s years in prison 在监狱中所度过的可怕岁月。【认知】据认为坐在睡眠者身上使其窒息的女妖。obedience [ E5bi:djEns ] a.(~ to)服从的,顺从的,忠顺的

【例句】Rebellion against tyranny is obedience to God.对暴政的反叛是对上帝的服从。【认知】前缀为“ob-”;词根“edi”与“aud”为变体关系,含义为“to hear”(听从)。如“audible”与其同源。

perception [ pE5sepFEn ] n.1.感知,感觉;察觉 2.认识,观念;看法 3.有洞察力的人 【例句】 The ~ of beauty is a moral test.对美的感觉是道德的试金石。

preferable [ 5prefErEbl ] a.(~ to)更可取的,更好的,更合意的

【例句】Ignorance is ~ to error;and he is less remote from the truth who believes nothing, than he who believes what is wrong.无知犹胜于错误。什么都不相信的人与真理的距离不像相信谬说的人的那样远。presumably [prI5zju:mEbElI] ad.大概,可能,据推测

【例句】Presumably he won’t see you, if you’re leaving to morrow.如果你明天离开,他大概碰不见你了。remold [ 5ri:5mEuld ] v.改造, 改铸

【例句】to remold one’s vocation 改变了某人的工作 resourceful [ ri5sC:sful ] a.1.资源丰富的 2.足智多谋的

【例句】a resourceful strategist 一个足智多谋的战略家

superficial [ sju:pE5fiFEl ] a.1.面的;面积的 2.表面的;外部的;外表的 3.草率的,粗略的;肤浅的,浅薄的

【例句】To know things well, we must know them in detail;but as that is almost endless, our knowledge is always ~ and imperfect.为了充分地认识事物,必须详细地了解它们。然而由于那几乎是没有穷尽的,我们的知识也就总是肤浅的、不完善的。superfluous [7sju:5pE:fluEs] a.1.过多的,过剩的,过量的 2.多余的,不必要的;不相干的 【例句】to omit ~ words in writing telegrams 写电文时删去冗语

uninterested [ 5Qn5intristid ] a.1.不感兴趣的2.无利害关系的, 无关系的 【例句】uninterested pursuits for knowledge 对知识的无私追求 unrealistic [ 5QnriE5listik ] a.不切实际的, 不实在的 【例句】romantic and unrealistic 空想而不切实际的

ventured [ 5ventFEd ] n.风险投资,(商业等的)风险项目 v.冒险,大胆行事 【例句】Nothing ventured, nothing gained.<谚> 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

verify [ 5verifai ] v.1.证明;证实 2.核实,查对;查清 【例句】With the past, as past, I have nothing to do;nor with the future.I live now, and will ~ all past history in my own moments.我与作为过去的过去毫无牵连,与作为未来亦无关系。我生活在现在,我将在自己的生涯中验证整个过去的历史。【认知】本词的核心意义与“ver(true)+ fy(to make)”(男性 — 真实;正确)具有关联性。alleged [ E5ledVd ] v.1.断言,宣称,声称;(证据不足地)硬说 2.(作为理由、借口或论据等)提出

【例句】 He is ~d to have demanded a ransom of one million.据说他曾索取100万的赎金。

ambitions [ Am5biFEnz ] n.1.(对名利等的)强烈欲望,野心;雄心,志向,抱负 2.追求的目标 3.(干)劲;活动的愿望 【例句】I felt no ~ when I was under the weatherr.当我有点不舒服的时候就一点也不想动了。

anticipation [ 7Antisi5peiFEn ] n.(in ~ of)1.预期,期望,预料 2.早于别人做成(或做);先于„前行动 3.先发制(人);(以抢先行动来)防止,使无由施展 4.过早地考虑;过早地提出

【例句】The firewood was nicely corded by the house in anticipation of winter.柴木整齐地堆放在屋旁以备过冬。arrays [ E5reiz ] n.1.排列;队形;编队 2.(~ of)显眼的一系列;整齐的一批,大量 3.军队;部队 【例句】arrays of goods on display 一排排陈列的商品 arrogance [`ArE^Ens] n.傲慢;无礼;咄咄逼人

【例句】I would on no account authorize in my child the smallest degree of arrogance.我决不允许我的孩子有半点傲气。【认知】前缀为“a-”;词根“rogat”含义为“to ask”(问,建议)。

aspiration [ 7AspE5reiFEn ] n.1.强烈的愿望,志向,抱负(~ for, after, to)2.渴望达到的目的

【例句】Not to have high aspirations is a very terrible thing for a young man.年轻人没有远大志向是十分糟糕的。【认知】前缀为“a-”;词根为“spir”意为“to breathe”(呼吸,喘气)。

associating [ E5sEuFieitiN ] v.(~ with)1.在思想上把„联系在一起 2.使联合;使结合在一起 3.[通常用于被动语态]使有联系 【例句】We naturally associate the name of Darwin with the doctrine of evolution.我们在思想上很自然地把达尔文的名字和进化论联系在一起。

astonishingly [ Es5tCniFiNli ] ad.令人相当惊异地 【认知】词根“ston”为“stun”变体,含义为“惊异”。barbarous [ 5bB:bErEs ] a.野蛮的;凶残的

【例句】a fell and barbarous enemy 凶恶野蛮的敌人

barriers [ 5bAriEz ] n.1.障碍物,屏障(如障壁、挡板、栅栏、十字转门等)2.界线

【例句】behavioural and geographical ~ to hybridization 妨碍通婚的行为和地理因素。【认知】词根“bar”核心意义为“rod”(杆,棒),核心意义为“阻挡”。beliefs [ bi5li:fs ] n.1.相信,信任 2.信念;看法 3.信仰 4.信条;教义 【例句】religious or political ~ 宗教或政治信仰

bilateral [bai5lAtErEl] a.1.两边的;在两边的;有两边的 2.互惠的;对等的

【例句】a problem that poses ~ difficulty 使双方面都为难的问题。【认知】“bi-”含义为“二;双”;“lat”含义为为“边;侧”。captivity [kAp5tIvItI] n.1.俘虏,囚徒;猎获物 2.着迷的人;受控制的人

【例句】to pioneer new techniques for breeding the birds in captivity开创笼养鸟繁殖新技术。【认知】词根“-cap-”含义为“抓;捕”。

carve [ kB:v ] vt.1.切开;雕刻,刻 2.使努力获得(社会地位、名声等)

【例句】Carve your name on hearts and not on marbles.把你的名字刻在人们的心上,而不是在大理石上。

cater [ 5keitE ] v.(~ to;for)1.(尤指非在餐馆内)提供饮食及服务;提供娱乐节目 2.满足需要(或欲望);考虑;投合,迎合;悉心照料

【例句】 run a restaurant and ~ for weddings and parties 经营饭馆并(外出)承办婚礼和宴会洒席。BBC Light Programme ~s for the masses.英国广播公司的轻松节目为大众提供娱乐。【认知】词根“cat”可看作“cap”变体,含义为“抓住 — 买”。cautions [ 5kC:FEnz ] n.1.小心,谨慎 2.警惕;警告,告诫

【例句】You must exercise(或use)extreme ~ when crossing this road.穿这条马路时,你得特别小心。compromise [ 5kCmprEmaiz ] n.1.妥协,和解 2.妥协方案,折中办法 3.居间之物,折中物 【例句】All life is essentially the contributions that come from ~.整个人生基本上是妥协的结果。compulsive [ kEm5pQlsiv ] a.强制的, 强迫的, 由强迫产生的, 禁不住的 【例句】a frightening, compulsive novel 一本吸引人的恐怖小说 contenders [kEn5tendE(r)z] n.斗争者,竞争者

【认知】前缀为“com-”;词根“tend”的含义为“to stretch;aim;to strive”(伸展 — 极力伸张,奋斗,争夺)。

cynical [ 5sinikEl ] a.愤世嫉俗的;不信世间有真诚善意的:(对人性或动机)怀疑的,悲观的

【例句】The enormous difficulty makes him cynical about the feasibility of the idea.由于巨大困难,他对这个主意是否可靠持怀疑态度。

desperation [ 7despE5reiFEn ] n.绝望,没希望

【例句】What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.所谓顺从就是认定了的绝望。differs [ 5difEz ] v.(~ in;from)1.相异,有区别 2.(在意见方面)发生分歧,持不同看法 【例句】The climate in the north ~ from the climate in the south.北方的气候和南方的气候迥然不同。

dignified [ 5di^nifaid ] a.有威严的, 有品格的

【例句】He never ha been known to lose his quiet, dignified manner in a crisis.从未有人见过他在紧急关头失去泰然又庄严的神态。

disabilities [ 7disE5bilitiz ] n.1.无能力,无力 2.残疾;伤残 3.[律]无资格 4.不利条件

【例句】You mustn’t laugh at unfortunate people(people’s disabilities).你不可嘲笑不幸的人(别人的残疾)。discard [ dis5kB:d ] v.丢弃,抛弃

【例句】I must discard riches, the certificate of slavery.我必须抛弃财富这张奴隶证书。【认知】本词的核心含义为“丢出的牌(card)”。discomfort [ dis5kQmfEt ] n.不便之处, 不适

【例句】to suffer from physical discomforts 忍受身体的不适

discourse [ dis5kC:s, 5diskC:s ] n.1.论文 2.演讲,讲道 3.谈话,交谈

【例句】The professor presented a lucid ~ on the art of translation.这位教授提出了一篇关于翻译技巧的条理清楚的论文。disposal [ dis5pEuzEl ] n.1.丢掉,清除,销毁 2.赠送,转让 3.出售 4.处理,解决,处理方法 5.排列,布置,配置 【例句】She arranged the ~ of their unwanted property to be sale她廉价出售处理了他们多余的财产。disrespect [ 5disris5pekt ] n.失礼, 无礼

【例句】a sign for disrespect 某种失礼的表现

distracted [ dis5trAktid ](~ from)v.1.(使)转向,(使)转变 2.转移(注意力),分散(思想),(使)分心


【例句】to be ~ from one’s orginal purpose(interest)改变自己原有的目标(兴趣)

distress [ dis5tres ] n.1.(精神上的)痛苦,悲伤,苦恼;忧虑 2.疼痛,不适,筋疲力尽 3贫困;困苦 4.痛苦的缘由,苦恼事,不幸;灾难

【例句】In times of ~ true friendship can be proved.危难时刻见真情。

diversion [ dai5vE:FEn ] n.1.转向,转移,偏离 2.消遣,娱乐

【例句】a ~ of gas taxes to mass-transit projects把汽油税转用于公共交通项目的做法。【认知】前缀为“dis”;词根“vers”含义为“turn”(转移注意力)。

diversity [ dai5vE:siti ] n.多样性;多样 【例句】Her speech conveyed something of the range and diversity of research activities in the university.从她的演讲多少可以看到大学的研究活动何其广泛又何其多样化。

divorced [ di5vC:st ] v.(~ from)1.与„离婚 2.(使)分离,(使)脱离

【例句】Being divorced is like being hit by a Mack truck.If you live through it, you start looking very carefully to the right and to the left.经受离婚如遭到一辆麦克牌大卡车的撞击。你要是活了下来,从此走路就会非常小心地左顾右盼。dynamic [ dai5nAmik ] a.1.有活力的,强有力的 2.不断变化(或增长)的 3.动力的,动态的

【例句】The author presented his hero as a dynamic person.作家把主人公表现为一个富有生气的人。【认知】本词根“dyna”核心含义与“power;strength”(力,动力)有关。

elaborate [I5lAbErEt] a.1.精心计划的,详尽的 2.复杂的 3.(煞费)苦心的,刻苦的,辛勤的 v.(~ on,upon)详述;详尽计划

【例句】He laundryed into an elaborate explanation of his theory.他开始详尽地阐发他的理论。【认知】前缀“e”加强含义;词根“labor”含义为“to take pains;to toil”(做出的;指定出的)。elevation [ 7eli5veiFEn ] n.1.提高 2.崇高, 壮严 3.上升, 高地, 海拔 【认知】前缀为“ex-”;词根“lev(轻的)”的含义为“to lighten;to raise”(变轻的;被举起的)。emerges [ i5mE:dVz ] v.1.(~ from)浮现,出现 2.(问题等)发生,显露,(事实等)暴露 3.(从微贱、困苦等中)露头,出头;兴起;进化而成

【例句】Truth ~ more readily from error than from confusion.在错误中比在真理中更容易出真理。

endangered [In`deIndVEd] a.1.(生命等)有危险的 2.有灭绝危险的, 将要绝种的

【例句】 The ecologists will jump down our throats if we kill an endangered species for sport.如果把我们杀死一只濒临绝种的动物取乐,生态学家就会猛烈抨击我们。

endeavor [ in5devE(r)] v.试图;竭力做到 n.1.努力,尽力,尝试 2.(为达到某一目的而进行的)活动,事业 【例句】How much he ~ed, the goal stayed unattained.不管他怎么努力,目标还是未能达到。endurable [ in5djuErEbl ] a.1.可忍受的 2.可容忍或忍耐的 【例句】endurable pain 忍得住的疼痛

energetically [ 7enE5dVetik[li ] ad.1.精力充沛地 2.积极地

【例句】If you wage war, do it energetically and with severity.This is the only way to make it shorter, and consequently less inhuman.打仗就要全力地打,毫不留情。这是缩短战争的惟一方法,因而也就较为人道。exertion [ i^5zE:FEn ] n.1.用(力),尽(力)2.运用,发挥,施加

【例句】He looked somewhat the worse for wear after his exertions of the last two days.经过过去两天的劳顿,他显得有点疲乏。expenditures [ iks5penditFEz, eks-] n.1.经费,费用,支出额 2.(时间、金钱等的)花费,支出,消耗 【例句】Renovations required an ~ of about ten thousand dollars.设备更新花了一万元左右。fearlessly [5fIElIsli] ad.勇敢地

【例句】the fearless ~ of the press 报界无畏的直言

fraction [ 5frAkFEn ] n.1.小部分,一部分;片断;碎片 2.些微,一点儿

【例句】He purchased the desk and chair at a ~ of its original cost.他以原价的一部分钱买下这张书桌和椅子。【认知】词根“frac”含义为“to break;breaking into pieces”(使成为碎片)。fragile [ 5frAdVail ] a.1.易碎的,脆的,易损坏的 2.虚弱的,脆弱的 3.纤巧的,精细的 【例句】~ embroidery of flower motifs 花卉图案的精巧刺绣。【认知】词根“frag”与“frac”为变体关系;含义为“to break;breaking into pieces”(使成为碎片)。

gloomy [ 5^lu:mi ] a.1.昏暗的,阴暗的,黑暗的 2.情绪低落的;忧伤的;沮丧的;悲观的 3.令人沮丧的,令人失望的;使人气馁的

【例句】Love is the flame of life, without it, everything in life becomes ~.爱是生命的火焰。没有它,生命中的一切都变得暗淡无光。【认知】本词的核心意义与“to look sullen”(使浑浊 — 皱眉)具有关联性。

estimation [ esti5meiFEn ] n.1.估计;估计数;估计量;估计值;投标 2.看法;评价;判断

【例句】He has gone up in my estimation since he did that.自从他做了那件事以后,在我的心目中他的人格显得更高尚了。exclusively [Ik5sklu:sIvlI] ad.排外地, 专有地

【例句】If a woman's adult efforts are concentrated exclusively on her children, she is more likely to stifle than broaden her children's perspective and preparation for adult life.如果一位妇女把成年后的心思全都用在孩子身上,她更有可能是压制而非拓宽孩子对成年生活的视角和准备。

extravagant [ iks5trAvE^Ent ] a.1.奢侈的, 浪费的 2.过度的, 过分的 3.放肆的;越轨的 【例句】extravagant members of the imperial court.浪费的皇家成员。【认知】参见前缀“ex-”的含义;词根“vaga”含义为“wander(游逛)”。如“waggon”与其同源。flexibly [ 5fleksEbli ] ad.1.易曲地, 柔软地 2.灵活地,可变通地;易适应地 【例句】to bend flexibly 容易弯曲

fortune [ 5fC:tFEn ] n.1.富有,富裕;(大量)财产,大笔的钱 2.运气;[常作~s] 时运 3.好运,幸运,成功 【例句】We make our fortunes and we call them fate.我们创造自己的命运,我们把它们称为天命。fussy [ 5fQsi ] a.1.为琐事而担忧的, 繁琐的 2.过分装饰的 3.急躁, 爱挑剔的, 难取悦的

【例句】By the time he hit fifty he was fat and fussy.上50岁时他发了福,而且变得遇事爱大惊小怪。

guarantee [ 7^ArEn5ti: ] n.保证;商品使用保证;保证书 v.1.担保,为„作保;确保2.(~ against, from)保证„免受损失(或伤害等),保障 【例句】His insurance ~d him against money loss in case of fire.他保的险保障他万一遭受火灾时不受钱财损失。heritage [ 5heritidV ] n.1.[常sing.] 遗产,继承财产 2.继承物;遗留物 【例句】Her skin was very white, a ~ from her mother.她皮肤白皙,是母亲遗传给她的。【认知】本词的核心意义与“heir;inherit”(继承)具有关联性。

homicide [ 5hCmisaid ] n.杀人, 杀人者 【认知】词根“-hom-”为“-hum-(人)”的变体;“-cid-”含义为“杀”。如“suicide”于其同源。humanely [ hju:5meinli ] ad.富人情地, 慈悲地

【例句】to be treated humanely 受到仁慈的对待

idealistic [ ai7diE5listik ] a.唯心论的, 空想主义的, 唯心主义者的

【例句】The tough idealist is nature’s noblest creature.固执的思想主义者是天地间最崇高的人。

idly [5aidl] ad.懒惰地, 空闲地

【例句】They chatted idly for a few moments then each knuckled down to work.他们闲扯了一会儿,然后各自埋头工作。idolized [ 5aidElaizd ] v.1.极端崇拜, 偶像化 2.醉心于 【例句】The actor’s femalce public idolized him all the more for his disdainful attitude.这位演员的女观众因他态度倨傲反而更加崇拜他。

illusory [I5lu:sErI] a.1.产生幻觉的, 幻影的, 错觉的 2.虚假的, 不牢靠的 【例句】the burial of dangerous illusion 对可能带来恶果的幻想的屏弃

immature [ 7imE5tjuE ] a.不成熟的, 未完全发展的

immortal [ i5mC:tEl ] a.1.不朽的,流芳百世的 2.永世的,长久的 3.不死的,长生的 【例句】the heroes of the people are ~ 人民英雄永垂不朽

incompatible [ 7inkEm5pAtEbl ] a.1.性质相反的 2.(~ with)矛盾的, 不调和的

【例句】Honesty is incompatible with amassing a large fortune.诚实与聚积大宗财产是互不相容的。incompetence [In`kCmpItEns] n.1.无能力, 不适当 2.[律]无行为能力,法律上无资格

【例句】Both children were criticized;in the first case for incompetence, in the second ~ for sheer laziness.两个孩子都受到批评;一个是因为无能,另一个完全是因为懒惰。indignantly [ in5di^nEntli ] ad.愤怒地

【例句】an indignantly wagging finger 因愤慨而摇动着手指

ineffective [ 7ini5fektiv ] a.无效的

【例句】He made an ineffective essay at conversation.他试图谈话而未能成功。inefficiency [ 7ini5fiFEnsi ] n.无效率, 无能

【例句】to try to clear the graft, waste, and inefficiency out of government 试图消灭政府中的贪赃枉法、挥霍浪费和效率低下的现象

inexhaustible [ 7ini^5zC:stEbl ] a.无穷无尽的

【例句】No animal is so inexhaustible as an excited infant.没有一种动物能像兴奋的婴儿这样不知疲倦。informative [ in5fC:mEtiv ] a.1.情报的, 提供情报的 2.见闻广博的

【例句】a readable and informative analysis一份读来有趣资料丰富的分析报告

ingenious [ in5dVi:njEs ] a.1.(人、头脑)灵巧的,善于创造发明的;足智多谋的 2.(机器等)制作精巧的;(方法等)巧妙的 【例句】The chiefs were ~ at finding reasons not to move.这些头头们关于寻找按兵不动的种种理由。innate [ 5ineit ] a.天生的,天然的;固有的

【例句】His stubbornness is not ~ but acquired.他的固执脾性并非天生而在于后天养成的。【认知】词根“nat”含义为“生;出生”。如“nature”与其同源。innovations [ 7inEu5veiFEnz ] n.1.革新,改革,创新 2.新方法,新事物 【认知】词根“nov”含义为“新;新的”。如“novice”与其同源。interpersonal [ 7intE5pE:sEnEl ] a.人与人之间的, 关于人与人之间关系的

interruption [ 7intE5rQpFEn ] n.中断,暂停

【例句】Any small interruption is likely to throw off my calculations.一点点的打扰就会使我计算出错。intuition [ 7intju(:)5iFEn ] n.1.直觉;直觉力;直觉行为 2.敏锐的洞察力

【例句】He knew his arguments were subjective, based on intuition.他知道自己的论点是基于直觉的主观臆断。inventive [ in5ventiv ] a.善于创造的, 发明的 irreparable [ i5repErEbl ] a.不能挽回的 【例句】irreparable losses 不能挽回的损失 irritable [ 5iritEbl ] a.易怒的, 急躁的

【例句】I put his irritability down to his ill health.我认为他的烦躁起因于身体不好。laborious [ lE5bC:riEs ] a.(指工作)艰苦的, 费力的,(指人)勤劳的 【例句】a slow and laborious process 缓慢而艰辛的过程

lapse [ lAps ] n.1.小错,失误 2.(时间的)流逝;间隔 3.(兴趣等的)减退;(来源等的)减少;(地位、水平等方面的)下降;(信心等的)丧失 【例句】This singer has recently ~d from her formerly high standard of performance.这位歌手的演唱水平过去很高,近来有所下降。

lavish [ 5lAviF ] a.1.过分慷慨的;浪费的,滥花的 2.过分丰富的;无节制的 【例句】The conference was a vast and ~ affair.会议规模盛大,极尽铺张。

legitimate [ l i5dVitimEt ] a.1.合法的,法律认可的 2.合法婚姻所生的 3.正当的,合理的;合乎逻辑的

【例句】the ~ owner of the property 财产的合法所有人

materialism [ mE5tiEriElizEm ] n.1.唯物主义 2.实利主义,物质主义:认为物质上的富足、世俗财物的拥有是人生中最有价值的、最美好的事物的理论或信条

minimum [ 5minimEm ] n.最低限度;最少量;最小数低点

【例句】The prices have already been cut to the ~.价格己经削减到最低限度。moisture [ 5mCistFE(r)] n..潮湿,潮气,湿气;湿度

【例句】 Trees have enormous roots that can reach out for ~ far below the surface.树木有伸向地下深处吸收水分的粗大根系。【认知】本词的核心意义与“musty(发霉的)”具有关联性。

monetary [ 5mQnitEri ] a.1.【经】货币的,金融的 2.用货币的,金钱的 【例句】a ~ reward for labour 用金钱支付的劳动报酬 motivations [ 7mEuti5veiFEnz ] n.动机

【例句】About half of the unhappy marriages are caused by the fact that the motivation of one to marry the other is pity.在不幸福的婚姻中,约有半数是由于一方出于怜悯而与另一方结合造成的。negligent [ 5ne^lidVEnt ] a.疏忽的, 粗心大意的 【例句】negligent attitude 疏忽的态度

overlooked [7EuvE5lukd] v.1.忽视,忽略 2.宽恕,宽容 3.眺望,俯瞰 4.察看;细看;检查 5.照管,监督;监视 【例句】They ~ the enormous risks involved.他们忽略了其中牵涉的极大危险。potentiality [ pE7tenFi5Aliti ] n.1.可能性 2.(用复数)潜能,潜力 【例句】to bring potentialities into full play 让潜能发挥力量

predominantly [ pri5dCminEntli ] ad.1.卓越地, 支配地 2.主要地 3.突出地, 有影响地

【例句】Life is made up of sobs, sniffles and smiles, with sniffles predominating.生活由哭泣、抽噎和微笑组成,其中以抽噎居多。

prejudices [ 5predVudisiz ] n.(~ against)1.先入之见,成见 2.偏见;歧视,反感 3.[律](对他人权利的)损害,侵害 【例句】Prejudices are what rule the vulgar crowd.支配庸人们的是偏见。prevalent [ 5prevElEnt ] a.流行的,盛行的;普遍的

【例句】Colds are ~ in the winter.感冒流行于冬季。【认知】前缀为“pre-”含义;词根“-vail-”含义为“男性 — worth;strong”。proficient [ prE5fiFEnt ] a.精通(语言)

publicize [ 5pQblisaiz ] v.宣扬

【例句】a well-publicized resignation 大肆宣扬的辞职 recklessly [ 5reklisli ] ad.鲁莽地,不顾一切地

【例句】to be reckless of the consequences 毫不顾及后果

reproduction [ 7ri:prE5dQkFEn ] n.1.繁殖 2.再现 3.复制品

【例句】Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.未经准许,不准全部或部分翻印。restructuring [ ri5strQktFE(r)iN ] n.更改结构, 重建构造, 调整, 改组 【例句】corporate restructuring 企业重组 retail [ 5ri:teil ] n.1.零售,零卖 2.零售商

【例句】 the ~ price and the wholesale price 零售价和批发价。【认知】前缀为“re-”;词根“tail”含义为“cut”(切);核心含义为“一次切下来的东西”。如“tailor”与其同源。

rigorous [ 5ri^ErEs ] a.1.严格的;严厉的;苛严的 2.严峻的;(尤指气候)严酷的 3.精确的;缜密的 【例句】The examination is ~ in the extreme.考试极其严格。【认知】词根“rig”含义为“straight;rule(僵硬;强硬规定)”。sacrificed [ 5sAkrifaist ] n.n.1.献祭,供奉 2.祭品,供品;祭牲 3.亏本出售;亏本出售的商品 【例句】He ~ his life to save the child from the fire.他为了从火中救出孩子而牺牲了自己的生命。【认知】词根“sacr”含义为“holy”;核心含义为“使„神圣的”。如“sacred”与其同源。modernization [ 7mCdEnai5zeiFEn ] n.现代化

【例句】brilliant achievements in the modernization drive 现代化方面的辉煌成就 naturally [ 5nAtFErEli ] ad.1.自然地;天然地;天生地 2.逼真地;栩栩如生地

【例句】Some of the men will die ~ at sixty-five.其中一些男子会在65岁时自然死亡。significance [ si^5nifikEns ] n.1.重要性,重大 2.意义,含义 3.意思,含意;意味

【例句】It is a mistake to attach too much ~ to these fluctuations.过分重视这些涨落变动是错误的。【认知】词根“sign”的核心含义与“记号;征兆;信号;形象”具有关联性。efficiently [I5fIFEntlI] ad.有效率地, 有效地

【例句】There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.高效率地做那些本来就不该做的事,再没有什么比这更无益的了。

independent [ indi5pendEnt ] a.(~ of)1.独立的,自主的 2.有主见的,有独立见解的 3.自立的,自力更生的 【例句】To be poor and ~ is very nearly an impossibility.贫穷而又不依赖他人几乎完全不可能。instructive [ in5strQktiv ] a.有益的, 教育性的

【例句】This book is at once interesting and instructive.这本书既有趣又有教益。subjective [ sQb5dVektiv ] a.1.主观的;出于主观想法的 2.涉及(或出自)个人思想感情的;臆想的 【例句】He knew his arguments were ~, based on intuition.他知道自己的论点是基于直觉的主观臆断。

submerged [ sEb5mE:dVd ] v.1.浸没,淹没;(使)浸入 2.湮没;(使)沉浸 3.(使)沉沦,(使)沦落 【例句】The stream overflowed and ~ the farmland.河水泛滥,淹没了农田。【认知】前缀为“sub-”;词根“merg”含义为“dip;plunger”(浸泡)。如“emerge”与其同源。submissive [ sEb5misiv ] n.柔顺, 服从

【例句】to be ready to show one’s submissiveness 乐于表现愿意服从

succession [ sEk5seFEn ] n.1.连续,接续;接连发生 2.(前后相接的)一连串,一系列 3.接替,继任

【例句】The worst misfortune that befell her was to bear a ~ of girls.她遭到的最倒霉的事就是一连生了好几个女儿。successive [ sEk5sesiv ] a.1.连续的,相继的;依次的 2.接替的,后继的;继承的 【例句】He won three ~ matches.他连胜3场比赛。supervision [ 7sju:pE5viVEn ] n.监督, 管理

【例句】under sb.’s personal supervision 在某人的直接监督下。【认知】词根“vis”含义为“看,视”。token [ 5tEukEn ] n.1.表示;标志,象征;记号 2.(可在店内况换指定商品的)礼券,代价券 【例句】He did that as a ~ of good faith.他那样做是为了表示诚意。

toll [ tEul ] n.1.(道路、桥梁等的)通行费;服务费;运费 2.(付出的)代价;(事故等的)伤亡人数 【例句】The daily death ~ fell to an average of 50.死亡人数下降到日平均50人。【认知】本词的核心意义与“customhouse;to touch;to pull”(吸引,引诱 — 征税出)具有关联性。

trigger [ 5tri^E ] n.1.(枪等的)扳机;引爆器 2.引起反应(或一连串事件)的行动(或冲动等)

【例句】a long-range camera that is ~ed to take pictures in response to radar signals 按雷达信号触发操作的远程摄影机。【认知】本词的核心意义与“to pull;to trek”(拉;扣动)具有关联性。typically [`tIpIkElI] ad.1.代表性地, 作为特色地 2.总是,时常

unalienable [9Qn`eIljEnEbl] a.不可剥夺的:不可分割的,不可放弃的或不可剥夺的 【认知】“All of them...claim unalienable dignity as individuals” “他们都宣称自己作为个体的不可剥夺的尊严”【认知】本词词根“ali”含义“foreign;other(其他)”。如“alter”与其同源。unanimous [ ju(:)5nAnimEsli ] a.全体一致的,一致同意的,无异议的

【例句】to be ~ in asking fore more holidays一致要求多一些假期。【认知】本词的核心意义与“uni(one)+ anim(mind)”(一个思想)具有关联性。

unchangeable [ Qn5tFeindVEbl ] a.不变的, 不能改变的

undesirable [ 5Qndi5zaiErEbl ] a.不合需要的, 不受欢迎的, 令人不快的

【例句】It is undesirable to try to damage the significance of all life simply for love.仅仅由于爱情便试图抹杀全部生活的意义是不可取的。

unduly [ 5Qn5dju:li ] ad.不适当地, 过度地, 不正当地

【例句】It seems unduly modest of him not to mention this point.他没有提到这一点,似乎显得过分谦虚。uninteresting [ 5Qn5intristiN ] a.无趣的, 令人厌倦的

【例句】It’s uninteresting reading the play round the class, can’t we try to act it? 在班内轮着朗读剧本多乏味,难道我们不能试着表演吗?

unprincipled [ Qn5prinsEpld ] a.不道德的, 无原则的, 不合人道的 【例句】unprincipled behaviors 不道德的行为 unworthy [ Qn5wE:Ti ] a.不值得的, 不足取的

【例句】unworthy of investigations 不值得调查

utopia [ ju:5tEupjE,-piE ] n.乌托邦, 理想的完美境界, 空想的社会改良计划

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