
时间:2019-05-12 12:28:51下载本文作者:会员上传






1.How often does the woman pay her taxes?A.Once a year.B.Once a quarter.C.Once a month.2.What is in the photograph?A.Lions.B.Elephants.C.Camels.3.What will Alice probably do this afternoon?A.Go shopping.B.Watch a film.C.Prepare for exams.4.What will the woman tell the man?A.Her new address.B.Her company name.C.Her new office number.5.What might the weather be like tomorrow afternoon?A.Fine.B.Rainy.C.Cloudy.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

听下面两段较长的对话及一段独白。请从题中所给A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在答题卷的相应位置。听对话或独白前,你都有时间阅读每个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。对话和独白均读两遍。听第6段材料, 回答第6至8题。

6.What do the speakers talk about at first?A.Vacation plans.B.History.C.A photo.7.How high is the Great Pyramid?A.137 metres.B.173 metres.C.230 metres.8.Where did the woman go last summer?A.To Egypt.B.To Japan.C.To France.听第7段材料, 回答第9至11题。

9.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Mother and son.B.Teacher and student.C.Daughter and father.10.Why does the woman say “I wasn’t born yesterday”?A.She is uninterested in rule number 3.B.She has already known rule number 2.C.She disagrees with the man about rule number 1.11.What can we infer from the conversation?A.The car is in bad condition now.B.The woman has already got the driver’s license.C.The woman's house is far from the movie theater.听第7段材料, 回答第12至15题。12.How did the speaker get to Calais?

高二英语统测模拟·第1页(共12页)A.By train.B.By ferry.C.By car.13.Why was the speaker delayed even more in Calais?A.He got seriously sick in Calais.B.He forgot Laura’s instructions.C.He was caught in terrible weather.14.What happened to the speaker on his way home from Dover?A.He had an accident.B.He had a breakdown.C.He walked to Orpington.15.Why did the speaker go to work once he got home?A.He had an important meeting.B.He came back later than expected.C.He had already got off work for several days.II.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


16.We Chinese have a dream — _______ dream to turn a well-off life into ________ reality by 2020.A.a;aB.the;/C.a;/ D.the;the

17.The Nobel Prize in literature has been awarded annually to an author from any country _________ has produced “the most outstanding work in the field of literature”.A.whichB.whoC.whereD.whom 18.-You are making me very puzzled.Could you please slow down? -Oh, I’m sorry.I didn’t realize I _____ so fast.A.am going B.would goC.have gone D.was going 19.— I’d like to be on my own for a while.Do you mind? — __________.Go ahead.A.Not in the leastB.No wayC.Yes, of courseD.I’m afraid so 20._____ the moment they heard the starting signal given by their coach.A.Down the hill did the children runB.Ran the children down the hillC.Down the hill the children ranD.Down the hill ran the children

21.You can close your eyes and imagine lying on the beach in the sunshine _____ yourself relaxed.A.makingB.to make C.madeD.make

22.All these environmental disasters, according to media reports, were caused either _____ or because of ignorance by large companies.A.desperately B.deliberately C.casually D.appropriately 23.The experienced driver tried every method he knew, but the car ____ not start.A.wouldB.shouldC.mustD.might

24.Politeness is a(n)____ phenomenon among all the social groups, but it is marked by different cultures.A.flexibleB.abstractC.universalD.original 25.She started studying medicine at college, but ____ to Business Studies in her second yearA.transformedB.subscribedC.adjustedD.switched

26.Dr Smith wasn’t on duty this morning, so Danby left word with his assistant ________ he would like to visit him again later.A.whoB.thatC.whether D.which

27.Small talk plays an important role in the interview by helping to break the ice and put both parties _______.高二英语统测模拟·第2页(共12页)

A.at ease B.at random C.at risk D.at present 28.______the picture of the popular singer, I would show it to you right now.A.I had taken B.Did I take C.Had I taken D.I took

29.The company’s __________ to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success.A.considerationB.contributionC.competitionD.commitment

30.It’s perfectly normal to be a bit nervous at first, but you’ll _____ it once you start your presentationA.take overB.run overC.get overD.hand over



Coin confusion

Rachel looked through troubled eyes at his sister and said, “I wouldn’t have thought Eric would be a thief.” His sister Sarah replied, “Whoa, that’s a serious accusation to make against your best friend!”

Rachel remembered two days ago when he had brought out his coin collection for Eric to At the end of that day, Rachel’s mother had asked him to do her a favor, so he had asked his friend, “Is it okay if I leave you for a few minutes?” Eric had said, “Go ahead.I’ll clean up here,”at the piles of coins on the floor.When Rachel had returned, it never occurred to him tohis coins until two days later that he realized some quarters were.Sarah said, “Why don’t you just ask him?”“Ask him what? Hey, Best Friend, did you my coin collection?” Rachel thought for a moment, deciding if that would be a good idea.The theft of his collection left him with a feeling of betrayal(背叛).“How could I have misjudged my friend’s character?”The next day Rachel went over to Eric’s house.Eric was acting funny sort of like he couldn’t be still.In fact, Rachel thought Eric acted like someone with a secret.Anger arose as Rachel watched Eric pretend to be kind, Eric had obviously stolen from him.Rachel finally could not stand it any more and stood up.Suddenly, Eric , “I can’t stand it any more!” Rachel was astonished at hearing his own burst forth from his friend!Only, instead of sounding , Eric sounded excited.He pulled something from underneath the chair.“Go on—open it!I was going to wait until your birthday, but I can’t wait!” Slowly, Rachel lifted the top of the quarter was in its ownin a new collection case.Each quarter shone like it was new.Rachel feltrush over his neck and ears.He said, “Thank you.This means...a great deal to me.” He was grateful that Eric had cut him off before he said something he would Eric was exactly the type of person he wanted as a friend!31.A.clean B.store C.choose D.see 32.A.working B.gesturing C.playing D.glaring 33.A.exchange B.select C.check D.collect 34.A.fragileB.hidden C.missing D.decreasing 35.A.replace B.steal C.discover D.remove 36.A.nervous B.confident C.generous D.ambitious 37.A.when B.so C.since D.if 38.A.admittedB.laughedC.yelled D.argued 39.A.purpose B.choices C.desire D.thoughts 40.A.shocked B.curious C.guilty D.embarrassed

41.A.cupboard B.box C.can D.bag 42.A.spot B.form C.condition D.style 43.A.cold B.heat C.wind D.sweat 44.A.steadily B.unwillingly C.weakly D.fearfully 45.A.suspectB.reject C.tolerate D.regret



Henry Edwards Huntington

Henry Edwards Huntington was born in 1850 in Oneonta, New York.In 1872 he went to work for his uncle, one of the owners of the Central Pacific Railroad.Twenty years later, Huntington moved to San Francisco at his uncle’s request to share management of the Southern Pacific Railroad.On the way to San Francisco, he visited San Marino, and later bought it, which is home to his collections today.In 1902, Huntington moved his business operations to Los Angeles, where he developed the street railway system that created the structure of the Los Angeles area.He greatly expanded the existing electric railway lines, creating an extensive inter-urban system providing the transportation necessary.Huntington’s business interests continued to grow particularly in the areas of water, power, and land development;at one time he served on as many as 60 corporate boards throughout the United States.At the age of 60, he announced his decision to retire in order to devote time to his book and art collections and the landscaping of the 600-acre farm.In 1911 the large Beaux Arts building, in the charge of the architect Myron Hunt, was completed.In 1913, Huntington married Arabella Duval Huntington.She shared his interests in collecting.As one of the most important art collectors of her generation, she was highly influential in the development of the art collection now shown in the former building.In 1919, Henry and Arabella Huntington signed the agreement that conveyed their San Marino property and collections to a nonprofit educational trust, creating the Huntington, one of the world’s great cultural, research, and educational centers.Henry E.Huntington died in 1927, leaving his great treasures to the Huntington, including the world-famous Huntington Library, Art Gallery, and Botanical Gardens in San Marino, California to the public, which hosts more than 500,000 visitors each year.46.What can you learn about Huntington from the first two paragraphs?

A.He worked in many fields before he came to Los Angeles.B.He built a house to store his art collection in San Marino.C.He did a lot to the USA railway development.D.He founded the Central Pacific Railroad.47.What did Huntington do after his retirement?

A.He devoted himself to his personal interests.B.He worked part time for non-profit business.C.He was in charge of an educational center.D.He shared his wife’s interests with her.48.This article is most probably taken from _______.A.a science fictionB.a newspaper reportC.a novelD.a biography


Generic Name: ASPIRIN Why it is prescribed(开药方):

(1)Aspirin relieves mild to moderate pain.(2)It reduces fever, redness, and swelling.(3)It prevents blood from clotting(凝结).When it is to be taken:

(1)Aspirin is often taken without a prescription.(2)Follow the instructions on the label and package.(3)If your doctor prescribes aspirin for you, you will receive specific instructions for how often you should take it.(4)Keep in touch with your doctor.How it should be taken:

(1)Aspirin comes in the form of suppositories(栓剂), capsules, and regular, coated, extended-release, and chewable tablets.(2)Regular, coated, and extended-release aspirin tablets and capsules should be swallowed with a full glass of water or milk after meals to avoid stomach upset.(3)Chewable aspirin tablets may be chewed, crushed, dissolved in a liquid, or swallowed whole;a full glass of water, milk, or fruit juice should be drunk immediately after taking these tablets.Special Instructions:

(1)Children should not take aspirin for fevers associated with flu or chickenpox because such use has been linked with a serious illness known as Reye’s syndrome.(2)Adults should not take aspirin for pain for more than 10 days(five days for children)without consulting a doctor.(3)Aspirin should not be taken by adults or children for high fever, fever lasting longer than three days without a doctor’s instruction.(4)Do not give more than five doses(剂量)to a child in a 24-hour period unless directed to do so by a doctor.(5)If you miss a dose, take the missed dose as soon as you remember it and continue the prescribed schedule.Side Effects:

(1)Although side effects from aspirin are not common, they can occur.(2)Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, indigestion and heartburn are common.Take aspirin after meals, with a full glass of water or milk.If these effects continue, contact your doctor.(3)Ringing in the ears, bloody or black stools, difficulty breathing, dizziness, mental confusion and sleepiness are rare.Stop taking the drug and contact your doctor.Other Precautions:

(1)If you are pregnant or breast-feeding women, inform your doctor before taking aspirin.(2)Do not take aspirin if you are within three months of delivery.(3)Do not take aspirin if you are allergic to it.(4)If you have diabetes(糖尿病), regular use of eight or more aspirin tablets a day may affect test result.(5)If you are taking large doses of aspirin on a long-term basis, avoid having alcoholic drinks because alcohol can increase stomach problems.(6)To prevent an overdose of aspirin, read the labels before taking other pain relievers and cold products to be sure that they do not contain aspirin.Storage Conditions:

(1)Store aspirin suppositories in a cool place or in a refrigerator.(2)Throw away aspirin that smells strongly of vinegar.(3)Keep this medication out of the reach of children.49.Which of the following about Aspirin is correct?

A.It only comes in the form of regular tablets.B.It should not be taken for more than 5 days for children.C.It can be used to reduce fever, pain and prevent blood clotting.D.It never causes ringing in the ears or difficulty breathing after being taken.50.If you start taking aspirin, you should do all the following things EXCEPT __________.A.consulting your doctor if any problems arise

B.taking aspirin tablets after meals to avoid stomach upset

C.drinking a full glass of juice immediately after taking chewable aspirin tablets

D.taking more than eight regular strength aspirin a day while suffering from diabetes51.According to the whole passage, who can take aspirin?

A.A breast-feeding mother who always follows her doctor’s advice.B.A little baby who is allergic to aspirin.C.A middle-aged woman who is within two months of delivery.D.A seven-year-old boy who is running a fever with flu-like symptoms.C

ship still can be spotted among such floating mountains.They are so improbable looking that you simply look in wonder.It seems that nothing that large could be natural—and then it strikes you that something so large could only be natural.Now, people realize that as climate change is raising global temperatures, more icebergs are being born.Antarctica creates far more of them than Greenland, the source of bergs in Arctic waters.Antarctica’s are also much larger, sometimes reaching the size of small countries.Recent data show the average atmospheric temperature has increased about 4.5°F in the western Antarctic Peninsula since the 1940s, making the region among the fastest warming on earth.This jump has been shown in the recent breaking of major ice shelves along the Antarctic Peninsula.As a result, thousands of new icebergs have broken off, from ice shelves into the Southern Ocean at an accelerated rate.Even as more icebergs are being created, scientists are learning that these beauties are far from inactive masses of ice.In fact, they strikingly change their environments biologically, chemically, and physically, making them islands of life in the open sea.Observers at sea had long remarked that they attract seals, and seabirds, and divers had noticed that fish are more numerous near them than in the surrounding sea.Now scientists are learning just what the attraction is all about.Depending on their size, location, and the season, icebergs can be nurturers or destroyers.During their existence—typically years from breaking off from an Antarctic or Greenlandic glacier to their gradual melting as they float into lower altitudes, they support animals on, around, even inside their splendid ice castle.They fertilize the ocean with nutrients, increasing sea creature production.Grounded

bergs can shelter areas of the seafloor, protecting bottom-living creatures from free-floating icebergs.However, large bergs can also trap sea ice, preventing its annual breakup and thus stopping phytoplankton(浮游植物)from getting life-giving sunlight, breaking the food chain at its first link.Icebergs will continue to astonish and attract visitors to the polar regions with their size and extraordinary beauty.But now these frozen masses are taking on a new dimension of wonder as we uncover their vital role in the environment of polar seas.No longer can we look at icebergs as mere passive beauties.They are active agents of change, each one an icy oasis with a wake of life as it floats on its unstoppable oceanic journey to melting.52.Why does the author mention “A.To explain how natural icebergs are.B.To show how powerful icebergs are.C.To describe icebergs as floating ships.D.To tell the unimaginable size of icebergs.53.What can we learn from the passage?A.The temperature in Arctic is rising faster than that in Antarctica.B.The ocean food chain breaks due to the melting of icebergs.C.Global warming has kept bringing icebergs into being.D.Floating icebergs help shelter bottom-living ocean creatures.54.From the passage we can conclude that icebergs can _____.A.preserve ocean lifeB.carry ocean nutrients awayC.create a warm polar environment D.keep sea animals away from polar seas 55.What is the author’s attitude towards the icebergs?A.Positive.B.Objective.C.Negative.D.Subjective.第二节:下面文章中有5处(第61~65题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

A.Try to know more about your child.B.Being a daddy is your top priority.C.Value your child for what he is.D.Let your child teach you.E.Time is of the essence.F.Look for the good and praise it.Simple Rules for Dad

My main object in life is to make sure I do the best possible job raising Tommy, now aged ten.That means I have to be the best possible father I can be.I am no psychologist, but I do see what succeeds with my son and me.I also observe other fathers.Here is what I have found works best in the dad department.56.________

The key to a happy child is having a dad who is there with him consistently, day in and day out.It is far better to spend evening after evening just sitting near him while he reads a book or plays on the computer than to spend a couple of hours every Saturday buying him toys or taking in a movie.57.________

Encouragement is the primary engine of human development.I have been telling Tommy for a year now that he is a whiz in math because I know he can calculate in a nanosecond the number of toys he can buy with his allowance.Now he’s a whiz in math at school too.Consistent recognition of a child’s

strengths is more important by far than vitamins.You deny it to them at their peril and yours.58.________

A common misstatement about child development is that “kids don’t come with instruction manuals(操作指南).” Not true—they do.They tell you when they’re hungry.They tell you when they’re lonely or scared.They are like little guided tours of themselves.Children will tell you what they want, although not always with words.Fatigue, irritability and sadness are ways of telling Dad what they need.Look and listen.59.________

When Tommy knows he is loved for himself, not for any particular accomplishment, he has a certain peace that allows him to learn better, sleep better, play better, and be more helpful around the house.Whether he becomes a rocket scientist or a plumber, I want Tommy to know he’s No.1 with me.60.________

If you decide your kids come before your sales quota or bridge game, you will find that all the other pieces of Daddyhood fall into place.When you put your kids first, you’re getting the most value for every hour on earth.What’s more, you have made the rightest decision of your life.—BENJAMIN J.STEIN in The Washingtonian


More and more parents send their kids to various training classes and people had different opinions towards this.Some people think that attend training classes can help kids learn some skills.Also their minds can be broaden.Besides, kids can make a plenty of friends there.Other people think that different kinds of training classes can be really tiring.Kids should be given more chance to relax and do whatever they are interested.In addition, unacceptable training classes will certain be against the nature of kids, that may easily make them bored.Basing on the above arguments, I think that parents should consider their children’s interest first after making the decision to send them to training classes.VI.书面表达(共1题,满分15分)


When we grow up, we often get a lot of love, support and help from our teachers, friends as well as our parents.However, we seldom express our gratitude to them.Being grateful to others is what we shouldn’t forget.注意:

1.开头已写好,只需接着写,不得照抄英文提示语; 2.列举生活中一个事例,并谈谈自己的看法; 3.字数100左右。(开头已写部分不计入词数)

___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________


听力(共两节, 满分20分。其中1—5 每题1分;6—15 每题1.5分)1—5 BCACA6—10 CABCB11—15 BCCBB 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)16—20 CBDAD21—25 BBACD26—30 BACDC 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

31—35 DBCCB36—40 AACDC41—45 BABCD

阅读理解(46—55每小题2分,56—60 每小题1分,满分25分)46—48 CAD49—51 CDA52—55 DCAB56—60 EFDCB 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)




people think that different kinds of training classes can be really tiring.Kids should be given∧.In addition, unacceptable trainingchancesin

certainlywhich或that前加andBased the above arguments, I think that parents should consider their children’before making the decision to send them to training classes.作文

expressing our gratitude to people who helped us is one of the good qualities we must possess.Two years ago, my classmate, Wang Wei ran into difficulty because his father was diagnosed with lung cancer.His father’s illness added to his family’s trouble, so Wang Wei was in danger of dropping out of school.After learning about his bad situation, our head teacher gave him timely help by allowing him to continue his schooling without any tuition.With the help of the teacher and classmates Wang has finished school.Just before this important exam he wrote us a letter expressing his sincere thanks for what we have done.We were deeply moved by his letter.Being grateful to people who helped and supported us is what we are supposed to keep in mind forever.听力原文 Text 1

M: I have to pay taxes every three months.W: I pay quarterly, too.I wish it were only once a year.Text 2

W: We really enjoyed going to the wildlife park.There were lions and tigers and here’s a photograph I took of the camels.We liked the baby elephants best but I didn’t manage to get a picture of them.M: It’s wonderful.Text 3

M: Is Alice coming to the cinema with us this afternoon?

W: I don’t think so.She’s been so busy for her exams.She said she’s got to do some shopping before she runs out of food

completely!Text 4

W: Don’t forget to write to me, John.M: I won’t.But let me make sure I have the right address.Is it 42 West Street Birmingham?

W: That’s right.By the way, my office number has changed since I began to work t Birmingham.M: Has it? And tell me what it is then.Text 5

W: What’s the forecast for tomorrow?

M: I think it said it’s going to be quite dull and cloudy in the morning but it might brighten up late W: Well, so long as it doesn’t rain I’m going on a picnic tomorrow with Judith and Peter.Text 6

W: Look at this one!Is it the Great Pyramid? M: You’ve got it.I took many pictures of it.W: You mean you’ve been in Egypt? When did you go there? M: Last summer.It was so interesting.W: Tell me something about the Great Pyramid.M: It is very high, about 137 metres.The sides are as long as 230 metres.W: And it’s very old?

M: Yes, it has a long history of about 4,500 years.W: Really? I can’t believe it.M: Yes, seeing is believing.You must go and see it by yourself.W: It sounds nice.So Egypt is the place where I’m going to spend my next holiday.M: By the way, where did you spend your vacation last summer? W: I went to Japan and it’s not so much fun.M: I bet you’ll have great fun in Egypt.Text 7

M: Wait, wait.Where are you going?

W: Mum said I could take the car to school this morning, and …,M: Hold on here.I’ve prepared a few rules regarding the use of the motor vehicles in this house.W: Rules?

M: Rule number one: No driving with friends for the first six months.W: What?

M: Teenagers often lack the judgment to drive responsibly, especially when several teenagers are involved.Rule number

two: You always must wear your seat belt and obey the rules of the road.W: Duh.I wasn’t born yesterday.M: OK.Rule number three: You can’t drive long distances at night because you might get sleepy and drive off the road.But driving to the movie theater is fine.W: But the movie theater is right across the street from our house.M: And Rule number four: You should never use a cell phone while driving.That could cause an accident.W: I know, I know...M: OK.You can drive to school, but drive carefully and don’t forget to fill up the car with gas before you come home.Text 8

M: Hi, Laura, I’m phoning to tell you we finally got home safely and to say thanks for having us to stay.We haven’t

enjoyed ourselves so much for a long time.I have to say, the journey home was a bit of a nightmare, though.It took us almost 25 hours in the end.Despite having your very clear instructions, we managed to get lost trying to get out of Paris and ended up driving towards Normandy instead of Calais.By the time we got back on the right road, we’d missed the ferry and had to wait for the next one.Then we got caught in this awful storm, so we were delayed even more.In the end, we didn’t leave Calais till two o’clock in the morning.We were all terribly seasick because of the rough sea.I knew we should have got the Eurostar train.We got into Dover at around four o’clock, so there was hardly any traffic.Because we were almost the only people on the motorway, we were racing along, when, would you believe it, we broke down!We called out the emergency service, but we had to wait almost an hour.When he got there, he decided he couldn’t repair the car on the motorway, so he pulled us the rest of the way to Orpington.As you can imagine, we were absolutely exhausted by the time we got home, but we both had to go straight into work that day.I was so tired that I fell asleep in a meeting.It was quite embarrassing.I can tell you!Any way, thanks again for everything.I’ll phone you again.I’m off to bed now.

第二篇:杭州市 田径运动大会竞赛规程 - 杭十四中





















































1.This machine ________.It hasn’t worked for years.A.didn’t workB.wasn’t working

C.doesn’t workD.isn’t working

2.-----________ John ________ this week, Jerry?

------No, he is on holiday with his family.A.does, workB.is, workingC.has, workedD.did, work

3.You ________ football after school.Why not go home and do your homeworkfirst?

A.always playedB.are always playing

C.have always playedD.have always been playing

4.------Did you tell Julia about the result?

-------Oh, no, I forgot.I ___________ her now.A.will be callingB.will callC.callD.am to call

5.Look at the timetable.Hurry up!Flight 4026 ___________ off at 18:20.A.takesB.tookC.will be takenD.has taken


6.This machine ________.It hasn’t worked for years.A.didn’t workB.wasn’t working

C.doesn’t workD.isn’t working

7.-----________ John ________ this week, Jerry?

------No, he is on holiday with his family.A.does, workB.is, workingC.has, workedD.did, work

8.You ________ football after school.Why not go home and do your homeworkfirst?

A.always playedB.are always playing

C.have always playedD.have always been playing

9.------Did you tell Julia about the result?

-------Oh, no, I forgot.I ___________ her now.A.will be callingB.will callC.callD.am to call

10.Look at the timetable.Hurry up!Flight 4026 ___________ off at 18:20.A.takesB.tookC.will be takenD.has taken





























































()1.— May I swim in the river , Mum ?

—.A.No , you aren’t

C.No , you can’tB.Why do you ask me D.I can’t go with you

()2.—Why are you so happy?

—Beacause Igot a ticket(票)for ZhouJielun’s concert.(音乐会)Yesterday.?

A luckB luckilyC luckyD lucky

()3.—is your mother ? — A nurse.A.WhoB.WhatC.WhereD.How

()4.— Would you like another piece of bread ?

—.I’m full.A.Yes , pleaseB.No , thanksC.CertainlyD.OK

()5.They each _____ a CD in their bags.A.haveB.hasC.isD.are

()6.She’s good at _____.A.readB.readingC.to readD.reads

()7.—Excuse me, which is the way to the post office?

—Sorry.I’m new here.—_____.A.Not at allB.Bad luck

C.Thank you all the sameD.Thank you

()8.Would you like ________soccer with us ?Sure.I like ________soccer very much.A.to play, playingB.playing, playC.to play, playD.playing, playing

()9.Would you like ________ mutton?


()10.You’d better some flowers behind the house.A.to growB.growsC.growingD.grow


Peter was a good boy in the past.He studied hard at school.Buthis parents divorced(离婚), many people thought hewasn’t a good boy any more.Peter began to arrive2for school.His teacher told him to get to school on time, but he __3___did as the teacher said.Sometimes when he got to school, was over.In class, he didn’t5the teacher;he slept.He didn’t like talking to others any more.He oftenospital for a week, but he didn’t stop.’t stand him.They told Peter he must leave school if he broke(违反)the school8again.all day playing computer games.When he felt hungry, he only ate some snacks(零食).Nobody10for him.He lived with his father.But his father wasn’t often at home.Who can help Peter?





()5.A.agree withB.wait forC look forD.listen to








Mrs Baker lived in a small town.Her husband worked in a factory several years ago.He was able to do everything.But the boss(老板)was bad to the workers and he was paid(付给)little.Sometimes his family were hungry.He had to leave there and went to Sydney.The factory needed the workers like him and he easily found work there.He worked hard and made much money.He went to England for his holiday once a year.He missed(思念)his wife and children very much.One day he called Mrs Baker.On the telephone he asked her to go to travel in

Australia.Of course they were all happy.It’s very far from England to Sydney.Mrs Baker and her children had to take a plane.They left their country for the first time and they were travelling in a plane for the first time , too.They were all excited(激动的).The two children did not feel tired though they couldn’t fall asleep the night before.Their mother stopped them , but they didn’t listen to her.One of them nearly hit an air hostess(空中小姐)with some plates in her hands.Mrs Baker became a bit unhappy and said , “ Don’t run wild(胡闹)here!Go and play outside!”

()41.Sometimes the Bakers were hungry because.A.the boss had not enough moneyB.the boss paid Mr Baker little

C.Mr Baker’s family was largeD.they were very lazy

()42.As, Mr Baker easily found work in Sydney.A.he was born in EnglandB.Australia is a big country

C.he was very ableD.he had worked in a factory

()43.Mr Baker wanted his wife and children to go to Sydney because.A.he wanted very much to see themB.he couldn’t go back to England

C.they hoped to travel in AustraliaD.they hoped to move to Sydney

()44., so the two children couldn’t fall asleep the night before.A.They would play in the plane

B.Their mother would work in Sydney

C.They would take a plane for the first time

D.They would study in Australia

()45.Which of the following is true ?

A.Mrs Baker forgot they were in a plane.B.Mrs Baker didn’t love her children.C.The two children were too excited to fall asleep in a plane.D.Mrs Baker was afraid to take a plane.B

The great ship , Titanic(泰坦尼克号), set off for(启程去……)America in April 1912 on its first trip.It was carrying more than 2,000 people.The Titanic was the largest and finest at that time.People thought it was safe(安全)to be on the ship because it had 16 compartments(密封舱)with it.Even if(即使)4 of those were broken(被撞破), it would still be able to stay on the sea.Four days later , when the Titanic was crossing the sea , the man on watch(值班)suddenly saw a very large iceberg(冰山)ahead.The great ship turned quickly on time , but before long there was a sound form below.The captain(船长)went down to see what was the matter.To his surprise , he found the ship was sinking(下沉)fast because 5 compartments had been broken(被撞破)!Many people jumped out into the water.As there were not enough lifeboats(救生船), about 1,500 people died.()46.The Titanic set off from England to.A.the U.S.A.B.AustraliaC.CanadaD.Europe

()47.People thought it was safe to be on the ship because.A.It had 16 compartments

B.It could not sink if 4 compartments were broken

C.It had more lifeboats than other ships

D.Both A and B

()48.The ship was hit.A.soon after it had crossed the sea

B.when it started to cross the sea

C.when a very large iceberg was suddenly seen ahead

D.soon after it turned quickly on time

()49.Which of the following is not true ?

A.The captain didn’t find anything wrong with the ship.B.Hundreds of people jumped out into the water.C.The ship began to sink because 5 compartments had been broken.D.About , 1,500 lives were lost.()50.Which of the following is true ?

A.The ship could carry less than 2,000 people.B.The ship had enough lifeboats.C.The ship could still be safe even if four of its compartments were broken.D.The ship was the biggest and safetest in the world.四.书面表达.(10分)

假如你是Summer, 你的英国朋友JO 将要到你家来玩,你准备写一封邮件告诉他怎样来你家,具体内容如下:


2.然后乘地铁到佛上(Foshan),在桂城站(Guicheng Station)下车;

3.沿着南桂路(Nangui Road)走,穿过南西路(Nangui West Road)

4.然后在第三个路口右转,进入平桂街(Pinggui street),你家房子就在右边;


Dear Jo,I’m so great that you can come to see me____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________Best wishes!




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