
时间:2019-05-12 15:14:32下载本文作者:会员上传


Unit 1

退休金计划 pension plan

科学管理scientific management 集体谈判collective bargaining 医疗保健福利heath-care benefits 工作丰富化job enrichment

人力资源管理 Human Resource Management

外包 out sourcing

档案记录 record keeping

福利管理 benefits administration 工作描述 job description 激励工资incentive pay 工作评价 job evaluation 利润分享 profit sharing

雇员援助计划 employee assistance program

劳工关系 labor relations

精神契约psychological contract

Unit 2

轮作 rotation

战略人力资源管理 strategic Human Resource Management

人力资源规划 human resource planning

福利管理 benefits administration 劳工关系 labor relations

事业发展机会 career relations

人力资源专业人员 HR professional 组织绩效 organizational performance 授权 empowerment

企业家的身份 entrepreneurship 组织型学习organizational learning 公共关系 public relations

多元管理 diversity management 规模经济 economies of scale

Unite 3

人力资源规划Human Resource Planning


人力资源需求预测 requirement forecast

技能储备 skill inventory 提升 promotion 人员配备 staffing 招聘 recruiting

绩效评估 performance appraisal

Unite 4

职业 occupation

工作抽样 work sampling 观察法 observation method


1.soil types 土类(土壤类别)mud 淤泥(泥浆)silt 粉土 clay 黏土 sand 沙 gravel 碎石

rock 岩石

2.site investigation 场址勘察 visual inspection 踏勘 exploration 勘探 drilling 钻探

seismic 地震的 excavation 开挖法 representative sample 代表性的土样

ground water-table 地下水位 expansive soil 膨胀土

3.speciality 专业structural engineering 结构工程 water resources eg 水利工程

geotechnical eg 岩石工程 transportation eg 交通运输工程 pipeline eg 管道工程 construction eg 施工工程 community and urban planning 城镇,乡规划 photogrametry 摄影测量法 surveying and mapping 测绘 engineering management 工程管理

4.civil eg 土木工程 materials 材料 cement concrete 混凝土 masonry 砌体 steel 钢

timber 木材 asphalt 沥青 aluminum alloy 铝合金 plastic 塑料 boting 植被 reverting 护墙 welding 焊接 elastic modulus 弹性模量 ultimate tensile strength 极限抗拉强度 compressive 抗压 shoarbrad 弯曲 reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土 fireproof 防火材料 corrosion 腐蚀 hydration 水化 oxidation 氧化

5.structural member 构件 beamcolumn 梁 柱 arch 拱 slab 板 skyscraper 摩天大楼

curtain wall 护墙 bearing 轴承 embankment 筑堤 pavement 人行道 settle 沉降 uneven settlement 不均匀沉降 uniform 统一的,一样的 multistory building 多层建筑 roof 屋顶 floor 地板,楼层 ceiling 天花板 highwaybridgefoundationplan平面图,规划 elevation 立面图underpinning 基础互换

6.construction 建筑物 execution 施工 control planning 控制规划 job site 施工现场 earth

moving 土方 concrete construction 混凝土结构 production 拌制 placement 方位安排 curing 养护 forming 形成 embed quarry 采石场 blost-hole 爆破 explosive road 进出工地的道路

7.building code 建筑规划 professional staff 专业人员 project manager 项目经理 manager

skillpermeability 参透性 subgrade 路基 superstructure 上层结构 substructure 下层结构 bearing pressure 承载力 settle 沉降 cadre 基础结构,骨干on-the-job training 在职训练






A A(an honest man, a university, a piece of paper/message/furniture), abandon = give up, ABC, abide by, ability to do sth, be able to do sth, abnormal –normal, go aboard, study abroad, abolish = cancel/do away with, talk about, sit about, above all, to put money above everything, abrupt = sudden/tough, absence =lack, be absent from, absent-minded, absolute = complete, be absorbed in, abstract / concrete, absurd = foolish, be abundant in = be rich in, academic, accelerate =speed up, accept, acceptable, gain/have access to, accessible = easily obtained/approached, by accident = by mistake, accomplish = finish/ complete, in accordance with, according to, account for, on account of = because of/due to, on no account = in no way, take into account/consideration, accurate, accuse…of..= charge … with …, be accustomed to, ache = pain/ toothache, headache, get/catch a headache/ cold, achieve/ meet one’s goals, achievement(s), acknowledge = admit, be acquainted with = be 1 familiar with, acquire(knowledge, habit), go across, come across = meet unexpectedly, act upon, physical activities, actor/ actress, actually = in fact = in reality, acute / chronic, ad = advertisement, adapt/adopt, adapt..to..add up to, be addicted to, in addition to, additional = added, address the envelop/ address the audience, adequate = enough/ample, adhere to, administer = control/ manage, gain admission to, adopt(attitude), adult, adulthood, in advance, advance = promote, take advantage of ,adventure = risk, adverse = harmful, a piece of advice, advisable = wise, advise sb.to do sth, advocate = support, current affairs, affect/ effect, affirm =assert, afford sth, be afraid of =fear, look after sb., in the afternoon, afterwards, again and again, now and again = from time to time, lean against, vote against, at the age of, age = get older, agree to sb.agree with sth.agreeable = pleasing, agriculture, ahead of, aid, aim at, aim = goal/target, by air, in the open air, aircraft =plane =airplane, at the airport, alarm = frighten, alcohol, alert..to.., =warn …of/against …, alien = foreign, look alike, keep alive, above all, after all, all over, in all, allege = declare, state, alleviate = relieve, alliance = union, allied = united, allocate = distribute, allow = permit, almost = nearly, live alone, go along the street, talk aloud, not only…but also…, /(I like it, too./ I also like it.), alter = change, although/though, at an altitude of/ at the height of, altogether = in all, always = often, amazing = surprising, ambiguous = doubtful, uncertain, ambition, ambitious, amend = improve, 2 America, American, amid = in the middle of, amongst = among, a great amount of money, amplify = talk in detail, amuse = entertain, amusement/entertainment, analyze, analysis, ancestor, ancient, and, anger, angry, angle(from the angle of), animal, animate/inspire, annoy, announce/declare, annual, another, answer(answer to the problem, answer for), anticipate/foresee, antique, anxious(be anxious about), any, anyone/anybody, anything, anywhere, apart(set apart, apart from), apartment, apologize, apparently, apparent, appeal(appeal to), appear/seem, appetite/stomach, apple, apply(apply for a job, apply… to..), appoint, appointment, appreciate, approach(+ to)= method, approval, approve, approximate, April, apt(be apt to do sth.), aptitude/ability, architecture, area, argue(argue for/against), arise, arm in arm/hand in hand, army, around(all around/all over), arouse, arrange(a meeting), arrest, arrival, arrive at/in, art, article, artist, as(consider…as, look upon..as.., treat …as.., as/so…as.., as for/to…, as if/though), ascend/descend, ash, Asia, Asian, aside(aside from/apart from), ask(ask after, ask for, ask sb.to do sth,), asleep, aspect, assemble, assembly line, assert, assess, asset, assign(assign sb.to do sth.), assimilate, assist/aid, assistant, associate



sth.,associate with),association/committee, assume/suppose, assure/insure/ensure/sure, astonish, astronaut, at(be good at, look at, at the age/speed/rate of, at home), atmosphere, attack, attach(be attached to), attempt, attend(a 3 meeting/school/sb., attend to), attendance/presence, attention(pay attention to), attitude, attract, attractive, attribute(attribute…to …), audit, August, Australia,Australian,authentic/real/reliable,author, authority/power, automate, automatic, automobile, autumn/fall, available, avenue/street/road, average(on(an, the)average, to average three hours of work a day), avoid, await = wait for, awake =wake up(awake = sleepless), award, aware(be aware of..), away(put..away, right away.), awful/terrible, awkward(注意该词的几种词义).B baby, back(back and forth, back up/support), background, backwards, bacterium/bacteria, badly/very(he was badly damaged.), balance, ban/bar, banana, band, bank, bankrupt, barely/hardly, bargain(a real bargain), base(be based on/upon), basic/fundamental, battery, battle, B.C.be, beach, beam(a beam of), bear(注意该词的几种词义), bearing, beat, beautiful/beauty, because, become, go to bed, bee, beef, beer, before/after, beforehand/in advance, beg/bag, begin/start(+ doing/ to do sth.), beginning, behalf(on behalf of), behavior/conduct, behind/ in front of, belief, believe(believe in), belong(belong to), below/under/beneath, beneficial/favorable, benefit(for the benefit of, benefit form), beside/besides = in addition, best(at best/ at least;at one's best, do/try one's best, make the best of), better(be better off, had better 4 do sth), between/among, beyond, bicycle, bid, big/great, bill(pay the bill), billion/million/trillion, biography, biological, bird, birth(give birth to, by birth), birthday, bit(a bit of, bit by bit), bitter, black, blackboard, blame(blame sb.for sth.), blank, blanket, blend, blind, block(a block of rock/ice/wood), blood, bloody, bloom, blue, board(on board), boat, body, boil(boil up), bold, bomb/blow up, bone, book(booking office), boom, boost/lift, border(border on/upon), boring/troublesome, born, borrow/lend, boss, both(both … and..), bother/trouble, bottle, bottom, bound(be bound for), boundary, box, boxing, boy, boyfriend, brain, branch/department, brand, brave, breach/break, bread, break(break away from, break down, break into, break out, break off, break through, break up), breakdown/ collapse, breakfast, breath(catch one's breath, hold one's breath, out of breath), breathe, breed/ raise, bridge, brief(in brief), briefly, bright/clever/ brilliant/intelligent, bring(bring about, bring forward, bring up), bring/take, Britain, British, broad, broadcast, brother, brush, budget, build, building, bulk/block, bullet, burden, burn(burn up), burst(burst into tears/laughter), bus, business, busy(be busy with), but/only(but for), buy, by(by air/railway/sea/plane/bus;pass by, by the rule, a box five feet by six feet, by and by)C Cabin, cable, cafe, cake, calculate, calendar, call(call sb.call for, call 5 off/cancel;call on sb.;call up), calm(calm down), calm/still, camera, campaign/champagne/champion,campus,can/container,Canada, Canadian, cancer, candidate, cap, capability/ability, capable(be capable of), capital, captain, car, carbon, card, cardinal/essential, care(care about, take care of), career, careful, careless, carrier, carry(carry on, carry out), cartoon, case(in any case, in most cases, in case, in case of), cash, cast/throw, casual, cat, catch(catch up with, catch a cold, catch attention), cater(cater for), cause, cautious/careful, cease/ stop, celebrate, cell, census, centennial, centigrade, central, center, century, certain, chain, chair/host, chairman, challenge, chance/opportunity(a chance to do sth.;by chance, take a/the chance), change, channel, character, characteristic(be characteristic of), charge(in the charge of, take charge of, charge..with..), charming/attractive, cheap/expensive, cheat(cheat sb.of money), check(check in, check up), cheerful/pleasing, cheer(cheer

up),chemical/physical,chemistry,cherish(hope/dreams/friendship), chief, child/children, childhood, childish, China/china, Chinese, choice, choose(choose sth.from/among sth.), Christmas, chronic, church, cigarette, cinema, circle, circuit, circular/round, circulate, circumstance(under/ in no circumstances), citizen, city, civil, claim, clash(clash with, a clash of views), class/category, classic/classical, classroom, classmate, clean, clear(clear away, clear up), clerk, clever, client, climate, climax/top, climb(climb 6 up/down the hill), cling(cling to), clinic, clock, clockwise, close/open(close down, close season), cloth/clothes/clothing, cloud, cloudy, club, clue/hint, clumsy/awkward, coach, coal, coarse/rough, coast(along the coast), coat(coat the throat), code, coffee, coin, coincide(coincide with), cold(have/catch a cold), collar(white/blue/grey-collared), colleague, collect/gather, collective, college/university, colonial, color, colorful, column, combat/fight, combine/combination, come(come across, come out, come up, come up with), comfort, comfortable, command/control, comment(comment

on),commercial,commission,commit(mistakes/guilt), commitment, commodities/goods, common/average(in common), communicate(communicate with), community, compact, companion, company/firm/concern/enterprise/corporation, comparative, compare(be compared with, be compared to), comparison(by comparison),compel/force,compensation,compensate, compete/contend(compete with/for), competence/ability, competition, complain(complain

about),complaint,complex/complicated, complicate, comply(comply with), composition, component/part, comprehend/grasp,comprehension/understanding,comprehensive, comprise, compromise, compute/calculate, computer, comrade, conceal, conceive(an idea/a plan), concentrate(concentrate one's attention on..), concentration/focus, concept, concern(as far as …be concerned, be concerned about), concerning/about, concise/brief, conclude(the study 7 concluded that…), condemn/blame(violence), condition(on condition that..), conference/meeting, confess, confident, confidential/secret, confine(be confined to), confirm, conflict/clash, conform(conform to/with), confront(be confronted with/ be faced with), confuse, congress, connect(connect..with..), conquer, conscious(be conscious of), consent(consent to/agree with), consequence/result(in consequence), consequently/therefore,conservative/conventional, consider…as…, considerable/considerate, consist(consist of, be made up of, be composed of), consistent, constant, constitute, constitution, construct, consult


(with)…about…),consume, consumer/customer, consumption, contact(contact sb.;be in/out of contact with…), contain, contaminate, contemporary, contempt/look down on, contend/argue, content, continent, continue + doing, continuos, contract, contradict, contrary(contrary to, on the contrary), contrast(in contrast with, contrast with), contribute(contribute to/lead to), control(out of control/under the control of), convenient, conversation, convert/change, convey/pass, convict(convict sb.of..), convince(convince …of.., be convinced of..), cook, cool, cooperate, cope(cope with/handle/deal with), copy, corn, corner, correct, cost(at the cost of), costly/expansive, cotton, could, count(count in/out), country, countryside, couple, courage, course(in the course of, of course), court, courteous/polite, cover(cover…with..), coverage, craft, crash/clash, 8 crazy/mad, create(a credit,bridge/a

crime,problem), creative,crisis,creature, critic, credible/reliable, criminal, critical/decisive/crucial, criticize, cross, crowd, crowded, cruel, cry, cultivate/plant, culture, cure, curious(be curious about), currency, current, curtain, custom(the Customs), cut(cut across, cut down, cut in, cut off, cut out), cycle.因为时间有限,所以我们不能为学员把词汇一一的进行“考点展开”讲解,希望学员有时间能按照这个思路把重点的,基本的词汇进行展开复习,这样的复习一定会对我们最后的考试有所帮助(尤其是词汇题和完型填空题部分的解答)。以下是推荐的基本的,重点的单词。D Daily, damage, damp, dance, danger, dangerous, dare, dark, data/datum, date, daughter, day, dead(注意该词既可用作形容词,又可用作副词,且含义不同),deadline, deadly((注意该词既可用作形容词,又可用作副词,且含义不同), deaf, deal, dean, dear, death, debate, debt, decade, deceit/cheat, December, decide, decision, decisive, declare, decrease, dedicate, deep/deeply, defeat, defect, defend, deficient, define, definite, defy, degree, delay, delete, deliberate, delicate, delicious, delighted, deliver, delivery, demand, demonstrate, dense, deny, department, departure, depend, dependent, depression, deprive, derive, 9 descend, describe, desert(注意该词有两种词类,不同的词义),deserve, design, desire, desk, despite, destination, destroy, destruction, detail, detect, determine, develop, device, devise, devote, diagnose, diagnosis, dialogue, dictionary, die, diet, differ, difference, different, difficult, difficulty, dig, digest, digital, dilemma, diligent, dim, diminish, dinner, direct, direction, directly, director, dirt , dirty, disabled, disagree, disappear, disappointed, disaster, disc, discard, discipline, disclose, discourage, discover, discovery, discriminate, discuss, disease, dismiss, disorder, display, dispose, dispute, distance, distant, distinct, distinction, distinguish, distinguished, distract, distress, distribute, district, disturb, dive, diverse, divide, division, divorce, dizzy, do, doctor, document, dog, doll, dollar, domain, domestic, dominant, dominate, donate, door, dose, double, doubt, doubtful, down, downstairs, dozen, draft, drain, drainage, dramatic, draw, drawing, dreadful, dream, dress, drill, drink, drive, driver, drop, drought, drug, dry, due, dull, durable, during, dust, suty, dwell, dynamic E Each, eager, ear, early, earn, earnest, earnings, earth, earthquake, ease, easily, east, easy, eat, eccentric, economic/economical, economics, economy, edge, edit, educate, education, effect, effective, efficiency, efficient, effort, e.g., egg, Egypt, eight, eighteen, eighth, eighty, either, elaborate, elderly, election, electric, electrical, electricity, electronic, 10 elegant, element, elementary, elephant, eleven, eligible, eliminate, else, elsewhere, e-mail, embarrass, embody, embrace, emerge, emergency, emotion, emphasis, emphasize, employ, employee, employer, employment, empty, enable, encounter, encourage, end, endanger, endeavor, endow, endure, enemy, energy, enforce, engage, engine, engineer, engineering, England, English, enhance, enjoy, enjoyable, enlarge, enlighten, enormous, enough, Enquirer/inquire, enrich, enroll, ensure, enter enterprise, entertain, enthusiasm, enthusiastic, entire, entitle, entrance, envelope, environment, equal, equally, equip, equipment, equivalent, erect, error, escape, especially, essay, essence, essential, establish, estate, esteem, estimate, eternal, Europe, European, evaluate, eve, even, evening, event, eventually, ever, every, everybody, everyday, everyone, everything, everywhere, evidence, evident, evil, evoke, evolve, exact, exactly, exam, examine, example, exceed, excellent, except, exception, exchange, excite, excited, exciting, exclude, excuse, executive, exercise, exert, exhaust, exhaustive, exhibit, exhibition, exist, existence, exit, expand, expansion, expect, expenditure, expensive, experience, experiment, expert, expire, explain, explode, exploit, exploitation, explosion, export, expose, express, expression, extend, extension, extensive, extent, external, extinct, extra, extract, extraordinary, extreme, extremely, eye

F Fabric, face, facilitate, facility, fact, factor, factory, faculty, fail, failure, faint, fair, fairly, faith, faithful, fall, false, fame, familiar, family, famous, fan, fancy, fantastic, far, fare, farm, farmer, fascinate, fascinating, fashion, fashionable, fast, fasten, fat, fatal, father, fault, faulty, favor, favorable, favorite, fax, fear, feasible, feather, feature, February, federal, fee, feed, feel, feeling, fellow, female, fence, fertile, festival, fever, few, fiction, field, fierce, fifteen, fifty, fight, figure, file, fill, film, final, finally, financial, find, finding, fine(注意该词有两种词类,不同的词义), finger, fireman, firm, firmly, first, fish, fir, five, flat, flavor, flee, flexible, flight, float, flood, floor, flourish, flow, flower, flu, fluctuate, fluent, fluid, fly, focus, fog, follow, following, fond, food, foolish, foot, football, for, forbid, force, forecast, foreign, foreigner, foresee, forest, forever, forget, fork, form, formal, format, former, forth, fortunate, fortune, forty, forward, fossil, foster, found, foundation, four, fourteen, fourth, frame, France, frank, free, freedom, freely, freeze, French, frequency, frequent, fresh, Friday, fridge, friend, friendly, friendship, frighten, from, front, frontier, frown, fruit, frustrate, frustration, fuel, fulfill, full, fun, function, fund, fundamental, funny, fur, furious, furnish, furniture, further, furthermore, future.G 12 Gain, game, gang, gap, garage, garden, gas, gasoline, gather, gay, gaze, gene, general, generally, generate, generation, generous, genius, gentle, genuine, gesture, get(注意该词的短语), giant, gift, give, glad, glance, glimpse, global, globe, go(注意该词的短语), goal, good, goods, gorgeous, govern, government, grace, graceful, gradual, graduate, grand, grant, grasp, grateful, grave, great, greedy, gross, ground, grow, growth, guard, guess, guidance, guilty, guilt H Habit, habitant, half, halt, hamper, hand(注意该词的短语), handful, handicap, handle, handsome, handy, happen, hard(注意该词的跨词类用法), hardly, hardship, harm, hardware, harness, harsh, harvest, hate, have, hazard, hazardous, head, heal, heath, healthy, hear, heart, heartily, heat, heavy, height, help, helpful, hence, here, hesitate, hide, high, highway, hinder, hint, hire, historic/historical, hit, hobby, hold(注意该词的短语), honest, honor, honorable, hopeful, horrible, horror, hospital, host, hostile, hot, housing, hour, how, however, huge, humid, humiliate, humorous, hunger, hungry, hunt, hurry, hurt I I, ice, idea, ideal, identical, identify, idle, if, ignorant, ignore, ill, illegal, illness, illustrate, image, imagination, imagine, immediate, immense, 13 immigrate, immune, impact, impartial, impel, implicit, imply, import, importance, important, impossible, impression, improve, impress, impulse, in, incentive, incident, incline, include, income, increase, increasingly, incredible, indeed, independent, indicate, indication, indifferent, indirect, individual, indoors, induce, industrial, industrious, industry, inevitable, infancy, infect, infer, infinite, inflation, influence, inform, informal, information, ingredient, inhabitant, initial, injure, injury, inner, innocent, innovate, input, inquire, insect, inside, insight, insist, inspect, inspire, install, instance, instant, instead, instinct, instruction, instrument, insult, intelligence, intelligent, intend, intense, intensive, intention, interact, interest, interesting, interior, intermediate, internal, international, Internet, interrupt, interview, intimate, into, introduce, introduction, invade, invent, invest, investigation, investment, invite, involve, irritate, isolate, issue, Italian, Italy, item, itself, its.J Jack, jacket, jam, January, Japan, jet, job, joke, journal, journey, joy, judge, judgement, July, jump, June, junior, just((注意该词的跨词类用法)), justice, justify K Keen, keep(注意该词的短语), key, keyboard, kick, kidney, kill, kind, 14 kitchen, knife, knit, knock, know, knowledge L Lab, labor, lack, lag, land, landlord, landscape, language, large, largely, last, late, lately, later, latter, launch, law, lawful, lay, layer, lazy, lead, leader, leading, lean, learn, least, leave, lecture, left, legal, legend, leisure, lend, length, less, lesson, let(注意该词的短语), letter, level, liable, liberal, liberty, liberate, library, license, lie, life, lift, light, lighten, like, likelihood, likely, limitation, line, link, liquid, list, listen, literal, literally, literature, little, live(注意该词的短语), lively(注意该词是形容词), living, load, loan, local, located, lodge, logic, London, lonely, long, look(注意该词的短语), loose, lose, loss, lot, loud, love, lovely(注意该词是形容词), low, lower, loyal, lucky, luck, luggage, lunch, lung, luxury.M Machine, machinery, mad, magazine, magic, magical, magnetic, magnificent, mail, mainland, mainly, maintain, maintenance, major, majority, make(注意该词的短语), male, manage, management, manager, manipulate, mankind, manner, manual, manufacture, many, March, march, marginal, mark, market, marriage, marry, marvelous, mass, massive, master, match, material, mathematics, matter, mature, maximum, May, maybe, may, me, meal, mean, meaning, means, 15 meantime, meanwhile, measure, mechanical, medical, medicine, medium, meet, meeting, member, memory, men, mend, mental, mention, menu, merchandise, mere, merely, merit, merge, mess, merry, message, metal, method, Mexican, mid, middle, might, mighty, migration, mild, mile, military, milk, million, mind, mineral, minimum, minor, minute, miracle, mirror, miserable, missing, mission, mistake, misunderstand, mix, mobile, mock, model, moderate, modern, modest, modify, moment, Monday, money, monitor, month, monthly, mood, moon, moral, more, moreover, morning, most, mostly, mother, motherland, motive, mount, mountain, mouth, move, movement, much, multiple, murder, muscle, museum, music, musical, must, mutual, myself, mysterious.N Naked, name, namely, narrow, nation, national, native, natural, naturally, nature, naughty, near, nearby, nearly, neat, necessarily, necessary, need, negative, neglect, neighbor, neither, nervous, net, network, never, nevertheless, new, news, newly, newspaper, nest, nice, night, no, nobody, noise, nosy, none, nor, normal, normally, north, notable, note, noted, nothing, notice, notify, noticeable, novel, November, now, nowadays, nuclear, number, numerous, nurse, nut.O 16 Obey, object, objective, obligation, observe, obstacle, obtain, obvious, occasion, occasional, occupy, occupation, occur, ocean, October, odd, of, off, offend, offer, office, official, often, old, on, once, one, oneself, ongoing, only, open, openly, operate, operation, opinion, opportunity, opposite, optimistic, option, orange, order, ordinary, organ, organization, organize, origin, original, other, otherwise, ought, outcome, outer, outline, output, outlook, outside, outstanding, over, overall, overcome, overtime, owing, own, owner, oxygen.P Pacific, package, pack, page, pain, painful, paint, painting, pair, palace, pale, panic, paper, parcel, parent, park(注意该词的跨词类用法),part, participate, particle, particular, particularly, partly, party, pass, passenger, passion, passive, past, pastime, patience, patient, pattern, pave, pay(注意该词的短语), payment, peace, peak, people, per, perceive, percent, percentage.Perfect, perfectly, perform, perhaps, period, permanent, personal, personally, persuade, phrase, phenomenon, phone, phrase, physical, pick, picture, piece, pill, pilot, pipe, pity, place, plain, plan, planet, plant, play, plead, pleasant, pleasing, pleasure, plus, pocket, poem, point, poisonous, police, policy, polish, polite, politics, pollute, pollution, poor, pop, popular, population, port, portion, pose, position, positive, possess, possibility, possible, possibly, post, postpone, potential, 17 pound, poverty, power, powerful, practical, practice, praise, precede, precious, precise, predict, prefer, preference, pregnant, prepare, prescribe, presence, present(注意该词的跨词类用法), presently, preserve, president, press, pressure, pretend, pretty(注意该词的跨词类用法), prevail, prevent, previous, price, pride, primary, prime, primitive, principle, print, prior, private, prize, probable, probably, probe, problem, proceed, process, produce, product, productive, profession, profit, profitable, profound, program, progress, project, prolong, promise, promising, promote, prompt, prone, pronounce, proof, proper, property, proportion, propose, proposal, prospect, protect, protection, protest, prove, protest, prove, provide, provoke, psychological, public, publicly, publish, pull(注意该词的短语), punish, pure, purely, purpose, pursue, pursuit, push, put(注意该词的短语), puzzle Q Qualify, quality, quantity, quarrel, quarter, question, quick, quickly, quiet, quietly, quit, quite, quote R Race, racial, radical, radio, rage, railway, rain, rainy, raise, ramble, random, range, ranger, rank, rape, rapid, rapidly, rarely, rate, rather, ratio, rational, raw, reach, react, reaction, read, readily, reading, ready, real, 18 realistic, reality, realize, really, reason, reasonable, recall, receive, recent, recently, reckon, recognize, recommend, record, recorder, recover, recovery, recreation, recycle, red, reduce, reduction, redundant, refer, reference, reflect, reform, refuse, refusal, regain, refresh, regard, regardless, region, register, regret, regular, regularly, regulation, reinforce, reject, rejection, relate(注意该词的词义), relation, relative/related, relax, release, relevant, reliable, relief, relieve, religion, reluctant, rely, remain, remark, remarkable, remedy, remember, remind, remote, remove, render, renew, rent, repair, repeat, repeatedly, replace, replacement, reply, report, represent, representative, reputation, request, require, rescue, research, reserve, resemble, resident, resign, resist, resolve, resort, resource, respect, respective, respond, response, responsible, rest(注意该词的跨词类用法), restore, restrain, result, resume, retail, retain, retire, retirement, return, reveal, review, revive, revolution, reward, rewarding, rid, ride, ridiculous, right(注意该词的跨词类用法), right-handed, ring, rise, risk, risky, rival, river, rock(注意该词的跨词类用法), rocket, romantic, room(注意该词的词义), root, rope, rough, roughly, round, rubber, rubbish, rude, ruin, rule, run, rural, rush S Sacrifice, sad, safe, safeguard, safely, safety, sake, salary, sale, salt, same, 19 sample, sand(注意该词单复数的词义差异), satellite, satisfactory, satisfy, satisfying,save,savings,say,saying,scale, scarcely/hardly/seldom/rarely, scatter, scene, scenery, schedule, scheme, scholarship, science, scientific, scold, score, Scotland, scream, screen, seal, search, season, seat, second, secondary, secondly, secretary, section, secure, see(注意该词的短语), seek, seem, seize, select, self, selfish, send, senior, sense, sensible/ sensitive, sentence, separate, September, series, serious, seriously, serve, service, set(注意该词的短语), setback, settle, settlement, severe, severely, sexual, shake, shall, shallow, shame, shape, share, sharp, sharply, sheer, shift, shine, shock, shoot, shop, shopping, short, shortage, shortcoming, shorten, should, shout, show, shrink, shut, ,shy, sick, side, sight, sign, signal, significant, silence, silly, similar, similarly, simple, simple, since, sincere, Singapore, single, sink, sit, site, situation, size, skill, skilled, skillful, skin, sky, sleep, sleepy, slide, slight, slightly, slow, small, smart, smell, smile, smoke, smoker, smooth, smoothly, snake, snow, snowy, so, so-called, soccer, social, society, soft, soften, software, soil, sole, solid, solution, solve, some(注意该词的用法), somehow, something, sometime, sometimes, somewhere, song, soon, sorrow, sorry, sort, soul, sound(注意该词的跨词类用法), soup, source, south, space, spacious, Spain, Spanish, spare, speak, special, specialist, specially, species, specific, speculate, speech, speed, spend, spirit, spite, splendid, split, spoil(注意该词的用法), 20 spoken, spokesman, sport, spot(注意该词的用法), spread, spring, spur, stable, staff, stage, stand(注意该词的短语), standard, stare, start, state(注意该词的用法), statement, status, stay, steady, steal, steam, steel, step, stick, stiff, still, stimulate, stir, stock, stop, storage, store, straight, strange, stranger, strategy, strength, strengthen, stress, strict, strictly, strike, striking, strong, strongly, structure, struggle, student, study, stuff, sturdy, stupid, style, subject, subjective, submit, substance, substantial, substitute, subtle, suburb, succeed, success, successful/successive, such, suffer, suffering, sufficient, suggest, suit, suitable, sum, summit, sunny, super, superior, supermarket, supervise, supply, support, suppose, sure, surface, surpass, surprising, surrounding, survey, survive, suspect, sweet, symbol, sympathetic, symptom, system.T take(注意该词的短语), takeover, talented, talk, target, task, taste, teach, teaching, team, tear(注意该词的跨词类用法), tease, technical, technology, telephone, tell, temperature, temporary, tempt, tend, tendency, tension, terrible, terrific, territory, textile, than, that, theft, theory, therefore, thick, thin, thing, think, thirsty, thorough, thought, threat, threaten, through, throw, thus, tidy, tight, tightly, time, timetable, tiny, tired, title, to, tolerant, top, topic, total, totally, touch, tough, tour, tourism, track, trade, traditional, traffic, train, transfer, transform, 21 transport, travel, treasure, treat, treatment, trend, trip, trouble, true, truly, trust, try, turn(注意该词的短语), twice, twin, type.U Ugly, ultimate, unable, under, understand, undertake, undoubtedly, unexpectedly, unfair, union, unique, unite, universal, university, unless, unlike, unlikely, until, up, upset, urban, urgent, usage, use, used, useful, useless, usual, usually, utilize, utterly.V Vacant, vacation, vague, valid, vain, valuable, vanish, variety, various, vary, vast, vehicle, venture, verge, very, via, victim, victory, view, violate, violence, violent, virtually, virtue, virus, visible, visit, visual, voice, voluntary, vote

W Wage, wait, wake, walk, wall, wander, want, warm, warn, warning, waste, watch, water, way, weak, wealthy, wear, weary, weather, weave, wedding, weakly, weight, welcome, well, what, whatever, when, where, whereas, wherever, whether, which, while, white, whole, wholly, whom, whose, why, wide, widen, widespread, wild, wildlife, will, willing, win, wind, windy, wipe, wise, wish, with, withdraw, within, without, witness, 22 woman, wonder, wonderful, wood, wooden, word, work(注意该词单复数的词义差异), world, worldwide, worry, worried, worse, worth, would, write, wrong X x-ray Y Yard, year, yellow, yesterday, yield, young, youngster, yours, yourth Z Zero, zone, zoo


A A(an honest




of paper/message/furniture), abandon = give up, ABC, abide by, ability to do sth, be able to do sth, abnormal –normal, go aboard, study abroad, abolish = cancel/do away with, talk about, sit about, above all, to put money above everything, abrupt = sudden/tough, absence =lack, be absent from, absent-minded, absolute = complete, be absorbed in, abstract / concrete, absurd = foolish, be abundant in = be rich in, academic, accelerate =speed up, accept, acceptable, gain/have access to, accessible = easily obtained/approached, by accident = by mistake, accomplish = finish/ complete, in accordance with, according to, account for, on account of = because of/due to, on no account = in no way, take into account/consideration, accurate, accuse„of..= charge „ with „, be accustomed to, ache = pain/ toothache, headache, get/catch a headache/ cold, achieve/ meet one’s goals, achievement(s), acknowledge = admit, be acquainted with = be familiar with, acquire(knowledge, habit), go across, come across = meet unexpectedly, act upon, physical activities, actor/ actress, actually = in fact = in reality, acute / chronic, ad = advertisement, adapt/adopt, adapt..to..add up to, be addicted to, in addition to, additional = added, address the envelop/ address the audience, adequate = enough/ample, adhere to, administer = control/ manage, gainadmission to, adopt(attitude), adult, adulthood, in advance, advance = promote, take advantage of ,adventure = risk, adverse = harmful, a piece of advice, advisable = wise, advise sb.to do sth, advocate = support, current affairs, affect/ effect, affirm =assert, afford sth, be afraid of =fear, look after sb., in the afternoon, afterwards, again and again, now and again = from time to time, lean against, vote against, at the age of, age = get older, agree to sb.agree with sth.agreeable = pleasing, agriculture, ahead of, aid, aim at, aim = goal/target, by air, in the open air, aircraft =plane =airplane, at the airport, alarm = frighten, alcohol, alert..to.., =warn „of/against „, alien = foreign, look alike, keep alive, above all, after all, all over, in all, allege = declare, state, alleviate = relieve, alliance = union, allied = united, allocate = distribute, allow = permit, almost = nearly, live alone, go along the street, talk aloud, not only„but also„, /(I like it, too./ I also like it.), alter = change, although/though, at an altitude of/ at the height of, altogether = in all, always = often, amazing = surprising, ambiguous = doubtful, uncertain, ambition, ambitious, amend = improve, America, American, amid = in the middle of, amongst = among, a great amount of money, amplify = talk




entertain, amusement/entertainment, analyze, analysis, ancestor, ancient, and, anger, angry, angle(from the angle of), animal, animate/inspire, annoy, announce/declare, annual, another, answer(answer to the problem, answer for), anticipate/foresee, antique, anxious(be anxious about), any, anyone/anybody, anything, anywhere, apart(set apart, apart from), apartment, apologize, apparently, apparent, appeal(appeal to), appear/seem, appetite/stomach, apple, apply(apply for a job, apply„ to..), appoint, appointment, appreciate, approach(+ to)= method, approval, approve, approximate, April, apt(be apt to do sth.), aptitude/ability, architecture, area, argue(argue for/against), arise, arm in arm/hand in hand, army, around(all around/all over), arouse, arrange(a meeting), arrest, arrival, arrive at/in, art, article, artist, as(consider„as, look upon..as.., treat „as.., as/so„as.., as for/to„, as if/though), ascend/descend, ash, Asia, Asian, aside(aside from/apart from), ask(ask after, ask for, ask sb.to do sth,), asleep, aspect, assemble, assembly line, assert, assess, asset, assign(assign sb.to do sth.), assimilate, assist/aid, assistant, associate(associate sth.with sth., associate with),association/committee,assume/suppose, assure/insure/ensure/sure, astonish, astronaut, at(be good at, look at, at the age/speed/rate of, at home), atmosphere, attack, attach(be attached to), attempt, attend(a meeting/school/sb., attend to), attendance/presence, attention(pay attention to), attitude, attract, attractive, attribute(attribute„to „), audit, August, Australia, Australian, authentic/real/reliable, author, authority/power, automate, automatic, automobile, autumn/fall, available, avenue/street/road, average(on(an, the)average, to average three hours of work a day), avoid, await = wait for, awake =wake up(awake = sleepless), award, aware(be aware of..), away(put..away, right away.), awful/terrible, awkward(注意该词的几种词义).B baby, back(back and forth, back up/support), background, backwards, bacterium/bacteria, badly/very(he was badly damaged.), balance, ban/bar, banana, band, bank, bankrupt, barely/hardly, bargain(a real bargain), base(be based on/upon), basic/fundamental, battery, battle, B.C.be, beach, beam(a beam of), bear(注意该词的几种词义), bearing, beat, beautiful/beauty, because, become, go to bed, bee, beef, beer, before/after, beforehand/in advance, beg/bag, begin/start(+ doing/ to do sth.), beginning, behalf(on behalf of), behavior/conduct, behind/ in front of, belief, believe(believe in), belong(belong to), below/under/beneath, beneficial/favorable, benefit(for the benefit of, benefit form), beside/besides = in addition, best(at best/ at least;at one's best, do/try one's best, make the best of), better(be better off, had better do sth), between/among, beyond, bicycle, bid, big/great, bill(pay the bill), billion/million/trillion, biography, biological, bird, birth(give birth to, by birth), birthday, bit(a bit of, bit by bit), bitter, black, blackboard, blame(blame sb.for sth.), blank, blanket, blend, blind, block(a block of rock/ice/wood), blood, bloody, bloom, blue, board(on board), boat, body, boil(boil up), bold, bomb/blow up, bone, book(booking office), boom, boost/lift, border(border on/upon), boring/troublesome, born, borrow/lend, boss, both(both „ and..), bother/trouble, bottle, bottom, bound(be bound for), boundary, box, boxing, boy, boyfriend, brain, branch/department, brand, brave, breach/break, bread, break(break away from, break down, break into, break out, break off, break through, break up), breakdown/ collapse, breakfast, breath(catch one's breath, hold one's breath, out of breath), breathe, breed/ raise, bridge, brief(in brief), briefly, bright/clever/ brilliant/intelligent, bring(bring about, bring forward, bring up), bring/take, Britain, British, broad, broadcast, brother, brush, budget, build, building, bulk/block, bullet, burden, burn(burn up), burst(burst into tears/laughter), bus, business, busy(be busy with), but/only(but for), buy, by(by air/railway/sea/plane/bus;pass by, by the rule, a box five feet by six feet, by and by)

C Cabin, cable, cafe, cake, calculate, calendar, call(call sb.call for, call off/cancel;call on sb.;call up), calm(calm down), calm/still, camera, campaign/champagne/champion, campus, can/container, Canada, Canadian, cancer, candidate, cap, capability/ability, capable(be capable of), capital, captain, car, carbon, card, cardinal/essential, care(care about, take care of), career, careful, careless, carrier, carry(carry on, carry out), cartoon, case(in any case, in most cases, in case, in case of), cash, cast/throw, casual, cat, catch(catch up with, catch a cold, catch attention), cater(cater for), cause, cautious/careful, cease/ stop, celebrate, cell, census, centennial, centigrade, central, center, century, certain, chain, chair/host, chairman, challenge, chance/opportunity(a chance to do sth.;by chance, take a/the chance), change, channel, character, characteristic(be characteristic of), charge(in the charge of, take charge of, charge..with..), charming/attractive, cheap/expensive, cheat(cheat sb.of money), check(check in, check up), cheerful/pleasing, cheer(cheer up), chemical/physical, chemistry, cherish(hope/dreams/friendship), chief, child/children, childhood, childish, China/china, Chinese, choice, choose(choose sth.from/among sth.), Christmas, chronic, church, cigarette, cinema, circle, circuit, circular/round, circulate, circumstance(under/ in no circumstances), citizen, city, civil, claim, clash(clash with, a clash of views), class/category, classic/classical, classroom, classmate, clean, clear(clear away, clear up), clerk, clever, client, climate, climax/top, climb(climb up/down the hill), cling(cling to), clinic, clock, clockwise, close/open(close down, close season), cloth/clothes/clothing, cloud, cloudy, club, clue/hint, clumsy/awkward, coach, coal, coarse/rough, coast(along the coast), coat(coat the throat), code, coffee, coin, coincide(coincide with), cold(have/catch a cold), collar(white/blue/grey-collared), colleague, collect/gather, collective, college/university, colonial, color, colorful, column, combat/fight, combine/combination, come(come across, come out, come up, come up with), comfort, comfortable, command/control, comment(comment on), commercial, commission, commit(mistakes/guilt), commitment, commodities/goods, common/average(in common), communicate(communicate with), community, compact, companion, company/firm/concern/enterprise/corporation, comparative, compare(be compared with, be compared to), comparison(by comparison), compel/force, compensation, compensate, compete/contend(compete with/for), competence/ability, competition, complain(complain about), complaint, complex/complicated, complicate, comply(comply with), composition, component/part, comprehend/grasp, comprehension/understanding, comprehensive, comprise, compromise, compute/calculate, computer, comrade, conceal, conceive(an idea/a plan), concentrate(concentrate one's attention on..), concentration/focus, concept, concern(as far as „be concerned, be concerned about), concerning/about, concise/brief, conclude(the study concluded that„), condemn/blame(violence), condition(on condition that..), conference/meeting, confess, confident, confidential/secret, confine(be confined to), confirm, conflict/clash, conform(conform to/with), confront(be confronted with/ be faced with), confuse, congress, connect(connect..with..), conquer, conscious(be conscious of), consent(consent to/agree with), consequence/result(in consequence), consequently/therefore, conservative/conventional, consider„as„, considerable/considerate, consist(consist of, be made up of, be composed of), consistent, constant, constitute, constitution, construct, consult(consult(with)„about„), consume, consumer/customer, consumption, contact(contact sb.;be in/out of contact with„), contain, contaminate, contemporary, contempt/look down on, contend/argue, content, continent, continue + doing, continuos, contract, contradict, contrary(contrary to, on the contrary), contrast(in contrast with, contrast with), contribute(contribute to/lead to), control(out of control/under the control of), convenient, conversation, convert/change, convey/pass, convict(convict sb.of..), convince(convince „of.., be convinced of..), cook, cool, cooperate, cope(cope with/handle/deal with), copy, corn, corner, correct, cost(at the cost of), costly/expansive, cotton, could, count(count in/out), country, countryside, couple, courage, course(in the course of, of course), court, courteous/polite, cover(cover„with..), coverage, craft, crash/clash, crazy/mad, create(a bridge/a problem), creative, creature, credible/reliable, credit, crime, criminal, crisis, critic, critical/decisive/crucial, criticize, cross, crowd, crowded, cruel, cry, cultivate/plant, culture, cure, curious(be curious about), currency, current, curtain, custom(the Customs), cut(cut across, cut down, cut in, cut off, cut out), cycle.因为时间有限,所以我们不能为学员把词汇一一的进行“考点展开”讲解,希望学员有时间能按照这个思路把重点的,基本的词汇进行展开复习,这样的复习一定会对我们最后的考试有所帮助(尤其是词汇题和完型填空题部分的解答)。


D Daily, damage, damp, dance, danger, dangerous, dare, dark, data/datum, date, daughter, day, dead(注意该词既可用作形容词,又可用作副词,且含义不同),deadline, deadly((注意该词既可用作形容词,又可用作副词,且含义不同), deaf, deal, dean, dear, death, debate, debt, decade, deceit/cheat, December, decide, decision, decisive, declare, decrease, dedicate, deep/deeply, defeat, defect, defend, deficient, define, definite, defy, degree, delay, delete, deliberate, delicate, delicious, delighted, deliver, delivery, demand, demonstrate, dense, deny, department, departure, depend, dependent, depression, deprive, derive, descend, describe, desert(despite, destination, destroy, destruction, detail, detect, determine, develop, device, devise, devote, diagnose, diagnosis, dialogue, dictionary, die, diet, differ, difference, different, difficult, difficulty, dig, digest, digital, dilemma, diligent, dim, diminish, dinner, direct, direction, directly, director, dirt , dirty, disabled, disagree, disappear, disappointed, disaster, disc, discard, discipline, disclose, discourage, discover, discovery, discriminate, discuss, disease, dismiss, disorder, display, dispose, dispute, distance, distant, distinct, distinction, distinguish, distinguished, distract, distress, distribute, district, disturb, dive, diverse, divide, division, divorce, dizzy, do, doctor, document, dog, doll, dollar, domain, domestic, dominant, dominate, donate, door, dose, double, doubt, doubtful, down, downstairs, dozen, draft, drain, drainage, dramatic, draw, drawing, dreadful, dream, dress, drill, drink, drive, driver, drop, drought, drug, dry, due, dull, durable, during, dust, suty, dwell, dynamic E Each, eager, ear, early, earn, earnest, earnings, earth, earthquake, ease, easily, east, easy, eat, eccentric, economic/economical, economics, economy, edge, edit, educate, education, effect, effective, efficiency, efficient, effort, e.g., egg, Egypt, eight, eighteen, eighth, eighty, either, elaborate, elderly, election, electric, electrical, electricity, electronic, elegant, element, elementary, elephant, eleven, eligible, eliminate, else, elsewhere, e-mail, embarrass, embody, embrace, emerge, emergency, emotion, emphasis, emphasize, employ, employee, employer, employment, empty, enable, encounter, encourage, end, endanger, endeavor, endow, endure, enemy, energy, enforce, engage, engine, engineer, engineering, England, English, enhance, enjoy, enjoyable, enlarge, enlighten, enormous, enough, Enquirer/inquire, enrich, enroll, ensure, enter enterprise, entertain, enthusiasm, enthusiastic, entire, entitle, entrance, envelope, environment, equal, equally, equip, equipment, equivalent, erect, error, escape, especially, 注意该词有两种词类,不同的词义),deserve, design, desire, desk, essay, essence, essential, establish, estate, esteem, estimate, eternal, Europe, European, evaluate, eve, even, evening, event, eventually, ever, every, everybody, everyday, everyone, everything, everywhere, evidence, evident, evil, evoke, evolve, exact, exactly, exam, examine, example, exceed, excellent, except, exception, exchange, excite, excited, exciting, exclude, excuse, executive, exercise, exert, exhaust, exhaustive, exhibit, exhibition, exist, existence, exit, expand, expansion, expect, expenditure, expensive, experience, experiment, expert, expire, explain, explode, exploit, exploitation, explosion, export, expose, express, expression, extend, extension, extensive, extent, external, extinct, extra, extract, extraordinary, extreme, extremely, eye

F Fabric, face, facilitate, facility, fact, factor, factory, faculty, fail, failure, faint, fair, fairly, faith, faithful, fall, false, fame, familiar, family, famous, fan, fancy, fantastic, far, fare, farm, farmer, fascinate, fascinating, fashion, fashionable, fast, fasten, fat, fatal, father, fault, faulty, favor, favorable, favorite, fax, fear, feasible, feather, feature, February, federal, fee, feed, feel, feeling, fellow, female, fence, fertile, festival, fever, few, fiction, field, fierce, fifteen, fifty, fight, figure, file, fill, film, final, finally, financial, find, finding, fine(fish, fir, five, flat, flavor, flee, flexible, flight, float, flood, floor, flourish, flow, flower, flu, fluctuate, fluent, fluid, fly, focus, fog, follow, following, fond, food, foolish, foot, football, for, forbid, force, forecast, foreign, foreigner, foresee, forest, forever, forget, fork, form, formal, format, former, forth, fortunate, fortune, forty, forward, fossil, foster, found, foundation, four, fourteen, fourth, frame, France, frank, free, freedom, freely, freeze, French, frequency, frequent, fresh, Friday, fridge, friend, friendly, friendship, frighten, from, front, frontier, frown, fruit, frustrate, frustration, fuel, fulfill, full, fun, function, fund, fundamental, funny, fur, furious, furnish, furniture, further, furthermore, future.G Gain, game, gang, gap, garage, garden, gas, gasoline, gather, gay, gaze, gene, general, generally, generate, generation, generous, genius, gentle, genuine, gesture, get(give, glad, glance, glimpse, global, globe, go(注意该词有两种词类,不同的词义), finger, fireman, firm, firmly, first, 注意该词的短语), giant, gift, 注意该词的短语), goal, good, goods, gorgeous, govern, government, grace, graceful, gradual, graduate, grand, grant, grasp, grateful, grave, great, greedy, gross, ground, grow, growth, guard, guess, guidance, guilty, guilt

H Habit, habitant, half, halt, hamper, hand(注意该词的短语), handful, handicap, handle, handsome, handy, happen, hard(注意该词的跨词类用法), hardly, hardship, harm, hardware, harness, harsh, harvest, hate, have, hazard, hazardous, head, heal, heath, healthy, hear, heart, heartily, heat, heavy, height, help, helpful, hence, here, hesitate, hide, high, highway, hinder, hint, hire, historic/historical, hit, hobby, horrible, horror, hospital, host, hostile, hot, housing, hour, how, however, huge, humid, humiliate, humorous, hunger, hungry, hunt, hurry, hurt

I I, ice, idea, ideal, identical, identify, idle, if, ignorant, ignore, ill, illegal, illness, illustrate, image, imagination, imagine, immediate, immense, immigrate, immune, impact, impartial, impel, implicit, imply, import, importance, important, impossible, impression, improve, impress, impulse, in, incentive, incident, incline, include, income, increase, increasingly, incredible, indeed, independent, indicate, indication, indifferent, indirect, individual, indoors, induce, industrial, industrious, industry, inevitable, infancy, infect, infer, infinite, inflation, influence, inform, informal, information, ingredient, inhabitant, initial, injure, injury, inner, innocent, innovate, input, inquire, insect, inside, insight, insist, inspect, inspire, install, instance, instant, instead, instinct, instruction, instrument, insult, intelligence, intelligent, intend, intense, intensive, intention, interact, interest, interesting, interior, intermediate, internal, international, Internet, interrupt, interview, intimate, into, introduce, introduction, invade, invent, invest, investigation, investment, invite, involve, irritate, isolate, issue, Italian, Italy, item, itself, its.J Jack, jacket, jam, January, Japan, jet, job, joke, journal, journey, joy, judge, judgement, July, jump, June, junior, just((K Keen, keep(hold(注意该词的短语), honest, honor, honorable, hopeful, 注意该词的跨词类用法)), justice, justify

注意该词的短语), key, keyboard, kick, kidney, kill, kind, kitchen, knife, knit, knock, know, knowledge

L Lab, labor, lack, lag, land, landlord, landscape, language, large, largely, last, late, lately, later, latter, launch, law, lawful, lay, layer, lazy, lead, leader, leading, lean, learn, least, leave, lecture, left, legal, legend, leisure, lend, length, less, lesson, let(注意该词的短语), letter, level, liable, liberal, liberty, liberate, library, license, lie, life, lift, light, lighten, like, likelihood, likely, limitation, line, link, liquid, list, listen, literal, literally, literature, little, live(是形容词), living, load, loan, local, located, lodge, logic, London, lonely, long, look(lovely(lunch, lung, luxury.M Machine, machinery, mad, magazine, magic, magical, magnetic, magnificent, mail, mainland, mainly, maintain, maintenance, major, majority, make(manipulate, mankind, manner, manual, manufacture, many, March, march, marginal, mark, market, marriage, marry, marvelous, mass, massive, master, match, material, mathematics, matter, mature, maximum, May, maybe, may, me, meal, mean, meaning, means, meantime, meanwhile, measure, mechanical, medical, medicine, medium, meet, meeting, member, memory, men, mend, mental, mention, menu, merchandise, mere, merely, merit, merge, mess, merry, message, metal, method, Mexican, mid, middle, might, mighty, migration, mild, mile, military, milk, million, mind, mineral, minimum, minor, minute, miracle, mirror, miserable, missing, mission, mistake, misunderstand, mix, mobile, mock, model, moderate, modern, modest, modify, moment, Monday, money, monitor, month, monthly, mood, moon, moral, more, moreover, morning, most, mostly, mother, motherland, motive, mount, mountain, mouth, move, movement, much, multiple, murder, muscle, museum, music, musical, must, mutual, myself, mysterious.N Naked, name, namely, narrow, nation, national, native, natural, naturally, nature, naughty, near, nearby, nearly, neat, necessarily, necessary, need, negative, neglect, neighbor, neither, nervous, net, network, never, nevertheless, new, news, newly, newspaper, nest,注意该词的短语), lively(注意该词注意该词的短语), loose, lose, loss, lot, loud, love, 注意该词是形容词), low, lower, loyal, lucky, luck, luggage, 注意该词的短语), male, manage, management, manager, nice, night, no, nobody, noise, nosy, none, nor, normal, normally, north, notable, note, noted, nothing, notice, notify, noticeable, novel, November, now, nowadays, nuclear, number, numerous, nurse, nut.O Obey, object, objective, obligation, observe, obstacle, obtain, obvious, occasion, occasional, occupy, occupation, occur, ocean, October, odd, of, off, offend, offer, office, official, often, old, on, once, one, oneself, ongoing, only, open, openly, operate, operation, opinion, opportunity, opposite, optimistic, option, orange, order, ordinary, organ, organization, organize, origin, original, other, otherwise, ought, outcome, outer, outline, output, outlook, outside, outstanding, over, overall, overcome, overtime, owing, own, owner, oxygen.P Pacific, package, pack, page, pain, painful, paint, painting, pair, palace, pale, panic, paper, parcel, parent, park(法),part, participate, particle, particular, particularly, partly, party, pass, passenger, passion, passive, past, pastime, patience, patient, pattern, perceive, percent, percentage.Perfect, perfectly, perform, perhaps, period, permanent, personal, personally, persuade, phrase, phenomenon, phone, phrase, physical, pick, picture, piece, pill, pilot, pipe, pity, place, plain, plan, planet, plant, play, plead, pleasant, pleasing, pleasure, plus, pocket, poem, point, poisonous, police, policy, polish, polite, politics, pollute, pollution, poor, pop, popular, population, port, portion, pose, position, positive, possess, possibility, possible, possibly, post, postpone, potential, pound, poverty, power, powerful, practical, practice, praise, precede, precious, precise, predict, prefer, preference, pregnant, prepare, presently, preserve, president, press, pressure, pretend, pretty(类用法), prevail, prevent, previous, price, pride, primary, prime, primitive, principle, print, prior, private, prize, probable, probably, probe, problem, proceed, process, produce, product, productive, profession, profit, profitable, profound, program, progress, project, prolong, promise, promising, promote, prompt, prone, pronounce, proof, proper, property, proportion, propose, proposal, prospect, protect, protection, protest, prove, protest, prove, provide, provoke,注意该词的跨词类用pave, pay(注意该词的短语), payment, peace, peak, people, per, prescribe, presence, present(注意该词的跨词类用法), 注意该词的跨词 psychological, public, publicly, publish, pull(注意该词的短语), punish, pure, purely, purpose, pursue, pursuit, push, put(注意该词的短语), puzzle

Q Qualify, quality, quantity, quarrel, quarter, question, quick, quickly, quiet, quietly, quit, quite, quote

R Race, racial, radical, radio, rage, railway, rain, rainy, raise, ramble, random, range, ranger, rank, rape, rapid, rapidly, rarely, rate, rather, ratio, rational, raw, reach, react, reaction, read, readily, reading, ready, real, realistic, reality, realize, really, reason, reasonable, recall, receive, recent, recently, reckon, recognize, recommend, record, recorder, recover, recovery, recreation, recycle, red, reduce, reduction, redundant, refer, reference, reflect, reform, refuse, refusal, regain, refresh, regard, regardless, region, register, regret, regular, regularly, regulation, reinforce, reject, rejection, relate(注意该词的词义), relation, relative/related, relax, release, relevant, reliable, relief, relieve, religion, reluctant, rely, remain, remark, remarkable, remedy, remember, remind, remote, remove, render, renew, rent, repair, repeat, repeatedly, replace, replacement, reply, report, represent, representative, reputation, request, require, rescue, research, reserve, resemble, resident, resign, resist, resolve, resort, resource, respect, respective, respond, response, responsible, rest(注意该词的跨词类用法), restore, restrain, result, resume, retail, retain, retire, retirement, return, reveal, review, revive, revolution, reward, rewarding, rid, ride, ridiculous, right(注意该词的跨词类用法), right-handed, ring, rise, risk, risky, rival, river, rock(注意该词的跨词类用法), rocket, romantic, room(注意该词的词义), root, rope, rough, roughly, round, rubber, rubbish, rude, ruin, rule, run, rural, rush

S Sacrifice, sad, safe, safeguard, safely, safety, sake, salary, sale, salt, same, sample, sand(注意该词单复数的词义差异), satellite, satisfactory, satisfy, satisfying, save, savings, say, saying, scale, scarcely/hardly/seldom/rarely, scatter, scene, scenery, schedule, scheme, scholarship, science, scientific, scold, score, Scotland, scream, screen, seal, search, season, seat, second, secondary, secondly, secretary, section, secure, see(注意该词的短语), seek, seem, seize, select, self, selfish, send, senior, sense, sensible/ sensitive, sentence, separate, September, series, serious, seriously, serve, service, set(注意该词的短语), setback, settle, settlement, severe, severely, sexual, shake, shall, shallow, shame, shape, share, sharp, sharply, sheer, shift, shine, shock, shoot, shop, shopping, short, shortage, shortcoming, shorten, should, shout, show, shrink, shut, ,shy, sick, side, sight, sign, signal, significant, silence, silly, similar, similarly, simple, simple, since, sincere, Singapore, single, sink, sit, site, situation, size, skill, skilled, skillful, skin, sky, sleep, sleepy, slide, slight, slightly, slow, small, smart, smell, smile, smoke, smoker, smooth, smoothly, snake, snow, snowy, so, so-called, soccer, social, society, soft, soften, software, soil, sole, solid, solution, solve, some(注意该词的用法), somehow, something, sometime, sometimes, somewhere, song, soon, sorrow, sorry, sort, soul, sound(注意该词的跨词类用法), soup, source, south, space, spacious, Spain, Spanish, spare, speak, special, specialist, specially, species, specific, speculate, speech, speed, spend, spirit, spite, splendid, split, spoil(注意该词的用法), spoken, spokesman, sport, spot(注意该词的用法), spread, spring, spur, stable, staff, stage, stand(注意该词的短语), standard, stare, start, state(注意该词的用法), statement, status, stay, steady, steal, steam, steel, step, stick, stiff, still, stimulate, stir, stock, stop, storage, store, straight, strange, stranger, strategy, strength, strengthen, stress, strict, strictly, strike, striking, strong, strongly, structure, struggle, student, study, stuff, sturdy, stupid, style, subject, subjective, submit, substance, substantial, substitute, subtle, suburb, succeed, success, successful/successive, such, suffer, suffering, sufficient, suggest, suit, suitable, sum, summit, sunny, super, superior, supermarket, supervise, supply, support, suppose, sure, surface, surpass, surprising, surrounding, survey, survive, suspect, sweet, symbol, sympathetic, symptom, system.T take(注意该词的短语), takeover, talented, talk, target, task, taste, teach, teaching, team, tear(注意该词的跨词类用法), tease, technical, technology, telephone, tell, temperature, temporary, tempt, tend, tendency, tension, terrible, terrific, territory, textile, than, that, theft, theory, therefore, thick, thin, thing, think, thirsty, thorough, thought, threat, threaten, through, throw, thus, tidy, tight, tightly, time, timetable, tiny, tired, title, to, tolerant, top, topic, total, totally, touch, tough, tour, tourism, track, trade, traditional, traffic, train, transfer, transform, transport, travel, treasure, treat, treatment, trend, trip, trouble, true, truly, trust, try, turn(注意该词的短语), twice, twin, type.U Ugly, ultimate, unable, under, understand, undertake, undoubtedly, unexpectedly, unfair, union, unique, unite, universal, university, unless, unlike, unlikely, until, up, upset, urban, urgent, usage, use, used, useful, useless, usual, usually, utilize, utterly.V Vacant, vacation, vague, valid, vain, valuable, vanish, variety, various, vary, vast, vehicle, venture, verge, very, via, victim, victory, view, violate, violence, violent, virtually, virtue, virus, visible, visit, visual, voice, voluntary, vote

W Wage, wait, wake, walk, wall, wander, want, warm, warn, warning, waste, watch, water, way, weak, wealthy, wear, weary, weather, weave, wedding, weakly, weight, welcome, well, what, whatever, when, where, whereas, wherever, whether, which, while, white, whole, wholly, whom, whose, why, wide, widen, widespread, wild, wildlife, will, willing, win, wind, windy, wipe, wise, wish, with, withdraw, within, without, witness, woman, wonder, wonderful, wood, wooden, word, work(注意该词单复数的词义差异), world, worldwide, worry, worried, worse, worth, would, write, wrong

X x-ray

Y Yard, year, yellow, yesterday, yield, young, youngster, yours, yourth

Z Zero, zone, zoo



1.This first electronic device exhibited a nonlinear,unilateral characteristic but was not capable of producing amplification of a signal.这第一台电子设备表现出非线性的,单方面的特点,但没有能够产生一个信号放大。

2.The reading given when the pointer stops moving is the insulation resistance,which is normally high if the capacitor is in good condition.当指针停止移动阅读的绝缘电阻,通常是高的,如果电容是在良好的条件。

3.A diode objective parameter certainly is not extremely ideal,like the chart shows.when ideal diode reverse bias,the electric current could not pass,but the actual diode actually has approximately the 10ùA electric current to pass,(although very small ,but insufficiently was still ideal)


4.The amount of collector current(Ic)is directly proportional to the amount of base current(Ib)and the collector current(Ic)will be less than the emitter current(Ie),since a small base current(Ib)must fow to turn on the transistor.集电极电流(IC)是成正比的基数电流(Ib)和集电极电流(IC)将小于发射极电流(Ie),因为一个小的基极电流(IB)必须FOW转晶体管。

5.Filters are used in communications practice to eliminate energy at some frequencies while allowing energy at other frequencies to pass with little or no attenuation.过滤器用于通信的做法,以消除在某些频率的能量,同时允许其它频率的能量传递与很少或没有衰减。

6.The binary system is the primary language of the computer and the octal and hexadecimal systems are usually used for communication whth the computer and for the storage of information within the computer.双星系统是计算机和八进制和十六进制系统通信whth计算机和计算机内的信息存储通常使用的主要语言。

7.The importance of this was that it has the effect of stimulating a reformulation of many signal processing concepts and algorithms in terms of discrete-time mathematics and these techniques then formed an exact set of relationships in the discrete-time domain.这一点的重要性,它已经刺激了许多信号处理的概念和算法在离散数学和这些技术方面的重新的效果,然后形成了一个在离散时间域的确切关系。

8.This head tracking allows the computer to change the view point in the virtual world according the direction that the user is actually looking in.这头跟踪允许计算机在虚拟世界改变观点的方向,用户实际上是在寻找英寸

9.Shutter glasses are used to project a three dimensional image out of the monitor into the space between your eyes and the front plane of the screen.快门眼镜是用于项目到你的眼睛和屏幕的正前方平面之间的空间立体图像显示器。

10.Digital image processing has a broad spectrum of applications,such as remote sensing via satellites and other spacecrafts,image transmission and storage for business applications,medical processing,radar,sonar,and acoustic image processing,robotics,and automated inspection of

industrial parts.数字图像处理,具有广泛的应用,如通过卫星和其他航天器,图像传输和存储业务应用,医疗处理,雷达,声纳和声学图像处理,机器人,工业零件自动检测遥感。

二、短文翻译。在“amplifiers.pdf”中找到与自己座次相符页数的短文进行翻译(30分)一个独特的引脚,使AD8221在1 kHz(G = 1000),以满足anunparalleled CMRR为80 dB的规范,在10 kHz(G = 1)和110分贝。平衡的引脚,如图3-2所示,减少了寄生thathad,在过去的不利影响CMR performance.In此外,新的引脚简化板layoutbecause相关痕迹分组。例如,增益设置电阻引脚相邻的投入,并参考引脚输出。

AD8222在(图3-5)是一个双通道版本,AD8221放大器具有相似的性能和规格。它的小尺寸允许每个PC板的放大器。此外,AD8222的第一放大器被指定为差分输出性能。它是在4毫米 4毫米,16 leadlFcSP封装。

多年来,AD620的已放大器的行业标准,高性能,低成本。TheAD620是一个完整的单片仪表放大器提供8引脚DIP和SOIC packages.The用户可以计划任何所需的增益从1到1000,使用一个外部电阻。根据设计,10和100的增益therequired电阻值标准的1%金属薄膜电阻值。




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