
时间:2019-05-12 16:29:58下载本文作者:会员上传



比上不足比下有余 worse off than some, better off than many;to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst

笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start不眠之夜 white night

不以物喜不以己悲 not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personal losses

不遗余力 spare no effort;go all out;do one’s best不打不成交 No discord, no concord拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul

辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new;ring out the old year and ring in the new

大事化小小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less

serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all

国泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace

过犹不及 going too far is as bad as not going far enough;beyond is as wrong as falling short;too much is as bad as too little功夫不负有心人 Everything comes to him who waits

好了伤疤忘了疼 once on shore, one prays no more好事不出门恶事传千里 Good news never goes beyond the

gate, while bad news spread far and wide

和气生财 Harmony brings wealth既往不咎 let bygones be bygones金玉满堂 Treasures fill the home

脚踏实地 be down-to-earth脚踩两只船 sit on the fence

君子之交淡如水 the friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal;a hedge between keeps friendship green

老生常谈陈词滥调 cut and dried, cliché礼尚往来 Courtesy calls for reciprocity

留得青山在不怕没柴烧 Where there is life, there is hop


马到成功 achieve immediate victory;win instant succes

s名利双收 gain in both fame and wealth茅塞顿开 be suddenly enlightened

没有规矩不成方圆 Nothing can be accomplished without

norms or standards

谋事在人成事在天 The planning lies with man, the outc

oewith Heaven.Man proposes, God disposes

弄巧成拙 be too smart by half;Cunning outwits itself



奥巴马到中国来了。他访华会引用哪句中国古诗文?昨天中午就有了答案:奥巴马在上海的Town Hall演讲中引用了一句Chinese proverb:Consider the past you shall know the future,显然这是《论语》中的名句―温故而知新‖。




Chairman has written: So many deeds cry out to be done, and always urgently;the world rolls on, time presses.Ten thousand years are too long;seize the day, seize the hour!

中方翻译冀朝铸胸有成竹地翻译出:―多少事,从来急;天地转,光阴迫。一万年太久,只争朝夕!‖(《满江红·和郭沫若同志》)尼克松接着借题发挥:This is the hour.This is the day for our two people(现在就是我们两国人民只争朝夕的时候了),赢得了满堂彩。

卡特总统在卸任后,于1981年8月24日到北京访问。当时北京正值盛夏,卡特一下飞机便在―中国通‖ 的指导下念了两句中国古诗:―今世褦襶子,触热到人家‖。当时没有互联网,碰上这种难题只能打电话给文学研究所询问这两句―唐诗‖的出处。结果已经是下午,所里没有几个人,也帮不上外交部的忙。无奈之中,电话转到文学所主办的《文学遗产》编辑部,当时在场的编辑王学泰先生很有学问,感觉不太像唐诗,翻开《全汉三国晋南北朝诗》,很快找到此诗是晋人程晓所作《嘲热客》:―平生三伏时,道路无行车。闭门避暑卧,出入不相过。今世褦襶子,触热到人家。主人闻客来,颦蹙奈此何。摇扇髀中疾,流汗正滂沱。传戒诸高明,热行宜见诃‖。答案揭晓,外交部人士读了全诗拍案叫绝,尤其是―主人闻客来,颦蹙奈此何‖这两句,很符合卡特的身份,已经不担任总统了,还来麻烦主人,很不好意思啊。

演员出身的里根总统上台以后的第四年来到北京,在国家主席举行的欢迎晚宴上,里根在祝酒辞中说:Many centuries ago, Wang Po, a famous Chinese poet-philosopher, wrote, “Although we reside in far corners of the world, having a good friend is akin to having a good neighbor.”(在许多世纪之前,一位名叫王勃的中国哲学家和诗人写过:―海内存知己、天涯若比邻‖)。美国国务院的中国通又为里根在第二天中国总理晚宴上的祝酒辞中加了一句加大互信力度的话:… let us be of the same mind.And as a saying from “The Book of Changes” goes, “If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal.”(让我们同心同德,正如《易经》中所说的那样―二人同心,其利断金‖。)顺便说一句,在22年后法国总统希拉克访华,在北大演讲时也引用了 ―二人同心,其利断金‖,却说是孔夫子的格言,证明法国的中国通比美国的中国通差了好几个档次。

老布什总统1989年春访华,在欢迎晚宴上两度展示他作为前任驻华联络处主任的功底。在祝酒辞的一开始,老布什就说:There's a Chinese proverb that says: “One generation plants a tree;the next sits in its shade.”(有句中国谚语这样说:前人栽树,后人乘凉),由此称赞中国人正在栽种改革之树,而且这一代人已经开始收获果实。随后,老布什提到他和芭芭拉在中国旅行的难忘经历,特别是杜甫的老家四川。老布什提到乘船经过三峡的经历时说:… where we relished the history of the Three Kingdoms and could almost hear the poet Li Bo's description of “the monkeys who screamed from the two sides without stopping.”(我们想起了三国故事,几乎听到了诗人李白―两岸猿声啼不住‖的描述)。


Let us give new meaning to the words written in the ancient Book of Rites, what you call the Li Shi: When the great way is followed, all under heaven will be equal(让我们给《礼记》这本历史古书的文字赋予新的意义:当大家走伟大的道路时,世界所有的人都将是平等的)。

克林顿所说的―当大家走伟大的道路时,世界所有的人都将是平等的‖是《礼记》的《礼运》篇第一句话―大道之行也,天下为公‖。两天后,在北京的国宴上,克林顿在祝酒辞中宣称―我们在以不同的方式坚决维护着孟子的思想‖,他所引述的孟子语录是这样一句话: A good citizen in one community will befriend the other citizens of the community;good citizens of the world will befriend of the other citizens of the world(―一乡之善士斯友一乡之善士,天下之善士斯友天下之善士‖)。孟子这段话出自《孟子·万章下》,也就是说,伟大的美国人民和美国领导人很愿意和伟大的中国人民和中国领导人交朋友。这样的话从美国总统口中说出来,当然让中国人十分受用。

小布什文采不高,口齿不清,但是也咬文嚼字地引用过中国古诗词。2005年11月在访问中国之前,他在日本京都发表了关于民主与自由的重头演讲。在演讲的最后,他说Thousands of years before Thomas Jefferson or Abraham Lincoln, a Chinese poet wrote that, “the people should be cherished, the people are the root of a country;the root firm, the country is tranquil.”(在托马斯·杰斐逊或亚伯拉罕·林肯诞生的几千年前,就有一位中国诗人写道:―人民应该被珍视,人民是国家的根基。根基牢固,国家就安宁)。这句话出自《尚书·夏书》中的―五子之歌‖,原文是―民可近,不可下。民惟邦本,本固邦宁‖。

可见,美国历届总统在访华期间引用中国古诗文已经成了不成文的惯例。其实奥巴马在访华之前已经引用过,在不久前举行的首轮中美战略与经济对话开幕式上,美国总统奥巴马在致辞中引用了孟子语录。奥巴马这段讲话的英语原文是:“Thousands of years ago, the great philosopher Mencius said:'A trail through the

mountains, if used, becomes a path in a short time, but, if unused, becomes blocked by grass in an equally short time.’”(山径之蹊间,介然用之而成路;为间不用,则茅塞之矣。今茅塞子之心矣 —《孟子·尽心下》)。


When written in Chinese, the word “crisis” is composed of two characters.One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.在中文里crisis这个词是由两个字组成,一个是―危(险)‖,另一个是―机‖(会)。

Life in the fast laneReader question:

What does ―life in the fast lane‖ mean, as in this sentence: Living life in the fast lane doesn’t mean you have to live solely on fast food.My comments:

It means you’re leading a life at such a breathtaking – or breakneck – tempo that you often don’t have the time to even cook yourself a proper meal, making do instead with instant noodles, hamburgers and similar such.―Fast lane‖ refers to the innermost lane on the expressway, the lane in which you speed up your vehicle to overtake others.Fast lane, so-called because it is the fastest among several lanes in the same direction.Some drivers in Beijing, you must have observed, stay in the fast lane all the time.That’s illegal, by the way but that’s not of our concern here.Here we’re concerned with the fact that driving in the fast lane all the time might be dangerous, because the pace is so fast and driver so furious, or drunk, as the case may be, that accidents often ensue.Now imagine life in the fast lane all day, all week, all year round....Anyways, ―life in the fast lane‖ refers to the lifestyle of career people in the big city, especially successful people or at least ones who strive for success, whatever that is.These people have so much to accomplish professionally that they often do so at the expense of seemingly unimportant things, such as regular meals, sufficient sleep and time with families.―Life in the fast lane‖ involves non-stop meetings, working overtime, many business trips out of town.Or BUSY-ness in general.Some aspiring youngsters, in fact, are so busy with work that they say they don’t have the time to date and get married.Ah, well.If you look at ―life in the fast lane‖ as a disease, then he who leads such a life has some of the following symptoms: stomach problems(from poor eating habits), red eyes(from staring at the computer screen), insomnia, stress and depression.And that’s not the saddest part.The saddest part is most people who lead a so-called life in the fast lane don’t really have the disease, just the symptoms.I mean, they don’t have a lot of success and the trappings that come with it, huge pay checks for instance, paid holiday trips to the Caribbean, girls galore and constant media attention, such as the attention Tiger Woods is attracting now.Nope.They don’t have any of these.All they have is the unpleasant symptoms, the red eyes, hunched backs and so forth.So, what to do?

Take the good with the bad or quit the life in the fast lane altogether.Quit, that is, before it’s too late.2009年TEM8 英译汉 的一个


We, the human species, are confronting a planetary emergencythough not all-of its consequences, if we act boldly, decisively and quickly.However, despite a growing number of honorable exceptions, too many of the world's leaders are still best described in the words Winston Churchill applied to those who ignored Adolf Hitler's threat: “They go on in strange paradox, decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all powerful to be impotent.”

今天在翻译课的公选课堂上, 讲英语长句的翻译时,将紫色的这个句子作为例子讨论。这是2009年TEM8 英译汉的考题,是历年来最难的一次,而这个句子尤其难。









Pure Brightness(qiing ming)Festival

It’s drizzling thickly and profuselyOn the Pure brightness Day.A wayfarer is overwhelmed with sorrowsOn his way.“Excuse me,can you tell me

Where to find a wineshop in the village? ” “Over there ,” the shepherd boy pointing toThe distant Apricot Blossoms villlage.《访隐者不遇》





Clled on a Hermit in vain

Under the pine tree I asked the ladWhere his master has gone.“To pick the medicinal herbs

He said he had gone.”

“He’s simply in this very moutain out.In the depths of clouds

His whereabouts are not known.”



A Noncommittal Attitude


Nothing hurts more than a noncommittal attitude.J 找不到相爱的证据

'cause I can't find any traces of love.何时该前进

Don't know when to go further,何时该放弃 and when to let go.连拥抱都没有勇气

I can't even bring myself to open my arms.只能陪你到这里 I have to stop here.毕竟有些事不可以 After all nothing can go

超过了友情 Beyond a friendship


yet short of a true love.远方就要下雨的风景

Rain clouds loom ahead in the distance


I wonder if I am going to cry.想太多是我还是你

Who is too sentimental, you or me?

我很不服气 I am not convinced,也开始怀疑 and start to doubt


whether the man before my eyes

是不是同一个真实的你 is the true self you used to be? 一千年以后 In a thousand years


My heart has lost its rhythm, 梦也不自由

and my dreams no longer carefree 爱时的绝对承诺不说

The promise withheld when still in love 沉到一千年以后

has sunk into a thousand years later.放任无奈淹没尘埃

Dust gives way to floods of regrets 我在废墟之中守着你走来 when I keep watch for you in ruins.我的泪光承载不了

My glistening tears can’t bear the weight 所有一切你要的爱 of all the love you thirst for.因为在一千年以后 In a thousand years 世界早已没有我

the world will have lost me, 无法深情挽着你的手

no way to hold your hand in fondness, 浅吻着你额头

and dip a light kiss on your forehead.别等到一千年以后

Don't wait till a thousand years later 所有人都遗忘了我

when I shall pass into oblivion.那时红色黄昏的沙漠 Then over a red desert at dusk 能有谁

is there anybody 解开刹那千年的寂寞

who would ever undo a loneliness 刹那千年的寂寞

over a time spanning a thousand years?

丁香花 The lilacs


You said you love the lilacs best

因为你的名字就是她 for you are named after her.多么忧郁的花

What a melancholy flower

多愁善感的人啊 As sentimental as you.当花儿枯萎的时候 When she withered away,当画面定格的时候 freezing at her prime,多么娇嫩的花 delicate as she is,却躲不过风吹雨打

she is doomed to suffer the rain and wind.飘啊摇啊的一生

No matter how many twists and turns there are in life


and how many dreams weaved in wonder,就这样匆匆你走了 you hurried away to death,留给我一生牵挂

yet living always on my mind.那坟前 开满鲜花

The grave has burst into full bloom,是你多么渴望的美啊

a beauty that you ever yearned for.你看啊 漫山遍野

See, flowers are everywhere.你还觉得孤单吗 are you still all alone?

你听啊 有人在唱 Listen, who is singing

那首你最爱的歌谣啊 your favorite ballad?

尘世间 多少繁芜

all the ups and downs of the world

从此不必再牵挂 are gone and no more.不得不爱

Can't Help But Love You


Every day I long for your love.我的心思由你猜 Can't you read my mind?

i love you


Don't you know I want you to bring color into my life?


We speak of love all too often


before we know what a true love means.i love you


Would words always run faster than imagination?


Are we too rich in love, or too generous?


Are we destined to be together?

是我们本来就是那一半 Are we made for one another?


Or are we too good for each other?


The other day you stood me up and never showed,让我哭得像小孩

I cried my heart out like a little kid.是我们急着证明我存在

Are we so eager to prove our presence


that we are afraid of the absence of minds when out of love?



I couldn't help but love you,Don't know where happiness will come.不得不爱,不想悲伤从何而来

I couldn't help but love you No matter where sadness falls down.不得不爱,否则我就失去未来

I couldn't help but love you Or there is no future to count on.白桦林

The birch wood


Snow flows over a quiet village;

阴霾的天空下鸽子飞翔 Doves fly across a gloomy sky.白桦树刻着那两个名字

Two names are carved deep on a birch;


They promised to stay in love all their life.有一天战火烧到了家乡

One day war broke out in their homeland.小伙子拿起枪奔赴边疆

The lad picked up a gun to go to the front.心上人你不要为我担心 “Don’t worry for me, sweetheart.等着我回来在那片白桦林

Wait for me in the birch wood.”he said.天空依然阴霾依然有鸽子在飞翔

Doves are still flying across the same gloomy sky.谁来证明那些没有墓碑的爱情和生命 Who would prove those graveless love and lives?


Snow kept falling over the village, quiet as ever.年轻的人们消逝在白桦林

And the young hid themselves behind the birch wood.噩耗声传来在那个午后

The bad news came at the other afternoon.心上人战死在远方沙场

Her love laid down his life on the battlefield.她默默来到那片白桦林

Quietly she came to the birch wood,望眼欲穿地每天守在那里 waiting there each day on tiptoe.她说他只是迷失在远方

She said he’d just lost his way in the land far away.他一定会来来这片白桦林

Surely he would come to the birch wood someday.天空依然阴霾依然有鸽子在飞翔

Doves are still flying across the same gloomy sky

谁来证明那些没有墓碑的爱情和生命 Who would prove those graveless love and lives?


Snow kept falling over the village, quiet as ever.年轻的人们消逝在白桦林

And the young hid themselves behind the birch wood.长长的路呀就要到尽头

The long road is coming to its close.那姑娘已经是白发苍苍

Snow-white hair flew over the once young face.她时常听他在枕边呼唤

She often heard his whisper over her pillow,“来吧 亲爱的 来这片白桦林”

“Come, sweetheart, come to the birch wood”

在死的时候她喃喃地说 Over her deathbed she murmured,“我来了 等着我在那片白桦林”

“I am coming, wait for me in the birch wood.”


A Ride in Your Car


The overpass has been passed;路口还有好多个

Many crossings are yet to come 这旅途不曲折

Not much twists and turns along the way 一转眼就到了

In a blink of an eye it's over.坐你开的车

A ride along in your car 听你听的歌 to listen to your songs 我们好快乐 What a great time!第一盏路灯开了 As the first street lamp turns on.你在想什么 What's on your mind 歌声好快乐

amidst the joyful music?


A ride along in your car 听你听的歌

listening to your songs 我不是不快乐 I am not unhappy.白云苍白色

But pale is the white cloud.蓝天灰蓝色 Gray is the blue sky.我家快到了

And my home is around the corner.我是这部车 I am the first 第一个乘客 Passenger in your car.我不是不快乐 I am not unhappy.天空血红色

but ruddy is the sky at dusk;星星灰银色

and silvery gray are all the stars.你的爱人呢

Where is your beloved one?


Don't Wanna Grow Up


Why is an innocent rose nowhere to be found?


Why is every prince I met not princely enough?


He doesn't have to bring crystal shoes and ride a Horse White.我惊讶的是情话竟然会变成谎话 But it puzzles me when love turns into lies.为什么幸福的青鸟要飞的那黱高 Why is the Bluebird soaring up high?

为什么苹果和拥抱都可能是毒药 Why is an apple or a hug possibly a poison?


I am scared that I still feel lonely in his company.我突然想起从前陪我那个洋娃娃

Suddenly I miss the warmth of my childhood doll.我不想我不想不想长大 I don't wanna grow up


when the world runs out of roses.我不想我不想不想长大 I don't wanna grow up


and rather ever stay dull and silly

我不想我不想不想长大 I don't wanna grow up


when he fades away from my life.我深爱的他深爱我的他

My beloved who was in love with me

已经变的不像他 is not what he used to be.让我们回去从前好不好

Shall we go back to the good old days


A time of innocence, silliness, and happiness? 分享: 分享到新浪Qing


A Quiet Summer


In a quiet summer


when the sky is dotted with stars,心里头有些思念 longings come to my mind,思念着你的脸 I miss your face,我可以假装看不见

pretending not to watch anything

也可以偷偷的想念 and missing you in secret

直到让我摸到你那温暖的脸 till I can touch your warm face.知了也睡了

The cicada has gone to sleep,安心的睡了 resting in peace.在我心里面宁静的夏天 it’s a quiet night in my heart,那是个宁静的夏天 a serene night,你来到宁夏的那一天 when you came to Ningxia.宁夏

A Quiet Summer


In a quiet summer


when the sky is dotted with stars,心里头有些思念 longings come to my mind,思念着你的脸 I miss your face,我可以假装看不见

pretending not to watch anything

也可以偷偷的想念 and missing you in secret

直到让我摸到你那温暖的脸 till I can touch your warm face.知了也睡了

The cicada has gone to sleep,安心的睡了 resting in peace.在我心里面宁静的夏天 it’s a quiet night in my heart,那是个宁静的夏天 a serene night,你来到宁夏的那一天 when you came to Ningxia.宁夏

A Quiet Summer


In a quiet summer


when the sky is dotted with stars,心里头有些思念 longings come to my mind,思念着你的脸 I miss your face,我可以假装看不见

pretending not to watch anything

也可以偷偷的想念 and missing you in secret

直到让我摸到你那温暖的脸 till I can touch your warm face.知了也睡了

The cicada has gone to sleep,安心的睡了 resting in peace.在我心里面宁静的夏天 it’s a quiet night in my heart,那是个宁静的夏天 a serene night,你来到宁夏的那一天

when you came to Ningxia.希望

Someday I will Spread the Wings of Hope


I see clouds floating in the sky with dreams:


I know life goes home on a journey long and winding.看阴天的岁月越走越远

I watch gloomy days fade further and further away.远方的回忆的你的微笑

In a distant memory comes your smile.天黑路茫茫心中的彷徨

I feel lost after dark when the road stretches long


for there is no way to turn around.希望的翅膀一天终张开

Someday I will spread the wings of hope,飞翔天上 soaring up high.看天空飞的鸟还有梦

I see birds flying in the sky with dreams.看清风像带路吹散淡雾

I know breezes scatter the mist to lead my way.看冬天悲的雪越来越远

I watch the sad snow of winter blows further and further off.昨天的曾经的我的微笑 It's my smile of yesterday,分开的感伤想飞的彷徨

sad over a breakup and hesitant to take off.有一天跑出想像

Someday I will go beyond imagination,心中一个梦想雨后彩虹 drawing a dream and a rainbow

画在天空 on the sky.童话

The Fairy Tale


I can’t remember for how long

再没听到你 I haven’t listened to

对我说你最爱的故事 your favorite fairy tale.我想了很久

I have been thinking over and over


before I started to panic.是不是我又做错了甚麽

I wonder if I have hurt you once more.你哭著对我说 In tears you told me

童话里都是骗人的 each fairy tale is a lie,我不可能是你的王子

and I won’t ever stay your prince.也许你不会懂

Perhaps you would never know

从你说爱我以後 since you said you love me

我的天空星星都亮了 stars in my sky all bright up.我愿变成童话里

I want to live in the fairy tale,你爱的那个天使

changing into the angel you loved,张开双手 spreading my arms


into wings to watch for you.你要相信 You got to believe

相信我们会像童话故事里 Our love will turn out a fairy tale


where all ends well in happiness.佳人曲

North of China Lives A Lady Fair


North of China lives a Lady Fair,绝世而独立

standing alone, out of nowhere.一顾倾人城

With one glance she upsets a town;


Another glance, and a whole state tumbles down.宁不知倾城与倾国

Who cares what towns and states are built for


When my fair lady is gone and no more? 第一次爱的人 First Love

灰色的天 你的脸

The sky is as gray as your face.爱过也哭过笑过痛过之后 只剩再见

Only a goodbye is what’s left of love, tears, and pain.我的眼泪 湿了脸

And my face, wet with tears,失去第一次爱的人竟然是 这种感觉 is it how it feels when my first love is gone?

总以为 爱是全部的心跳

I thought love is all that a heart beats for.失去爱我们就要~ When it's gone, life will

就要 一点点慢慢的死掉 bit by bit drain away.当我 失去你那一秒 心突然就变老

No sooner did I lose you than my heart grew old.喧闹的街 没发现我的泪 被遗忘在街角

A hustling street, heartless of my tears,scattered over the corner, forgotten.我看着你 走过街

I watch you crossing the street


on the same sneakers I bought you last summer.银色手炼 还耀眼

And the silvery bracelet, shining as ever.你的世界似乎一点也没有因此改变 There seems little change in your life.有一天 也许我能把自己治好

There will be a day when I could heal myself.再一次想起来 应该要怎么笑

How am I going to smile when it comes to mind again?

第一次爱的人它的坏他的好 My first love, its joy and its pain,却像胸口刺青 是永远的记号

leaves an eternal mark as a tattoo on my chest,跟着我的呼吸 直到停止心跳

heaving with each breath till my heart stops.想唱就唱

Sing out Loud When Feel Like Singing


Push open the window at night


to say my wishes to the shooting star.给我一双翅膀 I want a pair of wings

能够接近太阳 to stay closer to the sun.我学着一个人成长

I am learning to grow up on my own,爱给我能量 love being my energy,梦想是神奇的营养

and dreams magic nourishment


to speed me up into full bloom.想唱就唱 要唱的响亮

Sing out loud when feel like singing.就算没人有为我鼓掌

Even if no applause shall greet me,至少我还能够勇敢的自我欣赏 I can still enjoy my courage.想唱就唱 要唱的漂亮

Sing a nice song when feel like singing,就算这舞台多空旷

No matter how empty the stage looks,总有一天能看到挥舞的荧光棒

it will someday brim with waving glow sticks.Kiss Goodbye


Baby, no more crying

这一幕多么熟悉 over this familiar sight


With your hand in mine,how can we bring ourselves to part?


Each time about to open my mouth, I give way to silence.给我一分钟专心

Allow me to concentrate for a minute


to treat myself to your beauty.幸福搭配悲伤

Happiness has to go with sadness;


Pain crisscrosses over my heart.挫折的眼泪不能测试爱的重量 Tears of frustration can’t weigh up a love.付出的爱收不回

When a love is gone it never turns around.还欠你的我不能给

What I owed I am unable to pay back.别把我心也带走去跟随 But just don’t take my heart away.每一次和你分开

Each time I parted with you

深深的被你打败 I suffered a heavy defeat.每一次放弃你的温柔 Each time I let go of you


The pain never comes to pass.每一次kiss you Goodbye Each time I kissed you goodbye,爱情的滋味此刻我终于最明白 I came to realize the taste of love.


登鹳雀楼 王之涣 白日依山尽,黄河入海流。欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。

ON THE STOCK TOWER Translated by Xu Yuanchong The sun beyond the mountain glows;The Yellow River seawards flows.You can enjoy a great sight By climbing to a greater height.春晓 孟浩然 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多少。SPRING MORNING Translated by Xu Yuanchong This spring morning in bed I’m lying, Not to awake till birds are crying.After one night of wind and showers, How many are the fallen flowers?

d静夜思 李白 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。A TRANQUIL NIGHT Translated by Xu Yuanchong Before my bed a pool of night—

Can it be hoarfrost [,hɔː'frɒst]白露 on the ground?

Looking up, I find the moon bright;Bowing, In homesickness 乡愁I’m drowne.秋思 马致远 枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家。古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。

AUTUMN THOUGHTS Translated by Xu Yuanchong

Over old trees Wreathed 变形的with rotten 腐烂的vines fly evening crows;Under a small bridge near a cottage a stream flows;On ancient road in the west wind a lean horse goes.Westward declines 下降the sun;Far, far from home is the heartbroken心碎的 one.复得古原草

送别 白居易 离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。远方侵古道,晴翠接荒城。



Translated by Xu Yuanchong Wild grasses spread o’er ancient plain;With spring and fall they come and go.Wild fire can’t burn them up;again They rise when vernal和煦的 breezes blow.Their fragrance芬芳

ruined town.To see my friend go far away,My sorrow grows like grass over grown.绝句 李清照 生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。至今思项羽,不肯过江东。A QUATRAIN

Translated by Xu Yuanchong Be man of men while you are alive;Be soul of souls even though you’re dead!Think of Xiang Yu who’d not survive His men, whose blood for him was shed/spill流淌.秋思 马致远

石灰吟 于谦

千槌万凿出深山,烈火焚烧若等闲。粉身碎骨浑不怕,要留清白在人间。SONG TO THE LIME Translated by Xu Yuanchong You come out of deep mountains after hammer blows;Under fire and water tortures you are not in woes/sadness.Though broken into pieces, you will have no fright;You’ll purify ['pjʊərɪfaɪ 净化the world by washing it even white.泊船瓜洲 王安石



MOORED AT MELON ISLET Translated by Xu Yuanchong

A river severs Northern shore and Southern land;Between my home and me but a few mountains stand.The vernal wind has greened the Southern shore again.When will the moon shine bright on my return? O when?

竹石 郑燮

咬定青山不放松,立根原在破岩中。千磨万击还坚韧,任尔东西南北风。BAMBOO IN THE ROCK Translated by Xu Yuanchong Upright stands the bamboo amid green mountains steep;Its toothlike root in broken rock is planted deep.It’s strong and firm though struck and beaten without rest, Careless of the wind from north or south, east or west.别董大 高适

千里黄云白日曛,北风吹雁雪纷纷。莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君。FAREWELL TO A LUTIST

Translated by Xu Yuanchong Yellow clouds spread for miles and miles have veiled the day, The north wind blows down snow and wild geese fly away.Fear not you’ve no admirers [əd'maɪərə as you go along!There is no connoisseur [,kɒnə'sɜː] on earth but loves your song.







荆有次非者,得宝剑于干遂。还反涉江,至于中流,有两蛟夹 绕其船。次非谓舟人曰:“子尝见两蛟绕船能活者乎?”船人曰:“未 之见也。”次非攘臂祛衣,拔宝剑曰:“此江中之腐肉朽骨也!弃剑以全 己,余奚爱焉!”于是赴江刺蛟,杀之而复上船。舟中之人皆得活。
























王恭从会稽还,王大看之。见其坐六尺簟,因语恭:“卿东来,故应有此物,可以一领及我。”恭无言。大去后,既举所坐者送之。既无余席,便坐荐上。后大闻之,甚惊,曰:“吾本谓卿多,故求耳。” 对曰:“丈人不悉恭,恭作人无长物。”





18.杀身成仁 在陈绝粮,从者病,莫能兴。子路愠见曰:“君子亦有穷乎?”子曰:“君子固穷,小人穷斯滥矣。”子曰:“志士仁人,无求生以害人,有杀身以成仁。”












飞至孝,母留河北,遣人求访,迎归。母有痼疾,药饵必亲。母卒,水浆不入口者三日。家无姬侍。吴玠素服飞,愿与交欢,饰名姝遗之。飞曰:“主上宵旰, 岂大将安乐时?”却不受,玠益敬服。少豪饮,帝戒之曰:“卿异时到河朔,乃可饮。”遂绝不饮。帝初为飞营第,飞辞曰:“敌未灭,何以家为?”或问天下何时 太平,飞曰:“文臣不爱钱,武臣不惜死,天下太平矣.。”









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