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高一中译英 2010

Unit one

1.当一位穿着讲究的女士走进来时,德比和西蒙抬起了头。When a well-dressed lady entered, Debbie and Simon looked up.2.公司的高级职员杨先生高兴地跟他打招呼。

Mr Yang, senior employee in the company greeted him cheerfully.3.有些人宁可露营也不愿意住在酒店。

Some people prefer camping to staying at the hotel.4.你交际的方式没有给他们留下一个好印象。

The way you communicate didn’t leave them a good impression.5.交际不仅仅是听和说。

Communication is more than listening and speaking.6.你整个的外貌,包括你的手势和表情都传达信息。

Your whole appearance including your gesture and expression communicates things.7.这就是为什么他们毫不犹豫地找他帮忙而不是找你帮忙。

That is why they go to her for assistance without hesitation and not to you.8.我提醒他改进肢体语言,这貌似起作用了。

I remind him to improve his body language, which seems to work.9.在很多情况下,你说话的方式远比你说的内容重要。

In many situations, the way you say something is far more important than what you say.10.目光交流有时是交流的关键所在,因为它可以表示友好或敌意。

Eye contact sometimes is the key to communication, because it can signal friendliness or hostility.11.在西方文化中,谈话时保持眼神交流是必要的。

In western cultures, maintaining eye contact in conversation is necessary.12.事实上,西方人认为缺乏眼神交流史不感兴趣的表现。

As a matter of fact, the westerners might consider a lack of eye contact as a lack of interest.13.在亚洲文化中,避免眼神交流是尊敬的表示。In Asian cultures, avoiding eye contact shows respect.14.没有眼神交流或盯着别人看都是不礼貌的,因此,眼神交流是微妙的。

Lack of eye contact or staring at others are considered impolite.Therefore, eye contact is a subtle thing.Unit two


You should choose new hair styles to suit your new life style.2.我们保证我们的发型会让您感觉好极了。

We guarantee our hairstyle will make you feel on top of the world.3.你可以从我们的专家处得到免费的咨询。

You can get free advice from our experts.4.长发遮盖脸的棱角,因此适合方脸。

Long styles hide the angles of the face, and therefore suit square faces.5.为了保持头发健康,你要吃均衡的饮食,多锻炼身体。

To keep your hair healthy, you should eat a balanced diet and get plenty of exercise.6.你会荣光焕发,你的头发也会光彩照人。You will shine, and so will your hair.7.有效的头发护理包括以下步骤。Include Effective hair care includes the following steps.8.经常洗发是明智之举。It

It is wise to wash your hair regularly.9.涂抹护发素将使你的头发柔软亮泽。Apply

Applying conditioner to your hair to make it soft and shiny.10.彻底梳理你的头发以除去你头发中的灰尘。Loosen Brush your hair thoroughly to loosen any dirt in your hair.11.用毛巾轻轻擦干你的头发,然后把电吹风设在低温档,吹干头发。Set

Dry your hair gentle with a towel.Then set the hairdryer at a low temperature and dry out the hair.12.健康问题往往是由不健康的饮食、生活习惯和压力引起的。(result)Health problems often result from unhealthy diet and lifestyle and pressure.13.为了让你的肌肤看上去焕发光彩,你必须注意饮食。Ensure To ensure your skin looks its best, you must pay attention to your diet.14.由于缺少足够的蛋白质和乳制品,这些儿童生长缓慢。

Because of lack of enough protein and dairy products, these children grow slowly.15.避免吃甜食可以帮助你不变胖。keep… from

Avoiding eating sweet food can help keep you from being fat.16.生活的压力会悄悄夺去你头发的光彩。

Stress in your life can secretly rob your hair of its shiny beauty.17.而且,轻松的音乐和休息是缓解压力的疗法。Remedy In addition, relaxing music and rest are remedies for stress.18.务必要经常洗发,这是健康头发的关键。

Be sure to wash your hair regularly, which is the key to hair.Unit Three


The great wall twists and turns along the tops of mountain chains in northern China.2.4000多公里长的长城始建于公元前5世纪,最终成形于公元前三世纪。

Construction of the Great Wall which is more than 4000 kilometres long began in the fifth century BC and it finally took shape in the third century BC.3.八达岭位于北京西北65公里处。

Badaling is located 65 kilometres north-west of Beijing.4.由邢同和设计的上海博物馆是一座雄伟的建筑物。

The Shanghai Museum designed by Xing Tonghe is a magnificent structure.5.看上去像一座鼎的博物馆内陈列着中国古代的青铜器、雕像、绘画、书法、印章和家具。

The museum which looks like a ding includes galleries with ancient Chinese bronze ware, sculptures, paintings, calligraphy, seals and furniture.6.建于7世纪的布达拉宫花了三年时间建成。

It took three years to complete the Potala Palace which was built in the seventh century7.为了保护这些代表古代文明的建筑物,每天只允许少数人进入。

To preserve the buildings which stand for ancient civilization, only a few people are admitted each day.8.丽江两岸的风景就像是美丽的山水画。

The scenery along the Li River is like a beautiful landscape painting.9.泛舟江上,游客们会被江边的奇峰以及他们在清澈水中的倒影深深吸引。

Take a boat trip, and you will be attracted by the odd peaks along the river and the reflections in the clear water.10.我们为祖国的快速发展而骄傲。

We take pride in the rapid development of our country.11.你可以很方便地到达山顶上那座废弃的庙宇。

You can easily access the abandoned temple on the top of the mountain.12.这座体育场可以容纳80000人。The stadium can seat an audience of 80000.13.在湖底发现了一座古代城市的废墟。

The ruin of an ancient city was found at the bottom of the lake.14.她没有理会他的粗鲁举动,极力装作若无其事的样子。(overlook)She overlooked his rudeness, trying to pretend nothing had happened.Unit 4


The two contestants standing on the stage must be very tense.2.在他晕倒之后,导演急忙从舞台对面的控制室下来。

After he fainted, the director hurried down from the control room opposite the stage.3.由于她一直答对问题,所以很快就领先于其他几个参赛者。

Since she kept getting the questions right, she was soon ahead of the other contestants.4.不知道他的儿子是否能打败对手,他坐立不安。

Not knowing whether his son can beat the opponents, he could hardly keep still.5.该是他解释为何说谎的时候了。

It is time he explained why he told lies.6.这些新的娱乐技术使你身临其境。

These new entertainment technologies make you feel like part of the action.7.在自家起居室装上一套家庭娱乐系统,你就可以享受一样的效果。

You can achieve a similar effect with a home entertainment system in you own living/sitting room.8.我已经安排好车辆去机场接他们。

I have arranged for a car to pick them up at the airport.9.自从引进数码技术,我们可以享受更佳的音乐和图像了。

With the introduction of digital technology, we can enjoy better sound and picture.10.成千上万的人不再为听高品质的音乐而烦恼了。

Thousands of people no longer worry about not hearing high-quality music.Unit 5

1.对素食主义者而言,吃什锦烤肉的想法听起来太恐怖了。For vegetarians, the idea of having the mixed grill sounds horrible.2.在这篇报道的影响下,他想要成为一名宇航员。

Under the influence of this report, he wanted to become an astronaut.3.重要的是学会学习而不是书本知识。(instead)

What matters / is important is to learn how to learn instead of text knowledge.4.他的一番话没有让我倒胃口。

What he said didn’t make me lose my appetite.5.肉类含有蔬菜中没有的维生素和矿物质。

Meat contains vitamins and minerals not found in vegetables.6.很多人因为吃了农们在蔬菜上使用的农药而生病。

Lots of people are made ill because of the pesticides the farmers use on them.7.一些科学家发现糖是能量的最佳来源。

Some scientists find that sugar is the best source of energy.8.饮食多样化的重要性是显而易见的。

The importance of having a variety of food is clear.9.科学家警告我们说如果没有均衡饮食,孩子们就不能正常长身体。Scientists warn us that children can not grow properly without balanced diet.10. 另一方面,吃太多的盐会增加心脏病的风险。

On the other hand, having too much salt will increase the risk of heart attack.11. 因此科学的研究可以帮助我们区分事实和错误的观念。

Therefore, scientific research can help us tell facts from wrong opinions.12. 一些高糖分的食物几乎不含有人体所需的营养物质,如蛋白质、维生素和矿物质。Some food high in sugar hardly contains nutrients which our bodies need, such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals.Unit6



which is practiced in Sunqiao Modern Agricultural 2.蓝色农业将鱼或水生植物养殖在海洋或湖泊等自然界的资源中。

Blue agriculture farms fish or water plants in natural sources of water such as oceans or lakes.3.这种由水和肥料制成的混合物给农作物提供了营养。

The mixture of water and fertilizer nourished the plants.4.充分利用时间和高效是他成功的关键。(prove)

Making the best use of time and high efficiency proves to be the key to his success.5.研究包括使产品获得更多利润和找到合适的营销技术。

The research involves making the product more profitable and finding suitable/proper marketing techniques.6.这种饮料最不同寻常的方面是不是用人造化学品和添加剂。

The most unusual aspect of the drink is not using man-made chemicals and additives.7.科技的发展使全人类受益。(benefit)

The development of science and technology benefits the whole man-kind.8.以白色农业的引进而声名远扬的孙桥被视为是一个技术和自然统一的地方。

Sunqiaois regarded as a place 9.幸运的是许多亚洲人已经意识到:快餐和西方饮食解释了为什么西方国家有更多的健康问题。

Fortunately, for why there are more health problems in western countries.10.适度运动、饮食多样化和低盐使你保持健康。

Exercising in moderation, having a variety of food and having less salt can help you stay healthy.11.相比较而言,西方人比以前更加关注饮食和健康。

In comparison, westerners pay more attention to diet and health than ever before.高一下 Translation:


on that island, one hundred years ago, lived the Phantom.2.因为他出生时长得太丑,他的亲生母亲只得给他戴上面具。

At birth he was so ugly that his own mother made him wear a mask.3.幽灵爱上了克里斯汀,剧院的一个美丽的年轻歌手。

the Phantom fell in love with Christine, a beautiful young singer at the Opera.4.幽灵经常在深夜唱歌给他听。因为怕她看到自己的脸,他就躲在她房间里一堵隐秘的墙后。

the phantom often sang to her late at night, hiding behind a secret wall in her room because he was afraid of letting her see his face.5.要想得到克里斯汀的幽灵当着全场观众的面从舞台上绑架了她。

the phantom who wanted Christine for himself kidnapped her from the state in front of the whole audience.6.只有一个男人勇敢地跟在他们后面。

the only man who was brave enough to follow was Raoul.7.一见到救援队,幸存者们喜极而泣。

on seeing the rescue team, the survivors cried with joy.8.有中国建筑师设计的上海歌剧院最初是用以放映电影的。

the Shanghai concert Hall designed by Chinese architects was originally used for showing films.9.上海歌剧院面临着一些困难。

The shanghai concert hall faced some difficulties.10.来自高架路的噪声淹没了教授的演讲。

the noise of the traffic from the elevated road drowned out the professor’s speech.11.学校大厅被完全修复了,并可以容纳更多的观众。

the school hall was completely restored and was made larger to seat more audience.12.经过重新油漆和迁址,上海音乐厅重现了往日的风采。

with new paint and a new location, the charm of the concert hall was brought back to life.13.爱因斯坦被视为二十世纪著名科学家之一。

Einstern was regarded as one of the famous scientists in the twentieth century.14.他所有的唯一天分是好奇和幽默感。

the only gift he had was curiosity as well as a sense of humor.15.作为一个声名鹊起的年轻人,爱因斯坦应邀去许多大学解释他的理论。

as a young man with a growing reputation, Einstein was invited to many universities to explain his theories.16.很荣幸为像你这样的天才演讲。

it is a pleasure to give the lecture for a genius like you.17.那个教授在来我校的路上记住了文章。

that professor learnt the article by heart on his way our school.18.北京的天气不适合我。

the climate in Beijing doesn’t agree with me.19.教授问的问题这么复杂以至于汉斯不知道他在讲什么。

the professor asked so complex a question that hans had no idea what he was talking about.20.他在我们陷入困境时主动帮助我们。

he offered to help us while we are in trouble.21.阿尔弗莱德诺贝尔在去世时留下了一大笔钱和财产。

Alfred Nobel, an inventor born in Sweden left a lot of money and property when he died.22.奖金的最初来源价值九百万美元。

the original source of the prize was worth nine million us dollars.23.知识的传播将使世界成为更好的地方。

the spread of knowledge would make the world a better place.24.每年颁发的奖项用以奖励我们学校最优秀的学生们。

the yearly-awarded prizes honor the most outstanding students in our school.25.在颁奖典礼上,国王给每位获奖者一纸证书和一块奖牌。

at the award ceremony, the king presented each winner with a diploma and a medal.26.许多科学家应邀参加这一盛会。

many scientists are honored with invitation to this grand occasion 27.叶宽两米多的王莲浮在池塘里。

The Victoria lilies whose pads are more than two metres wide are floating in the ponds.28.与睡莲同科的荷花是一种可食用的植物。

The lotus, a near relative of the water lily, is a plant which can be eaten.29.在亚洲国家,经常食用莲子。

In Asian countries, lotus seeds are often cooked and served in meals.30.最终,他们要么成为原树干的一部分,要么成为单独的树干。

Eventually, they either become part of the original tree trunk or become separate tree trunks


the banyan tree covers such an enormous area that it looks like a whole forest.32.那就是为什么他们被称为水果之王。

That is the reason why they are known as the king of fruits.33.那只狗非常健康,还能活好多年。

the dog is very healthy, and is going to be around for many years yet.34.尽管他很富有,他还是过着简朴的生活。

While he became quite wealthy, he still led a simple life.35.送往贫困山区学校的物品中有书和笔。

books and pens were among the materials sent to the schools in the poor mountain area.36.期中考试近在眼前,该复习功课了。

mid-term exam is in the air, so it is time to go over the lessons.37.你可以用茉莉装饰你的房间。

you can decorate your home with white jasmine.38.茉莉藤需要架子生长。

jasmine vine need a frame to grow on.39.你无法忽视这一事实:这些玉兰树课长到12多米高。

you can never ignore the fact that these yulan magnolia can grow to be over 12 meters tall.40.在春天,这些树被12厘米多宽的百花覆盖着。

in spring the tree is covered with white blossoms which are more than 12 centimetres wide.41.在秋天,落叶遍地,色彩缤纷。

in autumn, the leaves litter the ground with color.42.我不知道仙人掌是否适于寒冷潮湿的天气。

I have no idea if cactus is ideal for cool, moist climates.43.尽管它喜欢太阳,但他也可忍受摄氏零下的温度。

while it prefers the sun, it tolerates temperatures of below zero degrees centigrade.44.花盆落到楼下的地面上摔得粉碎,差一点砸中一些正在玩的孩子们

The flowerpot smashed to the ground below, narrowly missing some children at play.45.在那个街角,他的汽车差一点撞上一个骑自行车的人。On that street corner, Jane’s car narrowly missed a cyclist.46.如果照料的好,这种鸟的寿命可以长达5年。

If(it is)taken good care of, the bird can live for as long as five years 47.在搜查了整个房子之后,警察找到了这名人质。48.After searching the house, the police found the hostage.49.谁给你权利来问我的私事?

50.Who gave you the right to question me about my personal business? 51.这些志愿者为社会做了许多好事。

52.These volunteers have done a lot of good for society 53.他很后悔在会上提了那件事。

54.He regretted having mentioned that at the meeting.55.一看到校长进门,学生们立刻停止了聊天。

56.On seeing the headmaster come in, the students immediately stopped chatting.57.我们将很高兴满足你们任何进一步的请求。

58.We would be pleased to meet any further requests you have.59.在花园里散步时,我被树上掉下来的一个苹果击中。

60.Walking in the garden, I was hit by an apple falling from a tree.61.这座历史博物馆里的每一件展品都归国家所有。

62.Everything exhibited in this history museum belongs to nation.63.既然他已经知道了,我就没必要为此给他打电话了。

64.Since he knows that, it is not necessary for me to telephone him about it.65.这个由美国银行家协会赞助的项目是以青少年为目标的.66.The project sponsored by the American Bankers Association is aimed at teenagers.67.只有当你明白积蓄的价值以后,你才能对作出聪明的理财决定.68.Only when you understand the value of savings can you make a smart decision on money management.69.据估计,美国青少年平均每人每周花费107元在他们的个人活动上.70.It is estimated that an average American teenager spends $107 on his personal activities per week.71.我在公司里职位比他低,所以我没有权利处理这案件.72.I am inferior to him in position in the company, so I have no right to handle this case.73.明白如何投资和储蓄是美好生活的关键.74.The key to a better life is to understand how to invest and save money.75.关于居家开销,我有不同的观点.76.I have different opinion on household expenses.77.我最后的观点是青少年必须要养成好的花钱习惯.78.My last point is that teenagers should form the good habit of spending money.79.政府应该采取措施禁止这些让孩子们感到自卑的广告.80.64.The government should take action to ban these advertisements which make children feel inferior.81.谁拥有这个公寓? Who does this flat belong to?

65.我不同意电视广告对孩子们有害的观点.66.I disagree with the point that TV commercials are harmful for children.67.这项由全美银行家做的调查显示大部分青少年没有积蓄,他们不会对他们的开销做预算.68.The survey by the American Bankers Association shows that most teenagers have no savings and they cannot budget their personal activities.69.他差一点淹死.70.He narrowly missed being drowned.71.看太多的电视广告对孩子们的成长美好处.72.Seeing too many TV commercials is bad for the growth of children.73.在秋天,农民们为蜘蛛建造庇护所。

74.In autumn, the farmers build shelters for spiders.75.请不要无视专家的话。

76.Please don’t ignore the expert’s remarks.77.在“帐篷”中渡过冬天之后,蜘蛛出来了,既健康又饥饿。

78.Surviving the winter in the tents, the spiders emerge, healthy and hungry.79.蜘蛛以成千上万的袭击农作物的昆虫填饱肚子。

80.The spiders fill their stomachs with thousands of insects attacking the crops.81.这种天然的虫害控制方式令大家感到满意。

82.This natural method of pest control make everyone happy.83.蜘蛛丝比钢坚固,比羽毛轻,像橡皮筋一样有弹性。

84.The silk of the spiders are stronger than steel, lighter than a feather, and as elastic as a rubber band.85.科学家们试图开发一种有相似特性的材料以制作人造器官。

86.The scientists are trying to develop a material with similar properties to make artificial organ.87.据说蜘蛛毒可用于治疗脑部紊乱。

88.It is said that the poison of the spiders can be used to treat brain disorder.89.千万别把她的话当真。

90.Please don’t take her words seriously.91.我们应该尽力理解自然中的万物,而不是破坏它们。We should try to understand things in nature and not destroy them.92.93.很难估计有多少人在这次事故中丧生。(estimate)

It is hard to estimate how many people were killed in this accident.Or: It is hard to estimate how many people lost their lives in this accident.94.我无法与电影中的任何角色产生共鸣。(identify with)I can’t / couldn’t identify with any of the characters in the film.95.我们必须马上采取行动保护环境。(take action)

We must take action immediately to protect the environment.96.关于那个问题,我们没必要现在做出结论。(with reference to)With reference to that question, we don’t have to draw a conclusion now.97.这栋房子不够大,而且,它离市区太远。(furthermore)

The house isn't big enough for me, and furthermore, it's too far from the town.98.我从来没有认为自己比别人低一等。(inferiorI don’t think I’m inferior to anybody else.99.用Mp3太多对学生的听力有害。(harmful)Using Mp3 too much is harmful to your hearing.86.据估计将会有大约40名毕业生申请这个职位。(estimate)It is estimated that 40 graduates will apply for this position.87.昨天听众与那场演讲会的演讲者产生了共鸣。(identify)Yesterday the audience identified with the speaker of the speech.88.这件裙子不合我身。此外,价格也太贵。(furthermore)This dress doesn’t fit me.Furthermore, the price is so high.89.没有人能知道那个电视台每天播放多少条商业广告。(commercial)No one knows how many commercials that TV station broadcasts every day.


黄浦区这个故事激励年轻人为更美好的生活奋斗。(inspire)时光飞逝,尤其当你聚精会神地读一本好书时。(absorb)安全系统不会允许你进入大楼,除非你有正确的密码。(unless)我从未想到过会在机场遇到多年未曾谋面的老朋友。(It)无用信息的传播会对人类社会产生不利影响的事实已经引起公众的注意。(that) The story inspires/inspired the youth /young people to struggle/strive for a better life.Time passes/flies quickly, especially when you are absorbed in reading a good book.The security system will not permit/allow you to enter the building unless you have the correct password.It never occurred to me that I would meet my old friend(who/whom)I hadn’t seen for quite a few years at the

airport.5.The fact that the spread of useless information can have a bad effect on human society has attracted the

attention/awareness of the public.杨浦区(第一次学业调研)记得要学与思相结合。(combine)党号召官员们提高效率,避免浪费。(call)人们保护个人信息的意识有待提高。(remain)开发清洁的公共交通是被广泛认可的改善空气质量的好方法。(recognize)这位总统一直为缓慢的经济复苏和诸多外交事务的挑战忧心忡忡,但至今仍束手无策。(worry) Remember to combine learning with thinking.The Party calls on officials to increase efficiency and avoid waste.People’s awareness of personal information protection remains to be raised.Developing clean public transportation is widely recognized as a good way to improve air quality.The president has been worrying about the slow economic recovery and many challenges in foreign affairs, but so

far he hasn’t found a way out.浦东新区他下定决心要实现抱负。(determine)居民们都希望有朝一日能更方便地享受图书馆的优质服务。(access)老师的赞赏给了我很大的鼓舞,这对一名学生而言非常宝贵。(which)接完电话,他既没关门也没关灯就匆匆忙忙离开了办公室。(with)实验结果与我们所期望的大相径庭,但我们相信探索越多,就越可能成功。(likely)

1.He is determined to realize/accomplish/achieve/fulfill his ambition.2.Residents all hope that they can have easy assess to the quality service of libraries one day(some day).3.The teacher’s compliment(s)gave me(filled me with)a great encouragement(inspiration), which is so precious for a

student.4.Having answered the phone, he left the office in a hurry with the door open and the light(s)on.5.The result of the experiment is totally different(contrary to)from what we have expected, but we believe(that)the

more we explore, the more likely we are to/will succeed.徐汇区、松江区、金山区这三天的社会实践让我们受益匪浅。(benefit)令我们宽慰的是,政府正在采取措施改善我们的住房条件。(relief)尽管困难重重,他从未放弃过成为一名优秀建筑师的愿望。(desire)第一次看Gangnam Style的时候,其生动的节奏,富有创意的舞蹈,给我留下了深刻的印象。(The first time)一些大城市的空气正日益恶化,这应该让我们警觉到:环保意识的缺乏已让市民付出了健康的代价。(alert)

1.We benefited a lot from the three-day social practice./ The three-day social practice benefited us a lot.2.To our relief, the government is taking measures/action to improve our housing conditions.3.Despite many difficulties / In spite of many difficulties, he never gave up his desire to become /be an excellent /

outstanding / a distinguished architect.4.The first time I watched Gangnam Style, I was deeply impressed by its lively rhythm and creative dance./ its lively

rhythm and creative dance impressed me a lot / deeply / greatly.5.The air quality in some big cities is getting / becoming from bad to worse, which should alert us(to the fact)that the

lack of environmental awareness has come at the expense of the health of the citizens./ the lack of environmental awareness(lacking environmental awareness)has cost the citizens their health./...that the citizens have paid(high)price for the lack of environmental awareness.闵行区这孩子年龄太小,无法应对这么复杂的局面。(too...to...)当我心情不佳时,我常听听音乐来去除烦恼。(mood)经过热烈讨论,我们一致同意再为那所小学捐赠一台电脑。(agree)事实证明网络购物存在风险,因此下定单之前一定要深思熟虑。(exist) electronic dictionary worth buying?The child is too young to deal with such complicated situation.When I am in a bad mood, I often listen to music to remove troubles.After a heated discussion, we all agreed to donate another computer for the primary school.Evidence has proved that risks exist in on-line shopping, so you have to think carefully before you place an order.虹口区你很有可能在这次考试中取得好成绩。(likely)每天摄入太多的盐和糖会对人体的健康造成严重的损害。(take in)汽油价格的不断上涨对人民的生活和国家的经济发展产生了很大的影响。(affect)迄今虽说屡屡采取严控措施,但绝大多数人仍然觉得难以承担目前的高房价。(though)他向经理保证,一经录用,他会竭尽所能为公司服务,绝不辜负公司的期望并为自己的理想打拼。(assure)

1.You are most likely to achieve good results in this examination./ It’s most likely that you will achieve good results

in this examination.2.Taking in too much salt and sugar every day will / may cause serious damage to people’s health./ It will / may

cause serious damage to people’s health if they take in too much salt and sugar every day.3.The constant / continuous rise in gasoline prices / That the prices of gasoline went up / rose constantly /

continuously has greatly affected the people’s life and the development of the country’s economy.4.Though severe / strict control measures have been taken repeatedly / again and again by now / up to now, the vast

majority of people / most people still feel / find it difficult / hard to afford the current high housing prices.5.He assured the manager that if / once(he was)appointed / accepted, he would do his best to work for / serve the

company, live up to the expectation of the company and strive for his own ideal.奉贤区我们应积极参加各种各样的课外活动。(variety)公司在意的不是员工的长相,而是他们的工作表现。(care)记住,你的父母也曾经年少,大多数情况下他们能理解你正在经历的事情。(what)充足的锻炼、健康的饮食、规律的作息对保持最佳考试状态至关重要。(key)黄浦江被污染后,政府采取了许多有效的措施以改善水质,这使公众很满意。(improve)

1.We should take an active part in a variety of out-of-class activities.2.What a company cares about is not the employees’ appearance, but their job performance.3.Remember that your parents were teenagers once and that, in most cases, they can understand what you’re going

through.4.Adequate exercise, healthy eating/a healthy diet and regular sleep are the key to staying in top shape for exams.5.After the Huangpu River was polluted, the government has taken many effective measures to improve the quality of

the water, which has greatly satisfied the public.静安区、杨浦区、宝山区、青浦区许多驾驶员对新的交通法规都感到不习惯。(use)传统的火车票购买方式已经被网络购买方式所取代了。(replace)过不了几天他们就会把面试结果寄给你的。(It)我们非常关心食品质量,因为它与每一个人的健康都息息相关。(concern)那些消防战士冒着生命危险把困在着火的屋子里的老人和小孩全部救了出来。(trap) Many drivers don’t get used to the new traffic rules.The traditional way of buying train tickets has already been replaced by the one through the Internet.It won’t be a few days before they mail you the result about the interview.We are all concerned about the food quality because it is closely related to everyone’s health.Those firefighters risked their life to successfully rescue all the old and children trapped in the burning house.普陀区我们昨晚没有回家作业。(free)为了纪念这位战士,将举办一场音乐会。(memory)能否充分利用能源是科学家所面对的重要问题。(use)听说他的幽默感为英语节开幕式平添了一份快乐。(add)对语言学习者来说,接触英文材料并养成好的习惯能提高学习效率。(expose) We were free from homework last night.In memory of the soldier, a concert will be held.Whether energy can be made good use of is an important problem scientists have faced.It was said that his sense of humor had added to happiness of the opening ceremony of English festival.For language learners, being exposed to English materials and developing good habits can enhance learning

efficiency.闸北区家长们越来越关注孩子的心理健康。(health)必须采取果断措施应对食品污染问题。(must)经过劝说,玛丽总算打消了去那个偏远城市安家的念头。(idea)只要你可以上网,任何难题几乎都可瞬间解决。(access)尽管生产商宣称这款天然的洗发水不含任何化学成分,消费者仍然兴趣寥寥。(although) Parents pay more and more attention to children’s mental health.Decisive measures must be taken to deal with the problem of food pollution.Having been persuaded, Mary finally gave up the idea of settling down in that remote city.As long as you have access to the Internet, almost any difficult problem can be solved instantly.Although the manufacturer claimed that this kind of purely natural shampoo didn’t contain any chemicals,customers still showed little interest.长宁区、嘉定区过马路时务必要小心。(sure)听流行音乐是我课余最爱的放松方式。(relax)是要都有副作用,这是每个人都应该有的医学常识。(which)那晚在观众席中看女儿弹钢琴,她的父母是多么地自豪啊!(How)即便上海牌照(the license plate)的价格一路飙升,人们对私家车的需求依然如故。(remain) sure to be careful when crossing the road.Listening to pop music is my favorite way to relax after school.All medicine has side effects, which is medical knowledge everyone should have.How proud the parents were that night when they sat in the audience watching their daughter playing the piano!Despite the soaring price of license plate in Shanghai, people’s need for private cars remain the same.


金玉满堂:Treasures fill the home

生意兴隆:Business flourishes

岁岁平安:Peace all year round

恭喜发财:Wishing you prosperity

和气生财:Harmony brings wealth

心想事成:May all your wishes come true

吉祥如意:Everything goes well

国泰民安:The country flourishes and people live in peace

招财进宝:Money and treasures will be plentiful

一帆风顺:Wishing you every success

步步高升:Promoting to a higher position

出入平安:Safe trip wherever you go

郎才女貌 talented guy and beautiful lady

天缘巧合 a destiny given by heaven and a wonderful match

天作之和 a match by heaven

心心相印 a complete meeting of minds

永结同心 to be of one mind forever

相亲相爱 to be kind and love to each other

百年好合 a harmonious union lasting a hundred years

永浴爱河 bathe in a river of love forever

佳偶天成 an ideal couple

百年琴瑟 married couple for a hundred years

百年偕老(of a married couple)to stick to each other for a hundred years

花好月圆 the flowers are in full bloom, and the moon is full-ideal time for wedding福禄鸳鸯 a happy wealthy couple

天缘巧合 a destiny given by heaven and a wonderful match

美满良缘 a happy and wonderful marriage

夫唱妇随 the man sings, the wife follows-domestic harmony

珠联璧合 an excellent match

凤凰于飞 a couple of phoenixes on the wing-happy marriage

美满家庭 a happy family

琴瑟和鸣 marital harmony;happy married life

相敬如宾(of a married couple)to respect each other as if the other were a guest


Final Examination in C-to-E Translating Practice for the Graduate Students of 2008 Class(A Take-Home Examination)


Translate the following passages into English, using what you have learned from the related courses in this semester.Try your best to make your English versions as readable and idiomatic as possible so as to fully demonstrate your C-to-E Translating proficiency.1、“胎教”自古不新鲜






①foetus education,nothing new since antiquity

Author: Guo Canjin

“foetus education”, seemly a new word, something strange, actually was created by people far from ancient times with a complete set of theory of antenatal training.It is China that first put forward the idea of foetus education.Treatments on fetal disease was recorded in the book back to 2,000 years —The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine.The detailed prescriptions about prenatal training in Da, Sir.’s Book of Rites, Baaofu, read “ According to the ancient foetus education, the queen would be suggested to move to side-room Palace(a living place next to the room of Emperor)in her 7th month pregnancy, where Taishi(also called court historian or Grand Tutor, a formal name in ancient)holding the Tong(a kind of musical instrument)awaited the queen’s instructions beside the left of the door and meanwhile another official Taizai holding Dou(a kind of cooker, sometimes used as tableware)waited at the right of the door.In the last three months of queen’s pregnancy, Taishi would softly touch the musical instrument and pretend unfamiliar to play those pieces not living up to courtesy even though required by the queen.On the other hand, if ordered the improper menu, Taizai would not dare to cook by saying his incompetence in serving crown prince.According to Records of the Grand Historian of China, the first Chinese in ancient times taking the prenatal training was King Wen’s mother Tairen.Having been received strict antenatal training, King Wen of Zhou was born very clever.And King Wen’s grandson King Cheng of Zhou was also exceptional talent after receiving foetus education.Just in this way could Zhou dynasty educate many ideal successors generation after generation.When it came to Han Dynasty, a number of records and comments about foetus education emerging in public books initially formed the foetus education theory.In Song Dynasty, a famous doctor named Chen Ziming, wrote an essay specially for foetus education theory.In addition, JiaYi also made his article On Antenatal Training And Nursing published in New Book.Some relevant information were set down in Family Instructions of the Yan's: in the third month of queen’s pregnancy, she had to move from palace to side-room, not to see those should not see or hear those should not hear, and on matter what music queen would like to listen to or what dishes to eat, they must be performed rigorously and temperately according to proprieties.Advanced to Ming Dynasty, this theory was further improved and perfected.In Qing Dynasty, Chen Menglei and others collected those papers about foetus education in past dynasties together, titled “ An Educational Guidebook To Unborn Babies.The ancients used to make a summary as follows: child education should be started from womb and shape education direction from elementary stage.①古时候胎教,王后怀孕七个月后,就到宴室(宫殿名,侧室,燕寝之旁(燕寝,古代多指帝王寝息之所)).太史(应该是太师,古代三公之一(三公—太师、太傅、太保),责为伦道经邦,为太子师法)拿着铜(古代的一种乐器)侍奉在门的左边,太宰(其职贵是辅佐君主治理国家)拿着斗(斗,一种餐具兼炊具方形,口大底小,有柄)站在右边,最后三个月(即产前三个月),王后要求听的乐曲不符合礼的标准,这样的话太师就会抚摸着乐器说自己不熟悉,不会演奏;所要求吃的滋味菜肴不是正确的,这样的话太宰就会拿着斗不敢烹调菜肴,说自己不敢服侍王太子。


作者:澧 人






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(本文节选自《书屋》2009年第5期上的“书屋絮语”栏目,作者署名澧 人。题目是选作考试材料时加上去的。基于对学生汉译英能力进行测试的考虑,文字作了些许删减。)

Random Thoughts On May Fourth Movement

Author: Li Ren

“May Fourth” has been 90 years old.90 years are long enough to kill a great many heroes’ and beauties’ hopes.It’s usually said that lives are as changeable as seasons.However, represented by Chen Duxiu, Hu Shi, and Lu Xun, a number of sages of May Fourth, still live on in spirit.Among those May Fourth intellectuals, the most influence are surely Hu Shi and Lu Xun.Ancient cloud: “Spring is the true color of the nature;autumn is just an additional emotional appeal.” Extension of this sentence means the general relationship of nature and scene between Hu Shi and Lu Xun.Many a scholar sighs with regrets that Lu Xun is lonely all through his life, nevertheless, in my opinion, from the point of temperament and endowment, maybe Hu Shi is more lonely than Lu Xun.We also can see Lu Xun’s image from Ji Kan, Xu Wei, Li Zhi and others.But it is basically in vain to look for a precursor or a figure like Hu Shi in Chinese culture.So it is not so hard to understand Lu Xun than Hu Shi.Lu Xun abandoned the study of medicine to another field of literature and looked at things in the view of a doctor.He knew very well that Chinese were badly spiritual ill but he still wondered how to find the way to cure them;on the other hand, Hu Shi shifted from the agriculture domain to writing.Like farmers who wish the land can yield good crops, Mr Hu took new seeds home and devoted his whole life to the problem of accustoming seeds to new circumstances.They are two great persons putting all their efforts on country’s destiny, eventually mentally and physically exhausted, however, becoming noble for what they are annoying.At the 90th anniversary of May Fourth Movement, undoubtedly the topic of democracy is being discussed.Not long before, Yu Keping had his one article published on China Comment titled—On six need-to-be-clarified democratic relations, the highlight of which is that it puts forward a point—it is a wrong thinking way to develop people's livelihood instead of democracy.In present China, there are actually many problems hindering the development of people’s livelihood, for instance the unjust distribution of wealth, heavy burden on taxpayers, the surprising number of misuse of public funds, rampancy of power-for-money deal, strongly monopoly of the economic field, and so on.All these can not be solved without developing democracy.It is sure that the development of democracy is not limited to the development of people’s livelihood and it also contributed to the pursuit of more freedom, dignity and benefit for people.Human beings, not merely economic animals, besides to live an affluent life, they also expect to live a free life, a life with dignity, and a real life as well.Inviolable rights enable people to enjoy their freedom so a vote in hand gives people a feeling that they live in dignity, and strong public opinion helps people get the real information.①春天才是大自然本来的面目, 秋天只是额外加出来的景象、情调



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