外研版Book7Module9 Unit1A Visit to the UN教学设计(五篇材料)

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第一篇:外研版Book7Module9 Unit1A Visit to the UN教学设计

外研版Book7Module9 Unit1A Visit to the UN教学设计

作者:明溪第二实小卢萍 文章来源:上传


Teaching Aim: Knowledge aim:

1、learn and can use :“Do you want to visit„?” and “I want to„”

2、can read and understand the passage.3、can use sentences say something about plans.4、know something about the UN.Ability aims: 1.通过学习培养学生观察与理解能力。2.在各种训练中培养学生运用能力。Emotion aims: 1.通过学习增强学生对联合国的认识。

2.渗透爱国,爱世界做一个对祖国,对世界有用的人。Teaching important: 1.can understand and use sentences “Do you want to visit„? and “I want to„”

2.know something about the UN Teaching difficult: 1.say the sentences: flag from all around the world, they want to bring peace to the world, the present from China, the People’s Republic of China1974.2.理解课文

Teach aids: power point words cards sentences cards Teaching steps: Step1 warming and presentation:

1、Greeting T: Hello boys and girls, Nice to meet you!

2、T: ask one student :“Do you like travel? Then say :“ I like travel.China is a big city, It has lots of beautiful places, today I bring four pictures for you.Do you want to see?

3、引出句型:“Do you want to visit„? T: Where are they?” S: Great Wall„ T: Are these places beautiful? S: Yes„

T: Do you want to visit these places?(引出句型)Step2 practicing the sentences 1.Teacher ask students answer.2.Two groups ask two groups answer.3.Work in group.Step3 learning: 1.T;Ok very good, Now I want to show you another picture , Let’s see “What’s this?”(课件)A.Learn the words show “building”

B.T: Yes, It’s the UN building, Now let’s see the building.There are lots of flags.Today I bring three flags(课件)reviewing “flag” 引出 “People’s Republic of China”

C.Introduce the UN building引出 “all around”

D.Show a picture(课件)ask : “What’s this?” 引出 “peace” 2.Practicing the new words by different ways.3.Learn the passage ⑴ T;Today We’ll learn the new lesson.Now let’s visit the UN building with Simon and Daming then answer my questions: A.How many countries are there in the UN? B.What do the countries of the UN want to do? C.What’s the present from China ?

⑵ answer the questions ⑶listen and repeat Step 4 Summery Step 5 Practicing 1.Do the exercises 2.Work in group Step 6 Homework

外研版Book7Module9 Unit1A Visit to the UN教学设计与反思

作者:三明实小张毅斌 文章来源:上传


一.PURPOSE 1.Knowledge purpose Talking about wishes.2.Ability purpose Cultivate students’ listening, speaking and reading ability.3.Morality purposes 1)Make students corporate well with each other.2)Make students love peace and their own country.二.MAIN POINTS Talking about wishes.三.TARGET LANGUAGE 1.Do you want to~? 2.I want to~? 四.DIFFICULT POINTS 1.Phrases: the People`s Republic of China.All around the world.2.Talk about wishes freely.五.TEACHING MATERIALS Computer, pictures, cards and some flags.六.TEACHING STEPS I Warming up Say a chant.Children children where are you from?(Teach the difficult phrases: the People`s Republic of China.All around the world.)II Presentation Do you like traveling? My hobby is traveling.(Show some pictures about traveling.)Our good friend Daming Simon and Simon`s father went for a visit too.Do you know where did they go? What did they see? Ⅲ Teach context: 1.Listen to the tape and find out these two questions.2.Talk something about the UN.3.Read the passage again and think about some questions about it.4.Read after the tape loudly and find out the sentences about “want to”.5.Tell Ss that they will learn to express their own wishes and ask the others` wishes.6.Read the important sentences together.7.Practice the target sentences “Do you want to~? I want to~?” 1)Teach the sentence in different tongues and have Ss to follow.2)Teacher do the actions about doing something and Ss ask: Do you want to~? 3)Ss come to the front to choose some notes about doing something from teacher then to the actions according to the notes, and others should guess.4)Pair works 5)Tell Ss that they could use “ I want to~” to express themselves.6)Show a big “ Happy Wheel” and have Ss to spin it then make some sentences about “ I want to~~?

7)Stick some activity cards which have different points back on it on the blackboard and have Ss to make sentences to get the points.8)Competition: Save the Water Divide the class into two groups, Ss should say the sentences about : I want to~.Every sentence can save a drop of water.They can say it one by one.The group which save more water in the same time will win.Ⅳ.Task completed 1.Tell Ss they are inside the UN.The World Children`s Meeting is begin.2.Have they hear a speech from a Chinese pupil, think what she wants to do.3.Complete their own speech format then make a speech as representatives of their own countries.Ⅴ.Conclusions: Have Ss to talk about what they`ve learned today.Then address the winner today.Ⅵ.Homework 1.搜集关于联合国的资料.2.写一段话关于你到了联合国想做的事情.教学反思: 这节课我通过师生自由交谈,呈现了生词和短语,让学生感知生词和短语在相应语境中的运用, 使学生很容易就理解了词意,从而突破了本课的难点,学生掌握情况较好。在教授新课之前我将任务呈现给学生,让学生带着任务展开学习过动,通过创设去联合国观光旅游的情境让学生在愉快中学习,学生的情趣很浓厚,掌握情况良好。我通过让学生写“到联合国大会的发言稿”这一形式,让学生能运用本课所学的句型进行笔头联系,达到“以读促写”的目的。本课的不足之处在于由于本课篇幅较长,有些程度不高的学生还难以在课堂上将课文通篇朗读好,别句子的意思,孩子理解不够透。在未来的教学中,我将继续注重培养学生的英语阅读能力


八下Module 5 Cartoons

冶源初中 李芳

Unit 1 It’s time to watch a cartoon.教学设计




1.让学生正确大声朗读并记住词汇: cartoon, handsome, smart, fight, cool, humorous, can’t help doing sth., laugh, lesson,并能用这些词汇进行造句。2.让学生能大致听懂和读懂关于介绍超人、蜘蛛侠、猫和老鼠的特点。



1.让学生正确大声朗读并记住词汇: cartoon, handsome, smart, fight, cool, humorous, can’t help doing sth., laugh, lesson,并能用这些词汇进行造句。2.让学生能听懂和阅读关于介绍超人、蜘蛛侠、猫和老鼠的特点。能通过运用相关词句,来描述自己和他人的对卡通片的观点。【教学难点】




PWP method, task-based method and interactive approach 【教学手段】

A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures 【教学过程】

Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Lead-in

1.Ss :watch the video and answer “What’s this cartoon about?”.2.Ss: look the pictures and answer the questions.Do you know this cartoon? What’s the name of the cartoon? What do you think of the cartoon? Step 2 New words

Look and say.The teacher shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible.1.cartoon n.漫画;动画片

2.handsome adj.英俊的 3.smart

adj.聪明的4.sky n.天空




7.humorous adj.幽默的 8.laugh v.笑

9.lesson n.经验;教训 根据图片进行造句。

1.I love watching cartoons。2.The superman is handsome.3.The mouse is smart.4.The bird is flying in the sky.5.Superman is cool.6.He is the hero of the story.7.It’s humorous.8.She laugh at others all the time.9.There is a lesson.Step 3 Answer the questions What kind of cartoons do you like? Do cartoons always end in a happy way? What cartoons do you think are funny? Step 4 Listening

一听:1.Listen to Part 2 and find out Betty’s and Tony’s answers to the questions in Activity 1.brave, cartoon, cute, funny, handsome, smart

2.Now work in pairs and check.Do they like the same cartoons as you? 二听:3.Listen to Part 3 and answer the following questions.1)What are Tony and Daming talking about? 2)What does Daming think is better? Answers: 1.They are talking about cartoons.2.He thinks Superman is better.三听:漏词填空 :cartoon,more modern,fly through the sky,fight ,climb up,real hero,keep fighting,can’t help laughing,protect.Step 5 Reading

Now answer the questions.1.What does Tony think about Spiderman? 2.Why does Daming think Superman is better? 3.Why do they both like Tom and Jerry? 4.What lesson can Tony learn from Tom and Jerry?

Answers: 1.Spiderman can’t fly, but he climbs up buildings with his hands and feet.That’s cool.2.Because he’s stronger than Spiderman.He can fly though the sky and fight bad people.3.Because Tom and Jerry are very funny.4.They fight a lot, but they really love each other.Step 6 Speaking

Work in pairs.Describe your favorite cartoon character or the characters below.You can use the words in the box in Activity 2 to help you.Step 7 Acting

Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions.1)What cartoons do you like reading or watching on TV? 2)When do you read or watch them? 3)Which one do you like best? Why?--What cartoons do you like reading?--I like reading …

Step8 Homework

1、Remember new words.2、Describe your favorite cartoon character 【教后反思】



Module 10 Unit1 Where are you going to go?






Step1、warming up 1 Greeting


Nod your head!


Shake your hand!


Raise your hand!


Put down your hand!


Look at me!Look at him!Look at her!


T:This summer, Daming is going to go to New York.He will take many things.Look, he made a list.1、(出示清单)教师领读,学习单词list.2、T:Can you guess what he is going to take?

3、同步骤学习单词toothbrush, shoes.4、T:He is going to go by air.So first he is going to go to the airport.And he is going to take his passport.学习单词airport和passport.(设计意图:通过看课件,结合看课件的图片,让学生在情景中感悟、理解、巩固语言知识,让学生感觉更贴近,更易理解。)

Step3.New teaching 1.T: Daming is going to go to New York.Now he feels nervous.(出示单词nervous 并教学)

Let's listen to the tape and look at the text.Then finish the questions.1).Daming is going to go to _________.2).Daming is going to take__________.3).Daming is going to go to the airport at ________.4)._______ is going to go to the airport.2.Listen to the tape again.Is Daming ready for his trip? Who is going to meet Daming in New York? Where is Daming going to go? What is Daming going to take?

When is he going to go to the airport? Who's going to go to the airport?



4、展示:以小组为单位朗读课文 Step4.Practice.Ask and answer.1.Where are you going to go this weekend? 2.When are you going to go there? 3.What are you going to do there? 4.Who’s going to go with you? 先小组内讨论,然后再两人展示,操练句型。Step5.小结。




Module 10 Unit 2 I’m in New York now.教学目标:

1、能够识别单词:arrive, taxi, flat, building, made, again.2、学习目标语句:Grandma made Chinese food for me.I want to try American food.I will write again soon.3、能够了解感知元字母组合 wh, wr, 在单词中的发音,并能够熟练朗诵本课歌谣 It’s a big exciting world。


能够谈论旅行经历。教学重点 :

1、掌握新单词:arrive, taxi, flat, building, made, again.2、掌握句型:Grandma made Chinese food for me.I want to try American food.I will write again soon.教学难点:

用一般过去时、一般现在时、一般将来时表达自己旅行经历。教学过程: Step1、Warm-up



1、在上节课中我们的好朋友Daming也去旅行,教师说:Where is he going to go? What is he going to take?When is he going to go to the airport?Who’s going to go to the airport? 通过询问复习疑问词:where、what、when、who,和上节课重点内容。

2、教师说:上节课我们知道Daming在为旅行做准备,现在他已经到达纽约,让我们一起来看看Daming 在New York 的所见所闻。Step3、New teaching

1、教师播放录音,让学生标出新单词arrive, taxi, flat, building, made, again.并感知课文。



(1)Where is Daming now ?

(New York)

(2)When did Daming arrive ?(Yesterday)(3)Who met Daming at the airport?(Grandma and Simon)(4)What did Daming see in New York?(Buildings, cards and people)(5)What food did he want to try?(American food)3.教师让学生完成课文活动2,并回答。

1)、He is in New York now.2)、He arrived yesterday.3)、Grandma and Cousin Simon met him at the airport.4)、His Grandma made Chinese food for him.4、教师带领学生分析课文活动3中的字母组合 wh, wh, wr 在单词中 w,h,r的发音,并让学生跟读录音。Wh when where

/w/ Wh who


/h/ Wr write



5、教师播放录音,学习Part 4 的歌曲It’s a big exciting world.并配上表情、动作。使课堂气氛再次得到升华。Step4、Practice 教师让同桌之间用以下句型相互提问,并回答问题 Where are you from?

Where are you going to go? When are you going to go there? What are you going to do there?

Who’s going to go with you ? Step5、Extension 讲述自己的旅游经历:向同学讲述自己的某次旅行经历。Step6、Summary.Step7 Homework 向家人、朋友讲述老师的旅行经历。教后反思

第四篇:外研版九上M6U1 教学设计


Module 6 Problems 单元名称

Unit1 If I start after dinner, I’ll finish it before I go to bed 教材版本

外研社 授课年级


一、课型:Listening and speaking


根据新教材“题材—功能—结构—任务”的编写原则来分析本模块的具体内容如下:本模块以青少年在成长过程中遇到的诸多问题话题,展开听、说、读、写的语言实践活动。功能是能够在日常交往中恰当理解和运用态度(警告和禁止:No deal.That’s not the point.)的语言形式。语法是能够正确运用if引导的条件状语从句。任务是让学生设计一个读者来信专栏,指导青少年面对问题,有效途径解决问题的思想意识。






1.话题:Interpersonal communication 2.语音:能够掌握条件状语从句的停顿。


名词:deal exam instrument habit(get into the habit of...)volunteer shame community knowledge point

动词:fail consider

形容词:musical necessary

副词: instead(instead of)

4.语法:能够正确运用if 引导的条件状语从句

5.功能:能够在日常交往中恰当理解和运用态度(警告和禁止:No deal.That’s not

the point.)的语言形式。










Step 1 Pre-listening 听前热身感知,激活学生思维,复习巩固词汇,有意识地进行训练,贴近中考题型。

1.Look at the pictures and the following words try to finish the sentences.【设计意图】学生根据图片提示选择词的适当形式填空,完成句子。利用交互式白板的拖拽功能拖拽图片以及词汇反查功能,尽快学习并熟悉本单元的话题词汇,激发学生的思维和背景知识,扫清下文听力词汇障碍,引入新课。

2.Free talk

【设计意图】学生根据图片提示练习条件从句(if +祈使句)的用法,在练习对话中自然引入(if+ 一般将来时)的用法,帮助学生尽快熟悉本模块语法内容,同时为后面的听力做好铺垫。

Step 2 While-listening 听中听力训练,获取具体信息

2.1.Listen and choose the best answers.Do it individually first, check in groups, =then together.【设计意图】利用点读笔音频功能,播放录音,学生听音选择,小组合作讨论。


Step 3 Post-listening 听后语言输出,注重运用提升

1.Listen and repeat the conversation first, then read by themselves, finally pay attention to mark the pauses.【设计意图】利用点读笔播放录音,学生听音模仿跟读对话,培养语感,掌握地


2.Analyze the conversation.Work in groups.Talk about the details about the dialogue, then choose the best answers and check.【设计意图】学生小组合作完成读对话,获取对话细节信息,帮助进一步理解课文内容。掌握相应知识点。

3.Read the conversation again and find the information about

1)Tony’s problems

2)Tony’s Excuses and Reasons

3)Suggestions from Tony’s father



4.Bonus time.Work in groups.Practise the chain game.【设计意图】学生小组合作,练习假设问题造成的循环结果;展示讨论结果,培养学生的语言组织以及输出能力,拓宽他们的思维,突破本课的重难点;注重语言的运用提升,达到本课说的技能目标要求。通过游戏的方式让学生在轻松的氛围中合作讨论,无形之中复习本单元的知识点。


A:1.Read the conversation correctly, fluently and naturally.2.Preview the new vocabulary in unit2.3.Write down your own chain game.B: Think about your problems in your daily life and try to deal with them.【设计意图】作业分必做题和选做题,学生会有更多的选择空间,培养预习习惯,提高学习兴趣,学有所获。利用交互式白板的标注功能,引起学生注意不同作业的侧重点,尤其是选做题,帮助学生针对自身问题进行思考,尝试处理自己的问题,学以致用。


Module 8 Time off Unit 1 I can hardly believe we’re in the city centre.一、教学目标(Teaching aim)

1、知识目标(Knowledge aim)

(1)在教学过程中学习和巩固单元新授单词 和短语hardly, sights, thirsty, waste ake up, point out, at the top of(2)熟练掌握that引导的宾语从句的句型结构和用法并运用该句型描述家乡的名胜

2、能力目标(Ability aim)


3情感目标(Moral aim)


二、教学重点(Teaching focus)

The object clauses(that引导的宾语从句)

教学难点(Teaching difficulty)

1.The object clauses That引导的宾语从句中从句人称的变化 2 宾语从句时态的变化 2.hard和hardly的区别

教学过程(Teaching Procedures)导入(Lead-in)


(2.)听课文Part 1,让学生看和描述北海公园的照片,为对话部分的学习做准备

2词汇学习(Vocabulary learning)

单词学习:通过图片学习单词,并练习本课的词汇。Reading and listening(1)Listen to Part 3 and answer the following questions.(2)Complete the sentences about Beihai Park.(3)Read the dialogue and mark T or F.通过本环节,让学生完成对对话部分的理解,对学过的重点句型进行巩固和复习,并要熟悉对话中的宾语从句的结构。




如I guess(that)…

I’m sure(that)… I know(that)…

I can’t believe(that)… I think(that)…

6、Homework(1)Introduce another place of Beijing in English.(必做)(2)Talk about another place of interest in your home town.(选做)

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