Phonics 教学 a的教案(精选5篇)

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第一篇:Phonics 教学 a的教案

Short /a/



1、掌握Aa 的短元音/a/。







一、Warming up:

1、Free talk.(师生互相问候)引出今天要学的课题 Short /a/。


1、(呈现一个实物苹果,T: What’s this? Ss: It’s an apple.)PPT 呈现苹果的图片,学习Aa is for apple, a a apple.板书/a/,教授/a/的读 音。

2、Now let’s watch the story about /a/.(观看故事)

3、学习字母an 组合的单词。拼读 ran

pan fan can(并板书)(大小声操练单词,看嘴型读单词、全班齐读、开火车)


5、学习字母at 组合的单词。拼读rat cat bat hat(并板书)(看手势读单词,全班读,分小组读,个别学生读)







四、Development: 说唱歌谣。(引导学生读,分小组比赛,看哪一组读得好)

五、Conclusion: 总结今天所学的内容。



2、把今天所教的an、at、ap、ad 的单词每个读三遍。




Lesson 1 s, a, t, n, i, p

Objectives: 1.The pupil will learn the letter sounds: s, a ,t, i ,p, n 2.Given words that contain these letters, the pupil will blend them correctly without any help form the teacher.3.Given a story which contains words having these letters, the pupil will decode those words by reading those words in sections of the story aloud correctly without any help from the teacher. Step 1 Review the alphabet Activity: Read the alphabet backwards 【设计意图】:从字母到字母的发音,温故而知新;并且可以把字母表作为学习phonics的学习地图。T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Pizza.T: First let’s review the letters.Can you read?(指着黑板上贴着的字母表)Ss: A, b, c, d„

T: Oh, please stop.That’s too easy for you to read from A to Z.Let’s read from Z to A.Ss: z, y, x„


 Step 2 Establish the concept of letter-sound association Activity: Hangman 【设计意图】:用“Hangman”作为游戏的评价工具,既有趣刺激,又可促使学生努力寻找线索猜测字母,而不是乱猜。在猜的过程中,初步建立“字母与发音之间是有联系”的感觉。不需要学生在这一步掌握/f/, /o/, /n/, /i/, /k/, /s/等音素,只是通过这个活动建立一个初步的概念——字母与发音之间有对应的关系。T: Today we will learn something new.That is PHONICS.(尽可能清晰地把phonics的每个音素读出来,边读边在黑板上画7根短横线。)There are 7 letters in the word.What are the letters? Let’s play “Hangman”.Ss: F, k„(T不断重复说phonics)

【教学预测】:这一步应当是课堂观察的热点所在。受母语的影响n, s, i, p, t这五个字母的发音较容易记忆,但也正因为同样的原因,极容易发不准。老师在授课前要做好如何应对学生不同表现的思考和准备,因为在英语中,同一个音是可以由不同的字母读出来的,例如f和ph都可以发/f/,k/c都可以发/k/等。T: Wonderful!单词由字母组成,字母有自己的发音,看到字母就知道怎么读,单词学习就是这么轻松,这就是phonics。准备好来学习phonics了吗? Ss: Yes.T: Today we will learn 6 letters.They are„(呈现六个目标字母)

Ss: S, a, t, n, i, p T: Yes.这些是字母,我们来学它们的发音(sound).【教学反思】:学生猜对了字母,或即使是说出了发相同音的其他字母,教师也要大力的重重的肯定和表扬他们,你会发现你的肯定和表扬对于刚接触学习这种新方法的学生来说,是多么的激励和坚定他们的信心啊!

 Step 3 Learn the sounds of the 6 letters, s, a, t, n, i, p Activity: Action Phonics 【设计意图】:低年级的孩子大都好动,给每个音配上一个动作,把语音学习与TPR相结合,让学生一边做动作一边说,能有效地帮助学生更好地掌握和记住这个发音,也使phonics学习生动有趣,而且还可以利用TPR开展音素识记的练习。给音素配动作时,老师的动作要夸张一点,学生才知道如何模仿。


1)The sound of letter s Gesture:snake 2)The sound of letter a Tips: 发音时,嘴巴要能放进两个手指

Gesture:蚂蚁爬在手臂上(出现ant的图片,然后做动作)3)The sound of letter t T: Letter T says ttttttttttt.Look at the children.They are playing tennis.Let’s watch the match.Gesture:头来回摆动,像看网球赛(出现看网球的图片,然后做动作)

4)The sound of letter i Tips: 发音短促,像打嗝一样

Gesture:假装成吃得很饱在打嗝的老鼠,发出iiiiiiii的短声 5)The sound of letter n Gesture:双手张开像开飞机一样,嘴里发出nnnnnnnnnn的声音 6)The sound of letter p Gesture:把手指放在嘴巴前,做出吹蜡烛的样子

(这个动作可以把手指当作蜡烛,然后在发/p/这个音的时候,可以顺势把手指弯曲一下,这样像是真的吹蜡烛一样。这样会很形象,而且容易记住。)7)Practice A.T does actions with showing flashcards, Ss say sounds B.T show flashcards only, Ss say sounds and do actions 【教学反思】:在试听课时,学生对各字母音所配的动作都很感兴趣,但由于我没有特别强调要学生一边做一边说,所以学生有时做了动作有时没做,以致到后面的practice环节中,教师做动作让学生说出相应字母音时,学生有些反应不过是哪一个音,使得这些动作的优势作用发挥不出来。可见教师指令清晰明确的重要性,而且老师应该把要求、示范做在前,学生后面的模仿练习才会更高效。

Step 4 Blending 【设计意图】:学习phonics的目的就是为了帮助学生学会拼读,帮助他们以后拼单词拼得更轻松,blending(拼读)是最关键的一步。老师在教拼读时,要紧记“从左到右”的规则。而本环节给学生提供真词练习,针对性强,既不会浪费学生的时间和精力去练习不存在的词,更不会给学生误导,而拼读有意义的单词价值更高。1)at, ap, an, it, ip, in eg.T shows flashcard a,Ss say /a/, T shows flashcard t, Ss say /t/, T shows a and t, and put them together like a-t, Ss say /at/ 2)sa, pa, ta, na, ti, pi, si, ni(PPT 9-10)T: /s/ + /a/(快速的读两个音),你们听到了什么? Ss: /sa/ 3)words(ppt 11)T: Can you read these word?Listen to me.S-at sat.Ss try to blend words by themselves.【教学反思】:在拼读的过程中,由于学生是第一次尝试将一个一个音拼读起来,如s-a-t,学生总会把尾音/t/给漏掉了。这是音位意识还未成功建立的原因,不必担心,强调多几次就好了。而老师在纠正时,不要用“整体带读纠正法”——直接读出这个单词,然后让学生跟读。这种做法与phonics完全不相关了。而应指着每一个字母s-a-t,请学生再读,老师在这个过程中,也可以示范读(必须同时逐个字母一一指点,指到哪里读到哪里)。拼读是phonics教学成败的关键,在这一步需要花最多的精力和时间。

Step 5 Reading 【设计意图】: 这一步的重点是检测学生的掌握情况:包括三个音的拼读,再到句子的拼读,再到把文章大声地朗读出来这样一个循序渐进的过程。让学生品尝到成功的果实,增强他们的自信心。阅读是检测phonics掌握程度的最佳方式之一。

T: You can blend words well.Let’s read a story.Story Nan: I am an ant.I am Nip.Nip: I am an ant, too.I am Nan.Nan: Nip, Nip, please come.Come and sit Nip: Ok, ok, sit sit sit.Nan & Nip: Ha ha, sit in the pan!

【教学反思】:在第一次上课时,我编写的是两个独立的句子,而且没配图,没能很好地引起学生的兴趣。在绘本故事的提示下,邓老师指导我编写了一个小故事,是两只蚂蚁之间的对话,并配上图,结果一切改变了。Meaning goes with pictures.图文并茂,还有简单的情节,学生兴趣来了,不仅踊跃练习拼读,而且还在图的帮助下理解了句子的意思,大大减轻了老师的讲解负担,也让学习更自然,而学生在练习和表演的过程中尝到成功的喜悦。

Step 6 Summary 【设计意图】: 通过设计四个不同难度的任务,让学生不知不觉间在游戏的过程中学会自我知识归类,并内化成自己的知识架构,方便将来需要用的时候可以提取得更轻松。

1)Ss circle out six letters(s, a, t, p, i, n)on the letter map 【设计意图】:(在letter map上圈出今天所学的六个字母,目的是帮助学生建立一个学习地图,形成整体的概貌,随着学生内容的不断增加,字母音图的图式也逐步随之完整。这样的学习容易识记,便于提取。)

2)T gives a word with the beginning sound s/a/t/p/i/n.【设计意图】学以致用,把自己学过的或者未学过的词用上。如果想降低难度,同时让学生学习资源策略,学会利用课本所附的词汇表,可以让学生打开书本的单词表,找出含有今天学得音素的单词,并把它们读出来。看谁找得多,找得快,读得准!

3)Ss copy the words and tell more words with the beginning sound s/a/t/p/i/n.【设计意图】建立音素的学习地图。因为学生的动作快慢各不相同,鼓励反应快的学生边写边再次说出含有这些音素的单词,让每位学生都能依据自己的学习速度充分利用时间。

4)Ss cut down the pictures and stick them under the corresponding words.(This step can be done after class.)【设计意图】继续完整音素学习地图,同时学习单词的意义。【教学反思】:在试听课时,让学生圈找出所学的6个字母时,由于事先没有提出时间限制,所以学生花了很长的时间,令此环节很低效。课堂要高效应该用时间来管理学生的行动。做每一步都应该有一个预设的时间,以及清晰的规则,让活动更高效。Step 7 Homework Blend the real words on the worksheet.【设计意图】:学生有不同的层次,要满足他们的不同需求,就必须为他们提供足够多的资源,让掌握得较好的同学“吃得饱”,让暂时较落后的同学有进步努力的方向。


Phonics 1--2 Step 1:Warming up Step 2.Review 1.复习字母操

T:Good morning,boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Amy.T:Everybody stand up!我们一起来做字母操!2.Review T:刚刚我们做的字母的名字,还记得第一次Amy问字母的声音是什么吗?那现在小朋友知道字母的声音是什么了吧。那现在Amy做动作你们来说声音哦,答对了可以加分哦!1)老师做动作,学生抢答发音

2)用Flashcard来抢发音,看最后谁的卡片是最多的 3)踩地雷游戏 Step 3:Presentation 1.拼读cv单词 老师拼学生读出来



T:那它长大之后是什么声音呢?(写出A)S:a_e T:对了,跟老师读一遍A_e,我们要拖得长长的,现在来跟老师比赛,看看谁会赢哦!T:Are you ready?



T:你们都很厉害呢,那现在我拿换一个新的,把ee拿出来(用比赛和拍卡片的方式学习操练)用已上的方法学习o_e的发音 Step 4:Practice 1.老鹰抓小鸡 2.大风吹的游戏

Phonics 3-4 Step 1:Review(15’)1.一起做字母操

T:Let’s do it together.AAA…..2.复习b-z,a-u的发音 复习活动:


卡片游戏:老师展示卡片,谁读得最快就给谁,看最后谁的卡片最多就加分。Step 2:Presentation 1.拼读cv单词(10‘)


先给出a_e的发音,问学生ba_e读什么,然后在空格里面加单独发音,一起拼读两到三个 3.学习o_e,u_e的发音 长大之后的发音是O,U 操练游戏:大风吹和拍卡片 4.学习ch,sh的发音 ch的动作是吃饭 sh的动作是洗手

操练游戏:进阶,拍卡片 Step 3:Zac the Rat 再一次复习Zac the Rat Step 4:Practice 拼读老师出的任意cvc单词,玩cvc游戏 Step 5:Homework 和下一节课一起布置

Phonics 5-6 Step 1:Review 1.Warm up T:Good morning,everyone!S:Good morning,Amy!(回答了的就give me five)T:Everybody stand up,Let’s do A B C!(带着做字母操)2.Review 1)先一起读一遍发音,然后玩三轮老鹰抓小鸡,被抓到的小朋友要求读一排发音 2)用Flash card混入哭脸笑脸卡片,让孩子针对看到的卡片做出反应,玩两轮 3)Step by Step的进阶游戏,看哪个小朋友最先达到终点 4)复习ch/sh/a_e—u_e的发音

复习活动:老鹰抓小鸡,What do you want? Step 2: Presentation 1.用j的动作引出tr的发音并加以 区别 学会之后玩寻宝的游戏

2.学习dr的发音,捉人,学会之后用拍卡片的方法操练 3.学习th的发音,学会之后用抢答的方式操练加分 Step 3:Practice 用传声筒的游戏让小朋友复习tr dr发音并找出区别 Step 4:拼读cvc单词 1.和老师比赛

2.自己拼读挑战加分 Step 5:学习b的Rap Step 6:Homework

Phonics 7-8 Step 1: Review 1.复习字母操

(老师带着学生做从A到Z)2.复习b-z,a-u_e的发音 复习游戏:A.踩地雷


C.心有灵犀:一个小朋友做动作,另一个猜发音 3.拼读CVC单词

老师任意写一个CVC单词,并带着学生拼读 4.复习ch,sh的发音,动作是吃东西和洗手 Step 2.Presentation 1.复习tr, dr, th 玩Step by Step的游戏操练 2.学习b c 的绕口令

T:Can you tell me , what’s the sound of letter b? S: be T: Today we will learn some rap.Bb B--b bear

B--b bed

B--b ball

B--b bird

B--b bus

B--b balloon Baby bear, baby bear, Bounces a ball, Bb says b-b-b, A big, blue ball!T:接下来我们要学的是C Cc C—c cat

C—c car

C—c cow

C—c cake

C—c candy

C—c carrot Candy cat, candy cat, Come, come, come, I say c-c-c, Come, come, come!3.拼读cvce单词 Step3.Practice 一起跟视频朗读单词和Rap Step 4:Homework 自己在家完成字母书的制作

Phonics 9-10 Step 1:Warming up 整体读26个辅音 游戏:踩地雷 Step2.拼读cv单词 Step3:拼读cvc单词

step4:学习ar,or的发音 Step5:拼读单词 Step 6学习小chant Kk

Let’s learn K—k kangaroo

K—k key K—k king

K—k kettle

Let’s rap Kangaroo, kangaroo, Kick the ball!Kk says k-k-k, Kick the ball!Dd

Let’s learn D—d dog

D—d doll D—d dollar

D—d doctor

Let’s rap Dancing dog, dancing dog, Dancing all the way!Dd says d-d-d., Dancing all the days!

Phonics 13-14 Step 1:Warming up 整体读26个辅音

K—k kite

K—k ketchup

D—d duck D—d donkey

游戏:踩地雷 Step2.拼读cv单词 Step3:拼读cvc单词

step4:学习ear,oi的发音 Step5:拼读单词 Step 6学习小chant Ll

Let’s learn L—l lion

L—l lamp

L—l lizard

L—l ladder

Let’s rap Little lizard, little lizard, Leaping to the leaf, Ll says l-l-l, Little, little lizard!Mm

Let’s learn M—m mouse

M—m mouth M—m moon

M—m milk

Let’s rap Mouse, mouse, mouse, Moving in the house, I yell m-m-m, Mummy, mummy, mummy!Phonics 15-16 Step 1:Warming up 整体读26个辅音 游戏:踩地雷 Step2.拼读cv单词 Step3:拼读cvc单词

step4:学习word family portrait1的发音 Step5:拼读单词 Step 6学习小chant Nn

Let’s learn N—n nurse

N—n nose

N—n net

N—n noodle

L—l leaf

L—l lollipop

M—m monkey

M—m mountain N—n nest

N—n newspaper

Let’s rap Nose, nose, nose.I have a red nose.Nn says n-n-n, Nose, nose, nose!Pp

Let’s learn P—p pig

P—p pen

P—p penguin

P—p pizza

Let’s rap Pinky pig, pinky pig, Paints with a pen!Pp says p-p-p, Pinky, pinky pig!Phonics 17-18 Step 1:Warming up 整体读26个辅音 游戏:踩地雷 Step2.拼读cv单词 Step3:拼读cvc单词

step4:学习word family portrait 2的发音 Step5:拼读单词 Step 6学习小chant Qqu

Let’s learn Q—q queen

Q—q quilt

Q—q quarry

Q—q quarrel

Let’s rap Queenie duck, Queenie duck, What do you say? I say q-q-q, Quack, quack, quack!Rr

Let’s learn R—r rabbit

R—r rain

R—r river

R—r ribbon

P—p panda

P—p pirate

Q—q quiet

Q—q question mark

R—r robot

R—r rainbow

Let’s rap Run, run!Racing rabbit, Run, run, run!Rr says r-r-r, Runs round and round and round.


Plans of Phonics in summer holidays Sherry 2013.6.25 Outlines: Day 1: Starter +Lesson 1-4 Day 2: Lesson5-8 Day 3: Revision of starter & Lesson1-8 Day 4: Lesson9-12 Day 5: Lesson13-16 Day 6: Lesson17-18 & Revision of all



8:30-11:30(Four parts)Contents: 1.Learn 26letters and the alphabet song.(Just know about26 words)2.Learn The sounds of letters ‘a,e’



‘a_e’ and words 3.Learn four texts:

the story ,the chant ,the song,the chant


Skill objectives 1 To understand what

is and why we should learn

To pronouce 26 letters correctly;to sing the new alphabet song well 3 To keep the 4 structures ‘a,e’



‘a_e’in mind;to pronouce the sounds of them correctly;to get the representative words[ˌrepriˈzentətiv wə:k] To generally(大体的)sing or tell the four texts,and frequently sing or tell them at home.(Objective 4 is To consolidate Objective 3)

Emotion objectives 1 To do self-introduction by everyone passionally;to remember names as many as they can.2 To pronouce ,to enjoy the beautiful sounds!Love your life by chant beautifully.Imp points:sounds of letters;sounds and words of the four structures Puzzles:differences between sounds of ‘a’ ‘e’;sounds of ‘o’ ‘u’ ,’a_e’

Teaching tools 1 Multimedia classroom;2 Audio(音响);3 Letter & pictures cards 4 Computer;U disk Procedures


Firstly,do self-introduction quickly;then tell kids the meanings of phonics.And group them into four groups for uniting and racing..Secondly,listen and read 26 letters correctly and learn to sing .Listen and sing more.focus on their pro when singing.We will use ‘clapping hands’ or

other ‘body movements’;The four groups will compete, to sing it much better.Thirdly,learn lesson 1 ‘a’‘e’

Step1: write the structures on board ‘a’‘e’

Let kids watch carefuuly and know difference between letter sounds and word-sound.Step2:Then listen to the audio twice(First time –just listen;second time-follow reading)Focus on kids voice at any time.(时刻提醒孩子们的发音正确以及大声发音。)Step3: Lead ss to observe ‘what does it pro in these words?’

‘in what kinds of words it pro /@/ /e/ ?’

Where are they different ?(两者发音有相似之处,为避免混淆,让学生找出两者不同!)let kids answer by themselves.(refer to closed syllable but not focus on it.Kids just know these are closed syllable.Teacher will refer to it every day.)Step4: Read together and compete and give ranks.T corrects.Fourthly, Learn the story to consolidate ‘a’

‘e’ sounds.Step1: T gives questions to kids: 1 What’s the girl’s name? What’s the cat’s name? What’s the rat’s name?

with these 3 questions ,kids listen to the audio once.Step2: listen twice and follow reading loudly!Step3: listen for the third time and read loudly with body movements!Step4: compete in groups and give the ranks immediately.Lastly, let’s conclude!All rise and pro loudly together!Ending…

Part2(40’)Firstly ,warm up by singing the song twice.Review quickly and Learn Lesson 2 and 3 ‘e’’i’ ‘o’ ‘u’.The procedures are similar to Part1.Part3(40’)Firstly ,warm up by singing the song twice.Review above and learn Lesson 4.Part4(40’)

Review Lesson 1-4 and do worksheet.Firstly ,warm up by singing the song twice.By sing twice.Secondly, kids read sounds on the board and T correctly immediately!Then kids follow reading once.then kids read all by themselves.Thirdly, compete and give ranks!Fourthly,read four stories together generally.Fifthly,do audio exercises.T walk around to observe each kid working.When bingo kids give answers and others check.T gives marks.Lastly, give homework and give each kid one cute sticker to encourage them.Bye bye to each other!

第五篇:Phonics 教案


overview 1.short vowels – a e I o u 1)a/ / map cat glad hat apple 2)e/ / let red bed set get egg men best net nest letter mend 3)i/ / sit wig big film with sister this fix mix lit 4)o/ / not dog fox lot box boss got doctor model loft 5)u/ / must much trust truck luck drug dust hurry

2.Magic E – a_e e_e i_e o_e u_e 1)a_e :lake cake make take name fame bake take gate plane space 2)3)4)

3.Long Vowels – ai ay ee ea ey ie igh oa ow ui ue y y

1)ai ay /ei/ :rain wail mail brain train nail tail aid aim bail chain

may say play pay way day today bay ray crayon 2)ee ea ey /i:/ :keep sheep see meet deep sweet sweep sleep sheet greet feel tree

eat meat sea team dream feast leave seat wheat beat i_e : nice like kite bite wite write wife price side o_e : smoke home hope nose note stone bone u_e : use excuse huge cute amuse fuse confuse



(/i/ monkey money donkey)3)ie igh /ai/ :die pie tie lie

fight might bright light sight flight 4)oa ow /eu/ :coat boat goat road coast toast moan loan moat coax

snow blow crow window throw mow 5)ui ue /u:/ :

blue glue sue clue 6)y /ai/ :spy cry fly fry sky

(y/i/ :study sunny cloudy snowy windy loudy)

4.R-Vowels – or ar ur er ir

1)or / / :form horse force forward short more corner north lord 2)ar /a:/ :bar car card far farm park bark large hard dark mark 3)ur er ir / /:purple nurse burn turn fur

surve servent term nervous her per lerp nerve

bird firm girl shirt thirty thirsty third birthday circus circle

5.Diphthongs(双元音)– ou ow oi oy 1)ou ow /au/ :about shout out mouth house cloud outdoor output loud


how now crow crown flower drown brown cow down 2)oi oy / / :oil soil boil coin spoil join point noise choice

Boy toy soy employ annoy joy

6.Vowel Digraphs(复合元/母音)– au aw oo/oo ea 1)au aw / / :because cause cautious daughter clause pause caught naughty automobile angust sauce

draw saw hawk fawn lawn dawn taws gawk 2)oo /u:/ :foot food hook room balloon noon moon 3)oo/u:/ :book look good 4)ea/i:/ : meat

7.Other Vowels – al/all ew 1)al all/ /:talk walk false stalk chalk

all call fall wall mall small hall 2)ew/ju:/ :new few nephew

8.Consonant Digraphs(复合子/辅音)– ch sh wh ph th/th kn wr mb 1)ch: china change choose chance charm cheat chat cheap chicken choice

Phonics 2)sh: she shy show ship sharp shoe short shock shobby shoulder shot shop cash flash 3)wh: what where why when white when wheel whale whistle(口哨)whiskers(胡须)4)ph: photo phone photographer pheasant(野马)phcoma()phobia()phobos()5)th/th: thant think throw mouth month thin thick teeth south thousand

than then these those their them thief thus this that there cloth 6)kn: knife knight(骑士)know knowledge knew knee knack(诀窍)knobble(小枝节)knickknock(小摆设)7)wr: write wrong wren wrench(扳手)wreach wrap(围巾)wreth(花环)wring(拧)wraf wreck(失事)8)

9.Blends(混合子音或双子音)– bl fl pl cl gl cr gr pr br fr tr dr sm sn sl sw sp st sc sk 1)bl: black blow black blew blame blem blick block 2)fl: flower fly flow flag floss flip flight flove flame 3)pl: play plite plent plan plain plenty plate mb: limb climb flimb dimb bimb comb

Phonics 4)cl: class(room)clock clean clair clearn clone clap clasp clip 5)gl: glass glue glove glone glow glamorous(迷人的)gline glace gloss 6)cr: crane crap crag crab ice-cream creek crocodile cribber 7)gr: grape green greet great gradute gradful gray grow gress grass 8)pr: present prince princess prom problem prover prob prison progress practice 9)br: brother brown brush brisk brin brain bright bridge broad 10)fr: friend frog fruit freeze frozen fracher fraction froe fry 11)tr: try trade travel train truck tree trick traffic trial transport tradition true 12)dr: drip dry drag drop dream drink drama dress drive drum drill drift dragon draw 13)sm: small smear smile smart smoke smack smash smell smirk smite 14)sn: snail snack snow snake snap snare sniff sneeze snick snide 15)sl: slame slave slow slowly slove slap slim slight slaw slay 16)sw: sweet sweat swim swag swallow swam swarm swear sway swing 17)sp: speak sport space spider spend spicy speed spare spark spoke 18)st: stop stay stand story stone stove store storm

Phonics 19)sc: scape school scope scam scamp scan scip scar scarce scare scarf 20)sk: sky skip skill skin skim skull skunk skive skirt

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