
时间:2019-05-13 12:13:56下载本文作者:会员上传




1.It is a fine day.The sun __________(shine)brightly.2.They ___________(visit)the Science Museum next Sunday.3.Mr Brown __________(live)in Beijing since he came to China.4.Mr Wang ___________(teach)us English two years ago.5.The Smiths _______________(watch)TV at this time last night.6.Bill isn’t here.He ___________(chat)with his friends in the classroom.7.The teacher said that the moon __________(go)round the earth.8.The Young Pioneers will go to the zoo if it ____________(not rain)this Sunday.9.Listen!They ____________(talk)about the new film.10 The host ____________(interview)the little boy just now.11.The Greens __________(watch)TV now.12.My sister is a student and she _____________(study)at a middle school nearby 13.My brother_____________(join)the League in 1997.14.The farmers __________(pick)apples when I saw them.15.The red skirt __________(cost)the girl forty yuan.二.常见考题与易错题

1.Tell Lily to call me as soon as she ____.A.will arrive

B.gets there

C.has gone

D.reach here 2.----Do you know when Dr White ____ for dinner this evening?----No, but I think he ____ when he is free.A.will come;comes

B.will come;will come


D.comes;will come 3.----Mike wants to know if ____ a picnic tomorrow.----Of course.But if it ____, we'll visit the museum instead.A.you have;will rain

B.you will have;will rain

C.you will have;rains

D.will you have;rains 4.Mr.White ____ the newspaper while his daughter ____TV.A.has read;was watching

B.was reading;watched

C.was reading;was watching

D.reading;watched 5.____ you ever____ Tom before?

No, I ___ him just two minutes ago.A.Did, know;met

B.Have, know;have met C.Have, know;met

D.Did, know;had met 6.Mr Smith ____ short stories, but he ____ a TV Play these days.A.is writing;is writing

B.is writing;writes

C.writes;is writing

D.writes;writes 7.How did the accident happen?

You know, it ____ difficult to see the road clearly because it ___.A.was;was raining

B.was;had rained

C.is;is raining

D.was;rained 8.How long ___ you ___ England, Sue?

Since two years ago.A.have;been to

B.have;gone to C.have;been in

D.have;moved to 9.It___ ten years since they ____ to France A.was;moved

B.was;have moved

C.has;have moved

D.has been;moved 10.He ____ wait until the rain ____.A.won't;will stop



D.will;will stop 11.My sister ___ to see me.She’ll be here soon.A.comes

B.is coming

C.has come

D.come 12.____ you____ the text?

Yes, we____ it two hours ago.A.Did, copy;did

B.Have, copied;have copied C.Have, copied;did

D.Did, copy;had 13.I called you yesterday evening, but there was no answer.Oh, I am sorry.I ____ dinner at my friend's home.A.have


C.was having

D.have had 14.-Excuse me, look at the sign over there, please.Could you stop smoking?

----Sorry, I ____ that.A.didn’t see

B.don’t see

C.won’t see

D.can’t see 15.So you went to see the film with Tom.----Yes, but Bob ____ with us.A.won't go

B.isn't going

C.doesn't go

D.didn't go




所谓“时”就是行为发生的时段或状态存在的时段,即:“现在、进行、过去、将来”四种;所谓“态”就是行为或状态发生时所呈现的状态,有一般状态、进行状态、完成状态和完成进行状态四种。由时态结合,便形成下列十六种时态: 一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,一般过去将来时; 现在进行时,过去进行时,将来进行时,过去将来进行时; 现在完成时,过去完成时,将来完成时,过去将来完成时;

现在完成进行时,过去完成进行时,将来完成进行时,过去将来完成进行时. 一般现在时

1.概念:表示经常发生的情况、有规律出现的情况、总是发生的事和事实真理。2.时间状语:Always, usually, often, sometimes, every week(day, year, month„),once a week(day, year, month„),on Sundays(on Mondays „).3.基本结构:主语 + do/does +其他;(如主语为第三人称单数,动词上要改为第三人称单数形式)。

4.否定形式:主语 + am/is/are + not + 其他(此时态的谓语动词若为行为动词,则在其前加don't,如主语为第三人称单数,则用doesn't,同时还原行为动词)。5.一般疑问句:把be动词放于句首;用助动词do提问,如主语为第三人称单数,则用does,同时,还原行为动词。6.例句:(1)It seldom snows here.这里很少下雪。

(2)He is always ready to help others.他总是乐于帮助别人。(3)Action speaks louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。一般过去时


2.时间状语:ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last(year, night, month„),in 1989,just now, at the age of 5,one day, long long ago, once upon a time, etc.3.基本结构:主语 + 动词的过去式或be的过去式+名词。

4.否定形式:主语 + was/were + not + 其他(在行为动词前加didn't,同时还原行为动词)。5.一般疑问句:was或were放于句首;用助动词do的过去式did 提问,同时还原行为动词。6.例句:(1)She often came to help us in those days.那些天她经常来帮助我们。(2)I didn't know you were so busy.我不知道你是这么忙。一般将来时


2.标志:Tomorrow, soon, in a few minutes,,the day after tomorrow, etc.3.基本结构:(1)主语 + am/is/are + going to + do sth(2)主语 + will/shall + do + do sth 4.否定句:在系动词is/am/are或情态动词will/shall后加not 5.一般疑问句:be放于句首;will/shall提到句首。{首字母大写} 6.例句:They are going to have a competition with us in studies.他们将有一场比赛和我们一起研究。

It is going to rain.天要下雨了。一般过去将来时

1.概念:立足于过去某一时刻,从过去看将来,常用于宾语从句中。2.时间状语:The next day(morning , year„),the following month(week„),etc.3.基本结构:主语 + was/were + going to + do + 其它;主语 + would/should + do +其它 4.否定形式:主语 + was/were + not + going to + do;主语 + would/should + not + do.5.一般疑问句:was或were放于句首;would/should 提到句首。6.例句:(1)He said he would go to Beijing the next day.他说他第二天要去北京。(2)I asked who was going there.我问,谁要去那里。现在进行时

1.概念:表示现阶段或说话时正在进行的动作及行为。2.时间状语:Now, at this time, days, etc.look, listen 3.基本结构:主语+ be + doing + 其它

4.否定形式:主语 + be + not +doing + 其它 5.一般疑问句:把be动词放于句首。

6.例句:How are you feeling today? 你今天感觉如何? He is doing well in his lessons.在课上他表现得很好。过去进行时


2.时间状语:at this time yesterday, at that time或以when引导的谓语动词是一般过去时的时间状语等。

3.基本结构主语+was/were +doing +其它

4.否定形式:主语+was/were + not +doing+其它 5.一般疑问句:把was或were放于句首。(第一个字母大写)

6.例句:At that time she was working in a PLA unit.那段时间她在人民解放军部队工作。When he came in, I was reading a newspaper.他进来时,我正在读报纸。将来进行时


2.时间状语:Soon, tomorrow, this evening,on Sunday, by this time,in two days, tomorrow evening 3.基本结构:主语 + shall/will + be + 现在分词 + 其它

4.否定形式:主语 + shall/will + not + be + 现在分词 + 其它

5.例句:This time next day they will be sitting in the cinema.下一天的这个时间,他们正坐在电影院。

He won’t be coming to the party.他不去参加聚会了。过去将来进行时 1.概念:表示就过去某一时间而言,将来某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作,主要用于宾语从句中,尤其多用于间接引语中。2.基本结构:should/would + be + 现在分词

3.例句:They said they would be coming.他们说了他们将要来。

He said he could not come because he would be having a meeting.他说他不能来因为要开会。现在完成时

1.概念:过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,或从过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。2.时间状语:yet, already ,just, never, ever, so far, by now, since + 时间点,for + 时间段,recently, lately, in the past few years, etc.3.基本结构:主语 + have/has + p.p(过去分词)+ 其它

4.否定形式:主语 + have/has + not + p.p(过去分词)+ 其它 5.一般疑问句:have或has放句首。

6.例句:I've written an article.我已经写了一篇论文。

The countryside has changed a lot in the past few years.在过去的几年,农村发生了巨大的变化。过去完成时


2.时间状语:Before, by the end of last year(term, month„),etc.3.基本结构:主语 + had + p.p(过去分词)+ 其它

4.否定形式:主语 + had + not +p.p(过去分词)+ 其它 5.一般疑问句:had放于句首。

6.例句:As soon as we got to the station, the train had left.当我们到车站的时候,火车已经开走了。

By the end of last month, we had reviewed four books.到上个月底,我们已经复习了四本书。基本结构:主语 + had + p.p(过去分词)+ 其它 ①肯定句:主语 + had + p.p(过去分词)+ 其它

②否定句:主语 + had + not + p.p(过去分词)+ 其它 ③一般疑问句:Had +主语 + p.p(过去分词)+其它 ④特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句 将来完成时


2.时间状语:by the time of;by the end of + 时间短语(将来);by the time + 从句(将来)3.基本结构:主语 + be going to/will/shall + have + p.p(过去分词)+ 其它 4例句:By the time you get back, great changes will have taken place in this area.到你回来的时候,就将发生巨大的变化。过去将来完成时


2.基本结构:should/would have done sth.3.例句:I thought you'd have left by this time.我想这会儿你已经走了。

He told them he would have finished it by 8 o'clock.他告诉他们他会在8点以前干完。现在完成进行时


2.基本结构:主语 + have/has + been + doing + 其它 3.时间状语:since + 时间点,for + 时间段等。

4.例子:I have been sitting here for an hour.我已经在这里坐了一个小时。

The children have been watching TV since six o'clock.从6点起,孩子们一直看电视。过去完成进行时


2.基本结构:主语 + had + been + doing + 其它

3.例子:She had been suffering from a bad cold when she took the exam.她在考试之前一直患重感冒。

Had they been expecting the news for some time? 他们期待这个消息有一段时间了吧? 4.特殊含义:①尚未完成:He had been writing the novel.他已经在写小说了。(他没写完)②企图:He had been studying the meaning of this proverb.他曾经学习过这个谚语。(他曾努力学习过它)③未得结果:We had been studying what our enemy had said.我们一直致力于敌人所说的。(但是我们没有理解)

④最近情况:He had been quarrelling with his wife.他和他的妻子吵了一场架。(最近)⑤反复动作:He had been asking me the same question.他一直问我相同的问题。(屡次)⑥情绪:What had he been doing?他做了什么 将来完成进行时


2.基本结构:shall/will have been doing 3.例子:I shall have been working here in this factory for twenty years by the end of the year.到今年年底,我将在这个工厂工作20年了。

If we don't hurry up the store will have been closing before we get there.咱们如不快一点儿,等我们到了那儿,店门就会关了。过去将来完成进行时

1.概念:表示从过去某时看至未来某时以前会一直在进行的动作。2.基本结构:should/would + have + been +现在分词

3.例子:He told me that by the end of the year he would have been living there for thirty years.他告诉我,到年底时,他就在那住了30年了。
























将来完成时 /



/ / /


1.Look at the timetable.Hurry up!Flight 4026 ______ off at 18∶20.A.takes


C.will be taken

D.has taken 答案 A 解析: 飞机、火车等按时刻表运行,表达时用一般现在时表将来。

2.The young girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous.She_before.A.hasn’t flown

B.didn’t fly

C.hadn’t flown

D.wasn’t flying

答案 C 解析: hadn’t flown动作发生在was nervous之前。

3.My cousin went to Canada two years ago.He ______ there for a few months and then went to America.A.worked

B.would work

C.would be working

D.has been working 答案 A 解析: 考查一般过去时的基本用法。句中并列连词and连接两个发生在过去的顺承的动作,时态应该一致。

4.--Your job ______ open for your return.--Thanks.A.will be kept

B.will keep

C.had kept

D.had been kept 答案 A 解析: keep the job/the position open使工作、职位等处于空缺状态,由句意“随时欢迎你回来工作”可知用将来时。

5.--______ you ______ him around the museum yet?--Yes.We had a great time there.A.Have;shown

B.Do;show C.Had;shown

D.Did;show 答案 A 解析: 此处表示说话者询问对方“有没有带领他参观博物馆”的结果,故用现在完成时。6.--I saw Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening.--Impossible.She ______ TV with me in my home then.A.watched

B.had watched

C.would watch

D.was watching 答案 D 解析: 考查动词时态。句意为:“我昨晚8点钟在公园看见简和她男朋友了!”“不可能。她当时正在我家和我一起看电视。”此处时间状语为then,指的是at eight yesterday evening,指过去某一时间点正在进行的动作,故应用过去进行时态。7.The flowers were so lovely that they ______ in no time.A.sold

B.had been sold

C.were sold

D.would sell 答案 C 解析: 由“were so...”可知此处用一般过去时态;flowers应该是“被卖光”,故用被动形式。8.--What’s that noise?

--Oh, I forgot to tell you.The new machine ______.A.was tested

B.will be tested C.is being tested

D.has been tested 答案 C 解析: 根据一对一的问答可知,“机器正在被检测”,故选C项。

9.In a room above the store,where a party ______, some workers were busily setting the table.A.was to be held

B.has been held C.will be held

D.is being held 答案 A 解析: 考查动词的时态与语态。根据“some workers were busily setting the table”判断,聚会还没举行,应用将来时态,且整个句子用了过去时,故用过去将来时态。10.--I have got a headache.--No wonder.You ______ in front of that computer too long.A.work

B.are working

C.have been working

D.worked 答案 C 解析: 考查动词的时态。由“I have got a headache”可知,空处应用现在完成进行时表示动作“从过去开始持续至今且还会进行下去”,体现过去开始的动作对现在的影响及结果。

二、热点时态: 一般过去时,现在完成时,过去完成时,过去进行时 1.I ______ you not to move my dictionary--now I cannot find it.A.asked


C.was asking

D.had asked 2.--The window is dirty.--I know.It ____ for weeks.A.hasn’t cleaned B.didn’t clear C.wasn’t cleaned D.hasn’t been cleaned 3.She was surprised to find the fridge empty;the child _____ everything!A.had been eating

B.had eaten

C.have eaten

D.have been eating 4.--Has Sam finished his homework today?

--I have no idea.He ______ it this morning.A.did

B.has done

C.was doing

D.had done 5.--Have you decided already?

--Yes, I______ at once.--Yes, I______ already.A.have decided


C.will decide

D.had decided

三、易混时态辨析: 1.一般现在时和现在进行时

1).Listen to the two girls by the window.What language ____ they _______(speak)? 2).I ______ ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the new year.A.will play

B.have played


D.play 一般现在时指经常性,习惯性的动作;而现在进行时则表示此刻或近一段时间正在进行的动作。


1).He ______ a book about China last year, but I don’t know if he ______ it.A.wrote;has finished

B.was writing;has finished C.was writing;had finished

D.wrote;will finish

过去进行时表当时正在进行而尚未完成的动作或状态。2).As she _______ the newspaper, Granny _______ asleep.A.read;was falling

B.was reading;fell

C.was reading;was falling



1).I _______(live)there for six years when I was a kid.2).He ________ abroad for ten years and now he is used to the life in Beijing.A.has lived

B.had lived


D.was living 3).When I was at college I _______ three foreign languages but I ________ all except a few words of each.A.spoke;had forgotten

B.spoke;have forgotten

C.had spoken;had forgotten

D.had spoken;have forgotten 二者所表示动作均发生在过去。一般过去时仅指动作在过去发生了,对现在没有影响;现在完成时的动作虽发生在过去,但影响到现在仍然存在。


1.Ladies and gentlemen,please fasten your seat belts.The plane ______.A.takes off

B.is taking off

C.has taken off

D.took off 答案 B 解析: 考查动词的时态。动词go,come,leave及词组take off等用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作。

2.John,a friend of mine,who got married only last week,spent $ 3,000 more than he ______ for the wedding.A.will plan

B.has planned

C.would plan

D.had planned 答案 D 解析: plan表示的动作发生在spend这一过去动作之前,故应该用过去完成时。句意为:我的朋友约翰上周结婚了,婚礼花去了3 000美元,超过了原计划。3.--Did you see a man in black pass by just now?--No, sir.I ______ a newspaper.A.read

B.was reading C.would read

D.am reading 答案 B 解析: 由just now判断应用过去时态,又由语境“穿黑衣服的人路过时,我正在看报,所以没看见他”知空处要用过去进行时。

4.I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I ______ there several years ago.A.are going

B.had been


D.have been 答案 C 解析: 句中several years ago是一般过去时的标志。5.--Have you got any job offers?--No.I ______.A.waited

B.had been waiting

C.have waited

D.am waiting 答案 D 解析: 句意为:“有人给你提供工作了吗?”“没有,我正在等着。”用现在进行时态表示正在进行的动作或存在的状态。

6.When you are home, give a call to let me know you ______ safely.A.are arriving

B.have arrived

C.had arrived

D.will arrive 答案 B 句意: 当你到家的时候,打电话给我让我知道你已经到家了。

解答:根据选项此题考察时态。此题可以根据句意也可以使用排除法。句意为“当你到家的时候,打电话给我让我知道你已经到家了”B选项使用现在完成时表示将来完成,译为“已经„„”。同时也可以使用排除法,arrive既可以使用现在进行时表示将来也可以用will + do表示将来,因此A和D同时排除,C为过去完成时,使用过去完成时时句中一定要有一般过去时,过去完成时是过去的过去,因此C也排除,选择B.7.--Tommy is planning to buy a car.--I know.By next month, he _______ enough for a used one.A.saves


C.will save

D.will have saved 答案 D 解析: 考查动词的时态。句意为“——Tommy将计划买车。——我知道,到下个月为止,他积攒的钱足够买一辆旧车了。”by next month是将来完成时的标志,全句表示在将来next month之前完成“积攒足够钱”的动作,对将来的时间next month产生影响,能买一辆旧车。故选D。

8.--That must have been a long trip.--Yeah, it ______ us a whole week to get there.A.takes

B.has taken


D.was taking 答案 C 解析: 考查动词的时态。句意为“——那一定是长途旅行。——是的,我们花了整整一周时间才赶到那儿。”题干中must have done是对过去的肯定推测,提示时间在过去,描述过去的情况,排除A和B,D项was taking进行时态表将来,但事实上事情已发生,这与题意不符,因此选C。

9.When Alice came to, she did not know how long she ______ there.A.had been lying

B.has been lying

C.was lying

D.has lain 答案 A 解析: 考查动词的时态。句意为“当Alice苏醒过来时,她不知道她在那儿躺了多久了。”过去完成进行时主要表示持续到过去某时之前的动作。came to苏醒过来是过去时,苏醒前的情况是过去的过去,强调过去的过去里发生的事,故选A。

10.Planning so far ahead _ no sense--so many things will have changed by next year.A.made

B.is making


D.has made 答案 C 解析: 考查动词的时态。句意为“计划这么超前毫无意义—到明年许多事情会发生变化的。”前句表示现在的情况make no sense,后句表示到将来会产生的后果will have changed。一般现在时表示主语的特征或状态。is making和has made表示具体的动作过程,故不选。因此选C。








1、概念:一般现在时的基本用法有四种。(1)表示现在的状况,如Mr、Green has two children、(2)表示主语所具备的性格或能力,如Ann enjoys listening to the radio、Miss White speaks Chinese very well、(3)表示经常性、习惯性或反复出现的动作或状态,如I usually rest on Sundays、Mr、Brown always gets up early、LiLei goes to see Uncle Wang once a month、(4)表示客观事实和普遍真理,如It never snows in Australia in December、Light travels faster than sound、2、结构:一般现在时的结构在一般情况下用动词原形,当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词也要相应变成单数形式,其否定式、疑问式要加助动词do或does。例如:Miss Gao teaches us English、Does your mother work in a factory?

3、标志:一般现在时常与下列表示频率的副词或短语连用:always,usually,often,sometimes,seldom,never,twice a week,on Sundays等。




3、标志:用法(1)常与下列词语连用:already,yet,just,ever,never,before,recently等;用法(2)常与“since+时间点”或“for+时间段”所构成的表示一段时间的状语连用,也可与包括“现在”在内的表示一段时间的状语连用,如this morning,these days等。





1、一般过去时只单纯表示过去的动作或状态,和现在不发生联系,它可以和确定的表示过去的时间状语连用;而现在完成时既涉及过去又联系现在,但它强调的是现在的情况,所以它不能和确定的表示过去的时间状语连用。试比较:I have posted the letter(说明现在信不在这里)。I posted the letter yesterday(只说明昨天寄信这一事实)。

2、有些时间状语(标志),如this morning,tonight等,既可用于一般过去时,也可用于现在完成时,但所表示的意义有所不同。用于现在完成时的表示“现在”在内,而用于一般过去时则与“现在”无关。例如:I have read the book this May(讲话时仍是五月)。I read the book this May(讲话时五月已过)。


1、一般过去时表示过去某时间发生的动作或存在的状态;而过去完成时则表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已完成的动作或状态,其标志是“过去的过去”。当强调过去某一动作发生在过去另一动作之前时,常用此时态。例如:The film had already begun when I reached the theatre、2、一般过去时与过去完成时都可以和确定的表示过去的时间状语连用,但侧重点有所不同。试比较:They had done the work at five o’clock、They did the work at five o’clock、第一句说明工作在五点钟已完成,并未说明是什么时候完成的;第二句说明工作是在五点钟做的。

3、在带有before或after引导的时间状语从句的复合句中,由于主、从句动作发生的先后顺序已非常明确,所以可用一般过去时代替过去完成时,如The train had left before I got to the station、也可以说:The train left before I got to the station、其他时态的比较,如一般现在时与现在进行时,一般过去时与过去进行时的用法比较不再列举。时态的混合使用是以掌握好每一种时态的用法以及各时态的比较用法为基础的,在中学阶段使用较少,在此不做详谈。



1、一些表示来往动作的动词(动向动词)常用进行时表示将来时,常见的这类动词有arrive,come,go,leave,set off,start等、例如:The Browns are leaving for Paris next month、2、一般现在时有时可以表示预定的近期将发生的动作或状态,也可用来表示说话时正在进行的动作。例如:Are you free tomorrow? The train starts at 7:50 in the evening、Here comes the bus!There goes the bell!

3、一般过去时可以表示目前非真实的情况或不能实现的愿望(即虚拟语气)。例如:I wish I could fly to the moon by spaceship、It’s high time you went home、If I were you,I would go with him、4、在含有状语从句的复合句中,当主句是将来时态或是祈使句时,状语从句应用一般现在时或现在完成时代替一般将来时,用一般过去时代替过去将来时。例如:I will go to town if it doesn’t rain tomorrow、He said he would come to see us if he had time、Please tell him about it as soon as he comes back、Are you going to play with us when you have finished your homework?


(1)当宾语从句表示科学真理、客观事实、格言或其他不受时间影响、限制的客观存在的事物时,如:Long ago people didn’t know that the earth moves round the sun、She told hers on that practice makes perfect、(2)当宾语从句用来解释、表达科技内容时,如:The teacher told us that the attraction of the earth for all bodies is called gravity、(3)当宾语从句表示一种反复出现或目前习惯性动作时,如:He said he does morning exercises everyday、(4)当宾语从句中谓语动词的动作在转述时仍在继续,或表示现在时刻仍存在的状态时,如:LiLei said his father is attending a meeting in Shanghai、She told me the other day that she is only seventeen、6、其他从句,如比较状语从句、定语从句等不受主句时态的影响,应根据实际需要,选择适当的时态。例如:It was colder yesterday than it is today、Last night I read the book which you are reading now、对于这些特殊情况,在平时的教学中,应特别注意。其实,我们也可以把上述情况视为一种特殊的“标志”,进而判断相应的时态形式。



【典型例题】She had a great ___ for the town where she grew up.A.affection



D.affectionate 【试题详解】答案 A 她热爱她长大的那座小镇 have an affection for 对„„有感情

affectation n.矫揉造作 infection n.传染,感染 affectionate adj.深情的

【常用短语】have an affection for sbsth 【词汇补充】affect v.喜爱 affectionate adj.深爱的

【典型例题】How to talk to Martin is rather an____ question.A.advanced



D.academic 【试题详解】答案 D 如何让与火星人交谈是一个学术性很强的问题。academic question 学术问题;advanced 高级的accurate 准确的 absolute 绝对的

【词汇补充】academicals 博士服,硕士服 academic year 学年 academician 院士 academy 私立中学 academicism 墨守成规

【典型例题】When you __ big , believe big , and pray big , big things happen!A.affirm

B.know C.agree

D.ensure 【试题详解】答案是A。句意:当你确认伟大,相信你伟大,起到伟大,伟大的事情就会发生!



The _____ of the past week had left her exhausted.A anxieties

B concerns

C expectations

D anticipation 解析:由同意词辨析可知此题答案选 A 意为过去一个星期的担忧使她筋疲力尽。

【典型考题】: Now,let us come to item No.5 on the __.A.plan



D.project 解析:答案是C。句意:现在让我们讨论议事日程上的第五项。



Age affects the range of a person’s ______ A capacities B capabilities

C capacious D capable 解析:答案选B 此题考查易错词辨析。句意为年龄影响一个人能力的大小。Capacity 表示


He’s had no end of bad luck but he just seems to ______ every time.A.bounce back



D.come to 解析:答案选A 句意:他总是遇到不如意的事,但是好像每次都能恢复过来。bounce back 指失意后恢复过来。【典型考题】

Everyone is encouraged to ____ food and clothing for the refugees.A attribute

B contribute

C stimulate

D distribute 解析:答案为B ,此题考查对形近词的区分。句意:鼓励每个人为难民捐助食品和衣物。contribute 表示“捐赠,出钱(力)”,因为本题是鼓励每个人,所以不可能是“分发”食品和衣物,只会是“捐赠”


contributor n.捐助者,投稿者 ; contribution n.贡献,捐献物

contributive adj.有助的,促成的 ;contributory adj.促成的,捐助性的。【典型考题】

Everyone is encouraged to ____ food and clothing for the refugees.A attribute

B contribute

C stimulate

D distribute 解析:答案为B ,此题考查对形近词的区分。句意:鼓励每个人为难民捐助食品和衣物。contribute 表示“捐赠,出钱(力)”,因为本题是鼓励每个人,所以不可能是“分发”食品和衣物,只会是“捐赠”

Counsel// noun, verb  Noun 1.(formal)advice, especially given by older people or experts;a peiece of advice(尤指老年人或专家的)劝告,忠告,建议:Listen to the counsel of your elders.2 a lawyer or group of lawyers representing sb in a court of law 律师:the counsel for the defence/prosecution. Verb 1 to listen to and give support or professional advice to sb who needs help.为某人提供帮助:Therapists were brought in to counsel the bereaved.2 to advise sb to do sth 建议,劝告(做某事)Most experts counsel caution in such cases.【Common phrases】

a counsel of despair 知难而退的建议

; a counsel of perfection 听上去完美却难以实行的建议

; keep your own counsel 保留自己的意见。【Derivative】

counseling noun 咨询,辅导

; counselor noun 顾问,辅导顾问 【易错词】

Council;noun a group of people who are elected to govern an area such as a city or county.【典型考题】

The court then heard_____ for the dead woman’s father.A council

B councilor

C counsel

D counselor 解析:答案选C,句意为:法庭接着听取了已死女人的父亲所请律师的陈述。A项意为委员会 此题考查形近词。[典型考题]

That is Taoist pragmatistic ___and positivist___.a.crisp b.crisis c.crises d.criminate [试题分析] 答案为b.[详细解答] 这主要表现为道教的“实用主义危机”和“实证主义危机.a.crisp是钞票;c.crises是危险;d.criminate是指控,谴责的意思,均与原文不符。[典型考题]

I want an appointment for a___time and place.a.definitive b.definitely c.definite d.distinct [试题分析] 答案为c [详细解答] 句意:我要有确切的时间和地点的约会。表示“明确的,不可能引起误解的”;显然约会的时间和地点是不能含糊的,应该明确无误的。[典型考题] Believe in each child is own----potentiality.a.developmental b.experimental c.formative d.development [试题分析] 答案为a.[详细解答] 句意为 相信每一个儿童都有发展的潜能。b.experimental多用于表达实验(性)的, 试验(性)的;而c.formative是(影响)形成〔构成, 发展〕的,但developmental更贴近句意;d.development为名词,词性不符。


He could not give a ____explanation of his intention.A.distinct B.Obvious C.clear D.plain [试题分析] 答案为 A.[试题分析] 本题考查近义词的辨析问题。他不能清楚明白地解释他的意图。Distinct指人表达思想,概念清楚明白;指容易感受到或看到。本题的宾语是“解释他的意图”。Obvious指事物一目了然,含无可置疑之意。Clear范围较广,指事物清楚明白;plain注重作品等显而易见的,浅显易懂的。


I was most ____to hear the sad news for your father death.a.distressed b.distressing c.distressful d.distress [试题分析] 分析:答案为a.[试题详解] distressed我听到你父亲去世的消息,十分难过。Distressed使某人感动痛苦,难过。多用于修饰人。而b.distressing以形容事情令人痛苦为主;c.distressful与b.distressing 的用法相


[典型考题] In most universities, males and females live in the same____.a.room b.flat c.chamber d.dorm [试题分析]

分析:答案为d.[试题详解] 在大部分高校,男生和女生住在相同的宿舍里。room指房间,显然与原句不合逻辑;flat强调一套房间,公寓套房;c.chamber是指会议厅,会所。所以只有d.dorm最符合原文。而且学生公寓一般均用dorm表示。典型考题That old professor is a walking____.A.book

B.encyclopedia C.novel

D.fiction 试题分析本题为词义辨析题。考查名词的辨义。

详细解答典型考题答案B。句意:那位老教授是一个活百科。book n.书本,书籍;encyclopedia n.百科全书;novel n.长篇故事,小说;fiction n.虚构的文学作品,小说。典型考题 His____ are limited, and scarcely fit him for his post.A.endorsement

B.engagement C.endowment

D.enlargement 试题分析本题是形近词辨析题。详细解答典型考题答案C。句意:他的天资很有限,不太适合担任这项职务。endorsement n.1.(公开的)赞同,支持,认可,2.(通常为名人在广告中为某一产品的)宣传,吹嘘;engagement n.预约,约会,订婚:enlargement n.扩大物(尤指照片),扩大,增大;endowment n.天资,天赋。典型考题 Is it____ to promote cigarettes through advertising? A.ethereal

B.ethnic C.ether

D.ethical 试题分析本题是形近词辨析题。

详细解答典型考题答案D。句意:通过广告推销香烟合乎道德吗?ethereal adj.轻飘的,灵气的;ethnic adj.种族的,民族的;ether n.乙醚,太空;ethical adj.合乎道德的典型考题Students of social problems investigate the home, social and moral_____(s)of different classes of people.A.surroundings

B.conditions C.environment

C.situation 试题分析本题为词义辨析题。考查名词的辨义。详细解答典型考题答案C。句意:研究社会问题的学者调查各阶层人民的家庭,社会和精神方面的生活环境。surrounding 多指 地理环境;condition 意为“情况,条件”;situation 指“情况,状况”;environment指“环境”。

典型考题The teacher____ the performance of each student.A.evacuated



D.evoked 试题分析本题是词义辨析题。详细解答典型考题答案B。句意:老师对每个学生的成绩进行评估。evacuate vt.撤退,疏散;equate vt.同等看待,使相等,与equal是同根;evoke vt.唤起,激起;evaluate vt.对某物进行评价,评估。

[典型考题]They complained about the __noise coming from the upstairs flat.A、overladen B、immoderate C、inordinate D、excessive [试题分析]近义词辨析 答案为D [详细解答]句意为他们抱怨楼上发出的噪音太大。A意为装货过多的;(房间)装饰[摆设]过多的;(工作)负担过多的。B意为无节制的,极端的C意为紊乱的;放肆的,无限制的, 无节制的D excessive noise 表示噪音的音量很大

[词形变换]exceed v.超过 excess n.超过,超越,过量,过度 excessively adv.极端地,过分地

[典型考题]America has suffered the __crisis.A、economic

B、economical C、financial

D、monetary [试题分析]近义词辨析 答案为C [详细解答]固定搭配 financial crisis 金融危机。A意为经济的, 经济学的

合算的, 有经济效益的B意为节约的, 节俭的, 经济的 D意为货币的;通货的;钱的;金融的;财政的

[词形变换]finances n、财力、财源、基金;finance n、财政、金融;financer n、财政家、金融家;financially adv、在财政上、在经济上

【典型例题】It's the music to ____ the dramatic effect.A.enhance



D.aggravate 【试题详解】答案 B


区别 enhanceheightenintensifyaggravate 这些动词均有“加强,增强”之意: enhance:侧重指增加价值,魅力或声望等使人或物具有超科寻常的吸引力。


【典型例题】She had no ___ about making her opinions known.A.fear



D.inhibition 【试题详解】答案 D 她敢于公开地谈论自己的想法。

fear “害怕” 常用搭配“fear of for sth”

afraid “恐惧的” 常用搭配 “be afraid of sth” interest “兴趣”

常用搭配 “interest inon sth”

【词形变换】inhibit v.阻止;使拘束

inhibited adj.拘谨的 【典型考题】 He has ___his mother’s patience.A.inhabited



D.inherited 【试题详解】答案 D 这种耐心是母亲遗传给他的。

inhabit v.居住

inhibit v.阻止;抑制

inhere v.存在于„„中;归属于 inherit v.继承

【常用短语】 inherit(sth)from sb 【典型例题】Perfume____ with the skin’s natural chemicals.A.communicate



D.interact 【试题详解】答案 D 香水和皮肤的天然化学物质相互作用。communicate with sb “与某人沟通”

influence 仅指单方面的影响,对„„起作用 affect 同上“influence”

【典型例题】There was a serious incident ___ a group of youths.A.including



D.evolving 【试题详解】答案C 有一起严重的事件涉及一群年轻人。include v.包含,包括 revolve v.旋转,转动

evolve v.发展,演变

【常用短语】involve(sb)in sthdoing sth

beget involed in sth beget involed with sb 【词形变换】involved adj.有关联的;复杂的;关系密切的1)【典型考题】

The cherk of the House prepares the ___ of the House.A

journal B diary C

record 答案:A 解析:下议院的书记整理了下议院的议事录。Journal 在这里的是议事程的意思,diary 是指日记,不仅记录所发生之事,还强调包括个人情感与想法。


As he reached ___ Bandit became more difficult to live with.A mature B ripe

C maturity

D matured 答案:D


maturity 表示长大成熟,为固定搭配,ripe通常表示作物和时机成熟。

【典型考题】He likes to show off his ___ physique.A.male



D.man 答案:B

解析:句意:他喜欢显示他强健的男子本色。Masculine指在心理上或身体上具有男子特征,本句中形容词所修饰的名词是physique(体魄),所以,masculine 符合题意。

【典型考题】She has a deep ____of strangers, so she never lkes to talk to them.A.mistrust



D.untrustworth 答案:A

解析:她对陌生人猜忌及深,她也从不喜欢跟陌生人搭讪。根据句意。C选项不符合题意,D为形容词,所填选项必须为名词,予以排除。distrust 和 mistrust 都有猜忌的意思,但差别很小。distrust 更为通用,语气稍强,确信某人不诚实或不可信常用distrust.表示并不信任则大概用mistrust.这里只是表示她对陌生人不信任所以选A.【典型考题】Have you listened to ___ this morning ? A newsagent B newspaper C newsdom D newscast 答案:D 解析:newsagent 意为报刊经销人,newspaper 不符合题意,newsdom 代表报界,固选D 代表新闻。

[典型考题] He ____ through themist,trying to find the right path.A.pecked B.peered C.peeped D.peeled [试题分析] 本题考查形近词的辨析。pecked 啄;peered 仔细看;peeped 偷窥;peeled 削皮;可知正确答案为B

[典型考题] I ___his commment as a challenge.A. feeled B.observed C.perceived D.comprehend [试题分析] 本题考查近义词辨析。perceive 的意思是interpret sth in a certain way,与as 搭配。选C 【典型考题】He was born in a ___ family.A single parent B single-parent C single-parents D single-parental 答案:B 解析:single-parent 为固定搭配意为“单亲家庭的”。他出身在一个单亲家庭。所填词应属形容词性质,B符合题意。

parental 本身就是形容词,所以D选项不符合题意,予以排除。

[典型考题] Mr.Smith had an unusual ___, he was first an office clerk, then a sailor, and ended up as a school teacher.A.profession B.occupation C.position D.carrer

[试题分析] 本题考查近义词辨析。A,B指所从事的职业,C 是指所在职位,D指职业生涯。正确答案为D。


The next edition of the book is ___ for publication in March.A.projected B.propelled C.professed D.protected [试题分析] 本题考查形近词辨析。project是计划、规划的意思。propel是推动、迫使的意思。C 项 公开表明的。protect 保护。


Few people will admit being racially ___.A.pride B.proud C.prejudiced D.pessimistic [试题分析] 本题考查形近词辨析。A、B项的意思是骄傲的,自豪的;C项是有偏见的、有歧视的;D项的意思是悲观的。根据句意,很少有人愿意承认他们有种族歧视,正确答案为C。



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