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一. 国外使用的公证书格式


On this day of , 19 , personally appeared before me and , known to me to be the person(s)whose signature(s)is/ are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and who acknowledged to methat he/she/they executed the same as a voluntary act for the purposes set forth herein.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal on the day and year first written above.XX联邦马里亚纳公证书

兹证明XXX 和XXX 于X 年X月X 日,在我的面前,签订了XX 合同。经查,此行为是他(她)(他们)按合同精神自愿履行的。


二. 中国使用的公证书格式

X X X 合同公证书

()XX 字第XX号

兹证明 XXX(单位全称)的法定代表人(或其代理人)XXX 和 XXX(单位全称)的法定代表人(或其代理人)XXX 于X 年X月X 日,在XXX(地点 或本公证处),在我的面前,签订了上述《XXX 合同》。

经查,上述双方当事人签订合同的行为符合《中华人民共和国民法通则》 第五十五条的规定,合同内容符合《中华人民共和国XXX 法的规定》。


公证员(签名)X 年X月X 日


NOTARIAL PUBLIC OFFICE PROVINCE, THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA On this day of , 19 , personally appeared before Mr., acting on behalf of(full name of the corporate body), known to me to be the person whose signatures are subscribed to the foregoing contract.It is investigated that the signing of the foregoing instrument is in accordance with Article 55 of “The PRC’s General Civil Rule” and “The PRC’s ”IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal on the day and year first written above.Signature of the Notary



I.Residence Booklet has legal effect to prove a citizen’

s identity status and mutual relations among

family members, and is the main basis for residence registration authorityto investigate and confirm

his/her registered permanent residence.In so doing, the household owner or members of

this household shall, of his/her own free will, show the booklet.II.The household owner shall well keep the booklet,and is prohibited to modify, transfer or lend it.If lossarises, such shall be immediately reported to the residence registration authority.III.The registration right of the booklet belongs to residence registration authority, and any other

organization or individualshall not make any record on it.IV.If the members are increased or decreased, or registration items change in this household,registration shallbe declaredto residence registration

authority by holding the booklet.V.When the whole household moves out of residence

jurisdictionalarea, the residence booklet shall be

returned to residence registration authority for

cancellation.NO.Type of household Non-agricultural Name of household owner


Household No.Address

Provincial-level public security authority’s seal special for residence: Public Security Bureau of Beijing(seal)

Household registration body’s seal special for


Stamp of handling person: xxxxxxx Police Substation

Issued on xxxxxxx



Student Transcript of Nanjing UniversityName: Wei Xiaoming

Department: Information


Second semester of 1996


FORTRAN Programming

Advanced Mathematics


Principle of Philosophy

Public Labor

Law Basis

Foreign Language

Physical Education


Military Theory

Hours: 490;Credits: 0 Grade & Class: Class 1 Grade 2000Major: Computer & it’s applicationCategory Hours Score Credit Basic 51 95 0 Basic 96 78 0 Basic 68 67 0 Basic 68 82 0 Basic 30 85 0 Basic 17 65 0 Basic 64 74 0 Basic 34 82 0 Basic 30 65 0 Basic 32 87 0

First semester of 1997

Subject Category Hours Score Credit Circuitry


Engineering Mathematics


Law Basis

Foreign Language

Physical Education

Physics Experiment

Hours: 447;Credits: 0

Basic 102 Basic 68 Basic 68 Basic 54 Basic 17 Basic 64 Basic 34 Basic 40 60 0 81 0 64 0 70 0 85 0 68 0 65 0 60 0



Permit for Opening Bank Account

Ren Yin Hu Guan Zheng Zi()No.0000109

Name of depositor: Fujian Pingtan XXXX Factory

Bank Account: 01810264

Nature of proprietorship: 00109

Business scope:

Legal representative: XX XX

Reference No.of Business License: 15494363-4

Identification Code: 15494363-4

Through examination, the depositor complies with the requirementsfor opening an account;please let it be allowed to open an basic account in our bank.Seal of the bank:

People’s Bank of China, Pingtan Branch(Sealed)

(1)Seal for management of the account

Oct.26th, 1995

Through the examination of the People’s Bank of China, it is hereby

approved that the basic account shall be opened in Pingtan Branch of

People’s Bank of China

Seal of the issuing bank:

Oct.26th, 1995

Instructions for opening account

I.The units, individuals and the banks, credit cooperatives can

not open a basicaccount without this permit.II.The permit includes the original and duplicate.The original

is issued to theapplicant;the duplicate is kept in the bank for file.III.If the depositor removes the basic account, this permit shall

be returned.IV.Permit for Opening Bank Account is compiled by the Bank

of China.No forgery,alteration or copy is allowed.Compiled by the Bank of China

People’s Bank of China(Seal for opening account)

Bank of China Bank(94)

Receipt Note of Cheque for Transfer(notice for collection money)No.0028888

This copy is delivered to the Receiver as a notice certifying the fund havingbeen received.










Having studied the four-year legal undergraduate program in our university from September 2004 to July 2008,Li Ming(male,born on 22 December 1985)has successfully completed all the courses stipulated in our teaching plan, and thus being permitted to leave with this graduation certificate.在译文中,用一句英文完成了对汉语的翻译。在译文中,通过对分词的使用:1.Having studied the four-year legal undergraduate.2.being permitted to leave with this graduation certificate 使汉语意思得到了简明的表达,同时,整个句子的逻辑结构也非常严谨。



This is to certify that Li Ming(male,born on May 30, 1980)was enrolled in the Chemistry Department of Peking University(4-year course)in September 2000 and graduated with Bachelor’s degree in July 2004.在上述译文中,“入学”被翻译为“be enrolled in”,这是一个较为规范的表达方法。如果使用“to start school”则不太规范,该表达主要表示开始进人小学或者中学学习。


This is to certify that both the signature of President Zhang Wei and the seal affixed hereto are found to be authentic.在上述译文中,“属实”被翻译成“authentic”,这种翻译要优于“genuine”。Authentic 一词在法律英语中比较常用。比如:“作准证书”是“Authentic Instrument”,“作准文件”是 “Authentic Document”。在《布莱克法律辞典》中有例句:the signature is authentic(署名属实)由此可见,用“authentic”一词翻译“属实”要更准确一些。



This is to certify that Li Ming,who is male and was born on May 1,1980,and Wang Fang, who is female and was born on June 1,1980,registered marriage on May 1, 2010 at the registration office of Civil Affairs Department, Chaoyang District,Beijing.这篇译文的主要缺陷之一在于时态。“registered”一词为动词的过去式,表明的是在过去登记结婚,并不能证明现在的婚姻状况是离异(divorced)、丧偶(widowed)还是分居(separate)。这种翻译方法并不能满足公证文书的准确严密的要求。因此,可以将时态改为现在完成时态,以表达“一直持续到现在的状态”。此外,上述译文不够简洁。可以修改为:

This is to certify that Li Ming(male, born on May 1,1980)and Wang Fang(female,born on June 1, 1980)have been married since May 1,2010 at the registration office of Civil Affairs Department, Chaoyang District, Beijing.(二)高度格式化

在实践中,公证文书有固定的结构。公证文书在使用过程中,被不断地完善,一般都已形成某种固定的格式。这在一定程度上给译者带来了便利,译者可以按照相对固定的句式和词语翻译即可。例如上述两个学历公证的正文的表达就是相对格式化的。再如,例1:“未受刑事处分公证书”的表达通常是:兹证明李明(性别男,1985年6月30日出 生〉至2010年12月20日在中国居住期间没有受过刑事处分。


This is to certify that Li Ming(male,born on June 30,1985)has not had any record of committing offences against the criminal laws during the period of his residence in China until December 20,2010.对于“未受刑事处分公证书”的译文可以形成这样的“模板”:

This is to certify that name(male /female,born on month/day,year)has not had any record of committing offences against the criminal laws during the period of his residence in place until month/day, year.例2:“委托公证书”的表达通常是:兹证明李明和张伟于2010年5月1日来到我处,在 我面前,在前面的委托书上签名(或盖章)。该句可以翻译为:

This to certify that Li Ming and Zhang Wei came to my office on May l3t,2010,and affixed their signature(or their seal)in my presence,on the Power of Attorney attached hereto.除了上述内容外,为了表示公证员的“见证”,一般还会加上下述固定的“套话”:In wit-ness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal on the day and year first writ-ten above.(公证员于上述日期签署以上文书并加盖印章,特此证明。)


This to certify that name and name came to my office on month/day, year,and affixed their signature(or their seal)in my presence,on the Power of Attorney attached hereto.In witness whereof,I have hereunto set my hand and official seal on the day and year first written above.例3:“商标注册公证书”的通常表达是:兹证明徐州耐驰蓄电池公司生产的蓄电池上的 “耐驰”商标经国家工商行政管理局商标局核准注册,取得第0304号《商标注册证》。该商标的专有权属于徐州耐驰蓄电池公司,该商标的有效期为10年。该句可以翻译为:

This is to certify that Naichi Trademark on accumulator produced by Jiangsu Naichi Accumulator Co.registered at trademark office of Industry and Commerce Administration of the People’s Republic of China and accepted NO.0304 Trademark Registration Certificate.The patent right of the Trademark Registration belongs to Jiangsu Naichi Accumulator Co.with 10 years of validity.对于“商标注册公证书”的译文可以形成这样的“模板”:

This is to certify that ___Trademark on ___(the name of the goods)produced by ____(Name of the Company)registered at trademark office of Industry and Commerce Administration of the People’s Republic of China and accepted NO.____Trademark Registration Certificate.The patent right of the Trademark Registration belongs to___(Name of the Company)with ____ years of validity.



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