
时间:2019-05-13 08:35:13下载本文作者:会员上传


Time and tide wait for no man.时光不等人。


Unit 1 What’s the matter?

1.take one’s temperature测量体温 take(took, taken)2.have a stomachache胃疼 3.to one’s surprise令某人吃惊的是 4.thanks to多亏了…,由于… 5.get used to doing sth习惯于做某事

6.used to do sth曾经经常做某事 didn’t use to do sth 7.get into trouble陷入困境 8.take risks冒险

9.run out of sth/use up sth 用光;耗尽…

(sth)use up/run out(某物)用光;耗尽 10.continue doing sth/keep on doing sth继续做某事 11.get out of trouble摆脱困境 help sb out 助某人摆脱困境 12.between…and…在…与…之间 13.look up a word in the dictionary查字典

14.the importance of doing sth做...的重要性(important adj.)15.be in control of...掌管;管理… 16.give up doing sth放弃做某事 17.take a break/take breaks休息一下

18.be ready to do sth/get ready for sth准备做某事 19.make good decisions做出好的决定(decide v.)20.have difficulty breathing呼吸困难(breathe v.breath n.)

Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks.1.clean up打扫干净

2.hand out/give out分发;散发 give(gave, given)3.think up/come up with想出;提出(主意;计划)4.look after/take care of照顾 5.try out for…参加…选拔;试用 6.put off doing sth推迟做某事 7.cheer up振奋起来;使变得高兴

8.give sb a call/ring;ring sb up打电话给…;号召 9.give away赠送;捐赠 10.fix up/repair/mend修理;装饰 11.be like/take after(相貌或性格)像…

12.make a difference to… 对…有影响;起作用 13.set up/establish建立;设立

14.be busy doing sth;be busy with sth忙于做某事 15.raise money for…为…筹钱 16.not only…but also…不但…而且… Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成!

Time and tide wait for no man.时光不等人。

17.one’s dream come true梦想成真

18.realize/achieve one’s dream;make one’s dream come true 实现梦想 19.at 12 o’clock midnight在半夜十二点 20.worry about/be worried about担忧;担心

Unit 3

Could you please clean your room? Period I 1.take out the rubbish/trash倒垃圾 2.make the bed整理床铺 3.fold the clothes叠衣服 4.do the dishes洗餐具

5.clean the living room打扫客厅 6.sweep the floor扫地 7.at least至少 8.come over顺便来访

9.go out for dinner和朋友外出就餐 10.stay out late在外面待到很晚 11.give sb a ride to…让某人搭便车到… 12.no problem没问题

13.get a ride顺道搭车;搭便车 14.help out with帮忙干…活 Period II 1.be/get angry with sb;be mad at sb生某人的气 2.all the time频繁;反复 3.solve the problem解决问题

4.throw down the bag扔下包(threw, thrown)5.take the dog for a walk带狗出去散步 6.in surprise吃惊地;差异地 7.help out with housework分担家务 8.hang out with friends和朋友出去闲逛 9.pass me the salt把盐递给我

10.hate to do sth;hate doing sth讨厌做某事 11.as soon as…;the minute… 一…就… 12.the next day第二天 Period III 1.ask one’s parents’ permission征得父母许可 2.help with housework帮忙做家务 3.take care of oneself照顾自己 4.as a result结果

5.in order to do…目的是;为了 6.depend on依靠;信赖

7.provide sb with sth;provide sth for sb为某人提供某物 Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成!

Time and tide wait for no man.时光不等人。

8.a waste of…浪费…

9.learn to be independent学会独立(independence n.)10.mind doing sth介意做某事 Period IV 1.(sth/doing sth is)a wast of time(某事/做某事是)浪费时间 2.there is no need for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事没必要

3.do not mind doing sth 不介意做某事 4.spend time on sth/(in)doing sth花时间做某事 5.in order to do sth 为了做某事

6.it is not enough(for sb)to(对某人来说)做某事是不够的 7.the earlier…the better 越早…,…越好

Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?

Period I 1.get enough sleep得到充足睡眠 2.study until midnight学到半夜 3.allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事

4.get into a fight with sb;fight with sb;argue with sb;have an argument with sb和…争执;打架 5.go to sleep earlier早些睡觉 6.talk to sb找某人谈谈

7.write sb a letter;write a letter to sb;write to sb给某人写信 8.call him up;give him a phone call给他打电话 9.take him to the ball game带他去看球赛 10.talk about sth on the phone在电话里谈某事 11.find sb doing sth发现某人在做某事 12.look through快速查看;浏览 13.thanks for our advice感谢你的建议 14.work out a math problem解出数学题 Period II 1.communicate with sb与某人交流(communication n.)2.refuse to do sth拒绝做某事 decline sth(委婉)拒绝某事 3.get on/along(well)with sb与…和睦相处 4.feel lonely and nervous感到孤单焦虑 5.be worried about…担心;忧虑

6.hang over…挂在…上;笼罩 hang(hung, hung)7.offer to help sb;offer help to sb向某人提供帮助 8.explain to sb how to do sth向某人解释如何做某事

9.borrow sth with asking;borrow sth without permission未经允许借某物

10.copy one’s homework抄作业

11.borrow sth without returning借东西不还

12.leave one’s homework at home把家庭作业落在家里 leave(left, left)13.be afraid of doing sth害怕做某事 be afraid to do sth 害怕要做某事

14.borrow sth from sb向某人借某物 lend sth to sth 把某物借给某人 lend(lent, lent)Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成!

Time and tide wait for no man.时光不等人。

Period III 1.help lower your stress/pressure帮助减轻压力be stressed out压力大

be under too much pressure 承受太大压力 2.play sports做运动

3.read books看书 read(read, read)4.watch movies看电影

5.spend time alone独处 spend(spent, spent)6.give me a lot of pressure给某人很大压力 7.have a fight with one’s parents和父母吵架 8.compete with sb与某人竞争

9.give advice/suggestions to sb给某人建议 a piece of advice一条建议 10.be stressed out有压力的;紧张的 11.hang out with friends和朋友闲逛 12.learn to relax学会放松

13.cut out删除;删去 cut off 切除 cut down trees 砍伐树木 14.all kinds of..各种各样的…

15.compare …with与…比较;对比(不同)compare…to…把…比作…(因为相似)16.think for oneself独立思考 Period IV 1.in one’s opinion依…看 according to…根据…

2.agree/disagree with sb赞同/不赞同某人 be in agreement with sb赞同某人 3.save more money攒更多钱 4.talk to sb与某人交谈

5.keep doing sth坚持做某事 keep(kept, kept)6.study for exams备考

Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? Period I 1.at the time of the rainstorm在暴风雨来临的时候

2.hear the heavy rain beat heavily against the window听到暴雨拍打着玻璃 hear(heard, heard)3.after work下班后 4.get wet all over全部淋湿

5.get to/arrive at/reach the bus stop到达汽车站

6.be caught in the rain被困在雨中 catch(caught, caught)7.the alarm go off闹钟响起 8.miss the bus错过公交车 9.all of a sudden;suddenly突然 10.get water all over me溅了我一身水 11.take a hot shower洗热水澡 13.pick up/answer the phone接电话 14.call so many times打如此多遍电话 15.need help with…在…需要帮助 Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成!

Time and tide wait for no man.时光不等人。

Period II 1.bring people closer together将人们更紧密的联系在一起 2.with no light outside在外面没有灯的情况下 3.put pieces of wood over the windows给窗户加木条

4.make sure the flashlights and the raido are working确保手电筒和收音机正常工作 5.a heavy rainstorm大暴风雨

6.the wind dying down风势逐渐减弱 die(died, died, dying)7.the sun is rising太阳正在升起 rise(rose, risen)8.be in a mess一团糟

9.fallen trees歪倒的树 fall(fell, fallen)10.break lots of things apart毁坏了许多的东西 break(broke, broken)11.a car accident一起车祸

12.right away/at once/right now立刻出去 13.have a look(at…)看一看(…)14.the place of the accident事故发生地

15.be in bad shape from hitting a tree由于撞到树而严重变形 Period III 1.a school basketball competition学校篮球比赛(compete v.)2.leave one’s telephone at home把我的电话落在了家里 leave(left, left)3.at the time of the competition在比赛的时候 4.make one’s way to school赶路去学校 5.a dog by the side of the road路边的一条狗 6.call the Animal Helpline给动物救助热线打电话 7.wait for someone to pass by等待某人路过 8.no wonder无疑 9.cheer you up给你加油

10.important events in history历史上的重要事件 11.on this day在这一天

12.hear the news on the radio在收音机里听到这个消息 13.be completely shocked by…被…完全震惊

14.finish one’s dinner in silence默默的结束了晚餐 keep silent保持沉默 15.more recently最近

16.the World Trade Center世贸中心

17.be taken down/destroyed by terrorists被恐怖分子毁坏

18.have meaning to most Americans对大多数美国人来说就有某种含义 19.look out of the window向窗外看去

20.can hardly think clearly几乎不能清除的思考 Period IV 1.some of your friends你的一些朋友 2.important events重要的事件 3.walk home from school从学校走回家 4.a strange light奇怪的光 Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成!

Time and tide wait for no man.时光不等人。

5.point it out to my friend把它指向我的朋友 6.as well(as…)和…一样,也

7.in Grade Six;in the sixth grade在六年级 8.join a piano competition参加钢琴比赛 9.a/the bid day大日子

10.go up and start to play走向前开始演奏 11.without any mistakes没出任何错误 12.call out the winner 报出获胜者

13.beat so quickly快速的跳动 beat(beat, beaten)14.stop breathing停止呼吸

15.the happiest day of one’s life生活中最开心的一天

Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.Period I 1.once upon a time;long, long ago;once从前 2.as soon as…一…就 3.agree with sb赞同某人 4.a little bit一点儿;有点儿 5.instead of 而不是,代替

6.the earth and stone from the mountains山中的泥土和石头 7.start digging the next day第二天开始挖掘 8.the rest of the story故事的剩余部分 9.continue to move the mountains继续移山 10.day after day一天又一天_ 11.remind us that…提醒我们… 12.try to make it happen努力使其发生 13.solve the/a problem解决问题

14.neither(两者)中任意一方都不 neither…nor…既不…也不… either…or…或者…或者… 15.many sides许多方面 Period II 1.pupils in England英国的小学生

2.hear the story for the first time第一次听到这个故事 3.the main character主要演员

4.make 72 changes to its shape and size在形状和大小上做72种变化_ 5.change into different animals变成不同的动物 6.hide his tail藏起他的尾巴 hide(hid, hidden)7.fight against/with bad people与坏人作斗争 fight(fought, fought)8.excite the children of China /Chinese children for many years让中国孩子们兴奋很多年 9.come out出版 come(came, come)10.become interested in…对…变得有兴趣 become(became, become)11.never give up从不放弃

12.make a dress for the party为晚会做一条裙子 Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成!

Time and tide wait for no man.时光不等人。

13.fall in love with her爱上她 14.fit the shoe适合这只鞋

15.get married结婚 be married to sb/ get married to… 和…结婚 be married for some time 16.Journey to the West《西游记》

17.different animals and objects不同的动物和物体

Period III 1.The Emperor’s New Clothes《皇帝的新衣》 2.an emperor who loves clothes热爱衣服的皇帝

3.make special clothes制作特殊的衣服 make(made, made)4.give them silk and gold给他们丝绸和金子

5.keep everything for themselves把所有东西都留给了他们自己

6.cheat the emperor欺骗皇帝

7.only see his underwear只看到他的内衣 8.walk through the city在城市里穿行 9.sound stupid/silly/foolish听上去很愚蠢 10.a fairy tale一个童话故事

11.live with one’s stepmother和继母一起生活 12.get something in the moonlight在月光下取一些东西

13.come with me to the forest to get wood和我一起到森林去砍柴 14.drop white stones along the way沿路丢下白色的石子

15.wake up醒来 be awake醒着 wake sb up 叫醒某人 wake(woke, woken)16.drop pieces of bread丢下面包屑

17.find one’s way out找到出路 find(found, found)18.lead sb to some place带领某人去某地 lead(led, led)19.the/a house made of bread, cake and candy由面包,糖果,蛋糕做成的美妙的房子 20.be brave enough足够勇敢 Period IV 1.find one’s way home找到回家的路

2.leave the children to die in the forest 把孩子留在森林里死去 3.drop stones along the road沿路丢石子 4.because of the shining moon由于闪闪的月光

5.show them the way home给他们展示回家的路 show(showed, shown/showed)6.let him go out让他出去 let(let, let)7.get lost in the forest在森林里迷路

8.hear an old woman’s voice from inside the house听到从房子里传来的老妇的声音 9.a touching movie令人感动的一部电影 10.be not wearing any clothes没有穿任何衣服

Unit7 What’s the highest mountain in the world? Period1 1.the highest mountain in the world世界上最高的山 2.any other mountain其他任何一座山 3.the deepest salt lake最深的咸水湖 Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成!

Time and tide wait for no man.时光不等人。

4.have the biggest population in the world有世界上最多的人口 5.as far as I know据我所知 6.in size在尺寸上,在大小方面

7.a lot bigger than the population of the US比美国的人口多得多 8.be almost the same size as/ almost as big as几乎一样大 9.the biggest country in Asia亚洲最大的国家

10.feel free to ask me any questions随意提问我任何问题 11.protect their part of the country保护他们的部分国土 12.man-made objects人造物体

13.the answers to all of my questions我所有问题的答案 14.the ancient emperors古代国王 15.the second longest river第二长河 16.the most popular question最普遍的问题

Period2 1.one of the most dangerous sports世界上最危险的运动之一 2.run along the southwestern part of China绵延于中国西南部 3.rise the highest and is the most famous海拔最高和最有名 4.be very dangerous to climb攀登起来很危险 5.more serious difficulties更严峻的困难

6.cover the top遮盖山顶

7.include freezing weather conditions and heavy storms包括极冷的天气状况和狂风暴雨 8.be hard to take in air很难吸入空气

9.thick clouds厚云层

10.the first woman to succeed第一个成功的女性

11.risk one’s life/lives冒生命危险

12.challenge oneself in the face of difficulties面对困难挑战自己 13.never give up trying to achieve one’s dreams决不放弃实现梦想的努力 14.the forces of nature自然界的力量

15.even though/even if即使

16.the deepest salt lake of all所有盐湖中最深的 17.the spirit of the climbers 登山者的精神

Period3 1.stand on two legs两腿站立 stand(stood, stood)2.weigh many times more than…

比…重很多倍 3.at birth出生时

4.live up to 30 years活到三十年

5.prepare milk for the baby pandas’ breakfast为熊猫宝宝的早餐准备牛奶 6.run over with excitement兴奋的跑过去 run(ran, run)7.take care of them照顾他们

8.walk into their friends and fall over 撞倒他们的朋友而摔倒 fall(fell, fallen)9.be special to me对我来说特殊 10.die from illness死于疾病

11.start to cut down forests开始砍伐森林 Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成!

Time and tide wait for no man.时光不等人。

12.an education program一个教育项目

13.live in the remaining rain forests生活在现存的雨林 14.much more多得多

15.the importance of saving the endangered animals挽救濒临灭绝动物的重要性 16.more forests for pandas to live in适合熊猫居住的更多的森林 17.make artwork of other wild animals做其他野生动物的艺术品 Period 4 1.catch whales for meat, fat and oil捕捉鲸鱼获取肉、脂肪和油 catch(caught, caught)2.jump high out of the water高高的跳出水面 3.sea life海洋生物

4.rules on whale protection鲸鱼保护规则 5.water population水污染

6.stop putting rubbish into the sea停止向海里倒垃圾

7.whale parts sold to make things like candles and soap鲸鱼的身体部位卖去制造像蜡烛和肥皂等东西 8.get protection得到保护 9.be in danger处以危险之中

10.protect whales from保护鲸鱼免受… 11.have to be protected 不得不被保护

12.live up to a very short time活很短的时间 13.be a little less crowded than… 有点儿不如…拥挤

Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? Period1 1.hear of/about听说 2.go out to sea出海

3.an island full of treasures一座充满宝物的岛

4.such a fantastic classic/such a wonderful classic这么棒的一本经典作品 5.about a boy who lives in the United Kingdom关于一个住在英国的男孩 6.which book to write about for English class英语课上写哪一本书 7.finish reading Alice in Wonderland读完爱丽丝梦游仙境 8.about four sister growing up关于四个姐妹成长 9.can't put … down对…爱不释手 10.on page 25 在25页

11.at least read the back of the book至少读了书的背面 12.hurry up赶快;抓紧

13.be due in two weeks两周之后到期 14.right now此刻

15.borrow...from....向......借......Period2 1.arrive on the island到岛上

2.wait for another ship等候另外一条船

3.bring back many things I can use带回许多我可以用的东西bring(brought, brought)4.lose one's life丧生 lose(lost, lost)Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成!

Time and tide wait for no man.时光不等人。

5.give up making tools放弃制作工具 6.cut down trees 砍伐树木 7.go out with guns带枪出去

8.kill animals and birds for food捕猎动物和鸟为食 9.learn to grow vegetables学着种蔬菜

10.the marks of another man's feet另一个人的足迹 11.who else还有谁

12.not long after that在那之后不久

13.run toward my house跑向我的房子 run(ran, run)14.see some cannibals trying to kill men from a broken ship 看见一些食人肉者想要杀害两个从失事船上逃出的人 see(saw, seen)15.use these to shoots something用这些射东西 16.the marks of sb某人留下的足迹

17.a piece of land in the middle of the sea海中间的一块陆地 18.be interested in science technology对科技感兴趣 19.can't wait to read迫不及待读书 Period3 1.sound more like rock听起来更像摇滚乐 2.play pop music演奏流行音乐

3.a good way to wake up一个让人清醒的好方法 4.change one’s life forever永远改变某人的生活 5.study abroad在国外学习

6.used to fight over almost everything with one’s family过去常和家人在每件事情上争吵 7.hear a song full of feelings about returning home听到一首充满回乡情节的歌 hear(heard, heard)8.come to realize渐渐意识到 9.ever since then自从那时起

10.from the southern states of America来自美国南部各州 11.these days/nowadays如今 12.modern life现代生活 13.belong to a group属于群体 14.bring back to…带回到… 15.be kind to each other互相友善 16.trust one another彼此信任 17.in life生活中

18.the beauty of nature and the countryside自然与乡村之美 19.do some research on......做关于......的研究 20.the most successful musician最成功的音乐人 21.hope to see him sing live 希望看到他现场演唱 22.the number of records唱片的数量 Period4 1.no more than不超过

2.think of a singer you know well想出一个你熟悉的歌手 think(thought, thought)3.become famous成名 Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成!

Time and tide wait for no man.时光不等人。

4.introduce this singer to others把这位歌手介绍给别人 5.enjoy success in享受......的成功 6.keep on eating一直在吃 7.grow up长大 grow(grew, grown)8.at the end of the day在一天结束时

9.bring us back to our school把我们带回到学校 10.take French classes上法语课

Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum? Period 1 1.be interested in history对历史感兴趣

2.have/has been to science museum 去过科学博物馆 3.a good place to skate/for skating一个滑冰的好地方

4.go home to get skates.回家去取滑冰鞋

5.go somewhere different去个不一样的地方

6.a good way to spend the weekend.度过周末的好办法

7.learn about some inventions了解一些发明

8.lead to导致了;成就了 lead(led, led)9.haven’t been camping从未野营过

10.go to the amusement park去游乐园

Period 2 1.play chess even better than humans下棋下得比人类还好 2.encourage sb.to do sth鼓励某人做某事 3.think about ways to improve…考虑改进…的措施 4.tea art performances茶艺表演

5.make a perfect cup of tea沏出一壶完美的茶_ 6.as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself与喝茶本身一样令人愉快

7.collect tea sets喜欢收集茶具 8.a couple of times好几次

9.an amusement park with a special theme具有特殊主题的游乐园 10.take a ride on the boat在船上兜风 Period 3 1.hear of/about听说

2.go back to Australia.回到澳洲 3.have been to the Bird’s Nest去过鸟巢

4.go anywhere outside Beijing去北京之外的某个地方 5.have/has tried Chinese food尝过中国餐 6.have a safe trip home祝你安全到家 7.see the Terracotta Army见过兵马俑 8.visit the Palace Museum参观故宫

9.listen to a student interview a foreign student听一个学生正在采访一位外国学生 10.take notes做笔记 Period 4 Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成!

Time and tide wait for no man.时光不等人。

1.thousands of tourists数千名游客

2.on the one hand…, on the other hand一方面…, 另一方面… 3.an English-speaking country一个讲英语的国家 4.have problems doing sth.做某事有困难/吃力

5.more than three quarters of the population超过四分之三的人口 6.a safe place to take a holiday一个度假的安全之地 7.the best time to watch them观赏它们的最佳时间 8.in a more natural environment在更自然的环境里 9.all year round一年到头

10.be very close to the equator离赤道很近

Period 1 Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years.1.over the years 多年来

2.no longer/no more/not...any longer/not...anymore不再,再也不

3.by the way顺便说一下,顺便问一下 in the way 挡着路;妨碍 in this way 用这种方式

on the way to… 在去…的路上 in a way 在某种程度上 4.give away… to sb.捐赠;赠送给某人 5.look through浏览 6.even though;even if即使 7.people in need有需要的人们 8.check out检查、查看(口)看一看 9.have a yard sale举办庭院拍卖会

10.sell old things卖掉旧物件 sell(sold, sold)Period 2 1.grow up fast迅速长大 2.be in junior high school上初中 3.seem to get smaller看起来变得更小了 4.clear out清理、清除 5.at first起初、开始的时候

6.give up/ part with放弃、交出、与…分离 7.give up doing放弃旧东西 8.as for me对我而言、至于我 9.to be honest/ honestly老实说、说实话 10.play for a while玩一会儿 Period 3 1.go back to one’s hometown回到家乡 2.one of the oldest buildings最古老的建筑之一 3.over the years过去的几年

4.be full of interesting places to see and things to do满是有趣的可看之地和可做之事 5.around hundreds of years大约有数百年了 6.let kids run around让孩子们到处跑跑 Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成!

Time and tide wait for no man.时光不等人。

7.serve the best food提供最好的食物 8.at least 20 years至少20年 9.miss one’s hometown想念家乡 10.restaurants down the street沿街的餐馆 Period 4 1.millions of Chinese数以百万的中国人 2.search for/ look for寻找,追寻,搜索 3.regard with great interest带着极大的兴趣看待

4.since the mid-20th century自从20世纪中叶

5.such a happy childhood/ so happy a childhood如此快乐的童年 6.stay the same保持原样,一成不变 7.according to…根据…

8.leave soft and sweet memories in our hearts在我们心中留下柔软甜蜜的回忆 9.almost three years/ close to three years几乎/将近3年的时间 10.in order to become better为了变得更好 Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成!





8.明天见9.我们的学校10下课后11.放学后 12.去看电影

13.电脑游戏14下午好 15.在沙发下面



22.坏消息23.在操场 24.在周一早上



31.绿灯行32.黄灯等 33.左转

34.直走35.右转36.下棋37.思考/想 38.看一看39.醒来40.出现41.笔友42.宠物商店


48.have to

49.just do it50.use

56.speak to57.stay at home



Unit 1 单词 36.myself pron.我自己

I----myself(反身代词)1.robot n.机器人 37.interview n.面谈,访问,接见;v.采访,会谈

interviewer n.:采访者 2.won't +do =will not+do 将不 38.predict v.预知,预言,预报 3.they'll(=they will)40.prediction n.预言,预报 4.everything pron.每件事,一切


come---came---come 5.paper n.纸,报纸;(不可数)42.come true 实现,达到 6.use v.使用

use sth to do:用…去做…;be used to do:被用来做… 43.sound n.声音;听起来v.useful adj 有用的used to do:过去常常…; get/be used to doing:习惯于干… 44.company n.公司,友伴 7.less更少的,更小的;ad.更少地,更小地

45.thought n.想法,思想;v.(think的过去式和过去分词)想,思考,认为

little---less---least(修饰不可数名词)表示否定 46.fiction n.小说,虚构 8.fewer 较少的(few的比较级)表示否定(修饰可数名词)47.unpleasant a.使人不愉快的<反义词> pleasant a.使人愉快的 9.pollution n.污染

be polluted 被污染的adj

pleasure n.高兴

be pleased with…:对。。满意 10.tree n.树 48.scientist n.科学家

science 科学n.11.she'll(=she will,she shall)49.in the future 将来 12.astronaut n.宇航员

an astronaut 一名宇航员 50.however ad.然而;conj.然而,可是 13.rocket n.火箭,烟火;v.发射火箭 51.hundred n.百,百个东西;a.百,百个 14.space n.位置,空间 52.hundreds of数以百计的;大量的(没有数字加S,有of)15.space station 太空站

on a space station 在太空站 53.already ad.已经(常用与现在完成式)否定和疑问句中改为yet 16.fly飞行;v.苍蝇n.fly---flew---flown 54.made(make的过去式),使;制作make sb +do/adj:使某人…(主动)17.took(过去式)v.拿,取

take away:拿走 take off:脱下;起飞 take---took---taken

be made todo:(变动)18.moon n.月亮

on the moon 在月球上

factory n.工厂

factories(复数)19.I'll =I shall 我将...I/We与shall连用 55.simple a.简单的,简朴的,单纯的 20.fall v.倒下,落下, n.秋天,落下,瀑布;56.such a.如此的,这样的such +a/an+adj+名词的单数=so+adj+a/an+名词的单数

fall---fell---fallen fall down:跌倒 fall asleep:入睡 57.bored a.厌烦的,无聊的(修饰人)boring(修饰物)21.fell(过去式)v.跌落,落下,降低 58.everywhere ad.到处,无论何处 = here and there 22.fall in love with 爱上…

59.human n.人;人类;

humans(复数)23.alone a.单独的,仅仅;ad.单独地

lonely 孤独的;寂寞的(感情色彩)60.shape n.形状;外形 24.pet.宠爱的;n.宠物;61.huge a.庞大的,巨大的 25.parrot n.鹦鹉;v.学舌 62.earthquake n.地震

in the earthquake在地震中 26.probably adv.大概,或许 63.snake n.蛇;27.go skating 去滑冰;去溜冰 64.look for 寻找,寻求(动作)find 发现;找到(结果)find out:找出(经过努力)28.suit n.套v.适合wear a suit:穿一套西服

suit sb fine 适合某人 65.possible adj.可能的 <反义词> impossible adj.不可能的 29.be able to+do =can/could能;会 66.electric adj.电的 electricity n.电 30.dress n.女装,服装;v.穿著

dress sb:给某人穿衣服 dress oneself:自己穿衣服 67.toothbrush n.牙刷 31.casually ad.非正式的,随意的 dress more casually 穿着更随意 68.seem v.像是,似乎

seem+adj/to do/that从句 32.which a.哪一个,哪一些;int.哪个;pron.哪一个 69.impossible adj.不可能的possibly adv.可能地 33.even adv.甚至

(修饰比较级)70.housework n.家务劳动(不可数)34.the World Cup 世界杯


write---wrote---written Unit 2单词

71.rating n.等级

72.keep …out 不让...进入

73.play v.播放玩,演奏n.剧本

74.loud a.大声的;adv.响亮地,大声地(有吵闹的意思)75.argue with sb v.争论;争吵

76.wrong adj.错误的,有毛病的;不适合的 77.What's wrong(with)sb怎么了? 78.style n.风格,时尚,字体;v.称呼,设计

79.be out of style 过时的,不时髦的be in style时髦的 80.could(can 的过去式);81.should conj.应该,将要

82.call sombody up 打电话给...= ring sb up=make a telephone call to sb 83.ticket n.票,券

84.surprise n.惊奇;v.使惊奇

in one’s surprise 令某人惊奇 surprised adj 惊奇的87 on the phone 在通电话,用电话交谈

What's the matter(with)sb?...怎么了?

pay moneyfor sth付款 = spend money doing sth pay---paid---paid 90 part-time job 兼职工作

okay ad.<表示同意或允许>好的,可以,行

either a.任一的;prep.任一个;conj.或,也(否定句末)

either…or…(就近原则)either of…:两者中的任一(动词用单数)93 bake v.烘焙,烤

Teen Talk 青少年论坛 95 tutor n.家庭教师

original adj.新颖的; 最初的,原始的 97 the same as...和...一样 98 in style 时髦的,流行的 99 haircut n.理发

except prep.除了...之外(不包含)

besides 除了...之外(包含)101 upset a.dj 烦乱的;阻丧的

get on(后接副词或用於疑问句的how之后)相处;进展;上(车)

get on well with…与…相处融洽 104 didn't =did not 105 couldn't =could not 106 football n.足球

until prep.&conj.直到...为止

not……until从句=after从句/when从句 108 fit v.适合adj 适宜的,准备好的fit…into…找到时间(做某事)

as...as possible 尽...可能= as….as sb can/could 110 pressure n.压力,压强,压迫

complain v.抱怨,;发牢骚

complain about+n./doing…抱怨… 112 include v.包括,包含

including(介词)113 pushy adj.固执己见的

push v.推 <反义词> pull 拉

send v.送给,传,寄


send sth to sb;把。。寄给。。115 all kinds of 各种各样的

compare v.比较

compare…with…把…与…比较;compare…to…把…比作…117 crazy adj.疯狂的

themselves pron.他(她,它)们自己

adult n.成年人adj.成年的,成熟的;

adults(复数)120 on the one hand(在)一方面

organized 安排有序的,有组织的 122 on the other hand(在)另一方面 123 freedom n.自由

free adj 空闲的 Unit 3

UFO n.不明飞行物

a UFO 125 barber n.理发师 126 barber shop 理发店

bathroom n.浴室

in the bathroom 在浴室 128 bedroom n.卧室;

in the bedroom 在卧室;129 kitchen n.厨房

in the kitchen 在厨房 130 get out 出去,离开

get out of…:从…出去

cut v.切,割,剪掉


cut up:切碎

cut down:砍倒 132 alien n.外星人

an alien一个外星人;133 bought v.买(buy的过去式)

land v.登陆,登岸n..陆地,国土,土地;land on..登陆, 135 got v.(get的过去式)得到 136 shirt n.衬衫

take off


脱下<反义词> put on穿上

while conj.当...的时候;一会儿;

while从句(常用进行时)或 while+doing 139 experience n.经历,经验;v.经历,体验

imagine v.想象

around adv.大约,到处,在周围;prep.在...周围

strange a.陌生的,奇怪的 stranger n.陌生人

follow v.跟随,遵循,听得懂

follow sb to do…:跟随某人去做某事 143 amazing adj.令人惊异的(修饰物)amazed(修饰人)144 kid n.小孩;v.开玩笑,哄骗


scared adj.害怕的(修饰人)

scary 恐惧的 146 climb v.攀登,上升,爬

jump v.跳越

jump down from…从…跳下 148 shout v.呼喊

shout at sb :呼喊某人 149 rode v.骑,乘坐(ride的过去式)150 cat n.猫, 151 train station 火车站

152 ran v.跑,跑步(run的过去式)153 run away 逃跑

154 anywhere+adj: adv.任何地方(用与否定句)155 met v.遇见(meet的过去式)156 come in 进来;进入

157 happen v.发生;

sth happen to sb 某人发生… 158 accident n.事故,意外的事

an accident一次事故 159 plane n.飞机

by plane=by air 乘飞机 161 heard hear的过去式(分词)162 modern adj.现代的;163 kill v.杀死

165 murder v谋杀,凶杀;n.谋杀案 166 hear about 听说

167 bright adj.明亮的;发亮的

168 playground n.操场

on the playground在操场 169 bell n.钟,铃

170 rang(ring 的过去式)响声 171 told(tell的过去式/分词)

172 close v.关adj.靠近的closed adj 关着的close to=near 靠近173 silence n.沉默,寂静;

be in silence 沉默地 174 take place 发生(有计划的发生)

175 recent adj.近来的,新近的recently adv.近来地 177 destroy v.破坏,毁坏;178 terrorist n.恐怖分子

179 meaning n.意义,意思,含义 180 as...as...象...一样

181 became v.(become的过去式)变得;成为

182 flight n.航班;班机


flew(fly的过去式)183 earth n.地球

on the earth 在地球上 184 hero n.英雄

heros(复数)Unit 4 188 mad adj.生气的be mad at sb:生某人的气

189 anymore adv.(不)再

not…anymore=no more:不再 190 snack n.小吃,点心

193 first of all 首先,第一

at first首先 194 message n.消息,信息(不可数)195 pass on 传递

196 suppose v.假定;认为;

197 be supposed to +do 被期望或被要求做… 198 hard-working勤勉的; 努力工作的.199 do well in =be good at+n/doing在...方面做得好 200 grandpa n.(口语)爷爷,外公

201 in good health 身体健康

keep/be in good health 保持身体健康 202 report card 成绩单

203 nervous =tense adj.紧张的 get nervous变的紧张的 204 envelope n.信封

205 luckily ad.幸运地

lucky adj 幸运的 206 semester=term


207 worse a.更坏的,更差的;ad.更坏,更差

208 true adj.真的,真实的,正确的 truth n.事实 209 disappointing adj.令人失望的 211 copy v.复制,抄袭

212 poor adj贫穷的 rich adj.富有的 213 own adj.自己的own v.有,拥有;

owner n.主人 214 get over 克服,恢复,原谅

215 village n.村庄

villager n.村民 216 Peking University 北京大学

217 graduate v.毕业;n.毕业生

graduate from:从…毕业;218 volunteer n.志愿者;v.志愿

volunteer to+do志愿做… 221 Chinese Young Pioneer 中国少年先锋队 222 rural a.农村的

223 area n.地区,区域,面积 224 meter n.米;公尺,225 sea level 海平面

226 thin adj.瘦的;adj.稀薄(的)227 ate


228 fortunately=luckily adv.幸运地,幸亏 229 decision n.决定,决心 230 husband n.丈夫

231 dormitory n.(集体)宿舍

232 senior n.年长者a.年长的senior high school 高中

233 open up 打开;开放

open up one’s eyes:开阔某人的视野 234 start n.开始; 起点;v.开始,出发 235 influence v.影响;n.影响力

return v.返回;归还=come back/ give back 236 hometown n.家乡 238 care for 照料 239 border n.边界

242 danger n.危险<反义词>safety be in danger:处在危险中

dangerous adj.危险的 <反义词>safe 安全的Unit 5 243.have a great time=enjoy oneself 玩的愉快

244 organize v.组织

organized adj.有组织的organization n.组织 245 take away 拿走;带走 246 clean-up n.清扫,打扫 247 flower n.花;248 agent n.代理人,代理商

249 around the world =all over the world世界各地 250 make a living 谋生 251 against prep.反对, 252 charity n.慈善机关(团体)adj.仁慈的 253 chance n.机会,机遇 254 all the time =always一直

255 injured a.受伤的 get/be injured:受伤的 256 sincerely adv.真诚地 257 lawyer n.律师 258 tonight n.今晚 259 mobile a.可移动的

260 mobile phone 手提电话,手机 Review of units1-5 261 What's the problem= What's thematter怎么了? 262 fat a.肥胖的;263 window n.窗户 264 play football 玩足球

265 consequence n.结果,后果 266 explain v.解释,说明

267 following adj.下列的,下述的;

follow v.跟随 268 in order to 为了...,以便...=so that从句 269 improve v.提高,改善,增进,Unit 6

270 collect v.收集;搜集

collector n.收集者 271 shell n.贝壳,壳,外形 272 marathon n.马拉松赛跑

273 skate n.冰鞋;v.滑冰;vi.溜冰,滑冰

274 pair n.一双,一对,一副 ;pair修饰的名词做主语,由pair 决定

A pair of shoes is red.Two pairs of socks are black 275 since adv.自从;自….以来(常用于现在完成时)

277 raise v.筹集;筹募

raise money for charity:为慈善机构筹集钱 278 several adj.几个的,若干的(修饰可数名词的复数)279 skater n.滑雪者 280 stamp n.邮票

281 kite n.风筝

fly a kite:放风筝 282 monster n.怪物,恶人,巨物 283 globe n.地球,地球仪,球体

284 anyone + adj pron.任何人(用于否定句和疑问句)285 run out of =use up用完,用尽 286 store n.商店v.储存,贮藏 287 cake n.蛋糕

288 particularly ad.特别,尤其

particular adj.特别的 289 collector n.收集家

290 by the way 顺便说;顺便问一下

291 common adj.共同的;公共的 in common 共同 292 extra adj.额外的;293 coin n.硬币,钱币

294 topic n.题目,话题,主题 295 been


296 be interested in 对...感兴趣

297 writer n.作者,作家

write v.写 298 capital n.首都,省会

299 European adj.欧洲的;n.欧洲人

Europe n.欧洲 300 Russian a.俄国的;n.俄国人,俄语

Russia n.俄国

301 Australian a.澳大利亚的;n.澳大利亚人


n.澳大利亚 304 more than=over 多于...305 thousand n.一千(有数字不加s,没有介词of)306 emperor n.皇帝

307 foreigner n.外国人

foreign adj.外国的

308 quite adv.很,十分

quite a/an +adj+单数名词:quite an interesting story 309 certain adj确实的,无疑的,一定的 be certain +that从句:一定… 310 the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会 311 far away 很远;遥远

312 miss vt.想念;vt错过n.小姐;Unit 7 313 mind+doing… v.介意n.思想,主意,心意;

mind +not doing 314 not at all(用于否定)丝毫,一点,根本(不)315 turn down(收音机等)关小;调低

316 yard n.庭院,码

in the yard 在院子里 317 right away =at once马上,立刻

318 dish n.盘子;vt.上菜;n.一样菜,一道菜 319 task n.工作,任务 320 poster n.海报

321 waitress n.女侍者,女服务员

322 brought

bring的过去式(分词)323 clothing n.(总称)衣服 324 solution n.解答,解决办法 325 line n.排, 队, 行 326 wait in line 排队

327 annoy v.使...苦恼,骚扰 328 annoyed adj.烦闷的

329 polite adj.有礼貌的impolite adj.粗鲁的 330 perhaps =maybe adv.也许,可能(用于句首)331 door n.门

332 return v.返回=come back;return sth to sb =give back sth to sb归还 333 cut in line 插队 334 hasn't(=have not)335 keep down 控制;压低声音 336 voice n.声音 337 term n.学期,术语 338 etiquette n.礼节

339 normal a.正常的,正规的;340 behavior n.行为,举止 341 at first 起先

342 Asian a.亚洲的;n.亚洲人

Asia 亚洲

344 uncomfortable adj.不舒服的comfortable 舒服的 345 impolite=rude adj.不礼貌的,粗鲁的

346 allow v.允许;allow sb to do:准许某人干某事;be allowed to do: 被准许干某事

347 public n.公众,民众 adj.公共的,公众的in the public 在公共场所

348 take care=look out 小心;当心

349 cough 咳嗽

have a cough 患咳嗽

350 sneeze n.喷嚏;v.打喷嚏

351 break v.打破;违背

break the rule 违反规则

obey the rule遵守规则 352 politely adv.有礼貌地 353 smoke v.吸烟

354 put out 熄灭;扑灭 355 cigarette n.香烟 356 criticize v.批评

357 careful adj.小心的,仔细的 careless adj.粗心的 358 drop v.落下,掉下.n滴 359 litter n.垃圾v.乱丢垃圾

360 pick v.采;摘

pick up 拾起;捡起

361 behave v.举止,行为,举止

behavior n.行为,举止

362 suggestion n.建议

suggest v.建议

Unit 8

363 comment 注释,评论

364 album n.集邮本,照相簿,唱片簿 365 personal a.私人的,个人的;

366 special n.特色菜,特价, a.特别的,专门的

367 receive v.收到,接受

receive a letter from sb=hear from sb:受到某人的来信368 gave v.动词give的过去时 369 guy n.(男)人,家伙 370 spider n.蜘蛛

371 mouse n.老鼠,鼠标

mice(复数)372 hamster n.仓鼠 373 turtle n.海龟

374 child n.小孩

children(复数)375 pot-bellied a.大腹便便的,大肚子的 376 pig n.猪

377 advantage n.优点,有利条件 378 disadvantage n.不利,不利条件

379 trendy adj.时髦的;be in trendy: 时髦的be out of trendy:不时髦的 380 perfect a.完美的v.使...完美 381 rabbit n.兔子

382 clean a.干净的;v.打扫;vi.打扫,清扫;383 company n.公司,友伴

384 cost v.花费,值(主语是物)

cost---cost---cost 385 asleep adj.睡着的386 fall asleep 睡着;入睡

387 choose v.选择

choose---chose---chosen 388 present=gift n.礼物,;adj.现在的;

at present现在 389 open v.打开,开放adj.开着的,开放的390 later adv.稍后,后来

391 given 动词give的过去式;

392 give away 赠送,分发

give….away to sb:把某物赠送给某人

393 bench n.长凳,工作台 394 rather than 而不是 395 Sweden n.瑞典

396 instead adv.代替

398 enter=go into v.进入,399 nearly adv.几乎,差不多

hardly几乎不(否定)400 sang v.sing的过去式 401 clearly adv.清楚地 402 stage n.舞台,驿站

403 native a.本国的,本土的;

native speaker:说本族语的人 404 winner n.获胜者

win v.获胜 405 modest a.谦虚的;适度的;端庄的

406 interested a.感兴趣的(修饰人)be interested in:对……感兴趣

407 encourage v.鼓励,激励

encourage sb to do:鼓励某人去做某事 408 spokesperson n.代言人,发言人

409 progress n.进步,发展

make progress 取得进步 411 hear of 听说

412 suggest v.建议,提议

413 take an interest in 对...感兴趣=be interested in 414 besides prep.而且;除...之外 415 make friends with 和...交朋友 416 statement n.声明,陈述 417 mention v.提到,谈到 418 drive v.驾驶,开车 Unit 9 419 amusement n.娱乐,消遣

420 neither int.两者都不;conj.既不

neither of…:(做主语动词用单数)neither…nor….:既不…也不…:(就近原则);both…and…:和…都…(动词用复数)421 have a great time 过得愉快 425 character n.个性,人物

426 seen 动词see的过去分词 427 theme n.题目,主题

428 attraction n.有吸引力的事物 429 roller coaster

过山车;430 cruise n.巡航,漫游;v.巡航 431 boat n.船;v.划船 432 board n.甲板 433 on board 在船上 434 route n.航线,路线;

435 end up 以……结束,告终

436 island n.岛;岛屿

an island 一个岛 437 especially adv.特别,尤其 438 exchange v.交换, ,兑换 439 attendant n.服务员 440 discover v.发现 441 requirement n.要求

442 guide n.引导者,;v.指导

443 foreign a.外国的foreigner外国人 444 film n.电影;

445 southeast n.东南部;

446 wonderful a.极好的,精彩的 447 holiday n.假期,假日

448 quarter;n.四分之一,一刻钟 449 three quarters 四分之三 450 population n.人口 451 fear v.害怕,担心

452 brave adj.勇敢的;

453 excellent adj.极好的,优秀的

454 Indian adj.印度的;印度人的n.印度人 457 dark n.黑暗,暗处adj.黑暗的;458 fox n.狐狸

459 natural adj.自然的, 自然界的 nature n.自然

460 environment n.环境

protect environment保护环境461 temperature n.温度

take one’s temperature 量某人的温度 462 all year round 整年,全年 463 equator n.赤道

464 whenever =when ever conj 无论何时

465.in spring/summer/autumn/winter:

51.season n.季节(可数)52.type n.类型/v.打字

a type of…=a kind of…(一种….)53.awake adj.醒着的 be awake: 是醒着的


1.noon n.中午

at noon:在中午

by noon: 到中午时 2.sandy: adj.含沙的 sand :n.沙子 3.goodbye: int.再见 4.look through:浏览(短语)5.bookstore:n.书店

6.cross:v.穿过;横过;越过 = go across(表面)/ go through(内部)7.elevator: n.电梯/ escalator take the elevator to the second floor 8.low :adj.低的(反义词)high:adj.高的

9.slow:adj.慢的;(反义词)quick:快的 fast:adj./adv.快的/快地

slowly:adv.慢地(反义词)quickly:快地 10.fan: n.迷;狂热迷;扇子

11.note: n.短信;笔记

take notes:做笔记 12.come along:出现;发生;发生(短语)13.get along=get on:相处(短语)

get along well with sb 与……相处融洽 get along well with sth 在…….方面进展的好 14.baby:n.婴儿;小孩

15.at least:至少

at most:最多;不超过


the traffic is very busy/heavy:交通拥挤 17.least:adj.little的最高级(最少的)

Little----less----least(修饰不可数名词)Review of units 6-10 1.review:v.复习2.web page:网页

第四篇:八下UNIT5 TOPIC1-2短语句子小测

八下Unit5 Topic 1



21.以……结尾/开始 22.与···和好

2.在某方面差(2种)3.与某人谈一谈(2种)4.放松,别紧张 5.考试不及格(2种)6.在某人的年龄时



popular----smart----interesting----seem+adj.seem to do


兴奋的吃惊的伤心的生气的(2)焦急的seem that



邀请你参加我的聚会 2.我最喜欢的电影之一 3.准备好吃的食物 4.音乐会的票

自行车钥匙 去…..的路 5.为···骄傲(2种)6.对···满意(2种)7.摆餐具 8.发烧(2种)9.给某人打电话(2种)10.因为吵闹的孩子 11.照顾_________12.最终________________ 13.教他们唱歌 14.一个叫祥芝的地方 15.害怕失去 16.变疯 17.落入 18.形成 19.充满 20.受···的喜爱

孤单的紧张不2我觉得很孤独 你看起来激动 音乐听起来很美 变得失望 食物尝起来美味 它闻起来很臭 在秋天树叶变绿了

Topic 2




(二)重点词组:1 “be + 形容词+ 介词” 的结构:

对……感到担心/ 焦虑对……紧张对某人严格对某事严格对……耐心对……惊奇对……气愤(mad)对……有兴趣 对……厌倦

7.给我讲笑话 8.发生在某人身上 9.听轻音乐 10.参加活动


太多的作业12.希望跟你呆在一起 13.搬到某处 14.哥哥/弟弟 15.处理





1当不好的事情发生在我们身上时感到难过是正常的。2我不习惯这里的一切。3因为她太害羞她的脸总是变红 4没有人一直快乐。5光阴似箭。

6吉姆画得与汤姆一样好 7Jim不如Tom高.=汤姆比吉姆高



Module One


有点儿a little试一试have a try收到某人的来信hear from完成了,做好了done 也as well擅长Be good at因......而自豪Be proud of

用正确的方式in the right way对......感到兴奋be excited about在某一方面帮助某人help sb.with sth.恐怕Be afraid with

花费金钱/时间做某事spend sometimes doing sth.与......握手shake hands with确信,相信Be sure



It smells delicious.2.谢谢你的上一封电子邮件。

Thank for you last message.3.在学校我把大量时间花在与朋友们演奏古典音乐上。

I spend a lot of the time playing classical music with my friend at school


How do you feel about coming to china


I’m afraid of flying.6.你母亲长得怎么样?

What does your mother look like?


What is your mother like?



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