第一篇:How to Stay Healthy and Strong (昌乐一中 李修斌)
How to Stay Healthy and Strong(刘晓彤)
As we all know, health is of the most importance for every one of us;without health, nothing is possible.Yet not everybody has realized this, and knows how to stay healthy.Surely, keeping healthy is something that deserves much of our attention.In order to stay healthy, to know about some common knowledge about health is undoubtedly necessary.The following are some ways to help you stay healthy.I really hope you can benefit a little from what I’m talking about.Firstly, pay enough attention to the food you eat everyday.It’s better to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, because they are rich in fiber and low in fat.In addition, vegetables and fruits contain plenty of vitamin C, which is a powerful weapon and is used by our body to fight against disease.It is because of this reason that vegetables and fruits are called protective food.There goes a very famous proverb: “an apple a day keeps the doctors away” I think this proverb makes sense in some way, or at least it’s not a pure nonsense.Eat an apple a day and some green vegetables, and you’ll finally make your doctor out of work.Secondly, exercise is also quite necessary.Regular exercise can help us keep away from getting too much fat, or rather putting on much weight.People who take regular physical exercise have turned out to have a much stronger body and be healthier than those who hate exercise.Finally, form a good living habit.Your living habit has a significant effect on your physical health.So forming a good living habit is very important to help you stay healthy.All of the above are the things we should pay enough attention to so as to stay healthy.
第二篇:Eat Healthy Food (昌乐一中 李修斌)
Eat Healthy Food(华丽娟)
Maybe you’re a slim girl or a fat boy.Maybe you are on a diet to lose weight.But do you know my friends that being too slim or too fat will do you no good.What you really need is a balanced diet to keep you fit and to help you grow into a healthy man or woman.Have you ever thought about the food we eat everyday? If this is the case, you’ll find different foods contain different nutrients.It is just these different kinds of nutrients that keep our body going well.Then where do all these nutrients come from? Obviously they come from different kinds of food.So a balanced diet seems very important to our health because it can serve this purpose well.In fact, a balanced diet is the guarantee of a good health.However some people don’t pay enough attention to the food they are eating everyday.In order to save time and fill their stomach quickly, many people prefer fast food, which is convenient and yet contains too much sugar and heat.If people eat a lot of fast food, they are easy to put on weight.In short, fast food is not good for your health.To keep fit, we ought to eat healthy food, and the healthy food here means a balanced diet.
第三篇:How Does He Learn English (昌乐一中 李修斌)
Li Gen’s Report(李根)
Li Gen is a student from Heze who, like many of his fellow students from Heze Prefecture, does well in science subjects but is a little weak in English maybe because of his relatively weak foundation work.He is a hard-working student.But he got only 101 points in English in the final exam of the first semester.After the new term began, I asked him to my office and discussed and analyzed his situation.Our conversation that day only lasted a few minutes but I was impressed by his strong desire and determination to change his situation.I could see hopes from his earnest looks and desiring eyes.And so I gave him my advice that he should do more English exercises and do more reading during his spare time because I know reading is of great benefit to English learners and especially to those who are a little weak because intensive reading will help them enlarge and consolidate their vocabulary.And vocabulary is one of the most decisive factors for all English learners.To a large extent, how many words you have mastered also means how well you have grasped your English.So my theory is to begin with extensive and intensive reading and conquer every strange word or phrase you come across during your intensive reading, and try to be able to translate what you are reading into proper Chinese.Practice makes perfect.Maybe several months later you’ll find you are no longer a weak English learner.Instead you’re now a success who has turned from a layman in English study into an expert that is admired by all your fellow students.Li gen didn’t write his own article to report.Yet he tried to remember an inspiring article maybe from Li Yang’s CRAZY ENGLISH, and he tried to speak it out in front of all the students without referring to the notes he was holding.What’s more, his speech was full of passion and energy with proper and impressive gestures and facial expressions.He is the one in class 30 to be giving a class report with such high passion and enthusiasm.He just set an example for all the other students to follow.Come on, Li Gen!
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语文 7 生物 6
数学 8 政治 3
英语 5 历史 2
物理 4 地理 2
化学 3
鸣九小学 李如斌
假期在消无声息中度过,在享受春节的欢乐之中我也利用一些时间来认真学习研读了了徐州市教育局下发的有关教学方式文件:“学进去 讲出来教学方式”行动计划,通过学习深有体会和收获,感觉受益匪浅,同时也发现了自己教学上的不足,我就假期里的学习简单的谈下自己的收获和体会。
实施“学讲方式”主要目标在于四点,1.树立四个理念,回归教育规律;2.改变教学行为,教师“人人达标”; 3.改变课堂生态,学校“校校过关”;4.转变教学方式,提升教学质量。经过三年的努力使我市学校课堂教学方式和学生学习方式发生大的转变,促进信息技术与教学深度融合,教学管理进一步完善,教学效益明显提升,教学质量实现新的突破。