朗文新派少儿英语 unit1 my class 第四课时教案

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第一篇:朗文新派少儿英语 unit1 my class 第四课时教案

Step1 Warm up


2.Listen to a song “little Indians”

Step2 Presentation

1.Show pictures printed with 10 numbers in English.2.Read the numbers in English one by one

T: read the number, Ss read the number 3 times.3.Write “three”,“five”,“seven” onthe blackboard and pay more attention to the pronunciation of this three words.4.Show Ss finger game of numbers to help them to remember number words.Step3 Practice

1.Exercise 5 read.point.say


Read the numbers on the book and ask the Ss to read after her.Divide the Ss into two groups : G1 and G2

2.Do the gestures and say the numbers together, which team do quickly and

right will win.3.Show ten pictures disorderly and ask Ss to read it out quickly, which team

read it quickly and right will win and get prizes.Step4 Production

1.Listen to the teacher and Draw pictures.desk 4 pencil5 chair 6 marker7book8

table1bookbag 2 desk 3pencil 9

2.let students use body language to show the number heshe heard.Teacher says” one” and the student show the shape of one …

Step5 Homework

Review the words and sentences in this unit.

第二篇:朗文新派少儿英语 unit1 my class 第四课时教案

Step1 Warm up


2.Listen to a song “little Indians” Step2 Presentation

1.Show pictures printed with 10 numbers in English.2.Read the numbers in English one by one

T: read the number, Ss read the number 3 times.3.Write “three”,“five”,“seven” on the blackboard and pay more attention to the pronunciation of this three words.4.Show Ss finger game of numbers to help them to remember number words.Step3 Practice

1.Exercise 5 read.point.say


Read the numbers on the book and ask the Ss to read after her.Divide the Ss into two groups : G1 and G2

2.Do the gestures and say the numbers together, which team do quickly and right will win.3.Show ten pictures disorderly and ask Ss to read it out quickly, which team read it quickly and right will win and get prizes.Step4 Production

1.Listen to the teacher and Draw pictures.desk 4 pencil5 chair 6 marker7book8

table1bookbag 2 desk 3pencil 9

2.let students use body language to show the number heshe heard.Teacher says” one” and the student show the shape of one … Step5 Homework

Review the words and sentences in this unit.

第三篇:朗文新派少儿英语 unit1 my class 第一课时教案

Step1 warm up

1.Greet the class

Good morning, boys and girls!I’m your teacher;you can call me Miss shi.T: I am your teacher, he is a boy and she is a girl(point the boy and girl and say the sentence)

Have the students read the words after the teacher.Teacher, teacher ,teacher in different intonation

Boy, boy, boy girl ,girl girl 2.Have Ss listen to a song “Good morning to you.”

Let’s listen to a song.Good morning to you!Good morning to you!Good morning dear teacher!Good morning to you!3.Teacher sings the song slowly and has Ss sing after her.Now let student sing the song with the teacher.Step2 presentation

1.learn hi, hello and Good morning

2.Show three pictures with hi, hello, Good morning.3.Have the Ss read after the teacher

Hi hi

in low and loud voice

Hello hello

Good morning, Good morning

Step 3 practice and production

1.show pictures of Hommer and Hanner

Show the picture of Hommer and say : hi, I’m Hommer, what’s your name ?

Then show the picture of Hanna and say: hi, Hommer, I’m Hanna.The same way to practice Hello and good morning.2.Divide the Ss into two groups, one group helps Hommer.The other one helps Hanna.Now let two groups greet each other.

第四篇:朗文新派少儿英语 unit1 my class 第三课时教案

Step1 Warm up


T asks the question” what’s this?” and tells the answer “it’s a marker.” to the first student in low voice, then tell himher to tell the next one ,then one by one, at last , ask the last student tell us what’s the answer and teacher tells the right one.Step2 Presentation

1.T takes out 3 markers, redgreen blue and asks what color is it one by one.Red marker: what color is it? It’s red.T writes the word” red” on the blackboard and have the Ss to read it.2.Turn back to exercise 4 look ,listen, sing Step3 Practice

1.Have all the students read the three words two times from the first row to the last row.2.Have students to find something red, blue and green and ask their partner “what color is it?” It’s… Step4 Production and Extension

1.Have the Ss to color the pictures on page 5 Table red



T: what’s this/ It’s a table.What color is it? It’s red.Color the table red.Step 5 Homework

Book pencil bookbag blueredgreen

Make questions and answers :

what’s this? It’s a …

what color is it? It’s …

第五篇:新派朗文少儿英语进阶级unit4 your health(xiexiebang推荐)

Unit 4 Your health


1.认读单词accident,ambulance,headache,helmet,rule,sick,sweet,take care of 2.认读反身代词 yourself,myself,herself,himself,itself 3.不规则动词:fall,hit,hurt,ride,break 4.理解运用should,shouldn’t


1.should,shouldn’t 2.反身代词

教学难点 不规则动词

知识拓展 1.急救知识

教学步骤 Warm up 1.do the health exercise together~ 1.discuss the words about health you know.Hospital, doctor, nurse, sport, health club..Presentation 1.T2 Read and Role play.Play recording for 3 times.Then read it together.Finally ask 4 students to role play.2.explain the words.Accident, ambulance, headache, helmet Ambulance: 120…tips 3.explain the irregular verbs(fall, hit, hurt, ride)Sing the song : London bridge song

4.should, shouldn’t=should not

5.T3 read the rules.Sick,(explain rule)sweets 6.while reading the rules, explain the pronoun, then finish the T8 7.speak out your own rules Take care of what should we do in class/at home…? We should….we should not….write it down.T4

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