Bruce Plourdepuluowen@gmail.comAmerican History and Culture “The 1960s”China-Canada Program Cheng Gong Campus 311 Zhongshan BuildingForeign Teacher’s Office, Room 3211Individual conferences by appointment
Course Description
In this course, we will focus on the United States during the decade of the 1960s.This decade, following the “Greatest Generation” which survived the Depression and the Second World War, was a particularly tumultuous time in American history, when questions of purpose and meaning arose in response to America’s new military and economic power.If the decade of the 1950s was one of conservatism and conformity, the 1960s was a time when the old values and traditions went through a re-evaluation.Beginning with the hope of promise embodied in the youthful president, John F.Kennedy, the country witnessed a cultural divide arise between those who advocated substantive change, and those content with the status quo.Various reform groups became politicized through activities which protested the American presence in Vietnam, the lack of civil rights for minorities, and the lack of tolerance and freedom of expression which characterized American culture.The Cold War hostilities which pitted the United States against the Soviet Union became internalized, as the country advanced toward a period of extended rioting, terrorism, and assassination that threatened the fabric of national cohesion.As we proceed through the narratives of our class, you should use your written responses to develop a sense of purpose in the cultural, political, and social effects which changed during this time, taking into account such aspects as gender, race, ethnicity, class, and the many other variables which begin to account for America’s pluralism.Course Requirements
Reading the material with a critical sense of literary and historical traditions is not enough.I will expect you to also share your insights into the readings in regular response papers, to participate actively in the class discussion, and to take both a midterm and a final exam.Response papers are not the summary of the text in question.Rather, they consist of your emotional, intellectual, and aesthetic connections to the text, and reflect your own individuality as a reader and a thinker.Responses should engage with all of the texts assigned for that week, and be at least a page in length.They should show some serious thought on the subject, curiosity, insight, or engagement with the issues and ideas.Responses which are thoughtful, inquisitive, insightful, and/or show a genuine engagement with the text receive full credit.Your responses must be your own thoughts, ideas, and feelings.If you choose to use outside sources for your responses, YOU MUST CITE EVERY SOURCE EVERY TIME YOU USE IT.If you do not cite every source every time you use it, you are stealing and lying.Such papers receive no credit.Response papers must be emailed to me on the evening before our class.Email them to me at puluowen@gmail.com.Late responses sent after class begins will receive no credit.Attendance
Regular attendance is mandatory.If you miss more than 2 class sessions, your grade will inevitably suffer.Should you miss more than 3 sessions, I will drop you from my class.Also, if you attend a different session of this class, you will be marked absent.Show up for the class you signed up for.If you know that you are going to be away from class for a valid reason, kindly inform me BEFORE you will be absent so that we can coordinate your making up the missed class.Paper TextsISBN 0-8090-1567-6
Electronic Texts
Baidu.com.“The Rise of Feminism in USA in 1960’s.”
Biography of Lyndon Baines Johnson.<>
Biography of Richard Milhouse Nixon.Jimmy Hendrix:Live at Woodstock ’69.<>
King, Martin Luther, Jr.“Letter from a Birmingham Jail, 16 April 1963.” < >
Manifesto Club:Essay, “My Sputnik” by Zinovy Zinik
Warrn & Silbey, “Role of the Sputnik Launch in the Cold War.” 美国社会与文化同性婚姻 美国人的婚姻观与中国人的婚姻观有着极大的不同。因为他们认为:婚姻纯属个人私事,任何人不能干涉;同时婚姻不属于道德问题。一个人有权选择和他或她最喜欢的人生活在一起。在他们看来:强迫两个不相爱的人生活在一起是残忍的。同样这种观念也适用于同性恋者们。没有人能干涉同性恋者们婚姻的意愿。为此,我就说说美国的同性婚姻。 美国同性婚姻运动于1970年代开始成形,自2004年以来,美国共有16个州在法律上认可同性婚姻。 支持同性婚姻的人通常认为,法定的婚姻及其权利不应该对同性伴侣关闭,这种拒绝同性婚姻的做法损害了其作为美国公民的权利。 此外,在美国,支持同性婚姻的人认为,同性恋者不能结婚使得他们不能享受超过1,049项权利和权益以及大量的各州法律和私有权益(例如家庭成员关系,折扣等等)。他们说,一个从法律上否定为公民提供联邦权利或权益的行为直接与美国宪法第14修正案相违背,这个修正案规定为公民提供平等的保护和大量的法定程序。这就意味着为一个群体提供的权利不能否认另一个团体享用。 在2010年12月,美国同性组织正式提出重新要求把同性婚姻合法化,并在12月18日发起游行,争取他们应有的人权及自由,认为同性也能结合,组织家庭。他们认为美国政府歧视他们的性取向,向平等机会委员会投诉,但没有清楚的被告人而不了了知。在2011年3月,经立法会仔细讨论议案,美国作为自由民主的地方,理应批准同性婚姻,最后议案正式通过,在2011年7月正式实施。 2012年5月9日,奥**成为首位公开支持同性婚姻合法化的美国总统。此前他虽然支持同性恋,但却反对同性结婚,2008年大选时,他曾表示反对同性婚姻,但赞成民事结合作为一种替代。奥**强调,这只是他个人的观点,他仍支持由各州的政府自行决定是否承认同性婚姻。2012年5月9日,奥**在接受美国广播公司新闻主播罗宾?罗伯茨(Robin Roberts)采访时,首次表明支持同性婚姻的态度,获得娱乐圈众多明星的交口称赞。 我作为一名同性恋者,理所当然对于美国同性婚姻表示支持态度。 第一届美国社会与文化知识竞赛复习大纲 1.On August 3, 1949 President Truman officially declared June 14th Flag Day.2.Houston is located in the state of Texas 3.The Ivy League is located in the Northeast of America.4.The connotation of the blue color of American national flag includes vigilance, perseverance and justice 5.The time period of American Civil war is 1861-1865 6.There are 13 colonial areas and 50 states in U.S.Of all the 50 states Alaska is the largest state in land area and Rhode Island the smallest.But on the mainland of the US, Texas, though half the size of Alaska is the largest state in the country.7.The Midwest is known as the nation's “breadbasket” because of its abundant production of oats, wheat, and corn.8.The highest peak in the Appalachians is Mount Mitchell 9.The Mississippi River is the largest river system in the United States and the largest of North America, about 2,320 miles(3,730 km).It is the most important river in the USA.After the Nile in Africa and the Amazon in South America, it is the world‟s third longest continental river.10.Superior is also the coldest and deepest of the five Great Lakes.11.The three political departments in the United States are Legislative branch, Executive branch, and judicial branch.12.Members of the House are elected every two years and must be over 25 years of age, a U.S.citizen for at least seven years, and a resident of the state(but not necessarily the district)they represent.13.The House of Representatives is made up of 435 elected members 14.Senators must be over 30 years of age, U.S.citizens for at least nine years, and residents of the state they represent.15.All Justices are nominated by the President, confirmed by the Senate.16.The Bill of Rights was introduced by James Madison.17.(FBI)is an agency of the United States Department of Justice.18.The FBI‟s motto is “Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity.19.Head Start Program provides comprehensive education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services to low-income children and their families.20.The SAT(formerly Scholastic Aptitude Test and Scholastic Assessment Test)includes math, critical reading, and writing.21.The ACT originally abbreviation of American College Testing)has historically consisted of four tests: English, Math, Reading, and Science reasoning.22.The eight institutions are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale University.23.In God We Trust is the official motto of the United States.It has appeared on U.S.currency since the 1860s and was adopted as the official national motto in 1956.24.The six pence can be any form of money, tucked into the bride's shoe, this to bring wealth, both in monetary means and love, to the union.25.As the couple leaves the church, they are showered with rice or wheat which is recognized as the symbols of fertility.26.Football attracts more television viewers than baseball, due to football's significantly shorter schedule and is considered the most popular sport in the United States.27.NBA: National Basketball Association 28.Mother's Day President Woodrow Wilson made it an official national holiday in 1914.29.Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, wearing costumes and attending costume parties, carving jack-o„-lanterns(鬼节的南瓜灯), ghost tours, bonfires(篝火), apple bobbing, visiting haunted(闹鬼的)attractions, pranks(恶作剧), telling scary stories, and watching horror films.30.In America you should pay 15% unless the server is completely incompetent or rude to you.31.Asian Americans make up the third largest minority group in the United States.32.The national flower of the United States is rose 33.The national bird of the United States is bald eagle 34.The national stone of the United States is Blue Sapphire(蓝宝石) 35.The national anthem of the United States is The Star-spangled Banner 36.The present vice president of the United States is Joe Biden 37.There are 48 contiguous states in the United States in North America.38.There are mainly 4 regional divisions in the United States? 39.How many great lakes does the United States have? 40.The Missouri River is nicknamed by“Big Muddy”.41.The Mississippi River is nicknamed by the “father of water” or “Old man River”.42.The bloodiest battle in American civil war is the Battle of Gettysburg.43.The American civil war broke out in the year of 1861 and ended in the year of 1865.44.In American civil war, the northern part was called United States of America(Union)and the southern part was called Confederate States of America(Confederacy).45.The new deal is promised by Franklin D.Roosevelt 46.Because of the new deal, the recovery was rapid in all areas except unemployment 47.President Franklin D.Roosevelt is from Democraticparty.48.President John F.Kennedy is from Democratic Party.49.President Abraham Lincoln is from Republican Party.50.President Richard Nixon is from Republican Party.51.President George W.Bush is from Republican Party.52.The most important source of law is Constitution.53.Three levels of law are federal law, states law and local law.54.the two types of American law: procedural law ,substantive law.55.How many amendments does the constitution consist of? 27 56.How many amendments does the Bill of Rights consist of? 10 57.SAT stands for scholastic aptitude test/ scholastic assessment test.58.ACT stands for American College Testing.59.The possible score of SAT ranges from 600 to 2400,.60.SAT includes the test of math, critical reading, and writing 61.In February 2005, an optional writing test was added to the ACT 62.In the wedding ceremony, something new represents the couple themselves, as a ‘new’ union.63.In the wedding ceremony, something old represents the friends and family attending the wedding.64.In the wedding ceremony, something borrowed represents something from the family that is to be returned.65.In the wedding ceremony, something blue represents the bride’s virginity 66.In the wedding ceremony, a silver six pence inside your shoe represents wealth.67.Hollywood is located in the state of California 68.By total area(land and water), the United States is, about 9,372,615 square kilometers, either slightly larger or smaller than the People's Republic of China, making it the world's third or fourth largest country.69.By land area only(exclusive of waters), the United States is the world's third largest country, following Russia and China, and is followed by Canada.70.The term “Manifest Destiny” is closely related to which period of Westward expansion in the history of America? 71.After Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 Election, eleven Southern states seceded from the union between late 1860 and 1861, establishing a new government, the Confederate States of America, on February 8, 1861.72.The War in Afghanistan is an ongoing coalition conflict which began on October 7, 2001.73.The official reason claimed by America for the invasion in Iraq 2003 included the spreading of democracy, the elimination of weapons of mass destruction and the liberation of the Iraqi people.74.Supreme court is the head of the judicial branch of America? 10.The most unique characteristic of American political system is check and balance which can prevent the over centralization of power into one branch of administration.75.Senators must be over 30 years of age, U.S.citizens for at least nine years, and residents of the state they represent.76.Members of the House of Representatives are elected every 2 years and must be over 25 years of age.77.The United States Constitution is the shortest and oldest written constitution still in use today.78.The handwritten original document was penned by Jacob Shallus 79.The grand jury is composed of not less than 12 and not more than 23 persons 80.The Constitution consists of • a preamble • seven original articles • twenty-seven amendments(修正案) • a paragraph certifying(证明)its enactment(通过)by the constitutional convention.82.Head Start Program is a program of the United States Department of Health and Human Services 18.The current SAT, introduced in 2005, takes three hours and forty-five minutes 18.The eight institutions are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale University 83.Christianity is the largest religious group in the United States? 84.The U.S.Pledge of Allegiance was modified in 1954 by President Eisenhower to add the phrase ”under God".85.Overall, Asian Americans have the second lowest poverty rate and the highest educational attainment levels 86.A newly married couple is showered with rice or wheat which is recognized as the symbols of fertility.87.The veil was originated not as decorations.88.Stay-at-home dads are not as popular in American society.89.Nuclear family structure is a traditional family support system involving two married individuals providing care and stability for their biological offspring.90.Baseball attracts more ticket sales than any other sport in the United States 91.Soccer is not the most popular sport in America.92.Super Bowl Sunday is the second-largest day for U.S.food consumption, after Thanksgiving Day 93.Major League Baseball 94.Black Friday is Friday after Thanksgiving Day.95.The date of Christmas is not known to be the actual birth date of Jesus.96.Halloween is an annual holiday celebrated on October 31.97.The holiday was not officially recognized until 1972, during the presidency of Richard Nixon.98.BYOB for American who is invited to a party means “bring your own beer” 99.In America you should pay at least 15% unless the server is completely incompetent or rude to you.100.Food is passed to the right in U.S.101 Which of the following statements is not the eating habit in America? A.No elbows on table.B.Repulsive to talk with mouth full.D.Talk happily and loudly.C.Try little of everything.102.Emancipation Proclamation 奴隶解放宣言 103.The Laissez Faire Economy 自由放任经济 104.The Electoral College 选举团 105.Westward Expansion 西进运动 106.CIA 中央情报局 107.Chinese-born American 美籍华人 建设工程学部土木工程学号:201351054姓名:马天鸿 《俄罗斯社会与文化》这门课给我的启示 文学与艺术与建筑 一直以来都对俄罗斯的文学艺术很感兴趣,这也成了我选择这门课的初衷。从呀呀学语时就知道有高尔基这个俄国的大文豪。小时候妈妈给我教高尔基名字的全称,老是记不住,后来慢慢的接触到他的作品,了解他的童年,他的大学。再后来又读到更多的俄罗斯的作家的著作,看过了契科夫的短篇小说,啃完了托尔斯泰的长篇小说。俄罗斯的文学几乎成了我了解俄罗斯最主要的途径。在这门课中,在老师带着我们对俄罗斯的一次次漫游之后,结合俄罗斯的社会环境,我对俄罗斯又有了更进一步的了解。 俄罗斯文学无疑是俄罗斯人民完美的和清晰的创作天才表达,而不仅仅是居于庙堂之高的象牙塔式的文学,无论是高尔基,托尔斯泰还是普希金,尽管他们的作品形式不同但都是来源于生活,都是与当时的社会背景紧密相连的,都是当时社会普遍道德和文化价值的表现。按照俄罗斯著名哲学家的观点, 文学也是俄罗斯哲学的体现。在这些大家耳熟能详的文学家和文学作品出现之前,俄罗斯也有过文学上的薄弱期。直到18世纪在俄罗斯几乎还没有世俗的的文学作品出现。那时只有一些古俄罗斯的历史传记,而这些作品的作者却无从知晓。对于这些作品我之前根本不了解,在上了这门可之后才知道俄罗斯文学的繁荣与从彼得大帝开始之后人们接受到西方新的思想意识和当时依然落后的农奴制之间的矛盾不无关系。在 18世纪 俄罗斯涌现出了一批杰出的诗人与作家.他们中间有瓦西 里·特里季亚可夫、米海伊尔·罗曼诺索夫、作家剧作家亚力山大·苏马洛科夫。那时主要的文学创作艺术形式是古典主义、散文。在后来就出现了我们今天都十分熟悉的反映了俄罗斯社会与民众意识的作品。像我们都读过的《死魂灵》,这些作品都对我有很大的触动,读起来也很容易理解。 再说说歌剧,我本身对歌剧的兴趣并不大,也不是很了解,但在平时的生活学习中了解到在今天这个流行音乐肆掠全球的大形势下,俄罗斯人休闲的方式依然是去歌剧院听歌剧(不知道是不是真的)就足以看出歌剧本身巨大的魅力的。总之,歌剧是俄罗斯人生活不可缺少的部分,提及俄罗斯社会与文化,歌剧就不得不说。 在这门课中,了解最多的恐怕就是俄罗斯的建筑与它那优美的风景了。老师说过,在俄罗斯拍的每张照片都像是一张明信片。确实,透过一幅幅图片,俄罗斯建筑的美妙绝伦和华丽的内饰都让我们惊叹不已。给人印象最深刻的要数圣彼得堡建筑。圣彼得堡是一个具有浓厚的巴洛克式风格的俄罗斯城市,是彼得大帝时期,由德国 法国 意大利设计师设计 建设的,巴洛克式建筑艺术的精华,气势磅礴、高 建设工程学部土木工程学号:201351054姓名:马天鸿 耸雄伟、布局对称、装饰富丽堂皇。虽然在上圣彼得堡那一课之前,就有一些比较充分的了解,之前在网上看到过一些对圣彼得堡的介绍,但是上课以后还是不由自主冒出一堆感慨,建筑风格很吸引我的眼球,你不用走到旅游景点,也不用站在地标性建筑物旁,就能感觉到浓厚巴洛克式艺术建筑风格。在这门课中我也首次听到了“哥特式”建筑这个新名词,参观了几个著名的哥特式风格的教堂,尤其琥珀宫给我留下了极深的印象。 此外,俄罗斯名人墓园也非常的吸引我,在哪里是几乎是所有俄罗斯名流的身后所在地,墓碑的造型各异,但无不反映了主人生前的性格与成就。还有托尔斯泰、普希金的故居,让人不禁想象他们当时生活的场景„„ 总之,这门课给我带来了许多以前不曾接触过的知识。也让我对俄罗斯有了新的认识,对俄罗斯社会与文化有了更为深刻的理解。让我们眼中不再是那个大概念的俄罗斯,带我们走进了一个不一样的俄罗斯,在这门课中获益颇深。 论文题目:德国啤酒 学校:江苏大学 班级:环境工程1302 学号:310903050 姓名:徐鹏 目录 摘要........................................................1 1.简介.....................................................2 2.制作过程.................................................2 3.啤酒基本分类.............................................2 3.1 基本种类............................................3 3.2 几种代表性的啤酒....................................3 4.慕尼黑啤酒节.............................................3 4.1 起源................................................3 4.2 过程................................................4 4.3 内容................................................4 4.4 影响................................................4 5.啤酒之都..................................................5 参考文献....................................................6 摘要 德国啤酒历史悠久,因口感纯正而出名,文章就德国啤酒入手,分析了德国啤酒的产生与发展,并就其中所包含的文化现象展开研究。 关键词: 德国啤酒文化 1.简介 公元1516年巴伐利亚公国的威廉四世大公颁布了「德国纯啤酒令」,规定德国啤酒只能以大麦芽、啤酒花和水三种原料制作,所以近五百年来德国啤酒即成为了所谓纯正啤酒的代名词。今日的德国为世界第二大啤酒生产国,境内共有一千三百家啤酒厂,生产的啤酒种类高达五千多种,而根据官方统计每个德国人平均每年喝掉138公升的啤酒,世界上再也找不到比德国人更热爱啤酒的民族了!特别是在每年慕尼黑啤酒节(Oktoberfest)期间竟可消耗高达六百万公升的啤酒。多年来经德国人培养形成的啤酒文化更是世界上独一无二的。 2.制作过程 啤酒的成分是大麦芽,啤酒花,水(90%以上)和酵母。无氧呼吸作用:“大麦经过发芽,加热以后经过过滤,加上啤酒花再加热,成为浓缩啤酒液。冷却后的浓缩液再被加上水和酵母,装入发酵瓶中。等待五至八天,新鲜啤酒就制成了”。最后鲜啤被装入酒瓶,还需几个星期才能完全发酵成熟。啤酒花能使啤酒清澈,延长啤酒的保质期,使它具有典型的苦味和香味。啤酒花加得越多,酒味越苦。啤酒上的厚厚泡沫(德国人称之为泡沫皇冠)也是啤酒花起的作用。 3.啤酒基本分类 3.1基本种类 大致上德国啤酒可以分为白啤酒,清啤酒,黑啤酒[1],科什啤酒,出口啤酒和无酒精啤酒这六大类。 白啤酒(Weissbier)是把小麦芽和大麦芽混合后酿制的,所以它们也叫小麦啤酒(Weizenbier)。它的特点是液体较浓厚,口味不太苦,喝上去口感润滑,是典型的液体面包。著名的品种有巴伐利亚白啤酒(Bayerischer Weissbier),柏林白啤酒(Berliner Weisse)和莱比锡白啤酒(Leipziger Gose)等等。巴伐利亚白啤酒中有我们熟知的牌子Tucher,Paulaner等等。柏林的Berliner Kindl也是很出名的牌子。柏林人喝它时还常常加入覆盆子糖浆(Himbeersirup)或香车叶草糖浆(Waldmeistersirup),使她成为红色(Rot)或绿色(Grün)的混合饮料。清啤酒(Pils)主要流行于北德地区,是当地人首选的啤酒品种。清啤酒品质清冽,呈透明的浅黄色。它是德国啤酒中苦味最重 的一种。因为采用二次发酵的工艺,酒中所含的糖份少,不容易使人醉酒,清啤酒很适合大量饮用。最知名的代表品牌是弗伦斯堡(Flensburg),在当地家喻户晓。 此种就采用推盖设计,开瓶时不需要起子,并可以发出香槟似的开瓶声音。黑啤酒(Schwarzbier)的家乡在杜塞尔多夫和鲁尔区。它的颜色相当深,有着淡咖啡般的棕色。黑啤酒不象清啤酒那样苦,口感上稍带甜味,和爱尔兰的基尼斯啤酒(Guinness)有点相似的地方,只是浓度稍微淡一些。科什啤酒(Kölsch)是科隆的特产。科什啤酒(Kölsch)的酒质非常清淡,有着比清啤酒还要浅的颜色,苦味也少。喝科什啤酒一般用典型的0.2立升的细长玻璃杯。会喝酒的人可以一连喝上十杯二十杯都面不改色。 出口啤酒(Exprotbier)是专门供出口的德国啤酒,象著名的贝克啤酒(Beck’s)等等。它的酒精含量比清啤酒高些,但苦味较少,总的口味比较清淡,在国际上很受欢迎。鲁尔区的多特蒙德是出口啤酒产量最高的城市。 无酒精啤酒(Alkohofreies Bier)也是啤酒,口味和清啤酒差不多,只是不含酒精,最适宜驾驶车辆的人饮用。 3.2几种代表性的啤酒 比尔森啤酒(Pelsen),原产于捷克斯落伐克,是目前世界上饮用人数最多的一种啤酒,是世界上啤酒的主导产品。它为一种下面发酵的淡色啤酒,特点为色泽浅,泡沫丰富,酒花香味浓,苦味重但不长,口味纯爽。 多特蒙德啤酒(Dortmunder beer)是一种淡色的下面发酵啤酒,原产于德国的多特蒙德。该啤酒颜色较浅,苦味较轻,酒精含量较高,口味甘淡。慕尼黑啤酒(Mumich dark beer)是一种下面发酵的浓色啤酒,原产于德国的慕尼黑。色泽较深,有浓郁的麦芽焦香味,口味浓醇而不甜,苦味较轻。博克啤酒(Bock beer)是一种下面发酵的烈性啤酒,棕红色,原产地也为德国。发酵度极低,有醇厚的麦芽香气,口感柔和醇厚,泡沫持久。 德力士小麦王(delurll beer)具有独特口味的浑浊型小麦白啤,浓香宜人,入口清新,给您带来独特的来自德国拜仁洲的啤酒享受;酵母的二次发酵工艺让您在饮用的同时更能帮助消化;微酸的口味是在佐餐时最好的伴侣。独具德国拜仁洲风味的啤酒,德力士小麦王代表了德国啤酒的最高品质。 4.慕尼黑啤酒节 4.1起源 1810年巴伐利亚加冕王子路德维希和特蕾瑟公主于当年10月完婚,官方的庆祝活动持续了5天。人们聚集到慕尼黑城外的大草坪上,唱歌、跳舞、观看赛马和痛饮啤酒。从此,这个深受欢迎的活动便被延续下来,流传至今,每年9月的第三个星期六至10月第一个星期日就固定成为啤酒节。截至到2004年,除因战争和霍乱中断外,慕尼黑啤酒节已整整举办了170届。4.2过程 节日的第一天上午,来自巴伐利亚、德国其他州以及奥地利、瑞士、法国的游行队伍聚集在一起,人们身穿艳丽多彩的民族服装及传统古装在慕尼黑市长及酒厂老板乘坐的富丽堂皇、花团锦簇的马车引领下,浩浩荡荡、威武雄壮地涌向黛丽丝草场。中午12时,随着礼炮12响,顿时鼓乐齐奏、彩旗飞扬、人声沸腾。市长在作简短致辞后,打开第一桶啤酒,啤酒节便在沸腾的欢呼声中揭开了序幕。这时身穿传统服装的啤酒女郎用单耳大酒杯将新鲜啤酒不断地送到迫不及待的饮客面前。许多身穿鹿皮短裤、背心等民族服装的巴伐利亚人手举啤酒杯穿行在大街上,他们逢人便高喊“干杯”,气氛十分热闹。 4.3内容 人们坐在传统的长板凳上及长木桌前,享受着举世闻名的德国啤酒和具有当地特色的烤猪腿,除了喝酒之外,街头张灯结彩,市内7家大酒厂组成的游行队伍也纷纷上街载歌载舞。还有许多民俗活动,如音乐会、马戏团表演,也有许多贩卖站与游乐设施,如旋转马与摩天轮等。啤酒一直供应到晚上10点半,这时乐队齐奏催促人们回家的曲子,在泰瑞莎广场上的活动则在晚上11时结束,可是不少游客却还是意犹未尽,流连忘返,许多人仍会转战至通宵开放的酒馆续摊。 走近慕尼黑啤酒棚的会场中,会看到十余座由各家知名啤酒公司及餐厅合开的大型啤酒屋帐篷(Beer tent),而虽名为帐篷但每个帐篷都宛如小巨蛋,因为工程浩大跟盖房子没两样,为容纳每晚数千至数万人,各家啤酒屋可是挖尽了心思来满足不同游客的需求,从7月中就开始撘建巨型棚子,而棚内外,都布置得各具特色。十几个啤酒棚共可容纳9万多个座位,每个啤酒生产商会在帐篷内展示属于他们的啤酒,大家在啤酒棚内唱歌、跳舞,吃烤鸡、烤鱼及巨无霸德国面包 Pret-zel。另外有不少的啤酒棚里也设有乐队表演的舞台,每晚都会有乐团表演一些耳熟能响的德国歌曲,还有身着中古世纪服装的游行与传统的歌舞。不过最吸引人的还是啤酒棚外许多各式各样适合全家大小玩乐的游乐设施,如旋转木马、海盗船、旋转啤酒筒、大型摩天轮、旋转秋千、过山车、鬼屋等游乐设施,还有提供游客德意志帝国美食的小摊位,好让任何年龄的人士都会在啤酒节玩得开开心心!除此之外,到了夜晚,五光十色的灯光,照亮了整个会场,更能感受慕尼黑越夜越美丽,而巨型的摩天轮,则是俯瞰啤酒节会场的最佳地点。4.4影响 这场誉为全球最大的节庆活动之一,每年都会吸引了超过700万名的观光客,足足喝掉600万公升以上的啤酒!没想到印象中一板一眼的德国人,其实也有如此热情好客的一面。连续16天的啤酒节,每年在特里萨广场上架起可容纳数万个座位的大帐棚,提供游客啤酒、德国美食;帐棚外则竖立着摩天轮之类的游乐设施,会场中不时穿插身着中古世纪服装的游行与民俗活动。2003年就约有六百万人万人挤进约31公顷大草地上的14座帐篷里,饮尽约570万公升(一百五十万加仑)的德国啤酒。而在泰瑞莎广场上的所有的啤酒大棚都是临时搭建的,每个大棚都有2000平方公尺左右,都有独立的舞台和啤酒销售柜台。 5.啤酒之都 事实上,多特蒙德才是德国真正的啤酒之都,6大啤酒厂年产啤酒超过了6亿公升,在世界上也仅次于美国的米尔沃基排名第二,原产于多特蒙德的多特蒙德啤酒(Dortmunder Beer)更是球迷们不可错过的佳酿。钢铁与啤酒是多特蒙德的象征,啤酒是普通市民最喜欢的饮料。据说,1700多年以前,啤酒酿造业就在这里兴起。如今该市年产啤酒75万千升,是欧洲首屈一指的啤酒城,也是世界著名的啤酒产地。 在多特蒙德大街上,啤酒店依然随处可见,估计有六七百家之多,满城洋溢着啤酒的芳香。德国人喜欢在啤酒店相聚,就像中国人爱坐茶馆一样。因此,多特蒙德不仅是个盛产啤酒的城市,也是个啤酒消费量颇高的城市,其啤酒人均年消费量是欧洲人均水平的4倍左右,不愧“啤酒桶中的城市”。 参考文献 [1] 蔡玳燕.德国饮食文化[M].暨南大学出版社,2011.[2] 鲁成文.德意志之在:游思德意志民族文化性格[M].世界图书出版公司,2010.[3]中国论文网,德国的啤酒文化与德意志民族性格分析,2014.07.09第二篇:美国社会与文化