学术英语answers for exercises of unit 1

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第一篇:学术英语answers for exercises of unit 1

Unit 1Choosing a TopicEnhancing your academic language

Text 1

1.Match the words with their definitions.1g 2a 3e 4b 5c 6d 7j 8f 9h 10i

2.Complete the following expressions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the help of the Chinese in brackets.Change the form if necessary.symbolic2distributed3site4complex5identify


11process12parameter13interpretation14technical15range16exploit17networking18involve19 instance20specification21accompany22predictable23profile

3.Read the sentences in the box.Pay attention to the parts in bold.Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets.You may refer to the expressions and the sentence patterns listed above.ranging from(从……到)

arise from some misunderstandings(来自于对……误解)

leaves a lot of problems unsolved(留下很多问题没有得到解决)

opens a path for(打开了通道)

requires a different frame of mind(需要有新的思想)

4.Translate the following sentences from Text 1 into Chinese.1)有些人声称黑客是那些超越知识疆界而不造成危害的好人(或即使造成危害,但并非故意而为),而“骇客”才是真正的坏人。





Text 2

1.Match the words with their definitions.1d2f3h4i5a6e7b8j9g10c

2.Complete the following expressions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the help of the Chinese in brackets.Change the form if necessary.compromised2notoriety3 interchangeably4malfunctioned5squeezeingenious7 emergence8 humble9 Cunning10 vulnerability 11criminal12patches13 sinister14daunting15replicate 16malicious17 spirals18secure19blur20 stemdisrepute22 sophisticated23harness24 recipient25convert

3.Read the sentences in the box.Pay attention to the parts in bold.Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets.You may refer to the expressions and the sentence patterns listed above.There is evidence(有证据表明)

so hasthe numberof hackers(黑客的数量也有很大增长)

are often referred to as(往往被称之为)

compromise your computer(损坏你的计算机)

capture your information(获取你的信息)

access your computer(进入你的计算机).Translate the following sentences from Text 2 into Chinese.看似无害的编程错误可能被利用,导致电脑被侵入,为电脑病毒和蠕虫的繁衍提供温床。2 当一个软件漏洞被发现,黑客可以将它变成一个侵入点,从而造成极大的破坏。在这之前,往往需要争分夺秒地利用正确的软件补丁来防止破坏的发生。最简单的钓鱼骗局试图利用迅速致富的伎俩诱使诈骗目标寄钱。但网络骗子们也变得越来越狡猾,最近的陷阱是通过发送客户服务的电子邮件让用户进入假银行或商业网站,并在那里请他们“重新输入”他们的账户信息。间谍软件与垃圾邮件和钓鱼网络一起,构成了三个令人生厌的互联网害虫。尽管有些程序可以通过入侵软件漏洞从而进入电脑,但这些有害而秘密的程序通常会随着其他免费的应用软件侵入到计算机系统中。尽管因特网已经彻底改变了全球通讯,但是对于那些利用网络力量实现罪恶目的的人和那些负责阻止这些网络犯罪的人来说,他们之间的较量才刚刚开始。

Text 3

1.Match the words with their definitions.1f2d 3e4j 5i 6h7b8a9g 10c

2.Complete the following expressions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the help of the Chinese in brackets.Change the form if necessary.irrespective2 be tailored3 prone4 opt5maximum


11modified12on-demand13 whereabouts14Hazardous15incurred

16applicable17developer18on offer19host20nominal21certified22automated23outage24sync25back up26minimal27mobile

3.Read the sentences in the box.Pay attention to the parts in bold.Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets.You may referto the expressions and the sentence patterns listed above.Irrespective of whether(不管)

saveusersthe trouble(使用户避免这样的麻烦)

caters to the needs of(迎合了需求)

for the purpose of(其目的就是)

4.Translate the following sentences from Text 3 into Chinese.云计算可定义为一种按次付费模式,这种模式可以根据要求迅速得到计算机分配的可靠资源,用户很少需要自己进行管理。由于云计算可以用来不断提供资源,因此当你需要扩充计算机容量时就不需要去买硬件,就不会因为用电去冷却计算机设备而产生更多的二氧化碳。这意味着他们不需要开车到办公地点。这就可以省去燃料费,减少二氧化碳排放,从而保护了环境。万一断电,客户可以在电脑再启动时使用和主机同步的备份。除此之外,云计算还不容易受到黑客入侵和分布式拒绝服务的攻击,因为攻击者不知道数据的位置。

Text 4

1.Match the words with their definitions.1c2e3a4i5g6b7d8f9j 10h

2.Complete the following expressions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the help of the Chinese in brackets.Change the form if necessary.analogy2compatible3 Distribute4 implement5activated6 static7 aggregated8 clone9 innovative10replacement11 crashedcompromised13 mine14 substantial15asset16 centralize17 facilities 18 loose19 monitor20integrate21derived22 update23downloadupgrade25licensed26differential27 install 28 minimum29 in-house30crucial

3.Read the sentences in the box.Pay attention to the parts in bold.Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets.You may referto the expressions and the sentence patterns listed above.remains wide open(有很大的前景)

is derived from the way in which(来自这样一个方法)

becomes crucial(非常重要)

will be substantially reduced(会大大降低)

4.Translate the following sentences from Text 4 into Chinese.1这个术语来自于因特网往往呈现为网络图的方法。



Lecture Listening

Listening: Lecture 1

1.To help computer users to be aware of the ethical uses of computers and the Internet.2.Because more and more people have started using computers and the Internet.3.Number Eight.4.Number Nine.5.Respect and fairness.6.Lecture 1 addresses the topic “how a computer user avoids being a conscious or unconscious hacker” while Text 1 and 2 deal with the way hackers “get inside” a computer and electronic threats a computer faces.7.Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics.Listening: Lecture 2It’s a sophisticated group of politically motivated hackers.We should talk to hackers and make use of them.They do business by using the escrow system.Hackers who have disabilities like autism.Recruiting and mobilizing hackers on behalf of the state.Faced with the threats of computer hackers mentioned in Text 1 and 2, the speaker suggests that we should talk to hackers, understand their disabilities, and make use of their talent.Understand and Make Use of Hackers.Listening: Lecture 3

1.It can display different kinds of color depending on one’s fortune.Because not many kids know where they can learn to make up a program.The app store.Because students at his school can come and learn how to design an app.How should iPad be used and what apps should we put on the iPads.How Can I Get Fascinated with the iPads and Design Apps?Maybe most probably if he lacks such education as computer ethics.Listening: Lecture 4Security.Privacy, intrusion prevention and detection, and availability.The keys are less secure and can be cracked more easily.Because there are new forms of attacks as technology develops.We should apply cloud service intelligently in the new context.Listening: Lecture 5

Part1No, because the cloud computing is more than just about technology, it’s a combination of different factors.Innovation, bespoke, products and utility service.Because the innovation would finally become a utility service.Part2A constant demand for new things and a constant pressure for improvement.5 Concept, suitability, technology and attitude.To illustrate the situation that there are so much noise on cloud computing.



Company: Hu Dong Shipyard Position: Design Apartment A: Respond for Interviewer

(Cui Bingbing)B: Respond for Interviewee

(Bu Yinglei)

B: Hello Mr.Cui,nice to meet you.A: Hello Mr.Bu,nice to meet you too.Please sit down.B: Thank you, what a beautiful and quiet environment.A: Oh,thanks.A: OK, please tell me about yourself? B: My name is Bu Yinglei, I’m 24 years old, I graduated from Harbin Engineering University and majored in Design and Construction of Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure.I obtained university scholarship many times and published some papers in magazines, you will learn more about it in my resume.A: Yes, I have read your resume and it makes a very strong impression on me.B: Oh,thank you.A: You are welcome.Well, I know about you have some exercitation experiences in your resume, please tell me about them? B: OK, I have exercitations at Da Lian shipyard and Cheng Xi shipyard for about half a month, besides I have an exercitation just in your company last winter.A: Oh, really.I think you must have learnt a lot from them.B: Oh,yes.A: OK,next question, what make you choose our company? B: In my job search, I have investigated a number of companies.Yours is one of the few that interests me.I think your company attracts me for these reasons.Firstly, your company is one of the most important shipyards in china.Secondly, I have some classmates who are just working at your company;they recommend me to choose your company and I also think that your company is just for me.A: OK,thank you.There are many staffs in our company who just graduate from your university and they all make grate contribution to our company.it’s the reason why I come here again.Then,what kind of personality do you think you have and what are your personal weaknesses?

B: I prefer fixing attention on one thing a time, I don’t like to give up halfway.Well, talking about my personal weaknesses, I’m afraid I’m a poor talker.I’m not comfortable talking with the people whom I have just met for the first time, but I have trying my best to overcome this personal weakness.A: Oh, I appreciate your personality very much.As to your personal weakness, there are many people in our company who just like you are poor talkers, but it doesn’t forbid them to be grate success.B: Oh ,thank you.A: OK, what kinds of people do you like work with? B: Overall I am an easy-going and sincerity person, I think I can work with any kinds of person and get well along with them.A: Well, the sense of teamwork is important in our company, I think the person like you will work with other people harmonious.Then, what do you look for in a job? B: I want improve my skills and abilities in this job, learn more knowledge on shipbuilding and the make contribution to your company and our country’s shipbuilding industry, earn enough money to live a good life at the same time.A: OK,your reasons are common and how long would you stay with us? B: As long as I feel that I’m contributing, and that my contribution is recognized, I want to make a long term commitment.A: Your answer is smart, then the last question, what are your long-range goals? B: I want to become a supervisor through my hard work, to grow and develop professionally, to help others develop, to build a team and to share what I have learned.A: OK,you have a great ambition.Don’t you have any questions to ask? B: Oh,yes.What are the specific requires in this position? A: You will have a lot of projects to take part in and play an important role in this position.From my point of view, the specific requires in this position are senses of teamwork and responsibility.B: Oh, yes.Then what is the most difficulty in this position? A: From my point of view, the most difficulty in this position is will always deal with problem under pressure.Well, our company will give you a fair salary based on the job responsibilities, your experience and skills.B: Yes I know, I have learned it from my classmates who just work at design apartment.Thank you give me the chance to introduce myself, and thank you for your answers.A: You are welcome, Mr.Bu.Thank you for your interest in our company.Goodbye B: Thank you for your time, Mr.Cui.Goodbye 2


A summary of Text 12

Title:How Radiation Threatens Health

Author:Nina Bai

Source:Scientific American, 15 March, 2010


The radiation leaks at Fukushima makes people feel worried, and it’s necessary to know that the health effects caused by radiation exposure depend on its level, type and duration.Every person is exposed some background radiation from natural but only beyond this level people can get radiation sickness.At the same time, the radiation which takes different forms is produced by different heavy isotopes.On the other hand, the exposure time is so important that high single dose of radiation can do much more harm to human than the same dosage accumulate overtime.Last but not least, the government should remember the Chernobyl’s lessons but we’d better not do too many extra measures to make people feel scared.(124 words)



Toboggan: a fast sled used for sliding down snowy or icy hills.RV:(recdreational vehicle)large motor vehicle equipped with living space ,such as a toilet,kitchen,sleeping space,etc.Manifest destiny:American philosophy from the 19th century;belief that Americans have a destiny or fate to explore new areas and take over new lands.Hitchhike:

Cinco de mayo:it was a festival of Mexican,today it means freedom and independent


Dive: a very cheap,often sketchy restaurant or bar

Cuckooa: man who is a stupid,incompetent fool

Pit stop: a break to get food or grass or use the bathroom.Idioms/Slang:

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence: people tend to want whatever they don’t have.Have itchy feet:

Yellow fever:refer to westen men who like to date Asian women ,for example:John only dates Chinese girls,he denifite have yellow fever.Backseat driver: a passenger who gives unnecessary or annoying directions to the diriver.Dog days of summer: hot and humid weather,usually in late July.Digging a hole to China:1)to dig a hole.2)to have unrealistic goals or expectatry.If she thinks she can pass her drivers exam,she’s just digging a hole to

China.Get lobstered: get a very bad sunburn,turn bright red.Black gold: the oil

To shanghai: to kidnap, trick, or force someone to do something unwillingly.for example :I didn’t want to go to the movies last night, but my friend she

shanghai to me.Don’t eat yellow snow: don’t do things that obvious that is stupid or damage.Concepts:

1.Americans’ perception of Chinas

2.Road trip

3.Great Wall graffiti zone


5.new years resolutions


Good morning everyone.Welcome to my presentation.My name is …My major is mechanical engineering.The research direction of my team is the robot, so I’ll talk something about applications of the teleoperator robot in our life with two examples.The main contents of my speech are the medical robot and the cooking robot.First of all, we should know what teleoperator robot is.Teleoperator

robots are mainly used for various operations of non-industrial production, for example, the medical robot, the cooking robot and the cleaning robot.Let’s first see the medical robot.The main characteristics ofthe medical robot is remote control.The remote control lets people stride across the space-time barrier.It means that the doctor and the patient can be in different places, as is shown in the pictures.The patient is in Strasbourg while the surgeon is in New York.The display screen

provides surgery scene to the surgeon.By operating the main operation terminal and inputting commands, doctors can control the robot to have surgery.Robots can also serve our daily life.Most of us may already know that the robot cooks in the university cafeteria of Beijing Jiaotong University.We all think that it’s very interesting.These pictures show us the process of the robot cooking.First, the chef puts raw materials into the robot, then choses the dish to cook in the display screen.Next, the robot starts to

cook.In the cooking process, the chef follows the robot’s voice prompts to add spices.Just three minutes later, the robot pours the cooked dish into the prepared basin.The robot cooking not only takes less time but also uses less gas.It can save fifty percent of gas.As the above examples allude, teleoperator robots provide service for mankind and make our life more convenient.Meanwhile they save us a lot of time and sources of energy.I believe in the future teleoperator robots will be more widely used and provide better service to our life.That’s all.Thank you.

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