
时间:2019-05-15 15:34:03下载本文作者:会员上传



Tom was translated to our school last year.He hung on

Miss Yang’s every word in class and soon became the apple of her eye.2.的爱和骄傲。看到女儿高中毕业,他感到一阵难以用语言表达Seeing his daughter graduate from high school,he felt

a surge of love and pride that he couldn’t express in word.3.到会变成百万富翁!当李先生去年开始涉及股市时,他做梦都没有想Last stock market,becoming year when Mr.Li

began first venture into wildest dream.a millionaire was beyond his the 4.拍了几张相片,可惜焦点都没对准。在休假日,我有幸看到一些野生动物在吃鱼。我On wild my holiday ,I was lucky enough to

witness some them,but unfortunately they were all out off focus.seals feeding on fish.I took some photos of 5.没有任何东西能改变他们在下周结婚的决定。王子跟那位女演员保持确定的情侣关系已三年。The price has been going steady with the actress forthree years and nothing can alter their decision to get married next week.6.育的看法完全是一种错误的想法。没有教育人们怎因为穷人连饭都吃不饱便认为他们不需要义务教能克服贫穷。It need is complete

misconstruction that even have enough to feed on.But without education, compulsory education because the they poor do do not not how can people ever overcome their poverty.7.出他怎么突然变成了优等生。大卫所有的同班同学都困惑不解——没有人想得All---no one can work out how he became a top student of David’s classmates are

completely stumped overnight.8.他最终还是从痛苦中恢复了过来。很明显,她拒绝他的求婚给了他沉重的打击,但It him hard, but in time he recovered from his wounds.was obvious that her rejection of

his proposal hit 1.Unit2

不可少的,但真正的成熟远远不只是一整套的生存独立生活的能力对于任何一个成年人来说都是必策略。The ability to fend for oneself is indispensable to any

adult survival strategies., but real maturity is more than just a set of 2.园。孩子们在儿童节有资格免费进入每一个城市公On Children ’ s Day,kids are entitled

all the city parks.It’s a way of compensating them for to free entry to the long hours they spend in school all your.3.下降了。你更注重个人的生活而不是学习,难怪你的成绩You ’ re giving more priori

to suffering.your studies.It’s no ty to your personallife than wonder your grades are 4.们反对丈夫把她们作为管家来对待。鉴于当今社会大多数的妇女在外谋职,很自然她Given that most women nowadays have jobs outside

the husbands treating them like housekeepers.home ,it’s natural that they object to their 5.私人飞机。美国的不少百万富翁都至少拥有两座房子和一架Quite least two house and private plane.a number

of American millionnaires owns at 6.功于他坚强的毅力和对未来地信念。当约翰从癌症中意外地康复时,他的医生把此归When doctors attributed it to his strong will and faith in the John recovered unexpectedly from

cancer,his future.7.俗,更不必说保留“妇女和儿童优先”地传统了。没有任何实际理由要保留为女性开门的那种习There is no practical reason to perpetuate the customof opening doors for women,let alone the tradition of “women and children first”.8.许多女权主义者反对男人养育孩子不如女人的想


nurture children

feminists object to the notion that men can’t as well as women can.1.避开她。我们不久就对她无休止的抱怨感到厌倦,并尽量unit3

We soon grew weary of her constant complaints, and

avowed her as much as possible.2.的规划作准备。市长将在今天下午主持会议,为建设一条新公路The mayor will preside over a meeting this afternoon

that highway.will pave the way for plans to build a new 3.山。从山顶上四下观望真令人惊叹。如果我们有更多的时间可支配,我会带你上这座If we had more time at our disposal , I ’ d take you up

this awe-inspiring.mountain.the view from the top is truly 4.美和实际美。任何热爱生活的人都不难发现鸟类迁徙中的象征Anyone who is in love with life will have no difficulty

in finding the symbolic as well as the actual beauty in the migration of the birds.5.方感受不到的内心的满足。观看壮观的潮涨潮落景色使我感到一种在其他地Watching the magnificent view of the ebb and flow of

the find nowhere else.tides fills me with an inner contentment that I 6.帮他抚平心头的创伤。他的不幸激起了听众深深的同情。他们热切的想His

listeners misfortune aroused great sympathy among the wounds.,who are keen to help heal his mental 7.性也许是困难的或不可能的,但它肯定会对我们的对一个门外汉来说,要认识霍金博士研究的重要生活产生经久的影响。Recognition

research layman ,but it is sure to have a lasting impact on our may of be the difficult importance or impossible of Dr.Hawkin for ’s a life.8.述他的登月经历,但他一直没有足够的支配时间。史密斯先生早就希望能有机会向周围的年轻人讲Mr.Smith lunar landing experience to the young people around has long wished for a chance to relate hishim ,but he never has enough time at this disposal.1.Unit4

十点以后调低你的电视机音量。我们想提醒情爱的观众,敬请体谅他人,在晚上We’d like to remind our viewers to be considerate to

your neighbors and keep your TVs turned down after 10 pm.2.用:前面的路充满了不能预见的机遇。我希望我的忠告对处于压力下的学生们会起作I pressure hope my opportunities.---the advice road will ahead work on is the full students

of unforeseen under 3.人面前讲话,她会感到不自然。顺便说一句,琳达是个腼腆的人,在那么多的生Incidentally uneasy ,Linda is a

strangers.about speaking in ahy the person presence who of might so many feel 4.而不是事事都依靠老师。要在学习上取得进步,学生具备独立学习的技能In order to get ahead in their studies, students need

to instead of relying on their teacher for everything.equip themselves with independent-study skills 5.财产来衡量的。现在的年轻人变得老成,他们确信成就是以拥有Young the conviction that achievement is measured by how people nowadays

are ingrowing up old , with many possessions they own.6.减少他们的经济压力。许多学生为他们利用课余时间打工辩解,说这会Many saying that it reduces their economic pressure.students justify their

working part time by 7.格。你现在必须马上做的是填好在你来时给你的表

What you need to do now is were given when you arrived.to fill in the forms you 8.这并不意味着进入一种职业后就要坚持不懈的干就失业本身而言,需要一个人毕生的奉献,但是下去。A career in itself requires one’s liflong devotion , but

it does not mean

that after you get into a profession you must continue all along.1.Unit5

能找到的各种资料来汇编了这本小小的指南。为了帮助外国投资者更好的了解上海,他们根据Toof help from the various sources they couldn’t.Shanghai.They foreign inventors they’ve get a compiled better understanding this litter guide 2.人。他是那种在计划实现之后才让大家知道的那种

He’sto himself until they’rerealized.the sort of person who prefers to keep his plans

3.出国了。我千里迢迢的来纽约看他,结果却发现他两天前I came to New York from far a way to see him.only to

find he had gone abroad two days before.4.们是如何生存了如此之久的。现在很难想象没有电、没有电视、没有电话,我It is diffilong without electricity,television or telephone.cult to imagine now how we ‘ve survive for so


wealthy if the money has been acquired honestly.new policy encourages people to become 6.金。如果我负责这个项目,我会更好的利用现有的资If I were in ch

of the money that’s available.ange of the project, I’d make better use 7.个危险分子。他们拒绝给他进入这个国家的签证,理由是他是

He was refused an entry permit on the grounds that

he was a dangeous personal.8.It didn ’t take the teacher long to catch on that 老师没有多久就发现,汤姆总有迟交作业的借口。always had excuse for being late with assignments.Tom1.Unit6的态度。我真希望你对这一事件能采取一种更加通情达理I

towards the event.wish you could adopt a more reasonable attitude 2.了。在那次车祸中我的腿摔断了,我儿子的腿也摔断I broke my leg in the car accident and so did my song.3.The 那位老妇人不胜悲伤,几乎不能自己走路了。hardly/barely walk on her owner.old woman,overwhelmed by grief,could4.It 在他过世五十年之后,他的成就才为社会所承认。accomplishments were acknowledged by society.was 50 years after his death that his 5.Where 这里曾经是战火纷飞,现在却是一片和平和繁荣。peace and prosperity.there were flame sof war, now there are 6.He 他病得很重,他的病无药可救。

power of any medicine-chest.is seriously ill and his disease defies the healing 7.他对生活失去了信心。由于前途渺茫,一片空白,He and gone blank and his early hopes ha ve faded into has lost confidence in

早年的希望逐渐消失,life-the future has blurred nothingness.8.父母的突然去世,他的家庭已经破碎。小汤姆意识到已无法改变这一严酷的现实:随着Little harsh reality that his family had fallen apart with his Tom realized that nothing could

change the parents' sudden deathsman.1.Unit7的水平一般而感到羞愧。别人怎么看你无关紧要。只要你喜欢你的业余爱好,那么你不必因为自己As feel long as you enjoy your hobby, youothers think of your.ashamed of being so-so.It doesn’t matter don’t have what to 2.金钱在竞技体育中正显出其重要性,但我们必须

确保他不会影响一些重要的东西。Money is becoming a big deal in competitive sports,but we must make sure that it doesn’t get of what’s important.3.in the way 体健康。我们都需要不时地进行某种锻炼来使自己保持身We then to keep ourselves in good shape.all need

some from of exercise every now and 4.是拖着。我一再说该是你整理自己房间的时候了,但你老I’ve room, but you keep putting it office.said over

and over it’s time you tided up your 5.业水准。你能给他指点指点吗?一两年前他才开始学画画,所以技法还未达到专He only took up painting a couple of years ago, so his

technique give him some instructionisn’t up to professional standard.Can you 6.?


smoking by information them of its danger some.experts are trying to discourage people from 7.部休闲时间。敬业当然是好的,但你不能让工作蚕食了你的全Being shouldn’t let work eat all your leisure time.committed

to your job is finest, but you 8.对待。对于我来说,工作和业余爱好都必须严肃认真的As far as I’m concerned, both jobs and hobbies should

be seriously considered.1.Unit8

九天,其明确目的之一将是研究太空飞行对衰老过美国国家航空和航天局宣布,这次飞行任务长达程的影响。NASA annouced that one of tangible objective of this

nine-day mission was of space flight on the aging procession.to do research into the effects 2.面投入了大量的资金。在冷战期间,苏美两国在外层空间的开发活动方During United the exploration.States Cold both War spent era

substantial ,the Soviet funds Union on and space the 3.众中引起了很大的争议。总统关于削减政府社会福利支出的提议已经在公The government’s President ’s proposal

great deal of controversy.social welfare spending to scale has down caused the a 4.前。佛罗里达恶劣的天气,加上舱门的故障,曾使美国“发现”号航天飞机会带肯尼迪航天中心之安全着陆难以保证。Before the American space shuttle Discover returned

to Kennedy Space Centereturned, the bad weather in Florida,coupled with the door trouble, but its landing in doubtless.5.这并不是说外层空间的研究没有科学价值。迄今为止还没有充分证据表明火星上有生命,但So far there is little evidence of life on Mars ,but this

doesn’t scientific valued.justify the conclusion that research has no 6.有十六个国家参与的合作项目。国际空间站是费用最为昂贵的太空探索项目,是The which sixteen countries are International Space Station,space-explooration projiect ever taking part , is the a collaboration most in taken.7.驱者在没有外国专家帮助的情况下,执着的进行研这本书讲的是在五十年代末,中国航天探索的先究的情况。This

when book pressed ahead with their research without the help of the describes pioneers the of period Chinese at space the end exploration of 1950s foreign expert.8.生产总值的一半。今年制造业创利已超过两千亿美元,占我国国内This industries year the profits

made one half of our country’s GDPhave exceeded $200.billionth, in manufacturing making up(D仔收集,亮仔排版)


1.发言人(spokesman)明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取消这次旅行(under any circumstances).The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancel the trip under any circumstances.2.我们相信他所说的,因为他受过良好的教育,出生于受人尊敬的家庭,更重要的是他为人可靠.We believe what he has said, because he is well-educated, comes from a respectable family, and what's more, he is realiable.3.随后发生的那些事件再次证明了我的猜疑(suspicions)是对的(confirm).The subsequent events confirmed my suspicions once again.4.在赛后举行的记者招待会上,这位足球教练(coach)因该队表现不佳(poor performance)而向球迷们致歉(apologize to sb.For sth.).At the press conference held after the game, the football coach apologized to the fans for his team's poor performance.5.令我们吃惊的是这位常被赞为十分正直的州长(governor)竟然是个贪官(corrupt official)(turn out to be)To our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty turned out to be a corrupt official

6.只有少数工作得到提升(be promoted),在这同时却有数百名工人被解雇(be dismissed).A few workers were promoted, but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed.7.如果有机会,约翰也许已成为一位杰出的画家了(given).Given the chance, John might have become an outstanding painter.8.起初我以为是开玩笑,可后来我知道他是当真的.At first I thought he was joking, but then I realized he was serious.1.在医院的急诊室(emergency room)里常常听到痛苦的呻吟声。

Groans of pain can often be heard in a hospital emergency room.2.这位美国前国务卿(Secretary of State)已重新回到公众生活(public life)中来,担任了驻外大使(ambassador to a foreign country)

The former U.S.Secretary of State has returned to public life as a ambassador to a foreign country.3.兑现支票(cash a check)时大多数银行要求提供身份证明

Proof of identity is required for cashing a check at mose banks.4.这位通俗歌星(pop star)在舞台上的引起了全场观众(audience)起立鼓掌(presence)

The pop star’s presence on the stage brought the audience to its/their feet in applause.5.她惊异地发现许多人仍然不办保险(without insurance)就冒险旅行(risk doing)

She was amazed to learn that many people still risk traveling without insurance.6.请务必做到不让孩子们来探身窗外(see to it that,lean)

Will you see to it that no children should lean out of the windows.7.他在战争中被俘,不论敌人如何残酷的折磨(torture)他,他从不屈服(give in)

He was captured/taken prisoner in the war, but never gave in no matter how cruelly the enemy tortured him.8.亨利比德尔虽然伤热严重但贝蒂在医生的帮助下终于使他转危为安(bring through)

Henry Bedell was seriously wounded,but Bettie,with the help of the doctor,finally brought him through.1.许多美国大学生申请政府贷款交付学费.Many American students apply for government loans to pay for their education /tuition.2.除阅读材料外,使用电影和录像(videotapes)会激发学生的学习兴趣(stimulate).Besides reading materials,the use of films and videotapes can stimulate students' interest in a subject.3.这位律师试图说服陪审团(jury)他的当事人(client)是无辜的(convince sb.of).The attorney/lawyer tried to convince the jury of his client's innocence.4.自20世纪80年代初以来医学方面的科学家们一直在努力寻找治疗艾滋病(AIDS)的方法(work on finding..)Medical scientists have been working on/at finding a cure for AIDS since the early 1980s.5.我已经把我的简历(resume)寄往几家公司,但尚未收到回复(send off).I have sent off my resume to several corporations, but haven't yet received a reply.6.不少人希望有机会去国外学习,然而仅有少数人有此可能.Many people wish for an opportunity to study abroad;only a few, however, have this chance.7.我们满怀期望地来参加会议,离开时却大失所望.We came to the meeting full of expectations, yet we left very disappointed.8.尽管这位教授详细地讲解了这一点,但许多学生仍然不理解.Although the professor(had)explained this in great detail, many students still failed to understand.




The spokesman made it clear that the President would not cancle the trip under any circumstances..杰克对书架上那些书一本也不了解,所以他的选择是很随意的。

Jack didn't know anything about any of the books on the bookshelf, so his choice was quite arbitrary.3.随后发生的那些事件再次证明了我的猜疑是对的。

The subsequent events once again confirmed that my suspicions were right.4.我认为我们应该鼓励中学生在暑假找临时工作。

I think we should encourage high school students to find temporary jobs / employment during their summer holidays.5.令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分正直的州长竟然是个贪官。

To our surprise ,the governor, who had often been praised for his honesty ,turned out to be a corrupt official.6.只有少数工人工人得到提升,在这同时却有数百名工人被解雇。

A few workers were promoted ,but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed.7.如果有机会,约翰也许成为一位杰出的画家了。

Given the chance, John might have been an excellent painter.8.数小时后,有人看见那个男孩在林子里瞎转。

Several hours later, the boy was found wandering around in the woods.Unit3


Many American students apply for government loans to pay for their tuition.2.除阅读教材外,使用电影和录像会激发学生学习的兴趣。

In addition to reading materials ,the application of films and videotapes can stimulate students’ interest in their study.3.这位律师试图?服陪审团他的当事人是无辜的。

The attorney tired to convince the jury that his client is innocent.4.提问常常会引发创造的火花。

Asking questions often generates the spark of creativity.5.我已经把我的简历寄往几家公司,但尚未收到回复。

I have sent off my resume to a few companies, but haven’t received a reply yet.6她的结论是建立在对当前国际情况进行了认真的分析的基础上的。

Her conclusion is built / based on a careful analysis of current international affairs.7.我们满怀希望地来参加会议,离开时却大失所望。

We came to the meeting with great expectation, but we left very disappointed.8.暂时他只得接受了一份给一家化妆品公司发促销传单的活儿。

At the moment he has to take the job of distributing leaflets to promote products for a cosmetic company.0920123班英语复习材料

Unit 5


As far as ability is concerned, I am sure he will qualify for the job.2.认为约翰会因为他的失礼而向他们正式道歉,那就错了。

It is wrong to assume that John will formally apologize to them for the impoliteness.3.这一丑闻对正在力争赢得大选的工党来?,无疑是一件尴尬的事。

The scandal is certainly an embarrassment to the Labour Party aiming at winning the election.4.我正在认真地写学期论文的时候,我的小妹妹连蹦带跳地上了楼。

I was working carefully on my term paper when my little sister bounded upstairs and rushed into my room.5.我问她数次,可她拒绝回答我的问题。

I asked her several times ,but she refused to respond to my questions.6.在西方,人们常常邮购商品,这可以节省许多时间。

In the west,people often send away for goods, which can save them a lot of time.7.抱歉, 时间不多了,我建议我们跳到最后一章。

Sorry time is running out;I suggest we skip to the last chapter.8.既然你决定尽快完成硕士课程,那就别让你的社交生活妨碍你的学习。

Don’t let your social life stand in the way of your studies, since you’ve set your mind to finishing the master’s program as soon as possible.Unit 6


Fitted with the artificial leg, he walked unsteadily at first,but with practice his steos became steady.2.医生说我得了重感冒,她给我开了四种药,三种是药片,饭后服,另一种药水,睡前服。

The doctor said I had caught a bad cold and she prescribed me four kinds of medicine.Three of them are pills to be taken aftermeal, and theother is liquid tobe taken before bedtime.3.我妹妹的爱犬被人偷走后,她心里难受了好几个星期。

My sister felt miserable for weeks after she had her pet dog stolen.4.汽车早已开走看不见了,珍妮还站在大门口凝视著路的尽头。

The car long being out of sight ,Jenny was still standing at the door ,gazing toward the end of the road.5.就我所知,他们相互感情上已有一些时间。

As far as I know, they have been emotionally detached from each other for quite some time.0920123班英语复习材料


Generally speaking, increasing supply or decreasing demand can bring down prices.Unit7


As usual, he tuned his radio for the 7 a.m news broadcast before he began to get washed.2.有许多文件要签,但紧急的只有这份合同。

There are a lot of papers to sign, but the only urgent one is this contract.3.在该市,因吸毒和赌博而引发的罪行在发展,当地政府似乎找不出对付这一问题的办法。

In that city,crime born of drug abuse and gambling is on the rise and the local government seems unable to figure out a way to cope with it.4.在那些日子里,我能弄到什麽就看什麽,只要是有英文写的。

In those days , I would read everything I could get my hands on so long as it was weitten in English.5.我敢肯定那座楼在空袭中一定被完全炸毁了。

I bet that building must have been completely destroyed in the air raid.6.她被这突如其来的打击吓得好几分钟讲不出一句话来。

She was so scared by the unexpected blow that she could not speak a word for several minutes.Unit8


We didn't like his attitude that he deserved special treatment.2.即使你是班上最好的学生之一,要保住成绩也得常常温习功课才行。

Even if you are one of the best students in the class, in order to maintain your grades you must review your lessons often.3.过去有关太空时代的某些幻想已经成为现实。

Some of the old fantasies about the space age have come true.4.情况确实如此,有些人一生中很早就获得成功,而另一些人则要工作很长时间方能实现自己的目标。

It is true that some people achieve success very early in life, while others must work a long time before attaining their goals.5.他坚持认?这次实验的失败主要是由於准备不足。

He maintained that the failure of the experiment wsa largely due to inadequate preparations.6.如今研究人员提倡我们应该每天花些时间将自己想要达到的目标投射到心灵的屏幕上。


Researchers now recommend that we take time off every day to project our desired goals onto the screen in our minds.Unit10 1.事实上,对于这次海难(shipwreck)报纸上的说法不一。

In fact, there are different accounts of the shipwreck in the newspapers.2.据说这一地区早在两千年前农业就很先进。

It is said that the area was well advanced in agriculture as early as 2,000 years ago.3.瞧他是如何操作这机器的,然后就照着做。

Watch how he operates the machine and then do likewise.4.孔繁森体现了一位共产党人的全部优秀品质。

Kong Fansen embodies all the fine qualities of a communist.5.在那些国家的职业妇女中,有三十多岁才生育的趋势。

Among the professional women in these countries, there is a trend towards having children in their thirties.6.圣诞节和元旦相隔一周时间。

There is an interval of a week between Christmas and New Year's Day.Appenix 1

1.一位刚从前线回来的下级军官证实了该边界城镇失陷及许多卫戌部队被俘的传闻.A junior officer who had just returned from the front confirmed the rumor that the border town had been captured by the enemy and that many garrison troops were taken prisoner.2.即使在最有利的条件下,公司也很难改产较为适销的产品而不冒暂时损失一些利润的风险.Even under the most favorable circumstances, it won't be easy for the firm to switch to a more marketable line of products without risking some temporary losses in profits.3.一定要争辩说你的解决办法胜过我的或是她的是没有意义的.事实上,各种解决办法都有其优点和缺点,现在就说我的解决办法没有成功的希望未免武断.there is no piont arguing that your solution is better than mine or hers.As a matter of fact , each has its strengths and weaknesses and at this piont it is arbitrary to say that mine does not stand a chance of success.4.汤姆自己承担了全部责任.从为抱怨过别人.他把过去的不愉快抛在一边.现已团结了周围所有的人,勉力使公司渡过危机.Tom took all the blame on himself and never complained about others.And brushing aside past unpleasantness , he has now united all those around him in an effort to bring the company through the crisis.5.我们家的房子年久失修.需要马上修缮.与此同时,我们还得积起总够的钱,偿还明年底到期的贷款.0920123班英语复习材料

Our house has fallen into disrepair and needs immediate renovating.Meanwhile we have to save up enough money to repay the loan that is due by the end of next year.6.他一心扑在他的改革计划上.不久他就成为了一个婆负盛名的充满活力的社会改革家.He worked hard at his reform programs and before long he established his reputation as an energetic social reformer.Appenix 2

1.老人恳求红卫兵不要砸塑像,它是一件塑雕杰作.The old man pleaded with the Red Guards not to destory the statue, which was a masterpiece of sculpture.2.路灯亮起时,我看见一个男人摇摇晃晃地向市政厅方向走去.When the street lights went on, I saw a man walking unsteadily in the direction of the City Hall.3.是希腊人塑造了西方人的思想模式.It was the Greeks who shaped the thinking of Western man.4.你能够想象2050年的生活是个什么样儿吗? Can you picture to youself what life will be like in the year 2050? 5.玛丽一定是发疯了.她不时无缘无故地哈哈大笑.Marry must have gone crazy.She burst into laughter now and then for no reason at all.6.尽管她的膝盖严重擦伤,她还是赶上了大多数其他长跑者.Despite the fact that she had her knee severely bruised.she still managed to overtake most of the other long distance runners.7.我知道在我们抽签时我显得很沉着,但骨子里却是紧张急了.I knew I seemed calm when we drew the lots , but underneath it all I was terribly nervous.8.聚会午夜散场.彼得和我又喝了几杯,而后回到宿舍.The party broke up at midnight.Peter and I had a few more drinks and returned to our dorm afterwards.0920123班英语复习材料



1.汤姆去年转来我校,他全神贯注地听杨小姐上课并很快成为了她最喜欢的学生。proposal hit him hard, but in time he recovered from his wounds.Unit2

Tom was translation to our school last year.He hung on Miss Yang‟s every word in class and soon became the apple of her eye.2.看到女儿高中毕业,他感到一阵难以用语言表达的爱和骄傲。

Seeing his daughter graduate from high

school,he felt a surge of love and pride that he couldn‟t express in word.3.当李先生去年开始涉及股市时,他做梦都没有想到会变成百万富翁!

Last year when Mr.Li began first venture into the stock market,becoming a millionaire was beyond his wildest dream.4.在休假日,我有幸看到一些野生动物在吃鱼。我拍了几张相片,可惜焦点都没对准。On my holiday ,I was lucky enough to witness some wild seals feeding on fish.I took some photos of them,but unfortunately they were all out off focus.5.王子跟那位女演员保持确定的情侣关系已三年。没有任何东西能改变他们在下周结婚的决定。

The price has been going steady with the actress for three years and nothing can alter their decision to get married next week.6.因为穷人连饭都吃不饱便认为他们不需要义务教育的看法完全是一种错误的想法。没有教育人们怎能克服贫穷。

It is complete misconstruction that the poor do not need compulsory education because they do not even have enough to feed on.But without education, how can people ever overcome their poverty.7.大卫所有的同班同学都困惑不解——没有人想得出他怎么突然变成了优等生。All of David‟s classmates are completely stumped---no one can work out how he became a top student overnight.8.很明显,她拒绝他的求婚给了他沉重的打击,但他最终还是从痛苦中恢复了过来。It was obvious that her rejection of his 1.独立生活的能力对于任何一个成年人来说都是必不可少的,但真正的成熟远远不只是一整套的生存策略。

The ability to fend for oneself is indispensable to any adult , but real maturity is more than just a set of survival strategies.2.孩子们在儿童节有资格免费进入每一个城市公园。

On Children ‟ s Day,kids are entitled to free entry to all the city parks.It‟s a way of compensating them for the long hours they spend in school all your.3.你更注重个人的生活而不是学习,难怪你的成绩下降了。

You ‟ re giving more priority to your personallife than to your studies.It‟s no wonder your grades are suffering.4.鉴于当今社会大多数的妇女在外谋职,很自然她们反对丈夫把她们作为管家来对待。Given that most women nowadays have jobs outside the home ,it‟s natural that they object to their husbands treating them like housekeepers.5.美国的不少百万富翁都至少拥有两座房子和一架私人飞机。

Quite a number of American millionnaires owns at least two house and private plane.6.当约翰从癌症中意外地康复时,他的医生把此归功于他坚强的毅力和对未来地信念。When John recovered unexpectedly from cancer,his doctors attributed it to his strong will and faith in the future.7.没有任何实际理由要保留为女性开门的那种习俗,更不必说保留“妇女和儿童优先”地传统了。

There is no practical reason to perpetuate the custom of opening doors for women,let alone the tradition of “women and children first”.8.许多女权主义者反对男人养育孩子不如女人的想法。

Many feminists object to the notion that men

can‟t nurture children as well as women can



We soon grew weary of her constant complaints, and avowed her as much as possible.2.市长将在今天下午主持会议,为建设一条新公路的规划作准备。

The mayor will preside over a meeting this afternoon that will pave the way for plans to build a new highway.3.如果我们有更多的时间可支配,我会带你上这座山。从山顶上四下观望真令人惊叹。If we had more time at our disposal , I ‟ d take you up this mountain.the view from the top is truly awe-inspiring.4.任何热爱生活的人都不难发现鸟类迁徙中的象征美和实际美。

Anyone who is in love with life will have no difficulty in finding the symbolic as well as the actual beauty in the migration of the birds.5.观看壮观的潮涨潮落景色使我感到一种在其他地方感受不到的内心的满足。

Watching the magnificent view of the ebb and flow of the tides fills me with an inner contentment that I find nowhere else.6.他的不幸激起了听众深深的同情。他们热切的想帮他抚平心头的创伤。

His misfortune aroused great sympathy among the listeners ,who are keen to help heal his mental wounds.7.对一个门外汉来说,要认识霍金博士研究的重要性也许是困难的或不可能的,但它肯定会对我们的生活产生经久的影响。Recognition of the importance of

Dr.Hawkin ‟s research may be difficult or impossible for a layman ,but it is sure to have a lasting impact on our life.8.史密斯先生早就希望能有机会向周围的年轻人讲述他的登月经历,但他一直没有足够的支配时间。

Mr.Smith has long wished for a chance to relate his lunar landing experience to the young people around him ,but he never has enough

time at this disposal.Unit4

1.我们想提醒情爱的观众,敬请体谅他人,在晚上十点以后调低你的电视机音量。We‟d like to remind our viewers to be

considerate to your neighbors and keep your TVs turned down after 10 pm.2.我希望我的忠告对处于压力下的学生们会起作用:前面的路充满了不能预见的机遇。I hope my advice will work on the students under pressure---the road ahead is full of unforeseen opportunities.3.顺便说一句,琳达是个腼腆的人,在那么多的生人面前讲话,她会感到不自然。Incidentally ,Linda is a ahy person who might feel uneasy about speaking in the presence of so many strangers.4.要在学习上取得进步,学生具备独立学习的技能而不是事事都依靠老师。

In order to get ahead in their studies, students need to equip themselves with

independent-study skills instead of relying on their teacher for everything.5.现在的年轻人变得老成,他们确信成就是以拥有财产来衡量的。

Young people nowadays are ingrowing up old , with the conviction that achievement is

measured by how many possessions they own.6.许多学生为他们利用课余时间打工辩解,说这会减少他们的经济压力。

Many students justify their working part time by saying that it reduces their economic pressure.7.你现在必须马上做的是填好在你来时给你的表格。

What you need to do now is to fill in the forms you were given when you arrived.8.就失业本身而言,需要一个人毕生的奉献,但是这并不意味着进入一种职业后就要坚持不懈的干下去。

A career in itself requires one‟s liflong

devotion , but it does not mean

that after you get into a profession you must continue all along.Unit5


To help foreign inventors get a better understanding of Shanghai.They they‟ve compiled this litter guide from the various sources they couldn‟t.2.他是那种在计划实现之后才让大家知道的那种人。

He‟s the sort of person who prefers to keep his plans to himself until they‟rerealized.3.我千里迢迢的来纽约看他,结果却发现他两天前出国了。

I came to New York from far a way to see him.only to find he had gone abroad two days before.4.现在河南想象没有电、没有电视、没有电话,我们是如何生存了如此之久的。It is difficult to imagine now how we „ve survive for so long without

electricity,television or telephone.5.只要钱是老老实实赚来的,新政策鼓励人们变得富有。

The new policy encourages people to become wealthy if the money has been acquired honestly.6.如果我负责这个项目,我会更好的利用现有的资金。

If I were in change of the project, I‟d make better use of the money that‟s available.7.他们拒绝给他进入这个国家的签证,理由是他是个危险分子。

He was refused an entry permit on the grounds that he was a dangeous personal.8.老师没有多久就发现,汤姆总有迟交作业的借口。

It didn ‟t take the teacher long to catch on that Tom always had excuse for being late with assignments.Unit6 1.我真希望你对这一事件能采取一种更加通情达理的态度。

I wish you could adopt a more reasonable attitude towards the event.2.在那次车祸中我的腿摔断了,我儿子的腿也摔断了。

I broke my leg in the car accident and so did my song.3.那位老妇人不胜悲伤,几乎不能自己走路了。

The old woman,overwhelmed by grief,could hardly/barely walk on her owner.4.在他过世五十年之后,他的成就才为社会所承认。

It was 50 years after his death that his accomplishments were acknowledged by society.5.这里曾经是战火纷飞,现在却是一片和平和繁荣。

Where there were flame sof war, now there are peace and prosperity.6.他病得很重,他的病无药可救。

He is seriously ill and his disease defies the healing power of any medicine-chest.7.由于前途渺茫,一片空白,早年的希望逐渐消失,他对生活失去了信心。

He has lost confidence in life-the future has blurred and gone blank and his early hopes ha ve faded into nothingness.8.小汤姆意识到已无法改变这一严酷的现实:随着父母的突然去世,他的家庭已经破碎。

Little Tom realized that nothing could change the harsh reality that his family had fallen apart with his parents' sudden deathsman.Unit7


As long as you enjoy your hobby, you don‟t have to feel ashamed of being so-so.It doesn‟t matter what others think of your.2.金钱在竞技体育中正显出其重要性,但我们必须确保他不会影响一些重要的东西。

Money is becoming a big deal in competitive sports, but we must make sure that it doesn‟t get in the way of what‟s important.3.我们都需要不时地进行某种锻炼来使自己保持身体健康。

We all need some from of exercise every now and then to keep ourselves in good shape.4.我一再说该是你整理自己房间的时候了,但你老是拖着。

I‟ve said over and over it‟s time you tided up your room, but you keep putting it office.5.一两年前他才开始学画画,所以技法还未达到专业水准。你能给他指点指点吗? He only took up painting a couple of years ago, so his technique isn‟t up to professional standard.Can you give him some instruction?


Health experts are trying to discourage people from smoking by information them of its danger some.7.敬业当然是好的,但你不能让工作蚕食了你的全部休闲时间。

Being committed to your job is finest, but you shouldn‟t let work eat all your leisure time.8.对于我来说,工作和业余爱好都必须严肃认真的对待。

As far as I‟m concerned, both jobs and hobbies should be seriously considered.Unit8


NASA annouced that one of tangible objective of this nine-day mission was to do research into the effects of space flight on the aging procession.2.在冷战期间,苏美两国在外层空间的开发活动方面投入了大量的资金。

During the Cold War era ,the Soviet Union and the United States both spent substantial

funds on space exploration.3.总统关于削减政府社会福利支出的提议已经在公众中引起了很大的争议。

The President ‟s proposal to scale down the government‟s social welfare spending has caused a great deal of controversy.4.美国“发现”号航天飞机会带肯尼迪航天中心之前。佛罗里达恶劣的天气,加上舱门的故障,曾使安全着陆难以保证。

Before the American space shuttle Discover returned to Kennedy Space Centereturned, the bad weather in Florida,coupled with the door trouble, but its landing in doubtless.5.迄今为止还没有充分证据表明火星上有生命,但这并不是说外层空间的研究没有科学价值。

So far there is little evidence of life on

Mars ,but this doesn‟t justify the conclusion that research has no scientific valued.6.国际空间站是费用最为昂贵的太空探索项目,是有十六个国家参与的合作项目。The International Space Station, a

collaboration in which sixteen countries are taking part , is the most space-explooration projiect ever taken.7.这本书讲的是在五十年代末,中国航天探索的先驱者在没有外国专家帮助的情况下,执着的进行研究的情况。

This book describes the period at the end of 1950s when the pioneers of Chinese space exploration pressed ahead with their research without the help of foreign expert.8.今年制造业创利已超过两千亿美元,占我国国内生产总值的一半。

This year the profits made in manufacturing industries have exceeded $200 billionth, making up one half of our country‟s GDP.

































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