Unit 1
l 汤姆去年转来我校,他全神贯注地听杨小姐上课并很快成了她最喜欢的学生。
Tom(was)transferred to our school last year.He hung no Miss Young’s every word in class and soon became the apple of her eye.2看到女儿高中毕业,他感到一阵难以弄语言表达的爱和骄傲。
Seeing his daughter graduate from high school, he felt a surge of love and pride that he couldn’t express in words.3当李先生去年开始涉足股市时,他做梦也没想到会变成百万富翁。
Last year when Mr.Li first began his venture into the stock market, becoming a millionaire was beyond his wildest dreams.4在休假日,我有幸看到一些野生海豹在吃鱼。我拍了几张照片,可惜焦点都没对准。
On my holiday, I was lucky enough to witness some wild seals feeding no fish.I took several photos of them, but unfortunately they were all out of focus.5王子跟那位女演员保持确定的情侣关系已三年。没有任何东西能改变他们在下周结婚的决定。
The prince has been going steady with the actress for three years and nothing can alter their plan to get married next week.6因为穷人连饭都吃不饱便认为他们不需要义务教育的看法完全是一种错误的想法。没有教育人们怎能克服贫穷? It is a complete misconception that the poor do not need compulsory education
because they do not even have enough to feed on.Without education, how can people ever overcome their poverty?
All of David’s classmates are completely stumped—no one can work out how he became a top student overnight.8很明显,她拒绝他的求婚给了他沉重的打击,但他最终还是从痛苦中恢复了过来。
Obviously, her rejection of his proposal hit him hard, but in time he recovered from his wounds.Unit 2
l 独立生活的能力对于任何一个成年人来说都是必不可少的,但真正的成熟远远不只是一整套的生存策略。
The ability to fend for oneself is indispensable to any adult, but real maturity is more than just a set of survival strategies.2孩子们在儿童节有资格免费进入每一个城市公园。这是对他们全年长期呆在学校里的一种补偿。
On Children’s Day, kids are entitled to free entry to all the city parks.It’s a your grades are suffering.3你更注重个人的生活而不是学习,难怪你的成绩下降了。
You’re giving more priority to your personal life than to your studies.No wonder your grades are suffering.4鉴于当今社会大多数的妇女在外谋职,很自然她们反对丈夫把她们作为管家来对待。
Given that most women nowadays have jobs outside the home,it’s natural that they object to their husbands treating them like housekeepers.5美国的不少百万富翁都至少拥有两座房子和一架私人飞机。
Quite a number of American millionaires own at least two houses and a private plane.当约翰从癌症中意外地康复时,他的医生把此归功于他坚强的毅力和对未来的信念。
When John recovered unexpectedly from cancer, his doctors attributed it to his strong will and faith in the future.7没有任何实际理由要保留为女性开门的那种习俗,更不用说保留“妇女和儿童优先”的传统了。
There’s no practical reason to perpetuate the custom of opening doors for women,let alone the tradition of “women and children first.”许多女权主义者反对男人养育孩子不如女人的想法。
Many feminists object to the notion that men can’t nurture children as well as women can.Unit 3
We soon grew wary of her constant complaints, and avoided her as much as possible.市长将在今天下午主持会议,为建设一条新公路的规划作准备。
The mayor will preside over a meeting this afternoon that will pave the way for plans to build a new highway.如果我们有更多的时间可支配,我会带你上这座山。从山顶上四下观望真令人惊叹。
If we had more time at our disposal, I’d take you up this mountain.The view from the top is truly awe-inspiring.4任何热爱生活的人都不难发现鸟类迁徙中的象征性美和实际美。
Anyone who is in love with life will have no difficulty in finding the symbolic as well as the actual beauty in the migration of eh birds.观看壮观的潮涨潮落景色使我感到一种在其他地方感受不到的内心的满足。
Watching the magnificent view of the ebb and flow of the tides fills me with an inner contentment that I find nowhere else.他的不幸激起了听众深深的同情。他们热切地想帮他抚平心头的创伤。
His misfortune aroused great sympathy among the listeners, who are keen to help heal his mental wounds.7对一个门外汉来说,要认识霍金博士研究的重要性也许是困难的或不可能的,但它肯定会对我们的生活产生经久的影响。Recognition of the importance of Dr.Hawkin’s research may be difficult or impossible for a layman,but it is sure to have a lasting impact on our lives.8史密斯先生早就希望能有机会向四周的年轻人讲述他的登月经历,但他一直没有足够的支配时间。
Mr.Smith has long wished for a chance to relate his lunar landing experience to the young people around him,but he never has enough time at his disposal.Unit 4我们想提醒亲爱的观众,敬请体谅他人,在晚上十点以后调低你的电视机音量。
We’d like to remind our viewers to be considerate to your neighbors and keep your TVs turned down after 10 p.m.2我希望我的忠告对处于压力下的学生们会起作用:前面的路充满了不能遇见的机遇。
I hope my advice will work with students under pressure—the road ahead is full of unforeseen opportunities.3顺便说一句,琳达是个腼腆的人,在那么多的生人面前讲话,她会感到不自然。
Incidentally / By the way, Linda is a shy person who might feel uneasy about speaking in the presence of so many strangers.要在学习上取得进步,学生需要具备独立学习的技能而不是事事都依靠教师。
In order to get ahead in their studies, students need to equip themselves with independent—study skills
instead of relying on their teachers for everything.现在的年轻人变得老成,他们确信成就是以拥有多少财产来衡量的。
Young people nowadays are growing up old, with the conviction that achievement is measured by how many possessions one owns.许多学生为他们利用课余时间打工辩解,说这会减少他们的经济压力。
Many students justify their working part time by saying that it reduces their economic pressure on them.7你现在必须马上做的是填好在你来时给你的表格。
What you need to do right now is to fill in the forms you were given when you arrived.就事业本身而言,需要一个人毕生的奉献,但是这并不意味着进入一种职业后就要坚持不懈地一直干下去。
A career in itself requires one’s lifelong devotion, but it does not mean that after you get into a profession
you must continue in that same one all along.Unit 5为了帮助外国投资者更好地了解上海,他们根据能找到的各种资料来源汇编了这本小小的指南。
To help foreign investors get a better understanding of Shanghai,they’ve compiled this little guide from the various sources they could find.他是那种在计划实现之后才让大家知道的那种人。
He’s the sort of person who prefers to keep his plans to himself until they’re realized.3我千里迢迢到纽约来看他,结果却发现他两天前出国了。
I came to New York from far away to see him, only to find he had gone abroad two days before.4现在很难想象没有电、没有电视、没有电话,我们是如何生存了如此之久的。
It is difficult to imagine now how we’ve survived for so long without electricity, television or telephone.只要钱是老老实实赚来的,新政策鼓励人们变得富有。
The new policy encourages people to become wealthy if the money has been acquired honestly.6如果我负责这个项目,我会更好地利用现有的资金。
If I were in charge of the project, I’d make better use of the money that’s available.7他们拒绝给他进入这个国家的签证,理由是他是个危险分子。
He was refused an entry permit on the grounds that he was a dangerous person.8老师没有多久就发现,汤姆总有迟交作业的借口。
It didn’t take the teacher long to catch on that Tom always had an excuse for being late with the assignments.Unit 6我真希望你对这一件事能采取一种更加通情达理的态度。
I wish you could adopt a more reasonable attitude towards the event.2在那次车祸中我的腿折断了,我儿子的腿也摔断了。
I broke my leg in the car accident and so did my son.那位老妇人不胜悲伤,几乎不能自己走路了。
The old woman, overwhelmed by grief, could hardly/barely walk on her own.4在他过世五十年之后,他的成就才为社会所承认。
It was 50 years after his death that his accomplishments were acknowledged by society.5这是曾经是战火纷飞,现在却是一片和平与繁荣。
Where there were flames of war, now there are peace and prosperity.他病得很重,他的病无药可治。
He is seriously ill and his disease defies the healing power of any medicine.7由于前途渺茫,一片空白,早年的希望逐渐消失,他对生活失去了信心。
He has lost confidence in life—the future has blurred and gone bland and his early hopes have faded into nothingness.8小汤姆意识到已无法改变这一严酷的现实:随着父母的突然去世,他的家庭已经破碎。
Little Tom realized that nothing could change the harsh reality that his family had fallen apart with his parents’ sudden deaths.Unit 7
As long as you enjoy your hobby, you don’t have to feel ashamed of being mediocre at it.It doesn’t matter what others think of you.2金钱在竞技体育中正显出其重要性,但我们必须确保它不会影响一些重要的东西。
Money is becoming a big deal in competitive sports, but we must make sure that it doesn’t get in the way of what’s important.3我们都需要不时地进行某种锻炼来使自己保持身体健康。
We all need some form of exercise every now and then to keep ourselves in good shape.4我一再说该是你整理自己房间的时候了,但你老是拖着。
I’ve said over and over it’s time you tidied up your room, but you keep putting it off.5一两年前他才开始学画画,所以技法还未达到专业水准。你能给他指点指点吗?
He only took up painting a couple of years ago, so his technique isn’t up to professional standards.Can you gibe him some instruction?
Health experts are trying to discourage people from smoking by informing them of its dangers.7敬业当然是好的,但你不能让工作蚕食了你的全部休闲时间。
Being committed to your job is fine, of course, but you shouldn’t let work eat up all your leisure time.8对于我来说,工作和业余爱好都必须严肃认真地对待。
As far as I’m concerned, both jobs and hobbies should be seriously considered.Unit 8
l美国国家航空和航天局宣布,这次飞行任务长达九天,其明确目的之一将是研究太空飞行对衰老过程的影响。NASA announced that one of the tangible objectives of this nine-day mission
was to don research into the effects of space flight on the aging process.2在冷战期间,苏美两国在外层空间的开发活动方面投入了大量的资金。
During the Cold War era, the Soviet Union and the United States both spent substantial fund on space exploration.3总统关于削减政府社会福利支出的提议已经在公众中引起了很大的争议。
The President’s proposal to scale down/back the government’s social welfare spending has caused a great deal of controversy.4美国“发现”号航天飞机回到肯尼迪航天中心之前,佛罗里达恶劣的天气,加上舱门的故障,曾使安全着陆难以保证。Before the American space shuttle Discovery returned to the Kennedy Space Center, the bad weather in Florida,coupled with the door trouble, put its safe landing in doubt.5迄今为止还没有充分证据表明火星上有生命,但这并不是说外层空间的研究没有科学价值。
So far there is little evidence of life on Mars, but this doesn’t justify the conclusion that space research has no scientific value.6国际空间站是费用最为昂贵的太空探索项目,是有十六个国家参与的合作项目。
The International Space Station, a collaboration in which sixteen countries are taking part,is the most expensive space-exploration project ever undertaken.7这本书讲的是五十年代末,中国航天探索的先驱者在没有外国专家帮助的情况下,执着地进行研究的情况。This book describes the period at the end of the 1950s when the pioneers of Chinese space exploration pressed ahead
with their research without the help of foreign experts.8今年制造业创利已超过二千亿美元,占我国国内生产总值的一半。
This year the profits made in manufacturing industries have exceeded $200 billion, making up one half of our country’s GDP.
l 老伴60多岁中风去世时,那位72岁的退休教授不胜悲痛。无人依靠的生活对他来说将是非常困难的。
When his wife died of a stroke in her sixties the 72-year-old retired professor was overwhelmed by grief.Life would be too difficult for him without anybody to rely on.l 两位业余画家上个月在伦敦举办了一次个人画展。许多人前去参观,其中包括一些著名的专业画家。
Last month two amateur painters held an exhibition of their pictures in London.Many people went to see it including a few celebrated professionals.l 当20世纪80年代中期,7名宇航员在“挑战者”号的灾难中遇到困难时,全世界一下子陷入了震惊与悲痛之中。
When seven astronauts died in the Challenger disaster in the mid-1980s it plunged the whole world into shock and grief.l 在结束了其第二届首相任期之后,她仍积极参与政治事务。当政府遇到困难时,她屡次前来帮忙。
After completing her second prime ministry she remained actively involved in political affairs.She came to the rescue several times when the government was in difficulty.l 大选失败之后,史密斯博士隐退到一个小村庄,在那里尝试工作。
After his failure in the election campaign Dr.Smith retired to a small village where he tried his hand at farming.l 只要你一辈子不停地努力工作,你在回忆里往事时就会感到心满意足的。
As long as you keep working hard all your life you will recall your past with a glow of satisfaction.l 我们现在必须唤醒人们认识到环境保护的重要性。否则很快就为时太晚了。We must awaken people to the importance of environmental protection or it will be too late.l 那位官员因卷入一件政治丑闻而被撤职。如果早知会落到这般地步,他当初也许就会以不同的方式行事了。
That official was removed from office for being involved in a political scandal.Had he known this would happen he might have acted differently.【Unit2】
l 我们班女生占大多数。相比之下,他们的班级全由男子组成。
Female students constitute the majority of our class.By contrast their class is made up of males only.l 美国孩子通常每天看三小时电视,而中国孩子必须将放学后的大部分时间用于做家庭作业。
American children can usually watch TV(for)three hours a day whereas their Chinese counterparts have to work on their homework most of the time after school.l 他开发的一系列新研究方法使他获得了巨大的成功。他说这一切都得归功于他父母的鼓励。
His development of a series of new research methods led to his great success.He said he owed all this to his parents’ encouragement.l 讨论直接涉及他的未来,而他却被排斥在外,对此他表示愤慨。
He resented being excluded from discussions that directly concerned his
future.l 这些问题连续不断地出现,这表明这台新仪器必须重新调试。
The fact that these problems are continually showing up suggests that this new
device has to be readjusted.l 张华是近年来涌入美国一流大学的亚裔学生之一,他说他的许多思想都基于传
As one of the many Asian students who have surged into the best American
universities in recent years Zhang Hua says that many of his ideas are based on
the traditional Chinese philosophy.l 首先,杨先生如此努力工作并非只是为了钱。他一心为了教育青年人并设法激
To start with it is not merely money that makes Mr.Young work so hard.He is
committed to educating the young and tries to motivate them to get ahead in life.l 我们剩下的时间不多了,于是我们把车开得更快,希望能及时赶到机场。
As time was running out we drove even faster in hopes that we could make it
to the airport in time.【Unit3】
l 当那份临时性的工作结束时,人家给乔治提供了一份永久性的工作,他马上就
When this temporary job came to an end George was offered a permanent job
which he accepted at once.l 为了确保他们在日本的合资企业盈利,那些美国公司比之语言翻译来说更需要
To ensure that joint ventures in Japan are profitable the American companies
need cultural translators even more than language translators.l 作为一名文化翻译,乔治渴望帮助那些就许许多多事情来向他求救的日方雇
As a cultural translator George was eager to help the Japanese employees who
came to ask his advice on a great many matters both within and outside of his
field of expertise.l 乔治用某种方法说服美方经理接受了日方会计师的决定,从而缓解了两人之间的冲突。
Somehow or other George persuaded the American manager to go along with
the Japanese accountant’s decision thus smoothing over the conflict between the
two.l 美方经理与日方经理之间的确有时会发生冲突和争论。但由于双方都很有见识
Conflicts and arguments do arise at times between the American managers
and their Japanese counterparts.But since both parties have the good sense to
compromise these conflicts are prevented from escalating into big emotional
battles.l 所有的日方雇员,包括人事经理在内,都很感激乔治在他们遇到的众多问题上
All the Japanese employees the personnel manager included appreciated
George’s frequent help with the multitude of problems they ran into.l 我的日语口语还不足以很好地表达我的思想,所以如果我有时说了些愚蠢的话,请不要生气。
My spoken Japanese is not good enough to express myself well.Please don’t
get offended if I sometimes say stupid things.l 张大夫对中医有精深的了解,英语也掌握的不错,所以他完全有资格培训前来
With a solid understanding of traditional Chinese medicine and a good
mastery of English Dr.Zhang is highly qualified to train foreign doctors who
have come to China to study Chinese medicine.【Unit4】
l 庇护孩子不让他们知道自己已经失败对于他们的成长和发展是绝对无益的。
Protecting children from the knowledge that they have failed is anything but
beneficial to their growth and development.l 爱默生认为在失败和成功之间并无天壤之别。
Emerson does not think there is a world of difference between success and
failure.l 一个成熟的人是一个善于把失败变为成功的人。
A mature man is one who is good at turning failure into success.l 她醉心于在溜冰方面取得的成功,从未对现实世界的挑战做好准备。
She was so obsessed with becoming a success in ice-skating that she never
prepared herself for the challenges of the real world.l 当他得知自己的公司已经破产时,完全崩溃了。
He suffered a complete nervous breakdown when he learned that his company
bad gone bankrupt.l 史密斯先生在谈到他的成功时,往往夸大其辞。
When talking about his success Mr.Smith is very prone to exaggeration.l 这家公司开始只卖收音机,但现在已扩大营业范围,销售电脑了。
The company started by selling radios but now has branched out into selling
computers as well.l 事实上,失败并不是可怕的东西。一旦我们学会应用它,它就能对我们的成长
In fact failure is nothing to be afraid.Once we learn how to use it it can make
a positive contribution to our growth and development.【Unit5】
l 这所大学只提供给普里西拉一小笔贷款,余下的钱得靠她自己去筹划。
The university offered Priscilla only a small loan and she had to come up with
the rest of the money herself.l 凭着她在餐馆工作的微薄收入,玛丽几乎无法维持生活。因此,她已在所住的公寓大楼里找了一些清扫大楼的工作做。
With the small income from her restaurant job Mary could barely make(both)
ends meet.That’s why she had found some cleaning work to do in the apartment
building where she lived.l 在头两个学期她经常熬夜学习,因为她知道必须在班上取得最高的平均积点才
In the first two semesters she often stayed up late studying because she knew
she had to get the highest GPA in her class to qualify for the scholarship.l 任何人想在那家公司找到工作,即使没有博士学位,至少也得有个硕士学位,不然就不会被录用。
Anyone who wants to find employment in/with that company must have at
least a mater’s degree if not a Ph.S.Otherwise he or she will not be accepted.l 只要你全心全意地投身于学习,你终将会达到你成为一名考古学家的长远目
Only if you threw yourself into your studies will you ultimately achieve your
long-term goal of becoming an archaeologist.l 在办公室里贝思看上去一直很开心,脸上随时带着微笑。但在内心深处她已厌
In the office Beth always looked happy and had a ready smile.But deep down
she was tired of being a secretary.She wanted to do something more creative.l 我父亲是来自墨西哥的农业季节工人。当我被华盛顿大学录取,成为我家上大
A migrant farm laborer from Mexico my father was overjoyed when I was
accepted by the University of Washington and became the first person in my
family to attend college.l 普里西拉回忆起初艰苦奋斗年月时说,在工作和学习之间取得平衡是不容易的。
When Priscilla looked back on her years of hard struggle she said that it was
no easy job to balance work and study.【Unit 6】
l 专攻理论宇宙学的英国科学家斯蒂芬·霍金被公认为二十世纪末叶最伟大的天
Stephen Hawking a British scientist specializing in theoretical cosmology has
been proclaimed the greatest genius of the late 20th century.l 每推出一张新唱片,这位歌手总梦想着它能跻身电台的排行榜前十名之列。
Every time he releases a new record the singer dreams of its earning a place in
the “top-ten” list on the radio.l 位于伦敦西北的牛津大学以其学术成就而闻名遐迩。
Located in the northwest of London Oxford University is noted far and wide
for its academic excellence.l 作为一位智力超群的伟人,爱因斯坦使现代人对于时空有了全新的概念。
An intellectual giant Einstein was responsible for modern man’s new concept
of time and space.l 这项医学研究的目的在于找到医治遗传性血液疾病的新疗法,因为现在使用的药物不能治愈这些复杂的疾病。
This medical research is aimed at finding new treatment for inherited blood
diseases because the drugs now in use cannot cure these complicated diseases.l 今年是我校建校一百周年纪念。我校最初是一家私塾,现已成为一所以理论研
This year is the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of our university.A
private school initially it has now become a world-famous university specializing
in theoretical research.l 两年前,鲍勃对他餐馆经理的工作感到厌倦了;幸好他获得了一份州立大学的奖学金。
Two years ago Bob was feeling bored with his job as a restaurant manager.Luckily he won a scholarship to the state university.l 当被问及斯蒂芬在大学时是什么样的学生时,当时任物理系系主任的怀特教授
Asked what kind of student Stephen was at college Prof.White the then
Chairman of the Physics Department recalls “He impressed me as a very”
bright student with an instinctive insight into physics.”
l 他在尝试制订促进思考艺术的新计划时脑子里闪过了一个绝妙的主意。
A brilliant idea flashed into his mind while he was trying to formulate a new
plan to promote the art of thinking.l 不管你怎么看他,都没有理由怀疑他是蓄意造成这一骇人故事的。
Regardless of what you may think of him there is no reason to suspect him of
bringing about this horrible accident deliberately.l 他转过身来正好看见玛丽在聚会中途悄悄离去,因而感到非常不安。
He turned round just in time to catch Mary sneaking off in the middle of the
party which greatly disturbed him.l 他那些尖刻的话使我想起了他对足球教练的强烈不满。其实它们纯粹是来自偏
His sharp words reminded me of the strong resentment he feels toward his
soccer coach.Actually they come from pure prejudice and most of his teammates
shun him for it.l 现在整个书房归乔治独用了,他准备把沙发搬出去以腾出地方来放他的新书
Now that George has the whole study to himself he is going to move the sofa
out to make room for his new desk.l 他对工作忽视太久了,别说一个星期,就是一个月也不可能赶完它。
He has neglected his work for too long and it is impossible for him to catch up
on it in a month let alone in a week.l 解决他的问题的最好办法是向精神病专家作些咨询。但如果他拒绝这种咨询怎
The best solution to his problem lies in seeing a psychiatrist for counseling.But
what if he refuses such counseling?
l 虽然他声称是现实主义者,但他好像对他的公司资金正在耗尽且可能很快就会
While he claims to be a realist he seems blind to the fact that his company is running out of funds and will be in serious trouble soon.【Unit 8】
l 不成文的规定比成文的规定更有力地规范着我们的生活和行为。
The unwritten rules govern our lives and behavior more strongly than the written ones.l 在图书馆和教师里当你和某人在交谈时你并不提高嗓门。事实上,我就从没见任何人在那些地方大声尖叫过。
When you are talking with someone in libraries and classrooms you don not raise your voice.As a matter of fact I have never seen anyone screaming at the top of their lungs in those places.l 当他喊过:“该死,西尔维亚”后发现拥挤在餐馆里的所有人都在惊讶地看着他时,弹压的脸涨得通红。
He blushed when he found that everyone in the crowded restaurant was looking at him in surprise after he yelled “Damn it Sylvia.”
l 尽管比赛很激动人心,但坐在看台上的八万名观众却没有一人离开座位。正如鲍勃·格林所说,那道无形的屏障一直是有效的。
Regardless of the emotion of the contest none of the 80000 spectators sitting in the stands left their seats.Just as Bob Green says the invisible barrier always holds.l 每天早晨六点半,运动场上已挤满了跑步和做早操的学生。这本身是一个充满希望的征兆,说明越来越多的学生已认识到身体好的重要性。
By six thirty every morning the playing field is already full of students jogging and doing morning exercises – which in itself is a hopeful sign that more and more students have realized the importance of keeping fit.l 由于某种原因莉莉没有为法语测试做好准备。但作为一个诚实的姑娘,她决不会在考试中作弊,正如她不会说谎一样。
For some reason Lily was not well prepared for the French test.But being an honest girl she would no sooner cheat on an exam than tell lies.l 我认识一个定期给墨西哥的父母寄钱的农业季节工人。他把这看作是理所当然的事。他常说:“你应该赡养自己的父母,是不是?”
I know a migrant farm laborer who sends money to his parents in Mexico on a regular basis.He regards it as the right thing to do.He often says “You’re supposed to support your parents aren’t you?”
l 我们生活在一个由法律、不成文的规定、习俗和传统主宰的社会里,没有它们就会一片混乱。
We are living in a society which is governed by laws unwritten rules customs and traditions;there would be chaos without them.
1.汤姆去年转来我校,他全神贯注地听杨小姐上课并很快成为了她最喜欢的学生。proposal hit him hard, but in time he recovered from his wounds.Unit2
Tom was translation to our school last year.He hung on Miss Yang‟s every word in class and soon became the apple of her eye.2.看到女儿高中毕业,他感到一阵难以用语言表达的爱和骄傲。
Seeing his daughter graduate from high
school,he felt a surge of love and pride that he couldn‟t express in word.3.当李先生去年开始涉及股市时,他做梦都没有想到会变成百万富翁!
Last year when Mr.Li began first venture into the stock market,becoming a millionaire was beyond his wildest dream.4.在休假日,我有幸看到一些野生动物在吃鱼。我拍了几张相片,可惜焦点都没对准。On my holiday ,I was lucky enough to witness some wild seals feeding on fish.I took some photos of them,but unfortunately they were all out off focus.5.王子跟那位女演员保持确定的情侣关系已三年。没有任何东西能改变他们在下周结婚的决定。
The price has been going steady with the actress for three years and nothing can alter their decision to get married next week.6.因为穷人连饭都吃不饱便认为他们不需要义务教育的看法完全是一种错误的想法。没有教育人们怎能克服贫穷。
It is complete misconstruction that the poor do not need compulsory education because they do not even have enough to feed on.But without education, how can people ever overcome their poverty.7.大卫所有的同班同学都困惑不解——没有人想得出他怎么突然变成了优等生。All of David‟s classmates are completely stumped---no one can work out how he became a top student overnight.8.很明显,她拒绝他的求婚给了他沉重的打击,但他最终还是从痛苦中恢复了过来。It was obvious that her rejection of his 1.独立生活的能力对于任何一个成年人来说都是必不可少的,但真正的成熟远远不只是一整套的生存策略。
The ability to fend for oneself is indispensable to any adult , but real maturity is more than just a set of survival strategies.2.孩子们在儿童节有资格免费进入每一个城市公园。
On Children ‟ s Day,kids are entitled to free entry to all the city parks.It‟s a way of compensating them for the long hours they spend in school all your.3.你更注重个人的生活而不是学习,难怪你的成绩下降了。
You ‟ re giving more priority to your personallife than to your studies.It‟s no wonder your grades are suffering.4.鉴于当今社会大多数的妇女在外谋职,很自然她们反对丈夫把她们作为管家来对待。Given that most women nowadays have jobs outside the home ,it‟s natural that they object to their husbands treating them like housekeepers.5.美国的不少百万富翁都至少拥有两座房子和一架私人飞机。
Quite a number of American millionnaires owns at least two house and private plane.6.当约翰从癌症中意外地康复时,他的医生把此归功于他坚强的毅力和对未来地信念。When John recovered unexpectedly from cancer,his doctors attributed it to his strong will and faith in the future.7.没有任何实际理由要保留为女性开门的那种习俗,更不必说保留“妇女和儿童优先”地传统了。
There is no practical reason to perpetuate the custom of opening doors for women,let alone the tradition of “women and children first”.8.许多女权主义者反对男人养育孩子不如女人的想法。
Many feminists object to the notion that men
can‟t nurture children as well as women can
We soon grew weary of her constant complaints, and avowed her as much as possible.2.市长将在今天下午主持会议,为建设一条新公路的规划作准备。
The mayor will preside over a meeting this afternoon that will pave the way for plans to build a new highway.3.如果我们有更多的时间可支配,我会带你上这座山。从山顶上四下观望真令人惊叹。If we had more time at our disposal , I ‟ d take you up this mountain.the view from the top is truly awe-inspiring.4.任何热爱生活的人都不难发现鸟类迁徙中的象征美和实际美。
Anyone who is in love with life will have no difficulty in finding the symbolic as well as the actual beauty in the migration of the birds.5.观看壮观的潮涨潮落景色使我感到一种在其他地方感受不到的内心的满足。
Watching the magnificent view of the ebb and flow of the tides fills me with an inner contentment that I find nowhere else.6.他的不幸激起了听众深深的同情。他们热切的想帮他抚平心头的创伤。
His misfortune aroused great sympathy among the listeners ,who are keen to help heal his mental wounds.7.对一个门外汉来说,要认识霍金博士研究的重要性也许是困难的或不可能的,但它肯定会对我们的生活产生经久的影响。Recognition of the importance of
Dr.Hawkin ‟s research may be difficult or impossible for a layman ,but it is sure to have a lasting impact on our life.8.史密斯先生早就希望能有机会向周围的年轻人讲述他的登月经历,但他一直没有足够的支配时间。
Mr.Smith has long wished for a chance to relate his lunar landing experience to the young people around him ,but he never has enough
time at this disposal.Unit4
1.我们想提醒情爱的观众,敬请体谅他人,在晚上十点以后调低你的电视机音量。We‟d like to remind our viewers to be
considerate to your neighbors and keep your TVs turned down after 10 pm.2.我希望我的忠告对处于压力下的学生们会起作用:前面的路充满了不能预见的机遇。I hope my advice will work on the students under pressure---the road ahead is full of unforeseen opportunities.3.顺便说一句,琳达是个腼腆的人,在那么多的生人面前讲话,她会感到不自然。Incidentally ,Linda is a ahy person who might feel uneasy about speaking in the presence of so many strangers.4.要在学习上取得进步,学生具备独立学习的技能而不是事事都依靠老师。
In order to get ahead in their studies, students need to equip themselves with
independent-study skills instead of relying on their teacher for everything.5.现在的年轻人变得老成,他们确信成就是以拥有财产来衡量的。
Young people nowadays are ingrowing up old , with the conviction that achievement is
measured by how many possessions they own.6.许多学生为他们利用课余时间打工辩解,说这会减少他们的经济压力。
Many students justify their working part time by saying that it reduces their economic pressure.7.你现在必须马上做的是填好在你来时给你的表格。
What you need to do now is to fill in the forms you were given when you arrived.8.就失业本身而言,需要一个人毕生的奉献,但是这并不意味着进入一种职业后就要坚持不懈的干下去。
A career in itself requires one‟s liflong
devotion , but it does not mean
that after you get into a profession you must continue all along.Unit5
To help foreign inventors get a better understanding of Shanghai.They they‟ve compiled this litter guide from the various sources they couldn‟t.2.他是那种在计划实现之后才让大家知道的那种人。
He‟s the sort of person who prefers to keep his plans to himself until they‟rerealized.3.我千里迢迢的来纽约看他,结果却发现他两天前出国了。
I came to New York from far a way to see him.only to find he had gone abroad two days before.4.现在河南想象没有电、没有电视、没有电话,我们是如何生存了如此之久的。It is difficult to imagine now how we „ve survive for so long without
electricity,television or telephone.5.只要钱是老老实实赚来的,新政策鼓励人们变得富有。
The new policy encourages people to become wealthy if the money has been acquired honestly.6.如果我负责这个项目,我会更好的利用现有的资金。
If I were in change of the project, I‟d make better use of the money that‟s available.7.他们拒绝给他进入这个国家的签证,理由是他是个危险分子。
He was refused an entry permit on the grounds that he was a dangeous personal.8.老师没有多久就发现,汤姆总有迟交作业的借口。
It didn ‟t take the teacher long to catch on that Tom always had excuse for being late with assignments.Unit6 1.我真希望你对这一事件能采取一种更加通情达理的态度。
I wish you could adopt a more reasonable attitude towards the event.2.在那次车祸中我的腿摔断了,我儿子的腿也摔断了。
I broke my leg in the car accident and so did my song.3.那位老妇人不胜悲伤,几乎不能自己走路了。
The old woman,overwhelmed by grief,could hardly/barely walk on her owner.4.在他过世五十年之后,他的成就才为社会所承认。
It was 50 years after his death that his accomplishments were acknowledged by society.5.这里曾经是战火纷飞,现在却是一片和平和繁荣。
Where there were flame sof war, now there are peace and prosperity.6.他病得很重,他的病无药可救。
He is seriously ill and his disease defies the healing power of any medicine-chest.7.由于前途渺茫,一片空白,早年的希望逐渐消失,他对生活失去了信心。
He has lost confidence in life-the future has blurred and gone blank and his early hopes ha ve faded into nothingness.8.小汤姆意识到已无法改变这一严酷的现实:随着父母的突然去世,他的家庭已经破碎。
Little Tom realized that nothing could change the harsh reality that his family had fallen apart with his parents' sudden deathsman.Unit7
As long as you enjoy your hobby, you don‟t have to feel ashamed of being so-so.It doesn‟t matter what others think of your.2.金钱在竞技体育中正显出其重要性,但我们必须确保他不会影响一些重要的东西。
Money is becoming a big deal in competitive sports, but we must make sure that it doesn‟t get in the way of what‟s important.3.我们都需要不时地进行某种锻炼来使自己保持身体健康。
We all need some from of exercise every now and then to keep ourselves in good shape.4.我一再说该是你整理自己房间的时候了,但你老是拖着。
I‟ve said over and over it‟s time you tided up your room, but you keep putting it office.5.一两年前他才开始学画画,所以技法还未达到专业水准。你能给他指点指点吗? He only took up painting a couple of years ago, so his technique isn‟t up to professional standard.Can you give him some instruction?
Health experts are trying to discourage people from smoking by information them of its danger some.7.敬业当然是好的,但你不能让工作蚕食了你的全部休闲时间。
Being committed to your job is finest, but you shouldn‟t let work eat all your leisure time.8.对于我来说,工作和业余爱好都必须严肃认真的对待。
As far as I‟m concerned, both jobs and hobbies should be seriously considered.Unit8
NASA annouced that one of tangible objective of this nine-day mission was to do research into the effects of space flight on the aging procession.2.在冷战期间,苏美两国在外层空间的开发活动方面投入了大量的资金。
During the Cold War era ,the Soviet Union and the United States both spent substantial
funds on space exploration.3.总统关于削减政府社会福利支出的提议已经在公众中引起了很大的争议。
The President ‟s proposal to scale down the government‟s social welfare spending has caused a great deal of controversy.4.美国“发现”号航天飞机会带肯尼迪航天中心之前。佛罗里达恶劣的天气,加上舱门的故障,曾使安全着陆难以保证。
Before the American space shuttle Discover returned to Kennedy Space Centereturned, the bad weather in Florida,coupled with the door trouble, but its landing in doubtless.5.迄今为止还没有充分证据表明火星上有生命,但这并不是说外层空间的研究没有科学价值。
So far there is little evidence of life on
Mars ,but this doesn‟t justify the conclusion that research has no scientific valued.6.国际空间站是费用最为昂贵的太空探索项目,是有十六个国家参与的合作项目。The International Space Station, a
collaboration in which sixteen countries are taking part , is the most space-explooration projiect ever taken.7.这本书讲的是在五十年代末,中国航天探索的先驱者在没有外国专家帮助的情况下,执着的进行研究的情况。
This book describes the period at the end of 1950s when the pioneers of Chinese space exploration pressed ahead with their research without the help of foreign expert.8.今年制造业创利已超过两千亿美元,占我国国内生产总值的一半。
This year the profits made in manufacturing industries have exceeded $200 billionth, making up one half of our country‟s GDP.
这种植物只有在培育它的土壤中才能很好地成长。The plant does not grow well in soils other than the one in which it has been developed.研究结果表明,无论我们白天做了什么事情,晚上都会做大约两个小时的梦。Research findings show that we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we may have done during the day.有些人往往责怪别人没有尽最大努力,以此来为自己的失败辩护。Some people tend to justify their failure by blaming others for not trying their best.我们忠于我们的承诺:凡是答应做的,我们都会做到。We remain true to our commitment: Whatever we promised to do, we would do it.连贝多芬的父亲都不相信自己儿子日后有一天可能成为世界上最伟大的音乐家。爱迪生也同样如此,他的老师觉得他似乎过于迟钝。Even Beethoven's father discounted the possibility that his son would one day become the greatest musician in the world.The same is true of Edison, who seemed to his teacher to be quite dull.当局控告他们威胁国家安全。They were accused by the authorities of threatening the state security.要是这部喜剧中的人物更幽默些的话,就会吸引更多的观众。If the characters in this comedy had been more humorous, it would have attracted a larger audience.她从未对自己的能力失去信心,因此她有可能成为一名成功的演员。要成为一名驾驶员,视觉上分辨红色与绿色的能力是必不可少的。
The ability to visually distinguish between red and green is essential to becoming a driver.这个组由七个人组成,他们经常见面,分享彼此的信息。
The team consisted of seven people who met on a regular basis to share their information with each other.这些科学家在创建基因图谱的过程中体会到:合作不仅仅是一种有吸引力的选择,它还是一种责任。In the process of creating the genetic map, these scientists realized that cooperation was more than an attractive option;it was a responsibility.他们的研究发现简直就是一个奇迹。由于他们的发现,人们对人类基因的历史有了新的了解。Their research findings were nothing less than a miracle.As a result of their findings, new light has been shed on the history of human genes.事实上,只有勤奋加方法得当才能使你在学习上比他人有优势。
In fact, only hard work in combination with proper methods will give you an advantage over others.法官说这种惩罚将起到杀一儆百的作用。The judge said the punishment would serve as a warning to others.感染的危险只限于那些与病人有亲密接触的人。The risk of infection is She has never lost faith in her own ability, so it is a possibility for her to become a successful actress.我just learned as I went along.从未受过正式培训,我只是
边干边学。I never had formal training, I 随products find their way into the international market, their brand is gaining 着产品进入国际市场,他 们的品牌知名度越来越高了。As their in popularity.她自己是否能可以编造一
she was knocked unconscious by thieves and that all her money was gone, 让这个故事,故事听起说自己被窃来可信。贼 She could make up a story by saying 打昏,所有的钱都没了,但她怀疑but she doubted whether she could make it sound believable.谁评都不清楚他是否故意推迟了这次访问,可是这引起了对 他更多的批
brought more criticism of him.。No one was certain whether he postponed the visit on purpose, but this 据Seven or eight officials are reported to have taken bribes and the mayor has 报道有七八位官员收受贿赂,市长决定亲自出马调查这件事。
decided to look into the affair in person.这
临些工人后悔and going back to work.Now they are again faced with the threat of losing 失业的危险当时了。These workers regret yielding to the management's advice 接受管理部门的意见重新回去工作。现在他们再次面their jobs.你折的只需填写一
张表格就可取得会员资格,它可以使你在买东西时entitles you to a discount on goods.优惠。You only need to fill out a form to get your membership, which 享受打不知 时为什么他们的汽车在半路坏掉了,结果他们比原three hours later than they had planned.。Their car broke down halfway for no reason.As a result they arrived 计划晚到了三个小那位官a scandal and was forced to resign weeks later.员卷入了一场丑闻,数周后被迫 辞职。这个The man living on welfare began to build up his own market, one step at a 靠救济过日子的人开始慢慢地建立起自己的市The official got involved in
场,生意日渐兴隆。time and his business is thriving.我父母不是invest in my education, my parents spent their money on a new house.对我的教育投资,而是把
钱花在了买新住房上。Rather than 如今,人spending twice as much on entertainment and relaxation as they did in the 们用于休闲娱乐的开支是过去的两倍。Today, people arepast.一家公司要成功,business must keep pace with developments in the marketplace.它必须跟上市场的发展。In order to be successful, a 与in English gave her an advantage over other girls for the job.申请这个职位的其他女孩相比,她流利的英语是个优势。Her fluency 对
由他于学生而言,没有任何地方比图书馆更好了,在那里所有的books are at their disposal.们使用。For students, nowhere is better than the library, where all the 图书都任我We should make full use of the platform to strengthen communication, 们要充分利用好这个平台,加强交流,拓展合作领域,共谋发展大计。expand cooperation in more areas and seek further development through joint efforts.这innocent as he appears.位小个子男子
并不如他看上去那么单纯。对这个问题nothing I can do about the problem, so you might as well turn to Professor 我已束手无策了,所以
This little man is not so 你不妨去求助于王教授吧。There's Wang for help.双Both sides speak highly of the fruits in their cooperation in different areas, 方高度评价了在不同
领域合作取得的成果,并希望合作进一步加深。and hope that the cooperation can be furthered.一方面,直言之路,亲民形象能使新政策更易于被民people can get a new policy more easily accepted.On the other hand, it will 启进善之门”。On the one hand, an image of being close to the 众接受,另一方面,它也能“广“encourage people to speak their minds and come up with constructive suggestions”.他孤His sense of loneliness rose and fell and he sometimes would talk at length 独的感觉时
起时落,他有时会对自己、对宠物、对电视机唠叨不休。to himself and his pets and the television.毕is not everything.The richest people are not necessarily the happiest.竟,金钱不是万能的,最富有的人不一定是最幸福的。After all, money
假found out that your colleague takes bribes, would you just ignore it? 设你发现了你自己的同事受贿,你会不会无动于衷呢?Suppose 他如此固 you We've 执,我们已对他失望了。跟他争论一点意义都没有。
with him.given up on him because he is so stubborn.It is pointless to argue 他突然想到了一
一。个加速实验进程的好办法,但组里的成员却对此意见不but opinions differed among members of the group on it.He hit upon a good method to speed up the progress of the experiment, 今天我能 Today I'm able to square my profession with my interest, which I wasn't able 够使自己的职业与兴趣相符,之前我是做不到的。
to do before.confined to those who have close contact with the patients.从这From 一分析中我happened and what to do about it.such an analysis 们可以更好地知道we are in a 发better 生了什position 么以及要做些什
to understand 么。
what has 只要他守out so late as long as he behaves himself.规矩,我倒不在乎他晚上在外呆得
这么晚。I don't mind his staying 与的其他计划相比,我更喜欢他的计划,因
practical than his.计划更实际。I prefer his plan to others 为in 我that 觉得I 没think 有任何一no plan 个计划is 比他more 他已们与huge losses in the last fiscal year and went bankrupt.经破那家公司中产了。They broke off business relations with that company as it suffered 断
了生意来往,因为那家公司上一个财政损失惨重,既you don't like him, why did you invite him to your birthday party in the first 然你不喜欢他,当初为什么还要邀请他参加你的生日
晚会呢?Now that place?
虽Though we knew our chances to win were slim, we were more or less depressed 然知道获胜的可能性不大,但比赛失败后,我们多少还是有点沮丧。when we lost in the game.也to be paid for progress许这是为进步而付出的代价,谁
知道呢? Perhaps this was the price that has 尽很少。管他们做出了巨大的努力,但目前—who knows? 为 止,博物
馆每天的参观者仍然还是been very low.For all their great efforts, the museum's daily attendance has so far still 作规为对政府检查员批
评的回应,公司改变了一些做法,而不是放弃自己的some of its practices rather than gave up its rules.定。In response to criticism by government inspectors, the company changed 警方提醒乘客,不要warned 将钱和贵重物品放在提包里,以防被
盗。they should be stolen.the passengers against putting money and precious things in bags The police lest 调查应Surveys ought to focus on how parents and children perceive the ways in which 集中于父母和孩子
们如何看待学校满足他们需求的那些办法。the school satisfies their needs.一瞬的女子。间,特斯(well-educated woman.In a flash, Tess)由一Tess changed 个天真的女孩from 变an 成了一innocent 个成熟、受girl to a 过mature 良好教育我能I can confirm that 200 new trains are being manufactured and that the first of 证实200列新火车正在制造中,第一批
and 将在今年五月投入运营。those trains will come into service in May this year.无 他人有用的论你的智商有多高,你的看法都受到个人经历的局限,因此要
学会吸纳experience perspectives of others.you 观点。have No matter how high your IQ is, your view is limited by the had and so you should learn to incorporate the useful 这个game that none of them took note of the passage of time.游戏非常有趣,他们谁也没有注意到时间的流逝。So interesting was the 我一直在整理through these old documents to see which are 这些旧文件,看看哪些有用,哪些需要扔掉。I've been sorting useful and which can be thrown away.随reflect on future plans.着年龄越来越大,你应该考虑未来的计划。As you get older you should 他在演出中的亮相less than a sensation.简直是个轰动。His appearance in the show was nothing 他set 们每个月都从工资kid's education in the future.aside a particular 中留出一amount of 笔钱money,用于孩子from their 将来salary 的教育。for Every month they the sake of their