
时间:2019-05-13 01:05:33下载本文作者:会员上传






Now that we've all introduced ourselves to the new members, let's get down to work.As the committee in charge of this year's tree-planting project, we have several items on our agenda.First, we have to review the budget.The president has informed me that the trustees have set aside $3,000 for the purchase of trees and our environmental T-shirt sale netted a profit of $1,500.Second, we have to finalize the choice of trees.As you know, we're working with Richardson's Nursery again this year since everyone seemed pleased with the work he did for us last year.Mr.Richardson has presented us with several choices within our price range that he thinks would meet our needs.He's sent us pictures of the trees for us to look at, but he wanted me to tell you that we're welcome to visit the nursery if we want to see the trees themselves.Lastly, we need to plan some kind of ceremony to commemorate the planting.Several ideas, including a garden party of some sort, have been suggested.So let's get on with it and turn to the first order of business.既然现在我们已经向新成员们做了自我介绍,让我们开始工作吧。作为负责今年植树项目的委员会,我们的议程包含几项项目。首先,我们要回顾预算。董事长已经通知我,托管人已经设置了3000美元给我们购买树和环境T恤,净赚了1500美元。第二,我们必须给树的选择定稿。你们知道,由于去年每个人好像都对Richardson的苗圃很满意,我们今年再次和他合作。Richardson先生已经给我们提供一些他认为可以符合在我们价格范围内的选择。他给我们发送了一些树的图片来看,但是他想让我告诉你们,他欢迎我们去拜访他的苗圃如果我们想亲眼看一下那些树。最后,我们需要计划一些仪式来纪念植树。几个方案,包括一个花园派对已经被建议过了。所以让我们来开始吧,然后转向第一次生意。






Welcome to the Four Winds Historical Farm, where traditions of the past are preserved for visitors like you.Today, our master thatchers will begin giving this barn behind me a sturdy thatched roof, able to withstand heavy winds and last up to a hundred years.How do they do it? Well, in a nutshell, thatching involves covering the beams or rafters, the wooden skeleton of a roof with reeds or straw.Our thatchers here have harvested their own natural materials for the job, the bundles of water reeds you see lying over there beside the barn.Thatching is certainly uncommon in the Untied States today.I guess that's why so many of you have come to see this demonstration.But it wasn't always that way.In the seventeenth century, the colonists here thatched their roofs with reeds and straw, just as they had done in England.After a while, though, they began to replace the thatch with wooden shingles because wood was so plentiful.And eventually, other roofing materials like stone, slate, and clay tiles came into use.It's a real shame that most people today don't realize how strong and long lasting a thatched roof is.In Ireland, where thatching is still practiced, the roofs can survive winds of up to one hundred ten miles per hour.That's because straw and reeds are so flexible.They bend but don't break in the wind like other materials can.Another advantage is that the roofs keep the house cool in the summer and warm in the winter.And then, of course, there's the roofs' longevity—the average is sixty years, but they can last up to a hundred.With all these reasons to start thatching roofs again, wouldn't it be wonderful to see this disappearing craft return to popularity?


第三篇:老托福听力30篇下载之James Polk(原文+翻译)


老托福听力30篇下载之James Polk(原文+翻译)

老托福听力30篇是托福听力考试备考必备的材料,下面为大家整理了老托福听力30篇中James Polk相关内容,还附带有原文及翻译,同学们可下载进行练习。

托福考试备考资料你选老托福听力30篇了吗?没选也不要紧,下面小马编辑为大家精选了老托福听力30篇中James Polk相关的原文及翻译,同学们不用下载完整版的老托福听力30篇也可以,还等什么,赶快来下载吧。

So, uh...as Jim said, James Polk was the eleventh President, and...uh...well, my report's about the next President—Zachary Taylor.Taylor was elected in 1849.It's surprising because...well, he was the first President that didn't have any previous political experience.The main reason he was chosen as a candidate was because he was a war hero.In the army, his men called him “Old Rough and Ready”.I guess because of his...“rough edges.” He was kind of blunt and he didn't really look like a military hero.He liked to do things like wear civilian clothes instead of a uniform, even in battle.And he was so short and plump he had to be lifted up onto his horse.But he did win a lot of battles and he became more and more popular.So, the Whig party decided to nominate him for the presidency, even though no one knew anything about where he stood on the issues.I couldn't find much about his accomplishments, probably because he was only in office about a year and a half before he died.But one thing, he pushed for the development of the transcontinental railroad because he thought it was important to form a link with the West Coast.There was a lot of wealth in California and Oregon from commerce and minerals and stuff.Also, he established an agricultural bureau in the Department of the Interior and promoted more government aid to agriculture.Well, that's about all I found.Like I said, he died in office in 1850, so his Vice President took over, and that's the next report, so...thank you.所以,嗯„就像Jim所说,James Polk是第11任总统,并且„嗯„好了,我的报告时关于下一任总统——Zachary Taylor。好了,他是第一个没有任何早先政治经验的总统。他当选候选人的主要原因是因为他是一个战争英雄。在军队里,他的战友叫他“老马虎”。我猜这可能是因为他粗糙的边缘。他直言不讳而且他长的不怎么像一个军队英雄。他喜欢穿平民百姓的衣服而不是军服,即使在战斗中也是。而且他是那么的矮和胖,所以他需要被抬起才能骑上马。但是他确实赢得了许多战役而且他变得越来越出名。所以,辉格党决定提名他为总统职位,即使没有人知道任何关于他站在哪一边的问题。我不能找到许多关于他的功绩,可能是因为在他去世前,只在办公室呆了一年半的时间。但是有一件事,他推进了横贯大陆的铁路的发展因为他认为连接西海岸是重要的。加利福尼亚州和俄勒冈州有很多丰富的贸易和矿物之类的东西。并且,他在内部建立了一个农业局,为农业提供了更多的政府援助。好了,这就是我找到的所有东西。就像我说的,他1850年死于他的办公室,所以他的副总统接手,这就是下一个报告,所以„谢谢。


1.Which of the following best describes the fact?

A.Mary waits and lets Gail prepare dinner

B.Gail always helps prepare dinner

C.Gail does not let Mary help prepare dinner

D.Mary always prepares dinner alone

2.What did the man want to do?

A.The man arrested Jane

B.The man threatened to call the police

C.The man didn’t want Jane to leave

D.The man promised to leave at once

3.What do we know about Mr.Smith?

A.Mr.Smith didn’t come yesterday

B.Mr.Smith came yesterday

C.Mr.Smith was busy yesterday

D.Mr.Smith was not dependable

4.When did the class start?

A.The class started at 11:30

B.The class started at 12:00

C.The class started at 12:30

D.The class started at 1:00

5.Which of the following is true?

A.Sally is a nurse

B.The baby’s name is Sally

C.The baby is girl

D.Sally is a mother

6.What is true about Mike?

A.Mike didn’t finish school

B.Mike went to school,then to work

C.Mike would rather work than go to school

D.Mike always finished his work

7.What did the speaker want?

A.He wanted salad

B.He wanted a spoon

C.He wanted sugar

D.He wanted a fork

8.What does the speaker mean?

A.The policeman probably told Tom how to find the church

B.The policeman probably didn’t know how to find the church

C.Tom probably never found the church

D.Tom probably never asked the policeman

9.What do we know about Jim?

A.Jim had his car key

B.Jim was still in his house

C.Jim’s house key was in his pocket

D.Jim lost his car

10.Which of the following is true?

A.George wanted to go,but his wife wanted to stay

B.George wanted to stay,but his wife wanted to go

C.Both of them were determined to go

D.Both of them were determined to stay

11.What does the speaker mean?

A.The outside should be cleaned with a damp cloth

B.The exterior should be moistened before cleaning

C.The moist cloth should be cleaned before wiping

D.The outside should be cleaned before moistening

12.Which of the following is true?

A.I don’t enjoy talking with Mr.jones

B.I’m not planning to talk with Mr.jones

C.I expect to be talking with Mr.Jones soon

D.I haven’t had to talk with Mr.Jones very often

13.What does the speaker mean?

A.I often leave before the play is over

B.I travel less than Joe does

C.I see the plays after Joe sees them

D.I go to the theater,but not so often as Joe

14.How many volleyball players are there in the team?





15.How much is it for three pairs of these end tables?





16.What does the speaker mean?

A.Tom wanted a tennis racket

B.Tom did not play basketball

C.A tennis racket came as Tom’s birthday gift

D.Tom wanted a basketball or a tennis racket

17.Which of the following is true?

A.She amuses herself easily

B.She is never left alone

C.She is left without any problem

D.She has a problem staying amused

18.How is the business now?

A.Business is better now than ever before

B.Business is prosperous

C.Business is never slow

D.Business is not as good as it used to be

19.How many birds are left now?





20.What happened to the woman?

A.She had a headache suddenly

B.She never has headaches

C.She had broken the typewriter

D.Buying a typewriter gave the woman a headache

21.What does the speaker mean?

A.Mary likes to be unfriendly

B.Mary waved when she saw you

C.Mary did not wave because she did not see you

D.You should have waved at Mary

22.What does the speaker usually do?

A.He doesn’t lock his bike outside

B.He usually leaves his bike outside

C.He locks his bike outside and it is his habit

D.His bike has no locks

23.Which of the is true?

A.I used Frank’s car with his permission

B.Louise lent Frank’s car to me without his knowledge

C.Louise lent her car to me and I gave it to Frank

D.I lent Louise Frank’s car

24.What do we know about the girl and her bike?

A.The girl screamed and kicked her friend

B.The bicycle screamed at the small girl

C.The small girl’s bike fell on her and she screamed

D.The girl screamed and kicked her bike

25.What does the speaker mean?

A.Nancy has Paul’s scarf on

B.Nancy is wearing a knit scarf

C.Paul has a knit scarf

D.Paul never wears the knit scarf that Nancy made him

26.What is Mary doing?

A.She is looking for her paint brushes

B.She is looking for some empty cans

C.She is painting the cans

D.She is emptying a couple of cans

27.Which of the following is true?

A.Bob criticized his father’s plans for a new office building

B.Bob was unhappy when his father criticized his plans for a new office building

C.Bob and his father criticized the plans for a new office building

D.Bob’s father criticized him in his new office

28.What does the speaker mean?

A.It’s bad to go outside

B.It’s bad you don’t have an umbrella

C.If it didn’t rain,you would have been happier

D.All of the rain should not bother you

29.What do we know about the accountant?

A.The accountant is poor

B.The accountant has got enough sense

C.The accountant’s judgment is not reliable

D.The accountant can be trusted

30.Why is Betty late?

A.Because she doesn’t like her job

B.Because she takes her son to the nursery

C.Because her son is ill

D.The speaker doesn’t tell us

31.What does the speaker mean?

A.Bill gulped his drink

B.Bill enjoys his food a great deal

C.Bill didn’t enjoy his drink

D.Bill savored the taste of his drink

32.Which is more difficult for the speaker to play?





33.Which is more difficult for the speaker to play?

A.She wants him to take up smoking

B.She wants him to cut down on his smoking

C.She wants him to give up smoking

D.She wants him to look into smoking

34.What happened to the speaker’s car?

A.It was badly damaged

B.It fell into a river

C.It left the road and stopped in a field

D.The speaker doesn’t tell us

35.What does the speaker think of Kenny?

A.She thinks Kenny’s independent

B.She thinks Kenny’s selfish

C.She thinks Kenny’s intelligent

D.She thinks Kenny’s generous

36.How did the speaker train the dog?

A.Punish the dog

B.Pick the dog up

C.Reward the dog

D.Ignore the dog

37.Which of the following is true?

A.He neither speakers,understands,nor know how to write Japanese

B.While he speakers and understands Janpanese,he isn’t able to write it

C.He’s not able to speak or understand Japanese,but he knows how to write it

D.Although he can’t speak or understand Janpanese,he can write it

38.How is the speaker feeling?





39.What does the woman mean?

A.She said she wanted to go to the movies

B.She said she’d rather go to the movies tomorrow night

C.She said she didn’t want to go to the movies

D.She said she went to the movies with Joe

40.Which of the following is true?

A.I didn’t know where you lived,so I didn’t visit you

B.I couldn’t find your dress

C.I had no idea you were visiting

D.I came to see you,but you weren’t at home

41.What do you know about the President’s speech?

A.What do you think provoked the President?

B.The President was thinking aloud

C.Don’t you think the speech was stimulating

D.The speech angered the press

42.What does the speaker mean?

A.You shouldn’t be that busy now

B.You’ve had a lot to do recently

C.Did you expect to be so busy

D.How have you been doing recently

43.What do we know about Jack?

A.Jack’s way was more fun

B.Jack was quite pleasant

C.Jack wasn’t pleased anyway

D.Jack wasn’t at the play

44.Which of the following is correct?

A.I have never met Sara’s friends

B.I’m a friendlier person than Sara

C.Sara has never been friendly to me

D.Sara is the friendliest person I know

45.Which of the following is true?

A.There’s trash collection everyday

B.The litter gets worse everyday

C.Lee picks up the garbage during the day

D.Lee stops at the garage each day

46.What happened to Alice?

A.Alice gave the policeman a ticket to a movie

B.The officer was all out of tickets that day

C.Alice got a ticket for speeding

D.The policeman saw Alice driving

47.What does the speaker mean?

A.I watched for ten minutes

B.It wa 9:30 when I set my watch

C.The time is 9:20

D.I set my watch thirty minutes ahead

48.What does the speaker mean?

A.I’ll do it at once

B.I’ll look for it without delay

C.I won’t be fooled again

D.I’ll talk to him right now

49.What happened to Jim?

A.Jim hurt his foot when returning

B.Jim heard it correctly the second time

C.Jim weighed his peck

D.Jim hurt his back

50.What does the speaker mean?

A.Don’t you need a refill for your pen?

B.Your order for a dozen pencils has been filled

C.Ben needs another bill from you

D.Don’t you want to get your friend a new pen




assignment n.功课,作业; 工作;分配 introduction n.介绍 report n.报告,报导

literature review 文献综述 project n.项目,计划,方案 hypothesis n.假设

presentation n.陈述,演示,演讲 analysis n.分析 paper n.论文

conclusion n.结论 essay n.短文,文章

reference n.参考,提及,参考文献 thesis n.论题,论文 research n.研究,调查 dissertation n.论文,专题 survey n.调查 draft n.草稿

questionnaire n.调查问卷 revision n.修改

field study 野外考察,实地考察 outline n.大纲,轮廓 approach n.方法;v.接近title n.标题 method n.方法

subject n.题目,主题 experiment n.实验 topic n.话题,主题 submit v.提交 scope n.范围 hand in 提交

abstract n.摘要;adj.抽象的 due date 到期日,截止日期

summary n.摘要;adj.摘要的,简略的 deadline n.截止日期 extension n.延期,延长 requirement n.要求 data n.数据 format n.格式


reserve n.保留,储备;v.保留,预订,保存

reserved books 馆藏图书,保留图书 renew v.续借,使更新 title index 书目索引

check out 借书;结账离开;仔细检查 additional copy 馆藏图书的副本 librarian n.图书管理员 circulation desk 借还书柜台

due adj.到期的,应付的;n.应得物 paperback n.平装本

overdue fine 超期罚款,滞纳金 front cover 封面

journal n.期刊,日记 return n./v.归还

periodical n.期刊;adj.周期的,定期的

call number 索书号 shelf n.书架

bibliography n.参考书目 stack n.书架;v.堆积

reference material 参考材料 library card 借书证 reference room 资料室

library hours 图书馆开放时间 suspend v.中止,暂停,吊

interlibrary service 馆际互借服务 loan desk 借书处

book catalogue 图书目录 electronic journal 电子刊物 current issue 现期刊物 student locker 学生储物柜 recall n./v.召回,收回,回想 photocopy n.复印件;v.复印 rare books 珍本

borrowing policy 图书借阅规定 校园生活之住宿场景

accommodation n.住宿,适应,调节 dorm/dormitory n.宿舍 apartment n.公寓

live on campus 住在校内 live off campus 住在校外 resident n.居民,定居者;adj.住校的,定居的

rent n.租金;v.出租,租用 lease n.租约,租期;v.出租 tenant n.承租人,租客;v.租 landlord n.房东 clinic n.诊所

infirmary n.医院,医务室 regulation n.规章,条例

rule n.规则,惯例;v.统治,管辖 kitchen n.厨房

utensil n.器具,用具 washroom n.洗手间

laundry facility 洗衣房 basement n.地下室

lounge n.休闲室;v.闲荡,虚度光阴 air conditioner 空调 storage space 储物空间 hallway n.走廊

vacuum cleaner 吸尘器

key n.钥匙;adj.重要的,关键的 lock n./v.锁

extinguisher n.灭火器

furnishing n.装备,室内陈设

park n.公园,停车处;v.停放车辆 parking area 停车场 roommate n.室友 commute v.通勤,转换,改变;n.剩车上下班

bus fare 公共汽车费 heating n.暖气装置 utility n.实用品

home-stay 寄居在当地人家中

studio apartment 单间公寓(通常有一主要房间兼作起居室和卧室, 另加小厨房和浴室);独 单元住宅.shutter n.百叶窗;v.以百叶窗遮闭 closet n.壁橱,衣帽间 housing office 宿舍管理处 spacious adj.宽敞的

roomy adj.宽大的,宽敞的 messy adj.混乱的

chaotic adj.混乱的,无秩序的 common room 休息室 校园生活之课程场景

course n.课程,过程;v.追逐 enroll v.登记,招收 take a course 学习一门课程 sign up for a course 选课

introduction n.导论,入门课程 elementary course 基础课程 intermediate course 中级课程 advanced course 高级课程 required course 必修课 compulsory course 必修课 elective course 选修课 optional course 选修课 selective course 选修课

tutorial n.个别指导,辅导;adj.辅导的

available adj.可选的,可用的,可得到的

drop a course 退选一门课 quit a course 放弃一门课

schedule n.时间表,课程表;v.安排 credit n.学分,信用,银行存款 ;v.归功于,信任

course arrangement 课程安排 miss a course 错过一节课 skip a course 逃课 seminar n.研讨会

lecture n./v.演讲,讲课,教训 major n./v.主修; adj.主要 minor n./v.辅修; adj.次要的 fundamental adj.基本的 semester n.学期 term n.学期,期限,术语,条件;v.把……称为

course guideline 课程提纲 syllabus n.课程提纲

handout n.讲课提纲,传单,印刷品 slide n.滑动,幻灯片;v.滑动 workshop n.研讨会

attendance n.出席,出席的人数 prerequisite n.前提条件 校园生活之打工场景 part-time job 兼职工作 full-time job 全职工作

intern/internship v.实习/ n.实习career/job fair 招聘会 interview n.面试,采访 resume n.简历;v.重新开始 job opening 职务空缺 job offer 工作录用 salary n.薪水

paycheck n.付薪水的支票,薪水 payroll n.薪金总额,发薪名单 teaching assistant 助教 research assistant 研究助理 lab assistant 实验员 waiter n.服务员

work schedule 工作时间表

volunteer n.志愿者;v.(自愿)做 applicant n.申请者 candidate n.候选人 hire v.雇用 fire v.解雇 training n.培训

employment n.雇用,工作,职业 supervise v.监督

career service center 职业服务中心relevant experience 相关经验 allowance n.补贴,津贴 short term 短期 opportunity n.机会 recruit v.招募 company n.公司 institution n.机构 organization n.组织 look for a job 找工作

working conditions 工作环境 advancement n.晋升 promotion n.晋升 quit the job 辞职 wage n.工资 position n.职位

dismiss v.解散,开除 resign v.辞职

校园生活之行政程序场景 apply for 申请 register v.注册 transfer v.转学

recommendation letter 推荐信 reference letter 推荐信 transcript n.成绩单 tuition n.学费

fill out a form 填表格 public university 公立大学 community college 社区学院 expense n.费用

cost n.费用;v.花费 afford v.供应得起 department n.系,部门

financial aid 经济资助,贷款

orientation n.情况介绍,适应,方向 exchange student 交换学生

grant n.授予,资助金,允许;v.允许,授与,承认

committee n.委员会 donation n.捐赠

sponsorship n.赞助,资助 official adj.官方的 document n.文件

grade point average(GPA)学生全部学科成绩的平均数,平均成绩绩点 extra-curricular 课外的

eligible adj.符合条件的,合格的 confirmation n.证实,确认,批准 authorize v.授权,认可,批准 fellowship n.奖学金 loan n.贷款;v.借出 waive v.免除,推迟考虑 procedure n.程序,手续 bulletin n.公告 brochure n.小册子 pamphlet n.小册子 校园生活之考试场景 mid-term exam 其中考试

final n.期末考试,决赛;adj.最好的,决定性的

quiz n./v.小考,随堂测验 pop quiz 突击测验 make-up exam 补考

retake n./v.补考,重修 resit v.重修

review n./v.回顾,复习,评论 assess v.评估 assessment n.评估

multiple choice questions 多项选择题

(通常只有一个正确答案)do poorly in 成绩不好 subjective test 主观测试 objective test 客观测试 placement test 定级测试

cram n./v.仓促备考,死记硬背 by rote 死记硬背 go over 复习

take home quiz 课外测验 fail the exam 不及格 evaluate v.评价 校园生活之学位场景 degree n.学位

bachelor n.学士学位

master n.硕士学位;v.精通 doctor n.博士学位,医生 diploma n.毕业文凭 certificate n.证书 freshman n.大一新生 sophomore n.大二

junior n.大三,年少者

senior n.大四,年长者,长辈 college n.大学,学院

graduate n.毕业生,研究生;v.毕业 undergraduate n.本科生

continuing education 继续教育

B.A.(Bachelor of Arts)文学学士学位commencement n.毕业典礼

M.S.(Master of Science)理学硕士 ceremony n.仪式,典礼

M.A.(Master of Arts)文学硕士 expel v.驱逐,开除

M.D.(Doctor of Medicine)医学博士 drop out 退学

Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy)博士 discipline n.学科,纪律 校园生活之职位场景 professor n.教授

associate professor 副教授 assistant professor 助理教授

administrator n.管理人,行政官员

advisor n.顾问

counselor n.顾问,指导老师

registrar n.记录员,(学校)注册主任 tutor n.助教, 指导教师 coordinator n.协调者

instructor n.教师, 讲师, 指导书

supervisor n.监督人, 检查员, 管理人 lecturer n.演讲者;讲师

faculty n.全体教员,才能, 能力 staff n.员工

employee n.职员, 受雇人员, 员工 receptionist n.招待员, 接待员;传达员 director n.主任,主管 president n.校长,主席 facility manager 后勤管理者 clerk n.职员,办事员 dean n.院长,系主任 consultant n.顾问 alumni n.校友


grade n.等级, 成绩, 年级 score n.得分,成绩 fail n./v.不及格

pass n.通行证;v.通过 full marks 满分

straight-A student 功课全优 A plus A 加 B minus B 减

graduate with honors 以优异成绩毕业 high mark 高分 low grade 低分 perfect grade 满分 average n.平均

above average 在一般水平以上 below average 在一般水平以下 scholarship n.奖学金 merit-based scholarship 学业成绩优良奖学金

bursary n.奖学金

need-based scholarship 基于学生需求的奖学金



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