【北京市特级教师二轮精讲】2014届高考英语二轮复习专题精讲:第9讲 阅读理解经典精讲(下)(大全5篇)

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第一篇:【北京市特级教师二轮精讲】2014届高考英语二轮复习专题精讲:第9讲 阅读理解经典精讲(下)

第9讲 阅读理解经典精讲(下)





































第二篇:【北京市特级教师二轮精讲】2014届高考英语二轮复习专题精讲:第5讲 完形填空经典精讲(下)

第5讲 完形填空经典精讲(下)







2、较强的阅读理解能力 解题时,考生必须首先通读短文,大致了解短文主旨、事件发生的线索或所说明事物的基本情况等,进而领悟短文的语言基调,如客观、幽默等,以及作者意图、态度等。应该能在缺了若干词的情况下仍能把文章读懂。




















4、第一遍 三分之一5、42-506、原文信息







make the bed,raise the pay,lay the table,eat the soup,blow his nose,develop one’s ability,play a role,play a trick,make the way,beat time,meet the need,take the step,open an account,run the factory,adopt the plan,follow the advice.名词辨析
















2.wearput ondress







9.robstealcheat 10.dropfall








18.be destroyed

19.be fined

20.fit sb


be include be damaged be fired suit sb

第三篇:【北京市特级教师二轮精讲】2014届高考英语二轮复习专题精讲:第30讲 高考英语二轮复习综合验收精讲(三)(最终版)

第30讲 高考英语二轮复习综合验收精讲(三)



Theater fans love New York, _____ offers a variety of Broadway plays.A.whichB.whereC.thatD.who


From our window we have a good view of the open fields, _______ into the distance.A.to reachB.having reachedC.reachingD.reached


Sorry about the mess.The house _____ at the moment.A.has paintedB.had paintedC.is being paintedD.will be painted 题四:

Egg prices usually_____ in the spring when they are most plentiful.A.are droppingB.dropC.have droppedD.will drop


— George, good luck with your English exam!

— Gosh, I wish I _______ for it last night!

A.have studiedB.studiedC.had studiedD.would study 题六:

— Did you like Mr.Green’s lecture?

—Yes, _______ any description.I will come again with my classmates.A.overB.inC.beyondD.for


I am sure that if it came to that point, he would do _______ is expected of him.A.whatB.whenC.whichD.as


Look!How active the guys are!Never before ____ my students so enthusiastic.A.I seeB.I have seenC.do I seeD.have I seen 题九:

—Why wasn’t John hired for the job?

—I don’t know, but he ______.A.wasB.had beenC.should haveD.should have been 完形填空




So tired as I was, I bothered myself to open up my cafe shop on the cold morning.With many consumers streaming in, I knew another long business day began.And I had to serve far into the night.if I could mind a child.I was quite

wanted his son to stay and wait for him, he had to something in the shop.was dressed.It looked as if he had tried to come in his old and worn outhe had often worn them, just to make himself look best.Looking down I could see his were also a bit torn and the heels were in a terrible state.I thought he was going for a job infor his little son and seated him down in the corner.I could tell the boy was feeling down and only could cheering up.Seeing that the kid sat there for quite a while, I was a bit the poor little kid was sitting his own.People watched him and some kids even came over to pick on him.I wasto see one of them even knocked his cookies off the table.He quickly went and got them back without saying a word.I was hoping his father wouldup and come back for his son’s

At closing time, the only person left was the little boy.After a while, the father finally came in with a tiresome look.I he didn’t get any job.As they were leaving,I offered the kid a little cake,but the man rejected it.I mean to.But I could understand why he felt like that.I only wished them goodwhatever happened.The man opened the door to leave-father and son hand in hand.36.A.voiceB.soundC.noiseD.tune








44.A.even thoughB.so thatC.as ifD.now that







第30讲 高考英语二轮复习综合验收精讲(三)单项选择

题一: A

题六:C题二:C题七:A题三:C题八:D题四:B题九:D 题五:C


36-40 A C A B C41-45 D D B C D46-50 C C D A C51-55 A B D B A

第四篇:【北京市特级教师二轮精讲】2014届高考英语二轮复习专题精讲:第7讲 完形填空2013新题赏析

第7讲 完形填空2013新题赏析







We have been driving in fog all morning, but the fog is lifting now.The little seaside villages one by one.“There is my grandmother’s house,” I say, the bay to a shabby old house.I am in Nova Scotia on a pilgrimage(朝圣)with Lisa, my grand daughter, seeking roots for her, retracing(追溯)memory for me.Lisa was one of the mobile children,for 200 years.We soon by the house and I tell her what it was like here, theback, swift as the tide(潮水).Suddenly, I long to walk again in thewhere I was once so gloriously a child.It stilla member of the family, but has not been lived in for a while.the rooms in memory.Here, my motherin her bedroom window and wrote in her diary.I can still see the enthusiastic familyinto and out of the house.I could never have enough of being them.However, that was long after those childhood days.Lisasays, “So this is where I

She has her roots.To know where I come from is one of the great longings of the human.To be rooted is “to have an origin”.We needorigin.Looking backward, we discover what is unique in us;learn the of “I”.We must all go home again—in reality or memory.36.A.appearingB.movingC.exposingD.expanding






42.A.catch upB.pull upC.step downD.come down



45.A.adapts toB.appeals toC.belongs toD.occurs to










55.A.meaningB.recognizedB.rightsB.itsB.expressionC.acceptedD.found C.interestD.behaviors C.thatD.every C.connectionD.background

36-40 ACDCC


第7讲 完形填空2013新题赏析41-45 BBCDC46-50BDDBB51-55



专题八 非谓语动词和独立主格结构

【专题要点】非谓语动词和独立主格结构主要用法如下:1.动名词和动词不定式作主语、宾语;2.只跟动名词作宾语的动词或动词短语;3.只跟动词不定式作宾语的常见动词; 4.既可以跟动名词又可以跟动词不定式作宾语,且意义不同的动词或短语;5.不定式、现在分词、过去分词作宾语补足语的区别;6.不定式、现在分词、过去分词作定语时的区别; 7.不定式、现在分词、过去分词作状语时的区别;8.动名词的复合结构在句中作状语; 9.there be 结构的两种非谓语形式;10.独立主格结构在句中作状语; 11.with复合结构在句中作状语或定语。

【考纲要求】非谓语动词包括不定式、动词-ing形式和过去分词三种形式。动词的非谓语形式是中学英语语法的重点和难点,也是每年高考热点中的热点, 考纲要求掌握:非谓语动词的时态和语态;他们在英语句子中的作用;非谓语动词的基本用法和含义,非谓语动词在句子中可以充当多种句子成分,比如主语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、状语、表语等;掌握非谓语动词充当相同句子成分时的辨析;掌握非谓语动词在不同的语境、语义下的运用。对于独立主格结构考纲要求掌握独立主格结构的构成方式;在句子中的作用以及with复合结构。

【教法指引】非谓语动词包括不定式、v-ing形式和过去分词,是高中英语学习的难点,也是高考考查的重点。高中英语非谓语动词是一个重要考点,教师在引导学生复习备考中要注意重点突出、训练得当,尤其是对以下要点的复习: 1.不定式、现在分词与过去分词的用法区别;2.非谓语动词的主动式与被动式;3.非谓语动词完成式的用法;4.非谓语动词用作伴随状语;5.非谓语动词用作目的状语;6.非谓语动词用作结果状语;7.非谓语动词用作宾语补足语;8.非谓语动词的逻辑主语问题;9.非谓语动词用作主语的问题;10.“(be+)过去分词+介词”结构;11.动名词的复合结构和there be结构的非谓语动词形式。

对于独立主格结构的复习,教师必须要讲清它的构成方式和在句子中的作用以及与with复合结构和分词之间的辨析的关系。【知识网络】 非谓语动词用法


(1)动名词作主语通常表示抽象动作;而不定式作主语表示具体动作。Smoking is prohibited(禁止)here.这里禁止抽烟。(抽象)It is not very good for you to smoke so much.你抽这么多烟对你身体很不好。(具体)(2)动名词作主语时,通常用以表示一件已知的事或经验。不定式短语通常用来表示一件未完成的事或目的。

Climbing mountains is interesting.爬山很有趣。(经验)Driving a car during the rush hour is tiring.在高峰时刻开车令人厌烦。(经验)(3)不定式做主语,一般用it当形式主语,把作主语的不定式短语后置。It took me only five minutes to finish the job.2.不定式、动名词和分词作表语的区别(1)不定式作表语


To do two things at a time is to do neither.--次做两件事等于未做。What I would suggest is to start work at once.我的建议是立刻开始干。2)如果主语是不定式(表示条件),表语也是不定式(表示结果)。To see is to believe.百闻不如一见。

To work means to earn a living.工作就是为了生活。

3)如果主语是以aim,duty,hope,idea,happiness,job,plan,problem,purpose,thing,wish等为中心的名词,或以what引导的名词性从句,不定式作表语是对主语起补充说明 作用。

His wish is to buy a luxurious car in the near future.他的希望是在不远的将来买一辆豪华轿车。

The function of Louis Sullivan's architecture was to provide large uninterrupted floor areas and to allow ample light into the interior.The most important thing is to negotiate with them about the future of the plant.(2)动名词作表语:动名词作表语,表示抽象的一般性的行为。Our work is serving the people.我们的工作是为人民服务。His hobby is collecting stamps.他的爱好是集邮。(注)动名词作表语时与进行时态中的现在分词形式相同,但其所属结构迥异,进行时态说明动作是由主语完成的。动名词做表语,说明主语的性质或情况。

People cannot but feel puzzled,for they simply cannot understand how he could have made such a stupid mistake.His victory in the final was no more convincing than I had expected.(3)分词作表语

分词做表语有两种情况,一种是现在分词做表语,一种是过去分词做表语,这两者区别是考试中经常考到的地方。一般来说,表示心理状态的动词如excite,interest等都是及物动词,汉语意思不是“激动”,“高兴”,而是“使激动”、“使高兴”,因而现在分词应该是“令人激动的”、“令人高兴的”,过去分词则是“感到激动的”和“感到高兴的”。所以,凡表示“令人„„的”都是-ing形式,凡是表示“感到„„”都用-ed形式。换句话说,若人对„„感兴趣,就是somebody is interested in...,若人/物本身有兴趣时,就是说sb./sth.is interesting.这类词常见的有: interesting使人感到高兴--interested感到高兴的 exciting令人激动的--excited感到激动的 delighting令人高兴的--delighted感到高兴的 disappointing令人失望的--disappointed感到失望的 encouraging令人鼓舞的--encouraged感到鼓舞的 pleasing令人愉快的--pleased感到愉快的 puzzling令人费解的--puzzled感到费解的 satisfying令人满意的---satisfied感到满意的 surprising令人惊异的--surprised感到惊异的 worrying令人担心的--worried感到担心的

Travelling is interesting but tiring.旅行是有趣的,但是使人疲劳。

The pupils will get confused if they are made to learn too much.如果要学生学得太多,他们会感到糊涂的。

The argument is very convincing.他的论点很令人信服。

They were very excited at the news.听到这个消息,他们非常激动。3.不定式和动名词作宾语的区别

英语中大多数动词既可跟不定式,也可跟动名词作直接宾语,但有些动词要求:(1)不定式做宾语和宾语补足语 1)下面的动词要求不定式做宾语 【口诀记忆】

决心学会想希望,拒绝设法愿假装,主动答应选计划 同意请求帮一帮,愿望似乎就没有,碰巧承担常努力。attempt企图 enable能够 neglect忽视 afford负担得起 demand要求 long渴望 arrange安排 destine注定 mean意欲,打算 begin开始 expect期望 omit忽略,漏 appear似乎,显得 determine决定 manage设法 cease停止 hate憎恨,厌恶 pretend假装 ask问 dread害怕 need需要 agree同意 desire愿望 love爱 swear宣誓 volunteer志愿 wish希望 bear承受 endeavor努力 offer提供 beg请求 fail不能 plan计划

bother扰乱;烦恼 forget忘记 prefer喜欢,宁愿 care关心,喜欢 happen碰巧 prepare准备 decide决定 learn学习regret抱歉,遗憾 choose选择 hesitate犹豫 profess表明 claim要求 hope希望 promise承诺,允许 start开始 undertake承接 want想要 consent同意,赞同 intend想要 refuse拒绝 decide决定 learn学习vow起

contrive设法,图谋 incline有„倾向 propose提议 seek找,寻觅 try试图

2)下面的动词要求不定式做宾补:动词+宾语+动词不定式 ask要求,邀请 get请,得到 prompt促使 allow允许 forbid禁止 prefer喜欢,宁愿 announce宣布 force强迫 press迫使 bride 收买 inspire鼓舞 request请求 assist协助 hate憎恶 pronounce断定,表示 advise劝告 exhort告诫,勉励 pray请求

authorize授权,委托 help帮助 recommend劝告,推荐 bear容忍 implore恳求 remind提醒 beg请求 induce引诱 report报告

compel强迫 invite吸引,邀请,summon传唤 command命令 intend想要,企图 show 显示 drive驱赶 mean意欲,打算 train训练 cause引起 instruct指示 require要求 deserve应受 leave使,让 tell告诉 direct指导 like喜欢 tempt劝诱 entitle有资格 order命令 warn告诫 enable使能够 need需要 urge激励,力说 encourage鼓励 oblige不得不 want想要 condemn指责,谴责 lead引起,使得 teach教 entreat恳求 permit允许 wish希望(2)有少数动词只能用动名词作宾语 【口诀记忆】

考虑建议盼原谅,避免错过继续练,否认完成就欣赏 禁止想象才冒险,不禁介意准逃亡

acknowledge承认,自认 cease 停止 mention说到,讲到 admit 承认 tolerate忍受 dislike不喜欢,讨厌 advocate:提倡,主张 complete完成 dread可怕 appreciate 感激,欣赏 confess坦白 endure忍受 avoid避免 contemplate细想 enjoy享有,喜爱 bear忍受 defer拖延 envy嫉妒

can't help不禁 delay延迟 escape逃跑,逃避 can't stand受不了 deny否认 excuse借口 consider 考虑 detest嫌恶 fancy幻想,爱好 favor 造成,偏爱 mind 介意 repent悔悟 figure描绘,计算 miss错过 resent怨恨

finish完成,结束不得 pardon原谅,饶恕 resist抵抗,阻止 forgive原谅 permit 允许 resume恢复 imagine设想 postpone延迟,延期 risk冒险

involve卷入,包含 practise 实行,实践 suggest建议 hate讨厌 prevent阻止 save营救,储蓄 keep保持 quit放弃停止 stand坚持,忍受 loathe非常讨厌,厌恶 recall回想

I appreciate having been given the opportunity to study abroad two years ago.我很感激两年前给我出国学习的机会。

(3)有些动词后使用动名词和动词不定式作宾语的差别 【口诀记忆】 想起忘记常后悔

1)forget to do 忘记要去做某事(此事未做)forget doing忘记做过某事(此事已做过或已发生)2)stop to do 停止、中断(某件事),目的是去做另一件事 stop doing 停止正在或经常做的事 3)remember to do 记住去做某事(未做)remember doing记得做过某事(已做)4)regret to do对要做的事遗憾 regret doing对做过的事遗憾、后悔 5)try to do努力、企图做某事 try doing试验、试一试某种办法 6)mean to do打算,有意要„ mean doing意味着

7)go on to do 继而(去做另外一件事情)go on doing 继续(原先没有做完的事情)8)propose to do 打算(要做某事)proposing doing建议(做某事)9)like /love/hate/ prefer +to do 表示具体行为;+doing sth 表示抽象、倾向概念(注)如果这些动词前有should一词,其后宾语只跟不定式,不能跟动名词。例如: I should like to see him tomorrow.

10)need, want, deserve +动名词表被动意义;+不定式被动态表示“要(修、清理等)”意思。

Don't you remember seeing the man before?你不记得以前见过那个人吗? You must remember to leave tomorrow.你可要记着是明天动身。

I don't regret telling her what I thought.我不后悔给她讲过我的想法。(已讲过)I regret to have to do this,but I have no choice.我很遗憾必须这样去做,我实在没办法。(未做但要做)You must try to be more careful.你可要多加小心。

Let's try doing the work some other way.让我们试一试用另外一种办法来做这工作。I didn't mean to hurt your feeling.我没想要伤害你的感情。

This illness will mean(your)going to hospital.得了这种病(你)就要进医院。4.不定式、现在分词和过去分词作定语的区别(1)不定式作定语


He was the last one to leave school yesterday.昨天他是最后一个离开教室的。The train to arrive was from London.将要到站的火车是从伦敦开来的。2)不定式与其所修饰的名词可能是动宾关系 Get him something to eat.给他拿点儿东西吃。

She has a lot of work to do in the morning.早上他有很多工作要做。


I need a pen to write with.我需要一支笔写字。There is nothing to worry about.没有什么值得发愁的。

4)不定式修饰一些表示方向、原因、时间、机会、权利等抽象名词如: ability能力,本领 drive赶,驾驶 movement运动,活动 ambition抱负,野心 effort努力,尝试 need需要,需求 campaign战役,运动 failure失败,不及格 opportunity机会 chance机会 force力,压力,要点 promise许诺,希望 courage勇气 intention意向,意图 reason理由,原因 decision决定 method方法,方式 light光,光线,亮光

determination决心,决定 motive动机,目的 struggle奋斗,努力,tendency倾向,趋势 wish希望,愿望,祝愿

5)被修饰的名词前有序数词、形容词最高级或next,second, last, only和not a,the等限定词时候,只能用不定式。

6)不定代词something, nothing, little, much, a lot 等习惯上用不定式做定语。John will do anything but work on a farm.除了农活,约翰什么都愿意干。

7)如果其动词要求用不定式做宾语,或者其形容词要求不定式做补语,则相应的名词一般用不定式做定语。如: tend to do---tendency to do;decide to do = decision to do;be curious to do = curiosity to do His wish to buy a car came true.他要买辆车的愿望实现了。Their decision to give up the experiment surprised us. 他们放弃这个实验的决定使我们大吃一惊。

He is always the first to come and the last to leave. 他总是第一个到来,最后一个离去。(2)分词作定语


1)现在分词表示主动意义,过去分词一般表示被动含意。2)现在分词表示正在进行,过去分词表示状态或做完(完成)的事。He rushed into the burning house.他冲进了正在燃烧着的房子。

The child standing over there is my brother.站在那儿的男孩子是我弟弟。The room facing south is our classroom.朝南的房间是我们的教室。Have you got your watch repaired? 你拿到那个修好的表了吗? He is an advanced teacher.他是个先进教师。

3)下列不及物动词也以过去分词形式做定语或表语,但不具有被动意义,这点要注意: departed, elapsed, faded, fallen, gone, frown-up, retired, returned, risen, set, vanished, much-traveled, newly-arrived, recently-come(3)不定式和分词作定语时的时间关系 一般来说,不定式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之后;现在分词所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生;过去分词表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。例如:

Do you want to see the doctor to be sent for from Beijing? 你要见那位将从北京请来的医生吗?

Do you want to see the doctor working on the case report in the office? 你要见那位正在办公室里写病历的医生吗? 5.不定式和分词作状语的区别



1)现在分词作状语时,现在分词的动作就是句子主语的动作,它们之间的关系是主动关系。He went out shutting the door behind him.他出去后将门随手关上。

Not knowing what to do, he went to his parents for help.由于不知如何办是好,他去找父母帮忙。


Given more attention, the trees could have grown better.如果对这些树多关心一些,它们本来会长得更好。

Faced with difficulties, we must try to overcome them.在遇到困难的时候,我们必须设法克服。(2)动词不定式和分词作状语的区别


They stood by the roadside talking about the plan.他们站在路边谈论着这个计划。(伴随)They stood by the roadside to talk about the plan.他们站在路边为的是谈论这个计划。(目的)2)分词作状语放在句子开头,除表示原因之外有时表示时间或条件。动词不定式作状语时,除了表示目的以外,还表示结果或原因。Reading attentively,he forgot the time for lunch.由于在专心读书,他忘了吃午饭的时间。(原因)Reading carefully,he found something he had not known before.他仔细读书时,发现了一些从前不知道的东西。(时间)Reading carefully,you'll learn something new.只要你仔细阅读,你会学到一些新的东西。(条件)His family was too poor to support him.他的家庭太穷,不能维持他的生活。(结果)The boy is not tall enough to reach the book shelf.这男孩个子不够高,手伸不到书架。(结果)We are glad to hear the news.我们很高兴听到这消息。(原因)(3)下面一些句型是不定式做状语时候应该注意的:

a:not/never too„to, too„not to , but/only too„ to, too ready/eager/apt/inclined to 表示肯定意义

b:做结果状语的不定式只能出现在句子的末尾,常见的不定式动词有:find, hear, see, be told, form, give, make, produce 等。



When to start has not been decided.何时动身尚未决定。(主语)I don't know what to do.我不知道该怎么办。(宾语)The difficulty was how to cross the river.困难在于如何过河。(表语)I can tell you where to get this book.我可以告诉你哪里可以买到此书。(双重宾语)注)A.有时疑问词前可用介词,如:

I have no idea of how to do it.我不知道如何做此事。

B.动词know 后面不能直接跟不定式作宾语,只能跟疑问词(如:how, what)+不定式: While still a young boy, Tom knew to play the piano well and as he grew older, he wrote operas, the most famous of which is Carmen.(2)介词except和but作“只有„,只能„”讲时跟不定式结构(but与不带to的不定式 连用)。

When the streets are full of melting snow, you cannot help but getting your shoes wet.(3)不带to的不定式

1)在表示生理感觉的动词后的不定式不带to。这类词有: feel 觉得 observe 注意到,看到 overhear听到 watch注视 listen to听 perceive察觉,感知 notice注意 see看见 look at看 hear听

On seeing the young child fell into the lake,Eric sprang to his feet,and went on the rescue.2)另一类是某些使役动词,如make, let,have等。如: Let him do it.让他做吧。

I would have you know that I am ill.我想要你知道我病了。(注):

①上述感觉动词与使役动词转换为被动结构时.其后的不定式一般需带to,如: He was seen to come.

The boy was made to go to bed early.②在动词find与help之后,不定式可带to亦可不带to,如: He was surprised to find the sheep(to)break fence at this season.他发现羊在此季节越出栅栏,感到惊讶。

3)在do nothing/anything/everything but(except)结构中。例如:

Last night I did nothing but watch TV.昨天晚上,我除了看电视别的什么也没有干。但是,如果谓语动词不是“do nothing,anything,everything”,那么but(except)所跟的不定式则仍须带。

The doctor told him nothing but to stop smoking.医生除了让他戒烟,其它什么都没有说。

There was nothing for them to do but to remain silent.除了保持沉默以外,他们没有别有别的办法。


1)不定式的逻辑主语为:for +名词(或代词宾格)+ 不定式。例如: I found it impossible for him to do the job alone.我发现他—个人干这活是不可能的。

(注)在表示人物性格、特性等的形容词后面,常用of引出不定式的逻辑主语。例如: It was wise of him to do that.他那样做是明智的。

2)动名词的逻辑主语为;①人称代词的所有格+动名词;②名词's+动名词。例如: Tom insisted on my going with them.他坚持要我和他们一起去。He dislikes his wife's working late.他不喜欢他妻子工作得很晚。

3)某些形容词,如:careless等不定式后可以加of来引导出其逻辑主语。这类词主要有:absurd, bold, brave, courageous, careful, careless, clever, wise, foolish, silly, stupid, good, nice, kind thoughtful, considerate, greedy, generous, honest, modest, polite, rude, cruel ,selfish, wicked, wrong等 It is very kind of you to help me.你帮助我太好了。

间或也可用for + there to be表示(而且there后面的不定式只能是to be)。It's a great pity for there to be much trouble in the company.太遗憾了公司里有这么多的麻烦。


1)Doing...+ v.Reading is an art.阅读是门艺术。Seeing is believing.眼见为实。2)It is + no use, no good(fun, a great pleasure, a waste of time, a bore...)等名词+doing sth.It is no use crying.哭没有用。It is no good objecting.反对也没有用。It is a great fun playing football.打篮球很有趣。

It is a waste of time trying to explain.设法解释是浪费时间。

3)It is + useless(nice, good,interesting, expensive等形容词)+ doing sth. It is useless speaking.光说没用。

It is nice seeing you again.真高兴又遇到了你。It is good Playing chess after supper.晚饭后弈棋挺好。It is expensive running this car.开这种小车是浪费。8.非谓语动词的特殊结构


judging from / by„, generally speaking, strictly speaking 2)不定式的独立结构

to tell you the truth, to make things worse, to begin / start with 3)动词原形: Believe it or not(信不信由你)4)作连词的分词considering(考虑到,就„而言),providing / provided „假如,supposing 假如 这些词用来表示条件的连词,后接that 从句。







独立主格结构在形式上有两部分组成:第一部分有名词或代词担任,第二部分由分词、动词不定式、形容词、副词、或介词短语担任。按其结构形式分为:—ing 分词独立主格结构;—ed分词独立主格结构;无动词独立主格结构等。


1、There being nothing else to do, they gone away.由于无事可做,他们离开了。(代词+-ing;表原因)

2、Miss Wang come into the classroom, books in hand.王老师走进教室,手里拿着书。(无动词结构;表伴随)

3、The old man sat in his chair, his eyes closed.老人坐在椅子上,闭着眼睛。(名词+-ed;表状态)

4、Class over, we began to play basketball.放学了,我们开始玩篮球。(名词+副词;表时间)

5、Without a word more spoken, he picked up the paper.没再多说一个字,他拾起那张纸。(借此结构;表伴随)

6、The last guest to arrive, our party was started.最后一位客人到了,我们的晚会开始了。(名词+不定式;表时间)



⑴ If time permit, we’d better have a rest at this weekend.-→Time permitting,we’d better have a rest at this weekend.如果时间允许,本周末我们最好休息一下。

⑵ When we see from the top floor, we can find the garden more beautiful.-→Seeing from the top floor, we can find the garden more beautiful.从顶楼上看,花园更漂亮。


⑴ Looking for my watch in the room, it had taken me a long time.在屋里找表,用了我很长时间。(依着原则)⑵ When planting these flowers, care must be taken not to damage the root.(我们)种花时必须小心,不能碰坏花根。(悬垂分词)


1、有的分词短语可以独立存在,在句子中没有逻辑上的主语,实际上已经成了习惯短语。这些短语有:generally speaking;frankly speaking;judging from;supposing等等。例:

⑴ Generally speaking, the rule is very easy to understand.总的来说,这个规则很容易懂。

⑵ Judging from what he said, she must be an honest girl.根据他所说的,她一定很诚实。

2、有些固定短语是带to的不定式,表明说话人的立场和态度,在句中作独立成分。这些短语有:to be honest;to be sure;to tell you the truth;to cut a long story short;to be frank;to make the matter worse等等。例:

⑴ To tell you the truth, what I said at the meeting was not my opinion.说实话,我在会上说的并不是我的意见。

⑵ To make the matter worse, he locked his keys in the car.更糟糕的是,他把钥匙锁在车里了


在独立主格结构中,非谓语动词和它前面的名词或代词存在着逻辑上的主谓关系。Such an able man to help you,you will surely succeed sooner or later.有这么能干的人来帮你, 你迟早一定会成功的。(such an able man和 to help you 之间存在着主谓关系)

= Since such an able man will help you, you will surely succeed sooner or later.He seating himself at the desk, his mother began to tell him a story.他在书桌旁坐好后,他母亲开始给他讲故事。(seating himself at the desk拥有了自己的逻辑主语he,注意是“主格”)

= When he seated himself at the desk, his mother began to tell him a story.The key to the bike lost, he had to walk to school.由于丢了自行车钥匙,他只好步行去学校。(lost 的逻辑主语是the key,lost 也可以用完成式having been lost)

= Because the key to the bike had been lost, he had to walk to school.A.不定式“独立主格结构”


在独立主格结构中,动词不定式和它前面的名词或代词存在着逻辑上的主谓关系。His mother to come tonight,he is busy preparing the dinner.他母亲今晚要来,他正在忙着准备饭菜。(= As his mother is to come tonight, he is busy preparing the dinner.)

——will you go to the concert tonight 你今晚去听音乐会吗? ——sorry.So many exercise-books to check, I really can't afford any time.对不起,有这多的作业要批,我真的抽不出时间。

(=Because I shall check so many exercise-books tonight ,I really can't afford any time.)

The four of us agreed on a division of labour , each to translate a quarter of the book.我们四人同意分工干,每人翻译全书的四分之一。

(=The four of us agreed on a division of labour and each is to translate a quarter of the book.)

Many trees,flowers,and grass to be planted, our newly-built school will look even more beautiful.种上许多的树,花和草后,我们新建的学校将看上去更美。(=If many trees,flowers,and grass are planted,our newly-built school will look even more beautiful.)B.-ing形式“独立主格结构”

动词的-ing形式作状语时,其逻辑主语一般应与句子的主语保持一致。Being ill, he went home.由于生病,他回家了。(= As he was very ill, he went home.)Seating himself at the desk, he began to read a magazine.在课桌旁坐好后,他开始看杂志。(= When he had seated himself at the desk, he began to read a magazine.)

1. 表示时间的-ing形式作“独立主格结构”

Everyone being ready, the teacher began his class.每个人都准备好后,老师开始上课。(相当于一个时间状语从句When everyone was ready)The chairman began the meeting , everyone being seated.每个人坐好后,主席开始开会。(相当于一个时间状语从句after everyone was seated)2. 表示原因的-ing形式作“独立主格结构”

The boy leading the way, we had no trouble finding the strange cave.由那个男孩带路,我们没有困难就找到了那奇怪的洞。(相当于一个原因状语从句Because the boy led the way)Many eyes watching him, he felt a bit nervous.许多眼睛看着他,他感到有点儿紧张。(相当于一个原因状语从句As many eyes were watching him)必背:


It being National Day today,the streets are very crowded.今天是国庆节,街上很拥挤。

= As it is National Day today, the streets are very crowded.There being no further business to discuss, we all went home.没有别的事可讨论,我们都回家了。

= As there was no further business to discuss, we all went home.3. 表示条件的-ing形式作“独立主格结构”

Time permitting, we will have a picnic next week.时间允许的话,我们下星期将进行一次野炊。(相当于一个条件状语从句If time permits)My health allowing, I will work far into the night.我的健康许可的话,我愿工作到深夜。(相当于一个条件状语从句If my health allows)4. 表示方式的-ing形式作“独立主格结构”

The students are walking in the school happily, each wearing a card in front of his chest.学生们快乐地在学校里走着,每个人胸前都带着一张卡。(相当于一个并列分句and each wears a card in front of his chest)

The boy lay on the grass, his eyes looking at the sky.男孩躺在草地上,眼睛看着天空。(相当于一个并列分句and his eyes were looking at the sky)



The book written in simple English, English beginners were able to read it.该书是用简单英语写的,英语初学者也能看懂。

= As the book was written in simple English,English beginners were able to read it.The workers worked still harder, their living conditions greatly improved.由于工人们的生活条件大大提高,他们工作得更起劲了。

= As their living conditions were greatly improved, the workers worked still harder.He was listening attentively in class, his eyes fixed on the blackboard.他上课专心听讲,眼睛紧盯着黑板。

= He was listening attentively in class, and his eyes were fixed on the blackboard.The task completed, he had two months' leave.任务完成以后,他休了两个月的假。(=When the task had been completed, he had two months' leave.)比较:


The manager looks worried,many things to settle.经理看上去很着急, 有这么多的事情要处理。(事情还没有处理,而且是由经理本人来处理,用不定式to settle)The manager looks relaxed, many things settled.许多事情已经处理好了,经理看上去很轻松。(事情已经处理好了,用动词-ed形式settled表示动作已经结束)

The food being cooked, the boy was watching TV.小孩一边做饭,一边看电视。(两个动作同时进行)

The food cooked, the boy went to bed.饭做好了,小孩去睡了。(两个动作有先后,饭已做好,小孩才去睡觉的

八、with、without 引导的独立主格结构

介词with/without +宾语+宾语的补足语可以构成独立主格结构,上面讨论过的独立主格结构的几种情况在此结构中都能体现。A. with+名词代词+形容词

He doesn’t like to sleep with the windows open.他不喜欢开着窗子睡觉。

= He doesn’t like to sleep when the windows are open.He stood in the rain, with his clothes wet.他站在雨中,衣服湿透了。

= He stood in the rain, and his clothes were wet.注意:


With his son so disappointing,the old man felt unhappy.由于儿子如此令人失望,老人感到很不快乐。

With his father well-known, the boy didn’t want to study.父亲如此出名,儿子不想读书。B. with+名词代词+副词

Our school looks even more beautiful with all the lights on.所有的灯都打开时,我们的学校看上去更美。

= Our school looks even more beautiful if when all the lights are on.The boy was walking, with his father ahead.父亲在前,小孩在后走着。

= The boy was walking and his father was ahead.C. with+名词代词+介词短语

He stood at the door, with a computer in his hand.或 He stood at the door, computer in hand.他站在门口,手里拿着一部电脑。

= He stood at the door, and a computer was in his hand.Vincent sat at the desk, with a pen in his mouth.或 Vincent sat at the desk, pen in mouth.文森特坐在课桌前,嘴里衔着一支笔。

= Vincent sat at the desk, and he had a pen in his mouth.D. with+名词代词+动词的-ed形式

With his homework done, Peter went out to play.作业做好了,彼得出去玩了。

= When his homework was done, Peter went out to play.With the signal given, the train started.信号发出了,火车开始起动了。

= After the signal was given, the train started.I wouldn’t dare go home without the job finished.工作还没完成,我不敢回家。

= I wouldn’t dare go home because the job was not finished.E. with+名词代词+动词的-ing形式

The man felt very happy with so many children sitting around him.有这么多的孩子坐在他周围,那男子感到很高兴。

= The man felt very happy when he found so many children sitting around him.The girl hid her box without anyone knowing where it was.小女孩把盒子藏了起来,没有人知道它在哪里。

= The girl hid her box and no one knew where it was.Without anyone noticing, he slipped through the window.他趁没人注意的时候,从窗口溜走了。

= When no one was noticing, he slipped through the window.F. with+名词代词+动词不定式

The little boy looks sad, with so much homework to do.有这么多的家庭作业要做,小男孩看上去很不开心。

= The little boy looks sad because he has so much homework to do.The kid feels excited with so many places of interest to visit.有这么多的名胜可参观,小孩很激动。

The kid feels excited as there are so many places of interest to visit.提示:

在with/without 的复合结构中,多数情况下with 能省略,但without 不能省略。Without a word more spoken, she left the meeting room.她没再说什么话就离开了会议室。(without不能省略)



独立主格结构作状语,其功能相当于一个状语从句或并列分句。1.表示时间 Night coming on, we put ourselves up in a small hotel.夜幕降临,我们在一家小旅馆住了下来。

(= When night came on, we put ourselves up in a small hotel.)All the guests seated, they began their dinner.所有的客人就坐后,他们才开始吃饭。

(= When all the guests were seated, they began their dinner.)With everything she needed bought, Grace took a taxi home.所需要的都买好后,格雷斯打的回家了。

(After everything she needed was bought, Grace took a taxi home.)2.表示原因

With a lot of difficult problems to settle, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.有许多难题要解决,新当选的总统日子不好过。

(= As he has a lot of difficult problems to settle, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.)

There being no means of transportation, he had to walk home at midnight.由于在半夜没有交通工具了,他只好步行回家。

(= As there was no means of transportation, he had to walk home at midnight.)3.表示条件

Weather permitting, we will hold our yearly sports meeting next week.如果天气允许的话,我们下星期将举行每年一次的运动会。

(= If weather permits,we will hold our yearly sports meeting next week.)All the work done, you can have a rest.所有工作做好后,你可以休息。

(=As long as all the work is done, you can have a rest.)

Everything taken into consideration, the plan seems to be more practical.如果从各方面考虑,你的计划似乎更实际些。

(= If everything is taken into consideration, the plan seems to be more practical.)提示:

表示时间、原因、条件的独立主格结构一般放在句首,并且不能保留连词。【误】When class being over, the students left their classroom.【正】Class(being)over, the students left their classroom.下课了,学生都离开了教室。

【误】The moon appearing and they continued their way.【正】The moon appearing, they continued their way.月亮出来了,他们继续赶路。4.表示伴随情况或补充说明

The strange man was walking down the street, with a stick in his hand.那个奇怪的男人在街上走着,手里拿着根手杖。

(= The strange man was walking down the street, and he carried a stick in his hand.)The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back.杀人犯被带了进来,手被捆在背后。

(=The murderer was brought in, and his hands were tied behind his back.)Two hundred people died in the accident, many of them children.有两百人在事故中丧生,其中许多是儿童。

(Two hundred people died in the accident and many of them were children.)B.作定语


He is the person with a lot of questions to be settled.(with 的复合结构作定语,修饰the student)他就是有许多问题要解决的那个人。

= He is the person who has a lot of questions to be settled.You can use a large plastic bottle with its top cut off.(with 的复合结构作定语,修饰bottle)你可以使用一个颈被砍掉的大塑料瓶。

= You can use a large plastic bottle whose top was cut off.He was walking along the road without any street lights on its both sides.他走在一条两边没有路灯的马路上。(without的复合结构作定语,修饰the road)= He was walking along the road that didn’t have any street lights on its both sides.提示:

在这里我们讨论了很多用连词连接的两个句子改为独立主格结构的情况。需要提示的是,不 是所有用连词的地方都可以改为独立主格结构。

If you stand on the top of the mountain,the park looks more beautiful.如果你站在山顶上, 公园看上去更美。(不要改为独立主格结构)

If you check your test paper carefully, some mistakes can be avoided.如果你仔细检查试卷的话,有些错误是可以避免的。(不要改为独立主格结构)

下载【北京市特级教师二轮精讲】2014届高考英语二轮复习专题精讲:第9讲 阅读理解经典精讲(下)(大全5篇)word格式文档
下载【北京市特级教师二轮精讲】2014届高考英语二轮复习专题精讲:第9讲 阅读理解经典精讲(下)(大全5篇).doc


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    2010高考二轮复习教案 作者:佚名 资料来源:网络 点击数:215 更新时间:2009-12-6 20:57:38 文 章来源 莲 山 课 件 w w w. 5Y k J. c oM 2010高考二轮复习教案 政 治第二部......

    【北京市特级教师二轮精讲】2014届高考英语二轮复习专题精讲:第6讲 完形填空2012新题赏析5篇

    第6讲 完形填空2012新题赏析 开篇语 新题赏析 填空题 题型特点: 1、有空无选项 2、短文长度100-150词,初中难度。 3、挖空10个,涉及除名词和动词外的各类词汇。 4、每空一词。......


    一、选择题 1.(2012·郑州模拟)马克垚主编的《世界文明史·上》指出:“理论上讲„„作为雅典公民的男子不能与外国女子结婚,不管她们是出身于雅典盟国的贵族之家,还是居住在当地......


    1 2010届高考二轮复习:名言、谚语集锦 谚语、名言是历史文化的积淀,是人类智慧的结晶。在作文中适当引用一些谚语或名言,往往会起到画龙点睛的作用,为文章增光添彩。下面列出一......


    高考化学二轮复习导向 历经半年多时间的“苦战”,高考一轮复习即将结束,我们将全面进入到二轮复习的大战中。对于高中化学这门记忆量大,知识点相对杂乱的学科,如何科学的进行二......


    千磨万炼仍坚劲任尔东南西北风 ——致高考冲刺中的同学们 同学们: 大家好! 伴随着春天的到来我们又迎来了新的学期,我们为之奋斗了多年的高考已经进入倒计时阶段。三个月的时间......


    创新点一 深刻 ◎特征点解读 《考试大纲》对高考作文发展等级中的“深刻”作了界定,即透过现象深入本质,揭示事物内在的因果关系,观点具有启发作用。 1.透过现象深入本质。要求......


    高考语文二轮复习专题 实词和虚词 高考近义词考查分值为3分。题目特点:近年均是出一项单项选择题,要考生对容易混淆的近义词的细微差别进行比较、辨析,能根据上下文的语言环境,......