
时间:2019-05-13 13:48:22下载本文作者:会员上传



absurd 荒唐的 addictive 上瘾的 affectionate 有感情的 aggressive 有上进心的 alert 敏锐的;警惕的 arduous 费劲的artistic 艺术的 authoritative 权威性的 awkward 尴尬的 balanced平衡的 cogent 使人信服的 cold-blooded 冷血的 cold-hearted 无情的 compassionate 富有同情心的compatible 兼容的 complicated 复杂的 confident 自信的 contemptible 可鄙的 contributive 有贡献的 corrupt 腐败的 delicious 美味可口的 demanding 要求高的 describle 值得要的detrimental 有害的 devious 偏离正道的 dishonorable 不光彩的 disturbed 受到干扰的 eccentric 古怪的 economical 经济的enlightened 开明的;文明的 evil 邪恶的 exotic 异国的 fallacious 荒谬的 fashionable 时髦的 feaible 可行的 fictitious 虚假的 flexile 灵活多样的fruitful 有成效的 glamorous 富有魅力的 gorgeous 辉煌的 humane 人道的ignorant(of)无视的;无知的impressive 令人印象深刻的inborn 天生的 incompatible 不调和的 incompatible 不和适宜的 inconceivable 不可思议的 indecent 不妥的;不检点的indifferent 冷漠的 indispensable 不可或缺的 inexhaustible 取之不尽的 infectious 传染性的 inferior 低人一等的 infirm(身体)弱的 influential 有影响力的 ingrain 根深蒂固的 inhumane 不人道的 initially 首先 innocent 多管闲事的 inquistitive 有害无益 insalubrious 有教育意义的instructive 智力的 intellectual 中间的;过渡的interim 人际关系的 interpersonal 密切的 intimate 不可侵犯的 inviolable 内在的 inward 不可挽回的 irreparable 不可抵抗的 irresistible 不可挽回的 irritating 恼人的 isolated(from)隔绝的 laudable 可赞誉的 lavishly 大方的 legitimate 合法的 loyal 忠诚的luxurious 奢侈的 magnanimous 宽宏大量的 mature 成熟的 misleading 误导的 misrepresented 不如实叙述的money-oriented 向钱看的 multilateral 对方面的 nourishih 有营养的 obscure 晦涩的 old-fashioned/out of

date 过时的 palatable 美味的 perilous 危险的permissive 宽容的;许可的 pernicious 有害无益的 pornographic 色情的 potential 潜在的 practial 实际的;务实的 preferential 优惠的 pressing 紧迫的prevailing 占主导地位的;流行的professional 专业的prosperous 繁荣昌盛的 prudent 明智的psychological 心理上 rational 理性的 resentful 愤怒的 reverse 相反的 rewarding 值得的 ridiculous 荒谬的 rigid 严格的 rough 粗略的self-contemptuous 自卑的shabby 破旧不堪的 shelrered 受保护的 sociable 好交际的 sole 唯一的 stern/strict 严格的stressful 有压力的 stringent 严厉的 stylish 时髦的 superficial 表面现象的 tempting 吸引人的 time-honored 久享盛名的 traditional 传统的 typical 典型的 unadvised 轻率的 uncompromising 不妥协的 unconcerned 冷漠的 uneasy 不自在的 unethical 不道德的 unfeeling 冷漠的 unhealthy 不健康的 unified 同一标准的 unique 独特的 unjust 不公平的 unsrupulous 肆无忌惮的 unsociable 不善于社交的 untimely 不和适宜的 unwholesome 不健康的 utterly 完全;绝对地 vexing 令人烦恼的 vivid 形象的 voluntary 自愿的 vulnerable 易受伤害的 well-grounded 有充足理由的wholesome 健康的














Abandon(放弃): attempt career child convention effort hope idea pet policy principle proposal search tradition vehicle Absorb: culture idea information Abuse(滥用): alcohol authority drug power substance Accelerate: change development growth pace rate speed trend Achieve: aim effect goal growth purpose success target Acquire: information knowledge opportunity skill status Address: issue matter problem question Adopt: attitude idea measure method plan rule technique Affect: Behaviour decision outcome

performance quality Allocate: Expenditure fund money time work Alter: Behaviour fact relationship Appreciate: Beauty effort value Attain(达到)


goal position target Attract: Attention audience interest investment support criticism Bear(承受 获得): Burden cost fruit Boost(促进): Confidence economy income performance profit Break: Contract habit law promise record rule silence tradition Cancel: Agreement appointment booking holiday meeting visit Celebrate: achievement anniversary event festival occasion victory Success wedding Change: Attitude

behaviour direction mind situation

Collect: Data evidence information

Concentrate: Effort attention energy mind power Conduct: Debate examination experiment interview investigation Meeting negotiation research survey test

Confirm(确认): Appointment booking reservation Confront: Challenge difficulty fact issue reality situation Control: Population power supply temper Convey: Idea information meaning message view Create: Atmosphere environment opportunity wealth Cut: Budget cost pay price supply tax Damage: Creditability

economy health relationship reputation Delay: Arrival

departure flight Deliver(发表): Lecture


service speech Demonstrate: Ability

importance need skill

Deserve: Consideration praise punishiment respect support Develop: Plan policy technology taste Display: Skill talent Disregard(忽视)Pain statement warning Eliminate(消除)Discrimination gap risk Employ(采用)Method strategy system technique Encounter: Difficulty opposition problem resistance situation Enhance: Ability quality relationship skill status Enrich: Experience performance relationship life Establish: creditability link network relationship reputation rule Exhibit(展示)Characteristic level pattern range sign symptom tendency Expand: Activity capacity horizon operation range scope Exploit(开发): Market opportunity possibility potential technology Express: Anger appreciation belief concern disappointment Doubt

fear interest opinion preference satisfaction Support sympathy thanks view wish Extend: Life period plan system Evaluate: Impact performance quality

Follow: Advice example instruction pattern procedure route rule Gain: Acceptance advantage approval(认可)attention benefit Access confidence experience momentum(动力)popularity Qualification recognition

reputation respect support understanding Increase: Amount capacity chance demand profit rate risk share Initiate(开始 发起 创建): Action campaign debate development discussion investigation Policy research Maintain: Balance contact control interest quality relationship Standard status tradition Make: Arrangement attempt comment contribution effort statement Obey: Command instruction law obligation order rule Offer: Assistance choice explanation help service support Overcome: Barrier challenge difficulty limitation obstacle

Overlook: Fact achievement importance Preserve(保护 保存): Environment identity tradition value Promote: Development education growth welfare(福利)Protect: Copyright

Provoke: Action controversy debate discussion interest opposition Reaction response thought Pursue: Aim goal

Raise: Awareness

concern doubt fund hope standard

Reach: Age agreement compromise consensus level target Receive: Approval reply support treatment invitation Reduce: Budget

cost debt demand pollution risk tension(不安)Relieve: Anxiety boredom burden duty pain pressure tension Stress

Resolve:contradiction conflict dilemma difficulty dispute Set: Agenda date limit standard target Share: Experience information responsibility sense view



posted by Linda



例一:spoil one’s children 溺爱孩子

剑四4 These children are often spoilt, not in terms of love and attention because working parents do not have the time for this, but in more material ways.例二:Encounter situations and experiences 遭遇不同的处境和经历剑五4 Instead, the traits we inherit from our parents and the experiences and situations we encounter in life are so unpredictable and so powerful, that they can boost or over-ride other influences, and there seems to be plenty of research findings to confirm this.外语学习网例三:shape one’s personality 影响人的性格

剑五4 It is the interaction of the two that shapes a person’s personality and dictates how that personality develops.例四:raise the awareness 提高意识

剑五B I think, therefore, that governments need to raise this awareness in the general public.例五:take action 采取行动

剑五B Children can be educated about environmental issues at school, but adults need to take action.例六:produce waste 制造垃圾

剑五B I think it is true that in almost every country today each household and family produces a large amount of waste every week.文章来源:澳洲圣约翰青岛分校-青岛圣约翰(澳洲)语言专修学校






一. 及物动词。及物动词能独立的表达完整的意义,可以接宾语。例:1.John love her mother very much.2.Please take it tomorrow.3.I forgot to post the letter

4.Would you mind helping me ? 5.Mother bought him a new coat in the supermarket just now.6.Mr.Wang often shows us beautiful pictures in the art class.7.The exam make me nervous.8.We elected Gao Shan our monitor yesterday.由此可以看出“及物动+宾语”有三种类型 1.2.及物动词+宾语。从例1—4中我们可以看出宾语通常是由名词、代词、动词不定式和动名词来充当。


由于间接宾语太长或为了强调及物动词+双宾语结构可以转化成另一种结构来表达:如:例5 Mother bought him a new coat in the supermarket just now.也可以说成:Mother bought a new coat for him in the supermarket just now.例6 Mr.Wang often shows us beautiful pictures in the art class.也可以说成:Mr.Wang often shows beautiful pictures to us in the art class.3.及物动词+复合宾语(宾语+宾语补足语)从例7---8中我们可以看出宾语补足语的可以是形容词和名词。当然,副词、介词短语、动词不定式、分词都可以作宾语补足语。

二、不及物动词 不及物动词词义不完整,因此后面不需要跟宾语,不及物动词+副词/介词构成的动词短语常常相当于及物动词的用法.很多动词既可以作及物动词又可以作不及物动词,需要我们在学习中积累。


be/ keep /turn/grow /feel /look/smell/sound/taste/等联系动词本身意义不完整,它只有与其后的表语一起构成系表结构才能表达完整的含义,其后可以作表语的有:名词、代词、形容词、数词、动名词、动词不定式和句子。从意义上联系动词可以分为两大类:一类表示某种相对静止的特征或状态,如:be ,look 等。另一种表示某种状态的变化、演变过程如:turn ,grow 等。


助动词用来帮助动词完成特定的语法功能——构成谓语。用来时态、语态或构成疑问句、否定句等,它本身没有实际意义。助动词可以分为以下几类:1.be(am /is /are /was /were)其用法是:(1.)跟v-ing 形式构成正在进行时。(2)跟动词过去分词构成被动语态。2.do(does/did)其用法是:(1)帮助构成一般现在时或一般过去式的否定句或一般疑问句。3.have(has/had)其用法是: 跟过去分词构成现在完成时。4.shall,will,would ,be going to 等,其用法是跟动词原形构成一般将来时。


情态动词本身虽有一定的意义,但它必须和主要的动词一起构成谓语,表示说话人的语气,情感和态度。情态动词没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形,肯定句中情态动词须放在其它动词前,否定句须在情态动词后加not。常见的情态动词有:can ,may ,must ,have to ,need 还有dare ,ought ,will ,shall ,had better 等在今后的学习中遇到。.(二)一般现在时

一般现在是有三种用法1.表示经常的或习惯性的动作或现在的状态。例如:I get up at seven o’clock every day.2.表示客观事实或普遍真理。例如:The earth goes around the sun.3.在时间或条件状语从句中代替一般将来时。例如:Lily ,what about going boating if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.4.表示按规定、计划或时间表将要发生的事,多用一般现在时代替一般将来时。例如:The train arrives in Beijing at 4:30 this afternoon.如何判断是否要用一般现在是呢?这儿有一些经常与一般现在时搭配的时间状语如:every day ,every morning ,in the morning ,on Sunday ,at times ,on weekdays 等。有了这些时间状语我们就不难判断了。


一般过去时的用法有:1.表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,例如:Yesterday he helped his mother.2.表示过某个时间经常或反复发生的动作。例如:He often came to see me a few years ago.如何判断是否要用一般过去时呢?这

儿也有一些经常与一般过去式搭配的时间状语如:yesterday ,the day before yesterday ,many years ago ,just now ,then 等。有了这些时间状语我们就不难判断是否该用一般过去式了。


一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow, next week, next year等 一般将来时的用法:

(1)表示未来的动作或存在状态,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow, next Sunday, soon, in a month, in the future等。例如:

1.We shall leave for London next Monday.我们将在下周一去伦敦。2.He will come to see you the day after tomorrow.后天他要来看你。3.You will be 20 next year.明年你就二十了。


We shall come and work in this factory every year.我们将每年来这工厂参加劳动。




We are waiting for you.我们正在等你。


Mr.Green is writing another novel.他在写另一部小说。(说话时并未在写,只处于写作的状态。)


过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内进行或发生的动作。其形式为was /were + V-ing。常与表示过去的时间状语连用,如:last night, last Saturday等;或者与when, while, as引导的过去时间状语连用。例如:

We were watching TV from seven to nine last night.昨天晚上七点到九点的时候我们在看电视。

What was he researching all day last Sunday? 上周日他一整天都在研究什么?


What was she doing at nine o’clock yesterday? 昨天晚上九点她在做什么?(介词短语表示时间点)

When I saw him he was decorating his room.当我看见他的时候他正在装饰房间。(when从句表示时间点)


While he was waiting for the bus, he was reading a newspaper.他边等车边看报。(两个动作都是延续的)

He was cleaning his car while I was cooking.他擦车时我在做饭。(两个动作同时进行)


(1).现在完成时用来表示现在之前已发生过或完成的动作或状态,但其结果却和现在有联系,也就是说,动作或状态发生在过去但它的影响现在还存在.基本结构:主语+have/has+过去分词(done)1.I have had no money to spend now.(现在我没有钱花了.)

2.Jane has laid the table.(简已经摆桌子.)

3.Michael has been ill.(现在仍然很虚弱)

4.He has returned from abroad.(现在已在此地)

(2).现在完成时可以用来表示发生在过去某一时刻的,持续到现在的情况,常与for, since连用.1.Mary has been ill for three days.2.I have lived here since 1998.注意:1.现在完成时不能单独与准确时间连用,如yesterday(morning、afternoon),last(morning、afternoon)等,除非与for,since连用.2.现在完成时往往同表示不确定的过去时间状语连用

如already, yet, just, before, recently, still, lately等:

He has already obtained a scholarship.I haven't seen much of him recently(lately).We have seen that film before.Have they found the missing child yet ?

3.现在完成时常常与表示频度的时间状语连用,如often, sometimes, ever, never, twice, on several occasion等:

Have you ever been to Beijing

I have never heard Bunny say anything against her.I have used this pen only three times.It is still good.George has met that gentleman on several occasions.4.现在完成时还往往可以同包括现在时间在内的时间状语连用,如now, up to these few days/weeks/months/years, this morning/week/month/year, just, today, up to present, so far等:

Peter has written six papers so far.Man has now learned to release energy from the nucleus of the atom.There has been too much rain in San Francisco this year.The friendly relations and cooperation between our two countries have been enhanced in the past few years.Up to the present everything has been successful.5.现在完成时表示现在之前业已完成的动作,虽然其效果或影响仍然存在但已不再继续,但是有一些现在完成时的句子,在后面加上for+一段时间,则现在完成时的动作就表示延续性.Thomas has studied Russian.(现在不再学俄语)

Thomas has studied Russian for three years.(=Thomas began to study Russian three years ago, and is still studying it now.(同第2点用法第一个例句)

6.现在完成时还可以用来表示过去的一个时间到现在这段时间内重复发生的动作.We have had four texts this semester.现在完成时的“完成用法”和“未完成用法”



例如:He has turned off the light.他已把灯关了。(动作结束于过去,但说明的是现在的情况--灯现在不亮了。)

现在完成时“完成用法”的特点是动作不延续,因此,该时态只能与表示不定的过去时间状语(如:already,yet,before,recently等)、频度时间状语(如:never,ever,once等)、包括现在时刻在内的时间状语(如:this morning / month /year...,today等)连用。

例如: Have you found your pen yet?你已找到你的钢笔了吗?



例如:He has lived here since 1978.自从1978年以来,他一直住在这儿。(动作起始于1978年,一直住到现在,可能还要继续住下去。)

I have been in the army for more than 5 years.我在部队已经呆了五年多了。(动作开始于5年前,一直延续至今,有可能还要继续下去。)

此种用法的句中常需一个表示一段时间的状语(由since或for引导),或表示与现在时刻相连的时间状语(如:up to now,so far)等。

例如:I have heard nothing from him up to now.到目前为止我没有他的任何消息。




②It is+一段时间+ since从句

3.一段时间+has passed+since从句

4.主语+have / has been+since短语

例如:He has been in the League for three years.或It is three years since he joined the League.他入团已三年了

一.have/has been doing sth.现在完成进行时


I/ we/ you/ they have been working

he/ she/ it has been working


The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years.中国有2000年的造纸历史。(动作还将继续下去)

I have been learning English since three years ago.自从三年前以来我一直在学英语。(动作还将继续下去)


We have been waiting for you for half an hour.我们已经等你半个钟头了。(动作不再继续下去)


They have been living in this city for ten years.They have lived in this city for ten years.他们在这个城市已经住了10年了。

I have been working here for five years.I have worked here for five years.我在这里已经工作两年了。


I have been writing a book.(动作还将继续下去)


I have written a book.(动作已经完成)


They have been building a bridge.他们一直在造一座桥。

They have built a bridge.他们造了一座桥。


I have known him for years.我认识他已经好几年了。

* I have been knowing...这类不能用于现在完成进行时的动词还有:love爱,like喜欢,hate讨厌,等。





this morning, tonight, this April, now, once,before, already, recently,lately


for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet, till / until, up to now, in past years, always,不确定的时间状语

3)现在完成时可表示持续到现在的动作或状态,动词一般是延续性的,如live, teach, learn, work, study, know.现在完成进行时 :


I / we / they have

He / she / it has been + 动词的现在分词



Ann is very tired.She has been working hard.Why are you clothes so dirty? What have you been doing?


It has been raining for two hours.(现在还在下)

Jack hasn’t been feeling very well recently.3)表示一个从过去开始延续到现在,可以包括现在在内的一个阶段内,重复发生的行动,如:

She has been playing tennis since she was eight.4)现在完成时强调动作行为的结果、影响,而现在完成进行时只强调动作行为本身,如:

Tom’s hands are very dirty.He has been repairing the car.The car is going again now.Tom has repaired it.注意:


现在完成时态可表示做完的时期以及已有的经验、但现在完成进行时不可以 现在完成时:强调对现在的影响


I have done it。我已经做了

强调你做过的事情的本身,现在有否做不是关键 现在完成进行时

I have been doing it for years.我已经做了几年了。说明这个行动没有断过,现在还在做。

现在完成时,强调过去完成的动作对现在的影响。例:-Would you like to have lunch with me ?

-I have had it.意思是说我吃过,不能跟你一起去了。

现在完成进行时,强调动作的持续进行,现在动作还在进行。例: I have been working in this factory for 5 years.表示强调时间之久,目前还在那工作。




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