第一篇:英语网络专业论文 翻译
试卷说明:本次考查的内容是翻译专业学术论文(A Scalable
Peer-to-PeerWebServices Overlay for Semantic Discovery)的一部分
The growing number of web services advocates(提倡/主张)distributed discovery infrastructures(基础设施)which are semantics-enabled.We introduce a novel approach for semantic discovery of web services in structured P2P-based(Peer-to-Peer)registries.We partition concepts into different CGs(Concept groups)and index these ordered concept sets in a two-phase semantic routing mechanism.Each node and query has one concept set as its unique ID.For each concept in the query, current node first route the query to a node with nodeID that shares a prefix as long as with the query, but a longer CG.Second, the query will be routed to a node sharing a longer prefix than that of the current node.Combining with semantic similarity calculation, our proposal guarantees that most existing services matching a query will be found with bounded costs in terms of number of nodes involved.The scalability and reliability of our approach are also confirmed through emulation tests..摘要
Webservicesenable access to resources and software over the Internet.The increasing number ofweb services demands foran accurate,scalable,effective and reliablesolution to1
look up the mostappropriate services for the requirements of the users.This is specifically complicated jf numerous services fromvarious providersexist.All claiming to fulfill users’needs。
The mechanisms of service discoveryinclude centralized registry and decentralized approach.As the number of web services grows,the centralized registries,which lead to a single pointfailure and performance bottleneck,quickly become impractica1.However,the decentralized approaches.which based on Distributed hash table(DHT),are extremely scalable and lookups can be resolvedin log n overlay routing hops for a network of size n nodes[1—41 . These systerns are structured because the construction of the overlay network and the location of data within the system are controlled.However current DHT overlays use keyword to search for services and support only “exact match”lookups which will encounter difficulties in complex queries.
In this paper,we present a structured peer-to-peer semanticrouting architecture,a scalable,se1f-organlzing and decentralizedsemantic overlay network which could efficiently route and locate the semantic service request to service registration node.The web services can be described in semantic method and Can be characterized bv a set of ontological concepts.W e use these ontology concept sets to index the web services and store the service information at peers in the P2Psystem using a DHTapproach.The presented system extends the Plaxtonmesh[5J to dynamic semantic overlaynetwork to manage service advertisements.With the use of structured peer-to-peer overlay as the service repository network,the system is highly scalable in terms of number of registries and services.The remained characteristic of Plaxton mesh guarantees that most existing services matching a query will be found with bounded costs in terms of number of messages and number of nodes involved。
在这里,我们提出摘要提出了一种点对点的语义路由体系结构,一个可扩展的、自主的和分散的语义覆盖网络,它能有效地查找和定位语义服务请求并且服务登记节点。网络服务可以被语义方法描述并且可以被一系列的逻辑概念所描绘。我们使用这些逻辑概念去索引网络服务。并储存服务的信息在这个使用分散式哈希表的方法的点对点系统点上。这个被提出的系统拓展了Plaxton mesh的动态语义覆盖网络管理服务。在点对点注册表的结构作为服务网络仓库的使用下这个系统很值得作为寄存器和服务而研究。Plaxton mesh的另一个特点是
Some semantic based service matching approaches have been proposed to improve the capabilities of UDDI respectively.However,those approaches have the limitation of extensibility and endangered by single point failure mentioned above.To achieve the high scalability and improve the efficiencyand accuracy.DHTbased structured P2P network technology and ontology are proposed in many approaches,including our work.Kunalet and Liueta1 base their work on a classification system expressed in service or registry ontologies.In these approaches,the choosing ofa specific registry to store and search for a service advertisement depend on the type of the service,e.g.,business registry is used for storing information of business—related services.In fact these proposals are good in terms of organizing registries to benefit service management rather than for the service discoveryitself.Although publishing and updating service descriptioninformation based on their categories is relatively simple.It would be difficult for users to search for certain services without knowing details of this c1assificationandlt would be hard to come up with such a common service or registry ontology.HyperCup project explores the idea of using P2P for the discovery of web services and aims at developing an overlaying structure on the P2P network that allows efficient discovery while reducing the overhead of Gnutella.Unfortunately,HyperCup reduces the P2P graph to a tree which introduces weaknesses that P2P wants to remove:the failure of one node prevents the visibility of the rest of the tree.Massimo eta1.ameliorate Gnutella by combining DAML-sand addresses scalability of the discovery process.But because of the limitation of Gnutella.This method still lacks capability of locatingservices inalarge scale network
一些语义定义的基本服务匹配方法被建议各自去提高UDDI的能力。然而,这些方法有可延长并且被上面提到的单个的点威胁的缺陷。为了扩大规模和提高效率和精确度。基于点对点网络技术和理论结构的哈希表被很多方法所提到,包括我们的著作。Kunalet和Liuetal把他们的工作建立在表示服务和注册的分类系统之上。在这个方法中,选择一个特别的存储器去存和查询服务项目是据服务的类型而定的,就像商业寄存器是用于存储商业有关的信息的相关服务。事实上,这些建议取决于组织寄存器是为了便于服务管理而不是服务发现本身。尽管出版和更新服务描述信息是基于他们的相对简单的分类。但是一定会给不知道详细分类并且很难提出那样普通的服务却要寻找具体服务的用户或者逻辑实体带来困难。HyperCup 计划探索正在使用点对点的想法是为了发现网络服务和发展中的允许在减小施工花费的情况下高效查找到目标的基于P2P网络的覆盖网络结构。不幸的是,HyperCup 减小了树中P2P的图之后P2P想退出的削弱——一个节点的问题阻止了它以下子节点。Massimo eta1.ameliorate Gnutella通过结合DAML-sand 的地址规模的形成过程。但是由于Guntella的能力有限这个方法仍然缺乏能力定位服务于一体的大型网络。
。Fatihetal suggest to search services based on their execution paths expressed as finite path automata which is different from other approaches where only the input and output parameters of a service are used.We also agree on the opinion that other information ,e,g.process structure of the service invocation are less important since they are difficult to use in queries and unlikely to be the primary selection condition in searches as user would need to know and describe the execution
flow of their required services and thus not critical in terms of indexing.We may expect that the input and output parameters of a service will be ususlly used as a search condition with good selectivity among a large number of web services.Fatihetal建议搜索服务根据他们的执行路径表示为有限自动机的路径,它不同于其他的方法只要输入和输出参数服务被使用。我们同意这样的观点,其他的,譬如,服务进程结构的调用不太重要,因为他们难以使用在查询和不太可能变成主要的选择与用户的需要知道并描述执行所需要的服务的进程并且对于索引来说这不是很挑剔的行为这类的搜索条件。我们期望输入输出服务的参数常被当做在大量网络服务中的好的选择的搜索条件。
There are also some other proposed methods,such as Refs.[13,14]。Although so many P2P based approaches have been proposed ,the efficiency and precision of decentralized service discovery methods still be left behind.当然这里也有一些合适的方法,如参考文献[13,14]。虽然如此多的P2P基础方法已经被提出来了,但是高精度和高效率分散管理的服务发现方法仍然没找到。
19、浅谈英汉习语的翻译 20、中文菜肴名称的汉英翻译
29、浅析英语广告的修辞特点及翻译 30、长沙市旅游公示语翻译现状及对策
39、浅析英语谚语的特点及翻译技巧 40、浅议英语新闻标题的特点和翻译技巧
49、浅谈英语否定句型及其翻译 50、英语被动语态的翻译技巧
60、科技英语词汇的特点、构成及其翻译 61、谈商务英语的特点和翻译 62、浅析中式菜谱的文化和翻译 63、汉英公示语的翻译 64、英语商品名称的翻译
65、商务广告英语的特点及其翻译技巧 66、委婉语的翻译 67、英汉翻译中隐喻的处理 68、英汉翻译中的直译与意译 69、英汉谚语的特色与翻译
70、浅析直译与意译在英语广告汉译中的运用 71、合同的语篇特点及翻译 72、颜色词的翻译
3G TECHNOLOGY Abstract The 21 century is an ages of the information economy, being the 3G TECHNOLOGY of representative technologies this ages, will be at very fast speed develop soon in continuously creatively, and will go deep into the people's work, life and study.Therefore, control this technology and then seem to be more to deliver the importance.Now I mainly introduce some knowledge of the 3G TECHNOLOGY.Keywords GPRS, TD-SCDMA,WCDMA , EDGE ,CDMA2000 , WAP , SYMBIAN G, the third Generation, known as the Chinese meaning is refers to the third Generation of digital communication.The growth of the global 3G was rapidly in recent years.From 2002 to 2008, the 3 G operators have been gradually from the original is pale and management to the accelerated development.By June 2008, global 3 G users accumulative total up to 709 million, the total 84 countries and regions issued 3 G licenses, including effective certificate for 249 copies.Our country of 3 G development is relatively later than the advanced countries.In 2009, China was officially forward 3 G time.In the economic crisis of the downturn state,China's ministry of information industry issued three third generation mobile communication(3 G)license for China mobile, China telecom and China Unicom.China Mobile use our country with independent intellectual property rights of the 3 G standard TD-SCDMA , China Telecom get CDMA2000 license and China Unicom WCDMA license.2009 as China 3 G formal first commercial.Although the technology behind 3G may seem complicated, the ways in which 3G will affect all of our lives are easy to imagine.Just imagine having a combined camera, video-camera, computer, stereo, and radio included in your mobile phone.Rich-media information and entertainment will be at your fingertips whenever you want anywhere there is a wireless network.Mobile communication is moving from simple voice to rich media, where we use more of our senses to intensify our experiences.But not all of this will happen at once.3G is an evolution to a communications ideal that no one completely understands yet.What we do know is that mobile multimedia will hit the Japanese markets in 2001, and Europe and North America will follow soon after.3G brings together high-speed radio access and IP-based services into one, powerful environment.The step towards IP is vital.IP is packet-based, which in simple terms, means users can be “on line” at all times, but without having to pay until we actually send or receive data.The connectionless nature of IP also makes access a lot faster: file downloads can take a few seconds and we can be connected to our corporate network with a single click.3G introduces wideband radio communications, with access speeds of up to 2Mbit/s.Compared with today's mobile networks, 3G will significantly boost network capacityAt home 3G is going to affect our home and social lives in many ways.The services that 3G enables will help us to manage our personal information, simplify tasks such as grocery shopping, make better use of our time and offer services that are just fun to use.Operators will be able to develop myriad new service opportunities to attract and retain new customers.Here are some examples:
· You're sitting on a train and use this “dead” time to log on to your bank account, check your balance and pay a few billsAt work
3G will not just support the needs of businesspeople who travel a lot, but will also help new, flexible working practices, such as home-working and remote access to corporate networks outside traditional working hours.Businesspeople are often high-volume airtime users, so they represent a big opportunity for mobile operators.Here are some examples:
At work you receive a message from your “smart” refrigerator at home.The message tells you that certain items need restocking and an order has already been prepared for the local grocery store, which you can approve, so that your groceries are ready to collect on the way home.·
You are on the road, and urgently need to discuss a draft presentation with a number of colleagues back in the office.Pulling into a service station, you use your 3G device to hold a telephone conference with your colleagues and, at the same time, you can all view the draft presentation and make changes on line.·
A maintenance engineer is repairing some equipment on a client's premises and hits a problem.Using his 3G device, he contacts his department and downloads a demonstration video that guides him through the repair process.TECHNOLOGY 3G brings together two powerful forces: wideband radio communications and IP-based services.Together, these lay the groundwork for advanced Mobile Internet services, including personalized portals, “infotainment”, mobile commerce and unified messaging-encompassing high-speed data, superior quality voice and video and location-based services.Making 3G a reality depends on technology developments in different areas.These include
amendments to the radio interface to support wideband communications and in the core network.Supporting technologies, such as WAP and Bluetooth, also have an important role to play.This section provides a brief overview of some of the main technologies and developments involved.Ericsson supports all of these technologies and has played an active role in their development.·GPRS General Packet Radio Service(GPRS)is an enhancement to existing GSM and TDMA networks that introduces packet data transmission, enabling “always on” mobility.This means that users can choose to be permanently logged on to e-mail, Internet access and other services, but do not have to pay for these services unless sending or receiving information.When EDGE is added to GPRS, these data rates will increase up to 384kbit/s.GPRS will be implemented by adding new packet data nodes and upgrading existing nodes to provide a routing path for packet data between the mobile terminal and a gateway node.The gateway node will provide interworking with external packet data networks for access to the Internet and intranets.Benefits:
·Faster data speeds and “always on” mobility ·Almost instantaneous connection set-up
·Connection to an abundance of data sources around the world, through support for multiple protocols, including IP
·A step towards full 3G services.·TD-SCDMA All called Time Division-Synchronous CDMA , this standard is formulated by mainland China alone the 3 G standard.On June 29, 1999, the China telecom science and technology and telecommunications research institute(Datang Telecom)to the ITU, but technical invention father put forward in Siemens AG.TD-SCDMA has the characteristics of low radiation, known as the green 3 G.This standard will intelligent wireless, synchronous CDMA and software radio today the international leading technology into which, in spectrum use efficiency, the business support for flexibility, frequency flexibility and cost, and other aspects of the unique advantages.In addition, because of the huge market in China, the standard by the major telecommunications equipment manufacturer to the attention of the world, more than half of the equipment factory now announced that can support TD-SCDMA standards.This standard is made after 2.5 of the intermediate links, and the generation of directly to the 3 G transition, so it is suitable to GSM system to 3 G to upgrade.Military communication network is the core of TD-SCDMA task.·WCDMA
Wideband Code Division Multiple Access(WCDMA)is a wideband radio technique that provides far higher data rates than other radio techniques available today, up to 2Mbit/s, and highly efficient use of radio spectrum.The higher bandwidth that WCDMA provides will deliver the full potential of 3G.For example,WCDMA allows simultaneous access to several voice, video and data services at once.WCDMA is fully compliant with IMT-2000 and is the air interface technology for standards in the 2GHz bandwidth(the IMT-2000 core band), known as UMTS(Universal Mobile Telecommunication System)in Europe and ARIB(Association of Radio Industry Businesses)in Japan.Ericsson has been at the forefront of WCDMA development.The company delivered an experimental WCDMA system to NTT DoCoMo in Japan back in 1998.Ericsson has also set up WCDMA test systems around the world.At 2000, Ericsson announced its first family of WCDMA base stations.·EDGE
Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution(EDGE)enables GSM and TDMA operators to offer 3G services using existing network frequencies.By making changes and additions to standardization of evolutionary phases of the air interface and the backbone networks, as well as the migration to ALL-IP and multimedia networks.·CDMA2000 CDMA2000 is a decidedly efficient 3G standard for the delivery of high bandwidth data and high capacity voice services.The evolution of the cdma2000 standard will enable mobile systems to offer data throughputs of 2 Mbit/sec and beyond.The higher bandwidth that cdma2000 provides will deliver the full potential of 3G.For example, cdma2000 also allows simultaneous access to several voice, video and data services at once.CDMA2000 is fully compliant with IMT-2000 requirements for 3G.CDMA2000 will be implemented in the existing frequency bands of CMDA and TDMA at 800 and 1900 MHz, as well as in new spectrum at 2GHz in Japan.Ericsson is a leader in cdma2000 development, and a key driver in the standardization of evolutionary phases of the air interface and the backbone networks, as well as the migration to ALL-IP and multimedia networks.·Bluetooth
Bluetooth is an open standard for two-way, short-wave radio communications between different devices.It marks the end of cables and cords between mobile phones, palmtops, portable PCs and printers, for example.Furthermore, Bluetooth enables information between such devices to be synchronized.Diary information held on a PDA can be updated automatically when within range of a Bluetooth-enabled PC.Bluetooth is also going to be important for machine-to-machine communicationshundreds of companies are members of the worldwide WAP Forum。The latest version of the WAP standard, WAP 1.2.1, has recently been launched.Our dedicated WAP consutants are ready to assist operators and service providers sharpen their competitive edge.They help today's businesses adapt to the new economy and create cost-effective, innovative ways to communicate with customers.What will 3G give us
People will enjoy the 3G time what services it provide, the image of that, 3G is video conference on that plane;3G is patients receive timely assistance of medical experts;3G is fans will not miss the NBA basketball game;3G is to share with friends your beautiful vacation in Hawaii.· more and more 3G video phone
All along, we use QQ, MSN chat with friends remotely.As the mobile data transfer rate, image processing, transmission, mainly the acceptance of such display devices makes mobile video chat stranded.3G time to rely on high-speed 3G data transmission network, which 3G mobile phone users can “face to face” conversation.Through mobile video, As far away from the mother via cell phone together, were falling through the mobile phone lovers can meet again.·3G Push into the mobile phone shopping blowout Use the mobile internet shopping is a new way to shop, mobile shopping not only will be able to let consumer buy goods but also makes the satisfaction convenient for consumers to pick and choose goods compared with the constant.With the improvement of China's 3G network , more and more users will choose to phone shopping patterns.China's mobile phone shop will grow rapidly in a period.Online businesses not only include clothing, books, cell phones, toys, audio-visual products and other daily goods put on the network shelf, cars, laptop computers, jewelry and other luxury goods are also options for the list.One need only log out of 3G mobile phone shopping website of product information, we can buy our favorite items.Online shopping is not only cheaper than the mall , better able to send home delivery.If not satisfied can return on schedule, on-line business integrity committed to ensuring that the consumer's shopping safety.·Broadband Internet access to mobile phones to be a “small computer” Although China has just begun the road to 3G, broadband internet access business has been a bright spot, we can send and receive voice messages on the phone, write a blog, chat, search, download and so on, as well as top-notch services such as online games, mobile navigation, online chat and so on.·the key to the Mobile Office-OA system Although compared with traditional office, automation system greatly improves the working efficiency.However, the limitations of the region's OA system is limited to local area network applications, this office brings to enterprises a lot of inconvenience.Mobile office can keep in touch with units and complete work in anytime and at anywhere.3G mobile phones can download and install office, java and other office software, office software and hardware will be the traditional “compression” in the palm of a large mobile phone.·LCD TVs will be included in Mobile TV Mobile TV is to use with the operating system and streaming video-enabled smart phones to watch TV business.It is a multimedia that use CMMB technology, whether it is GPRS mobile phone or CD-MA1X phone, need to be equipped with mobile terminal operating system to install the appropriate player software.TV programs from the corresponding mobile communication company or by the corresponding SP to organize and deliver.Despite the development of a thriving scene 3G, but because mobile streaming media software, smooth video images and other technical aspects of picture quality there are some problems, Mobile TV strides also takes some time.3G技术
3G,全称为3rd Generation,中文含义就是指第三代数字通信。全球3G近年来快速成长,从2002年到2008年,全球3G运营商已经逐步从最初的惨淡经营转为现在的加速发展,截止2008年6月,全球3G用户累计已达到7.09亿,全球共有84个国家和地区发放了3G许可证,其中有效证为249张。
虽然在 3 G 后面的技术可能很复杂, 但是3 G 将会在我们生活中产生的影响是我们可以想象的。仅仅想像在你的行动电话中加入照相机、摄像机、计算机、音响以及收音机功能。这样,无论何时何地你都将能够通过无线网络获得大量的媒体信息和娱乐。
3G在带来高速的语音通路之外还集以IP为基础的服务为一身,有强大的发展环境。向IP方向发展是至关重要的。IP技术是以简单的数据包传输为基础的, 可以使用户同时上网,但是不必花钱除了我们发送或接收数据。IP 的自然无连接性可以大大提高存取速率: 文件下载只需要很短的时间,而且只需轻轻一点就能和网络连接上。
3G采用多频率通信技术,并且达到 2 Mbit/s 的通路速度。与现在的移动网络相比较,3G将会极大的提高网络容量-因此将能够支持更多的使用者, 同时能够提供更多复杂的服务。3 GSynchronous CDMA(时分同步CDMA),该标准是由中国大陆独自制定的3G标准,1999年6月29日,中国原邮电部电信科学技术研究院(大唐电信)向ITU提出,但技术发明始祖于西门子公司,TD-SCDMA具有辐射低的特点,被誉为绿色3G。该标准将智能无线、同步CDMA和软件无线电等当今国际领先技术融于其中,在频谱利用率、对业务支持具有灵活性、频率灵活性及成本等方面的独特优势。另外,由于中国内的庞大的市场,该标准受到各大主要电信设备厂商的重视,全球一半以上的设备厂商都宣布可以支持TD—SCDMA标准。该标准提出不经过2.5代的中间环节,直接向3G过渡,非常适用于GSM系统向3G升级。军用通信网也是TD-SCDMA的核心任务。· WCDMA
宽带码分多址接入技术(WCDMA)提供的数据传送速率远远大于现在我们采用的通信方式,提供高达2Mbit/s的传输速率, 大大提高了光纤对语音信号的传输率。3G提供更宽的带宽是3G中存在的巨 大的潜能。例如,WCDMA能够使语音信号、视频信号和数据同时进行传输。
宣布了他建立了WCDMA的基站。·EDGE 全球革命性的提高传输速率将是原来的GSM和TSMA运营商利用现有的设备提供3G服务。通过制定新的通信附加标准来对无线通信和网络中枢进化标准化,同时改革所有的IP业务和多媒体网络。· cdma2000 cdma2000对于提高宽带传输速率和递送高质量的语音服务无疑是3G标准最有效率的。cdma2000标准的发展将会使移动通信系统能够提供2Mbit/sec的数据传输率甚至超过这个标准。cdma2000提供的带宽向我们展示了3G的潜能。举例来说,cdma2000允许同时的传输多组声音图像数据。
cdma2000完全融合了IMT-2000标准,并且满足了3G的标准。cdma2000可以通过现有的CMDA和TDMA在800到1900 MHz的频段上实现,就像日本在2GHz的光谱中实现。
爱立信是cdma2000研发的先行者,它制定了对无线通信和网络中枢进行改革的新标准,同时也提出了对IP和多媒体网络进行改革的意见。· 蓝牙
蓝牙是由爱立信公司首先研制的,但现在蓝牙主要是由一个特殊的世界组织来主管。此技术已在所有电信器械生产商、计算机制造商以及芯片制造商中普及。· Symbian Symbian是一个被包括爱立信,诺基亚,摩托罗拉和 Psion公司共同投资的项目。Symbian的目标是通过以下两种方式提高其在移动通信市场的份额: · 第一, 通过发展软件的核心,优化系统结构,进一步的研发手机通信设备工具(例如个人数传助手,小巧的手机和通信器材)。
· 第二,制定移动设备传输信息的标准。Symbian的EPOC操作系统已经研制成功,而且爱立信已经在R380中使用了EPOC操作系统。· 无线传输通讯协定
无线传输通讯协定允许统过建立“无线传输通讯协定微型浏览器”组织电话信息的方向, 同样地网络浏览器经由英特网-个人计算机提供在线服务。典型地,无线传输通讯协定监控屏将会显示各种不同的服务或数据入口的若干超链接。
和采用无线传输通讯协定的手机一样,爱立信也已经宣布研制出一种无线传输通讯协定来服务开发者的装备(WapIDE)和无线传输通讯协定出入口/代理,用移动的网络在英特网和局域网络环境中来桥接无线传输通讯协定申请和服务。除此之外,爱立信提供应用专利, 像是爱立信本土化了英特网(ELI)给本地服务 , 提供时间和发展环境给无线传输通讯协定申请的无线传输通讯协定应用服务商。
爱立信是无线传输通讯协定论坛的四个最初成员之一。自从 1997 以后,当它成立的时候, 无线传输通讯协定论坛已经得到广泛的工业厂商的支持,他们大部分都是是世界无线传输通讯协定论坛的成员。最新版的无线传输通讯协定标准,无线传输通讯协定 1.2.1,刚刚被开发出来。
3G时代人们将会享受到他为我们提供的哪些服务呢,形象的说,3G就是飞机上的视频会议;3G就是病人接受及时救助的医学专家;3G就是篮球迷不会错过的NBA比赛;3G就是与朋友共享你在夏威夷的美好假期。· 视频手机因3G勃兴而扬帆启航
一直以来,我们通过QQ、MSN等视频聊天功能,与亲朋好友进行远程视频聊天。由于手机数据传输速率、图像处理传输、接受显示设备等达不到要求使得手机视频聊天搁浅。3G时代依靠3G网络的数据高速传输,从而3G手机用户可以“面对面”交谈。通过手机视频,相距万水千山的母子能够通过手机相聚,分别日久的恋人能够通过手机重逢。· 3G推动手机购物进入井喷期
用手机上网购物是一种新的购物方式,手机购物不仅让消费者足不出户就能买到满意商品 更使得消费者能够方便快捷的对商品进行挑选比较,随着我国3G网络的不断完善,越来越多的用户将会选择手机购物模式。我国的手机购物将会迎来一个高速增长期。
网上商家不仅将服装、图书、手机、玩具、音像制品等日常商品摆上网络货架,汽车、笔记本电脑、珠宝等高档商品也在备选之列。人们只要拿出3G手机登陆购物网站查询商品信息,就能够买到心仪的物品。网上购物价格不仅比商场便宜,更能够送货到家,如果不满意可以按期退货,网上商家诚信承诺保证了消费者的购物安全。· 宽带上网使手机成为“小电脑”
虽然中国的3G之路刚刚开始,宽带上网已是亮点业务,我们能在手机上收发语音邮件、写博客、聊天、搜索、下载等,还有拔尖业务,如网络游戏、手机导航、网上聊天等。· 手机办公—OA系统桎梏开启的钥匙
传统自动化办公系统虽然较之从前大大提高了办公效率,然而区域的局限使的 OA系统仅限于应用局域网,这给企事业单位办公带来了很多的不方便。手机办公可以随时随地与单位的信息系统保持联系,完成办公功能越来越受到人们的青睐。3G手机可以下载安装office、java等办公软件,将传统办公软硬件“压缩”在手掌大的手机上。· 手机电视将液晶电视收入囊中
手机电视是利用具有操作系统和流媒体视频功能的智能手机观看电视的业务,它是利用CMMB技术推出的便携式的移动的多媒体,不管是 GPRS手机还是CD-
企业现代财务管理制度是发展社会主义市场经济的必然要求,也是我国加入WTO 后企业发展的必经之路。在当前企业市场经济竞争中,财务管理是企业可持续发展的一个关键。构建现代企业制度,要把财务管理作为企业管理的中心,提高财务管理水平,建立现代财务管理体系,把企业价值最大化作为目标并渗透到企业生产经营全过程的财务管理机制。但企业财务管理创新不足问题已成为其进一步发展的障碍。企业财务管理的创新应当结合自身的经营状况从管理观念、管理目标、管理手段、管理方法、管理内容、信息披露的创新、财务监管活动的创新等多方面进行全方位创新,从而更好地实现中小企业的财务目标。
1.In the case of a resistor(电阻), the voltage-current relationship is given by Ohm’s law, which states that the voltage across the resistor is equal to the current through the resistor multiplied by the value of the resistance.就电阻而言,电压—电流的关系由欧姆定律决定,欧姆定律指出:电阻两端的电压等于电阻上流过的电流乘以电阻值。
2.the fundamental law that is applied in(被应用)this method is Kirchhoff’s first law, which states that the algebraic sum of the voltages(电压的代数和)around a closed loop is 0,or ,in any closed loop, the sum of the voltage rises must equal the sum of the voltage drops.这里用到的基本定理是基尔霍夫第一定理,这一定理指出:闭合回路电压代数和为0,在任何闭合回路中,电压增加总量与电压下降的总量相同。
3.Mesh analysis consists of assuming that currents—termed loop(回路)currents— flow in each loop of a network, algebraically summing(代数和)the voltage drops around each loop, and setting each sum equal to 0.网孔分析指的是:假设有一个电流—即所谓的回路电流—流过电路中的每一个回路,求每一个回路电压降的代数和,并令其为零。
4.One problem with electronic devices corresponding to the generalized amplifiers is that the gains ,Au or Ai, depend upon internal properties of the two-port system.对应于像广义放大器这样的电子器件存在一个问题就是他们的增益Au or Ai取决于双端口系统的内部特征。
5.The operational amplifier, or Op-Amp, is designed to minimize this dependence and to maximize the ease of design.运算放大器被设计的使它尽可能的减少对其内部参数的依赖性,最大程度地简化设计工作。
6.The transistor amplifiers, which are the building blocks from which Op-Amp integrated circuits are constructed , will be discussed.作为构建运算放大器集成电路的基本模块,晶体管放电器,将会被讨论。
7.Integrated circuit technology allows construction of many amplifier circuits on a single composite “chip” of semiconductor material(半导体材料).集成电路技术使得在非常小的一块半导体材料的复合“芯片”上可以安装许多放大器电路。
8.One key to the success of an operational amplifier is the “cascading”(串联)of a number of transistor amplifiers to create a very large total gain.运算放大器的成功的关键是串联许多个晶体管放电器以产生非常大的总增益。
9.A second important factor is that these circuit can be built in such a way that the current flow into each of the inputs is very small.第二个重要因素是这些回路是按照流入的每一个输入电流都很小的原则来设计制作的。
10.This is one of the features of Op-Amp design –the action of the circuit on signals depends only upon the external element which can be easily varied by the designer and which do not depend upon the detailed character of the Op-Amp itself.这是运算放大器设计的重要特征之一—在信号作用下,电路的动作仅取决于能够容易被设计者改变的外部元件,而不取决于运算放大器本身的微观特性。
11.Note that if A=100000 and(R1 +R2)/R1=10, the prize we have paid for this advantage is that we have used a device with a voltage gain of 100000 to produce an amplifier with a gain of 10.注意,如果A=100000 而(R1 +R2)/R1=10,那么为此优点而付出的代价是用一个具有100000倍电压增益的器件产生一个具有10倍增益的放大器。
12.we shall now briefly discuss the relevance of such terminology(术语),and in so doing we shall bring out the special aptness of the designation “true” and “false” to identify the possible values of a variable.现在我们将简要讨论一下这些术语之间的联系,并在此过程中我们应该阐明用特殊标示“真”和“假”来识别一个可能值的变量。
13.Finally let us connect the inputs to the devices on the chairs of pilots A and B and arrange that an alarm bell, connected to the output Z, respond when the output is V2(“true”)and not otherwise.最后,让我们把输入和 飞行员A和B座位下的装置联接起来,并安装一个与输入Z相连的警铃,当输出是V2(”真“)时响应,否则不响应。
14.Just as other algebras deal with variable which have a numerical significance, Boolean algebra deal with proposition and is an effective tool for analyzing the relationships between propositions which allow only two mutually exclusive alternative.和其他处理有数字意义变量的代数一样,布尔代数处理的是命题,而且布尔代数对于分析仅有两个互反变量的命题之间的关系是一种有效的工具。
15.Similarly, if an effective is to be produced by a change in a logical variable , it is preferred that the logical variable so involved(有关的逻辑变量)be defined in such manner that the effect is achieved when the logical variable goes to logic 1.类似的,如果效果将通过逻辑变量的变化而产生的,那么最理想的是以这样的方式定义有关的逻辑变量,即当逻辑变量转到逻辑1时达到此效果。
16.control systems designed by humans are used to extend their physical capabilities, compensate for their physical limitations, to relieve them of routine or tedious tasks, or to save money.控制系统被人们用来扩展自己的能力,补偿生理上的限制,或把他们从规矩,单调的工作中解脱出来,或者用来节省开支。
17.The analysis phase is concerned with determination of the response of a plantthe controlled object)to commands, disturbances, and changes in the plant parameters.系统分析关注的是命令,扰动和系统参数的变化在被控对象响应中的决定性作用。
18.If the response is unsatisfactory and modification of the plant is unacceptable, a design phase is necessary to select the control elements(the controller)needed to improve the dynamic performance to acceptable levels.如果响应不满足要求且修改的参数不被接受,就需要进行系统设计,来选择使动态性能达到接受要求的控制元件。
19.In those more complex cases where it is not adequate, the classical approach solution may aid in applying the modern approach and may provide a check on the more complete and exact design.在那些更复杂的情况中,经典方法虽不能满足,但解决方法可以对应用现代方法起辅助作用,而且可以对设计进行更完整和准确的检查。
20.Modern control theory has arisen with the advent of high-speed digital computers and can be characterized by the states variable concept(状态变量的概念)with emphasis on matrix algebra and with analysis and design principally in the time domain.现代控制理论是随着高速数字计算机的出现而发展起来的,它以状态变量的概念为特征,重点在于矩阵代数,分析和设计主要是在实域中。
21.Intuitively, a stable system is one that remains at rest(or in equilibrium)unless excited by an external source and returns to rest if all excitation are removed.直观地说,一个稳定的系统是保持稳定的(或平衡),除非受到外部激励,并且如果所有的外部激励去除后回到稳定状态。
22.So, a necessary and sufficient conduction for the system to be stable is that the roots of the characteristic equation have negative real parts.This ensures that the impulse response will decay exponentially with time.所有说,一个系统稳定的充要条件是特征方程有负实根。这确保脉冲响应随时间呈指数衰减。
23.The Routh criterion: All the roots of the characteristic equation have negative real parts if and only if the elements of the first column(列)of the Routh table have the same sign.Otherwise, the number of roots with positive real parts is equal to the number of changes of sign.劳斯判据表明:特征方程的所有根有负实部,当且仅当劳斯表中第一列元素有相同符号。否则,正实部根的数量等于符号改变的数量。
24.time constant时间常数
Dominating pole主极点
Settling time调节时间
Maximum percentage overshoot最大超调量
Peak time峰值时间
Rise time上升时间
25.the section introduces the internal architecture of a computer and describes how instructions are stored and interpreted and explain how the instruction execution cycle is broken down into its various components.这个部分介绍了电脑内部的体系结构,描述指令是如何被储存,编译和解释指令执行周期怎么分解成几个部分。
26.For the Intel 8086/87 and Motorola MC68000 microprocessors, a word is 16 bits long, but each memory location has only 8-bit locations and thus two 8-bit locations must be accessed to obtain each data word.对于Intel 8086/87或者Motorola MC68000 微处理器,一个字节的长度为16位,但每一个内存单元只有8位,因此,两个8位单元必须被访问为得到每个数据字节。
27.Instruction stored in memory stored in memory are fetched by the CPU and unless program branches occur ,they are executed In the sequence they appear in memory.存储在存储器中的指令由CPU获取的并且除非程序跳转,它们仍然会按内存中出现的顺序被执行。
28.In order to increase the number of memory location , the address fields and hence the instructions must be longer than 16 bits if we use the same approach.为了增加内存的内容,如果我们用相同的方法,地址段及指令必须比16位更长。
29.For efficient use ofthe memory space and processing time, most computers provide the capability of manipulating data of different lengths and representationin memory.为了有效的使用内存空间和处理时间,许多电脑提供了不同的长度和表示在内存中的数据操作的能力。
30.Decording means that the operation code is examined and used to determine the steps of the execution sequence.译码意味着操作码被检查和用于确定执行序列的步骤。
31.A total program cycle comprises(包含)many instruction cycles, each institution cycle can be divided into its component machine cycles, and each machine cycle comprises a number of clock cycles.一个程序包含许多指令周期,每一个指令周期分解为机器周期,并且每个机器周期包含许多时钟周期。
32.The third type of input is the bus request ,or direct memory access(DMA)request.It is possible to have a terminal interface that stores up all the characters in a line of text until it receives a “carriage return”.第三种类型的输入是总线请求,或直接存储器寻址请求。一个终端接口有可能用来储存正文的所有特征,直达接到一个“回车”。
33.Automation of many different processes, such as controlling machines or factory assembly lines, is done through the use of small computers called a programmable logic controller.自动化有许多过程,例如控制机器或工厂装配线,是通过用叫PLC的小型电脑控制的。
34.custom hardware can hardly be connected directly the PLC internal bus.A solution consists in integrating the custom hardware with a standard fieldbus interface by means of specific cards.自定义硬件很难直接连接到PLC总线内部。解决方案在于通过特定的卡来整合自定义硬件的标准现场总线接口。
35.the hardware configuration describes the modules and the order in which they are installed in the PLC, the address of the I/O are automatically generated according to this order.硬件配置描述了(输入/输出和通信)模块和他们安装在PLC中的顺序,输入/输出的地址是按照这个顺序自动生成的。
36.By using modularization and declaration of variables, each program is structured and simplified, increasing its reusability.采用模块化和声明的变量,每个程序被结构化和简化,增加重复性。
37.Today’s PLCs offer faster scan times, space efficient high-density input/output systems, and special interfaces to allow non-traditional devices to be attached directly to the PLC.现代的PLC提供更快的扫描时间,空间高效高密度输入/输出系统,和特殊接口允许非传统设备直接连接到PLC。
Network 网络,电路amplifier放大器
Resistor 电阻器integratedcircuit 集成电路 Inductor 电感器potential电势
Capacitor 电容器circuitry电路
flip-flop触发器= triggerloop current 回路电流 Boolean algebra 布尔代数voltage drop 电压降 Differential 微分的或微分variable 变量
Gate 门电路,门abound 大量存在Damp 阻尼,减幅,衰减dynamic response 动态响应‘ Disturbance扰动
Transfer function 传递函数
Open-loop 开环
Discrete离散的Resistance 阻抗
Probability theory 概率论
Hardware 硬件
Oscillation 震荡
Characteristic equation 特征方程
Rise time 上升时间
Processer 处理器
Central processing unit(CPU)中央处理器
Operand 操作数
I/O-mapped 输入/输出映射的Electric charge 电荷
parameter参数state variable 状态变量closed-loop 闭环lead 导线 uniform 一致的model 模型phase 状态,相位amplitude 振幅decay 衰减peak time 峰值时间 Instruction set 指令集 binary-coded 二进制 编码 opcode 操作码 decode 解码,译码 memory-mapped 存储器映射的