莎士比亚喜剧悲剧集钢铁是怎样炼成的 汤姆索亚历险记
Part 116:《芳华》《不成问题的问题》《朝圣者》《大河湾》《到达地尽头》
Part 115:《刘震云文集》《京极堂系列:涂佛之宴·宴之始末》《五卷书》《金阁寺》《稻草人手记》
Part 114:《京极堂系列:涂佛之宴·宴之支度》《猫鼠游戏》《羊与钢铁森林》《同栖生活》《温柔的夜》
Part 113:《24个比利》《比利战争》《京极堂系列:络新妇之理》《拉普拉斯的魔女》《梦里花落知多少》
Part 112:《红星照耀中国》《上流法则》《京极堂系列:铁鼠之槛》《饮罪者》《自我关怀的力量》
Part 111:《致我们单纯的小美好》《南京大屠杀》《京极堂系列:狂骨之梦》《关门以后》《碟形世界:卫兵!卫兵!》
Part 110-71:《你当然没有发现小编偷懒了》
Part 70:《尤·奈斯博作品精选》《步履不停》《城门开》《我可是你故事里那个人》《小逻辑》
Part 69:《星星上的人》《敢问路在何方》《拉普拉斯的魔女》《春风十里不如你》《直到那一天》
Part 68:《沉睡的人鱼之家》《带一本书去巴黎》《冬牧场》《天上再见》《远方的鼓声》
Part 67:《它》《乡下人的悲歌》《读书与旅行》《第一夫人》《被嫌弃的松子的一生》
Part 66:《外婆的道歉信》《二代目归来》《甲骨文》《推拿》《终结的感觉》
Part 65:《特工皇妃楚乔传》《公牛山》《知更鸟女孩2》《美国众神》《失物之书》
Part 64:《永恒的边缘》《北平无战事》《知更鸟女孩》《暗黑童话》《X的悲剧》
Part 63:《24个比利》《我们台湾这些年》《记忆大师》《大问题》《你就要很独特》
Part 62:《极简宇宙史》《洪堡的礼物》《起风之城》《这世界偷偷爱着你》《时间的形状》
Part 61:《青年斯大林》《丝绸之路》《第二次世界大战在亚洲及太平洋的起源》《极简主义的起源》《道林格雷的画像》
Part 60:《七杀简史》《神们自己》《原谅石》《盗梦空间》《春分之后》
Part 59:《它》《乡下人的悲歌》《读书与旅行》《第一夫人》《被嫌弃的松子的一生》
Part 58:《邓小平时代》《房思琪的初恋乐园》《守望之心》《钓鱼的男孩》《大败局》
Part 57:《寻路中国》《我的阿勒泰》《平如美棠》《万万没想到》《奥斯曼帝国的衰亡》
Part 56:《重生》《世界很小,而你刚好发光》《十二宫》《钱商》《慈悲》
Part 55:《择天记》《生于一九八四》《江城》《蔡康永的说话之道》《拖延心理学》
Part 54:《长夜难明》《生命的烤火者:杨绛传》《后宫·如懿传》《佛洛依德心理学经典》《大师们的写作课》
Part 53:《谍战1993》《欢乐颂》《袁腾飞讲历史》《时时刻刻》《枪炮、病菌与钢铁》
Part 52:《十万个为什么》《忽然七日》《小于一》《你一生的故事》《相对论》
Part 51 :《地下铁道》《欢愉》《战争论丛书》《毛泽东选集》《昭奚旧草》
Part 50 :《硅谷钢铁侠》《嫌疑人X的献身》《我不了解人类》《犹太人的故事》《新教伦理与资本主义精神》
Part 49 :《三生三世·枕上书》《人民的名义》《万物生光辉》《香蕉的低语》《呼叫助产士》
Part 48 :《莎士比亚全集》《数学女孩》《世界的凛冬》《浮躁》《摆渡人》《你的孤独虽败犹荣》
Part 47 :《第九个寡妇》《小姨多鹤》《重塑自我:如何成为一个很幸福的人》《通往印度次大陆》《河流之声》
Part 46 :《陆犯焉识》《罗念生全集》《受益一生的北大哲理课》《长安十二时辰》《第二次呼吸》
Part 45 :《沙丘》《二月河文集》《如何阅读一本文学书》《你一定爱读的极简欧洲史》《爱情和其他的魔鬼》《杀死一只知更鸟(英文版)》
Part 44 :《刘慈欣少年科幻科学小说系列》《重建的世界》《长大后的世界》《这受难的国度:死亡与美国内战》《你从未真正拼过》
Part 43 :《二手时间》《像喜欢甜一样喜欢苦》《演讲的力量》《时间旅行者的妻子》《我不喜欢这世界,我只喜欢你》《三体(英文版)》
Part 42 :《我的天才女友》《滚雪球:巴菲特和他的财富人生》《我们掩埋的人生》《诛仙》《正义之心:为什么人们总是坚持“我对你错”》《乌龙院(漫画)》《小王子(英文版)》 Part 41 :《未来简史》《极花》《哈佛商业评论·成为老板的第一步》《你丫上瘾了》《凉生,我们可不可以不忧伤》
Part 40 :《大秦帝国》《老舍经典文集》《来自新世界》《沉默的羔羊系列》《生命中最美好的事都是免费的》《Flowers for Algernon(献给阿尔吉侬的花束)》
Part 39 :《腾讯传》《我的职业是小说家》《哑舍》《我当道士那些年》《当呼吸化为空气》
Part 38 :《不然你搬去火星啊》《云中歌》《三生三世 十里桃花》《这本书能让你戒烟》《高效能人士的七个习惯》《亚特兰蒂斯(英文版)》
Part 37 :《京华烟云》《星球大战》《纸牌屋2》《那些古怪又让人忧心的问题》《阿特拉斯耸耸肩》
Part 36 :《滚蛋吧!肿瘤君》《谁的青春不迷茫》《俗世奇人》《不畏将来 不念过去》《每天读一点,进步一点点系列丛书》《追随她的旅程》
Part 35 :《海伯利安》《北京折叠》《再见,萤火虫小巷》《明朝那些事儿》《激荡三十年》《少有人走的路(英文版)》
Part 34 :《余罪8》《萤火虫小巷》《逻辑思维:我懂你的知识焦虑》《精要注意》《曾国潘》
Part 33 :《饥饿游戏(英文版)》《古龙作品大合集》《放弃我,抓紧我》《少年巴比伦》《技巧》
Part 32 :《讲谈社·中国的历史》《猎豹》《锦绣未央》《经济学原理》《万历十五年》
Part 31 :《如何阅读一本书(英文版)》《朗达·拜恩作品集》《我不是潘金莲》《汪曾祺小说全编》《学习之道》
Part 30 :《你的名字。》《周作人自编集》《文学经典合集》《如何阅读一本书》《经济学的思维方式》
Part 29 :《罗马人的故事》《盗墓笔记》《侣行》《编译原理》《唐诗宋词诗经楚辞鉴赏辞典》
Part 28 :《海岩文集》《火星救援(英文版)》《巨婴国》《平凡的世界》《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》《性学三论与爱情心理学》
Part 27 :《如果蜗牛有爱情》《精灵宝钻》《菲利普·迪克作品集》《菊与刀》《醒来觉得甚是爱你》《消失的微生物》
Part 26 :《追风筝的人(英文版)》《罗曼蒂克消亡史》《世界文明史全集》《菲茨杰拉德全集》《菜场经济学》 Part 25 :《鬼吹灯》《诗经全鉴》《告白》《我与世界只差一个你》《重新定义公司:谷歌是如何运营的》
Part 24 :《巴金文集》《Life Lessons》《我的应许之地》《群山回唱》《最重要的事,只有一件》
Part 23 :《白先勇小说全集》《我们仨》《悟空传》《金色梦乡》《走近2050:注意力、互联网与人工智能》
Part 22 :《为奴十二载(英文版)》《金庸全集》《银河帝国:基地七部曲》《玛格丽特小镇》《巴菲特之道》
Part 21 :《牛津通识读本精选集》《死亡通知单》《乌合之众》《白夜行》《少年派的奇幻之旅》
Part 20 :《诺贝尔文学奖作品合集》《洛丽塔(英文版)》《打工旅行》《二战史诗三部曲》《火星救援》
Part 19 :《百年孤独》《安珀志》《岛上书店》《浮生六记》《天空的另一半》
Part 18 :《One Day》《东野圭吾精选集》《富爸爸,穷爸爸》《一个人的朝圣》《中国通史》
Part 17 :《皮囊》《瓦尔登湖》《家族》《西决》《幸福了吗》《容忍比自由更重要》《人生有何意义》
Part 16 :《哈利波特(英文版)》《鱼羊野史1-5》《解忧杂货店》《好吗,好的》《太阳黑子》
Part 15 :《毛姆作品集》《大江东去》《三体》《兔子什么都知道》《够味儿!80道经典家常菜烹饪详解》
Part 14 :《Gone girl》《亚特兰蒂斯》《苏菲的世界》《失控》《无声告白》
Part 13 :《哈利波特与被诅咒的小孩(英文版)》《古董局中局》《移动迷宫》《陪安东尼度过漫长的岁月》《大数据时代》
Part 12 :《安妮宝贝十年精选》《时间移民》《查令十字街84号》《书虫·牛津英汉双语读物》《那些我们没谈过的事》
Part 11 :《玛格丽特小镇》《白鹿原》《丈量世界》《一本小小的蓝色逻辑书》《怪诞行为学》
Part 10 :《简奥斯汀合集(英文版)》《鞋狗》《余罪1-7》《法医秦明合集》《我懂晃荡青春》
Part 9 :《雪人》《小王子》《新一轮产业革命》《血色人生》《我可以咬一口吗》
Part 8 :《漫长的中场休息》《一寸山河一寸血》《知日·料理之魂》《有些事现在不做一辈子都不会做了》《月亮和六便士》
Part 7 :《精进》《拼了命,尽了兴》《魔鬼经济学》《巨人的陨落》《狼图腾》
Part 6 :《人类简史》《在阳台上种菜》《地海传奇》《冰与火之歌》《藏地密码》
Part 5 :《血腥的盛唐》《呼兰河传》《台北人》《稀缺》《控制论与科学方法论》
Part 4 :《精力管理》《后青春期的诗》《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》《褚时健传》
Part 3 :《余罪7》《白说》《我也有一个梦想》《悉达多》《质数的孤独》
Part 2 :《1Q84》《王朔合集》《王小波合集》《看见》《天才在左疯子在右》《送你一颗子弹》
Part 1 :《哈利波特与被诅咒的孩子》《活着》《地狱》《时间简史》《寂寞的频率》《一个叫欧维的男人决定去死》
译林版英语四年级上册Unit 3 How many教案
本单元由Story time, Fun time, Cartoon time, Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time, Ticking time七个部分组成。安排了“询问对方有什么东西”、“询问对方有多少东西”这两个个语言情景,话题贴近生活,学生乐意学习。在教学内容方面,本单元要求能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen。能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型How many„do you have? /What do you have ? I have„ /Can I„?本单元单复数使用是重难点,需要辅导学生如何何时使用单复数,并讲解一些基本规则。
二、教学目的: 1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen。
2. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Can I have a look? Can I have one? 3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型How many„do you have? /What do you have? I have„ /Can I„?
4. 了辅音字母l 在单词中的读音。6. 能诵读歌谣Cakes
1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen
2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型How many„do you have? /What do you have? I have„ /Can I„?
3、了辅音字母l 在单词中的读音。
1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen
2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型How many„do you have? /What do you have? I have„ /Can I„?.五、课时安排:
本单元共安排5课时 Story time
Fun time, Rhyme time及新单词
1课时 Cartoon time, Sound time及课课练
Checkout time, Ticking time及补充习题
.1课时 复习本单元中单词、句型、做听读训练。1课时
U11 A boy and a girl
My name is …
I‟m a girl/ I‟m a boy.3.你想告诉别人你来自哪里?,你说:
I‟m from …
I „m …
I „m not …
My … is / are 二 单词
Man woman boy girl
Tall short thin fat long big small 3.你要会说单词:
English from London ,hair ,eye ,ear , 三 重点句型
1.My name is …
e.g : 1.My name is David.2.My name is Jack.2.I‟m a(an)… girl/boy.e.g :1.I‟m a Chinese girl.2.I‟m an English boy.3.I „m from …
e.g : I „m from Nanjing.4.I‟m(not)…
e.g 1.I‟m not tall.2.I‟m not thin.5.I‟m …
e.g I‟m nine.6.My … is /are
e.g My hair is long.My eyes are small.四 能正确地听,说,读 写字母 Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz ,26个字母进行的发音归类,其中Oo音
标不好打,孩子们书上应该笔记都有./ei/ Aa Hh Jj Kk /i:/ Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv /e/ Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz /ai/ Ii Yy /ju:/ Qq Uu Ww /a:/ Rr / / Oo
五.书上D 部分LOOK AND SAY 提供了四副小孩子照哈哈镜的场景.通过照哈哈镜对比出大小,高矮,胖瘦和长短之分,重点在于掌握其英文表达.以下为参考:
1.He's tall.2.Her pencil is long.3.She's fat.4.His pencil sharpener is big.相关参考练习: 一.请根据David 的介绍,为他填写名片.I'm David Black.I'm ten.I'm an English boy from London.My hair is short.My eyes are very big.I live in Beijing now.It's a nice city.(需要让孩子理解并掌握数字的英文单词与之相对的数字.知道 English ,Chinese 作为形容词,英国人(的),中国人(的)首字母要大写,其中E 为元音字母所以用an.eye(s)ear(s)在指一双眼睛,一对耳朵翻译时为复数所以BE 动词用 are.城市用汉语拼音或单词时首字母也要大写)
姓名: 国籍: 年龄: 家乡: 特征: 二.找出下列不属于同一类的词.()1.A man B woman C cat()2.A black B long C brown()3.A plane B park C bike()4.A girl B coat C boy()5.A pear B tiger C orange()6.A thin B hair C small
Unit 10 Thank you 一.日常交际用语
Some… +s/es? 当别人问你要不要来点什么,你要,可以说:
Yes,please.Thank you.3 如果你不要,你可以说:NO.thanks./no,thank you.二.单词
Cake humburger egg ice cream
词组: a cup of tea a cup of coffee, a glass of milk , a glass of juice
Some cups of tea / Some cups of coffee /Some glasses of milk
Some glasses of juice
2..你要能听懂、会说容器类单词: Cup glass
a / an 的用法
三. 重点句型
1.Some …?
e.g.Some oranges? Some mangoes? Some cups of coffee?
Yes,please.8.Yes, please./ No, thanks.No,thank you.四.能正确地听说读写字母Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt
五.课文中D 部分的LOOK AND SAY 本部分共提供了八副不同场景下询问某人是否要某物以及接受或拒绝的图片,要求学生看了图能编出对话.参考对话: 1.Liu Tao: A green pencil box, please.Woman : All right.2.Father: A white car? David : No, thanks.3.Woman : A black cat? WangBing: Yes.please.4.Woman:A red T-shirt? WangBing:Yes, please.5.Mike: A yellow jacket,please.Woman : All right.6.Old man : An ice cream? Helen: No, thanks.7.Woman: A cup of coffee? Mr Black: Yes ,please.8.Woman: A glass of apple juice? Gao Shan:Yes, please.参考练习: 一.将下列单词中不属于同一类的找出来.()1.A banana B apple C cake()2.A tea B juice C ice-cream()3.A blouse B shirt C light()4.A bike B plane C park()5.A dog B money C bird 二.选择填空
()1.What's it? It's ______.A nice B an egg C blue()2.A cup of tea? ________ A Yes, two.B.No, thanks C.Oh, sorry()3._____the hamburger? It's in the cupboard.A What's B.Where's C How()4.This glass of juice is ____me.A to B.of C.for()5.Turn ____the TV , David.Go to bed, please.Ok.A.on B off C in
Unit 9 on and off
Open the …
Close the …
Turn on … Turn off…
door window box basket light TV(大写)tap Walkman(首字母大写)三.重点句型
1.Open / close the(door window box basket).6.Turn on / Turn off the(light Walkman TV tap)11.I‟m sorry.本单元中用于你做了什么有碍别人的事或不好的事情后表示抱歉的说法。在别人说身体不舒服的时候,你说:I „m sorry “表示“真遗憾”。
Unit 8 Let’s go to the park
一.日常交际用语 当你想和别人一起去某地时,你可以说:
Let‟s go to … 当别人邀请你去时,你可以回答:
All right./ Ok.Let‟s go.当你或别人想知道怎样去,可以问:But how?
park cinema zoo supermarket the Great Wall(一定要加定冠词,并且G,W 要大写)Xi‟an(地名首字母大写)
plane car(介词都是by)
三. 重点句型
1.Let‟s … “让我们一起……”.e.g 1 Let‟s get up.2.Let‟s watch TV.2.Let‟s go to … by …
e.g 1.Let‟s go to the park by bus.2.Let‟s go to Beijing by plane.3.Great!
e.g 1.Let‟s go to the zoo.Great!
2.the Great Wall “Great “为“伟大,雄伟”
四.能正确地听,说,读写字母Jj , Kk , Ll Mm Nn
五.书上D 部分LOOK AND SAY 有五张图片,每张图片表示一个动作,可以用本单元所学的祈使句来表达.要求学生仔细看这五张图片,并根据图说出相对的祈使句.参考对话
1.Miss Li: Close your books,please./ Open the door, please.David/Liu Tao: All right./ Ok 2.Nancy :Open the blue box, please.WangBing :All right./Ok 3.Nancy :Close the red basket, please.David: All right./ Ok.4.Liu Tao: Turn on the tap, please.Mike: All right./Ok.5.Policeman: Turn off the Walkman ,please.David: I'm sorry.相关参考练习
(1)1.Hello, David.2.Great, but how? 3.Let‟s go to the zoo.4.By bus.5 Hello, Mike.6.All right, let‟s go.________________________________(2)1.Not bad, thank you.2.Let‟s go to the park.3.Hi, Liu Tao.How are you? 4.By bike.5.Ok, let‟s go.6.Good, but how? _______________________________-
— A —
____ E ____ ____ f _____ _____g _____
Unit 7 I t’s nice 一.日常交际用语 你想叫小伙伴看某样东西,你可以说:Look at … 2 你想称赞别人的东西时髦、漂亮、好看,你可以说:
It‟s smart / pretty / nice.假如你想表示赞美、感叹之意,你可以说:How nice!3 当你想向别人介绍这是……, 那是…… , 你可以说:
This is …;That „s …
二. 单词
dress skirt T-shirt
sweater coat
shirt blouse
my his her 你要能听懂、会说、会用赞美之词: smart nice pretty
三 重点句型
1.Look at …
Look at her dress.It‟s nice.2 This is … / That „s …
This is my new coat.That is his pencil sharpener.四.书上D 部分 LOOK AND SAY 参考对话
1.第一部分的重点是巩固 Look at his / her… 图中包括a jacket a T-shirt a coat a sweater
a pencil box a ruler a rubber a pencil sharpener.a.Look at his jacket.b.Look at his T-shirt C.Look at her coat.d.Look at her sweater.2.第二部分内容是重点巩固Look , this is a … That‟s … 图中的物品有远有近之分,近处物品有 a skirt a T –shirt a telephone a dest 远处物品有 a blouse a jacket a coat a bookcase a chair.a.Look , this is my skirt.That‟s my blouse.b.Look, this is my shirt.That‟s my coat.c.Look , this is my telephone.That‟s my bookcase.d.Look , this is my desk.That‟s my chair.五. 能正确地听说读写字母A a Bb Cc Dd
A.Look at his T-shirt.B Look at his coat.C.Look at her coat.()2.向别人介绍Nancy晾在远处的新毛衣时说:
A. This is my shirt.B.That is her T-shirt.C.This is her T-shirt.()3.向别人介绍自己的新毛衣时说:
A.This is my new jacket.B.This is my new T-shirt.C,This is my new sweater.()4.你赞赏对方的衣服时说:
A.It‟s nice.B thank you C.All right.()5.你向对方表示感谢时说:
A.Thank you.B.How nice!C.It‟s pretty.Unit 5 How are you?
一.日常交际用语 当你想咨询别人最近情况怎样,可以说:
How are you ? 2 当你被别人关心时,如果你最近不错,可以说:
Fine, thank you.And you ? 当你感觉一般,不好也不坏,你说:
Not bad , thank you.当你感觉不好,你可以说:Not so good.当别人对你说他(她)身体不舒服时,你可以说:I‟m sorry.二. 单词
Pen book rubber pencil pencil-box
ruler ball pen pencil sharpener 三 重点句型
How are you ? Fine , thank you.Fine, thank you.And you ? I‟m fine, too.Not bad, thank you.Not so good.I‟m sorry.四。课文中D 部分的LOOK AND LEARN
1.第一副图,MIKE 父子在家门口看见学生们去上学,父亲Mr Brown 示意儿子MIKE 该上学了。
Mr Brown : Go to school now , Mike.Mike : All right.Bye, Dad.2.第二副图,MIKE 路遇 刘涛,二人互问候
Mike: Hi, Liu Tao.How are you? Liu Tao.Fine, thank you.3.第三副图,刘涛在校门口巧遇Miss Li, Liu Tao 有礼貌地向老师问好。
Liu Tao: Good morning, Miss Li.Miss Li: Good morning.4.第四副图,老师发现顽皮的刘涛身后跟有一只小猫,随即将小猫拦在校外,幽默地对小猫说Go home, Mimi并作手势让猫离开 Miss Li: Go home, Mimi.Mimi : Miaow!Miaow!相关参考练习
一. 把下列单词归类,将其序号填在恰当的横线上。
B books C.green D a dog E rubbers F.brown G.a monkey H.mangoes
I.a bookcase J.bananas K.a desk
L apples M a tiger N pens O a sofa
Unit 4 Goodbye
一.日常交际用语 早上父母叫你起床,可以说:Get up, please.你回答说“好的”,可以用:All right./Ok.2
妈妈 叫你去上学,可以说: Go to school now.3 下午老师叫你回家,她会说:Go home now.你可以回答:Goodbye./ See you.晚上到了睡觉时间,妈妈会说:Go to bed now.你在睡觉前会对父母说: Good night.二.单词
desk chair bed sofa table telephone bookcase fridge 三.重点句型
1.Get up.e.g Get up, Nancy.该起床了,南希。
2.All right./ Ok.e.g Come in ,please.All right!3.Go to school./ Go home./ Go to bed.e.g You can go home now.All right.4 Good night.回答还是 Good night.四.书上LOOK AND SAY
这部分的六副图中,既出现了第一单元的动物,又呈现了第三单元中的水果,两两相对,各复现了六个单词。1 This is a cat.This is a pear.2.This is a dog.This is an orange.3.This is a monkey.This is a peach.4.This is a zebra.This is a mango.5.This is a panda.This is an apple.6.This is an elephant.This is a banana.相关参考练习
一. 将下列左右栏对应的问答句连线
1.Nice to meet you.A Goodbye.2.Good night, Mum.B.All right.3.Goodbye.C Good night.4.Get up
D Nice to meet you , too.5.Good afternoon
E.Good afternoon.二.根据情景选择句子
1.Miss Li 叫孩子起床,应说:()
A.Go home now.2.爸爸提醒孩子要上学了,应说:()
B.Go to school now.3.妈妈让孩子快睡觉,应说:()
C.Go to bed now.4.老师叫孩子快回家,应说:
D.See you.5.向别人道别,应说:()
E This is my sister.6.把自己妹妹介绍给别人,应说()
F Get up.Unit 3 This is my father
一 日常交际用语
This is my …
2别人向你介绍他(她)的亲戚或朋友,你可以说: Nice to meet you.3.当别人对你说Nice to meet you时,你可以回答:Nice to meet you, too.二.单词
father mother brother sisiter
apple orange pear banana peach mango pineapple watermelon
Mr Black
Mrs Black , Gao Shan ,并能正确理解和运用Mrs
三. 重点句型
1.This is my …
2.第一次见过某人打招呼时说,Nice to meet you.回答 Nice to meet you, too.四。课文中D LOOK AND SAY 部分参考对话
1.第一副图,Mr Green 和Mr Black 在机场相遇。他们间简短的问候语可以安排为:
Mr Green : Good morning, Mr Black.Mr Black : Good morning, Mr Green.2.第二副图,Miss Li 在钟表店巧遇Mrs Black.周围墙上的钟表暗示着她们是相遇在下午。她们间的对话可设计成:
Miss Li : Good afternoon, Mrs Black.Mrs Black: Good afternoon, Miss Li.3.在第三副图中,Helen正将自己的哥哥 Mike介绍给
Liu Tao。他们间的对话可以安排为:
Helen: Hi/Hello, Liu Tao.This is my brother, Mike.Liu Tao: Nice to meet you, Mike.Mike: Nice to meet you , too.5.在第四副图中,刚刚告别Liu Tao的 Helen兄妹俩又巧遇 Gao Shan。Mike忙将Helen介绍给Gao Shan.Mike : Hi/ Hello, Gao Shan.This is my sister,Helen.Helen: Nice to meet you , Gao Shan.Gao Shan :Nice to meet you , too.相关参考练习
一. 找出下列不属于同一类的词
()1.A blue
B black C monkey()2.A yellow B brown C peah
()3.A tiger B apple
C watermelon()4.A elephant B orange C zebra()5 A banana B cat
C mango
Unit 2 Nice to meet you
一.日常交际用语 早上遇到老师或同学,较正式的问候语是:Good morning.下午遇到老师或同学,较正式的问候语是:Good afternoon.2 和一个陌生人初次见面,你可以问候说:Nice to meet you.回答:Nice to meet you, too.你想把你的朋友、家人、老师介绍给别人,可以用句型:
This is …
black white red yellow blue green brown orange 2.你要认识四个新人物:
Miss Li , Mr Green , Wang Bing , Helen
3.能理解并正确运用Mr(先生)和Miss(小姐)三. 重点句型
1.This is …
2.Good morning.早上好。
Good afternoon.下午好。
3.Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。
Nice to mee you ,too.见到你也很高兴。四 课文中LOOK AND SAY 部分参考对话 1.第一、第二副图中的场景是紧密相连的。上午九点半,Helen和 Liu Tao相遇。Liu Tao和 Helen互相问候后,又将 Helen介绍给恰好路过的 YangLing。
图一 Helen: Hi/ Hello/ Good morning, Liu Tao.Liu Tao:Hi/ Hello / Good morning, Helen.图二 Liu Tao:Hi/ Hello/Good morning, YangLing.This is Helen.YangLing:Nice to meet you ,Helen.Helen: Nice to meet you , too.2.第三、第四副图之间的场景也是连贯的。下午五点十分,Helen遇见了 WangBing,在 Helen和 WangBing打招呼时,一只小狗恰好经过。小狗快活地对 Helen叫着 Woof!Helen立刻蹲下身,友好地向小狗伸出了手。图三:
Helen: Hi/ Hello, I‟m Helen.What‟s your name? WangBing: I‟m Wang Bing.Helen: Good afternoon, WangBing.图四
Helen: Nice to meet you, Bobby.Bobby: Woof!
Unit 1 Hello
一. 单词
dog cat bird tiger monkey zebra panda elephant
Liu Tao YangLing Mike Nancy
3.能理解并正确使用冠词a an
二. 重点句型 1.Hello./ Hi.2.Hello./ Hi,I‟m 3.What‟s your name? 理解I‟m = I am
Unit 8 Our dreams 一 单元教学内容简析:
本册最后一个单元话题是“我的梦想“,旨在通过此话题讨论,引导学生树立正确的价值观,心怀梦想并为实现自己的梦想努力奋斗。本单元的目标词汇都和职业相关,教师可以利用五年级上册Unit 5(What do they do?)复习相关词汇,设计教学活动,导入目标词汇。教师也可以拓展一些常见的职业词汇,以丰富教学内容。二 单元教学要求:
1.能正确理解、朗读Story time 和Cartoon time。
2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写dream, future, tooth, scientist, artist, take care of。
3.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写询问梦想的句型What do you want to be in the future?及其回答 I want to be…
4.能听得懂、会说、会读care about,astronaut, spaceship, football player, World Cup, come true, dancer, pianist, brave, paint。
6.会唱歌曲I’m a little teacher.三 单元教学重点:
1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写dream, future, scientist, artist, take care of,。
2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写询问梦想的句型What do you want to be in the future?及其回答 I want to be… 3.了解语音的连读。四 单元教学难点:
1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写dream, future, scientist, artist, take care of,。
2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写询问梦想的句型What do you want to be in the future?及其回答 I want to be… 3.了解语音的连读。五 单元教学安排:
第一课时Story time
第二课时 Grammar time and Fun time
第三课时Sound time, Song time and Checkout time
第四课时Cartoon time, Checkout time and Ticking time
第五课时 练习评讲
Unit 8 Our dreams The first period 一 教学内容:Story time 二 教学目标:
1.会听说读写单词dream, future, tooth, scientist, artist, take care of。
2.能熟练使用句型What do you want to be in the future?并掌握其回答方式进行操练,并正确地理解课文,朗读课文。
4.创设情境进行教学,激发学生的求知欲和表现力,激发学生心怀梦想并付诸努力。三 教学重、难点:
1.能熟练使用句型What do you want to be in the future?并掌握其回答方式进行操练,并正确地理解课文,朗读课文。
2.培养学生的发散性思维和语言表达能力。四 教学准备: 挂图,卡片,PPT
五、预习作 业:
1.试着读一读课文内容,圈出自己不懂的单词、词组和句子。2.听课文录音,试着模仿着读一读,并了解课文大意。3.想一想,你的理想是什么? 教学过程
Step1.Warm up 1.Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls, Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss/ Mr.… 2.头脑风暴: 快速说出学过的职业类单词。3.Enjoy some pictures.T: When you watch them, please think of their names and their jobs, OK? S: Yes.T: Look, they had their dreams when they were young.Now the dreams come true, they all have their jobs.Today, we will talk about our dreams.Step2.Presentation
1.T: Do you have your dreams? What do you want to be in the future? PPT shows the sentence.Help the students to answer: I want to be… S:I want to be a doctor.S:I want to be a policeman….T: Miss Li and her students also have their dreams.Let’s watch the cartoon and try to know: What do they want to be? Ss watch the cartoon and try to match.(完成80页Match and say)What do they want to be?
T: Now, let’s know their dreams.You can discuss in groups: Liu Tao wants to be… Mike wants to be…
Ask some students to talk about it.Learn the new words: dentist, astronaut, dancer, football player, pianist, writer 学生操练以下句型:I want to be a dentist.I want to be an astronaut.I want to be a football player.I want to be a dancer.I want to be a pianist.2.T:You know their dreams, but do you know what do they want to do? Why do they have those dreams? Let’s read the passage and try to find out the reasons.Learning tips:
1.Six students in a group ,read and underline some useful sentences.3.If you have some difficulty, you can ask others for help.2.Discuss and complete the forms in your groups.Who
Dream Want to…/Why Mike
a dentist Wang Bing
an astronaut Liu Tao
a football player Su Hai
a dancer Nancy
a writer Yang Ling a pianist
Miss Li the Ss’ dreams come true Ask some groups to show.eg:
Mike wants to be a dentist.He wants to help children with bad teeth.Wang Bing wants to be an astronaut.He wants to fly to the Moon.Liu Tao wants to be a football player.He wants to play in the World Cup.Su Hai wants to be a dancer.Dancing makes people healthy and beautiful Nancy wants to be a writer.She wants to write stories for children.Yang Ling wants to be a pianist.Music makes people healthy and happy.At this time, learn some useful phrases and sentences: help children with bad teeth, fly to the Moon, play in the World Cup, Dancing makes people healthy and beautiful, write stories for children, Music makes people happy.Step3.Consolidation 1.Read the passage in different ways.a.Read after the tape.b.Read one by one.c.Read in paragraphs.d.Read in roles.2.Think and write T:Miss Li is writing about her students’ dreams, let’s read and complete her notes.You can use it to retell the passage.My students’ dreams
Mike wants to be____.He wants to take care of children's teeth.Su Hai wants to be____.Yang ling likes ____.She wants to be____.Nancy is good at writing.She wants to write stories for____..Liu Tao likes sports.He wants to be____and play in the World Cup.Wang Bing has a big dream.He wants to be_______and fly to____.小组活动,完成短文并试着复述课文 Group show: Ask some groups to show.Step 4.Summary 小结(如果课堂时间较紧,也可将此环节放到Fun time 课时来处理)T: Today, we know the children’s dreams.You can read, write and discuss with others.Do you know them? 视频播放清洁工,煤矿工,建筑工人,交警等人的工作
T:The city need them!No matter what do you want to be, please be honest, be kind and diligent.Others will respect you.Now, can you write down your dream on the note? Ss write down the dreams on the notes in groups, after that, the group leaders sticks their dreams on teacher’s book.T:Your dreams are here.Please work hard.I will keep the book carefully.When you grow up, I hope your dreams all come true!Step 5.Homework
1.Listen and read the passage.2.Work hard with your dreams.(带着梦想,努力学习)3.Do the homework on www.xiexiebang.com
Unit 8 Our dreams
Dream Want to…/Why Mike
a dentist Wang Bing
an astronaut Liu Tao
a football player Su Hai
a dancer Nancy
a writer Yang Ling a pianist
Miss Li the Ss’ dreams come true
Unit 8 Our dreams The second period 一 教学内容:Grammar time and Fun time 二 教学目标:
1.能熟练使用句型What do you want to be/do in the future?并掌握其回答方式进行操练。2.能在Story time的基础上,培养学生的语用能力。3.培养学生的发散性思维和语法表达能力。
4.培养学生的语言表达能力及对知识点进行归纳总结的能力。三 教学重、难点:
1.能熟练使用句型What do you want to be/do in the future?并掌握其回答方式进行操练。
3.通过做调查训练学生对句型的运用能力。四 教学准备: 卡片,PPT 五 预习作业: 1.朗读P81句型。
Step1.Warm up 1.Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls, Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Mr.… 2.Let’s play games.a.Magic eyes 快速闪现本单元及以前学过的职业类单词。
He often travels around the world and plays the piano for people.What does he do? He's a pianist.She works in a hospital.She takes care of people's teeth.What does she do? She's a dentist.3.Do some revision.复习Story time T:Do you remember Miss Li and her student’s dreams? What do they want to be? What do they want to do? 学生们回忆课文回答问题
Look at the books,Read the sentences。(复习教材中第78~79页的句子)学生分小组进行讨论。Step2.Presentation
1.PPT shows the forms.表格中有Wang Bing等人的头像。What do they want to be? Ask someone to say: Wang Bing(头像):I want to be an astronaut.Su Hai(头像):I want to be a dancer.Liu Tao(头像):I want to be a football player.Yang Ling(头像):I want to be a pianist.What do they want to do? Ask someone to say: Wang Bing(头像): I want to fly to the Moon.Miss Li(头像): I want to see your dreams come true.Liu Tao(头像):I want to play in the World Cup.Nancy(头像): I want to write stories for children.PPT shows the sentences.Ss read the sentences and discuss in groups: What can you find? 小组汇报:1.want to be后面是表示职业的名词。2.want to 接动词的原形。
2.Do you remember these words? PPT: farmer, teacher, cook, nurse, policeman, nurse, doctor, driver。a.趣味游戏巩固职业词汇
教师可以和学生进行“头脑风暴”游戏.教师给出职业类词汇的首字母,要学生说出完整的单词,说的越多越好。如: W.Writer,waiter, waitress, worker… P Pianist, painter, policeman, policewoman… b.使用下列句型进行句型迁移训练: I want to be a————
游戏活动,操练want to be/to do结构
教师可以和学生玩Free ball游戏,操练want to be/to do结构。教师提出问题然后扔球,接球者要给出快速回答。eg:
What do you want be/to do in the future? I want to be a writer./I want to write books.…
Step 3Fun time T: Everyone has his dream.Now, please come to ask the others about their dreams.Let’s do a survey.Six students in a group.Ask and answer:
What do you want to be/do?
I want to be a /an…I want to…
The group leader will report: In our group, …students want to be…, …students want to be…...Let’s start.Ss do a survey in groups.Then the group leader reports.Step4.Summary 小结
T:What have you learned from this lesson? Ss: …
Step 6.Homework : 1.Copy and remember sentences we have learned today.2.Try to know more words about jobs.板书设计:
Unit 8 Our dreams
What do you want to be?
I want to be a /an…+职业类名词 What do you want to do?
I want to… + 动词原形
Unit 8 Our dreams The third period 一 教学内容
Sound time, Song time and Checkout time.二 教学目标:
1.知道单词在句子中的连续现象。2.复习第三人称单数动词的用法。3.会唱歌曲《I’m a little teacher.》 三 教学重点:
2.学生能进行自我练习并能同他人合作交流。四 教学难点:
1.知道单词在句子中的连续现象。五 教学准备:
卡片,PPT,课文录音 教学过程
Step1.Warm up 1.Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls, S:Good morning/afternoon, Miss/Mr.… 2.Free talk T:What do you want be/to do in the future? S:I want to be a writer./I want to write books.…
T:What does your friend want to be? What does your friend want to do? He / She wants to be… He / She wants to… Step 2 Sound time T:Miss Li loves her students, she wants to see their dreams come true.All the teachers love their students.Look, there is a picture about it.Let’s listen: What did they talk about? Question: What does the girl want to be? What does she want to do? Ask someone to answer: PPT shows the sentences.Listen to the tape and follow it.T:What can you find? 说一说句子中哪些单词连读了。小组内读一读,并感受单词的连读。
Have a competition among the groups.Which group is the first? PPT shows the phrases and sentences, Ss try to read them: an English book, an apple, an old book, have a look, look at, work on a farm Thank you.Nice to meet you.Did you have breakfast? Would you like some water? Step 3 Sing a song 1.T:The teachers are so kind.They love their students very much.Do you love your teachers? Do you want to be a little teacher? Let’s learn a song: 《I’m a little teacher.》 2.Learn the song:
齐唱歌曲教师要求学生伴随录音齐声歌曲。3.T:Can you make a new song about your dreams? 鼓励学生改编歌词表达自己的梦想。Eg: I’m a little cook.Here’s my pot.I cook in my kitchen every day.When I'm in the restaurant,hear me say,”All you friends,please enjoy。”
Policeman, policewoman, painter, pianist Step 4 Checkout time 1.T: You songs are good.I hope your dream will come true!I have a lot of friends, do you want to know their dreams? What do they want to be? PPT shows the sentences and pictures.T:First, look at the pictures and read the sentences.Then listen and choose.Do the exercise on Page 86.Check the answer.Step 5.Homework: 1.Read after the tape of Cartoon time more than three times, try to read it.2.Talk about your dream with your parents.Unit 8 Our dreams The fourth period 一 教学内容
Cartoon time, Checkout time and Ticking time 二 教学目标:
1.理解Cartoon time的小故事,并能正确朗读,了解他人的梦想,并树立自己的理想。2.能正确完成checkout time 练习,能灵活运用本课所学到的新知识,举一反三
3.能掌握一般将来时的用法,掌握两个重点句型want to do以及will, should的用法。4.会使用want to be/do 和will的句型来进行仿写来描述自己的梦想。5.能对照Ticking time 的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。三 教学重点:
1.学生能自主阅读cartoon time,读懂内容,体会乐趣,提高自主阅读能力 2.能正确完成Checkout time 练习。
3.能对照Ticking time中的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。四 教学难点:
1.会使用want to be/do 和will的句型来进行文章和句子的仿写来描述自己的梦想。五 教学准备:
PPT, 准备好关于自己梦想的相关文章或者句子。教学过程
Step1.Warm up 1.Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls, Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss/Mr.…
2.Sing the song《I’m a little teacher.》together.3.Free talk
T:Hello, boys and girls!S:Hello.T: What’s your dream? What do you want to be? Step 2 Presentation 1.进人课文学习:
PPT shows the picture of Bobby T:You all have dreams, Bobby and his friends all have dreams.Do you want to know their dreams?
Watch the cartoon and match.Bobby
policeman, Sam
cook Willy
scientist Billy
2.T:They want their dreams come true.What should they or will they do? Let’s read the dialogue and complete the forms.Learning tips: 1.Four Students in a group.2.Read the dialogue and discuss in groups.3.Complete the forms in groups.Name want to(be)...should...will...Bobby scientist
Sam policeman, help people
Willy artist/painter
Billy cook
复习will在将来时中的语法以及should引导的情态句型的使用。Ask some groups to show their forms and talk about it.T:What does Bobby want to be? What should he do? What will he do? S:He wants to be…He should…He will… T:How about his friends? 教师安排学生小组活动,根据信息表格,介绍四个人物的梦想.Name want to(be)...should...will...Bobby scientist study hard do more sport Sam policeman, help people be brave, strong have painting lessons Willy artist/painter have painting lessons Billy cook go to cooking school
Step 3 Consolidation 1.Listen and read this cartoon together.Pay attention to the intonation.2.Dub for the cartoon.Practice in groups of four.Let’s have a happy reading: Act out the story.With books.Without books.Add your own words.3.T:After twenty years, when they meet, what will happen? Can you image? Group work:设想二十年后朋友相聚的情境。小组谈论并畅想他们的未来。
4.T:It’s time to talk about your dream and write your dream on your book.First, talk about your dreams in your group and discuss with others: What should/will we do? Ss discuss in groups then write down on their books.第87页Checkout time中的Think and write话动,要求他们仿写时,先谈一谈自己的梦想,并列出自己为实现梦想将要做哪些事,然后写下来。
I want to be a
in the future.I want to
.To make my dream come true, I will:
...Step 4 Ticking time 学生四人小组开展评论,展现学生的作业完成情况老师做点评 I can talk about my dreams
I can use “want to be”和“want to do ”
I know how to link words together。4.Work in groups.Check each other.学生们先自评,然后学生与学生互评.Step 5.Homework
My dream I want to be a
I want to
To make my dream come true, I will:
in the future.....