
时间:2019-05-14 13:18:00下载本文作者:会员上传











Wuhan, composed of the three towns of Wuchang, Hankou, and Hanyang, is the capital of Hubei Province.The three towns, separated by the Yangtze and Hanshui rivers, are linked by bridges, and because these municipalities are so closely connected by waterways, Wuhan is also called the “city on rivers.” Being the largest inland port on the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and a major stop on the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, Wuhan is one of China„s most important hubs of water and rail transportation and communications.Wuhan has an old history and rich cultural traditions.It began to prosper as a commercial town about two thousand years ago, when it was called Yingwuzhou(Parrot beach).From the first century to the beginning of the third century, the towns of Hanyang and Wuchang began to take shape.During the Song Dynasty(960-1279), the area became one of the most prosperous commercial centers along the Yangtze River.By the end of the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644), Hankou had become one of the four most famous cities in China.Today, Wuhan is the political, economic, and cultural center of Central China.It boasts of one of China„s leading iron and steel complexes--the Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation.Wuhan is also a city with a strong revolutionary tradition.学校简介






Located in Wuhan, the biggest city and transportation hub of Central China, Huazhong Agricultural University(HZAU)is a national key university of “Project 211” directly under the Ministry of Education.With a history tracing back to Hubei Farming School founded in 1898 by Zhang Zhidong, governor of Hubei and Hunan province, HZAU enjoys a history of 112 years.The university was entitled National Civilized Unit in 2008, and was ranked 11th in the nation among the 72 MOE universities in the latest Performance Appraisal in Higher Education by China‟s MOE National Institute for Education Research, and is one of the top universities in Wuhan.Covering an area of 495 hectares, the campus contains well-spaced teaching blocks and lab buildings and is surrounded on three sides by clear lakes and backed by green hills, making it an ideal place for teaching and research.HZAU consists of 17 colleges and departments.Featuring life science, HZAU also gives much emphasis on the rational disciplinary construction of agriculture, sciences, engineering, arts, law, economics, and management.There are 2600 faculty members, of whom 325 are professors, 5 academicians of the Chinese Academies of Sciences and Engineering, 2 academicians of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World, 1 foreign associate of U.S.National Academy of Sciences.HZAU boasts 5 national key(specialized)laboratories, 4 national R&D centers, 18 provincial and ministerial key(open)laboratories, 24 provincial and ministerial R&D centers, and 2 provincial humanities and social sciences research base.Significant results have been achieved in the fields of hybrid rapeseeds, green super rice, lean swine, animal vaccines, high-quality citrus, potato microtuber, and transgenic cotton.HZAU has constructed 32 national top-quality courses, and the annual employment rate of college graduates has been kept at around 94% for the past few years, taking the leading position among the national colleges and universities while 30% of the graduates has entered into postgraduate schools for further study right after graduation.HZAU has produced alumni distinguished in their respective fields;among them are academicians, senior government officials, well-known entraprenuers.The school won the first “national employment typical experience University 50 strong” title, becoming the first batch of Hubei province university students' innovative undertaking demonstration base.HZAU has established exchange and cooperation relationships with over 150 institutions of 40 countries and regions such as the United States, Canada, Russia, Sweden, Britain and France, built up joint training programmes with many foreign universities.In addition, there are 20 international foundations and organizations who have developed cooperation programmes with HZAU.园艺林学学院






College of Horticulture & Forestry Sciences Set up in 2002 and originated from the Department of Sericulture of Hubei Farming School of 1898, the college now has 5 departments: Pomology, Vegetable Science, Forestry & Tea Science, Gardening and Landscape Architecture, and offers 1 national key discipline: Pomology, 6 doctoral specialties, 7 master's specialties, 6 undergraduate specialties.The college employs 99 full-time faculty members including 30 professors and 31 associate professors.College include State Key Laboratory of Education Ministry Key Laboratory of Institute of biology, the horticultural crop genetic improvement(construction and Life Sciences, Plant Science Institute)and other 2 Key Laboratory of national fruit germplasm resources;virus free indoor Preservation Center, the national vegetable Improvement Centre in Central China Center, national citrus breeding center, approved by the state Administration of foreign experts affairs of countries foreign intelligence achievement demonstration base(navel orange breeding and production base, the national level)of Citrus scion nursery, Hubei province potato Engineering Technology Research Center, Hubei province citrus engineering and technological research center, Hubei province potato breeding center 8 Engineering(Technology)research base;Citrus Research Institute, horticultural Institute of economic research by the Ministry of Agriculture approved(construction and Management Institute of 2 Institute).At present, the College has assumed the national “863” project, the national “948”, National Science Foundation, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, national key projects, key projects of provincial and ministerial level and lateral research projects such as 126, to the end of 2007, the total funds of the research project reached more than 95 million yuan.In the past three years, a total of more than 320 papers, in which SCI, EI included 103 article, published monographs and more than 18 teaching materials, various provincial and ministerial level scientific research achievements won 26 awards, among them, two prize of national scientific and technological progress award second(over 1, in 1), 1 prize of provincial and ministerial level scientific research award first, two prize of 2 items;variety 5, 4 patent applications, 11the results of identification.The college has carried out various forms of cooperation with USA, Britain, France, Italy, Holland, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Thailand and other 15 countries




History Museum Huazhong Agricultural University history museum was built in May 2006, located in the new library floor, building area of 560 square meters.Inscribed couplets “where the people Jun Xiu all entrance, the benefit will be agricultural” hang on the pillars of the history museum in front by the Hubei Province agricultural school founder Zhang Zhidong.Enter the hall, the front that catches the eye is red large sandstone screen wall, there is eight characters which our school motto: “ Study diligently and work hard ”.In front of screen wall there is the campus planning model, covers an area of 24 square meters.This model uses sound photoelectric technology advanced, according to the ratio of 1:1000, demonstrated the 5 square kilometers of the beautiful campus vividly in front of the visitors.The whole hall in foil of screen wall and model looks vigorous.The contents of the display is divided into two parts “passing centuries” and “century brilliant work”, through a large number of pictures in kind displayed the school history and present situation of our school separately.These pictures and objects mostly for the first time met with teachers and students of our school.History Museum refers to and absorbs the design concept which classical, steady heavy and introverted of the domestic and foreign museums in design to be consistent with our school’s social image, campus spirit and culture grade.The structure of the building decoration style was simple and solemn, to be decorated with which known as “timeless colors”--the black and gray tone, widely using of teak wood trim, black granite, marble, black sand for decoration materials.Lighting uses energy-saving lamp and daylight as the main light source, creating a natural and elegant atmosphere.At the same time, using tempered glass and other materials appropriately conveyed the modern science and technology.Around the theme “ passing centuries” and “century brilliant work” the panels design with “HZAU Red” and “HZAU green” as the color tone to show our sincere historical connotation and the new period of vitality.旅游景点介绍








The Imposing Yellow Crane Tower

Located on the top of Snake Hill, the Yellow Crane Tower stands against Wuchang, faces the vast Yangtze River and the elegant Qingchuan Pavilion.Ascending the tower, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Wuhan.Thanks to its unique geological location, and the poems, proses, couplets and folk stories, the Yellow Crane Tower is reputed as one of the “three famous towers south of the Yangtze River”.It enjoys such titles as “best scenery under heaven” and “the first tower under heaven”.There are many legends about the reason why the Yellow Crane tower was built, which brings mystery to the tower and attracts many people to admire the tower.legend 1

More than 1000 years ago, an old man surnamed Xin ran a restaurant on Snake Hill.A Taoist who was a regular visitor never ordered dishes, but drank wine with fruits he brought along.The owner refused to accept the Taoist’s money, assuming that he was poor.They became friends.One day, the Taoist drew a yellow crane on the wall with the orange skin, said, “The crane will dance upon hearing the clap”.Then he left and never returned.The curious customers clapped their hands and the crane flew from the wall, danced and then returned to its original place.The restaurant became very famous as the story was widely spread.A corrupt official ordered somebody to move the wall to the local authorities.But the crane flew away and the official chased after the crane but drowned in the river.The old man selling wine built the Yellow Crane Tower on the original site to commemorate the crane.Legend 2

The tower was first built in 223 A.D of the Three Kingdoms Period.Sun Quan, the King of Wu built the earliest Yellow Crane Tower on the Town of Wuchang.During the Three Kingdoms Period, the tower served a significant military purpose.After the three kingdoms were united, with the development of the city, the tower lost its military value and gradually became an ornamental tower.The tower was built and ruined many times and undergone many wars and changes.In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the tower was built and ruined seven times.In 1184 A.D., the tower was reduced to ashes.One hundred years later, a magnificent tower, the only one in China, appeared in Wuhan.城市之眼——东湖




Eyes of the City-East Lake

Lakes, the eyes of a city, represent the past, present and future of a city, embody everything of a city: culture and economy etc.The West Lake is the eyes of Hangzhou while the East Lake is the soul of Wuhan.The beauty of the West Lake lies in its exquisiteness and prettiness while the East Lake is like a girl from a noble family: her beauty lies in her temperament and the thousand-year-old cultural deposit.Culture is the noblest cloth of a landscape, which embody the charm of the landscape just as knowledge adds charm and temperature to a handsome man.A landscape with cultural deposit is a landscape of elegant disposition.The East Lake is a lake boasting a long history and deep-rooted culture.The East Lake is fresh, dignified, natural, elegant, simple but magnificent, which forms a harmonious artistic space.Here, you can listen to the sound of wind and rain, or sing loudly in the wind or drink to your heart’s content, or talk over past and present with your friends, or chant poems and admire paintings, or taste tea and meditate …The East Lake is a hundred-year-old dream of the city.We wish that the dream wouldn’t be swallowed by the bustle and vanity of the city.方寸之间追溯千年——湖北省博物馆



Hubei Provincial Museum

A specific piece of good and the history can represent the depth and connotation of a city.For a city which is as vigorous as Wuhan, the charm lies in its combination of the new and old.Let's walk into the world of culture via Hubei Provincial Museum, the eyes of Wuhan.Usually we are not willing to visit museum because we don't have the right mood.At the sight of the bronze ware, lacquer ware, golden and jade articles, we look dignified because these goods represent the culture of Hubei province.The plate, bronze ware featuring deer and crane etc;all these witness the culture of Hubei province and the history of Wuhan.They are worth admiring and flaunting.





















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江苏省南通女子监狱05135518101南通市濠东路63号 江苏省南通监狱05135518101南通市濠东路63号 江苏省句容监狱0257731090江苏省句容市 江苏省高淳监狱02557375110南京市高淳县华山 江苏省无锡监狱05102625081无锡市吴桥西路 江苏省浦口监狱02557077114南京市浦口区石佛寺 江苏省龙潭监狱02585716500南京市栖霞区龙潭镇 江苏省金陵监狱02584191101南京市东效金丝岗 江苏省常州监狱05197720201江苏省溧阳市 江苏省溧阳监狱05197593211溧阳市社渚镇 江苏省宜兴监狱05107399291宜兴市芙蓉寺

江苏省丁山监狱05107402842宜兴市丁蜀镇丁山北路245号 江苏省灌云监狱05188613012灌云县七道沟 江苏省盐城监狱05153482035大丰市仙鹤镇 江苏省洪泽湖监狱05276478123泗洪县车路口 江苏省徐州监狱051657355900徐州市铜沛路184号 江苏省苏州监狱05126521225苏州市仓街10号 江苏省镇江监狱05114421500镇江市学府路7号


江苏省未成年犯管教所05117209111句容市东城(镇句路)江苏省第二未成年犯管教所05117612144句容市边城镇小茅山 附:江苏省监狱分布图



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